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International Art Competition "Heracl" on the Best Aesthetic Expression of the Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL)
Conclusions from discussion about Competition "Heracl":(This discussion last from September 20 to November 4 , 2006) 1. THE COMPETITION "HERACL" NEED TO POSTPONE UNTIL THEN WHILE FOR IT the necessary resources (first of all financing), acceptable title, nominations, jury and organization WILL NOT BE FOUND. But the discussion (including now 15 coauthors of the Harmonious Era Calendar) on these questions will be continued and everyone can state his opinion on them on the site Forum or on email: leo44442006@yandex.ru . Other two site Competitions earlier announced are similarly postponed: 1. Student's works about the harmonious society and 2. Poetic Competition "Children first". 2. The discussion revealed and emphasized four problems, essentially important for understanding and practical use of harmony. It is problems of compatibility or incompatibility harmony: 1. with competition/comparison and with winning in competition? 2. with a self-defense from violence by means of adequate violence? 3. with hierarchy and inequality? 4. with money prizes/awards and money in general?These questions remain open for the subsequent discussions. 3. The discussion reminded the central problem: problem of "a unifying motif", about which wrote Claude, Hilarie, Maitreyee and Subir Bardhan Roy. Claude defined a unifying motif so: "Harmony and Peace, what we are striving for, IS the one and only Goal, not for money, not for glory or acclaim, not for prizes and certificates, but for the greatest evolution of all mankind. " Hilarie writes: "a unifying motif... has to be able to be understood immediately as coming from a united effort for peace…. and touch people and help them to work together and enjoy the bounty that comes with that working together". Maitreyee and Subir Bardhan Roy: "our peace andharmonious team must work for the development ofthe mind of all `Atma Sudhi` (love?) as we call in Sanskrit." Our unifying motif is “peace from harmony and children’s priority” for the sake of children and future generations. This motive is determined almost two years back in our site Mission. This Mission we created together and we share it. (Maybe now it requires some specification). It inspires and pleases us, brings enjoyment from joint work. It was embodied in our last global project: "Harmonious Era Calendar", which is created FOR children, youth and future generations. Therefore it has united so many different people of different cultures, civilizations and religions from 12 countries of the world and continues to attract all new and different people to itself. We should not forget or lose from a view this motif, uniting and pleasing us with joint work. But in this work the very different people are incorporated, between which the disagreements, friction, misunderstanding and contradictions are inevitable. They are natural and positive while we are tolerant and do not refuse dialogue and compromise, i.e. while we do not allow our distinctions to dominate and to turn in fanatical absolute and to destroy our unity and Mission, uniting us. Harmony is inseparable from diversity. Harmony is consent of diversity and the best form of its unity. Therefore harmony, as well as our site devoted to it, is constant test on tolerance for culture of each of us, on tolerance to differing and to another. 4. I invite Harold, Claude, Reimon, Hilarie and others to offer your variants for organization of art expression of our "Harmonious Era Calendar" that from them it was possible to create the coordinated model and to offer it to the world as writes Claude. Discussion is placed below in the chronological order after the Competition Rules Discussion in all details is published to the address: Leo Semashko International Art Competition "Heracl" on the Best Aesthetic Expression of a Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL) Competition motto: «In harmony a chaos was milled by HIM»Michelangelo Buonarroti Announcement of Competition Dear co-authors and friends of the site "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority"! We announce on our site since September 21, 2006 (it is the International Day of Peace) up to June 21, 2008 (Global Harmony Day) the First International Art Competition "Heracl" on the best aesthetic expression of the Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL). The Competition is announced in honour of the International Day of Peace, September 21, and also other dates ofHarmonious Era Calendar. This Competition is supported by the following International organizations and sites of the HERACL co-authors: IFLAC (President Ada Aharoni), Universal Esperanto Association (President Renato Corsetti), Planet - 3000 (Coordinators Talgat Akbashev, Nina Goncharova, Claude Veziau), The Love Foundation (President Harold Becker), Russian culture (Co-chairmanDimitry Ivashintsov), HumanDHS (Manager Evelin Lindner), Global Coalition for Peace (Co-chairman Rose Lord), EartTrustees (President John McConnell), Maria Cristina Azcona, Reimon Bachika, Takis Ioannides, Abram Jusfin, Guy Crequie, Martha Ross DeWitt, Igor Shadkhan, Rudolf Siebert, and other Calendar co-authors. (If who from the Calendar co-authors can not support this Competition, please, inform about it during one month. If other organizations and persons are ready to support it, please, inform about it also during one month- to October 17.) Below you will find the detailed Competition Rules. Ph.D. Leo Semashko: Universal Peace Ambassador; State Councillor of St. Petersburg, Director: Tetrasociological Institute and Russia IFLAC;Founder and President, International Website "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority" www.peacefromharmony.org , uniting 165 co-authors from 32 countries of the world and published on 12 languages; Competition Rules 1. The International Art Competition "Heracl" on the best aesthetic expression of the Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL) is announced with a main purpose: to create the best art accompaniment, addition and illustration for HERACL as a whole. The first project of this Calendar is created in 2006 by 27 coauthors from 12 countries and published in two kinds: electronic (http://peacefromharmony.org ) and book (St.-Petersburg, Publishing house of Polytechnic University, 2006, 384 р,) in 12 languages of the world: English, Esperanto, Russian, Spanish, French, Greek, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Arabian and Hebrew. The program of its development Is published on our site: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=234
2. In a basis of aesthetic expression of the Calendar, intended first of all to children, underlining a priority of childhood in life of the human, we recommend to put a widely known mythological subject of the antique hero Heracl (Hercules), throttling of the two big snakes in the cradle. This myth is a good illustration and symbol that the harmonious transformation of humankind begins with children, that the harmony of individuality, overcoming and cultural restriction in the human of two snakes of animal aggression: militancy and enmity begins with childhood. Heracl won them in the cradle! And today, as well as always, they should be won in the cradle, which (for the modern human of the information age) all planet the Earth as a whole is. As spoke Gandhi:If we are ever to have real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children.Paraphrased Michelangelo, we can tell, that the child, as well as God, also to aspire "to mill" (i.e "culturing") chaos of his animal aggressive instincts into the human and social harmony excluding enmity, violence, hatred, poverty, injustice and approving peace, nonviolence, love, prosperity, justice. We hope the works, sent on competition, will be in it, the infinite on diversity humanistic sociocultural space. Quality of this space and its universal values of harmony, peace, love, nonviolence, brotherhood and others will serve for us the basic criterions in a choice of the best works and winners. 3. The aesthetic expression of the Harmonious Era Calendar will be diverse in different kinds of art, according to which the nomination classes are entered: 1. Sculpture, 2. Painting, 3. Music (songs, symphonies, hymns etc.) 4. Poetry, 5. Literature, 6. Emblems, 7. Photography, 8. Cinema, 9. Video (others nominations are possible). 4. Any human, any age, trade, nationality etc. can participate in the Competition. From each author only one work in a nomination together with the brief bio is accepted. The works (or their photo) are sent on the electronic or home address of the HERACL project manager. 5. only works devoted to the Calendar as a whole instead of its separate dates are accepted. Further other, similar art Competition FOR EACH DATE of the Calendar will be announced. one of the requirements of the following Competition will be the requirement of accord and coordination with the appropriate art symbol of the Calendar as a whole, which will be announced on results of the present Competition. Therefore before ending the present Competition the works on dates will not be accepted. 