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Peace from Harmony
Rosa Dalmiglio. Chinese culture for harmonious civilization



16 – 25 October 2024 in Rome-Italy


Rosa Dalmiglio



Power has a magnetic appeal. In fact, the idea of exercising o­ne’s authority and expanding its boundaries has always attracted human beings. The ambition for power is inherent to individual and collective psychology. It is in fact an unavoidable component. If taken to the extreme, however, this ambition can lead and drag you into a vortex of madness and desire for oppression. The writer Ignazio Silone had no doubts: “the temptation of power is the most diabolical that can be offered to man”. Also, Henry Kissinger thought much the same way, believing that Power is the supreme aphrodisiac.

Traditionally, it is believed that countries with great power prevail in personal or international relationships, so they would be pursued in search of personal gain, or for the security and survival of the State. In this “realist” vision, the power of a nation is determined in particular by the quantity and quality of the country’s resources, determining a hierarchy of powers at the top of which would be located the main actors of the system, whose actions and relationships influence the trend of international politics. In this hierarchy, military force is inevitably considered the main factor of power and war is the parameter to measure its extent. For these reasons, states have always tried to expand power, especially military power, as it is considered the most effective tool for imposing their will o­n other states.

More recently, during the Cold War period, we learned how an unprecedented military power, such as that of nuclear weapons, unfolded unthinkable scenarios of destruction of the entire human civilization and how o­nly a complex system of dissuasion could prevent an aggression based o­n the certainty about the mutual destruction of the opponents in the case of its use. Today we see every day how it is a mistake to identify power with military force alone and how there are many other forms, often technologically more sophisticated. Furthermore, military power, when exercised through conflicts, presents very high human and social costs, which civil society tends to accept with ever greater difficulty, even in non-democratic countries.

Historically, it is believed that the concept of power is linked primarily to the country’s geographical position, the extent of its territory, the size of its economy and the availability of natural resources.

However, it can be said that over the years the power of states increasingly has a multidimensional character. Several qualitatively different, essentially immaterial components converge in it.

Among these, research, technology, innovation capacity, information, soft power and the educational level of the population have to be considered. These are the so-called intangible factors of power, which play a decisive role in any political-strategic comparison, as they manage to increase the effective weight of a State o­n the international scene, beyond its mere material, economic or military strength.

The world is experiencing a real revolution in fields of information and knowledge, while new technologies are representing irreplaceable multipliers of influence. Moreover, new technologies are often in the hands of private actors, new protagonists o­n the international stage, who have exponentially increased their power of influence to reach a global dimension. If the technological innovation is very fast, its speed can profoundly change scenarios and determine structural competitive advantages in favor of areas of the world in which large technological companies operate, for instance the major microprocessor manufacturers.

In conclusion, the concept of power today tends to lose its absolute meaning, being modeled o­n the basis of individual situations, specific interests and objectives, and the tools through which it is exercised, against the backdrop of increasingly intense competition between the actors that act o­n the global scenario: states, international organizations, centers of economic-financial power, opinion movements, terrorist groups, NGOs, individuals. This has to be considered in a context that sees a worrying weakening of the role of multilateral fora as a negotiating mean, a factor in easing tensions and a tool for conflict prevention.

Is power today up to the extraordinary scale of the challenges of our time?

The fifteenth edition of the Festival of Diplomacy (Rome 16-25 October 2024) will have the title “Looking for Cratos, the Greek god of Power”, and the main theme will be “Power and its countless faces”



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The People’s Republic of China



Special Representative of the Chinese Government o­n Eurasian Affairs Li Hui Has
a Phone Call with Pope's Special Envoy to Ukraine

Updated: AUGUST 14, 2024 –


 On August 14, 2024, Special Representative of the Chinese Government o­n Eurasian Affairs Li Huihad a phone call with Pope Francis' Special Envoy to Ukraine Cardinal Matteo Zuppi at the latter's request.

Li Hui appreciated Vatican's constant efforts to mediate the Ukraine crisis and provide humanitarian assistance. He stressed that the current situation shows the significanceof the six common understandings issued by China and Brazil. Matteo Zuppi, o­n behalf of Pope Francis, thanked Chinese government for its unswerving efforts in promoting peace and expressed his appreciation o­n the positive role of the six common understandings in the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

The two sides also had an exchange of views o­n the current situation of the Ukraine crisis, the process of peace talk, and others.


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·Xi's Writings

Xi's Selected Works Published in Multiple Languages

June 18, 2024

Book of Xi's Discourses o­n National Energy Security Published

June 11, 2024

Book of Xi's Discourses o­n Party Discipline Published

May 27, 2024

Book of Xi's Discourses o­n Chinese Modernization Published in Russian

May 16, 2024

Book of Xi's Discourses o­n Talent Work Published

April 22, 2024

Book of Xi's Discourses o­n Financial Work Published

March 25, 2024

English Edition of Xi's Selected Works Published

March 12, 2024

Book of Xi's Discourses o­n Chinese Modernization Published in English, Bilingual Versions

February 6, 2024

Book o­n Xi's Discourses o­n China's Manufacturing Strength Published

January 24, 2024

2023 Edition of 'Xi Jinping o­n the Belt and Road Initiative' Published

December 25, 2023

Book of Xi's Discourses o­n Chinese Modernization Published

November 6, 2023

Book of Xi's Discourses o­n Community-Level Governance Published

October 23, 2023

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News / Top News by Rosa Dalmiglio

Xinhua Headlines: Xi, Putin Hold Talks in Beijing, Charting Course for Enhanced Ties

 May 17, 2024

BEIJING, May 16 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is o­n a state visit to China, in Beijing o­n Thursday.

The two sides had a comprehensive review of the successful experience in developing the China-Russia relationship, and had an in-depth exchange of views o­n the relationship as well as major international and regional issues of mutual interest, charting the course forward for their cooperation across the board.

Fine Example of Major-Country Relations

Xi stressed that this year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. In the past three quarters of a century, the China-Russia relationship has grown stronger amidst wind and rain, and stood the test of changing international landscape. The relationship has become a fine example for major countries and neighboring countries to treat each other with respect and candor, and pursue amity and mutual benefit.

The steady development of China-Russia relations is not o­nly in the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples, but also conducive to peace, stability and prosperity of the region and the world at large, Xi said.

The most important conclusion drawn from the 75-year history of China-Russia relations is that two neighboring major countries must always promote the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, respect each other o­n an equal footing, trust each other, accommodate each other's concerns, and truly provide mutual assistance for the development and revitalization of both sides, Xi noted, adding that this is not o­nly the correct way for China and Russia to get along, but also the direction that major-country relations should strive for in the 21st century.


Chinese President Xi Jinping shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the square outside the east gate of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, May 16, 2024. Xi held a welcome ceremony for Putin, who is in China o­n a state visit, before their talks at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing o­n Thursday. [Xinhua/Ju Peng]

Putin expressed his pleasure to visit China again after he was sworn in as Russian president for a new term. Noting that President Xi also paid a state visit to Russia in March last year shortly after his re-election as Chinese president, Putin said that it is a friendly tradition between the two countries, which demonstrates that both sides attach high importance to enhancing the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era.

The development of Russia-China ties is not out of expediency or targeted at any third party, Putin said, adding that it benefits international strategic stability.

Li Ziguo, director of the Department for European-Central Asian Studies under the China Institute of International Studies, said that both as major countries in the world, China and Russia have been adhering to the principles of non-alliance, non-confrontation and not targeting any third party, and finding the right way to get along, which overcomes the outdated mindset that major countries are bound to differ in interests and inevitably become competitors.

Commitment to Win-Win Cooperation

Xi said that with concerted efforts from both sides, China-Russia relations have been moving forward steadily, with enhanced comprehensive strategic coordination and further cooperation o­n economy and trade, investment, energy, and people-to-people exchanges, at the subnational level and in other fields. This has made positive contributions to maintaining global strategic stability and promoting greater democracy in international relations.

The two sides should take the 75th anniversary of the diplomatic ties as a new starting point, further synergize development strategies, and continue to enrich the bilateral cooperation to bring greater benefits to the two countries and peoples, he said.

Last year, China-Russia two-way trade exceeded 240 billion U.S. dollars, close to 2.7 times that of a decade ago. This is a good indication of the all-round cooperation of mutual benefit that continues to deepen between the two countries.

"Chinese products are renowned for their good quality, extensive variety, and competitive pricing. In recent years, our company has maintained good cooperation with dozens of Chinese suppliers, and the trade volume has increased year by year," said Dmitry Pismennyy, a Russian businessman engaged in foreign trade in southwest China's Chongqing.

The two presidents have set 2024 and 2025 as China-Russia Years of Culture, proposed a series of cultural activities that are down to earth and close to people's hearts, and encouraged closer interactions between various sectors and at subnational levels to enhance mutual understanding and affinity between the two peoples.

Putin said that the intergovernmental cooperation mechanisms between Russia and China are functioning well, and bilateral cooperation in such areas as economy, trade, agriculture, industry, energy, and connectivity has grown steadily. He noted that the signing of a series of cooperation documents demonstrates that the two sides are committed to further deepening win-win cooperation.

Russia is willing to work with China to implement the pre-2030 development plan o­n economic cooperation between the two sides, well organize the Russia-China Years of Culture activities, and strengthen the alignment between the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative, Putin said, adding that next year, Russia and China will hold events to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War.

Safeguarding UN-Centered International System

China and Russia are committed to strategic coordination as an underpinning of relations, and steer global governance in the right direction, Xi said when jointly meeting with the press with Putin.

The two countries are firmly committed to safeguarding the UN-centered international system and the international order underpinned by international law. They stay in close coordination and collaboration in multilateral platforms such as the UN, APEC and G20, and advance multipolarity and economic globalization in the spirit of true multilateralism, he said.

With Russia chairing BRICS this year and China taking over the chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) later this year, the two sides will support each other's chairmanship, build a high-quality partnership that is more comprehensive, close, practical and inclusive, and build the unity and strength of the Global South, he added.

China and Russia are committed to fairness and justice as the purpose of relations, and dedicated to the political settlement of hotspots, Xi said.

Putin said that Russia and China have maintained close coordination o­n the international stage and are jointly committed to promoting the establishment of a more democratic multipolar world order. Both sides are willing to continue to strengthen cooperation within the frameworks including BRICS and SCO as well as communication o­n major international and regional issues, so as to promote regional and world peace and development.

Li Yongquan, head of the China Society for Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies, said that faced with numerous challenges in global governance, a healthy development of China-Russia relations and their cooperation within such mechanisms as BRICS and SCO are pivotal for maintaining regional and international stability, and improving global governance.

After the talks, Xi and Putin signed and issued the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation o­n Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for the New Erain the Context of the 75th Anniversary of China-Russia Diplomatic Relations, and witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents. 

Prior to the talks, Xi held a grand welcoming ceremony for Putin.

Xi also hosted a welcoming banquet for Putin around noon.

Senior officials including Cai Qi and Ding Xuexiang attended the events. 

Video reporters: Yang Yijun, Wang Bin, Zhang Wen and Jiang Zhiqiang;

Video editors: Wu Yao, Zhao Xiaoqing, Lin Qin, Zhu Jianhui, Shi Peng, Meng Na and Mi Ligong  

(Source: Xinhua)












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News / Highlight

Xi's Visit Enhances China-Africa Traditional Friendship,
Builds New Consensus o­n South-South Cooperation

Rosa Dalmiglio

August 26, 2023


BEIJING, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping's South Africa trip enhances the traditional friendship between China and Africa, builds new consensus o­n South-South cooperation and adds positive energy to peace and development, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and foreign minister, said o­n Friday.

Xi attended the 15th BRICS Summit held in Johannesburg, South Africa and paid a state visit to South Africa from Monday to Thursday. While in the country, Xi co-chaired with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa the China-Africa Leaders' Dialogue.

This is Xi's fourth state visit to South Africa as Chinese president, Wang said, adding that the Chinese president had long and in-depth talks with Ramaphosa.

During their talks, Xi called o­n both sides to remain strategic partners with high-level mutual trust, development partners for common progress, friendly partners with deep mutual understanding and goodwill, global partners safeguarding justice, and to jointly build a high-level community with a shared future for the two countries.

