
Jubilee Congratulations to GHA Members on our Fifth Anniversary
Dear GHA Members and Friends! We are happy to congratulate you on this fifth anniversary of our Global Harmony Association (GHA), February 15th, 2010, to wish you health, love and happiness from harmony, and to present to each of you a bouquet of flowers, as a symbol of the beauty of harmony.

We are happy to attach to you also the congratulations of our friends and organizations with which we enjoy fruitful association. This congratulations are published on the site also: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=413. Let us briefly summarize achievements and shortcomings of the past five years, and suggest our goals for the future. During 2004, more than 30 scientists and peacemakers from 10 countries united, on the one hand, by tetrasociology as a science of social harmony, and on the other hand, by Professor and IFLAC President Ada Aharoni’s great concept of a culture of harmonious peace, began preparations for an international website “Peace from Harmony” (www.peacefromharmony.org). on February 15th, 2005, this site was opened with definition of our Mission, and with the first 18 publications of the first 17 authors in 3 languages: Russian, English and Portuguese. This site simultaneously became the beginning of the Global Harmony Association, as a union of people from different countries of the world, devoted to harmony. This site attracted proponents of harmony from all over the world, to understand harmony as a synthesis of its different representations present in many different civilizations, in China, India, Europe, Africa, America, Russia, etc. Our site became an information portal and a base for our spiritual growth. GHA history has evolved through stages of consciousness and self-determination, toward a concept of global harmony to which GHA members are devoted. These stages are reflected in our site. Therefore, the steps of GHA evolution are the steps of development of our site, which is our first and primary achievement. In five years, the number of site authors has increased from 17 to 350, the number of languages from 3 to 17, the number of pages from 18 to 290, the number of the countries represented from 6 to 48, the number of friendly sites from 8 to 113, the number of site visitors from 25 thousand in the first year to almost 700 thousand in the fifth year. The general number of publications together with photos, pictures and other materials has exceeded 3 thousand. Since January, the site Main page is now essentially updated. We invite GHA members to discuss the site Main page (www.peacefromharmony.org) and to state, during the week of February 16-23, your remarks about the contents and design of 7 new pages on which the names of many of you are mentioned. Its structure has a dual, bilingual quality now. The Main page dual structure, on a vertical dimension, personifies dialog of different cultures, first of all Russian and Western. This dialogue is directed to their harmonization, and is an example for harmonization of other contrasting cultures. The site strives to unite cultures of East and West, North and South. All religions and local civilizations of the Earth are represented. It synthesizes the Western structural idea of spheres and the Eastern value idea of harmony. It overcomes polarization of “two cultures”: technical and humanitarian, and strives for a creative unity of science and art. It removes the opposition of science and religion, to unite them in achieving world harmony. Religious belief in Creator inspired harmony, and the advancement of scientific knowledge, mutually supplement and serve each other. Toward the end of 2009, two new divisions of GHA were created: GHA-USA and Youth GHA, opening new organizational possibilities for GHA strengthening and development in the future. GHA, and the Peace from Harmony site, express the integrated/holistic nature of harmony. Its integrity is manifest in four dimensions: harmony is four-dimensional, and this four-dimensionality is harmonious. A four-dimensional, deep structure of harmony, and its essential integrity, are discovered in Tetraphilosophy, and at the societal level in Tetrasociology, a science of social and individual harmony (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=400). This spiritual, philosophic and scientific vision has been fruitful in guiding the evolution of our site, and making GHA a global leader in the quest to build a world civil society that will inevitably achieve a harmonious civilization. The creativity and fruitfulness of GHA is expressed by Russian poetess Nina Yudina in these remarkable lines: The Global Harmony Association, As a bee’s beehive that honey gathers, Connects virtually all People of the solar planet. Harmony nectar is in everyone, Who is only born or has lived long, And to understand to us is very important, In harmony for all as one, God created the World! During these five years, we have at times changed the emphasis of our mission: to a culture of harmonious peace, children’s priority, harmonious calendar, harmonious education, etc. As a result of intellectual progress, we have come to understand that our mission is wider, that it includes all of these smaller emphases in our general aspiration toward a harmonious society or harmonious civilization, born in an industrial civilization, but moving beyond that civilization toward greater realization of our shared value orientations: human, spiritual, philosophical, scientific, political, economic and ecological. We believe that our 19 projects for global harmony (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en) provide a scientific, nonviolent way to achieve a harmonious civilization, birthed in 2009 with the elevation of two essential, interrelated processes: nuclear disarmament together with a harmony based, scientific rationale, presented in the GHA program book “Harmonious Civilization,” published in November, 2009 (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379). Our evolution has evolved from “Noah’s Ark of world harmony,” through “a multicultural smelting furnace of harmony,” “pioneers of scientific understanding of harmony,” and “Internationalization of Harmony and Peace,” to “accoucheurs of a harmonious civilization.” All of our achievements embody the energy of hundreds of members of GHA, which have integrated their energies to form the first-ever organisation of a conscious, evolutionary movement toward creation of a harmonious civilization. We are unable to list all of our GHA members and their contributions to these achievements. Their list would make many pages. We are sincerely grateful to them for their great contributions. But they also do much for harmony outside of GHA, about which we do not know. Therefore, we call you not to hesitate to advertise your books, articles, poems, sites and other creativity. We blow on one harmony pipe, but we blow through different holes. We invite you to respond to this congratulation to tell us of your achievements, and to add the addresses of your sites and the titles of your new works devoted to harmonization. Let us know this information, which is very important to us, and without which we will not know of these accomplishments. As we share our knowledge, it inspires, enriches and strengthens each of us to multiply our efforts to achieve, together, what we seek: a global, harmonious civilization. Since this is an unknown path, we are met constantly by new obstacles, which we have not yet learned to anticipate, or to harmoniously overcome. Living under harmony