Ada Aharoni Poetic soul of harmony, peace and love

Ada Aharoni with her great grandchildren: Lotem, Noam Talia, Yoav and Harel, enjoying pre-Seder of Passover. HAPPY PESSAH - PASSOVER, AND HAPPY EASTER FOR ALL from Haifa 31-03-18  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Leo,I am very happy to inform you that I am the recipient of the prestigious PRESIDENT SHIMON PERES AWARD for 2012,for my peace books and my peace activities, including the founding of IFLAC.Kind regards,Prof. Ada AharoniLaureate President Shimon Peres AwardIFLAC Founding PresidentJune 10, 2012---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ada receives President Shimon Peres Award 2012 On September 4, 2012 Ada proudly received the Israeli President’s Award for Volunteerism, for promoting Peace initiatives between Jews and Arabs.
Ada receives the Israeli President’s Award for Volunteerism“Ada Aharoni, I am very impressed by all the wonderful work you do for promoting Peace Culture and Peace between Israel and her neighbors,” President Shimon Peres said when he presented her with the Award. The ceremony took place at the official residence of President Peres in Jerusalem. Ada invited 45 guests to attend the ceremony with her.

Dr. Yosef Gotlieb, Chair of IFLAC Jerusalem, writes: I was invited to the ceremony by my dear friend, Dr. Ada Aharoni, a writer, poet, scholar and activist who was one of the six leaders and five organizations – eleven in all award winners. Ada was recognized for her outstanding life contributions since the early 1970s on behalf of “peace culture between Arabs and Jews.” I have come to know Ada in the context of the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC), a group active all over the world and composed of people of letters dedicated to the advancement of peace. Ada, who immigrated alone to Israel from Egypt at the age of seventeen, is a former chair of the World Congress of Egyptian Jews and a tireless fighter for coexistence and understanding.
Despite the afternoon heat, President Peres actively participated in the ceremony. His words conveyed wisdom, experience and benevolence and he was warmly received. He spoke about the vital role volunteerism played in the state-building process. He asserts that it remains a core value of the Israeli national ethos.One of the President’s most incisive remarks related to the rising role that civil society and volunteer organizations play in public affairs. He believes that government authority is being replaced around the world by civil initiatives and popular will channeled into action.I believe that the President, who is keenly aware of emerging trends, is right on the mark and this is one of the basic messages I make in Rise, A Novel of Contemporary Israel, where the Rise movement is the instrument of change at a time when the government is unwilling or unable to advance the interests of the country’s citizenry.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA AHARONI Biographical Note Ada Aharoni is a poet, writer, and professor, who was born in Cairo, Egypt, and now, lives in Haifa, Israel. She has published 27 books to date, that have won several prizes and awards. She writes in English, French and Hebrew, and her works have been translated into several languages. She believes that literature and culture can help to heal the urgent ailments of our global village, such as war, conflict, and poverty, and the themes of peace and conflict resolution are major ones throughout her works. She studied at London University, where she received her M. Phil. Degree on Henry Fielding, and at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where she was awarded a Ph.D. on Saul Bellow: Nobel Prize Laureate (1976). She taught English Literature at Haifa University, and Sociology and CR: Conflict Resolution, in the department of Humanities, at the Technion in Haifa. She has been a Guest Lecturer and visiting professor at several American and European universities.Her first novel, The Second Exodus was published in 1985, and her second book: To Alexandria, Jerusalem and Freedom appeared in 1986. Her historical novel From The Nile to The Jordan, was published in 1994; and in 1996 she published The Peace Flower, a fantasy for young and old, which has been compared to St. Exupery’s Little Prince. Among her latest books in English are: Not In Vain: An Extraordinary Life, Peace Flower,Women Creating a World beyond War, and a poetry collection: You and I Can Change the World.Her historical novels and poetry collections written in English have been translated into: Hebrew, French, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, Italian, Greek, Norwegian, Vietnamese, Gujarati, and Bengali.Her latest collections of poetry: RARE FLOWERhails the second decade of the new millennium. Aharoni is the Editor-in-Chief of the Anthology: Waves of Peace (1997), dedicated to the memory of Yitzhak Rabin. She is also the founder and editor of the Literary Magazine Galim: Waves (1987-2003), and the electronic journal on the Internet, Horizon: Pave Peace, on Peace Culture. She is likewise the founder and Editor of Lirit: Poetry Israel, featuring top Israeli poets in English translation. She is also the Editor of the Peace Literature section of the UnescoEncyclopedia – the EOLSS – The Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.Among her many prizes and awards are: The British Council Award, the Keren Amos President Award, the Haifa and Bremen Prize, The World Academy of Arts and Culture Award, the Korean Gold Crown of World Poets Award, the Merit Prize, and the Rachel Prize. In 2012 she was awarded the prestigious President Shimon Peres Award for her impressive and valuable creative work. Ada Aharoni is the founder and international President of IFLAC: PAVE PEACE, the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (1999-2014) that has several active branches for the promotion of peace, around the world. Ada Aharoni lives on beautiful Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel, where she dedicates most of her time to writing. Short List of Books in English by Ada Aharoni From the Pyramids to Mount Carmel - Eked, T.A., Israel, 1979.The Second Exodus: A Historical Novel-BrynMawr, PA, 1983. ISBN: 0-8059-2862-6. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 82-90872. Thea: To Alexandria, Jerusalem and Freedom - Bryn Mawr, PA, 1984. ISBN: 0-8059-2922-3. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 84-91127. A Song to Life and to World Peace, ed. A. Aharoni, Mike Scheidemann et al. Posner and Sons, Jerusalem, 1993. ISBN 965-219-013-6. From the Nile to the Jordan - Tamuz, 1994, M.Lachman, 1997. ISBN: 965-90139-0-6. Peace Flower: A Space Adventure - Lachman, Haifa, 1994, 1996. ISBN: 965-90139. Galim Literary Magazine, nos 1 - 8, edited Ada Aharoni - Tammuz, Tel-Aviv 1985- 1996. Waves of Peace: In the Memory of Yitzhak Rabin, Galim8, edited Ada Aharoni and Judith Zilbershtein, Hatichon: Shfaram, 1997. ISBN 965-222-774-9. Peace Poems, A Bi-lingual Edition - Preface by M. FawziDeif, Cairo University,M. Lachman, Haifa, 1997. Not In Vain: An Extraordinary Life - Ladybug Publishing House, California, 1998.ISBN 1-889409-18-(pbk) Rare Flower: Dignity Press 2013, USA. Articles: A hundred and twelve of Ada Aharoni's articles were published in professional journals and magazines, from 1967 - 2014. Interviews:Ada Aharoni was interviewed on numerous media, radio and television interviews in Israel and in the international media in the US, Europe, Japan, India and Australia (1980 - 2013).============================================================ Bio 2006
Ada Aharoni, writer, poet, playwright and lecturer, was born in Cairo, Egypt, and now lives in Haifa, Israel. She has published 25 books to date, that have won her several international prizes. She writes inEnglish and Hebrew, and her works have been translated into several languages. Believing in the power of the word, she is confident that literature and culture can help to heal the urgent ailments of our global village, such as war, terror and conflict. The themes of love, reconciliation, coexistence and peace, as well as equality of women, are major ones throughout her various works. Ada Aharoni received her Bachelor Degree (B.A) in Literature and Sociology, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1965), her Master of Philosophy Degree (M.Phil.), at London University (1967), on the “Father of the Novel” Henry Fielding, and she was awarded her Doctorate Degree in Literature (Ph.D), on the Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature - Saul Bellow, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1975). She lectured in the Department of English Literature at Haifa University and the University of Pennsylvania, and taught Sociology (Conflict Resolution), in the department of Humanities, at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), in Haifa. She has been widely invited as Keynote Presenter and Visiting Professor at many universities and other