Coauthors Rules: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1224
Paragraph-1:https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228 Paragraph-2:https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236 Paragraph-3:https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1241 -------------------------------- Peace Science Primer (PSP) Paragraph-4. Spheres of social nature. Statics Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1242 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1098 "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same [disciplinary] level of thinking we were at when we created them [... therefore] we should require a substantially new [... holistic, integral] manner of thinking [... by the spheres and spherons] if mankind is to survive." A. Einstein
Man always lives in spheres. P. Sloterdijk (Therefore, spheres constitute the spheral, “substantially new manner of thinking,” the only one adequate to the integral, not torn apart by branches and disciplines, spheral social nature. The homo sapiens has not yet to rise this thinking level but came closest to it under the survival extreme objective necessity pressure in nuclear civilization and overcoming its all tearing apart confrontation.) ABBREVIATIONS, used after the tem first full spelling in text: SP – social production ENSS – Equally Necessary and Sufficient Spheres. Or: Equal Necessity and Sufficiency of Spheres SSGH, SOCIONOME – social spheral genome of humanity PIOT resources – People, Information, Organisation, Things PDEC processes – Production, Distribution, Exchange, Consumption SIOT structures/spheres – SOCIOSPHERE, INFOSPHERE, ORGSPHERE, TECHNOSPHERE SIOT spherons - SOCIOSPHERON, INFOSPHERON, ORGSPHERON, TECHNOSPHERON The social nature existence integrity, as well as other natures, is subject to the universal planetary law of Equal Necessity and Sufficiency of Spheres (ENSS). But since all spheres of society are not of natural, but of rational, artificial origin from homo sapiens, then their spheral logic of the society ontology, existence acquires a rational, artificial, i.e. man-made human character. Based on many studies from the classics works of English political economy, starting since Adam Smith and David Ricardo, French sociology, starting since Charles Montesquieu and Auguste Comte up to the works of Nikolai Danilevsky, Maxim Kovalevsky, Vladimir Vernadsky, Max Weber, Mahatma Gandhi, Alexander Bogdanov, Karl Jaspers, Pitirim Sorokin, Nikolai Kondratyev, Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Talcott Parsons, Fernand Braudel, Alvin Toffler, Jürgen Habermas, Pierre Bourdieu, Peter Sloterdijk and many others*, directly or indirectly concerning the fundamental spheral foundations of human existence, it can be stated that they came close to differentiating the four social ENSS. It was their great historical mission as thinkers in the human thinking development. But within the disciplinary thinking framework, they were unable to rise to the level conscious spheral generalizations in the corresponding integral, transdisciplinary categories and concepts. In accordance with our synopsis format we have adopted, we will not delve into these studies history, their terminological diversity and argumentation that we have considered in many works. * Most of these and other works of the spheral thinking outstanding predecessors were analyzed in a number of our books, primarily in: “Sociology for Pragmatists” (1999). “Tetrasociology” (2002), “Tetrasociology” (2003), “The ABC of Harmony” (2012), “Global Peace Science” (2014, 2016, and 2017) and many other books and articles presented in the bibliography and published on the GGHA website: https://peacefromharmony.org. Our map of the sixteen ENSS of planetary society in Figures 1 and 5 (below) deepens and generalizes in spheres the humanity social life productive substrate capable to exist only in a state of eternal peace through the spontaneous harmony of these constant, eternal spheres and no other way. They are classified into four necessary and sufficient groups of social spheres: RESOURCES, PROCESSES, STRUCTURES/SPHERES, and STATES/SPHERONS. Their minimally sufficient justification as historical facts/truths is below. 1. FACT-12. ENSS of the PIOT social resources The humanity perpetual peace state is inseparable from its only way of eternal life in the eternal and continuous, never-stopping process of social production (SP) that was defined in paragraph-1. The identity of social life with production as a special, ‘sapiens’ form of biological "self-production, autopoiesis" was proven by Humberto Maturana, a Chilean biologist, and his colleagues. The biological, natural justification of the social life production substrate expands and deepens its scientific understanding, which classical political economy began to develop since the 18th century end. It continues and is extensively expanded in the updated socio-humanitarian disciplines up to our time. The reasonable and collective/social way of person/society