Colonel Richard Black

Col. Richard Black: U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War. 02-06-22.
Полковник Ричард Блэк: США ведут мир к ядерной войне: -------------------------------------------------
OPEN LETTER TO CONGRESS CONCERNING UKRAINE NUCLEAR RISK — SEN. RICHARD BLACK (RET.) PDF of this letter: Open Letter to Members of the United States Congress September 27, 2022 Dear Representatives and Senators: I am troubled by the loose talk about launching a nuclear attack on Russia. From time to time, senior Republicans and Democrats have suggested employing such weapons. This appears to be a deliberate effort to acclimate Americans to the idea of nuclear war. Now, we have Zelensky’s office jumping on too. on September 21, 2022, Newsweek ran this headline: U.S. Needs to Threaten Russia With Nuclear Strike: Ukraine. The article quotes Mykhailo Podolyak, Zelensky’s senior aide, as saying, “The other nuclear states need to say very firmly that as soon as Russia even thinks of carrying out nuclear strikes on foreign territory-in this case the territory of Ukraine-there will be swift retaliatory nuclear strikes to destroy the nuclear launch sites in Russia.” Of course, it is impossible to limit retaliatory nuclear strikes to destroying only the nuclear launch sites. Not only would damage be widespread, but Russia would be forced to respond in kind to threats targeting its nuclear deterrence capability. Russia would launch an immediate, massive nuclear response, including air and ground-based hypersonic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Each Russian submarine would shower down 100 nuclear warheads, sufficient to incinerate the entire National Capital Region or the Western European industrial heartland. As the Ukrainian War drags on, globalists are marching us relentlessly toward this nuclear Armageddon. Why? There would have been no war had we not overthrown the democratically-elected government of Ukraine by violently ousting President Yanukovych in 2014. We promoted war by flooding Ukraine with massive arms shipments afterwards. [See:] The U.S. could have achieved peace by simply pressing Ukraine to implement the 2014 Minsk Peace Agreements which it had signed, establishing a clear framework for settling outstanding issues peacefully. Ukraine promised to implement the Minsk agreements, but chose instead to make war on the Donbass for the next seven years. Ukraine’s attacks killed 14,000 people before Russia ever entered the war. Within two months after Russia crossed into Ukraine, Russia and Ukraine were finalizing a draft peace agreement. However, Prime Minister Boris Johnson suddenly flew to Kiev to block its implementation, undoubtedly coordinating with the U.S. State Department beforehand. War would continue, regardless of the parties’ longing for peace. NATO had ample opportunity for peace but deliberately chose war. The U.S. realized that, with Russia’s back to the wall, it would have no choice but to attack. In 2007, U.S. Ambassador to Russia William Burns pointedly warned that movement toward absorbing Ukraine into NATO might well trigger war between Ukraine and Russia. Nonetheless, the Obama administration overthrew the Ukrainian president and flooded in weapons, knowing that doing so would trigger war. [See:]. Today, wealthy globalists have billions at stake, and they intend to have their war profits even if it means gambling the lives of hundreds of millions of people across the globe. Few Americans knew anything about Ukraine before February 24th. Was Ukraine in South America, Asia, Africa, or Europe? Many Americans couldn’t have answered that question. But now, in order to address a local border dispute on the other side of the globe, war hawks demand concrete steps toward a nuclear war that might-exterminate 60% of humanity, plunging mankind into a primitive state. Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton all approached nuclear confrontation with utmost caution. But the Obama administration changed course when it recklessly overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014 and flooded Ukraine with weapons aimed at Russia. It did so knowing that it was threatening Russia’s most vital national interest: the defense of its territory against nuclear aggression. Now, the Biden administration threatens to cast caution to the winds. Many of its allies suggest a game of one-upmanship where the U.S. and NATO fire nuclear missiles in response to Russia’s use of such weapons to defend its territory. In other words, we would destroy the entire world as our way of saying, “Oh yeah? Well take this!” Would simple revenge justify killing hundreds of millions of unknowing people? Should we annihilate the world’s population to intervene in a border war where the U.S. has no vital national interest? The U.S. can promptly end this war by making Ukraine a neutral, non-aligned state, just as we did during the Cold War with Austria in 1955. Yes, there would be some territorial adjustments resulting from the war. But peace would end the ongoing bloodshed, avert a nuclear conflagration, and assure Ukraine’s long-term safety and independence. Nuclear war is unthinkable; peace is the better course of action. Please consider it. Sincerely, Senator Dick Black (ret.) ---------------------- ОТКРЫТОЕ ПИСЬМО КОНГРЕССУ В ОТНОШЕНИИ ЯДЕРНОГО РИСКА НА УКРАИНЕ — СЕНАТОР РИЧАРД БЛЭК (В ОТСТАВКЕ) PDF этого письма (выше) Открытое письмо членам Конгресса США 27 сентября 2022 г. Уважаемые представители и сенаторы! Меня беспокоят расплывчатые разговоры о ядерной атаке на Россию. Время от времени высокопоставленные республиканцы и демократы предлагали использовать такое оружие. Похоже, это преднамеренная попытка приучить американцев к идее ядерной войны. Теперь у нас есть и офис Зеленского. 21 сентября 2022 года Newsweek опубликовал заголовок: США необходимо пригрозить России ядерным ударом: Украина. В статье приводится слова старшего помощника Зеленского Михаила Подоляка: «Другие ядерные государства должны очень твердо сказать, что как только Россия даже подумает о нанесении ядерных ударов по чужой территории — в данном случае по территории Украины, — быстрые ответные ядерные удары по уничтожению ядерных стартовых площадок в России». Разумеется, нельзя ограничивать ответные ядерные удары уничтожением только ядерных стартовых площадок. Мало того, что ущерб будет широкомасштабным, Россия будет вынуждена ответить тем же на угрозы, направленные на ее потенциал ядерного сдерживания. Россия применит немедленный массированный ядерный ответ, включая гиперзвуковые ракеты воздушного и наземного базирования, а также баллистические ракеты подводных лодок. Каждая российская подводная лодка сбросит 100 ядерных боеголовок, которых достаточно, чтобы испепелить весь национальный столичный регион или промышленный центр Западной Европы. Пока украинская война затягивается, глобалисты неуклонно ведут нас к этому ядерному Армагеддону. Почему? Войны не было бы, если бы мы не свергли демократически избранное правительство Украины, насильственно свергнув президента Януковича в 2014 году. Мы способствовали войне, завалив Украину впоследствии массовыми поставками оружия. [См.:] США могли бы добиться мира, просто потребовав от Украины выполнения Минских мирных соглашений 2014 года, которые они подписали, создав четкую основу для мирного решения нерешенных вопросов. Украина пообещала выполнить Минские соглашения, но вместо этого предпочла вести войну на Донбассе в течение следующих семи лет. В результате атак Украины погибло 14 000 человек еще до того, как Россия вступила в войну. В течение двух месяцев после того, как Россия вторглась в Украину, Россия и Украина завершали работу над проектом мирного соглашения. Однако премьер-министр Борис Джонсон неожиданно прилетел в Киев, чтобы заблокировать его реализацию, несомненно предварительно согласовав это с Госдепом США. Война будет продолжаться, независимо от стремления сторон к миру. У НАТО было достаточно возможностей для мира, но она сознательно выбрала войну. США поняли, что, когда Россия прижата к стене, у них не будет другого выбора, кроме как атаковать. В 2007 году посол США в России Уильям Бернс многозначительно предупредил, что движение к присоединению Украины к НАТО вполне может спровоцировать войну между Украиной и Россией. Тем не менее, администрация Обамы свергла украинского президента и залила его оружием, зная, что это спровоцирует войну. [См.:]. Сегодня на кону богатых глобалистов стоят миллиарды, и они намерены получать прибыль от войны, даже если это означает рисковать жизнями сотен миллионов людей по всему миру. Мало кто из американцев знал что-либо об Украине до 24 февраля. Была ли Украина в Южной Америке, Азии, Африке или Европе? Многие американцы не смогли бы ответить на этот вопрос. Но теперь, чтобы решить локальный пограничный спор на другой стороне земного шара, боевые ястребы требуют конкретных шагов к ядерной войне, которая может уничтожить 60% человечества, погрузив человечество в первобытное состояние. Президенты Эйзенхауэр, Кеннеди, Джонсон, Никсон, Форд, Картер, Рейган и Клинтон подходили к ядерной конфронтации с предельной осторожностью. Но администрация Обамы изменила курс, когда в 2014 году безрассудно свергла украинское правительство и наводнила Украину оружием, направленным против России. Он сделал это, зная, что угрожает самому жизненно важному национальному интересу России: защите ее территории от ядерной агрессии. Теперь администрация Байдена угрожает забыть об осторожности. Многие из ее союзников предлагают игру на перевес, когда США и НАТО запускают ядерные ракеты в ответ на использование Россией такого оружия для защиты своей территории. Другими словами, мы бы уничтожили весь мир, чтобы сказать: «О да? Ну возьми это!» Оправдывает ли простая месть убийство сотен миллионов ничего не подозревающих людей? Должны ли мы уничтожить население мира, чтобы вмешаться в пограничную войну, в которой у США нет жизненно важных национальных интересов? США могут быстро положить конец этой войне, сделав Украину нейтральным, неприсоединившимся государством, как мы это сделали во время холодной войны с Австрией в 1955 году. от войны. Но мир положит конец продолжающемуся кровопролитию, предотвратит ядерный пожар и обеспечит долгосрочную безопасность и независимость Украины. Ядерная война немыслима; мир - лучший образ действий. Пожалуйста, рассмотрите это. Искренне, Сенатор Дик Блэк (в отставке) ------------------------- 