laws, in a disharmonious industrial society, is very difficult. Sometimes we encounter resistance and misunderstanding. So we conduct projects experimentally, to find out, empirically, which ones will be most effective today. Therefore, we are not without errors. Each of us carries the burdens of conflicted, industrial age thinking, to some extent. Some of our members cannot understand the scientific novelty of our projects, to be able to accept them, and therefore leave the organization or remain passive. But in their place come new people, including young people, with new energies to freshen and inspire new, harmonious initiatives of our association. All of us study harmony, and all of us are its pupils, but not all and not always are we excellent pupils. We have just begun to build a culture of conscious harmony, and are still far from it. It is a complex process, and should be perceived with understanding, calmness and without forcing negative emotions concerning our deficiencies, which are rooted in an industrial age of intolerance and conflict. We need to understand that for harmony it is more important to honor the dignity of our members, than to be overly sensitive to relatively minor deficiencies. Harmony requires respect, honesty, tolerance, responsibility and forgiveness. However, not all of us, today, can satisfy the elementary requirements of harmony. Therefore, we have been compelled to resort in some cases to surgery, releasing those who neglected these requirements. We consider this, in general, to be correct, as harmony cannot be amnesty for disrespectful communications. Our criticisms must be presented with tact and courtesy. We need to allow confrontation and critique, but in a respectful, honest, responsible, friendly and harmonious manner. In real life and relations, we are far from harmony. Between us arise at times conflicts, because all of us are products of our internally conflicted societies, and we are still, individually, very far from achieving internal harmony. Therefore, we do not always have the necessary skills or choose tactful ways to resolve personal conflicts. At these times, it is advisable to restrict our communications to those with whom we have the conflict, and possibly an advisor trusted by all persons involved. This should also be practiced within our organization, when serious misunderstandings arise. Functioning as a completely voluntary association, we, of course, have many organizational deficiencies, which we hope to overcome as we find sources of independent funding. We carry out our mission as pioneers of a consciously achieved global harmony, a sustainable, cooperative peace, founded on a new culture of peace. This mission is extremely difficult. It conflicts with the competitive struggles of a traditional, industrial society, but it is a survival strategy for humanity. GHA is striving to create an equitable, harmonious civilization, rising from the ashes of a disharmonious industrial civilization’s “descent into barbarism” described by American scientist Finian Cunningham (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=17517). He writes: “Capitalism … has expired.” Prospects for our future development utilize the resources that we have already established and new resources that we will create: First of all, our projects and books represent not only accomplishments of philosophic, scientific and spiritual value, but also make possible expansion of financial resources through publishing. Mass publication of our books and projects, and of other, similar books of our organizational associates, will introduce a new Age of Harmonious Enlightenment and Harmony Renaissance. A second, highly important direction of our development will intensify our commitment to consciousness raising through classroom instruction: through creation of academies, schools and other establishments of harmonious education. A third direction is creation of consultation Centres of Harmony for the population. A fourth direction is the organisation of Harmony Festivals, as a new form of exhibition and marketing activity, for the public, and for artists, writers and other professions. A fifth direction is sociological research on the dynamics of sphere classes of the population, as represented in census data for nations and regions in recent decades. A sixth direction is political, associated with the development of political support of harmony globalisation through International Club-2009 and the various national political Centers of Harmonious Civilization, which will establish harmonious democracies, harmonious political systems and harmonious states. Each GHA project opens up a new direction of development for future achievement. This is a summary of our past accomplishments, our difficulties, and our prospects for the future. We have reason to be proud of our past, and to be confident of our ability to contribute significantly to finding new ways to birth a harmonious civilization for the future: to eliminate wars, violent confrontations, poverty and other pathologies of the Industrial Age. A harmonious civilization will ensure human survival, and will provide prosperity, happiness, sustainable peace and the blessings of spiritual growth to future generations. We have traveled together on this difficult and noble path for five years, and we are proud to congratulate ourselves, and our associates, on this five-year anniversary of GHA and its website: Peace from Harmony. Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia, GHA Founder and President Dr. Ada Aharoni, Israel, GHA Founder Prof. Reimon Bachika, Japan, GHA Founder Dr. Martha Ross DeWitt, USA, GHA Founder Dr. Bernard Scott, England, GHA Founder ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Members of GHABEST WISHES on the commemoration of GHAs 5th Anniversary. Please go through the poem (attach-GHA) exclusively composed for the occasion Poetically Yours Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D Poet - Review Writer H.No. 16-2-836/L, Plot-39 Madhavnagar, Saidabad HYDERABAD - 500 059 [AP] INDIA www.poetrywaves.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
February 15, 2010 The Honorable Dr. Leo Semashko President of Global Harmony Association (GHA) On this 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) I wish to congratulate you for this great achievement in the promotion of peace around the world on behalf of the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) Dr. Charles Mercieca President ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since 2008, I’ve had the privilege and high honor to work with Global Harmony Association (GHA), its President, Dr. Leo Semashko and many of its eminent members. Since December 2009, I’ve the high distinction of serving as the President of the USA chapter of GHA (GHA-USA). For the past five years GHA has made many strides in the area of global harmony and peace through articles, poems and books written by some of brilliant minds that coexist with us on our planet Earth, now in a state of great distress.The contributions made by the scholars in their areas of endeavor have helped raise the awareness of the very cause of peace they all share. GHA has set the great goal of establishing Harmony and Peace Academies in many countries so that the teaching and training offered at these academies may help make this planet habitable and sustainable for all humankind. On behalf of the GHA-USA I convey my hearty congratulations to the GHA, its President and its members and wish them all the very best in achieving their great undertaking.
