Open Letter PUTIN-TRUMP: Two Paradigms of Global Peace. Synopsis and Comments By Dr. Leo Semashko and Dr. Rudolf Siebert This article has specific structure. In the first part we reconstruct as synopses of the global peace paradigms of two world leaders from their many speeches to facilitate for the readers to find and understand their visions of this sharpest global challengetoday. In the second part we present the short comments of these paradigms and their dependence from Global Peace Science, without which it is impossible and solution of this problem and finding "common ground" of joint peacebuilding at obviously "shared interests" of parties. In the third part we publish our approved letters on behalf of the GHA to these leaders of two states with 95% of the world's nuclear weapons arsenal. These letters express our moral duty in peacemaking civic action. Part 1 Vladimir Putin 
Putin’s Global Peace Paradigm*
Publication: In Russian:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=708 In English:1.http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=735 2. https://www.transcend.org/tms/2017/01/putin-trump-two-paradigms-of-global-peace/
Briefly 1. Essentially, the unipolar world is simply a means of justifying dictatorship over people and countries. 2. Endure folding position in the world is no longer possible. 3. We insist on continuing talks to reduce nuclear arsenals. 4. Unfortunately, the military terminology sounds now practically in all spheres of life. 5. The world has entered an era of changes and global transformations. 6. The right choice is a choice in favor of peace. 7. Peace, peaceful life has been and remains the ideal of humanity. 8. Humanitarian factors such as education, science, healthcare and culture are playing a greater role in global competition. This is ‘soft power’ resource. 9. We need a qualitatively different approach of ... harmonization ... harmony. 10. The strength of Russia lies in the harmony of cultures, languages and all faiths. Unfolded: I.Risks and disharmonies of the unipolar world order 1.This period of unipolar domination has convincingly demonstrated that having only one power centre does not make global processes more manageable. 2.Essentially, the unipolar world is simply a means of justifying dictatorship over people and countries. 3.A unilateral diktat and imposing one’s own models produces the opposite result. Instead of settling conflicts it leads to their escalation, instead of sovereign and stable states we see the growing spread of chaos. Total control of the global mass media has made it possible when desired to portray white as black and black as white. 4.In a situation where you had domination by one country and its allies, or its satellites rather, the search for global solutions often turned into an attempt to impose their own universal recipes. 5.The current system of global and regional security is able to protect us from upheavals. This system has become seriously weakened, fragmented and deformed. 6.Sanctions are already undermining the foundations of world trade, the WTO rules and the principle of inviolability of private property. They are dealing a blow to liberal model of globalisation based on markets, freedom and competition. The Western countries now risk losing trust as the leaders of globalisation. 7.We are sliding into the times when, instead of the balance of interests and mutual guarantees, it is fear and the balance of mutual destruction that prevent nations from engaging in direct conflict. In absence of legal and political instruments, arms are once again becoming the focal point of the global agenda; they are used wherever and however, without any UN Security Council sanctions. 8.Many states do not see any other ways of ensuring their sovereignty but to obtain their own bombs. Thisisextremelydangerous. 9.Unfortunately, the military terminology sounds now practically in all spheres of life. II. Changing the world order and its new foundations 10.Endure folding position in the world is no longer possible. 11.Global politics is above all about economic leadership, issues of war and peace, and the humanitarian dimension, including human rights. 12.We are well aware that the world has entered an era of changes and global transformations, when today’s turmoil [can] simply serve as a prelude to the collapse of world order. 13.What could be the legal, political, and economic basis for a new world order that would allow for stability and security, while encouraging healthy competition, not allowing the formation of new monopolies that hinder development? It is unlikely that someone could provide absolutely exhaustive, ready-made solutions right now. We will need extensive work with participation by a wide range of governments, global businesses, and civil society. 14.In light of the fundamental changes in the international environment, the increase in uncontrollability and various threats, we need a new global consensus of responsible forces. It’s not about some local deals or a division of spheres of influence in the spirit of classic diplomacy, or somebody’s complete global domination. 15.We need a new version of interdependence. We should not be afraid of it. on the contrary, this is a good instrument for harmonising positions. 16.The international relations must be based on international law, which itself should rest on moral principles such as justice, equality and truth. 17.Problems ofthe modern world are to create a balanced system of interests and relations that has long been prescribed in the world. 18.Building a more stable world order is a difficult task. We are talking about long and hard work. Our common duty is to resolve this fundamental challenge at this new stage of development. 19.The issue of maintaining sovereignty becomes almost paramount in maintaining and strengthening global stability. III.Ways, strategies and institutions of peaceful multi-polar world order 20.The logical way out is in cooperation between nations, societies, in finding collective answers to increasing challenges, and in joint risk management. 