
Coauthors Rules: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1224 Paragraph-1:https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228 Paragraph-2: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236 -------------------------------- Peace Science Primer (PSP) Paragraph-3. The Nature Law of "Equal Necessity and Sufficiency of Spheres" (ENSS): "Peace Science" and its Spheral Logic Pillar of Planetary Peace, Harmony and Ecology. Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1241 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1097
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same [disciplinary] level of thinking we were at when we created them [... therefore] we should require a substantially new [... holistic, integral] manner of thinking [... by the spheres and spherons] if mankind is to survive." A. Einstein
The social harmony spheral logic of humanity perpetual peace is determined by the eternal planetary spheres similar logic, which is original both for the living nature kingdoms arising from them within them, and for the society spheres, arising from the biosphere within it. As a result of the long, several billion years, evolution of our planet, three fundamental, eternal natures have emerged and interact today on it: inorganic (physical), living (organic, biological) and social. We will not touch upon the issue of these natures genesis, limiting ourselves to the issue of their general objective logic within the framework of their single structural substance - spheres. Another limitation of our primer is that our planet named natures consideration in the universe infinite cosmos is "taken out of its brackets" so as not to overload its societal planetary scale, which is extremely complex in itself. Humanity has billions of years of spontaneous evolution of inorganic and organic planetary natures behind it and billions of years of social nature conscious evolution ahead of it, including the thinking modes evolution. It requires from Homo sapiens a higher, spheral scientific understanding of its fundamental, eternal pillars, which determine its constant structure and its enduring, societal genetics, hidden in its spheral depth. All natures of our planet are similar in their spheral substantial structure, as we will see below. This will allow us in our “Peace Science Primer” to examine the humanity life from a “bird's eye view,” from the heights of its lawful eternal spheres, correlated with the eternal spheres of other natures in their unified, systemic and living ecosystem of the planet, based on the inorganic, physics nature eternal spheres. 1. FACT-10. Spheres of inorganic, physical nature The general planetary logic question of its single structural substance arose before humanity at the dawn of scientific, disciplinary thinking about 3 thousand years ago and remains open to this day, although during this time many theoretical answers to it have been proposed and about 75 thousand disciplinary sciences have emerged to date. This question in the humanity history touched, first, on the inorganic nature, which is obvious to everyone, always and everywhere, its elements, spheres, which constitute our planet in their endless and interconnected changes. The spheres genesis question of this nature remains open for modern natural science, although there are a number of special theoretical hypotheses on this subject, from which we digress. In the knowledge of physical nature, its first, most ancient and extremely large-scale, planetary objective truth was the conclusion of "natural philosophers" about its four elements, about its fourspheral structure in the planet following spheres: Earth (Lithosphere), Water (Hydrosphere), Air (Atmosphere) and the Sun (Heliosphere, including stars and space). Abbreviated: EWAS or LHAH. This conclusion was preceded by thousands of years of observations and studies of these spheres "at hand", thousands of different one-sided and erroneous hypotheses about the role of each of them with assumptions of the determining role of one or another one among them, as this was in the natural philosophy history. We do not need to repeat this knowledge, which is set out in detail in the relevant textbooks of philosophy and history. The most concise and fundamental definition of the four planetary spheres EWAS or LHAH truth belongs to Pythagoras (6th century BC), who in his “Golden Verses” expressed it so poetically: “QUATERNION [of EWAS] IS AN INEXHAUSTIBLE SOURCE OF LIFE” on the planet. The fundamental truth of Pythagorean quaternion as the eternal life source was and will remain the eternal fact of our planet physical and organic nature, including humanity inhabiting it, because each of its eternal spheres is not only every second felt by every person on it from birth to death, but also constitutes his entire organism. Therefore, everyone is convinced of their truth, as well as the truth of their eternal law at every moment of his life. This objective planetary truth constitutes the unshakable pillar of the fundamental Perpetual Peace Science, which we unfold in our primer “from a bird’s eye view” and which is the same for everyone, excluding any confrontation on it. The structural model in Figure 4 expresses the fundamental planetary truth of the planet four physical, eternal spheres.
 Fig.4. Model: The planet four physical spheres. 1. Earth - Lithosphere.
