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The educational programs on the Harmonious Peace Culture
Education for Peace & Sustainability

YOSHIOKA Tatsuya, Director
KUSHIBUCHI Mari, Head of Tokyo Office
In order to achieve a sustainable world with a global culture whose values reflect a genuine desire for peace and a rejection of violence, Peace Boat believes that it is of paramount importance to make what we call education for peace and sustainability an integral part of our collective learning. In practice, this means making peace education for a sustainable world more accessible to a wider audience, and acknowledging its teaching as a legitimate discipline in the formal educational system. Growing recognition of the value of this is evident in the Hague Appeal for Peace Global Campaign for Peace Education and the 1994 launch of UNESCO’s Educating for a Sustainable Future. Further, the United Nations declared the Year 2000 as the International Year for a Culture of Peace and 2001-2010 is being designated as the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World. Since its foundation in 1983, Peace Boat has been active in the field of education for peace and sustainability through the organization of educational voyages, based on lectures, workshops and study-exchange programmes both onboard the ship and in ports of call. Our Global University and International Student (IS) programmes provide innovative approaches to peace and sustainability-related studies through intensive learning onboard and direct exposure to issues in various countries. Global University is an intensive peace and sustainability studies programme for participants onboard, combining advanced study of selected topics onboard the ship with exposure programmes in various countries. Our goal during each voyage is to provide participants with the insight and skills necessary to play an active role in education, activism and peace-building activities at the grass-roots level in Japan and internationally. The programme is guided by special guest educators and specialists from Japan and many countries around the world. Among the wide-ranging topics of study are the conflicts in Israel/Palestine, the former Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland; globalization; media literacy; HIV/AIDS with a focus on Africa; and climate change as it affects South Pacific Island states. Download the Global University brochure – Click here Peace Boat aims to increase access to peace education and conflict resolution training to young people from regions in military or political conflict through the International Student (IS) programme. We invite a select number of young people from opposing sides of conflicts to participate in an advanced conflict analysis and peaceful conflict resolution training programme, on a scholarship basis. As well as peace training, the international students help other participants onboard understand their lives and challenges, thus contributing greatly to the general participants' overall understanding of the nature of conflict. The aim of the programme is for students to learn about peaceful conflict resolution and develop the knowledge, skills, experience and motivation that will equip them with the means to work for peace when they return to their homes. To date, students have come from Palestine, Israel, Serbia, Croatia, Cyprus, India, Pakistan, Northern Ireland, Colombia, the United States, Korea, China, and Taiwan. Offering educational opportunities to all participants onboard our peace voyages is a key foundation of Peace Boat's activities. Every day on the ship, there are numerous lectures and workshops taking place on a wide variety of contemporary global issues including globalization, conflict, human rights and the environment. Introductory presentations about the countries we visit are also given. This in turn, helps participants better understand how local communities and individuals are affected by, and find creative solutions to, problems that exist around the world. In port, Peace Boat encourages participants to experience first-hand the daily lives of local people and what they are doing to improve their lives. To this foundation we add activism and co-operation with our counterpart organizations, thus creating the Peace Boat education-through-action experience. Peace Boat, through its GET Programme, organizes onboard English and Spanish language programmes that allow participants to communicate more effectively with the people they meet in port. These programmes focus on oral communication and combine onboard classroom study and a range of language-based activities, with special exchange programmes and home-stays in selected ports