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Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) Harmonious Civilization Spiritual Culture Citizens of Earth, Gandhian spherons of all countries! Unite in harmony for nonviolence, love, peace, true, justice, freedom, equality, fraternity and happiness!

GGHA since February 15, 2005 is an international peacemaking NGO uniting more than 600 humanities scientists in 65 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members. Web: www.peacefromharmony.org Board: 32 GGHA members from 14 countries www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 GHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India; M. +91 9910241586; E-mail: schandra101@gmail.com GGHA Mission is: To bring global peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for nonviolent harmonious civilization on scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’, ‘Global Peace Science’ and ‘Gandhica’ through harmonious education in Gandhian Nonviolent Tetranet Thinking of the Spherons: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GHA Video: Social Genome of Peace from Harmony -http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA -------------------------------------------
Harmonious Era Calendar:
June 21 – Global Harmony Day As the symbol of eternal human aspiration to an ideal of harmonious civilization on the GHA Harmonious Era Calendar: publication of this book in 12 languages on June 22, 2006 ________________________________________ November 3, 2009 – Birthday of Harmonious Civilization; Publication of the GHA book Harmonious Civilization ________________________________________ February 11, 2012 – Opening of the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment; First presentation of the GHA book The ABC of Harmony in Delhi, in the IASE University ________________________________________ January 24, 2015 – Birthday of Peacefulness Era and Global Peace Science in Russia; Publication of the GHA book Global Peace Science in Russian language in St-Petersburg
Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) International Board Structure: Four Spherons Groups. GGHA Board: 32 members from 14 countries On March 12, 2021
Publications: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281
Board Member, Position | Country, City | Employment, Website and GGHA Honorary Titles | Directions, Projects and Board Groups | Email | Dr. Leo Semashko, GGHA Founder & Honorary President | Russia, St-Petersburg | Global Peace Science (GPS), Sociology of Harmony: Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | Priorities: GPS, ABC of Harmony, GWE and Website: www.peacefromharmony.org The 3d group http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 | leo.semashko@gmail.com, | Dr. John Avery, GGHA Vice-President | Denmark, Copenhagen | Nobel Peace Laureate Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | All projects. The 3d group https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672 | avery.john.s@gmail.com, | Hasina Parvin, GGHA Vice-President | India, New Delhi | GGHA-India President, + 91-8527087765 +91-9718039449 +91-9650547050 | All projects. The 3d group https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=960 | hasina@worldgrowthforums.com, | Anam Kumar, GGHA Vice-President | India, New Delhi | GGHA-India First Vice-President, CEO, +91-9718885718 | All projects. The 3d group https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=965 | anamkumar2@gmail.com, | Adam Greenwell, GGHA Vice-President | New Zealand | GGHA Treasurer, Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | All projects. The 3d group https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=912 | towngreenmusic@gmail.com, | Dr. Noor M. Larik, GGHA Vice-President, | Pakistan, Islamabad | GHA-Pakistan President Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | All projects. The 3d group http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=847 | nmlarik@hotmail.com, | | | | 1. Sociogroup (P1) Main employment is Sociosphere: PEOPLE | | Dr. Pravat Dhal, GGHA Vice President | India, | GGHA-India Board Member, Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | Professor, Educator, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=890 | pravatkumar.dhal@gmail.com, | Dr. Maitreyee Roy, GGHA Vice President | India, | GGHA-India Board Member, Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | Professor, Sociologist, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481 | maitreyee25@rediffmail.com, | Dr. Surendra Pathak, Vice-president | India, Sardarshahar | GHA-India President, Professor, IASE University http://iaseuniversity.academia.edu/SurendraPathak | Programs of harmonious education on the ABC of Harmony and GPS base http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481 | pathak06@gmail.com, | Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka, Vice-president | Spain/Equatorial Guinea | GHA-Africa CEO, Professor in French Studies, Scholar, Poet, Writer | Harmonious education. translations | bolekiaj@usal.es, | Rev. Dr. Kurt Johnson, Vice-president | USA, New York | GHA-USA Vice-president; Teacher at New York City’s one Spirit Interfaith Seminary, | Education, Lectures based on the ABC of Harmony and GPS http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=554 | kurtjohnsonisd@yahoo.com,
| Dr. Charles Mercieca, Vice-president | USA, Huntsville | President, International Association of Educators for World Peace | World peace from harmony http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129, http://www.malaysian-iaewp.org/ | mercieca@knology.net, | Dr. Nina Meyerhof, Vice-president | USA, Vermont | President, Children of the Earth: www.coeworld.com | Children, harmony for them | nina@coeworld.org, | Dr. Ernesto Kahan, Vice-president | Israel, Tel Aviv | World Academy of Arts and Culture, peacemaker, poet http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338 Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | World peace from harmony | EKahan@post.tau.ac.il, | Heli Habyarimana Vice-president | Rwanda, Kigali | Educator, ABC Author Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | Lectures based on the ABC of Harmony http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=361, | haheli2001@yahoo.fr, | Dr. Manijeh Navidnia, Vice-president | Iran, Garmsar | Professor of sociology, www.societalsecurity.com | Lectures based on the ABC of Harmony | navidnia@hotmail.com, | Svetlana Kuskovskaya, Vice-president | Russia, New Ladoga | Teacher http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=479 | Harmonious education in primary school | svetlana-5506@bk.ru, | Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona, Vice-president | Argentina, Buenos Aires | Psychologist, writer and poet http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=36 GHA Honorary Member | World peace from harmony | mcrisazcona@gmail.com, |