autopoiesis ensures the creation of such spheres of vital artificial resources that he does not find in nature. As a result of a long and spontaneous social selection, four ENSS of artificial social resources are constituted: PEOPLE (population), INFORMATION (any knowledge of all forms and scales), ORGANIZATION (ordered communication, uniting resources to produce new ones), THINGS (material goods and services created by man). Abbreviated as PIOT. PIOT are eternal integral HOLONS of society/humanity. An infinite number of the PIOT historically transient types, parts, which in spheral science are called PARTONS, composes the PIOT eternal resource spheres of society. The continuous change of infinite partons is an immanent way of preserving their eternal, constant holons - spheres. Figuratively speaking, the holons/spheres are constant shores of the countless partons continuously changing flows in each sphere. If the flows disappear, their banks will disappear too. They cannot exist without each other. The PIOT resources are the most effective tools/methods to accumulate and save the necessary and sufficient sources of social life and energy of a person/society, without which they remain at the biological animal/flock level. Each new generation of people finds a certain quantity and quality of accumulated PIOT, previously created by past generations of people as an initial platform for their life, in order, in turn, to expand their composition with new types of resources and improve the quality of their previous types. The process of expanded autopoiesis of the PIOT resource spheres constitutes the eternal production substrate of the person/humanity entire life and history, constitutes eternal sociogenesis as a whole in the entire social space/time. In this sociogenesis process each of the PIOT resources spheres equally necessary with other resources and only together with them constitutes a sufficient complex for it. In the absence or zeroing of any of these resources, the life of a person, any community and society as a whole is impossible that is proven by a thought experiment to every reasonable individual and society as a whole. Therefore, the PIOT spheral resources are the eternal historical fact of social nature, its reality. Awareness of this social resources ENSS reality is recognition of the HISTORICAL FACT of their eternity in spheral thinking. 2. FACT-13. ENSS of the PDEC social processes The PIOT artificial social resources are created only by society, only in a social nature and in no other. Adam Smith defined the main stages of the life cycle of material resources: PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION, EXCHANGE, and CONSUMPTION, abbreviated as PDEC. Then they were recognized as necessary and sufficient for all PIOT resources without exception and any doubts at anyone. Indeed, if artificial resources are not created by either physical or organic nature, then humanity is forced to constantly PRODUCE them independently. Since their production is concentrated in the most favorable locations for them on the planet and in each country, then the produced resources/partons must be DISTRIBUTED between them and their production cells. Since each of them is limited to the production of only one parton of resources or several of them, then there is a strict need for trade EXCHANGE of the created resources between them. In view of the fact that initially each parton of the PIOT resources is produced with the final purpose of its use (without which it becomes unnecessary, and its production is superfluous), then the final stage of the creation of any of the PIOT parton resources is its necessary CONSUMPTION. All stages, processes of creation of any of the PIOT parton resources are necessary and only together sufficient in its life cycle. In the absence or zeroing of any of these PDEC processes, the existence of PIOT resources and the life of a person and society as a whole is impossible. This is proven by a thought experiment to every rational individual and society as a whole. Therefore, PDEC, like PIOT, is an eternal historical fact of social nature, its reality. Awareness of this PDEC social processes ENSS reality is recognition of the HISTORICAL FACT of their eternity in spheral thinking. 3. FACT-14. ENSS of the SIOT social structures Each of the PIOT resources has its own social nature, which is determined by its immanent laws, qualities and attributes, irreducible to each other. The qualitative specificity of each of the PIOT resources determines the unique feature of the life cycle of each of them and the unique feature of the tools, the PIOT resources and their PDEC processes, technologies necessary for it. These features, in turn, determine the qualitative, structural differentiation of their production eternal spheres. Four ENSS social resources of PIOT necessarily determine the corresponding ENSS social structures of their production. These are four structural spheres of SP, different in technology, as well as in their subject and product. These are: 1. SOCIOSPHERE, the subject and product of which are PEOPLE. 