Global Harmony Association Dr. Leo Semashko Global Harmony Association President, St.Petersburg State Councillor, IAEWP Advisory Board Chair, Director, Public Tetrasociological Institute, St. Petersburg, Address: 7-4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia. Tel: +7 (812) 513-38-63 Fax: +78125133863 E-mail: leo44442006@yandex.ru Publications: In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=372 In English:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=351
Copyright © 2008 Global Harmony Association Copyright © 2008 Leo Semashko
General Harmonious Education as the Best Way to Indestructible Global Peace By the Global Harmony Association project: World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education in an Information Society The Lecture on the 18th IAEWP World Peace Congress 29th - 31st October 2008 Resume The qualitative difference and advantage of "general harmonious education" is to unfold scientifically the deep fundamental elements and natural laws of social and individual harmony. This scientific knowledge comprises the universal key contents of general harmonious education. These elements and laws of harmony are unfolded in a new social science, known as tetrasociology. The main purpose of general harmonious education and the Harmony Academies is to transfer and apply scientific knowledge about these laws and technologies for the benefit of new generations. Knowledge of the harmony laws as well as technologies regarding their use is necessary for all societies and for all conscious people. This global scientific knowledge (the new universal social information) provides sustainable development, common good, prosperity and harmonious peace on the Earth and it excludes violence, wars and poverty. The world consciousness of the laws of social harmony is qualitative. Hence, in a revolutionary way, it distinguishes general harmonious and simultaneously peace education from industrial education and elevates this education to a new level in every aspect: moral, social, cultural, political, economic and ecological. Therefore, general harmonious education is the best way to indestructible global peace. Foreword There are the four great educational ideas that make the foundation for my lecture. 1. Confucius, 2500 back: If you think 100 years forward: teach children. 2. Mahatma Gandhi: If we are ever to have real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with the children. 3. Nelson Mandela: Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the World. 4. Eleanor Roosevelt: We must prepare with the revolution of education, which will be unavoidable if we want to face the new conditions of understanding and controlling them. Without a completely new approach in education, our youth will not be completely equipped to face the world of the future. These great universal ideas are as urgent today as they ever were. They "ripened" and even "over ripened" into an information society in expectation of a global project that would bring about their fulfillment. Such a project was created in the first half of 2008 by more than 70 authors of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) from 22 countries. Their project is titled "World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education in an Information Society". This project is published in four languages: Russian, English, Spanish and Romanian on the web site: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=277 and in a 104-page book with the same title. The translations into French, Chinese and other languages have also been prepared. My lecture is devoted to the basic ideas of this Global Harmony Association project, which, by our opinion, represents that educational revolution of which Eleanor Roosevelt dreamed. Certainly, in the lecture I can not repeat 104 pages of our book. I shall try to find the generalized and brief expressions of its contents. Likely, the most complete characteristic and exact appreciation of this revolutionary project was given by Charles Mercieca, Professor Emeritus and President of the International Association of Educators for World Peace.This appreciation will be submitted further. The great educational ideas were embodied in the real project at the expense of creation of a new four-dimensional science about social and individual harmony, which received a title "Tetrasociology." This science unfolds a deep (invisible) structure of harmony, which comprise the fundamental elements of harmony in society and people and in alignment with their laws. The scientific knowledge about elements and laws of a deep structure of harmony learned in an appropriate educational technology at all schools, colleges and universities of the world creates general (or global) harmonious education. Therefore, harmonious education simultaneously is a synonym for true peace education through which an indestructible peace nourishes and grows only from harmony more than from anything else. Therefore, harmonious education represents a harmonious revolution of education in general, and it completely corresponds to a new, information civilization. Its details will be considered in the basic part of this lecture. Its each section can be found in details submitted in works on tetrasociology and in the Global Harmony Association projects, which are published on the Association’s web site "Peace from Harmony": www.peacefromharmony.org.
