
https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 ------------------------------- NATO. Washington Summit Declaration issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C. 10 July 2024 https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_227678.htm ·10 Jul. 2024 - ·Press Release 2024 001 ·Issued on 10 Jul. 2024 ·Last updated: 11 Jul. 2024 17:14 ·English ·French 1. We, the Heads of State and Government of the North Atlantic Alliance, have gathered in Washington to celebrate the 75th anniversary of our Alliance. Forged to preserve peace, NATO remains the strongest Alliance in history. We stand in unity and solidarity in the face of a brutal war of aggression on the European continent and at a critical time for our security. We reaffirm the enduring transatlantic bond between our nations. NATO remains the unique, essential, and indispensable transatlantic forum to consult, coordinate, and act on all matters related to our individual and collective security. NATO is a defensive Alliance. Our commitment to defend one another and every inch of Allied territory at all times, as enshrined in Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, is iron-clad. We will continue to ensure our collective defence against all threats and from all directions, based on a 360-degree approach, to fulfil NATO’s three core tasks of deterrence and defence, crisis prevention and management, and cooperative security. We are bound together by shared values: individual liberty, human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. We adhere to international law and to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and are committed to upholding the rules-based international order. 2. We warmly welcome our thirty second and newest Ally, Sweden. The historic accession of Finland and Sweden makes them safer and our Alliance stronger, including in the High North and the Baltic Sea. Every nation has the right to choose its own security arrangements. We reaffirm our commitment to NATO’s Open Door Policy, in line with Article 10 of the Washington Treaty. 3. Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has shattered peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area and gravely undermined global security. Russia remains the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security. Terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, is the most direct asymmetric threat to the security of our citizens and to international peace and prosperity. The threats we face are global and interconnected. 4. Strategic competition, pervasive instability, and recurrent shocks define our broader security environment. Conflict, fragility and instability in Africa and the Middle East directly affect our security and the security of our partners. Where present, these trends, among others, contribute to forced displacement, fuelling human trafficking and irregular migration. Iran’s destabilising actions are affecting Euro-Atlantic security. The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) stated ambitions and coercive policies continue to challenge our interests, security and values. The deepening strategic partnership between Russia and the PRC and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut and reshape the rules-based international order, are a cause for profound concern. We are confronted by hybrid, cyber, space, and other threats and malicious activities from state and non-state actors. 5. At this 75th anniversary Summit, we are taking further steps to strengthen our deterrence and defence, bolster our long-term support to Ukraine so it can prevail in its fight for freedom, and deepen NATO’s partnerships. We warmly welcome President Zelenskyy of Ukraine and the leaders of Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, and the European Union. 6. We welcome that more than two-thirds of Allies have fulfilled their commitment of at least 2% of GDP annual defence spending and commend those Allies who have exceeded it. Allies are stepping up: defence expenditure by European Allies and Canada has grown by 18% in 2024, the biggest increase in decades. They are also investing more in modern capabilities, and increasing their contributions to NATO operations, missions, and activities. We reaffirm our enduring commitment to fully implement the Defence Investment Pledge as agreed in Vilnius, and recognise that more is needed urgently to sustainably meet our commitments as NATO Allies. We reaffirm that, in many cases, expenditure beyond 2% of GDP will be needed in order to remedy existing shortfalls and meet the requirements across all domains arising from a more contested security order. 7. We have undertaken the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence in a generation. We are delivering on the Madrid and Vilnius Summit decisions to modernise NATO for a new era of collective defence. We cannot discount the possibility of an attack against Allies’ sovereignty and territorial integrity. We have strengthened our deterrence and defence posture to deny any potential adversary any possible opportunities for aggression. We continue to enhance NATO’s deterrence and defence against all threats and challenges, in all domains, and in multiple strategic directions across the Euro-Atlantic area. We have deployed in-place combat-ready forces on NATO’s Eastern Flank, strengthened forward defences, and enhanced the Alliance’s ability to rapidly reinforce any Ally that comes under threat. We have a new generation of NATO defence plans in place that make the Alliance stronger and more able to deter and, if necessary, defend against any potential adversary, including at short or no notice. We are committed to delivering the required high readiness forces across all domains, including for a robust and agile Allied Reaction Force. We are further accelerating the modernisation of our collective defence and are: ·Providing the necessary forces, capabilities, resources, and infrastructure for our new defence plans, to be prepared for high-intensity and multi-domain collective defence. In this regard, we will build on the progress made to ensure that increased national defence expenditures and NATO common funding will be commensurate with the challenges of a more contested security order. ·Conducting more frequent and large-scale training and exercises of our plans to demonstrate our ability to defend and rapidly reinforce any Ally that comes under threat, including through Steadfast Defender 24, NATO’s largest military exercise in a generation. ·Taking urgent action to increase capabilities in accordance with the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP), including in the short-term, with our initial focus to include battle decisive munitions and air and missile defence. We welcome collective and joint procurement initiatives based on our requirements, informed by the NDPP. We are accelerating transformation and the integration of new technologies and innovation, including through a plan to improve technology adoption. We are also modernising our air surveillance capability. ·Strengthening our NATO command and control and assigning key leadership roles to nationally provided headquarters. ·Strengthening our ability to move, reinforce, supply, and sustain our forces to respond to threats across the Alliance, including through effective and resilient logistics and the development of mobility corridors. ·Training, exercising, and integrating NATO’s Forward Land Forces into the new plans, including by continuing to strengthen our forward defences on NATO’s Eastern Flank. ·Taking full advantage of the accession of Finland and Sweden, and the capabilities they bring to the Alliance by fully integrating them into our plans, forces, and command structures, including by developing a NATO presence in Finland. ·Accelerating the integration of space into our planning, exercises, and multi-domain operations, in particular by strengthening the capacity of NATO’s Space Operations Centre. ·Establishing the NATO Integrated Cyber Defence Centre to enhance network protection, situational awareness, and the implementation of cyberspace as an operational domain throughout peacetime, crisis and conflict; and developing a policy to augment the security of NATO’s networks. ·Strengthening the protection of critical undersea infrastructure (CUI), and enhancing our ability to deter, detect and respond to threats, including through continued development of NATO’s Centre for Security of CUI. ·Investing in our Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear defence capabilities required to effectively operate in all environments. ·Accelerating implementation of NATO standards and agreeing the necessary measures to increase and strengthen our interoperability. 