2. INFOSPHERE, the subject and product of which is INFORMATION. 3. ORGSPHERE, the subject and product of which is ORGANIZATION/ORDER. 4. TECHNOSPHERE, economy, the subject and product of which are THINGS (material goods and services) of society. They are abbreviated as SIOT-spheres of society. Their natural necessity and sufficiency is determined by the law of ENSS of PIOT. All structural spheres of SP, uniting the corresponding PIOT resources for their product, are necessary and sufficient for the life of an individual and society. In the absence or zeroing of any of these spheres of production, the life of a person and society is impossible. This is proven by a thought experiment to every rational individual and society as a whole. Therefore, the structural SIOT-spheres, as well as PIOT, which are produced in them, are an eternal historical fact of social nature, its reality. Awareness of these SIOT-spheres reality is recognition of the HISTORICAL FACT of their eternity in spheral thinking. 4. FACT-15. ENSS of the SIOT social actors/spherons All structural ENSS of SP with all their resources, processes and technologies are dead and lifeless without people employed in them. People are the only resource of society, who are simultaneously permanent actors/creators of all social resources, giving them social energy, movement and social meaning by their employment in them. The сonstant groups of people/population, who are employed in four SIOT spheres of SP and differ in their employment in these spheres are called SPHERONS. Spherons cover the entire population from birth to death. They constitute its eternal, fundamental social structure of society at all levels of society, as eternal as its resources PIOT and the SIOT spheres of production that produce them. Four spherons are: 1. SOIOSPHERON, employed in the SOCIOSPHERE in the production of PEOPLE. 2. INFOSPHERON, employed in the INFOSPHERE in the production of INFORMATION. 3. ORGSFERON, employed in the ORGSPHERE in the production of ORGANIZATIONS. 4. TECHNOSPHERON, employed in the TECHNOSPHERE (economy) in the production of THINGS, all material goods and services of society. Together, in their dialectical system, they are designated as SIOT-spherons of society, determining the SP perpetual peace state with the dynamics of their harmony/disharmony, determined by their historically transient partons (classes, parties, elites, etc.). The natural necessity and sufficiency of the eternal SIOT spherons is determined by the ENSS of the society eternal PIOT resources. The SP spherons and spheres correspond to four ENSS of each individual: BODY, WILL, CONSCIOUSNESS AND CHARACTER. They constitute the individual psychological genome of each person, with corresponding individual needs, abilities and other features. They together determine social needs, abilities, relationships, productive forces, productive labor, the SP effectiveness, the status and roles of the individual in society etc. They are analyzed in detail at the level of hypotheses in our books "Tetrasociology" (2002, pp. 53-59), "The ABC of Harmony" (2012, pp. 43-47) and others, therefore they are not considered here. The identity of the eternal, spheral structure of social spherons and each individual as a social being determines many corresponding categories and concepts of spheral thinking. These primarily include the following: spheral employment, spheral labor, spheral work, spheral efficiency, spheral quality of life and labor, spheral needs and abilities, spheral productivity, spheral productive forces, spheral surplus value, the SP spheral organization, spheral social equality, spheral social structure and stratification, spheral fractals, spheral governance and management and many similar ones, some of which will be considered below. The ENSS law, defining equal social significance/necessity of the SP spheres with the same iron necessity determines SOCIAL EQUALITY OF SPHERONS, who are employed in these spheres, covering the humanity entire population. The spherons equality of is the main non-economic, social source for accelerated growth of the OP, society prosperity and perpetual peace in it that will be argued in more detail below. The SIOT spherons constant social structure at all the SP levels, determined by the ENSS law, excluding any real absence or zeroing of any of the spherons that is proven by a thought experiment to every rational individual and society as a whole, constitutes an eternal historical fact of social nature, its reality. Awareness of this SIOT spherons reality is recognition of the HISTORICAL FACT of their eternity in spheral thinking. ALL groups of the social ENSS define the eternal, spheral logic of the human/humanity social life/SP and its perpetual peace through their spontaneously generated HARMONY, only the knowledge and use of which will allow humanity to ensure perpetual peace, excluding all wars, armed violence and peacefully emerge from an inexorably genocidal nuclear civilization today.