forums around the world, where she lectures on her research and on her various books, and about the possibilities of “Conflict Resolution Through Literature and Culture.” Her latest presentations on this subject was at the 36th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (July 7-11, 2004, Beijing, China, and at the Inter–State Parliament in Palermo, Italy, in September 2006). She has widely researched this subject, and has been interviewed on it as well as on her books, in the media and major Television and Radio Programs, in several countries, including: Italy, Israel, America, England, France, Australia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, China, Finland, Japan, Korea, India, Mexico and South Africa. Among her major works are: the historical novel, The Second Exodus (1983), that describes in literary form the forced exile of the Jews from Egypt in the twentieth century, which she and her family were part of.Her second book: Memoirs from Alexandria, (1985), relates the story of of the Jewish Hospital in Alexandria, and the heroic deeds of its Head Nurse, Thea Wolf, who saved hundreds of Jews from the Nazi Holocaust, through the Hospital, together with the help of Egyptian officials. Aharoni’s acclaimed historical novel From The Nile to The Jordan, was first published in 1994; it was translated into several languages, and was awarded the “Haifa and Bremen Award” and the “Merit Prize” in New York. In 1996 she published The Peace Flower, a moving quest for hope and world peace, for young and old. Her latest books: Not In Vain: An Extraordinary Life (Ladybug Press, CA.. 1999), a larger edition of Memoirs from Alexandria, and her important and timely Women Creating A World Beyond War and Violence (2002), contain both prose and poetry. Four of her books have been recently published as E-Books as well as CD’s (Rowe Publishing, England). Her poetry collection: “A Green Week” has been put to music, and is sung by major Israeli and American singers, it has been released as a CD, which together with Aharoni’s books, can be ordered through the following website: www.iflac.com/ada in conjunction with amazon.com Among Aharoni’s published books are: novels, biographies, and poetry collections, such as From The Pyramids to Mount Carmel, in English, French, Hebrew, Arabic and Chinese. A Bilingual collection of her “Selected Poems,” in English and Chinese, has been published in Hong Kong (The Milky Way Publishing Company, 2002). In addition, her poems have also been translated and published in journals in several other languages, including: Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Japanese, Korean, German, Gujarati, and Bengali.She has published two books of translations of the Israeli poet: Shin Shalom, and other major classical Israeli poets, including: Rachel, Leah Goldberg, Yehuda Amichai, and Amir Gilboa. Her latest two collections of poetry: You and I Can Change The World (2000), and The Pomegranate (2002), hail the new millennium as one in which, according to her: “A world beyond war can indeed be created, if humankind begin to listen to writers and poets for a change.” Aharoni is the Editor-in-Chief of the Anthology: A Song to Life and to World Peace (2003), which is widely used as a Textbook in Univerisites and colleges, as well as of the Anthology: Waves of Peace (1997), dedicated to the memory of Yitzhak Rabin. She is also the founder and editor of the Literary Magazine Galim: Waves (1987- 2004), and the online journal Horizon: Pave Peace. She is the founder and editor of Lirit: Poetry Israel, the online magazine of the Hebrew Writers Association, featuring major Israeli poets in English translation.She is as well an Editor for the UNESCO EOLSS Encyclopedia (2004 – 2005), and is in charge of the section on: Non Violence, Peace Building,Peace Culture, and Peace Through Literature.Her important and innovative research entitled: “A New Peace Culture Required for Sustainable Global Development,” was published in the UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems: “OUR FRAGILE WORLD: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development” (2001 EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd., pp. 917 – 934). She is the Vice President of the Hebrew WritersAsscociation in Israel, and the Head of its Foreign Relations committee.She initiated, organized and presided at its important Conference in Tel Aviv, on “Bridges of Understanding through Literature,” which was attended by both Jewish and Arab writers (on September 6, 2004).
Aharoni is the founder and international president of IFLAC: PAVE PEACE, the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (established in 1999 – website: www.iflac.com ). She chaired its founding congress "The International Congress on Conflict Resolution Through Culture and Literature," in the Galilee (June 1999), the second one, in Sydney Australia (2001), and the third one in London, England (2002). The latest IFLAC Conference was in Bursa, Turkey, from 9-11 October, 2003. It was opened by the Minister of Culture of Turkey, and the Minister of Religion. The Iflac conferences brought together researchers, writers, poets, media, educationalists and diplomats, from twenty five countries, many from conflicted areas, like Israel and Palestine, India and Pakistan, Turkey and Greece - for the bridging of cultural bridges of understanding and respect and the paving of peace between people andnations. Aharoni is also President of the World Congress of Poets XIII (Haifa, Israel, 1992), and convener of the PCC "Pave Peace Through Culture and Communications" commission of IPRA: the International Peace Research Association (1996-2005). She was co-founder of The Bridge: Jewish and Arab Women for Peace in the Middle East (1977 – 1999), in 1999, The Bridge, joined IFLAC, and itnow functions as its women’s wing. Her latest project is the founding and organizing of the FIRST WORLD CONGRESS OF JEWS FROM EGYPT, together with a group of researchers and writers on the Jews from Egypt in the twentieth century. The Congress will take place in Haifa, from May 9 to 12, 2006. Aharoni has been awarded several international prizes and awards, among them are: The British Council Award, the Keren Amos President Award, the Haifa and Bremen Prize, The World Academy of Arts and Culture Award, the Korean Gold Crown of World Poets Award, the Rachel Prize, andtheMerit Award of the HSJE: The Historical Society of the Jews from Egypt,for her "devoted and unmatched efforts in researching the history and culture of the Jews from Egypt, and to promote visionary literature and poetry proclaiming peace in the world."In 1998, she was elected one of the hundred “World Heroines,” in Rochester, New York, for her “outstanding literary works for the promotion of women and peace.” Ada Aharoni lives on beautiful Mount Carmel in Haifa, where she has dedicated her life to the creation of a peaceful Israel and Middle East and a better world beyond war, through her writings and her wide activities, and the promotion of bridges of multi-culture, peace and understanding. Books by Ada Aharoni 1. Whispered Thoughts - Haifa Publications, Haifa, Israel, 1970. 2. Poems from Israel - Outposts, Surrey, England, 1972. 3. Poems from Israel and Other Poems - Berger Publications, Pittsburgh, PA, 1974. 4. Metal and Violets - Eked, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1978. 5. From the Pyramids to Mount Carmel - Eked, T.A., Israel, 1979. 6.The Second Exodus: A Historical Novel -Bryn Mawr, PA, 1983. ISBN:0-8059-2862-6. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 82-90872. 7. Thea: To Alexandria, Jerusalem and Freedom - Dorrance & Co. Bryn Mawr, PA, 1984. ISBN: 0-8059-2922-3. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 84-91127. 8.Shin Shalom: New Poems - A Bilingual Edition, edited and translated from Hebrew to English by Ada Aharoni - Eked: Tel Aviv, 1985. ISBN: 965-90139-4-9. 9. Saul Bellow: A Mosaic, ed. Ada Aharoni, G. Cronin and L. Goldman; Peter Lang, N.Y.,N.Y., 1992. ISBN: 0-8204-1572-3. 10. Selected Poems from Israel - Lachman, Haifa, 1992. ISBN: 965-90139-5-7 11. A Song to Life and to World Peace, ed. A. Aharoni, Mike Scheidemann et al. Posner and Sons, Jerusalem, 1993. ISBN 965-219-013-6. 12. From the Nile to the Jordan - Tamuz, 1994, M.Lachman, 1997. ISBN: 965-90139-0-6. 13. Peace Flower: A Space Adventure - Lachman, Haifa, 1994, 1996. ISBN: 965-90139.A Spoken Book Taped Edition was published by Ladybug Press, Ca., 1999.14. Memoirs from Alexandria: Not In Your War Anymore - Hatikhon, G. Farah, Shfar-Am, 1997. ISBN: 965-90139-2-2. 15. Galim Literary Magazine, nos 1 - 8, editedAdaAharoni - Tammuz, Tel-Aviv1985- 1996. 16. Waves of Peace: In the Memory of Yitzhak Rabin, Galim 8, edited Ada Aharoni and Judith Zilbershtein, Hatichon: Shfaram, 1997. ISBN 965-222-774-9. 17. Peace Poems, A Bi-lingual Edition - Preface by M. Fawzi Deif, Cairo University,M. Lachman, Haifa, 1997. 18. Not In Vain: An Extraordinary Life - Ladybug Publishing House, California, 1998.ISBN 1-889409-18-(pbk) 19. Lirit: Poetry Israel, Founded and Edited by Ada Aharoni, Electronic Magazine on Internet, the Hebrew Writers Association,Agudat Ha-Sofrim Ha-Ivrim,Tel Aviv, no. 1- 1997,no.2 - 1998.20.Horizon: Pave Peace, onlineMagazine, nos.1 - 5. IFLAC- IPRA, 1996 - 2003. 21.Metal et Violettes: (In French), Characteres, Paris, 1996.22.Du Nil Au Jourdain: (In French), Stavit, Paris, 2002. 23.You and I Can Change the World: Toward 2000, Micha Lachman, Haifa, 1999.24. WomenCreate A World Beyond War and Violence, Micha Lachman, Haifa, 2002.25.Three E-Books and C.D’s:1. You and I, 2. Peace Flower, 3. Women and Peace,Rowe Publications, England, 2003. 26.Selected Poems: Bilingual, Chinese – English, The Milky Way, Hong Kong, 2002.ISBN 962-475-288-5. Articles and Interviews: A hundred and twelve of Ada Aharoni's articles were published in professional journals and magazines, from 1967 - 2005. She was interviewed on numerous media interviews in international media (1980 - 2005). Ada Aharoni’s poems were put to music by Robert Nissenson, and Yigal Alfassi. They are sung by Revital Levanon and Anat Yagen and other singers, onthe disc “A Green Week” and other discs, and played on radio and TV (1999-2003).