GGHA MESSAGE FROM CIVIL SOCIETY FOR THE UNGA on THE DAY OF NON-VIOLENCE WITH REQUIREMENT TO VOTE AN URGENT RESOLUTION TO LAUNCH “A SUBSTANTLY NEW MANNER OF THINKING TO SURVIVE HUMANITY” Publication: In English: In Russian: “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. [Therefore] we shall require [search] “a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.” Albert Einstein UNGA Resolution. Draft. October 2, 2022. On the prevention of nuclear strikes and the organization of a Russia-USA dialogue for joint search of the co-survival scientific model. The UN General Assembly "on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe" (Antonio Guterres), responsible for the survival of humanity, urges the governments of the United States and Russia: 1. Provide the UN and the world community within a week with guarantees of refusing any nuclear strikes that would launch a nuclear war genocidal for humanity and would mean the greatest crime against humanity, 2. To create in the UN, in Geneva, in two weeks, a joint Intergovernmental, equal for both sides "Department of Peace" (Benjamin Rush’s idea) to search for a scientific model of co-survival and exclusion of the use of nuclear weapons from an equal number of scientists. This Department could include the sociologists and philosophers (10) and nuclear physicists (5), 15 experts from each side to work on the Gandhian "Spherons Global Peace MegaScience", Spheronics (GSM) and similar scientific groundwork. 3. Submit within two weeks to the UN Secretary General an agreed list of the joint Russian-American "Department of Peace", the agenda and regulations of its work for approval by the UN General Assembly. 4. To take into consideration all the scientific proposals of civil society in this regard, first of all, the results of the GGHA scientific research during 17 years on the Gandhian Spheronics Megascience (GSM) and the inclusion in the "Department of Peace", at least 3-4 representatives of the GGHA from each sides as equal participants. The draft resolution was prepared by: PhD Leo Semashko, philosopher and sociologist, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President, on behalf of 750 GSM co-authors, Email:; Skype: leo.semahko, Web: September 30, 2022 Saint Petersburg, Russia ----------------------------------------------
ICYMI - Below is a link to a May 17 interview with Colonel Richard Black (Ret.) conducted by Jeremy Kuzmarov of Covert Action Magazine. The interview is excellent and gives hope that indeed there exists the potential for a coalition of principled leaders to defeat the oligarchical forces that would risk thermonuclear war. Kevin Gribbroek ICYMI. Ниже приведена ссылка на интервью полковника Ричарда Блэка (в отставке) от 17 мая, которое провел Джереми Кузмаров из журнала Covert Action. Интервью превосходное и вселяет надежду на то, что действительно существует потенциал коалиции принципиальных лидеров для победы над олигархическими силами, рискующими вступить в термоядерную войну. Кевин Гриббрук Former Virginia State Senator and Purple Heart Winner Warns: “We’re at a 1914 Moment” By Jeremy Kuzmarov - May 27, 2022 Says sinking of Russian warship by Ukraine with aid of U.S. intelligence is tantamount to an act of war Colonel Richard Black has been one of the few former high-ranking military officers or government officials to speak out against U.S. military intervention in places like Syria and Ukraine. He is extremely concerned about the prospects of nuclear war breaking out and appalled at the callousness in which some government officials talk about a nuclear first strike. In a May 17 interview with CAM, transcribed below, Colonel Black emphasized the grave danger associated with Ukraine’s sinking of the Moskva, Russia’s flagship Black Sea missile cruiser, with assistance from U.S. intelligence. According to Black, this act was tantamount to an act of war. He warns that we’re now “at a 1914 moment [year when World War I broke out].” The triggering act for the latter was the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist (Gavrilo Princip), while the sinking of the Moskva may very well be the triggering act for the outbreak of World War III. In the Tradition of George Washington Colonel Black flew 269 combat missions in the Vietnam War, winning a Purple Heart. He served in the Virginia State Senate from 2012 to 2020 and was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates from 1998-2006. Black is that rare breed of principled conservative who supports limited government including in the realm of foreign affairs. He operates in the tradition of George Washington, who warned in his farewell address about the threat to democracy of a large standing army. CAM is rooted in the political left; however, an anti-war and anti-imperialist political coalition could be forged with principled conservatives like Black and challenge what veteran CIA analyst Ray McGovern calls MICIMATT—the military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think-tank complex. Black’s outspoken opposition to U.S. involvement in Ukraine contrasts markedly with so-called progressives like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and members of “the Squad” who have aligned with the Democratic Party establishment war-makers and voted in favor of the recent $40 billion military aid package to Ukraine—among others there. n 2016, Black traveled to Syria and met with its president Bashar al-Assad, to whom he had written a letter thanking for saving Christians in the Qalamoun Mountain range. In his letter, Black praised Assad for “treating with respect all Christians and the small community of Jews in Damascus,” stating it was obvious that the rebel side of the war was largely being fought by “vicious war criminals linked to Al Qaeda.” The Islamic State subsequently included Colonel Black on a list of enemies, calling him “the American Crusader,” and quoted a statement he made suggesting that, if Damascus fell, “the dreaded black and white flag of ISIS will fly over Damascus.” Below is an edited transcript of my interview with Colonel Black: Jeremy Kuzmarov: Thanks for joining us Colonel. I want to mainly discuss the conflict in Ukraine and Syria with you. But first, if you can start with just a bit about your background, including your involvement in the Vietnam war and how that might’ve shaped your outlook towards war and military intervention. Colonel Black: I retired out of the Pentagon in 1994 and I have spent a lot of time in the Virginia legislature. I was in the House of Delegates. And in the Senate over a span of 20 years. And Vietnam was an important factor in all this because I want to make the point, I don’t come at this as somebody who is anti-American or anything of that sort. I’m patriotic. I volunteered to fight in Vietnam. I was a Marine Corps helicopter pilot and flew 269 combat missions and was hit by ground fire on four occasions. And then I volunteered to fight on the ground with the First Marine Division. I was a forward air controller and fought in the bloodiest engagement of the entire war for the Marines. During the final battle, I served in about 70 combat patrols, most of them at night, most of them in heavily enemy-controlled areas. And on the last patrol we were trying to rescue a Marine outpost and during the attack to do that, I was wounded and both of my radio men were killed right beside me. So I put my life on the line many times for the country, hundreds of times, literally. And so I just say that to lay the background, because sometimes you’ll get people who are critical of someone who takes a different point of view like I have and say, well, you know, he’s never done anything for this country. ………………. ………………. Jeremy Kuzmarov: Thanks. I feel the same way. And maybe before getting into the current conflict and dangerous situation, if you can say something about, having served with NATO, what your attitude toward the issue of NATO expansion in the 1990s under the Clinton administration is. And how do you think this expansion has contributed to the dangerous situation we have today? Colonel Black: Yeah. See, here’s the thing; we used to constantly send out messages: “we are a defensive alliance.” Now this is before the fall of the Berlin Wall. When the Berlin Wall fell in 1991, it signaled the dissolution of the Soviet Union; this great empire, literally just fell to pieces. It wasn’t conquered, it just fell to pieces. And the philosophy of Bolshevism, Marxism, communism simply dissipated, it fell apart. And so what happened is that there was a defensive alliance that the Soviets had—the counterpart of NATO called the Warsaw Pact. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact disappeared and everybody went home. And one of the great tragedies of human history is that NATO did not dissolve. It had no purpose to its existence now that the Soviet Union was gone. There was no threat anymore. But you had this enormous bureaucracy with all of these military think tanks. And these people had a lot at stake, a lot of money, a lot of income and so forth. And so NATO continued and it gradually converted to a very aggressive, assertive alliance. And it began this inexorable march to the east. Now in 1991, there was a thousand mile buffer between nuclear-powered forces in Germany and nuclear-powered forces in Russia. This was a tremendous safety buffer. And what’s happened is we have gradually marched all the way literally to the Russian border. And in 2014, we overthrew the legitimate government of Ukraine. There was a presidential coup and the CIA conspired with counterparts in Ukraine and conducted a violent overthrow of the government. A lot of people were killed in the process. And they installed this revolutionary government. Well, what happened as a result of that is there were a lot of Russian-speaking people in Ukraine, about a quarter of them, and they tend to be focused in the eastern parts, in the Donbas and in Crimea, The people there refused to recognize the new revolutionary government. They were fine as long as they had a vote, as long as they could participate in the election of their government, but they were not going to join a revolutionary coup. And as a result the Russians were very threatened by what was happening because their Black Sea Fleet was stationed in Crimea at Sevastopol port. And they were afraid that the new revolutionary government would renege on the 99-year lease that Russia had there. So they moved in now. Crimea was solidly part of Russia, and it had been Russian for 500 years. It is a kind of a historic anomaly that it was temporarily in the hands of the Ukrainians.