21.Practical experience shows that joint answers to challenges are not always reached; it is not easy to overcome the differences in national interests, the subjectivity of different approaches, particularly when it comes to nations with different cultural and historical traditions. 22.The American and Russian peoples have many deep strategic interests in common, and it is on these mutual interests that we need to build our foundations. [The USA] need to overcome the desire to always dominate and act on your imperial ambitions. You need to stop poisoning the minds of millions of people with the idea that US policy can only be a policy of imperial ambitions. 23.The right choice is a choice in favor of peace. Peace, peaceful life has been and remains the ideal of humanity. 24.Humanitarian factors such as education, science, healthcare and culture are playing a greater role in global competition. This also has a big impact on international relations, including because this is ‘soft power’ resource. 25.We need a qualitatively different approach of ... harmonization ... harmony. IV.Russia's role in the new peaceful world order 26.We do not want or seek any confrontation. 27.Russia made its choice. Our priorities are further improving our democratic and open economy institutions, accelerated internal development, taking into account all the positive modern trends in the world, and consolidating society based on traditional values and patriotism. We have an integration-oriented, positive, peaceful agenda. 28.Healthy conservatism is about using the best of all that is new and promising for progressive development. If we want to survive, we need to support the basic pillars upon which we have built our societies over the centuries. These basic pillars include looking after mothers and children, preserving and cherishing our own history and achievements, and looking after our traditions and our traditional faiths. Russia has four traditional religions recognized by law and is a very diverse country. 29.We are a country with a traditional focus on cooperation and search for joint solutions. We don’t need to be a superpower; this would only be an extra load for us. If there is an area where Russia could be a leader – it is in asserting the norms of international law. 30.The strength of Russia lies in the harmony of cultures, languages and all faiths. 31.We insist on continuing talks; we are not only in favour of talks, but insist on continuing talks to reduce nuclear arsenals. The less nuclear weapon we have in the world, the better. *Putin’s Global Peace Paradigm was made up of verbatim quotations of the Putin's speeches in the 2014-2016 years, the originals of which are published in the archives of his website: http://en.kremlin.ru/ http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/copy/46860; http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/copy/50385; http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/50548
Detailed analysis of the Putin’s Global Peace Paradigm is presented in the book "Global Peace Science" (2016, Chapter 10, pp. 429-440) in the article "Vladimir Putin: Historical Reformer of XXI Century. Off US Military Dictate to Multipolar Global Peace from Harmony through Science and Cooperation" and others, see: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=609 or: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science -2016.pdf
The cited theses of the Putin’s Global Peace Paradigm are ordered within their internal interconnection and logical sequence.
Donald Trump

Trump’s Global Peace Paradigm*
Publication: In English:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=685
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=735 In Russian:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=685 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=708
Briefly: 1.The strategic foreign policy vision of Obama-Clinton – it has been a complete and total disaster. 2.Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction. 3.We’re going to finally have a coherent foreign policy. We need a new, rational American foreign policy. Our foreign policy goals must be based on America’s core national security interests. 4.War and aggression will not be my first instinct. 5.America will continually play the role of peacemaker. 6.We desire to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia and China. We are not bound to be adversaries. 7.We should seek common ground based on shared interests. 8.We can upgrade NATO’s outdated mission and structure. 9.The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. 10.And we must make America great again. If we do that, perhaps this century can be the most peaceful and prosperous the world has ever known. Unfolded: 1. Complete rejection from aggressive geopolitics of Obama-Clinton (We will) replace randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace. The strategic foreign policy vision of Obama-Clinton – it has been a complete and total disaster. No vision, no purpose, no direction, no strategy. But the legacy of the Obama-Clinton interventions will be weakness, confusion, and disarray. Our actions in Iraq, Libya and Syria have helped unleash ISIS. Unfortunately, after the Cold War, our foreign policy veered badly off course. We failed to develop a new vision for a new time. In fact, as time went on, our foreign policy began to make less and less sense. Logic was replaced with foolishness and arrogance, and this led to one foreign policy disaster after another. We went from mistakes in Iraq to Egypt to Libya, to President Obama’s line in the sand in Syria. Each of these actions have helped to throw the region into chaos, and gave ISIS the space it needs to grow and prosper. It all began with the dangerous idea that we could make Western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interest in becoming a Western Democracy. This will change when I am president. 