| | | | 2. Infogroup (P2) Main employment is Infosphere: INFORMATION | | Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Vice-president | Ghana, Accra | GHA-AFRICA President, Poet, Writer & Lawyer, Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | Harmony poetry www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524, | aayoamale@gmail.com, | Roxana Sadykova Vice-president | Russia, Ufa | Journalist, GHA-Russia Vice-President http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=624 | Global Peace Science and Media | roksana.sadykova@gmail.com | Dr. Takis Ioannides Vice-president | Greece, Athens | Poet http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 | Global Peace Science and Poetry | takis.ioannides@gmail.com | Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy, GGHA Vice-President | India, Hyderabad | Poet and writer http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286 Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | Art and human rights Projects | tacvarthy@yahoo.com, | Odoh Diego Okenyodo, Vice-President | Nigeria, Abuja | GHA-AFRICA Infogroup Leader Poet, Writer, Editor, Director, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation, www.splendorsofdawnpf.org, | Harmony poetry, | okenyodo@gmail.com, | Maria Gerber, Vice-president | Russia, St-Petersburg | Acting President, GGHA-Russia, | Manager, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=868 | gerber1956@mail.ru, | Susana Roberts, Vice-president | Argentina, Trelew | Poet, Writer, Peacemaker: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=275 GHA Honorary Member | Art for Global Peace Science | roberts_susana@hotmail.com, | Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, Vice-president | Kazakhstan, Almaty | GHA-KZ President, Academician of the National Academy of Science, | Harmonious economy Finance and Banking Management Research Institute Director: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=561, | uraz.baimuratov@gmail.com, | | | | | |
| | | 3. Orggroup (P3) Main employment is Orgsphere: ORGANIZATION | | Dr. Vladislav Krasnov, GGHA Vice-President | USA | President, RAGA - Russian-American Goodwill Association Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=752 | president92@gmail.com, | Umar Abubakar Aliyu, Vice-president | Nigeria, Abuja | GHA-AFRICA CFO, Deputy Auditor In-Charge (Min of Mines and Steel) | Funding GHA-Africa and GHA Projects | umaraabu@yahoo.com, | | | | | | Delasnieve Daspet, Vice-president | Brazil,
| Lawyer and poet: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=664 | Peacemaking GPS | daspet@uol.com.br, delasnievedaspet@gmail.com, | Dr Bishnu Pathak, Vice-president | Nepal, Kathmandu | Coordinator: GHA Petition to the UN; Director Peace and Conflict Studies Center www.transcend.org/www.cscenter.org.np | Organization | pathakbishnu@gmail.com, | Zaure Khizatolla, Vice-president | Kazakhstan, Almaty | Lawyer and poet: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=466 | Leader, Pedagogy of harmony | zaubox@gmail.com,
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| 4. Techno(eco) group (P4) Main employment is Technoecosphere: THINGS | | | | | | | Alexander Semashko, Vice-president | Russia, Kaluga | Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Export Line, Word Harmony Gandhian Creator | Marketing of The ABC of Harmony | mch4842@gmail.com, |
Three Laws of the GHA Network in GHA Statutes Approved by the GHA on May 08, 2016 Publications: In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281 In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 The Laws of the GHA communication network are intended to prevent the episodical squalls of complimentary, poetic and little significant emails, which are repeated many times. Their multiple demonstrations create the precedents of "postal violence" in the network, destroying friendship and harmonious relations in it that frightens many of its respondents, forcing them to leave our network. The GHA network Laws protects it from destruction by "postal violence", from which suffer more than 600 members on both its parts: Russian-speaking and English-speaking. Three Laws of the GHA Network: 1. No Complimentary Emails, 2. Silence in the Voting as Consent Sign and 3. One Language. -No complimentary emails. – It is demand do not share any complimentary emails with GHA members list in all communications. However you can always send complimentary emails to individual members. -The Law of "Silence as Consent Sign" implies that in the discussions and voting of the GHA decisions you can make your public objection or any your opinion, but your silence will be recognized as sign of your consent and approval. This will significantly reduce the scale of unnecessary correspondence in the GHA network.-The Law of "One language or compulsory translation to it." We get some letters in languages other than English and without translation. Our GHA network is intended only for one language - English. If you do not know it, then you should translate your message into English (through an automatic translator) if you respect the other GHA members. The lack of translation - it's a sign of disrespect to the GHA members. These Laws express the simple, clear and obvious rules of respectful and harmonious communication, without which the GHA cannot exist. The implementation of these Laws is provided by the following norm: For infringement of the 1st and 3d network Laws: more than one complimentary email addressed to one person on the same subject and more than two messages on a non-English language in an English-speaking network without proper translation, the author of such emails is considered as "persona non grata" for the GHA network and will be excluded from it for the repeated similar infringement. Exclusion from the GHA network does not mean exclusion from the GHA. This norm is an effective tool to protect GHA network against any "mailing violence" in it, making our network of free space but self-limited harmonious communication for the GHA members. Harmony - is a self-limited freedom in interests of all people and their peaceful coexistence.
