
Spheronics: True Peace Megascience Contents: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1129 2. True Peace: Spheronics Structural-Dialectical Methodology. Abris. by Leo Semashko (+coauthors, who?)
Publication: English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1131 Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1031
For those who find this paragraph difficult to understand, skip it, to come back to it after reading the primer other paragraphs. In the motivational “Foreword” (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1130) we established that true peace, as global and eternal peace is the humanity only geopolitical trend, freeing it from all wars, primarily from the WWIII nuclear genocide. only this peace is able to “put an end to war before war puts an end to humanity” by John Kennedy’s brilliant definition of its necessity 60 years ago. The true peace cognitive mastery requires a special methodology. Methodology in the general case is a categorical toolkit for thinking, knowledge and explaining the structure of any real object and subject, any reality of any nature. Any science and any of its objective truth begins with the identification, awareness and proof of its object real structure. If its study has not reached the understanding of its structure, then it has not reached its scientific knowledge and scientific truth. Its content is determined by the object structure that is proved by all natural sciences. The structure knowledge ensures the scientific cognition truth of any object. The True Peace Paradigm (TPP), which is the core of Spheronics Megascience (SM) is unique, fundamentally different from all other, traditionally partial and limited peace paradigms, which are devoid of a holistic social understanding without wars and allow them in one way or another. Therefore, the SM and its TPP are based on similar unique methodology, fundamentally different from the traditional one, but, of course, preserving and developing in its format all the rational methodological means of the past. The SM methodology is categorical toolkit of social dialectics, only through which SM reveals and masters the true peace objective structure that provides it with the status of a fundamental, objectively true science. The first, key feature of the SM methodology is its structural dialectics. This methodology starts since the structure category. Any social structure, including the structure of true peace, is characterized by opposite categories of "whole-parts", which initially determine its binary dialectical essence: vertical - between the parts and their integral structure, and horizontal - between its parts. The true peace structure viability is ensured only by binary harmony and a measure of the opposites of its whole and parts. The whole and the parts are dialectically inseparable in their single structure of any social object, existing in it only at the expense and through each other: the whole only thanks to the parts and the parts only thanks to the whole. Each social object is both a whole and a part in a series of larger objects, but not in the same relation, but in different relations. According to this criterion, there is a boundary between two dialectics: “one relation” (Ilyenkov, 1968; etc.) and “different relations” (Asmus, 1956; Narsky, 1967; Semashko, 1970; etc.). The dialectics of “different relations” was taken over by me from my student professors at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, V.F. Asmus and I.S. Narsky in the period from 1960 to 1970. This dialectic does not exclude the laws of formal logic, and therefore does not contradict the logical foundations of science and truth, therefore it is integrated into the SM structural-dialectical methodology as its necessary attribute and tool. In this dialectic, any contradictory judgments about any objects are allowed, which are logically consistent, if they are in "different" and not in "one" relation. The structural dialectics example of the whole-parts in their extreme limits is the dialectics of the atomic individual/person and society as a whole, i.e. of all humanity. The individual in it is a part of many social communities from the family to humanity, which does not exist without individuals. In this relation, the individual contains and carries the qualities of these communities, is identical to them and does not exist outside and without them. But in another relation, all these communities do not exist without individuals, the individual differs qualitatively from all of them by his/her unique individuality. These opposite qualities of an individual, as well as the opposite qualities of their various communities, create a universal coordinate system of their social contradictions, in which they live constantly and which they constantly solve in one way or another: violently, by war or nonviolently, peacefully, depending on their respective structures, considered below. In a number of categories of the SM whole-parts methodology, two clusters of parts are distinguished, the difference of which is ignored in the traditional one-dimensional dialectics that indicates its insufficient development and leads it to many methodological errors and limitations. A part is different from a part. There are such parts without which the whole can exists, and there are such parts/subsystems of the whole, in the absence of at least one of which, the whole cannot exist. There are many examples of this. For example, life on our planet is possible without any mountain, river, or