2. Coherent and rational geopolitics instead of aggression This will change when I am president. It is a new foreign policy direction for our country. It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make. Our foreign policy goals must be based on America’s core national security interests, and the following will be my priorities. We’re going to finally have a coherent foreign policy. We need a new, rational American foreign policy, informed by the best minds and supported by both parties. But it’s also a philosophical struggle,… 3. The center of Trump’s peacefulness: peace and cooperation with Russia and China We desire to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia and China. We have serious differences with these two nations, and must regard them with open eyes. But we are not bound to be adversaries. We should seek common ground based on shared interests. Russia, for instance, has also seen the horror of Islamic terrorism. I believe an easing of tensions and improved relations with Russia – from a position of strength – is possible. Common sense says this cycle of hostility must end. Some say the Russians won’t be reasonable. I intend to find out. We can upgrade NATO’s outdated mission and structure – grown out of the Cold War. 4. Trump: peace and prosperity require experts with new approaches Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction. Unlike other candidates for the presidency, war and aggression will not be my first instinct. That is why I will also look for talented experts with new approaches, and practical ideas. We will do more to inspire positive reforms around the world than military interventions. Containing the spread of radical Islam must be a major foreign policy goal of the United States. Events may require the use of military force. And then there’s ISIS. I have a simple message for them. Their days are numbered. 5. Trump: America will be peacemaker and great again The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. You cannot have a foreign policy without diplomacy. A superpower understands that caution and restraint are signs of strength. My goal is to establish a foreign policy that will endure for several generations. America will continually play the role of peacemaker. And we must make America great again. If we do that, perhaps this century can be the most peaceful and prosperous the world has ever known. 6. Pentagon’s rudiments of Trump’s foreign policy program (1)President Obama has weakened our military by weakening our economy.... we need to rebuild our military and our economy … (2)Our allies must contribute toward the financial, political and human costs of our tremendous security burden. In NATO, for instance, only 4 of 28 other member countries, besides America, are spending the minimum required 2% of GDP on defense. We have spent trillions of dollars over time – on planes, missiles, ships, equipment – building up our military to provide a strong defense for Europe and Asia. The countries we are defending must pay for the cost of this defense – and, if not, the U.S. must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves. The whole world will be safer if our allies do their part to support our common defense and security. A Trump Administration will lead a free world that is properly armed and funded. (3)Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon and, under a Trump Administration, will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon. The Iran deal, like so many of our worst agreements, is the result of not being willing to leave the table. President Obama gutted our missile defense program, then abandoned our missile defense plans with Poland and the Czech Republic. Israel, our great friend and the one true Democracy in the Middle East, has been snubbed and criticized by an Administration that lacks moral clarity. President Obama has not been a friend to Israel. He has treated Iran with tender love and care and made it a great power in the Middle East – all at the expense of Israel, our other allies in the region and, critically, the United States. (4)President Obama watches helplessly as North Korea increases its aggression and expands even further with its nuclear reach. Our president has allowed China to continue its economic assault on American jobs and wealth, refusing to enforce trade rules – or apply the leverage on China necessary to rein in North Korea. He has even allowed China to steal government secrets with cyber attacks and engage in industrial espionage against the United States and its companies. If President Obama’s goal had been to weaken America, he could not have done a better job. (5)The Russians and Chinese have rapidly expanded their military capability, but look what’s happened to us! Our nuclear weapons arsenal – our ultimate deterrent – has been allowed to atrophy and is desperately in need of modernization and renewal. Our active duty armed forces have shrunk from 2 million in 1991 to about 1.3 million today. The Navy has shrunk from over 500 ships to 272 ships during that time. The Air Force is about 1/3 smaller than 1991. Pilots are flying B-52s in combat missions today which are older than most people in this room. And what are we doing about this? President Obama has proposed a 2017 defense budget that, in real dollars, cuts nearly 25% from what we were spending in 2011. Our military is depleted, and we’re asking our generals and military leaders to worry about global warming. We will spend what we need to rebuild our military. It is the cheapest investment we can make. We will develop, build and purchase the best equipment known to mankind. Our military dominance must be unquestioned. (6)I will not hesitate to deploy military force when there is no alternative. But if America fights, it must fight to win. I will never send our finest into battle unless necessary – and will only do so if we have a plan for victory. Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction. Our power will be used if others do not play by the rules. *Trump, Donald J. Foreign Policy Speech: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/donald-j.-trump-foreign-policy-speech Trump’s Global Peace Paradigm was made similar Putin’s Global Peace Paradigm.