And so the Crimean people welcomed the Russians in; they came in quietly, there was not a shot fired. They took over Crimea, held a plebiscite. About 92% of the people voted in favor of becoming a part of Russia. Donbas was a little bit different. They declared their independence from Ukraine. And that’s really the source of the continuing problem. NATO and particularly the United States and United Kingdom flooded enormous quantities of weapons. And they also sent troops in some cases on the ground in Ukraine, training Ukrainian soldiers to kill Russians right across the border. And I think there was an intent virtually from 2014 to start a war with Russia. And eventually they got the Russians backed into a corner where they were forced to fight, but before the war broke out, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian government made desperate attempts to achieve peace. They actually put written peace proposals on the table with NATO, trying to establish a zone that would be de-militarized. And that was rejected out of hand because NATO fully intended to compel Russia to force them into a war, which they did. Jeremy Kuzmarov: And what do you think the motive is? Why did they want to force Russia into war? This could trigger a world war. Colonel Black: It’s a very good question. I think that there are several reasons. There’s tremendous sums of money at work here. Congress has just appropriated $40 billion. If even a quarter of that went into the politicians’ pocket, you’d be talking about $10 billion. And my guess is that a good bit more than that, a quarter will go into Swiss bank accounts. So there’s money. There’s also this tremendous institutional pressure from NATO, from retired generals who have gigs with different TV stations, all of these people making money on it. They’ve got to have an enemy. Russia was not our enemy. They were desperate to westernize when the Soviet union collapsed, they wanted nothing more to do with Bolshevism. They wanted to be westernized and we put them off. We did not welcome them as, as part of the West. And the reason was we had to have an enemy or there would be no rationale for the existence of NATO. That was the only reason they became an enemy. Otherwise, they would have been happy to be part of all of these Western organizations and alliances and so on. Jeremy Kuzmarov: Good analysis. As far as the war that broke out this February. We see in the media constant references to Russian aggression; that Russia is the bad guy, the evil doer. How do you see it? Is Russia responsible for the war; you’ve already been suggesting that they were provoked into it. Could you elaborate on how the media misleads the public about who started the war; who’s the bad guy? Colonel Black: Yeah. to bring it fairly current. When the Donbas—an industrial area not too big but attached to Russia—declared their independence, the Ukrainians began to attack the Donbas. They began to shell it and so forth. And once the West had built up this vast arsenal of weapons, they assembled a tremendous army. Now the army was a quarter of a million people surrounding the Donbas. Russia was not prepared for war. They hadn’t mobilized their reserves. They were holding some exercises on the border. Then the CIA announced that there were 150,000 Russians on the border. And then eventually before it was all over, they raised their estimates as high as 190,000. So you’ve got a quarter of a million Ukrainians about to attack the Donbas. And you have 190,000 Russians, so the Russians are outnumbered. Almost any Lieutenant can tell you there’s a standard formula: If you’re attacking, you have to outnumber the other side three-to-one at that location where the attack is held. Russia was in this desperate situation where they had lost a lot of time trying to arrange a peace deal with NATO, but they were looking and they were saying any moment that this vast army of Ukrainians is going to attack the Donbas. Russia attacked with less than a one-to-one ratio. So instead of having a three-to-one advantage, the Ukrainians actually had a significant numerical advantage over the Russian attackers. But president Putin felt he could not delay because if he delayed then the Donbas and all of its Russian people would just be crushed. And so he was forced to attack at a very awkward inopportune time. He had delayed until the, the weather was turning warmer. Now the cold winter favored an armored attack by the Russians. But they delayed and delayed in hopes and prayers that NATO would listen to them. And so they had to attack at a disadvantageous moment. So yes, they did attack, but they attacked to preempt a much larger attack by the Ukrainians. Jeremy Kuzmarov: Former Marine intelligence officer and WMD whistleblower Scott Ritter has come out in the last day or two, and said that initially he thought that the Russians would be able to win quickly, but now he’s thinking that all these weapons that the U.S. and West is shipping are having an impact and this thing might drag on. What’s your assessment of the military situation now and Ritter’s comments? Colonel Black: I’ve not seen his most recent comments. I’d seen his earlier ones. I think that it is a very serious struggle in a covert sense. NATO is on the ground, fighting this war along with Ukraine. The Turkish press released the fact that, with the Ukrainians who are now bottled up in the steel plant in Mariupol—they’re sort of the last holdouts—that there are 50 French officers who are also there. These are not some sort of mercenaries. These are regular French officers. Two days later, the United Kingdom issued a press release and said there are also 20 Brits who are caught there. It wasn’t clear whether they may have been Blackwater-style mercenaries. But we also know; there have been press leaks that disclosed that Polish, regular Polish units are active within the western part of Ukraine. It was not long ago that President Biden was furious because there were press leaks. And this was all discussed in The New York Times. Biden was furious because it had been leaked that the United States was involved in the sinking of the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet called the Moskva, a cruiser that went down. It was carrying 500 sailors. Chances are that many of them went to the bottom with the ship. The United States was also working with Ukraine in helping to assassinate 12 Russian generals. Now as far as the sinking of the flagship, which to me is the most dramatic thing, there were two cruise missiles, anti-ship cruise missiles that sank the ship. These are extraordinarily sophisticated. These aren’t like the Javelin missiles that you just pass out to a bunch of people. I have no doubt that NATO forces controlled those from day one to the final employment. It’s not the kind of thing you’d just give to some army that happens to be fighting a war and, and hope that they’re not gonna turn around and sink an American aircraft carrier with them. So I don’t think we ever released [or] relinquished control of them for a moment, which means that I believe that we fired the missiles that sacked the Russian warship. This is an act of war. It is extraordinarily reckless. The risk of igniting a World War III, which most commentators agree is likely to evolve into a nuclear conflict. The chances of that from sinking a major foreign warship are extraordinarily high. We’re at a 1914 moment [on the eve potentially of a world war like World War I]. World War I was triggered because an assassin shot the Archduke of Austria-Hungary and his wife. So two people were shot and because of all these interlocking alliances and so forth, before it was over 14 million people had died in one of the greatest wars in history. It began with two people. You can compare that with what we’re doing today. Compared to that the assassination of two people is practically nothing; it’s almost trivial. We’re sinking major warships, we’re assassinating a dozen generals. And somehow pretending that everything is going to work out all right. [In reality] it’s a very scary situation. Jeremy Kuzmarov: Can you comment on war crimes in the Ukraine conflict. I don’t know if you’ve studied that. Our media is currently replete with allegations against Russia. My sense is that Russia has committed some war crimes, but they’re not reporting on Ukrainian war crimes. Your feeling on that? Colonel Black: Well, let me comment on that. one of the most major war crimes was the apparent shooting of people in Bucha (suburb outside Kyiv). Bucha was one of the areas up in northern Ukraine that was occupied by Russian forces for, I don’t know what, six weeks, two months, before eventually the Russians withdrew. When they withdrew, the mayor of Bucha went on air and he was just joyous. He says, this is wonderful; we’ve liberated the city, everything is fine. When the Ukrainian army came in four days after, bodies appeared along the roadside. And now, I’m looking at this as a prosecutor. I was a career prosecutor in the JAG Corps and at a high level. I look at what’s the evidence? Well, it’s rather peculiar. You had a Ukrainian military vehicle going down the road and