6. For an estimation and choice of the BEST work in each nomination the International Competitive Jury is created, which will enter on three representatives by everyone nomination from the site co-authors or its friends. The Chairman of Jury is the site President and the HERACL project Manager. (I wait your offers of candidatures in this Jury on everyone nomination. You can offer and oneself.) 7. All competitive works or their photo (it concerns first of all sculptures), will be accepted and published on our site, on separate page, in 12 languages. 8. All best works (or their photo) will enter to all further publications of Calendar in the electronic, paper, audio and video forms. The authors of these works will be included in the co-authors of the Calendar and will participate equally with other co-authors in distribution of the International peace prizes, including Nobel, if our Calendar becomes them winner. They also will participate in future in distribution of the income from mass sale of our Calendar (first of all for schools, universities and libraries) in all its forms: electronic, paper, audio and video. 9. Procedure. The competitive works are accepted since September 21 (International Day of Peace) to January 1 (Golden-Rule Day of Religions) 2008. To March 21 2008 (Earth Day) these works taken out on court of our site visitors. Then, May 1 2008 (Global Love Day) the Jury, on the basis of the visitors opinions and recommendations of the experts announces the list of three best works in everyone nomination. Then, June 1 2008 (Protection & Children’s Priority Day) the Jury makes a final choice of the winners (the best Competition works), which affirms by the Jury Chairman. June 21 2008 (Global Harmony Day) the list of the winners and best works of Competition is publicly disclosed. 10. To the Competition winner in everyone nomination the site Honorary Title "World Symbol of Culture of Harmonious Peace" is given. Together with it they are awarded by a memorable gift - art or scientific work of one or several site co-authors. 11. For maintenance of organizational work of the site and Jury, including text translation on other languages, each Competition participant brings an organizational payment of the USD 50 plus a payment for translation of his texts if he/she will wish it. Who has no means and will explain the material situation in the resume he/she is released from the payment. 12. All participants of the present Competition have all bases to consider it as a powerful way of development, statement and distribution for the Calendar and together with it as the one’s significant contribution to culture of harmonious peace for children, youth and future generations. 13. The Competition announcement and its Rules will be published on sites of the Calendar co-authors, which are interested in its popularization and also their dates, organizations and sites. Note. I shall be grateful to you for all your specifications of the Competition Rules, which I would like to receive approximately during one month - to October 17 - World Citizens Day. After that, taking into account the sent remarks, we publish final variant of the Competition Rules, which becomes our official document. Dr Leo SemashkoThe HERACL Project ManagerSeptember 20, 2006--------------------------------------- Discussion about art Competition "Heracl" on the best aesthetic expression of the Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL) Hello Leo (and fellow co authors), I appreciate your intent with this latest presentation to promote the Harmonious Era Calendar.I would like to share a few points and definite concerns from my personal experience and perspective. My first concern is that you are calling this a "competition" which is wholly inconsistent with an era of harmony.Competition in a literal sense has no place in a world of harmony that is based on cooperation. Secondly, the image and hero as you propose equally symbolizes a triumphant ideal over an aggression/aggressor.How does this image convey beauty, harmony, peace or love.... especially to the children?This too has no place in a world of harmony. Third, as you know The Love Foundation has already hosted 3 annual "Invitational's" related to our Global Love Day presentation and made it available to anyone around the world.We are presenting it mostly to the youth of the world and also allow "anyone young at heart" to participate.I thought offering art, essay, and poetry was an unusually ambitious effort andyet you suggest a minimum of 9 categories?I can assure you we have had a most challenging time getting through the international material in 3 categories and we have had limited exposure thus far and still receive an incredible amount of submissions. Fourth - We found the logistics of an international effort like this to have many global considerations and even more challenges than we ever imagined. Monetary and currency exchange issues (originally we offered token monetary awards which we later dropped because of the difficulties - although we never charge for submissions), languages and interaction, customs and social considerations, follow up, addresses, postal considerations, and even the ability to authenticate that such works are actually coming from the actual person and not an unauthorized copy or plagiarized piece.And what about copyright issues if used in publications? Fifth - Creating an impartial jury that also has access to every piece to be considered?How exactly would you intend to get these individual submissions to each jury panel member so that an impartial conclusion can be made?Again, on an international level this must be considered clearly to ensure such a program is honorable, filled with integrity and worthy of the very Harmonious Era you esteem to promote. Sixth - You ask for a submission fee from each contributor.I know this is done in certain instances in select presentations of other groups and organizations.Yet are you committed to taking foreign currencies from hundreds of potential countries and thousands of potential submissions?How do you set the standard and who engages, audits and monitors such funds? Leo, I know you are trying as many avenues as possible to bring this Calendar idea to the world along with the more important initiative related to the children.However, are the people and energy resources really in place to do the thousand and one things you continue to develop? As I have stated to you personally and I now share to the others, perhaps a bit of reflection, patience and trust is in order for this project.Let this activity have a chance to breath and let us do our parts to build a foundation that insures that the true nature of a harmonious era is laid in every aspect.What have we accomplished if we continue to use old models of war, aggression and competition to try to build a world of harmony?Let us leap over to the other side and come from harmony, peace and love as our beginning point.Let this Calendar have a natural way to flow into the hearts and minds of people - you already have positive proof by the response over the past couple of years that it is a good idea that is being supported by more daily.What is the rush?It will grow more naturally if it is not held so tight and controlled so securely. Finally, I know this issue has come up before with myself and others like Kerry in Australia - you really should not write emails that state we are in support of each idea until you have first asked us our thoughts.I know you are asking in this email for our response, yet if it were to be sent as is to any one as a forward, the implication is that we have already given permission to be included as supporter of each of your latest ideas - which is not true.Please ask us for our thoughts first and then find out who is in support of each new development.Only then can you honestly send an email to a group stating who is in support of such an endeavor. For now and until more is resolved, I cannot (nor The Love Foundation) support this "Competition" as it presently is offered.I offer anyone who reads this email to go to our site and read the Invitational guidelines (last year's for '06 as '07 is coming soon) and see how we endeavor here at TLF to create a new cooperative model that does not engage old competitive Let us be the love, peace and harmony first and become a magnet to others. Love, light and peace, Harold W. Becker