any geographical feature that disappears in one way or another. But it is impossible if at least one of its spheres/subsystems is destroyed: lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere or heliosphere, because each of them individually is necessary, and together they are sufficient for life. Moreover, the need of similar parts-spheres is equal, determining their fundamental equality and excluding any of their “primacy”, generating and/or dominating their role towards others. In connection with this insurmountable difference, in the SM methodology, all parts of social nature are divided into two categories/classes of opposites: “holons” (whole parts) and “partons” (partial parts) according to the corresponding English terms. The HOLON(S) are equally necessary, regular and together sufficient structural parts/subsystems of the social whole, the absence of any of which makes the life of the social object/whole impossible. The holons are imperishable sociogenetic constants, existential structural laws of any object of social nature at all its levels and stages. They constitute its integrity, its societal ontology, its "immanent topology", its healthy social norm, and its societal genome, which is revealed in the following paragraphs. The "holon" term was first introduced by the English writer Arthur Koestler in the book "The Ghost in the Machine", 1967, to describe the complex entities of natural and social nature (Kösztler, 1967). It was widely used and developed in many subsequent fundamental works: in the "integral philosophy" of Ken Wilber (1996), in the "plural spherology of the immanent topology of the living spaces of human existence" by Peter Sloterdijk (1998-2004) and others (Dorfman L. Y., Dudorova E.V., 2006 and others). Among the societal spheres/holons in the spheronics methodology, the holons-actors, spherons and holons-conditions, infrastructures are differ and widely illustrated in the following paragraphs. The knowledge of spheres/holons constitutes the objective truth of fundamental, enduring social knowledge in spheronics, i.e. the true, eternal peace science. The PARTON(S) is a physical term proposed by R. Feynman in 1969, which is philosophically equivalent to the dialectically opposite social category “holon”, in which it is used in the MS methodology. In it, partons are historically transient parts of the social whole, constituting all its holons, devoid of the eternal attributes of “necessity and sufficiency”, but possessing the attributes of historical, temporary necessity of one or another stage of social genesis. They are subject in their existence to the laws of non-linear thermodynamic and statistical probability (Ilyin, 2015; and others). The partons are social variables reflected in cognition by historical and empirical facts, as well as statistics. The partons are the visible surface of the historical river of social change, the constant and invisible course of which is determined and structured by spheres/holons. The partons are the entire historical set of social temporary objects from an individual, family, school, settlement, to a country, state, nation, class, party, elite, religion, culture, civilization, etc., that existed in the past, exist in the present and which will exist in the future. The limited life of each of these objects is somehow reflected by the corresponding history, including statistical data, various artifacts and evidence, leaving some kind of trace in history. Each historical parton belongs to one or another holon, and therefore carries its unchanging system-forming societal genome, historically uniquely embodying the holon. The endless change of temporary partons ensures the real existence the formation of eternal holons, which constitutes their fundamental social dialectics, revealed in spheronics and its methodology. Among the historically transient partons of society in the methodology of spheronics, like the difference between holons, partons-actors and partons-conditions, infrastructures are differ and widely illustrated in the following paragraphs. Adequate knowledge of historically limited partons determines adequate historical truth. But it turns into a lie beyond their historical boundaries that gives rise to a space of historically false consciousness, illustrated below. The holons dialectics is always a substantial, positive, constructive dialectics that ensures the vitality and survival of the social object integral structure. It has a long historical tradition, beginning since ancient dialectics and culminating in the absolute idealism of Hegel, the analysis of which in this innovative aspect is beyond our task. The dialectic of social holons, spheres, gives it a special, spheral format or modus, reflecting the spheral way of existence and action of any society, social nature as a whole, defining it as "spheral social dialectics". only the SM positive dialectic provides an adequate, peaceful and nonviolent understanding of the social nature that excludes wars and violence at the deep, substantial level of holons-actors. But for war and violence there remains a living space at the surface level of partons-actors who have not reached the level of scientific knowledge of spheral social substance in their historical development. The partons dialectics is usually a negative, destructive dialectics, the concept of which was introduced by Theodor Adorno (1966). In the partons spheral format of negative dialectics it reflects the discrepancy, opposition and contradiction of historically