16 fundamental elements (spheres) of social harmony The science of harmony begins with the unfoldment of its fundamental elements and laws. In this lecture, we shall be limited only to the subject of social harmony. All history of philosophical and sociological thinking resulted in allocation of sixteen necessary and sufficient elements of any society; these include harmony. We shall title them the “elements of social harmony,” because only their coordination, proportion and balance provide harmonization of a society and make it harmonious. Elements of harmony are the extreme large spheres, which are titled ”sphere elements.” There are four groups of the fundamental elements (spheres) of social harmony: RESOURCES, PROCESSES, STRUCTURES and CLASSES of the population. They are necessary and sufficient for existence and harmony of any society in any place at any time. Resources are: all People, all Information (knowledge), all Organizations and all Things, material boons, including material services. In abbreviated form the resource elements are designated PIOT. They are a subject of a social statics in tetrasociology. Processes (or functions) are: Production, Distribution, Exchange (Market) and Consumption. In abbreviated form, the functional elements are designated PDEC. Each resource of PIOT passes through processes of PDEC. They make a subject of social dynamics in tetrasociology. Structures or spheres of PIOT reproduction are: Social, which reproduces People (P); Informational, which reproduces Information (I); Organizational, which reproduces Organizations (O); and Technical or material and economic, which reproduces Things (T). In abbreviated form, the reproduction spheres are designated SIOT. The reproduction spheres unite the resources of PIOT and the processes of PDEC for reproduction of the new PIOT. The SIOT spheres make a subject of social structuratics in tetrasociology. Note. For the first time in a history the similar four spheres of social reproduction named Marx in "German Ideology" in 1845. However, this certainly ingenious idea was only intuitive at Marx. It was deprived of any proofs and fundamental bases. Marx was resulted by it to economism, i.e. to materialistic monism as a primacy of material sphere and secondary character of three other spheres. This theoretical mistake, i.e. monism, as all subsequent history shown, turned back by the enormous practical mistakes (world system of socialism) and huge human victims in the 20th century.
Tetrasociology keeps four spheres of social reproduction from Marxism. However, Tetrasociology makes under them the fundamental bases of four necessary and sufficient social resources of PIOT, which simultaneously are and products, and subjects of the appropriate productive spheres of SIOT. The necessary and sufficient character of PIOT resources, excluding their primacy (monism), determines necessary and sufficient (i.e. equal and pluralistic) character of SIOT spheres. Hence, the SIOT spheres in Tetrasociology exclude a primacy (monism) and express their fundamental pluralism, i.e. equal necessity and sufficiency of each sphere for ANY society and civilization. Marxism and Tetrasociology coincide in a recognition of four social spheres but they fundamentally differ from each other as monism and pluralism, as the one-dimensional and many- (four) dimensional theoretical systems. Marxism was the theory of a disharmonious industrial society, in which the economy or production of the material boons dominates. Tetrasociology is the theory of a harmonious information society, in which the priority (but not primary) place occupies production of the information ensuring CONSCIOUS harmony as between the PIOT resources as between the appropriate SIOT spheres. It is unfolded below in the laws of Tetrasociology. Classes of the population occupied in the spheres of reproduction of SIOT are:
SOCIOCLASS, which is employed (occupied) in the sociosphere; INFOCLASS, which is employed (occupied) in the infosphere; ORGCLASS, which is employed (occupied) in the orgsphere; TECHNOCLASS, which is employed (occupied) in the technosphere. Sphere classes cover the entire population and differ in the general spheres (SIOT) of occupation or employment rather than the private and temporary attributes of property or stratification. Therefore, they are titled as SPHERE classes. In abbreviated form, the sphere classes are designated SIOT as well as spheres. Sphere classes are the actors of social harmony. Their general employment and occupation express the universal activity of people from birth to death in spheres of SIOT. General employment and occupation and the sphere classes are a subject of social occupatics in tetrasociology — from the English language, this means ‘occupation’ as any kind of activity. All elements of social harmony exist in all social objects: family, enterprise (small firms, corporations, and so on), branch, region, country, humankind (social world, global society, and so on). However, in each object and at each level, they exist in a specific way, that is, in a qualitatively unique form and in infinite diversity. The laws of social harmony The laws of social harmony express the basic characteristics, qualities and dependences of its 16 fundamental elements. The basic qualities of elements are universality, necessity, sufficiency and priority. All elements are universal and necessary for a society, as the absence of even one of them excludes a social existence. All of them are sufficient because there are no other universal social elements necessary for a society and its harmony. This equal necessity of elements is expressed in their different priority in different historical times and in different social spaces of a society. The basic forms of dependence of elements are disharmony and harmony. The disharmonious dependence is a spontaneous unguided interrelation of elements, characteristic of all types of disharmonious societies. The harmonious dependence is consciously and scientifically controlled harmonious and optimally balanced proportion of all fundamental elements in a society. The harmonious proportions of elements are quantitative measures that require appropriate statistics and mathematics. In tetrasociology, the sphere statistics have already been created and the mathematics of the sphere and harmonious proportions has recently been developed. The harmonious proportions of the listed elements are a consequence of the laws of social harmony. The formulations of these tetrasociological laws can be independent or be accompanied by the formulations of axioms and definitions. The number of elements (spheres) of harmony in tetrasociology is constant and number of their laws is variable. It depends from the concrete conditions of social space-time of separate societies and civilizations. Therefore and the elements of harmony and their laws require constant scientific (tetrasociological) research in concrete societies. From a lot of the laws of social harmony I shall mention only six laws.
