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Ammar Banni. Islam for love and harmony
Ammar Banni
Professor Ammar Banni
was recognized as the GHA Honored Translator for his numerous translations into Arabic since 2007, published in the Arabic section of the GHA website "Peace from Harmony": http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ar_c The last translations were published here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ar_c&key=12 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ar_c&key=13 26-04-18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
“GHA works for a harmonious international peace” This article is written by journalist Ahlem Charef from http://www.ennaharonline.com/ar/, an Algerian daily Arabic is the second Algerian newspaper, publishing (Algiers, Constantine and Ouargla). It reported on a portrait of GHA, an international association, chaired by Dr Leo Semashko, consists of several thinkers, scientists and artists of different religions, ethnicities and countries. I stressed the great lighthouse has been the association during his participation at Astana in October 2010 and its proposed project, for a dignified and prosperous Kazakhstan. Prof. Ammar Banni, Algeria March 24, 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear All, There is my poem for Astana Forum, Best wishes. Ammar Banni
Peace and evolution
Let 's make of this century a symbol of evolution Let'sprotect our globe from any pollution Let 'sforget the war and his substitution Let' s accept the others and their traditions Let 's respect the thoughts, but not by obligation Let 's propagate tolerance among generations Let' s love our children it 'sour application Let' s live together in peace with all nations Let 's envisage the future by safeguarding civilizations Let 's discover the World and its contradictions Let' s classify science and language in first Position Let 's guarantee technology and its promotion Let 's favor information and its comprehension Let 's Opt for a dialogue among religions Let's discuss our ideas, our thoughts and decisions. Let's think to the others and their opinions Let 's Teach the culture of peace and its definition Let 's Eliminate poverty, violence and discrimination. Let 's Strive for human rights and its consolidation Let 's improvethe role of women and their progression Let 's Urge young people todevelop their imaginations Let 's Fight against bad habits that affect globalization Let 's Adopt auniversal society inharmonization Let's see the world with beauty and inspiration Let' s reach an universal love, is our solution Let' s apply these words, is our good intention Let' s sing together this poem, reflect your conviction 07/09/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends and colleagues! I can not imagine how I am happy! We will meet for to realize the true meaning of harmony. This meeting will provide another impetus for our efforts to enrich the GHA. De my shares, I will do my utmost to make this meeting a success. With Harmony and love. Ammar Banni 07/09/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Leo and All Our group "Noo Sphere" has finished its work and summary will be published on the forum site .... We have to multiply our efforts onthe margins of meetings .I inform you that I'm nominated for a television interview with Euro news where I am going to discuss the role of the GHA and IFLAC, inthe harmonious culturereligious diversity , Ethnic and civilization. Harmoniously Ammar Banni 07/09/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear All,
1st June is the joy of our children. I write this poem for them. Peace and love by Ammar Banni One year ago that I've promised you To wipe your tears and show you the joy But excuse me, my means are limited I am not arrive to defend you It is not by infidelity nor selfishness My calls were imprisoned by the conflicts of adults And disagreements and parents. You are victims of votes deaf My children, I would like moresee you, Than weapons in the hands of street vendors, Workers, exploited in factories. I hope that you have a table in a school. A vaccine, medical monitoring for your health. A name, a family, a hot bed of tenderness. My children, even excuse me, because I fear that your situation does not change
ça faitun an que je vous ai promis de réduire vos larmes et vous montrer la joie Mais excusez-moi, mes moyens sont limités Je ne suis pas arrivéà vous défendre Ce n'est pas par égoïsme, nipar 'infidélité Mes appels ont été emprisonnés par les conflits des adultes et les désaccords et les parents. Vous êtes victimes des voixsourdes Mes enfants, je nevoudrais pluss vous voir Armes à la main ou des vendeurs dans les rues , des ouvriers exploités dans les fabriques Je souhaite que vous ayez une table,dans une école Un vaccin, un suivi médical pour votre santé. Un nom, une famille, un foyer de tendresse. Mes enfants,excusez-moi, parce que Je crains que votre situation ne change pas May 29, 2008 ----------------------------------------------