it’s photographing and here would be a civilian. Lying by the side of the road with his hands bound behind his back, you go a hundred yards past or a hundred feet past, and there’d be another body and another; for a considerable distance, you saw these bodies there, and for a prosecutor, it raises a number of questions. It raises the question. What exactly do we know? We may know that they were actually dead bodies. I’m not sure, but I kind of conclude that they are, we don’t know where they were killed. We don’t know who they were. We don’t know why they were killed and we don’t know who killed them. We do know that the Russians had no apparent motive for doing this because they had occupied the area for some time. And these people were apparently freshly killed. So why did the bodies appear four days after Ukrainian forces occupied the area? Now as a prosecutor, you know, I’ve handled, any number of cases, [including ones that] brought in the FBI and criminal investigation division and the British bobbies, or whoever’s doing it. And I’ll say, well, take a look at this. You have sort of a hunch. You say, well, let’s put all this, the motive, opportunity and so forth. Take a look at whether the Ukrainian forces didn’t move in there. And identify people who had cooperated with the Russians during the occupation and gun them down and place those bodies along the road. Now, why would I suspect that? Well, for one thing, the civilians were wearing armbands to try to distinguish themselves so that they wouldn’t get caught in the crossfire. There were two styles of armbands for people who were openly pro-Ukrainian. They were blue armbands for people who just simply want to be out of the war. Others wore a white armband. As you looked at all of the bodies along there, they all had white armbands. If it was the Russians, why didn’t they all have blue armbands? Why weren’t they all the people who were openly pro-Ukrainian, but civilian. But that wasn’t the case. If you were going to slaughter a bunch of people, for some reason, wouldn’t you have them in a building or something and just gun them all down there, why would they be intermittently dispersed along a roadway? That doesn’t happen? People whose hands are zip-tied behind their backs. They’re not just strolling along the thoroughfare. Somebody’s dropping them off there. You see, if you just think about the logic, why were the bodies suddenly there four days after the departure of the Russians? Why did the mayor come out and say, we’re so happy. We’ve liberated the city from these barbarians who killed people on their way out of town, how come suddenly the bodies appeared four days later after the Russians had left. So I can’t tell you for certain what happened, but I can tell you that as a war crime, it is a very suspicious one. Now I’ve seen fairly clear evidence of two war crimes on the Ukrainian side. And I’m not saying that there may not have been some on the Russian side, but there is one instance where there was a video of a man who ran a Ukrainian hospital. It was the administrator [Gennadiy Druzenko] and he was boasting proudly about giving orders to all of his doctors. That when they treated wounded, helpless Russian casualties [whom he referred to as “cockroaches”] that they were to castrate them. This is one of the most hideous war crimes I’ve ever encountered. And he was quite definitive. He said we give the strictest orders, bring them in, castrate them. So that was one. There was another video and it runs about seven minutes and it was a POW reception point where the Ukrainians were bringing in captured Russians. And they would simply gun them down as they came in. At the beginning of the video, you have this Ukrainian soldier and he’s walking and he’s explaining that they were shooting the Russians as they would come in. And some of them were hideously wounded. They would hit them in the legs. They were chewed up like hamburger meat. There was one really nice looking kid—he looked like you’d be happy if your daughter married this guy—he just looked like a great kid and he’s lying there. He’s dying. And the Ukrainian soldier kicks him in the leg and his leg is hideously torn to pieces. And there were a couple of them that they put plastic bags over their heads, so they couldn’t breathe and their hands are zip-tied behind their back. So they couldn’t get the bags off. And sometimes they don’t open up the bag just to show the face of the suffering Russian. Towards the end, a van pulled up with three captured Russian soldiers that were not wounded. And without the slightest hesitation, as they’re coming off, they just gunned them down. The first two have their hands zip-tied, they’re helpless and they just shoot them and they fall. And the third one drops to his knees and begs for his life and they shot him down while he’s there now. And these were reported to the Ukrainian government and it said, yeah, we’ll take a look at it. You know, we’ll see. But they obviously have very little interest or concern about war crimes that are established. You hear many claims that the Russians are firing into civilian areas and you see these buildings that are blown down and that kind of thing. I was a forward air controller in Vietnam. I had bombed many places where the Viet Cong fought that were built-up areas. There were inhabited areas. And the problem is you, you don’t have a choice of where you want to fight your enemy. And the Ukrainians have been equipped with sharpshooter rifles, very high power, 50 caliber rifles that have been devastating for the Russian. And the Russians tried to go in without using a lot of supporting arms, which proved to be a big mistake. And eventually they just use the tank and artillery fire, and they would, they would blow down buildings. This is classic. You saw it in the Second World War. If you ever look at those scenes of Germany, all the cities are just blown to rubble because that’s where the soldiers fight. They fight from building to building. So that’s not a war crime when you do it, we could go into it more, but that’s sort of an overview. I do not see the Russians as having any policy designed to commit more crimes. When you have a war of this dimension, you undoubtedly are going to have people who do things they shouldn’t do on both sides but that is my impression as a former prosecutor looking at crimes. Jeremy Kuzmarov: Thanks. That was a very good analysis. It begs the question that should be of grave concern here in the United States, given the billions of dollars that we’re providing to the Ukrainian military, which as you suggest I think very convincingly, is committing quite clear war crimes. There’s an article from The New York Times in front of me too from today, and the headline reads: “McConnell Works to Counter His Party’s Isolationist Wing.” You identify yourself as a Republican, correct? Colonel Black: I wouldn’t call it isolationist. The United States has military bases in 750 locations, 80 different countries. You compare that with a combination of the Chinese and the Russians; the U.S. and UK foreign bases outnumber their foreign bases 22 to one. So to call somebody who calls for some moderation isolationist—when we outweigh the other side 22 to one—that makes no sense. The Russians probably have 25,000 people overseas, total. We have vast divisions of troops and air wings and so forth. That’s not even counting all of the people on aircraft carriers. China has an aircraft carrier. Russia has one. They’re not any big deal there. They’re not like our aircraft carriers, which are a very big deal. So yeah, they throw around this term isolationist when really we’re moderates on foreign policy. We are people who are trying to avoid a third world war, trying to avoid a nuclear confrontation. And we’re also, I would say, we’re not part of some organization, but I think people on my side are people who do not believe that the world benefits by being controlled by one central government. And certainly that is the plan. And that’s the direction that things are emerging. I think there’s a great benefit to having individual sovereign countries because people respond to more local government. People who are members of the European Union have absolutely no influence over the EU. The EU has them doing things that they would never do if their country had to answer to them directly. So, I don’t believe in a centralized government. I believe in the U.S. Constitution with a federal government, I think it’s a good thing. Above all else, I don’t want to see young men just ground up and their lives destroyed and ended just for the glory of a one world order or to line the pockets of wealthy, retired four-star generals and people in think tanks and NATO bureaucrats. This war in Ukraine could have been stopped easily by making some reasonable accommodations for Russian security. If you go back to the Cold War, Austria was one of the occupied countries at the end of World War II. And for reasons I don’t entirely understand there was a coming together of minds and the Soviet Union and the allied occupying powers all made an agreement and they said “we’ll move all of our troops out of