Spiritual Culture for Harmonious Civilization Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) Citizens of Earth! Unite in the Gandhian spherons’ harmony for love, peace, truth, nonviolence, justice, freedom, equality, fraternity and happiness!

GGHA was founded on February 15, 2005; initiator and founder is Leo Semashko.
GGHA is a volunteer international Academy of Gandhian Peace Science, Spheronics. GGHA unites more 600 members in 55 countries. GGHA was nominated for the creation of the Gandhian Spherons Global Peace MegaScience - Spheronics to the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, 2017 and 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1000 Web: https://peacefromharmony.org, more than 19 million views in 18 years Board: 36 GGHA members from 14 countries www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 GGHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India; E-mail: hasina@worldgrowthforums.com GGHA Mission is: Global peace/security from harmony of the Gandhian equal spherons on the ‘substantially new" (Einstein) spheral, holistic and fractal tetranet thinking base of the “Spherons Global Peace MegaScience” (SGPM) or briefly “Spheronics” through universal harmonious spherons’ education: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 The India President in 2002-7, Dr. Abdul Kalam, the first world leader, who recognized the Spheronics as "the dawn of a first harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the Earth nations" in 2012: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=489
GGHA Peace Formula: "Peace Comes from Spherons Harmony through their Peace Science and AI" --------------------------------------------------------

The AGI Complementary Paradigms Synergy: “OpenAGI” (OAGI) & “PeaceAGI” (PAGI). The launch of Russian-American scientific partnership in the AI & Gandhian Peace Science field. Theses. By Leo Semashko Publication:
In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1059
Basic terms: OpenAGI – Open Artificial General Intelligence, OAGI, USA, PeaceAGI – Peace Artificial General Intelligence, PAGI, Russia, AGI – artificial superintelligence, the AI highest level, the creation of which the USA “OpenAI” Company is dedicated to. Contents I. Structure, principles and grants of OpenAI (OAI) to solve its problems 1.1. OpenAI: nonprofit research company 1.2. OpenAI Structure 1.3. OpenAI Charter. 1.4. The fundamental problem of "superintelligence" is alignment 1.5. Quick Grants for Super Alignment 1.6. Grants to finance various areas of research 1.7. "Totally new approaches" 1.8. Grant FAQs II. Methodology and organization of PeaceAGI (PAGI) work 2.1. PAGI paradigm: methodology and general characteristics 2.2 Why this paradigm is critical to OAGI alignment and safety? 2.3. PAGI spheral instrumental languages: “Totally new approaches” 2.4. The key cognitive law of safe, peaceful and useful AGI 2.5. PAGI team structure and grant distribution I. Structure, principles and grants of OpenAI (OAI) to solve its problems 1.1.OpenAI: Nonprofit Research Company. OpenAI creates Artificial Superintelligence, AGI - Artificial General Intelligence. It is non-profit research company of Elon Mask and others, dedicated to "Creating Safe AGI that Benefits All of Humanity"
«This technology will profoundly transform how we live. There is still time to guide its trajectory, limit abuse, and secure the most broadly beneficial outcomes.» Anna Makanju. Head of Public Policy at OpenAI. «AI systems are becoming a part of everyday life. The key is to ensure that these machines are aligned with human intentions and values.»
Mira Murati. Chief Technology Officer at OpenAI. All the nonprofit research company information of Elon Mask and other OpenAI cofounders is presented on its website: https://openai.com, especially on its blog grant: https://openai.com/blog/supralignment-fast-grants. This site is the only source of information that we quote here without details and additional links.
1.2. OpenAI Structure OpenAI campaign consists of three teams: “1. Safety (robustness, and reliability) Systems AGI team, priority team including four sub-teams: Safety Engineering, Safety Research (alignment), Safety Reasoning Research (risks), Human-AI Interaction (policy). Responsible AI development needs cooperation on safety. We believe that safe AGI cannot be developed in a vacuum. 2. Preparednessteam. 3. Superalignmentteam. «Building on the many years of our practical alignment work and applied safety efforts, Safety Systems addresses emerging safety issues and develops new fundamental solutions …, to make AI that is beneficial and trustworthy. Safety Systems stays closest to deployment risks while our Superalignment team focuses on aligning superintelligence and our Preparedness team focuses on safety assessments for frontier models.» «We collaborate with industry leaders and policymakers to ensure that AI systems are developed in a trustworthy manner.» «Join us. Safety Systems is at the forefront of AI safety research and development. If you're interested in being part of this groundbreaking work, we invite you to apply for our safety engineer, research engineer, and research scientist positions. Come work on making AI systems safe and beneficial for humanity.” 1.3. OpenAI Charter “Our Charter describes the principles we use to execute on OpenAI’s mission. This document reflects the strategy we’ve refined over the past two years... The timeline to AGI remains uncertain, but our Charter will guide us in acting in the best interests of humanity. OpenAI’s mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI)—by which we mean highly autonomous systems that outperform humans... —benefits all of humanity... To that end, we commit to the following principles: 1. Broadly distributed benefits... AGI’s deployment to the benefit of all, and to avoid enabling uses of AI or AGI that harm humanity or unduly concentrate power. Our primary fiduciary duty is to humanity. 2. Long-term safety. We are concerned about late-stage AGI development becoming a competitive race without time for adequate safety precautions. Therefore, if a value-aligned, safety-conscious project comes close to building AGI before we do, we commit to stop competing with and start assisting this project. We will work out specifics in case-by-case agreements, but a typical triggering condition might be “a better-than-even chance of success in the next two years.” 3. Technical leadership... We believe that AI will have broad societal impact before AGI, and we’ll strive to lead in those areas that are directly aligned with our mission and expertise. 4. Cooperative orientation. We will actively cooperate with other research and policy institutions; we seek to create a global community working together to address AGI’s global challenges. We are committed to providing public goods that help society navigate the path to AGI... increasing the importance of sharing safety, policy, and standards research.” 1.4. The fundamental problem of "superintelligence" is alignment «We believe superintelligence could arrive within the next 10 years. These AI systems would have vast capabilities—they could be hugely beneficial, but also potentially pose large risks. Today, we align AI systems to ensure they are safe using reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). However, aligning future superhuman AI systems will pose fundamentally new and qualitatively different technical challenges. Superhuman AI systems will be capable of complex and creative behaviors that humans cannot fully understand. For example, if a superhuman model generates a million lines of extremely complicated code, humans will not be able to reliably evaluate whether the code is safe or dangerous to execute. Existing alignment techniques like RLHF that rely on human supervision may no longer be sufficient. This leads to the fundamental challenge: how can humans steer and trust AI systems much smarter than them? This is one of the most important unsolved technical (?) problems in the world. But we think it is solvable with a concerted effort…We think there is an enormous opportunity for the ML research community and individual researchers to make major progress on this problem today. As part of our Superalignment project, we want to rally the best researchers and engineers in the world to meet this challenge—and we’re especially excited to bring new people into the field.» 1.5. Quick Grants for Super Alignment «In partnership with Eric Schmidt, we are launching a $10M grants programto support technical research towards ensuring superhuman AI systems are aligned and safe… We are offering $100K–$2M grants for academic labs, nonprofits, and individual researchers…up to 2 years. No prior experience working on alignment is required; we are actively looking to support researchers who are excited to work on alignment for the first time. Our application process is simple, and we’ll get back to you within four weeks of applications closing. Apply by February 18.» 1.6. Grants to finance various areas of research «Weak-to-strong generalization: Humans will be weak supervisors relative to superhuman models. Can we understand and control how strong models generalize from weak supervision? Interpretability: How can we understand model internals? And can we use this to e.g. build an AI lie detector? Scalable oversight: How can we use AI systems to assist humans in evaluating the outputs of other AI systems on complex tasks? Many other research directions, including but not limited to: honesty, chain-of-thought faithfulness, adversarial robustness, evals and testbeds, and more. For more on the research directions, FAQs, and other details, see our Superalignment Fast Grants page. We will need new breakthroughs to steer and control AI systems much smarter than us. This is one of the most important unsolved technical problems of our time. But we think it is a solvable machine learning problem. New researchers can make enormous contributions! Please see the blog post for the basic information on this program:https://openai.com/blog/superalignment-fast-grants» 1.7. "Totally new approaches" «We very much haven’t solved the problem of aligning superhuman AI systems yet, and we expect that we will still need new ideas and approaches. We’d love to hear your new ideas!» «Safely aligning powerful AI systems is one of the most important unsolved problems for our mission. Techniques like learning from human feedback are helping us get closer, and we are actively researching new techniques to help us fill the gaps.» «There is currently no known indefinitely scalable solution to the alignment problem.” (Носуществуетнеизвестное – Лев Семашко). «We want every AGI developer to use the world’s best alignment techniques.» «Unaligned AGI could pose substantial risks to humanity and solving the AGI alignment problem could be so difficult that it will require all of humanity to work together.» 