of call. Peace Boat views the English and Spanish languages as global property that can be used as tools for international and intercultural exchange. We believe in introducing students to the many varieties of both languages found throughout the world, from the English spoken in Singapore or New Zealand to the Spanish spoken in El Salvador or Argentina. As an organization founded with the objective of exposing its participants to the realities of history, Peace Boat continues to undertake a wide variety of activities to advocate for peace education in Japan, and share our collective experiences around the world with as many people as possible. Educational activities include presentations from study tours in Japan and abroad, discussing peace issues and individual experiences with students from elementary schools to universities, and organizing forums and panel discussions, all of which are open to the public. Project Teams Peace Boat ‘Project Teams’ are an ongoing framework through which participants and volunteers can gain experience in a specific peace-building activity by working in cooperation with partner organizations and individuals around the world. Our current project teams began as the result of participants being motivated to act upon an inspiring experience while in a port of call. Onboard, Project Teams focus on planned activities within selected ports of call, while in Japan, volunteers and staff organize and prepare activities for upcoming voyages. Through cooperation with our partners across the world, the Project Teams aim to effect positive change. Additionally, through participation in a Project Team, young Peace Boat participants can gain skills and experience to continue NGO advocacy and peace building activities after returning to Japan. Contact us
Peace Boat Main Office (Japanese, English, Spanish) 2F, 3-14-3 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-0075, Japan Tel: 03-3363-8047 Fax: 03-3363-7562 Email: pbglobal[at]peaceboat.gr.jp
Peace Boat Japan Volunteer Center (Japanese only) Tokyo: 03-3362-6307 Email: tokyo[at]peaceboat.gr.jp
October 7, 2007
Leo Semashko
Culture of Harmonious Peace
The program of the lectures course for the school children, university students, teachers and parents It is approved by the International site "Peace from harmony" Board of October 2006: Professor Ada Aharoni, IsraelProfessor Reimon Bachika, JapanDr Renato Corsetti, ItalyPainter and Poet Nina Goncharova, RussiaProfessor Abram Jusfin, RussiaDr Bernard Scott, EnglandComposer and Poet Claude Veziau, Canada The remarks and suggestions of the Board members are taken into account The responses please send at address: Mahatma Gandhi (1945): If we are ever to have real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children Course mission: forming at children, youth, parents and teachers of the basic concepts of the harmonious peace culture, which prevents wars, violence, enmity, poverty and other flaws of traditional culture of an industrial society Theme 1. Traditional peace culture (4 - 8 hours) Culture of war as continuation and development of an animal instinct of aggression at an early stage of humankind. Representations about peace in agrarian and industrial societies. The formula of traditional peace culture: want peace, butprepare for war (si vis pacem, para bellum). Militarist essence of traditional peace culture. Traditional peace culture as culture of war: culture of the breaks and preparation for new wars. Attributes of culture of military (traditional) peace in an industrial society: the constant centers of the military conflicts, uncontrollable growth of the military charges, deepening the gap between rich and poor continues, expansion of terrorism, nuclear proliferation, development usual and working essentially new kinds of arms in peace time. General military and patriotic education of youth in industrial societies and practical absence of peace education.Propagation of wars and violence in MASS-MEDIA. Inability of wars to put the end to wars. Global cultural crisis of modern humankind. Necessity but insufficiency and inefficiency of eight bases for a culture of peace articulated by UNESCO and endorsed by the UN General Assembly. Crisis of traditional (military) peace culture: its inability to response on the modern militarist challenges s and peace requirements.Industrial societies and civilizations at a step of risk of global clash and self-destructions. Industrial-Risk (IR)societies and civilizations as irreconcilable communities. Global industrialization as an utmost aggravation and preparation for clash of IR-civilizations. Militarist measurement of globalization. Impossibility of the true (inevitable, sustainable) peace