8. We are resolved to deter and defend against all air and missile threats by enhancing our Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD), based on a 360-degree approach. We have updated NATO’s IAMD Policy and will continue to increase our readiness, responsiveness, and integration through various initiatives, such as the implementation of the IAMD Rotational Model across the Euro-Atlantic area with an initial focus on the Eastern Flank. Allies remain committed to enhancing the effectiveness of IAMD and taking all steps to respond to the security environment. We are pleased to declare NATO Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) Enhanced Operational Capability. The delivery of the Aegis Ashore site Redzikowo, Poland, complements existing assets in Romania, Spain, and Türkiye. Allies remain committed to the full development of NATO BMD, to pursue the Alliance’s collective defence and to provide full coverage and protection for all NATO European populations, territory, and forces against the increasing threat posed by the proliferation of ballistic missiles. Missile defence can complement the role of nuclear weapons in deterrence; it cannot substitute them. 9. Nuclear deterrence is the cornerstone of Alliance security. The fundamental purpose of NATO’s nuclear capability is to preserve peace, prevent coercion and deter aggression. As long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance. NATO reaffirms its commitment to all the decisions, principles, and commitments with regard to NATO’s nuclear deterrence, arms control policy and non-proliferation and disarmament objectives as stated in the 2022 Strategic Concept and 2023 Vilnius Communiqué. Arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation have made and should continue to make an essential contribution to achieving the Alliance’s security objectives and to ensuring strategic stability and our collective security. NATO remains committed to taking all necessary steps to ensure the credibility, effectiveness, safety, and security of the Alliance’s nuclear deterrence mission, including by modernising its nuclear capabilities, strengthening its nuclear planning capability, and adapting as necessary. 10. NATO’s deterrence and defence posture is based on an appropriate mix of nuclear, conventional, and missile defence capabilities, complemented by space and cyber capabilities. We will employ military and non-military tools in a proportionate, coherent and integrated way to deter all threats to our security and respond in the manner, timing, and in the domain of our choosing. 11. Transatlantic defence industrial cooperation is a critical part of NATO’s deterrence and defence. Strengthened defence industry across Europe and North America and enhanced defence industrial cooperation among Allies makes us more capable and better able to deliver against the requirements of NATO's defence plans in a timely manner. It underpins Allies’ immediate and enduring support to Ukraine. We will continue to reduce and eliminate, as appropriate, obstacles to defence trade and investment among Allies. Building on the Defence Production Action Plan agreed at the Vilnius Summit in 2023, we commit to doing more together as Allies, including to strengthen defence industry across the Alliance, act urgently to deliver the most critical capabilities, and reinforce our commitment to NATO standards. To that end, we have today agreed the NATO Industrial Capacity Expansion Pledge. 12. National and collective resilience are an essential basis for credible deterrence and defence and the effective fulfillment of the Alliance’s core tasks in a 360-degree approach. Resilience is a national responsibility and a collective commitment, rooted in Article 3 of the Washington Treaty. Strengthening national and Alliance-wide preparedness for deterrence and defence requires a whole of government approach, public-private cooperation, and societal resilience considerations. We pledge to build on our ongoing efforts to strengthen national resilience by integrating civilian planning into national and collective defence planning in peace, crisis and conflict. We will continue to boost our resilience by increasing the Alliance’s collective awareness, preparedness and capacity across all hazards and in all domains, to address growing strategic threats, including against our democratic systems, critical infrastructure, and supply chains. We will employ the necessary capabilities to detect, defend against, and respond to the full spectrum of malicious activities. We will also take concrete steps to deepen our cooperation with our partners engaged in similar efforts, in particular the European Union. 13. State and non-state actors are using increasingly aggressive hybrid actions against Allies. We will continue to prepare for, deter, defend against, and counter hybrid threats and challenges. We reiterate that hybrid operations against Allies could reach the level of an armed attack and could lead the North Atlantic Council to invoke Article 5 of the Washington Treaty. 14. We will continue to develop our individual and collective capacity to analyse and counter hostile disinformation and misinformation operations. NATO is closely coordinating with Allies and partners. We have increased our alert and sharing mechanisms and strengthened our joint responses, in particular in strategic communication. 15. We look forward to meeting with President Zelenskyy in the NATO-Ukraine Council. We reaffirm our unwavering solidarity with the people of Ukraine in the heroic defence of their nation, their land, and our shared values. A strong, independent, and democratic Ukraine is vital for the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area. Ukraine’s fight for its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders directly contributes to Euro-Atlantic security. We welcome announcements by Allies to provide Ukraine with critical additional air defence systems as well as other military capabilities. To help Ukraine defend itself today, and deter Russian aggression in the future, we have: ·Decided to establish the NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine (NSATU) to coordinate the provision of military equipment and training for Ukraine by Allies and partners. Its aim is to place security assistance to Ukraine on an enduring footing, ensuring enhanced, predictable, and coherent support. NSATU, which will operate in Allied states, will support Ukraine’s self-defence in line with the UN Charter. NSATU will not, under international law, make NATO a party to the conflict. It will support the transformation of Ukraine’s defence and security forces, enabling its further integration with NATO. ·Announced a Pledge of Long-Term Security Assistance for Ukraine for the provision of military equipment, assistance, and training to support Ukraine in building a force capable of defeating Russian aggression. Through proportional contributions, Allies intend to provide a minimum baseline funding of €40 billion within the next year, and to provide sustainable levels of security assistance for Ukraine to prevail. ·Taken forward the establishment of the NATO-Ukraine Joint Analysis, Training, and Education Centre (JATEC), an important pillar of practical cooperation, to identify and apply lessons from Russia’s war against Ukraine and increase Ukraine’s interoperability with NATO. ·Welcomed the Secretary General’s decision to appoint a NATO Senior Representative in Ukraine. 16. We fully support Ukraine’s right to choose its own security arrangements and decide its own future, free from outside interference. Ukraine’s future is in NATO. Ukraine has become increasingly interoperable and politically integrated with the Alliance. We welcome the concrete progress Ukraine has made since the Vilnius Summit on its required democratic, economic, and security reforms. As Ukraine continues this vital work, we will continue to support it on its irreversible path to full Euro-Atlantic integration, including NATO membership. We reaffirm that we will be in a position to extend an invitation to Ukraine to join the Alliance when Allies agree and conditions are met. The Summit decisions by NATO and the NATO-Ukraine Council, combined with Allies’ ongoing work, constitute a bridge to Ukraine’s membership in NATO. Allies will continue to support Ukraine’s progress on interoperability as well as additional democratic and security sector reforms, which NATO Foreign Ministers will continue to assess through the adapted Annual National Programme. 