There is no place for war and violence among the eternal and constant planetary spheres of social nature, to which the only state of perpetual peace, first discovered by the genius of Immanuel Kant, is adequate. War and violence find their local, petty space only among historically transient, narrow and limited, temporary partons with disciplinary, confrontational thinking: nations, states, classes, corporations, parties, elites and other historically temporary "trifle". But they, possessing power and control over all spheral resources, are extremely important, a priority in small segments of social time, measured by the small measure of the population generations in the composition of eternal spherons. Eternally warring in history the temporary partons, excluding perpetual peace, are content with its temporary surrogate - a truce, a break between their wars and preparation for their new wars. This was the case in the past and present century between three world wars, including the third one that is flaring up today. Only Trump wants to stop it today and intends to do something peaceful for this, except for the disciplinary impotent rhetoric of pacifism, although he has no idea about perpetual peace, remaining completely in the power of the disciplinary thinking of American partons, including Democrats, Republicans and their corporate, partial elites. Their temporary and confrontational narrow interests and institutions, undermining the country from within, must give way to spheral, peaceful interests and institutions if America wants to survive and "make itself by PEACE great as never before." This is instead of the militaristic "again", when America simultaneously helped Hitler (secretly) and Stalin (openly), getting the maximum benefit from their war and becoming a world hegemon after the defeat of one and the extreme weakening of the other. This, in the end, led America to collapse today, which all honest thinkers admit. Whether Trump will be able to understand this and implement a new, spheral agenda of perpetual peace for America and the planet will be shown by time, and by our ability to convey this agenda to him through our Primer. Four groups of the ENSS social nature constitute the four social space/time eternal coordinates of perpetual peace, presented in my book “Tetrasociology” cover, 2002, and in the figure of paragraph-2. The key categories of 16 social ENSS, reflecting the corresponding eternal historical facts, ensuring their fundamental verification constitute the systemic framework of spheral thinking. The considered spheres and corresponding categories, together with many concepts derived from them constitute the substance of spheral thinking, the social genome of human/humanity, the original cell of society at all levels and their single spheral logic in history. This substance is expressed by the structural model of the Peace Science as a cognitive map of its spheral knowledge and thinking in Figure 5.

Fig. 5. Structural map of spheral knowledge/thinking of 16 social ENSS A more detailed analysis of the key, innovative scientific category of spherons in spheral thinking, its origin, its integrative, holistic and transdisciplinary nature, as well as its fundamental significance for all socio-humanitarian sciences without exception in their unity is revealed in the next paragraph. Paragraph for discussion prepared by: Leo Semashko 22-01-25 -----------------------
Paragraph-4. Discussion is January 23 Dear peacemakers-coauthors, Please, see in the attachment Paragraph-4 "Social spheres. Statics", published here (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1242). Its discussion is on January 23. With peace and love, Leo Semashko 22-01-25 -------------------
DearLeo: I agree with Paragraph 4. I wished we could make it more understandable for the lay person. The more people can understand it, the better it is for peace! Jürgen Habermas is a good contribution. He comes from the Frankfurt School! I am still waiting for peace in the Ukraine. I hope Trump will keep his promise! In Solidarity, your Friend Rudi from the House of Peace, USA. Prof. Rudolf Siebert https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 23-01-25
Dear Rudi, Thank you very much for your short but meaningful response, published on the paragraph page (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1242). You emphasize two real priorities for us: the availability of our primer to the "laymen" and Trump's peace promises. The second accent is especially important today for our primer, and I have dedicated a separate additional fragment to it in this paragraph, published on its page and below. What do you think about it, agree with it or do you have any objections?
There is no place for war and violence among the eternal and constant planetary spheres of social nature, to which the only state of perpetual peace, first discovered by the genius of Immanuel Kant, is adequate. War and violence find their local, petty space only among historically transient, narrow and limited, temporary partons with disciplinary, confrontational thinking: nations, states, classes, corporations, parties, elites and other historically temporary "trifle". But they, possessing power and control over all spheral resources, are extremely important, a priority in small segments of social time, measured by the small measure of the population generations in the composition of eternal spherons.