in a global system of antagonistic interests of IR-civilizations, societies, classes and groups. Theme 2. Ethnic, religious and economic antagonism as constant center of wars in traditional peace culture (4-8 hours) Definition and reasons of ethnic and religious enmity of the closed societies. Economic antagonism of traditional classes and nations. Ethnic and religious enmity and also economic antagonism of classes and nations as a constant source of all wars and violence. Insuperability of the reasons of ethnic, religious and economic antagonism in traditional peace culture. Enmity, antagonism, intolerance and tolerance. Culture of tolerance under a press of culture of intolerance, antagonism and enmity in traditional peace culture. A social and cultural nature of ethnic, religious and economic antagonism. Sociocultural ways of overcoming for the reasons of ethnic, religious and economic enmity in society. Theme 3. Beginning of a new peace culture (4 - 8 hours) Origin of idea of eternal (inevitable) or universal peace. Reflections about eternal peace by Erasmus from Rotterdam and Jan Komensky. The treatises about the eternal peace by William Penn, Jan Jack Rousseau, Immanuel Kant and Saint-Simon. Philosophy of eternal peace of Johann Fichte, Johann Herder, Vasily Malinovsky and Leo Tolstoy.Ideas of social harmony and harmonious peace in Buddhism and Confucianism. The 20th century: search of the formula and essence of a new peace culture. Peace philosophy in Albert Einstein’s and Bertrand Russell’s works. Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolence philosophy. Albert Schweitzer’s philosophy of love to alive. Peace philosophy in the views of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Andrei Sakharov, Nelson Mandela, and others. Peace ideas in the sustainable development theory. The Nobel Peace Laureates as “the heroes of peace” in the 20th century. The role of the Nobel Peace Prize Institution in becoming of a new peace culture. Nonviolence and tolerance as the bases for a new culture of peace. Federico Major about culture of peace and its definition. Theme 4. Transition to harmonious peace culture (4-8 hours) Degeneration, crisis and crash (self-denying) of traditional (military) peace culture in IR-civilizations. Transition to an information society at the second half of the 20th century. Seeds and preconditions of a harmonious information (HI) society and civilization in beginning of the 21st century. Harmonizing role of information measurement of globalization. Becoming of the new, harmonious, social actors as a source of a HI-civilization and new peace culture. HI-civilization and new statement of a question about peace culture. The theoretical preconditions of the new peace culture: Ada Aharoni about necessity "of a new culture of peace" and "harmonious peace"; Jeffrey Alexander’s cultural sociology; Rudolf Siebert’s critical theory of religion and Golden Rule of religions; Reimon Bachika’s theory of the religions harmonization; Sociocybernetic theory of harmonious peace; Evelin Lindner’s theory of decent society; Craig Calhoun’s theory of cultural difference; Fritjof Capra’s science for sustainable living; Valerie Sagatovsky’s developing harmony philosophy; Leo Semashko’s tetrasociological theory of"culture of harmonious peace" and others. The central place of concept and value of harmony in a new culture of peace. The formula and essence of harmonious peace culture: "want peace, therefore create harmony" in herself, in family, in society, between nations, religions, civilizations and with a nature. The central place of education of the new generations in spirit of harmonious peace culture for its coming into being and strengthening. Necessity of creation of the schools, universities and other educational institutes for culture of harmonious peace. Art as the effective tool for harmonization and understanding of beauty and consent. The high responsibility of the artists for the statement of harmony in a human and society. Disharmonious and destructive role of "art" of the doubtful entertainments, aggression and violence in traditional peace culture. Role of the holidays as catalysts of collective energy for harmony. Cultivating harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities as mission of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions. Ecumenical movement.Movement for creation of the ministries and departments of peace as a stride to culture of harmonious peace. International bilingualism as simultaneous existence of two languages of the international dialogue: English and Esperanto - step to harmonious peace. Renato Corsetti about the development and preferences of Esperanto for harmonious peace. The