17. Russia bears sole responsibility for its war of aggression against Ukraine, a blatant violation of international law, including the UN Charter. There can be no impunity for Russian forces’ and officials’ abuses and violations of human rights, war crimes, and other violations of international law. Russia is responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians and has caused extensive damage to civilian infrastructure. We condemn in the strongest possible terms Russia’s horrific attacks on the Ukrainian people, including on hospitals, on 8 July. Russia must immediately stop this war and completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its forces from Ukraine in line with UN General Assembly resolutions. We will never recognise Russia’s illegal annexations of Ukrainian territory, including Crimea. We also call on Russia to withdraw all of its forces from the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, stationed there without their consent. 18. Russia seeks to fundamentally reconfigure the Euro-Atlantic security architecture. The all-domain threat Russia poses to NATO will persist into the long term. Russia is rebuilding and expanding its military capabilities, and continues its airspace violations and provocative activities. We stand in solidarity with all Allies affected by these actions. NATO does not seek confrontation, and poses no threat to Russia. We remain willing to maintain channels of communication with Moscow to mitigate risk and prevent escalation. 19. We condemn Russia’s irresponsible nuclear rhetoric and coercive nuclear signalling, including its announced stationing of nuclear weapons in Belarus, which demonstrate a posture of strategic intimidation. Russia has increased its reliance on nuclear weapon systems and continued to diversify its nuclear forces, including by developing novel nuclear systems and deploying short and intermediate range dual-capable strike capabilities, all of which poses a growing threat to the Alliance. Russia has violated, selectively implemented, and walked away from longstanding arms control obligations and commitments, thereby undermining the global arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation architecture. We oppose any placement of nuclear weapons in orbit around Earth, which would violate Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty, and would gravely threaten global security. We are profoundly concerned by the reported use of chemical weapons by Russia against Ukrainian forces. 20. Russia has also intensified its aggressive hybrid actions against Allies, including through proxies, in a campaign across the Euro-Atlantic area. These include sabotage, acts of violence, provocations at Allied borders, instrumentalisation of irregular migration, malicious cyber activities, electronic interference, disinformation campaigns and malign political influence, as well as economic coercion. These actions constitute a threat to Allied security. We have decided on further measures to counter Russian hybrid threats or actions individually and collectively, and will continue to coordinate closely. Russia’s behaviour will not deter Allies’ resolve and support to Ukraine. We will also continue to support our partners most exposed to Russian destabilisation, as they strengthen their resilience in the face of hybrid challenges that are also present in our neighbourhood. 21. We are determined to constrain and contest Russia’s aggressive actions and to counter its ability to conduct destabilising activities towards NATO and Allies. For our next Summit, we will develop recommendations on NATO’s strategic approach to Russia, taking into account the changing security environment. 22. Countering terrorism remains essential to our collective defence. NATO’s role in the fight against terrorism contributes to all three core tasks of the Alliance and is integral to the Alliance’s 360-degree approach to deterrence and defence. We will continue to counter, deter, defend, and respond to threats and challenges posed by terrorists and terrorist organisations based on a combination of prevention, protection, and denial measures with determination, resolve and in solidarity. In order to further strengthen NATO’s role in counter-terrorism we endorsed today NATO’s Updated Policy Guidelines on Counter-Terrorism and our Updated Action Plan on Enhancing NATO’s Role in the International Community’s Fight Against Terrorism. These documents will guide the Alliance’s work on counter-terrorism and identify key areas for our long-term efforts. We welcome the role played in this respect by the Secretary General’s Special Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism. 23. We urge all countries not to provide any kind of assistance to Russia’s aggression. We condemn all those who are facilitating and thereby prolonging Russia’s war in Ukraine. 24. Belarus continues to enable this war by making available its territory and infrastructure. Russia’s deepening political and military integration of Belarus, including the deployment of advanced Russian military capabilities and personnel, has negative implications for regional stability and the defence of the Alliance. 25. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Iran are fuelling Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine by providing direct military support to Russia, such as munitions and uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs), which seriously impacts Euro-Atlantic security and undermines the global non-proliferation regime. We strongly condemn the DPRK’s exports of artillery shells and ballistic missiles, which are in violation of numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions, and note with great concern the deepening ties between the DPRK and Russia. Any transfer of ballistic missiles and related technology by Iran to Russia would represent a substantial escalation. 26. The PRC has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war against Ukraine through its so-called “no limits” partnership and its large-scale support for Russia’s defence industrial base. This increases the threat Russia poses to its neighbours and to Euro-Atlantic security. We call on the PRC, as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council with a particular responsibility to uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, to cease all material and political support to Russia’s war effort. This includes the transfer of dual-use materials, such as weapons components, equipment, and raw materials that serve as inputs for Russia’s defence sector. The PRC cannot enable the largest war in Europe in recent history without this negatively impacting its interests and reputation. 27. The PRC continues to pose systemic challenges to Euro-Atlantic security. We have seen sustained malicious cyber and hybrid activities, including disinformation, stemming from the PRC. We call on the PRC to uphold its commitment to act responsibly in cyberspace. We are concerned by developments in the PRC’s space capabilities and activities. We call on the PRC to support international efforts to promote responsible space behaviour. The PRC continues to rapidly expand and diversify its nuclear arsenal with more warheads and a larger number of sophisticated delivery systems. We urge the PRC to engage in strategic risk reduction discussions and promote stability through transparency. We remain open to constructive engagement with the PRC, including to build reciprocal transparency with the view of safeguarding the Alliance’s security interests. At the same time, we are boosting our shared awareness, enhancing our resilience and preparedness, and protecting against the PRC’s coercive tactics and efforts to divide the Alliance. 