Eternally warring in history the temporary partons, excluding perpetual peace, are content with its temporary surrogate - a truce, a break between their wars and preparation for their new wars. This was the case in the past and present century between three world wars, including the third one that is flaring up today. only Trump wants to stop it today and intends to do something peaceful for this, except for the disciplinary impotent rhetoric of pacifism, although he has no idea about perpetual peace, remaining completely in the power of the disciplinary thinking of American partons, including Democrats, Republicans and their corporate, partial elites. Their temporary and confrontational narrow interests and institutions, undermining the country from within, must give way to spheral, peaceful interests and institutions if America wants to survive and "make itself by PEACE great as never before." This is instead of the militaristic "again", when America simultaneously helped Hitler (secretly) and Stalin (openly), getting the maximum benefit from their war and becoming a world hegemon after the defeat of one and the extreme weakening of the other. This, in the end, led America to collapse today, which all honest thinkers admit. Whether Trump will be able to understand this and implement a new, spheral agenda of perpetual peace for America and the planet will be shown by time, and by our ability to convey this agenda to him through our Primer. Four groups of the social nature ENSS constitute the four eternal social space/time coordinates of perpetual peace… Thank you very much for your opinion: should this fragment be included in Primer?
With peace and love, Leo 23-01-25 ------------------------- Dear Leo, Thank you very much for your hard work on this initiative. Yes, I accept this chapter 4. However, I agree with Professor Rudi that it's simplification. Sincerely yours peace, Professor Bishnu Pathak, PhD Former Senior Commissioner Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons, Nepal https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 23-01-25 ---------------------- Dear Leo, I fully agree with the content of Paragraph-4 and feel that if the language could be simplified a bit it would be greatly appreciated. But also realise that writing in such precise and simple language is not easy. With kind regards and best wishes for perpetual peace, I remain,sincerely yours, Asha, India, 23-01-25 ------------------- Я полностью поддерживаю Параграф-4. Всё ясно и понятно. Но, если содержание параграфа будет проще, то я это поддержу. С уважением, Вера Попович, Россия, 23-01-25 -------------------------
Dear Leo and peacemaking friends This is what I humbly would like to change and add to paragraph 4 if all of you approve of it. Their temporary and confrontational narrow interests and institutions, undermining the country from within, must give way to spheral, peaceful interests and institutions if America wants to survive and "make itself by PEACE, great as never before." This is, instead of the militaristic "again", when America simultaneously helped Hitler (secretly) and Stalin (openly), getting the maximum benefit from their wars and becoming a world hegemon after the defeat of one and the extreme weakening of the other. And after World War-II, America getting involved in several immoral, unnecessary wars such as the Vietnam War, two Iraq Wars, Afghanistan War, etc. squandering trillions of dollars and destroying millions of innocent lives, in the end, led America on a downward spiral ever since, which the world knows. Like every empire of history, America is on a rapid downward spiral today. Whether Trump will be able to understand this and implement a new, spheral agenda of perpetual peace for America and the planet, only time will tell. But it is vitally important that we, the people of the world must convey this agenda to him through our Primer. (+ Addition by Leo. only with this primer, Trump can realize the true, extremely necessary for humanity survival in the suicidal nuclear civilization conditions of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD) during 80 years since Hiroshima/Nagasaki, his promised "Revolution of Common Sense" in the transition from the confrontational, disciplinary to the spheral, holistic and uniting all nations scientific thinking and worldview of Perpetual Planetary Peace. - Could you and all coauthors to admit and simplify this addition of mine?) For peace in the world, Chaitanya Dave, USA, 23-01-25 Dear Chaitanya, Thank you very much for your very valuable addition to Paragraph-4 concerning modern America and Trump, which I fully share and will be happy to include in this paragraph. But one technical question: does your proposal concern the entire fragment or only the part you have highlighted in red? And what