President/FounderThe Love Foundation, Inc.21/09/06--------------Hello Leo and all, Even before reading Harold's thoughts, I also did share many of his reflections as stated in his very clear points. I first began to feel uneasy at the mention of the word "competition" in the same way as you had about the word "crusade" which our friend Pierre has changed to "Caravan". Because of it's aggressive implications and the idea of "winning" and "Being the Best". To me, any implication of a competition evokes the idea of judgment, of being measured against others, not to mention also all of the war- mongering luggage that any form of "competition" implies in all versions of past historical and probably pre-historical epochs. It appears to me as going against the very essence of the task we have out to ourselves to help create a world without these aggressive attributes, a world of Peace, Harmony and Acceptance of all diversity in all societies, a world where we stop seeking for performance and proving our worthiness. To me, this idea of competing represents the infamous "struggle for survival", the survival of the "fittest", as stated by most if not all of our national, economic, religious and philosophical dogma fanatics, not to mention our dear elitist leaders, who, of course, use this competitive concept to maintain their control over our planet and make people believe that they must accept inequality as the "rule of success" as a nation, a people and an individual. Also, putting a prize in money as the goal of this competition denies the fact that the best prize of all, Harmony and Peace, what we are striving for, IS the one and only Goal, not for money, not for glory or acclaim, not for prizes and certificates, but for the greatest evolution of all mankind. THIS and onLY THIS has been my motivation through life and in participating in so many actions of so many groups, giving of my time and energy not for a salary or to have my name on a list of contributors but to know that I am participating in a Great Legend, the Culture of Harmony and Peace. Making music, giving concerts, distributing my music without putting a price on it, translating, editing documents, creating websites, sharing loving energy whenever I can possibly do it, THIS comes to me naturally, as an impulse from my heart, not because I wish to gain acclaim, fame or fortune but simply because I feel that this is what I am to do. I agree with Harold that my name should not appear on the list of supporters of this project until we have at least discussed the principles and set the guidelines by mutual agreement. I cannot know if I will support a project like the one you mention before I know if it represents my feelings and ideas. At this point, it does not. So please, let us have our exchanges of ideas and reach an agreement before offering this "competition" to the world. Harmony, Love and Peace to you and all. Claude Veziau
21/09/06----------------------------------Dear Leo: I fully agree with Harold's sentiments.It is hard to combine enthusiasm with practical details, esp. through emails, etc.One step at a time, my friend. I have enjoyed reading comments about the Baha'i Faith, esp. since I am a Baha'i, too!Sadly, in Iran the Baha'is remain persecuted, without any hope ofbeing enfranchised.But that is another topic. With warm regards, Will Will C. van den HoonaardProfessor of Sociology,University of New Brunswick, Canada, 21/09/06---------------------------------------------Hello Leo,I do not include/understand the reasons of the use of the word “competes with” in your remarks?We speak about harmony, we are not in competition as authors? Concerning the diffusion of the calendar the adequate word between us would be that of emulation and not that of competition. French not speaking or little the foreign languages alas, on this calendar of 384 pages = a score is in French language what is a difficulty in France to sell the work. I hope, that the universities, certain libraries will make this effort taking into account the contents.Friendships.Guy CREQUIE21/09/06-----------------------------------------Dear all,Lets all of us adopt LOVE in our hearts. A kid learns to walk step by step. But needs of the proper education for. The adults also. In our world applies the law of the opposites, in everything. Especially inside us. In my life I am trying to avoid any action, or word that annoys the soul of the humans around me. We have to build first peace in our souls. The truth is that KIDS wait for us to help them. In Greece there are many societies consisted of people who offer their own money, knowledge, time and LOVE for the kids. We organize bazaars selling our own things for the kids. the money are handled by authorized persons only, for the needs of the kids. Artists offer their talent also for. Kids with serious health problems need of buildings, medicine, daily care by educated personnel, but most of all, A HUG OF LOVE. With love and peace.Best RegardsTakis Ioannides22/09/06---------------------------------Dear Leo,I agree with others that your "myth" of the baby killing the snakes does not give the message of peace and harmony.I suggest a sphere - we all live on a sphere - the heart of which is a baby - (all spheres are spheres because of their centre) - and babies give us love.We have all killed much love in the world today - and so we are cold.But if we join hands, both men and women, around the baby at the centre of the sphere, our sphere, and protect the baby, love, with our united, focused, acting energy for peace and harmony - this will give a better message.I will try to paint such an image for you.love Hilarie23/09/06------------------------ Dear Hilarie, Harold, Claude, Will and Gay,Thank you for your pluralistic and critical opinions, which I appreciate and respect. Please, let me to publish them on the site for more wide discussion. I hope to receive the positive alternative offers: How to name the similar artistic action if not "Competition"? Can be "Olympiad"? (Art Olympiad?).Whether there is a necessity for art expression our “Harmonious Era Calendar” or it is unworthy (or inaccessible) for this purpose? What basic plot/topic/subject to offer for it if not a classical myth about Heracl, killing two snakes? Whether shouldharmony protect itself from violence or it can be only its victim? What nominations is necessary to limit its art expression etc. ? As you can see, our discussion puts these and other interesting and fresh questions, which anywhere were not discussed yet. In this connection, please, let me to reply later and in more details on your remarkable criticism and on other opinions, which can appear. Dr Leo Semashko, 23/09/06----------------------------------------------I understand some people dislike competition of anykind.Otherpeopleseeitas fun and a motivator. I do not have strong feelingshere but clearly we should not upset each other if possible.Bernard Scott, 25/09/06------------------------------------……Competition is good because it is part of nature. So is cooperation. Both are necessary for species survival…..Robert Weir 28/09/06--------------------------------------Dear Leo,Thank you for inviting me to join your site Board.I like to discuss things with you and others, but my time is limited. I will try to do my best. Here some comments: 1) The idea of Heracles looked interesting at first, but Greek myth is quite complicated (andtherefore theoretically very interesting). one version has it that the father brought in the snakesthat were harmless anyway! There are many other versions, e.g. thatGilgamesh was another version of Heracles. We often end up putting new wine in old skins!!! It is unfortunate, but many of our words come from our past social systems, theclass system in particular. The latterwas a result ofcapitalism. We still have that system but we should find expressions thatdistance themselves from the past and all its bad habits. This is what is important. Are we able to create something new and more hopeful? In more detail the following: 2) The COMPETITION proposal: It smells of competitive capitalism which always ends up ininequality, harming harmony. Your earlier ideas about a new class system were very good. It might be better to propose STIMULATING creative expressions of our Movement for Peace and Harmony with painting, poetry andprose. For practical reasons, as one commentator said, it is unwise to have too many categories. Best, Reimon,
