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Peace Science Primer (PSP). Paragraph 1. Introduction. Humanity Perpetual Peace Renaissance through AI: The Survival Path in Nuclear Civilization Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1092 Dear reader! You have opened an unusual Primer: "Peace Science Primer" (PSP). This is the life Primer, your survival and whole humanity the mortally dangerous status quo on the path of eternal peace culture Renaissance with the help of its macrosociological science and an innovative technological tool - artificial intelligence (AI). The introduction is limited to several historical facts that outline the peace science subject and its special significance for survival, emphasizing its scientific, verifiable nature. This distinguishes it from confrontational ideologies and determines its commitment to a single truth. FACT-1. The West nuclear civilization: civilization of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD) The humanity life and every person today is mortally threatened by a global nuclear war - this is a generally recognized fact. It has been prepared inexorably, 100%, during 80 years of the West nuclear genocidal civilization since Hiroshima 1945. It was been imposed by the nuclear arms race force on all humanity under threat of any people annihilation, who do not submit to its unipolar world order hegemony. Its inherited roots and instruments, including existential nuclear weapons, are nurtured by the German genocidal "National Socialism", Nazism (1925-1945) and its Third Reich (1933-1945). It was integrated by the West with its liberalism and became the ideological foundation of the Western nuclear civilization and its globalization in the form of a secret, carefully disguised, but real "liberal-Nazism", like a two-faced Janus with double standards of fundamental social inequality, racism and structural violence. on its soil was born and flourishes during 80 years in the accelerating race of nuclear and conventional weapons its military doctrine of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD) in the nuclear civilization. MAD embodies the total genocidal essence of this ideology, implemented by this civilization. This is the first, historical fundamental fact of the mortal threat to each person and whole humanity today. It is confirmed by all military science and practice of the nuclear civilization as a historically irrefutable fundamental fact. MAD doctrine accompanies the nuclear civilization since its birth in Hiroshima/Nagasaki genocide in 1945, since the Cold War plans "to wipe the USSR off the map" in 1946-1991 and up to the present day. Washington military analyst Donald Brennan introduced the "MAD" concept in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 to designate the corresponding military strategy, science and practice. Since then, for more than 60 years, the MAD arsenal destructive power has increased thousands of times along with the growth of the power of nuclear warheads megaton-class, which exceed a million Hiroshimas. All modifications of the nuclear powers military doctrines up to today's doctrine of "nuclear deterrence" contain the MAD strategy at its core. The nuclear civilization with the MAD annually accelerating constant has become an apocalyptic "iron" law of this civilization. It has become the "MAD civilization", i.e. a mad civilization of guaranteed death of every person, the Earth entire biosphere and nothing more. It tramples on all fundamental pillars of the humanity being and consciousness. MAD is the nuclear civilization system reality, its status quo during 80 years and, at the same time - experimentally proven fact with an infinite number of details. The Primer authors do not enter into their discussion, obeying its main requirement of the Greek synopsis, brevity, so as not to lose the humanity perpetual peace forest behind the details, as behind individual trees. The fundamental danger and threat of nuclear civilization to the humanity life was first understood and accurately expressed by J. F. Kennedy more than 60 years ago in the first nuclear, "Caribbean crisis" in the following aphorism: "Mankind must put an end to war before war will put an end to mankind". But this question "HOW" has remained open and unanswered for more than 60 years to this day in nuclear civilization. The Peace Science and its Primer are dedicated to the scientific understanding of HOW humanity can end war before war ends it and ends its life. FACT-2. "Know thyself" in the perpetual peace social nature as the human survival common strategy and vector Humanity and each individual have encountered similar extremely dangerous historical situation for the first time. Therefore, all of us, without exception, must understand its causes together, and, most importantly, find an agreed fundamental way out of it, reasonable and acceptable to all as a single scientific truth, which overcomes the confrontation between us. The answer to this existential question is our Primer strategic task and determines its subject in each paragraph. This path can be found only in deep, scientific penetration into our common social nature, in the knowledge of its eternal social genome, in which each of us finds identification since the moment of conception biologically and since the moment of birth socially. This is our path of "knowing thyself" in the eternal fundamental structure and laws of our social nature, begun by humanity since its origin. We need to unite and generalize its achievements, scattered across eras, continents and civilizations, in order to explain and summarize them in general terms at the next, qualitatively new level of knowledge in the humanity fundamental and unified Peace Science. The path of humanity's survival is the path of its deeper self-knowledge and vice versa, which determines its historical FACT-2. This is the only way in our critical time on the survival abyss edge. It is necessary and acceptable to all nations. It is an extremely complex cognitive task, which we are trying to reveal in our Primer most popular way for the deadly status quo, in order to get out of it. The Primer requirement for the popularity and accessibility to every literate person dictates its synopsis format for each paragraph, i.e. an extremely brief and concise presentation without detailed reasoning. For this, we limit ourselves to dry, real facts of history and social logic, providing this format. The necessary details and arguments, the number of which is not subject to any accounting, especially individually, any literate person in our time can easily find, if desired, in encyclopedias and the Internet. Therefore, we do not overload our Primer with them. FACT-3. Perpetual Peace: the humanity immanent state and its eternal life measure Peace is and can only be perpetual, and if it is temporary, then it is not peace, but a truce that was established by I. Kant more than two centuries ago. Peace is perpetual as the life of humanity, the life of the biosphere and planet Earth are eternal. But this is a relative eternity, measured in billions of years, but not the absolute eternity of the Universe and God, inaccessible to science and accessible only to faith. Perpetual peace is the only, true concept of peace. Peace can only be perpetual as the only state and the only measure of the humanity eternal life. Therefore, "peace" and "perpetual peace" in our Primer are synonyms. Kant clearly distinguished peace (perpetual peace) from a truce, which is a category of war, as a break between wars and preparation for new wars. Spontaneously, the humanity peaceful state is as perpetual as humanity itself. Its history knows no other state. Yes, peace can be bad, but always, as all nations say, “a bad peace is better than a good war” in different variations. Everyone is born and lives in peace. Every community and group of people can live only in a state of peace. Therefore, we see an infinite number of "trees" of peace: peaceful people, peaceful families, peaceful homes, peaceful schools, peaceful stores, peaceful transport, peaceful communities, peaceful cities and peaceful whole humanity as a "forest" of its perpetual peace. Of course, everyone knows that among the peace "trees" there are, albeit very rarely, hundredths of a percent, carcinogenic and poisonous "trees" of war in a local, temporary and pathological state of war: warlike people, families, communities, groups, parties and countries for some short periods of time, which violate the perpetual peace norm, without which they themselves cannot live. The war pathology, even in the most militaristic eras, as our nuclear civilization, takes up insignificant shares in society, not exceeding 2-3% of the GDP in expenses, and even less in terms of the population employed share in them. War is unnatural for society and human. From similar everyday observations, humanity has long established two fundamental, obvious and indisputable facts about its life state. The first fact. The war state is incompatible with human life and social nature, because it is a state of death: if a person, or any group of them, are at war, constantly shooting at each other, then any other activity is excluded. Therefore, the war state is a state of death/murder of a person, which is excluded by the social nature and life of people. War is the society and human pathology; it is unnatural and is a criminal deviation in any society, punishable by law. It is recognized as necessary only in self-defense, as a response to deadly, murderous aggression. Any person who goes out with a weapon to kill people, instantly signed his own death warrant, voluntarily deprived himself of the right to life and is immediately destroyed on legal grounds as a terrorist in any society and with its full support and gratitude. This is the humanity existence axiom since its birth and throughout its history as its absolute norm, recorded in all religions as "do not kill". Even more absurd, fantastic for history and impossible for life is the state of “war of all against all”, assumed by some philosophers and militarists in the past and present due to ignorance or neglect for the humanity perpetual peace. The second fact. The humanity perpetual peace is the only natural state and measure of social life of each person and any people from God. The humanity life is as eternal as its state of peace is eternal, therefore it can only be eternal/perpetual. Peace is the life measure - it is the degree and boundaries of the person/humanity life state, its harmony/disharmony, balance, conflict, tension, etc. Outside and without the eternal peace state, the existence of social production as an immanent source and way of the humanity eternal life is impossible. Peace is the first cultural norm of natural origin and the first natural right of a social person and his society, without which their life, no rights and values exist. Therefore, over tens of thousands of years of existence, humanity has created the spontaneous culture of perpetual peace as a natural state of all forms of its life and production, being and consciousness, which was and remains as necessary and natural for it as its life is necessary and natural. But the perpetual peace culture remains spontaneous, fragmented and conflict-prone until the planetary and macrosociological peace science birth within it, as a single and true knowledge of its perpetual structure, its perpetual actors, its perpetual social genetics and its perpetual social laws, which are revealed in the Primer. The similar peace science birth becomes necessary for the survival of global humanity and its social production at the stage of its nuclear civilization. This macrosociological and verifiable peace science ensures a conscious and unified perpetual peace culture for humanity. only it will be able to overcome ideological confrontation and peaceful resolution, and most importantly, the prevention of all conflicts. This peace culture with the peace science center is generally revealed in its Primer as our popular introduction to it. The holistic image of this peace culture and science is presented in its map/blueprint, which is its “guiding star” for all paragraphs. FACT-4. The traditional peace culture insufficiency To overcome and exit from the genocidal nuclear civilization This fact is proven by the history of the last century, when the traditional pacifist peace culture, with all its humanistic dignity and significance, turned out to be powerless to prevent two of the bloodiest world wars with unprecedented human casualties: 17 million soldiers and civilians - in the first; and more than 55 million people, almost half of whom were civilians. - in the second. The nuclear civilization with rhetorical pacifism during 80 years also has not found its own ways of survival in the humanity eternal peace, being content with temporary and shaky truces in its annual wars. Moreover, this civilization actually completely nullifies the natural and spontaneously acquired culture of peace over the past history. The nuclear civilization has spent enormous resources in 80 years to increase the MAD nuclear arsenal power by a thousand times, but has deprived the culture and science of peace of any serious support, practically suppressing them and turning peacemakers into dissidents, banishing any discussions from the media and scientific life. The "Peace" theme a person of nuclear civilization will not find in any media, in any national project, in any political doctrine, in any children's game, in any discipline of its sciences, the number of which reaches almost 75 thousand. This means a complete silent "taboo" on peace of this civilization militarism that is not surprising for it and that excludes any scientific, fundamental search for peace in it during 80 years, leaving it hopelessly and inevitably suicidal in its MAD only reality. FACT-5. The fundamental peace science necessary as system center and integrative core of the peace culture The "great progress" of militarism and military affairs over the past two centuries was ensured by the birth of military science in the works of its founders-theorists Adam Bulow and Carl Clausewitz in the early 19th century. Today it has grown to many, at least ten, military disciplines, in thousands of military academies, universities and colleges. The "successes" and advantages of military science were determined by its narrowness, by the war social pathology limitations in a military, extremely rare and limited state of societies. This pathology is systemically globalized only by the West nuclear suicidal civilization on its inevitable MAD platform. In contrast, the humanity universal peace state required holistic scientific researches, which cannot arise in the absence of holistic scientific thinking. The first approach to them were J. Galtung's "peace researches" since the second half of last century (since 1955), which were conducted within the framework of fragmentary disciplinary thinking and could not ensure the coverage and understanding of perpetual peace as the humanity holistic state in its entire history. "Peace researches" became a bright, necessary, but insufficient cognitive prerequisite for the emergence of a fundamental and verifiable peace science. If we add to this epistemological reason for the peace science absence the social reason for its overt suppression in the militaristic nuclear civilization, then the full reason for its absence in humanity to this day becomes clear. Therefore, an obvious historical fact is, on the one hand, the absence of peace science in the humanity peace culture, and on the other hand, its extreme theoretical and practical necessity as a system center and integration core for the perpetual peace culture today. only the peace science in this capacity is capable to ensure its scientific Renaissance and a qualitative “quantum leap” from the spontaneous/intuitive level to the conscious level of its practical application by all nations that overcomes their cultural fragmentation and confrontation. only the scientific peace culture is capable to determine for humanity the only and single rational and peaceful path of humanity’s survival in the nuclear civilization and exit from it. Our Primer is dedicated to the disclosure of this simultaneously cognitive and social collision. The culture and science of peace are inseparable, that is expressed by their single term through a slash: culture/science or science/culture. FACT-6. The perpetual peace culture/science dual structure: Its cognitive map In order not to get lost in the humanity forest of the incredibly complex perpetual peace culture, we need, first, its whole map, a visual blueprint of its fundamental structure, in order to explore the diverse connections between its infinitely diverse elements in history on all continents and in all countries. The function of the perpetual peace science/culture holistic representation is to not lose the “synoptic” picture of its “forest” behind the infinite multitude of its “trees” and to constantly be guided by it as a “guiding star” from a “bird's eye view” in its consistent cognition from the whole to the parts. The banner below is the perpetual peace single structural “map of knowledge” and its holistic system image for the primer paragraphs. It is built in the limits of the human/humanity being state between peace/life and war/death in Fig.1. 