do you and all coauthors say about my addition? I am also very grateful to Rudolf for his full support of this fragment and for his understanding of the great difficulty to educate world leaders in the Peace Science, which is completely unknown to them. We wish you a speedy recovery. Many thanks to Asha and Vera for their approval of the paragraph and their wish to simplify it. If you could also suggest HOW to do this, when in our Primer we present the fundamentally new, spheral Perpetual Peace Science in “substantially new, [spheral] thinking” (Einstein) in its unprecedentedly new, spheral language of the spheral conceptual terminology, then I would be infinitely grateful to you. But your impetus for this in itself has a strategic value. Many thanks to all of you. All responses are published on the paragraph page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1242 With peace and love, Leo 24-01-25 -------------------- Dear Leo: This fragment should definitely be included in our Primer. Trumps people are all businessmen, not statesmen. They deal with the state as a business. It will be very hard to teach any of them any theory of peace, not to speak or that explicated in the Primer. I must be short because I am ill. Best wishes, your Friend Rudi from the House of Mir, USA 23-01-25 --------------------------
Trump's “Common Sense Revolution” and the Spheral Thinking Primer Dear Chaitanya and all coauthors,
Could you and all coauthors to admit and simplify my addition below to your brilliant fragment? + Only with this primer, Trump can realize the true, extremely necessary for humanity survival in the suicidal nuclear civilization conditions of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD) during 80 years since Hiroshima/Nagasaki, his promised "Revolution of Common Sense" in the transition from the confrontational, disciplinary to the spheral, holistic and uniting all nations scientific thinking and worldview of Perpetual Planetary Peace. Do you agree with this? Thank you very much for your response. With peace and love, Leo 24-01-25 -----------------------------
Dear Leo and all: You asked for a "simplification" of your paragraph outlining what we are setting out to do. Writing with an English language audience in mind, might I suggest the following modifications/edits: Eighty years after the horrors of Hiroshima/Nagasaki - and in the same year that Japanese Hibakusha survivors were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize - newly-elected US President Donald Trump proclaimed a "Common Sense Revolution" at the annual World Economic Summit in Davos. While the survival of the planet requires an extremely necessary and urgent transition - away from the suicidal, nuclear civilization, confrontational conditions of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD!) and towards a spheral, holistic, and unifying world view - this shift can only take place with an understanding of Perpetual Planetary Peace. only with this Primer, designed to detail the scientific principles and practices of Perpetual Planetary Peace, can such an understanding truly be grasped and implemented. All the best, MattM Professor Matt Meyer Secretary-General, International Peace Research Association https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1034 24-01-25 -------------------------------------- Уважаемые Чайтанья, Рудольф и Мэтт. Вы блестяще идентифицировали "Революцию здравого смысла" Трампа и нашего ГГСГ "Сферное мышление Науки Вечного Мира", созданное за 20 лет ГГСГ. Его сейчас мы стараемся представить просто и кратко на 50 страницах Букваря этой науки (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1098). Эта наука есть революция здравого смысла и наоборот: революция здравого смысла есть его сферное мышление в этой науке! Поздравляю! С уважением, Вера Попович https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=578 Россия 24-01-25 ---------------------------------
Dear Leo: I agree with both Chaitanya's editing and your addition of Trump's "Common Sense Revolution" as an acknowledgement of a new thinking! Best wishes, Your Rudi from the House of Mir, USA, 25-01-25 -------------------------
Dear Leo and all peacemakers May I suggest following changes to simplify the message in the paragraph in question? Regards, Chaitanya Dave, USA https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205 + only with this primer, Trump can realize the true, extremely necessary for humanity's survival from the suicidal nuclear doctrine of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD!) which is maintained since 80 years after Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings. His promised "Revolution of Common Sense" is the transition from the confrontational thinking to the strong belief in the brotherhood of mankind and world peace. 25-01-25 -----------------------------
