
Spheronics: True Peace Megascience Contents: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1129 -----------------------------------
6. The Spherons Social Production and True Peace Dynamics Laws By Leo Semashko (+coauthors) Publication: English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1136 Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1037 The thinking movement in our peacemaking primer from the social whole to the parts, from the abstract to the concrete, practice has reached the peak of abstraction, the turning point from it to the dynamics of change towards the practical concrete. This movement peak is focused in the structural fractal model-6, which expresses the structural identity of social production and true peace. To move towards their dynamics let us briefly define their identity.
1. The structural laws identity of social production and true peace. In the previous paragraph, the structures and laws identity of social production and true peace, which are equally large-scale, constant and eternal, was unfolded. The true structure of social production simultaneously constitutes the true peace structure and vice versa: if the second is absent, then the first is also absent. The false (pathological, abnormal, deviant, depressive) structure of social production is a temporary, militaristic and violent structure, which is filled with production crises, disharmony and which determines the false peace adequate structure, i.e. a temporary, militaristic and violent peace, filled with continuous wars and an arms race. The true structure is an eternal, nonviolent, peaceful and harmonious structure, which is accessible either to the intuitive insight of small, local civilizations of the golden age, or only to holistic science. If it does not exist, or it is rejected, then society is doomed to live for thousands of years in an eternally crisis, disharmonious social production and an eternally militaristic, violent peace, in endless wars and an arms race. This is characteristic of all previous history (except for the golden age) up to the present day. In the previous paragraph, the structural identity of social production and true peace was revealed at the level of statics, in the abstract. In this paragraph, it is revealed at the level of dynamics, continuous changes within the framework of regular and eternal static constants, which exist only in dynamics, through it and in no other way. 2. Dynamic "Sociocybernetic Genome" (Socionome) of spheres/spherons The structural laws, constants and attributes of the spheres/spherons of social production and true peace of humanity exist in reality only in the continuous dynamics of their constant changes. only their variability dynamics determines the reality of their constant statics. But they are in an inseparable dialectic: one does not exist without the other, and vice versa, in equal necessity and sufficiency for each other. Without knowing one, it is impossible to fully define the other as a whole that excludes the possibility of their conscious, full-fledged regulation, governance and organization, leaving them as spontaneous, uncontrollable processes in a whole, even if they are known in some parts and somehow regulated/controlled in them. But only the full measure of their regulation ensures the holistic, most effective governance of both holistic social production and holistic-global and true-just peace of humanity. Until a similar, highest level of governance efficiency is reached, effective social production and true peace cannot exist until then. Therefore, knowledge of their dynamics is a key, turning point from the abstract to the concrete, from ignorance to knowledge, from theory to practice, from spontaneous chaos to strategic planning. The social dynamics as a whole and from both, inseparable, sides of social production and true peace is programmed in the spheral constants of the PDEC four process components: production, distribution, exchange and consumption. They are just as eternal, equally necessary and sufficient, like the other 12 similar spheral constants. These constants were discovered and analyzed in detail on the example of the economy (technosphere) by the founders of the English political economy, Adam Smith (1723-1790) and David Ricardo (1772-1823). (It should be emphasized right away that A. Smith considered peace, both external and internal, to be the first condition for the well-being of any nation, the analysis of which subsequently disappeared from political economy, was replaced by the analysis of the class struggle and was restored only in spheronics). This theory was taken up and developed in the economic writings of Karl Marx (1818-1883). (References) Marx revealed the four processes deep dialectic of social production, in which the production of one (any) product coincides with the consumption/use of the resources necessary for it, through the mediating processes of distribution and exchange of both produced products and consumed resources. Therefore, the social production dynamics is a continuous process of transformation of some resources into other products, which immediately become resources for the production of new products in its new cycle. Therefore, every resource is a product of previous production, and every product is a resource of subsequent production, therefore they are denoted by one term: “resource/product”. This dynamic cycle of reproduction is endless and structurally identical at all levels of social production presented in model-3. Spheronics fully integrates the classical dialectic of reproduction processes but extends them and expands their scale to all spheral components of PIOT resources/products, i.e. on the entire integrity of global social production, not limiting it to one, the economic sphere (technosphere), as in the case of the classical political economy. The objective unity and inseparability of PIOT resources/products and the processes of their creation PDEC forms four inseparable spheres of social production of SIOT, which differ in one end product of PIOT. The sociosphere produces People. Infosphere produces Information. Orgsphere produces Organizations. Technosphere produces Things (all material goods and services). Since in the spheres the only living force, the actor of production are the SIOT spherons with the help of additional, inanimate resources (IOT: information, organization, things), the final product of their production employment and labor becomes the only criterion for their differentiation and difference. only the Sociospheron in the sociosphere produces People but with the help of the corresponding additional IOT