The UN Future Summit GGHA Banner, Feb 21, 2024 https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1172

Spiritual Culture for Harmonious Civilization Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) Citizens of Earth! Unite in the Gandhian spherons’ harmony for love, peace, truth, nonviolence, justice, freedom, equality, fraternity and happiness!

GGHA was founded on February 15, 2005; initiator and founder is Leo Semashko. GGHA is the volunteer Int. Academy of Gandhian Peace Science, Spheronics. GGHA unites more 600 members in 55 countries. It included the President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam 2002-2007 and five Nobel Peace Laureates. GGHA was nominated for the creation of the Gandhian Spherons Global Peace MegaScience, Spheronics to the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, 2017 and 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1000 Web: https://peacefromharmony.org, about20 million views in 19 years Board: 36 GGHA members from 14 countries: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 GGHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, Delhi 110045, India: hasina@worldgrowthforums.com GGHA Mission is: Global peace/security from harmony of the Gandhian equal spherons on the ‘substantially new" (Einstein) spheral, holistic and fractal tetranet thinking base of the “Spherons Global Peace MegaScience” (SGPM) or briefly “Spheronics” through universal harmonious spherons’ education: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 The India President in 2002-7, Dr. Abdul Kalam, the first world leader, who recognized the Spheronics as "the dawn of a first harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the Earth nations" in 2012: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=489 GGHA Peace Formula: "Peace Comes from Spherons Harmony via their Peace Science and AI" --------------------------------------------------------------------

Peace Science: “Pact for the Future” to Transform of the UN Charter and States Constitutions as only Alternative to Nuclear Suicide.
GGHA 89th zero project for the UN, C4UNWN and Mr. Elon Musk. February 12, 2024 Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1172 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1062 Resume: Churchill: “We created the UN not for heaven, but to prevent hell.” However really, for almost 80 years, under this UN aegis, the nuclear civilization hell was created with the nuclear suicide (NS) 99% inevitability in 90 seconds of its remaining life and the humanity security complete nullification by nuclear NEMP. This is the real fact from which the UN and its members have been hiding in their ostrich politics during 80 years, having ignorantly buried the Pugwash movement of scientists (its last conference was in 2017), which is the only one capable of professionally seeing and assessing the NS scale and depth. The UN, instead of becoming the scientific flagship of member states peacebuilding, has been following on a leash of the famous hegemon and its aggressive militaristic coalition, which has peacefully coexisted with the UN during 75 years and constituting its ruling core. The paradise of peace on earth, unattainable for the militaristic UN, can be built by the UN only on the PEACE SCIENCE (PS) foundation based on safe AI, necessary and acceptable to all the planet nations, if the UN takes it into service, instead of constantly suppressing it during 80 years. Overcoming the inevitable NS mortal risk by the fundamental PS is the UN only 100% responsibility. only similar UN is needed today to humanity and its future. Otherwise, the UN will face the League of Nations fate. 1. The Co-facilitators of C4UNWN (https://c4unwn.org/) published on January 26, 2024 a draft report (Zero Draft) “Pact for the Future” * for the “Summit of the Future” at the UN on September 22, 2024 on 20 pages of 148 points. Its constructive points are integrated by our PS project, but it offers a scientific, macrosociological vision of the future, the UN and its members. *https://c4unwn.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=58c42baf66eb872b48c3bc796&id=e5b923f659&e=5fd6f449a6

2. PS is the fundamental, macrosociological, innovative and holistic social vision verified by world statistics and logic, accessible to verification of every literate person in 1-2 hours, created in the GGHA over 19 years by more than 700 coauthors from 50 countries with the participation of Mahatma Gandhi granddaughter Ela Gandhi, Indian President Abdul Kalam and 5 Nobel Peace Laureates. But it was created only, relatively speaking, by 1% in its embryo, in its social genome and its basic structural macrosociological laws of the nonviolent Gandhian spherons as its holistic and eternal substance. 3. PS is the human highest scientific intelligence of objective truth in “knowledge of one’s own”, highest social nature, because nonviolent peace, as true, “perpetual peace” (Kant) is the only way of its eternal existence. It has no other way of eternal existence. Everything else is the forms of violence: war, terror, murder, genocide and the like; this is only death and destruction of the social nature parts, its historically transient carcinogenic pathology and temporary suicidal deviation of the separate nations. However, the need for violent resistance to both systemic internal relapses of violence and external, cosmic threats of an existential order remains forever. 