Fig. 1. Map/blueprint: humanity perpetual peace culture The humanity perpetual peace culture is the culture of its only adequate, normal state and the measure of its life. It is also the only state, measure of social production, as the humanity only immanent source and way of its life, the driving essence of which is the labor, business, and creativity of people at all levels from the individual to humanity. Social production in its eternal spheral structures is represented by the map central part and will be revealed in special paragraphs below. The humanity perpetual peace is impossible without its eternal social production and vice versa, social production is possible only in a state of peace and in no other way. These eternal hypostases, attributes of the humanity perpetual life are inseparably and harmoniously integrated on the map of their peace culture. The peace culture map is simultaneously a structural model of its two fundamental parts: the peace culture itself and the peace science. The peace culture has been built spontaneously and intuitively since the humanity ancient times in all forms of its social being and consciousness, beginning with the primitive forms of the culture of production and its organization, with the beginnings of religious beliefs, morality, art, rites, rituals and skills of various forms of life. In their culture field in different historical civilizations an infinite number of peace "trees" and production have grown, different in form, but united in their peaceful, nonviolent essence. Their best collective and generalizing image is the «Peace Banner" by Nicholas Roerich of 1931, which he proposed as a symbol of the "Roerich Pact" in 1935. This banner represents in the perpetual peace single circle the trinity of its eternities: past, present and future in the humanity social evolution, in the truths of its culture in religion, philosophy, art and science. The diversity and fragmentation of peace and production cultures are presented on the banner in four "Peace Banner" drawings, corresponding to its eternity circles number and the world religions number. For Nicholas and Helena Roerich, as well as for I. Kant, the "culture of peace", as well as "peace" are perpetual in its three dimensions, past-present-future that is reflected in their "Peace Banner". Another fundamental component of the peace culture on its map is the planetary macrosociological peace science on the social production platform. This science constitutes in peace culture its system intellectual center and integration core, which is still only crystallizing and born in it since I. Kant. Its seeds and rational grains are scattered throughout the entire field of world culture and are integrated in synergy, in mutual complementarity and enrichment in the transdisciplinary science of peace. This cumulative, synthetic image in the center of our perpetual peace culture map was formed in the GGHA over 20 years of its work. It will be revealed in its structural elements in all our Primer paragraphs. Let us emphasize that the peace science planetary scale in all its drawings, maps and models is symbolized by the Earth image and its peaceful character is expressed by the word “PEACE” “MIR” in the two languages of its solidarity. FACT-7. Impossibility of mastering and using the perpetual peace culture without adequate, spheral AI The presented map of the humanity perpetual peace culture on its planetary and historical scale illustrates its extreme complexity. It covers a virtually infinite number of its historical and structural elements in their endless processes, functions and measures that are inaccessible to the human natural intellect and can become accessible to him/her only with the help of an adequate in scale and power spheral artificial intelligence (SAI). This is an obvious fact. Naturally, SAI can and should not be sectoral, not military, not dangerous for humanity but only holistic, safe and peaceful for humanity and all its nations. The SAI named attributes and advantages are determined by the holistic nature of both spheral thinking and spheral macrosociology, revealed by the peace science and its Primer in all paragraphs. Similar SAI can be created only on the peace science basis. Therefore, our Primer with the fundamental structure and laws of this science, simultaneously constitutes the SAI basic theoretical platform. 8. Conclusion The Primer presented "Introduction" answers the question: "WHAT is the peace culture and science subject." The next paragraph, "Preface" will answer the question: "HOW is this subject revealed" in the Primer paragraphs. The formation and development of the integrative macrosociological peace science, eternally developing and never freezing in dogmatism deadly for knowledge, stimulates and constitutes the planetary peace culture Renaissance at the highest, scientific level. This is an extremely necessary and the humanity only possible way to survive in the genocidal nuclear civilization. only it will ensure the humanity exit from it to the path of building a humanistic and harmonious civilization of nonviolence with a qualitatively new peace culture. Our Primer sets the task to reveal this path in the first approximation and popularly. 9. Appendices. 1. Julia Budnikova. N.K. Roerich. "Peace through Culture" with the first mention: "Peace Banner": 
- “The manifestations of Culture are as diverse as the countless varieties of life itself. They ennoble Being. They are like the true branches of a single sacred tree, the roots of which support the world.” N.K. Roerich // Burning of Darkness. Greetings to the Young. March 1930 - “Now it is necessary to show the broadest understanding of the Banner of Peace. It is necessary to understand the Banner of Peace and Culture as the greatest symbol... of thought, knowledge and creativity.” E.I. Roerich // Letters. T. I. May 29, 1931 2. Leo Tolstoy. "One of the crudest superstitions is the superstition of scientific people that a person can live without faith." Reading Circle. 3. Mairead Corrigan. «Peace science and its action is the alternative and the only way forward for human family to survive.» 4. Rudolf Siebert. “American General Patton, against whom I fought in the Battle of Aschaffenburg, and then surrendered, wanted to retrain his German prisoners, and march back with them to Stalingrad and Kursk [to fight on the Nazis side]. The German General Rommel admired Patton, and Patton admired Rommel. But in 1945 the American Congress still resisted the authoritarian Patton and thus prevented his campaign.” From letter 27-11-24. - Rudolf Siebert. «Liberal Nazism and Fascism is a main cause for the present wars. Liberalism and Nazism have merged since World War II, becoming the secret ideology of liberal Nazism in the Western deep state.» 4. Lucas Pawlik. “The fate of the world lies in our realization of ourselves. Can we stop destroying our planet and fighting each other? only by solving this question can we hope to become human.. Until then, we remain apes in outer space, a danger to Spaceship Earth.” - Lucas Pawlik. «AI, the great accelerant of our age, must be reoriented from a tool of domination to a facilitator of planetary stewardship.» - Lucas Pawlik. "Only the recognition of our interconnectedness and the unification of science, religion, artificial intelligence and political will can take humanity to a new level." 5. Vyacheslav Bragin. "There is no God without Peace and Peace without God and Faith in Him." - Vyacheslav Bragin. "Taught by the sorrowful events of the 20th century, let us all try together, as a single people, strengthened by faith, strengthened by a common moral feeling, to build our Fatherland in the 21st century - in peace, love and unanimity, not forgetting all those who laid down their lives for the faith and the Fatherland." KIRILL. Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', July 18, 2019 6. Chaitanya Dave. «We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.» -Native American Proverb. 7. Matt Meyer. “The Culture of Peace is something that is learned in the same way that violence is learned and the culture of war is learned…War is not inherent in people.” Elise Boulding. 8. Asha Mukherjee. "Truth is God. Truth alone triumphs." Mahatma Gandhi. 9. Vera Popovich. Russian proverbs about peace and war. “To stand together for peace means there will be no war.” “War loves blood.” 10. Surendra Pathak. “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam teaches us that the world is one family, bound not by borders but by shared humanity. In this spirit, we embrace unity amidst diversity, fostering respect, empathy, and peace. This vision encourages us to see beyond differences, nurturing a culture of coexistence and mutual understanding. By embodying this ideal, we create a world where all can thrive together.” 11. Glen Martin. “Peace Science is our New Planetary Paradigm, the fundamental revolution in science and paradigm shift in human consciousness”. The ABC of Harmony, 2012: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=428 - Glen Martin. «To prevent war, secure disarmament, and resolve territorial and other disputes which endanger peaceand human rights. To protect universal human rights, including life, liberty, security, democracy, and equalopportunities in life.» The Earth Constitution. From Article 1. 12. Natalina Litvinova. "BRICS is the embodied format of a fair and eternal Peace." 13. Helga Zepp-LaRouche. “Say No to Nuclear War, Yes to LaRouchian Physical Economy.” 14. Leo Semashko. "The idea of perpetual peace as a task is immanent to pure reason." I. Kant. on Perpetual Peace. - "I, Peace, glorified by men and gods, say: I am the source, father, breadwinner, multiplier and protector of all that is best that has ever existed in heaven and on earth... War, on the contrary, is disgusting to all that exists: war is the root cause of all troubles and evils, a bottomless ocean that swallows everything without distinction." Erasmus of Rotterdam. The Peace Complaint. - “The horror of this realisation [war] should shake us out of our lethargy so that we can direct our hopes and our intentions to the coming of an era in which war will have no place. This hope and this will can have but one aim: to attain, through a change in spirit, that superior reason which will dissuade us from misusing the power at our disposal.” Albert Schweitzer’s acceptance speech upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo on 2 November 1954. - "By violence they deny the deity, blaspheming it and denying it with their hearts, despising the love of the Creator and nature." Dante. Divine Comedy. - “Faith in life, in oneself, in others must be built on a solid foundation of realism, so to speak, on the ability to see evil wherever it is, to see fraud, destructiveness and selfishness not only where they are obvious, but also under many masks and in various modifications.” Erich Fromm. - "Love is the only reasonable and satisfactory answer to the question of the meaning of human existence." Erich Fromm.
- "A bad peace is better than the best of wars." Marcus Cicero P.S. In the PSP final editing, the coauthors, together with the editors, will complete the selection of the most adequate quotes for each of its paragraphs.
- At the same time, the text of this and other paragraphs will be reduced to 4-5 pages, no more. ---------------------- The updated paragraph draft was prepared to discuss by Dr. Leo Semashko 15-12-24 -------------------------- RESPONSES
Друзья, я считаю, что главное преимущество этого параграфа, в том, что его разделы трансформированы в исторические неопровержимые факты. Такая подача делает параграф максимально убедительным. Мне он вполне понятен, и я бы рекомендовала его для публикации. Конечно, если он будет в окончательном редактировании сокращён, он от этого только выиграет. С уважением Вера Попович 16-12-24 ------------------ Dear Leo, Thank you very much for your hard work on the PSP matter. I have made some changes to the introduction and conclusion to simplify the text, which are highlighted in blue in the attached document. Sincerely yours in peace, Bishnu Professor Bishnu Pathak, PhD Former Senior Commissioner Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons, Nepal https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 16-12-24 ------------------ Dear Leo, Thank you for sharing the facts and the conclusion. My question is regarding SAI is: Who is competent to develop such “adequate Spheral AI” and how to go about it as it is all inclusive. Many thanks again. Asha Asha Mukherjee Professor,Department of Philosophy & Religion and Former Director, Women's Studies Centre, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan (WB), INDIA https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1170 16-12-24 Dear Asha, Thank you for your response, but we do not see your rating of the paragraph. Have you read our updated "Coauthors' Rules" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1224)? As for your question about "Spheral AI (SAI)", my colleagues and I began developing it at the "Institute of St. Petersburg Automated Control" since 1980 to 1989, the first projects of which were published in my book "Spheral Approach", 1993: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/leo-semashko-spheral-approach-1993.pdf. My colleagues and I have been working on this issue for over 45 years with varying success, endless obstacles and many achievements, presented in my 20 books and hundreds of articles, many of which are published on the GGHA website. This is briefly stated on my personal page (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253). I see you haven't looked at it. Sorry, that's bad. I have carefully studied your page, as well as all other coauthors. I always indicate its address (or associated with it) in every letter and ask each coauthor to do the same, so that we can get to know each other better and not ask unnecessary questions. I ask everyone to look at the personal pages of each coauthor on our site and indicate their addresses in your emails. We cannot afford to replace the discussion of fundamental peacemaking problems with "question and answer evenings about everyone." We are in time trouble and we have no time for anything else except our PSP priority. Do you understand this? As for the SAI in our Primer, the separate paragraph will be devoted to it, and we will touch on its various aspects in other paragraphs. Therefore, please, be patient and fulfill your promises with quotes first. I hope you understand me. Thank you. Leo 16-12-24 ---------------------
Dear Leo and Coauthors,
The 1-Paragraph-4, Introduction that is shared, is Understand to me and Acceptable for PSP. I am happy to see the way it is progressing with everyone's sincere commitment towards Peace. Please find below also my 1 Page contribution Gandhi on Peace and others quotes relevant for PPS is. This is submitted for your kind suggestions and discussion. I would shorten it after the discussion. Thank you. Asha Mukherjee Professor, Department of Philosophy & Religion and Former Director, Women's Studies Centre, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan (WB), INDIA https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1170 17-12-24 -------------------------- Dear Leo: I have still great problems with my computer and AOL.Much mail does not arrive at all.We don't know why? Thus, I did not receive your attachment. But you have my full support for the PSP Paragraphs. You know I trust you completely. Please don't have any negative thoughts. There are enough of them around in the present situation. Please, don't doubt my solidarity. Everything is difficult for me in the present situation. Be assured that I accept your paragraphs for PSP. I see no need for the assessments to be varied by my present ideas, or opinions, or the critical theory of society. Thus my response is an entirely positive one! There should be no inequality, and no injustice and no alienation between us. The world is already full of them; Nothing is more distant from me. The PSP should happen. It has my full support. I hope that more Westerners will join me in my full support. Christmas is coming. Our times are a little bit different. I wish you and your whole dear Family a Merry Christmas in spite of the dark times. Let’s hope that the New Year will bring peace in the Ukraine, in Palestine, and in Syria. Peace, your Friend Rudi, from the House of Mir. 18-12-24 Dear Rudi, Thank you very much for your letter of "complete trust" in me and "full support for the PSP and its paragraphs", as we discussed them last year. But the team of its coauthors does not know about the technical reasons for your public silence. In this regard, could you repeat your words of trust and support publicly, for all coauthors, so that they do not doubt them and know the real reason for your silence. I kindly ask you to send similar public response today, without delay. Is this possible for you? Thank you. Friendly, Leo 18-12-24 ---------------------- Dear Leo: Please, send my last letter of trust and support to you to all co-authors. The letter had been intended for you as well as for all our friends from the start. Nobody should have any doubts concerning our friendship, and our cooperation in the cause of peace in the spirit of the great philosopher and enlightener Emanuel Kant. Merry Christmas! In Solidarity, your Rudi, from the House of Mir, USA. 19-12-24 ----------------------------- Уважаемый Рудольф! Мы были очень обеспокоены Вашим молчанием в течении последней недели. И теперь, счастливы получить ваше замечательное письмо-доверие! Мы очень благодарны Вам за доверие, за многолетнюю дружбу, за сотрудничество и поддержку БНМ. С пожеланиями крепкого здоровья, благополучия, вдохновения, творческих успехов, счастливого Рождества! Вера Попович, Россия 19-12-24 --------------------------------
Peace Science Primer (PSP).