Sincerely, Laj Utreja, Ph.D. President, GHA-USA
Dear president of GHA Dr.Leo Semashko Please accept my congratulations to GHA' s fifth anniversary from my heart,too. I hope Movement for Peace GHA will get many trust and join honest members in the world more and more. We must know it is very hard getting trust.On the other hand it is very easy to lose trust even if only one of members will say fales CV and etc. I passed face of GHA new book with my comment to publishing houses that asked me to sent a short paper and a poem etc. I will continue this action step by step. With respect Taki Yuriko from Japan --------------------------------------
Dear Leo,
Congratulations for Global Harmony Association's 5th year anniversary.GSA is very essential for World Harmony Civilization, Harmony Culture, Harmony Renaissance, Harmony Diplomacy and Harmony Consensus.You, as founder of GSA, has made significant contribution to make many harmony events happen.You are also a shining example of Harmony at work.Keep up the good work.
Wishing you the best of Harmony.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D. In Service of Harmony Renaissance. Director General World Harmony Organization San Francisco, CA --------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo,
Congratulations on the five year anniversary of GHA.I hope and pray for it's success every day.
Om Shanti, Peace be with you, Rose Lord -------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Thank you for sending me your beautifully presented material for your fifth anniversary. 700 thousand are a lot of people to visit your site every year! My congratulations. You are always in my prayers. I am very pleased to see that you are going to do research on sphere classes in the community. My own work is concentrated not on toleration of another religion, but of truthful, remedial, forgiving dialogue with them, so as to actually construct peace - that is finding a path together where both religions can put into practice concrete ways - new ideas, new understandings, of living peacefully together on earth. This does not mean that each religions differences are not noted and respected. The whole of creation is different, but the whole works together for life. Love Hilarie Roseman Australia ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo,Congratulations and thank you very much. With love Dalia Steiner ---------------------------------------------------
Dear President Leo Semashko,
Congratulation for the fifth anniversary of GHA! I'm amazing at your highly speed to make harmony in the world. We wish we can change the world to harmony.
With Love, Kae Morii ------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations of five years of work and endeavors toward peace and harmony through GHA.
Robert Weir --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Colleagues and Friends, Kindly accept my warmest wishes for the Fifth Anniversary. I'd like to thank all of you for your great kindness in the way that I've been treated here. Unfortunately, I've a very limited time to answer all of your messages and lovely gifts. So, I implore you to understand. Thank you very much for all of your love and care and you have my standing wishes of love, peace and happiness. Always Yours,
Michael Holmboe Sacred Order of Saint Michael Archangel: http://www.ordersaintmichael.org/ Director IFLAC, Norway and Scandinavia: http://www.iflac.com Grand Master for The Buthidarsto Norway: http://www.facebook.com/people/Michael-Holmboe/1253215690 MAKE A FREE donation of food around the world: Every 3,6 seconds someone dies of hunger; 3/4 of the deaths are children under 5. On the Web, the United Nations` The Hunger Site lets you click on a button, and somewhere in the world a hungry person gets a meal to eat at no cost to you. So, visit the site . . . http://www.thehungersite.com. . . and pass the word. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear friends, My best wishes for the 5th anniversary of this organization that brings together different ethnicities, religions and civilizations. I send you all pink sand from the Sahara of Algeria where I live. Harmony-peace and love Ammar Banni -------------------------------------------------------- Dear Nina, Love and compassion are the few things that is not lost when given.Our group is so precious as we share the meaning of life that we have found important. I took photos of these flowers that I gathered on my dining table in Feb two years ago and made them eternal.It is now cost effective by sending them via email. I am glad that you enjoy them.I hope we meet one day. Love, Lana ---------------------------------------- Harmony and the Path of Creation By Nina Goncharova, artist, Planet 3000 coordinator, GONG 3000 founder Devoted to the 5th anniversary of Global Harmony Association “The gates of the future, the entry into the super-human- - these are not thrown open to a few of the privileged nor to one chosen people to the exclusion of all others.They will open only to an advance of “all together”, in a direction in which “all together” can join and find completion in a spiritual renovation of the Earth…”.“… according to the evolutionary structure of the world,we can only find our person by uniting together” (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin). We are entering a new epoch for entire humanity. Our Mother Earth gives a birth to quite a new type of herself – she is being transformed into a New Earth – the one of high vibrations of peace and love! At the moment we live on the verge of two worlds – we are entering noosphere (Vernadsky).There is a change of type of civilizations: unconscious evolution (up until the 20th century) gives place to conscious evolution (21st century). Our planet and humanity are living through this unprecedented transitionprocess. The epoch of barbarity based on unlimited consumption, conflicts, competitions and wars is being transformed into an epoch of conscious evolution for creation, cooperation and peace. There are many international movements on the earth now that are eager to cooperate and create a flow capable to clean the old Earth and safeguard for giving birth to a new earth – the planet of harmony, love and peace.Global Harmony Association is one of them. It is an unprecedented informational community united by one aim of creating world harmony.In this never existed transition we, people, play a great role. What is this role? We are meant to become one collective harmonized consciousness and one loving heart of the planet. During these critical times of transition we as children of new time, should have our courage not to slip into an old path – the one of sadness, judgments and worrying.If we are really aware of the cleansing process happening on our planet, thenas conscious co-creators we must turn the focus of your attention away from problems and troubles toward holistic visions and creative collective actions to balance the planetary situation.We should always remember that where our attention goes, energy flows.It really takes courage and it doesn’t mean to be indifferent.On the contrary, this is the way of