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Peace from Harmony
Leo Semashko, Olga Kashina.Method of spherons verification in 2 hours within Spheronics Megascience. Table-2. 23-08-22

Method of spherons verification

at any social object in 2 hours

within Spheronics Megascience (SM)

Table 2


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In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=998

SM outline: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1019

The spherons verification by world statistics in the book "Gandhica", 2019:




The Spherons Verification Methodology Resume


Find o­n the Internet the statistics of any territorial object: municipality, district, city, region, country, continent and humanity in two parameters: “Demography” and “Employment” for any last year, and summarize its indices (right) in the spheral (main and intermediate) indices in Table-2 (left).

For the manufacturing enterprises and institutions of various kinds it is enough o­nly the staff statistics, staffing.

Please, arrange the result and publish it in scientific journals and sites, primarily o­n the GGHA website “Peace from Spherons Harmony” (https://peacefromharmony.org), sending it to the addresses below.

The minimum expanded justification of this technique is to watch below if its resume is not enough to understand and conduct verification.







Tabular Template for Spherons Statistical Research and Verification.



 A typical template for statistical research and verification of spherons o­n the certain social object (humanity, continent, region, country, city, enterprise, school, university, etc.) for any given year is represented by the following Table-2 of spheral indices, the numerical sizes ​​of which are determined by summing up the numerical sizes ​​of traditional statistical indices aggregated under each spheral index. The research and verification of spherons in this table is reduced to the imposition of the classifier of indices of spherons o­n the standard classifiers of indices of traditional statistics, which differ by country, region and change over time. The spheral indices, primarily the spherons indices, serve as a common denominator for them, providing them with a single logic and end-to-end comparability.


Table-2. Social object. Name and location. The year of its statistics.

The object SPHERONS number in account units (Millions, thousands, persons).

(The main spheral indices are highlighted in red, and green – intermediate.)  


(You can increase the picture size if necessary)


Decor of the spherons statistical research/verification at any social object.


1. The author full name, her/his education, profession, country, city and email.

2. The social object title and its location: full postal address.

3. The object statistics what year was carried out in the research?

4. The title, year and place of publication of the statistical data source, including its o­nline address for data verification.

5. Date of the spherons statistical research/verification.

6. The author signature.

7. The text and the table are printed in Times New Roman font, size 12, with a single line spacing, with margins of 2 cm along all edges on 1-2 pages with Table-2, no more. If necessary, abbreviations and compactions of the text are applied.

A similarly designed statistical research/verification of spherons can be published in any edition and o­n any website, primarily o­n the GGHA website, where they will be published o­n a special page, and then, combined together, in a separate book.

The author of similar research, if she/he wants, becomes a member of the international peace organization: the Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA), which was founded in 2005.


Dr. Leo Semashko,

The GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President

- Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253,

- Skype: leo.semahko

- Email: leo.semashko@gmail.com

Dr. Olga Kashina,

- Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=757

- Email: olgkash2007@rambler.ru

St. Petersburg, Russia





© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005