2. Water - Hydrosphere. 3. Air - Atmosphere. 4. Sun - Heliosphere (incl. stars, space) The Pythagorean aphorism "Quaternion is an inexhaustible source of life" fundamental meaning was preserved, understood and raised to the utmost height the thousand years later by the Pythagorean Hierocles (5th century AD). He explains the Pythagorean tetrad/quaternion deep meaning in this way, extending it to society and human. The quaternion is "a depository of the eternal world order, it is the same as God the creator".... “Quaternion has volume. It contains an outline of a simple form of a pyramid ... Also, live creatures have four cognitive abilities: sense, knowledge, opinion, sentiment ... Overall, quaternion comprehends all things existent: the number of elements (earth, water, air, fire/sun -- L.S.), seasons, ages, estates; and there is no evidence that anything exists that does not depend on quaternion as the root and the beginning. Quaternion is ... the creator and the cause of everything; it is god fathomable by sense; it is the cause of ... God". [Pythagorean Golden Verses. M.1995, p.30, 96-98.] Such is the spheral structure of inorganic, physical nature within the framework and on the basis of which living, organic nature arises - the planet biosphere, within which an artificial social nature arises, created by human, homo sapiens wisely. The human does not limit his life sources by the given natural resources in its spheres. on their basis and from their material he produces fundamentally new, artificial social resources in their artificial social spheres, generating its special, social nature and life, in which the biological source of human life is preserved – his/her birth and the physical/ecological spheres as his/her eternal, cosmic, God-created maternal womb. The Earth inorganic, physical spheres, as well as the society spheres, still do not have a single, integral and holistic science. Knowledge about the planet today is united in "Earth Science", Geonomy or Geoscience, covering hundreds of relevant, narrow disciplines, the exact number of which cannot be found in any encyclopedia of our time. They provide a scientific understanding of the Earth different segments, details but are unable to provide a holistic, scientific understanding/vision of our planet within their traditional, fragmentary/disciplinary thinking. Here they are like the blind men from the famous Indian parable who feel an elephant, falsely identifying its different parts with it in a whole, as in Fig. 2. This is a fundamental, unresolved problem and limitation of modern science, which is determined by its holistic underdevelopment and insufficiency, which does not allow its disciplines to see, explain and control the natural harmony of the planetary spheres in general, as well as social spheres that gives rise to multi-thousand-year confrontation and wars. Their fragmentation gives rise to a confrontation in the Earth disciplinary science regarding the ecological, holistic problem: some scientists recognize the ecological crisis on the basis of some scientific facts, while others reject it on the basis of other scientific facts from the same sectoral positions, not possessing and not suspecting spheral, holistic thinking. A similar confrontation and unhealthy competition between different groups of disciplinary sciences arises not only in ecology, but also in other segments: in energy (carbon-green-nuclear), in medicine, pharmaceutics (vaccinations-harmful-useful), etc., which is again identical to the conflict between the blind men at the elephant in Fig. 2. V. Vernadsky first showed the spheral thinking example by the spheral category “noosphere” (see paragraph-2), linking it and similar ones with the spheral scientific revolution in the way of thinking, the necessity of which as a “substantially new manner of thinking” was stated by Einstein that we examined in the previous paragraph. This millennial cognitive problem is the fundamental epistemological source, cause of all confrontations and wars on the planet in history, which is revealed in detail in the following paragraphs. The spheral scientific understanding of these causes will allow humanity to quickly, peacefully and effectively solve both the ecological problem and the perpetual, global peace problem, along with all other planetary problems, leaving human and society with only endless local and temporary problems. The spheral thinking within broad ecological context was considered in a few joint works by the GGHA coauthors: Timi Ecimovic (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=749), John Avery (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672) and Leo Semashko. one of them, 2017, is published here: Ecimovic T., Avery J., Semashko L. The Climate Change System 2017. Pages 28: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/ECIMOVIC_CLIMATE%20CHANGE_18-04-17_Final.pdf 2. Fact-11. The planetary law of "Equally Necessary and Sufficient Spheres" (ENSS) of physical and living nature being The Pythagorean fundamental truth of the "quaternion" of physical nature spheres as the source of all planet life, including social life, contains a deep understanding of the undeniable fact that these spheres determine the immanent planetary law of "Equally Necessary and Sufficient Spheres" (ENSS) of physical, organic and social nature existence. only the equal necessity of each of these spheres for any life, and only their joint sufficiency for it constitute the "source of inexhaustible life" on earth. Indeed, each person is convinced of the equal necessity of each sphere for life, because the absence, "zeroing" or disappearance of any of them makes the life of human, society, as well as all living nature, the biosphere together with the entire planet as a whole IMPOSSIBLE. Each person cannot live in the absence of any one of them. There is scientific data on how quickly a person, people die in the absence of