Paragraph 1. Introduction. - The second version Humanity Perpetual Peace Renaissance: The Survival Path in Nuclear Civilization Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1092 Dear reader! You have opened an unusual Primer. This is the Primer of life, for your survival, for every person, for whole humanity in its perpetual peace. Its life, including your, is threatened today the global nuclear war. It has been prepared inevitably, on 100% for almost 80 years by the West nuclear genocidal civilization, since its start in Hiroshima 1945. It was imposed by force of the nuclear race on all of humanity under the threat of nuclear annihilation of any people, which did not recognize this civilization unipolar world order hegemony. Its inherited roots and instruments, including existential nuclear weapons, were nurtured by German genocidal Nazism (1925-1945), which became the ideological foundation of nuclear civilization in the form of a secret, carefully disguised, but real "liberal-Nazism". It is like a two-faced Janus with double standards of fundamental social inequality and structural violence: to the West’s "golden billion" - freedom, life, peace and prosperity, and to the "non-Western world", the seven "non-golden billions" - neocolonialism, genocide, hybrid warfare, sanctions and poverty, first of all to the "disobedient and disagreeable" rogue nations. Its total genocidal essence is clearly expressed and confirmed by the military strategy of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD), embodied by its military science and practice during 80 years as the humanity historically irrefutable fundamental fact. 1.The West Nuclear Civilization: The Civilization of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD) that means every person on Earth
The MAD strategy has accompanied the nuclear civilization from its birth in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki genocide in 1945, through the Cold War plans to "wipe the USSR off the map" in 1946-1991, and to this day. Washington’s military analyst Donald Brennan coined the term "MAD" in the year of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 to describe the corresponding military strategy, science, and practice. Since then, over more than 60 years, the MAD power has increased hundreds of times, along with the growth of the nuclear arsenal power and the number of its countries - nine - that possess these weapons today. All modifications of their military doctrines, right up to today's doctrine of "nuclear deterrence," contain the MAD strategy at their core. The "nuclear peace theory" is also based on it, assuming the nuclear civilization indefinite existence in some MAD equilibrium. Despite all the criticism and doubts about similar military strategies and doctrines, the MAD existence rapidly growing remains inevitable constant and apocalyptic "iron" law of this civilization. Thousands of publications and definitions in encyclopedias accessible to every reader are devoted to their numerous details, which in general do not assume nothing but the MAD preservation. Therefore, a civilization that relies on the MAD military science and practice has resigned itself to its madness as its inevitability cannot have any other definition of its genocidal, suicidal essence. This is the "MAD civilization" and nothing else. Its "peace through force", i.e. life through death/war - is its monstrous historical nonsense, which has no right to exist. To the life of humanity and each person noted threat is a well-known historical fact and scientific truth, which is repeated countless times in different ways, deprived until now of an equally fundamental scientific alternative of perpetual peace. The holistic, planetary Peace Science and its first Primer are focused on it for the first time. Its authors concentrate their attention and thinking on the only way of life and source of survival - on the humanity perpetual peace, which for the first time in history in a nuclear civilization for almost 80 years has been called into question by nuclear weapons of monstrous destructive power of MAD, capable of destroying all life on Earth. This is a scientifically established systemic reality of the nuclear civilization with an infinite number of details. The Primer authors do not enter into their discussion, for which other sources of information exist. They obey its main requirement of the Greek synopsis: the subject essence rundownwithout itemized argumentation and without detailed theoretical reasoning, so as not to lose the forest, the humanity perpetual peace behind the details, the separate trees. 2. Perpetual Peace: Immanent State And Measure Of The Humanity Perpetual Life Peace is and can only be perpetual (and if it is temporary, then it is not peace, but a truce), as is the humanity perpetual life, the biosphere and planet Earth life, i.e. it is a relative eternity, measured in billions of years, but it is not the absolute eternity of the Universe and God, inaccessible to science and accessible only to faith. Perpetual peace is the only, true concept of peace. Peace can only be perpetual as the only state and the only measure of the humanity perpetual life. Therefore, "peace" and "perpetual peace" in our Primer are synonyms. This was clearly established by I. Kant, distinguishing peace (perpetual peace) from a truce, which is a category of war, as a break between wars and preparation for new wars. This is a false concept of peace or a concept of false peace, pseudo-peace or "negative peace" in Galtung's terminology. But in exceptional cases, a truce can become the first, half-step towards perpetual, true peace for certain warring nations, if they have matured their scientific understanding of it and their leaders have developed the political will to jointly search for a the consensus form in dialogue taking into account all opinions and readiness for compromise. The humanity spontaneously peace state is as eternal as humanity itself. Its history knows no other state. Everyone is born and lives in peace. Each community and group of people can live only in a state of peace. Therefore, we see an infinite number of "trees" of peace: peaceful people, peaceful families, peaceful homes, peaceful schools, peaceful stores, peaceful transport, peaceful communities, peaceful cities and peaceful humanity as a whole as a "forest" of its perpetual peace. Of course, everyone knows that among the peace "trees" there are, very rarely, hundredths of a percent, carcinogenic and poisonous "trees" of war in a local, temporary and pathological state of war: warlike people, families, communities, groups and countries for some short periods, which violate the perpetual peace norm, without which they themselves cannot live. No one lives with a warlike person, in a toxic, warlike community, where people fight and kill each other, because in war, in the killing and death of people there can be no life, there can be nothing that is compatible with their life. Any person who goes out with a weapon to kill people, voluntarily and instantly deprives himself of the right to life and is immediately destroyed legally as a terrorist in any society and with its full support and gratitude, as even the apostle of nonviolence Mahatma Gandhi emphasized in his slogan: "kill the killer!" Not one, and no community can exist in a state of war if its members kill each other. This is the humanity being axiom from its birth and throughout its history. Any nature, including social nature, excludes and does not know war as the life state, because this is its death state. Outside and without the eternal peace state, the existence of social production as an immanent source and way of the humanity eternal life is impossible, to which many paragraphs of our Primer are devoted below. Therefore, perpetual peace is the only natural state and measure of social life from nature and God, each person, any associations of people, any groups, nations and whole humanity. Peace as the life measure is the degree/level of the person/humanity life state, its (life) harmony/disharmony, balance, conflict potential, tension, etc. Perpetual peace is so natural and obvious that it is not discussed by people as a natural cultural norm of society and a necessary instinct of life, similar to its other instincts: breathing, digestion, movement, reproduction, self-preservation, etc. Peace is the first cultural norm of natural origin and the first natural right of a social person and human society, without which not their life, all their rights and values exist. Therefore, over tens of thousands of years of existence, humanity has created the spontaneous culture of perpetual peace as a natural state of all forms of its life, being, production and consciousness, which was and remains as necessary and natural for it as its life is necessary and natural. But the peace culture remains spontaneous until the birth within it of the peace science as a single and true knowledge of its eternal structure, its eternal actors, its eternal social genetics and its eternal social laws, which are revealed in the Primer. The peace science birth becomes necessary for global, planetary humanity, united by global, planetary social production and especially at the stage of its nuclear, suicidal civilization, threatening the life of humanity as a whole. only similar planetary and macrosociological peace science provides a conscious culture of perpetual peace that is systemic, cognitively ordered, verifiable, unified and acceptable for all peoples of humanity, overcoming all spontaneous conflicts and any spontaneous confrontation between them. This peace science is revealed in its Primer as our popular introduction to it. The integral, holistic image of this science is presented in its engram, which occupies a central place in the banner/model of the peace culture below. 3. The Perpetual Peace Culture and Its System Core: Peace Science There was no need to prove and structurally substantiate the humanity peace culture until the existential military threat to its life and survival arose in the MAD fact, which appeared with the invention and use of nuclear, genocidal weapons. It received from the physicist D. Avery the scientific definition as "absolute evil", incompatible with the humanity life, to which, for 80 years of suicidal nuclear civilization, it left on the "Doomsday" atomic scientists clock, out of 24 hours, only 90 seconds of life, i.e. less than 1%. During this time it turned out that it does not have its own ways of survival and exit to the humanity perpetual peace. Nothing similar was proposed in it, except for the MAD constant. This civilization today completely nullifies the natural and spontaneously acquired peace culture over the past history as the only state of life for human and humanity. The fundamental danger and threat of nuclear civilization for the humanity life was first understood and accurately expressed by D.F. Kennedy more than 60 years ago in the first nuclear, "Caribbean crisis" in the following aphorism. "Mankind must put an end to war before war will put an end to mankind", meaning a nuclear, genocidal war in the nuclear, genocidal civilization. The Peace Science and its Primer are intended for the scientific understanding of HOW humanity can end war before war ends humanity and cuts short its eternity. In the face of this universal mortal threat, it was "suddenly" discovered that humanity, in its peace culture of spontaneous peace, lacks a single and common scientific understanding of peace for all peoples, lacks a fundamental and verifiable (confirmable), acceptable and necessary for all peoples PEACE SCIENCE as its system center and integration core. It turned out that the everyday understanding of peace as the "absence of war" is clearly insufficient to overcome the opposition, confrontation and xenophobia of peoples in certain conflicts that arise or are kindled between them. It became clear that the peace science is the first science necessary for the life of the united humanity, not only as an alternative to military science, which has been rapidly developing for more than two centuries in all countries in thousands of academies and institutes to the humanity destruction increasing the MAD power. It is necessary, first of all, as fundamental knowledge to organize the humanity entire social life in accordance with its only state of being in PERPETUAL PEACE, in accordance with its eternal structure, actors and laws, the only ones that ensure the life of every society and nation without exception. The inseparability of culture and peace science of the global, united humanity is expressed by their fused term through a slash: culture/science or science/culture. 