transient partons with their deep substance and essence of spheres/holons, i.e. the contradiction of the vertical dialectics of the whole and the parts. But this dialectic also has a positive meaning in the sense that it liberates, cleanses society of those parts/partons and their integrity that have become obsolete, dead, pathogenic and harmful to society, replacing them with new, more adequate ones, for some time parts/partons and their integrity. The partons-actors negative dialectics within the framework of their historical ignorance, as a rule, is always revealed by war, antagonism, violence, constant confrontation, mutual destruction of parts and even an integral historical structure. This is always a pathology of society, but freeing it from historical pathogens, and in this sense it is positive if it does not encroach on the life of the spheral structure of humanity as a whole, as is inherent in modern corporations that generate a dangerous pathology of "corporatism". It is leading to nuclear genocide and the destruction of all spheres of society (Atkinson, 2023). It is accompanied by a false consciousness, a confrontation of many false ideologies that feed violent conflicts, wars and exclude understanding, knowledge and achievement of true peace. The categories of holons and partons in their history and within the framework of tetranet dialectics, or tetralectics of spheronics are presented in more detail in the “Spheronics History” (Semashko, 2022), as well as in his other works on dialectics listed there. Both dialectics, positive and negative in the innovative, spheral format of spheronics, are necessary and together sufficient for a holistic understanding of the true world, therefore they are integrated into its methodology. But their role is different: the spheres positive dialectics generates and reproduces in history spontaneous true peace, while the negative dialectics of parts, partons and corporations gives rise to wars, undermines true peace and threatens it in our time with total nuclear genocide, constituting its main danger. All these categories: structure, dialectics (positive and negative, vertical and horizontal), whole, parts, spheres, holons, partons, opposites, contradiction, harmony, measure, unity, equality, structure’s viability, struggle, antagonism, mutual annihilation, structure’s death and etc. constitute the philosophical, ontological and epistemological "Structural-Dialectical Methodology" (SDM) of the true peace science, spheronics, its methodological framework. The driving force of this dialectics is not one-dimensional struggle, war and mutual destruction of parts or the whole, leading to the structure death in negative dialectics, but multidimensional harmony in the positive dialectic of the parts and whole unity, which ensures the vitality, peace and survival by the societal spheres/holons substantial structure. Both of these dialectics in unity, reviving the dialectic principle of Heraclitus: “struggle [of the partons] and harmony [of the holons] of opposites” and not just “struggle”, form the SDM framework of the spheronics true peace, which is enriched with a number of innovative attributes and tools, briefly listed below. The distinction between the necessary and sufficient harmonious parts-spheres of the whole from its other parts in the spheronics SDM makes it a spheral social dialectics, without which it is impossible to understand, explain and apply this megascience. This dialectics gives its SDM a fundamentally new status in the historical classification of philosophical methodologies and approaches. The harmonious methodological status of spheronics is determined dialectically inconsistently in different relations. on the one hand, it constitutes “monistic pluralism”, which emphasizes the monism of its single integral structure, and, on the other hand, it constitutes “pluralistic monism”, which emphasizes the pluralism of equally necessary parts-spheres of its structure, sufficient for its viability, survival and development in its endless historical genesis. This characterizes the new culture of social dialectical thinking of spheronics. The SDM includes other traditional categories and laws of dialectics as its tools, but in a modified spheral format of spheronics. This methodology tools will be applied, illustrated, detailed and specified in all paragraphs of our primer-dialogue. In it, we do not dwell on a special analysis of this methodology, which will require a separate book, but reveal it in the course of presenting our true peace science, spheronics. It is specially presented in the following works (Semashko, 1992, 1999, 2002, 2003, GGHA, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2019, etc.). Spheronics. True Peace Structural-Dialectical Methodology (SDM). The Categorical Tools Frame