1.8. Grant FAQs «Do you have any advice for my grant application? Concrete, clear, and concise wins the day. We expect to get a lot of applications; you’ll stand out if you can crisply describe your background, what you plan to work on concretely, and why it matters for AGI alignment. Keep your main application short; you can link to or attach longer additional materials.» «I’m not a machine learning researcher. Can I still apply? Yes! We think excellent researchers in other fields or engineers with other backgrounds can makecontributions… We’ll generally be looking for evidence of your strong abilities in other quantitative fields.» «Who evaluates the applications? Members of the OpenAI Superalignment team, as well as select external reviewers with relevant expertise.» «How large of a grant can I apply for? We generally expect to make grants of $100k–$2M, for a term of one to two years. We expect grants to be primarily used for funding compute costs, salaries, students, and human data; please specify the intended use of the funds in the budget section of the application form…In addition to your mainline budget, we generally advise including a budget range (smaller version of the project; more ambitious version of the project). This allows us to e.g. offer partial support.» «Are grants restricted to the United States? No—we expect to be able to make grants to individuals and institutions in most other countries as well, barring legal restrictions.» «I love this idea and I want to help! Can I provide additional funding or other support? Yes! Thank you for being awesome! If you want to contribute in any way, please email us atsuperalignmentfastgrants@openai.com.» II. Methodology and organization of PeaceAGI (PAGI) work 2.1. PAGI paradigm: methodology and general characteristics The spheronics history includes three stages: Indian, Gandhian, 1927-1948; Russian, 1976-2004 and international, GGHA, since 2005 to the present (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=983).The motive of automated information systems, as predecessors and the initial stage of PAGI, has been included in spheronics since 1980. In the PAGI paradigm history several terms of self-identification have been adopted, expressing its different features and attributes, but identical in meaning. The main ones are: “Spherons Global Peace MegaScience” (SGPM), Spheronics, Spheral Approach, Spheral Macrosiology, Spheral Macrostatistics, Spheral Harmonism, Tetrism, Spherism, and others, which are used and explained as necessary, dialectical and historical spheral pluralism/tetrism, integrating the scientific achievements of other “isms” of the past and others that are used and explained as necessary. The spheronics history as a common theoretical platform of PAGI began since the discovery of the macrosociological “Newtonian law of the spherons’ nonviolence who governs humanity” by Mahatma Gandhi in 1927. Therefore, spheronics, rightfully, was called “Gandhian”. The spherons category has become a conceptual center and the through concept of all theoretical levels of spheronics and PAGI as one of its applications for the entire social spectrum from individuals to whole humanity in the extreme scaling, covering all people from birth to death globally. The spherons categories reflect the fundamental reality of the humanity universal social structure at all its levels that is verified by world statistics according to a special technique accessible to any competent person with knowledge of arithmetic at any social object, which has their own statistics. The holistic, macrosociological nature of the Gandhian spherons demanded the creation of its special, spheral macrosociological science of spheronics with its dialectical methodology, with its conceptual linguistic apparatus, its spheral statistics and with its spheral indices. Ultimately, the spheronics development has joined the computer systems development as harbingers of AI since the beginning of the 80s in XX century. The spheronics history in all the variety of its levels, attributes and tools is presented in more than 1,500 publications, including more than 20 books and hundreds of projects and messages in different languages. Most of them are posted on the GGHA website (https://peacefromharmony.org) on its almost 3000 pages in 16 languages (the main of which, by 90%, are Russian and English) the home page of which creates the banners visual clip row of spheronics different phenomena for the first acquaintance with them. In the statics, at the holistic macrosociological level, spheronics found the reflection of the humanity social genome, which is preserved in all its historical transformations at all levels in the next structural model:

Fig. 1. Societal spheral genome of humanity. Statics This static, eternal macrosociological structure of humanity in spheronics is verified empirically, logically and statistically in our publications, being, at the same time, quite self-evident but extremely as difficult as possible for the theoretical explanation of its spheral components relationships in their historical dynamics. The sociogenome expresses and applies to every social object, without exception, in full or in a reduced manner, structurally or historically, empirically. In the humanity dynamics, at the holistic level, spheronics found a visual structural expression in the societal genome next dynamic model, within which its macrosociological laws are revealed: 
Fig. 2. Societal spheral genome of humanity. Dynamics The spheronics macrosociological statics and dynamics as the PAGI conceptual platform is presented in the next recent 2023, publication for BRICS+: https://peacefromharmonyd=en_c&class=1160. It will be modified for the OpenAI grant purposes at the stage and its applications and its execution. The spheronics macrosociology in statics and dynamics has been verified at the empirical level of world statistics that was presented in the 2019 book here: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/gandhi-nonviolence-of-spherons-gandhica-2019.pdf. At the holistic philosophical level, spheronics found a visual expression of the spheral vision structure and its thinking in the next tetrad model: 
Fig. 3. The spheronics philosophical vision structural scheme If the models of macrosociological statics and dynamics are verified by the macrostatical tool, the vision model is verified only partially, at the social level, but remains problematic and open to correction and verification in other parts, however, it constitutes the most effective philosophical hypothesis of our time. The presented three generalizing structural models of spheronics, together with dozens of models detailing them, outline the extreme scale of scientific thinking in spheronics as a single, general level for the operator/human and the IGI superintellect in our paradigm PAGI. It is summarized by a single topological space of four eternal, equally necessary and sufficient spherons of humanity, all social objects of which (individuals, families, enterprises, settlements, cities, countries, industries, corporations, all associations and humanity as a whole), including AGI, are created by spherons and exist only due to their productive reasonable energy, without going beyond the sociogenome (Fig. 1). It limits the space of the artificial in society to only artifacts acceptable to the sociogenome. This means that all social nature from its beginning to its end, focused in its eternal sociogenome, does not go beyond its permissible boundaries, and it is nothing more than the spherons eternal topology, the center of which is their harmony, as the social “only true objective reality” in Poincaré words. The spherons harmony in their infinite social space topology constitutes the ultimate constant of social nature since its beginning to its end that is common, natural standard to humans and any machine “superintelligence”. The spherons social harmony scientific knowledge prevents, or ensures a peaceful, reasonable resolution of all conflicts in society at all its levels from individs to humanity that determines the peaceful nature and purpose of the PAGI paradigm. Statistically and mathematically, the sociogenome and its spherons harmony are expressed by the spheral indices fractal normative matrices of size 4x4n, where “n” is an infinite series of natural numbers. To express deviations of spheral indices from the sociogenome normative matrices, a series of negative numbers is used, and to express their various reductions of different scales, a series of fractional numbers is used, etc. They quantitatively express the spherons social topology in all its diversity and infinity, the calculation and comprehension of which is impossible without PAGI. This is the PAGI paradigm general characteristics for its synergy with OAGI and others. 2.2 Why this paradigm is critical to OAGI alignment and safety? The PAGI paradigm scientific models act in it as its common denominator, i.e. a single language, standard and scale for the intellectual space of thinking operations at both a person/operator and any AGI. only within their limits are they both, a person and a machine, remain in thinking true, peaceful, secured verification, deserving mutual trust, and therefore safe and useful for the humanity benefit. Within the framework of fundamental social and cognitive boundaries scientifically known by human, he/she frees himself from the role of an axiomatically less weak agent of thinking than the AGI “superintellect” and puts it at his, objectively and scientifically higher level of holistic thinking. The AGI is not able to go beyond these models boundaries according to its design and therefore cannot create existential risks for person and society. Similar general AGI design initially ensures its fundamental safety but does not remove it on a functional scale of sector risks. A person and machine interact on the well-known principle: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." (Math. 22,21), which is broadcast in this refraction as follows: “The fundamental structures and substance must be left to human, and to the machine their infinite scale and details inaccessible to a person.” At this strategic level, the problem of their “superalightment-1” is simply removed, reset and transferred to the level of private, tactical strategies of functional “alignment-2”. on it, it remains in two other, no less important strategies of mutual ML: the machine learns from a person with weaknesses, mistakes and limitations of his negative and false thinking, so as not to repeat them, because they lead society to crises, depression and self-destruction, and human learns from the machine by the ways to prevent them and similar. In these strategies, the OAGI teams have accumulated an invaluable empirical experience that will be mastered and integrated by our PAGI paradigm. on the other hand, our paradigm offers for OAGI the spheronics fundamental theoretical platform with its instruments to solve principally its safety problems and alignment. The PAGI extreme holistic scale, its constant structure and the societal genome eternal substance at all levels from an individual to humanity bring out any AGI on their constructive platform from the zone of existential wrong decisions and risks but no more. The PAGI similar possibility is the powerful, spheral potential of structural synergy, convergence and mutual integration of two complementary versions of AGI, in which the OAGI paradigm has no less significant potential of segmental and functional solutions. We assume that such advantages and approaches of our paradigm, together with the above and below, will be adequate, attractive and very effective for the breakthrough of another paradigm in solving security problems, alignment, scaling, standards and others that are still insoluble in it. All of them, as we think, are critical for synergy, convergence and mutual integration of our paradigms that determines the necessary of our cooperation. As its authors emphasize, in this case “we commit to stop competing with and start assisting this project” and cooperate. We expect it. Because of our capabilities and the Grants give intentions we real hope to get the desired grant from them and begin intensive working cooperation with them in the next two years. 2.3. PAGI spheral instrumental languages: “Totally new approaches” For more than half a century of the spheronics research and development, three instrumental, spheral in the general structure of innovative global languages have been created in it: 1. The conceptual language of the spheral Macrosociology, presented in hundreds of articles and dozens of books since 1970, is the most briefly (10 pp.) and full in the project for BRICS+, but so far only in Russian here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1051. It is concentrated in two models of a sociogenome in statics and dynamics in figures 1 and 2 above. 2. The qalimetric language of spheral Macrostatistics, or global statistics, GlobStat has been developed and tested since 1980, the examples of which are presented in their first publication in the book: “Spheral Approach. Philosophy, Democracy, Market, Man. Methodology, Conception, Projections", SPb, 1992, p. 368. In English translation: “L. M. Semashko. The Spheral Approach," Saint Petersburg. 