4. Banner of the Perpetual Peace Culture/Science Our brief introduction to the peace science finds its generalization and visual expression in the integral banner/model of the perpetual peace science/culture. This banner outlines the boundaries and comprehensively presents in a visual form the subject, place and role of the peace science in the infinitely complex and diverse culture of the humanity perpetual peace of over tens of thousands of years. The integrity of this subject will be consistently revealed in its fundamental structural parts, functions and laws in all paragraphs of the proposed popular Primer as a generally accessible and simplified introduction to this extremely complex macrosociological science. The holistic presentation function of the perpetual peace science/culture is to not lose the “synoptic” picture of its “forest” behind the infinite multitude of its "trees" and to constantly be guided by it as "guiding star" at "a bird's eye view" in its consistent cognition from the whole to its parts. The banner below is a single structural "map of knowledge" of perpetual peace as a whole and its integral structural image for all the primer paragraphs. It is built in the extreme limits of existence, being of human as a species and humanity between their life and death, between their continuously developing social, artificial cultures based on and in accordance with their natural and biological foundations. It has the following form in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Banner of the perpetual peace science/culture The culture of human/humanity life is the culture of its peace, as the only state and measure of its life, as well as its social production, as the only immanent source and way of its life,the immanent and driving essence of which is the labor, business and creativity of people at all levels from the individual to humanity. The humanity perpetual peace is impossible without its perpetual social production and vice versa, social production is possible only in a state of peace and in no other way. These eternal hypostases, attributes of the humanity eternal life are inseparably and harmoniously integrated into the model, and their quality is expressed by the measure of their culture, the measure of penetration into them and mastery of them by human thinking, reason and consciousness, which is revealed in all the paragraphs below. The peace culture, as well as the production culture has been built since ancient times of humanity in all forms of its social existence and consciousness, beginning with the primitive forms of their organization, with the rational beginnings of religious beliefs, morality, art, rites, rituals, skills, activities, etc. In the field of their culture in different historical civilizations an infinite number of "trees" of peace and production grew, different in form, but united in peaceful, nonviolent essence in all the multitude of national and ethnic cultures on different continents. Their best collective and generalizing image was the "Banner of Peace" of Nicholas Roerich 1931, proposed by him for the corresponding "Roerich Pact" in 1935. It represents in a single circle of perpetual peace the trinity of its eternities: past, present and future in the evolution of social human and humanity in the truths of its culture in religion, philosophy, art and science. The peace cultures diversity and production in all dimensions and vectors is presented on the banner in four drawings of the "Peace Banner", corresponding to the number of its eternity circles and the world religions number. For Nicholas and Helena Roerich, as well as for I. Kant, the "culture of peace", as well as "peace" are perpetual in its three dimensions, past-present-future that is reflected in their "Peace Banner". The system center and integration core of the peace culture is becoming the macrosociological peace science, the seeds and rational grains of which are scattered throughout the entire field of the world culture and are integrated in synergy, in mutual complementarity and enrichment in this transdisciplinary science. Its cumulative, synthetic image in the center of our banner was formed in the GGHA for almost 20 years of its work and is presented in 11 books, in more than 100 peacemaking projects and almost 1500 publications in 1-12 languages, a brief summary of which will be presented below. In the humanity integral culture of peace and production a place was initially given to the culture of death, which has natural foundations that are expanded and deepened by the human mind in the culture of artificial death of human/humanity. It has reached the highest planetary limit and has become an inevitable reality in the MAD nuclear civilization. As a result, the cultures of life and death can be defined as follows. The life culture is all the means, resources, institutions, skills, habits, behavior, knowledge, theories, beliefs, convictions that contribute to the preservation, extension and improvement of the human and society life quality within the framework of its perpetual peace and production. The death culture is all the means, resources, institutions, skills, habits, behavior, knowledge, theories, beliefs, convictions that contribute to the reduction or deterioration of the life quality, as well as the life loss on any scale within the death artificial forms framework, primarily war, especially nuclear, genocidal and ecocidal, capable of destroying humanity and all life on the planet. This is, in the briefest abris, our guiding model of the perpetual peace and production culture/science as their integral structural image. This is the "Introduction" meaning, detailed in all the Primer paragraphs. The specifics of thinking, the features of expression and the methods of mastering the extreme complexity of this culture/science are revealed in the next paragraph, in the "Preface" based on its integral structural image. If the introduction answers the question "WHAT is the primer subject", then the preface answers the question "HOW is this subject revealed" in the primer paragraphs. The humanity perpetual peace and the perpetual social production, inseparable in their unity, constitute the peace science subject. They make it eternal in the society conscious life, which, in turn, rises in its thinking to the scientific level. This science is eternally developing in the evolution of its content, its cognitive methods and social institutions of being, starting from its seeds since the human history birth, never freezing in dead dogmatism. The becoming and development of peace science as a systemic and integrative center initiates, stimulates and constitutes the planetary peace culture Renaissance. It is an extremely necessary and the only possible way for humanity to survive in the genocidal nuclear civilization. only will ensure humanity's exit from the militaristic suicidal civilization to the nonviolent humanistic and harmonious civilization with a qualitatively new, scientific level of peace culture. 5. Appendices. 1. Julia Budnikova. N.K. Roerich. "Peace through Culture" with the first mention: "Banner of Peace".:

“The manifestations of Culture are as diverse as the countless varieties of life itself. They ennoble Being. They are like the true branches of a single sacred tree, the roots of which support the world.” N.K. Roerich // Burning of Darkness. Greetings to the Young. March 1930
“Now it is necessary to show the broadest understanding of the Banner of Peace. It is necessary to understand the Banner of Peace and Culture as the greatest symbol... of thought, knowledge and creativity.”
E.I. Roerich // Letters. T. I. May 29, 1931 2. Mairead Corrigan. «Peace science and its action is the alternative and the only way forward for human family to survive.»
3. Rudolf Siebert. “American General Patton, against whom I fought in the Battle of Aschaffenburg, and then surrendered, wanted to retrain his German prisoners, and march back with them to Stalingrad and Kursk [to fight on the Nazis side]. The German General Rommel admired Patton, and Patton admired Rommel. But in 1945 the American Congress still resisted the authoritarian Patton and thus prevented his campaign.” R. Siebert. From letter 27-11-24.
4. Matt Meyer. “The Culture of Peace is something that is learned in the same way that violence is learned and the culture of war is learned…War is not inherent in people.” Elise Boulding.
5. Asha Mukherjee. "Truth is God. Truth alone triumphs." Mahatma Gandhi.
6. Vera Popovich. Russian proverbs about peace and war. “To stand together for peace means there will be no war.” “War loves blood.”
7. Surendra Pathak. “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam teaches us that the world is one family, bound not by borders but by shared humanity. In this spirit, we embrace unity amidst diversity, fostering respect, empathy, and peace. This vision encourages us to see beyond differences, nurturing a culture of coexistence and mutual understanding. By embodying this ideal, we create a world where all can thrive together.”
8. Leo Semashko. "The idea of perpetual peace as a task is immanent to pure reason."
I. Kant. on Perpetual Peace. "I, Peace, glorified by men and gods, say: I am the source, father, breadwinner, multiplier and protector of all that is best that has ever existed in heaven and on earth... War, on the contrary, is disgusting to all that exists: war is the root cause of all troubles and evils, a bottomless ocean that swallows everything without distinction." Erasmus of Rotterdam. The Peace Complaint. “The horror of this realisation [war] should shake us out of our lethargy so that we can direct our hopes and our intentions to the coming of an era in which war will have no place. This hope and this will can have but one aim: to attain, through a change in spirit, that superior reason which will dissuade us from misusing the power at our disposal.” Albert Schweitzer’s acceptance speech upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo on 2 November 1954 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ---------------------- The updated paragraph draft was prepared to discuss by Dr. Leo Semashko 04-12-24 -------------------------- Updated first paragraph. Discussion one day. Dear coauthors, Please find in the attachment the updated, probably for the 20th time, version of the first paragraph our "Peace Science Primer" (PSP) in two languages, English and Russian, which is also published on the site for your control and publication of your responses: In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1091 In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1224 The paragraph initial phrases were especially tormenting, to which I draw your attention and invite everyone to write and send for discussion your version of the first 2-3 phrases. Other accents of the discussion: 1. For the paragraph discussion, I propose to revive "The Coauthors Rules" so as not to ask unnecessary questions and understand what to do during the discussion. These Rules addresses are published with the paragraph. The same place publishes "PSP Epigraph" by Mairead Corrigan and "PSP Dedication to Johan Galtung", which requires updating. 2. The paragraph discussion main goalis to assess its general popular accessibility and acceptability for PSP in one term: "acceptable" or "unacceptable". If "unacceptable", then briefly explain the reasons. If "acceptable", then this does not exclude your unacceptability of a few phrases that are incomprehensible to you, which you quote for their revision. 3. Due to the lack of time and our PSP priority for each coauthor for the next three months, the discussion of each paragraph is limited to one day. But if you send your response the next day, then it will not be scary. 4. You can offer your citation in the paragraph appendix, if your citation is not there yet. It is important to remember that the citations of each paragraph can be updated and redistributed between paragraphs according to your requests, upon their receipt and as needed in the PSP final edition in 3 months. 5. I will publish your responses and silently correct the text in accordance with them, publicly responding only in cases of extreme need for discussion, so as not to waste time and not overload the space of our network of 16 coauthors with unnecessary conversations. With peace and love, Dr. Leo Semashko 04-12-24 ----------------------- RESPONSES Dear Leo, Thank you very much for your hard work on the matter of PSP. In regards of “Dedicated to the blessed memory of our great friend J. Galtung, whose outstanding “peace researches” since 1959 have created the ground for the GGHA Peace Science, in which he was the coauthor, and its Primer (Need correct!)" I have the following observations: (i) Dedicated to the blessed memory of our great friend Johan Vincent Galtung, whose outstanding and systematic "peace research" since 1955 has been instrumental in the foundation of GGHA Peace Science, of which he was a coauthor and its premier on Gandhis Politische Ethik. (ii) Dedicated to the blessed memory of our great friend Johan Vincent Galtung, whose outstanding and systematic "peace research" since 1955 has been instrumental in the development of GGHA Peace Science, of which he was a coauthor and its premier on Gandhi's Political Ethics. (iii) Dedicated to the blessed memory of our great friend Johan Vincent Galtung, whose outstanding and systematic "peace research" since 1955 has been instrumental in the foundation of GGHA Peace Science. He was a coauthor and premier authority on Gandhi's Political Ethics. As for why I wrote 1955 instead of 1959. Galtung's first coauthored book on Gandhis Politische Ethik (Gandhi's Political Ethics) with his supervisor, Professor Arne Naess, was actually published in 1955. The "systematic" means, Galtung introduced medical metaphor of peace methodology, i.e., diagnosis-prognosis-therapy. Sincerely yours in peace, Bishnu Pathak
Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 04-12-24