1.AXIOM. All elements (sphere) of social harmony are necessary, sufficient, with different priorities and aspiring to a mutual harmonious proportion as the most favorable state for development of each element. They exist only in mutual inclusion and do not exist separately.
LAW. From all elements (spheres) of social harmony the determining (priority) importance belongs to resources PIOT. 2.Definition. Any social resource is inseparable unity of all PIOT resources, aspiring to a harmonious proportion with a priority of one of them. LAW. The harmonious social resource is a harmonious proportion of PIOT in it with a priority P, i.e. proportion subordinated to interests of the harmonious human. 3.Definition. The social harmony is an optimum quantitative proportion of the lower and top limits of the sphere elements, which (proportion) makes the most favorable condition of development for each of elements. LAW. The social harmony all of its elements is determined by harmony of PIOT resourceswith a priority of People. 4.AXIOM. From all resources of social harmony the highest priority have the People as a resource of all resources producing all resources, including oneself. Harmonious proportion of all resources and elements depends only from people and only people provide creation and maintenance of social harmony. LAW. From all human resources of harmony the highest priority have children, from which grow and produce all human resources (all social capital) in all their diversity and riches. 5.Definition. General harmonious education is the scientific coordinated informing, nurturing and learning of each person, since childhood, in all four spheres of society and individual. LAW. The quality and harmony of a human resource is determined by level and scale of general harmonious education of children and youth. 6.AXIOM. Humankind will survive in conscious harmony or it will destroy itself. LAW. General harmonious education is the best way of humankind to social harmony and the most effective method of the decision of its all problems. Elements of social harmony and their laws make and exhaust a deep structure of social harmony, which is accessible only for appropriate scientific knowledge, which focuses in tetrasociology. Tetrasociology as a science about social and individual harmony Definition: Tetrasociology is the pluralist four-dimensional scientific MACRO-SOCIOLOGICAL theory of social and individual harmony. The elements (or macro spheres) and laws of harmony in social space-time are the subject of Tetrasociology. Tetrasociology is the global scientific consciousness and worldview adequate to a harmonious information civilization. Tetrasociology structure includes the scientific theories of four dimensions of social space (spheres), united by social morphology and the scientific theories of four dimensions of social time or stages of social development, united by social genetics. The theories of spheres (elements) of social space or social morphology: Social statics as scientific theory of sphere resources (PIOT); Social dynamics as scientific theory of sphere processes (PDEC); Social structuratics as scientific theory of the spheres of reproduction (SIOT); Social occupatics as scientific theory of the sphere classes of the population (SIOT classes); The theories of stages of social development or social genetics: The theory of harmony as balance and prosperity of spheres; The theory of deceleration as imbalance of spheres; The theory of decline as degradation of spheres; The theory of dying as destruction, ruins and chaos of spheres. The conditions (states) of deceleration, decline and dying make disharmony. The conditions of decline and dying make the strong disharmony and the conditions of delay makes the weak disharmony. The scientific knowledge of the elements and laws of harmony allows society and persons to constantly be safely within the borders of harmony, to avoid the conditions of decline and dying, and to minimize the conditions of deceleration. Social harmony is a cause; true peace is its consequence True (indestructible, harmonious and global) peace can be a consequence only of social global harmony, that is, a harmonious proportion of its fundamental elements at a planetary level. True peace expresses the motto of the Global Harmony Association: "Peace goes from harmony; Harmony gives peace and happiness".