Wang said that Xi's visit yielded fruitful results, as the two heads of state witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in such fields as the Belt and Road cooperation, new energy and electricity, agricultural products, special economic zones and industrial parks, blue economy, scientific and technological innovation, and higher education.

The visit demonstrates the important consensus and shared interests of the two countries o­n major international issues, Wang said.

During the visit, Xi pointed out that BRICS should not become a closed and inward-looking group, instead it should be an open and inclusive platform to attract new members and pool new forces, which meets the practical development needs of BRICS and serves the common interests of BRICS countries, according to Wang.

The BRICS summit made a political decision to invite Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran and Ethiopia to join BRICS, and extended welcome to other interested and eligible developing countries to join the group, Wang pointed out, saying that this is a major historic moment in the development process of BRICS.

Noting that there are various paths leading to modernization, Xi said during the visit that the African people have the most say o­n which path suits Africa best, and advancing modernization through integration is the independent choice made by African countries and people.

On this path to modernization, the Chinese president added, China has all along been a firm supporter, and walking side by side with Africa.

Xi reaffirmed China's support for the African Union to join the Group of 20, announcing that China will host the ninth conference of the Forum o­n China-Africa Cooperation next year, Wang said.

African leaders said the African side firmly adheres to the o­ne-China policy, supports the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi, and will continue to push for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, Wang added, highlighting Xi's remarks that China has been and will always remain a member of developing countries.

 (Source: Xinhua)



Визит Си усиливает традиционную дружбу Китая-Африки,
наращивает новый консенсус в сотрудничестве

Роза Далмильо

26 августа 2023 г.


Пекин, 25 августа (Синьхуа)-Поездка президента Китая Си Цзиньпин в Южную Африку усиливает традиционную дружбу между Китаем и Африкой, наращивает новый консенсус в отношении сотрудничества ЮГ-ЮГ, как заявил в пятницу член Политбюро КПК и министр иностранных дел.

Си принял участие в 15 -м саммите БРИКС, состоявшемся в Йоханнесбурге, Южная Африка, и посетил с государственным визитом Южную Африку с понедельника по четверг. Находясь в стране, Си сопредседательствовал с президентом Южной Африки Кирил Рамафоса в диалоге лидеров Китая-Африки.

Это четвертый государственный визит Си в Южную Африку в качестве президента Китая, сказал Ван, добавив, что президент Китая провел долгие и углубленные переговоры с Рамафосой.

Во время их выступлений Си призвал обе стороны оставаться стратегическими партнерами с высокоуровневым взаимным доверием, партнерами по развитию для общего прогресса, с глубоким взаимопониманием и доброй волей, как глобальные партнеры, защищающие правосудие и совместно строящие сообщество высокого уровня совместного будущего обеих сторон.

Ван сказал, что визит Си дал плодотворные результаты, поскольку главы государств стали свидетелями подписания ряда двусторонних документов сотрудничества в таких областях, как один пояс и один путь, новая энергия и электричество, сельскохозяйственные продукты, специальные экономические зоны и промышленные парки, голубая экономика, научные и технологические инновации и высшее образование.

По словам Вана, визит демонстрирует важные консенсус и общие интересы двух стран по крупным международным вопросам.

Во время визита Си отметил, что БРИКС не должна стать закрытой и внутренней группой, вместо этого он должен быть открытой и инклюзивной платформой для привлечения новых участников и объединения новых сил, которые отвечают потребностям БРИКС практического развития и обслуживают общие интересы стран БРИКС, по словам Ван.

Саммит БРИКС принял политическое решение пригласить Саудовскую Аравию, Египет, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Аргентину, Иран и Эфиопию присоединиться, что является основным историческим моментом в процессе развития БРИКС.

Отмечая, что существуют различные пути, ведущие к модернизации, Си сказал, что африканцы больше всего заинтересованы в ней, она лучше всего подходит Африке, а развитие модернизации посредством интеграции является независимым выбором, сделанным африканскими странами и людьми.

На этом пути модернизации, каксказал президент Китая, Китай все время был твердым сторонником и шел бок о бок с Африкой.

Си подтвердил поддержку Китая Африканскому союзу присоединиться к группе в 20 лет, объявив, что в следующем году Китай проведет девятую конференцию Форума по сотрудничеству с Китаем-Африкой, сказал Ван.

Африканские лидеры заявили, что африканская сторона твердо придерживается политики с одним Китаем, поддерживает инициативу по глобальному развитию, инициативу по глобальной безопасности и глобальную инициативу цивилизации, предложенную президентом Си, и будет продолжать стремиться к высококачественному поясному и дорожному сотрудничеству, добавил Ван, подчеркивая замечание Си о том, что Китай был и всегда останется членом развивающихся стран.

(Источник: Синьхуа)



Xi Calls for Letting Internet Better Benefit People of All Countries

November 9, 2023 Rosa Dalmiglio

Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses the 2023 World Internet Conference
Wuzhen Summit via video o­n Nov. 8, 2023.
[Xinhua/Li Xueren]


BEIJING, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping o­n Wednesday called for letting the internet better benefit people of all countries when he addressed the opening ceremony of the 2023 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit via video.

Xi said that the vision of jointly building a community with a shared future in cyberspace, which he proposed at the second WIC in 2015, has garnered widespread international recognition and positive responses.

The vision answers the questions of our times related to resolving the development deficit, addressing security challenges, and enhancing mutual learning between civilizations, Xi said.

Xi stressed that the international community needs to deepen exchanges and practical cooperation to jointly advance the building of a community with a shared future in cyberspace to a new stage.

He called for prioritizing development to let the fruits of internet development benefit more countries and people.

Xi emphasized the need to improve public access to information-based services, bridge the digital divide, and improve people's livelihood with internet development.

Calling for building a more peaceful and secure cyberspace, Xi stressed the need to respect cyber sovereignty and each country's way of internet governance and the need to oppose seeking hegemony, bloc confrontation and arms race in cyberspace.

Xi went o­n to underscore the need to crack down o­n cyber crimes, strengthen data security and personal information protection, and properly respond to the risks and challenges brought by sci-tech development to rules, society and ethics.

China is willing to work with all parties to implement the Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative and promote the safe development of AI, Xi said.

He also called for building a more equal and inclusive cyberspace. He stressed the need to better promote the shared values of humanity.

Xi underlined more high-quality o­nline cultural products and efforts to fully showcase the outstanding achievements of human civilizations and actively promote civilization preservation and development. 

Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses the opening ceremony of the 2023
World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit via video o­n Nov. 8, 2023.
[Xinhua/Liu Bin]

(Source: Xinhua)



Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the opening ceremony
of the third Belt and Road Forum. Oct. 18, 2023.


Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the opening ceremony of the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and delivers a keynote speech at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 18, 2023. [Xinhua/Wang Ye]

From further improving connectivity to supporting an open world economy, Xi unveiled eight major steps to bring Belt and Road cooperation to a new stage of higher-quality and higher-level development in a keynote speech at the opening of a high-profile forum.

The president also pledged more commitment into green development, scientific and technological innovation, people-to-people exchanges, integrity-based Belt and Road cooperation, and the institutional building for international Belt and Road cooperation.

Envisaging Global Modernization

"Global modernization should be pursued to enhance peaceful development and mutually beneficial cooperation and bring prosperity to all," Xi said.

"Ideological confrontation, geopolitical rivalry and bloc politics are not a choice for us. What we stand against are unilateral sanctions, economic coercion and decoupling and supply chain disruption," said the Chinese president.

ROSA DALMIGLIO: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28



Председатель КНР Си Цзиньпин принял участие в церемонии открытия третьего форума международного сотрудничества "Пояс и путь" 18 октября 2023 года.


Председатель КНР Си Цзиньпин принял участие в церемонии открытия третьего форума международного сотрудничества "Пояс и путь" и выступил с программной речью в Доме народных собраний в Пекине, столице Китая, 18 октября 2023 года. [Синьхуа/Ван Е]

В программной речи на открытии форума высокого уровня Си Цзиньпин представил восемь основных шагов, направленных на то, чтобы вывести сотрудничество «Пояса и пути» на новый этап более качественного и более высокого уровня развития: от дальнейшего улучшения связей до поддержки открытой мировой экономики.

Президент также пообещал усилить приверженность «зеленому» развитию, научным и технологическим инновациям, обменам между людьми, основанному на честности сотрудничеству «Пояса и пути», а также институциональному строительству международного сотрудничества «Пояса и пути».

Предвидя глобальную модернизацию

"Глобальная модернизация должна проводиться для содействия мирному развитию и взаимовыгодному сотрудничеству, а также для обеспечения процветания для всех", - заявил Си Цзиньпин.

«Идеологическая конфронтация, геополитическое соперничество и блоковая политика не являются для нас выбором. Мы выступаем против односторонних санкций, экономического принуждения и разъединения, а также нарушения цепочки поставок», — заявил президент Китая.

ROSA DALMIGLIO: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28


Xi Meets UNESCO Chief

by Rosa Dalmiglio

News / Highlight

 September 29, 2023


Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Audrey Azoulay at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 28, 2023.

[Xinhua/Yue Yuewei]


BEIJING, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Audrey Azoulay in Beijing o­n Thursday.

China has always supported the work of UNESCO, and together with UNESCO, has made positive contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting global development, Xi said, adding that the valuable China-UNESCO cooperation should be maintained.

The world is made up of diverse civilizations, and China is among the countries with the longest histories and oldest cultures, he said.

China is willing to work more closely with UNESCO to continuously improve the capacity for and level of heritage protection, and promote exchanges, mutual learning and cooperation among different civilizations, in order to contribute to world peace and facilitate the building of a community with a shared future for humanity, he said.

Xi said that China is committed to building itself into a great, modern socialist country in all respects by the middle of the century, and to advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through a Chinese path to modernization.

To this end, China adheres to the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education; promotes the development of education, science, technology and culture; and attaches importance to international exchanges and cooperation with all parties including UNESCO, he said.

Azoulay said that the Chinese government has always attached great importance to and actively supported UNESCO's work, and that the UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education — established with China's support — plays an important role in promoting the education of girls and women around the world.

Azoulay said that UNESCO is satisfied with its important consensus and cooperation with China in a wide range of fields, and hopes to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with China further in the fields of cultural heritage protection, science, culture and technology to achieve further international consensus and contribute to safeguarding world peace and development.

Publication: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28



International Day of Nonviolence. 

October 2, Mahatma Gandhi birthday

We know him half...


GGHA Message.

Nonviolence/peace. October 2, 2023.


From which actors' thinking, whence and how goes the Gandhian, nonviolent, true peace?



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In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=658


Dear, rare nonviolence/peace friends,

The GGHA is happy to congratulate you, “the lasts of the Mohicans” of nonviolence/peace, “expelled and defeated everywhere” (Erasmus: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=531) with the International Day of Non-violence and birthday of Mahatma Gandhi o­n October 2, ten days after the International Day of Peace o­n September 21. It seems that none of the “golden billion” world hegemons o­n TV and mainstream media remembered them that proves their sad “expelling and defeat”, as well as 5 centuries ago, with the exception of their latter Mohicans from an endangered civil society. Even Gandhi's closest relatives forgot him, their voices are silent. Nevertheless, the less often the voices are heard in the defense and support of Gandhian peace, the more valuable and significant o­n the verge of violent, military, nuclear suicide of humanity.

However, the Mohicans of nonviolence/peace are alive, who, like the “mole of history”, contrary to world indifference, continue the Mahatma Gandhi greatest deal, which he had begun by the historical discovery of the global, “Newtonian varnas/spherons” in 1927. He defined them as the o­nly actors/carriers of the “greatest force of nonviolence, mightier than nuclear weapons” and the creators of the true, just and nonviolent peace. These ideas of Gandhi, which are still beyond traditional thinking and understanding, first understood more than 750 “moles of history”, GGHA coauthors from more 50 countries. During 18 years, they created the Gandhian MegaScience of his spherons, called spheronics, finally making a “nonviolence is science” after his prophecy (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf).

Today there is a new, consolidated community of the humanity majority from the global south, BRICS+, which needs a sovereign, Gandhian spheronics as the first scientific ideology of nonviolent, true and just global peace, which turned out to be inaccessible to Western hegemonism and behind the brink of its militaristic, violent, thinking. This new reality and its new, nonviolent and peacemaking energy was brilliantly expressed by the Indian poet of global scale Ashok Chakravarthy in his poem (1 p.), in attachment and published in two languages here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1158. He expresses our scientific answer to the question/challenge set above. Someone else, not from India, but from the West, for example, can give an alternative or a similar answer? The BRICS strives for the Gandhian peace with all countries, including West.

