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World Harmony Foundation as a sprout of harmonious peace in an information society
Monica Willard World Harmony Foundation and Harmony Bell Dear Leo,
Thank you for your message.Happy Global Harmony Day.You mightbe interested to know that a friend of mine, Margo Lazaro is with the GlobalHarmony Foundation today in Washington DC to ring the Global Harmony Bell at Capitol Hill and to take a Minute of Peace. I will share your work with her and hers with you. May best to you and Ada.May Peace Prevail on Earth, Monica WillardMBWillard@aol.com21/06/06
The World Harmony Foundation cordially invites you to attend the Launching of their Global Recycling forPeace and HarmonyProgramwith the ringing of the Harmony Bell for Peace on CapitolHill – West Front, June 21,2006 at 1:30pm The Ceremony will be hosted by Rep. CarolynMaloney (D-NY), the Harmony Bell for Peace, will be rung by members ofCongress and the public on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol, at 1:30pm, on June 21, 2006.
The Harmony Bell for Peace Ceremony with theLaunch of the World Harmony Foundation’s Global Recycling for Peace and Harmonyprogram will bring to the attention of the U.S. Congress and the American peoplethe work of the World Harmony Foundation. Established in July 2004, the World HarmonyFoundation is dedicated to building Cultures of Peace and SustainableEnvironments for all people. The World Harmony Foundation is proud to createprograms that build partnerships between Global and Local Leaders with Studentsand Educators who encourage Peace and Environmental studies in schoolsworld-wide. Our Global Recycling for Peace and Harmony program createsHarmony Bells for Peace, which is the first of our Global LeadershipInitiatives. The design for the Harmony Bell forPeace has the word “Harmony” in the six official languages of the UnitedNations which is displayed on the bell going around the its center combinedwith elements of nature. The metalfor this first Harmony Bell was made from casings of ammunition, which wasdonated by the Chinese Military and combined with the recycled scrap metalcollected and donated by school children. The Mallet used to ring theBell is made from recycled wood. TheHarmony Bell was crafted and molded by Master Bell Makers inChina and is thefirst of many bells which will be replicated throughout the world The Harmony Bell for Peace was first officially rung for the UN 60th Anniversary Ceremony and Celebration by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, on October 24th, 2005 to commemorate and ring in “A Time of Renewal” at United Nations Headquarters in New YorkCity. To learn more about the World HarmonyFoundation, visit us on the web at
_www.world-harmony-foundation.org_ (http://www.world-harmony-foundation.org/) .Contact us:212490-2660-----------------------------------------
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005