Poems about Peace, Love and Harmony
When The Earth speaks! I was proud and pleased to see you on my back From one mother and one father, you get off You were primitive, I was teaching youthe art of living. Remember that you are not the only living beings By love, I have selected you, promoted youand spoiled you My sons and my daughters, I have called you To come together, understand each other, love the other I love you, I admire you By pity for me, my animals, my children I have supportedand coveredyou ,in the early eras. I feel that you go away from me, You think you do not need me! I have taughtyou love, peace and tolerance You step away from me, but you willcome back I have never declared my rights, You operate my fortunes, please, without selfishness My heart, my land, my space is up to you Have a providing preventive spirit , Be sure that you do not make me ill You think your progress will protect you! I think that you will regret the consequences Some rare diseases that appear every day, Disasters that strike at all areas Conflicts and wars which are activated without reason You say that you are intelligent creatures! So, what are you waitingfor reconciling ? All divine and human laws suggest you thebrotherhood Your religions, cultures and civilizations offer peace I want to see you united inmosaic, In harmonious, respectfuland colored painting Copyright: Banni Ammar 26/03/08 --------------------------------------- Quand La terre parle!! J'йtais fiиre et heureuse de vous voir sur mon dos D'une seule mиres et d'un seul pиre,vous en descendez Vous йtiez primitifs ,je vous ai appris l'art de vie . N'oubliez pas que vous n'йtiez pas les seuls кtres vivants Par amour, jevous ai choisi, favorisй et gвtй mes fils et mes filles ,je vous appelle а se rйunir , se comprendre , s'entraimer je vous aime , je vous admire alors, pitiй pour moi, mes animaux et mes enfants je vous ai supportй et couvert dиs les premiиres иres. je sensque vous vous йloignez de moi, vous croyez que vous n'avez pas besoin de moi!! je vous ai appris l'amour,la paix ,la tolйrance vous vous йloignez de moi,mais vous en revenez je n'ai jamais proclamй mes droits, vous exploitez mes fortunes,SVPsans йgoпsme mes entrailles, mon sol , mon espace sont а vous ayez un esprit prйvoyant et prйventif Soyez sыr que vous ne me ferez pas mal Vous croyez que votre progrиs vous protйgeras !!! Je n'en pense pas ,vousen regretterez lesconsйquences Des maladies rares qui apparaissent tous les jours, Des catastrophes qui frappent а tous endroits Des conflits et des guerres qui se dйclenchent , sans raisons Vous dоtes que vous кtes des crйatures intelligentes!! Alors, qu'attendez vous pour vousrйconcilier ? Toutes les lois divines et humainesvous suggиrent la fraternitй Vos religions, cultures et civilisations vous proposent la paix Je souhaite vous voir unis,en mosaпque , Entableau de couleurs harmonieuses et respectueuses. Copyright :Ammar Banni. 26/03/08 ------------------------------------------------------------ By the love,
you see the world pretty the others, you keep your good mine ððW henyou love Seetothe creatures without thinking of their defects Because if you employthe "if", you will change opinion Forget your misfortunes, think of happiness smile to your interlocutors you give them the desire to speaking to you conjugate the verb "to love" with all the people Contemplate the nature, it is always happy Our nature, our environment are tolerant with us Take this character of our mother earth. Our children, they are a virgin land Sow the seed of the love tolerance , in theirspirits Educate themto love themselves to see the others with joy do not await the love, and the joy come towards you Seek them in your family, society, environment They are very near to us but, we seek them somewhere Best Wishes
Ammar Banni May 1, 2007 ------------------------------------------------- Peace and evolution Let us make of this century a symbol of evolutionLet us protect our globe from any pollutionLet us forget the war and his substitutionLet us accept the others and their traditionsLet us respect the thoughts, but not the obligationLet us propagate tolerance amongst generationsLet us love our children with applicationLet us live together in peace with all nationsLet us envisage the future by safeguarding civilizationsLet us discover the World and itscontradictionsLet us classify science and language in first PositionLet us guarantee technology and its promotionLet us favor information and its comprehensionLet us reach an universal love, is our solutionLet us apply these words, is our good intentionLet us sing together this poem, reflect your conviction.-------------------- Harmony passes in priority These principles appreciate fraternityIts charter promotes equalityLanguage of art, tolerance and libertyInformation ensures its diversityIts spirit supports continuityScience and letter grateful of its fluidityIts prospects go with the current eventsIts culture is haunted by all humanityIts use is the pride of the personalityIts presence is in unlimited countriesNo one can determine its qualitiesIts support is the symbol of its fidelityIts love sets ablaze my totalityIts expansion, I love, in particularI work for peace with sincerityMy pen and paper are my only possibilitiesI vary the voices and the productivitiesI carry out this duty for our children with tenacityThis modest sacrifice reflects my solidarityMy means and my capacities are limitedThis work is my modest generosity------------------------------ Ammar Banni