1/10/ 2006------------------------------Dear Reimon, I like that you do not reject the Greek myth about Heracl, though count its as very complicated and obsolete. However, on it and on all antique mythology, as in the old skins, all subsequent (new) western culture and civilization developed. The infinite set of art products in all kinds of art were created behind 2500 years on the basis of antique myths. They will serve to mankindthousand of years. In their old skins the artists will fill a new wine still long. Therefore I can not agree, that ALL old skins do not fit for new wine. You call to find the new skins ‘we should try to renew the world’. It is fine appeal, but thus, I think, it is necessary to keep all old, that can serve to updating. Certainly, it would be wonderful to find any new, stronger and expressive image. I unfortunately, not found it. Could you offer it? It is a question and to Hilarie, who rejects this myth, but on the other basis, that the child kills of the snakes and that it "does not give the message of peace and harmony". Here arise a question on protection of peace and harmony. Whether do contradicts to peace and harmony the self-defense, which can require killing criminal, aggressor, terrorist etc.? Or peace and harmony is a lamb on immolation or innocent victim by definition? I can not agree with such idyllic representation about peace and harmony. The healthy peace and healthy harmony should be strong and capable to protect itself by all adequate means. BUT onLY TO PROTECT! The child Heracl is those which PROTECTS himself from the deadly snakes, killing them. In peace and harmony always there will be "snakes" of different defects: enmity, narcotism, criminality, violence etc., which to mankind and EACH SEPARATE MAN will have to destroy to keep the peace and to protect the harmony. Heracl image very well illustrates it, accent that aspect what to protect peace and harmony need study from a cradle. For this reason I offered this image as onE of key for the art expressions of our Harmonious Era Calendar (our "HERACL"!). I think this strong image has the right to life. Question of COMPETITION I while shall not concern. It is a complex philosophical question. on it 10 authors already express one’s opinion but yet not all and I prepare specially to state my opinion on it later. The discussion about it take out on the site to the address: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=233 In summary I want to emphasize, that all your and our colleagues ideas show, that the world of social harmony as a new for us is very complex and difficult for our understanding. Therefore our discussions always were and will be fruitful and always will advance us to the better understanding of harmony and harmonious peace. I very much like your creative contribution and I highly appreciate participation everyone in our discussions. Thank you very much.Leo,October 3, 2006.----------------------------------------- Dear Leo,I have read the correspondence you sent me, and see that you are considering keeping the snakes!I just can't work with snakes.For instance, the Australian Aboriginals have a snake as their creation figure ...but it never sits well with me.(Our local tribe has a pelican as a creation figure).Snakes and children do not go together - and you don’t want to have a "killing" as your motif.You talk about defending yourself, but remember Ghandi, how did he defend himself.Hedid not.He suffered the pain.He prayed when others wanted to "defend" themselves.And then he fasted.Where did Mandela find himself when he tried to defend himself...in jail for 27 years.These are the two major influences on our road to a peace that does not include "killing".Who are you going to buy arms from, when you consider defending yourself?I do not think it is a unifying motif... The motif you choose has to be able to be understood immediately as coming from a united effort for peace.There has to be some motif that shows people working together - in a way that we can all work together.I would go very slowly now...very very slowly, if you want to be "successful" - by this I mean - the ability to reach out and touch people and help them to work together and enjoy the bounty that comes with that working together.Go slowly Leo.love Hilarie4/10/06------------------------------Dear Leo.We respect your tenacity and your effort to convert our dream in to reality. Your call for world peace reminds us of Mahatma Gandhi, whocalled for the sake of spreading up of peace and love in the country. He called all people of the country to be patient and bear with all torture in a quite calm manner. He preached for `Sarbadaya` i.e. blooming up of the mind of all through peace and happiness. The most powerful enemy can be brought under control through love, so we must love everybody in order to establish peace and happiness in the world. I fully agree with this attitude of Mahatma Gandhi and our peace andharmonious team must work for the development ofthe mind of all `Atma Sudhi` (free from all evils) as we call in Sanskrit.Such development of mind will certainly bring a society full of peace and happiness.Maitreyee and Subir Kumar Bardhan Roy08/10/06------------------------------------------Dear Leo, me too, I like very much Reimon's reflections! I send you all my warmest appreciation, currently from a wonderful autumn in Norway!Evelin9/10/06-----------------------------------Dear Leo, Dear Colleagues,
Because of Leo's well worked out proposition of a Competition foraesthetic expressions of the Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL) I amfeelinga little guilty (!) about my critiqueof thatidea, buthaving been encouraged by several co-authors I feel urged to continuethe discussion. Actually, I followed up on the comments by HaroldBecker, President of the Love Foundation (September 20), which wasseconded by Prof. van den Hoonard (September 21) and Hilarie(September 22?). To keep it short, can we, as the Site Board, formulate the followingpiece of advise for our movement ?To drop both the idea of HERACLES itself and the idea of COMPETITIONtoward artful expressions of the Harmony Calendar?If this is accepted, what would be better? 1) Can we use for theterm stimulation toward or a similar wordinstead of competition? Perhaps: Call for Artful Expressions of... 2) The matter of awards is somewhat different but related to theHarmony and Peace movement. For point 1) Renato made anew proposal: a peaceful symbol fromBuddhism. This sounds very good to me. However, there are problems with symbolsthat have been functional in specific contexts. As Leo has argued, itis of course possible to try to reinterpret old symbols, but it isdifficult to get over the associations that were incorporated inthose symbols. Therefore, it is better to find something new. Thistoo is difficult, but we have to give it a try.The easierthing seems to decide on an idea (there may be no new ideas though:everything has been said already!) rather than a symbol andaskpeople to express it in a new or original way. One Indian-Buddhist ideaisnon-violence (Ahimsa). It exists alsoin apocalyptical images of the future in Bible (the lam lying withthe lion). An other idea is reverence for life and nature. Of course,we could simply ask to express poetically or artfully the idea ofHarmony and Peace. Point 2):the matter of awards, as thought of by Leo in relation toour movement. I think that most of uswould be very happy when ourscholarly work would be awarded in someway. Why? While our first goalismaking a living and being engaged in what we find meaningful, wework very hard for it. Being part of the competition game in oursocieties and universities, we cannot but go on in this way. It is amatter of our survival. But because of our hard work, an award wouldbe a happy, welcome result. However -- here I speak for myself --my participation in thismovement is only a matter of some spare time on Sundays or inbetween. I want to do this because I want the world to become abetter place. It isan ideal, a dream which will not easily cometrue. one can see it as a duty to humankind we are part of.Anhonorary award for this little extra endeavor cannot make me happy.It would rather make me sad. It may be very different for you, Leo. You are putting twenty timesor more energy in this movement than most of us. I sincerely hopethat you once will be greatly rewarded for this hard work. As for those who would answer our e.g., Call for Artful Expressionsof... the same spirit as in the above is the point: we would likethem to take part in endeavors to improveour societies for thebetter. If it is just taking part in a competition, it will meanlittle for our movement and nothing for 99% of the participants whowill not be awarded. If wecould stimulate them to be and remaininvolved in similar movements, this would be great. (I wanted to quote the main points made by Harold but I do not havehis email on my home computer).Thank you for your consideration and greetings from Kyoto to you all, Reimon15/10/06-----------------------------------Dear Leo,I agree with Reimon's suggestion to ask participants "to express poetically or artfully the idea of Harmony and Peace." To make the contributions goal - oriented and more concrete, I would also like to add the following: We, the peace loving people of the earth, should ask the UN,and all our governments, to create a powerful and exciting global "TO LIFE" Television network by Satellite, for the spreading of a harmonious peace culture, peace education and peace art and music.We would then have a much better and safer world!With dedicated people like Leo Semashko, it is indeed possible. May it be. "My foremost wish today is our soldier sons to bathein the peaceful rays their mothers wovewhen younger than theyin the near faraway rainbow days..." From Haifa to Near Faraway Cairo (poem by Ada A.) Dr. Ada Aharoni, IFLAC Founder and DirectorThe International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace Best success,Ada Aharoni16/10/06----------------------------------------- Dear Calendar Coauthors, Friends! Let me to make some results of our discussion concerning Competition "Heracl". This discussion lasts month (from September 20 to October 20, 2006). In discussion 14 coauthors have taken part which stated different and even opposite views. But it was very fruitful and stimulated development of our views on harmony. It has put a number of theoretical and practical (organizational) questions, for which I am deeply grateful to all participants. The basic conclusions (consequences) of discussion I formulated above, on which let to learn your opinion. Except them I want to add my following considerations. On the main question putted by Harold Becker: "are the people and energy resources really in place to do the thousand and one things you continue to develop?" - I should honestly and frankly answer -NOW IS NOT. on this basis I come to a conclusion, that the COMPETITION "HERACL" (as well as other our competitions) NEED TO POSTPONE UNTIL THEN WHILE FOR IT the necessary resources (first of all financing), acceptable title, nominations, jury and organization WILL NOT BE FOUND. But the discussion on these questions will be continued and everyone can state his opinion on them on the site Forum or on email: leo44442006@yandex.ru. I hope you support me in this compromise settlement. I can not agree with Harold Becker’s opinion that I do not “ask your thoughts first then find out who is in support of each new development”. It is not so. on ALL important questions: Program of development and advancing of the Calendar, Honorary titles, letters to the religious leaders and UN Secretary General, Competition, Board and another I addressed to you, directed you the appropriate texts. But SOME or do not read them or forget about them, as Kerry, and do not reply that serves an occasion for misunderstanding and unfounded accusations. If I have allowed nevertheless something similar in correspondence I ask to forgive me. It is really inadmissible and I shall be more attentive. I agree with other Harold’s conclusions, except "Competition" and Heracles image. The basic subject of discussion became term "Competition", which many counted INCOMPATIBLE with harmony. Other subject of discussion became a myth about the child Heracles, throttled two snakes in a cradle. Let me to state my arguments on the basic subjects of discussion, first of all on the term "Competition", which has caused most of all objections. In this problem are two aspects: philological and philosophical. In the English language a word "competition" and its synonyms (emulation, rivalry, competing and contest) have many semantic meanings: 1. Sports and those similar competitions as comparisons, 2. Competitive capitalism and 3. War/aggression. In Russian all these concepts differ and have the special terms. Therefore, in Russian, when I speak COMPETITION, I have in view of any COMPARISON of qualities of the humans, his actions or his products in all spheres of activity. In the English language, as far as I understand, to separate meanings "competition/comparison" from meanings "capitalist competition" or "competition/war" practically impossible or only in a context. Not without reason Harold put them in one line: "we continue to use old models of war, aggression and competition". Also Claude and others. When I speak "art competition", I try to separate its first, peaceful and worthy, meaning "competition/comparison", from others, negative for me meanings "capitalist competition and war". Certainly, harmony and competition in the second sense are incompatible in my opinion, but they are compatible in the first sense. On my deep belief, the harmony is quite compatible with competition/comparison and they are inseparable. As the people always were and will stay DIFFERENT in everything, therefore between them, their activity and products ALWAYS will be comparison, hence, competition on a question: "WHO or WHAT IS BETTER?" (WHAT is better: peace or war, good or evil? Etc. WHO is better: creator or criminal, honour or thief? Etc.) Here I agree with Robert Weir, which writes, that "Competition is good because it is part of nature. So is cooperation. Both are necessary for species survival ". A source of competition/comparison is an infinite variety, which simultaneously is the basis of harmony. In harmony can be only various. Harmony is the best way of existence for the various. The competitions as comparison of yore are inherent in human culture and practise by all branches of its activity: art, sport, transport, science, engineering etc. Really Olympic games of the ancient Greeks and modernity it not competition/comparison? Really the competition of the figure skaters, tennis-players, pianists, composers, painters, sculptors, architects, theatres, films and thousand similar not is competition/comparison continuing competition/comparison of Olympic and other games, incorporated by the ancient Greeks? Unfortunately, anybody from the opponents of ‘competition’ (Harold, Claude, Reimon and others) did not give arguments for own opinion. "Competition in a literal sense has no place in a world of harmony", writes Harold and any arguments. Really, Reimon told, that "COMPETITION … smells of competitive capitalism which always ends up in inequality, harming harmony. " I think so: all people are various, they are unequal initially, on a nature. Other question is their social inequality: on gender, nationality, trade, political rights, before the law etc. Any social device can not cancel a natural inequality of people but the best social systems aspire to establish SOCIAL equality for people. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed that: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights" having in view of their SOCIAL equality. This Declaration proclaimed an ideal, to which humankind will aspire all time, not reaching it fully. Besides, as shown experience Soviet building in the USSR, not any SOCIAL equality positively and answers to human dignity. For example, equality in wages, in housing conditions etc. appeared negative. They infringe upon a dignity of the DIFFERENT people. Therefore question of equality and inequality is a dialectic question. It is impossible to tell, that ANY inequality to harm harmonies, and ANY equality is useful for harmony. For example, inequality in the talents of the scientific, artists and other creators ENRICHES harmony instead of harms to it. Therefore, the competitions/comparisons, which reveal an inequality of talents, serve harmony instead of harm to it. on the other hand equality as wage-levelling, neglecting by an inequality of talents, really harms to harmony and hamper it. The problem of equality and inequality of diversity in harmony is the most complex. Its common theoretical decision hardly exists, therefore it is solved constantly in concrete actions, includingcompetitions/comparisons. I shall not develop here further philosophical problem of compatibility of harmony with an equality/inequality: it will require a lot of time and place. I also shall not concern here other similar problems of compatibility of harmony with its protection, social hierarchy, money and money rewards, which I touched in former my responses slightly. Let's return to our question about title. How to name "competition/comparison" in the English language? In discussion the following variants of the term instead of "Competition" were offered: Invitational - Harold; STIMULATING creative expressions and Call for Artful Expressions of... - Reimon; to express poetically or artfully the idea of Harmony and Peace – Reimon and Ada; Art Olympiad - mine. Can be on these variants carry out the rating voting among the Calendar authors or even among the site co-authors (165 men)? What you think in this occasion? Now let to tell about the main image. I offered an antique image of the baby Heracles, who throttled in a cradle two snakes. I have seen in this old myth an excellent image and symbol for modern humankind, which should learn from a cradle (from childhood) to suppress in itself of the snakes of enmity and revenge. Reimon told that it is bad ‘putting new wine in old skins’. But if is not present and we not thought up the new skins, why to not take old, still very strong and rich by the universal meanings? I studied the Greek mythology and philosophy and also Greek and Latin languages, that better to understand them, in current almost 10 years with 1965 on 1975, when I made my dissertation on the Greek philosophy (first of all Plato) and then advanced my ideas about antique philosophy, mythology and culture. Since then I kept love to ancient Greek culture impregnated with ideas of harmony, pluralism and tetrism, which, in my opinion, are very timely through 2.5 thousand years and which I put in a basis of my social philosophy (tetrasociology). This explain my choice of Heracles myth as key BUT NOT a SOLE art image and symbol for the competitive works devoted to our Harmonious Era Calendar. I can not agree that Heracles image, as Harold writes, "equally symbolizes a triumphant ideal over an aggression/aggressor." For goodness' sake! About what "aggression" possible to speak with reference