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Poll: "Evaluating TetraSociology and Sociocultural Projects"

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7. Poll: "Evaluating TetraSociology and Sociocultural Projects"

For those who has read this book and has made about it opinion the small questionnaire is offered. The answers to its questions will help to specify readers' opinion o­n TetraSociology.

The questionnaire

1. Whether are you pluralist in the own theoretical sociological position? Yes. Not. I am loss to answer. I do not answer.

2. Whether you consider the publication of the given book useful to sociology? Yes. Not. I am loss to answer. I do not answer.

3. Whether you recognize constructive theoretical modeling of the social world and its phenomena in parameters of social space - time? Yes. Not. I am loss to answer. I do not answer.

4. How you concern to the sociocultural projects of TetraSociology? Positively. Negatively. To any is positive, to any negatively. I do not answer.

5. List numbers most actually, from your point of view, sociocultural projects.

6. Whether you consider the expedient further edition of the books and articles o­n TetraSociology? Yes. Not. I am loss to answer. I do not answer.

7. With what parts of TetraSociology (sections of the book) you would agree and what would reject? Specify numbers of accepted and rejected sections of the book.

8. What your common estimation of advantages and lacks of TetraSociology? Write briefly.

I thank for the answers.

The answers I ask to send o­n electronic mail: semashko4444@mail.admiral.ru

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© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005