Austria.” If you’ll move yours out on condition that Austria changes its constitution and says, number one, we will permanently be a neutral non-aligned country, and number two, we will prohibit any foreign troops being stationed in our country. That was the model that should have been followed in Ukraine. It would’ve been a tremendous benefit to Ukraine because they wouldn’t have had to militarize and be fighting wars. It would have given security to Russia and it would have provided this all-important nuclear buffer, a buffer zone because Ukraine is a large country. And instead of having nuclear powers toe to toe, they would have been separated. And that would have been the perfect solution—the Austrian model, which remained all during the Cold War. At the time, you had this line between East and West Germany that there were thousands and thousands of tanks and artillery pieces; millions of troops all geared up constantly training for war. And then you had Austria and in Austria, people were celebrating and they were joyous and there was happiness. I went to Austria at the height of the Cold War. And it was like you were going to a different planet. All of a sudden, people are at Christmas time; the cities are just sparkling with decorations and things, and people are going to the opera and people are just joyous and happy they were out of the war. We could have done that. Ukraine could have had that too. It could have been that the golden era for Ukraine, but instead we’ve used them as a place that the oligarchs can suck money from. And the people can be ground up in war. And it’s just a shame that we’ve taken the direction that we chose. Jeremy Kuzmarov: I wanted to also ask before we go about Syria. I know you’ve been very much involved with that conflict and very knowledgeable about it. So maybe you can give your assessment from today’s point of view and provide a comparison with Ukraine. The U.S. has poured so many arms into a kind of a black zone in Syria as well as Ukraine. So how would you compare Syria with Ukraine? Colonel Black: Yeah, there are a lot of similarities because we use the media dominance to have a single narrative come out of Syria just as we have with the Ukraine war. What happened is that there were some demonstrations occurring in Syria as a result of this so-called Arab spring, which I suspect was partly an intelligence operation by the CIA. During this and before the war ever broke out in Syria, the CIA landed operatives on Syrian soil to link up with Al-Qaeda and other terrorist elements and to establish channels for arming the terrorists. From that time, literally until this moment, as we’re speaking, the United States has been an unwavering ally of Al-Qaeda. For people who don’t remember, Al-Qaeda is the group that hijacked the jets that were flown into the Pentagon and Twin Towers on 9/11. After that, we were staunch allies and have remained staunch allies to this day. The remaining Al-Qaeda are [now] jammed up in a pocket in Idlib province, Syria. The Russians did not and do not like to get into wars. They’re not a war-like country—like the Soviet Union was. And so this was their first significant overseas deployment. They waited until four years after the war started to even get involved. And the United States was heavily involved under operation Timber Sycamore run by the CIA. They had warehouses over the border in Turkey and they provided weapons. Anti-tank missiles. To Al-Qaeda and to the Free Syrian Army (FSA). And then the weapons would flow to ISIS. We didn’t directly supply ISIS, but we made sure there were plenty of weapons for ISIS. And we’ve had a love-hate relationship. We’ve fought ISIS very genuinely, but in other cases, we have enabled their activities and sometimes we’ve actually stepped in on their side with air power. But it is totally a proxy war. It is totally an Islamic terrorist war and it is a war without the slightest human compassion. One of the, one of the policies of, of Al-Qaeda and ISIS has been to draw in foreign jihadis. With the understanding that if you kill a Syrian man, you own his wife and his children. Because of this, you literally had pedophiles who would come to Syria so that they could kill a Syrian man, take control of his wife, his children, and they could rape the children. It was legal to possess the woman. And they literally had slave markets in some places. I was talking to President Bashar al-Assad during my second meeting with him, and because of this policy that the terrorists had of deliberately raping and impregnating Syrian women, there were so many pregnancies that they were in the process of changing the law in Syria. And they changed it because under Islamic law, the citizenship of a child derives from the father. That was the tradition and they had it and they changed the law so the citizenship could derive from the mother so that you wouldn’t have a child who was a citizen belonging to some ISIS beheader who was from Tunisia or Saudi Arabia. Later on, I checked and found indeed that the parliament had changed the law and that gives you some indication of how massive this deliberate rape campaign was. I’m not saying that we generated the campaign, but we knew it was going on. And we condoned that. The Syrian people despise the terrorists. There was never a terrorist who gained popularity with the Syrian people. And so as the war went on, the Syrian army drove the enemy back. And at a certain point, Secretary John Kerry landed in Syria and he was doing some interviews in one of the areas that U.S. troops occupied and he said the Syrians have recaptured most of their country, but we’ve got a Plan B. He never told us what the Plan B was but Plan B, as it evolved, was a plan to seize control of the northern part of Syria to occupy it against all laws of international convention and to take the wheat-producing bread basket of Syria and create a permanent famine within the nation. And we also seize the oil and gas production so that during the year we’re starving the people. And then in the wintertime, we freeze them and we impose these Caesar sanctions back a couple of years ago for the explicit purpose of preventing rebuilding. So if you don’t allow materials to come in to rebuild, the people just live in rubble. And so they’re subject to freezing. And I spoke to a young, beautiful young Syrian doctor who came back from visiting her family. And she says, it is heartbreaking. She says, it’s so hard for the old people to endure the cold in the winter time. For some of us, we can just put on blankets and we can tough it out. But when you get to be 60 and 70 and 80 years old, its a tremendous burden on the people. We even have blockaded access to medicine by devaluing their currency. And we also have a naval blockade around Syria. And so women who get breast cancer—which has become a very treatable disease; it’s very serious— but there are certain medications that can go a long way to improving your chances of life. In Syria, the U.S. deliberately blocks the women from receiving breast cancer medications, and they simply die of breast cancer. It is inhuman. This Plan B is absolutely inhuman. For years now, we’ve kept the people in a state of utter famine, freezing and death from disease. It is so cruel and here we are criticizing things that the Russians are doing. If the Russians were doing things like this—mass rape, a campaign denying people medicines, freezing them to death, starving them to death. Why? My goodness, I would probably be calling for war against the Russians, but we just ignore what we’re doing with the Syrians. People don’t understand, it is too complex. And so it goes on, which is really disturbing. Jeremy Kuzmarov: Disturbing indeed. And it is rarely discussed here—how all the people are suffering. Colonel Black: Let me finish by saying that I have never received a penny from anybody. I don’t earn money by my blogging. I get nothing from anything that I’m doing for Syria, or to stop the war in Russia, not a penny of any sort. By way of background, I don’t have any ax to grind. I’ve been a [state] Senator. I don’t want a position. I don’t want money. I don’t want power. I don’t want anything from anybody, but I do want to see peace. I’ve got 16 grandchildren and I don’t want them trotted off to die overseas. And I don’t want a nuclear war to wipe them out over here. Full original: ------------------------------------ Often people use ICYMI meaning, “You may already know this, but I wanted to make sure you did.” (In this way, it's sort of a mix between FYI and ... Часто люди используют ICYMI в значении: «Возможно, вы уже это знаете, но я хотел убедиться, что вы знаете». (Таким образом, это своего рода смесь между FYI и...) ----------------------------------- Перевод на русский наиболее важных фрагментов. ICYMI. Ниже приведена ссылка на интервью полковника Ричарда Блэка (в отставке) от 17 мая, которое провел Джереми Кузмаров из журнала Covert Action. Интервью превосходное и вселяет надежду на то, что действительно существует потенциал коалиции принципиальных лидеров для победы над олигархическими силами, рискующими вступить в термоядерную войну. КевинГриббрук Бывший сенатор штата Вирджиния и обладатель «Пурпурного сердца» предупреждает:«Мы живем в момент 1914 года»Джереми Кузмаров27 мая 2022 г. Потопление российского военного корабля Украиной с помощью разведки США равносильно акту войныПолковник Ричард Блэк был одним из немногих бывших высокопоставленных офицеров и правительственных чиновников, выступивших против военного вмешательства США в Сирии и Украине. Он крайне обеспокоен перспективами начала ядерной войны и потрясен черствостью, с которой некоторые правительственные чиновники говорят о первом ядерном ударе.