For more details on Ada Aharoni’s life and works please visit her Homepage: www.iflac.com/ada
Her books and e-books can be ordered at the above website, in conjunction with amazon.com --------------------------------------------------------

Dear Leo, Ernesto, Maria, Susana, Tatomir, Jackie, and all my friends, Thank you very much for your warm congratulations for the publishing of my new book: NEARING HEARTS (in Hebrew). Here below is a short summary in English, which you asked for. My research for this novel clearly showed me that one of the ways to deeply reconcile the Palestinians and Israelis, is by pointing out their mutual history and their mutual uprooting in the Middle East, as well as their shared values and humanism. I preferred this time to include this "Nearing of Hearts" in a novel, so that it can reach a large public: "Audrey meets Roby, a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust, at the Maccabi youth movement in Cairo, Egypt, and they fall in love. He keeps telling her that the Jews from Arab countries, a million of them, will be thrown out as the Jews from Europe, during the Second World War, but she does not believe him saying that the Egyptian people are peace - loving and will never do such a terrible thing. The "Second Exodus" starts in 1948, and today, in 2010, out of the hundred thousand Jews in Egypt, there are only twenty very old people left, out of an examplary and peace loving communiy more than 2000 years old! Audrey researches why this painful and tragic uprooting of the Jews from Arab Lands happened, and she publishes her research. The University of Pennsylvania in the United States, invite her to present a course in the Department of Middle East Studies on: "The Uprooting of Jews from Arab Countries in the Mid -Twentieth Century." More than half her class are Arab and Palestinian students. At the beginning they argue with her that it is the Palestinians who were uprooted and not the Jews of the Middle East. She tells them that she has good news for them - "There will not be an exam at the end of this course, but a research paper on the subject "Was there an uprooting of the Jews from Arab Lands in the Mid Twentieth Century?" During their research the Palestinian students find out that there were more Jews thrown out from Arab countries than Palestinians who fled Israel, and that the property of the Jews which was confiscated, was much more than that which the Palestinians left behind. The atmosphere in the class changes completely, and at the end of the course, Mohamed, the representative of the Palestinians said: "We learned a lot from this course, but we have a question: Why is this historical fact about the uprooting of Jews from Arab Lands not known?" Audrey asked him why he thought it should be known, and his answer was very revealing and relevant: "Because it saves our honor - so we're not the only underdogs, and the only victims of the Arab- Israeli Conflict! Honor for a Moslem is the most important thing, so please tell this story loud and spread it to the whole world. If half the citizens of Israel, who are from Arab countries, have suffered at Arab hands, what we the Palestinians have suffered, then you have already paid for the "Sulha" - the "Reconciliation" and the Nearing of Hearts. Please spread this historical fact, for it is a sure way to pave the road to peace and harmony between Palestinians and Israelis!" Audrey promised, but added, "I hope you Mohamed, and all the students who have researched and written such remarkable papers on this subject, will also, I hope, spread their honest and true reports, thoughts and words throughout the world, so that it can promote the goal of peace and harmony in our ravaged Middle East, and bring the long longed -for peace between Palestinians and Israelis." All the students in her class stood up and gave her a standing oration, Audrey tried to smile, but there were warm tears in her eyes." In peace, Ada Prof. Ada Aharoni IFLAC President 18 Amos Street, apt. 77, Nesher 36700, Israel. 06/06/10
Dear Ada,
I am happy to join the warm congratulations you in connection with the publication of your new peaceful and harmonious book! It is delightful! I am very glad for you!
Please, let me know, where in a network I can look the summary of your book in English? Thanks.
Best harmony wishes,
Leo 06/06/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Harmony Friends! Poetic soul of harmony, peace and love
I like to inform you about the publication of Ada Aharoni’s detailed biography and magnificent photo at the address: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=2.
Than more I get a grasp of Ada’s life, the more strongly I feel her as poetic soul of harmony, peace and love. For me it is her exactest image. I opened for myself that Ada has stated the key and very important idea of a new, harmonious, culture of peace in 2001 else (I dated it wrongly 2004) in work: A New Peace Culture Required for Sustainable Global Development, which was published in the UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems: " OUR FRAGILE WORLD: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development " (2001 EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd., pp. 917 - 934). Unfortunately, this work is not published on our site and I hope Ada will send it to me for the publication. Its importance consists that it is the first work in the world, if I am not mistaken, in which the necessity of a NEW CULTURE of PEACE is proved. This culture is deciphered by Ada as culture of harmony, as culture of HARMONIOUS peace. In it consists its historical value, which becomes practically important now, when almost a quarter of humankind, China, beginnings to build "society of social harmony ", excluding war. It transfers the harmony idea from a plane of Utopia into plane of a reality and makes 2006 by rotary point in a history of humankind. It is a turn from ERA of wars, enmity and violence towards ERA of harmony, peace and justice. Certainly, this turn will last not one decade. But it began!! Therefore the 21st century have all chances to become the first century of a NEW, HARMONIOUS ERA!! Symptomatically, that with this historical turn the creation of our HARMONIOUS ERA CALENDAR has coincided!!! It is not accidental but natural coincidence!! And Ada foresaw it! She has felt harmony of the new peace culture by her poetic soul and intuition and proclaimed it in her rich scientific and poetic creativity. Let's wish for Ada the strong health and new poetic expressions of harmony in society, peace, human and heart! Harmony, peace and love,
Leo Semashko,
The International TV by Satellite for Harmonious Peace Culture(ISHPC) By Dr. Ada Aharoni and Dr. Leo Semashko (IFLAC) INTRODUCTORY VISION It is never too late for the world to be what it might have been! While most televisions are chiefly framed from the point of view and perspectives of the sensational and what is violent in our world, the “The International TV by SatelliteNetwork for Harmonious Peace Culture” – the ISHPC, will be framed by peace culture researchers, and it will have an agenda set by peace writers and media, including not only men in the top positions but equally shared by women.Women often frame things differently than men do, and they are inclined to stress more the human and peace elements.Peace loving men and women share universal values: love of the family and love of our children, as well as the basic values of caring and sharing. These are the values and ethics that will govern the frame of reference and perspectives for choosing the issues for the agenda and the programs of the ISHPC. They will all be relevant to the sustenance and flourishing of humankind and to the building of a world beyond war, terror, violence and famine.