1993. P.320: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/leo-semashko-spheral-approach-1993.pdf (published with abbreviations and additions of 1993). The most complete presentation and justification of the spheral Macrostatistics in the matrix fractal structure from infinite size is presented in a special book of 2019, under the short name “Gandhica” in four languages here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848. The latest generalization of the spheral statistics examples in 2023 is presented in our recent work, in section 4 on 2 pages: “Leo Semashko, Olga Kashina. Spheronics: Artificial Intelligence of Global Statistics and Russian Leadership in the "Peace Race". January 2023. 25p.: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1109. Their other generalization is presented in the PAGI startup on the 15 pages for the “Innovation Fund” in Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/Заявка_Стартап_Утвержденный_С1ИИ-300867-3_Соткликом_05-02-23.pdf. 3. The visual language of the spheral structural modeling, accompanying the first two languages, has a long-standing philosophical substantiation and is illustrated in almost every project, book or article by the GGHA in appropriate visual models and schemes. 4. Based on the three named spheronics languages, one of the known ones will be found for PAGI or a special programming language will be created. It will make the possibilities and advantages of spheral languages available for AGI on a variety of electronic devices from smartphones, tablets of peacemaking games and computers to AGI extreme scale. To complete the qualimetric statistical language and to develop a special programming language in cooperation with OAGI, a requested grant is required. The PAGI general artificial spheral languages make up an additional basis for solving all the OAGI problems, including the main ones - security and alignment. They normalize the natural language and greatly simplify its qualimetric version for transformation into programming language. But they require, first of all, for developers and operators of AGI the intensive learning in these languages in the educational course of at least 1-2 months for specialists with the higher education of a bachelor or master. “First you need to train operators, and then the AGI” is the PAGI main principle! For working purposes, this course can be reduced to 1-2 weeks, which is prepared for the PAGI team. 2.4. The key cognitive law of safe, peaceful and useful AGI Heraclitus long distinguished between intelligence and knowledge, arguing that “much knowledge does not teach intelligence.” Machine knowledge of endless data will never teach intelligence to a machine or a person. Man is not given the ability to know infinite data, but he is given the ability to think and generalize them into small eternal and constant structures that organize, order, subordinate and control all sets of infinite phenomena and infinite data about them. Man creates machines not in order to make them overlords and become their slaves but in order to share functions with the machine according to Plato’s principle of justice: “To each his own,” or something similar: “To Caesar - Caesar’s, to God - God’s.” Let a machine teach a person and help him master the infinity of data, but only a person can teach a machine to know the structures, substances and laws of its organization in different spheres and segments of natural and social reality. For example, there is an infinite number of chemical molecules, the knowledge of which is inaccessible to man, but he masters it through knowledge of a higher, holistic order, through knowledge of the small “Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D.I. Mendeleev". Similar for society. Knowledge of its elements infinite number is inaccessible to human, but in the spheronics macrosociological science he masters it through knowledge of a higher, holistic and transdisciplinary order, through knowledge of the societal genome in the structure of its 16 eternal and universal spheral constants of each social object from any individual to humanity: Figure 1 above. Therefore, in order to create a safe, peaceful and useful AGI for humanity, “standard AGI” for all times, its creators and operators need, FIRST OF ALL, to study and master holistic, true and verifiable macrosociological spheronics and all its instrumental languages. The primary need of this knowledge for the AGI creators is its key cognitive law. This is an inexorable cognitive, philosophical law of the AGI. 2.5. PAGI team structure and grant distribution We predict to receive a grant of $2 M for 2 years from the OAGI team for briefly defined above its works. For their performance, we will create a variable in number and functions of an international team within 20-40 specialists on our GGHA model as the first volunteer “Academy of Global Peace Science”, which has been working for almost 19 years since February 15, 2005 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_d). Our team requires, in addition to the GGHA experienced members, young professional specialists, therefore, four universities from four countries will be invited as its base: Russia, India, Pakistan and Slovenia. The selection and approval of the base universities in them will be implemented before February 1 that must be recorded in an “Agreement of Intent” between the GGHA representative in the country and the leader of the national University. The PAGI team specialists are divided into permanent on 2 years, and temporary. Permanent specialists: 1.Project managers, 4-6, 2.Macrosociologists, 2-4, 3.Macrostatisticians, 2-4, 4.Programmers, 4-6, 5.Computers-IT specialists, 4-6, 6.Mathematics, 2-4, Temporary specialists: 7.Philosophers, 2, 8.Macro economists, 2-4, 9.Financiers, 2-4, 10.Psychologists, 2, 11.Historians, 2, 12.Lawyers, 2, 13.Political scientists, 2, 14.Demographers, 2, 15.Journalists, publicists, 2, 16.Poets, 2, 17.Artists-designers, 2 The alleged project managers and teams on countries. 1. In Russia: Leo Semashko, with the Russian team invited members: Valeriya Malomuzh, Vera Popovich, Olga Kashina, Nina Yudina, Julia Budnikova, Ivan Ivanov, Vyacheslav Bragin, and others. 2. In India: Hasina Parvin, with the Indian team invited members: Anam Kumar, Ashokchakravarthy Tholana, Pravat Dhal, Asha Mukherjee, Ananta Giri, and others. 3. In Pakistan: Noor Larik, with the Pakistani team invited members: Rashida Bukhari, Zia-Ul-Islam, Umer Zia, Mansour Khan, Saqlain Raza, and others. 4. In Slovenia: Matjaž Mulej, with the Slovenian team invited members: Anita Hrast and others. Other GGHA members, who can join to national team at its invitation: From South Africa: Ela Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi granddaughter, From China: Rosa Dalmiglio, From Serbia: Slavica Pejović, From Rwanda: Heli Habyarimana, From Greece: Takis Ioannidis, From Ghana: Steve Amoah, From Nigeria: Ayo Aola Amale, From Nepal: Bishnu Pathak, From Germany: Helga LaRouche, William Engdahl, From s/Ireland: Mairead Corrigan, From Britain: Rodney Atkinson, Kenneth Leslie, From the USA: Rudolf Siebert, Matt Meyer, Michael Brenner, Of the 38 invitations from 16 countries according to the list, only those who confirm the possibility and desire to participate in the GGHA work team with a public response for the PAGI entire team over the next week until January 20 inclusive will remain in it. Participation in the PAGI team is incompatible with silence that can mean only one thing - a conscious refusal to work in our team, whose activity is possible only in public communication of all its members. Therefore, we must begin by publicly consents to participate in it, and silence will only be a refusal. The Grant distribution of $2 M dollars, when and if we get it in this size. We intend to divide it equally between the PAGI four teams but taking into account the specialists number as well as the quality and volume of grant work, which the team undertakes to perform on time. For specialist’s payment, we assume the following norms that we will discuss and approve later. Minimum monthly wage: $1 thousand. Standard for all wages: $2 thousand. The highest target and temporary wages for especially important specialists - programmers and mathematicians: up to $5 thousand. If Russia will be excluded from the grant due to the USA sanctions, then the grant will be distributed between three other national teams of PAGI, which will include the Russian researchers according to special agreements after the OAGI decision. These theses make up a preliminary sketch of our grant application, which will be compiled and signed by the PAGI national teams leaders until February 10 and sent until February 18, 2024. The project was prepared by Dr. Leo Semashko, Philosopher, sociologist and peacemaker from the Gandhian spherons harmony, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253, SaintPetersburg, Russia, January 13, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------
To Elon Musk. Peace Science Initiative
Dear Mr. Elon Musk, I am happy to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish you good health and new greatest achievements in science, technology and business, especially in the “Peace Science”, the absence of which threatens nuclear civilization with inevitable genocidal suicide. We, the GGHA, are now preparing a proposal on this matter to you, based on the synergy of our complementary AGI paradigms, which will be published in 2-4 days here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168. Only you, the only one you, with your great ambition and global charisma, with your genius and incomparable organizational talent are able for the first time in the history to raise for the world community agenda the taboo issue of the “International Contest and Forum of Gandhian Peace Science” based on the AGI. Your world initiative in this will make 2024 a breakthrough and a turn from a militaristic history to a peacemaking, nonviolent one. It initiates a Russian-American scientific partnership in the AI and peace science field instead of the dangerous, deadly hostility of our nuclear powers, which possess 96% of the nuclear arsenal, and therefore they will always be responsible for the nuclear war global genocide. Your initiative will prevent it through a nonviolent, reasonable and scientific method that will place you on the Mahatma Gandhi level of our century. We will send you the rationale of your New Year's initiative in 2-4 days. Its center will be a banner with your incomparable portrait, two preliminary drafts of which are published on the specified page above. In this regard, two questions are for you, please. 1st: do you permit us to use your portrait in this banner and publish it on our website and distribute? 2nd: which of the two its drafts do you prefer to keep with your positive answer to the 1st question? You will greatly help us resolve our doubts and disagreements on these issues. Thank you very much for your or your secretary's response. Happy New Year to you and your family with your launch of the unprecedented peace science based on the AGI in 2024! With deep respect, sincerely yours, Dr. Leo Semashko,
GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President, Saint Petersburg, Russia https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 31-12-23-----------------------------------------
Peace science and the humanity fate in the Elon Musk hands in 2024 Resolution of the antinomy: “peace is and peace does not at humanity” in 2024 The GGHA New Year's philosophical message January 3, 2024. Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1059 Dear peacemakers and reasoning, responsible friends, The GGHA is glad to congratulate you all on the New Year, wish you all the best and invite you to jointly consider its historical meaning. The New Year, by all signs promises to be a turning point, the second “axial time” (Jaspers) in the humanity fate, peace and the GGHA Gandhian peace science. It was created by its more than 700 coauthors, including five Nobel peace laureates and the great president-poet-peacemaker of India Abdul Kalam from more than 50 countries during now almost 19 years, since February 15, 2005. This is our history and its main fruit is the Gandhian peace science, which, for its general recognition and application, requires and creates a unique tool - the AI “superintelligence”, open to world cooperation with its other creators.
