
May 9, 2024. The 79th Peace Victory Day, “SO THAT WILL BE NO WAR!” GGHA Message. – It is our firework to it.
By Leo Semashko and Rudolf Siebert Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1188
https://www.ismatimes.com/en/The79th-Peace-Victory-Day-of-Russia In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1030
Dear friends, citizens of Peace! Congratulations on the planetary Victory of Peace over the Nazi, genocidal WWII, over the fascist mortal enemy of Peace on May 9, 1945, “smelling gunpowder”! In order to live on, we must scientifically, truly understand the deep, peaceful meaning of this historical Victory of humanity in order to forever prevent and eradicate from our life its mortal Nazi enemy and establish, instead of temporary truces between wars, the HUMANITY TRUE, PERPETUAL PEACE, proclaimed by Immanuel Kant, intuitively recognized by all healthy people and nations. The USSR and anti-Hitler coalition peoples fought in the WWII with the dream “SO THAT THERE WOULD BE NO WAR!” Victory in it on May 9, 1945 became the happiness of Peace Victory, life over death, war. I, like all Russians of the older generation, have remembered this peoples’ catchphrase for the rest of my life, which exhausts the Victory entire peacemaking, life-affirming meaning. The country “didn’t stand up for the price.” By the sacrificial death of almost 30 million of its selfless heroes, it, like Jesus Christ, “trampled down death by death,” rejected the people death and secured for itself and the whole world liberation from genocidal Nazism, from professional Nazi murderers, ALWAYS threatening peace and life. only their destruction through complete scientific denazification will save PEACE AND LIFE on Earth. Therefore, as long as Nazism/fascism is alive, there will be no PEACE on Earth and at Russia! Nazism/fascism/terrorism is incompatible with peace and society life! Therefore, today it is the priority duty of all conscious citizens of peace to arm themselves with two laws and tools in protecting their lives, the Fatherland and HUMANITY life from genocidal Nazism: 1. The Gospel law - “THOSE WHO TAKE SWORD BY SWORD WILL DIE” and Mahatma Gandhi nonviolence law - “KILL THE KILLER, FASCIST, TERRORIST!” This natural law of self-defense and the life instinct of self-preservation is the necessary and priority part of the peace culture today. A new attempt to exterminate it under the racist, genocidal flag of “Russophobia” was made by the “lost” West “liberal” Nazism, which betrayed the Faith and Science truth. 2. Peace Science (PS) as the fundamental and verified cognitive scalpel for the Nazism global demilitarization and its denazification in order to eradicate the carcinogenic Nazi ideology. Next year it will celebrate, under the applause of “false-liberal” collective West the 100th anniversary of its foundation - Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”, published in 1925. It will use it as a battering ram to discredit, ridicule and abuse the Victory 80th anniversary, celebrating the triumph of its global rebirth after 80 years based on this satanic killer instinct book. Today, the West monstrously zombied “oracles of Light”, having lost all conscience, honor and truth, are ready to recognize the genocidal “legacy of Hitler as greater than Gandhi” and than the USSR Victory over Nazism. Satan became better than Jesus for them. This is extreme moral failure and dehumanization. It is directed against Russia, at its Victory mental humiliation: the victor, USSR fell, powerless in mental denazification and Hitler was therefore reborn and globalized!There is nothing more to say here:  See also here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1179
To the bitterest regret of the peace citizens and the victims millions tens sadness of Nazism, Russia, as the main victim and key victor of Nazism 80 years ago, has not yet mastered the extremely necessary, scientific scalpel of its cognitive eradication and liberation from it by the fundamental and irresistible, massive and true denazification. only the peace science as an active spiritual culture of peace, based on the religious and moral faith of perpetual peace, is capable to resist the revived Nazi ideology in a liberal-false package, eradicating it mentally and freeing humanity from its militaristic pathology, which threatens it today with 99% total nuclear genocide. While we live, we are all, without exception, are CITIZENS OF PEACE! Because peace is the only way of being in our human life. We don't have anything else. God didn't give us anything else. Nature does not know or offer anything else. But peace is forced to defend its life from violent death, from the Nazi genocidal war only with the righteous and holy war that affirms the truth of peace/life. only the deep lie of militant atheism, godless liberal permissiveness, fake and degenerate “freedom without borders”, the Freudian instinct of Hitler’s animal killer and his racist pseudo-superiority as a barbaric stupid beast generate the Nazi genocidal war. It is eradicated, denazified by homo sapiens only by the great TRUTH of the infinite and perpetual DIVINE PEACE, comprehended together by