Dear Bishnu, Thank you very much for your two responses, which published together with our PSP first paragraphs: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228/ The first one below is dedicated to correcting your mistake in defining the aggressor and the victim in the Ukrainian conflict and restoring the historical truth that does you credit as the scholar and peacemaker. You have acknowledged the undeniable fact that the pro-Nazi Kiev regime, installed by NATO in 2014, with full NATO weapons and finances, began aggression against Russia in the form of the Russian population of Donbass genocide, to which Russia, as the victim, in the order of its population self-defense, was forced to respond with the "Special Military Operation", 2022. This is an unprecedented peacemaking action by Russia on a geopolitical scale! It has become Russia's "coercion of NATO/Ukraine to peace", which they trample on with their long aggression of "NATO Advancement to the East" since 2004, inevitably leading to the genocidal WWIII. Russia is preventing it. Therefore, the victim is Donbass/Russia, and the aggressor is NATO/Ukraine, which have been acting within generally accepted strategy of the Western nuclear civilization of "Mutual Assured Destruction" (MAD) for 80 years, as a genocide of each human. It began since the Hiroshima genocide in 1945, has reached today the genocide of Palestine and the Russians of Donbass, and is 99% close to the WWIII suicidal genocide. NATO/Ukraine are inciting it, not realizing that in it they will receive "Assured Destruction" as their MAD (madness) ‘reward’. Do you agree and understand that this will be genocide for Nepal too, given the power of MAD nuclear warheads? This civilization, doomed to MAD, is incapable of anything else, peace that is revealed in our PSP first paragraph. Could you write an article about this? In the second response, you offer a slightly modified formulation for our PSP dedication to Johan Galtung. But for some reason you do this in three, almost identical, formulations. I combined them and supplemented them with the fact of Galtung's coauthorship in the GGHA "Global Peace Science", 2016, as follows. "Dedicated to the blessed memory of our great friend Johan Vincent Galtung, whose outstanding and system "peace researches" since 1955, since his first publication of "Gandhian Political Ethics" created the ground for the GGHA Peace Science, in which he was coauthor in its first edition in 2016, pp. 403-407, on the website, pp. 409-413: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf." I am also ready to supplement this dedication with your very important idea of "Galtung's Perpetual Peace", if you name at least one of his quotes on this topic in any of his works, which your article on this topic lacks. Without similar reference, your statement and article hang in the air. Therefore, we are waiting for your scientific confirmation of "Galtung's Perpetual Peace", without which it remains unfounded. Thanks. With peace, Dr. Leo Semashko 05-12-24 ---------------------------- Дорогой Лева! Продолжаю восхищаться твоей фантастической работоспособностью и самоотверженными усилиями по отысканию путей для избежания землянами гарантированного ядерного уничтожения. Твой БУКВАРЬ НАУКИ МИРА - уникальный духовный путеводитель для всех, стремящихся к победе над войной, подошедшей к самому порогу нашего общепланетного дома!.. Горжусь Бежецкой землей, которая стала Матерью для тебя, ее выдающегося сына!.. Радуюсь, что мы с тобой единомышленны в полной поддержке Специальной Военной Операции, которая по своему глубинному существу тоже есть миссия мира!.. Очень сожалею, что в силу нашей беспредельной творческой загруженности, нам так редко удается общаться. Но я мысленно всегда рядом c тобой, как рядом наши родные бежецкие улицы - Пролетарская и Остречинская!!!... Мечтаю, чтобы твое Обращение к Его Святейшеству Патриарху Кириллу и Президенту России В.В.Путину дошло до них, и они соблаговолили ответить тебе!.. Очень беспокоюсь о твоем здоровье! Храни тебя Господь!.. Дружески - Вячеслав Брагин https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=939 05-12-24 -------------------------------
Здравствуйте, Лев Михайлович! Одобряю текст первого параграфа. Благодарю за прекрасно подобранные цитаты Рерихов. Прошу обратить внимание, что приведённый в параграфе эскиз Николая Рериха называется "Мир через Культуру" (не "Знамя Мира "). Оно там есть, конечно, но название у работы другое. С уважением, Юлия Будникова, ГСГ-Россия https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=577 05-12-24 ------------------------ Дорогие друзья, я вижу достоинство предложенной версии введения, в том, что она подчёркивает главную жизненную опасность каждому человеку преступной и безумный стратегии "Взаимного гарантированного уничтожения" западной ядерной цивилизации. Этот факт существует и подтверждается ею почти 80 лет с Хиросимы. Наше обращение к читателю с предупреждением этой опасности делает наш «Букварь Науки Мира» особенно актуальным для него. Он приобретает первостепенное значение для каждого человека. Более точный акцент учебника трудно придумать. С уважением, Вера Попович https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=578 05-12-24 ------------------------
Dear Leo: I finished a new video today. Here is the Link: Erich Fromm: A Conversation. Feel free to send it to your friends. Rudolf J. Siebert: A Conversation on Erich Fromm at The University of Olivet On November 21st, 2024, Dr. Rudolf J. Siebert joined Dr. Dustin J. Byrd's course, "Visionary Thinkers - Freedom and Fear - Erich Fromm," at The University of... www.youtube.com. There exists no precise definition of the Nazi Ideology, not to peak of the mor recent liberal Nazism. All what we can say provisionally is that National socialism in its old and new form is a life philosophy. As such this life philosophy is romantic. It is past-oriented. It wants to bring back and make alive again older forms of exclusive authoritarian forms of social life. It wants to restore again the realm of the old Israelite kings in Canaan, or Palestine, or the Gothic Religion of Blood and Soil in Europe or America.. This national socialist philosophy of life is nationalistic. It opposes all forms of internationalism. Trump prefers Northern European immigrants, from Norway, Denmark, Germany, etc.. This national socialist philosophy of life is capitalistic. As such it allows some socialist forms, which do not hurt the billionaire ruling class: e.g. all people eat the same soup once a month; people get special help in winter; the environment is to be protected, etc. Otherwise, it is fanatically anti -socialist, and anti-communist,, and anti - Marx, and anti-Lenin. This national socialist philosophy of life is extremely aggressive. It emphasizes the death instinct in the Id versus the libidinous instincts. It aims at the death of other, the enemy, as well as suicide. It goes on fighting, even if there is no chance any longer to win. Trump despises prisoners of war, as well as handicapped people, and all people who cannot produce surplus value any longer. This national socialist life philosophy is masochistic. It is not only willing to make others suffer, but is also willing to suffer much itself. It is irrational in killing as well as in being killed. It is really not a philosophy of life, but rater a philosophy of death. The national socialist philosophy of life is more or less racist. Hitler was more racist than Mussolini, Mussolini more than Franko, Franko more then Salazar. Trump is very racist. The national socialist philosophy of life climaxes in the ethics of the aristocratic principle of nature. The Alpha man dominates the tribe. Trump has adequately defined authoritarian fascism, when he said: even when I go to Manhattan and kill somebody, my people will still follow me obediently. I am the voice of the voiceless! From January 2025 on, America will no longer be a democratic republic. Unfortunately, the de-democratization has started already much earlier. Be careful!! In Solidarity, your friend Rudi; from the House of Mir 03-12-24 Dear friend Rudi, You are very prolific with your videos - almost every month - a new one! Congratulations and admire your efficiency. However, there are many "buts". First, your video address does not open and this is not the first time. Do you checked the address before sending it? This is a key technical detail that nullifies all your efforts if the address is wrong and you did not check it. Second. What is the meaning of Fromm today? He is a great philosopher for philosophers, but incomprehensible to others. Therefore, if you wrote a few sentences about this, then the public might become interested in Fromm. Third. The main thing. What does your video have to do with our PSP priority? Is it possible to suppress the primary questions of war and peace, death and life with secondary things? Can Fromm compare with them? If so, why don't you emphasize this, so as not to leave our colleagues indifferent to your video, with all due respect to you? Can Fromm say anything about the West nuclear genocidal civilization for 80 years, since Hiroshima, which has created such a world arsenal of nuclear weapons that is capable of destroying humanity as a whole, every person on Earth, a THOUSAND TIMES with “Mutually Assured Destruction” (MAD)? What does Fromm say about this? About Kant’s eternal peace, which is relevant today as never before and as no other philosopher has? Doesn’t it seem to you that the time of abstract academic interest has passed and evaporated today without a trace? Isn’t it time for us to focus on our PSP priority, which is not afraid of these questions and offers a solution to them that almost no one offers today? What do you think about this together with your assessment of the updated version of our paragraph on this matter? Have you read it? Have you been able to open it? As for your definitions of National-Socialism and Liberal-Nazism, I share them, although I cannot agree with you in extending them to Trump, who did not start a single war during his last term, while the Democrats, both Obama and Biden, waged them every year. So WHO of them is an authoritarian and a liberal-Nazis? Your truest definition of Nazism in the traditional (Hitler) and liberal (Biden) forms of MAD is that they are all one PHILOSOPHY OF DEATH/WAR. We oppose this false philosophy to the true PHILOSOPHY OF PERPETUAL PEACE LIFE, which only a few philosophers like Kant, Gandhi, Galtung and GGHA were able to talk about. Please, let us not to remain silent, not to suppress ourselves with various videos and Fromms, but to promote this idea as the FIRST, VITAL NECESSARY. Do you agree with this? Or will we remain ostriches with our heads in the sand of different videos? Friendly, Leo 06-12-24 ---------------------------------

Dear Leo: Here is once more our university ZOOM on Erich Fromm, the great peace scientist. I hope you can open it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIbT3c4YZ1Y&t=10s Dear Leo: I just listened to Chris Hedges, a great peace journalist, who spoke on the horrible statistics of the victims, the crucified, in the many wars of the American Empire since 1945. He has reported on all these wars. (On the GGHA website, this is statistics of James A. Lucas: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=816). Erich Fromm was a social psychologist and psychoanalyst of peace throughout his life. Fromm created the notion of the authoritarian personality. He studied 8000 blue and white color workers in Germany, identified the authoritarians among them, and was thus able to predict the victory of the NSDAP and Hitler and Krupp and Thyssen and Ford. He had to flee Nazi Germany to the USA. He left the Frankfurt School, because he became a revisionist of historical materialism and Freudianism. He may have moved back to German Idealism, which had been initiated by Kant, the subjective idealist. Fromm worked as a psychoanalyst in New York. He tried to transform having people into being people in terms of Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism. Fromm opposed the Vietnam War. He founded a political peace party against the Vietnam War and all following wars. There is a Fromm renaissance going on in Europe and America. A new Fromm society has come into existence in America last year, which is opposed to the wars of the empire. Fromm makes the authoritarian personality and the having personality responsible for his wars. He emphasizes the democratic and being personality working for peace. Fromm rejected Freud’s death drive as cause of war. He is not a biological determinist. Fromm was a very practical and concrete thinker, and so are the many people who follow him today in America and Europe. Fromm has written many books, which are still read by many people and are very helpful for all peacemakers. Trump is certainly an authoritarian personality, and authoritarian is his whole movement. But he has promised peace in the Ukraine. Let’s see what he will do in January, in order to bring about this peace. Trump has also promised peace in Palestine. He wants to annihilate Hamas, He wants to make real estate along the Palestinian coast, with beautiful hotels and Trump towers. Trump is not very much worried by the genocide, which has been raging in Palestine for many months now. Many people have voted for Trump because of his peace promises: many Evangelicals and many conservative Catholics. They gave him victory. Lets hope they shall not be disappointed. Lets have hope and work hard for peace with all our energies. Lets ally ourselves with all other peace makers, e.g. Erich Fromm and his many followers. The more peacemakers, the better. Best wishes, Your Rudi from the House of Mir https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 08-12-24