1. Pythagorean numerology We will start since the prophetic, Pythagorean numerology of the New Year. In it 2024 is the number of the YEAR highest good in the destined fate of Divine Providence. This year of human history is the only time when two “Quaternaries”, the number four, are united. one is shining in its transient, annual, but unique, turning-point integrity for the humanity life. The other is divided by the zero of non-existence into two equally probable binaries of the humanity two paths: the finite decimal and the infinitely millennial. Each of the Quaternaries (fours) in the Pythagoras tradition of his “Golden Verses” is “the SOURCE OF UNEXHAUSTABLE LIFE, GOD AND KING OF ALL.” Divine Providence united two intricate fours this year to save humanity, rewarding it with the scientific, true source of inexhaustible, holistic life - the fourdimensional, tetradic peace science of the higher mind, which is still missing from it. This testifies and is confirmed by the teenage ignorance and peace frivolity of its rulers, politicians and diplomats in history, who, blinkered by the “national interest” priority to the humanity general interest detriment of inaccessible to them, preferred to fight and kill than to think and develop the peace science as the true peace only cognitive tool. Erasmus of Rotterdam, “the humanism prince and the pacifism father,” clearly wrote about this status quo of the world half a millennium ago in “Complaint of Peace, Expelled and Defeated Everywhere”, whose (peace) status in humanity has not changed to this day (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=531).
2. The nuclear civilization end Only the peace science as a cognitive “inexhaustible source” of the only PEACEFUL way of humanity social life is capable to free it from the inevitable, with a probability above 99% of nuclear suicide, compressed to 90 seconds of its remaining life (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924), nuclear suicide. It was prepared by almost 80 years of insane arms race by its final, nuclear civilization since 1945, with the first genocidal nuclear bombings. History has now proven 100% that this path of humanity is a dead end for it in its unreasonable immaturity and peacemaking ignorance. The “physical” intelligence of sophisticated nuclear, hypersonic and ultra-precise weapons, which is priority for its age limitation, has made suicidal genocide and ecocide an inevitable law of nuclear civilization. The humanity physical path of thinking and development with the corresponding cognitive and social priority of all violence (Gandhi), from the physical to the structural (Galtung), turned for it into the final nuclear self-negation of negative dialectics (Adorno). Charles Snow warned about the harmfulness of prioritizing the nuclear civilization technocratic culture to the detriment of humanitarian and spiritual culture. In a nuclear civilization, humanity without the peace science is a “headless horseman,” as evidenced by its modern risks, wars and crises. On this path, humanity turned out to be able to comprehend some fundamental physical laws of nature that can destroy it in the hands of peace ignorant world leaders. But it turned out to be unable to find a single fundamental scientific truth of its society and its peaceful existence, neglecting for almost 3 millennia the spiritual imperative priority of the wisest Socrates: “KNOW YOURSELF!” Without it, knowledge of physical laws led humanity to inevitable nuclear suicide. If humanity would followed the Socrates spiritual and humanistic priority and created a peace science, for which the necessary prerequisites were prepared in the last century, then it would be able to avoid all world and local wars, including Ukrainian, Russian, Israeli, Palestinian and others in their endless list. At the same time, it would also be able to prevent the creation of suicidal nuclear weapons - the false “geopolitical security” supreme madness in nuclear civilization that turns into its own death, in which there are no winners. Almost all world leaders know this and repeat it but no one does or wants to do anything to prevent it, continuing with the persistence of a doomed maniac to repeatedly increase military budgets, improve nuclear weapons in all environments and incite hostility between everyone and everyone. Unfortunately, history does not know the subjunctive mood. 3. The peace’s realities Peace still remains terra incognito for humanity in its deep reality and complexity. Peace exists for humanity in two realities. Its first reality is superficial, phenomenal and contractual, which is always temporary, because all the peace treaties in history and all the corresponding “peaces” are constantly violated by new wars. For example, in the last century were: the “Versailles Peace” since 1919, which ended the WWI but was shattered by the WWII. Then there was the “Potsdam Peace” since 1945, which ended the war with Nazi Germany, and then the “Paris Peace” since 1947, which ended the WWII but launched the Cold War and was disrupted by the NATO WWIII through Ukraine against Russia since 2014. A negotiated peace of rulers, politicians and diplomats, which, of course, no matter how “bad” it is, is always better than war and a “good fight” is always weak before war. It always turns out to be a false peace, there is always a break between wars, there is always preparation for a new war, with which it is filled to the limit, to the maximum priority military budgets for the military-industrial complex, to the endless acceleration of the arms race. A negotiated, false and temporary peace is always the war continuation, which is only transferred war from the hot, active phase to the preparatory, cold phase of paper truces, which are always torn at the request of one or another ruler in a world unipolar hegemony. Kant also emphasized that similar attributes do not allow us to define this peace as “peace,” which turns out to be just a false, temporary, military “truce” instead of a true eternal peace. Therefore, the humanity history does not know the true, “perpetual peace” according to Kant; it is filled in the legal consciousness with only negotiated, temporary truces between wars. Its second reality is the deep, eternal, invisible, noumenal and unknown to humanity reality of the constant, sociogenetic and therefore peacemaking nonviolent spherons of humanity, accessible only to the macrosociological peace science, which is necessary and acceptable to all the humanity nations but to which its sociogenesis has not yet reached. The spherons, in the infinite variety of their historical forms and population groups throughout the humanity evolution are the onLY actors of the true, eternal peace in its deep, noumenal and constant reality. This peace is the only one that deserves a scientific, deep definition of this term, the meaning of which can be revealed, justified and verified only by the peace science, which has not yet been recognized and therefore does not exist among humanity. 4. The peace science discoveries Humanity, in the person of its brilliant thinkers and “dedicated” seers, has always stubbornly and intuitively approached and strived for the peace science, banished and tabooed in history, especially at Gandhi (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1017), by the politicians alienated from it by their positions. The evolutionary line dot-dotted trend of the peace science (PS), the term of which is not in any encyclopedia in the world, begins since the ancient India Vedic civilization sages, since Pythagoras, Confucius, Buddha, Jesus up to Leibniz, Kant, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Einstein, Galtung and GGHA. Over the past century and ours, they have made four fundamental discoveries for PS. 1. Mahatma Gandhi’s discovery of “varnas/spherons” as the only eternal actors of the true, eternal peace by his “Newtonian law of nonviolent spherons, which governs humanity and is more powerful than nuclear weapons” (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848) in 1927. 2. Albert Einstein’s discovery of the need for “a substantial new manner of thinking” by the spherons, so that “not through violence, but through scientific understanding, we can achieve peace if humanity wants to survive” (Ibid.). 3. John Kennedy's discovery that “humanity must end war before war ends humanity” (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1113). It is impossible to end war through war; it can be ended “before” only with the peace science and nothing more, because all social ills begin and end in the head and they can only be ended with the science. Without science, it is impossible to end them. 4. Discovery and justification of the spheral, tetrad (fourdimensional, Pythagorean) macrosociological structure of social production, developed and verified at the beginning of our century in the GGHA (2005-2024) as the only, sociogenetic structure of the humanity perpetual peace, existing in reality but not yet accessible to the traditional, partial cognition and thinking. This structure integrates three previous discoveries and defines the PS essence open and ready for further development, clarification, integration of new similar ideas and for application in resolving ALL modern military conflicts (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1152). These four “crazy and mad” for traditional, tabooing, partial and eventually suicidal thinking ideas constitute the Gandhian peace science (GPS), spheronics framework, created in the GGHA and proving its objective possibility and reality. 5. A peace antinomy in spheronics The listed discoveries determine, together with other, surface reality of truces, the fundamental peace antinomy, similar to the Kant’s four ontological antinomies. This philosophical antinomy of peace is formulated as follows: “PEACE IS AND PEACE DOES NOT AT HUMANITY.” Humanity has it objectively and eternally as peace of its nonviolent and therefore peacemaking spherons, existing at humanity subjectively for now only in the temporary negotiated truces form of false peace. Humanity does not have peace as a subject whose history does not know peace, being filled only with temporary and shaky negotiated truces of the Cold War. This subject still does not have the peace science as true knowledge of peacemaking spherons, which remains inaccessible to it due to its teenage, ignorant resistance to it. This antinomy reveals an extremely complex, tetrary, objective-subjective dialectical anatomy of peace, remaining insoluble to this day. Its structural elements among humanity are: 1. Objective true peace of the eternal spherons still unknown to humanity, 2. Objective false peace of the “Cold War” contractual truces at the spherons temporary historical groups, their partons, elites, who by the truces make war “eternal” instead of “eternal peace”, 3. Subjectively false, unverifiable legal consciousness/thinking of peace as contractual, paper truces of the Cold War, eternal ideological confrontation and “hybrid war”, 4. Subjectively true, verifiable scientific consciousness/thinking of the spherons eternal objective peace in a single peace science for humanity, necessary and acceptable to all its nations, which unites them into one friendly family, prevents and eradicates all violent and armed conflicts in it. The peace antinomy structural resolution lies in its fourth part, in the peace science, in spheronics. The following structural model expresses its peace antinomy:
 Fig.1.The peace antinomy structural model in spheronics
