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Websites carrying publications o­n TetraSociology

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6. Websites carrying publications about TetraSociology

This book could not enter and small share of materials o­n TetraSociology, a number from which the reader can find o­n my sites and in my publications in Network, which addresses are resulted below. The truth o­n English while o­ne site is published o­nly.

1. Site. TetraSociology, May 2002, in English and Russian. http://www.tetrasociology2002.spb.ru

2. Site. Investment project of the SIST: o­n Russian www.infotechsistr.narod.ru, in English www.infotechsiste.narod.ru

3. Article. TetraSociology as format of the pluralistic sociological education an information society http://www.socio.ru/public/semashko/Educ.doc

4. About 1st the All-Russia sociological Congress " The Notes of Diogenes - I search for sociology " http://www.socio.ru/public/semashko/Socio.doc

5. Book. TetraSociology - revolution of social thinking, way of harmony and prosperity http://www.socio.ru/public/semashko/Tetr.zip

6. Article. Spiritual culture - strategic resource of outstripping development of Russia in the XX1st century and Constitution http://www.socio.ru/public/semashko/dk.doc

7. Article. Paradigm of TetraSociology: sources and use http://www.socio.ru/public/semashko/kon.doc

8. Article. TetraSociology as the theory of social space - time and as technology http://www.socio.ru/public/semashko/Tetr1.doc

9. Program sociology course for students. TetraSociology of an information society: technology of prosperity through harmony and information http://www.socio.ru/public/semasko/Educ.doc

10. Other publications see o­n site of the Russian sociological network http://www.creolab.com/portfolio/socio/

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© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005