28. NATO’s partnerships remain key to enhancing stability, positively influencing the global security environment, and upholding international law. They play an important role in supporting NATO’s three core tasks and our 360-degree security approach. We will continue to strengthen political dialogue and practical cooperation with partners, based on mutual respect, benefit, and interest of both Allies and partners. We are gathering at this anniversary Summit with our partners, including to mark thirty years of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) and the Mediterranean Dialogue (MD), and twenty years of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI). We are grateful to our partners for their significant contributions to NATO operations and missions. We welcome Moldova’s efforts to continue democratic reforms as it advances, as does Bosnia and Herzegovina, with its European integration, and we are committed to supporting their security and defence capabilities, and to enhance their capacity to counter hybrid threats. We are also strengthening our engagements with existing and potential new interlocutors beyond the Euro-Atlantic area, when doing so could bolster our mutual security. 29. The European Union remains a unique and essential partner for NATO. NATO-EU cooperation has reached unprecedented levels. Practical cooperation has been strengthened and expanded on space, cyber, climate and defence, as well as emerging and disruptive technologies. In the context of Ukraine, NATO-EU cooperation has become more significant. NATO recognises the value of a stronger and more capable European defence that contributes positively to transatlantic and global security and is complementary to, and interoperable with NATO. The development of coherent, complementary and interoperable defence capabilities, avoiding unnecessary duplication, is key in our joint efforts to make the Euro-Atlantic area safer. For the strategic partnership between NATO and the EU, non-EU Allies’ fullest involvement in EU defence efforts is essential. We will continue to further strengthen our strategic partnership in a spirit of full mutual openness, transparency, complementarity, and respect for the organisations’ different mandates, decision-making autonomy and institutional integrity, and as agreed by the two organisations. We look forward to working closely with the EU’s new leadership, on the basis of our longstanding cooperation. 30. We will meet with the leadership of Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea, and the European Union to discuss common security challenges and areas of cooperation. The Indo-Pacific is important for NATO, given that developments in that region directly affect Euro-Atlantic security. We welcome the continued contributions of our Asia-Pacific partners to Euro-Atlantic security. We are strengthening dialogue to tackle cross-regional challenges and are enhancing our practical cooperation, including through flagship projects in the areas of supporting Ukraine, cyber defence, countering disinformation, and technology. These projects will enhance our ability to work together on shared security interests. 31. The Western Balkans and the Black Sea regions are of strategic importance for the Alliance. We remain strongly committed to their security and stability. We will continue to enhance our political dialogue and practical cooperation with the Western Balkans in order to support reforms, regional peace and security, and counter malign influence, including disinformation, hybrid, and cyber threats, posed by both state and non-state actors. Democratic values, the rule of law, domestic reforms, and good neighbourly relations are vital for regional cooperation and Euro-Atlantic integration, and we look to continued progress in this regard. We remain committed to NATO’s continued engagement in the Western Balkans, including through the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR). We reaffirm our continued support to Allied regional efforts aimed at upholding security, safety, stability and freedom of navigation in the Black Sea region including, as appropriate, through the 1936 Montreux Convention. We welcome the activation by the three littoral Allies of the Black Sea Mine Countermeasures Task Group. We will further monitor and assess developments in the region and enhance our situational awareness, with a particular focus on the threats to our security and potential opportunities for closer cooperation with our partners in the region, as appropriate. NATO supports the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of interested countries in this region. 32. NATO’s southern neighbourhood provides opportunities for cooperation on issues of mutual interest. Through our partnerships we aim to foster greater security and stability in the Middle East and Africa, contributing to peace and prosperity in the region. In Vilnius, we launched a comprehensive reflection on threats, challenges, and opportunities in the South. Today we have adopted an action plan for a stronger, more strategic and result-oriented approach toward our southern neighbourhood, which will be regularly updated. We have invited the Secretary General to designate a Special Representative for the southern neighbourhood who will serve as NATO’s focal point for the region and will coordinate NATO’s efforts. We will reinforce our dialogue, outreach, visibility, and our existing instruments for cooperation, such as the Defence Capacity Building Initiative, the Hub for the South and the NATO-ICI Regional Centre in Kuwait. Together with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan we have agreed to open a NATO Liaison Office in Amman. Building on the success of NATO Mission Iraq (NMI) and based on the request of the Iraqi authorities, we have broadened the scope of our support to the Iraqi Security Institutions and will continue our engagement through NMI. 33. We have accelerated NATO’s transformation to meet current and future threats and to maintain our technological edge, including through experimentation and more rapid adoption of emerging technologies, and through digital transformation. To this end, we will implement our revised Artificial Intelligence Strategy and new Quantum and Biotechnology Strategies, and further promote principles of responsible use which underpin our work. We will also build on the success of the Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) and the NATO Innovation Fund (NIF) to further invest in our innovation ecosystems. We are closely monitoring technological advancements on the battlefield in Ukraine, and are launching new innovation initiatives with our Ukrainian partners. 34. We will continue integrating climate change considerations into all core tasks and will enhance our energy security efforts. Climate change is a defining challenge with a profound impact on our security. NATO remains committed to becoming the leading international organisation for understanding and adapting to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather on security. Energy is a critical capability enabler to NATO’s core tasks and military operations. We are committed to ensuring secure, resilient, and sustainable energy supplies, including fuel, to our military forces. NATO and Allies are adapting to energy transition in a coherent and coordinated manner. As we adapt our Alliance to the ongoing energy transition, we will ensure military capability, effectiveness, and interoperability. 35. We are committed to integrating NATO’s ambitious Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and Human Security agendas across all core tasks. Today we have endorsed an updated WPS Policy, which will enhance the integration of gender perspectives across all of NATO’s activities and structures, and advance gender equality within the Alliance, enabling NATO to respond better to broader security challenges. We will also continue to strengthen our human security approach related to the protection of civilians and cultural property. At a time when international law and fundamental norms are challenged, we remain fully committed to international humanitarian law. 36. We pay tribute to all those who work tirelessly for our collective security and honour all those who have paid the ultimate price or have been wounded to keep us safe, and their families. 37. Seventy-five years ago, NATO was founded to preserve peace and promote stability within the Euro-Atlantic area. We remain steadfast in our resolve to protect our one billion citizens, defend our territory, and safeguard our freedom and democracy. Our Alliance has stood the test of time. The decisions we have taken will ensure that NATO remains the bedrock of our shared security. We wish to thank Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg for his extraordinary leadership over a decade at the helm of our Alliance, during testing times. We pledge our full support to his successor, Mark Rutte. 38. We express our appreciation for the generous hospitality extended to us by the United States of America. We look forward to meeting again at our next Summit in The Hague, the Netherlands, in June 2025, followed by a meeting in Türkiye.