This motto is inscribed on the Global Harmony Association emblem, which represents the goddess of harmony as a beautiful woman who inspires our planet by universal scientific knowledge of harmony. This emblem expresses the basic relationship of cause and consequence: harmony is a cause, source, basis and foundation for true peace. Therefore, harmonious education is simultaneously peace education. Both educations are synonyms.
The industrial, false peace slogan is: "If you want peace, prepare for war", which is philosophy through which society has, and does, make war out of peace. It is the military peace or false peace. That slogan must be replaced with the true peace slogan: "If you want peace, create harmony". It is the harmonious peace or true peace. From Liberty to Harmony: a deep revision of the value priorities Any new historical civilization requires essentially new education as its new philosophy and its new value priority. The value priority of an industrial society and its education is liberty. Liberty has played a colossal positive role in the history of humankind. The positive tasks of liberty have now been solved. Liberty has exhausted its historical mission and departs from the top of the value hierarchy along with the society that created that hierarchy. Liberty can not maintain its priority in a new harmonious education society for two reasons: 1. a new society needs its own new, adequate value priority; 2. liberty is a limited, unilateral and contradictory value. Liberty is distributed in an equal measure to good and evil; and, on the latter, even more widely and willingly. Therefore, along with the positive aspect of liberty being good, there is also the aspect of liberty being associated with evil, chaos and death. This is the liberty of arbitrariness and violence. This is the negative liberty that destroys the ethical basis of persons and society. Negative liberty is constantly accompanied by positive liberty, threatening to the positive. The epoch of liberty is an epoch of wars, violence and a wave of "wars of all against all" (Hobbes). Negative liberty was investigated by Immanuel Kant, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nicolai Hartmann, Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Heidegger and many other outstanding thinkers. The ongoing change from an industrial civilization to an information civilization brings with it a new appropriate value priority: that is, harmony. Harmony has always been a value in all cultures, but only the new harmonious education society makes it a priority and puts it on top of the hierarchy of values. The objective necessity of a harmonious value hierarchy is clear: the current colossal cultural diversity of humankind in the conditions of globalization and world unity can survive only in harmony and can survive only with the deep internal consent based on the realized natural harmony of the fundamental elements, first of all the sphere classes of humankind. Liberty, in any society, can exist without harmony and other values. In contrast, harmony can not exist without liberty, justice, equality, brotherhood, love, peace and others. Liberty is a flag of industrial civilization. Harmony is a flag of harmonious information civilization. This change of priorities can occur only through general harmonious education of the population, starting with children. only this education is capable of ensuring recognition of a harmony priority in society. Culture of harmonious peace
Each epoch of humankind, in any civilization or society, creates its own dominant peace culture. Greater civilizations create greater peace cultures. The information harmonious civilization creates a culture of harmonious peace, which is constructed only on social harmony. In contrast, the industrial peace culture is constructed on fear of war. It is a culture of military peace, a culture of peace as preparation for war.As such, it is limited only by the secondary or derivative qualities. These are: peaceful conflict resolution; a positive process of cooperation and dialogue in spirit of tolerance, solidarity, mutual respect and understanding; an exception of all forms of discrimination and xenophobia; recognition of the important role of scientific and cultural organizations; sustainable economic and social development; a guarantee of all human rights; equality between women and men; a fostering democratic participation; a free flow of information and knowledge; and true international security based on human security. (See: The UN Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, 1999). Harmoniouspeace culture includes the following interconnected attributes: - Recognition of an opportunity and necessity of the true or harmonious (inevitable, indestructible, eternal, global, universal and realized through ongoing prosperity) peace as a natural consequence of the law of social harmony;
- Involvement by true peace actors: that is, the harmonious sphere classes of populations;
- Implementation of the science about social harmony: that is, tetrasociology;
- Acceptance of children as humankind’s highest priority between social groups;
- Prioritization of general harmonious/peace education;
- Utilization of international bilingualism of two languages: that is, Esperanto and English;
- General and complete disarmament as practical criterion of the true peace; and
- the secondary or derivative qualities of the industrial peace culture, as stated in the above paragraph.