Dear friend Rudi, Right away, your video won't open for me again: "No Internet connection." But it works for me. So YouTube is blocked. From which side? From ours or the USA? In order to give your wonderful peacemaking video a go, I made a bilingual banner for it, which I am sending to you and then to all GGHA networks as much as I can. It was published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228 I really appreciate your personal response today, which has great general significance. Each of us is deeply scorched by German Nazism and its world war. You were forced at the age of 16 to fight in the Wehrmacht Hitler Youth of the Third Reich in 1943-1945. I, a newborn, was saved in the first week of the invasion Western fascists united by Hitler on the USSR (June 22-30, 1941 in Grodno) by my heroic, selfless and beloved mother, Avgusta Konstantinovna Rumyantseva, KINGDOM OF HEAVEN TO HER (!!!!!), almost a girl, 20 years old. She passed on to me for life a love for peace as the highest value and the highest human right, and along with this an absolute disgust for war and its eternal satanic, atheistic source - NAZISM/FASCISM in any of its forms. Its modern, “democratic” form is Liberal-Nazism, in your terminology, of the West genocidal nuclear civilization, its “golden billion”, its Fourth, liberal Reich (Rodney Atkinson: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1064), since the Hiroshima genocide, is the complete heir to Hitler’s Third Reich. It inherits the “absolute evil” of Hitler’s nuclear weapons (Einstein, Avery), the genocide of “inferior, alien” peoples, all but the Western ones (Schweitzer, Galtung), total violence against “inferior, alien” peoples (Mahatma Gandhi) and the “totalitarian democracy” of liberalism (Engdahl: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=659), which in Germany “legally” established Hitler and his system Nazism in all social spheres. You brilliantly added to the humanity perpetual peace APOSTLES names the Erich Fromm name, whom I read and admired in my graduate, young years and whom, I sin and repent, I have forgotten today. Your first, dry about Fromm video mention, caused me the first, negative thought about your complete oblivion and alienation from our Kantian-Gandhian Perpetual Peace Science, to which we have dedicated 20 years in the GGHA, not counting the previous ones that pushed me to my answer to you on December 6. (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228, below). In the spirit of similar arrogant alienation, following you, I also perceived the complete silence about the Introduction (the PSP first paragraph) of all other coauthors, except for the Russian Orthodox, who immediately and fully supported it (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228). Among them is the genius of Orthodoxy, historian and childhood friend Vyacheslav Bragin (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=939), who reminded me of our common quote from three years ago as a spiritual epigraph for Introduction: “There is no God without Peace and Peace without God and Faith in Him.” This brought me to sad thoughts about the ability of pro-Western peacemakers to truly think in the spirit of Kant, Gandhi and common Christian values, which they have lost as a result of the liberal "Goebbels mainstream media empire of lies" (Engdahl: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1055). It is "democratically" zombifying all the peoples, i.e. the West nuclear civilization in a whole. Thank God! You have destroyed these doubts and fears, especially on your account! You reminded me of Fromm's ideas as directly related to peace, Kant and Gandhi's nonviolence. I am very grateful to you for this spiritual incentive to do everything possible so that our Peace Science, which we have created and verified as truth in the GGHA over 20 years of its solidary peacemaking cooperation, integrates the key peace ideas of the great thinker and successor of Immanuel Kant - Erich Fromm. (Let us not throw around narrow, Procrustean definitions of "subjective idealism" and the like from the lexicon of old, false and dying ideologies. I also do not touch on your assessments of Trump according to the well-known wise advice to judge a person fully only after his death and, as you suggest: to see how he fulfills his peace promises. Historically, the main thing is that the winner in the USA was a peacemaker, determined to stop American wars, and not the democratic stupid hawk Harris, determined to ignite them to the third world war, to the complete Nazi extermination of humanity and every person in nuclear MADness! once again, Glory to God! God still loves America!) You have enriched our Peace Science (PS) with the brilliant ideas of Fromm, which you have been studying since your youth and about whom you wrote to me in a letter dated January 21, or maybe earlier, I do not remember. Now the prospect of connecting our PSP with Fromm's methodology has become clear to me. Your special, existential sympathy for him is based on the fact that he studies perpetual peace on an individual, psychoanalytic level that is certainly absolutely necessary in addition, in synthesis and synergy with the macrosociological, spheral approach of our PS. The truth is in their harmony, complementarity and integration, which determines our PS nature because the social and individual natures of human are identical in the eternal state of perpetual peace, violent and military deviations from which are only its deadly, carcinogenic pathology, nothing more. This is their common and only, eternal state of their life, outside of which, i.e. in violence and war, especially in a nuclear war, in the "Mutual Assured Destruction" (MAD) of the West nuclear civilization for 80 years, their life ends, is neutralized and disappears from the Earth face forever into non-existence in radioactive dust on it. This is an extremely important, necessary motive of our PS for its primer that forces me again (for the hundredth time in 20 years!) to rewrite its Introduction. This fundamental renewal of our PS is remarkable in its eternal intellectual renewal at the level of Kant's "pure reason", as only pure reason works with its eternal, pure categories. With spheral categories in our time in PS. Therefore, I am again forced to ask for a time-out for 3-5 days to prepare a new radical renewal of our Introduction and for its public assessment by each coauthor in the reader's categories: "understandable to me, acceptable for publication" or in the opposite: "not clear to me, unacceptable for publication". In this non-alienated way the coauthors participation in the PSP team and the "Coauthors' Rules" for it will be clarified. Thank you very much for initiating these necessary revolutionary updates among us! With peace and love, with best wishes for your good health, Your friend, Leo from Russia, 08-12-24 ---------------------------
Dear friends, Leo's excellent paragraph (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228) on our MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) has inspired me to develop a MEGA Vision. MAGA needs MEGA or everyone on Earth will die in a nuclear holocaust. Best Regards, Lucas Pawlik https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 08-12-24 Leo Semashko’s comment. Dear Lucas, Thank you very much for your wonderful, genius idea for our PSP (Peace Science Primer), with which I agree 90%! Your text was translated into Russian and with my comments published on your page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887. My disagreement is connected with two accents. In the MEGA formula, the greatness criterion is the America past (AGAIN!), which was ensured by continuous wars and violence for all 240 years of its history. The past is vulnerable and inadequate for America and for everyone greatness criterion. Today, a nuclear war calls into question the survival of America. Therefore, an adequate greatness criterion of any country and the Earth can be not their problematic military past, threatening survival today but only a fundamentally new future. It is connected, first of all, with innovations in scientific thinking of the humanity perpetual peace as its key state and with scientific mastery of its holistic, spheral nature. only it can become the criterion, center and engine of the HUMANITY AND EARTH FUTURE GREATNESS AS NEVER IN THE PAST! This is the accent and focus on the future scientific, technological and social innovations/updates. They are the only ones capable to become the greatness criterion for them. Do you agree with this? Therefore, MEGA requires a true transformation into MEGPAN: Make Earth Great by Peace As Never (MEGPAN). only similar formula of greatness makes peace not passive and spontaneously dependent from violence, war and militarism, i.e. from the balance of armed forces of different countries, but an active, stimulating, scientifically managed and organized state. only similar peace, provided with science, institutions and resources, is capable to control the accelerated and harmonized with both nature and the humanity needs of peace survival sustainable growth of global social production. Do you agree with this accent amendment of your brilliant idea? Another your similar idea, connected with the first, is that "AI, the great accelerant of our age, must be reoriented from a tool of domination to a facilitator of planetary stewardship." This means that AI should become an instrument of the peoples cooperation in perpetual peace, and not a tool of their violence and war! Such AI can be built only on the basis of a planetary, spheral Peace Science and nothing else. Therefore, the peace priority is inseparable from the peaceful AI priority on a common scientific, spheral foundation, which only together will ensure new greatness of both the Earth and humanity AS NEVER (IN THE PAST)! This requires our Peace Science and its PSP to set these priority goals of PEACE and AI together and inseparably, as a single strategy for their creation, development and technological application. only with their progress is the people transformation from warlike "space apes" into genuine, true homo sapiens, freed with the help of science and technology from the carcinogenic pathology of their wars and violence, according to your brilliant idea! Your ideas are a powerful intellectual contribution to PEACE, AI and their Science! Many thanks for your brilliant ideas, which we will detail together in all the PSP paragraphs, starting with its Introduction. I will send you its updated version with your ideas in a few days for your discussion in our team of coauthors. By the way, we discussed these issues with you a long time ago, 5 years ago, here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=900, and in “Gandhica”: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/gandhi-nonviolence-of-spherons-gandhica-2019.pdf, pp. 151-155, in your brilliant “Conclusion”. With peace and love, friendly, Leo 10-12-24 -----------------------------------
Лукас, большое спасибо за ваши блестящие дополнения в наш первый параграф, Введение, за акценты вечного мира и ИИ. Они единственные способны предотвратить холокост человечества и жизни на Земле, каждого ее жителя, которые, пока еще без них, остаются на уровне воинственных "космических обезьян"! Только Наука Мира и его ИИ вместе с доброй политической волей могут сохранить мир от ядерной катастрофы, на пороге которой, у самой опасной черты мы сейчас находимся. С уважением Вера Попович 11-12-24 --------------------------------------
Dear Leo: Thank you so very much for sending the banner. I don't know, who is blocking YouTube. All my Videos can be found there, including the last one on Fromm. I am deeply sorry about the horrible things the German army did to your brave, dear family, and so many other Russian families in World War II: 26 million casualties. We must remember this unbelievable tragedy, so that it can never be repeated again in the future. You have devoted your whole life to this goal. I remember the young Russian prisoners, in the age of your dear father, in my airforce position at an airport near Frankfurt am Main, from where we defended the city against British and American saturation bombing. The young Russian prisoners were well educated. They spoke German They suffered with us the airattacks. We shared with them our bread and jam. I hope they all made it home safely after the war. You never need to have any negative thoughts concerning our work together in the past 20 years since we met in great St, Petersburg, and our peace science. We did what we could, and we shall continue to do so, in our fight against liberal Nazism and Fascism as a main cause for the present wars. I am glad you remember Erich Fromm and his very concrete and practical struggle for peace in the psychoanalytical and sociological sphere .He can still motivate us today. I hope very much with you, that Donald Trump will keep his campaign peace promise for the Ukraine in January and February of 2025, as soon as he enters the White House. It is high time to end this war, which was and still is once more provoked by the West . Forgive me for my answers coming late sometimes. There are technical problems. There is also over-work. I have to answer daily over 20 letters, have visitors, complete a new book, do ZOOMS. etc..I do what I can as fast as I can - for our peace project. In Solidarity, Your Friend Rudi, from the House of Mir, USA, 11-12-24 Dear Rudi, Thank you very much for your warm letter of truth and support. You greatly encourage me with your assurances of firm support for our Peace Science and its primer (PSP). Briefly on your questions. 1. American videos are blocked by Russia for known security reasons, but only for Russians. 2. I completely, 100% agree with you: "Liberal Nazism and Fascism is a main cause for the present wars." - This is your brilliant aphorism, which will be included in our PSP! 3. Please, send me 2-3 quotes from Fromm about peace that I cannot find. 4. Please, I kindly ask you to respond with public support to all my public letters, at least with a few words of support. Everyone in our team is waiting from you the first response as the PSP most authoritative and outstanding coauthor. Your public response for its 16 coauthors will be your best support for our common peacekeeping mission in 20 years! It completely neutralizes my “any negative thoughts concerning our work together in the past 20 years”! 5. I understand and deeply admire your efficiency at your age, but in it our PSP should be a priority on 3 months that requires from you only 30 minutes a week to read the next paragraph and publicly respond to it to our coauthors, and that's it! 6. All other attributes of coauthorship are confirmed by you, as required by the new "Coauthors Rules". I will send them online, in our team today and wait for your support for them right away. Your PSP coauthorship is guaranteed by your contribution and achievements! Please, remember this. Health and peace to you, friendly, Leo 11-12-24 ------------------------ Тема: Благодарность и размышления о нашем общем будущем Дорогая Вера, Большое спасибо за Ваше письмо и за Ваши добрые слова о моих дополнениях к первому параграфу. Для меня большая честь и радость быть частью работы, направленной на столь глубокую и значимую цель — сохранение мира и жизни на Земле. Ваши мысли о “космических обезьянах”, все еще застрявших в парадигме разрушительного мышления, ярко перекликаются с концепцией, о которой я написал в своем произведении “Space Apes Survival Ethics”. Эта метафора подчеркивает, что лишь осознание нашей взаимосвязанности и объединение науки, искусственного интеллекта и политической воли способны вывести человечество на новый уровень. Сейчас, стоя на краю возможной катастрофы, мы обязаны направить наши усилия на то, чтобы сменить курс от разрушения к созиданию. Именно Наука Мира, как Вы справедливо подчеркнули, и осознанное использование ИИ могут стать инструментами спасения и процветания. Благодарю Вас за Вашу мудрость и преданность делу вечного мира. Надеюсь, что наши общие усилия смогут послужить источником вдохновения и действия для многих других. С уважением и благодарностью, Лукас Павлик 11-12-24 ------------------------
PSP paragraph 1. Introduction. - The first version.