Analyze of the Trump’s peace paradigm see: Leo Semashko and 19 coauthors from 11 countries (2017) Trump: Peacemaking Revolution of the US Aggressive Geopolitics: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=685 Both paradigms are identical into a peaceful goal and strategy but differs tactics and some priorities. Part 2 The synopses of the paradigms/visions of global peace at the Presidents of two Powers with 95% of the world's nuclear weapons and standing at the extreme point of nuclear standoff to the Western border of Russia are very important for the search of effective solution of this most pressing global problem. The world's peoples want to understand what intellectual resources of "soft force" the Presidents of these countries possess to address the nuclear challenge, what paths they offer and how they seek to do so. For this, people need to have before they eyes the synopses of their visions that not to delve into the intricacies of the numerous and hard speeches of Presidents, in which they expounded their visions. To do this, people need objective scientific criteria of comparison and evaluation of these paradigms, their merits, demerits and opportunities of their convergence based on "Global Peace Science" (GPS: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf). If the war has a science, why peace cannot have own science? Why is it deprived of it and cannot use its colossal advantages and benefits? Why it did not find it so far? Why is the first version of this international science created in the GHA during 11 years by 174 coauthors from 34 countries, instead of support and assistance in its further development meets a secret or open resistance of the majority of scholars and politicians as if it would not has the urgent objective need of every nation and entire humanity? These and similar questions are waiting for their scientific investigation and response. We will touch on in our brief comments now only connection between the two paradigms of global peace with GPS, which is certainly necessary and useful for their interaction and development. 1.In our time, only Putin and Trump together can constitute GPS through its support, use and participation in its development. Both the Presidents reject the aggressive foreign policy of the previous administration: Putin qualifies it as "justifying dictatorship over people and countries" and Trump as "a complete and total disaster." This is a good source for their peacefulness and peaceful cooperation, including joint development of international GPS as the main resource, "normative uniting ideal and core" of nonviolent "soft power" of intellect and culture. 2.Both the Presidents-peacemakers, like the President-peacemaker of India, Abdul Kalam, coauthor and a passionate adept of GPS, could take part in the reprint of the GPS book in a year later with the publication of the articles on their paradigms of global peace. only Putin and Trump can give life to this science in the world politics and culture that bring happiness to mankind forever, because this science will free it from all wars. Hardly anything else can strengthen and lift their world prestige as well as their countries respectively. To develop this spiritual initiative, that it does not remain a single act and received the further life in the world, they could establish, for a start in their home countries, the World Institute/Academy of Global Peace. We call on the US and Russian Presidents to establish it for the benefit of peace and entire mankind. (For more details, see. GPS, Chapter 8.4., pp. 273-274 and 4). 3.Both global peace paradigms are identical by the peaceful goals and strategies but different tactics and some priorities. Their profound unity defines for both leaders a possibility of cooperation in the GPS development to constitute it for future leaders and generations, "to inspire positive reforms around the world" and "to establish a foreign policy that will endure for several generations." 4.Both paradigms recognize the value of harmony, which in essence is their fundamental unity and the source of peace providing a close convergence of these paradigms. 5.Only GPS can make a new foreign policy of the United States "rational" and give it "vision, purpose, direction, strategy", which were lost the last administration. Therefore this science requires Trump’s and Putin's attention, support and participation in its development, in publishing its new edition with their articles. 6.The fundamental unity of these paradigms and their further development within a joint Global Peace Science opens before Russia and the USA a long and reliable way for the joint building global peace in the new multipolar world order on a scientific "common ground". 7.The deep similarity between these paradigms does not hide their differences as well as differences in personalities of their authors, which are harmonized in a joint GPS. Their difference lies in the difference of their history, cultures and civilizations. Putin has always represented peacefulness and harmony of Russian civilization, ensuring its protection against any military aggression and threats. Trump in his history proved to be all of a sudden, as a peacemaker, who opened the "American global spring", the new "American Dream", "to make America great again" in peace (instead of war) at a new historical level through America's shift from militarism to harmony and "the arms race into a peace race" according to King. It personifies a fall of the US militarist empire that long ago proved and predicted another great peacemaker Johan Galtung (2009: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=599).Trump personifies the revival of America as one of the leaders of global peace together with Russia and other countries. 