air, water, food and sun in different conditions. Not only a person, but all life on the planet as a whole cannot exist in the absence of any one of the EWAS spheres. And if any one of them is absent or disappears, then the planet becomes dead, devoid of life that makes each of these spheres EQUALLY necessary for life. Every thinking person can imagine this sad result for himself and all living things with the "disappearance-zeroing" of any of the EWAS spheres on our planet in his/her thought experiment. Therefore, among these spheres there is no "main, defining, primary" and the like. Each of them is EQUALLY NECESSARY for life and only together, in mutual penetration, universal interconnection, systemically and holistically they constitute a SUFFICIENT source of eternal, inexhaustible and holistic life on the planet. Therefore, the EQUAL NECESSITY AND SUFFICIENCY OF SPHERES (ENSS) of the EWAS is the eternal and enduring law of every and all life on our planet, which is simultaneously the fundamental scientific law of humanity for its entire life. It is the same for all people and nations without exception, in the truth of which for each people and individual they are forced to agree with its "iron" necessity, since its violation threatens death, extinction to each person and nation, humanity as a whole. According to this law, they cannot have confrontations and wars across spheres, and they do not exist between spheres, but only between their time segments, classes, workshops, nations, elites, etc. – “partons”, in the spheral thinking terminology, in contrast to spheres as “holons”. This law of the elemental, spheral and harmonious reality of our planet as a whole, cognized by humanity, becomes the eternal law of its scientific knowledge, which it consciously uses to ensure its peaceful life, to master all the EWAS spheres of its natural God-given resources-sources. This law, like all scientific laws/truths without exception, unites humanity into one family of nations and individuals with one source of life and one destiny on the planet as a single home for all without exception. The EWAS planetary spheres are studied by many natural sciences, which penetrate ever deeper into the nature of each of them and their interrelations. But no matter how deep and extensive the disciplinary sciences knowledge, they will never be able to master their constant law ENSS, because it requires adequate, spheral thinking with its transdisciplinary integrity of its spheral substance. Without the categories of "spheres" and derivatives it is impossible. Disciplinary thinking is not capable to shake it, nor to master this law and its spheral substance in all its planetary truth. This is an indisputable historical fact. It has been so throughout past history up to this day, and it will remain so in the future. Another extremely important attribute of the ENSS law is its spheral, fourdimensional structure, construction and architecture, which is preserved in all its spatio-temporal locations on the planet, on any square centimeter of its area and in any second of its historical time. Whatever changes in the EWAS occur in their locations, their structure remains unchanged, fourdimensional-spheral. This is the extremely complex and contradictory, dialectical feature of the fourspheral structure: the constant of its eternal integral stability/harmony is ensured by the continuous variability/“straggle” of its sectoral parts/partons in space/time. People constantly observe both the EWAS continuous changes in the entire spectrum of their internal partons, and their deep stability, the preservation of their eternal spheral structure in all of them. This makes the EWAS spheres existence self-evident, not requiring any special evidence, and therefore is not particularly discussed by people, only philosophers try to penetrate into the invisible depth of the EWAS interrelations in their different conditions. Naturally, people's main attention is occupied by changes in these spheres that can be dangerous to their lives: earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, excessive solar activity and the like, which obscure and push into the background of the fourdimensional structural stability fact of these spheres as something self-evident. 3. Spheres of living nature We will not dwell here on the specifics of biological life and its spheres, we will only emphasize the fourspheral classification of living organisms, in which four of their kingdoms or spheres are distinguished: Bacteria, Fungi, Plants (Flora), Animals (Fauna). These spheres/kingdoms include many structural levels of living organisms, an infinite number of their species. It can be assumed that the ENDS law is preserved and operates at the level of living nature, but in a specific and extremely complex form. This is a question of biology, not sociology, so we digress from it and move on to a general consideration of the social spheres, humanity in their single social nature. 4. Spheres of social nature The first question that arises here: what are those EQUALLY NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT SPHERES (ENSS) of social, artificial resources, without which the life of an individual, as well as any society, and humanity as a whole is impossible? The official macrosocial science still does not have an answer to this fundamental question. It can provide evidence of one to 12 social spheres, of which only the fourdimensional spheral paradigm is true, adequate to the ENSS planetary law, to which all others do not correspond and, at best, can only be approximations, steps towards it. However, thousands of types of sectoral, disciplinary knowledge of society, social or humanitarian sciences, still do not provide a single, general and integral scientific knowledge of society and its social nature. Both disciplinary natural science and disciplinary social science are powerless in understanding their integral, spheral