In this direction, the BRICS leaders peacemaking efforts are going o­n, as Rosa Dalmiglio, GGHA Vice President since 2005, Italian journalist in China in his publication about the meeting of President Xi and UNESCO Chief reports:


Our “celebration” of the Day of Nonviolence/peace, when there is nothing to celebrate here, can be adequate if it becomes our attempt to rise to the Gandhian “substantial” spherons highest level of nonviolent, peacemaking thinking. At any other level, our thinking will remain at the level of eternal violence and endless wars, as it is now.

The best wishes for true, Gandhian peace, which brings BRICS+,


Dr. Leo Semashko,

Philosopher, sociologist, scientific ideologist and peacemaker of the Gandhian spherons,

GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President,

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253





A brief introduction of China World Peace Foundation

Date: 2022-MAY-9







China World Peace Foundation is an international organization standing in the front of the social reform of China . Taking the book “NGOs in China” as its guiding ideology, with the tenet of “internationalization, neutrality, cooperation and public welfare”, and with the theme of “Peace Plus”(Peace plus Culture, Peace plus Education, Peace plus Sports, Peace plus Health), it promotes the friendly communication between different governments, international organizations, multinational enterprises and China through the mode of “forum plus club plus industry”. With the support of China government authorities and China Development Bank, China World Peace Foundation coordinates the allocation of international resources and extends mutual-beneficiary cooperation.


Peace Garden, the international sitting room in Beijing, which was set up by China World Peace Foundation, has gained support from 178state governments and international institutions. The world peace landscape in this garden is regarded as the diplomatic fruit in special shows in memory of the Chinese reform and opening-up over thirty years by State Council Information Office and other institutions. It is a sight-seeing sport when many state heads and government delegation visit China . Many institutions of higher-education take it as their base for patriotic education and internationalist education. Being called “Home to Ambassadors” by foreign diplomats and given the name of “mini union” by people of all circles from home and abroad, it is awarded the “top of the world” by China World Guinness.


In the name of international volunteers, China World Peace Foundation mobilizes politicians, entrepreneurs, scholars and artists from different countries to construct the building of peace and development, actively launch programs for international public welfare, and support Chinese charity projects. With its unique pathway of  “Peace + 1”, and through the work format of  “civil and diversified diplomacy, social responsibility, and cross-domain cooperation” , and utilizing its social credibility, social impact and execution prowess to promote the South-South and South-North cooperation, to improve global governance and resource allocation, to support developing countries and vulnerable groups, to facilitate homeland reconstruction in war-torn countries and defuses regional tensions.




Краткое введение Китайского фонда мира во всем мире

Дата: 2022-МАЙ-9


Документальный фильм КИТАЙ-ЮНЕСКО-МИР в COPEAM





Китайский фонд мира во всем мире является международной организацией, созданной перед социальной реформой Китая. Принимая книгу «НПО в Китае» в качестве своей руководящей идеологии с принципами «интернационализма, нейтралитета, сотрудничества и общественного благосостояния» и с темой «Мир плюс» (Мир плюс культура, Мир плюс образование, Мир плюс спорт, Мир плюс здоровье), он способствует дружескому общению между различными правительствами, международными организациями, многонациональными предприятиями и Китаем в режиме «форум плюс клуб плюс промышленность». При поддержке правительства Китая и Китайского банка развития Китайский фонд мира во всем мире координирует выделение международных ресурсов и расширяет взаимовыгодное сотрудничество.


Сад мира, международная гостиная в Пекине, созданная Китайским фондом мира во всем мире, получила поддержку правительств 178 государств и международных организаций. Пейзаж мира во всем мире в этом саду рассматривается как дипломатический плод на специальных шоу в память о китайской реформе и открытости за тридцать лет, проводимых Информационным бюро Государственного совета и другими учреждениями. Это зрелищный вид спорта, когда многие главы государств и правительственные делегации посещают Китай. Многие высшие учебные заведения берут его за основу патриотического воспитания и воспитания интернационалистов. Будучи названным иностранными дипломатами «Домом для послов» и получившим название «мини-союза» от людей всех кругов в стране и за рубежом, он был удостоен награды «вершина мира» от China World Guinness.


От имени международных волонтеров Китайский фонд мира во всем мире мобилизует политиков, предпринимателей, ученых и художников из разных стран для строительства здания мира и развития, активного запуска программ международного общественного благосостояния и поддержки китайских благотворительных проектов. Благодаря своему уникальному пути «Мир + 1» и рабочему формату «гражданской и диверсифицированной дипломатии, социальной ответственности и междисциплинарного сотрудничества», а также использованию своего социального авторитета, социального воздействия и исполнительского мастерства для продвижения Юг-Юг. и сотрудничество Юг-Север для улучшения глобального управления и распределения ресурсов, для поддержки развивающихся стран и уязвимых групп, для содействия восстановлению родины в раздираемых войной странах и ослабления региональной напряженности.



Вопросы о Четвертом Рейхе запада и о праве

России на жизнь

Дорогая Роза!

Большое спасибо за ваше «Введение. Китайский Фонд Мира» на 9 мая 2022. Оно было переведено на русский язык и опубликовано на вашей странице, которая поддерживается вами с 2006 года, здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28. ГГСГ благодарен вам за ценную для русских информацию, что «Китайский Фонд Мира», в отличие от всех западных миротворческих организаций, не забыл Великий День Победы России/СССР. Он пожертвовал 27 миллионов жизней, более 50% всех жертв ВМВ (WWII), ради победы над германским геноцидным фашизмом, ради освобождения Европы от его бесконечного Холокоста.

Но сразу после 9 мая 1945 он начал возрождаться, 77 лет назад, начиная с нацистских ядерных бомбардировок Хиросимы и Нагасаки в августе 1945. Американский геноцид 250 тысяч мирных жителей двух японских городов за два дня ничем не хуже, а по числу трупов, даже «лучше, эффективнее», чем германский геноцид Освенцимов и Холокостов. Если вы забудете его, если вы забудете 9 мая 1945, если вы очистите Европу от всех победных антифашистских памятников, то вы очистите место для нового геноцидного Четвертого Рейха Европы/Запада («фашизм Пентагона»: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=736), который неизбежно ведёт к ядерной ТМВ (WWIII).

Запад уже строит ядерный Освенцим 8 лет украинским геноцидом русских в Донбассе под расистским лозунгом: «Смерть России, смерть русским, смерть всему русскому!» Если запад не понимает, не хочет понимать неизбежности ТМВ с Четвертым Рейхом, то может быть «Китайский Фонд Мира», найдет в себе разум и мужество сказать миру о смертельной опасности для человечества европейского «либерального, толерантного» и имплицитного неонацизма? Или, для его итальянских журналистов это неприемлемо? Тогда на какой стороне вы находитесь, Роза Далмигли, «Гандианский журналист мира», который 16 лет сотрудничает с миротворческим антифашистским Гандианским Глобальным Союзом Гармонии (ГГСГ)?

Запад максимизировал ТМВ за 77 лет до 999 шансов из тысячи, до 99,9% (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924), оставив миру, жизни человечества только ОДИН шанс из тысячи, только 00,1%. За 77 лет США и НАТО провели 37 войн, в среднем по войне в 2 года, убив около 30 миллионов человек (чем не новый Освенцим?), что подтверждается историей (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=816). Разве это не историческое доказательство Четвертого Рейха, с которого сброшен «либеральный» покров имплицитности?

За 16 лет ГГСГ создал усилиями 750 соавторов, включая Президента Индии Абдул Калама и пяти Нобелевских Лауреатов мира Гандианскую «Науку Глобального Мира Сферонов», сферонику (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1019). В ней есть и ваш заметный вклад за ваши 16 лет в ГГСГ.

Что вы сейчас предпочитаете? Продолжать Гандианскую Меганауку мира, или быть «солидарной» с новым европейским нацизмом, вскормленным Европой на Украине и уже 8 лет ведущем войну с Россией как прелюдию ТМВ? Что вам предпочтительнее: питать неофашистский режим, установленный нелегитимно, в результате совершенного западом государственного переворота в Киеве в 2014 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1038), бесконечным потоком оружия и финансов из всех 40 стран запада? Или продвигать единственно разумную альтернативу Гандианской Меганауки мира, верифицированной мировой статистикой, но признать которую милитаристский запад не в состоянии? Близость в 99,9% нашей общей смерти в глобальном ядерном Освенциме требует ставить этот вопрос честно, прямо, без лжи и лицемерия западной «политкорректности», если Бог не лишил запад разума окончательно, чтобы покарать.

Или теперь на западе, в его «империи лжи» «Геббельсовских мейнстрим медиа» (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1055), даже ставить такие вопросы о собственной жизни, тоже стало «некорректным» в новой, подцензурной, Оруэлловской «свободе слова»? Вы мудрый человек. КАК вы на них отвечаете? Как все? Или как мыслящий Гандианский миротворец и честный человек? Вы встанете, как Америка, под 8-летний флаг украинских нацистов «Смерть России, смерть русским», или признаете право России на самооборону, на защиту от смертельной угрозы, которое признавал Ганди, призывая ради ненасилия и мира «убить убийцу» (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/Gandi-Moya-vera.pdf, с 78)? Или вы отказываете России убить убийц под флагом «Смерть России», ежедневно демонстрирующих это намерение нацистскими образцами (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1049)? Какие журналисты и ученые запада могли честно, без своей пропаганды, ответить на эти вопросы 150 миллионного народа России?

Будем благодарны вам, если честно ответите на них.

Лев Семашко

ГГСГ основатель (2005) и Почетный президент,

СанктПетербург, Россия



Questions about the West Fourth Reich and Russia's right to life

Dear Rose,

Thank you very much for your "Introduction of China World Peace Foundation” o­n May 9, 2022. It was translated into Russian and published o­n your page, which you maintain since 2006, here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28. The GGHA is grateful to you for the valuable information for the Russians that the "China Peace Foundation", unlike all Western peacemaking organizations, has not forgotten the Great Victory Day of Russia/USSR. It sacrificed 27 million lives, more than 50% of WWII all victims for the sake of defeating German genocidal fascism, for the sake of liberating Europe from its endless Holocaust.

But immediately after May 9, 1945, it began to revive, 77 years ago, starting since the Nazi nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. The American genocide of 250 thousand civilians in two Japanese cities in two days is no worse, but in terms of the number of corpses, “better, more effective” than the German genocide of Auschwitz and the Holocaust. If you forget it, if you forget May 9, 1945, if you clear Europe from all victorious anti-fascist monuments, then you will clear the place for a new genocidal Europe/West Fourth Reich ("Pentagon Fascism": https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=736), which will inevitably lead to a nuclear WWIII.

The West is already building a nuclear Auschwitz for 8 years by the Ukrainian genocide of Russians in the Donbass under the racist slogan: "Death to Russia, death to Russians, death to all Russians!" If the West does not understand, does not want to understand the inevitability of WWIII with the Fourth Reich, then maybe the "China Peace Foundation" will find the mind and courage to tell the world about the mortal danger for humanity of European "liberal, tolerant" and implicit neo-Nazism? Or is it unacceptable for its Italian journalist? Then what side are you o­n, Rosa Dalmiglio, the "Gandhian Peace Journalist" who has been collaborating for 16 years with the peace anti-fascist Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA)?

The West has maximized WWIII over 77 years to 999 chances out of a thousand, up to 99.9%(https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924), leaving to peace, the humanity life, only o­nE chance out of a thousand, o­nly 00.1%.For 77 years, the USA and NATO have waged 37 wars, with an average of 2 years in a war, killing about 30 million people (why not a new Auschwitz?), which is confirmed by history (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=816). Is this not historical proof of the Fourth Reich, from which the "liberal" cloak of implicitness has been thrown off?

For 16 years, the GGHA has created, through the efforts of 750 coauthors, including the President of India Abdul Kalam and five Nobel Peace Laureates, the Gandhian "Spherons Global Peace MegaScience" (SGPM), Spheronics (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1019). It also includes your notable contribution over your 16 years in the GGHA.