While many television networks, government agencies, universities, and civil society organizations, devote considerable resources to the study and covering of conflict, violence and war, there are almost no peace programs on global television dedicated to a systematic, sustained plan of action to provide meaningful and resourceful programs, to guide and educate leaders, teachers, students, youth and children, in the principles and human values of peace.
There are likewise almost no television peace programs from the point of view of peace culture. Society loses a great resource by not using the voices and qualities of peace researchers writers and intellectuals. Generations repeat the mistakes of former generations and conflict, violence, wars, and the recent disastrous phenomena of suicide bombings – become unfortunately, permanent facets of human societies.Most major Television Networks choose to constantly cover mostly bad and disastrous news, and constantly air homicide and murder films that have a negative and destructive influence on society, instead of programming and airing hopeful, positive and exciting films about our own lives and about how we can solve conflicts. The ISHPC network will aim at doing that. It will function as preventive medicine to the possibility of horrendous violence, terrorist attacks and wars.
The main purpose of “Iflac Pave Peace” - The International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace, in founding the ISHPC: - is to promote a global harmonious culture of peace by developing and implementing various unique programs of: peace news, peace films, women’s views, inter-generation dialogues, personal peace stories, peace literature and art: poetry, music, dance, songs, for all ages, as well as for children and youth.This agenda will be part of the framework for the creation, developing and powerfully airing cultural and educational peace programs in all universal schools and colleges. These programs and films will be available in all parts of the world through a powerful global Satellite, as well as on the Internet, and they will serve all segments of human society, especially in conflicted areas like the Middle East.
Through in-depth, systematic and sustained programs of Culture and Education for Peace, and pluralistic international multicultural Forums for Literature and Culture programs, the paving of a Middle East and a global village beyond war will be facilitated. Generations of men, women, children, and new leaders, will be equipped with the necessary ethical values, insights and skills to decrease and overcome the occurrence of conflicts, and to prevent their descent into violence and war.Women and men leaders, as well as every citizen of our global village, will be able to absorb peace values, skills and ideas from the ISHPC, and to dedicate their talents and energies to the creation of a sustained and progressive culture of peace toward the building of a world beyond war, violence and famine.
The International Television Network by Satellite for Harmonious Peace Culture, is an independent, not-for-profit project, founded by IFLAC PAVE PEACE. It receives counsel from an International Advisory Board comprised of the Directors and Delegates of IFLAC in various countries, who are outstanding individuals and leaders from the academic, literary, social and philanthropic segments of society. The ISHPC will coordinate its activities with its affiliate: PEACE FROM HARMONY.
The peace loving people of the world, who comprise the great majority of the citizens of our world, from all walks of life and from all parts of our global village, will be linked by the ISHPC. We invite all peace loving people to demonstrate their initiatives and courage to join with millions of others throughout our global village, to build a World Beyond War and Violence, and to celebrate the true worth and power of peace culture and peace values.Through our various informative links, and our exciting and influential programs, we will express and implement shared concerns and care for our large and precious human family. We will initiate, create and support actions from all governments, institutions, corporations and Non Governmental organizations that will enable humankind to live together in a balanced, harmonious and peaceful world.
We human beings, in the first decade of the third millennium, have the capacity to generate creative solutions and to resolve conflicts in a way that can benefit all life on the planet.Our International Satellite for Harmonious Peace Culture, will facilitate that, as well as promote a rich exchange of cultural values based on the common heritage of humankind spiritual history, literature, and stories, that will create bridges of understanding among people, nations and civilizations.Together, we will develop and contribute a new collective wisdom and frame of values toward a new peaceful dimension of our humanity.
The Programs of the ISHPC will attempt to transform the world from a violent planet to a peaceful planet, and to make it a better, more harmonious, more just, and safer place for all of us. The high-standard and highly professional coverage will be humane and democratic, and it will clearly demonstrate that we are all part of one humanity. To preserve our planet in these dangerous nuclear-bombs-times, we have to radically change our thinking concerning what kind of leaders we want for the preservation of our planet, certainly not those that go on waging wars. We also have to change the predominant coverage of mostly violent and destructive events in our media.The major aim and challenge of the ISPC programs will be to guide and educate every citizen, every leader, and every new generation to become peacemakers, and to devote their talents, capacities and energies towards the creation of a civilization of well-being and harmony, based on a culture of peace. To achieve this, it requires a fully powerful network and satellite that can reach citizens all over the globe.
We will translate works by major writers, philosophers and poets, that promote multiculturalism, pluralism and peace culture, and we will interview writers, poets and artists and make their works and peace messages accessible to the whole world.The ISHPC Programs will also be made available on the Internet, and a vast network of Internet Clubs will be built in third world countries, with access to all its various resources and programs.
Through the ISHPC we will also air a “Harmonious Peace Culture University of the Air,” that will develop a systematic and sustained program of study on the theory, principles and practice of peace. Among various other subjects, it will provide the study of the lives, thoughts and examples of great peace leaders, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Luther King, Anwar Sadat, and Yitzhak Rabin, and the various remarkable and outstanding women peace leaders and thinkers, throughout history, such as Queen Hatsapshut of ancient Egypt,Florence Nightingale and Sister Theresa. The principles of these various Peace Leaders will be integrated into the daily agenda of the ISHPC University of the Air. Its curriculum will include various subjects, such as: sociology, literature, art, history, psychology, and science.We will also establish inter-related programs of “Regional Culture for Peace” units, which will examine in depth specific conflicts such as the acute Israeli – Palestinian conflict, and offer ways how to resolve them.
We will moreover establish “Global Harmonious Peace Culture” programs that will attempt to develop a global identity and consciousness of the individual, of ethnic groups and of nations, stressing our responsibility to the whole of humankind and to our planet.These programs will particularly cover those regions where the ravages of war, terrorism, and racial prejudice, have created conditions of misery, fear and insecurity.
Among the programs for children, we will include the IFLAC PEACE TRAIN Project, which is run in several countries, where children exchange peace greetings drawn on wagons of trains, with children across conflicted borders, as for instance, Israeli and Palestinian children, and Greek and Turkish children. We will also air beautiful, humane films for children, both modern ones, and old ones,such as for example, those of Shirley Temple and Margaret O’Brien.
Both women and men will be equallytrained and guided in acquiring and implementing peace culture leadership.