nature, accessible only to spheral thinking with its categorical network of spheral concepts and its spheral logic. Their holistic, spheral knowledge was first presented in the "Peace Science", "Spheronics" and a general and brief, without unnecessary details and at the same time popular introduction to it is offered in our "Primer". The exposition of this science cannot go historically, covering millennia of its formation in the works of tens of thousands of scientists and philosophers of different countries, continents and eras, starting from ancient times. A brief exposition of this science can only be logical, not from parts to the whole, but from the whole, "from a bird's eye view" of its panoramic vision by descending to the definition and consideration of its numerous underlying levels and their details. This science has an integration nature, uniting in synergy, i.e. in animation, thousands of different rational social ideas and achievements, regardless of space, time, source and author of their origin into a single, true paradigm, based on historical facts and spheral verification of the ENSS universal law. In one of the following paragraphs, everyone will be offered a method for its simple spheral verification in 2 hours, accessible to every literate person and schoolchild. Our "Peace Science", following Pythagoras and by analogy with him defines the humanity social nature formula of being: "The Humanity Four Spheres Quaternion is Its Inexhaustible Life Source in Perpetual Peace" that is revealed in the following paragraphs. The scientific macrosociological structure of 16 (4x4) social ENSS of fractal architecture, built on the four of its generating resources PIOT, is systematically presented in their model in Figure 1 (paragraph-1) in its center. The following paragraphs of our primer are devoted to the consideration of these societal spheres blocks, determining the humanity eternal social genome and its constant cell at all levels, starting with the individual and family. Here, in conclusion of this paragraph, we will briefly touch upon only the hypothesis of measurement, qualimetry of spheres. 5. Hypothesis of spheral qualimetry, spheral mathematics and spheral statistics for AI The fundamental digitalization and qualimetry of humanity of all sorts and all times begins since the Pythagorean quaternion, potentially containing ten – the whole numbers. Spheral qualimetry, embodied in universal spherical mathematics and statistics for AI, constitutes a quantitative toolkit of the highest, spheral way of scientific thinking of the future, which is being born today, therefore it can be identified only as a fundamental hypothesis, nothing more. Pythagoras determined the source of this hypothesis. Hierocles explained it, in the spirit of his time a thousand years later. God for the Pythagoreans is the number of numbers. All numbers are contained in ten. The ten comprehends all the numbers, while "the ten's capacity is a quaternion ... because adding the numbers from one to four we get ten ... Quaternion is also the mean of one and seven ... Quaternion has volume. It contains an outline of a simple form of a pyramid." [Pythagorean Golden Verses. M.1995, p.30, 96-98.]. This fundamental hypothesis is superimposed by another fundamental ancient hypothesis. The spheres penetrate and mutually include each other according to the principle of Anaxagoras "all in all", forming a spheral fractal structure of being. Therefore, the fourdimensional external structure is identical to the four-dimensional immanent, internal structure of each of them with the priority of one, determining the quality and specific laws of being of each sphere. The structural fourdimensionality of spheres serves as the basis for the fundamental scientific hypothesis of their immanent spheral qualimetry, which expresses the quantitative measure of harmony of the spheres among themselves at all levels and in all objects of existence. It is expressed by the matrices of spheral indices of 4x4n dimension, where ‘n’ is a series of natural numbers, or any other in the possible aspects of measuring and calculating spheres. In the spheral, fractal matrices, each of the four spheres is infinitely divided into four parts for each other in an infinite chain of historical transformations of these spheres in their infinite space and time that is expressed by its index “n”. To begin with, our hypothesis of spheral qualimetry, spheral mathematics (the mathematics of spheral fractals), spheral statistics and spheral programming as necessary, innovative and technological tools of spheral thinking is defined. It opens up an infinite mental space of their development in an extremely complex search for common units of their measurement, common mathematical and statistical laws, proportions and measures of their harmony for their calculation in spheral AI from a personal smartphone to the humanity AI in endless locations, the consideration of which goes beyond the boundaries of our primer. In one of its paragraphs further, we will touch upon, to illustrate the reality of this hypothesis, the paradigm of spheral social Global Statistics, Globstat below, which we have long been developing, on the basis of which the architecture of spheral AI (SAI) is constructed. The questions of spheral thinking and its qualimetric tools (mathematics, statistics and programming) for SАI, touched upon in the paragraph, have been posed by me since 1976 and were reflected in my first book of 1992: “The Spheral Approach. Philosophy, Democracy, Market, Man”: https://peacefromharmony.org/file/5162/1992-semashko-sferniy_podhod.pdf. It concerned all spheres of society, especially political democracy in Russia orgsphere. 6. Appendices (The appendices of this paragraph, as well as others, will be selected jointly with the primer coauthors from the blocks of quotations proposed by them after the completion of all its paragraphs.)