8.Both peacemaking paradigms have great spiritual meaning of social harmony from Golden Rule, enshrined in the two thousand years ago of Christ's Sermon on the Mount and recognized in all the world religions. The newly elected President Trump’s geopolitics is promising to be appropriating to the Golden Rule: "Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction. America will continually play the role of peacemaker." Trump will restore the Golden Rule in the US international relations starting with Russia and make them a truly Christian. Trump’s policy will be in harmony with the peaceful policy of the Russian President Putin and will ensure peace cooperation of American and Slavic worlds. A detailed comparative analysis of the two paradigms will be presented and published in the coming months in light of a real political transformation of relations between the two countries. Our practical proposals for the two Presidents are summarized in the article "Trump: Peacemaking Revolution of the USA Aggressive Geopolitics" (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=685) in" Pragmatics" section, which we reprint below. Pragmatics. 1.Mr. Trump is a pragmatist. He promised to find a "new vision, new minds, ideas and approaches" for peace. We as representatives of civil society offer them in this article, which accumulates our work for 11 years. Could Mr. Trump take practically our offers of ideas, minds and approaches from this article fulfilling his promise by inviting us to cooperate? 2.We invite Mr. Trump together with Mr. Putin to take part inthe republication of our Global Peace Science with the articles for your vision of global peace paradigm and its geopolitics in a historical perspective of the 21st century, which you can today offer to your nations and the entire world. The coauthors of this unique science are the Nobel Peace Laureates and the great Indian President-peacemaker Abdul Kalam, therefore nothing prevents the Presidents-peacemakers of the two nuclear superpowers also become its coauthors. This will give to the peoples the scientific vision of peace; will immortalize your names as the founders of this unprecedented science together with the names of Kant, King, Einstein and open at its “common ground” the nuclear disarmament, immortal for humanity. 3.Both presidents could offer a Global Peace Science, developed with their participation, for transformation of the educational systems of two countries to increase the level of peaceful consciousness of their population. Presidential narrative in peacescience is able to pull the world media consciousness from total militarism, lie and "military terminology in all areas" (Putin) to the fairway of peaceful thinking to provide a common "goal - peace and prosperity, not war and destruction"(Trump). 4.Joint development of the peacescience is the best convergence of Putin and Trump global peace paradigm and their "common sense" (Trump) in nuclear disarmament. only it will allow them to make "this century the most peaceful and prosperous the world has ever known" (Trump) and bring "peace ideal of humanity" (Putin). 5.The joint peacescience will become a common ideological foundation for the creation of "Peace Departments" in the government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of State) of the two countries,about which dreamed the best minds of Russia and America. only peacescience, global education in it and governmental peace departments as the "soft-power resources" (Putin) can fulfill the covenant of Martin Luther King Jr.: "We must shift the arms race into a peace race." This science also will be the basis to develop and approve "The Earth Constitution" [12, Chapter 8.19, Roger Kotila] as a renewed international law ensuring global peace in its new multi-polar world order. 6.Both presidents are peacemakers and pragmatics. Therefore, the proposed soft-power resources will become a practical way of convergence as the Trump’s desire to find a "new vision, new minds, ideas and approaches" for the peace geopolitics and Putin's desire to find "an essentiallydifferent approach."
Part 3 Global Harmony Association (GHA)
Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for love, peace, freedom, justice, fraternity and happiness!

GHA since February 15, 2005 is an international NGO uniting more than 600 members in 65 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries.
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org Board: 36 GHA members from 14 countries www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 GHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India; Ph. 124 4266169. Email: ghatrust@gmail.com GHA Mission is: To bring global peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for harmonious civilization on scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’ and through ‘Global Peace Science’ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
February 1, 2017 Professor Rudolf J. Siebert, Department of Comparative Religion, Western Michigan University, Michigan, USA rsieb3@aol.com http://www.rudolfjsiebert.org http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51
To: Mr. Donald Trump, President of the United States, Subject: Your Global Peace Paradigm for the US geopolitics, its Christian meaning, and convergence with President Putin’s Global Peace Paradigm of Russia.
Dear President Trump:
I enjoyed very much that you became a peacemaker, when you in your campaign speech on foreign policy of April 27, 2016, promised to end President Obama’s aggressive geopolitics, and to make our goal - peace and prosperity, not war and destruction, and to make America great again through global peace, and not through war. Here you have formulated the Global Peace Paradigm for the United States, in which I see a deep religious, and even Christian meaning. You have formulated this Paradigm at a time, when the Dooms Clock in New York has once more moved several degrees toward Midnight.
I am a scholar, who has devoted his life to the comparative study of religions, particularly their ability to promote harmony and peace, as formulated and expressed especially in the Sermon on the Mount, including the Golden Rule. The latter is recognized by almost all living world religions. It has been translated into the widely accepted secular ethics of the categorical imperative and of the a priori unlimited communication community. Your Global Peace Paradigm is built on this Golden Rule. Thus, it carries in itself the religious and Christian meaning of love and nonviolence, inspiring all faithful and reasonable people. You and President Putin have both confessed publicly, that you are not only modern enlightened people, but also believers, and even Christians, if also in different Christian paradigms.
