Born. October 1, 1927. ----------------------------------------------------
Rudolf Siebert. Family Reunion 2023 Personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 Rudolf Siebert List of the published articles in the Global Harmony Association’s books since 2006: Harmonious Era Calendar. By 27 coauthors from 12 countries in 12 languages, 2006, St-Petersburg University, article: The Golden Rule, pages on English: 30-34: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=190 The ABC of Harmony. By 76 coauthors from 26 countries in two languages, 2012. New Delhi, Doosra Mat Prakashan, article: The Golden Rule of Religions: The First Law of Social Harmony, pages on English: 134-136: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=499 Global Peace Science. By 174 coauthors from 34 countries in two languages, 2016. New Delhi, JD Group of Publication, article: The Slavic and the American World: The Possibility of Peaceful Cooperation. Chapter 10.62, p.396-401: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf Mahatma Gandhi. Nonviolence Starting Point. Spherons’ Genetics and Statistics. GANDHICA. 2019: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/gandhi-nonviolence-of-spherons-gandhica-2019.pdf
Anti-Nuclear Manifesto for Global Security/Peace XXI. 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/Anti-Nuclear-Manifesto-XXI.pdf https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908
Spheronics: True Peace Megascience. (In process.) 2023: Contents: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1129 +Publications: In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=747 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=718 Rudolf Siebert’s Archive pages on the GHA website "Peace from Harmony" in English: 1.Personal page: Open letter to President Trump. Golden Rule of Harmony in religions and society: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 2.The Slavic and the American World: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=611 3.Call for Papers: The Future of Religion: The Dialectic of Secularization. Dubrovnik, 2018: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=740 4.Tetrasociology of Spherons: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=746 5.Memorial Service and Memorial Meal for Steve: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=773 6. Rudolf Siebert. The Third Way: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=945 7. Rudolf Siebert. Religion Psychology: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=939 7. Rudolf Siebert. Global Ethic of Peace: Hans Küng 1928-2021 (+ На русском): https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=992 8. Rudolf Siebert. Golden Rule: Contra Ukrainian Nazism and Pro the Russian and American worlds solidarity: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1063 9. Professor Rudolf Siebert. Great scientist, anti-fascist, peacemaker. The historical experience of denazification. Congratulations on your 95th anniversary!: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1106 10. Rudolf Siebert and his friends: new joint videos and common publications: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1142 11. Rudolf Siebert. Family Reunion 2023: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1144 --------------------------------- Family Reunion 2023 Dear Family, Dear Friends: Welcome to Holland!
We have all been here before
No one is new to Holland, Unfortunately John and Nick are missing this year. Cecilia is still in the hospital. Christopher's plane has been cancelled twice. Theyall shall return next year! We have a tradition! A wonderful family tradition!A yearly family reunion in Holland! Our first contacts with the Holland Housearereaching back to 1962.At that time, we had a student, Jerry Bone, now Reverend Bone, living with us in Kalamazoo. He was the first of over 30 students who went through the House of Peace in Kalamazoo, as they got their higher education anddid their Masters or PHDs. After his graduation from Western Michigan University, our student Jerry Bone wanted to study theology at the University of Chicago. He needed money. His Grandmother had left him a house at the beach of Lake Michigan, in Holland. He wanted to sell the house to us for $16,000,in order to be able to study in Chicago.We were not ready to buy, because we had just bought our house in Kalamazoo, and we did not know, if we would stay at WMU. I founded the Union at WMU without tenior, and did other dangerous things,like leadership in the student revolution of the time. I also taught every summer in Canada, and maybe we would stay there. Thus, Jerry Bone sold the house to two ministers. The ministers then got divorced, and left the ministry, and then separated, and one took over the house, and inherited it to his children. We started to rent the House at the Lake from him instead of buying it for many years. We helped to pay the taxes and for repairs and innovations. one does not have to own things in order to enjoy them! We have now enjoyed the House at the Lake for 61 years. Some of you did not even exist, when we started to come to the House at the Lake, e.g. Jeanne and her whole dear family. The House on the Beach became our second home away from the House of Peace in Kalamazoo.
Your Mother, and Grandmother, and Greatgrandmother, the beginning and origin of our whole family, loved the Houseon the Beach and Lake Michigan. She wept bitterly, when she had to say good bye to it in June 1978. Maybe today, as some theologans say, she is closer to nature than she was before, and if so, she will enjoy tremendously seeing her six Greatgrandchildren swimming together inherbeloved Lake Michigan in July 2023.