В интервью САМ от 17 мая, расшифрованном ниже, полковник Блэк подчеркнул серьезную опасность, связанную с потоплением Украиной при содействии американской разведки флагманского российского ракетного крейсера «Москва». По словам Блэка, этот акт был равносилен акту войны. Он предупреждает, что сейчас мы находимся «в моменте 1914 [года, когда разразилась Первая мировая война]».Спусковым крючком для последнего стало убийство австро-венгерского эрцгерцога Франца Фердинанда сербским националистом (Гаврилой Принципом), а затопление «Москвы» вполне может стать спусковым крючком для начала Третьей мировой войны. ……………………………… ……………………………….. Джереми Кузмаров: Бывший офицер морской разведки и разоблачитель оружия массового уничтожения Скотт Риттер выступил в последние день или два и сказал, что изначально он думал, что русские смогут быстро победить, но теперь он думает, что все это оружие, которое США и Уэст-шиппинг оказывает влияние, и это может затянуться. Как вы сейчас оцениваете военную ситуацию и комментарии Риттера? Полковник Блэк: Я не видел его последних комментариев. Я видел его более ранние. Я думаю, что это очень серьезная борьба в скрытом смысле. НАТО находится на земле, ведет эту войну вместе с Украиной. Турецкая пресса обнародовала тот факт, что вместе с украинцами, которые сейчас заперты на сталелитейном заводе в Мариуполе — они вроде как последние несогласные, — там также находятся 50 французских офицеров. Это не какие-то там наемники. Это обычные французские офицеры. Два дня спустя Великобритания выпустила пресс-релиз, в котором говорится, что там также задержаны 20 британцев. Было неясно, могли ли они быть наемниками в стиле Blackwater. Но мы также знаем; были утечки в прессу, которые показали, что польские, регулярные польские подразделения действуют в западной части Украины. Не так давно президент Байден был в ярости из-за утечки информации в прессу. И все это обсуждалось в The New York Times. Байден был в ярости, потому что просочилась информация о том, что Соединенные Штаты были причастны к потоплению флагмана Черноморского флота России под названием «Москва», крейсера, который затонул. Он перевозил 500 матросов. Скорее всего, многие из них пошли на дно вместе с кораблем. Соединенные Штаты также сотрудничали с Украиной, помогая убить 12 российских генералов. Теперь, что касается затопления флагмана, что для меня является самым драматичным событием, это были две крылатые ракеты, противокорабельные крылатые ракеты, которые потопили корабль. Они необычайно сложны. Это не ракеты Джавелин, которые вы просто раздаете группе людей. Я не сомневаюсь, что силы НАТО контролировали их с первого дня до последнего применения. Это не то, что вы бы просто отдали какой-то армии, которая воюет на войне и надеется, что они не развернутся и не потопят вместе с ними американский авианосец. Так что я не думаю, что мы когда-либо отпускали [или] отказывались от контроля над ними на мгновение, что означает, что я считаю, что мы выпустили ракеты, которые разбили российский военный корабль. Это акт войны. Это необычайно безрассудно. Риск разжигания Третьей мировой войны, который, по мнению большинства комментаторов, может перерасти в ядерный конфликт. Шансы потопить крупный иностранный военный корабль чрезвычайно высоки. Мы находимся в моменте 1914 года [потенциально накануне мировой войны, такой как Первая мировая война]. Первая мировая война началась из-за того, что убийца застрелил эрцгерцога Австро-Венгрии и его жену. Итак, два человека были застрелены, и из-за всех этих взаимосвязанных союзов и так далее, прежде чем это произошло, более 14 миллионов человек погибли в одной из величайших войн в истории. Все началось с двух человек. Вы можете сравнить это с тем, что мы делаем сегодня. По сравнению с этим убийство двух человек практически ничто; это почти тривиально. Мы топим крупные военные корабли, убиваем дюжину генералов. И как-то делаем вид, что все наладится. [На самом деле] это очень страшная ситуация. ………………………… ………………………….. Джереми Кузмаров: Спасибо. Это был очень хороший анализ. Напрашивается вопрос, который должен вызывать серьезную озабоченность здесь, в Соединенных Штатах, учитывая миллиарды долларов, которые мы предоставляем украинским военным, которые, как вы считаете очень убедительно, совершают вполне очевидные военные преступления. Передо мной также лежит сегодняшняя статья из «Нью-Йорк Таймс» с заголовком: «МакКоннелл работает над противодействием изоляционистскому крылу своей партии». Вы называете себя республиканцем, правильно? Полковник Блэк: Я бы не назвал это изоляционизмом. Соединенные Штаты имеют военные базы в 750 местах, в 80 разных странах. Вы сравниваете это в сочетании китайских и русских; иностранные базы США и Великобритании превосходят их иностранные базы в соотношении 22 к одному. Так что называть изоляционистом кого-то, кто призывает к некоторой умеренности, — когда мы перевешиваем другую сторону в 22 раза — это не имеет смысла. У русских, наверное, 25 000 человек за границей, всего. У нас есть обширные дивизии войск, воздушные крылья и так далее. Это даже не считая всех людей на авианосцах. У Китая есть авианосец. В России есть. Там они не имеют большого значения. Они не такие, как наши авианосцы, что очень важно. Так что да, они разбрасываются термином «изоляционизм», хотя на самом деле мы придерживаемся умеренных взглядов на внешнюю политику. Мы люди, которые пытаются избежать третьей мировой войны, пытаются избежать ядерного противостояния. И мы также, я бы сказал, мы не являемся частью какой-то организации, но я думаю, что люди на моей стороне — это люди, которые не верят, что мир выигрывает от того, что его контролирует одно центральное правительство. И, конечно же, это план. И это направление развития событий. Я думаю, что наличие отдельных суверенных стран очень полезно, потому что люди реагируют на большее количество местных органов власти. Люди, которые являются членами Европейского Союза, не имеют абсолютно никакого влияния на ЕС. ЕС заставляет их делать то, что они никогда бы не сделали, если бы их страна должна была отчитываться перед ними напрямую. Поэтому я не верю в централизованное правительство. Я верю в Конституцию США с федеральным правительством, я думаю, что это хорошо. Прежде всего, я не хочу видеть, как молодые люди просто перемалываются, а их жизни разрушаются и обрываются только во славу единого мирового порядка или чтобы набить карманы богатых, отставных четырехзвездных генералов и людей в аналитических центрах и Бюрократы НАТО. Эту войну на Украине можно было бы легко остановить, сделав разумные шаги для обеспечения безопасности России. Если вернуться к холодной войне, Австрия была одной из оккупированных стран в конце Второй мировой войны. И по причинам, которые я не совсем понимаю, произошло объединение умов, и Советский Союз и союзные оккупационные державы заключили соглашение, и они сказали: «Мы выведем все наши войска из Австрии». Если вы выведете свои при условии, что Австрия изменит свою конституцию и скажет, во-первых, что мы навсегда останемся нейтральной неприсоединившейся страной, а во-вторых, мы запретим размещение любых иностранных войск в нашей стране. Именно такой модели следовало придерживаться в Украине. Это было бы огромной выгодой для Украины, потому что им не пришлось бы милитаризироваться и вести войны. Это обеспечило бы безопасность России и обеспечило бы этот важнейший ядерный буфер, буферную зону, потому что Украина — большая страна. И вместо того, чтобы иметь ядерные державы лицом к лицу, они были бы разделены. И это было бы идеальным решением — австрийская модель, которая сохранялась на протяжении всей холодной войны. В то время у вас была эта линия между Восточной и Западной Германией, где были тысячи и тысячи танков и артиллерийских орудий; миллионы солдат постоянно готовились к войне. А потом была Австрия, а в Австрии люди праздновали, они были радостны, и было счастье. Я поехал в Австрию в разгар холодной войны. И ты как будто попал на другую планету. Внезапно люди на Рождество; города просто сверкают украшениями и вещами, и люди идут в оперу, и люди просто радуются и счастливы, что ушли с войны. Мы могли бы это сделать. У Украины тоже могло быть такое. Это могло быть золотое время для Украины, но вместо этого мы использовали их как место, откуда олигархи могут высасывать деньги. И люди могут быть перемолоты в войне. И очень жаль, что мы пошли по тому пути, который выбрали. ……………………………. …………………………… Джереми Кузмаров: Действительно тревожно. И это редко здесь обсуждается — когда все люди страдают. Полковник Блэк: Позвольте мне закончить тем, что я никогда ни от кого не получал ни цента. Я не зарабатываю на своем блоге. Я ничего не получаю ни от того, что делаю для Сирии, ни от того, чтобы остановить войну в России, ни копейки. Что касается предыстории, то у меня нет никакого топора, чтобы молотить. Я был сенатором [штата]. Я не хочу должности. Я не хочу денег. Я не хочу власти. Я ничего ни от кого не хочу, но я хочу видеть мир. У меня 16 внуков, и я не хочу, чтобы их угнали умирать за границу. И я не хочу, чтобы ядерная война уничтожила их здесь. Полный оригинал: ------------------------------------ Комментарий Льва Семашко. В большом, почти на 25 страниц, можно сказать энциклопедическом, интервью Джереми Кузмарова с полковником Ричардом Блэком, ветераном Вьетнамской войны, бывшим сенатором штата Вирджиния, анализируется и оценивается почти вся история агрессивной американской/НАТО политики в отношении к России, которая максимально приблизилась к глобальной термоядерной войне на Украине. Мы опубликовали его с переводом на русский язык его ключевых фрагментов и с нашим комментарием ниже здесь: Центр этого энциклопедического интервью – аккорд предупреждения и крайнего беспокойства полной угрозой ядерной, третьей мировой войны, к самому краю которой привела агрессивная политика США/НАТО. Обобщая подобные оценки этой смертоносной и преступной политики за 20 лет как «тоталитарной, разбойной, террористической, брутальной, бесчеловечной» и т.