In Spanish:
Las Tres Leyes de la red (web) de la GHA, los Estatutos de la GHA Aprobado por la GHA el 08 de Mayo, 2016 Publicaciones: En Ruso: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281 En Inglés: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 Las Leyes de la red de comunicación GHA están destinadas a prevenir los episódicos significativos tropiezos de correos electrónicos, poéticos y pequeños emails, que se repiten muchas veces. Sus múltiples manifestaciones crean precedentes de "violencia postal" en la red,destruyendo amistad y las relaciones armoniosas en la misma que asusta a muchos de sus encuestados, obligándolos a salir de nuestra red. Las Leyes de la red –GHA- la protegen de la destrucción por"violencia postal", de la que sufren más de 600 miembros en ambas partes: los de habla Rusa y los de habla Inglesa. Las Tres Leyes de la Red de la GHA: 1. No E-mails Complementarios, 2. Silencioen el Voto como consentimiento de firma y 3. Un solo Lenguaje. -No emails complementarios. – Se demanda no compartir ningún correo electrónico complementario con los miembros de la lista de la GHAen todas las comunicaciones. Sin embargo siempre se puede enviar correos electrónicos complementarios a miembros individuales. --La Ley de "El silencio como firma deconsentimiento" implica que en las deliberaciones y votaciones de las decisiones de la GHA puede presentar su objeción pública o cualquier opinión, pero su silencio será reconocido como signo de su consentimiento y aprobación. Esto reducirá significativamente la escala de correspondencia innecesaria en la red de GHA --La Ley de "Un idioma o traducción obligatoria a ella." Recibimos algunas cartas en idiomas distintos del inglés y sin traducción. Nuestra red de GHA está dirigida sólo a un idioma - Inglés. Si no lo saben, entonces ustedes deben traducir su mensaje al inglés (a través de un traductor automático) así se respetan a los otros miembros de la GHA. La falta de traducción - es un signo de falta de respeto a los miembros de la GHA. Estas leyes expresan reglas simples, claras y evidentes de comunicación respetuosa y armoniosa, sin la cual no puede existir la GHA. La aplicación de estas leyes es proporcionada en la siguiente norma: Por infracción de las leyes de la Red-GHA, 1ª y la 3d: más de un correo electrónico complementariodirigido a una persona sobre el mismo tema y más de dos mensajes en un idioma que no sea Inglés en la red de habla Inglesa sin traducción adecuada, el autor de este tipo de mensajes es considerado como "persona no grata" para la red de GHA y será excluido de la misma por similares y repetidas infracciones. La exclusión de la red –GHA, no significa la exclusión de la GHA. Esta norma es una herramienta eficaz para proteger la red de la GHA, contra cualquier " violencia de correo" en ella, haciendo nuestra red de espacio libre, pero de comunicación armoniosa auto-limitada para los miembros de la GHA. Armonía - es una libertad auto-limitada en interés de todas las personas y su coexistencia pacífica.
Translated in Spanish by Susana Roberts, Argentina, 02/06/16
Global Harmony Association (GHA) International Board Structure: Four Spheral Groups. GHA Board: 36 members from 14 countries On October 24, 2018
Publications: In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281 In English:http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249
Board Member, Position | Country, City | Employment, Website and GHA Honorary Titles | Directions, Projects and Board Groups | Email | Dr. Subhash Chandra GHA President | India, Gurgaon | Professor http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 | All Projects. Priorities: Global Peace Science and Education The 3d group | schandra101@gmail.com, | Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President | Russia, St-Petersburg
| Global Peace Science (GPS), Sociology of Harmony: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253
Word Harmony Creator | All Projects. Priorities: GPS, ABC of harmony, and Website: www.peacefromharmony.org The 3d group | leo.semashko@gmail.com, |
| | | | | Dr. Noor M. Larik, GHA Vice-President, | Pakistan, Islamabad | GHA-Pakistan President
| | nmlarik@hotmail.com | 12 | | | 1. Sociogroup (P1) Main employment is Sociosphere: PEOPLE | | Dr. Madhu Krishan, Vice-president | India, New Delhi, Chennai | President, Academy Of Universal Global Peace (AUGP) http://www.augp.webs.com | Global peace from harmony, Education. Head, Sociogroup in GHA Board | madhujesus@hotmail.com, | Kanak Mal Dugar, Vice-president | India, Sardarshahar
| GHA-India Honorary President; Chairman, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Chancellor, IASE deemed University, http://www.iaseuniversity.org.in/ Word Harmony Creator | Programs of harmonious education on the ABC of Harmony and GPS base http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481 | kanakmaldugar@gmail.com,
| Dr. Surendra Pathak, Vice-president | India, Sardarshahar
| GHA-India President, Professor, IASE University http://iaseuniversity.academia.edu/SurendraPathak | Programs of harmonious education on the ABC of Harmony and GPS base http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481 | pathak06@gmail.com,
| Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka, Vice-president | Spain/Equatorial Guinea | GHA-Africa CEO, Professor in French Studies, Scholar, Poet, Writer | Harmonious education. translations | bolekiaj@usal.es,
| Rev. Dr. Kurt Johnson, Vice-president | USA, New York | GHA-USA Vice-president; Teacher at New York City’s one Spirit Interfaith Seminary, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=554 | Education, Lectures based on the ABC of Harmony and GPS | kurtjohnsonisd@yahoo.com, | Dr.Charles Mercieca, Vice-president
| USA, Huntsville | President, International Association of Educators for World Peace http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129, http://www.malaysian-iaewp.org/ | World peace from harmony | mercieca@knology.net,
| Dr. Nina Meyerhof, Vice-president | USA, Vermont | President, Children of the Earth: www.coeworld.com | Children, harmony for them | nina@coeworld.org, | Dr. Ernesto Kahan, Vice-president | Israel, Tel Aviv | World Academy of Arts and Culture, peacemaker, poet http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338 Word Harmony Creator | World peace from harmony | EKahan@post.tau.ac.il, | Heli Habyarimana Vice-president | Rwanda, Kigali | Educator, ABC Authorhttp://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=361, Member | Lectures based on the ABC of Harmony | haheli2001@yahoo.fr, | Dr. Manijeh Navidnia, Vice-president | Iran, Garmsar