Since 1962, our family tree has grown powerfully in the USA and in Canada. It continues to grow in 2023. Lauren and Karl have put together the most recent and present events of growth of our family tree.Thank you to Lauren and Karl for creating the list of events.Thanks to you as well as to Agnesfor organizing our whole Family Reunion 2023, and the whole House on the Beach event during the two weeks of family vacations. Here are the great events of the year 2023:
There are first of all all the Summer Birthdays from June to August 2023:
Birthday Congratulations to Meaghan, Kyle, Mike, Christopher, Brantley, Sally, Agnes, Tatum, Brooke, Solomon, Ryan, and Steve. It seems almost everybody was born in July and August. Lets have a toast to all our birthdays in July and August!!! May they all live for a long time and be happy and creative!!! There are secondly all the Summer Anniversaries:
Dad & Mom, that is me and your dear Mother, Grandmother and Greatgrandmother Margie, got engaged in St.Gallen, Switzerland, in July 1955, and we got married a year later in Dieburg,Germany, on July 29, 1956, 67 years ago.
Our marriage actually lasted to 1978, 22 years, when Margie died in London, ontario.In reality our familyhas lasted 67 years. According to Scripture, people are not married in heaven. They live like angels.But they still love each other, and even more so than on earth bfore.Fortunately, also according to scripture, peoplealso still drink wine. Enjoy your marriage on earth, as long as possible! Brad & Rosi have been married 39 years. They just celebrated their anniversary in Haway via helicopter! Sally & Cory have been married for10 years. Karl & Laurie have been marriedot 40 years. Jeanne & Christopher have been marriedfor 20 years. Lauren & Ahmedhave been married 1 year. Ahmed is the first Islamic brother, who has entered our Siebert family in the past 500 years. Karen & Ken have been marriedfor 23 years, in which they became family, and made my last years of teaching possible, and my first years of retirement in the House of Peace most creative and happy: in my nature and culture paradise!!! Lets have a toast to all our wedding anniversaries in July and August!!! May all the marriages continue happily and meaningfully for a long time!!!
There are thirdly all the Weddings and Engagements: Jacob & Brooke were married this year. Christopher & Natalie will get married soon. Their wedding is coming up in September. Alex & Jesse have married earlier this year. Jesse is the second Jewish brother, who has entered our family since 1700, after the first Jewish brother, Joshua had done so.We are grateful for both of them. Ty & Lexigot married earlier this year. Lets have a toast to all our newly wedded, or soon to be wedded family members!!! May all their marriages have a good start0, and continue happily, and turn into good families!!! There are fourthlyall the Graduations:
Ryan graduated from High School and is on his way to studies at Harvard University. Tatum graduated from High School and is on her way to studies at Indiana University. Meaghan completed her Psychotherapy Program and has started to practice her profession. Jacob as entered the Kalamazoo Public Safety selection and has succeeded.He follows the example of one of his uncles.Jacob will start a most honorable work for the community, the protection of life and property.Nothing is more needed at this time of crisis. We wish him fortitude. Lets have a toast to all our newly graduated family members.We are proud of all of you. Enjoy your studies.Have a good start into your chosen professions. Be productive and creative in them for a long time to come. There are fifth all the Retirements:
Karl will retire on August 18 from a long, most productive and creative professional life on several continents. May he have the meaningful and fulfilling retirement, partially here in Holland, which he deserves. Thomas has retired this year from a long, very exciting professional life,which took him all around the world. May he continue a retirement filled with all the good things he likes to do, e.g. writing critical articles for the enlightenment of human kind in general and the loberals in particular!!! Nothing is more important! Thomas is a teacher at heart! This year John has celebrated his Ordination Anniversary of 35 years in the Anglican Priesthood. We are certainly very honored to have him in our family. According to Thomas Aquinas, on Judgement day all men and women will be judged not according to the Church's teaching, but according to their conscience. Lets have a toast to all our newly retired family members.We wish them all new experiences in nature and in culture.May they be able to do, what they never could do so far. Thank you all for being here, and for contributing to our Family Reunion 2023!
Enjoy the good meal! Lets enjoy a nice boat ride on Kalamazoo River and Lake Michigantomorrow. Lets have anotherfamily meal after the boat ride in Sagatuck, the former Kalamazoo. Lets have ameal prayerfrom your Mother's and Grand Mother's and Greatgrandmother's Psalm Book, Psalm 46, which she gave me on Father's Day 1978, our last Father's Day together. Jews, Christians and Muslims pray the psalms ! Lets look forward to our next Family Reunion in 2024!!! Until then, Love, your Dad,Granddad, and Greatgranddad,
from the House of Peace 16-07-23