
Professor Oleg Bodnar
Global Harmony Association October 5, 2008 To Professor Oleg Bodnar, Chair of the Organizing Committee of the Festival of Harmony in the World, Lviv, Ukraine. Dear Professor Bodnnar! I am happy to welcome and to congratulate you and Participants of the Festival of Harmony in the World on behalf of almost 300 individual members from 46 countries and many collective members, number more than one million from 80 countries of the Global Harmony Association (GHA)! Your Festival of Harmony is unique and scale as it covers the phenomena of harmony in a nature, society, science, mathematics and art. Our Association collects and unites the ideas, people, organizations and events of harmony worldwide. Your Festival found reflection in a number of our projects. First, it is submitted informational on our site "Peace from Harmony" in Russian and English languages at addresses: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=355, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=344. Secondly, it is included in the list of directions of harmonization as components of the Global Harmonious Revolution of Modernity: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=363, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=336. We counted more 40 spontaneous, untied among themselves, facts (it is their not complete list) of directions of harmonization arising in the last decades of the 20th century and especially in the beginning of the 21st century in the most different spheres and countries of our planet. It proves the world law of objective harmonization. We titled this trend as "Global Harmonious Revolution of Modernity", which, from our point of view, is a way of transition of humankind from an industrial society to information and harmonious society in the 21st century. Your remarkable Festival of Harmony also is in this line. Thirdly, your idea of a Festival of Harmony found development in the GHA project "World Harmony Festival 2010", which is submitted in Russian and English languages at addresses: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=369, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=342. GHA is glad to invite all participants of the Lviv Festival of Harmony to this World Festival. Harmony Association invites you, dear Professor Oleg Bodnar to head the Organizing Committee of the World Harmony Festival 2010 and to continue a relay-race of Festivals of Harmony in the World Harmonic Movement. This Movement, devoted to the world achievements of harmony outside of sports, is considered as a branch of Olympic movement, which assumes an exit for limits of sports. Your Festival as well as others directions of harmonization get the special importance and urgency presently, when the global financial crisis forebode a collapse of an industrial society and requires scientific understanding of an information harmonious society as solely possible positive alternative to industrial system. That will cost all of our science if it is capable to produce only a nuclear, genetic, chemical, technical or some other kind of ‘butcher’ of humankind and it would be unable to offer a positive, harmonious alternative for the common good, global peace and survival? And your Festival of Harmony, and our Harmony Association prove, that the modern science capable to be presently not only by ‘butcher’ of humankind but also major tool of its harmonization together with appropriate, general harmonious education. Therefore we wish you the great successes in development of the alternative scientific paradigm of global harmony. We like to invite you to cooperate in the GHA projects and we hope for your kind publication of our greeting in the Festival materials as the first feedback in our cooperation. Sincerely Yours, Dr Leo Semashko, Global Harmony Association President, State Councillor of St.Petersburg, Director, International Website "Peace from Harmony", Author of Tetrasociology as social science about harmony, Director, Public Institute of Tetrasociology, Social philosopher and sociologist, Author more 200 scientific publications, including 12 books, Member of four International organizations. Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia Tel: +7 (812) 513-38-63 E-mail: leo44442006@yandex.ru Webpage: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LVIV 2008 October 06-12, 2008 International conference: Harmony of forms and processes: nature, art, science, society COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION O. Bodnar (LNAA, ISIS-S) - head of the committee organization R. Yatziv (LNAA - vice-rector) R. Shmahalo (LNAA - dean) O. Holubets (LNAA) V. Kosiv - (LNAA, vice-mayor) O. Maychyk (LNMA - vice-rector) V. Kaminskyy (LNMA - vice-rector) D. Nagy (ISIS-S - president) W. Huff (ISIS-S - honorary president) S. Yablan (ISIS-S -secretary) M. Gabrel (LONAA - head) B. Cherkes (NU "PU" - director) V. Otkovych - (LCDAA - director) O. Datsko (LNAA - coordinator (tel. 8(067) 3712897, e-mail: harmony_lviv@mail.ru) V. Shtets (LNAA - technical secretary, e-mail: victor.shtets@gmail.com)
The theme of this conference testifies the attention to a strategic idea of modern science which both the expectation for the change of public consciousness and successive prospect of global development are associated.
The age of the so-called scientific and technical progress showed what the unidirectional, pragmatic orientation of science result in. Having coursed the rapid growth of techniques and technology of production in the 20th century, science favoured the appearance of numerous problems and approached the margin behind whichis the state of uncontrolled embranchment, destruction of connections and branch autonomy, reduction of efficiency and loss of influence on the process of social development. That is why the most important problem of modern science is harmonization of science itself, and stimulation of integrating processes, favouring of activization of cooperation between branches. In fact, here is meant realization of a certain ideology on the basis of modern problems. This ideology has the task to promote science, as the unique integral and interconnected system what, in its turn, is the reflection of multy-aspect, but integral and determined by the laws and regularities, environment. In this context pressing is the need to develop ideas of harmony, to extend of knowledge about the regularities of harmonic organization in nature, society and creative sphere. Taking into account the real state of scientific knowledge and investigations of harmony problems as well as the experience of the international association of ISIS-Symmetry, we propose the following themes for discussion at the conference: - philosophical problems of the theory of harmony;
- harmony in the structure of Universe and physical phenomena;
- harmony in architecture, design, Fine art;
- golden section and its application; mathematics of golden section;
- mathematical modeling of harmonic processes;
- methodology of harmonization in artistic and engineering and technical activity;
- harmony of social processes;
- symmetry and harmony; theory of symmetry; realization of symmetry in nature and art;
- harmony and man: physical and spiritual aspect;
- harmony in technological processes;
- the theme of harmony in educational processes.
Working languages of conference: Ukrainian, Russian, English --------------------------------------------------