This antinomy is in our time a truly existential challenge to our civilization, a question of its life and death in the heated to the limit and globally scaled confrontation of war and peace in their final battle this year as a battle between Goliath and David, in which David wins thanks to knowledge and faith in the Lord. Today it is the knowledge and faith of His eternal peace science, which He reveals to humanity. Divine, objective and perpetual, true peace of the eternal peacemaking spherons, necessary and acceptable to all nations without exception, can be subjectively accessible to humanity only through the PS, which it still does not have, but which is prepared by its partial discoveries. 6. Is the peace antinomy solvable? Who, how and when will be able to resolve this antinomy of human existence? Our, GGHA, answer today is one: only Elon Musk, who has the necessary capital and personal attributes, is able to resolve the peace antinomy by organizing the “International Contest and Forum (similar to Davos) of the Peace Science,” starting since 2024. This project will be the most ambitious and charismatic for him, if he does not abandon this mission for any motives and does not justify humanity’s hopes for him. only through the implementation of this project by Elon Musk, humanity for the first time will subjectively discover and recognize the nonviolent Gandhian spherons true, perpetual peace in their verifiable, necessary and acceptable for all nations, without exception. The peace science is a common, peaceful denominator of humanity in the most prophetically blessed 2024 year. Today, in 2024, only Elon Musk, with his charisma and ambitions, his unprecedented human qualities of peacefulness, independence, honesty, self-reliance, brilliant giftedness for organizational and business qualities, possessing practically unlimited capital and resources for PS, has the opportunity and ability to really launch the PS world process of global public understanding and recognition. He can do this by organizing the above-mentioned “International Contest and Forum of Peace Science” based on the AI with the help of modern, albeit extremely rare, enthusiasts of this science and on the basis of its historical discoveries. We wrote to him about this in our invitation message on December 31 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1166). Elon Musk’s unique advantage in establishing the peace science is that he was the first to recognize and raise the “safe AI” problem in the world public consciousness. This problem is unsolvable without the peace science, which, in our time dialectics, in its turn is impossible without AI. only Musk, who has been working in the AI field for a long time, is able to realize its key dependence from the PS and create them together, in their unique synergy. No one will replace Musk in this necessary connection. But as always, two different opinions came from the GGHA members at once. The first, negative, from the USA Frank Dorrel, who has been exposing the militaristic truth of American foreign policy for 35 years (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=668), categorically writes “Leo, Elon Musk is not a good person. Why would you promote him as such?” But he does not offer ANYONE instead of Musk that is tantamount to ruin any chance for PS life if there is no person for it, who can raise it from oblivion to the shield of world public recognition and development as the only scientific instrument against the nuclear suicide of our civilization. "Why?" - I explained this in detail earlier and above. The second is from China, from Rosa Dalmiglio, an active peacemaker and the GGHA cofounder: “Elon Musk is not only a person in the world that worked in world science for peace, at Musk is global business since 1992. I suggest to read XI JINPING’s Digital Biography.” Xi’s proposal is good but we have long ago sent him, like almost all the BRICS+ leaders, a similar invitation to create, first, in their countries “Academies of Peace” for the PS development and application (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1152). However, we have not received any response from any of them so far. We have sent similar proposals to almost all of these leaders throughout our 19 years with the only result of complete silence. Therefore, honestly, we do not hope to receive a response from them to the last invitation: they all remain captive of the peace science traditional taboo for them.
7. The message total. “For Whom the Bell Tolls” of the agonizing civilization?
The inevitable death, above 99% probability, of nuclear civilization is the inevitable instant death of the nuclear powers peoples as the first targets of nuclear weapons (NW) and the long, painful death of nonnuclear powers and the planet living nature from global radioactive contamination. I.e. this is death, ecocide of nature and genocide of humanity, of all nations without exception. Therefore, the more NW, “the absolute evil of humanity” by Avery, 2017 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=800), the more inevitable and closer global nuclear suicide is, the inevitability of which has already exceeded 99% and less than 90 seconds of life remaining for all of us. Why do all these global facts, existential real threats and super-scale risks remain “indifferent” to everyone, proving the complete inevitability of the nuclear civilization death? Why no one wants to know and discuss their brutal truth in order to look for its peace alternative? Who benefits from this? Why, instead of searching for an adequate, nonviolent alternative to the fundamental peace science are world leaders increasing the NW production? What could be crazier in a situation of 99% inevitability of nuclear genocidal suicide today? What is the world leader’s true goal, who are intensively increasing the NW arsenal: life or death for their peoples and all humanity? The whole situation of the nuclear civilization deadly inevitability is reflected in detail in the GGHA in 2020 “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto”: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848. The year 2024 will bring peace science out of the zone of its age-old taboo and alienation from humanity through AI that at the same time, in feedback, will free AI from peacemaking risk by integrating into it the fundamental peaceful structure of this science. Their synergy and cooperation may become the first sign of the necessary peace dialogue-partnership between Russia and the USA in the field of peace science instead of their enmity, which dooms them to inevitable nuclear suicide as they have 96% of the world's nuclear arsenal. Do the peoples of these countries and all humanity need it? A rhetorical question. But only the peace science, acceptable and accessible to all nations, without exception, the world recognition of which will take place in the coming year in accordance with Providence, can save them from its inevitability in a nuclear civilization.
The AI different paradigms tough competition, in which will win those that integrate the macrosociological peace science for the "safe AI" that, by the words of Martin Luther King, will “shift the arms race into a peace race” (https://pesefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1109). It will become the greatest driving force of a new, peaceful and nonviolent, harmonious civilization, which is replacing in the historical evolution of the outdated nuclear civilization. Happy New Year! With its innovative peace science in mind and reality in the visionary 2024! Dr. Leo Semashko, Philosopher, sociologist and peacemaker from the Gandhian spherons harmony, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253, Saint-Petersburg, Russia January 3, 2024 --------------------------------------
Dear LEO Elon Musk is not only person in the world that worked in world science for peace, at Musk is global business since 1992. I suggest to read XI JINPING’s Digital Biography. I wishes you and all PEACE friends HAPPY 2024 YEAR, Rosa Dalmiglio
https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28 China 01-01-23 --------------------------
Dear Leo: Thank you very much for the excellent Elon Musk letter. I wish you and all our friends a more peaceful New Year 2024. May the two wars come to an end. May the antagonists see the light of the Golden Rule, and treat the others, as they want to be treated. The Golden Rule seems to be so universal and so simple. Why can it not be followed in practice? Why must the others continually be treated as oneself would never want to be treated. Why does one have to colonize others, if oneself does not want to be colonized? According to the Golden Rule, the colonized have a right to liberate themselves, but the colonizer does not have a right to colonize others. George Washington knew that, and so did Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and many other great human beings. Love, Your Rudi, and the whole Siebert Family in the USA, Canada and Germany, from the House of Peace. Professor Emeritus of theology and sociology of Michigan University, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 03-01-24 Elon Musk as today’s David? Dear friend and like-minded Rudi, Thank you very much for your strong support of our peacemaking initiative for Elon Mask, which was published with our message him here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168. You understand its need well, because the nuclear civilization since 1945 in the first nuclear genocidal bombing burned along with 300 thousand victims and the Golden rule of religions. Now this civilization has prepared a nuclear genocidal suicide by 99%, but in almost 80 years it did nothing to prevent and eradicate it by nonviolent peace science, i.e. spiritually, in accordance with the Golden rule, which is fundamentally revived by this science. This science understands well that its truths cannot live without faith that expresses one of its macrosociological laws: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1160 You and your world family, according to your great, almost century-old, life experience, containing all the century wars, well understand the cruel situation of the NATO kindling WWIII in Ukraine since 2014 against Russia. What can resist and extinguish it besides the spiritual power of the religions Golden rule and the verified peace science truth power? Now we need real, practical force, energy and faith of David to defeat the military power of suicidal nuclear civilization. The mission of David is most suitable today by Elon Mask with his spiritual and business qualities. In this we are unanimous. Let's hope that Elon Musk will understand us in this objective mission that fate assigns on him as a today’s David. Let us help him to realize it rather, because David also did not immediately understand his historical mission, against which all circumstances rebelled and resisted. So now, this is a difficult choice but for it there are many hopes, motives, tools, as faith, slings and courage at David. With love, peace science and faith, Leo 04-01-24 ------------------------------