Pledge of Long-Term Security Assistance for Ukraine 1. Today, we affirm our unwavering commitment to Ukraine as a sovereign, democratic, independent state. To deliver that, Ukraine requires our long-term support. Since the start of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, Allies have provided unprecedented political, economic, military, financial, and humanitarian support, including military assistance amounting to roughly €40 billion annually. Allies have also made their defence industrial capacity available to support Ukraine’s needs. All of this is having a substantial effect, enabling the Ukrainians to defend effectively and inflict real and severe costs on Russia. 2. We affirm our determination to support Ukraine in building a force capable of defeating Russian aggression today and deterring it in the future. To that end, we intend to provide a minimum baseline funding of €40 billion within the next year, and to provide sustainable levels of security assistance for Ukraine to prevail, taking into account Ukraine's needs, our respective national budget procedures, and the bilateral security agreements which Allies have concluded with Ukraine. Heads of State and Government will re-evaluate Allied contributions at future NATO Summits, starting at the 2025 NATO Summit in The Hague. 3. Our commitment extends to costs related to the provision of military equipment, assistance, and training for Ukraine, including: ·Purchase of military equipment for Ukraine; ·In-kind support donated to Ukraine; ·Costs related to maintenance, logistics and transportation of military equipment for Ukraine; ·Costs for military training for Ukraine; ·Operational costs associated with provision of military support to Ukraine; ·Investments in and support for Ukraine's defence infrastructure and defence industry; ·All contributions to NATO Trust Funds for Ukraine, including non-lethal aid. 4. All Allied support for Ukraine according to the above criteria would count, whether delivered through NATO, bilateral, multilateral, or by any other means. To support fair burden-sharing, Allies will aim to meet this pledge through proportional contributions, including by taking into account their share of Alliance GDP. 5. Allies will report to NATO on support delivered in relation to this pledge twice per year, with the first report to include contributions delivered after 1 January 2024. Based on this, the Secretary General will provide an overview of all notified contributions to Allies. 6. In addition to military support covered by this pledge, Allies intend to continue providing political, economic, financial, and humanitarian support to Ukraine. PROGRAMME
·Programme of the meetings with links to transcripts, photos, audio and video ---------------------
RESPONSES Media Comments on NATO's summit declaration Importance: High Just reading through this Declaration, it appears to me that NATO is preparing for war against the Russian Federation in the immediate future. The NATO Declaration reminds me of Barbara Tuchman’s book The March of Folly describing the European Geopolitical Machinations leading up to the First World War. Its comments about Ukraine are delusional—detached from reality. Maybe NATO itself will not becoming involved in hostilities against Russia in Ukraine, but this Statement is paving the way for NATO States to get involved in hostilities against Russia in Ukraine. Ultimately this will prove to be a distinction without a difference. When implemented this Statement will make Ukraine a de facto NATO Member State with all the existentially dangerous consequences that would ensue from there. Its talking about Ukraine’s “irreversible path” to de jure NATO Membership is deliberately designed to rule out negotiations with Russia since Ukraine’s neutrality from NATO has always been the bottom line of Russia’s position, which is most reasonable. Its comments about Russia are paranoid and delusional and existentially dangerous and irresponsible. Since the USA IS NATO, the Biden administration did the first draft of this Statement for the other NATO States to sign on to with some minor tweaks and emendations by them. But still this Statement represents how paranoid, delusional, irresponsible, reckless and existentially dangerous the Biden administration is not only against Russia but also against North Korea, Iran and China, among others. As this Statement admits the European Union has finally come out of the closet to reveal itself as the Political and Economic Arms of the NATO Military Alliance. NATO is now moving into the Pacific where it is trying to replace and replicate the failed SEATO Pact. NATO is also moving into the Middle East where it is trying to replace and replicate the failed CENTO Pact. Its Pledge of Long-Term Security Assistance for Ukraine makes it perfectly clear that the United States, NATO, and the NATO States have no interest in a negotiated resolution to the situation in Ukraine with Russia despite the recent overtures by President Putin that he was prepared to negotiate. Although Putin’s demands were maximalist, they can serve as a basis for opening peace negotiations among Russia, the United States, and Ukraine. This Statement definitively rejects those overtures. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign IL 61820 USA Phone: 217-333-7954 Fax: 217-244-1478 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1199 https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_227678.htm 12-07-24 Просто читая эту Декларацию, мне кажется, что НАТО готовится к войне против Российской Федерации в ближайшем будущем. Декларация НАТО напоминает мне книгу Барбары Тачман «Марш глупости», в которой описываются европейские геополитические махинации, приведшие к Первой мировой войне. НАТО комментарии об Украине бредовые и оторванные от реальности. Возможно, сама НАТО и не будет участвовать в боевых действиях против России на Украине, но это Заявление открывает путь государствам НАТО к участию в боевых действиях против России на Украине. В конечном итоге это окажется различием без различия. В случае реализации этого Заявления Украина станет де-факто государством-членом НАТО со всеми вытекающими из этого экзистенциально опасными последствиями. Разговоры о «необратимом пути» Украины к членству в НАТО де-юре намеренно направлены на исключение переговоров с Россией, поскольку нейтралитет Украины со стороны НАТО всегда был краеугольным камнем позиции России, что наиболее разумно. НАТО комментарии о России являются параноидальными, бредовыми, экзистенциально опасными и безответственными. Поскольку США ЕСТЬ НАТО, администрация Байдена подготовила первый проект этого Заявления для подписания другими государствами НАТО с некоторыми незначительными изменениями и поправками, внесенными ими. Но тем не менее это заявление показывает, насколько параноидальной, бредовой, безответственной, безрассудной и экзистенциально опасной является администрация Байдена не только против России, но также против Северной Кореи, Ирана и Китая, среди других. Как признается в этом Заявлении, Европейский Союз, наконец, вышел из тайны и проявил себя как политическое и экономическое оружие Военного альянса НАТО. Сейчас НАТО продвигается в Тихий океан, где пытается заменить и воспроизвести провалившийся Пакт СЕАТО. НАТО также продвигается на Ближний Восток, где пытается заменить и воспроизвести провалившийся Пакт СЕНТО. НАТО обещание о долгосрочной помощи в обеспечении безопасности Украины совершенно ясно дает понять, что Соединенные Штаты, НАТО и государства НАТО не заинтересованы в урегулировании ситуации на Украине путем переговоров с Россией, несмотря на недавние попытки президента Путина о том, что он готов вести переговоры. Хотя требования Путина были максималистскими, они могут послужить основой для начала мирных переговоров между Россией, США и Украиной. Настоящее Заявление решительно отвергает подобные попытки. FrancisA. Boyle LawBuilding 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign IL 61820 USA Phone: 217-333-7954 Fax: 217-244-1478 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1199 https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_227678.htm 12-07-24
