
Introduction The GHA unites industrial people (others are not present in an industrial society) who bear a cargo of the industrial disharmonies and inner enmity. The GHA members differ from other people only one: conscious aspiration to be released from this cargo on a way both social and individual harmony. However, our cargo of industrial disharmonies is splashed out quite often in internal conflicts which leave heavy impression and remind us our disharmonious origin, sometimes even in behaviour of the known peacemakers. But we, the GHA members, learn on these conflicts. We create the tools of their prevention and harmonious solution how much it is possible. The so-called "Islamic" conflict in GHA which continues to smoulder until now was one of the sharpest, wide and typical conflicts. Therefore, we published below the basic texts and responses characterizing this conflict, its decision and malignancy of participation in it the true peacemakers from harmony. We cannot fall to it. We cannot betray our mission of peace from harmony. We lose our dignity if we participate in it. We cannot answer enmity by enmity. We can boycott only any hostile conflicts and persistently work in our positive mission of peace from harmony, not deviating from it. The texts published below are devoted it. 03/07/10 ==================================================================== Dr. Leo Semashko GHA President
Anatomy of Logic and Psychology of the "Islamic" conflict in GHA: Analysis and Conclusions. Point.
May 26 – June 22, 2010 Contents 1.Conflict: its subject and instigators 2.Emotions and motives 3.Purpose 4.Methodology: application of Tetranet thinking to the conflict analysis 5.Analysis of Noor’s conflicted letters 6.GHA Conclusion from the Islamic conflict 7.Appendices: - Hoor’s letter to Asghar and all, from May 29, 2010 - My letter to Asghar, from June 2 - My letter to Noor, from June 2 Dear GHA members! I should warn you at once: this letter is very difficult on the content, perception and it occupies 15+ pages. At the same time it is very important for the GHA. Therefore, please, be reserved by patience and time.
1. Conflict: its Subject and Instigators
From May 26 to June 4, 2010 we were the witnesses of conflict between two scientists-Moslems: Mohammad Asghar and Noor Gillani concerning Islam. Asghar reduces Islam to the Jihad formula: “Kill Unbeliever” and in essence calls humankind to genocide against Moslems to protect against an Islamic genocide. Thus Asghar confirms a global, universal, mutual genocide of 2 billion Moslems and 5 billion not-Moslems on the Earth. This monstrous "science" of Asghar, trampling on all historic facts of a centuries-old peace life of Moslems and not-Moslems on all continents and the corresponding researches (for example, Ada Aharoni found the new historic facts of Jews and Arabs life in harmony published in her last book) much worse the theory of "civilizations clash” and nazi "science" of a genocide of not Aryan races: Jews, Negroes, Slavs, etc. on June 2 I expressed my negative estimation of Asghar’s "contribution" in "science" and the conflict and excluded his from dispatch. He is a member not GHA and other peace-making organisation. My answer to Asghar sees below. Noor develops representation about Islam as peaceful, harmonious, pluralistic and humanistic religion. Noor defined this conflict so: "Horrible Islam v. True Islam". I define it as “Genocide Islam v. Harmony Islam. Certainly, GHA and I support this party of the conflict. In it the opposition of ‘two Islam”: “Peaceful Islam” versus “Militant Islam”, history of a divergence which excellent analyzed by the known Egyptian scientist and writer Tarek Heggy: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=96. However, the scientific representations of instigators were only a conflict occasion, and its essence consists in extreme militancy and irreconcilability of the parties, poured out in mutual insults and Noor’s refusal from dialogue. Both wrote 30 conflicted letters for a week. on June 2, I wrote also (after letter to Asghar) the letter to Noor with an appeal to refuse from the conflict and resignation. Noor reply: “I resent my name being associated with Mohammad Ashgar's…. I am put in the same bin as Asghar. That is shameless!” (it has discouraged me by meanness and shocked with impudence) and has retired, than he threatened almost on all the conflict extent. Noor has written in a similar tonality the 24 conflicted letters to Asghar, Bernard, Ada, Ernesto, Mulej, Lana, me and others, analysis of which see below. I wrote three letters to instigators (below). This conflict I named "Islamic" on its subject and the basic executors. At first allow some emotions connected with it. 2. Emotions and motives I will tell frankly: I consider this conflict as shocking for GHA, dirty, offensive and shameful for its instigators at "bin" level. Bernard has found this conflict "most unfortunate” and "tragic, as it was clear to me that both men are sincere in their dedications to bring about a better world”.But it does not justify them. They put themselves on this level, both accused GHA allowing deliberate slander. This conflict is revolting. It is incompatible with GHA and is inadmissible in it. It is disgusting as there is nothing more hypocritically the peacemakers capable to establish the elementary peace among themselves and kindling a censer of militarism and irreconcilability among themselves in the most indecent form. Therefore my emotional qualification of these conflict instigators is "militarist". Therefore work with this letter is the bitter and repugnant to me as it has taken away from me many nerves, forces and time which I could spend with much bigger benefit for the GHA positive questions. I know that many other GHA members also suffer from this conflict and are involved in it. Therefore it has caused GHA a huge harm and mental damage. It traumatized us. It discredited us and has frightened off from us many decent people: “what are you peacemakers if you are at war with each other constantly?” Because of it we were not in time or can not make many useful things for GHA. This is very heavy moral, psychological and organizational test for us. Each conflict is a blow on GHA and act of terrorism against our organisation as it will paralyze our mission of peace from harmony. On the other hand, this conflict is very important for our survival, leaning (it has underlined Bernard though this very dangerous and expensive leaning) and search of new methodology of the decision of conflicts in GHA. It can become an example for the analysis and prevention of similar conflicts (in GHA some more conflicts smoulder: Israel-Palestine, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, mathematics of harmony) and, probably, for their harmonious decision in the future. Therefore I decided not to regret forces and time for its analysis and worked with this letter hard and long. I many times postponed it, threw and began anew. only a call of duty and responsibility forced me to work and finish the letter today, to put a point in this conflict. Certainly, I never would finish the letter without the wise advices, remarks and support of Bernard, Ernesto, Ada, Maria, Laj, Mulej, Renato, Heli, Celine, Susana, James and others to which I am very grateful for anxiety about GHA destiny during this difficult time for it. Since May 26, from the conflict beginning, I am tormented by the questions: how to answer his instigators? Is it necessary to answer in general? Or to be silent and pretend, what anything terrible is not present, and it will be somehow settled by itself? Can be "fall" to these people, trampling GHA, in feet or to exclude them from the organisation without pity? Or exclude without pity, on severity of the Charter, or with pity? Maybe swallow the slander on GHA (“hatred propagation; kindling of enmity and humiliation of religions; pollution”, etc.). Or to defend the GHA dignity, demanding the answer for slander? What of two axioms is acceptable: not all industrial people (conflicted, aggressive, extremists, militarists of all colours which priority is war, violence and hatred in all forms) can be the GHA members or we should be the absolute humanists and struggle for each and any person, even the most extreme terrorist and convince his into peace from harmony? Certainly, as you understand, I do not have the unequivocal answers to them. These are very difficult emotional questions which are not delivering me any positive and light feelings. I should suppress this negative psychological background to understand and estimate this conflict rationally. From all rules I selected for myself one: “do not do harm and will be objective’. My main motive is: GHA President is responsible for a life and honour of the organisation; therefore he should find the worthy response to the conflict. It is my duty. 3. Purpose Now allow to pass from emotions to mind. The conflict analysis should begin with a question on the purpose and mission of this analysis (for what it?) in a cause and effect chain of the rational actions providing the conflict worthy finish and their prevention in the future. The conflict has come to the end, as you know, the approval us on June 8 the GHA Information Order, which will allow us to prevent any conflicts in the future. (At least, we trust and we hope for it.) Therefore, the letter is intended to track, first of all, the conflict logic and psychology and to put in it finishing point. According to a key ethical norm of our information order, each GHA member can state any, positive or negative, opinion on this letter with the conflict analysis but we voluntary refuse discussion of any irreconcilable opinions to prevent new conflicts. This is the higher mission of my letter: to satisfy our information queries under this Islamic conflict, to learn opinions on it and voluntary to refuse their discussion, to avoid its continuation and to concentrate our forces and time for our mission to peace from harmony fully. It is my main intention. 4. Methodology: application of tetranet thinking to the conflict analysis The harmonious organisation, aspiring to unite in the consent a diversity (obviously, not any and not everyone), does not allow to itself one-dimensional methodology of thinking. In the analysis and the decision of conflicts the GHA also should rise, as Einstein recommended, on a new (for us harmonious) thinking level, as it would not difficult, unusual and weak in the first attempts. I many times began and threw my analysis of the conflict, being is dissatisfied with that or other my approach (methodology) with a priority or forgiveness and forgetting (Ernesto), or freedom of discussion and leaning in the conflict (Bernard), or suppressions (Noor), or only accusation etc. These approaches are one-dimensional but each of them contains the rational grains which unite within of scientific methodology of the GHA tetranet thinking. The analysis of the conflict demands to outline this methodology which will arm the analysis with adequate means and reference points, will provide to it the worthy objective character and will not allow it to fall on level of kitchen scandal. Therefore the letter contains two basic parts: methodological and applied, analytical. I, as the professional philosopher, cannot remain at level of ordinary thinking and should rise on a platform of the theoretical harmonious tetranet thinking, philosophy, sociology and pragmatics of which are presented in the GHA program book “Harmonious Civilization” http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=379). Application of this thinking in conflict situations creates methodology of harmonization of conflicts. only the similar methodology of thinking is equitable to the interests of all conflicted parties and, therefore, serves their harmonization, or, at least, learns them to it. A core of this methodology is: collision in any sphere should not break off them as their rupture is equivalent to death, or, in the positive form: any conflict of the private interests should submit to harmony of spheres of a whole (organisation, person, society etc.) . The approach to the conflict analysis, adequate to GHA thinking, should be same four-dimensional, limited to a measure of its (conflict) of four fundamental elements/spheres: humanitarian (people), spiritual (information), organizational (legal and moral norms) and material (the economic situation of instigators of the conflict is taken out for its brackets in this case). According to this methodology, I will try to define those spheral conditions of the conflict and corresponding requirements to its instigators which could provide its harmonious decision if not now can be, in the future, in 1-2 years. This methodology defines also my final conclusion from the analysis Noor’s 24 conflicted letters. 5. Analysis of Noor’s conflicted letters Noor, I tell frankly: still on June 3 I analyzed your letters with purpose to convince you to disavow your resignation and to keep you in GHA about what wrote both Bernard and Ernesto. But after your delayed-action bomb of the new conflict on Hamas on June 4 (thank God that nobody has reacted to your letter that prevented the new conflict), I understood my error and am glad, that have not made it. Now and you, as well as your colleague Asghar, convinced me in practice that you are today the same militarist, in sense of irreconcilability, as well as he. You write: “I responded only once directly to Ashgar … I NEVER RESPONDED TO HIM AGAIN. There was NO argument from then on between him and me. I STOPPED for the sake of peace …”. If it so ("once") then why you sent in the GHA resignation? Why accused GHA? But it is not so. It is the lie which is proved by your NOT onE and 30 letters from May 26 to June 4, from which 6 are information and 24 – conflicted. For comparison for the same period: Ashgar sent 6 conflicted letters; Ada – 7 information NO-conflicted letters; Ernesto – 5 information NO-conflicted letters. Therefore the number of your letters exceeded the sum of other letters. It has allowed to Ernesto to ascertain: “I am receiving from you many many many mails EVERY SINGLE DAY generating many many responses”. Really, for example, on May 31 we received from you 6 responses, on May 30 – 7 responses etc. Therefore all your attempts to be justified before Ernesto and to refuse these facts are pity, as, however, and other your "argumentation". Yes, you once answered Asghar but then almost in EACH letter you showed your hatred to him and his opinion (see below). Notice: NOBODY clashed with you (neither Ada, Ernesto, Bernard, I etc.), EXCEPT Asghar but you clashed with all. And as a result you slandered and accused all GHA as a whole! Following your advice: “Go read all the messages and see what I wrote”. I have analyzed your 24 conflicted letters from May 26 to June 4. This analysis opens step by step the anatomy of your conflicted logic and psychology of hatred which shocked us. This psychology lowered you for a week from level of the peacemaker on level of the militarist. I quote some places from your letters which prove: 1. Your participation in the conflict (comments with the word CONFLICT in red), hence, you are guilty in it and you could stop it; 2. Your expansion of the conflict on ALL GHA (comments with the words CONFLICT WITH GHA in the blue); 3. Your appreciation of the GHA (comments with a word EXCELLENT in the violet) which deprives your GHA slander the bases. As you can see, to be objective and not unilateral, I allocate in your letters and the positive moments which keep a small chance for restoration of our relations with condition of your apology for GHA slander. Let's esteem your citations with my comments. Letters are quoted in return chronology from June 4 (from the new conflict) to May 26. Hamas and everybody who sympathizes with the Hamas is a terrorist in the definition of the USA and Israel…. (NEW CONFLICT) Prof. Kahan, I responded to only one email from Ada Aharoni in which you were included by Ada….I will NEVER AGAIN write to you and i hope I will never again here from you either. Prof. Aharoni, please do not write any message to me ever again. Good bye. Noor (CONFLICT) I have resigned because i do not like to be in the kind of conflagration i have been in the middle of lately. It seems to be part of being a Muslim these days, and that is not about to change any time soon. I thought it would not be so in an assembly of scholars and educators, but I guess i was wrong. … (CONFLICT WITH GHA. A name to this big conflagration is: NOOR GILLANI with his 24 incendiary and slanderous letters to almost 10 GHA members. I do not understand, in WHAT is guilty the GHA ‘assembly of scholars and educators’ before you??? on what basis you blame GHA?) (It is allocated by a fat font everywhere me: Leo) Dear Dr. Bernard, I did NOT set out to preach the good or bad of Islam. I have merely been advocating religious pluralism. Then out of nowhere Ashgar appeared with his anti-Islamic vendetta and clear attempt to put Islam in opposition to Christianity. I responded to him once stating my view that it was not appropriate to be speaking with the only objective of sowing seeds of dissent; he continued his invective, so i stopped reading his messages and have since only responded to messages of others. I am not interested in this group to push Islam as good or bad, and I have not even sought to defend it against Ashgar. But I think it is wrong in this so-called association for harmony to be giving ground to anyone whose goal is only dissent. That is why I have resigned from GHA and all its subsidiaries, and I would like to request you all to PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE MY NAME IN FURTHER COMMUNICATIONS OF THIS GROUP. I am not interested in receiving any further mail from anybody here. I will also remove my name from both the peaceforum and peace_from_harmony groups. Adieu, Noor (CONFLICT WITH GHA and all peacemakers. Noor, your psychology and logic are absolutely not clear and are more similar to a whim. Well, you have disagreed with Asgar and you do not wish to contact with him. It is clear. But than it is guilty before you Bernard, what you and with him sever relations? Bernard wants only one: better to learn positive and negative sides of Islam. Your way, he is guilty before you that he wishes to know Islam better. Agree, it is, at least, strange. And in what tens peacemakers from two forums, which have told NOTHING, are guilty before you? It is stranger even more and does not give in to any logic or psychological explanation. The impression is made, that you wish to keep your “pure and perfect” representations about Islam not only in inviolability for everything but also unknown secret for all in a tower from an ivory. For what then you have published your opinion IN GENERAL? Or you hoped what all of 100 % of people will accept your ideas unconditionally and will carry you on the hands? But such was not even neither with Jesus, nor with Mohammed, or with Buddha! Or you consider yourself above them? As this all defines in terms of psychology I do not know but it defy to any logic precisely.) I am also a part of the International Association of Educators for World Peace where I have not run into such conflicts as i have experienced in the past week here (CONFLICT. You forgotten your obscene conflict with Steve Rajan because of money in the last year and the decaying conflict with Mitch Gold and others in IAEWP.) If we want harmony and peace in the world, we must acknowledge all unharmonious and unpeaceful acts … (CONFLICT. We MUST be engaged in the positive peace and harmonious work. When we MUST do that you demand, anything, except inharmonious and unpeaceful conflicts it is impossible. It is the REASON of your conflicts. You wish to be the policeman and to declare Jihad to “all unharmonious and unpeaceful acts”. Peacemakers cannot struggle for peace and harmony by the inharmonious and violent means of Jihad) …. especially in our own backyards, and we may not agree on all of these things, but we must retain the right to our thoughts arrived at through our individual scholarships. In any case, I have lost my appetite for all this infighting in GHA over the past week, and have submitted my resignation already, from GHA, A-GHA and Y-GHA. After today, I will refrain from engaging in GHA activities or discussions. (CONFLICT WITH GHA. Having polluted the GHA atmosphere and becoming one of the main sources ‘this infighting in GHA’ by your 24 conflicted letters, you poisoned appetite not only others but also himself. In it anybody, except you, is not guilty.) Dear Professor Aharoni, In recent days, I have been very much hurt, less by the outrageous and anti-harmonious and wholesale condemnation of Islam by Mohammad Ashgar than by your espousal and support of his affront to my religion and me, in the environment of the communications of organisations such as GHA and peaceforum (CONFLICT). This is a better picture of the true Islam than thecrap you have been fed by a jealous or disgruntled Mohammad Ashgar, who is bent on the negative at all cost. His life seems to be all about discrediting and defaming another (CONFLICT. Do you look WHAT language you talk with the WOMAN and your colleague on peacemaking? Or is it the ‘Quran’s graceful language’? Or you think what your ‘crap’ is better Ashgar’s ‘crap’?). That is not what GHA is all about. We are about promoting HARMONY, and harmony springs from the positive. If you look for the negative, you can always even create it. We (GHA) are not a powerful nation state or power which can legislate harmony; we are a small civil society arm which must promote harmony by planting the seeds of harmony and then seeing to their germination and growth… Let us look to the positive and make it grow. That is the only way organizations like GHA can do any good (EXCELLENT! Noor, you expressed here brilliantly the GHA higher principle: the positive work on the harmony, excluding the negative. But WHY you as a result nevertheless preferred the dirty conflicted negative to the harmonious friendly positive? Why you betrayed your and our higher principle???). Dear Leo, I wish to register a STRONG protest against the contents of the email below being circulated by Ada Aharoni, and authored by Chandrasekhar Tiptur, who, in my mind, are completely IGNORANT about Islam, and are on a war path. Their path is NOT one of harmony (CONFLICT. What did you wish to tell your protest? That I ordered to speak about Islam only positive things? But GHA is not army where it is possible to order. If you together with the protest have declared, that you STOP YOUR dialogue about Islam and CALL the GHA members to support you in it it there would be your refusal from the conflict. Unfortunately, you were limited only to the verbal protest and have refused action). Islam and the Quran are NOT for killing unbelievers, and those words belong in verses which spoke of particular unbelievers, not all, and those who were acting as hypocrites and harmful motivations. They are taking these things completely out of context, and it is not my intention to get embroiled in having to defend my religion. I am in VERY STRONG opposition to Mohammad Ashgar's jihad against Muslims for completely selfish and harmful reasons aimed only at disturbing harmony, and Ada's and Chandrasekhar's support of this hateful individual and his unharmonious actions and writings (CONFLICT). If this is going to be the new direction of email distributed to GHA members, then I wish to resign from GHA and all its organs, including A-GHA and Y-GHA. Until the scene is cleared of such hateful propagations, please consider this as my resignation from GHA. (CONFLICT WITH GHA. Your charge the GHA is constructed here on hypothetic "IF" and on absolutely inadmissible identification GHA – more than 350 members, - with onE member – Ada and one candidate for GHA member – Chandrasekhar. Really it does meet the requirements of logic and morals? You hateful propagations is a rough SLANDER on GHA for which you SHOULD apologise before all GHA members publicly if you possess honour and responsibility). If we are to get embroiled in negative energy release, then there is far more to criticise in the actions of the militaristic aims and actions of the USA and Israel, but our approach was NOT to focus on the negative, but rather on the positive. The path of Ashgar, Aharoni and the like is totally negative (CONFLICT).
Leo, I thank you for your work in the cause of harmony and I will support you in harmonious causes conducted in harmonious ways (EXCELLENT! Please, support me, apologize for your slander and do not retire!). Right now, I see GHA as having become polluted and I do not wish to be part of such pollution. (CONFLICT WITH GHA. Nobody can pollute you, except you. We seen here as a result: you are the main source of pollution in the GHA. You forgotten about the Holocaust and then it is a pity were justified before Ernesto. You speak about peace and harmony much but made NOTHING for them. When I offered you three businesses, you simply ignored my letter with them). So, please remove my name from all GHA and related mailing addresses. (CONFLICT WITH GHA! It is your very strange conclusion. Instead of refusing from the conflict with "dirty" people, you refuse from the WHOLE organization! What is its guilt? Where your logic, Noor? How you can expand your conflict from three people to the conflict with the WHOLE organization and transform ALL GHA members in your enemies??? Do you understand, WHAT you have made?) I do not expect most of you to see it that way, and that is OK with me, but i will be offended by people like Ashgar who demonise it (Conflict). Besides, most of the actions described have nothing to do with religion, being of political origin, and they most certainly do not reflect the view of the vast majority of Muslims. However, with such continued demonizations, more and more Muslims are becoming antagonised and possibly turning sour (CONFLICT). That is certainly how I am operating within GHA, and if I find out that a majority of the people here support a derogation, or even alienation, of religions as the path, then I will resign from GHA promptly (CONFLICT WITH GHA! You named only three persons. WHERE you found ‘a majority’? Unless 3 is it a majority among 350 GHA members? Where your logic, Noor? Where you found ‘support a derogation of religions’ in GHA? It is a new slander on GHA. Your resignation promise is already the tenth on the account, instead of ‘promptly’. I all waited: WHEN you stop your messages? I see, ALL your promises: and now, and two years to GHA, and almost a year to youth GHA is the fiction only). Dear friends, I also wish to make another point here. In one of his first messages, Ashgar also referred to the Arabic in the Quran to be the colloquial Arabic of the common folk of Arabia at the time of the Quranic Revelation. Nothing could be farther from the truth (CONFLICT). OK. I am finally (in what times? - Leo) breaking my silence, which was forced by the virulent, unharmonic messages emanating from the foul pen of Muhammad Ashgar, obviously a declared and determined enemy of Islam even though possibly originally a Muslim himself, who has evidently turned sour on it, and now is TOTALLY biased on the subject of Islam. He reads the Quran looking for filth and then "reads" it even in beautiful verses (CONFLICT). Before I continue, let me state clearly here that I have removed from the list of distribution of this email, all names I did not know personally. I do NOT wish to communicate here with anyone NOT in GHA and personally known to me to be devoted to peace. I have, of course, deleted Ashgar from here, as I have no intention of dealing with him, reading his filth, or of responding to him. It is worthless to argue about theology with such a determined anti-Muslim, and especially in a venue given to harmony.
(CONFLICT. Noor, if you have stopped your communications here, you would prove, that you are not involved in the conflirn. But you and after that promise forced the atmosphere by your abuse). I have also deleted the address of Professor Ada Aharoni, who was the first one to share my internal email with him, starting off the episode. (CONFLICT. Ada onLY informed her point of view. But it anywhere and never, unlike you, did not argue in its subject with anybody. Yes, she has own irreconcilable opinion. She, as well as everyone, has the right to it. She stated it. But she voluntary REFUSED from its discussion. She acted morally purely and in interests of peace from harmony. Unlike her, you allowed 24 conflicted letters with yours “crap, dung, dirt, foul pen, enmity, hated propagation, pollution, filth, derogation, biased” and other your "graceful" terminology with which you fed us more week and continue now. You SHOULD follow to Ada, Ernesto, Bernard and the GHA others member’s examples, who silently read your dirt and waited, when you stop its stream. You should lean at them in a culture of harmonious peace in the conditions of irreconcilable opinions). I believe that all of us here are spiritual people, and many of us are also religious. I intend to respect ALL religions regardless of whether or not i agree with their teachings. People of religion are the vast majority of the people on earth, and as I have said before, we would be wise to use the outreach of Faith Traditions to these vast numbers of people to promote our goals of harmony via an interfaith approach, rather than to antagonise them by hurling insults at them as Ashgar openly does. (CONFLICT. Remarkable thoughts! But they are again mixed with hatred! Where your spirituality and wisdom? We have not found them in your conflicted letters. Or your abuse is your spirituality and wisdom?) I do not wish this message to go to Ashgar especially, as I do not wish to correspond with him at all. (CONFLICT. Fine desire! But why you mix his name with dirt almost in all your subsequent letters and spoil our atmosphere? Why you recollect his name in general? He writes me the offensive letters also but I disregard them! WHAT prevents to you make also?) If this message reaches him and I receive any communications from him, I will no longer be able to trust even this inner GHA circle, in which case, I will resign from GHA, and by extension, also from A-GHA and Y-GHA (CONFLICT WITH GHA. The ultimatum to all GHA members: If you do not protect me from letters hated to me Ashgar, I will anathematize you and I will retire from you! only selfish children make so but not the adult uncles applying for wisdom and spirituality. You, as the person, are self sufficient and possess all means to protect yourself from Ashgar. Ignoring of his letters is the most simple and an effective remedy. However, when I, tested Ashgar and convinced in his militarism show him the door, you ignored my letter and even were offended that I put your name together with his name in “same bin”. Now you threaten GHA with the ultimatum also. What vinaigrette is at you head!). I do NOT wish to sit here defending my Faith, which TO ME, is pure and perfect, made by God, and devoted to promoting harmony and total harmony to the fullest. I will only give an example out of Ashgar's first message or two to make my point for your benefit. I have no intention of arguing theology with a committed distorter and enemy. There are violent zealots both inside and outside any Faith, Ashgar being such an one relative to Islam. I am interested in promoting harmony, and to do so where there is hope of succeeding, and Ashgar is not one of these places
(CONFLICT. So, you consider yourself as the ‘pure and perfect’ Islamite in ‘the fullest’. You condescended to us as the low men that ‘for (our) benefit’ to point on Ashgar as on the “distorter, enemy and violent zealots”. Thanks, Noor, for your education which we do not require: we are capable to understand, where true, peaceful Moslems, and where false, militaristic ones, including you with Ashgar). In one of his first messages, in response to my message on religious pluralism in which I highlighted commonality between Islam and Christianity (and there are MANY verses in the Quran supporting such commonality), he said the following: "I, too, would love to speak before the Christians and tell them what the Quran really says about them and how it tacitly admits that Jesus was Allah's son. I will also tell them that Muslims have been forbidden by Allah from seeking help from, and believe, the Christians. Hence there is no compatibility between these two religions and that what Muslims have been telling them is untrue and false!" In other words, his GOAL is to spread DISSENSION between Muslims and Christians, hardly a worthy goal for Global HARMONY Association. Furthermore, he also makes false statements: for example, the Quran does NOT admit that Jesus was Allah's son. In fact, about the only fundamental disagreement between the Quranic teaching and Christianity is concerning the role of Jesus---he is part of the Holy Trinity in Christianity, while he is a Holy Prophet in Islam, just as Muhammad was, and Abraham and Noah and Moses also were.
In response to my only response to Ashgar, I stated that the Quran did have verses guiding Muslims not to trust certain hypocritical UNbelievers, and Islam tacitly includes Christians and Jews, in general, among believers. His subsequent messages were even more inflamed, so I stopped sending any more responses, and this is my first one since then, and it is not sent to him. The prophet was not rich but he was VERY busy, and this advice from the Quran was very straightforward and practical. But Ashgar saw all kinds of vile in it too (CONFLICT. Again: promising to stop, you persistently continue to exaggerate his name in dirt publicly before our eyes…). The point I wish to make, and had made before in the current discussion, is that we in GHA are people for harmony, especially interested in bringing harmony where it may be lacking, and where it is possible to promote it. The area of religion is certainly such an area, because they all teach harmony, and segments of many of them have become sources of conflict and disharmony. They also have very wide outreach. I see this as a major area of GHA action to promote harmony.
(EXCELLENT about GHA! Bravo, Noor! But a day later you started to reproach GHA with “hateful propagations, derogation of religions etc.’...) I also stated that in Huntsville, Charles and Laj and I were active in promoting interaction with the interfaith community; also, Dominica McBride (President of YGHA) and I (Chair of the GHA Advisory committee to YGHA) also plan to launch the first YGHA project of youth action with the local interfaith community, before taking it to a broader geographical area. I am a staunch believer of religious pluralism, and that means to me that I will respect all religions even if I do not agree with all of their teachings, and I will try to build on the common grounds. THAT is what GHA is all about, to build harmony where it may be weak and where it is possible (EXCELLENT! Noor, look, from what high level of the GHA peace from harmony you started! And where you finished in a week after your 24 conflicted letters? – “I do not ever want to hear the name GHA in any way”. It is the lowest level of Jihad and hatred. Who is guilty in it except you? – Anybody!). I have studied the subject of humanism carefully and, in particular, have presented an original new model of Islamic Humanism, which is both Islamic and humanistic (my presentation at the World Peace Congress in Malaysia which Leo has referred to recently, was based on this work). I am attaching herewith a very brief write up on it which was published in a periodical of the Ismaili Muslim Community some years ago. There are also similar theistic forms of Humanism such as Religious, Christian, Catholic Humanisms and also Humanistic Judaism. Thus, I suggest that we look for common grounds of harmony between us and other established organisations in order to promote harmony more widely, and among such organisations, I see religions and faith communities as the prime target. Let us not see in religion what has been abused by selfish outfits with selfish goals to spread fear (and religions, being marked by emotionalism, are prime targets there) (EXCELLENT!).
I will close by reiterating that most religious people are spiritual also and good people. Most of them see their religions, at least as originally taught through Divine Revelations, as of divine origin and Truth to be mastered and followed. Whether or not we agree with them is NOT important in our GHA work. What is more important is that we respect each religion in the spirit of pluralism. Every religion has in it an inner (esoteric) path to our common Spiritual Center, what the great 20th century theologian Frithholf Schuon has called the Transcendent Unity of Religions. That is the ground of common purpose and shared path in different religions that is harmonious, and that is what we should partner with in our quest for harmony (EXCELLENT!), rather than spreading fear and disharmony, as Ashgar and greedy national militaristic powers do (CONFLICT). It is true that in recent years, religions, on the net, have been more a source of disharmony than harmony. But, harmony is at the root of all major religions. This tells us that there is much room to work towards promotion of global harmony through doing so in religious circles. I think a MAJOR path for GHA action should be focused on Faith Traditions, working WITH them to promote harmony in the world. There are natural forces in ALL of religions that we can collaborate with them to make this happen. (EXCELLENT! But, to a great regret, you have not shown harmony of Islam neither your letters, nor your acts. You preferred the conflict fire to propagation of harmonious Islam to what I invited you persistently two years and in my letter to you several days ago, that you are ignoring proudly.) While I am not advocating putting religion back into the language of GHA here, I must caution you all that spirituality and religion, in essence, always go together. If religions seem to be unspiritual and conflictual, it is because they are abused some influential practioners, and NOT because there is something inherently wrong with them. As initially created, almost every major religion, if not all, are glorious chapters in human history, and have been an important boost to spirituality. Instead of reforming them, it is wrong to condemn them. (EXCELLENT!) