Resolutions of the 18th IAEWP
World Peace Congress:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 29-31, 2008
Final Draft presented by
Dr. Leo Semashko
IAEWP Advisory Board Chair, GHA President,
leo.semashko@gmail.com, www.peacefromharmony.org
Approved by the IAEWP Secretariat’s Executive Council:
Dr. Charles Mercieca, Pres,
Dr. Surya N. Prasad, Exec V. Pres,
Dr. Nenad Javornik, Secr-Gen
January 1, 2009
English: http://www.iaewp.org/newsletter/Vol41-No1-2.pdf
English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=355
About IAEWP: International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) (http://www.iaewp.org). Founded in 1967, it has branches in 80 countries with over 50,000 members. Headquarters in USA and it works with Global Harmony Association (GHA) http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=316
This 18th IAEWP World Peace Congress in Malaysia was a great global event, which took place in Malaysia, October 29-31, 2008.
The first International Martial Arts Festival, devoted to protection of peace, was an integral part of this peace congress. This Congress brought hundreds of people from many countries. The great success was due to the cooperation received from the Malaysian Government. Dr. Steve Rajan, helped with the organization and selection of speakers.
Conceptual Vision of New Education: A serious reality we face consists of increasing the global threat of degradation of an industrial civilization through economic crises, growth of people in poverty, environmental pollution, an “arms race” with sophisticated weaponry, and wars threatening nuclear warfare. The US economic liberalism has put the world on the verge of financial collapse. As Barack Obama noticed, the USA has dug out to itself this hole and we should get out of it.
Global Harmonious Revolution: This began in 1990 after the USSR’s disintegration and our liberation from two antagonistic systems: capitalism and communism. This is expressed by the European Union with its motto "United in Diversity"; by the "building of a harmonious society" in China since 2006; by economic and interreligious harmony in Singapore and Malaysia, and more of similar events.
Exit from the hole of the current world financial crisis should be sought through alternative strategy of economic harmony, revealed in people’s income. The traditional industrial peace education is false by definition, since it is deprived of the scientific knowledge of peace and reason. It is based on fear of war. "Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war." The growth of arms does not strengthen peace but only increases military threats for destruction. Peace can win war and strengthen oneself worldwide only by social harmony.
Unfortunately, our "peace" education is subordinated to war. It is limited by the national frameworks and it does not overcome the animosity of different cultures. Over the past 60 years the UN itself did not prevent wars. The cost for the preparation of war is criminal because it takes money from the health, education, and social security of people. The military budget of 3 days would achieve the required budget to control malaria.
The true peace slogan is: "If you want peace, create harmony". Therefore harmonious education is built on the principle: "If you want peace, create harmony, starting with general harmonious education of children". These ideas, which were expressed in the Congress, should guide teachers and students on a way to true peace from harmony, which is held in all cultures and religions.
The modern tendency of harmonization requires general harmonious education. Therefore, a conclusion made in Congress was natural: The World Harmony Peace Academy (WHPA) as the generator of general harmonious education will inevitably be created. For realization of this project it is required $27 million for 3 years, on $9 million per one year: It is the paltry sum for the budget of any country, even for the poorest. Hence, any country, even the poorest, has a chance to become a cradle of world harmony and to become a part of a harmonious civilization.
Educators should show that they can bring to students a new scientific knowledge about social harmony as a source of global peace and prosperity. This is that new conceptual vision of our future hope in the promotion and implementation of a permanent peace, which became dominant in the Peace Congress in Kuala Lumpur. As a matter of fact, this has eventually resulted in the following resolutions based on IAEWP principles.

IAEWP Principles in Global Harmonization
1 – Putting priority on social harmony as a basis for harmonious education that ensures global peace.
2- Supporting constructive peace initiative, thus setting ground for modern harmonization.
3 - Promoting IAEWP goals of peace education, good environment, human rights and disarmament.
4 – Supporting Obama’s principle of "Change,” along with a harmonious education for a 21st century.
5 - Improving our work procedures by searching for “what” is right and not for “who” is right.