The British poet, Mathew Arnold wisely wrote about the possible peace power of women: Therefore, women, who are indeed the best ally for peace, will be trained on an equal basis with men, to acquire the knowledge and skills for successful peace-centered leadership, regionally and in the emerging global society.“The Harmonious Peace Culture Leadership” will be one of the intensive training programs on the ISHPC agenda, aimed at equipping women and men with a strong background of peace culture and peace values, toward equal leadership with men, in all segments of society: government, civic, business, NGOs, professional institutions, work places and religious organizations. The program will focus on building the capacity of women and men leaders so that they will be empowered to develop suitable strategies for creating a culture of peace in their respective communities, governments, institutions and organizations. In particular, the program will: 1.Equip participants with the principles of the equality of women and men. 2.Provide the conceptual understanding of an enlightened and progressive peace-based leadership, formulated according to the principle of unity in diversity. 3.A strong basis of the practice and ethics of democracy, characterized by inter-ethnic harmony and cooperation, as well as a deep respect for the human rights of all citizens. 4.It will provide practical training in the basic skills needed to createviolence-free communities that include free and democratic decision-making.5.Methods of conflict resolution will be taught, widely used and applied.Participants will be trained to acquire the required skills for diffusing the program ideals into the public consciousness, including their governments.
Funding for such a colossal and urgent project such as the ISHPC, will be solicited from the UN, UNESCO, the WORLD BANK, and major institutions, including national and private corporations, foundations, and NGO’s, as well as from individuals.The creation of the ISHPC is crucial to the whole of humanity and to the whole world, it will function as a powerful “Preventive Medicine”, to overcome conflicts and avoid wars, terror, violence andfamine.
Among the individuals our fund raisers plan to approach, are: Bill Gates, and the well-known peace yearning actors: Richard Gere,Jane Fonda, Joan Baez, Barbara Streisand, as well as other major figures who have shown support for the necessity of a culture of peace instead of the prevalent culture of violence and militarism. We will also apply to major networks to sponsor our programs. A frequently asked question is: How can I help?There are many ways in which we can help: 1.Individuals can help by writing to their Senators and Congress representatives, as well as to the UN, UNESCO, and the WORLD BANK, about the urgency to help us create the IFLACISHPN, and ask them for their sponsorship, help and participation. 2.It will also be helpful if participants can send this ISHPC Foundation Vision and Description, to others who share our commitment to global peace and to the building of a world beyond war. 3.Individuals and corporations can help by making donations to the ISHPC and encouraging friends and associates to do the same. 4.We need the practical help of people who are versed in the Technology of Television and Satellites, and who can offer their voluntary services in all aspects of setting up the International Television Network by Satellite for Peace Culture. 5.We need capable voluntary Fund Raisers, Public Relations persons and Secretaries, for coordinating communications and activities in the various countries. 6.We need people who are ready to organize fund-raising dinners and events for the ISHPC in major cities all over the world.Our speakers will be glad to address such subjects as how the ISHPC can create “A Healing Among Nations and Promote Global Understanding,” toward the creation of a better world beyond war. Our peace researchers, writers and poets, would be glad to present talks and artistic “Peace Poetry and Music” at fund-raising events for the launching of the ISPC.
If we all join hands, both women and men, we can indeed create a powerful and effective ISHPC that can totally ban both the concept and practice of war – and its whole paraphernalia from our lives and from our planet. Wars and violence are symptoms of a culture, and we will condemn them as the worst enemies of humankind, and powerfully change the belligerent violent lens to a peace culture one.The ISHPC will be a reaction to the disastrous mess we have made of our planet, and we will all help, to clean the mess, and restore sanity, beauty and joy in our lives. In doing so, we will use various modes and structures.Humor will be one of our tools. It will be a way to strip the glorification of violence, murder and homicide, and to ridicule and condemn their association with the sensational and with sexism.The ISHPC will pulse with reason, hope, and the vast celebration of peaceful and caring womanhood and manhood, working together for the creation of a better world.
For those who doubt that ISHPC can be effectively created,and maintain that the CNN, and the BBC will consider to dominate the TV business, let us consider for example, the Al – Jazeera television. A few years ago it was difficult to imagine that a small new Arabic channel would lead news agenda, stir the world and throw serious challenges to media monopoly. Today, Al-Jazeera, a Qatar based independent television channel, stimulates and creates controversies in and out of the Arab world, Europe and America. This year Al-Jazeera in English provides to English speakers in the US, Europe and elsewhere, their own version of reporting, and its 'inflammatory' and biased programs often project one-sided views about the Middle East, the world's most turbulent region.In spite of their sometimes lack of professional objectivity and one-sidedness, Al-Jazeera has become a powerful reality, and no major international TV station can afford to ignore it. CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, BBC, German ZDF and NHK of Japan signed agreements with Al-Jazeera and they co-operate with it.Although it was known to the western world only in 2001, from the very beginning of its establishment in 1996 it became a center of attention and a powerful global influence. The International TV by Satellite for Harmonious Peace Culture, will air a completely different tune – that of peace among nations, and the promotion andspreading of harmonious peace culture. It will counteract biased and violence-oriented reporting and it will airrealistic “Peace News”. It will demonstrate that global and regional Peace News and its progress are indeed “newsworthy”. It will frame peace perspectives and global and national peace culture progress objectively and with a high standard of professionalism.It could start from one weekly hour, and gradually work up to 12 hours a day, broadcasting at the beginning from Haifa and Ramallah, in English, Hebrew and Arabic, at the beginning, and gradually add other languages, when support is available. The ISHPC will powerfully weave the voices and strengths of peace yearning people, who comprise the great majority of the citizens of the world, and they will grow and blossom and bear peaceful fruit. It will be built on a value pattern of: sharing, wisdom, caring and love, for the benefit of all humankind and for the creation of a harmonious, peaceful, and prosperous new world.
Please send your kind donations for the support of the founding of the ISPC to: IFLAC c/o Dr. Ada Aharoni, 18 A, Amos St. Apt. 77. Nesher 36700, Israel.Sites: www.iflac.comwww.iflac.com/adawww.groups.yahoo.com/group/IFLACEmail: ada_aharoni@yahoo.com Or to Dr. Leo Semashko, Founder and President of website: “Peace from Harmony.” Site: www.peacefromharmony.org , Email: leo44442006@yandex.ru April 2007 ----------------------------------
The letter to Government of the People's Republic of China about the creation in China of an "International Harmonious Peace Culture TV by Satellite" and its International Editorship
International writer and poet, ProfessorAda Aharoni, Founder and President since 1999 of the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC) ( www.iflac.com); which now has regional branches in 21 countries of the world, with a scope of more than 100,000 people, which promote the ideas of a harmonious peace culture in the Middle East and worldwide.Editor of the IFLAC daily Newsletter on the Internet, and author of 26 peace books and Anthologies:www.amazon.com, www.iflac.com/ada. And Ph.D. Leo Semashko, State Councillor of St. Petersburg; Director of Tetrasociological Institute (ISSR), andIFLAC Director in Russia since 2005;Founder and President since 2005 of the International and Multicultural Website: A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children's Priority (briefly: Peace from Harmony), www.peacefromharmony.org,which unites now 190 authors from 33 countries of the world and is published in 15 languages: English,Russian, Spanish, French, Greek, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Romanian, Esperanto, and Urdu; Author about 150 scientific works on philosophy and sociology including 11 books. February 27, 2007 To: The Government of the People's Republic of China Re: The creation in China of an "International Harmonious Peace Culture TV by Satellite",and its International Editorship.
We, Dr. Ada Aharoni and Dr. Leo Semashko, fully approve of the decision of the PRC "to build a society of social harmony". This project requires a wide and powerful International support and promotion through an influentialglobal TV by satellite. In connection with this necessity, andbefore the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008, we suggest to create in China "The InternationalHarmonious Peace Culture TV by Satellite," and an International Editorship for it.
This innovative and very special Peace TV by Satellite, would enable the creation of a round-the-clock Program fully based on a "Harmonious Peace Culture" comprising exciting peace films, artistic programs, interviews of writers, poets, and artists, international roundtables, peace festivals, etc. This would be appreciated by all peoples and civilizations of the planet, that yearn for a world beyond war, terror and famine.