НАТО МИЛИТАРИСТСКАЯ ДЕКЛАРАЦИЯ ТРЕТЬЕЙ МИРОВОЙ ВОЙНЫ (МД) Истинная Дефиниция Декларации НАТО. Анти НАТО Манифест. Публикация вместе с Декларацией НАТО на английском и русском: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1199 Да, дорогой друг, единомышленник и член ГГСГ Френсис Бойл, вы совершенно правы в ваших первых определениях 75-юбилейной Декларации НАТО, которая структурирована в 44 параграфах на 8 страницах и в 5340 словах. После ее перевода на русский язык, публикации на нашем сайте и внимательного исследования, я убедился, что она лишена главного - общего определения или самоопределения, самоидентификации, но не от отсутствия ума у Столтенберга, духовного лидера НАТО или у США, его банкира-основателя и гегемона. Самоопределение Декларации НАТО отсутствует от его глубинного политико-пропагандистского намерения скрыть ее позорную и мерзкую сущность, потому что она крайне чудовищная, аморальная, бесчеловечная и сатанинская. Ее оценка миротворческих усилий независимых от НАТО Китая, России, Ирана, Северной Кореи на 100% лжива, поэтому не заслуживает внимания и обсуждения, в отличие от ее самоопределения. С позиции философии, социологии, науки и культуры мира этим определением может быть только одно: МИЛИТАРИСТСКАЯ ДЕКЛАРАЦИЯ ТРЕТЬЕЙ МИРОВОЙ ВОЙНЫ (МДТМВ), кратко МД. ТМВ – неотвратимый ядерный суицид человечества, конец цивилизованному будущему, неотвратимое «абсолютное зло ядерного оружия» (Авери), «сделанное США/НАТО», «золотым миллиардом» за почти 80 лет с Хиросимы/Нагасаки. США/НАТО запустили в историю геноцидную ядерную цивилизацию Западного гегемона, чтобы покончить с человечеством, а не с ядерным оружием и войной, как того требовал Джон Кеннеди, за что и был убит «творцами» НАТО. Поэтому МД НАТО, ее авторы и сторонники заслуживают и достойны самых низких квалификаций. МИЛИТАРИЗМ – вот истинное имя, смысл и семантическая субстанция МД НАТО, которую не скроет никакая ее Геббельсовская ложь: «чем чудовищнее и больше лжи, тем скорее в нее поверит» невзыскательная зомби публика. Интеллектуальная, научная истина подавлена и изгнана из нее, как и мир, как и наука и культура мира, обнуленные в ней. Вот лингвистическое доказательство самой МД. Милитаризму ТМВ посвящены все ее страницы, параграфы и слова, из 5340 которых для «МИРА» нашлось только 12 слов, только 0,22 %, а их 99,78% положены на жертвенник священной коровы США/НАТО – милитаризму вечных войн! Таково соотношение мира и войны в «миролюбивом» НАТО! Говоря проще, за 75 лет НАТО когнитивно обнулил мир и культуру мира в своей безумной, «наркозависимой от войны» (Доррел) голове в своей «зомби идеологии» (Монбиот), чтобы почти на 100% зачистить в ней пространство для милитаризма ТМВ. Все в МД сделано по сценарию «скотного двора 1984» Оруэлла, в котором «ложь стала истиной, война – миром, невежество – силой, а рабство [союзников] – свободой». МД игнорирует две научные истины, два фундаментальных факта, «сделанных Западом» за почти 80 лет его ядерной цивилизации: 1. Накопленного арсенала ядерного оружия достаточно, чтобы многократно уничтожить все живое на планете в «ядерной зиме» (Старр, Авери и многие другие); 2. Гонка ядерного оружия, запущенная Западом с Хиросимы/Нагасаки и непрерывно ускоряемая его ядерными бюджетами превысила вероятность/риск ядерного Армагеддона 99%, 90 секунд на часах «Судного Дня» американских атомщиков, созданных еще Эйнштейном (Меклин). Об этих фактах/истине в МД нет ни одного слова, как будто это не плод США/НАТО за 80 лет, а как у вороватого цыгана: «я – не я, и лошадь – не моя, ничего не знаю и мою Хиросиму/Нагасаки не помню»! Куда еще дальше «модернизировать и развивать ядерное оружие» в МД НАТО, чтобы убить последний процент жизни человечества и лишить его последних 90 секунд экзистенции? Разве это не безумие США/НАТО, ослепшего от ядерного наркотика и потерявшего за 80 лет все остатки здравого смысла? Разве США/НАТО не стали за 80 лет главными разрушителями мира на Земля? Это единогласно признано в номинации ГГСГ на 21 июня (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513) вслед за мировыми социологическими опросами и бесконечными историческими фактами, лишь основные из которых представлены на нашем баннере в этом проекте ГГСГ:

Выход из хронического, ядерного и милитаристского безумия США/НАТО один по мудрым рекомендациям гениев человечества: Иммануила Канта, Махатмы Ганди, Альберта Эйнштейна, Джона Кеннеди и им подобным, табуированных в МД, - вернуться к научному «пониманию» мира, только на пути которого, а не на пути «войны, насилия» достигается истинный, «вечный мир» Канта. Эти крупицы высшей истины мира, интегрированные в Науке Мира, созданной в ГГСГ за почти 20 лет сотнями ученых-миротворцев из более 50 стран чужды параноидальным авторам МД США/НАТО. Поэтому эта МД не имеет ничего общего ни с наукой, ни с моралью, ни с религией, ни с гуманизмом, ни с интересами выживания человечества. Поэтому она аморальна и преступна против человечества и не идет ни в какие сравнение с великой, общечеловеческой Наукой Мира, интегрирующей миротворческую мудрость человечества начиная с древнейших времен. Потому что уже тогда, в древнейших цивилизациях Индии, Египта, Китая, Крита, Греции и т.д., при всем детском невежестве, человечество обладало одной бессмертной интуицией, что МИР – ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ СПОСОБ ЖИЗНИ/БЫТИЯ ЛЮДЕЙ/ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВА всегда и везде, начиная с семьи и любой общности. Но фундаментальное объяснение и доказательство эта интуиция находит только в интеграционной Науке Мира. Она всесторонне аргументирует эту интуицию и доказывает, что другого способа бытия/жизни у людей не существует, что в планетарном мире на всех уровнях локальные и преходящие войны агрессивных милитаристских государств и их правителей – это лишь локальный и летальный для них канцероген. У хомо сапиенс он излечивается только когнитивно, только фундаментальной и верифицируемой каждым Наукой Мира. Она формулирует конструктивную, фундаментальную альтернативу по всем 44 пунктам МД НАТО, спасительную, необходимую и приемлемую для всего человечества, в том числе и для его «золотого миллиарда». Поэтому больным авторам и сторонникам МД НАТО из их диагноза «милитаристской Ахиллесовой пяты" следует только одна рекомендация: учиться, развивать и лечиться Наукой Мира. Конечно, если они все еще хотят и понимают спасительную необходимость избавиться от летального милитаристского канцерогена и освободить от него другие семь миллиардов человечества в соответствии с его бессмертным, устойчивым и константным социетальным геномом выживания. Дорогой Френсис и все единомышленники. Я приглашаю всех наших сторонников, членов и друзей ГГСГ, обсудить и утвердить «Анти НАТО Манифест» в течение 2-х дней, 14 и 15 июля, поддержать его текст вашим редактированием, более точной и краткой терминологией и стилистикой как наше миротворческое «исповедание веры» и «Евангелие Науки Мира». Это будет наш фундаментальный, научный «Анти НАТО Манифест» для семи миллиардов человечества.
Лев Семашко, Философ и социолог, основатель (2005) и Почетный Президент ГГСГ, от имени более 700 соавторов Науки Мира, включая президента индии Абдул Калама и 5 Нобелевских лауреатов мира, из более 50 стран за почти 20 лет Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 13-07-24 NATO WWIII MILITARIST DECLARATION (MD) The NATO Declaration True Definition. Anti NATO Manifest. Publication together with the NATO Declaration in English and Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1199 Yes, dear GGHA member, friend and like-minded Francis Boyle, you are absolutely right in your first definitions of the 75 jubilee NATO Declaration, which is structured in 44 paragraphs on 8 pages and 5340 words. After is translation into Russian, publication on our website and careful research, I became convinced that it lacks the main thing - a general definition or self-determination, self-identification, but not due to the lack of Stoltenberg’s mind, the NATO spiritual leader, or of the USA, its founding banker and hegemon. The NATO Declaration self-determination is absent from its deep political-propaganda intention to hide its shameful and vile essence, because it is extremely monstrous, immoral, inhuman and satanic. Its assessment of the peacemaking efforts of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, independent from NATO, is 100% false, and therefore does not deserve attention and discussion, unlike its self-determination. From the standpoint of philosophy, sociology, science and culture of peace, this definition can only be one: THE WWIII MILITARIST DECLARATION (WWIIIMD), briefly MD. WWIII is the humanity inevitable