The transition from industrial to harmonious peace culture is through general harmonious education, the originator and generator of which is the World Harmony/Peace Academy. A culture of harmonious peace corresponds to an information (harmonious) society and makes a cultural basis for general harmonious education. General harmonious education as the requirement and direction of a global harmonious revolution of modernity Since 1990, humankind has entered into an essentially new modernity, which grew from two fundamental, long-standing tendencies connected with opposite civilization processes. The first tendency of modernity is to increase the global threat of industrial self-destruction of humankind, degradation of an industrial civilization through economic and financial crises, growth of the number of people living in poverty, environmental pollution, an “arms race” in which various countries acquire a larger quantity of traditional and sophisticated weaponry, constant local wars, threat of world nuclear war, and other global risks and threats. The second tendency of modernity is the Global Harmonious Revolution, the essence of which makes a world social harmonization, or harmony globalization, within the framework of growth of an information society. This revolution began in 1990 after the USSR’s disintegration and humankind’s liberation from global antagonism of two world systems: capitalism and socialism. The historical opportunity for conscious global harmonization and conscious formation of a science about harmony first appeared at this time. Within the framework of this tendency, the Global Harmony Association fixed more than 40 objective directions of harmonization; these include the European Union, Singapore, China with all of its ideological and political restrictions "builds a harmonious society", Kazakhstan, the USA with them "schools of harmony" and many others. Both tendencies of modernity express humankind’s common global dilemma: either the human species will destroy itself as a result of the first tendency, or the human species will survive in conscious, scientific social harmonization that will require general harmonious education. In fact, realization of the second tendency toward a Global Harmonious Revolution is impossible without general, widespread harmonious education. Therefore, the Global Harmony Association made a conclusion: The World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA) will inevitably be created. The only questions are: where and when? The country that creates the first Academy will ensure its recognition as an innovative, harmonious, leading developer in the 21st century and as a cradle of world harmony. Prizes for the country that creates the first World Harmony/Peace Academy: The country that creates the first World Harmony/Peace Academy will be recognized as being the leader in: 1. Advanced, super technologies of harmonious education; 2. Educational information humanitarian technologies; 3. Harmonious peace culture that rejects war, terror and hunger in the world; 4. Harmonization of international, interethnic and interreligious relations; 5. Global construction of a new standard for academic towns and schools of harmony; 6. Creation of a new world market for technologies of harmonious education and appropriate educational services, including building construction worldwide; and 7. Creation of a Trans-National Educational Building Corporation with annual profits in the billions of dollars or Euros within five to eight years. Briefly, this country will become a cradle of the world harmony and its pioneer, with attendant social, cultural and economic benefits flowing from this global mission. Harmonious education and World Harmony/Peace Academy structure The harmonious education and World Harmony/Peace Academy structure is appropriate to the four fundamental spheres of social harmony. The system of elements and laws of harmony formulated above is a scientific basis for structure of harmonious education and the Academy. The harmonious education includes the four directions, and the Academy includes four faculties (departments). The scientific theory of elements and laws of harmony, and also the technologies of application of the appropriate information, comprise the basic contents of general harmonious education. Each faculty (department) prepares the new experts and teachers on harmonization within the framework of traditional professions. Raising the level of skill within the school and among university teachers regarding harmonization of the humanitarian disciplines will be realized in the first stage, which wills last three years. Each faculty will unite in a number of the Sub-faculties (Chairs) of Harmonization. Each sub-faculty will be the basic block of profiling disciplines, which will create a complex of the specialized subject’s lecture courses on harmonization. The departments list will express a conscious and active development of new scientific disciplines and directions of teaching in an information society. The list of Sub-faculties and main subjects or disciplines of the Academy will indicate the maximum desired goal, for today. Their practical introduction will be realized within the Academy’s annual development plans. The requirements needed to fill the basic blocks will vary with time in connection with shifting social and scientific conditions. Distribution of time of harmonious education between educational disciplines The harmonious education will cover all educational disciplines but in different measures. In the greatest measure, this education is capable of presenting humanitarian disciplines: languages, including Esperanto; world literature; world history; philosophy; social sciences; psychological sciences and so on. These humanitarian disciplines are the key block of harmonizing educational disciplines to which schools, colleges and universities should allocate not less than 50 to 60 percent of their curriculum time. The remaining 40 to 50 percent of the curriculum time should