| Professor of sociology, www.societalsecurity.com | Lectures based on the ABC of Harmony | navidnia@hotmail.com, | Svetlana Kuskovskaya, Vice-president | Russia, New Ladoga | Teacher http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=479 | Harmonious education in primary school | svetlana-5506@bk.ru, | Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona, Vice-president | Argentina, Buenos Aires | Psychologist, writer and poet http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=36 GHA Honorary Member | World peace from harmony | mcrisazcona@gmail.com,
| | | | | | 13 | | | 2. Infogroup (P2) Main employment is Infosphere: INFORMATION | | Dr. A. K. Merchant, Vice-President | India, New Delhi | General Secretary, The Temple of Understanding--India; National Trustee, Lotus Temple & Baha'i Community of India, | Harmonious spirituality, World Harmony Encyclopedia. Head, Infogroup in GHA Board | ak9merchant@gmail.com,
| Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Vice-president | Ghana, Accra | GHA-AFRICA President, Poet, Writer & Lawyer, Founder/President, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524, www.splendorsofdawnpf.org and www.ayor.webs.com | Harmony poetry | aayoamale@gmail.com,
| Roxana Sadykova Vice-president | Russia, Ufa | Journalist, GHA-Russia Vice-President http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=624 | Global Peace Science and Media | roksana.sadykova@gmail.com | Dr. Takis Ioannides Vice-president | Greece, Athens | Poet http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 | Global Peace Science and Poetry | takis.ioannides@gmail.com | Dr. Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy, GHA Vice-President | India, Hyderabad | Poet and writer http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286 | Art and human rights Projects | tacvarthy@yahoo.com,
| Leonid Timoshenko, Vice-President | Russia, Moscow | Composer, writer, scholar: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=502 | Art projects | volnabudushego@ya.ru, | Dr. Laj Utreja, Vice-president | USA, Madison | Director, Institute of Spiritual Healing, President, GHA-USA, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=353 | Harmonious Vedic Culture of India ish0001@aol.com, lutreja@tecmasters.com, | lutreja7@gmail.com,
| Odoh Diego Okenyodo, Vice-President | Nigeria, Abuja | GHA-AFRICA Infogroup Leader Poet, Writer, Editor, Director, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation, www.splendorsofdawnpf.org, | Harmony poetry,
| okenyodo@gmail.com,
| Julia Budnikova, Vice-president | Russia, St-Petersburg | Acting President, GHA-Russia, Philologist, Deputy Director, Roerich Museum www.roerich.spb.ru http://www.roerich.spb.ru/en | Dialogue of Cultures: Russia and India | msssm@jb13086.spb.edu,
| Susana Roberts, Vice-president | Argentina, Trelew | Poet, Writer, Peacemaker: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=275 GHA Honorary Member | Art for Global Peace Science | roberts_susana@hotmail.com, | Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, Vice-president | Kazakhstan, Almaty | GHA-KZ President, Academician of the National Academy of Science, Finance and Banking Management Research Institute Director: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=561, | Harmonious economy | uraz.baimuratov@gmail.com, | | | | | | Dr. Bruce L. Cook, Vice-president | USA, Carpentersville | Publisher and Editor, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=544 | Harmonious Education on the ABC base and GPS publications | cookcomm@gmail.com, | | | | | | 6 | | | 3. Orggroup (P3) Main employment is Orgsphere: ORGANIZATION | | Dr. N.S. Ravishankar, Vice-President | India, Udupi | Asst. Vice President, Axis Bank; | Funding GHA and its projects Head, Orggroup in GHA Board | nsravi@sify.com, | Umar Abubakar Aliyu, Vice-president | Nigeria, Abuja | GHA-AFRICA CFO, Deputy Auditor In-Charge (Min of Mines and Steel) | Funding GHA-Africa and GHA Projects | umaraabu@yahoo.com,
| Arvinder Singh, Vice-president | India, New Delhi | Director, Sanbun Publishershttp://www.simplybooks.in/publisher_books/35/sanbun-publishers/ | Publication and sale of the book: The ABC of Harmony | sanbunpublishers@hotmail.com, | Delasnieve Daspet, Vice-president | Brazil, | Lawyer and poet: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=664 | Peacemaking GPS | daspet@uol.com.br, delasnievedaspet@gmail.com, | Dr Bishnu Pathak, Vice-president | Nepal, Kathmandu | Coordinator: GHA Petition to the UN; Director Peace and Conflict Studies Center www.transcend.org/www.cscenter.org.np | Organization | pathakbishnu@gmail.com, | Zaure Khizatolla, Vice-president | Kazakhstan, Almaty | Lawyer and poet: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=466 | Leader, Pedagogy of harmony | zaubox@gmail.com, | | |
| | | 2 | | | 4. Techno(eco) group (P4) Main employment is Technoecosphere: THINGS | | Dr. Subhash Sharma, Vice-President | India, Bangalore
| Poet, Director, Indus Business Academy www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=453 | Harmonious economy and management, Head, Technogroup in GHA Board | re_see@rediffmail.com, | Alexander Semashko, Vice-president | Russia, Kaluga | Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Export Line, | Marketing of The ABC of Harmony | mch4842@gmail.com, |
Global Harmony Association International Board Structure and Staff: Four Spheral Groups On September 24, 2014 The GHA full members (with the ABC reviews) are 33 and the Candidates (without the ABC review) are 2 35 members from 16 countries
Board Member, Position | Country, City | Employment and Web The ABC of Harmony Author: ABC Author, Member or Candidate | Directions, Projects and Board Groups | Email | VACANCY: GHA HONORARY PRESIDENT | | Will be elected during the year to April/May 2015 | All | | Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President | Russia, St-Petersburg
| Sociology of Harmony http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253
ABC Author, Member | All. Priorities: ABC of harmony, GHA-India, Institute of World Harmony; Academy of Harmony; Harmonious democracy; Political Leaders of Harmony; Web: Peace from Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org | leo.semashko@gmail.com, | VACANCY: Executive Director-CEO, Vice-president | | Will be elected during the year to April/May 2015 | All |
| 13 | | | 1. Sociogroup (P1) Main employment is Sociosphere: PEOPLE | | Dr. Madhu Krishan, 1st Vice-President | India, New Delhi, Chennai | President, Academy Of Universal Global Peace (AUGP) http://www.augp.webs.com Candidate | Global peace from harmony, Education. Head, Sociogroup in GHA Board | madhujesus@hotmail.com, | Kanak Mal Dugar, Vice-president | India, Sardarshahar