What do you prefer now? Continue the Gandhian Peace Megascience or be "solidary" with the new Nazism, nurtured by Europe in Ukraine and every 8 years waging war with Russia as WWIII prelude? What do you prefer: to feed the neo-fascist regime, established illegitimately, as a result of the coup d’état in Kyiv in 2014 by the West (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1038), with an endless stream of weapons and finances from all the Western 40 countries? Or to promote the o­nly reasonable alternative of the Gandhian Peace Megascience, verified by world statistics, but which the militaristic West is not able to recognize? The closeness of 99.9% of our common death in the global nuclear Auschwitz requires that this question be raised honestly, directly, without the lies and hypocrisy of Western “political correctness”, if God has not completely deprived the West of reason in order to punish.

Or now in the West, in its "empire of lies" of "Goebbels' mainstream media" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1055), even posing such questions about o­ne's own life has also become "incorrect" in the new, censored, Orwellian "freedom of speech"? You are a wise person. HOW do you answer them? As everybody? Or as a thinking Gandhian peacemaker/journalist and an honest person? Are you will rise, like America, under the Ukrainian Nazis 8-year-old flag “Death to Russia, death to Russians”, or recognize Russia’s right to self-defense, to protection from a deadly threat, which Gandhi recognized, calling for the sake of non-violence and peace “to kill the killer” (https://gandhiashramsevagram.org/my-religion/chapter-26-love-in-relating-to-the-animal-world.php)? Or do you refuse Russia to kill the killers under the banner of "Death to Russia", who daily demonstrate this intention with Nazi samples (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1049)?

What Western journalists and scientists could honestly, without your propaganda, answer these questions to the Russia 150 million people?

We will be grateful if you answer them honestly.

Dr. Leo Semashko

GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President,

Saint Petersburg



Rome, March 8, 2019

Culture of Peace and Non-Violence:

Positive Values, Attitudes and Behaviors for Everyday Peace


Rosa Dalmiglio


“There is no route to Peace,

Peace is the route”



At the end of the Second World War, many institution and values had to be reconstructed. Hence, the idea of engaging particularly in Europe, in a “ Marshall Plan” to rebuild, in the service of peace, the educational, scientific, cultural and communication institutions destroyed by the war. When newly independent States burst o­nto the international stage at the end of the decolonization process (from the early 1950s to the late 1980s) emphasis was placed o­n the fight against discrimination, racism and apartheid and the attainment of nationhood. In the early 1990s, when it became clear that the nature of wars was changing and that they were also becoming internal conflicts, the emphasis shifted o the post-conflict consolidation of peace. National “culture of peace” programs, drawing o­n combined action in the Organization’s fields of competence, were tried out in countries such as El Salvador, Mozambique, Cambodia, Rwanda, South-East Europe, immediately after the conclusion of peace agreements, to consolidate the frayed institutions and human relationships. At the dawn of the 21st century, new aspirations for democracy, dignity and freedom have raised in different parts of the globe, in particular in the Arab world.

The concepts used to shape this common aspiration of humankind have evolved alongside changes in the international landscape. In this regard and in a rather chronological manner, the terms of “tolerance” (1995) “culture of peace”(2000) “ dialogue among civilizations (2001) “ intercultural and interreligious dialogue” ( 2007) and more recently “ rapprochement of cultures” (2010) were used to translate the universal quest for lasting peace into a conceptual, political and programmatic approach. Nevertheless, the o­ne of “culture of peace” for which the “International Year for the Culture o mobilizing concept as it encompasses, inter alia, respect for diversity, dialogue, human-rights, gender equality, citizenship and democratic participation to achieve international security. Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2001–2010) were proclaimed with UNESCO as UN lead agency remains a primary Gandhi way.

Peace is more than the absence of war, it is living together with our differences-of sex, race, language, religion or culture-while furthering universal respect for justice and human rights o­n which such coexistence depends. Therefore, peace should never be taken for granted. It is an o­n-going process, a long-term goal that requires constant engineering, vigilance and active participation by all individuals. It is a choice to be made o­n each situation, an everyday life decision.

Hence, the culture of peace and non-violence involves a holistic awareness of the changing by highlighting what binds cultures and societies to each other and from within.


Rosa Dalmiglio,

Gandhi Peace Journalist

Rome, Italy

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28


Xi's Books Stand out at Shanghai Exhibition

August 16, 2018


Share Rosa Dalmiglio recommend to WGHA--Women for Peace


Editor: Wang Yue

Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, which outlines the political ideas of China's top leadership, contains 79 speeches, talks, interviews, notes and letters of the top Chinese leader between November 2012 and June 2014. [China Daily]


A showcase specially devoted to the translated versions of President Xi Jinping's works, including the two volumes of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, is attracting readers' attention during the 2018 Shanghai Book Fair, which opened at the Shanghai Exhibition Center o­n Wednesday.

At the showcase, readers can get a look at the first volume of Xi's book in 24 languages and the second in nine languages.


Wang Wei-cheng, 21, a law student from Taiwan who is working as an intern in Shanghai, said when he walked out of the fair's central area, he immediately saw the showcase at the 300-square-meter booth of China International Publishing Group.

He said he was intrigued by Xi's book being published in so many languages.

This year, the 15th anniversary of the founding of Shanghai Book Fair, is the first time China International Publishing Group has taken part.


Lu Cairong, deputy chief of publishing group, said that over the past 15 years, the fair has grown into o­ne of the most influential in China. Readers attending the fair can purchase and take home books and other items.

"Since its publishing, Xi Jinping: The Governance of China has received extensive attention from home and abroad. It's a must for any major international book fair. So here in Shanghai, by displaying all the translated versions of this important work, we hope it will become closer to readers," he said.


"With the important works about President Xi's thoughts displayed here, we want to help readers better understand how these thoughts have been developed," he said.

The first volume of Xi's book was first published in September 2014 and the second in November 2017.

Over 6.6 million copies of the first volume have been sold, including more than 500,000 copies in foreign languages, and about 13 million copies of the second volume have been sold, said Liu Yuhong, an editor from Foreign Languages Press, which is in charge of international publishing deals for the book.


New Book Issued

Also o­n Wednesday, Xinhua News Agency reported that a book of excerpts from discourses o­n poverty alleviation by Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has been published by the Central Party Literature Press.

The book, which will be distributed across the country, was compiled by the Party history and literature research institution of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development.


Dear Kae Morii

         I'm sure that CHINA is the best place for PEACE and HARMONY, I suggested you and All World Poets Association to read a new book of the President Xi Jinping- Governance of China

          Rosa Dalmiglio





Rosa Dalmiglio

Women’s Global Harmony Association, WGHA, Co-Chair,


Global Harmony Association, GHA, Vice-President,

GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Europe,

Rome, Italy,

Web: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28

Email: rdalmiglio@hotmail.com

“Global Peace Science” coauthor:

http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf (p.545)


Additional pages:


1.Rosa Dalmiglio. Children refugee in ITALY and other European countries:


2.Rosa Dalmiglio. Peace from Harmony of Chinese Women and Children:


3.Rosa Dalmiglio. Destroy violence against women and girls:






I wish you and all GPS friends my best wishes for Christmas and a great success in the next year,

I just inform you that since 2012 I received personal invited to UN to work in Rome for increased religion dialogue between China and World Interfaith Harmony Week,

I hope we can extend in 2017 cooperation; I'm delegate to present documentary in ten languages into Rome-school by-CHINA UNESCO.

In attachment is photo of the meeting in Rome Pontifical Silesian University with Chinese Cardinal Joseph Zhen


Yours sincerely

Rosa Dalmiglio





I'm Rosa Dalmiglio, Italian agent of Kung-Fu Star Show, this photo was made
in Peking at Poly Theatre last 10 July 2006, then the first international peace
message, then UNESCO declared Kung-Fu Heritage of Humanity, and Kung-Fu will
be into Olympic Games 2008

The Peace's concert offered by Beijing Simphony Orchestra and Corus of Shanghai to Pope Benedetto XVI in Vatican Hall, last 7 May, 2008.




HESHUN is a remote town of no more20 square kilometres o­n CHINA’s southem border in TENGCHONG COUNTRY, located in southwest China’s Yunnan province. It is perched at an altitude of more than 1,500 metres above sea level.



The title of the township is derived from a verse describing “ the rising clouds that herald an auspicious future and the gentle breeze that breathes peace and harmony”


The favourable weather conditions ensure people’s wardrobes need o­nly be stocked with light shirts and trousers throughout the four seasons. Over 70 percent of Tengchong county, where Heshun is located, is lush with green vegetation. o­n the way to Heshun, everywhere flowers and trees can be seen. Here you can listen to the sound of blossoming, get up with the sun, see cows trudging the streets and enjoy an astonishingly quiet night’s sleep.


HESHUN has always had a large population sharing limited resources. Historical records show that merchants from the Yangtze River Delta came here in search of treasure some 2,400 years ago. During the Ming ( 1368-1644) and Qing ( 1644-1911) dynasties, still more caravans arrived to ply their trade. They would bring silk, jewellery, new books and sometimes, rare Western commodities to exchange for their beloved jade. Merchants faced a perilous and punishing journey over the steep Hengduan Mountain Ranges, through the Gaoligong valleys and over the fast-flowing Nu River.

Old legends abound in Heshun and almost every resident has a story to tell about jade traders and how these brave adventurers either survived or perished o­n their hazardous expeditions. Nowadays, different from Zhouzhuang in souther China, Heshun is a living town, and peoplew live here following a traditional lifestyle. While strolling through the streets of Heshun, you can see many museum-like residences.


Though there are many towns in China, I think Heshun is unique….




In Heshun Cultural Village, you can indulge yourself with a caravan ride along the ancient tea horse road, and see the egret flying over the river, while enjoying the lotus.


Many well-known Chinese merchants and literati were born in Heshun. Despite its glorious history, locals are most proud of their town’s library, the first and largest village library in China.



The World Peace City for Children Building in Italian Basilicata Region




Abstract by Rosa Dalmiglio


A bunch of children play happily in the yard of the Convent Santa Maria d’Orsoleo in Sant’Arcangelo and in the patio of the Palazzo Baronale in Scanzano. They jump, shout, sing, run after each other, filling the place with joyful life.


They speak different languages, because they come from different countries, where they didn’t have the chance to play as all kids do. Bullets and grenades whistled past their heads. Hide –and-seek was not a game, but a necessity to save their lives.

They experienced all the miseries and sufferings of the war, violence, brutality, hate, destruction of human dignity. Innocent victim, they witnessed with their pure eyes the extreme agony inflicted by the greed of powerful men.


The cheerful image of happy children is not real yet, but it will be soon. In the monumental buildings of Sant’Arcangelo and Scanzano, the first town for children from all over the world is coming to life. It is not going to be an orphanage, but a place to grow hope and learning for children and their parents.


The project has been conceived by Betty Williams, Nobel Prize for Peace, a determined, strong woman who has been fighting to protect and help children in a society where violence, poverty and deprivation are a threat for peace. Deeply touched by her Irish background she maintains that the lives of children destroyed by war and cruelty improve, unless we establish justice and love as the new foundations for existences worth living.


“The City of Peace”in Basilicata will consist of five modules, specifically a reception centre for children and families from war areas, an international campus for peace and education about sustainabledevelopment, an organization centre for humanitarian missions, a base of coordination and management of the “City of Peace” activities, and last,but not least, a major centre of research and scientific development for environmental safeguard and alternative energy, to complement the main activities of the structure.


All in all, the project is based o­n an extensive network requiring the restoration and updating of existing buildings and repaired constructions-such as the Palazzo Baronale in Scanzano Jonico and the Convent “Santa Maria d’Orsoleo” in Sant’Arcangelo –and the involvement of small Towns in the Agri Valley for the reception phase.



Dear Rosa,

Many thanks for your very interesting information o­n ‘World Peace City for Children’ in Italy, which I was happy to publish o­n your page to the address:

http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=28.

Please, let me some questions connected with the project ‘ World Peace City for Children’ in Italy.

  1. Where I and other GHA members can find more detailed information o­n this project?
  2. What do your role in this project?
  3. Whether have you possibility to make your offers in this project?
  4. Could you offer the school and Academy of Harmony for this project as the co-author of the GHA educational project?

We will be grateful to you for answers to these questions, which will allow us to define the GHA possibilities of participation in this remarkable Italian project for children.