п., лучшим, истинным ее определением, интегрирующим все другие, будет «фашистская, геноцидная» политика. Оно требуется ее очевидным «плодом», начиная с ядерного терроризма Хиросимы/Нагасаки 1945 года – геноцидом сотен тысяч гражданского населения. Эта политика начинается с открытой геноцидной политики бесноватого Гитлера в Третьем Рейхе. Она продолжается в скрытом, замаскированном «либеральными ценностями» Четвертом Рейхе США/Запада 77 лет с 1945 вплоть до сегодняшнего маразматика Байдена вместе со своим подручным клоуном Зе, который продал ему Украину, стал миллиардером на крови своих избирателей и потому твердо намерен вести войну с Россией до «последнего украинца-трупа». Плоды ее одни и те же - миллионные горы трупов, что были у Гитлера, и что у США/Запада/Украины сегодня. Это их общий, роднящий их знаменатель, представлен баннером ниже. Козырь этой геноцидной, фашистской политики – западное ядерное оружие, которое по происхождению, геноцидному предназначению и приоритетному триллионному ежегодному обеспечению западной «Хайль демократией» является 100% нацистским и никаким более. О фашизме США писали первые американские члены ГГСГ в 2006 году Теренс Паупп, Чарльз Мерсиека, Джон Пилгер (, а потом Пол и Диана Джонстон ( и многие десятки мужественных американских писателей. О фашизме Европы и ЕС мужественно пишет с 2001 года Родни Аткинсон (, и десятки ему подобных. Поэтому мы вовсе не являемся первооткрывателями антифашистской темы, а лишь ее продолжателями. Эта массивная антифашистская литература нашла обобщенное отражение в специальном разделе, публикуемом ниже, ГГСГ Программы «Антифашистского Гандианского Фронта» (АГФ): Мы представим Программу АГФ на обсуждение в англоязычном ГГСГ в ближайшие дни. Ее обсуждение и единогласное утверждение завершилось в его русскоязычной части. 31-05-22 Запад: Ключевые факты преступлений против человечества и глобального мира. Первый факт преступления против человечества: подготовка (WWIII) ТМВ. Он установлен и подтверждается американскими ядерщиками, давно ведущими на «Часах судного дня» отсчет времени жизни человечества до его ядерной катастрофы в ТМВ(WWIII). Из всего дня, 24 часа, Четвертый рейх оставил ему жить в мире только 100 секунд до нее ( В этом заключается «фашизм Пентагона»:, который неизбежно ведёт к ядерной ТМВ. Запад максимизировал ТМВ за 77 лет до 999 шансов из тысячи, до 99,9% (, оставив миру, жизни человечества только ОДИН шанс из тысячи, только 00,1%. Он сделал все возможное для уничтожения человечества, но не сделал ничего для его глобального мира и выживания за это время. Это высшее преступление запада против человечества, ибо преступным является не только сама ядерная война, после которой некому и некого будет судить, а САМА ПОДГОТОВКА В ТЕЧЕНИЕ 77 лет этого преступления. Ядерное оружие запада: фашистское по происхождению, геноцидному назначению и приоритетным триллионам ежегодного обеспечения «Хайль демократией» Четвертого Рейха запада 77 лет, 1945-2022. Его общий знаменатель с Хиросимы/Нагасаки: один - геноцид. Это оружие западных преступников против человечества и глобального мира. ГГСГ «Антиядерный манифест»: 
Второй факт преступления против человечества: бесконечная «долгая война» против него. За 77 лет США и НАТО, ядро Четвертого рейха, провели 37 войн, в среднем по войне в 2 года, убив около 30 миллионов человек (чем не новый Освенцим?), что подтверждается историей ( Множество фактов глобальной и «долгой войны Америки против человечества» собраны здесь: Они подтверждают патологическую, наркотическую зависимость Америки от войн во всей своей истории, 93% которой занимает «бесконечная война» ( Естественно, что однополярный мировой порядок, установленный США после падения СССР, остался столь же патологичным, зависимым от войны. Третий факт преступления против человечества. Он заключается в природе политической власти однополярного, диктаторского мирового порядка Четвертого рейха, которая квалифицируется как «тоталитарная демократия с полным спектром доминирования» ( Именно западная демократия, ежегодно утверждая растущие военные бюджеты, 77 лет подстегивает бешеную гонку вооружений, которая поставила человечество на самый край ядерной катастрофы. Человечество не видит в этой, суицидной демократии никакого конца ее преступлений. Поэтому сам институт этот демократии, как преступный и бесчеловечный, должен предстать на будущем Нюрнберге с целью поиска новой, ненасильственной, Гандианской демократии сферонов, обоснованной в Меганауке сферонике. Четвертый факт преступления против человечества: украинский фашизм, как запал ТМВ (WWIII). Начиная с 1991 года, запад, особенно США, делают все возможное, чтобы нацифицировать Украину, возродить и усилить фашистское, бандеровское движение, посылает сотни инструкторов для тренировки боевиков из нацистских батальонов, накачивая ее оружием и финансами, чтобы создать из нее «проект анти-Россия». Украина полностью попала под внешнее управление Четвертого рейха и стала его органической частью в качестве очень удобного для нее тарана против России: пусть воюет с ней «до последнего украинца». А мы, запад, не пожалеем для вашего фашизма ни денег, ни оружия, ни демократической поддержки под солидарные фашистские аплодисменты стоя во всех парламентах ЧР. В 2014 году, с его управлением и финансированием, в Киеве был совершен насильственный государственный переворот, установивший на Украине закамуфлированный, псевдодемократический, нелегитимный неонацистский режим ( Он был направлен против России под геноцидными лозунгами: «Смерть России! Смерть русским везде и во всем». С 2014 года, с молчаливого согласия и поощрения запада, началась прокси-война с Россией в Донбассе, с геноцида его русского населения. Россия терпеливо предлагала мирное решение проблемы Донбасса, но киевский режим и его покровители саботировал их и только закручивал нацистские гайки против русских. За 8 лет войны с Донбассом, украинские нацисты убили в нем свыше 14 тысяч мирных граждан ( Война с Россией была признана необходимой в конституции Украины. Киев и НАТО не оставили России другого выбора для самообороны как начать 24 февраля 2022 ОТВЕТНУЮ военную операцию по защите русских в Донбассе, по денацификации и демилитаризации Украины (Безусловно, эта необходимая миротворческая акция России по принуждению к миру, пацификация (Пацификация), оправдана интересами глобального мира и отвечает закону Ганди «убей убийцу» (ниже). Все это доказывается тысячами неоспоримых фактов, опубликованных здесь: Опасность украинского военного конфликта с Россией, созданного Четвертым рейхом, заключается в том, что он представляет собой горящий фитиль у пороховой бочки ТМВ. Игра запада с военным огнем ТМВ на Украине, ускоренная нацификация и милитаризация всех четырех ее сфер: социальной, культурной, политической и экономической, грозящие жизни человечества, несомненно, составляет преступление против человечества и никак иначе. Вся история Четвертого рейха с 1945 года, как и предыдущего, протекала в русле одной логики непрерывного преступления против человечества и глобального мира все 77 лет путем войн, геноцида и их подготовки в локальном и глобальном масштабах. Исторические факты и неоспоримые доказательства сбрасывают с него лживый покров «либеральной» имплицитности, обнажая его нацистский, расовый цивилизационный генотип. История Четвертого рейха – большая черная дыра за семью печатями его глубинного государства, потому что преступники ВСЕГДА скрывают свои преступления, хорошо их осознавая. Одна из научных задач АГФ – написать честную и истинную историю Четвертого рейха без лакировки и фальсификаций его «Министерства правды» на основании собранных нами за 17 лет разоблачающих фактов. В целом, история западного фашизма в его двух рейхах охвачена и наглядно представлена в ряду их ключевых политических лидеров от Гитлера до Байдена в спрессованной форме баннера ниже. Это наглядное пособие для целостного понимания западного фашизма в Программе АГФ.

