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Peace from Harmony
GGHA Message. Orthodox Christmas 2025 - One Christmas, One Christianity, One Perpetual Peace of Russia and America, to make them great as never before!


January 7, 2025, Saint Petersburg


Dear leaders of Russia!


To the President of Russia V.V. Putin

To His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus',

To the Minister of Foreign Affairs S.V. Lavrov

To the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.Y. Krasnikov


GGHA Message

Orthodox Christmas 2025 -

One Christmas, o­ne Christianity, o­ne Perpetual Peace of

Russia and America, to make them great as never before!



In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1240

In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1096


Dear Orthodox of Russia and the world,

The GGHA is happy to congratulate you o­n the great Orthodox Cathedral Christmas and wish everyone health, love, happiness, peace and harmony in the eternal Revival of the peace-bearing CHRIST! In 2025, He proclaims to the world through Orthodoxy perpetual peace of nations, realized in the motto of the New Year 2025 for the CIS, approved by the Orthodox President of Russia Vladimir Putin "The Year of Peace and Unity in the Fight against Nazism"! This motto has two opposite but unified meanings.

The first is the proclamation of international, eternal peace, primarily for Russia and Ukraine through USA, excluding any temporary truce between them that V. Putin emphasized, because it will be used to rearm Ukraine in its endless war with Russia in the interests of the aggressive, liberal-Nazi NATO.

Its second meaning is to unite in the fight against Nazism, which has become global for the West/NATO, which applauds in all its parliaments and governments the Nazi-Bandera regime of Kyiv, which they forcibly installed in the paid coup d'etat of 2014 o­n Maidan. Public and comprehensive support for Bandera Nazism illustrates to the whole world the Nazism globalization by the Western Christian world under the false bright wrapper of liberalism/democracy. Behind it they hide the ordinary, genocidal Nazism of the Third Reich, having provided it with Western globalization for 80 years and advancing it further: to the Middle East, North Africa, the Islamic world, etc.

Global Nazism is the most dangerous threat to global peace, because Nazism is a complete, 100%, denial of peace, violence against it and its suppression always and everywhere. As long as Nazism exists o­n the planet, peace is impossible o­n it. Therefore, o­nly nations of all faiths, united by perpetual peace of all religions, first of all Christianity, as the most numerous world faith, can eradicate Nazism. Therefore, President Putin declared 2025 for Russia, the "Fatherland Defender Year", in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory over German Nazism o­n May 9, 1945. It required 27 million victims from the peoples of the Great Patriotic War USSR to free humanity, first of all the peoples of Europe, from the genocidal Third Reich brown plague. Therefore, 2025 is rightfully the "Peaceful Humanity Defender Year ", which lacks a single Christianity.

Unfortunately, today it is divided, contrary to the o­ne Christ and His perpetual peace, into many hostile churches. There are five main branches of Christianity with a total of 45,000 (in 2019) confessions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_denominations). The schism of Christian churches contributes to the strengthening of Nazism. It uses some of them to incite violence and war with others, as is happening in Ukraine, contrary to the will of both the Vatican and the Moscow Patriarchate, suppressing their peacemaking voice.

Orthodoxy, as the o­nly, conciliar (full, integral) church, eternal in the Earth space and time is called upon to reunite Christian churches for the perpetual peace sake of the o­ne Jesus Christ. This has been affirmed by all the great Orthodox at all times. But it can do this o­nly o­n the basis of the spheral, “a substantially new manner of thinking” (Einstein) of the peace science. The GGHA entire 20-year history, which created the core of this fundamental, planetary science and unites hundreds of believers of many Christian denominations (and not o­nly them) is permeated with the conviction of the faith, science and peace inseparability (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236).

The first, main conclusion of our long and difficult spiritual search is that "There is no PERPETUAL Peace without the PERPETUAL God and Faith in Him." This is the conclusion of all human history, culture, science and spirituality, long recognized in world religions, as well as by many philosophers and scientists. God did not create humanity for its destruction in internecine wars. If He had created it for death, it would have long since ceased to exist. But God created humanity o­nly for fraternal unity, mutual love of nations and perpetual peace through a single faith and a single peace science in their single spheral, "substantial" thinking, overcoming their disciplinary split, which gives rise to their endless confrontation. To save humanity from it, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who was killed in this split, but left people the God’s Word that unites them for the people’s survival in perpetual peace.

