June 22, 1941 is the Great Patriotic War (GPW) 80 years and the war institute intellectual end in the science and technology of noospherons https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=895 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1006 June 22, 1941 is the crossroad of many, opposite, global historical trends and events. This is the WWII true start, the beginning of active research on genocidal nuclear weapons tested in Hiroshima and Nagasaki 4 years later, this is my birth under the Nazi bombings, the death of my father among almost 50 million people killed in it, including 27 million of the USSR, defeating fascism on May 9, 1945 together with the allies. These processes and events launched a powerful global alternative anti-war trend, including my life search for a fundamental force of nonviolence that can defeat war and nullify its social institution forever. The result of my life search, together with hundreds of friends and colleagues from dozens of organizations, including the GGHA 16 crowning years led to the discovery and creation of the Noospheral/global Statistical Technology of Spherons (NSTS). It is presented in hundreds of books, articles and projects summarized on the GGHA website "Peace from Spherons Harmony" here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1000 in a small banner:

The NSTS, which has been actually developed in Russia for more than 45 years, has reached, during 16 years of its development in the GGHA, such a level of perfection that allows us to obtain a half-century dynamics (and forecast) of spherons of any country (for Russia it has already been done) in a few days. Earlier we spent years for it. The NSTS has now become readily available for automation and programming in any country. It becomes available on universal gadgets/smartphones all over the world for global and national statistical spheral calculations, neutralizing any sanctions, conflicts, wars, predicting all their catastrophic global and national consequences and proposing alternative, harmonious, statistically/mathematically weighted solutions for each of them. They become available to every literate person. NSTS extends digitalization to all social processes, without exception, that are carried out by spherons and raises it to the ultimate, global and fundamental level of a principal new NOOSPHERAL TECHNOLOGY OF HUMANITY FOR ALL ITS FUTURE. NSTS becomes a universal and eternal technology of the humanity global peace for all its future. Noospheral technology proves the categorically brilliant thought of Mahatma Gandhi, expressed almost a century ago, that "nonviolence (peace/harmony of global spherons) is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind, [which] is mightier than the mightiest [nuclear] weapon of destruction." NSTS is the only spherons’ global technology, which gives the humanity disposal, every literate person a tool for OWNING AND CONSCIOUS APPLICATION OF THIS GREATEST FORCE OF NONVIOLENCE at all levels from the individual and family to the noosphere as a whole. The GGHA, understanding and developing this unprecedented intellectual, scientific advantage of the NSTS since the very beginning, asserted and promoted its fundamental peacemaking and worldview conclusion that noospherons and their technology are the end of the war and its exhaustion to zero. The NSTS solves the most important "Millennium Problem" formulated by John F. Kennedy at the 1963 UN session: "Either mankind will end war, or war will end mankind," therefore, "Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind." The solution to this problem became possible only in the "substantially new manner of thinking" by and of spherons and their noospheral technology according to the corresponding Einstein's law. Hundreds of humanitarians from dozens of countries have discussed all this a thousand times in the GGHA history during 16 years, with the participation of Nobel Laureates that made the GGHA an informal world Humanitarian Academy of Peace, similar to the informal Platonic Philosophical Academy. Therefore, on the 80th anniversary day of the GPW, June 22, 2021 as the WWII true beginning and on the days of my 80th anniversary, the GGHA, for 16 years, summarizes the intellectual end of the war as an institution of early humanity and predicts the global peace of humanity in the future at all times. Achieving global peace, impossible for the past era of violence and inaccessible for its partial, branch and militaristic thinking, becomes available and possible for the GGHA Noospheral Global Peace Science Technology. It embodied the "substantially new manner of thinking" with spherons, which provided the Copernican revolution of "the greatest turning point of human thought making only once a millennium" (Vernadsky). The implementation of this future and the solution of Kennedy's "millennium problem" now remains with the "small" - for the creation of the International Humanitarian Academy of the Global Peace of Spherons (AGPS) of 20-30 humanitarians and programmers, to begin with, and initial, meager funding of $ 1 million for two years. During this time it will prove to the whole world its viability and secure world recognition, and to the pioneer country will make the world leader in noospheral technology with unique advantages in all four social life spheres. To the results of my jubilee and the Global Harmony Day on June 21, an objective pillar of which is the real harmony of Gandhian sponsors, which perfectly expressed the world poet Ashok Chakravarthy in his hymn: (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1000), as well as the four clusters of their argumentation will be devoted my next, final message. My best wishes for yours health and eternal global peace from the spherons’ harmony on the GPW 80th anniversary, which will be in the history by the eternal end to all wars on Earth and the salvation of it and humanity from an imminent nuclear death hanging over them like the sword of Damocles during 76 years. With respect, love and hope for the "understanding" of sponsors, only through which eternal peace can be achieved by Einstein, Dr. Leo Semashko, GGHA Founder and Honorary President 22-06-21 ---------------------------------