creation. Global Harmony Association is a bright example of it. Instead of speaking about problems thus strengthening them, this harmonious world community creates conditions for people of the world to meet, to interact and cooperate according to the law of attraction or resonance. It is a great opportunity for world citizens - people who take inner responsibility to consciously co create together in harmony through coordinated actions.For this to happen a center of cooperation should pulse and this mission is nobly taken by Leo Semashko who has been constantly serving to creating this ever growing harmony community. Everybody acts according his or her passion and this is a model of a new harmonious society.Creativity expresses fire energy and cooperation makes this fire much stronger; It brings opportunity to create a critical mass of awareness so much needed for the transition process of our small planet.Our collaboration is expressed in exchange of activities for creating peace and harmony. We all have been trained enough during many lives to be able to realize our key aim and this is creation of quite another reality never existed before. It means that the old key doesn’t work. We are meant to totally trust our life path, to move forward to unknown and never look back. It is like a being that should cross the gap walking on a thin rope. He should stay focused at his aim and be tuned to his real Relatives – the Divine source. Yes, we can slip from this narrow path by starting to speak about problems and fighting against something and in this case do we use our energy in a constructive way?We have unlimited creative potential within us and if we realize this simple truth, we can also realize that we can consciously create every moment of our lives – by our thoughts, silence, presence, words and actions.To say more we are the sources of harmony and love.We are self-organized and self-regenerating divine beings. One of the directions of the GHA is a stream of nomad schools forharmonization that takeplace every summer in the sacred places of the planet. They are vital places for a New Earth global community that will be hosting communities of a new type, based on harmonious relationships between people, people and nature, people and the Universe. There are places on our planet that create a sacred network totally connected with earth grids.They will host the youth of the world to learn to live together as one family. And in this connection GHA’s priority is children and we foresee a great role of the GHA community in taking part of creating such a network of international peace youth villages all over the world to create a self sufficient network capable to hold the planetary situation to balance and harmonize the existing planetary situation. Even simple presence in such “special” places of the planet that are meant to heal and harmonize the planet, creates great changeswithin a human beingactivating and awakening the reconnection between people and nature. Artificial programs living inside people installed by consumption society, fade away and people come to their inner harmonious essence and awaken unlimited inner Divine potential. They realize one of the new world laws – energy follows the will. So, to start the Scared Network of the Planet project devoted to creating a network of hearths of harmony, we do not need lots of finance. What we do need is to know what we really want and if our wishes follow the Highest Good the resources will follow. So, due to our collective cooperation we have created a huge creative human harmonious community and we suggest one the active and working methods – one of naïve actions. We declare the event and make it happen.So, one of our common living events could be “Earth is a planet of peace and harmony” to be conducted in nature in one of the sacred places of our planet – one of the future international peace youth villages… All the documents collectively created by GHA and our practical collective activity really bring change to the world. Let us learn to live together, to accept each other, to build harmonies relationships with oneself, with each other and the world.Let us become bridges for our children to live in another world – the one of harmony, cooperation, mutual acceptance, appreciation of uniqueness. Let us unite in one aspiration to be the change, to be love; to be harmony we want to see in the world. Let us create the unity as only together we can enter a new world –the one of peace, love and harmony. Let us become conscious creators! 15/02/10 --------------------------------------------------------

The handiwork of my children has been sent to us as a mark of congratulation to the 5th anniversary of the GHA.
To all Children from Beautiful Mind congratulate you and me too on the occasion of 5th anniversary. Maitreyee ----------------------------------------------------------------

This is a double message of congratulations to all, especially Leo and Lana.
Congratulations GHA on this the 5th Anniversary, and congratulations Lana and Francis on this Chinese new year. May both have many more successful and peaceful years to celebrate. Noor Gillani 14 February, 2010 -------------------------------------------------- Global Harmony Association:
An Effort of the Conscious Restoration of Harmony Blessed is he who visited this world in its fateful moments —Fyodor Tyutchev (1803-1873) We are fortunate to be able to participate in a crucial moment in world history when the law of harmony, that of equilibrium, is being increasingly recognized.Harmony is the key to our ascent to the next higher level, harmony between intellect and heart, mind and body, male and female, being and doing. The Global Harmony Association and its worldwide network of associates is an organized manifestation of this recognition of harmony. For the conscious restoration of harmony, we must understand the lack of harmony particular to each society and each segment of the society.It may be a lack of balance in the goals to be reached and the means to reach these goals.It may be a lack of balance between thought and action or it may be a lack of balance between the role of women and men. It takes a sensitive and open mind to see the way a particular segment of society lacks balance and harmony. As we organize in efforts to restore harmony, we need to develop inner harmony and insight. Movements that begin without personal transformation of the individual are incapable of developing new ways of organizing people past the tired old patterns of struggles centered on class conflict, ethnic and religious conflict and conflicts among States. The efforts to restore harmony can often be long for there are structures and institutions which, though lifeless, take a long time to crumble. one needs patience.Yet, there are, at times, unexpected breakthroughs and shifts. Thus, one must always be sensitive to the flow of energy currents. Today, we see a new spirit of cooperation and the creation of a world community. As the Magna Carta of Harmony states “Social harmony is inseparable from the values of respect and understanding of one another, benevolence and