4. PS, spheronics reveals the fundamental, macrosociological laws of the social nature peaceful being at the highest, transdisciplinary holistic level of thinking of all, without exception, historical societies, states and civilizations in which it is embodied throughout its entire sociogenesis from beginning to end. This is a qualitatively new level of thinking, inaccessible to traditional, discipline-limited and destructive thinking, the need to supplement that still Einstein spoke “if humanity wants to survive.” These are precisely the social nature eternal peace laws, which constitute the highest integrity and complexity for human knowledge and require from it the highest level of “a substantially new manner of thinking” (Einstein). Therefore, its fundamental laws become accessible to it thousands and centuries of years after knowledge of the nature basic laws and some laws of partial social structures. Unfortunately, the UN experience of 80 years of traditional, disciplinary thinking has proven that it does not want the humanity survival, abandoning “a substantially new manner of thinking” of the Gandhian PS. 5. The macrosociological PS, spheronics integrity and complexity of transdisciplinary, holistic thinking are mastered in its entirety only with the help and on the basis of adequate, safe AI by a special “spheral digital technology”, the architecture of which is adequate to the PS structure and therefore guarantees its complete safety. The GGHA has long been conducting research in the safe AI direction (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168). They also turned out to be indifferent for the militaristic UN and its members, although only safe AI based on PS is capable “to shift the arms race into a peace race,” as Martin Luther King predicted. only the UN Charter and its members constitutions restructuring on the foundation of technological digital PS will ensure their true peacemaking transformation for the humanity future in its eternal social structure of nonviolent spherons as its only actors of perpetual peace for accelerated growth, prosperity and sustainable development in peace of all nations, freed from the NS threat forever. 6. Throughout its history, humanity has accumulated separate, partial truths about social nature and methods of its knowledge, which are scattered across different millennia, centuries, countries and civilizations, starting since Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Plato, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Christ etc. This historical, multiplex nature of the accumulation of social knowledge predetermines the PS integration and plural essence, which consists of approximately 60% of partial scientific achievements before the 20th century and only 40% of the achievements of the past and our century. They lie in the fundamental discoveries of spheral holistic structures of society, the “Newtonian social law of humanity” - “nonviolent varnas/spherons” as the eternal peace spheral actors of Mahatma Gandhi in 1927, which became the PS holistic substance, the social nature “noosphere” as an intelligent planetary shell in Leroy, Vernadsky and Chardin in the same year. These include the ideas of many other modern giants of thought: Einstein, Kennedy, Khrushchev, Eisenhower, King, Deng Xiaoping, Avery, Galtung, Laszlo, GGHA and the like, ignored by the UN. But on their shoulders the PS is created in the integration synergy of a wide variety of scientific achievements. Today it also integrates AI, ensuring its safety and planetary scale, creating a fundamentally new paradigm of strong AI as its necessary spheral digital technology. 7. PS, revealing the fundamental laws of the perpetual peace as the only way of social nature life at all levels from the individual to humanity and making their scientific verification accessible to everyone man and society, is extremely necessary, acceptable, desirable and useful to all nations, people and humanity as a whole in our century. It is similar to all the basic civilizational truths of social progress of all other fundamental sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and the like. 8. Without PS, humanity has never had and never will have universal peace as the only way of social nature being. Without PS, humanity has no future on the verge of scapeless,above 99%, nuclear suicide (NS), which includes nuclear ecocide of nature and nuclear genocide of people. The inevitable NS was created over almost 80 years under the militaristic UN auspices since 1945 within the framework of a spontaneously emerging suicidal nuclear civilization launched by the nuclear genocide of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the year of its birth. It ensured a continuous, constant growth of the arms race, a constant increase in military budgets, a constant increase in hostility and confrontation of the “national interests” states, excluding any PS and any alternative to them, the inevitable result of which can be and has become only a total NS. It has now become clear that instead of