Paragraph for discussion prepared by: Leo Semashko 10-01-25 ----------------------------------
Paragraph 3. Spheral thinking of the planet's spheres for peace. DiscussiononJanuary 11 Dear coauthors-peacemakers, We are pleased to send you the third paragraph (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1241) of our primer, dedicated to the planetary law of the Earth spheres spheral thinking as our "Perpetual Peace Science" (PPS) central imperative. PPS is based on the global harmony of these spheres, which determine both eternal peace on Earth and planetary ecology. We propose to discuss and evaluate it briefly in our small team in one day, January 11, in order to save time for writing and discussing the following paragraphs. Based on this paragraph, we propose to write a joint article on the topic: "Spheral Thinking of Perpetual Peace and Planetary Ecology" in several days (3-5) in coauthorship with an ecologist and peacemaker who was able to understand, evaluate and use the unique effectiveness of our PPS spheral thinking. This was done by the GGHA Pantheon great ecologists and peacemakers: Timi Ecimovic and John Avery, who are quoted in the paragraph. May the kingdom of heaven be theirs! We continue your great ideas, which have not died but are live and develop in our PPS among "Endless Chaos Towards a one World Tyranny" (Peter Koenig). With peace and love, Leo Semashko 10-01-25 --------------------------- Dear Leo: Thank you for unfolding for us your great tetra sociology and tetra philosophy, the work of your life. It reaches back to Pythagoras and the whole Axis time, It would certainly take more than a day to discuss it in detail. I accept it as far as I know it, understand it, and comprehend it. There is also Teilhard de Chardin, the discoverer of Peking man, who could make a further contribution to the tetra philosophy. He has developed a similar, all embracing philosophy and theology of the natural world and the human world. I have worked with it. I am of course interested most, how wars can be diminished practically and in the immediate future. I am interested, how Trump will end the Ukraine war and the Palestinian war next month. The human suffering there has been enormous. Nature has suffered as well. Both, nature and man are finite and yerefore not inexhaustible! We shall see soon what the Trump administration can do! That Trump wants to take over Panama and Greenland and Canada does not forebode well!!! It sounds too familiar! But I continue with you to hope for the best - peace!, life! Best wishes, your Rudi, from the House of Peace, USA Prof. Rudolf Siebert https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 11-01-25 -------------------------------------- Dear Leo, I absolutely agree and support the contents of Paragraph 3 “Spheral thinking …for peace”. The points № 2-5 are very well written and I agree with them. Best regards and wishes, Prof. Asha Mukherjee, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1170 India 11-01-25 -------------------------------- Дорогой Лева! Признаюсь, что я тебя воспринимаю не только как земляка и друга, но и Великой Научной Величиной, автором, непостижимого во многом для меня, уникального имасштабного, программного философского деяния! ... Чтоб умом понять планету
Был у Рима Цицерон!.. У России с целью этой Есть Семашко - Царь Сферон!..