Harmony and Cultural Diversity(Statement for the Harmonious Era Calendar) The Harmonious Era Calendar: The quality of Social Existence and Future of Children (2006) represents a new cultural dimension of peace. It is the Calendar of Friendship for Two Civilizations: Jewish and Islamic. Its joint authors meet to discuss, exchange, expose their opinions on cultural, religious, social diversity and information. It will allow these researchers to carry the strong points of social harmony for the future generations, and the weak points of culture of the wars, hatred, which enjoy a favorable statute in the current society. Vis-a-vis with this worrying situation, universal harmony of an information society will take over. It will receive the vast samples of very varied ethnic groups which contribute the cultural richness in children and young people. Social harmony will be a symbol of diversity in its broad but common movement. The pluralistic internal is in the heart of the harmonious external. This internal animates the future project of social harmony. However peace for a long time based its concept on a fictional and sacred one-dimensionality, which allows to understand a traverse of history and its consequence. A new prospect intends to articulate unity and diversity thanks to the availability of universal information. one of the tasks of harmony today is to ensure cultural diversity and the opposite to social monoculture. But today social harmony becomes more than phrase or slogan for a cultural diversity, it becomes almost a dogma. Why harmony and why should we be faithful to it? And main question: how to apply harmony? How must the clean culture of harmony be articulated with universal educational cultures, and various individuals and organizations? A priority task is that harmony will serve for a rise and blooming of children in the various areas of the world. Confirmation ofthis it found in the various actions of the international organizations. Thus I would wish that harmony makes it possible to consolidate a dialogue, made out of mutual respect and friendship, to keep cultural diversity cultural as a base of human societies on the five continents. Harmony develops cultural riches. Herein is the Challenge of Harmony.------------------------------------- Bio Ammar Banni, 43 years, born April 13 1963, in Guemar, small city in south-east of Algeria, famous forts and sand dunes, its vast palm plantations and its splendid couples. Father of four children. Professor of French in the college .Writer and poet, having several poems with different topics. I presented some of them at Atlanta, USA, at the time of a cyber concert. Universal ambassador of peace, Member of Love Foundation. The peace, non-violence and acceptance of the other, are my principles of life.My Address: Cite du 1er novembre /B.P 215 Guemar 39400 AlgeriaTel: 213 72 77 73 35e mail: ammarbanni@yahoo.fr Edited by Claude Veziau: February 04, 2007
« Onpeut toujours gagner une guerre, mais comment fait –on pour conquérir la paix ? » Par Michael Holmboe C 1995 En anglais par Ebba Haslund C 1997 . « LA MÈRE DU PRIX de PAIX ‘par Helene Freilem Klingberg C 2007 en anglais par Michael Holmboe C 2007 pour établir le prix de paix elle a inspiré Nobel.il y a 100 anselle l'a obtenu elle-même que c'était une exploit - une étape glorieuse. Elle a combattu avec des motset a employé son magnifique stylo.Elle a voyagé, a parlé et a écrit. Ses motsressemblent à l'écho,parmi les plus puissants et nobles hommes « Baissez vos Armes », vous ne tuera pas ! Son message a retenti, a exécuté avec la puissance et la lueurque nous devons combattre pour la paix de l'harmonie sans extermination, sans sang et sans mort. Les fabricants de paix et pas les héros des guerresl'appui que nous devrions donner et croirequ'il est possiblefaisant des ponts de réconciliation et de construction. Berta von Suttner - la toute première femme-que le prix de paix a gagnée, un admirateur entier du monde son courageet arc dans le souvenir d'une femme One can always win a war, but how does one conquer peace?" By Michael Holmboe C 1995 Into English by Ebba Haslund C 1997
THE MOTHER OF PEACE PRIZE By Helene Freilem Klingberg C 2007 Into English by Michael Holmboe C 2007
To establish the Peace Prize She inspired Nobel. For 100 years ago She got it herself It was an exploit - a milestone.