I have founded a Center for Humanistic Future Studies at Western Michigan University, with a strong peace component, out of which developed an international course on The Future of Religion at the IUC in Dubrovnik, Croatia, which has lasted now for over 40 years, and an international sister course about Religion in Civil Society in Yalta, Crimea, which is supported by American as well as by the Crimean Universities, and which has now lasted for 14 years. Scholars from all over the world have met in both courses every year in order to work for peace. Unfortunately, we were unable to meet in the past year in Yalta, because of President Obama’s United States Executive Order 13685, and other sanctions, which are harmful not only for Russia, but also for America, and for the development of mutual scientific and cultural cooperation.We are looking very much foreward to your cancellation of these sanctions, which will allow us to resume again our international course in Yalta, in the service of peace.For more than 40 years, I have travelled between the American and the Slavic Worlds, in order to promote friendship and peaceful cooperation between them. Please, see my biography: http://www.rudolfjsiebert.org/.
In our Center for Humanistic Future Studies, and its branches in Dubrovnik and Yalta, we have created a critical theory of religion in the past 50 years, which asserts that there can not be any peace among nations without peace among religions; no peace among religions without discourse among them; and no dialogue among the religions without foundation research in them (Hans Küng). Our dialectical religiology understands itself as practical discourse: as future-oriented remembrance of human suffering, particularly through war, with the practical intent, to diminish it through helping to reconcile the dissonance between the sacred and the profane dimension, and in the religious and secular spheres, and thus to resolve some of the consequent, most painful culture wars, at home and abroad. The critical theory of religion aims, with the help of the great world religions and world philosophies, particularly Kant, Hegel, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Einstein, King, Kalam, and many Nobel Peace Laureates, at the post-modern alternative of Future III - a free and peaceful society, characterized by the reconciliation of the religious and the secular, as well as of personal autonomy and universal solidarity, instead of Future I - a totally administered society, or Future II - and entirely militaristic society. Secular people know, that there is something missing in modern civil society. Religious people have to find new translators for their message of redemption, and liberation, and peace. Please, see our books, in which our critical theory of religion has been developed, on my website: http://www.rudolfjsiebert.org/. More than 11 years ago, I became a member of the international peacemaking organization Global Harmony Association (GHA: http://peacefromharmony.org). It brings together thousands of individual and collective members from over 60 countries, and has a prominent place in the global civil society. The GHA has published 8 books, and has created more than 50 projects of global peace for 12 years (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472). The GHA has created a Global Peace Science (GPS) with the help of 174 co-authors, including the President of India, Abdul Kalam, three Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, and dozens of distinguished scientists and peacemakers from 34 countries, including 59 of them, coming from the US (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf). A book about this Global Peace Science is attached. As GHA nominated Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament, on the basis of the Sermon on the Mount, including the Golden Rule, I would like to submit the following proposals and invitations to you, in the name of all of us: 1. In your speech on April 27, 2016, you promised to seek a new vision, new minds, voices, ideas and approaches to peace. Could you make practical use of these resources by inviting GHA to cooperate?
2. For the purpose of convergence of the peace positions of the Presidents of the two nuclear superpowers, GHA invites you and President Putin to take part in the republication of the book on the Global Peace Science, including articles on your own vision of a global peace paradigm and its geopolitics, in the historical perspective of the 21st century, which you can today offer to your nations, and the entire world. This will immortalize your names as the founders of peace science together with the names of Kant, Hegel, Tolstoy, Gandhi, King, Kalam, and several Nobel Peace Laureates, and will open the common ground for peace negotiations between the American and the Slavic Worlds. Here the Global Peace Paradigm contained in our critical theory of religion can be particularly helpful. 3. A logical extension of the Global Peace Science would be a joint establishment of a small, but nevertheless effective International Institute/Academy of Global Peace in the United States and in Russia, in order to find collective answers to increasing challenges, and for the sake of peace of all humanity. only you and President Putin together can constitute this science through its support, use and participation in its development. only you and President Putin are able to give practical lifeto the Global Peace Science in the world politics and culture. Hardly anything else can strengthen and lift up your and President Putin’s world prestige, as well as the good reputation of yourcountries respectively. This Global Peace Institute would be an intellectual as well as spiritual bridge between the two countries, which will show to all the world that you can build not only walls, but also bridges. Pope Francis I has defined being Christian as being able to build bridges: to break through the many ingroup - outgroup barriers. 4. You, together with President Putin, could offer the Global Peace Science, developed with your participation, to the educational systems of the American and the Slavic worlds, in order to increase the level of peaceful consciousness in their populations. Your presidential narratives in the Global Peace Science would be able, to pull the consciousness of the world media away from militarism, fakes and military terminology in all areas (Putin), and from defining politics as the identification of the enemy (Carl Schmitt, Hitler’s jurist and political theologian), and toward defining it as the art to make friends, and toward a way of peaceful thinking, in order to provide a common goal - peace and prosperity, not war and destruction (Trump). 5. A joint development of the Global Peace Science could be the best convergence of President Putin’s and President Trump's global peace paradigms, and their common sense (Trump) in nuclear disarmament up to nuclear zero as soon as possible. It will allow both of you together to make this century the most peaceful and prosperous the world has ever known (Trump), and spread the peace ideal of humanity (Putin).