ThisPeace TV could start with 6 languages: Chinese, English, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, and French,and eventually work up to broadcast in 15-20 basic languages. This would considerably raise the peaceful authority of China in the world, and will ensure for its long-term program building of a society of social harmony, withwide International support.
For the "International Harmonious Peace Culture TV by Satellite", we would need a high standard International Editorship of approximately200-400 editors, translators and journalists with knowledge of the basic 6 initial languages mentioned above.
IFLAC and Peace from Harmony would participate in a most active way in the formation of the International Editorship, and the selection of the necessary personnel of the journalists, translators and editors. We ourselves would be part of the structure of this Editorship and head its appropriate Sectors: The Middle East and Russia.
If the PRC Government would kindly provide the general infra - structuremanagement and financing for the "lnternational Harmonious Peace Culture TV by Satellite" and its International Editorship, 50 % of the staff would be formed by the PRC representatives.
We believe that the creation in the People's Republic of China of the "International Harmonious Peace Culture TV by Satellite" and its International Editorship, fully answers the interests of the peaceful Chinese people and Government, and it would create a powerful International information tool for the promotion and the support of a peaceful world beyond war. Sincerely, Ada Aharoni and Leo Semashko Addresses: Prof. Ada Aharoni, 18 Amos Street, Apt. 77, Nesher 36700,Israel, Tel. 972 77 3202818 Email: ada_aharoni@yahoo.com
Dr. Leo Semashko, 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia, Tel: 7 (812) 513-3863, Email: leo44442006@yandex.ru --------------------------------- Ada Aharoni A GLOBAL CALL TO URGENT ACTIONTHE CREATION OF A WORLD SATELLITE FOR PEACE CULTURE (WSPC)
We are now in the greatest global cultural crisis in human history. It is imperative the whole human family mobilizes for a cultural and moral action that can help to alleviate and solve the crisis. This can be achieved by the creation and foundation of a powerful World Television by Satellite for Peace Culture. The SHALOM – SALAM WSPC. It should start functioning in three languages: English, Hebrew and Arabic, over Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and then over the whole Middle East, andit should be made available to the whole world. In our past wars we forgot our common humanity and joined in efforts to kill our enemies. Killing will not stop killing, and it may unfortunately lead to a nuclear war that would destroy humanity and bring a total nuclear winter to our planet. To preempt and prevent this horrible tragedy, we must join in an all-out effort to eliminate the causes of war and terror. All people, institutions and governments that receive this message are urged to quickly act to help create the WSPC: The World Satellite for a harmonious Peace Culture.The WSPC will function as “Preventive Medicine,” before another September 11, and anotherHizbollah war from Lebanon with the openly declared aim to destroy Israel. Human jealousy, greed, injustice and folly have ruined many parts of our planet and have endangered the future of humanity. The most powerful institutions - global corporations, mass media and rich governments - have usually put financial profit first. They do not focus on peace education and culture for our children and their teachers, or preventing wars and terror and on what will do the most good, but on what will make the most money. The resulting violence, terror, and environmental carnage have been disastrous. The human family has a long record of war and of using violence to try to settle differences. Now new devilish nuclear weapons are becoming available worldwide and can be used by irresponsible governments led by jealousy, greed and folly. The best solution to prevent this is to eliminate the causes of violence and terror. Killing will only trigger more acts of violence and terror by those who hate democracy and are in great fear of it.
We must now all think and act as responsible caretakers and trustees of the culture of peace, of democracy, and of our planet – we should seek progress and fair benefits for all people. The WSPC will function towards these goals, and will foster mutual understanding and eliminate the causes of violence, terror and war. Every individual and institution should now think and act as a responsible and conscientious citizen. It will function according to the highest professional and humane standards, and will take into consideration the various ethnic entities and appeal to every creed and culture. It provides a way for us to tap the best in our thinking in our values and in our faiths.
Television, Press, Radio and Internet play a vital role. Actions, good or bad, begin in the mind. In addition to the foundation of the WSPC, those able to command media attention have a special obligation to speak out about the tragic cultural crisis and its solution as described by the IFLAC vision and platform. (See: www.iflac.com).
All world leaders and media should act now, urging that everyone oppose violence with nonviolence -- Martin Luther King's effective solution. Leaders in other areas of public trust should do the same. When people think and act according to the WSPC andIFLAC, they will show a reverence for lifeand for humanity.The WSPC and the IFLAC PAVE PEACE NGO agenda put The Golden Rule to work -- do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Here is a chance for people of all creeds to show their ethical values by practicing reverence for life in word and deed.
The WSPC and mass media have a sacred obligation as the mouths, eyes and ears of the public to:
-- Feature not only problems, but also solutions to the problems.
-- Headline cases of peaceful development and progress in human endeavors that replace: hate, fear, jealousy and greed, with: honesty, love, understanding, and care. Give recognition and attention to people, institutions and projects that eliminate violence, terror, poverty and foster peace culture, justice and the care of humanity. In addition to the WSPC Television, and possibly Radio, every TV and radio station should program a daily "Hour for Peace Culture." The presenter could state at the beginning of the program, "In this hour for peace let us join our hearts and minds, each in our own way, with commitment to peaceful actions today and every day." This would be followed by the sound of a Peace Culture Bell and appropriate music.
With the media's cooperation, each 21 September, Global Peace Day, will provide a great global holiday with worldwide participation by people of every creed and culture. This will inspire actions for the WSPC development and progress – with further peace culture riches, tolerance and prosperity for all. Thousands of group projects are already helping people and planet. Their impact can increase dramatically by uniting in a global Campaign for the creation of the WSPC and the foundation of A Sustainable Future. Please spread the word. We can change this present global cultural crisis into a new beginning for humanity with the WSPC: The World TV by Satellite for Peace Culture. Dr. Ada Aharoni
Founder of the WSPC and IFLAC
The International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace – iflac@bezeqint.netTel. 972-4-77-3202818,www.iflac.com/adaOctober 2, 2006-----------------------------------------Dear Ada, Subject: Ada Aharoni: Call for Action and Harmonious Peace Culture I admire with your strong and urgent "CALL FOR ACTION", to creation of The World Satellite for Peace Culture(WSPC). I completely support it and with pleasure I shall publish it on our site "Peace from harmony". Then I shall try to translate it to Russian in the coming two months and to publish it in Russian. I hope that the co-authors of our site - 165 humans from 32 countries of the world will support your Call to the WSPC creation. Really, it is one of the most powerful ways to overcome “global cultural crisis” of modern humankind and to prevent the new mad wars. But we also should think about the future, which is represented by children. We should bring up them in a new, harmonious, peace culture, which prevents wars, instead of be only preparation or break between wars, what is the traditional peace culture. Global cultural crisis of modern mankind, which you show excellent, it is, on my sight, first of all CRISIS of TRADITIONAL PEACE CULTURE, because it is, per se, CULTURE of WAR. Therefore, a main purpose of a new global TV system I see formation of new, harmonious peace culture at children and youth, which is really capable to prevent and to exclude all wars on Earth in some decades. It will be by realization of the wise will of Mahatma Gandhi, which wrote: "If we are ever to have real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children". Gandhi defined here a Mission for the new World TV. We, IFLAC, Peace from Harmony and other organizations could offer for this TV a special program: "Culture of harmonious peace: Harmonious Era Calendar as its first project". In this program we could tell to children and youth about each day of year, as day from harmony, love, justice, hope, brotherhood, equality, care of