Faith and the Peace Science. It intelligently and convincingly reveals the genetic, spheral, deeply hidden structure and harmonious fractal architecture of the planetary PEACE, created by God. The potential of Faith and Peace Science allows us to predict the beginning of ours, Russia and humanity, the Victory of Peace over the Nazi genocidal war of Ukraine/West at this 2024 year-end, significant in the Pythagorean digital numerology of the tetrads from the Lord! The GGHA congratulates all citizens of peace and especially Russia on the great past and new, upcoming Victory of Peace, “So that there is no war!” Always! So that the 80th Victory Day over German Nazism in 2025 becomes the beginning of the Victory of planetary scientific denazification with peaceful, safe AI over global genocidal Nazism forever! The GGHA called for it two years ago in the peacemaking project “Antifascist Gandhian Front” (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1069), and recently in our scientific (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1187) and Easter (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1184) Messages. Therefore, we hope that we will be heard with our GGHA Peace Science for the fourth time, in the Victory Message... With the Victory of Peace and planetary scientific denazification, necessary and acceptable to all citizens of the Earth!
Dr. Leo Semashko , on behalf of the PS 750 coauthors during the GGHA 19 years,Philosopher, sociologist and peacemaker from the Gandhian spherons harmony, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President, antifascist, Russia, St Petersburg, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 09-05-24 ------------------------------- RESPONSES
View Russian congratulations on the Russian page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1030 Dear Dr Leo Semashko, Thank you very much for your kind words! Thank you very much for your wishes on the Day of Peace Victory, May 9! Our entire Team of WGF also congratulates you on the Day of Peace Victory, May 9. Love and Peace! Warm Regards, India Team Nation Builders https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=960 09-05-24 ---------------------------
A great victory for all Humanity! Congratulations to the Russian People! Fab Stalingrad
We got off the boat at the dock Walking into town I was asked Could I lay some flowers At the War Memorial On the Banks of the Volga? Of course I said yes Honored and pleased My Dad had fought the Japanese At Saipan and Tinian and Okinawa Nazis were not his war But we were all Allies together In the Noble Cause to Defeat Fascism As I neared the Statue On the Banks of the Volga Young Komsomol Girl appeared All dressed in white Carrying a wreath of red roses She gave to me A band was playing Joyful, not somber, but subdued Town Elders assembled Sun was shining Most beautiful day On the Banks of the Volga I lay my wreath of roses To the Defenders and Victims of Stalingrad Bowed my head in silent reflection If the Soviets had not held at Stalingrad All Europe today would be speaking German And saluting: Heil Hitler! Deutschland, Deutschland But not Uber Alles My Dad was smiling On the Banks of the Volga
Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign IL 61820 USA Phone: 217-333-7954 Fax: 217-244-1478 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957 10-05-24 ---------------------------
Thank you very much for your message! Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, PhD, DhC, India ambassadorindia3@gmail.com 11-05-24 -----------------------------
Dear Leo, The Day of Victory has been written in the humanity book history with golden letters, because was made against the nasty Nazi. Nazi nowadays attacks against freedom of nations using wars and wrong science. The evil is present in our lives but Jesus Christ support us. We keep the memory of this Day. Have faith. With wishes for a peaceful future Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides Co-founder Vice president of GGHA Greece https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 11-05-24 -------------------------------
Dear Takis, Francis Boyle, Arvind Kumar, Hasina Parvin and many others! Many thanks for your bold congratulations on the Victory Day of Peace over genocide Nazism, when the Western "oracles of Light" are zeroing Gandhi and exalt Hitler as their global ideological god in the racial genocide of Russians, Palestinians and all other objectionable and the lower for them. Your responses were published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1188, along with Russian congratulations here: https://pesefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1030, with one global truth today. The Nazism genocidal ideology, embodied in “Genocide Joe, Ze and Ne” from Hitler, threatening humanity today with 99% nuclear genocide, can be defeated and completely eradicated in planetary denazification only by the Gandhian Peace Science created with you in the GGHA for 19 years. This is deployed in our updated attached Message on May 9. With Victory of planetary denazification by Gandhian Peace Science! Regards, Dr. Leo Semashko 11-05-24 ---------------------------------
