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Christian Easter 2024: Imperative to Unite in Peace/Nonviolence



Christian Easter 2024:

Imperative to Unite in Peace/Nonviolence


In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1184

In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1069

 Dear Christians,

The GGHA is happy to congratulate you o­n the Catholic and Orthodox Light Easter! It, for all of us is the o­ne Divine imperative to unite in Peace/Nonviolence! This is our common truth of faith of our joint two-thousand-year Christianity.

The believers’ Moral Path to Peace/Nonviolence is indicated by of Jesus’ Sermon o­n the Mount, and the secular True Way is determined by the fundamental Gandhian Peace Science (GPS), Spheronics, the o­ne for all believers, as all verified science is o­ne for them.

Jesus warned against the total lies and its false prophets, which today reign over all people. He emphasized that a person is not able to do anything good without God. But at the same time, without its own true mind in accordance with the divine will.

From the person’s, people's true, scientific mind depends to build the perpetual house/Peace o­n the stone of true knowledge. Because the false, non-scientific mind forces his to build the house/Peace an unsteady o­n the sand of false knowledge. This house/PEACE quickly crumbles (Matt.7:7-24-27) and dooms people to eternal wars/violence with the short truces of a false, temporary peace between them, in which people have lived for millennia to this day.

Therefore, the ways of faith and scientific truth are inseparable and additional in accordance with the civilizational logic of spheral, perpetual Divine necessity and sufficiency deployed in the true, verified GPS during the GGHA work 19 years. By this is essentially said.

Details here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1184

Christ is Risen!

Dr. Leo Semashko, Orthodox,

On behalf of the GGHA 750 coauthors of the Gandhian Peace Science (GPS) o­n the stone of spherons fundamental scientific truth, necessary and acceptable to all nations and believers to live in perpetual peace/nonviolence,




+ Details: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1184








+ Etc.





Мы всех приветствуем сердечно с Пасхальной радостью Святой! 

        Воскрес Христос! 

И свет небесный сияет ярко над землёй! 

               Он жив! 

Любовь его святая, потоком льётся к нам с небес, сердца ликуют! 

Христос во истину воскрес! 

Согласна с тем, что Религия и Наука Мира могут и должны сосуществовать в гармонии взаимного дополнения как нераздельные части единого, целостного, истинного разума человека. Религия и Наука Мира созвучны в своём стремлении объединять всех верующих и атеистов к миру, гармонии, любви, смирению и состраданию. 

Без этого мир не может существовать. 

С уважением

Вера Попович



© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005