She fought with words And used her magnificent Pen. She travelled, spoke and wrote. Her words sounded like echo, Among the mightiest and most noble men.
"Lay down Your Arms", You shall not kill! Her message sounded, Performed with power and glow We must fight for Peace from Harmony Without extermination, blood and death.
The Peace Makers And not the Heroes of Wars The support we should give and believe That it is possible Making reconciliation and building bridges.
Berta von Suttner - The very First woman Who The Peace Prize won, A World entire admirer her courage And bow in remembrance of a Woman جائزة سلام من هيلين فرييليم كلينغبيرغ 2007/ ترجم الى الأنجليزية من مايمل هولومبي 2007 لاقامة السلام أستوحت جائزة نوبل.مئة سنة خلت و أصبحت نوبل كانت تستغل للمعلم.انها حاربت بالكلماتواستخدامها للقلم ولا للسيفمسافرة ، وتكتب. حتى صدى كلماتهاصار ، بين اعتي وانبل الرجال. "كفّوا أديكم عن الاسلحة" ، فإنكم لا تقتلوا!دق رسالتها أدراج السلط.يجب علينا ان نكافح من اجل السلام والوئامبدون دم و لا أبادهو لا للموت. فهي صانعة السلاموليسوا ابطال جميع الحروبينبغي تقديم لهم الدعمونعتقد انه ثبت ان من الممكنجعل المصالحة وبناء الجسور.بيرتا فون سوتني اول امرأةفازت بجائزة السلامعالم كامل اعجب بشجاعتهاقوة قوس امرءة محبة للسلام Translated into french and arabic by Ammar Banni 2007
My Dears Michael, Susana and all,I wrote this poem now, by conviction to brotherhood between any human who adopt the tolerance, peace and the acceptance of the other.By love,friendly Ammar Banni My Universal religionVarious ethnos groups came Jews, Christians and Moslems are plainA harmony and mosaichuman appeared From far, they are able to meet They want to share this event Each one carries a badge which carries its name Shimone, Chrйstian and Ali Little by little, of the discussions of glances started crossand they are exchanged smiles spout out bottom of the heart The culture of tolerance and peaces is propagated the participant is accepted and is integrated A universal language was established The hatred is banished of this place A love is born and devellopebetween them The individual and total invitations are announced to know closely Emportй by this feiric atmosphereI felt that I adopt a universal religionthe rйligion of the love and the acceptance of the other I was in my family a family which denies intoleranceI miss its members the every day I wish to see them soon. Ammar Banni/Algeria16/07/07 ---------------------------Dear Ada,Leo and allNo comment!! Ammar BanniOur doves of peace When the doves of peace fly away and cross countries and continentspropagate the tolerance, the love and the friendshipin spite of their health, they travel They are concerned future of our children They are worry about the good of humanity Harmonieuses in their works and presentations like bees, in a meadow which move, unceasingly, Froma flower to another to give uslimpi and and pure honeieThey know neither tiredness nor troubleI congratulate them for their courage and fidelity Best wishs,I admire you Ammar Banni/Algeria20/07/07
Dear friends,
Poetry, music, art they are ambassadors without borders .A song ,harmoniously link various languages, cultures, religions and civilizations .Amongus,they arethe poets, compositors, thinkers... And the singers are sensitive people, they agree to sing for peace,the love, the tolerance, the acceptance of the other, the children, the environment. I think that the realization of this harmonious pearl is probably possible with which, we will be able to accede to the hearts of the others, by presenting these songs multi-languages, throughout the world and their receipts will be used for continuation of our harmonious work.Copy right : July 2007Ammar Banni(Algerian Peace Lover)ammarbanni@yahoo.fr By the love,you see the world prettythe others, you keep your good mine ððW henyou loveSee to the creatures without thinking of their defectsBecause if you employ the "if", you will change opinionForget your misfortunes, think of happinesssmile to your interlocutorsyou give them the desire to speaking to youconjugate the verb "to love" with all the peopleContemplate the nature, it is always happyOur nature, our environment are tolerant with usTake this character of our mother earth.Our children, they