Я полностью поддерживаю эту беспрецедентную, но крайне важную миротворческую инициативу ГГСГ, направленную И. Маску. Эта инициатива, с одной стороны неожиданная, с другой стороны, по-хорошему, очень дерзкая, смелая и очень необходимая как первая ласточка российско-американского позитивного сотрудничества, которое изгнано их смертельной враждой. Интересны также философские рассуждения о миссии Давида, в лице И. Маска. Если конечно И. Маск способен осознать важность своей миссии, в деле предотвращения ядерного геноцида, опираясь на Науку Мира, то этот альянс мог бы искоренить разжигание войн, межнациональной ненависти, которые активно навязывает миру коллективный запад. С уважением Вера Попович, Россия, Санкт-Петербург. 04-01-24 ------------------------------------------- Let us hope for a good response! It requires his (Elon Musk) social responsibility to be very high, beyond limits of corporations and their free will - to reach toward an INNOVATIVE SUSTAINABLE SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE SOCIETY (which my team is working on including six volumes in Slovene and two in English, all contracted for publication in 2024). Best, Matjaž Mulej, Maribor, Slovenia 04-01-24 ---------------------------- Dear LEO and Friends, In 2005 I introduced in Russian and American UNESCO Congress A Documentary in 10 languages promotion and production by CHINA Ministry of Culture. Elon Musk arrived in Italy guest to Italian Premier Madam GIORGIA MELONI last month in this occasion asked to Italian family to increased children born. He arrived with one of his 12 children. Thank to AI, I received invited to take part in the next G 7 then American President Joe Biden invited me to work in his ALAINST ANTISEMITISM project, elaborate with American Vice-President Madam Harris. Best Wishes and Happy New Year. Rosa Dalmiglio, China, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28 04-01-24 -------------
My response to the GGHA New Year's philosophical message of its President Leo Semashko: “Peace science and the humanity fate in the Elon Musk hands in 2024” On January 4, 2024 Thank you, to the Science of Peace WITH the help of Elon Musk's artificial intelligence… I believe in it! In my poetry: ….she didn't know that the river will never flow upstream, that the rainbow goes down into it. and that the stars are, actually, red no... she didn't know... but, she knew ... the peace of her soul is the image of peace in a world where love exists. Slavica Pejovuć, Graduated the Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Diplomacy, Belgrade University, Editor-in-chief of Majdan journal of literature, art and science, Author of poetry 11 books and publications on the history and culture, Serbian Writers Association member, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1169 Email: slavicapejovic2@gmail.com, Serbia 04-01-24 ---------------------------------------
Уважаемый Лев Михайлович! Я прочитал в сетях Ваше обращение к Илону Маску, в руках которого, по Вашему мнению, "находятся наука мира и судьба человечества в 2024-м году", а также Новогоднее философское послание ГГСГ из 6-ти пунктов. Я предлагаю Вам выслать первое послание президенту России В.В. Путину, который высоко оценил И. Маска в Итогах года 14 декабря. Лучше всего выслать текст упомянутого обращения на имя Путина по почте заказной бандеролью в Администрацию президента. Хотя я мало надеюсь на то, что Ваше письмо ляжет на стол Путина, будучи отфильтрованным его пресс-секретарём. Но попытка - не пытка. Также я слабо верю в установление "диалога-партнёрства России и США в области Науки Мира вместо их вражды в соответствии с Божественным Промыслом", поскольку эти страны находятся в непримиримом антагонизме, свидетельством чему является война между ними "не на жизнь, а на смерть" на Украине. Здесь даже "сегодняшний Давид" Илон Маск вряд ли может что-то сделать. На этом я заканчиваю и хотел бы узнать Ваше мнение по всему вышесказанному. Поздравляю Вас и Ваш коллектив с Новым годом и Рождеством и желаю новых свершений в 2024-м году. Юрий Васильевич Преображенский, Публицист, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1020 Москва, 06-01-24
DEAR LEO, BEST WISHES YOU AND ALL PEACE FRIENDS IN THE GGHA WITH MUSK ACTION IN NEW YEAR! ROSA DALMIGLIO Artist for Peace into MEDIA WWW.WORLDINTERFAITHHARMONYWEE.COM https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28 China 07-01-24 -------------------------

In memory of the brilliant scientist and great peacemaker from the peace science, Western dissident John Avery (1933-2024)
Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1059 Dear GGHA members, friends, We received the sad news of the death of our great friend, the GGHA member since 2015, an active supporter and participant in development of our Gandhian “Spherons Global Peace Science” (SGPS), spheronics, coauthor of all GGHA peacemaking books and projects, starting since the first book of the SGPS, 2016 : https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf, Nobel Peace Prize laureate (1995), President of the first ever “Danish Peace Academy” (2004-2015), Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at the Copenhagen University John Avery January 4, 2024. We express our sincere condolences to John Avery's family, relatives, colleagues and friends. His memory will forever remain with us, in the emergence history and development of the immortal PEACE SCIENCE, in his numerous publications, numbering only books about 100, among which, due to its deep social significance, priority belongs to this: “Nuclear Weapons: Absolute Evil”, 2017, published together with the book review in The Times, 2018 here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=800, There are several world archives of John Avery's works: 1. on the GGHA website, in Russia: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672, 2. In Pakistan: https://eacpe.org/category/john-scales-avery, 3. In India: https://www.johnavery.info. Everywhere, John Avery's published books can be downloaded for free. For his unprecedented peacemaking accomplishments, John Avery was awarded the GGHA Highest Honorary Title “World Harmony Creator”: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 John Avery's life is characterized by two fundamental, enduring achievements. The first is the awareness of nuclear weapons (NW) as an social “absolute evil”, as the humanity inevitable military genocidal suicide in its nuclear civilization (NC) since 1945, as a crime against humanity and the earth's nature ecocide. It is in his corresponding book of 2017, as well as in many other previous and subsequent publications, including GGHA “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto” 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908. John Avery has convincingly proven that NW are not a tool of “deterrence and security,” as the world leaders falsely claim, feeding their race in the MIC by the fattest budget. But NW are an absolute evil, because it is at the same time suicide, ecocide, omnicide and genocide of humanity in all spheres of its natural and social existence that “will put an end to to humanity” as John Kennedy concluded back in 1963. Second. As a gifted scientist, he was well aware that peace would never win in human society without PEACE SCIENCE, which he constantly sought in his first in history “Danish Peace Academy” (2004-2015). Then he actively supported it in the GGHA, participated in all its peacemaking projects and books of the GGHA, in its reviewing of the GGHA dozens distinguished members: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=615. These profound peacemaking achievements, integrated by the Gandhian Peace Science of Spherons (GPSS) into the GGHA, are incompatible with the Western militaristic NC, so they made John Avery a dissident for the Western establishment. It taboos and structurally suppresses all the peace science sprouts not only at Avery but also at many other outstanding, honest and courageous scientists and artists of the West who became dissidents in it: Picasso, Orwell, Einstein, Kennedy, King, Galtung, Corrigan, Siebert, Atkinson, Mayer, Engdahl, Brenner, LaRouche, Mulej, etc., more than 100, which are integrated by GPSS. Their works are being actively collected on the GGHA website for the future book about “Great Western dissidents of peace science in NC under structural violence pressure of its absolute evil.” John Avery, along with other dissidents, identified the main attributes of the Western NC, imposed by the West on humanity since 1945, since the first genocidal nuclear bombings of two Japanese cities, killing about 300 thousand civilians. The continuous production of NW “absolute evil” and its accelerated race in the NC during almost 80 years have become its constant and priority as a civilization of “absolute evil” with the inevitable suicide law, the probability of which today has exceeded 99% (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924). Whatever sectoral, partial achievements accompanying NC, its genocidal nature of “absolute evil” will not change until it is driven out of its heart and mind by the “absolute good” of the spheral, holistic science of global, eternal peace. As Avery wrote, “The GGHA goals of Global Peace Science are absolutely essential” as the only fundamental alternative to the NW of an absolute evil. Therefore, the peace science supporters, who “fight like fish against ice” in NC become its dissidents and are suppressed by its structural violence in all its forms. The concept of “nuclear civilization” is actively used in the SGPS, spheronics, to expose it as incompatible with the humanity life of its carcinogenic social pathology, which tabs the peace science alternative development for almost 80 years. John Avery's colossal contribution to the immortal Peace Science (SGPS) makes his name and achievements, like the name of its founder Mahatma Gandhi, eternal in the humanity history. They and similar dissidents, give us the service unquenchable examples to this science as the highest peacemaking in our time and throughout future history. Best wishes for global peace based on peace science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GGHA founder (2005) and Honorary President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 10-01-24 ------------------------------
Dear Leo We join with you wholeheartedly in the condolences and memory of the great scientist and peacemaker John Avery. We agree fully with his 2017 text "Nuclear Weapons: An Absolute Evil" It makes it necessary for us to go beyond the traditional Augustinian "Seven Point Just War Theory" with the help of the SGPS. John Avery's brave life and work gives us courage to work for peace against all irrational resistances. In Solidarity, your Rudi from the House of Mir. USA 10-01-24 --------------------------------- I am sorry to hear that. Matjaž Slovenia 10-01-24 ---------------------------- Спасибо за эту прекрасную запись. Slavica Pejović Сербия 10-01-24 ------------------------ My warm condolences and respect to memory of John Avery. He honored his global life with great actions. Respect and memory. I propose to create a special unique area in GGHA for all passed great humans who offered peaceful creations and actions. With respect, Dr Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides Greece 11-01-24 ----------------------------- Выражаю искреннее соболезнование родным и близким великого миротворца Джона Авери по поводу его кончины.С 2015 он был активным участником и сторонником Науки Глобального Мира Сферонов. Его главная заслуга в том, что он первый отчётливо осознал огромную опасность ядерного оружия, как «Абсолютного зла». Он писал о том, что «Ядерное оружие, это не инструмент сдерживания, а абсолютное зло», так как оно является геноцидом человечества во всех сферах его бытия. Он был уверен, что мир никогда не победит без науки мира. Вечная память и уважение этому замечательному человеку и гениальному учёному, сознательно прокладывавшему фундаментальный путь Гандианской науки Глобального мира сферонов. С уважением, Вера Попович, Россия 11-01-24 ---------------------------------
AI grant application and your invitation. Dear GGHA friends,
