Kae Morii GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony ![](img.php?id=5344)
Japanese Poetess of Peace and Harmony
Biography of Kae Morii Member of Japanese Poets Club, Life member of World Academy Art and Culture Life member of IWA She awarded some literature prize and prize winner of poem contest. She is introduced world wide. Homepage: http://www.geocities.jp/moriikae -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Celebration of Love and Peace,
International Woman's Day on March 8th, 2011 Let’s remember the struggle for Woman’s Rights in the freedom and equality in governance, and celebrate Woman’s Day with Love and Peace! It started that American working women demonstrated for woman suffrage in NY on 8th March 1904, and German Socialist, Clara Zetkin advocated putting the Memorial Day for Woman’s freedom and equality at the International Conference of Socialists in Copenhagen on 19th of March, 1910. The following year, over one million European people were observed for Woman’s Day, and Peace Rally was held in 1913 facing World War I.It’s worthy note that the demonstrations of Russian women on the International Women's Day proved their powerful voice, including many labors and soldiers, towards the Russian Revolution of 1917. In Japan, the first Woman’s suffrage is observed on September, 1880, and I like to specially note the favor of the earnest Woman’s liberalist, Raityo Hiratsuka and the Tanka poet, Akiko Yosano who founded and had published magazine, the Seitou on 1911.The famous phrase of Raityo Hiratsuka; “Woman was originally the sun!” is well known with another phrase in poem of Akiko Yosano; “The day for a mountain to move, has come.” Thenthe poet, Akiko Yosano published a strong antiwar poem in poetry magazine the Myoujou,“ Ah, my brother, I tear for you, Never you be died, Did our parents hand you a knife and teach you to kill human?...The emperor doesn’t carry himself to the fire field….,”in the begging of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904. She boldly wrote many poems/tankas, essay, criticism, and she encouraged women towards freedom.Even such her in favor for love and peace, it must be remarked that she has written poem to encourage soldiers in the World War II.Now her monument is built in China by Japan-China friendship, and we learn all the war bring us painful life and days. She was a woman who lived in passion.When I saw her in the library of my high school, her photograph with eleven children pointed out me.Her house that stones were thrown to protest against her antiwar poem was near the high school, and the town of Sakai had initiative of freedom as well as missionary Francisco Zavier stayed and she also travelled European countries early in the time of modernism.She wrote about 50,000 tankas and translated the Genji story of the first love story in the world, from old Japanese language through her energetic life, which are loved even in now. The opining of industrialism and European civilization brought us a new style of Woman and built up sense of entitlement in the environment of hard work to develop the industry.I like to hereby introduce the opposite opinions between Raityo and Akiko on the issue of protecting motherhood. A.Advocated by Raityo Hiratsuka, The protection of Motherhood; The state should protect the motherhood and the woman in the period of pregnancy, birth and childcare. B.Rejected by Akiko Yosano, Woman shouldn’t depend on neither Man nor State. The protection of Motherhood by State subordinates to the state. The opposition looks in the natural subject on Woman.Human has two sexes to relay a life to next generation and all the struggle of Woman are to live better. We appreciate to the history.Today, Japanese women celebrate the International Woman’s Day and have talk relay in House of Councilors 2011. If Raityo Hiratsuka, Akiko Yosano were alive, how they feel and think of it? The industrialism of 19th century had the paradox of liberalism and socialism in the structure, while there was a flower of modernism in literature, culture, and social conscious, during the militarization stepping on.After the World War II, Japan was rebuilt in peace constitution with article 9th which declared Everlasting Peace, and on 8th March 1923, socialism feminist organization held the meeting for Woman’s Day.In 1960’s, feminism flamed reforming for freedom and equality, and rapidly spread raising the conscious of human rights among the industrialism countries.The USSR had the International Women's Day as a non-working day to admire the great contribution of the Soviet women forthe revolution, 1965. The UN provided the International Woman’s Day on 8th March since the International Woman’s Year of 1975, and the secretary-general of the UN has called for signatories to adjust their social environment in which the woman has enough service and equality.On the 8th March 2000, High Commissioner of the UN, Mary Robinson who became the first woman as the president of Ireland, issued the proclamation for 21 century; The International Woman’s Day is to celebrate the way obtained for woman’s rights, and to bring us thinking of many women victims yet extending. Surely there are numerous women who can’t obtain the human rights in the world and numerous suffering children who can’t live enough and who can’t receive necessary education in the poverty. Our planet is facing the environment crisis in the industrialism civilization.As a human living in this beautiful planet of the creation of life, we must learn how better life is not for women but also man, children, and old people. Essentially, Man and Woman are in Equality since God created, and the Motherhood which gives free-love, without any expectation, is respected in the world and has creative role in society because all human are born from mother, like called Mother earth, Mother land, Mother language…International Women's Day started as the International Working Women’s Day, and the flower gift of mimosa in Russia, Italy, and European countries, would be appearance of the admiration to Woman and the motherhood.Love is the source of all to create peace, and the Motherhood is admired as well as nature has the Motherhood. I wish“ Love and Peace” bring us towards Global Peace! Kae Morii, Poet, GHA-Japan --------------------------------------------------------------
Dear friends from harmony!