The Humanity Perpetual Peace Renaissance: The Survival Path in Nuclear Civilization Publication: In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1092 In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228 Dear reader! You are holding the unusual primer in your hands. This is the survival primer for you, for each person, for whole humanity in its perpetual peace, whose life, including yours, is today threatened by the world nuclear war, prepared inevitably, on 100%, for almost 80 years of nuclear civilization, started since Hiroshima in 1945. This threat is a well-known scientific truth, which is repeated countless times in different ways. Therefore, the PSP authors focus not on it, but on the way of life and the source of survival - to the humanity perpetual peace, for the first time in history called into question by nuclear weapons of monstrous destructive power, capable to destroy all life on Earth. This is also a long-known and proven truth by scientists, which we accept as the established systemic fact, without discussing its endless details, so as not to lose the peace ‘forest’ behind its peace ‘trees’. 1. Perpetual peace: the way and source of the humanity perpetual life Peace is and can only be perpetual, as the humanity life is perpetual. This is the only true concept of peace. A truce, as I. Kant established, is a category of war, a break between wars and preparation for new wars. This is a false concept of peace or a concept of false peace, pseudo-peace. But in exceptional cases, a truce can become the first, half-step towards perpetual, true peace of certain warring nations, if they have matured its scientific understanding and their leaders have a political will to jointly search for a form of its consensus in a dialogue taking into account all opinions and a willingness to compromise for its sake. In the absence of its scientific understanding, it can be achieved spontaneously within the framework of other forms of its awareness, primarily religious ones, as the most general and stable. Therefore, spontaneously, peace is as perpetual as humanity itself. Everyone is born and lives in peace. Therefore, we see an infinite number of peace ‘trees’: peace (peaceful) humans, peace families, peace homes, peace schools, peace stores, peace transport, peace communities, peace cities and peace whole humanity as the whole "forest" of its perpetual peace. Of course, everyone knows that among the "trees" of peace there are, very rarely, hundredths of a percent, abnormal "trees" of war: warlike humans, families, communities, groups and countries for some short periods, which violate the perpetual norm of peace, without which they themselves cannot live. No one will live with a warlike person, in a warlike family, in any community where people fight and kill each other, because in war, in the killing and death of people there can be no life, nothing that people need for life can happen. Therefore, perpetual peace is a natural way and social source of life for every person, any association of people, any groups, nations and humanity as a whole. It is so natural and obvious that it is not discussed by people as a natural cultural norm of society and necessary instinct of life, similar to its other instincts: breathing, digestion, movement, reproduction, self-preservation, etc. Peace is the first cultural norm of natural origin and the first natural right of social human and human society, without which their life does not exist. Therefore, over tens of thousands of years of humanity's existence, it has created a culture of perpetual peace in all forms of its life, being and consciousness, which was and is as necessary and natural for it as its life is necessary and natural for it. However, this culture remains spontaneous until the peace science birth within it, as a single and true knowledge of its perpetual structure, its perpetual actors, its perpetual social genetics and its perpetual social laws. only similar planetary and macrosociological peace science makes the culture of perpetual peace systemic, cognitively ordered, verifiable, unified and acceptable for all peoples of humanity, overcoming all spontaneous conflicts and any spontaneous confrontation between them. Such peace science is offered and revealed in our PSP. Its integral, holistic image is presented in its engram, which occupies a central place in the banner/model of the peace culture below. 2. The Perpetual Peace Culture and its Systemic Core: Peace Science There was no need to prove and structurally substantiate the humanity culture of perpetual peace until a fundamental military threat to its life and survival arose with the invention and use of nuclear, genocidal weapons. In 1945, it destroyed almost the entire population of two small peaceful Japanese cities: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Therefore, nuclear weapons received the scientific definition of "absolute evil", incompatible with the humanity life. This is also a well-known fact that does not require proof and discussion of details. It laid the foundation for a monstrous, genocidal for whole humanity and inevitably suicidal nuclear civilization. For almost 80 years of its existence in the unbridled race to improve its nuclear weapons monstrous, planetary power, its incompatibility with the life of each person and humanity became obvious. It completely denies its life. It completely nullifies the culture of perpetual peace as the only way and source of life for human and humanity. The fundamental danger and threat of nuclear civilization for humanity was first understood and brilliantly expressed by J.F. Kennedy more than 60 years ago in the first nuclear, "Caribbean Crisis" in the following aphorism: "Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind", meaning the nuclear, genocidal war of the nuclear, genocidal civilization. In the face of this universal mortal threat, it "suddenly" became clear that humanity, in its culture of perpetual, natural peace, lacks a single and common scientific understanding of peace for all peoples, lacks a fundamental and verifiable (confirmable), acceptable and necessary for all peoples PEACE SCIENCE as a system center and integration core of the perpetual peace culture. It turned out that the everyday understanding of peace as the "absence of war" is clearly insufficient to overcome the confrontation of nations in certain conflicts arising between them over certain disagreements. It became clear that the peace science is the first science necessary for the global, one humanity life, not only as an alternative to military science, which has been rapidly developing for more than two centuries in all countries in thousands of academies and institutes to the humanity destruction. It is necessary, first of all, as fundamental knowledge of the humanity entire social life organization in accordance with its only way and source - in accordance with the HUMANITY PERPETUAL PEACE, in accordance with its perpetual structure, actors and laws, the only natural ones, life-supporting for every society and nation without exception. The inseparability of culture and science of perpetual peace in our time of global, united humanity is expressed by their fused term through a slash: culture/science or science/culture. 3. Banner of the Perpetual Peace Science/Culture Our brief introduction to the peace science finds its generalization and visual expression in the integral banner/model of the perpetual peace science/culture. This banner outlines the boundaries and comprehensively presents in a visual form the subject, place and role of the peace science in the infinitely complex and diverse of the humanity perpetual peace culture over tens of thousands of years. The integrity of this subject will be consistently revealed in its fundamental structural parts, functions and laws in all paragraphs of the PSP proposed popular primer as a generally accessible introduction to this extremely complex macrosociological science, maximally capacious in an infinite number of details and data. The holistic presentation function of the perpetual peace science/culture is to not lose the "forest" picture behind the infinite multitude of its "trees" and to constantly be guided by it as "guiding star" and "from a bird's eye view" in its consistent cognition and disclosure from the whole to the parts. The banner below is a single structural "map of knowledge" of perpetual peace as a whole and its integral structural image for all the primer paragraphs. It is built in the extreme limits of existence, being of human as a species and humanity between their life and death, between their continuously developing social, artificial cultures on the basis of and in accordance with their natural and biological foundations. It has the following form in Figure 1.  Fig. 1. Banner of the perpetual peace science/culture
The human/humanity life culture is its peace culture, as the only way and source of its life. The human/humanity life is as perpetual as its peace is perpetual, as perpetual is its culture. The peace culture has been built since ancient times of humanity in all forms of its social existence, production and consciousness, starting with the primitive forms of their organization, with the beginnings of religious beliefs, morality, art, rites, rituals, skills, activities, etc. An infinite number of peace "trees" have grown on the peace culture field, different in form, but united in their peaceful, nonviolent essence in all the multitude of national and ethnic cultures in different historical epochs on different continents. Their best collective and generalizing image was the "Peace Banner" by Nicholas Roerich of 1931, proposed by him for the corresponding "Peace Pact" in 1935. It represents in a single circle of eternity the trinity of the past, present and future in the evolution of human, the planet and cosmos in the truths of religion, art and science. Their diversity in all dimensions and vectors is presented on the banner in its four drawings, corresponding to the number of its circles and the world religions number. The systemic center and integrative core of the peace culture is becoming the rational macrosociological peace science, the seeds and rational grains of which are scattered throughout the entire field of the perpetual peace world culture and are integrated in synergies, in mutual complementarity and enrichment in this transdisciplinary science. Its cumulative, synthetic image in the center of our banner was formed in the GGHA work over almost 20 years presented in 11 books, more than 100 peacemaking projects and almost 1500 publications in 1-12 languages. The culture of artificial death of human/humanity, which has become an inevitable reality in a nuclear civilization, is defined in a similar way. As a result, the cultures of life and death can be defined as follows. The life culture is all the means, resources, institutions, skills, habits, behavior, knowledge, theories, beliefs, convictions that contribute to the preservation, extension and improvement of the life quality of human and society within the framework of their perpetual peace. The death culture is all the means, resources, institutions, skills, habits, behavior, knowledge, theories, beliefs, convictions that contribute to the reduction or deterioration of the life quality, as well as the life loss on any scale within the death artificial forms framework, primarily war, especially nuclear, genocidal and ecocidal, capable of destroying humanity and all life on the planet. This is, in the briefest abris, our guiding model of the perpetual peace culture/science as their integral structural image. This is the "Introduction" meaning, detailed in all the PSP paragraphs. The specifics of thinking, the features of expression and the methods of mastering the extreme complexity of this culture/science are revealed in the next paragraph, in the "Preface" on the basis of its integral structural image. If the introduction answers the question "WHAT is the primer subject", then the preface answers the question "HOW is this subject revealed" in the primer paragraphs. 4. Aphorisms, quotes, idioms, proverbs (AQIP) of perpetual peace, harmony and consent (PPHC) – 1 page N.K. Roerich. AQIP. Painting. Which one? - Julia Budnikova:

China. Confucius, Xi Jinping . AQIP. - Rosa DalmiglioIndia. "VK" Book. AQIP. - Surendra Pathak Mahatma Gandhi. AQIP. - Asha Mukherjee: - "Truth is God. Truth alone triumphs." Mahatma Gandhi. - The source of perpetual peace and its truth is in the peace science and its primer. - Asha Mukherjee Christianity. Gospel. I. Kant. AQIP. – Rudolf Siebert
Ancient Culture. AQIP. – Takis Ioannidis Orthodoxy. AQIP. – Leo Semashko, Vera Popovich, Vyacheslav Bragin (?) Islam. Koran. AQIP. – Noor Larik Eastern Culture. AQIP. - Bishnu Pathak African Culture. AQIP. – Ayo Amale (?), Heli Habyarimana (?), Steve Amoah (?) Great Peacemakers. AQIP. - Matt Meyer Elise Boulding. The Culture of Peace is something that is learned in the same way that violence is learned and the culture of war is learned…War is not inherent in people. Matt Meyer Poetry. Quatrains. - Thea Maria Robert (from Gabrielle Simond univ.ambassadorpeacecircle@orange.fr) + Ashok Chakravarty (??) Russian proverbs, idioms and classics about peace. - Vera Popovich To stand together for peace means there will be no war. If you want peace, be ready for war, to defend it. He who does not value peace is our enemy. A bad peace is better than a good fight. To live in peace is to live with peace. The cause of peace is strong through truth. He who sows peace reaps happiness. Peace is strong not through weapons, but through people of good will. Millions are for peace, millionaires are for war. Plants are drawn to the light, and nations are drawn to peace. Light conquers darkness, peace will conquer war. With peace there is space everywhere, with swearing there is crowding everywhere. Flowers need the sun, and people need peace… Russian proverbs, idioms and classics about war. - Vera Popovich War loves blood. • War and fire are not jokes. • Enmity does no good. It is not a bullet, but a man who kills a man with a gun. Peace is on the enemy's tongue, but war is in his heart. Clouds cannot hide the sun, war cannot defeat peace. Stand together for peace - there will be no war. Peace to the earth, war to war… Peace statistics. The share of war and its victims. - Olga Kashina, Noor Larik, Steve Amoah (?)
Peace science as an alternative, refutation and elimination of militarism, racism, Nazism, terrorism, violence and genocide. - Mairead Corrigan, Rudolf Siebert. - «Peace science and its action is the alternative and the only way forward for human family to survive.» Mairead Corrigan. The paragraph draft was prepared to discuss by Dr. Leo Semashko 07-11-24 --------------------------------- Introduction. Two days of discussion. Dear coauthors.