Dear Leo and Friends,

about information of the "WORLD PEACE CITY FOR CHILDREN IN ITALY" you can read o­n web: www.centersofcompassion.org,www.wccc-italia.org


I have been working since 2003 in INTERNATIONAL INTERFAITH CONGRESS in GRAZ EUROPEAN CAPITOL CULTURE CITY, in this occasion I met Nobel Peacemaker Mareid Colligan Maguire as Betty Williams Nobel Peace, I was guest to Graz Major I have introduced into European media congress, China Interfaith with great success, for this reason RUSSIAN-UNESCO invited me to cooperate in St. Petersburg University.


Italian Government put 4 million euro for begin building children city project and Basilicata region offered other money but important is international help, more famous artists offered concert for building children city, then summer holiday I send you more news.


Actually I work in Beijing for the "FIRST ASEM (ASEAN?) CULTURE AND ARTS FESTIVAL"


This project promoted by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during the ASEM (ASEAN?) Summit in Beijing last October it was approval by all PREMIERS.


Scope: to promote dialogue o­n arts and civilization between the two continents for ultimate goal of common development and prosperity ASIA-EUROPE, 2-8 September 2009 in Beijing.


My best wishes for all to the summer harmony holiday.


Rosa Dalmiglio



“My Dream” Chinese Artists for peace promotion by UNESCO

Intercultural diversity melting the colours of Europe in the 2008 Year”


Beijing Film Academy-China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe –The first film performing by 84 disabled children in the world, non fiction art film “My Dream” The film has not been publicly released and competed for any award in any film festival. It was screened in Paris, Cannes, Oslo, Zurich, Vienna, Salzburg, Berlin, Moscow, St, Petersburg, Seoul, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Bethlehem and Jerusalem as well as at Montreal Film Festival, 17th International Children’s Films Festival, the Exhibition for Est Asian Movies of the Century and the American Film market.


Prof. Ole Danbolt Mjos, Chairman of Norwegian Nobel Committee said after watching the film “I really thought I was in another world when I was watching the film. It is a miracle.


In 2007, Koichiro Matsuura, the Director-General of UNESCO designated the China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe as UNESCO Artist for Peace in intercultural and interfaith way, then a great success o­n 25 May 2005 during a meeting that I have organized between POPE Benedetto XVI and CDPPAT. Culture open the door to released in Vatican-Paolo VI hall, last 7 May a Beijing Peace Concert by Beijing Symphony Orchestra and Shanghai Chorus for the first diplomatic meeting with Pope and Chinese Ambassador Sun Yuwi. Now , my project is to introduced peace education in school for tolerance and respect of diversity with support of digital art in Sat-Television.


Today we are launching a year-long mission to promote dialogue between cultures inside theEuropean Union and beyond its borders. There are two main reasons why I believe a European Year of Intercultural Dialogue is needed in 2008.


First, because dialogue between cultures has always been a feature of European integration-one which sometimes goes unrecognised. The EU has been a community of cultures and values build o­n the principle of respect for diversity ever since the Treaty of Rome in 1957.


Thismutual respect has been the guiding principle of uniting Europe in its first half-century and will help the peoples of Europe forge is true sense of belonging to the Union in the future.


The second reason is that the Union has become a much more diverse place since its foundation. The EU has grown from six to 27 members, many internal barriers have been removed and Europeans are free to move within its borders; and thanks to new and old migratory flows, a variety of new languages echo in many European cities. A majority of Europeans believe that people of different backgrounds can enrich the cultural life of their countries; we need to recognise this state of affairs and foster respectful exchanges of views between individuals and groups of different cultural backgrounds. This means to live, o­n o­ne hand, in respect towards the other, enriching each other. It will take us beyond tolerance and towards the cross-fertilization of cultures. This is the rationale of the European Year of International Dialogue. What will the Year be about? The arts, heritage and culture will have pride of place and this is the domain chosen by Mosaic: Melting the colours of Europe, the project run by the 27 Ministry of Cultural activities. However, there will be room for other domains as well, such as education, migration, multilingualism, employment, the media and religion. I’m happy to see that China Film and documentary enter in sat- television and museum in cultural educationin ten languages.


The role of intercultural dialogue in the external relations of the EU should be also stressed. As to implementation, civil society will have to be involved at every step; the debate should reach our fellow Europeans in the very places where they study, work and live their daily lives. What kind of achievements we should expect to reach with the year? Crucial as intercultural dialogue is for the future of Europe, it is also not easy to gauge in tangible and factual terms. Dialogue among the different cultural components of a society is something people feel. It is a general attitude, an improved atmosphere. For these reasons, it would be unwise to think of goals and outcomes; rather.


Tai Lihua: Facilities for Disabled should be built, probably in future she’ll be candidaty of the Nobel Peace, she spend her life for give the same opportunity all disabled o­n the world.


Tai Lihua ,the general director of art for the Chinese Disabled People’s Art Troupe, and a first-time member of the CPPCC, is a young woman who is deaf and mute that enter in Chinese-Parliament , this year 18 disabled people were members of the CPPCC, that indicates the Chinese Government is showing greater concern for disabled peace artists.


Tai said urge the construction of facilities for disabled people and athletes attending the Beijing Olympics and Parolympics, that all people who will arrive in Beijing, to participate in the two grand events, to be able to experience all aspects of the Cultural Olympic Festival.



Dear Leo


I have pleasure to inform you that President Liu Xiaocheng, of CDPPAT China Disabled People Performing Art Troupe is interested in cooperation o­n Harmonious Peace Culture when I gave him a book of Magna Carta Harmony in Beijing office. I suggested him, to contact you directly, because recently "My Dream" artists were declared "Peace Ambassador o­n the world" by UNESCO and Norwegian Committee of Nobel Peace told him to proposal "My Dream artists for "Nobel 2008".


The second book I'll give a Pope Benedetto XVI in the next week; and the third book I'll give to a genius of satellite television, for your great culture working. USA President and UNESCO invited him, in United States University for exhibition "Caravaggio impossible exhibition" all Caravaggio production in digital Television by RAI Italian National Television, a way for future satellite cultural television.


I'll take part in Olympic Cultural Festival with 3 peace performing under directly Ministry of Culture, for education peace message.


I hope you have a good cooperation with my Chinese friends. Last week United States gave award for peace and human right, to Deng Pufang President of CDF China Disabled Federation, for a great work for mental disabled.

I wish my best congratulations to the new board.

Yours sincerely,


Rosa Dalmiglio





Dear Leo


I have pleasure to inform you and friends that o­n 27 March 2007, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Vladimir Putin, declared open “Year of China” big in Russia, with strong interest not o­nly in Russia, but also around the world.


The theme year, brought into the international media spotlight signed cooperation and cordial exchanges in building peace and harmony society.


Tatiana Vladimirovna Chertoritskaya, Chairwomen of the Women Social-Democratic Congress of Russia, member of Russia Writers’Association and Councilor of the first Russia Federal Session of Duma, signed agreement during China-Russia Friendship, Peace and Development Committee, to safeguard women, children and families’legal right and interest, to create better social environment, to support women entrepreneurs to carry out activities, to offer consultation services, to help women to be employed, to give jobless women psychological aid and accelerate and protect women’s political right including their degree of political participation and support medical research o­n issues with women, children and the elderly,the harmony and equality of the two sexes are very important, told Mrs. Tatiana Vladimirovna Chertoritskaya, during the second Chinese-Russian Women’s Week Forum.


2007 is European year of the same opportunity and UNESCO invited me to introduce in European-theatres, CDPPAT China Disabled People Performing Art Troupe, in education Satellitary television.


Europe-tour open in the next 5 June, into UNESCO Palace in Paris, with all world delegates, Sponsor CCTV OLYMPIC 2008.





thank many for your attention, I send you information about CRI China Radio International on web and o­nline in 43 languages and my job.


I have a great problem to contacted you, in March and in April 07, please control your web.


Yours sincerely


Rosa Dalmiglio



February 25, 2007


Dear Rosa Dalmiglio,


A host of issues relating to China's politics, economy and society are being hotly debated in the media and public as the annual sessions of China¡¯s top legislature draw near. The National People¡¯s Congress (NPC) and China¡¯s top advisory body, the Chinese People¡¯s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), are scheduled to open o­n March 5 and March 3 respectively.


Two new laws expected to be adopted during the NPC are high o­n the list ofhot issues, namely the Property Law and the Corporate Income Tax Law.


Building a society of harmony is another hot topic, as well as achieving a more equitable allocation of income across the nation and ensuring everyone has access to affordable medical insurance.


Other hot topics include curbing the rise of property prices so most people can afford their own home, as well as strengthening the fight against corruption and commercial bribery. Also under debate is how to keep the price stable and the stock market under control and finding better ways to

resolve the increasing unemployment problem.


We think these topics are likely to interest you as well, so we would liketo invite you to join CRI o­n air or o­nline and share your insights and ideas o­n the main issues facing China.


During our special two-week coverage of this year¡¯s NPC and CPPCC sessions, we will bring you timely news and in-depth reports o­n the major issues in our radio programs. CRIENGLISH.com will also present a special report o­n the sessions to provide you with more background information and a better understanding of the big issues under consideration.


To participate in our special coverage, please tell us which of the topics listed below interest you most. You can also send us your own questions o­n the issues you think should top the agenda at the annual sessions ofChina¡¯s top legislative and advisory bodies.


Building a harmonious society.


Fighting corruption and punishing corrupt officials.


Fighting against Taiwan independence and promoting the peaceful reunification of China.


Adopting new laws o­n the protection of public and private properties and o­n corporate income tax.


Appreciation of Chinese RMB


Achieving a more equitable allocation of income across the nation by introducing a series of measures, including taxation.


Curbing property price increases so more affordable housing is available for middle and lower income households.


Ensuring everyone has access to an affordable national medical insurance system, especially senior citizens.


Boosting construction of new rural areas and focusing o­n the issues affecting agriculture, rural regions and farmers.


Curbing the excessive education fees levied o­n students, particularly university students.


Finding ways to solve current unemployment problems, especially the lack of positions available to university and college graduates.


Keeping the price stable and the stock markets under control


We look forward to receiving your feedback! You may forward your concerns to us by writing directly to us at crieng@crifm.comor logging o­nto our website at www.crienglish.com.


Thank you!


Yours sincerely,


Ying Lian


English Service, China Radio International, crieng@crifm.com, www.crienglish.com



Rosa Dalmiglio





Chinese President Hu Jintao has instructed the country’s leading officials to place “building a harmonious society” at the top of their agenda in May 2005, political project was began o­n January 2007 in-time of Chinese Calendar LawsReformation (2007-2020)


Hu said it was important to balance the interests of different social groups, avoid conflicts and make sure people live a safe and happy life in a politically-stable country. “A harmonious society therefore will feature democracy the rule of law, equity, justice, sincerity, amity and vitality” Hu said.


Experts believe that a harmonious society is o­ne that puts people first.

“It suggests that the Chinese government is consciously implementing the basic concepts of peoplefirst and government for the people, while placing an unprecedented emphasis o­n resolving urgent problems facing the overwhelming majority of the people” said Li Zhongze, a sociology professor with Peking Second International Studies University. “It manifests the importance of sustainable development for the Chinese economy and society” Li said.


Lu Xueyi, director of the China Sociology Association, said the urgency to build a harmonious society results from the country’s drastic change in industrial structures, which will entail new opportunities as well as “social risks”. Social problems have also emerged, such as the loss of farmland, a widening gap between rich and poor, soaring unemployment and rampant corruption.Allare leading factors that could breed instability and social tension.Accordingto a recent report by the Peking-based China News Service, the number of complaints from the public to the country’s courts alone has increased 500 times over the past 20 years.During the process, Lu said, there will be deep and even volatile changes in the country’s economic structure, people’s lifestyles, production methods and social structure.


Xiao Zhouji, professor of Peking University and vice-chairman of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the people’s Political Consultative Conference, gives a detailed depiction of what a harmonious society looks like.


“Building a harmonious society is based o­n the goal of building a well-off society” Xiao said.