to the newborn baby peacefully sleeping in a cradle???? How possible to name as "aggressor" of such baby???? (Hilarie writes that "Snakes and children do not go together". Certainly!!!! In it is sense of the myth, in which the baby THROTTLE the snakes, i.e. he is released from them poison of enmity and revenge.) Wisdom, harmony and universal humanity of this ingenious Greek myth, unopened till now, just in that consist, that protection of a clean and chaste (children) nature of mankind is lay on BABY, who IMPOSSIBLE, by definition, to suspect of any "aggression" and to accuse as "triumphing aggressor". (Certainly "snakes" and them "strangulation" in the myth are only symbolical. Any real baby is unable on it. The Greeks so expressed deliverance the man and humankind from poison of enmity and revenge.) This sense of the given myth transmits "beauty, harmony, peace and love" (Harold) of the MAN in his beginning, in his birth, in his infancy, for what can be more "beautiful, harmonious, peaceful and loved" than child? Of course, this myth is not for children but for their parents and teachers. This genius of the Greek myth yet is not clear by us, because we do not understand meaning of the child and childhood, their SOCIAL priority. The ancient Greeks, seem, it understood, as in the other myth about Oedipus they expressed the back side and consequences of neglect to the child and refusal from the baby, which subsequently becomes involuntarily by a notoriouscriminal, which kills the father, married the mother, which children damn his etc. Mankind has understood one side of this myth in Freud’s theory but has not understood a value priority of childhood. Unfortunately, the social priority of children remains for mankind still terra incognito in a field of the values. I have tried to enter this deep and remaining by an original antique (very old!) myth TO BEGIN to understand this unknown value ground of a social priority of children. I wanted to induce to this first of all talented people - artists, poets, musicians, scientific etc. May be I hurried …. Let's to think of other worthy images, let's to create new, as Reimon offers … I would like very much if who from the site co-authors or IFLAC: poet, artist or musician has undertaken a role of the organizer of "Poetic and Art Expression of Harmony, Peace and Harmonious Era Calendar" on our site. I shall not cope one with this task. In the future I want to concentrate the basic attention on the peace educational programs (I soon shall send you one of them) and information harmonizing technologies for children. Let me to finish this difficult but worthy and extremely complex discussion by a paraphrase of Ghandi’s words, which spoke: "My technique of non-violence is at the same stage as the invention of electricity was in the days of Edison and Marconi, it must be perfected and developed". After Ghandi we could tell, that "culture of harmony and harmonious peace, understanding of a role of children in it, are at the same stage as the information technology was in the days of young Bill Gaits , it must be perfected and developed". In it I see mission and our site "Peace from harmony", and our "Harmonious Era Calendar" and our discussion about Competition (comparison) HERACL on their best art expression. I think our discussion made a strong step forward in this direction. All rest depends from our good will to peace, love and harmony. Sincerely yours, with love, peace and harmony to you and children, Leo SemashkoOctober 20, 2006. --------------------------------------
Dear Leo,Dear Colleagues:to continue the discussion on thecompetition problem: WHO WAS BABY HERACLES? Heracles was the son of Zeus and Alcmene (see: Robert Graves, 1955, The Greek Myths, volume 2 , Penguin Books). ZEUS wanted to have a hero who could both defend gods and men. Forthis purpose, ZEUS, in theguise of Alcmene's real husbandAmphitryon, "slept" with Alcmene for one night lasting 36 hours (such a long intercourse was necessary to produce a great hero (!)and in order to have such a long night Zeus hadthe fires of the sunextinguished for two days). Even though the name Heracles means"glory of Hera," Hera did not like him (probably because of Zeus'adultery, or because she supported another king). It was Hera whosent the snakes. I quote "At midnight, Hera sent two prodigious azure- scaled serpents to Amphitryon's house, with strict orders to destroy Heracles". (Graves 1955:91). Hera did not succeed, but tried at leastone more time.At a certain time, she drove him mad so that hekilled his children. Heracles himself, I forgot when it was, onceshot an arrow into Hera's breast. Some more details, as mentioned in the above book in the 3 pages thattell the story of Heracles' birth, are as follows: Amphitryon wasking of Troezen and his nephew Electryon (a son ofPerseus) was king of Mycenae. Electryon was fighting the Taphians andTeleboans, who had stolen cattle, but Electryon'sseven sons gotkilled in the fight that followed. Amphitryon rushed to help his nephew Electryon but got himself in trouble withElectryon andaccidentally killed him. Amphitryon married Alcmene, the daughter ofElectryon, but she requested him to avenge her slain brothers beforesleeping with her. While Amphitryon was away to punish the cattlethieves, Zeus took advantage of his absence.Another complication is that Heracles had a twin brother Iphicles who was, according to different sources, seen either as the youngeror the elder one. And according to one version, it was the fatherAmphitryon who put harmless snakes in the room of the twins to findout who was the stronger. The story of Heracles is a long and very complicated story, one ofthe longest in the Greek myths. His earlier name was Palaemon:wrestler (Graves 1955: 101).In the above, we see how three regions and their kings fight eachother. Thus the overwhelming feature of this hero myth is struggle,fighting, and killing.This is also clear from the 12 laborsHeracles had to perform for Eurystheus, his nephew (son ofuncleSthenelus, who had taken charge of Mycenae).Eurystheus became kingafter his father died, because he was born one hour earlier than Heracles -- Hera had prolonged the birth process of Alcmene.(Oneversion has it that Heracles had to perform these 12 tasks to pleaseEurystheus whose lover he was, or according to another version, hisslave -- often there are as many versions as there are theoreticalpossibilities!). Thus the conclusion, according to Graves, is that this hero myth as awhole reflects the actual struggles that went on at the time in orderto establish a candidate's kingshipand eventually to assure a wife(cf. also the meaning of the names below). Actually, after everystory, Graves comments on the historical background of the Greek mythand connections with other myths. As for the Heracles story, hementiones that it can be found in most cultures of the Middle East and Europe and that it was as an early variant of the BabylonianGilgamesh epic which reached Greece by way of Phoenicia (Graves 1955:89). Meaning of the Greek names according to Graves Perseus: destroyer Electryon: beaming Amphitryon: harassing on two sides Alcmene: might of the moon, or mighty in wrath Iphicles: famous might Sthenelus: strong forcer back Eurystheus: forcing strongly back far and wide DISCUSSION: Dear Leo: You commented in great detail on this subject, giving 4points and writing 4 pages. That by itself is quite impressive, but,concerning Heracles, you seem to have been thinking only of a tinyfraction of the story, a baby that is not afraid of snakes and evenstrangles them. As such, it is a interesting idea. In your words:what "aggression"can you possiblyspeakof with reference to a newborn baby peacefully sleepinginacradle???? .Thus as such,this idea has appeal, but it is mainly a nostalgic idea. Most peoplemay knowthe name Heracles(a friend in my junior high school gavethis name Hercule to his dog!) but many do not know much about Greekmyths.Anyway,the main problem is that your idea does not takeinto account the context of the myth, which, no doubt, is one ofstruggling, fighting, and war. Still you claim thatHeracl is an appropriate symbol for the Harmony and Peace Calendar, which wants todo away with all memorializing of wars! Since all of us are engaged in social science and other scholarlywork, we should ground our ideas as good as possible and make them asscientifically sound as possible. only admitting that we can havedifferent ideas about the matter and that we can be united whileacknowledging diversity of opinion and so on, is not good enough inthis case, especially since several other colleagues have expresseddisagreement. Because of lack of time, I limit my comments to the above. Cordially, Reimon 30/10/06 ------------------------- Dear Reimon, Many thanks for your detailed mythological analysis but let, please, to state my opinion. I consider this academic discussion is superfluous and I shall not continue it. Such discussions about antique mythology last two thousand years and will last indefinitely. I well learned it for 10 years