 Fig. 2. We define briefly the innovative additional attributes and instruments of the spheronics true peace SDM. SDM, designed to understand true peace as integrity, as a holistic global reality inevitable and necessary for humanity in the future, is also global, holistic, wholeness and transdisciplinary. only similar methodological tools are able to build its global, holistic and transdisciplinary spheronics megascience, the scale of which in these attributes is symbolized by our planet. SDM spheronics covers all private, branch disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cluster, the knowledge and laws of which, one way or another, are to one degree or another are including in spheronics in synergy with all other knowledge, therefore this science is qualified as a transdisciplinary social megascience. The spheronics transdisciplinary essence is its key methodological attribute of its integration nature. It expresses the construction, openness and continuous renewal of spheronics megascience through the integration of the essential knowledge of all other socio-humanities sciences necessary to understand universal true peace. The spheronics integration eliminates the closeness, stagnation and dogmatism of some traditional, well-known semi-scientific, practically dead disciplines. Integration in the synergy of the fundamental world scientific achievements in spheronics raises its "on the shoulders of giants" of human thought that allows it to see beyond them and think better them, multiplying and strengthening its cognitive potential with the truths proven by history. This provides innovative spheronics with historical continuity based on past discoveries. The following paragraphs will show that today the spheronics potential by 90% consists of integrated truths of different disciplines. A special place in the SDM of the spheronics true peace is occupied the instrument of structural (visual) modeling or “spheral infographics of spheronics”, which has great explanatory and educational significance. It allows in parallel to the theoretical and thought series of its categories and laws on the planet scale to build a visual series of synthetic models, schemes, tables, diagrams and drawings that facilitate its understanding and memorization, and then move on to their mathematical and statistical modeling. The scientific visualization of spheronics is a specific, socio-humanitarian part of the cognitive world trend of scientific visualization. It introduces our primer-dialogue in the channel of the innovative educational strategy of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics/statistics). SDM of the spheronics true peace, for almost 50 years of its development, is equipped with such innovative technological tools as spheral global statistics (GlobStat), statistical digitalization of key categories of spheronics and artificial intelligence of global statistics (AIGS), (Semashko, 1992, 1999, 2002; GGHA 2019, 2023, etc.). They provide to spheronics an intermediary, convergent role between two fundamental pools of knowledge, or Snow’s two cultures, intersecting with both: STEAM and HASS - humanitarian and social sciences (Semenova R.I. et al., 2019; Teitelbaum, 2019; etc.) The argued explanation and illustration of these and other SDM tools of spheronics megascience, as well as its corresponding attributes, is carried out in all the paragraphs of our peacemaking primer-dialogue. We can express a hypothesis for the future that the spheronics SDM and its primer-dialogue offer and launch the instrumental platform for the construction of the “Spheronics Universe for the Peacemaking Education” in all continents and languages. The substance and connecting center of the spheronics SDM as the true peace holistic and transdisciplinary megascience is wholeness of its Gandhian spherons as an eternal sociogenetic structure of true peace, which is considered in the next paragraph of our peacemaking primer-dialogue. Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia 16-05-23 ------------------------------------------------
Paragraph No. 2. Methodology Dear friends coauthors, I am happy to send you a second paragraph in the attachment, in 7 pages in two languages (it is published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1131) of our peacemaking primer-dialogue for your discussion until May 17 incl., with your questions and objections for dialogue on this paragraph. The public objections are welcome, they make up a source of our dialogue. But the shorter (up to 3-5 lines) they will be, the more effective they are, it will be easier to be perceived by students. The Foreword responses of all coauthors are edited, reduced and translated into another language. They are published on the updated Foreword page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1130. Please, watch them, if there are objections, write, but do not tighten so that I can quickly answer them. Many thanks for your understand and work. The best wishes for true peace, Leo 13-05-23 Paragraph No. 2. Updating Dear coauthors, The constructive criticism prompted me to update half and reedit the second, most complex, methodological paragraph of our peacemaking primer-dialogue, a new version of which I am pleased to offer for your discussion. It's posted here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1131 First of all, I am waiting for your objections to the paragraph content in order to start a dialogue on it. In this paragraph, I came to the methodological identification and generalization of Atkinson's corporatism as a source of negative social dialectics and the whole complex of social pathology in all spheres of society. This opens up the possibility of a theoretical generalization of the entire factual set of corporatism of both Atkinson and many other researchers. I understand that methodology is always the most difficult part to understand, especially for non-professionals. But I encourage you to formulate your brief objections and questions, like students, for a dialogue at their level. This will be a great example for them. Thank you very much for your understanding and responses. Best wishes for true peace, Leo Semashko 16-05-23 ---------------------------- Dialogue: Pro and Contra