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TetraSociology: pluralism's transition from theory to technology, from postmodernism to postpluralism, from racism to resistance

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2. TetraSociology: pluralism's transition from theory to technology, from postmodernism to postpluralism, from racism to resistance

TetraSociology (tetrism) is a pluralistic, four-dimensional sociological theory which places social phenomena ranging from the individual to world society in the four-dimensional continuum of social space-time. Its four coordinates are Resources, Processes, Structures, States. Each coordinate is characterized through four variable constants, which are linked together by four components of the social. The coordinates are explored in the appropriate four sections of TetraSociology: Statics, Dynamics, Structuratics, Genetics. This theory distinguishes 24 invariants and modifications of social space-time in four-dimensional rhythmics. Four-dimensionality is not a Pythagorean mysticism, but an epistemological principle of social construction of multi-dimensional reality in multi-dimensional theory. TetraSociology is approached as o­ne of several possible responses to the increasing challenges - a response which consists in pluralism's transition from theory to information and sociocultural technologies, from racism to resistance, from postmodernism to postpluralism.

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