be devoted to natural, mathematical and special disciplines, including culture, geography, history, and religions of the country or culture in which the academy is located. The basic technology of general harmonious education This educational technology consists in division of all educational groups and tasks in accordance with the four spheres of social and individual harmony. This division creates the four sphere sub-groups. Interaction, including disputes, reports, proceedings and decisions of common tasks, among students and between sub-groups will personify for them the benefits of harmonious interactions. Such discourse and dialogue will also bring to their attention hidden frictions and private disharmonies, which can be overcome through their harmonious interactions. Such technology was used by the author for many years in various educational groups, was very effective educationally, and was also successfully used by students. Professor Mercieca’s estimation for the World Harmony/Peace Academy project I wish to conclude with an estimation of the World Harmony/Peace Academy project written by Professor Emeritus Charles Mercieca, President of the International Association of Educators for World Peace. Professor Mercieca writes: “I carry great esteem for the World Harmony/Peace Academy project of our Global Harmony Association (GHA) on the following key bases: 1. It has the deep historical, cultural, spiritual, moral, philosophical and pedagogical preconditions, incorporating in itself practically all the past achievements. 2. It is constructed on the new original scientific basis of the tetra-sociological theory of social sphere harmony. 3. It gives a scientific substantiation to a new value priority of harmony in an information society and in education of the new age. 4. It unfolds the scientific basis of the World Harmony Association Mission and Structure as essentially a new educational establishment of new information epoch. 5. It provides an essentially new, effective understanding of peace and peace culture through harmony of the spheres and sphere classes of humankind. The World Harmony Association project is unique, not having analogues and competitors in the world. At the same time, it is, in an equal measure, acceptable for all nations, religious groups, cultures and civilizations of the world. It truly gives a real hope for rescue and survival of humankind through general harmonious education.
Therefore, this project deserves all-round support of all progressively thinking educators of the world. I call all of you to support this project, to join it as the co-authors, and to enrich it with your ideas. I call also other international organizations to follow the footsteps of the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) and to join to the Global Harmony Association in the realization of the World Harmony/Peace Academy project. Our support and joint cooperation in this world project will be our great contribution to global harmonious peace, which will be highly appreciated by our children, grandchildren and future generations.” CONCLUSION
General harmonious education is the best, though very long, way for humankind to attain global harmonious peace. This conclusion is a consequence of the scientific theory of social harmony, which is the basic contents of general harmonious education. The Global Harmony Association’s World Harmony/Peace Academy project opens a conscious portal into the unknown cosmos of social harmony and harmonious peace. Let me three summaries. In summary 1. Gratitude. Let me to express my hearty gratitude to all members of the Global Harmony Association and, most importantly, to the 78 co-authors from 22 countries of the World Harmony/Peace Academy Project. Their participation and support for this unique educational project is especially significant because from their own imaginations and belief in a better, more harmonious world for all people and all children, they have created this world project that will bring about a revolution in education. The special gratitude I express to the remarkable English editor of the majority of the Association projects and this lecture to the outstanding American writer Robert Weir. In summary 2. The proposal to Malaysia Government. Malaysia for last two decades achieved the very significant successes on the basis of the state declaration of national philosophy Rukun Negara. Its five principles express social harmony. on their basis the country with the population about 30 millions practically was exempted from the industrial pathologies: corruption, poverty, drugs, criminality, interracial and interreligious enmity. Malaysia is the one of few modern countries, which approached very close to social harmony. Therefore, the Global Harmony Association recognizes Malaysia as one of the most worthy countries for creation in it the World Harmony/Peace Academy. Global Harmony Association prepared the appropriate proposal, which we transfer in Malaysia Government. In summary 3. The proposals in the Congress Resolution. The Global Harmony Association (GHA) proposals into the 18th IAEWP World Peace Congress Resolution, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29th - 31st October 2008. The Global Harmony Association Board approved the following four proposals in the Congress Resolution: 1. Support the GHA project: World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education in an Information Society (WHPA). 2. Recommend to the peace educators organizations to discuss, to support and to take part in the WHPA project. 3. Recommend to Malaysia Government to put in a basis of the state system of education a system of general harmonious/peace education. 4. Recommend to the UN and UNESCO to take into account and to discuss the WHPA project, with the purpose of its use in development of peace education and peace culture and also for the armed conflicts resolution through harmonization. Thank you very much for attention!
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