children, Earth, poor, elderly, invalids etc. In year should not be of days, time and place, for war and enmity. The days of year should be filled not by wars, enmity and violence, and peace from harmony, love and infinite set of other positive and humane qualities of the man. Such purpose could become great mission your remarkable World TV for peace culture. Leo Semashko, October 2, 2006---------------------------------------------------------------------------Leo Semashko About the recommendation of Ada Aharoni on the Nobel Peace Prize In connection with my recommendation of Prof., IFLAC President Ada Aharoni on the Nobel Peace Prize 2007, Director of the IFLAC Norwegian branch Mr. Michael Holmboe kindly has sent the new nomination rules of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. In them, in particular, is spoken, "The nominators are strongly requested not to publish their proposals". Therefore, before sending of my recommendation in the Nobel Committee, I removed today from our site "Peace from harmony " its publication. However, as some of 165 site authors, on behalf of which the recommendation is written, someone can be interested by its text, he/she could receive it from me on personal inquiry on email. Today, September 21, in the International Day of Peace, which, as any another, correspond to nomination of Ada Aharoni, eminent peacemaker of modernity, on the Nobel Peace Prize my recommendation was sent in the Nobel committee. It is my modest gift to admirable Ada in the significant for all of us day and simultaneously it is one of my forms to mark and to celebrate the International Day of Peace. This day for me is personified by Ada, her absolute devotion to search and statement of a culture of harmonious peace, which idea she stated the first in the world. only for one this great idea she deserves the Nobel Prize, in my opinion. This day I wish to our wonderful friend Ada strong health for her harmonious peacebuilding and love to people. With confidence in award to Ada the Nobel Peace Prize 2007, Leo SemashkoSeptember 21, 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------- Rose LordImpressions of the Successful 5th IFLAC Conference in LA Dr. Aharoni asked us to write a one-page summary about our experience at the 5th IFLAC Conference. Surely one page cannot contain all the impressions of those marvelous five days, but I'll try. First of all, Thanks, Ada, you're an inspiration. We're supposed to start with three lines about ourselves. I am Rose Lord, wife, mother, grandmother, cookie baker, writer, webmaster, and founding member of Global Coalition for Peace. My writing revolves around the relationship between food and peace. My work with GCFP is focused on two projects whose purpose is to help women to step forward and take their nurturing, peace-building place in this beleaguered world. The projects are Mother-to-Mother for Peace and Nonviolence and the Women's Self Reliance Program. My role at the 5th IFLAC Conference was to give a presentation as a member of the panel discussion on How Writers and Peace Researchers Can Help to Bring About a Better World. Although I felt far out-classed by the other speakers on this panel, they made me feel like a welcome and valued contributor. I also participated in one of the group discussions on Women and Peace, a wonderfully refreshing and vitalizing discussion that resulted in some great ideas as well as some immediate outcomes. That's women for you. To be at the IFLAC Conference was a moving and energizing experience. So many people working, each in his/her unique way, to create a more peaceful and harmonious world. Each of us has a role to play in bringing about the positive transformation of our planetary community and the value of each of those distinct roles was very obvious at the conference. On a personal level, I made some great new friendships. I gained some wonderful ideas about how to develop our programs and tremendous spiritual support and reinforcement for the work GCFP is doing and I left with a replenishing of my own energy from the abundance that was there. It was sad to hear that many people who wanted to be there were not granted visas to enter the United States but also heartening to see the unremitting effort of some who persisted, even if they could only be there for the final day of this five-day conference. One of the most valuable elements of the conference was the sharing of resources and information which was so forthcoming. So much benefit for all concerned can be derived by this sharing. For that reason, it is one of my suggestions that future IFLAC Conferences allot more time for networking. I think evenings would be the ideal time to follow up on some of the connections we make during the day. I would also like to see one session devoted to updating each other on the projects or programs discussed and the ideas introduced at the previous year's conference. My final suggestion is that we make every effort to get more young people involved in this tremendous organization that I'm proud and happy to be a part of. IFLAC Digest Number 1079, August 17, 2005 -------------- Jacqueline HaesslyV IFLAC Pave Peace International Conference Words seem so limiting as a way to express emotions associated with the experiences shared during the V IFLAC conference in Los Angeles in August 2005. I want to sing, to dance, to play a new way into being in this world shared with so many other passionate women and men who care deeply about issues of justice, compassion, and peace. Thank you, Ada and Lucy, for making the experiences happen, and to all who shared so freely of their hopes, fears, and dreams for a world of peace for all the children of the world. Ada, as I recall, you wanted a summary of our own presentations, as well as reflections upon our experience of the conference as a whole. I will reverse this order. Highlights are aplenty. Beginning with the opening session with Frank on Wednesday evening, where we shared our thoughts and feelings about a world of apparent wholeness and a world still caught up in the grips of conflict and violence, people shared from their hearts. Thank you, Frank, for your own honest sharing of your story, and for providing us with a very visual way to see our world. Later, I, along with others, watched the dance with Suzanne unfold, before heading for much needed rest. Ada, your welcoming address on Thursday morning inspired us with your message, "You and I Can Change the World". on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, panelists offered a variety of perspectives on topics related to justice and peace: research and writing for peace, women and peace, Arab-Israeli relations, nuclear issues, development, partnerships, the power of women to influence change, peace education in the schools, media, art, drama, and inner wholeness. Thursday evening ended with the inspirational performance of "In Our Right Minds," with Dale Allen, followed by an opportunity to read my poem for conference participants. on Friday, Joanne provided us with an opportunity to participate in the powerful experience with her Mural Project, and on Saturday, thanks to Byron De Lear and his colleagues, we had an opportunity to learn more about the use of media for social change. Thanks, too, to Christophe Charles for his inspiring line, "Today is Joy Day". Special thanks to Rosetta, who attempted to keep us focused and on time; to Sharon and others who arranged our Friday night celebration; to Sharon and Rosetta for rescuing Mona when our family could not; to all the people who provided music, song, and dance to fill our hearts during these five days together; and to Cynthia King, whose soul touched mine so deeply during our late-night room chats. My own contributions to the conference included moderating a panel on the topic of Research and Writing for a Culture of Peace. I also offered a presentation, "Weaving a Culture of Peace", in which I identify seven stands that can aid in creating a culture of peace: values ground a culture of peace; images and language patterns aid in promoting a culture of peace; systems, structures, and policies aid in protecting a culture of peace; and education and actions aid in preserving a culture of peace. Together these seven stands help sustain a culture of peace with justice for today and for future generations. In addition, I also co-facilitated a presentation on Women and Peace, and helped develop a listing of web sites important for the work of peacemaking. During a story and poetry-reading session on Thursday afternoon, one of my two poems, "CityScapes: A Poem in Five Scenes", was selected to be read to the entire assembly later that evening. on Saturday morning, I was one of several people interviewed by Byron De Lear for use on his Radio Program. This was an intensely rich experience, and I treasure the many relationships that were nurtured during these days together. Thanks to all of you! *** If I could add two suggestions for future IFLAC events, I would seek to have one person designated as the person in charge of logistics, to make the hours and days flow more smoothly, and I would be intentional about creating an intergenerational event, and perhaps even an intergenerational Board. I have experience with a process helpful for achieving this, if you are interested! Peace and good, Jacqueline Haessly, Ph. D., USA, Peacemaking Associates 1974-Celebrating 31 years of-2005 Education for Global Living: Value, Imagine, Promote, Protect and Preserve A Culture of Peace for today and future generations. Other reports on the Conference to look on the IFLAC site: www.iflac.com --------------