I have also toured the World War II Front-Lines at Leningrad and Moscow as well as spending the day at Stalingrad. So I know from first-hand experience the high price the Russian People paid to free humanity from Nazi Savagery and Barbarism. I know my Father after whom I am named and a U.S. Marine who invaded Saipan, Tinian and Okinawa to fight the Japanese Nazis would salute the Russian People too. RIP. Fab. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign IL 61820 USA Phone: 217-333-7954 11-05-24 ---------------------------------
Dear Leo: I would like to congratulate you and the whole brave Russian people and express my gratitude on the 79th Peace victory Day 2024. I am sorry for being late because of illness. on May 9th, 1945, I was a prisoner of war in Camp Allen, Norfolk, USA and was as Anti-Nazi trained to participate in the Denazification of Germany (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51). At this time, the American World and the Slavic World were still allied in fighting and defeating the Fascist European World. It was not only in Stalingrad, but even more so in Kursk, in the largest tank battle ever, that the backbone of the fascist European armies was broken. These fascist armies came from most of those European nations, which are today united again against Russia in the NATO. The German Democratic Republic was completely denazified. But in the German Federal Republic Denazification slowed down after the Nurnberg Trial, I which American and Russian judges still participated together. It finally stopped completely with the exception of an Auschwitz trial in the 1970ties, in which my cousin Persecke participated as judge. He got gray hairs not only because of the witnesses he listened to, but also because of the pressure he was under because he judged German citizens, which supposedly had only done their duty. Finally, Denazification stopped completely, because the American, British and French occupation forces wanted to win over the German population against the Soviet Union and communism. It was then when the Western democratic powers began to use defeated fascist forces in their struggle against communism. SS Colonel Werner von Brown and his 200 scientists were not the only ones, who were hired... Many former Nazis joined the Cold War in high positions. Many turned into Neo-Liberals, promoting the counterrevolution against the Soviet Union They succeeded with economic means where the old Nazis had failed with military means. In Germany a huge, two-volume scientific edition of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" has just come out in remembrance of its 100-year anniversary. In this book what was later called Barbarossa, the colonization of Russia up to the Volga and the Ural was anticipated and panned. All democratic people around the globe are grateful for the heroic deed of defeating European fascism in the 20th century, and hope that it can be defeated once more in the 21st century through a new alliance between the Slavic World and the American World. Both Worlds are still cooperating in space. Why not on earth as well? Best wishes, Your grateful friend Rudi from the House of Mir, USA Dr. Rudolf Siebert, Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan, philosopher, Wehrmacht soldier in 1943-1945, theologian, antifascist, GGHA Vice-President, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51, Christian Resistance to Fascism - Dr. Rudolf J. Siebert, Just War Theory: Past, Present, and Future 12-05-24 -------------------------------------------------------
Dear antifascist friend Rudi, The GGHA is delighted with your honest and courageous congratulations on May 9, Victory Day of Peace, the USSR and anti-Hitler coalition over Nazism! It was published in the updated GGHA Message in the attachment and on the website. Your testimony as the Wehrmacht soldier 1943-1945, as antifascist, as war prisoner in the USA, who became philosopher, sociologist, theologian and one of the Gandhian Peace Science author for almost 20 years in the GGHA is especially valuable. You embody the living historical truth from first hand since 1943, without today's neoliberal and Bandera fakes of this period. You are the living veracity of this darkest and most dangerous period for humanity due to Nazi nuclear genocide in its history. We are proud, admire and adore you, and Francis Boyle, Rodney Atkinson, Glen Martin and dozens of others like you, for your courage of PEACE, TRUTH, LIGHT, and ANTIFASCISM! We will immortalize your names on the home page of our website as “true peace champions” - antifascists! As the Gandhian Creators of World Harmony, as its defenders from genocidal and now “neoliberal” Nazism! As the founders of the “Immortal Polk of Anti-Fascist Thinkers” (IPAT) in our Peace Science primer, which integrated all your scientific, anti-Nazi ideas. Our primer will become its mental weapon and scalpel, the breakthrough from the traditional, branch and violent logic of social development and thinking, which conceals the Nazism carcinogen (Atkinson), into their innovative, spheral and nonviolent logic, eradicating this carcinogen.