of study of antique thinking and could give you TENS OTHER scientific treatments which are different from your. Besides your source Robert Graves (1955) there are hundreds others and on their comparison will leave all life but final true we shall not find. Therefore let me to object only one your statement and partially to agree with another: "Anyway, the main problem is that your idea does not take into account the context of the myth, which, no doubt, is one of struggling, fighting, and war …. only admitting that we can have different ideas about the matter and that we can be united while acknowledging diversity of opinion and so on, is not good enough in this case, especially since several other colleagues have expressed disagreement. " I fully agree with Takis, who brilliantly shown, that the myth about Heracles has many modifications and different meanings appropriate to the DIFFERENT epoch / stages of a human history. Therefore at the millennial Heracles’ mythWAS NOT and NOT CAN BE "undoubtedly" "one context" "of struggling, fighting, and war." Therefore and in a social science WAS NOT and CAN NOT BE uniform ("scientific") opinion. Each epoch, each society, each scientist and human FIND and CHOOSE in this hero (as well as in all other cultural phenomena) that meaning, which corresponds to them and is necessary for them. I as well as some other found in this hero deep meaning of peace and harmony. You as well as some other found not this but OTHER meaning - meaning "of struggle and war". Therefore the problem consists not in Heracles but in ourselves in its interpreters. This is normal phenomenon, at least for me. In our case, as you know, I did not insist on acceptance of Heracles image as symbol of peace and harmony by ALL. I wrote to you, that during discussion, I understood, that necessary to search another, acceptable, if not for everything, but then for the majority, art or mythological symbol for peace and harmony. Can be here more suitable there will be the images of Buddha or Christ or Mahomet and others. (But who wants and can - let gives peaceful and harmonious interpretation for Heracles and other cultural butcontradictory heroes and images. They should not be given back only evil.) The problem consists in that how WE, DIFFERENT INTERPRETERS, shall concern to each other? If we shall recognize as true onLY OWN point of view and SHALL BE INTOLERANT to other points of view, i.e. shall be the FANATICS, between us NEVER WILL BE peace, consent and harmony. Therefore I admired and shall admire with people, you including, which search and find peace and harmony AT ALL DISTINCTION with others. I agree with you that different ideas is not enough. Diversity is onLY basis for harmony but it is not harmony. The harmony is the CONSENT, ACCORD, ADEQUACY, MEASURE, BALANCE etc. of diversity. I admire onLY with it instead of diversity, which is natural. only for SEARCH of harmony, i.e. CONSENT of diversity, ALL OF US TRY. only for ITS search WE CREATED our site "Peace from Harmony" (www.peacefromharmony.org), our Harmonious Era Calendar (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=190) and other projects. It is those projects, in which WE ALREADY FOUND some measure of consent / harmony, from which result PEACE between us. As soon as we SHALL LOSE it consent / harmony so between us there will come ENMITY. The enmity is born from DISAGREEMENT of diversity, when diversity can not, does not want or IS NOT CAPABLE to find consent. It is the thinnest matter; it is the most complex question. In its decision I see meaning of our work and our discussions. only it inspires us to cooperate, that in cooperation to search CONSENT and HARMONY, onLY from which the peace is born. We search and find, let hardly, some forms of the consent and harmony projects. It also makes our (each the Calendar and site co-author) moral honour, intellectual dignity and humanistic purpose. Therefore I can express only admiration and gratitude to you and all our friends on ways of DIFFICULT SEARCH of the consent and harmony for our distinctions. onLY from search of the consent our PEACE is born. We give it a GREAT example for others because only some, unfortunately, are capable NOW, in still industrial hostile society, to the search of consent and harmony. We know, reality another: almost EVERYONE PROCLAIM a peace on words but PRACTICALLY PREPARE for war, ADVANCE war, i.e. REFUSE from the search of consent and harmony, hence, and peace. Last brilliant confirmation it is the remarkable article of David Cook about "Preaching Peace and Practicing War" at the address: http://www.commondreams.org/views06/1020-25.htm Our happiness that we try to leave from this hypocrisy. We not only proclaim peace but we also advance (search) consent and harmony, only from which the true peace is born. We try to become and to be the HEROES, if it is necessary - HERACLES, of consent and harmony. SUCH HEROES and HERCLES are necessary TODAY. I am happy in THIS association and cooperation with you and with all our co-authors. It inspires and admires me. I think that you ALSO are happy in it, that it ALSO inspires and admires you, about what you wrote more than once. I think our discussion about baby Heracles is very fruitful for peace, love and harmony. Best wishes of harmony, only from which is born peace and love, Leo
30/10/06 ------------------------------------- Thank you Reimon, for this enlightening history of Heracles/Hercules. He was indeed a persistent fighter, almost seeking contradictions to have a reason for venting his overwhelming agressivity, as I feel it. Although, he might represent for some a symbol of "winning over overwhelming odds", he was also quite fond of competition and fighting for the simple pleasure of showing his strength and courage. I cannot see him as a symbol of Peace and Harmony but of competition and winning titles. Harmony, Claude
30/10/06 ----------------------- Dear all, I' have read what all of you have written this period, concerning the idea of Leo to select Hercules. Please permit me also to introduce the Greek angle for: Heracles name does notmean the“glory of Hera” but something superior. His name consisted by HERA + CLEOS. Cleos is higher than the GLORY for my ancestors ancient Greeks. The Hercules's constitutes the most multifunctional person of Greek mythology. The figurativeand multidimensional personality of hero resulted from the continuous use and his successive readjustment in the needs and values of each season. A very big part of achievements of hero has wider prohistorical sublayer, that can be reduced even in the Palaiolithic period. The persons, in their effort to understand the wild nature and to create their vital space, had need from a brave supporter. It is the feats of extermination wild, real or fantastic animals, that caused destructions and frightened the prohistoric person (Lion of Nemea, Stymfalides Hens, Lernaia’s Hydra). During the Mykinaiki period they can relate itself the fables of hero that are reported in management of waters (Excrement Aygeia king, conflict with the Acheloos for Diianira et.c.). These should they have as historical core certain real land reclamation work (eg regulation Roy of rivers), in which pioneers elected themselves the residents of Mykinaik's Greece. When later were forgotten the historical starting line of this work, the persons, impressed from their size, him they attributed in the hero. The Geometrical and Arhaic years (1000-500 p.X. roughly) constitute the period of disambiguate of Greek world with the creation of cities-state and the extension of Hellenism in all the Mediterranean. This period of search, claims and conflicts the hero was always helper of persons and cities. Then it will be supposed are devised many from "intermarriages" with girls of his fabulous delivery (87 are only eponymous). These intermarriages, apart from children (all boys!), offered in the interested and bases for claim of grounds and all kinds power. By the 5th age. b. C. is observed an important change in the perception of persons for the hero. The epic warrior, representative of bodily Rome, transforms itself in hero more human, that is interested for the internal distresses of persons and mainly for the fundamental distress for the death. Is Heracles of tragic poets and the moral hero of sophists. The aspect this is revealed in three by his feats, in the oxen of Giryoni, in the arrest of Kerveros (dog of Adis) and in the apples of Esperidon, that are the fruits of immortality and eternal youth.Hercules did not cease to be the is supporter of simple persons in their daily problems. It was worshipped as alexikakos (the one that it turns away the villain) and as healer. They was the such familiarity ancient with his person, that him wore as amulet and him was addressed often shouting "Oh Hercules ", as today we say" Oh Jesus Crist! Christ my ". All these fights for good the humanity changed the hero in moral model. For this the sophist Prodikos in the end of 5th age. b.C., signaling the wider intellectual searches of season, chooses Hercules who stands in front of the dilemma of virtue and malice, electing him thus in at pure moral model in the history of culture. Interest presents the tradition that he was the founder of Olympic Games.