We are happy to invite you, 38 GGHA members from 16 countries, to participate in our AI project for a grant, the application draft of which (11 pages with drawings) is attached in two languages. We are waiting for your discussion, approval and public consent to participate in its national team until January 20 inclusive. Silence will be your conscious refusal from it. This project is published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168. It explains the conditions to receive this grant in sufficient details. If you have additional questions, it is better to look for the answers to them yourself on the grant website, which is indicated in our project. We will send you with your questions to it for your independent search for the answer. Our application will be 2-3 times shorter, so we especially appreciate your recommendations in this regard, as well as your editing the application draft in order to shorten it. Best wishes for our peace science, Leo Semashko, 13-01-24
RESPONSES Dear LEO, I send you my brief abstract for obtained grant that you proposal in SCIENCE for PEACE with CHINA. I'm waiting to received your opinion about my abstract. Actually there are more FAKE-NEWS about CHINA Best wishes, Rosa Dalmiglio, www.cri.cn 14-01-24 Dear Rosa, Thank you for your “abstract” trying to expand our “PEACEAGI” project to China. We, the GGHA, have already sent a similar proposal to the presidential administration on December 6, 2023 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1163). But we think it didn’t arrive, because the presidential administration is closed to email, so the proposal was sent through the embassy, which does not perform such functions. Other structures in China: the Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Peking University and the like, who may be interested in our project, are also closed to foreign emails. If your CWPF (peace foundation), where you work (but you indicate the Chinese Radio website: www.cri.cn - why?) is interested in our project, then you could submit it to its government for consideration; or send me their email for this. The ultimate goal of your negotiations with it would be that the foundation will find, as minimum, 1M dollars for one year for its implementation. This is the question whole salt. Do you understand? Without it, practically nothing can be done. Friendly, Leo, 15-01-24 ----------------------------------------- Dear Leo and Friends, Thank you very much for sharing the AI Grant application and involving me as one of the members of the National Team of India. I am happy to be part of the project for the Nobel cause and hope for some concrete outcome/ contribution. As a philosopher by training, I find 2.4 very important but find 1.7 redundant except the last line. I very much look forward to the shorter draft and am very much interested in working with you on harmonism, pluralism and Nonviolence governing Humanism in Gandhi. Many thanks again. Regards and best wishes, Prof. Asha Mukherjee, Department of Philosophy & Religion, Visva-Bharati University, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1170 India 14-01-24
Dear Asha, Thank you very much for your positive and constructive response with your high assessment of our project as a “Nobel” and with concrete comments and ideas. I just want to note that 1.7. expresses the sponsor position, which we have no right to change and are limited only by its adequate understanding, nothing more. Please check it out on their website here: https://openai.notion.site/Research-directions-0df8dd8136004615b0936bf48eb6aeb8 As a philosopher, you at once understood the main highlight of our project in 2.4. Briefly: the creators of AI machine “superintelligence” themselves must be at the level of “superintelligence” and not hope that the machine “superintelligence” will teach and raise them, stupid ones, to the level of superintelligence. The human superintelligence today is Gandhian spheronics, with its attributes, as you brilliantly, professionally and philosophically defined: “harmonism, pluralism and Nonviolence governing Humanism in Gandhi.” Excellent!!! We are looking forward to your promised materials for publication on our website, especially your latest article with a philosophical analysis of Mahatma Gandhi legacy as a real, historical “superintelligence” of humanity nonviolence in global, true peace of his spherons. Your response, like other public responses, is published, with some delay, on the project page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168. Friendly, Leo, 15-01-24 ----------------------------------
Это очень благоприятный шанс и редкостная возможность получить грант, который мы больше нигде не можем получить. У нас много общих целей, они делают свой искусственный интеллект на благо человечества и ГГСГ создаёт Науку Мира сферонов для его общего блага. Они представляют свою работу коллективной и открытой, и мы ведём свою работу открыто, коллективно. Они настроены дружески воспринимать другие идеи, и мы интегрируем другие идеи, собирая их по миру, как пчёлы собирают мёд, что отражено в гимне ГГСГ. И ещё, нас соединяет много других взаимных, общих интересов. Поэтому это удачный шанс судьбы, на 90℅, получить помощь и сотрудничать с ними два года. Мы можем многому научиться друг у друга. Бог вознаградил нас за почти 19 лет работы и терпения. Очень надеюсь на успех и буду с удовольствием участвовать в этом проекте на благо мира через ИИ. С уважением, Вера Попович, Россия 15-01-24 ------------------------------------
Dear Leo and GGHA peacemakers friends, I do thank you for sharing the AI Grant application. I accept to be a member of the team. With wish for Peace via Harmony and Love Panagiotis-Takis D. Ioannides Hon. Dr Literature, historian of medicine, poet, author, journalist, Ambassador of Peace, pensioner of Computer Science, Researcher of Greek Philosophy and history, GGHA Co-founder and Vice President, World Dignity University,
https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 Greece 16-01-24 ---------------------
Dear Professor Leo Semashko, Dear Peacemakers, Thank you so much Dr. Leo Semashko for your email. Yes, I accept this esteemed AI proposal and very much interested to be a part of this project. Sincerely yours, Professor Bishnu Pathak, Ph.D., Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Social Sciences, GGHA Vice-President, Director, Peace and Conflict Studies Center, Kathmandu, Nepal, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 17-01-24 ----------------
Dear Leo, Thank you very much for the invitation! I am deeply honoured. As shared with you and everyone else, we are organizing our World Growth Forums Global Business and Investment Forum (WGF-GBIF) on 24th February 2024 at Baiyoke Sky Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. It is being attended by the Former President of Maldives, other Ministers, Ambassadors of Hungary and South Africa in Thailand, American, British, Australian, Italian and Malaysian Chambers of Commerce in Thailand, several world leaders from various countries, and business and social leaders from multiple countries. As the organizers of our upcoming WGF-GBIF Thailand 2024, we'll be extremely busy till 28th February 2024, please. We completely support all your projects. We completely support your current project of AI Grant Application. However, if you and all involved can wait till 28th February 2024, we would like to be a part of it. Otherwise, it would be more responsible to let others take charge and work on it, than be a part of it and prove to be inhibitors rather than catalysts. Kindly advice. Warm Regards, Hasina Parvin, World Growth Forums Magazine Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief, GGHA-India President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=960 New Delhi, India 17-01-24 -----------------
What to do in a new situation? Dear GGHA friends,
The discussion and formation of the GGHA team is coming to an end for the implementation of the OpenAGI grant up to $2 million for 2 years for our project “Synergy of AI Paradigms”, sent to you on January 13 and published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168. We still have not received a response from OpenAGI to the question: “Can a team from Russia receive a grant from you, despite US sanctions against Russia?” This silence means only one expectation, the worst for us: “The team from Russia will not receive a grant, cooperation and contacts with it are impossible due to the sanctions, violation of which threatens any American company with severe punishment.” This is the cruel political reality of a nuclear militaristic and suicidal civilization, which excludes peacemaking cooperation even between scientists in the field of AI-based Peace Science. Thisverified scientific conclusionis the result of our latest sociological experiment with this civilization in 19 years. What does this reality mean for our project and its team? Since our project and its team are international, the exclusion of one national team from the OpenAGI grant requires its transfer to other national teams from India, Pakistan, Slovenia and Africa, limiting it only to them, from which the peace science life continuation in them now depends. Obviously, Slovenia, as an EU member similar to the USA, should also be excluded from our business partners that does not exclude it from scientific contacts and does not hinder integration into spheronics its important ideas of social responsibility for peace. In the new reality, other national teams must include members of the Russian team, without whose participation their team’s work on this project is impossible, since only they possess its fundamental information for more than 40 years. only the Russian team knows WHAT, HOW and in WHAT order to implement our project, which is much and urgently necessary for OpenAGI and for the fate of safe and strong AI in a whole. The OpenAGI will be willing to fund our project as the most innovative, scientific, fundamental and constructive, practical, and therefore the most attractive to them, because they will not receive any similar proposals in their search for “Totally New Approaches” (TNA). Our project, according to the TNA rank specified attributes and criteria is beyond competition that is clear to any honest professional and unbiased scientist. This is primarily clear to our leaders of national teams (LNT), who collaborated in spheronics development in the GGHA for many years and were coauthors of many of its publications, including the book “Gandhica”, 2019: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848. This book provides the most complete expression, justification and verification by world statistics of our project today, which integrates or is ready to integrate all the constructive, scientific ideas of national projects. World science does not know similar book. From the LNTs, if they want to continue the Peace Science, spheronics life and are ready to fulfill their vital peacemaking duty in our time on the nuclear Armageddon verge, in this situation, in addition to unconditional commitment to peace and its only, verified science, two main character qualities are required: 1. Recognition of the need and consent to include Russian scientists in the national team, 2. The ability to find the AI national laboratory/department, preferably at the national university, interest its leader in the OpenAGI grant up to $2 million for 2 years, discuss with him our “Synergy” project and reveal to him its two trump cards: two-year cooperation with a world leader in AI - OpenAGI and two-year funding from it. Who would turn down similar brilliant investment opportunity? only the extremely lazy and inert. The LNTs must demonstrate its negotiating ability before February, so that at its beginning the three of us can submit the national application for an OpenAGI grant of $2 million for 2 years. I have already started preparing drafts of these applications, without duplication, for each of our 4 (or 3) national teams. Today or tomorrow, in individual messages to each LNC, I will begin discussing this question and special problems of each of them, taking into account their work responsibility, employment and other individual characteristics, which I understand well enough, but maybe not all of them as at Hasina for example. The main thing is that we have time to find an acceptable solution to all the problems of each LNT. Of course, subject to his consent. Naturally, only those from the GGHA members who PUBLICLY approve our project and express a desire to participate in its implementation before January 20 will be invited to the national teams. Afterwards we will have no time to deal with this issue, since the main staff will be members of national AI laboratories and we will have to devote all our time to them. This will fundamentally simplify and alleviate the organizational and personnel problems of international implementing our project, the most complex and difficult for us from the PIOT resources problems. For anyone who is unclear about the changed situation, I invite you to discuss publicly or individually those who agreed to participate in our project. Friendly, with the AI peace science, Leo Semashko, 18-01-24 -------------------------------------