Also particularly valuable is your evidence of publication by “a huge, two-volume edition of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" has just come out in remembrance of its 100-year anniversary.” This is new proof of the EU and NATO Nazi nature under its banner as the "Fourth Reich" that has been fundamentally proven by Rodney Atkinson in many books and articles since 1991: (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1064)

Therefore, the EU and NATO nurtured, applauded and armed Ukrainian Nazism as a genocidal ram against Russia, doomedly trying to destroy it along with the May 9 Victory memory. They, like their neoliberal zombie “oracles of light,” are ready to recognize the genocidal “legacy of Hitler as greater than Gandhi” than the legacy of Victory and Peace. This is yet another Nazi addition to Orwell’s Western panopticum, in which “lies became truth, war became peace, slavery became freedom, ignorance became strength,” Satan of permissiveness became god, darkness became light, and Hitler, in the centuries-old result of “Mein Kampf” became better than Gandhi, Peace, Victory and Russia! And no fundamental mentality of the West oppose genocide Nazism today!
The peace science and its primer are extremely relevant today, when the genocidal Nazism ideology is not only being revived but also flourishing unhindered and spreading throughout the planet in mass editions of its source, the book “Mein Kampf” since 2016, which has become a bestseller (https://www.rbc.ru/society/08/01/2016/568fd2099a7947527f1c736f). It is published in almost all European languages, it is “liked” by more than 81% of Internet users, through which it can be bought, downloaded and read free with almost no restrictions, it exists in applications for smartphones (https://fb2.top/mein-kampf-454323). Moreover, that is monstrous; the proposal to study this book in schools is being discussed (https://lenta.ru/news/2017/01/03/mein_kampf). And this is in the complete absence of an accessible, simple and scientific fundamental alternative to this genocidal fiction after 100 years of its victorious march across the planet! This alternative is called upon and capable of being compiled only by the PS and its primer, which we could publish in six months, because in the draft it was written by us with your participation last year (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1028). We, the GGHA, are deeply grateful to you and your antifascist colleagues, as well as to the rare, courageous and honest journalists from ISMATimes, who were not afraid to publish our Victory Day Message: https://www.ismatimes.com/en/The79th-Peace-Victory-Day-of-Russia Best wishes to you for good health and peace from its antifascist science, Leo, 13-05-24 ----------------------------
Dear Respected Professor Dr. Leo Semashko; Greetings/Namaskar from Nepal! I hope all is well with you there. I am pleased to inform you that the long-awaited Social Inquiry: Journal of Social Science Research, Volume 4 has finally been published in mid May 2024 despite its original publication date being October 2022. In this issue, you wrote a paper titled "Gandhian Spherons: India/Nepal Return to the Varnas Peace World Leadership". ("Гандианские Сфероны: Возврат Индии/Непала к мировому лидерству варн", в соавторстве с Лауреатами Нобелевской премии мира Мейрид Корриган и Джоном Авери, 2022). Please access this paper at https://www.nepjol.info/index.php/sijssr/article/view/64805/49150 or see the attachment. To cite this article: Pathak, B., Maguire, M. C., Avery, J. S., & Semashko, L. M. (2022).Gandhian spherons: India/Nepal return to the varnas peace world leadership. Social Inquiry: Journal of Social Science Research, 4, 24-49. https://doi.org/10.3126/sijssr.v4i1.64805 Thank you. Sincerely yours in peace, Bishnu Professor Bishnu Pathak, PhD Former Senior Commissioner Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons, Nepal (For a brief resume, please link to https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910) & https://iaewp-org.blogspot.com/ (For a short biography, please visit https://www.transcend.org/tms/2016/01/bishnu-pathaks-nine-freedoms-doctrine-to-truth-justice-and-dignity/) https://independent.academia.edu/BishnuPathakPhd GGHA Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 15-05-24 --------------------