| GHA-India Honorary President; Chairman, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Chancellor, IASE deemed University, ABC Author, http://www.iaseuniversity.org.in/ Member | Programs of harmonious education on the ABC of Harmony base http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481 | kanakmaldugar@gmail.com,
| Dr. Surendra Pathak, Vice-president | India, Sardarshahar
| GHA-India President, Professor, IASE University http://iaseuniversity.academia.edu/SurendraPathak ABC Author, Member | Programs of harmonious education on the ABC of Harmony base http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481 | pathak06@gmail.com,
| Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka, Vice-president | Spain/Equatorial Guinea | GHA-Africa CEO, Professor in French Studies, Scholar, Poet, Writer MEMBER | Harmonious education. translations | bolekiaj@usal.es,
| Rev. Dr. Kurt Johnson, Vice-president | USA, New York | GHA-USA Vice-president; Teacher at New York City’s one Spirit Interfaith Seminary, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=554Member | Education, Lectures based on the ABC of Harmony | kurtjohnsonisd@yahoo.com, | Dr.Charles Mercieca, Vice-president
| USA, Huntsville | President, International Association of Educators for World Peace http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129, http://www.malaysian-iaewp.org/ ABC Author, Member | World peace from harmony | mercieca@knology.net,
| Dr. Nina Meyerhof, Vice-president | USA, Vermont | President, Children of the Earthwww.coeworld.com Member | Children, harmony for them | nina@coeworld.org, | Dr. Ernesto Kahan, Vice-president | Israel, Tel Aviv | 1st Vice-president, World Academy of Arts and Culture, peacemaker, poet http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338 ABC Author, Member | World peace from harmony | EKahan@post.tau.ac.il, | Heli Habyarimana Vice-president | Rwanda, Kigali | Educator, ABC Authorhttp://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=361, Member | Lectures based on the ABC of Harmony | haheli2001@yahoo.fr, | Dr. Manijeh Navidnia, Vice-president | Iran, Garmsar
| Professor of sociology, www.societalsecurity.com ABC Author, Member | Lectures based on the ABC of Harmony | navidnia@hotmail.com, | Prof. Celia Altschuler, Vice-president | Puerto Rico | Acting President, GHA-LAC, Artist, Poet, Translator, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=557Member | Education | psoleil5@yahoo.com, | Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona, Vice-president | Argentina, Buenos Aires | Psychologist, writer and poet http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=36 ABC Author, Member | World peace from harmony | mcrisazcona@gmail.com,
| Svetlana Kuskovskaya, Vice-president | Russia, New Ladoga | Teacher http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=479 ABC Author, Member | Harmonious education in primary school | svetlana-5506@bk.ru, | Renato Corsetti, Vice-President. | Rome, Italy | Professor of Psycholinguistics, University "La Sapienza" in Rome. President, World Esperanto-Association. www.uea.org, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=97 | World peace from harmony | renato.corsetti@esperanto.org |
| 10+4 | | | 2. Infogroup (P2) Main employment is Infosphere: INFORMATION | | Dr. A. K. Merchant, 1st Vice-President | India, New Delhi | General Secretary, The Temple of Understanding--India; National Trustee, Lotus Temple & Baha'i Community of India, Member | Harmonious spirituality, World Harmony Encyclopedia. Head, Infogroup in GHA Board | ak9merchant@gmail.com,
| | | | | | Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Vice-president | Ghana, Accra | GHA-AFRICA President, Poet, Writer & Lawyer, Founder/President, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524, www.splendorsofdawnpf.org and www.ayor.webs.com MEMBER | Harmony poetry | aayoamale@gmail.com,
| Dr. Terrence Paupp Vice-president | USA, San Pedro | GHA-USA President, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=289 MEMBER | Global Peace Science and USA Empire Fall | tpaupp@aol.com, | Dr. Subhash Chandra Vice-president | India, Gurgaon | Vice-President, GHA-India, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 MEMBER | Global Peace Science and Education | schandra101@gmal.com, | Roxana Sadykova Vice-president | Russia, Ufa | Journalist, GHA-Russia Vice-President http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=624 MEMBER | Global Peace Science and Media | roksana.sadykova@gmail.com, | Dr. Takis Ioannides Vice-president | Greece, Athens | Poet http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=203 MEMBER | Global Peace Science and Poetry | takis.ioannides@googlemail.com, | Dr. Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy, GHA Vice-President | India, Hyderabad | Poet and writer http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286 Member | Art and human rights Projects | tacvarthy@yahoo.com,
| Abbas Panakkal, Vice-president | India, Vegara | Poet, philologist, documentalist and social activist, Member | Documentary film: ABC of Harmony for Presidents and Population apanakkal@gmail.com, | | Dr. Laj Utreja, Vice-president | USA, Madison | Director, Institute of Spiritual Healing, President, GHA-USA, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=353 ABC Author, Member | Harmonious Vedic Culture of India ish0001@aol.com, lutreja@tecmasters.com, | lutreja7@gmail.com,
| Odoh Diego Okenyodo, Vice-President | Nigeria, Abuja | GHA-AFRICA Infogroup Leader Poet, Writer, Editor, Director, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation, www.splendorsofdawnpf.org, MEMBER | Harmony poetry,
| okenyodo@gmail.com,
| Julia Budnikova, Vice-president | Russia, St-Petersburg | Acting President, GHA-Russia, Philologist, Deputy Director, Roerich Museum www.roerich.spb.ru http://www.roerich.spb.ru/en ABC Author, Member | Dialogue of Cultures: Russia and India | msssm@jb13086.spb.edu,
| Nina Yudina, Vice-president | Russia, St-Petersburg | Chamber Choir Artist http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=408 ABC Author, Member | Music of harmony | nina_yudina@bk.ru,
| Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, Vice-president | Kazakhstan, Almaty | GHA-KZ President, Academician of the National Academy of Science,Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Finance and Banking Management Research Instituteat the Turar Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University, Directorwww.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=561, Member | Harmonious economy | uraz.baimuratov@gmail.com, | Dr. Erika Lazarova, Vice-president | Bulgaria, Sophia | Historian, President, GHA-Bulgaria, ABC Author, Member | History of social harmony from Numa Pompilius | ericalazarova@yahoo.com, |