Обнимаю с пожеланием новых творческих успехов. Храни тебя Господь. Вячеслав Брагин, историк, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=939 Россия 11-01-25
Dear Slava! Thank you very much for your poetic genius "King of Spherons" to boost my downtrodden status with subtle humor! Publication: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1097 Lev 12-01-25 -------------------- Первое моё впечатление, это нечто масштабное и непостижимое для моего понимания, чего я никогда не читала и не изучала, ни в школе, ни в университете. Потом, подумав, стала раскладывать этот параграф по полочкам. 1. Это фундаментальность, охват всех трёх природ нашей планеты, фундаментальнее некуда. 2.Это истина, потому, что всё перечисленные сферы неживой и живой природы очевидны каждому школьнику. Что касается социальных сфер, то это вопрос следующих параграфов. 3. Это определение закона необходимых и достаточных сфер каждой природы, которые никогда не воюют друг с другом, но всегда находится в стихийной, вечной гармонии, что определяют их вечную мирную жизнь, которую уродуют только милитаристы и власть имущие. 4. Из этих полочек логически следует, что социальный мир в обществе имеет вечные природные корни, которые определяют вечный социальный мир, исключающий войну, как генетическую, канцерогенную патологию. 5. Но эта патология может быть разумно исключена не на уровне традиционного, дисциплинарного мышления, разделяющего все на части, а только на уровне сферного мышления, интегрирующего части в целое, только с уровня которого становится понятен вечный мир человечества. 6. В этом заключается пафос данного параграфа, нашего букваря и всей нашей науки мира, которую мы создали в ГГСГ за 20 лет. Это замечательно и твердо обнадеживает вечным миром! С уважением, Вера Попович https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=578 Россия 11-01-25 ----------------------------
Dear Leo, Dear friends, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for this important step for communication between East and West. At the moment it is very difficult for a person like me in Austria. Just writing that one should not criticise the anti-Russia attitude can cost me my social existence. I am working on a book as a bridge between East and West, which shows that the 150-year Mahatma Gandhi petition was and is groundbreaking for the future of humanity, but until it is paid for, I still have to remain silent about many things. My book places the empirical research of divine experiences in relation to the central survival crises of humanity, focusing on the salvation and regeneration of the fertile earth, in order to ensure a stable food supply and basic medical care, following Gandhi's garden model. The empirical research of divine encounters that unite all peoples of the world, together with the prevention of ecological collapse and famines, must now have priority. But the connection between Plato's spheres and the experience of God or ultimate reality described in the allegory of the cave is clear, and the parallels to Hinduism and Mahatma Gandhi's worldview based on Aristotle and Plato, which also laid the metaphysical foundations for today's Christianity and its values, are obvious. I just have so much to learn, and I am socially vulnerable, similar to the situation in the German Democratic Republic. I ask you to consider this in your communications with me, so that you do not lose me as an ally overnight. I come from Austria. Here we have not taken any responsibility since the Second World War, and anyone who criticises this socially disappears. In my book, I describe how, after my car accident, my health insurance was blocked by mistake, and I was without money and without the possibility of health care. 8 years later they have not even accepted that this mistake happened. If they act like this accidently, you can imagine how they act purposefully. Additionally, after Google threatened to delete all my data and accounts without notice if I ever again endangered American national security, I stopped writing about Ukraine. I have to shape my resistance to fascism in such a way that I survive. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you very much, Lucas, PhD Lucas Pawlik, Vienna, Austria, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 12-01-24 ------------------------------------
Paragraph 3 and the spheral cognitive dissidents survival Dear Leo, I am deeply honored by your representation of my work in Russian (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1238). I have reserved five copies of my current (new) book for Russian key figures to enable a Russian translation once it is published, and the tensions between East and West relax a bit, which is to be expected once Trump comes into office and changes the current direction of full confrontation. I will stay as silent as possible until then, but would like to contribute a call for action as the conclusion of your aforementioned paragraph-3 (below). Best Wishes and God's Blessings PhD Lucas Pawlik https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 14-01-25 A Call for Unity and Implementation In conclusion, the principles of Equal Necessity and Sufficiency of Spheres (ENSS) emphasize the indivisibility and harmony of the planetary spheres—physical, organic, and social—each essential for sustaining life on Earth. This holistic understanding is not just an abstract framework but a call to action for humanity to embrace spheral thinking and implement it across all disciplines, policy-making, and global cooperation. The ENSS law is a unifying principle, transcending divisions of nation, culture, and ideology. It provides a roadmap for a harmonious, sustainable existence where human actions align with the natural laws of the planet. By adopting this framework, humanity can not only solve ecological and social crises but also achieve perpetual peace and harmony. The future of humanity depends on the collective embrace of