complete security, nuclear civilization with the help of NEMP has ultimately nullified it for the USA military giant (Starr, 2023), therefore, for all countries of the world that are much weaker militarily. So what is the point of “nuclear umbrellas”, or are they completely meaningless and only threaten by NS? 9. Without the PS, humanity did not and cannot have a truly peacemaking UN, the only one truly necessary for it. Therefore, without PS, humanity with the similar UN and similar member states found itself: “We are closer today to a nuclear confrontation than at any time since the end of the Cold War.” Without PS, the planet peoples did not and cannot have truly peacemaking, truly democratic and truly human-centric, inclusive states and constitutions that care about treasuring their nations and preserving of their people lives, instead of their constant extermination in continuous and endless genocidal wars of national egoism. Without PS, humanity and the UN have no future. 10. Without innovative PS, the UN and state leaders cannot have any breakthrough and viable “Pact of the Future”, ensuring the humanity survival via its liberation from a unipolar militaristic and suicidal nuclear civilization through the means of dialogical development and implementation of the PS in the states constitution and in the updated, truly peacemaking UN Charter based on it. Similar Charter of the zero version was proposed in 2017 in the GGHA project by 21 coauthors from 11 countries with the participation of two Nobel Peace Prize laureates (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769). But it was racist and militaristic ignored by the UN, like all similar initiatives during 80 years, without even elementary discussion. 11. The UN will be able to qualitatively transform on the PS basis and its AI in order to get out of the militaristic, racist and unscientific dead end, only on the path of the following priority actions in its breakthrough peacebuilding “Pact of the Future”: 1. Organize the first International Contest of the “Peace Science” concepts in October-November 2024, inviting its famous and unknown authors and organizations to participate, primarily Galtung, Laszlo, Mulej, Kotila, GGHA and others like them, which were ignored earlier. 2. Together with the Contest, organize the first Annual World “Peace Science Forum”, inviting all contestants, as well as humanities scientists from all other countries, politicians, businessmen, journalists and diplomats. 3. The UN could invite the famous talented businessperson, known for his peacemaking inclination and independent character, Mr. Elon Musk, to lead these actions and finance them. Similar initiative was prepared and proposed to him by the GGHA at the end of December last year (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1166). 4. Adopt the GA UN resolution recommending that all member states follow the remarkable example of Deng Xiaoping in 1978, when he established independent “Chinese Academy of Social Sciences”, separated it from the CAS. This ensured the success of his modernization for the “economic miracle” in annual China growth to 20% on several decades and which brought China from an extremely poor country to the level of a world economic leader. The creation of independent “Academies of Social Sciences”, first of all, as “Academies of Peace and Accelerated Growth” (APAG) based on PS. A similar project for 10 BRICS+ countries was developed in the GGHA last year by 32 co-authors from 17 countries (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1152). Such independent APAG will be able to develop PS in relation to each country and for its holistic version for the UN, which will become the foundation of its peacemaking structural transformation and scientific worldview renewal. 5. Adopt the GA UN resolution recommending that all member states establish the “Department of Peace” in their governments based on the PS that was recommended to the US government for more than two centuries, one of its “founding fathers” doctor Benjamin Rush. The Congress rejected this Department bills more than ten times, but which today is more relevant for every country on the NS verge than ever, in order, together with the APAG to generate national and common alternatives to the “absolute evil” nuclear madness. 6. The PS version for 10 BRICS+ countries has been published by the GGHA here: (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1160). For the UN, it can be prepared in the GGHA together with the scientific “Pact of the Future” for the summit in two - three weeks, if its discussion at the UN will be guaranteed and not rejected, as before. The UN can overcome militarism, racism and unscientificness only on the PS basis and its AI. There is no other way to update it. Dr. Leo Semashko, on behalf of the GGHA 750 coauthors of spheronics (PS) for 19 years, Philosopher, sociologist and peacemaker from the Gandhian spherons harmony, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President, Nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, 2017 and 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253, E-mail: leo.semashko@gmail.com, Skype: leo.semahko, Russia, Saint Petersburg 12-02-24 --------------------------------