resources. only the Infospheron in the infosphere produces Information but with the help of the corresponding additional IOT resources. only Orgspheron in the orgsphere produces Organizations but with the help of the corresponding additional IOT resources. only the Technospheron in the technosphere produces Things (all material goods and services) but with the help of the corresponding additional IOT resources. The spheres and their spherons subjects, from which they produce their respective products become and can only be the corresponding PIOT. Here the immutable dynamic law of the production of "like from like by means of dissimilar, additional resources" operates. This means that people can be produced (born and raised) only from people with the help of appropriate additional resources. Information can only be produced from information with the help of appropriate additional resources. Organization can only be produced from an organization with the help of the appropriate additional resources. The things can only be produced from the things with the appropriate additional resources. PIOT resources/products are not converted into each other but exist and are produced only by means of the others including their parts according to the “all in all” principle, see model-5. Together with the listed dynamic laws of products, resources and subjects of social production, there is another dynamic law: any impact of the PIOT social resources/products on natural resources transforms them into social/artificial ones in accordance with the measure of their impact. This objective dynamic law defines and regulates the ecological laws of conservation and restoration of all classes of natural resources that will be discussed further in the corresponding paragraph. All dynamic laws of production, as A. Smith assumed, influence to peace and depend on it, have a peacemaking aspect and meaning that are detailed below. All dynamic laws of production and true peace have a cybernetic nature of "direct and feedbacks" of the spheres, excluding any "primacy" of one of them, which are in principle universal for the spheres of nature and society. They were discovered by Norbert Wiener in his cybernetics, the fundamental laws of which are integrated by spheronics. (Reference) In general, the dynamic mode of existence of the social production and true peace constants (model-6) is represented by the following fundamental structural model, which expresses Dynamic sociocybernetic genome (SOCIONOME) of spheres/spherons.  Model-7. (Created in 1980)
What are the general features and laws of the dynamic structure of social production and true peace, presented in a model based on the PDEC processes, which ensure the variability, connection and mutual dependence of all 16 spheral constant components? Firstly, the model reveals the ever-living, continuously functioning and constantly reproducing itself in all changes societal (Parsons' term expressing fundamental, universal, enduring social attributes) genome, SOCIONOME of the 16 spheral components/constants. This is the socionome law. It reproduces itself at all levels of social production and at all social objects (model-3). It operates fully on the highest level of its integrity, which is constituted by the interaction of its four spheres in all their hierarchical, vertical and network, horizontal fullness. At all other levels, it is reduced, one way or another limited in certain components that are compensated in one way or another. For example, the absence of builders (technospheron) in the school is compensated by their invitation for current or overhaul from a construction company. The absence of teachers (sociospheron) at the mine is compensated if it is necessary to retrain miners and improve their qualifications in the appropriate educational institution. And so on in an infinite number of situations of this kind. Secondly, the model expresses the law of the individual change of employment of spherons. The most difficult question is: how is the socionome reproduced by each individual and vice versa? Any person, from birth to death, cannot live in the absence (without consumption/use) of at least one of the PIOT resources, although his dependence on different of them changes in different ways over the course of his life, this is obvious. Throughout his/her life, he/she does not leave the topological social space (Sloterdijk) of the four spheres and spherons of social production. Until working age and in all training, education and self-preservation, he/she remains the subject of the sociosphere, self-production and sociospheron in all its components: parents, teachers, doctors, rescuers, etc. Then, additionally, a person becomes the subject of influence of other spherons in the face of lawyers, leaders, politicians, scientists, ideologists, technosphere workers, public utilities, etc. on the other hand, with age, each individual determines his/her social employment in one or another spheron of the corresponding sphere, which he/she can change to any other in another sphere and spheron. Here the dynamic law of individual change of employment of spherons operates. At the level of non-labor individual employment, a person even more easily replaces the functions of spherons, determining the thermodynamics, stochasticity and nonlinearity of their dynamics, inaccessible to traditional, linear knowledge and thinking. Examples. When an individual is engaged in cleaning an apartment, repairing household items, cooking, etc., he/she is in the technosphere and performs the technospheron functions. When he/she moves on to raising children, to teaching them, to working with them, etc., or when he/she is busy with himself: rest, treatment, self-education, etc., he/she goes into the sociosphere and performs the sociospheron functions. When he/she composes music, writes poetry, works on a scientific article, project, invention, etc., he/she moves into the infosphere and infospheron. When he/she comes to any meeting of any organization, and participates in the development of any of its decisions or in any of its events, etc., he/she passes into the orgsphere and orgsferon. The whole individual life of a person takes place in a spontaneous, but continuous change of the topological social spaces of the four spheres/spherons, one might say, “like a squirrel in their topological wheel”, from birth to death, daily and many times. Moreover, the person social, labor employment in the life and activity of any of the four spherons is always part of his/her continuous individual self-employment in the sociosphere, from which he/she never leaves from birth to death. In it he/she is born and in it he/she dies. Here is the universal core spheral dialectics of the individual and the social, human and society as two inseparable sides of self-production of one social nature and one inseparable anthroposphere of the Earth. Thirdly, the model represents the law of the eternal, self-reproducing cell of any society, individual and social nature as a whole. This is a cell of scientific social science, fundamental macrosociology, transdisciplinary megascience of spheronics, holistic social production and true, just and global peace, which in its most general form is revealed in our peacemaking primer-dialogue. Fourthly, the model creates a fundamental theoretical basis for the social qualimetry of social production and true peace in spheral global statistics, the disclosure of which, together with the verification of spherons at each social object, is devoted to the next paragraph. 