gratitude toward one another, tolerance, goodwill, compromise, forgiveness, reconciliation and dialogue.” We see such affirmations of harmony and efforts to overcome imbalance in many parts of the world. We are reminded of our task by Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921), author of Mutual Aid that we should “record those symptoms which everywhere announce the coming of a new age, the germination of new forms of social life, the growing revolt against antiquated institutions. These symptoms should be watched, brought together…It is hope, not despair, which makes successful revolutions.” Rene Wadlow, Representative to the United Nations, Geneva, Association of World Citizens 13/02/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Dr. Leo Semashko, IRDO Institute for Development of Social Responsibility, located in Maribor, Slovenia, is only a few months older than GHA, which is celebrating these days its fifth anniversary. We made quite some progress, too, but far from attracting 350 members from around the world and publishing a book with +130 coauthors, including our head of the expert committee and our head of program committees of all five IRDO conferences, Matjaz Mulej. We are very proud to co-operate with GHA on a shared purpose: helping the world of our civilization become a world of global harmony and justice, in which social responsibility and global harmony will no longer need special organizations and efforts to survive and become a normal situation. Unfortunately, right now, due to the unsolved problems of the current global crisis that result from the lack of global harmony and social responsibility and from prevailing on short-sighted selfish one-sidedness of the decisive global players, neither GHA nor IRDO may stop working on our shared cause. There we are asking you, Dear Dr. Leo Semashko and your team, to not give up. And we are promising you that we, 50 members of IRDO Institute for Development of Social Responsibility, will not give up either. Otherwise the generations to come, including our children and grandchildren, will have a poor chance to have a good life, full of well-being based on creative inter-disciplinary cooperation and resulting harmony. All the best, Anita Hrast, manager, IRDO Institute for Development of Social Responsibility, DDr. Matjaz Mulej, Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, head of the expert committee, IRDO Institute for Development of Social Responsibility (also President of International Federation for Systems Research, Vienna, and member of three International Academies of Sciences and Arts) Maribor, 13 February, 2010
Dear Leo, Attached please find our congratulation to the wonderful anniversary coming in a few days. I cannot forget the time at the sociological world congress in Durban (2006), South Africa, when I had the pleasure to know you and your very interesting tetrasociological theory. I am happy, glad and proud to be a part of your world-wide movement. Thank your very much for your effort and results on behalf of IRDO, myself, my children and grandchildren to who your effort and results are providing a crucial contribution to their chance to have a good and sense-making life. Best, Matjaz Mulej ------------------------------------------------------------------ Español después de inglés
February 15, 2010 – The fifth anniversary of Global Harmony Association - GHA and the Website "Peace from Harmony" By Prof. Dr. Ernesto Kahan* In the opportunity of this fifth anniversary, I want to remark the meaning of Global Harmony Association, which is a key institution at this historical crucial time of humankind in which it is indispensable to achieve peace from harmony.The concept of harmony based on tolerance is not new, and goes back at least in a definite structure, to John Locke, when between 1689 and 1690 published his known "A Letter Concerning Toleration" in which the dimensions of liberty and the tolerance to religious freedom are highlighted political-philosophical the greater implications of the tolerance excel:".Since then that ideology appears with greater or smaller degree in the American and French Revolutions and in the liberal demonstrations. Voltaire, author of "Treatise on Toleration" (1763) indicates that the Greeks and the ancient civilized peoples did not put obstacles to freedom of thinking and that the Greeks, although they were very religious, accepted the Epicurean who denied the Providence and the existence of the soul. Even present religious leaders as Dalai Lama fight with passion in favor of interreligious harmony and, tolerance based on understanding.But it is at present, when this theme is crucial because never human civilization was as today; with the capability to achieve that all the population of the planet can have food, water to drink, access to education, mass media and services for the health.This goal that was impossible during almost all historical times; today it is achievable because of the existence of the necessary resources to reach it. But also, never as in the present, has our society had the existing capability to destroy everything completely, including to erase life on the planet - for that it is enough to continue with the nuclear arms race and the indiscriminate use and criminal of the natural resources. In order to confront this situation it is necessary to ask about the real possibility to achieve peace.Up to now the solution of conflicts tended to be done through the accomplishment of hegemony, or in other words, defeating the enemy.But using this way, in the current state, and in the case of a global conflict, it will be impossible to achieve that without producing an irreparable universal catastrophe. The unique approach that remains is to achieve some harmonic agreement among the parts.A kind of pact based on tolerance, which will permit the coexistence among the different cultures and countries. Just at the entrance of the new millennium, when the prevalent ideologies entered in contradiction with reality, arises GHA, as the result of the initiative of Dr. Leo Semashko, Director of the Tetrasociological Institute and the Founder and President of Global Harmony Association. This last Institution is at the moment, the one that offers to humanity the necessary philosophical and political ideology for the continuity of civilization and social progress in peace. Congratulations GHA! *Prof. Emeritus Ernesto Kahan. Tel Aviv University, Israel Vice Director of General Directorate Global Harmony Association (GHA) Vice President- World Academy of Arts and Culture President-Israel Physicians for Peace and Preservation of the Environment & Former Vice President of IPPNW (Organization awarded Nobel Peace Prize 1985) Collegial Executive President of UHE Hispano-American Writers Union Vice President-IFLAC (Intl Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace) President of AIELC - Israeli Association of Writers. Spanish Branch