You are offered in the attachment for discussion and addition with your contributions the first paragraph first version of the "Peace Science Primer" (PSP) "Introduction" in 4 pages in Russian and English for two days, up to and including November 9. Its publication is here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228 However, this does not mean that in the following days its corrections will not be accepted. on the contrary. They will be welcomed, since peacemaking inspiration and sociological imagination are unpredictable. This is our "eternal" rule for the entire period of writing PSP until February of next year, i.e. for three months. You received a list of these rules in the "Organizational Plan" of October 27, which was accepted by you without objection and published in two languages here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1224. These rules are supplemented by technical regulators: 1. Public discussion of paragraphs lasts 2 days, but their correction is open for 3 months. 2. Correction of a paragraph is permissible only within its established maximum length of 5 pages, no more. 3. The general rule for correcting paragraphs: "the shorter and simpler, the better", but preserving its meaning. 4. Each PSP coauthor always has a window (during 3 months) open for his/her minimal contribution to the section "Aphorisms, Quotations, Idioms, Proverbs (AQIP)" of each paragraph. As for the presidential elections results, it clearly demonstrated the common sense and peacefulness of the American people, in contrast to their "democratic" militaristic leaders, to whom the people said a firm NO. As for the new president peacemaking intentions "not to ignite, but to close wars", time will tell how honest and consistent he will be in their practical implementation. But in any case, he instills great hopes for peace and reduces the likelihood of the global nuclear war. Our PSP could will help him neutralize it completely, if he wants and finds the will "Make America by PERPETUAL PEACE great as never before!" With respect and peace, Dr Leo Semashko 07-11-24 ----------------------------
Dear Leo, Thank you for all your work for peace. Please, see my attached press release. Mairead Corrigan, Nobel Peace Laureate, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 07-11-24 --------------------------
Дорогие соавторы, одной из важнейших целей написания Букваря науки мира, было донесение смысла, изложенного в параграфе в более доступной и популярной форме, так, чтобы рядовой читатель мог его легко читать и понимать цель и смысл написанного. Считаю, что это получилось. Особенное место здесь занимают пословицы и поговорки о мире и войне, это придаёт параграфу яркий, привлекательный акцент. Другие параграфы надо писать в том же духе. Начало отличное! С уважением, Вера Попович. 09-11-24 -------------------------- Уважаемый Лев Михайлович и соавторы букваря, здравствуйте! Хочу сделать замечание по своей части: Знамя мира, которое Вы упоминаете, было предложено в международном документе, который вошел в историю как Вашингтонский пакт или Пакт Рериха. Более он известен под вторым названием, по имени своего вдохновителя. Документа под названием Пакт мира - нет, он не известен международному праву. Прошу исправить название. В качестве иллюстрации к букварю могу предложить эскиз Рериха "Мир через культуру" (Pax cultura) или рисунок Рериха, в котором отражена идея (и прообраз) знака триединства, используемого на Знамени мира. См. вложения. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Юлия Будникова 09-11-24 -------------------------------
Dear Mairead,
Many thanks for your support letter and especially for your inspirational release “Peace is Possible!”, which I translated into Russian and published on your page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 to quote it in our "Peace Science Primer" (PSP). In its fourth section, I have included from your release quote: - "Peace science and its action is the alternative and the only way forward for the human family to survive." This is your very valuable contribution to the PSP, which makes you its coauthor. Thank you very much for your strong support. We received four more contributions in four responses, which I will try to respond to individually today, given the specifics of each one. With peace and love, Leo 10-11-24 ------------------------------- Дорогая Юля, Большое спасибо за твое предложение исправить название. Я сделал это и опубликовал с этим на сайте присланную картину Рериха «Культура Мира» 1931 года с его «Знаменем Мира». Эта картина наполнила параграф художественным образом живой духовной культуры мира. Очень благодарны тебе за этот сильный вклад, а также Вере Попович за подборку русских пословиц и поговорок о мире и войне, которые мы распределим по одной по всем параграфам. Лучшие пожелания, Лев 10-11-24 ------------------------------ Dear Leo: I had medical treatment and was under the weather in recent weeks. I had to cancel my appointments. I received the primer. I agree with all four points. I hope that President Trump shall keep his promise and will help to make peace in the Ukraine. I propose the following verses from the Sermon on the Mount for Part 4: "Happy the peacemakers: they shall be called the sons of God." (Matthew 5: 9.) "So always treat others as you would like them to treat you; that is the meaning of the Law and the Prophets." (Mathew 7: 12) "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who treat you badly...You will have a great reward, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked." (Luke 6: 27-35) Similar verses we find in all other living world religions. In our peace science, we must be ecumenical beyond the Christian Churches in East and West, in relation to Daoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, etc. I stand for all my writings to you the past decades. They need no further correction or addition. Best wishes to you and your dear family, Your Rudi from the House of Mir. 09-11-24
Common slogan of Perpetual Peace for America and Russia Dear Rudi,
We are concerned and wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you very much for your fundamental response and suggestions, which will be included in the Peace Science Primer (PSP). We fully share your hope "that President Trump will keep his promise and help establish peace in Ukraine", which, according to the Hamburg account, on the basis of common, thousand-year and eternal Orthodoxy, can and should only be "perpetual", from God, Kantian, as in our "PPRU" plan, and not a traditional temporary truce between wars. This intention was also confirmed by President Putin on October 18 at the briefing with BRICS journalists. This is possible only with the eternal and complete neutrality of Ukraine without and outside NATO, with which the West and Trump will be forced to agree, so as not to destroy themselves and everyone else in a world nuclear war with their insane militarism. Orthodox Russia as the center of the "Slavic world" in your terminology, unlike the aggressive, crusading West (American world), throughout its 1000-year history remains firmly committed to perpetual peace from God and leads everyone to it. In it, it can become an example for Trump to "Make America by Perpetual Peace(instead of its eternal war) GREAT AS NEVER!" You and I, we offered him a similar slogan back in 2017, in our letters to Putin and Trump (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=735 and https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=685). Why don't we repeat them now with amendments of perpetual peace and its PSP?! It seems that everyone is ripe for eternal peace and has long been missing it. What do you think about this? Will we and our colleagues have enough courage, bravery and responsibility to repeat this long-awaited world slogan in 7 years? Maybe we will do it together with the whole team of PSP coauthors, in January, at Trump's inauguration, sending him and Putin our 100-page "Peace Science Primer" as a justification for the proposed consonant slogan of the two peoples and states? What do you and its other co-authors think about this? It would be logical for us. And it would become the best "impossible possibility" for our peoples in the inevitably genocidal nuclear civilization for its 80 years by our COMMON Victory Dayover Nazism on May 9, 2025! The two governments could begin implementing this slogan with the long-overdue establishment of the "Department of Peace from Harmony" with the strategic goal of M.L.K. "TO SHIFT THE ARMS RACE INTO A PEACE RACE!" Why is it impossible for them? What is wrong with our peoples with this idea and goal of becoming "great as never before" in a peacemaking competition instead of Pentagon/NATO "Mutual Assured Destruction" (MAD!) in their genocidal mad arms race? We together can and must initiate this slogan and its strategy as the best in the worst, nuclear civilization. Do you and others agree with this, or do you think this idea is as mad as MAD? Your wonderful contribution from the Gospel quotes will also fill this paragraph and PSP as a whole with high spiritual meaning, which is originally ecumenical, as is our Peace Science beginning since Mahatma Gandhi. Your honesty and dedication to the priority commitment to our common peace science and its primer since 2005 is of particular value. It is a constant source of our peacemaking inspiration and sociological imagination, which is evident from my response to your letter! I am infinitely grateful to you for this! Best wishes for your health, Leo 10-11-24 ------------------------------------ Dear Rose, Thank you very much for your two journalistic materials about two outstanding museums in "Peace Education", in the UNESCO cultural exchange. Of course, these materials are directly related to our "Peace Science Primer" (PSP) and especially to its first paragraph, dedicated to perpetual peace culture of humanity as a saving alternative in the deadly, inevitably suicidal genocidal nuclear civilization since Hiroshima 1945, almost 80 years. But we cannot publish them in PSP, which is done in the format of a synopsis, an extremely concise presentation of the conclusions of our, GGHA work for 20 years. In connection with this requirement, I have formulated your contribution to the PSP in this format, summarizing your long-standing ideas about museums and the articles sent in the following short passage for the fourth section of the first paragraph for your approval: Rosa Dalmiglio: “An important role in the perpetual peace culture Renaissance belongs to the most diverse national museums as its living institutions in different countries. They preserve the diversity of traces of different aspects of this culture among different nations and religions. Particularly significant in this historical cultural process is the search for their unity in harmony, overcoming their confrontation, conflicts and hostility. In this process, the peace science crystallizes as a system-forming center and core of the integral holistic culture for perpetual peace of humanity.” Do you agree with this definition of your contribution? But I don't like it very much myself. It needs time to improve. You could edit this formulation as you wish for our discussion, but it should not exceed 6 lines. When could you send your revision for our discussion? Thank you. Best wishes for your health and peace, Leo 10-11-24 -------------------------------- Dear Asha, I have formulated your contribution to the first paragraph as follows: - Asha Mukherjee: "Truth is God. Truth alone triumphs." Mahatma Gandhi. - The source of eternal peace and its truth is in the science of peace and its primer. Do you agree with this? Could you please send us all a definition of your Gandhian contribution to this paragraph for discussion? Thank you. Best wishes for your health and peace, Leo 10-11-24 --------------------------- Dear Leo, ‘To ensure the survival of humanity and stop the destruction of our World by violence, we must refuse and eliminate militarism, racism, Zionism, Nazism, terrorism, genocide and war. Let us substitute Peace Science. It is a more loving and humane way of living, for humans, and more in keeping with the spirit of love and truth in every human heart.’ I hope this quote above is acceptable to you. Please feel free to shorten if required to suit your purposes. Peace dear friend, Mairead Corrigan Nobel Peace Laureate, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 11-11-24 Dear Mairead, You amaze us with your laconic, unprecedented and inspiring contribution to our peace science! It is published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228. Your brilliant peacemaking quote in 5 lines, nurtured by all your selfless struggle against militarism, violence and wars for more than 50 years, your vital courageous affirmation of peace in a militaristic nuclear civilization despite all its persecutions and sanctions is an excellent expression of the deep essence and great spiritual meaning of our peace science! It was created together with you in the GGHA for more than 10 years, since you joined us. Your quote can become an epigraph, an abstract of our peace science and not only its PSP (Peace Science Primer) and its first paragraph. This is your magnificent intellectual find of the devoted and dedicated peacemaker! Your fundamental contribution to our PSP makes you its indispensable coauthor, even if you do not offer anything else to it. But we hope for your new, peacemaking contributions to the PSP following paragraphs. The greatest gratitude to you from the GGHA all members for them as the most powerful support. Best wishes for your health, with peace and love, Leo 11-11-24 --------------------------- Dear Leo: Thank you for your good letter. I agree with its whole content completely. Let’s repeat our letters to Trump and Putin now again with amendments of perpetual peace and its PSP. It is a good idea full of actuality! We shall see how ripe people are in the USA and Russia for our peace science. We should do that together with the whole team of PSP coauthors, in January, at Trump's inauguration. We should send Trump and Putin our 100-page "Peace Science Primer" later on as well. Trumps attitude toward Putin and the Russian Federation was always the most rational element in his political program. He never believed the Democratic Party's demonization of Putin, and its war propaganda. Now Trump has the chance, to realize his rational insight concerning the war in the Ukraine. I hope very much that Trump and Putin will meet soon and begin to negotiate a lasting peace agreement, which satisfies both sides. I hope our international course on "Religion in Civil Society" will continue in Yalta as our other international course in Dubrovnik on the "Future of Religion" does continue. I hope that all sanctions will be dropped and that both courses shall again be open for participants from East and West. South and North. In Solidarity, Your Friend Rudi, from the House of Mir, USA, Professor Emeritus, Dr. Rudolf Siebert, https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 11-11-24 -----------------------
Dear Leo and All Friends, Tomorrow in occasion of INTERNATIONAL CITIES of PEACE, I have pleasured to introduced Chinese Prof. LIU CHENG and assistant Li Siqi, in ROME UNIVERSITY Professor LIU is the UNESCO chair of Peace Studies in China and board Member of Cities of peace, also cooperation in NANJING UNIVERSITY of PEACE with friends Johan Galtung,PEACE-ACTIVIST that cooperationwith prof. LIU CHENG in NANJING PEACE UNIVERSITY and MUSEUM. In 2018 POPE FRANCIS invited Johan Galtung and me to take part in PEACE JOURNALISM REFORM in VATICAN in memory of JOHAN GALTUNG’s and his vision of CHINA PEACE UNIVERSITY and MUSEUM was press in book collection by UNESCO. I remember you that I have been working in CHINA DISABLED PEOPLE FOUNDATION since 1999. This Disabled organized now Have 85 million of person in China and President Honorary and Foundation is DENG XIAOPING's son DENG PUFANG. I am delegated by CHINA to promotion ARTIST for PEACE by UNESCO-PEACE AMBASSADOR in the WORLD. Thank you for your attention Rosa Dalmiglio Italy-China 11-11-24 Dear Rosa, Thank you very much for wanting to introduce me to Chinese professors-peacemakers that I have been asking you for a long time and will be very, very, very grateful to you. Please tell them that we, GGHA, will be happy to cooperate with them, translate their works into Russian and publish them on our website and are glad to invite them to cooperate in the development of Peace Science in China, at their University. To begin with, we are ready to translate into Russian and publish for our networks your text "International Cities of Peace", which you sent me, if they allow me to do so. Please, ask them about this permission specifically. Please tell them my email and the address of our website: https://peacefromharmony.org, and also ask them to tell me their emails and websites. This will be your great contribution to the development of cooperation between China and Russia, especially our peacemaking organizations. For our part, we will be happy to participate in their peace projects. I ask you to also tell me, if possible, the website and email of DENG PUFANG. I hope I am not late for your "tomorrow" which has become today and you will have time to convey my greetings and invitations to your Chinese colleagues. Best wishes for your health, with peace and love, Leo 11-11-24 --------------- Dear Leo, Thank you for your message. We indeed acknowledged that PSP is our priority for the next three months, and today marks the final day for the first paragraph's discussion. I can certainly provide a few public lines in support of its simplicity, brevity, and accessibility. Additionally, here are a couple of lines from the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam book for now, though I may replace them with another excerpt later, and I will also provide a more detailed response in due course. “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam teaches us that the world is one family, bound not by borders but by shared humanity. In this spirit, we embrace unity amidst diversity, fostering respect, empathy, and peace. This vision encourages us to see beyond differences, nurturing a culture of coexistence and mutual understanding. By embodying this ideal, we create a world where all can thrive together. Let us walk this path of oneness for a harmonious future.” https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1216 Regarding the timing of paragraph discussions, perhaps extending each to a week instead of two days could allow for deeper reflection and engagement. I hope this meets your needs for today. Thank you, Surendra Pathak India 11-11-24 ---------------------------