Information Sources for the Resolutions
1. Presentations and speeches that were made in the said Peace Congress.
2. Resolutions and proposals, which were made orally in this said world event.
3. Resolutions drafting the project prepared by Dr. Charles Mercieca on behalf of the participants.
4. Resolutions and proposals of the Congress participants stated in correspondence after its ending.
5. Global Harmony Association projects jointly with the IAEWP members:
- Harmonious Era Calendar (2006-2008) by 43 authors from 19 countries in 16 languages:
- Magna Carta of Harmony (2007) by 43 authors from 16 countries of the world in 7 languages:
- World Harmony/Peace Academy (2008) by 78 authors from 22 countries in 5 languages:
- Russia/Georgia: peace through education not military (2008) 72 authors in 3 languages:

- Recognize Tetrasociology as science of social and individual harmony of General Harmonious Education (GHE) & World Harmony Peace Academy (WHPA).
- Recognize the GHE and WHPA project, which embodies in itself the IAEWP goals of peace as a strategic key project.
- Consider all IAEWP educational projects also as part of the GHE and WHPA Project.
- Support creation of the WHPA national branches in the different countries of the world.
- Make children a top priority in the world as a necessary source for global harmonious peace.
- Support development of mathematics of harmony developed by the scientists and educators in Canada, India, Russia, Ukraine and other countries.
- Ask Governments to study prospects of educational reform in each country on the basis of the GHE and WHPA Project.
- Support the peace Aga Khan Academies and experience of harmonious pluralism of Academies in the Moslem world for modern harmonization.
- Support the "schools of harmony", in the states of Texas and Louisiana since 2000 in the USA as important cultural direction of harmonization.
- Support the set up of Departments of Peace and Nonviolence already in more than 40 countries.
- Hold the IAEWP 19th Peace Congress in South Korea on October 29-31, 2009 on "General Harmonious Education as a Way to Global Peace".
- Foresee creation in the Harmony Academies of the scientific laboratories for promoting economic and financial harmonization as urgent for peace.
- Include in the curricula of harmonious education the technologies of financial harmonization for solution economic crises globally and locally.
- Create the IAEWP online Portal, which will include conflict resolution courses, peace education materials, kindergarten-12, website links; international university programs in Peace Education; and the open sharing of peace education teaching methods via iPod and web-cam technologies.
- Create in the Internet IAEWP’s "Peace Forum" and to limit it by discussion of questions of peace, harmony that may include the GHE and WHPA Project. Also, study improvements of the IAEWP, its procedures and the content of the IAEWP Charter.
- IAEWP may develop an international agency, Volunteers for World Peace, to help well those in dire social and biological needs through the establishment of more IAEWP Chapters everywhere.
- Support the study, practice and teaching of the science of breathing to promote peace. Breathing is common to all human beings; this may enable us to bring harmony among societies.
- All organizations need to be encouraged to develop a world peace philosophy that may be viewed as the theory of social harmony to improve learning in all institutes of around the world.
1. Support Lama Gangchen’s World Peace Foundation Initiative for a Spiritual Forum at the UN, devoted to general harmonious education of children.
2. Discuss the GHE and WHPA project in the UN to encourage the development of peace education and culture everywhere.
3. Encourage for 2010 the UN First World Harmonic Festival and Summit covering the following topics “Peace Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization: Strategy for Survival, Global Peace, Prosperity and Sustainable Development.
4. Requesting the UN to proclaim the decade 2011-2020 as "Decade of general harmonious education of children for harmonious global peace".
5. Accept the UN Convention "About annual reduction by all states of the charges on arms on 2 % and achievement of their zero level for 50 years". Money should go for the building of the schools and academies of general harmonious education, and also for liquidation of hunger, poverty and illnesses.
6. In spite of its defects, the UN remains the most important entity in the world to bring about a genuine world peace. To this end, the UN needs to become a federation of people not of governments.
7. This would require the creation of a UN two houses: the senate and the parliament. The nations’ representatives in the senate should be about the same and in parliament in proportionate to the population
8. The governments are the servants of the people and not the other way round; hence, the people may make constructive contributions that should be then respected by governments.
9. Since all people of all nations want peace the governments have a sacrosanct obligation to make the securing of a permanent peace a top priority.
10. War should be viewed by the UN as a crime against humanity and those that promote it, regardless of the position they hold in society, should be condemned by the world court as criminals.
11. The ultimate goal of the United Nations is to bring peace and harmony among all people of all nations who must be viewed as brothers and sisters of one harmonious family of humankind.