this scientifically grounded worldview. It is through the recognition of the ENSS law and the development of spheral thinking tools—such as advanced mathematics, statistics, and AI—that we can ensure survival, progress, and the flourishing of our life in all its dimensions. The journey toward this shared future begins with a commitment to understanding and applying these principles in our daily lives, our scientific endeavors, and our global policies. As the Pythagorean insight reminds us, the “quaternion” is not merely a symbol—it is the eternal source of life, and its wisdom continues to guide us toward the possibility of a more harmonious world. Let us take this step together and affirm our collective responsibility to safeguard the spheres that sustain all existence, knowing that in their balance lies the destiny of humanity. PhD Lucas Pawlik, Vienna, Austria, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 14-01-25
Dear Lucas, Thank you very much for your very valuable response of full understanding in spheral, holistic thinking/worldview and its full recognition as the primary "road map" for humanity survival on very edge of its genocidal suicide in West nuclear civilization. Your unique response was published with others on the page of our "Paragraph-3": https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1241. Now we understand your silence and its justification by the West liberal fascism dominance with its extreme confrontation with the global world, a turn from which everyone expects from Trump and his administration, although with it not without new revanchist problems. But we, the rare philosophers of spheral thinking, must understand that we are not an exception in the 3-thousand-year destructive history of the dominance of parts over the whole with its disciplinary thinking. In its history, all the great thinkers and visionaries of the new, spheral thinking have always been the cognitive dissidents, targets and victims of repression. This was the case with Pythagoras and his Union, whom they tried to burn. This was the case with Socrates, who was forced to drink a cup of poison. This was the case with Copernicus, Galileo, who were almost burned, and D. Bruno was burned for them. This was the case with Mahatma Gandhi, who was killed for his “varnas/spherons” of nonviolence. This was the case with Kennedy and King, who were killed only for those “crazy ideas” that they called for ending the war before it ended humanity and for this purpose “to shift the arms race into a peace race”. That is unthinkable and unachievable in the nuclear civilization of the liberal-Nazi West extreme violence during 80 years, starting since the Hiroshima/Nagasaki genocide. Now it has 100% prepared the "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD) of all the peoples and all life on the planet, from which it does not want, cannot and does not know how to get out, how to "hack it so as not to die" in your terminology. Because it remains within the framework, in captivity of traditional, disciplinary and fragmentary, dead-end thinking, the good intentions and achievements of which lead its "militant space apes" (in your opinion) only to hell, only to nuclear Armageddon. We, the rare supporters and heralds of spheral thinking in our time are no exception under the wheels of repression of this violence old trend at its highest peak, ready to collapse, like the Babel Tower from within its rotten disciplinary substance and crush life and ecology on the planet under its ruins. Therefore, we need to minimize, like you, our freedom/right to speech, almost to silence, like you, but preserve the ability of spheral thinking in our quiet cooperation, in our quiet books, in our quiet, spheral "Peace Science Primer" with faith and hope for better, uncensored times. We are very grateful to you, Lucas, that you subtly enlightened us in our behavior in the era of sophisticated liberal inquisition into nuclear genocidal civilization. In order to survive, we must try to remain behind the scenes and be like Shakespeare's "mole of history", undermining rotten foundations, but not dropping our own dignity in the shell of complete inaction and silence. With peace, love and God's blessings, Leo Semashko 14-01-25 ---------------------------- Отзыв на книгу Лукаса В своей небольшой книге "Этика выживания космических обезьян." 2021. 30 стр, опубликованной на сайте ГГСГ вместе с английским оригиналом: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1238 автор оправляет нас в сферу социальных отношений. Он очень тонко и бережно подходит к различным жизненным ситуациям и ищет пути к устранению противоречий в человеческой среде и в природе. Меня впечатлил пример с ребёнком аутистом, о том, как мягко, без активного вмешательства в психику ребенка, его преподаватель музыки, фактически излечила ребенка. Очень понравился пример с пауком Матурана, который объяснил с помощью паука "Если существование паука законно, то мне не придёт в голову наступить на него или убить его. Я буду уважать его, а наблюдая за ним, буду развивать свое любопытство". Что касается мысли о воинственных космических обезьянах, то по моему мнению это жители земли, которые перенасытились властью, деньгами, одержимы мыслью о собственном величии, они одурманены теми самыми ядовитыми грибами насилия. Они подвели планету к самому краю, мы все оказались на грани полного уничтожения. А космические обезьяны, в полном безумии не осознают приближения краха. Мне также понравились и другие примеры о том, как надо бережно и с большой любовью относится к окружающей нас среде, чтобы исключить экоцид. Автор показывает, как хрупок мир и как важно беречь его, чтобы не дать планете погибнуть. Его книга, по образу мышления является сферной, идентичной нашей сферной "Науке мира" и ее Букварю. Это мышление лучше всего сближает Запад и Восток, является для них общим объективным знаменателем, исключающем их бесконечную конфронтацию и войны, которые порождены их традиционным, дисциплинарным мышлением. Оно способно только порождать войны, но не преодолевать его. Глобальный мир может быть производной функцией только сферного мышления, но никак не дисциплинарного, которое за 3 тысячи лет так и достигло его, подведя человечество к безумию ядерного суицида. Лукас - это блестящий соавтор нашего Букваря и мы счастливы сотрудничать с ним в любых условиях. Суважением, ВераПопович. 14-01-25 -------------------------