International and Multicultural site "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority" www.peacefromharmony.org (shortly “Peace from harmony”) uniting now 165 authors from 32 countries of the world and is published in 12 languages as platform for dialogue of civilizations and accumulation of the harmonious peace ideas and events from all world. Distribution "territories of peace culture" since 1999. Other practical steps to culture of harmonious peace: NGOs and Foundations of harmony, Harmony Bell etc.Necessity of transformation of the UN, UNESCO, UNICEF and other UN organizations from institutes of traditional peace culture into institutes of harmonious peace culture.Harmony of information civilizations as alternative for clash of industrial civilizations. Theme 5. Harmonious Era Calendar as the first global project of harmonious peace culture for an HI-civilization (4-8 hours) Harmonious Era Calendar in the first variant of 2006 year: integration of 27 universal dates by 27 authors from 12 countries of different civilizations, cultures and religions. Spontaneous birth of harmonious peace culture into the universal for humankind calendar dates uniting different nations, religions and civilizations. John McConnell as founder ofEarth Day on March 21 since 1970. Robert and Barbara Muller as founder of Happiness Day. Harold Becker as founder of Global Love Day on May 1 since 2004. Since 2006: Ada Aharoni as founder of a New Culture of Peace Day on July 30. Rudolf Siebert and Reimon Bachika as founders of Golden-Rule Day of Religions on January 1. Martha Ross DeWitt as founder of Armistice Day on November 11. Renato Corsetti as founder of Esperanto Day and Linguistic Human Rights on December 15. Martha Ross DeWitt and Ada Aharoni as founders of Reconciliation Day on May 15. Talgat Akbashev, Nina Goncharova and Claude Veziau as founders of the Days of Sun on March 22, Clear Water on July 10, World Citizens on October 17 and others. Leo Semashko as founder of the Days of Global Harmony on June 21, Children’s Priority on June 1, Forgiveness Day on March 5. Guy Crequie as founder of the Father and Mother Day. And others. The UN established Days integrally entered in the Harmonious Era Calendar: International Day of Peace on September 21; International Days of Health on April 7, Book on April 23, Environment on June 5, Teachers on October 5, Food on October 16, Tolerance on November 16, Children on November 20, Human Rights on December 10 and others. The contradictions in dates and way of their elimination. Widening of the Harmonious Era Calendar: each day of year asdata for a culture of harmonious peace and exclusion of the days of enmity and war. Necessity of the further development and distribution of the Harmonious Era Calendar. Theme 6. The child rights in the UN Convention: real defencelessness of children and youth in traditional peace culture and social mechanism of their genuine defense and development in harmonious peace culture (4-8 hours) Antique myths about the baby Heracles and king Oedipus as the first cultural expression of an importance of children in society and childhood in human life. True position of children and youth in traditional peace culture as a cannon fodder. An industrial society: war as destiny of youth, peace search as a rest for elderly. Children’s double marginality (age and social) in traditional culture. Mutual alienation of youth and culture of peaceableness in traditional societies. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and real defencelessness of children, youth and young parents. Contradictory character of the child rights and UN Convention ООН on transition from industrial to an information society. Mahatma Gandhi and others peacemakers of the 20th century about a priority role of children in building of true peace. Social and value priority of children as a foundation of harmonious peace and its culture. Children’s suffrage executed by parents as a social mechanism of children’s priority and their constant inclusion in a peacemaking process and culture of harmonious peace. Addition of the child rights by a suffrage executed by parents as a key moment of harmonious peace culture and transition to it.Key role of parents and family in an establishment of institute of children’s suffrage executed by parents. A main role of the information (MASS-MEDIA, Internet etc.), system of education and teachers in education of children of an information society. Necessity of new MASS-MEDIAS for harmonious peace culture. A main role of the harmonious peacemaking information in formation at children and youth of harmonious peace culture preventing enmity and war. Theme 7. Tetrism as theoretical substantiation of harmonious peace culture(4 - 8 hours) Pluralism of philosophies and theoretical approaches to a substantiation of harmonious peace culture in an information society. Tetrism as i.e. four-dimensional worldview, as unity tetrasophy or tetraontology (being theory), tetramethodology (theory about methods of knowledge of the world), tetrasociology (society theory) and tetrapsychology (theory about the human) as one of the most constructive and adequate paradigm (theory) of informational society at a beginning of 21st century. The theory of four spheres of the world, society and human in tetrasophy. The theory of the sphere classes in tetrasociology. The theory of social harmony of the sphere classes for the mature information society. Ability of social harmony to prevent wars and to put for them the end. The theory of children’s priority in social structure of a harmonious (mature) information society. Harmonization of the family spheres. Gender harmonization. Harmonization of four spheres of the human. The theory of sphere harmonious development and education of children and youth. The central role of sphere education and centre of the spheres of an information society. The harmonious peace culture theory as a natural consequence from tetrism. Four-dimensional worldview as the theoretical basis for harmonious peace culture. A cultural tetrasociology of harmonious peace as social science studying transition from traditional culture of war or military peace in an industrial society to culture of harmonious peace in an information society, and also it becoming and development. Four-dimensional sphere statistics of harmonious peace. Active role of a cultural sociology in development of harmonious peace culture. An active role of harmonious peace culture in the statement of a HI-civilization and harmonious peace. Four-dimensional sphere statistics of harmonious peace. A sphere information-statistical technology for estimation and regulation of the harmonious peace tendencies and changes on the different levels. A sphere informational technology for the harmonious development of children and youthas a way of self-development of harmonious peace culture at youth of an information society. Theme 8. Magna Carta of Harmony: scientific model of a harmonious civilization (4 - 8 hours) Turn of China from dictatorship of the proletariat to "building a society of social harmony" at the end of 2006 as a beginning of the historical turn of humankind to a harmonious civilization and culture of harmonious peace. Creation of the Magna Carta of Harmony by 43 authors of the site "Peace from harmony" in the beginning of 2007. The Magna Carta of Harmony as the first attempt of a scientific explanation of an opportunity and necessity of transition of humankind to a harmonious civilization. Tetrism and its theory of the societal spheres and sphere classes as a basis of understanding of a harmonious society and harmonious human. Principles of social and individual harmony. Creative and peacemaking energy of harmony (harmonious energy) of the spheres of society and human. Transition from culture of the military peace to harmonious peace culture. Prospects, born by the Magna Carta of Harmony. Comparison of the Magna Carta of Harmony with the world documents: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Manifest of the Human (1972), UN Convention on the Rights of the Child(1989), Declaration on Culture of Peace (1999), Charter of the Earth (2000), General Declaration of UNESCO on a Cultural Diversity (2001), World Resolutions on Sustainable Development (1992, 2002) and others. The basic tasks of the further development and practical realization of the Magna Carta of Harmony in the coming decade: realization of the wide sphere sociological researches, creation of Academy of Harmony, formation of the Global Movement "For social harmony in the world", strengthening of the Movement "Making children a priority in the world ", statement in the UN of the period with 2011 to 2020 as "Decade of Harmonious Peace Culture for Children" and others. Lectures course in total is 32 hours for the school children and 64 hours for the university students, parents and teachers. Note 1. The theme 7 (theoretical substantiation) can vary at each teacher depending from his/her theoretical position. As a whole, this program is offered not as dogma and as onE OF POSSIBLE variants of a lecture course, which can be a useful example for other teachers. Note 2. I am ready to read my lectures course or separate lectures in any educational establishment (school, college, university, academy etc.) in any country of the world, in any city, including "hot" regions, in territory of any conflicting side. Note 3. The offered course can be a model for similar courses at all schools and universities of the world. Many co-authors of the Harmonious Era Calendar, site "Peace from Harmony ", and also teachers of humanitarian disciplines could prepare and read a similar course of lectures in the city and publish it on our site: www.peacefromharmony.orgas the individual project. Literature and sites - ErasmusDesidetius, Querellapacis. DesideriiErasmiRoterodamiOperaOmnia, t.IV, 1703
- Kant I., Zum ewigen Frieden, Leipzig, 1954
- Bentham L., Principles of InternationalLaw. Works, v.2, 1843
- Comenius J.A., The Angel of Peace. N-Y, 1945
- Penn W., The Peace of Europe and other Writings, N-Y, L, 1916
- Rousseau J.J.,Jugement sur la paix perpetuelle. Collection..., t.23, Geneve, 1782
- Saint-Simon C.H., De la reorganisation de la Societe europeenne oeuvres, t.15(1), Paris, 1865
- Friedrich C., Inevitable Peace. Cambridge Mass., 1948
- Raumer K., Ewiger Friede, F-M, 1953
- Souleyman K. V., The Vision of World Peace in 17 and 18 Century France, N-Y, 1941
- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child // http://www.ohchr.org/english/law/pdf/crc.pdf
- Harmonious Era Calendar: Address to Children, Youth and Future Generations (2006), by 27 coauthors from 12 countries in 12 languages, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=190
- Ada Aharoni (2004). The Necessity of a New Multicultural Peace Culture. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=73
- Ada Aharoni (2006). Peace Poemsa trilingual edition: Arabic, Hebrew and English (3rd edition).www.iflac.com , www.iflac.com/ada,
- Ada Aharoni (2005). Women Creating A World Beyond War And Violence. www.iflac.com , www.iflac.com/ada,
- Ada Aharoni (2004).You and I Can Change the World. www.iflac.com , www.iflac.com/ada,
- IFLAC PAVE PEACE AnthologiesGALIM - WAVES - Volumes 1 to 10. www.iflac.com , www.iflac.com/ada,
- Jeffrey Alexander, (2003). The Meanings of Social Life. A Cultural Sociology. Oxford University Press
- Bachika Reimon (2002), Editor. Traditional Religion & Culture in a New Era. Transaction Publisher
- Bachika Reimon (2003) Tetrasociology andValues. In: Semashko L. Tetrasociology: from Sociological Imagination through Dialogue to Universal Values and Harmony. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, p.191-195. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=154
- Bernard Phillips (2003). Toward a new Age of Enlightenment. Tetrasociology and Web Approach. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=153
- Martha Ross DeWitt (2003). Power sharing of sphere classes as an alternative to armed conflict. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=156
- Valerie Isaev (2003). Tetrasociology and socionics: Foundations for harmonious teams of dialog. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=158
- Bernd Hornung and Bernard Scott (2003). Tetrasociology and sociocybernetics.
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=160 - Rudolf Siebert (1995). Kant, Hegel and Habermas: on War and Peace. Ioannina, Greece: Philosophike Schole Panepistemiou Ioanninon
- Rudolf Siebert (2004). Religion:… Jus Talionis – or the Golden Rule? http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51
- Rudolf Siebert (2006). The Critical Theory of Religion: From Religious Orthodoxy through Mysticism to Secular Enlightenment and Beyond: The totally Other and the Rescue of the Hopeless. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers
- Rudolf Siebert (2006). Lex Talionis: Religion, force et terreur.France: Abjat Sur Bandiat
- Evelin Lindner (2006). Making Enemies Unwittingly: Humiliation and International Conflict. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers
- Evelin Lindner (2006). A New Culture of Peace: Can We Hope That Global Society Will Enter Into a Harmonious Information Age? http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=74
- Fritiof Capra (2003). The Hidden Connections. A Science for Sustainable Jiving. Flamingo, London
- Craig Calhoun (2003). Critical Social Theory. Culture, History, and the Challenge of Difference. Blackwell Publisher, USA
- Karl Hinrichs(2002). Do the old exploit the young? If so is enfranchising children a good idea?, in: Archieves Europeénnes de sociologie 43, no 1, p.35-58
- Robert Weir (2006). A People’s Campaign for Peace in the United States. http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=239
- David Cook (2006). Bill Clinton, George Bush and Craig Scott Nation's Leaders Mislead Youth by Preaching Peace, Practicing War. CommonDreams.org
36. Martha DeWitt.Review of Leo Semashko’s three books on Tetrasociology in the Journal:International Sociology. Reviews of books. Volume 22, # 2, March 2007, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=15
Leo Semashko’s books: 2007. Magna Carta of Harmony for an Information Civilization: Toward Social Justice and Global Peace, with 42 coauthors from 16 countries in 7 languages, Lita, 228 p. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=3 2006. Harmonious Era Calendar: Address to Children, Youth and Future Generations, by 27 coauthors from 12 countries in 12 languages, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=190 2004. Children’s Suffrage: Democracy for the 21st Century, Priority Investment in Human Capital as a Way toward Social Harmony, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=211 2003.Tetrasociology: from Sociological Imagination through Dialogue to Universal Values and Harmony, by 14 co-authors, in three languages: Russian, English and Esperanto. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=149
2002. Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University (in Russian and English). http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=145 2000. Tetrasociology as the Revolution of Social Thinking, the Way of Harmony and Prosperity. St.-Petersburg (in Russian) 1999. Sociology for Pragmatists. Textbook for university students. Part 1, St.-Petersburg(in Russian) 1992. Sphere Approach: Philosophy, Democracy, Market and Human. St.-Petersburg(in Russian) Websites
"A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority" www.peacefromharmony.org . This International and Multicultural site unites now more 200 authors from 36 countries of the world and is published in 17 languages. It contains the modern materials about peace culture in a wide diapason. This site I offer as an educational material for school lessons and practical occupations at universities both at this course and at other courses: culture science, literature, history, philosophy, sociology, science of law, foreign language, computer science and Internet, etc. Aharoni, Ada: www.iflac.com , www.iflac.com/ada,and www.groups.yahoo.com/group/IFLAC; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=2, Akbashev, Talgat: http://worldwithoutborders.site.voila.fr , http://Planet3000.site.voila.fr Azcona, Maria Cristina:www.azcona.bravehost.com, www.bilingualmca.bravehost.com, www.iflacenarg.bravehost.com Bachika, Reimon: http://www.peacefromharmony.spb.ru/?cat=en_c&key=24 Becker, Harold: www.thelovefoundation.com; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=100 Corsetti, Renato: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=97 Crequie, Guy: http://guycrequie.blogspot.com , http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106 DeWitt, Martha Ross: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=58 Goncharova, Nina: http://worldwithoutborders.site.voila.fr, http://Planet3000.site.voila.fr, http://happypeopleplanet.site.voila.fr, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=139 Ioannides, Takis: http://clubs.pathfinder.gr/LOVEandPEACE ; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=104 Ivashintsov, Dimitry: http://www.russkyformat.ru/; info@russkyformat.ru; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=23 Lindner, Evelin: www.humiliationstudies.org/ ; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=74 Lord, Rose:www.globalcoalitionforpeace.net/wsrp;rose@food4peace.com ; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=16 McConnell, John: www.earthsite.org,www.wowzone.com ; http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=136 , Phillips, Bernard: www.uab.edu/philosophy/sig; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=79 Roy, Maitreyee Bardhan: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=116 Roy, Subir Bardhan: Dr. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=116 Scott, Bernard: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=64 Siebert, Rudolf: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 Veziau, Claude: http://troubadourdevie.site.voila.fr . www.world-harmony.com, http://WorldHarmonyNetwork.site.voila.fr ; http://worldwithoutborders.site.voila.fr Dr Leo Semashko: Social Philosopher and Sociologist; State Councilor of St. Petersburg, Director: Tetrasociological Institute and Russia IFLAC; Founder and President, International Website "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority"; Initiator and Manager, Harmonious Era Calendar Project; Initiator and Basic Author, "Magna Carta of Harmony"; Author more 150 publications including 12 books; International Sociological Congresses Participant: 2002 - Australia, 2004 - China, 2005 - Norway, 2006 - South Africa. E-mail: leo44442006@yandex.ru May 25, 2007 -------------------------------------------
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005