12. The UN should put top priority on the "Health for All" objectives and programs. The protection of the environment and the treatment of major diseases must be implemented immediately.
13. Every government must safeguard human rights by providing free health care and education to all people, in addition to providing food for the hungry and residences for the homeless.
14. The UN is obligated to develop an international program of arms control along with the abolition of all nuclear weapons and landmines.
15. The singing and implementation of the UN space peace preservation treaty.
16. The UN should ensure unfolding of the “black budgets” wasted on “extraterrestrial” military program for the last century.
17. In dealing with each other, every government should adopt healthy dialogues and good diplomacy rather than using belligerent policies.
18. The International Day of Peace the UN established on September 21 should be filled with the harmonious educational contents that reveal love and forgiveness in all schools. Students should leave their educational institutions as CITIZENS of the HARMONIOUS PEACE between all people, instead of CITIZENS of ETERNAL WAR with other nations!
Violence: Tool for Self-Defeat
We tend to resort to violence when we become desperate, when we lose all hope in getting what we want by easy or comfortable means. Although violence is generally adopted as a last resort to get what we want, we rarely ever achieve anything on a lasting basis through this approach. on the contrary, in the long range we end up being big losers, most often be-yond repair. This means that violence is the best and most effective tool for self-defeat.
Violence Leads to Self-Defeat
In Northern Ireland, the Irish Republican Army (IRA) resorted to violence to secure the unity of Northern Ireland and they did not succeed. However, the Egyptians took the lost territory they lost in 1967 from the Israelis through diplomacy not violence.
Violence breads violence and more violence breeds more violence. Each time thousands of innocent people are left dead and numerous places of habitation are destroyed. The result is always misery, poverty, suspicion, hatred disaster, and death.
According to Socrates, the first step to eliminate a problem is to expose it for everyone affected by it to see it clearly in the open. This way people are may know where they stand as to what effective steps to take without resorting to violence.
Exposing the Promoters of Violence
The real source of violence is the weapons industry, which usually goes hand in hand with the military forces. Our real enemies, who are responsible for all violence, may be enlisted as follows:
1. Those who own the weapons industry, along with the investors, the board of directors, and their entire management.
2. Those who work for such industries as a means of making a livelihood or for any other purpose whatsoever.
3. Those who sell such weapons to governments, political groups or factions, and to anyone who is willing to pay the right price.
4. Those who are aware of the lethal use of weapons and remain silent. Such people may be profiting from weapons or they may be receiving donations from those who make the profit. Such recipients may be churches and religious groups.
5. Those who have a special interest in the gun industry because it is found to be a means of making a lot of money fast. Among such groups we find the US National Rifle Association (NRA).
The above five types of people or groups are responsible for the violence which exists everywhere. Those spiritual leaders, who accept donations from those who make or sell weapons must keep in mind that this money is blood money. It is atrocious for churches and religions to use blood money to promote “good causes.” In view of this, we need to realize that violence stems largely from the weapons industry and the military, which has done more harm than good during the last 6,000 years of recorded history.

3. Dr. Patricia Rife. An Inter-connected World: 21st Century Visions of E-Business and E-Leaning, the Pathway to World Peace
E-Business has made a tremendous impact upon the world, and small innovative businesses can be developed worldwide for peaceful purposes.To understand this, we need to review the data on the huge rise of Internet users worldwide and the demographics of Asian nations particularly, the largest users of the Internet in terms of 63% growth rate in 3 years.E-marketing is based upon e-commerce, and the shift from the 'old model' of factory production of goods to the 21st century 'web-centric' model of putting customers, or in the case of E-Learning, students, at the center of our e-marketing focus.
E-Learning has tremendous opportunities for peaceful programs and peace education, from basic courses in Conflict Resolution to major curriculum development and university re-structuring.The use of cell phones, iPods, portable computers and the many new hand-held devices will open up huge frontiers for e-Learning, and new universities such as Asia E-University and hundreds of others need new forms of curriculum designed -- let us face new populations of young and old with innovations in e-Learning for peace bridges to be built across and via the Internet.The future is ours to design and create!
Patricia Rife, Ph.D.,
Graduate School of Management and Technology
Masters Degree Programs in
E-Business and Project Management