3. Comparison of models of world and spheral dynamics Everything is known in comparison. If there are no analogues for comparison with the static world fractal model-6, then they exist for comparison of the spheral dynamics model-7 with the models of world dynamics. There are three groups of similar models: 1. Jay Forrestor's "World Dynamics": "World1" model, the first version of which dates back to 1970 (Footnote). 2. The "World3" version models, "The Limits to Growth" by the Club of Rome team of scientists led by Denis Meadows, graduate student of Jay Forrester, based on the modified "World1", launched since 1972, the last, fourth version of which was presented in 2012 (Footnote) . Its advantages and disadvantages of a limited scope are discussed in detail by Gaya Herrington (2020). 3. The "World Dynamics of the 21st Century" model, a group of scientists from Moscow State University led by V. Sadovnichy, 2022 (Footnote). All of these models are mathematical, based on the Earth's natural resources limitations, which inevitably place limits on population growth and human well-being within our century. If the differential equations of the models first two groups express regularities from 7 to 12+ variables, mainly of a natural/material and demographic nature, then in the MSU model they are generalized and expanded in 7 spheres of these variables: “environment/climate, ecology, technology, demography, economy, sociosphere , policy". This trend symbolizes a clear positive direction in the approach of world dynamics models to the model-7 spheral dynamics, the four necessary and sufficient spheres of which are explicitly included in the MSU model. Naturally, this trend, together with its mathematical tools, is integrated into the spheral model-7 of world dynamics. Here there is no possibility and need to go into details of comparison of these models, which we will limit only to key, positive and negative trends. The negative trend or shortcomings of mathematical models of world dynamics are determined by the absence of their fundamental, scientific and theoretical macro-sociological substantiation. It is represented in the static fractal model-6 by 16 constants, which are interpreted and deployed as the main calculated variables on the dynamic model-7 of the societal genome, allowing detailing by private variables by integrating them from mathematical models. on the other hand, updating the theoretical base of the models will lead to a qualitative update of their qualimetric tools, which is discussed below. Another direction of the world dynamics models improving is connected with the fact that updating their theoretical justification will lead to and will cause a deliberate change in the trajectory of growth due to the turn of society to another quality of growth, not material-technical and militaristic, depleting natural resources but to a peacemaking, socially priority quality. The growth in this direction has an unlimited range of human, spiritual, technological and organizational capabilities. Their discussion and understanding is excluded by mathematical models of their theoretical limitations. It is removed by the spheral dynamic model by-7. The future growth will be possible not due the population and production growth, limited by the planet natural resources scale but due to the growth in the quality of information, knowledge, technologies and organization/governance of society, free from the limits of growth based on a new, scientific vision and ideology. The MSU model authors rightly emphasize and predict this: "real growth cannot be infinite, therefore it is inevitable ... society must change significantly in ... the global phase transition of the world system from one state to another, and ... in the current transitional era, the emergence of a new ideology is inevitable" (Footnote, MSU, p. 38, etc.). This ideology/vision can only be a scientific, global, acceptable to all nations worldview of true, just peace, which is offered by spheronics megascience in this primer and other publications. It limits material and demographic growth, but opens up boundless spiritual, technological and organizational growth for a new civilization of the humanity true peace. The mathematical and statistical tools nature of the spheral dynamic model-7 is revealed in the following paragraphs. A good conclusion to this paragraph is a paraphrase of a quote from the Club of Rome first president, the anti-fascist movement member, Aurelio Peccei: “worthy wisdom, learn to maintain in harmony and balance all human affairs” (Footnote, 1977). Maintaining the harmony and balance of humanity in a true and just global peace is provided by the spheral dynamic model-7. Therefore, following Peccei, it must be said: “a person now, in fact, has no choice but to approach” this model as quickly as possible, recognize its truth, which is the same for all peoples, and follow it, overcoming insurmountable crises and limits to the growth of all spheres from the standpoint of traditional partial approaches. Leo Semashko, 11-06-23 ----------------------------------
Paragraph 6. Dynamic laws of true peace. Dear coauthors-peacemakers, We are glad to send you for discussion in dialogue with your objections and questions the 6th paragraph (5 pages) of our peacemaking primer until June 14 inclusive. This paragraph is published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1136 We emphasize that in our paragraphs, as drafts, the bibliography is only outlined in the attachment below. It will be finally created at the primer final stage in the fall. Best wishes for your health and true peace, LeoSemashko, 11-06-23 ----------------------
Dialogue: Pro and Contra --------------------------------------------
In process