Leo Semashko
IFLAC Delegate in Russia, Director of the International, IFLAC Daughter, Website "A New Culture of Peace from Harmony" To: Delegates of the 5th IFLAC PAVE PEACE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Los Angeles, California - 3rd to 6th August 2005 To: ADA AHARONI, Dr, Professor, IFLAC Founder and President, World Symbol of Harmonious Peace, Website "Peace from Harmony" Honorary Author, Salutatory Epistle Dear friends and colleague into general aspiration to peace and harmony! I have the great pleasure to welcome you and to wish your eminent International Conference of a fruitful work for the boon of harmonious peace preventing wars, terrorism, poverty and other social illnesses. I welcome you on behalf of an International, Multicultural and Pluralistic website "A New Culture of Peace from Harmony" ( http://www.peacefromharmony.spb.ru), which works in four languages - Russian, English, Esperanto and Portuguese. The creation of this site was inspired by IFLAC, by ideas and energy of her remarkable President Ada Aharoni. Therefore we determine ourselves as the "IFLAC Daughter" Website. IFLAC and Ada Aharoni are our mother and our Website is your daughter. Mother and daughter likeness does not exclude and assumes distinction of ways to the general purpose. Many ways conduct to a new peace culture temple. The culture of peace is pluralistic therefore by pluralistic is its development and movement to it. IFLAC goes to this temple by a road of art, literature and poetry basically and your daughter "Peace from harmony " goes to it by a road of a priority of children and all social groups connected to them: parents, teachers etc. These roads do not exclude but strengthen each other. I have honour to welcome you from a name more than 80 Website authors from 18 countries of the world. The honorary website author, together with the President of India, poet, Dr Abdul Kalam is the President IFLAC, Dr Ada Aharoni. We recognize her huge merits in the peace culture, her tireless work, for which to her, together with the President of India, the Website Honorary Title "World Symbol of Harmonious Peace" was given. We once again congratulate her on this high public recognition her exclusive, world scale merits in development of a new culture of peace. All of us understand that efficiency and success of our work in development of the peace culture depend from our cooperation and mutual support of all our initiatives, which serve for our general purposes. In this connection, we hope the Conference delegates will familiarize with our Appeal "Making Children a Priority". Its initiator is Australian Hilarie Roseman, a mother of 8 children and grandmother of 12 grandchildren, which first in the world has sent the similar letter "Making Children a Priority in Australia" to the Prime Minister of Australia Hon. John Howard on May 25 2005. We address to you as to the parents, grandmothers and grandfathers, writers and poets for children and youth to write the similar letters and poems to the leaders of your states and to support creation of a new Global Civil Movement "Making Children a Priority". It will be our strong joint step forward to a temple of a new peace culture in the beginning of the 21century. We want to see your Conference by a bright and courageous spiritual torch of this culture! St-Petersburg, Russia, June 17, 2005 ____________________________ IFLAC PAVE PEACE INTERNATIONAL FORUM For the CULTURE of PEACE
ARTICLES OF THE INCORPORATION Non Profit Organization No. 58-035-275-5
This VOLUNTARY- NON PROFIT organization operates in the spirit of love of humanity, tolerance and the advancement of peace between peoples and nations, and toward the following goals: 1. To strive for the promotion of peace and mutual respect between peoples and nations. 2. To organize peace culture researchers, writers, intellectuals and friends of literature. 3. To found local and international branches, organize meetings, congresses, seminars and workshops of all kinds in order to learn and acquire a culture of peace. Research of peace culture and literature, national and international. 4. Advance the research of peace culture and strive towards spreading the idea of peace culture in Israel and other countries around the world. 5. To promote the subject of peace culture and literature and encourage frameworks and platforms on peace culture. 6. To develop projects for the support of people involved in the literature and culture of peace. 7. To raise funds locally and internationally, allocate prizes and stipends in the framework of realizing the organizations goals. 8.To develop relations with researchers of peace culture, writers, unions and friends of peace literature. 9. To establish links with the media, including television and internet, various organizations of artists, journalists, etc., to enhance the culture and literature of peace in all its aspects. 10. To establish funds for people involved in the literature and culture of peace. 11. To work for fair human relations and culture of peace between people. To strive for tolerance, co-existence and understanding without discrimination based on race, gender, religion or origin. 12.To publish books, literary magazines which deal with the culture of peace. 13.To establish cultural stages and meetings of authors and artists with the general public. 14.To establish and promote meetings of authors and artists with the general public including the younger generation, students, soldiers, etc., at all branches of the organization in the country and international meetings. 15.To collaborate with institutions and organizations active in the advancement of peace in the Middle East and the world. 16.To develop relations with organizations and cultural institutions active in the advancement of global peace in the Arab countries, the Middle East, the Mediterranean region, and the world. 17.To perform any activity, organizational, financial, economic and legal, or any other appropriate activity necessary to achieve the objectives of the organization. IFLAC PLATFORM - 2005
We believe that culture and literature can promote peace, freedom, and the enrichment of the quality of life. At the beginning of the twenty first century, we shall endeavor to pave the way towards the fulfillment of our main ideal "one world and one humanity, all living in peace". Our goal is to help build a Middle East and a world beyond war in the 21st century, by means of communication, literature, culture and art. This endeavor is in harmony with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights embodied in the Charter of the United Nations. We strive for freedom of speech and expression, and for freedom from hostile and oppressive violence, whether it is war, or gender, physical, mental or moral oppression. We believe in the right of people everywhere to live in peace, and in their rights to pursue their various cultures, as well as human endeavors, and to obtain equal civil justice. ACTIVITY Toward these ends, we organized the founding of the "International Congress on Conflict Resolution Through Culture and Literature," in Shavei Zion, Galilee, in June 1999, and officially registered on January 15, 2000.. The Second Iflac Pave Peace Conference, was in Sydney in 2001, the third Iflac Conference was held in London in 2002, and the fourth was held in Bursa, Turkey, in October 2003. The fifth IFLAC Conference will take place in Los Angeles - Glendale (California)-August 3-6, 2005 (just before the WCP: World Congress of Poets, in the same location). We hold literary and cultural meetings including: Lectures, Poetry Reading, Story-Telling, New Books celebrations, Interviews, Cultural Festivals, Symposiums, and Conferences. From year 2000, International Iflac elected Haifa, as its world center. PUBLICATIONS THE MAIN GOALS OF IFLAC (Voluntary Association): To strive toward the promotion of peace and mutual respect between people and nations. To promote social, cultural and religious tolerance between people. To eliminate violence in all its forms. To organize peace culture researchers, writers, intellectuals and friends of literature. To encourage creativity that promotes culture and peace. IFLAC BOARD COMMITTEE Prof. Ada Aharoni: IFLAC Founder and World President Prof. Haim Aharoni - Steering Committee Naif Khouri - Communications: Kol Yisrael in Haifa and the North: Radio and Television George Farah - Director of IFLAC in the Galilee Prof. Ernesto Kahan - Vice President (Nobel Prize for Peace through Medicine 1987). Dr. Sara Zamir- Tel Aviv and South of Israel.
IFLAC Committee Founder and President Prof.Ada Aharoni Vise Pres - Prof. E. Kahan Prof. H. Aharoni - Steer. G. Farah - Communic. Dr. Sara Zamir Edu. International Directors Scandinavia M. Holmboe Meyers Turkey Dr. Husamettin Olgun Romania Prof. Dorin Popa Boston USA Maria Socolovsky India Dr. Sethu Kumanan Japan Kazuyo Yamane Bosnia Dr. Ajsa Zahirovic Australia Yvette Negrine Canada Celine Leduc Gaza Dr. Fouad El Harazin Uruguay Angela DeSouza Filippini Argentina Maria Cristina Azcona Russia Prof. Leo Semashko China Prof.LI Dingjun Publications
GALIM - HORIZON Technical Editors Solveig Hansen-Norway Hany Eldeib -Washington Zeev Gal - Israel