-------------------------------------------------------- Commentary by Leo Semashko. In a large, almost 25-page, one might say encyclopedic, interview by Jeremy Kuzmarov with Colonel Richard Black, Vietnam War veteran, former senator of the state of Virginia, almost the entire history of aggressive American/NATO policy towards Russia, which is as close as possible to a global thermonuclear war in Ukraine, is analyzed and evaluated. We have published it with a translation into Russian of its key fragments and with our commentary below here: The focus of this encyclopedic interview is a chord of warning and extreme concern from the full threat of a nuclear, third world war brought to the very brink by aggressive US/NATO policies. Summarizing similar assessments of this deadly and criminal policy for 20 years as “totalitarian, robbery, terrorist, brutal, inhuman”, etc., its best, true definition, integrating all others, would be “fascist, genocidal” policy. It is required by its obvious "fruits", beginning since the nuclear terrorism of Hiroshima/Nagasaki in 1945 - the genocide of hundreds of thousands and millions of civilians. This policy begins since the open genocidal policy of the possessed Hitler in the Third Reich. It continues in the hidden, disguised "liberal values" of the USA/West Fourth Reich during 77 years since 1945 until today's senile Biden, along with his assistant clown Ze, who sold Ukraine to him, became a billionaire on his voters’ blood and therefore firmly intends to wage war with Russia until “the last Ukrainian - a corpse”. Its fruits are the same - mountains of millions of corpses, which Hitler had and which the USA/West/Ukraine have today. This is their common, related denominator, represented by the banner below. The trump card of this genocidal, fascist policy is the Western nuclear weapons, which by origin, genocidal purpose and priority trillions annually in providing by the Western “Heil Democracy” are 100% Nazi and nothing more. The first American members of the GGHA wrote about the USA fascism in 2006, Terence Paupp, Charles Mercieca, John Pilger (, and then Paul and Diana Johnston ( and dozens of courageous American writers. Rodney Atkinson has been courageously writing about fascism in Europe and the EU since 2001 and dozens of others like him. Therefore, we are not at all the pioneers of the antifascist topic, but only its successors. This massive anti-fascist literature was summarized in a special section published below, the GGHA “Anti-Fascist Gandhian Front” (AGF) Program: We will present the AGF Program for discussion in the English-speaking GGHA in the coming days. Its discussion and unanimous approval ended in its Russian part. 31-05-22 West: the key facts of crimes against humanity and global peace The first fact of a crime against humanity: WWIII preparation during 77 years. It has been established and confirmed by American nuclear scientists, who have long been counting the humanity lifetime before its nuclear catastrophe in WWIII on the Doomsday Clock. Of the whole day, 24 hours, the FR left it to live in peace only 100 seconds ( This is the "Pentagon fascism" (, which inevitably leads to a nuclear WWIII. The West has maximized WWIII over 77 years to 999 chances out of a thousand, up to 99.9%(, leaving peace, the life of humanity, only onE chance out of a thousand, only 00.1%. The West did everything possible to destroy humanity but did nothing for its global peace and survival during this time. This is the West highest crime against humanity, because not only the nuclear war itself is criminal, after which there will be no one to judge, but its PREPARATION during 77 years is this crime ITSELF. West Nuclear weapon is: The Fascist in origin, purpose and ensuring with annual trillions by "Heil democracy" of the West Fourth Reich during 77 years, 1945-2022. Its common denominator since Hiroshima/Nagasaki is one - genocide. This is a weapon of the West criminals against humanity and global peace. GGHA “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto”: Banner above
The second fact of the crime against humanity: the endless "long war" against it. For 77 years, the US and NATO, the FR core, fought 37 wars, an average a war in 2 years, killing about 30 million people (why not the new Auschwitz?), which is confirmed by history ( facts of the global and "long war of America against humanity" are collected here: They confirm America's pathological, drug addiction to war throughout its history, 93% of which is "endless war" (, and Naturally, the unipolar world order established by the US after the USSR fall remained just as pathological, dependent on war. The third fact of the crime against humanity. It lies in the nature of the political power of the FR unipolar, dictatorial world order, which qualifies as a "totalitarian democracy with a full spectrum of dominance" ( It is the Western democracy, annually approving the growing military budgets, for 77 years that has been spurring the furious arms race that has put humanity on the very brink of a nuclear catastrophe. Humanity sees no end to its crimes in this suicidal democracy. Therefore, the very institution of this democracy, as criminal and inhuman, should appear at the future Nuremberg in order to search for a new, nonviolent, Gandhian democracy of spherons, substantiated in spheronics MegaScience. The fourth fact of the crime against humanity: Ukrainian fascism as the fuse of WWIII. Since 1991, the West, especially the US has been doing everything possible to Nazify Ukraine, revive and strengthen the fascist, Bandera movement, send hundreds of instructors to train militants from Nazi battalions, pumping it with weapons and finances in order to create from it an “anti-Russia". Ukraine completely fell under the external control of the FR and became its organic part as a very convenient battering ram for it against Russia: let it fight with it "up to the last Ukrainian." “And we, the West, will spare no money, no weapons, no democratic support for your fascism”, to solidary fascist applause while standing in all parliaments of the FR. In 2014, with its management and funding, a violent coup d'etat was carried out in Kyiv, which installed a camouflaged, pseudo-democratic, illegitimate neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine ( It was directed against Russia under genocidal slogans: “Death to Russia! Death to Russians everywhere and in everything” etc. Since 2014, with the tacit consent and encouragement of the West, a proxy war with Russia began in the Donbass, with the genocide of its Russian population. Russia patiently offered a peaceful solution to the Donbass problem, but the Kyiv regime and its patrons sabotaged them and only tightened the Nazi screws against the Russians. Over 8 years of war with Donbass, Ukrainian Nazis killed over 14 thousand civilians in it ( It was genocide of the Russians. War with Russia was deemed necessary in the Ukrainian constitution. Kyiv and NATO left Russia no other choice for self-defense, how to start a RESPONSE military operation on February 24, 2022 to protect the Russians in the Donbass, to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine ( Of course, this necessary peacemaking action of Russia to enforce peace, pacification (, is justified by the interests of global peace and meets Gandhi's "kill the killer" law (below). All this is proven by thousands of undeniable facts published here: The danger of the Ukrainian military conflict with Russia, created by the FR, is that that this is a burning torch on a barrel with gunpowder of WWIII. The game of the West with WWIII military fire in Ukraine, the accelerated nazification and militarization of all 4 of its spheres: social, cultural, political and economic, threatening the lives of humanity, undoubtedly constitutes a crime against humanity and nothing else. The entire history of the FR since 1945, like the previous one, proceeded in line with the same logic of continuous crime against humanity and global peace for all 77 years through wars, genocide and their preparation on a local and global scale. Historical facts and indisputable evidence shed the false cover of "liberal" implicitness from it, exposing its Nazi, racial civilizational genotype. The FR history is a big black hole behind the seven seals of its deep state, because criminals ALWAYS hide their crimes, well aware them. one of the AGF scientific tasks is to write an honest and true history of the FR without varnishing and falsifications of its “Ministry of Truth” based on the revealing facts we have collected over 17 years. In general, the Western fascism history in its two Reichs is covered and visualized in a number of their key political leaders from Hitler to Biden in the banner compressed form below. This is a visual aid for a holistic understanding of Western fascism in the AGF Program. Banner above
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