I like to inform you about the new translations of the GHA projects into 4 languages: Spanish, French, Romanian both Japanese, and their publications on our site “Peace from Harmony”. These projects are the following:
1.Global Harmony as Necessary Guarantor of Global Security and Nuclear Disarmament. Briefly: ANTINUCLEAR. 2.Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration. Briefly: DECLARATION. 3.The international Contract of Global Harmony Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament. Briefly: TREATY. (In the sum the length of these projects makes 34 pages). Susana Roberts, GHA Honorary member from Argentina translated these projects into Spanish which are published to following addresses: ANTINUCLEAR: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=es_c&key=93 DECLARATION: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=es_c&key=94 TREATY: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=es_c&key=95 Heli Habyarimana, GHA Honorary member from Rwanda translated these projects into French which are published to following addresses:
ANTINUCLEAR: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=fr_c&key=126 DECLARATION: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=fr_c&key=127 TREATY: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=fr_c&key=128 Tatomir Ion-Marius, GHA Honorary member from Romania translated these projects in the Romanian language which are published to following addresses: ANTINUCLEAR: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ro_c&key=4 DECLARATION: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ro_c&key=5 TREATY: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ro_c&key=6 Kae Morii, GHA Honorary member from Japan translated these projects in the Japanese language which are published to following addresses: ANTINUCLEAR: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=jp_c&key=4 (it is still translated) DECLARATION: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=jp_c&key=5 TREATY: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=jp_c&key=6 Susana, Heli, Tatomir and Kae by the translations of the GHA major projects brought the huge contribution to distribution of these peace and harmonious projects worldwide. Thanking their great work, these projects became accessible for the new hundreds millions people. GHA highly appreciates your translations and expresses warm gratitude for your great work which paves a way to the harmonious peace and a harmonious civilization on the Earth. This letter of thanks is published on personal pages in English and Russian languages to following addresses: Susana Roberts:http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=314, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=275, Heli Habyarimana: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=385, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=361, Tatomir Ion-Marius:http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=313, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=274 Kae Morii:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=431 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=380. On GHA behalf , I wish to our great translators happiness, love and harmony in their life and creativity. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, 04/11/09 ------------------------------------------------------- Dear Monsieur Guy Crequie and Takis Ioannides, and President Leo Semashko You see my poem, "The Sun" in the early of 21 century. Now I'm glad to look creating the wonderful epics in GHA. The Sun 'Already Celestial Epic has lost the harmony Man kind is in the great distress' The Sun's voice shuts me out Yet high noon sun remains over me Grief is in a seed of wheat The sun is too fiery to bear wheat The white doves rise up into the sky Tracing the light around the sun Though it's a fantasy of mine Doves keep flying Till the end I send you my poems which I wrote today. Thank you for your poems!!! With Love, Kae Morii No More Hibakusha from Hiroshima and Nagasaki * hibakusha is the A-bombed victim What happened on 6th August 1945? 640meter above the earth A-bomb “Little Boy” was run into Hiroshima town Awful pillar of fire flashed up Burst citizens to annihilation Outcry and lost bodies in blast furnace 6000 ℃ Eyeballs hanging from eyelids People asked for a water dragging their burned skins People wandered around the earth pollution penetrated the lethal ash and the black rain The river of Hiroshima is flowing with the human’s sorrow Even now more than 60 years later Cancer is increasing with the strange chromosome invading in the bone marrow Who can say it to the victims that A-bomb was run to cease the war? A Moment of Silence ―against the second drop on 9th August 1945 Why did it need? The first A-bomb was great lethal beyond their expectation With one push on the bottom To cease the War Three days after they knew the hell in Hiroshima The second A-bomb "Fat Man" was run into Urakami Cathedral A moment ripped the human reason Nagasaki town was gone up with the flash and Many Christians groaned up against the human original sin Oh, miserable! The burned face of the blessed Mary The radiation scare engraved in her heart The Prayer Bell broken in a moment of silence With the thin breath of burned people With the last tear of prayers ―May forgive the stupid human sin! Prayer in lethal ash Oh, what’s tragedy of human being! Was it the truth A-bombed was fallen to cease the War? Scientists were received the result The capacity of killing is influenced by landform The death in Hiroshima is more than 120,000 people The death in Nagasaki is more than 75,000 people Is it truth that the A-bombs were fallen to cease the War? The nuclear weapon has been produced more forcing the lethal power since the Nagasaki In Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan More than 450 times of nuclear tests had repeated for 40 years and More than 1,200,000 people are A-bombed In Polynesia More than 190 times of nuclear tests have repeated At the presence more than 20,000 A-bombs stay in our planet More than 2000,000 people are A-bombed and suffering with cancer Our planet may lie in the dust for a few minutes Before the last judge The dream and hope of human being, and the science Copyright on Kae Morii 08/08/09 --------------------------------------------------