Febrero 15, 2010 – Quinto aniversario de la Asociación Armonía Global – GHA y del sitio WEB “Peace from Harmony” (Paz desde la Armonía) Por Prof. Dr. Ernesto Kahan* En oportunidad de este quinto aniversario, quiero resaltar el significado de la Asociación Armonía Global -GHA, que es una institución clave en este momento histórico crucial de la humanidad en el que es imprescindible lograr la paz vía la armonía. El concepto de armonía basado en la tolerancia no es nuevo, y se remonta por lo menos en forma definida, hasta John Locke cuando entre 1689 y 1690 publicó la conocida Carta sobre la tolerancia en las que sobresalen la mayores implicancias político-filosóficas de la tolerancia: "Las dimensiones de la libertad" y "De la tolerancia a libertad religiosa". Desde entonces esa ideología aparece con mayor o menor grado en la Revolución Francesa y Americana y en las manifestaciones liberales. Voltaire autor del “Tratado de la Tolerancia”, señala que los griegos y los antiguos pueblos civilizados, no ponían trabas a la libertad de pensar y que a los griegos, por muy religiosos que fuesen, les parecía bien que los epicúreos negasen la Providencia y la existencia del alma. Incluso líderes religiosos como el actual Dalai Lama abogan con pasión por la armonía interreligiosa y la tolerancia basada en la comprensión. Pero es precisamente en el presente cuando el tema se hace crucial debido a que nunca como en la actualidad, la sociedad humana tuvo la existente capacidad de destruirlo todo completamente, hasta el punto de poder borrar para siempre la vida sobre el planeta. Para ello basta con continuar la carrera armamentista nuclear y el uso indiscriminado y criminal de los recursos naturales. Ante esta situación es necesario preguntarse sobre la posibilidad de lograr la paz. Hasta ahora la solución de los conflictos tendía a hacerse por vía de la hegemonía, o dicho de otra manera con la derrota del enemigo. Pero esta vía, en el estado actual, y en el caso de un conflicto global, será imposible de realizar, sin que se genere una catástrofe universal irreparable. Lo único que queda por lograr es algún tipo de acuerdo armónico entre las partes. Un pacto basado en la tolerancia que permita la convivencia con diferencias y en cierto modo con las contradicciones. Justamente con el comienzo del nuevo milenio y en un momento en el que las ideologías entraron en contradicción con la realidad, surge GHA por inspiración del Dr. Leo Semashko, Director del Tetrasociological Institute y Fundador y Presidentede Global Harmony Association. Esta institución es la que hoy día ofrece a la humanidad la ideología política y filosófica necesaria para la continuidad de la civilización y progreso social en paz. ¡Felicitaciones GHA! *Prof. Emérito Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Tel Aviv Vicedirector del Directorio General de la Asociación Armonía Global -GHA Vicepresidente de la Academia Mundial de Arte y Cultura - Congreso Mundial de Poetas, (UNESCO) Presidente de AIELC - Asociación de Escritores en Lengua Castellana en Israel Presidente de Médicos por la Paz y la Protección del Ambiente Ex Vicepresidente – Internacional de Médicos para la Prevención de la Guerra Nuclear (IPPNW - Premio Nobel de Paz 1985) Presidente Honorario de SIPEA - Sociedad Internacional de Poetas Escritores y Artistas Vicepresidente- IFLAC – Foro Internacional para la Literatura y la Cultura de Paz Presidente Ejecutivo Colegiado de la UHE- Unión Hispanoamericana de Escritores --------------------------------------------------------------
POUR LA RENAISSANCE DE L’HUMANISME CONTEMPORAIN (Hommage au V è anniversaire de la création du site web « Paix d’harmonie » et de la naissance de GHA) C’est avec beaucoup d’humilité, que je me risque à rédiger quelques lignes pour saluer le V è anniversaire le 15 février 2010, du site web ‘paix d’harmonie » et la naissance de GHA. C’est grâce à la détermination d’un homme : Léo SEMASHKO, et la mise à disposition au service de tous de ses compétences, que nous fêtons aujourd’hui cet anniversaire. Aujourd’hui, GHA compte 350 membres répartis dans 48 pays et dont le rayonnement touche des millions de personnes. Certes, si Léo a pu entraîner et fédérer les énergies et la vitalité de personnes des divers continents de culture, systèmes politique, social, économique, philosophique et religieux différents,…C’est, que de cette diversité de professions, engagements,…. la diversité a produit de la créativité de façon féconde, rassemblée autour du même idéal de paix et d’harmonie. Ainsi, universitaires, scientifiques, militants associatifs, écrivains, poètes, artistes lyriques ou autres, tous les talents ont en 5 années contribué à la rédaction et la publication de multiples documents qui cernent les grandes problématiques de l’épopée humaine, et dont l’application naissante est contributive à la mise en mouvement d’une civilisation de paix et d’harmonie. Un syndicaliste français du début du XXe siècle, je veux citer Gaston MONMOUSSEAU, a écrit un jour : « Les hommes marchent avec leur tête » Il voulait signifier, par cette formulation, que l’humanité a besoin d’un phare d’humanité ,de théories pouvant être réalisée en pratique pour le bien commun universel. Il y a souvent un décalage, entre une pensée géante et sa reconnaissance par les Institutions et la société civile. Cependant, GHA existe déjà en actes et projets, par les contributions, livres, échanges avec d’autres onG, et début d’applications en relation avec certaines Institutions ou organismes. Un grand penseur français, plus que centenaire, je parle de Claude LEVI-STRAUSS, nous a quitté il y a peu. C’était le fondateur » du structuralisme » une pensée féconde, qui a révolutionné notre approche anthropologique et philosophique de l’histoire. Un jour viendra, où la création de la tétra sociologie par Léo, sera considérée comme un œuvre capitale de notre temps pour la pensée universelle. Les témérités éblouissent l’histoire, l’aurore ose quand elle se lève a écrit dans son œuvre capitale « Les Misérables » notre grand poète et écrivain national Victor HUGO. Et bien, nous toutes et tous, mes amis, nous avons osé et cette créativité fera progresser la lourde pâte de l’histoire humaine pour la paix et l’harmonie. Copyright Guy CREQUIE Poète, écrivain et chanteur français pour la paix et les droits humains. N.B. Avec des personnalités et talents aussi productifs que ce qui constitue notre réseau, les concepts de vie et de peuples non définis dans le droit international trouvent leur expression. GHA = existe, de par les échanges, avancées, confrontations passionnées et rudes parfois, mais : c’est cela LA VIE. La théorie est toujours confrontée aux maux à résoudre, aux anomalies, injustices, contradictions .. Etre femme et homme sont des efforts sans fin.. Avec une représentation dans 48 pays, de plusieurs centaines de membres engagés dans des associations, Académies, onG multiples, c’est la représentation directe de peuples qui s’exprime en correspondance avec les particularités continentales géographiques, culturelles, sociales, politiques,…. FOR THE REBIRTH OF CONTEMPORARY HUMANISM (Homage to the O C birthday of the creation of the Web site “Peace of harmony” and of the birth of GHA) It is with much humility, that I go so far as to write some lines to greet the O C birthday on February 15th, 2010, the Web site `peace of harmony” and birth of GHA. It is thanks to the determination of a man: Léo SEMASHKO, and the provision with the service of all of its competences, which we celebrate today this birthday. Today, GHA counts 350 members divided in 48 countries and whose radiation touches million people. Admittedly, if Léo could involve and federate energies and the vitality of people of the various continents of culture, systems political, social, economic, philosophical and religious different,… It is, that of this diversity of professions, engagements,…. diversity produced creativity in a fertile way, gathered around the same ideal of peace and harmony. Thus, academics, scientists, militant associations, writers, poets, opera singers or different, all the talents in 5 years contributed to the drafting and the publication of multiple documents which determine the great problems of the human epopee, and whose incipient application is contributive with the actuation of a civilization of peace and harmony. A French trade unionist of the beginning of the XXe century, I want to quote Gaston MONMOUSSEAU, wrote one day: “The men walk with their head” It wanted to mean, by this formulation, that humanity needs a headlight of humanity, theories being able to be realized in practice for the universal community property. There is often a shift, between a giant thought and its recognition by the Institutions and the civil society. However, GHA already exists in acts and projects, by the contributions, books, exchanges with other onG, and beginning of applications in relation to certain Institutions or organizations. A large French thinker, more than centenary, I speak aboutClaude LEVI-STRAUSS, left us there is little. It was the founder” of structuralism” a fertile thought, which revolutionized our anthropological and philosophical approach of the history. One day will come, where the creation of will tétra sociology by Léo, will be regarded as a capital work of our time for the universal thought. Temerities dazzle the history, the dawn dares when it rises wrote in its capital work “the Poor wretches” our large poet and national writer Victor HUGO. And well, us all and all, my friends, we dared and this creativity will make progress the heavy paste of the human history for peace and the harmony. Copyright Guy CREQUIE Poet, writer and singer French for peace and the human rights. N.B. With personalities and talents as productive as what constitutes our network, the concepts of life and people nondefined in the international law find their expression. GHA = exists, from the exchanges, projections, confrontations impassioned and hard sometimes, but: it is that the LIFE. The theory is always confronted with the evils to solve, with the anomalies, injustices, contradictions. To be woman and man are efforts without end. With a representation in 48 countries, several hundreds of members engaged in associations, Academies, onG multiple, it is the direct representation people which expresses themselves in correspondence with the geographical continental characteristics, cultural, social, political,…. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Congratulation to the creator of this site-GHA- the very admired Dr Leo Semashko in the 5th anniversary and all the members, specially to the great intellectuals that contribute with valuable ideas to the projects that were carried out up to the date and "God" by all means and Tolerance we will be creating more projects.
In my humble opinion as poet and watcher of life I can add that only there will be peace and harmony when we look each other with the light of the soul as real brothers without any difference, in a world in which the religions have separated persons, borders, cultures etc, It sounds paradoxical ¡where is the good "God" that command their sons be respectful, healty in thought without destruction?. Religions till now have reached the point to be the fact of fight inside communities and families. So that in this times of chaos we must be united from our small or big places to create more harmony to get more awake consciences.
Today Religions are a disappointment, I ask myself what I have to do with this soul which light cries out for a sky take charge of my forces to help me and others to foment the common good and the brotherhood on the land, there where the chaos is spread day by day and is necessary to wake up Love, respect and Tolerance in human hearts be called Christian, Muslim, Jew, Protestant etc
Our GHA is an organization fomenting education in the harmony, the beginning, and the end that contains Peace and Peace is content. I congratulate to all of you for all the good intentions that bring energy with thoughts and actions. Love in every actions, like the daily bread we eat, is the awakening to arouse.
Since Locke the Tolerance passes to be each time less a problem of State, and it increases an individual human right. But it is necessary to emphasize that "The letter" is not included to whom deny the God's existence, since it, in the own words of Locke " it would dissolve everything ". Locke's religious character is the only thing that debilitates his conception of tolerance. The letter is written in a universal language. The tone is not the political accent that marks the essay but it is Locke's voice that speaks as a moral philosopher who has suffered the consequences of the religious fanaticism, being prosecuted and scourged.
Best wishes to all in the light of Harmony Susana.,
I translate in Spanish of Marvelous poem of Dr Tolana Chakravarthy.
El brillo de paz firmemente se descolora La esperanza para la paz se está evaporando lentamente La solidaridad para la paz se está diluyendo alarmantemente Los guardianes de la paz hechizan ruinas de devastación Todavía luchan para inculcar confianza más allá de remotas fricciones Para ofrecer una especie de consuelo y derramar su verdadero interés la Asociación de Armonía Global como tal organización de paz Establece la misión exclusiva de compartir amor humano y el interés de impartir educación armoniosa en una postura de militarización creando paz y armonía entre diversas religiones.. entre diversas regiones… entre diversos países… entre diversas comunidades GHA de pie en la vanguardia, siempre. poem of Dr . T. Chakravarthy to GHA- 14-Feb.2010. Translation in spanish-Susana Roberts-Argentina. My Poem - The Parable- as a way to send blessings to all of you. The Parable A song is blooming amidst the route of the parable. The symphony of angel peace loving poets rises during mornings stories over the bridge of the eternal streams. On both sides orient and occident, braves spirits who can visualise the valley notify us of new branches with the support of the great river of the parable. Formed of wise words of peace and sunlit rays, of a brotherhood united in the spring that lives inside all hearts and belong to Heaven…. . copyright-Susana Roberts. 14/02/10 ---------------------------------------------- DEAR LEO
WWW.MYDREAM.ORG.CN WWW.CDPF.ORG.CN WWW.WOMENOFCHINA.ORG.CN WWW.CRI.ORG.CN WWW.UNESCO.ORG 14/02/10 --------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo!