6. The joint Global Peace Science could become a common philosophical and scientific foundation for the creation of Peace Departments in the Governments (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Department of State) of the two world powers, about which the best minds of Russia and America have dreamed and thought. Global Peace Science, global peace education, and governmental Peace Departments as the soft-power resources (Putin) could fulfill the hope of Mahatma Gandhi and of Martin Luther King Jr.: We must shift the arms race into a peace race.
You and President Putin are pragmatists in the best sense of the word, and both of you are the peacemakers, who can make use of the proposed soft-power resources, in your quest to find a new vision, new minds, ideas and approaches (Trump) for your common peace geopolitics.
Certainly, the GHA, and the majority of peace organizations in the USA, and in the world, are happy to support your historically important paradigm of global peace, which you have presented on April 27, 2016 in your election campaign speech. It was presented in comparison with President Putin’s peace paradigm in our published article Putin-Trump: Two Paradigms of Global Peace: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=735 (in attachment). Our deep concern is to ensure, that your peace program is not only a pre-election promise, that is easily forgotten, but that it will find its development and validation in a radical change of the US relations with Russia, which recently have reached a very dangerous point in the nuclear standoff. We would like to believe and to hope, that your peaceful program will be implemented as promised: We shall seek common ground, based on shared interests. Theory must turn over into praxis, without neglecting theory! We are convinced that the Global Peace Science and its philosophy will be the best scientific and spiritual basis for shared interests and fora whole complex of peacemaking cooperation between the American World and the Slavic World, Eurasia, concerning, e.g. terrorism, or environmental issues, or epidemics, etc., but mainly and particularly nuclear disarmament/zero, and a common Summit, to address this global and most dangerous challenge for all nations, and not just for the USA and Russia. Please, see our project: Russia and the USA Peaceful Cooperation Instead of the Insanity of Nuclear War: "RUSAP" by 42 peacemakers, including three Nobel Peace Laureates from 21 countries: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=710 (in attachment). Our proposals include not only the creation of a Peace Department in the USA and in the Russian Federation, but also the development of an Earth Constitution, as a renewed international law, ensuring global peace. Both projects are formulated in a Pragmatics page at the end of our article Trump: Peacemaking Revolution of the USA against Aggressive Geopolitics by 20 coauthors from 11 countries: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=685 (in attachment). We very much hope for your attention to the peace proposals contained in the Global Peace Science, which were carried on for decades in theory, but were ignored in praxis by the past Administrations, neglecting peace problems. These proposals are extremely important for the development, and successful realization of your global peace paradigm. With your Administration, the time has come to move from peace talk to peace action. Thank you for your consideration. I am, with my best wishes, for you and your administration Yours, Rudolf J. Siebert Professor of Religion and Society Department of Comparative Religion Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. ====================================================================
Global Harmony Association (GHA) Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for love, peace, freedom, justice, fraternity and happiness!

GHA since February 15, 2005 is an international NGO uniting more than 600 members in 65 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries.