Наш Букварь для Трампа Дорогой Чайтанья! Большое спасибо за вашу ценную коррекцию в определении и понимании «Революция здравого смысла» (РЗС) Трампа, с которой он и весь мир будут жить по крайней мере четыре года и с которой он вместе с Путиным положит конец войне на Украине. Поэтому вникнуть в ее глубокий смысл, который, очевидно, еще далеко не ясен самому Трампу – это задача современных мыслителей, прежде всего миротворческого круга, чтобы осознать, что РЗС обещает для мира во всем мире и в каком когнитивном канале мышления она лежит. Эта задача заслуживает и требует от нас специального рассмотрения в отдельном параграфе БНМ в нашем соавторстве. Я предложу эту статью для рассмотрения завтра-послезавтра, с учетом наших прошлых статей с Мейрид, Рудольфом и Авери в прошлое президентство Трампа 8 лет назад. Сейчас только две коррекции вашего текста. 1. ГВУ – это вечная реальность ядерной цивилизации Запада с Хиросимы/Нагасаки, когда США сразу стали планировать «стереть СССР с карты мира», как и все другие «непослушные» страны. Тогда же она стала доктриной устрашения Пентагона США как «мирового жандарма». Но после Карибского кризиса на грани полного воплощения ГВУ, все, включая США, ужаснулись и сменили название этой доктрины на более благозвучное и камуфляжное в пропагандистских целях имя «доктрина сдерживания». Но суицидная, милитаристская реальность ГВУ не только сохранилась, но и многократно, в тысячи раз возросла в результате бешеной гонки ядерного вооружения 80 лет, его мощности, которая сегодня в миллионы раз превышает разрушительную мощность Хиросимы. Реальность ГВУ стала еще более масштабно геноцидной и преступной против человечества, что блестяще доказал выдающийся юрист-миротворец Френсис Бойл (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957). Его, кажется, тихо и бесследно подавили в США как диссидента, «как всегда и всех» вопреки лживой и дутой «свободе слова», восстановить которую Трамп собирается в рамках своей РЗС. 2. По моей оценке, Трамп не только восстанавливает веру в «мир во всем мире», но и пытается разумно осмыслить его реальность, которая недоступна пониманию в традиционном, дисциплинарном мышлении с момента его зарождения более 2,5 тысяч лет назад. Реальность «мира во всем мире» как реальности «вечного мира» человечества, впервые осознанной Кантом более двух веков назад, может стать понятной только в сферном мышлении Науки Мира. По этой причине, ее первый букварь, который мы создаем все вместе нашей командой, крайне важен Трампу, как и всем истинным, честным и мужественным миротворцам. Поэтому только с этим букварем Трамп может реализовать свою РЗС во всей ее миротворческой глубине. Учиться никому не поздно, особенно инновационной науке вечного мира и тем более мировому лидеру. С этого начинается век Сферного Просвещения-21, который мы давно задумали для глобального мира. Вы согласны с этим по сути, хотя и тут необходимо упрощение от вас? С миром и любовью, Лев 26-01-25 Our Primer for Trump Dear Chaitanya! Thank you very much for your valuable correction in the definition and understanding of Trump's "Common Sense Revolution" (CSR), with which he and the entire world will live for at least four years and with which he, together with Putin, will put an end to the war in Ukraine. Therefore, to delve into its deep meaning, which, obviously, is still far from clear to Trump himself, is the task of modern thinkers, especially the peacemaking circle, in order to realize what CSR promises for world peace and in what cognitive channel of thinking it lies. This task deserves and requires from us the special consideration in the PSP separate paragraph in our coauthorship. I will offer this article draft for consideration tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, taking into account our previous articles with Mairead, Rudolf and Avery in Trump's past presidency 8 years ago. Now only two corrections to your text are. 1. The MAD is the eternal reality of the WEST nuclear civilization since Hiroshima/Nagasaki, when the US immediately began planning to "wipe the USSR off the map" like all other "disobedient" countries. At the same time, it became a doctrine of intimidation of the US Pentagon as the "world policeman". But after the Cuban Missile Crisis, on the verge of the MAD full implementation, everyone, including the US, were horrified and changed the name of this doctrine to a more euphonious and camouflage name for propaganda purposes - the "DETERRENCE doctrine". But the MAD suicidal, militaristic reality not only survived, but also increased many, thousands of times as the frantic nuclear arms race result during 80 years, its power, which today is millions of times greater than the Hiroshima destructive power. The MAD reality has become even more genocidal and criminal against humanity that was brilliantly proven by the outstanding peace lawyer Francis Boyle (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957). It seems that he was quietly and without a trace suppressed in the USA as a dissident, "like always and all else" in spite of the false and inflated "freedom of speech", which Trump is going to restore within his CSR framework. 