| 5 | | | 3. Orggroup (P3) Main employment is Orgsphere: ORGANIZATION | | Dr. N.S. Ravishankar, 1st Vice-President | India, Udupi | Asst. Vice President, Axis Bank; GHA Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Candidate | Funding GHA and its projects Head, Orggroup in GHA Board | nsravi@sify.com, | Umar Abubakar Aliyu, Vice-president | Nigeria, Abuja | GHA-AFRICA CFO, Deputy Auditor In-Charge (Min of Mines and Steel) MEMBER | Funding GHA-Africa and GHA Projects | umaraabu@yahoo.com,
| Arvinder Singh, Vice-president | India, New Delhi | Director, Sanbun Publishershttp://www.simplybooks.in/publisher_books/35/sanbun-publishers/ Candidate | Publication and sale of the book: The ABC of Harmony | sanbunpublishers@hotmail.com, | Alexander Semashko, Vice-president | Russia, Kaluga | Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Export Line, ABC Author, Member | Marketing of The ABC of Harmony | mch4842@gmail.com, | Dr Bishnu Pathak, Vice-president | Nepal, Kathmandu | Coordinator: GHA Petition to the UN; Director Peace and Conflict Studies Center www.transcend.org/www.cscenter.org.np Member | Organization | pathakbishnu@gmail.com, | 2 | | | 4. Techno(eco) group (P4) Main employment is Technoecosphere: THINGS | | Dr. Subhash Sharma, 1st Vice-President | India, Bangalore
| Poet, Director, Indus Business Academy www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=453 ABC Author, Member | Harmonious economy and management, Head, Technogroup in GHA Board | re_see@rediffmail.com, | Dr. Raissa Kaziyeva, Vice-president | Kazakhstan, Almaty | GHA-KZ Vice-President, Doctor in Economics,Professor Turar Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University Member | Harmonious economy andbusiness for harmony | RKaziyeva@gmail.com, |
GHA Membership Thirty-third GHA project Approved by the GHA: May 10, 2011 To New Members of GHA Publications: In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281 In English:http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 Copyright © 2011 Global Harmony Association, Copyright © 2011 Leo Semashko Old and new GHA May 2011 was a watershed in GHA history. We divided it into old GHA, which existed before this time, and the new GHA, starting now. People who come into the GHA, want to have a general idea of the advantages and disadvantages of the old GHA, and the reasons for updating GHA and the key content of its new model. The new GHA shifts priorities with projects to the people, to the ABC of Harmony and its learning. Achievements and basic dignity of the old GHA The old GHA was created in an industrial civilization, in February 2005 and lived over 6 years. The GHA’s main advantage that distinguishes it from all the organizations and communities - is a scientific, tetrasociological (four-dimensional, pluralistic) theory of social harmony and harmonious civilization. The core of this theory is the ABC of social and individual harmony (see below). Recently, the shortest (35 pages) and most complete explanation of this theory, can be seen at: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=400. For brevity, we title this theory as harmonism theory (or harmonism science) to differentiate it from all the theories of industrialism (industrial civilization) in all forms of capitalism and socialism. Harmonism theory integrates the advantages of the theories of communism and capitalism, overcoming their fundamental weaknesses and fights for their ideas. For 6 years the GHA embodied this theory in the 32 innovative projects of global harmony (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472). They supported the GHA Mission: Pave thescientific way for a harmonious civilization, based on the harmony ABC with the priority of spiritual culture and the gradual abandonment of materialism and greed. For 6 years, 32 innovative projects – it is an index of high efficiency of the GHA theoretical knowledge - Tetrasociology as a science of social harmony at the level of a harmonious civilization (the harmonism theory). Only this theory, and the corresponding new “tetranet harmonious thinking”, allowed GHA to understand the approach of a harmonious civilization and its birth in 2009 in its first system qualities: nuclear zero, science of social harmony and the mathematics of harmony. The historical fact of the birth of a new civilization is not aware in the world today, there is not a single theory and nor one organization.The social reality of this civilization is created by building a harmonious society, as has been done in the EU since 1992 and China since 2006 with a total population of about 2 billion people - nearly a third of mankind. However, both the EU and China builds by intuition and spontaneity, on the basis of traditional, one-dimensional and non-harmonious industrial thinking, and not adhering to any theory of a harmonious civilization. This creates fluctuations and crises, lack of achievements and the continuation of industrial pathologies. For example, the EU has a failed policy of multiculturalism, which without the scientific theory of harmonism was doomed to failure from the beginning, in spite of its original societal correctness. The same type of problem exists in China, which can not decide the issues of Taiwan, Tibet, and multiparty democracy, etc., without using the scientific theory of harmonism. The absence of a scientific theory prevents China from defining a long-term strategy for the successful harmonious solution of these and similar problems. GHA is able to create appropriate scientific projects for the EU and for China, and to guide them on their path to harmony. We have repeatedly offered the EU and China the GHA projects, but due toincomprehension/ignorance their acceptance of harmonic thought will be a slow path. So, after 6 years, GHA’s main achievement is: it introduced a new social science, a subject which is called the science of harmonious civilization. GHA has used this science in 32 projects. The GHA achievements are obligated by their existence to new scientific knowledge – to the use of the harmonism theory. Which is the core and foundation of the spiritual culture of harmonious civilization. Therefore, the main advantage of the GHA is that it is able to provide its members with a unique culture and science of harmonism via their numerous projects for the conscious building a harmonious civilization on all levels: from individual to global. This quality defines the basic appeal of the GHA for the new members. This knowledge has connected the GHA Mission – it has paved the scientific way for harmonious civilization, and its high spiritual meaning for each GHA member, who, having mastered this knowledge, transforms into a conscious creator of