Good Afternoon I regret to inform that my wife is sick and hospitalized. Hope you can understand my pestering problems. Regarding the "let us ALL know your opinion on the favorable grant for GGHA, for our peace science based on AI", please accept my positive favor for this. Regards, Dr. Ashokchakravarthy Tholana, GGHA Vice-President, International Poet – Review Writer, Universal Peace Ambassador, https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286 Hyderabad – 500 059 [TS] INDIA 18-01-24
Dear Ashok, Please, accept our empathy and the wish for your wife’s speedy recovery, as well as gratitude for your consent to participate in our new peacemaking project “The AI Peace Science”. You will be very useful for it by your unique poetic images of the peace science and AI. Friendly, Leo 18-01-24 ----------------------

Dear Rudi, Thank you very much for your strong support of our new peacemaking project “AI Peace Science” and at the same time, for your detailed explanation, which exhausts the misunderstanding between us regarding your PUBLIC silence. It is generated, as you say, by your basic ignorance of sending emails to the “EVERYONE” option and nothing more. We accept your explanation and close this issue: I will forward your emails to “ALL”. Your response with its Russian translation is published on our project page along with other responses: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168. We are also very grateful for your brilliant article “Erich Fromm's Dialectical Attitude toward Religion” in the spirit of our peacemaking spheronics, which we were glad to publish on a separate page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1171. Its philosophical and dialectical meaning echoes our long-standing structural model of the spheral harmonious, peacemaking worldview, which was remarkably modernized by our designer Ivan Ivanov, published in our updated project (attached) and presented above. What can you say about the harmonious consonance of your article and our worldview model in spheronics? Could you agree with this? As they say: “To settle in Paris, it is advisable to learn French. To settle in global peace, you need to learn the peace science, spheronics.” Do you share this motto? Friendly, Leo, 20-01-24 Дорогой Руди, Большое спасибо за вашу сильную поддержку нашего нового миротворческого проекта «ИИ Науки Мира», а также, вместе с этим, за ваше детальное объяснение, которое исчерпывает недоразумение между нами по поводу вашего ПУБЛИЧНОГО молчание. Оно порождается, как вы говорите, вашим элементарным незнанием посылать емайлы в опции «ВСЕМ» и ничем более. Мы принимаем ваше объяснение и закрываем этот вопрос: я буду пересылать ваши емайлы ВСЕМ. Ваш отклик с его русским переводом опубликован на странице нашего проекта вместе с другими откликами: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168. Мы также очень благодарны за вашу блестящую статью «ErichFromm'sDialecticalAttitudetowardReligion» в духе нашей миротворческой сфероники, которую мы были рады опубликовать на отдельной странице здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1171. Ее философский и диалектический смысл перекликается с нашей давней структурной моделью сферного гармоничного, миротворческого мировоззрения, которая была замечательно модернизирована нашим дизайнером Иваном Ивановым, опубликована в нашем обновленном проекте (в прикреплении) и представлена выше. Что вы можете сказать о гармоничном созвучии вашей статьи и нашей мировоззренческой модели в сферонике? Могли бы вы согласиться с этим. Как говорят: "Чтобы поселиться в Париже, желательно выучить французский. Чтобы поселиться в глобальном мире, надо выучить науку мира, сферонику." Вы разделяете этот девиз? Дружески, Лев, 20-01-24 -----------------------------------
Dear Leo: Erich Fromm once belonged to the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research. Much of my work has been done in connection with this Institute. There has existed once an Institute like this in Moscow. The same donor financed the Institute in Frankfurt and in Moscow. (Who? USSR?) I once founded a Center for Humanistic Future Studies at Western Michigan University. It was blooming. Then it was unfortunately, repressed, because I supposedly had too many foreign students in it. I then transformed it into a Peace Institute. That was unfortunately repressed as well. Then I transformed it into an Environmental Institute. That fortunately survived. The Peace Center was rooted in the Critical Theory of Society of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research. We developed in the past 50 years in Europe and here in the USA and Canada a Critical Theory of Religion and Society, and now work on a Chair and a Center for Humanistic Peace Research. From this perspective, there are many connections between the Critical Theory and the Sociosphere, the Technosphere, Nature, Society, Existence, Information, Organization, Consciousness, Character, Body, Person. Certainly, to settle in Paris, it is advisable to learn French. Certainly, to settle in global peace, people need to learn the peace science, spheronics. I do share this motto!I hope it will be realized! In Solidarity, Your Rudi, from the House of Mir. USA 21-01-24
Dear Rudi, Thank you very much for your response, which once again confirms the nuclear civilization (NC) genocidal doom since 1945, which, to self death, represses all fundamental peace ideas, and turns their creators and bearers for almost 80 years into its dissidents and opponents, suppressing and censoring in every possible way and repressing them, like you and me. And the most dangerous to it, like John Kennedy, Martin King, simply killing. Our lives coincided with this genocidal, doomed civilization, which does everything for the sake of its own global destruction and does nothing for the true, global peace, for its fundamental science of spheronics, which integrates all the constructive ideas of the Frankfurt School through your works and your cooperation in GGHA for almost 20 years. Spheronics constitutes the only, acceptable to all peoples and worlds, primarily the American and Slavic, in your terminology, a true, verifiable, truly scientific alternative to the NC inevitable nuclear suicide, the likelihood of which is increased by the accelerated growth of its military budgets. It is high time for you and me, and all similar-minded peacemakers, to realize our common, objective doom and destiny to be lifelong peace’s dissidents in the NC, which has become the militaristic universal hegemon of post-industrial humanity. We need to create an international association “NC Peace’s Dissidents for Humanity Survival”, which could unite the majority the GGHA members according to its list: Atkinson, Meyer, Leslie, LaRouche, Engdahl, Brenner, Corrigan, Bishnu, Takis, Boyle, Kotila, Larik, Ashok, Galtung and others. We all in NC have the same fate: to be rejected and buried in oblivion, like hundreds of similar peace’s dissidents before us, starting since Erasmus, Kant, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Einstein, Kennedy, King, Avery, repressed and suppressed by structural violence in the NC over 80 years of its nuclear weapons “absolute evil” (Avery) frantic race towards its suicide. Our unification is mortally hampered by our national and false ideological prejudices, each with their own, Westerners: exclusivity, racism, double standards, narrow-mindedness, dogmatism, etc. Our limited understanding of our common destiny, which determines our isolation from each other, dooms us to spiritual death in oblivion, like hundreds before us. What remains for us? It’s only sad to congratulate each other on this before our death and humanity doomed without us. We all have one known ending. Everyone works for it. Nobody wants to unite in Durkheim’s “collective consciousness” for the sake of survival and life; it is easier and simpler for everyone to work for war/death, by silence, “like all,” ignoring peace and its inevitable dialogue about peace science. But you and I, Rudi, as the NC incorrigible peace’s dissidents, will move towards the only way out of its genocidal impasse, to the peace science, the foundation of which we have created together over 19 years in the GGHA. NC does not want and cannot live in peace, therefore it does not want and cannot discuss the peace science, it can and only wants to die, to that peace science and its dissidents only interferes. Therefore, they must be repressed, including with the help of silent traitors... Now I will write extremely rarely and only to those who respond, to the living but not to the silent ones who have buried themselves. Friendly, Leo, 21-01-24
Dear Leo:
We just had our Fromm Discourse on ZOOM among scholars from Europe and America. My Fromm presentation, which was highly critical of the genocide committed presently by the State of Israel, was taken well, even by the Jews in the audience. We must not cease to speak. Powerless as we are, we still have the power to speak. We are encouraged to do so by great spirits of the past, e.g. Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. They suffered much from reality. But they held om, nevertheless, to the Idea of ultimate freedom and peace, which contradicts reality... Your word is very important for the world! Do not cease to speakas often as possibleto the good and the bad people, like the Heavenly Father lets his sun shine andhis rain fall on the just and unjust people!!! (Sermon on the Mount) I am with all my best wishes, In Solidarity, your Rudi From the House of Mir, USA 23-01-24 Дорогой Лео: Мы только что провели обсуждение нашего Фромма на ZOOM среди ученых из Европы и Америки. Моя презентация Фромма, в которой резко критиковался геноцид, совершенный в настоящее время Государством Израиль, была принята хорошо даже среди собравшихся евреев. Мы не должны прекращать говорить. Какими бы бессильными мы ни были, у нас все еще есть сила говорить. К этому нас побуждают великие духи прошлого, например Толстой и Достоевский. Они сильно пострадали от реальности. Но, тем не менее, они придерживались Идеи высшей свободы и мира, которая противоречит реальности. Ваше слово очень важно для мира! Не переставайте говорить, как можно чащес хорошими и плохими людьми, как Отец Небесный позволяет Своему солнцу сиять и Своему дождю падать на праведных и неправедных людей!!! (Нагорная проповедь) Я со всеми наилучшими пожеланиями, В Солидарности, твой Руди Из Дома Мира, США 23-01-24 -------------------------------------