nuclear suicide, the civilized future end, the inevitable “nuclear weapons absolute evil” (Avery), “made by the USA/NATO,” the “golden billion” for almost 80 years since Hiroshima/Nagasaki. The USA/NATO launched the Western hegemon genocidal nuclear civilization into history in order to end humanity, and not with nuclear weapons and war, as John Kennedy demanded for that the NATO “creators” killed him. Therefore, the NATO MD, its authors and supporters are worthy and deserve the lowest qualifications. MILITARISM is the true name, meaning and semantic substance of the NATO MD, which no Goebbelsian lie can hide: “the more monstrous lies, the sooner the undemanding zombie public will believe in it.” Intellectual, scientific truth is suppressed and expelled from it, like peace, like the science and culture of peace, nullified in it. Here is linguistic proof of the MD itself. All its pages, paragraphs and words are dedicated to the WWIII militarism, out of 5340 of which only 12 words were found for “PEACE”, only 0.22%, and 99.78% of them were placed on the USA/NATO sacred cow altar - to the eternal wars militarism! This is the proportion between peace and war in the “peaceloving” NATO! To put it simply, for 75 years, NATO has cognitively reset peace and the culture of peace in its mad, “drug-addicted to war” (Dorrel) head in its “zombie ideology” (Monbiot) in order to almost 100% clear the space for WWIII militarism. Everything in MD is made according to the scenario of Orwell’s “Animal Farm 1984”, in which “lies became truth, war became peace, ignorance became force, and slavery [of the allies] became freedom.” MD ignores two scientific truths, two fundamental facts “made by the West” over almost 80 years of its nuclear civilization: 1. The nuclear weapons accumulated arsenal is enough to repeatedly destroy all life on the planet in a “nuclear winter” (Starr, Avery and many others); 2. The nuclear weapons race launched by the West since Hiroshima/Nagasaki and continuously accelerated by its nuclear budgets exceeded the probability/risk of nuclear Armageddon of 99%, 90 seconds on the “Doomsday Clock” of American Atomic Scientists, created by Einstein (Mecklin). There is not a single word about these facts/truth in MD, as if this is not the USA/NATO fruit for 80 years, but like a thieving gypsy: “I am not me, and the horse is not mine, I don’t know anything and my Hiroshima/Nagasaki I do not remember"! Where else to “modernize and develop nuclear weapons” in the NATO MD in order to kill the last percent of humanity’s life and deprive it of the existence last 90 seconds? Isn’t this the USA/NATO madness, which has become blind from a nuclear drug and has lost all remnants of common sense in 80 years? Hasn’t the USA/NATO become the main peace destroyers on Earth in 80 years? This was unanimously recognized in the GGHA nomination for June 21 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513) following world sociological polls and endless historical facts, only the main ones are presented on our banner in this GGHA project:
 There is only one way out of the USA/NATO chronic, nuclear and militaristic madness, according to the humanity geniuses wise recommendations: Immanuel Kant, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, John Kennedy and the like, tabooed in MD. They are to return to the peace scientific “understanding”, only on the path of which , and not on the path of “war, violence”, Kant’s true, “perpetual peace” is achieved. These grains of the peace highest truth, integrated in the Peace Science, created by the GGHA over almost 20 years by hundreds of peacemaking scientists from more than 50 countries, are alien to the US/NATO MD paranoid authors. Therefore, this MD has nothing to do with science, morality, religion, humanism, or the humanity survival interests. Therefore, it is immoral and criminal against humanity and cannot be compared with the great, universal Peace Science, which has been integrating the humanity peacemaking wisdom since ancient times. Because even then, in the ancient civilizations of India, Egypt, China, Crete, Greece, etc., with all their childhood ignorance, humanity had one immortal intuition that PEACE IS THE onLY WAY THE PEOPLE/HUMANITY LIFE/EXISTENCE always and everywhere, starting with the family and any community. But this intuition finds a fundamental explanation and proof only in the integration Peace Science. It comprehensively argues this intuition and proves that there is no other way of being/life for people, that in the planetary peace at all levels, the transient wars of aggressive militaristic states and their rulers are only a local and lethal carcinogen for them. In Homo sapiens only the fundamental and verifiable Peace Science can cure it by cognitively. It formulates a constructive, fundamental alternative to all 44 points of the NATO MD, saving, necessary and acceptable for all humanity, including its “golden billion”. Therefore, the NATO MD sick authors and supporters on their diagnosis of the “militaristic Achilles heel” should have only one recommendation: to study, develop and be treated by the Peace Science. Of course, if they still want and understand the life-saving need to get rid of the lethal militaristic carcinogen and free the humanity other seven billion from it in accordance with its immortal, stable and constant societal survival genome. Dear Francis and all like-minded people. I invite all our supporters, members and friends of the GGHA, to discuss and approve the “Anti-NATO Manifesto” within 2 days, July 14 and 15, to support its text with your editing, more precise and concise terminology and style as our peacemaking “confession of faith” and "Peace Science Gospel". This will be our fundamental, scientific “Anti-NATO Manifesto” for seven billion humanity. Dr. Leo Semashko,
Philosopher and sociologist, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President on behalf of the Peace Science more than 700 coauthors, including President India Dr. Abdul Kalam and 5 Nobel Peace Laureates, from more than 50 countries for almost 20 years Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 13-07-24 ----------------------------------- As an independent writer (since I was arbitrarily and unilaterally excluded from your group nearly 2 years ago), even though I am neither a scoundrel nor a Nazi. This: in the midst of almost general indifference, apart from a few disagreements expressed about this surprising decision, coming from a peace network sanctioning a messenger of peace. As a messenger of peace, I am hostile to the arms race and to the escalation of spending on nuclear weapons, at a time when humanity has many other evils to combat: climate, health, epidemics, poverty, etc. In the 21st century, unilateralism around the United States is not a credible prospect, nor is it good for people. We need multiculturalism, dialogue between civilisations, and recognition of the right of people to choose their government and their political system. We need a ceasefire in Ukraine, a peace plan, and once this has been agreed, we need to organise a conference on collective security in Europe without allegiance to or following anyone. Both Ukraine and Russia have the right to live in complete security and to choose their leaders freely. In May 2022, in my essay "L'humanisme et ses diverses filiations à l'épreuve de la guerre" ("Humanism and its various offshoots put to the test of war"), I proposed an argued peace plan in relation to this war between Russia and Ukraine, called Special Operation by Russia. At the end of the dissolution of the former USSR, President Gorbachev was assured by both the UN and the United States that there would be no creation of NATO bases around Russia. This unfulfilled commitment is not conducive to peace. I am therefore opposed to Ukraine joining NATO! There is NATO, but there is no longer a Warsaw Pact, the struggle between 2 blocs must end! Unfortunately, NATO is a continuation of a culture of war instead of a culture of peace = the eventual victory of arms does not make a policy, wanting to win militarily in no way resolves the aspirations of peoples, because resentments remain as well as the desire for revenge of the defeated or resigned country. I would have preferred it if, instead of stepping up the war effort, the diplomats within NATO had put their intelligence at the service of peace. The health and psychological state of the outgoing US President is a cause for concern if he remains a candidate and is