2. In my opinion, Trump is not only restoring faith in "world peace", but also trying to rationally comprehend its reality, which has been inaccessible to understanding in traditional, disciplinary thinking since its inception more than 2.5 thousand years ago. The reality of "world peace" as the reality of the humanity "perpetual peace", first realized by Kant more than two centuries ago, can only become understandable in our Peace Science spheral thinking. For this reason, its first primer, which we are creating together by our team, is extremely important to Trump, as well as to all true, honest and courageous peacemakers. Therefore, only with this primer Trump can realize his CSR in all its peacemaking depth. It is never too late for anyone to learn, especially innovative perpetual peace science and fortiori to a world leader. This is the beginning of Spheral Enlightenment Age-21, which we have long conceived for world peace. Do you agree with this in essence, although here too, simplification is necessary from you? With peace and love, Leo 26-01-25 ----------------------
Jan. 26, 2025 Dear Leo and friends I agree with everything you wrote. However, it seems to me that too much faith is being put on Trump's future behaviour. He is totally unpredictable. Remember he ordered the killing of Sulemani of Iran? He could anytime start a war with Iran on behalf of Israel. He is a very pro-Israel man. He approved making Jerusalem the capital of Israel in his first term because a billionaire named Sheldon Adelson of Las Vegas donated $25 million to his 2020 campaign-and his 2nd campaign-- provided Trump made Jerusalem Israel's capital.So that is what he did once he got elected. only time will tell if he is really a 'no war' president. We better not put blind trust in Trump. Let time tell the real story. Remember, Trump is very corrupt and lies all the time. But of course our efforts for global peace should continue unabated. Yes, it will be great if he stops the war in Ukraine and he might. I will salute him then. But he could start another war somewhere else. I have studied American history deeply and can tell you that except for Jimmy Carter, all American presidents since the 2nd World War are morally compromised. By the way, yesterday in India, it was 26th January, its 76th Republic Day. As always, India holds a wonderful Republic Day Parade on this day. Millions in India and around the world watch it. It is simply amazing and worth watching by everyone. Friends, go on YouTube and watch it fully. You would be amazed. Anyway, for the Trump presidency, let's hope for the best for world peace. Regards, Chaitanya Dave 26-01-25 ----------------------------- Dear Chaitanya and Leo and friends, It is with sadness and horror I read president Trumps statement on Sunday proposing the transferring of Palestinian People from Gaza to Jordan and Egypt (this is a proposed ethnic сleansing of Palestinians people of Gaza) by the new American president.) The whole world especially UN and Governments must raise their voices against this proposed war Crime by president Trump and his Admin. Also presidential Trump has just released the 2000 pound bombs to Israel government (because he said Israel paid for them!!!). These bombs will be dropped on Palestinian women and children of Gaza by Israeli murderers. Israeli government is a Genocidal criminal gov and guilty of war crimes against the Palestinian people and the American gov in supplying money weapons and political support are guilty of aiding Genocide and should be before International court of justice. Mairead Corrigan Maguire Nobel peace laureate From the Palestinian people Ireland Www.peacepeople.com https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 27-01-25 ------------------------- Dear Chaitanya, Greetings! Happy 76th Republic Day of Independence, India. The USA's largest source of income is weapons and patents for weapons. How can the USA survive without war?I absolutely agree with you regarding your analysis of President Trump. Even so, let's hope for the best for globalpeace, progress, and harmony during Trump's presidency. Thanks and regards, Bishnu Pathak https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 Nepal 27-01-25 ------------------ Let us hope for peace and harmony in the world. We can pray to God for making peace and harmony. Dr Noor M Larik https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=722 Pakistan 27-01-25 ------------------