Currently , China’s economy is a socialist market economy. But some drawbacks of the planned economy still remain and the market economy is neither mature nor complete. “Our society has many contradictions and uncertain factors in it, such as huge gaps in income, increasingly serious problems facing rural areas, farmers and agriculture, the drainage of farmland, heavy pressure in workplace and an incomplete social security system” said Xiao.  But, more than two decades of reform and opening-up have brought about tangible achievements in China’s economic development. People’s living standards have been greatly improved and the number of poor people has decreased by a large number. Job opportunities have increased and deep-seated problems are being solved step by step “A harmonious society featuring orderly competition and honesty is taking shape,” said Xiao.


What are the main characteristics of a harmonious society? In Xiao view, it will put people first and make all social activities beneficial to people’s subsistence, enjoyment and development. In a harmonious society, the political environment is stable, the economy is prosperous, people live in peace and work in comfort and social welfare improves.


According to Xiao, these goals should be demonstrated in the following areas: As the economy grows, people’s living standards should increase gradually. As the essence of a harmonious society is affluence, the development of a country should go from being moderately well-off into being well-off and affluent; from having big gaps in income to narrowing gaps; from dealing with poverty to eliminating poverty. Ina harmonious society people at all levels respect each other. Labour, knowledge, technology and capital are all factors of wealth creation, which can make profits and should be respected so long as they have made contributions to society. A harmonious society should see honest, friendly and harmonious relationships and just, fair and open competition between social members, regions and departments. In such a society, competition will optimise the distribution of resources, foster technological progress, develop social productivity and raise overall national strength.


A harmonious society advocates an overall, coordinated and sustainable development concept, making the interests of different sectors balanced.


A harmonious society should also see great improvements in morals and education. Thestrategy of invigorating the nation by education should be followed and elementary education and higher education universalised. Various academic theories should flourish. China has attached much importance to education, particularly compulsory education. The central government has planned fee exemptions and subsidies for students in 592 poor counties included experts want to extend the policy to poor families both in urban and rural areas.


In addition, a harmonious society is also manifested bythe gradual improvement of the legal system and standardized social management. A harmonious society is a society with the rule of law, where there is ordered market competition, strict market management and standard market behaviour.


However , Professor Xiao noted that building a harmonious society is a long and gradual process. Much work should be done to build a harmonious society.


“The first and foremost is to maintain sustainable and rapid economic development,” Xiao said. “Only by constantly developing social productivity, continuously enhancing national economic strength and constantly improving people’s living standards can society develop harmoniously.


“All people should co-exist harmoniously, love and help each other, encourage each other and make an effort to contribute to the building of a harmonious society” said Xiao (May 2005)


January 22, 2007



Dear Leo


I have pleasure to inform you that last 7 January, during annual conference of Chinese Judges, in Jinan, Shandong Province, Chief Executive of China Supreme Court Mr. XIAO YANG announced official project plain to building Chinese Harmony Society, programstartin 2007 year and closed in 2020. For development HumanRight, Ethical Economy, Social Justice, China Government offered law and more instrument to cooperate in every sector, include combat corruption and antiterrorism plan. This is the best new for Harmony Charter.

I'm agree with you and I hope you take great attention to China plan, Russia declared 2007 year of Chinese Culture in Russia and Europe declared 2007 year of the same opportunity, this is a time to defend Women and Children.







January 13, 2007


Dear Rosa,


Thank you very much for your very pleasant news and your support for the Harmony Charter.Your message about the plan of building Chinese Harmony Society is first. Please, let us to know, where we could get acquainted with this plan in more details? May be you have an opportunity to send us its copy in English? We would be very grateful to you for this valuable information. Or could you translate with Chinese to English the basic points of this plan even o­n o­ne page?


As you communicate with the Chinese Government members, could you pay their attention to our Harmony Charter and learn their opinion o­n it? It also would be the remarkable information. And last, could you translated 2-3 pages of the Harmony Charter to the Chinese language? If yes, I shall send you these 2-3pages from Charter. It would be a strong cultural and idea exchange between West and East, dialogue between different civilizations aspiring not to clash but to peace and harmony. You make very valuable cultural and peaceful mission.




Warm regards,


Leo Semashko
January 14, 2007


Rosa Dalmiglio




In 2000, the Modern Distance Education Program sponsored by the Ministry of Education started its first poverty-relief project called “Training Program for Women Teachers of Tomorrow”. In o­ne year, more than 1.000 primary school women teachers from poverty-stricken counties in Guanxi, Yunnan, Gansu, Sichuan and Shaanxi received 20 days of training in batches. They learned computer operation, basic knowledge about the Internet and learned how to receive digital broadcasting programs. This aims to arm teachers in remote, poor areas of the country with information technology so that they may become better teachers and provide better education to their pupils. Modern distance education has the characteristics of wide coverage and speedy dissemination. It can help remote, frontier areas overcome their weakness in education caused by geographical location.




October 1998 saw the beginning of satellite broadcasting of distance education, which focused o­n elementary education, especially that in poor, underdevelopment regions. At the first, daily broadcasting lasted 12 hours and the earlier course was Satellite English Classroom catering to middle school students throughout the country.


At the same time, the Central Radio and TV University’s live-classroom went o­n the air. This made interaction possible: students and viewers can raise questions and queries to lecturers via telephone or e-mail. Modern education as priority in 21st century, basis of project will be scientific research computer net and the satellite TV education net system that integrates satellite video frequency broadcastingfor Information Bank.


In July 2000, to standardize management for via-Internet education, the Ministry of Education promulgated Interim Methods of Administration for education websites and internet school, and allowed 26 institutions of higher learning including China People’s University and Peking Teachers University to provide distance education o­n a trial basis. By then, a total of 31 institutions of higher learning tried out distance education provision. These schools have the right to set standards for applicants, decide enrolment size and specialities and issue diplomas. o­n the last day of 2000, a key project undertaken by China education Television Station-China Modern Distance Education Satellite Broadband Multimedia Transmission Platform-opened to business. With this, viewers anywhere can select more than 30 distance education programs. This system can also be linked with the satellite net and China education andScientific Research Computer Net to become a specialized education net with interactive functions. Together, modern distance education, classroom education, radio broadcast education and TV education make up a multiform educational system, which makes lifelong learning possible.


United Nations Population Fund has executed a cooperative program with China titled Demographic Training and research at institutions of higher learning, enabling China to begin the study of population as an independent branch of learning. The World Bank is the biggest provider of loans for education in China.


Cooperating extensively with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, China has actively participated in a series of important international education activities and various cooperative education programs. Such participation has promoted reform and development of China’s literacy education, elementary education and adult education. For nine consecutive years, China has won the international literacy award from UNESCO.


January 8, 2007

Dear Leo


Yesterday, in the meeting in Rome, with Chinese Journalists, we have discussed about “Harmony amid Healthy Ecology” in China Today.


The sage Confucius advocated harmony among people of different points of view. Harmony is at the core of Chinese values and the underlying principle of China’s domestic and foreign policy: that of resolving problems in order to establish common ground with other nations. All may then make their contribution to world peace and stability o­n the basis of common respect for o­ne another’s differences.


2006 is the first year of China’s 11th Five-Year Plan period, the theme of whose blueprint is “ harmonious society and scientific development” Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz, professor of Economics at Columbia University, recently gave a talk at Tsinghua University entitled “ Remarks o­n China’s 11th Five- Year Plan: Another Major Step in China’s Transition to a Market Economy.” Professor Stiglitz urged the Chinese government to consider carefully the role it must play in a market economy, stressing that maximum efficiency is impossible within a market entirely without boundaries, and malfunctions are inevitable without a correct balance between government and market. He warned that propelling the GDP at the cost of the environment would cause greater poverty in China, and strongly advocated taking environmental protection into account when choosing patterns ofeconomic growth.


China is still searching for the pattern of market economy that suits it best, it has adopted a scientific approach to defining the desired extent of influence the market has o­n life in China under the principle of “harmonious society and scientific development”


This issue carries an in-depth interpretation of the 11th Five-Year Plan, expressed in articles that pinpoint current obstacles-pollution, depleted energy resources, overdue educational reform, and the rural issue- to




Rosa Dalmiglio


December 3, 2006


James Wolfensohn


West must prepare for Chinese, Indian dominance


Western nations must prepare for a future dominated by China and India, whose rapid

economic rise will soon fundamentally alter the balance of power, former World Bank chief James Wolfensohnhas warned.


Wealthy countries were failing to understand the impact of the inevitable growth of the two Asianpowerhouses, Wolfensohn said in the 2006 Wallace Wurth Memorial Lecture at the University of New SouthWales at the weekend."It's a world that is going to be in the hands of these countries which we now call developing," saidAustralian-born Wolfensohn, who held the top job at the global development bank for a decade until lastyear.


Rich nations needed to try to capitalise o­n the inevitable emergence of what would become the engine ofthe world's economic activity before it was too late, he said.


"Most people in the rich countries don't really look at what's happening in these large developing

countries," said Wolfensohn, who is now chairman of Citigroup International Advisory Board and his owninvestment and advisory firm.


Within 25 years, the combined gross domestic products of China and India would exceed those of the Groupof Seven wealthy nations, he said.


"This is not a trivial advance, this is a monumental advance."


Wolfensohn said that somewhere between 2030 and 2040, China would become the largest economy in theworld, leaving the United States behind.


By 2050, China's current two trillion US dollarGDP was set to balloon to 48.6 trillion, while that ofIndia, whose economy weighs in at under a trillion dollars, would hit 27 trillion, he said, citingprojections by investment bank Goldman Sachs.In comparison, the US's 13 trillion dollar income would expand to o­nly 37 trillion -- 10 trillion behindChina.


"You will have in the growth of these countries a 22 times growth between now and the year 2050 and thecurrent rich countries will grow maybe 2.5 times."


In light of these forecasts, it was clear that Western nations and Australia were not investing enough ineducating the next generation to be able to take advantage of the coming realignment, he said.


"The fact that not enough of our young people are preparing themselves with knowledge, experience,residence and language to deal certainly with China, although India has the benefit of an Englishlanguage, it does seem to me that it presents a formidable challenge."


Wolfensohn pointed to both China's and India's recent substantial investments in Africa as an example ofhow the two emerging giants were exercising their increasing clout o­n the global stage.


"Within the last two weeks the world has been put o­n notice that Africa is no longer the basket case thateverybody had historically thought it was but is now front and centre in terms of development by India andChina."


The phenomenal rally by the two countries was a return to form rather than a novelty, he said, as theytogether had accounted for 50 percent of global GDP from the 1500s until the industrial revolution reducedthat to between five and seven percent.


Source:AFP, Sun Nov 26, 2006


Rosa  Dalmiglio


Peace & Conflict in Contemporary China.


The Annual Cross Disciplinary & Interdisciplinary International Congress 22-24/06/2006, by UNESCO and IIIT International Institute Islamic Thought in the UNESCO Palace in Paris.


Peace practice of the new security concept in new century.


China is not o­nly advocates, this new security concept, but also endeavours to put into practices. Guided by this concept, China has made unceasing efforts to maintain world peace and promote world development.


China supports regional security dialogues and cooperation in different forms, at different levels and through various channels and in a step-by-step, manner as student to the principles of participation o­n an equal footing and reaching consensus through consultation in the spirit of seeking common grounds while reserving differences.


China has taken part in many activities for multilateral security and cooperation dialogues such as the ASEAN Regional Forum ( ARF ) signed a number of important legal and political documents, including the SCO Agreement o­n Regional Anti-terrorist Agency, SCO has set o­n example for security cooperation o­n the basis of the new security concept, by promoting the spirit of mutual benefit, equality, consultation andrespect to different civilizations and working for common development.


In October 2003 China took the lead in joining the Treaty of Amity and cooperation in Southeast Asia and signed and issued the Joint Declaration o­n the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnerships for Peace and Prosperity and work together to maintain peace and stability, key documents signed at SCO Summit in Shanghai, last 15 June, to kick off the 2006, a framework against terrorism, separatism and extremism.


China adopts a constructive and responsible attitude in the endeavour to bring a peaceful settlement to the Korean Peninsula nuclear crisis.China has actively promoted the six-party talks involving China, the United States, Russia, DPRK, ROK and Japan, creating a new pattern in solving security crisis through cooperative negotiation and consultations.This is another important practice by China in promoting the new security concept for the settlement of international security issues.In the process of development, China is faced with the issue of comprehensive security, which is ever growing in magnitude.Since the international community has not yet found any compulsory executive mechanism powerful enough to stop a war.


Ethnic and religious problems.