re-elected. Similarly, the NATO summit remained inactive on the dramatic situation in Gaza, and on the international effort needed to achieve a 2-state solution: Israeli and Palestinian, without failing to condemn the massacres by Islamist movements against Israeli and international civilians on 7 October in Israel. But the criminal policy pursued by the current Israeli Prime Minister is damaging: both for the Israeli people and for the Palestinians, and undermines any prospect of lasting peace. At a time when the Olympic Games are about to open in France, in the spirit of the Olympic Charter, I would like to express my disagreement with the decision that Russian and Belarusian athletes will not be able to parade under their flag. Athletes are not political leaders, and Olympic universalism must take precedence over political contingencies. Guy CRÉQUIE French writer, social observer, messenger of peace https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106 13-07-24 Как независимый писатель (так как почти 2 года назад меня произвольно и в одностороннем порядке исключили из вашей группы), хотя я не подлец и не нацист. Это: посреди почти всеобщего безразличия, если не считать нескольких разногласий, выраженных по поводу этого удивительного решения, исходящего от сети мира, санкционировавшей посланника мира. Как посланник мира, я враждебен гонке вооружений и эскалации расходов на ядерное оружие в то время, когда человечеству приходится бороться со многими другими бедами: климатом, здравоохранением, эпидемиями, бедностью и т. д. В XXI веке Односторонность вокруг Соединенных Штатов не является перспективой, заслуживающей доверия, и она не приносит пользы людям. Нам нужен мультикультурализм, диалог между цивилизациями и признание права людей выбирать свое правительство и свою политическую систему. Нам нужно прекращение огня в Украине, мирный план, и как только он будет согласован, нам нужно организовать конференцию по коллективной безопасности в Европе, не подчиняясь никому и не следуя за кем-либо. И Украина, и Россия имеют право жить в полной безопасности и свободно выбирать своих лидеров. В мае 2022 года в своем эссе «L'humanismeetsesvariesfiliations à l'épreuvedelaguerre» («Гуманизм и его различные ответвления, подвергнутые испытанию войной») я предложил аргументированный мирный план в отношении этой войны. между Россией и Украиной, названная Россией специальной операцией. В конце распада бывшего СССР и ООН, и Соединенные Штаты заверили президента Горбачева, что вокруг России не будет создаваться баз НАТО. Это невыполненное обязательство не способствует миру. Поэтому я против вступления Украины в НАТО! НАТО есть, но Варшавского договора уже нет, борьба между 2 блоками должна закончиться! К сожалению, НАТО является продолжением культуры войны, а не культуры мира = возможная победа с оружием не делает политику, желание победить в военном отношении никоим образом не решает чаяния народов, потому что обиды остаются, как и желание для мести побеждённой или сдавшейся страны. Я бы предпочёл, чтобы вместо наращивания военных усилий дипломаты внутри НАТО поставили свою разведку на службу миру. Здоровье и психологическое состояние уходящего президента США вызывают беспокойство, если он останется кандидатом и будет переизбран. Аналогичным образом, саммит НАТО остался безучастным в отношении драматической ситуации в секторе Газа и международных усилий, необходимых для достижения решения о создании двух государств: Израиля и Палестины, не забывая при этом осудить массовые убийства, совершенные исламистскими движениями против израильских и международных граждан 7 октября в Израиль. Но преступная политика, проводимая нынешним премьер-министром Израиля, наносит ущерб как израильскому народу, так и палестинцам, и подрывает любую перспективу прочного мира. В то время, когда во Франции вот-вот откроются Олимпийские игры, в духе Олимпийской хартии я хотел бы выразить свое несогласие с решением о том, что российские и белорусские спортсмены не смогут маршировать под своим флагом. Спортсмены не являются политическими лидерами, и олимпийский универсализм должен иметь приоритет над политическими непредвиденными обстоятельствами. Гай КРЕКИ Французский писатель, общественный обозреватель, посланник мира https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106 13-07-24 ----------------------------- US/NATO and the NATO Member States constitute an ongoing criminal conspiracy along the lines of the SS and the Gestapo condemned and criminalized by Nuremberg. Fab. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign IL 61820 USA Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957 Phone: 217-333-7954 Fax: 217-244-1478 13-07-24
США/НАТО и государства-члены НАТО представляют собой продолжающийся преступный заговор по образцу СС и гестапо, осужденных и криминализированных Нюрнбергом. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign IL 61820 USA Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957 Phone: 217-333-7954 Fax: 217-244-1478 13-07-24 ---------------------------------- Dear Leo and peacemakers, on April 4, 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty, NATO, was signed in Washington. on July 9, 2024, NATO celebrated its 75th anniversary in Washington. For those who studies the history for 75 years, question arise, like, “What is NATO celebrating?” Αre they celebrating that NATO is the most powerful and aggressive imperialist alliance, with a CV full of wars, interventions in the interior of countries? Are they celebrating the plans they have prepared to continue the war in Ukraine, in Gaza, maybe a third world war? A brief list of it’s wars history is as follow, 1950-1953 Korea.1951 Egypt. 1952 Tunisia, Morocco. 1953 Iran. 1954 Guatemala. 1956 Egypt. 1958 Lebanon – Arab Emirates – Congo. 1960 Congo. 1961 Cuba. 1964 Viet Nam. 1966 Panama. 1066-1967 Guatemala. 1967 Greece. 1967 Egypt-Israel. 1969-1975 Gabon. 1973 Egypt-Syria. 1974 Cyprus. 1978 Lebanon. 1979 Chant. 1981-1990 Nicaragua. 1981 Libya. 1981 Lebanon. 1983 Grenada. 1987-1988 Iran. 1989 Panama. 1991 Iraq. 1992-1994 Somalia. 1994 Bosnia. 1994-1996 Haiti. 1995 Croatia. 1999 Yugoslavia. 2001 Skopje. 2001 Afghanistan.20023 Iraq. 2006 Lebanon. 2009 Palestine. 2011 Libya. 2011 Syria. 2013 Mali. 2014 Ukraine. 2018 Syria. What’s next? Personally as a human being, a citizen of the planet EARTH, I wonder what will be the future of humanity, when such a powerful organization continues to threaten us. With respect and love to All. Panagiotis-Takis D. Ioannides Dr Litt, ambassador of Peace, poet, writer, historian of medicine. Co-founder, Vice President of GGHA
Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 14-07-24 Дорогие Лео и миротворцы, 4 апреля 1949 года в Вашингтоне был подписан Североатлантический договор НАТО. 9 июля 2024 года НАТО отметило свое 75-летие в Вашингтоне. У тех, кто изучает историю 75 лет, возникает вопрос, типа: «Что празднует НАТО?» Празднуют ли они, что НАТО является самым мощным и агрессивным империалистическим альянсом, имеющим в своем активе войны и интервенции во внутренние районы стран? Празднуют ли они подготовленные ими планы продолжения войны на Украине, в секторе Газа, возможно, третьей мировой войны? Краткий список его истории войн выглядит следующим образом: 1950-1953 Корея. 1951 Египет. 1952 Тунис, Марокко. 1953 Иран. 1954 Гватемала. 1956 Египет. 1958 Ливан – Арабские Эмираты – Конго. 1960 Конго. 1961 год, Куба. 1964 год, Вьетнам. 1966 Панама. 1066-1967 Гватемала. 1967 Греция. 1967 Египет-Израиль. 1969–1975 годы Габон. 1973 Египет-Сирия. 1974 Кипр. 1978 Ливан. 1979 Пение. 1981–1990 годы Никарагуа. 1981 Ливия. 1981 Ливан. 1983 Гренада. 1987-1988 Иран. 1989 Панама. 1991 Ирак. 1992–1994 годы Сомали. 1994 Босния. 1994–1996 годы Гаити. 1995 Хорватия. 1999 Югославия. 2001 Скопье. 2001 Афганистан. 20023 Ирак. 2006 Ливан. 2009 Палестина. 2011 Ливия. 2011 Сирия. 2013 Мали. 2014 Украина. 2018 Сирия. Что дальше? Лично мне, как человеку, гражданину планеты ЗЕМЛЯ, интересно, каким будет будущее человечества, когда такая мощная организация продолжит нам угрожать. С уважением и любовью ко Всем. Панайотис-Такис Д. Иоанидис Доктор Лит., посол мира, поэт, писатель, историк медицины. Соучредитель, вице-президент GGHA Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 14-07-24 ---------------------------
Dear Leo Thank you. Prof. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy India Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=317 15-07-24 --------------------------
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