(permit me to change it in its real nameas Olympic competitions, not games). This make as well as big bodily Rome him they fast elected in protector of sports. The big athletes they imitated the clothing and his achievements. In the Ilida and in Olympia it was worshipped as "supporter of" athletes. The nomination and the awarding of victors were in the promos (first room of the temple) in the temple of Dias, under the me topes with his feats, and in the feasts to price of singing the anthem that had composed by the poet Pindaros for Heracles'. From the Hellenistic period he was elected in model of young persons and in symbol athletic ideal. The High schools they was adorned with statue of hero and was worshipped by the young persons. In their Roman years the athletes gave his name in their professional associations. The tendency of Alexander the Greatto have Hercules as one from his models established the hero as hegemonic model not only for the Antiquity, but also for all the hegemonic houses as our days. Corresponding adoption of hero became also from the Christianity, after the hero served values familiar with the values of first Christians: had laborious life fighting only for good, without personal profit. And this, in the end, to him offered immortality. Indeed Hercules is the biggest hero.Biggest in the space, biggest in the time, biggest in realisations. His metamorphoses, from wild and the heroic as human and moral, are the phases of development of humanity and Greek spirit. Finally does not exist no one aspect of human culture that would not be impressed in the life and in the work of this Greek, ecumenical hero. Hercules is half human and half immortal. He is standing between humanity and Gods. He is the great assistant of humans. That’s why Leo selected Hercules, and especially his myth with the two snakes. Μέεκτίμηση Best Regards Takis Ioannides 30/10/06 ------------------------ Dear Hero worshippers and others, Pardon me, but I think this series of insights and reconstructions of mythology, although interesting, is a wasted effort. We all need to be heroes in this Samson and Goliath effort we have taken on,although, it is rather quaint that H(armonic) ERA C(a)L(endar) coughs up the word that Leo has chosen. The name HERO isactually a contraction of the word Heracles, I seem to recall. But what is that to us? Do we have to be 'chest pounders'to get others to notice us? By our deeds, not our words, we shall be known. Can we shift direction, here? and talk aboutACTIONS to take, to make a difference? That is where our true purpose lies. Martha 30/10/06 -------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Dear Colleagues and Friends, Heroes!Who??We, sons and daughters of Heracles??? This must be a case of mistaken identity!If heroes, we resemble alittle Don Quihote, perhaps the first hero of the modern age?Humanity faces enormous problems for whose solution we, the mortalsas we are, cannot do very much. Our dear Leo himself has constructeda huge windmill in the hope of redirecting the wind direction of ourtimes. I am cooperating in this endeavor, but my last contributionseems to have been interpreted as if I were attacking Leo's beautifulcontraption!Leo, Martha, please I am Sancho!!! However, we, mortals, have our weaknesses and cultural differencesthat may endanger our relations. Somewhere deep down, we seem to beidealists who want to cooperate for a cause. If our relations turnsour, that would be tragic.We can learn from our mistakes and fromeach other. I learned a lot from Takisexplaining us the developmentof the Heracles myth in Greece. I am very grateful also for hissubsequent emailsupporting the idea of exchanging knowledge. LikeTakis, I would like to see myself asa student of life (and I wouldlike to come back to this at another time). One of our cultural problems is an organizational one. Leo, you setup of a Board for discussing new proposals. How do you see the roleof this Board? As I have experienced in the International Sociological Organization and also in my university, in the case of acontroversy, the proposal that gets support from a majority of theBoard members is adopted.I have been thinking and acting in thisline.Did I violate this common practice?Would it not be good toclarify a little the nature of our relationship and the rules of thegame? (Of course, our rules should be very simple, and clear especially). Lastly, since it was agreed that we look for new waysfor expressing our ideas, let us be inventive! Looking forward to more exercise with, may I say, our Windmill? With every good wish for each and every one, Reimon Panza 01/11/06 ------------------------------------------------------ Dear Reimon and all, How I appreciate this sense of lightness! Yes, the comparison is priceless, "windmill", "don quijote" and "reimonpanza"!!! Thank you for your humorous seriousness, as Quijote would no doubt express it. I agree with you that as a board, there needs to be laid down certain agreed upon "modus operandi", a way of, so to speak, keeping the peace and harmony amongst our sometimes diverse "inventions". So why not be inventive, as I am certainour youth would be. Why should we follow old democratic principles of the "majority" when we express in our very book the importance of creating harmony within the very diversity? Let us find a new way of obtaining agreement, that I would call"consensus" decisions. I know it can appear a long process, and it might well be tedious, at the beginning, for we are not used to functioningthis way, but I deeply feel that it will become ultimately a fine meshing of minds and hearts, along with a feeling oftotal respect and harmony. This be my humble contribution for the moment. Harmony, Claude Veziau 1/11/06 ------------------------------------ Dear Reimon, I very much like your brilliant and wise humour (or "humorous seriousness", as Claude express subtly), which smooths the sharp corners and which so does not enough to us! But you, as well as others, all of us are Don Quihote and not just I. And simultaneously all of us are Sancho Panza one for other. I am Sancho too. We are centaurs. Therefore let's name our site as "Community of Quihotes/ Panzas for peace from harmony".
"The beautiful contraption of a huge windmill" is a creation not mine but OUR COMMON. It belongs to the site 165 authors and the Harmonious Era Calendar 27 authors. (After the message about building in China ‘society of social harmony’ instead of dictatorship of the proletariat OUR contraption not seems to me "windmill" more. Do you received this message?). It seems nobody accuses you in attack on this contraption. Simply sometimes we count other opinion as attack. And here really an organizational problem arise, about which you and Claude write. We have reached such level, when quantity passes in quality. Now us became so much and we such different, that some RULES (criterions, requirements) of our dialogue are necessary to us really. First of all, the Rules of the daily harmony/consent are required us as concrete criterion of our site membership and our daily communications, correspondence, responses, etc. I have prepared a draft of these rules and I shall present them on Board court first of all soon. Secondly, the simple and clear Statute ("modus operandi") for Board is necessary for us. I invite you and Claude to prepare the appropriate draft for Board: you - on the majority basis, Клод - on the consensus basis. Thirdly, I pay your attention (and others), that the discussion about Competition HERACL goes at a level of the Calendar co-authors (27 persons, 19 of which - English), instead of at the Board level, in which 8 persons enter. You think that our discussion goes among Board but in a reality it goes at a level of the Calendar co-authors. Therefore I ask you to be very attentive to what level the concrete question is discussed at. As it is a lot of these questions and they are different on importance, so far as I distinguish multistage system of discussion: Board (8 men while) - Calendar Authors (27 men) – Site Authors (approximately 150 men, except for children). I fix these levels neatly and I ask you to not mix them. I think the multilevel order of discussion will be more effective and constructive. Leo, your Quihote/Panza03/11/06
PS. In my message about building in China ‘society of social harmony’ I make a mistake (excuse me) in the address of my abstract "Communist Multi-Party of China ". I given the address of the Russian text. The address of the English text: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=166 . Please, look here. PPS. I apologize, that I detain my responses to the individual letters. I prepare many general documents and I should make double work: translate my Russian texts on English, and your English texts on Russian. Leo November 3 2006
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005