our civilization. All these years, GHA, as the institution of public sociology, has sought to collect and publish on its website "Peace from Harmony” (www.peacefromharmony.org) the diversity of ideas/knowledge of the social harmony of different authors from any country without restriction. As a result of this research, the GHA has collected from more than 100 authors of different schools of thought the world's ideological heritage of social harmony including works from: existentialism, idealism, Marxism, Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, and others. Many of these important ideas have been seamlessly integrated into tetrasociological theory/science of harmonism and the GHA’s 32 projects. The GHA has not found any alternative theory in the world during the last 6 years of research. GHA hopes and does not exclude the possibility of an alternative scientific knowledge of social harmony and harmonious civilization. The harmonious competition of this scientific knowledge would be a powerful source for its development. Therefore, GHA equips its members with knowledge, which is devoid of dogmatism and aggression, is in constant creative development and cooperation with all the ideas and theories of social harmony, and hopes that the members of GHA willingly and openly share the ideas of social harmony with their network of friends and colleagues worldwide. Deficiencies and the basic contradiction of the old GHA For 6 years – the founders of the “old” GHA hoped that the GHA members would master the alphabet of harmony and overcome ignorance in it, and work to avoid conflicts of mutual contempt and aggression. Unfortunately, this did not happen. If an organization that strives to build a harmonious peace in society is not able to build it within itself, that organization will fail, and on this basis the “old” GHA failed, because it could not be harmonious within the organization.As a result the Founders of the original “old” GHA have created a new GHA and will only welcome members who have the same ideals and goals of harmony, following the ABCs of harmony or the Harmony ABC and commit to learning and understanding that theory of relationship. Therefore, in the GHA new model the priority and main objective is the knowledge of its members of the Harmony ABC, its learning and careful application, not only in developing new projects, but also in building a harmonious interpersonal relations as a like-minded people who have a common basic knowledge of the harmony alphabet. Of course, common knowledge - it is also not an absolute guarantee against conflict, but it creates a general atmosphere of the inner spiritual culture of harmony focusing the GHA members on finding common positive and constructive solutions. The “new” GHA will be based on the following conditions: The “new” GHA will be presented in its projects and publications, primarily in the GHA program book "Harmonious Civilization" 2009 (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379). There are two alternative tendencies of humanity. First - the industrial civilization (industrialism) leading mankind to destruction. Second - harmonious civilization (harmonism) which insures sustainable development for humanity and elevates it to the highest historical level.This is GHA’s goal. Simply put, we live in a militaristic and dirty world of dying industrialism.GHA, in 2009 began with the hope to encourage and promote a harmonious world civilization. The GHA mission is multi-faceted and holds within it the priority of a spiritual culture of harmonism as its main condition, with acceptance of the ABCs of Harmony in different social spheres and countries, combined with the goal of non-violence in all cases of conflict. Conditions of entry into the GHA To join the GHA, Members are required to read and understand the following : 1. The Harmony ABC, and its learning with goal to overcome the industrial ignorance in social and individual harmony. The most concise definition of the ABC of Harmony is: 20 fundamental, necessary and sufficient elements/spheres that express the deep structure of social and individual harmony, and which define all the infinite variety of its manifestations. The Alphabet of harmony has 20 fundamental elements which include: ·Four resources: people, information, organization and things (PIOT) ·Four processes: production, distribution, exchange and consumption (PDEC) ·Four structures/spheres of production: social, informational, organizational and technical (economy + ecology) (SIOT) ·Four spheral classes of the population employed in the spheres: SOCIOCLASS, INFOCLASS, ORGCLASS and TECHNO(ECO)CLASS as the key actors of social harmony and harmonious democracy (SIOT-classes) ·Four resources/spheres of an individual: character, conscience, will and body (CCWB). 2. The GHA mission is - Peace from harmony, or: Pave the scientific way for a harmonious civilization with the priority of spiritual culture and gradual rejection from material priority of industrialism (based on ABC's of social harmony). 3. GHA Statutes: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 4. The categorical imperative of mutual respect, with a categorical rejection of any disrespect or aggression. 5. Universal Declaration of Harmonious Civilization (2009, 9p.): http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=383 and its learning to overcome industrial ignorance in social and individual harmony. Note. In September 2011 the GHA will open the system of continuous education and learning Harmony ABC and the Declaration for beginners. 6. Your participation in at least in one of the GHA’s 32 projects, from which you choose one or two. 7. Your participation in one of the four groups of GHA (Socio, Info, Org, and Techno), which are the parts of harmonious spheral classes of the population and expresses their interests. Your participation in one of the groups within GHA is up to the individual member, depending on your preference and priority of employment with one of the four subjects/resources: people, information, organization and things. If you agree with these requirements, then you must send along with your brief biography and your photograph, a letter to the GHA President Dr. Leo Semashko: leo.semashko@gmail.com about your desire to join the GHA, and your agreement with all the requirements for GHA membership. Here you tell GHA which group and project you would like to be a part of. The new member can request up to one month more time for a more complete examination of the GHA positions, website, and papers. If the new member, while in the process of examining the documents, has questions about one or more items of requirements, he/she may seek clarification from the