are a virgin landSow the seed of the love tolerance , in their spiritsEducate them to love themselves to see the others with joydo not await the love, and the joy come towards youSeek them in your family, society, environmentThey are very near to us but, we seek them somewhere -------------------------- Peace and evolution Let us make of this century a symbol of evolutionLet us protect our globe from any pollutionLet us forget the war and his substitutionLet us accept the others and their traditionsLet us respect the thoughts, but not the obligationLet us propagate tolerance amongst generationsLet us love our children with applicationLet us live together in peace with all nationsLet us envisage the future by safeguarding civilizationsLet us discover the World and its contradictionsLet us classify science and language in first PositionLet us guarantee technology and its promotionLet us favor information and its comprehensionLet us reach an universal love, is our solutionLet us apply these words, is our good intentionLet us sing together this poem, reflect your conviction.-------------------- Harmony passes in priority These principles appreciate fraternityIts charter promotes equalityLanguage of art, tolerance and libertyInformation ensures its diversityIts spirit supports continuityScience and letter grateful of its fluidityIts prospects go with the current eventsIts culture is haunted by all humanityIts use is the pride of the personalityIts presence is in unlimited countriesNo one can determine its qualitiesIts support is the symbol of its fidelityIts love sets ablaze my totalityIts expansion, I love, in particularI work for peace with sincerityMy pen and paper are my only possibilitiesI vary the voices and the productivitiesI carry out this duty for our children with tenacityThis modest sacrifice reflects my solidarityMy means and my capacities are limitedThis work is my modest generosity----------------------My Universal religion Various ethnos groups came Jews, Christians and Moslems are plain A harmony and mosaichuman appeared From far, they are able to meet They want to share this event Each one carries a badge which carries its name Shimone, Chréstian and Ali Little by little, of the discussions of glances started cross and they are exchanged smiles spout out bottom of the heart The culture of tolerance and peaces is propagated the participant is accepted and is integrated A universal language was established The hatred is banished of this place A love is born and devellopebetween them The individual and total invitations are announced to know closely Emported by this feiric atmosphere I felt that I adopt a universal religion the religion of the love and the acceptance of the other I was in my family a family which denies intolerance I miss its members the every day I wish to see them soon. --------------------------------- VirusIt is transmitted as a virusIn develops in darknessIt infiltrates in the countriesIt is camouflaged in chameleonIt is charmed of his slaughtersIt adopts an ideologyWhich is odd and destructiveIt is baited with the massacresIt propagates misfortunesIt exterminates his opponentsIt assassinates the other thoughtsIt dislikes the evolutionIt bleaches his fortunesIt is the enemy of humanityIt hates the toleranceIt carries out its furit sucks the blood with joy Copy right : July 2007Ammar Banni(Algerian Peace Lover)
Ammar Banni My dears friendsAt the time of the World day for Peace and you who work for this conviction, my inspiration produced this poem. The glory of peaceFar from any idiologyFar from any religionfar from any ethnos groupfar from any civilizationyou are my brotherAlthough I do not divide you the ideasalthough I do not divide you the religionalthough I do not divide you the fatherlandI divide you humanismthe life is a culturewho does not have a borderpeace is the heart of the lifelove of the othersyou desire gives for livingyou are my friendsAlthough you are farI do not know your facebut I know your heartwho share the loveyou are ants of workwho move throughout the worldyou are the white doves.you are the glory of peace. Harmoniously Ammar Banni
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005