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org Board: 36 GHA members from 14 countries www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 GHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India; Ph. 124 4266169. Email: ghatrust@gmail.com GHA Mission is: To bring peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for harmonious civilization on scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’ and through ‘Global Peace Science’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 28, 2017
On behalf of the GHA in the order of people’s diplomacy:
Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, GHA "World Harmony Creator", 7-4/42, Ho Chi Minh Str., St. Petersburg 194356, Russia, Email: leo.semashko [at] gmail.com; tel .: 7-812-597-65-71
TO: Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation, www.kremlin.ru/contacts Nowadays, only Putin and Trump together can constitute Global Peace Science as a "common ground" of peace paradigms, stable peaceful cooperation between the two countries and for the sake of peace of all mankind. GHA Dear Mr. President,
The Global Harmony Association (GHA) and the majority of real peace organizations of the world always highly appreciated and supported your constant peacemaking strategy, which is reflected in many of your speeches and summarized by us in "Putin’s Global Peace Paradigm" to better its study, understand, and compare with the similar paradigm of the newly elected US President, Mr. Trump. We were happy to publish them in open access on a separate page of our webportal "Peace from Harmony" (above): "PUTIN - TRUMP: Two Paradigms of Global Peace." Your peacemaking efforts and achievements were recognized at the GHA Highest title: "World Harmony Creator" in 2014 and in an unprecedented GHA book "Global Peace Science" (2015 and 2016) as "Great Peacemaker from Harmony in History." This book in Russian and English editions was sent to you in 2015 and 2016. The key place in your paradigm of global peace takes the definition of Russia as a permanent peacemaker: "We are a country with a traditional focus on cooperation and search for joint solutions. We have an integration-oriented, positive, peaceful agenda. The logical way out is in cooperation between nations, societies, in finding collective answers to increasing challenges” but not “arms [which] are once again becoming the focal point of the global agenda [in conditions] of a unilateral diktat and imposing one’s own models … The American and Russian peoples have many deep strategic interests in common, and it is on these mutual interests that we need to build our foundations." The similar ideas were formulated by Mr. Trump in his paradigm, stressing: "We desire to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia and China. We are not bound to be adversaries. We should seek common ground based on shared interests. Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction." Your paradigms are identical in the "search for common ground of shared interests." The best, the most fundamental and long-term ground of these interests can be joint with Mr. Trump development of "Global Peace Science" (GPS). Its development could be the first step of cooperation between the two countries within the framework of the key scientific resource of "soft power" instead of weapons in two simple and accessible for both of you actions. 1. The reprint of the GPS book in year later with the publication in it of your articles dedicated to your paradigms/visions of global peace in the 21st century that global society would knew, understood and supported them consciously. If the President of India APJ Abdul Kalam was one of the founders of this science then why the Presidents of Russia and the USA also do not become its founders? 2. A logical extension of this step would be a joint establishment, for start in their home countries, a small but effective International Institute/Academy of Global Peace "to find collective answers to increasing challenges," and for the sake of peace of all mankind. (The initial draft of this Institute, see: GPS, Chapter 8.4., pp.273-274 and 4). Only you and Trump together can constitute GPS through its support, use and participation in its development. Only you and Trump are able to give life to this science in the world politics and culture that bring happiness to mankind forever, because this science will free it from all wars. Hardly anything else can strengthen and lift your both world prestige as well as our countries respectively. We are convinced that your articles in GPS and your joint Institute of Peace will be the best spiritual and scientific "ground of shared interests" in the whole complex peacemaking cooperation between the two countries, primarily for nuclear disarmament/zero and the corresponding Summit. Other practical proposals, including the creation of the governmental "Peace Departments" and the "Earth Constitution" as a renewed international law ensuring global peace are stated in the letter accompanying the two documents: - "Putin - Trump: Two Paradigms of Global Peace”: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=735 and - Russia and the USA peace cooperation project "RUSAP" by 42 peacekeepers, including three Nobel Peace Laureates, from 21 countries: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=710 The similar letter with the same practical proposals was directed to Mr. Trump. We look forward to your attention to the proposals of global civil society, which were borne for decades but were ignored by the past US administrations neglecting peace problems. These proposals are crucial for the development and successful implementation of your paradigms of global peace. Sincerely, On behalf of the GHA,
Leo Semashko
Leo M. Semashko, Ph.D. (Philosophy), RANH Professor; Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005; GHA Honorary President since 2016; State Councilor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony; Author of more than 400 scientific publications, including 18 books in 1-12 languages; Author of Tetrism as the unity of Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology – science of social harmony, global peace and harmonious civilization; Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia; Director, GHA Web portal “Peace from Harmony”: http://peacefromharmony.org; Initiator, Manager, Coauthor and Editor in Chief of the book project “Global Peace Science” (GPS): http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf. Address: St-Petersburg, Russia; Phone: +7(812)-597-6571 E-mail: leo.semashko [at] gmail.com Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 Rudolf J. Siebert, PhD, Professor of Religion and Society in the Department of Comparative Religion at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. He develops the Critical Theory of Society and Religion presented in about 300 scientific publications in 1-12 languages, including 28 books and 35 chapters. He is the leading researcher of the world religions Golden Rule as the first conscious principle of social harmony. Director of the two international courses: 1. "Future of Religion" in Dubrovnik, Croatia since 1975, and 2. "Religion in Civil Society" in Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine since 1999. He is the "Peace from Harmony" and GHA founder in 2005 and has the GHA highest Honorary Title: World Harmony Creator (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513). Web: www.rudolfjsiebert.org, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 E-mail: RSieb3 [at] aol.com
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