Dear members of the Global Harmony Association! On behalf of the International Club of the Golden Section I would like to congratulate you to the Fifth Anniversary of the Global Harmony Association. I believe that a role of this Association in modern society will increase because the Idea of Harmony, formulated by Phyfagoras, Plato and Euclid, becomes the main idea and tendency of modern science, society and economics. I am watching closely on all events in this field and would like to share some ideas in the field based on my own scientific experience. I am mathematician and I am trying to develop the Idea of Harmony from the mathematical point of view. In September 2009 the Publishing House "World Scientific" has published my book "The Mathematics of Harmony. From Euclid to Contemporary Mathematics and Computer Science. By looking the web site http://www.worldscibooks.com/mathematics/6635.html , we can know Table of Contents, Preface, Introduction, and Chapter 1: The Golden Section of this big book (11 Chapers, 748 pages). You can order the book through Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Mathematics-Harmony-Knots-Everything/dp/981277582X where you can read the review on the book "A breakthrough or even more!" written by the famous German scientist Prof. Volkmar Weiss. I evaluate the book as the "golden" paradigm of modern science. The book has a relation to all spheres of modern science and society: mathematics, natural sciences, economics, and arts. The book is a continuation and development of two famous works - Euclid's Elements and Pacioli's book "Divina Proportione" (1509). By the way, my book is published exactly 500 years after Pacioli's book. After the publication of the book, I begun to develop the following idea - to introduce the Mathematics of Harmony into curricula of the World Universities. Odessa National University (Ukraine) became the first University, which has perceived this project with great enthusiasm. on October 8-10 2010 Odessa National University plans to hold the First International Congress "Modern Aspects of the Harmony Mathematics and Its Applications in Economics, Natural Sciences, Technology, Socium, and Education". I believe that the theme of the Congress can arouse an interest of all members of the Global Harmony Association and I would like to invite the members of GHA to participate in this Congress. Now I am writing the textbook "The Mathematics of Harmony and Modern Science" (in Russian) because in September-October I plan to give the course "The Mathematics of Harmony and Modern Science" for students of Odessa National University. Later I plan to translate this textbook into Ukrainian and English. Yesterday I have received the information from Odessa National University that my Project "The Museum of the Mathematics od Harmony" was realized in the form of 32 colourful pictures. I believe that the idea to introduce the special mathematical course "The Mathematics of Harmony and Modern Science" into curricula of all world Universities could become one the most important scientific and educational projects of the Global Harmony Association! Now this idea is realizing in Odessa National University. I believe that we should begin from the education in order to introduce the idea of Harmony into modern society. In order to study my ideas in the mathematics history, I am attaching to this letter my article "The Mathematics of Harmony: Clarifying the Origins and Development of Mathematics" published in the Congressus Numerantium (2008) Sincerely yours Alexey Stakhov Doctor of Sciences in Computer Science, Professor Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering Sciences Academician of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences President, International Club of the Golden Section Knight of Science and Arts (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences) http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=330 http://www.trinitas.ru/rus/002/a0232001.htm http://www.goldenmuseum.com/ http://goldensectionclub.blogspot.com/ http://sites.google.com/site/alexeystakhov/ 13/03/10 ------------------------------------------------------

Dear friends, We actively and creatively celebrated our fifth anniversary. We received congratulations from 46 GHA members from 15 countries:
From Russia: 16
Natalia Sidorova Nina Yudina Svetlana Vetrova Nina Goncharova Yuri Dorofeev Dmitry Ivashintsov Ivan Ivanov Henry Skvortsov Igor Shadhan Alexander Olshansky Vladimir Strelkov Edward Soroko Peter Sergienko Alexander Semashko Gregory Tulchinsky Leo Semashko From other 14 countries: 30 Ada Aharoni, Israel Rosa Dalmiglio, Italy Martha DeWitt, USA Helene Klingberg, Norway Dominica McBride, USA Kae Morii, Japan Susana Roberts, Argentina Hilarie Roseman, Australia Maitreyee Roy, India Dalia Steiner, Israel Lana Yang, USA Charles Mercieca, USA Laj Utreja, USA Reimon Bachika, Japan Bernard Scott, England Francis Fung, USA T. Ashok Chakravarthy, India Robert Weir, USA Michael Holmboe, Norway Ammar Banni, Algeria Matjaz Mulej, Slovenia Alexey Stakhov, Canada Harold Becker, USA Ernesto Kahan, Israel Glen Martin, USA Norman Kurland, USA Guy Crequie, France Noor Gillani, USA Taki Yuriko, Japan Rene Wadlow, Switzerland All your congratulations are published on our site separately in Russian and English languages:
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=440 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=413 Probably further they will are translated mutually into other language. I express to each of you sincere gratitude. Let me notice: congratulation is not the formal act but the important sign of mutual respect, attention and recognition, and also a symbol, in our case, peace solidarity and feelings of unity in our diversity. It is the important element of culture, including culture of harmony. Obviously, others could not express this feelings on any important circumstances. Allow to remind, that GHA begun a new five-years period with creative discussion of the updated Main page of our site: http://peacefromharmony.org I inviting you to express your opinion concerning the menu on the Main page, its design and the contents of new 8 pages, including ABOUT US, MISSION, HISTORY and etc. to February 23, 2010. Subsequent our activity to the summer 2010 will be connected with financing search, with formation of Club-2009, with carrying out of week or monthly youth Academy of Harmony in Russia or the USA or Rwanda, with textbook preparation on Tetrasociology, with preparation for the summer Congresses and creative trips to Sweden, China, Altai and etc. We will discuss each of these actions in a corresponding circle of the GHA interested members. 2-3 weeks probably is required to me to solve some questions of my health, on what I will inform especially.
Best harmony wishes, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, 17/02/10