GHA President. In case of disagreement with at least one requirement, then he/she will not be the GHA member as these requirements are required and are one part of the whole. For the GHA former members these requirements are valid for three years. This is the time for the soft and gradual transition from the old to the new quality of the GHA membership. Those who disagree with these rules and criteria may leave the GHA. Not all industrial people can be GHA members and only those who are literate in the Harmony ABC, who feel comfortable and competent in using it toward reaching GHA's mission and recognize it as the core of spiritual culture of harmonious civilization, are welcomed into the “new” GHA organization.New civilizational culture always begins with a new alphabet and with new people who create it and enlighten others about it. This historic cultural mission falls on the GHA members in our time. They can do it only with the knowledge of the harmony alphabet and on the basis of appropriate harmonious structure of the membership in GHA. Today is no any organization in the world able to take this mission because none one has the necessary scientific knowledge for harmonious civilization and its alphabet of harmony. History and Explanation of the Spheral, Harmonious Social Structure of the GHA The GHA social structure is the structure of its membership and should reflect the deep social structure of a harmonious civilization, which is expressed in the four spheral classes of the population with appropriate self-awareness based on knowledge of the harmony ABC. This knowledge allows understanding of the deep structure of social harmony developed using qualitative measurements to create a harmonious civilization on all levels, from individual to global. (1) For the first time this knowledge was used 35 years ago to create the spheral (harmonious) structure of the youth club "Demiurge" in St. Petersburg (1976-1980): http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=259 (2) The second time this knowledge was used to create the spheral (harmonious) structure of Studio for Harmonious Development of Children (1985-1986): http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=257 (3) The third time this knowledge was used to create the spheral (harmonious) structure of the political factions of Spheral Democracy in the St-Petersburg City Parliament (1990-1993): http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=58 (4) The fourth time this knowledge is now used to create the spheral (harmonious) structure of the new GHA as the basis of its community, its harmonious organization and its harmonious democracy. All these groups are the first historic examples of conscious harmonious communities, and only such a structure can transform GHA into a harmonious social community in its most profound manner. Therefore, each member of the new GHA from the beginning knows this deep social structure of the GHA’s harmonious community and consciously incorporates their work with GHA and their contribution toward the work of GHA into one of the four spheral groups corresponding to the spheral or harmonic classes. The GHA harmonious community spheral groups are: 1. Sociogroup, the subject and product of which are the people (humans) within the branches and institutions of the sociosphere: family, church, education, health, sports, social welfare, etc. 2. Infogroup, the subject and the product of which is the information within the branches and institutions of Infosphere: science, culture, art, media, design, communication, etc. 3. Orggroup, the subject and the product of which is the organization within the branches and institutions of Orgsphere: politics, law, management, finance, security, government, public organizations, etc. 4. Techno(Eco)group, subject and products which are things within the branches and institutions of Technosphere (economy + ecology): industry, agriculture, construction, transport, trade, consumer services, environment, etc. Notes. 1. For a more detailed and well-founded presentation of spheral classes of the population and branch structure of spheres please look in the book: Leo Semashko. Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St. Petersburg, 2002, p. 59-76 (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=179 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=180) 2. Identification. The four GHA spheral groups could be labeled and named in one of three ways: (1.) Sociogroup, Infogroup, Orggroup and Techno(eco)group (2.) Relevant indicators of spheral statistics: P1, P2, P3, P4 and (3.) By ordinal: First, Second, Third and Fourth. The practice of using these identifications will select the most simple and effective, or create a new one. The ABC of harmony and its theory allows GHA to scientifically diagnose its state of being and its principal contradictions, as well as scientifically building its new model, according to the principles of harmonious civilization. Edited by Catherine H. Chase Peters, May 11, 2011 Table: Spheral, harmonious structure of the GHA membership Each member of the GHA is busy at the same time, during the day, in all spheres, going from one to another. Therefore, he/she belongs to all of spheral classes. Therefore the spheral social structure, unlike the others, is a soft, timeless, universal and harmonious. However, every adult is occupied mainly by the time and training in one sphere, which he/she preferred, in which he/she is more competent and which is his/her life priority. This criterion defines the spheral social structure and distribution of the GHA members in it. This criterion is based on free self-determination and conscious choice of each the GHA member, who must determine their own place in one of four groups and write your name in the appropriate table below. The second choice, which will make the GHA new member, is the choice of one, or 2-3, GHA projects from the relevant list (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472), in which he/she would like to participate. The above two free choice constitute the position of each member of the GHA in its spheral social structure that receives the most simple and clear expression in Table of GHA's membership, consisting of four related tables. Table 1. GHA Sociogroup (P1) GHA Member: First and last name | Country | Main employment | Project(s) participation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Table 2. GHA Infogroup (P2) GHA Member: First and last name | Country | Main employment | Project(s) participation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Table 3. GHA Orggroup (P3) GHA Member: First and last name | Country | Main employment | Project(s) participation | | | | | | |
| | |