Dear Leo:
I agree with your opposition to blind disciplinarity. It is a characteristic of the exclusive authoritarian personality. I have become particularly interested in the historical struggle between the exclusive authoritarian personality and the inclusive democratic character. The massive increase in authoritarian masses and leaders in Europe and Africa is what is so frightening. How can we possibly convince these authoritarian people of the rationality of our peace science, when they are deeply convinced that their great Führer has all the wisdom, which is needed to solve the worlds problems, not to speak of the most difficult problem of war and peace. on Monday Trump will start governing from the White House. on Tuesday we shall know, if Trump is serious about peace in the Ukraine and in Palestine. Lets hope for the best. In Solidarity, Your Friend Rudi from the House of Mir, USA
https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 16-01-25 ----------------------------
Emergency Mobilization Situation (EMS) of the PSP team for 2 months
Dear peacemakers-coauthors, The critical time has come for our work "Peace Science Primer" (PSP). It lies in the rapid approach of three critical dates to which it is dedicated and to which we all agreed without objection earlier: 1. The 20th anniversary of the GGHA on February 15, 2025. 2. The 80th anniversary of the Great Victory over genocidal fascism on May 9, 2025. 3. The 100th anniversary of the "Mein Kampf" publication on July 18, 2025, with the goal of cognitive, scientific eradication of this globalizing Nazism genocidal ideology in the nuclear civilization through PSP. Its spheral peace science is the only one capable to destroy cognitively this disciplinary, absolute evil of Nazism and ensuring complete, 100% security for all the peoples. only it is capable of leading peoples out of the confrontational state of "hostile blind men around the perpetual peace elephant", providing them with mental insight and unity in one family of the humanity fraternal peoples. More details: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1224. For the PSP coauthors team, this is the time of our "Emergency Mobilization Situation" (EMS) for 2 months: until February 15 - to complete its text, and until March 15 - its final editing and publication in two languages, in Russian and English. In accordance with the EMS requirements, the PSP length is reduced to 50 pages in 10-12 paragraphs (using their texts from last year), no more, and maybe up to 30 pages, like the brilliant book by Lucas: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1238. Obviously, for our PSP, the number of pages and paragraphs in it is not important, but only its spheral, “substantially new thinking” according to Einstein, which ensures perpetual peace for humanity, complete, 100% security for all peoples and overcoming all confrontations/wars in their one family. We must focus not only on it, but also on its fundamental conclusions and spheral, principled solutions to global problems of ecology, demography, security, democracy, equality, global governance, etc., which illustrate its cognitive superiority over “blind” disciplinarity. In doing so, we must free our paragraphs from the ballast of disciplinary details, minimizing them and their verbosity up to the extreme. The PSP coauthors number is also reduced to 8 or less, as stated earlier. only those who actively, regularly respond to all of its paragraphs are retained, as well as those who personally, together with me, have developed and accepted the individual coauthorship plan based on their past contribution to the Peace Science as did Mairead Corrigan, Rudolf Siebert, Lukas Pawlik and others. We invite the PSP coauthors who intend to continue participating in it, to approve it with the noted requirements and possibilities within one day, January 17, and continue our work in an intensive manner. With peace and love, Leo Semashko 16-01-25 --------------------------- С учетом стремительно приближающихся исторических дат и взятыми нами обязательствами перед ними, естественно, наша миссия требует мобилизации и ускорения нашей работы в этой чрезвычайной ситуации. Поэтому, я согласна с предложенным планом для нее. Каждому соавтору БНМ важно мобилизоваться, ответить себе и всем на вопрос: что я могу сделать для ускорения и успешного завершения работы с ним? Предложить возможные сокращения БНМ, упростить его содержание, предложить его техническое редактирование, помощь в его дизайне, в поиске лучшего издателя и т.д. От наших коллективных усилий зависит его качество и жизнь. Разве это не так? Ведь он - наше детище за 20 лет и будет нашей и каждого оценкой за эти годы. Чего мы стоим, что заслужили в итоге за это время? С уважением Вера Попович 17-01-25 -----------------------
Dear Leo, Given the circumstances, I fully endorse the content of your mail and also reducing the length of our Peace document. My very best wishes as always, Prof. Asha Mukherjee, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1170 India 17-01-25 ------------------------------ Dear Peace Professor Leo Semashko, Dear Peacemakers, I truly accept what Leo put forward. Thank you very much for your hard work in the initiatives to restore peace in the universe. Sincerely yours in peace, Professor Bishnu Pathak, PhD Former Senior Commissioner Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons, Nepal https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 17-01-25 ----------------------