Today, this highest humanistic, moral and social law of human community is exposed in all its fullness in the Orthodox Ukrainian/NATO war o­n the brink of complete nuclear, genocidal destruction of humanity. This requires from Orthodoxy the complete concentration of the Orthodox and all believers o­n perpetual peace to unite all peoples, not o­nly the highest, Christian justification, but also the fundamental justification necessary for it by the Peace Science. o­nly with it can the “Peace-loving Kingdom of God o­n Earth” be established among humanity forever and consciously. The establishment of this Kingdom contains God’s holy will o­n Earth and the great humanistic meaning of the JESUS ​​CHRIST BIRTH for its embodiment in the people eternal life. The most important rational instrument creation for this Kingdom - the Peace Science is entrusted to human, endowed with reason from God. This is the work and responsibility of human, not God. This is the work and responsibility of the Orthodoxy geniuses, its historians, revealing these geniuses to the people, to subsequent generations.

We, the Message authors, the international peacemaking volunteer organization Orthodoxes, created o­n the Russian humanitarians’ initiative in 2005: "Gandhian Global Harmony Association" (GGHA), have come to understand the extreme necessity of similar work of hundreds of our colleagues from more than 50 countries. This long work o­n the Perpetual Peace Science creation o­n Christian, first of all Orthodox, the most humanistic values ​​has convinced us that Perpetual Peace ORTHODOX and its spheral Perpetual Peace Science are united and inseparable in their aspirations to serve HUMAN, his PERPETUAL PEACE!

That is why, o­n this spiritual soil, the first scientific Orthodox plan of "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1086) was born, supported by 22 peacemakers from 10 countries and 11 international peace organizations. This plan is a continuation of the thousand-year-old Orthodox tradition of “world reconciliation and unity”, started from its origins and continued in the Slavophil tradition by great Russian philosophers, writers, artists, clergy, politicians, scientists, among whom we must name Vladimir Soloviev, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Roerich, Pavel Florensky, Vladimir Vernadsky and dozens of others. The contemporary Russian philosopher and politician Oleg Matveychev express o­n a large scale and deeply in the “Spirit Sovereignty” book (2009) the centuries-old evolution of spiritual Orthodoxy in its internal and external struggle for its sovereignty. We recognize him as an invisible but full-fledged spiritual coauthor of our Message. But the Orthodox logos of Russia's perpetual peace and "universal reconciliation" was expressed most succinctly and classically by Fyodor Dostoevsky in his Pushkin speech in 1880, 125 years ago:

“We (Russia) not hostile, but friendly, with full love took into our souls the geniuses of foreign nations, all together, without making tribal distinctions…. For a true Russian, Europe [and world] ... is just as dear as Russia itself ... because our destiny is the universality ... of our brotherly desire to reunite people ... [to] bring reconciliation into European [and world] contradictions ... [by a word of] great common harmony, fraternal final consent of all tribes according to Christ's Gospel law. [This universal destiny of the Russian reconciliation, harmony and consent, expressed by the genius of Pushkin and many other Russians, – L.S.] is in humanity ... a new word.” [Because according to its spiritual make-up and civilizational millennial code], “the Russian heart, perhaps, of all nations, is most destined for universal fraternal unity.”

The special, humanistic nature of Orthodoxy, embodied by the perpetual peace of Russia, in whose thousand-year history there were no aggressions for that it was “honored” by a thousand-year “war and Russophobia” of the aggressive West, according to the confession of the honest Western scholar (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1093), which does not know the Crusades, racism, apartheid, genocide of indigenous peoples or their enslavement allows us to put forward an ecumenical proposal for discussion by hundreds of Christian churches. It consists in recognizing the Perpetual Peace Orthodox Christmas o­n January 7 of each year as the holiday of o­nE Christianity and o­nE Jesus Christ. This will be the first step of Christian churches towards their unification in Perpetual Peace. Orthodox Christmas looks to Perpetual Peace of the future in harmony with science, politics, diplomacy o­n the basis of a single, "substantially new manner of thinking" (Einstein), "in which the oneness exists not at the expense of all or to their detriment, but for the benefit of all" (V. Soloviev).

Today, this recognition at the World Council of Churches level, whose members are 352 Christian churches, with the participation of the Vatican and the Moscow Patriarchate is capable to save humanity and the planet from genocidal nuclear destruction in the Christian powers of Russia and the USA world war. o­nly a single Christianity can become a single axiological platform for the "Perpetual Peace Treaty of Russia and America" ​​ conclusion between them, the need for which Christian leaders could come to recognize at their planned summit. This Treaty could become the beginning and trigger of similar Constitution/Charter updated for Eternal Peace of the UN, which, without this spiritual platform, has been powerless to fulfill the perpetual peace mission during 80 years.


With Orthodox World Christmas 2025!

With faith and love,


GGHA Orthodoxes:

Yulia Budnikova, GGHA-Russia President, Roerich scholar,


Vera Popovich, cultural scientist,


Olga Kashina, statistician,


Vyacheslav Bragin, historian,


Igor Kondrashin, philosopher, World Philosophical Forum President,


Leo Semashko, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President, philosopher, sociologist,





© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005