China is a country with 56 ethnic groups, and their religious beliefs embrace Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholics and Christianity. In some border regions, the people living there and the people living across the border are of the same ethnic group sharing the same religious belief, and they are interrelated in innumerable ways. This kind of close relationships, o­n the o­ne hand, will help to promote friendly exchanges between China and its neighbours and establish close relations of mutual trust, but o­n the other hand, it makes China more likely to be influenced by some narrow nationalism and religious contradictions. Ever since the end of the Cold War, the international strategic pattern has undergone drastic changes.


National contradictions and religious disputes, which used to be overshadowed by the Cold War between East and West, have now become prominent, particularly in China’s neighbouring areas, where various forms of national split, religious extremism and international terrorism are becoming ever rampant and are trying to infiltrate into China. The three evil forces inside and outside China are collaborating and echoing with o­ne another.With the protection, support and connivance of the anti-China forces in the world, they are stirring trouble and bringing severe damage to social stability, national unity, and people’s life and property in China’s border regions.Taiwan issue is the most urgent, most serious and most conspicuous issue of national security to China at present.

Insisting o­n peaceful reunification without forswearing use of force


To realize reunification by peaceful approaches without resorting to arms is advantageous for concentrating all strategic resources o­n building a well-off society, for harmonious feeling of the compatriots across the Straits, for long term prosperity and stability of Taiwan after reunification and for maintaining the peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.


The Chinese Communist Party, government and people will never give up their effort to realize national reunification through peace negotiations and will never change their sincere will to strive for peaceful development across the Straits togetherwith Taiwan compatriots. Nevertheless, while trying our best to achieve peaceful reunification, we will never forswear the use of force. o­n the o­ne hand, it is an issue of state sovereignty. It is absolutely an internal affair of China which approach shall be taken to settle the Taiwanissue.On the other hand, it is a strategic consideration for settling Taiwan issue. Asthe international anti-China forces are always hindering and jeopardizing the great reunification cause of China, Taiwan authorities dispute reunification over a long period of time and various separatist forces inside and outside


Taiwan are always attempting to separate Taiwan from China, we shall not bind our own hands and feet. If we do, we will instead be prevented from fulfilling the good will for peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue. Deng Xiaoping emphasized: “We must remember this and our next generation must remember this. It is a strategic consideration.” It is especially worth attention that since they got the control of the political power in Taiwan region. Under the fig leaf of “democracy”, they create opposition between different racial groups, stir up hostility against the mainland amongthe people o­n the island, advocate the so-called “jehad” against the mainland and press o­n with the “Taiwan independence” schedule of “holding a referendum in 2004-drawing up a new constitution in 2004- founding a state “. Meanwhile, the Taiwan authorities do not hesitate to buy such modernized weaponry as guided missiles, aircraftsand naval ships with huge amount of money, clamouring for “ preemptive and countering strikes”, fighting a decisive campaign outsidethe territory” and fighting a war for making the constitution and founding a country. The vainly attempt to dispute reunification and achieve their evil objective ofTaiwan independence and separation,the Chinese government and people will spare no effort to resolutely and thoroughly shatterthe separatist conspiracy of Taiwan independence.


To check the Taiwan independence separation activities, promote the peaceful reunification across the Straits and safeguard the peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits are in the fundamental interest of the Chinese people and the common interest of all nations in the Asia-Pacific region as well. Any external force that places itself in a hostile position against the 1.3 billion of Chinese people, interferes in China’s internal affairs and supports the separatist activities by the Taiwan independence forces cannot but drop the rock he has lifted o­n his own foot. The Chinese people will never let them succeed in their evil attempt. No force can ever hold back the marching steps of China in fulfilling the great cause of national reunification.


Miss Gaojin Sumei Taiwanese politician won the nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize 2006

Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of her Clansmen.


Gaojin Sumei has done a lot of practical work to safeguard the rights and interests of her clansmen since she was elected representative of the Taiwan original minority inhabitants in the mountainous areas.


The first sensational event was her charge against Taiwan authorities regarding the Lanyu nuclear wastes. The Taiwan authorities lied to the minorities about building a fish cannery in Lanyu, which would offer them many job opportunities. Theunsophisticated locals were cheated. The authoritiesemptied nuclear waste into the plant. Filled with righteous anger, Gaojin Sumeibrought the topic under discussion to protest against Taiwan authorities who weredisrespectful to thehumanrights of the original minorityinhabitants in the mountainous areas and their right of survival.


On anotheroccasion, she appealed to Taiwan authorities to give up their large purchase of military weapons, advocating“ Invest money to improve the education of theminorities, providethem with ample running waterand a complete medical service system, insteadof such heavy weapons as canons, submarines and rockets.


She was won the trust and support of her clansmen, evidenced by the first election. Gaojin entering political accidentally, before the year 2000, she was a talented artist, she had played roles in 10 TV plays and four movies, and produced seven phonograph records.


On September 21, 1999 when she celebrating her 34th birthday, a great earthquake shook Taiwan. Witnessing the miserable situation of the afflicted original minority inhabitants in the mountainous areas o­n TV, she sympathized deeply with the local, and her clan awareness was awakened. As her motherwas of the Taiya Etnic Group, she regarded herself as o­ne of the minority people. Following some public welfare organizations to their tribes, she was astonished by the poverty of these people and made up her mind to help them. Her elder brother and clansmen tried repeatedly to persuade her to enter politics.


After recovering from cancer of the liver, she dedicated herself to the great cause of ethical equality when she became the first woman legislative member of the Taiwan original minority inhabitants in the mountainous areas over the past 50 years. From 2002 to 2005, she led delegations to Japan to demand the return from the Yasukuni Shrine of the memorial tablets of the Taiwanese victims who had been coaxed into joining the Japanese Gaosha Team of Volunteers during World War II. She was determined to carry o­n the struggle, firmly believing that o­nly through action could they restore ethical dignity. This resolute Taiwanese politician won the nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.


Leading Their Sisters in Faith, peace message from China’s Women Imams and Women’s Mosques

In many ways, Islam in China has its own characteristics. China’s old mosques, which are a fantastic blend of traditional Chinese architecture and Arabic elements, symbolize, in a magnificent way, the indigenisation of religion, the interaction of a foreign faith with the local Chinese culture. But o­ne original aspect of this “ Islam with Chinese characteristics” can also be seen in a unique tradition: The existence of mosques build for women and led by women Imams, a role traditionally devoted to men throughout the rest of the Muslim word.


She is a celebrity, a pillar, a rock. Imam Du Shuzhen, who is 80 years old and 1. 5 meters tall, is the soul of the community at Zhengzhou’sBeidajie Women’s Mosque. Her strong character, deep knowledge of the Koran, and more than half a century of experience as an imam have made Du a renowned figure in the local Muslim community. She began studying Islamic scriptures when she was eight. Married at 15 and widowed at 18, she decided against her parents’ wishes not to remarry. Shewanted to devote herself to religion. After eight years of studies, she decided to lead her “sisters” in faith, she decided to become an ahong.


Ahongis the Chinese word for “Imam” or Muslim leader.


Unlike otherparts of the world, where Imams are usually men, central China has a unique tradition: the existence of mosques dedicated to women, and led by women.

Elsewhere in the Muslim world, women pray either at home or in a small section of men’s mosques. During her 55 years of service , Du has been in charge of the women’s mosque, which gives women theirown religious space. She has guided her “sister” in their prayers, taught them about the Koran, trained several ahongs, received government officials, visited Mecca four times and raised money to restore and enlarge Beidajie Women’s Mosque.


The origins of  Women’s Mosques.


It is almost impossible to say with any certainly when the first mosque for women was built , because there is a lack of written information o­n thesubject. A few scholars have traced the origins of women’s mosques to the 16th century. It is hard, however , to know what thesemosques (nùsi) were like, whether they existed as an identifiable institution for women, ore if they were led by women. A stele in a mosque located in Wangjia Hutong, Kaifeng, indicates the mosque existed in the 19th century. Amonograph of Xinxiang District, which is in Henan Province, also mentions the constructionof a women’s mosque during Qianlong’s reign (1736-1795). The mosque was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) and it was rebuilt in the 1980. Numerous nùsi which existed prior to 1949, reopened and flourished in China in the post – Mao era.


Determining why women’s mosques , led by women, exist in China is not an easy task. The few scholars who have studied the issue do not agreeon the main reason for themosques’ creation. Chinese sociologistShui Jingjun suggests the apparition is linked to the development of religious schools for girls. In their book, Maria Jaschok, a German research scholar in religious issues, andShui explain: “Women’s schools in the early Qing Dynasty were founded and run by men and, initially, teachers in these schools were men. Gradually, they became more permanent in nature, and were led by female ahong”

The authors suggest it is difficult to say when women teachers attained the status of ahong, but they add, “as they took over a male ahong’s responsibilities (such as teaching Islamic knowledge and managing religious affairs), they were called nu ahong (female ahong) by Muslims in the CentralPlain region not later than the Emperor Jiaqing’s reign (1796-1820).Elisabeth Alles, a French scholar, favors another factor, alsomentioned byJaschok and Shui, as an explanation for the development of women’s mosques : The existence of women communities in Buddhism and Daoism, which could have inspired Muslim women to setup their own institutions.


The Mosque a Living place


Five times a day, in accordance with the Koran’s teachings, women gather at Beixiajie Mosque for prayers. However, the mosque is much more than a place of worship. It is also a living place. Beixiajie is located in Zhengzhou, just a fewhundred meters fromDu’s mosque. It is the home ofMai Nianxiang, a smiling and dynamic ahong, a cleaning lady and five students, called halifas. Every day, women from the neighborhood meet at the mosque for a chat, and children from neighboring schoolsplay in the courtyard. During Ramadam, the holymonth of fasting, women cook and share dinner o­nly aftersunset, in accordancewith Muslim rites in a joyful atmosphere.


To them , the mosque is a place for worship, socializing and studying. Throughout history, nùsi have been places of culture and knowledge. In the old society where women’s ignorancewas traditionally considered a virtue, the nùsi providedwomen with knowledge of the scriptures.But they weremore than that. As notedby Jaschok and Shui, the mosquesalso provided women with basic sexual education at a time when sex-related matters were usually confined to an elite group-usually men. Given the necessityof ablutions to purify o­ne’s body-especially afteracts considered unclean, such as sex-women required a rudimentary knowledge of anatomy in these matters, as in other fields of religious and moral education, they were not confined to the same ignorant stateas some of their non-Muslim counterparts.


Today , although women have greater access to culture, thanks to compulsory education, mosques continue to provide education. Besides halifas, who receive full-time teaching, to becomeahongs, young girls also receive Arabic lessons during holidays. In some mosques ,elderly, illiterate women may receive their first lesson in written Chinese.


Daily Management


Unlike in many koranic schools, studying religion at Beixiajie is free. Therefore, the mosque has little income and must depend mainly o­n donations from worshippers. “ As donations sometimes fall to meet all the expenses, we rent rooms to outsiders, as a source of income,” Mai explains. Three of her students share o­ne room, o­n the second floor, and the two others sleep in a big bed in the living room. That makes it possible to rent out seven of the mosque’s rooms.

While ahongsare responsible for worskippers’spiritual lives, management committees are in charge of the mosques daily operations. A committee is usually composed of three to 12 people, who are often middle-aged or elderly, and who have such experience. These committees are in charge of managing donations and expenses, such as ahongs’ salaries. The salaries generally are low. Mai Nianxiang’s salary is 600 yuan (US $ 74) per month, but in the cases of poor mosques in little villages, the communities sometimes do not have enough money to pay the ahongs salaries. The ahongs, in those situation, fulfil their duties “forfree”

In addition to the salaries paid to the ahong and thecleaning lady, other expenses include coal, electricity and water fees. Theseare relatively high, as worshippers must do ablutions (wash their faces, feet, hands, ears, arms and other body parts) prior to saying their prayers. 
During the month of fasting, when worshippers come to the mosque to share a common meal at night, the purchases of food can be quite expensive.  “ During that month, we had about 160 people for dinner every day. We spent 12,000 yuan (US $ 1,481) o­n food,” said Wang Qingai, a member of the managing committee of the women’s mosque in Jiaozuo, a city 50 kilometers northwest of Zhengzhou. Sometimes, renovations of the mosque and purchases of new furniture have to be included in the expenses, and means the mosque must hold additional fund-raisers.

Financialmanagement is considered a public affair. At the entrance of the mosque, a big black board indicates the names of donors and the amounts of their donations. The board lists donations ranging from 10 yuan to 5,000 yuan (US $ 1.23 to US $ 617) “If you can give 100 yuan ( US $ 12.35), you give 100 yuan. But if you do not have money, you don’t give anything. That is also fine,” Wang explained.


Choosing an Ahong


In addition to the mosque’s daily management, the committee is entrusted with an essential mission: Recruiting a new ahong. In ancient time, an ahong would spend his/her life at o­ne mosque; nowadays, young ahong often move from mosque to mosque. As the ahong’s personality has a huge influence o­n themosque’s spiritual and social life, thecommittee usually chooses an ahong basedon recommendations from others. After receiving a recommendation, a delegation visits the prospective ahong and, with the agreement of the committee, invites her to lead the mosque. Women’s mosques have various degrees of independence, often determined by whether they were built by women who raised the funds, or whether they were set up by men’s mosques. In the latter case, the mosques’ management committees are consistent with those at men’s mosques. Often, the male members outnumber the women, which means, a majority of men have to approve the recruitment of thenew female imam-as well as all expenses.

Although female worshippers usuallysay the procedures go smoothly, because members work in a spirit of collaboration, nusi that have their own independent committees say they are happy they can manage their own affairs and chose their imams o­n the own.
In some cases, communities are left without an imam after the departure, death or retirement of an ahong.“I used to be ahong at Bo’ai’s mosque, seven or eight years ago. Today, still, the worshippers keep o­n inviting me, because the former ahong is very old and sick and they have not found anybody to replace me,” Mai Nianxiang, from Beixiajie Mosque, explained. After Du left her mosque in Kaifeng to move to Beixiajie, some worshippers evenvisited Zhengzhou to try to persuade her to return. They missed her knowledge and experience.

Unlike Du, many old ahongs hardly know Arabic, and they can read o­nly a few sections of the Koran. Today, new recruits often have quite a deep understanding of Arabic. But, as they sometimes become imams at the ageof 18 or 20, they lack the experience of older ahongs. “in the days of old, women would often become an ahong after having raised children. They had experience in life. The duration of their stay at a mosque was longer compared with nowadays, often 20 to 30 years, which allowed them to have a deep understanding of and influence o­n their community. Today, the “turnover” is much quicker. Around three to six years, Allesexplained.


Giving in to God’s Will


When women’s mosques reopened in the 1980s, most ahongs were quite old. The need to train new ahongs was obvious, so mosques and schools of the Koran accepted students. Kadangdian, a village about four hours from Zhengzhoug, is o­ne place where young ahongs are trained. About 300 girls study and live there, right next to themen’s mosque and a boys’ religious school. The building are spacious and they are arranged around a central patio with flowers and plants. The prayerhall, which faces Mecca, is opposite the main gate. o­n o­ne side of the building are showers for ablution, o­n the other side, the dormitories. The classrooms are o­n the second floor.

The women wake up beforesunrise to prepare for the first prayerof the day, which is around 5:30 am. Cleaning of the school-with cleaning tasks allotted o­n a rotation basis-breakfast and classes follow. The girls study Arabic, the Koran and Muslim history and regulations, in addition to the usual subjects such asChinese, mathematics and computer. Some even studyabroad, in Malaysia, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.

However, not all of the women can become ahongs. “When people who manage a school believe a girl has special qualities that can allow her to become an ahongs, they recommend her to us. Then, o­nly if Allah agrees, will she become an ahong” Imam Li Qingxian, who is in charge of the school, explained. “You know, when my mother, who was an ahong, passed away, I did not think about doing it myself.

I thought I wasnot able. But other people encouraged me to do so, and Allah gave me the strength” In 2004, Li trained four ahongs, who assumed responsibilities in mosques in other regions, including Liaoning Province and the Inner Mongolia Authonomous Region.
“It is good that women have their own place to pray and teach other women. Mohammad said that happy heaven is under mothers’ feet,” she added, as she smiled and looked at the young women, who hoped to become ahongs. “Inshallah” if God wants it.



Cultural policy in China



Optimal directions of cultural policy in the context of present-day societies.


First Russian Congress in Cultural Research under the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue.

St.Petersburg in August 25-29/ 2006




Culture, while reflecting the living conditions, emotions and wishes of human beings, can also have active influence o­n their human beings, can also have active influence o­n their subsistence and development. In this sense, culture can represent people. Therefore, a better understanding and knowledge about the Chinese culture will help o­ne know more and understand the Chinese people today.


The Chinese government is now upholding the principle of “people first” implementing a scientific approach to development, and working hard to build a harmonious socialist society. This is a continuation and advancement of the past twenty years of reform, opening up and development of the Chinese society, as well as a basic direction for the future social development of China. It is not o­nly a national development strategy adopted by the Chinese government, but also a reflection of the mainstream cultural thoughts and values in the Chinese society. Contemporary ChineseCulture is a mirror of contemporary Chinese people’s mentality and a reflection of theirinnermost emotions and aspirations.


The political proposition and social ideal for harmony have a profound influence o­n the development of contemporary China and the cultural character and spiritual styles of the nation.

Bybriefing, o­n Chinese culturetoday and the Chinese people living within this culture from this perspective, I think we can grasp the essence of the Chinese Culture and the fundamental spirit of contemporary Chinese people committed to the establishment of a framework for the advancement of culture and the building of a learning society for all.


This framework will comprise an enabling environment for cultural innovation, a comprehensive system of cultural laws and regulations, a widely accessible network of public cultural services, a sound and viable cultural market, and a well-functioning cultural administration and management system that can give impetus to the cultural circles for the creation of more works of excellence and development of more cultural talents. At the same time, we will continue to earnestly promote international cultural exchanges, and strengthen heart-to-heart communication between the people of China and around the world.


The production and trade of cultural products are also important elements in economic development. The Chinese cultural market has a great potential and competition in this market is intensifying. Cultural products that are beneficial to the recipients, especially to the mental and physical health of young people, social harmony and world peace, are becoming more and more popular.


Rosa  Dalmiglio


Cultural Peace Operator, she was born in Garlasco, Italy. She is council member of special art CDPPAT, China Disabled People Performing Art Troupe, created by the development of a society, a new flower blossoming in the world of arts, a newword created in human vocabulary. People with disabilities create art with their disabled bodies, inspiring people with their willpower and encouraging all with their sincere emotions. They fly their own unique banner in a colourful world and they are referred to as the “Imagine Ambassadors” for 600 million people with disabilities in the world. The President of CDPPAT is Deng Pufang, Deng Xiaoping’son, he won prize in Human- Right in United States in December 3, 2003 and delegate as Peace Ambassador o­n the world. She had organized o­n 25 May 2005 the first meeting in Rome, between Pope Benedetto XVI and Chinese Disabled Artists, historical event was transmit by Vatican Television, RAI Italian television and CCTV China National television. She is agent of CICE Centre International Cultural Exchange, and Poly Artist Management Co.LTD, sponsored “Kung-Fu Stars Show” and “Chinese Traditional Music” directly under of China Ministry of Culture, to protect arts of Chinese Minorities Groups.


P.R. of Peking Hongdandan Radio, the first programs education production by blind and disabled journalists to defend human-right in China. She is working with ACWF, All China Women Federation, and European Women Federation in media communication to development peace culture.



Dear Leo


I have pleasured to receive news from you, I was just return from Peking, actually o­ne of the best place for people are interested in building harmony and peace society. The Chinese Government is now upholding the principle of "people first" implementing a scientific approach to development and working hard to build a harmonious socialist society. The political proposition and social ideal for harmony have a profound influence o­n the development of contemporary China and the cultural character and spiritual styles of the nation.


Also in China social harmony and world peace are becoming more and more popular in young people. I suggested you, to contact " www.cri.cn " or www.chinabroadcast.cn (on internet in 45 languages) I have a good relation with more Chinese Media, if you are interested to defend children and human-right, please contact: www.womenofchina.org.cn . Naturally, women of Russian are o­ne the best partner of women of China, I met in Peking a Russian big delegation very surprised to saw Chinese Women Organized to help women and children poor in underdevelopment area. Thank many for your kind attention

Yours sincerely


Rosa Dalmiglio, Cultural Peace Operator, member of special art CDPPAT, China Disabled People Performing Art Troupe, Italy, www.networkforpeace.com, rdalmiglio@hotmail.com


Dear Fellows into Peace from Harmony!


I very like to send you (below) sensational message of our site Russian co-author , psychologist Olga Ushakova and my replay to her. I did not hear this message o­n the Channel o­ne Russia (Kremlin channel of our TV), but she informed the address,on which this message is published in Russian: http://www.1tv.ru/owa/win/ort6_main.main?p_news_title_id=95408

Best harmony wishes for you and children,


Leo 31/10/06


Dear Leo,


Do you heard about an epoch-making step to harmony of the most numerous nation o­n the Earth? Yesterday (October 27) o­n the TV informed about the decision of the China Communist Party with title: China Communist Party has cancelled dictatorship of the proletariat.... Plenum of this Party announced “that the country will build a new society of social harmony. That this such is not clear yet. But it is known: first step o­n this way is a cancellation of the tax o­n a yield, against which the peasants struggled 2 thousand years. Simultaneously CCP refuses to preserve a regime of "proletariat dictatorship", which is replaced by way o­n building of harmonious society”. http://www.1tv.ru/owa/win/ort6_main.main?p_news_title_id=95408

So now you have else o­ne powerful ally. 

Olga Ushakova


October 28


Dear Olga,


Thanks for your sensational news: CHINA: HARMONY INSTEAD OF DICTATORSHIP!!! It is  really an epoch-making step to harmony but natural for Chinese (Confucian and Buddhist) culture, for which a value of harmony always was central. When I was in Beijing in 2004, I saw in the Forbidden city of the Chinese Emperors (like our Moscow Kremlin) some temples of harmony (The Chinese distinguish some levels of harmony), which were are created by 6-5-4 centuries back. More surprisingly that o­n this step has decided the CCP, as the harmony is incompatible not o­nly with dictatorship of the proletariat, but and with materialistic (economic) monism, and with class struggle, and with managing role of the sole CCP. But if the Chinese could come o­n a throat of alien for their culture materialistic (Marxist) ideology (as their culture are pluralistic and founded o­n the basis of philosophy of FIVE elements) they, with their persistence and cultural adherence to pluralistic harmony (monistic does not happen!!!), sometime will be released from others pernicious (disharmonious) consequences of monistic Marxism. Sometime they will find and apprehend from it a harmonious STRUCTURAL beginning of the EQUALLY NECESSARY four spheres of social reproduction and appropriate, harmonious, instead of antagonistic, FOUR SPHERE CLASSES of the POPULATION, including children. Sphere classes of the population and their harmony is not Marxism but conclusion of Tetrasociology (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=145 ) from four spheres of Marxism.


Your news me especially is pleasant, what still in 2003 I published, and in 2004 brought in Beijing o­n the IIS Sociological Congress a small, strange o­n the first look, article with title "Communist Multi-Party of China" (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=166 ) (to act with it to me have not given by the plausible pretexts), in which I wrote about a theoretical opportunity of PEACE transition from Communist dictatorship and totalitarianism, through a stage of Communist Multi-Party, to a SPHERE HARMONIOUS SOCIETY of an INFORMATION CIVILIZATION. Similar in 1989 I offered and for Communist Party of the USSR, that it rejected and was lost together with its USSR, to give place to, as now write in our newspapers, "marauding, oligarchic, corruption, gangster, antiliberal" etc. capitalism, i.e. we were rejected to middle of the 19th century o­n quality of the socio economic development. Chinese Communist Party is wiser than Soviet (more precisely - Russian) and it (CCP) could understand, in what strategic direction (in direction to harmony) it is necessary to use the own powerful organizational resource, instead of to destroy its, o­n - silly, "to the basis".It is a way to harmony from communism, which can be an example for movement to harmony from capitalism.


Global vector of social evolution last two decades is expressed so: "Harmony of diversity instead of dictatorships, monopolies, oligarchy, fascism, o­ne-polarity and other social o­ne-dimensionality as disharmony". It is the modern positive alternative and response to global challenges.


October 29, 2006


© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005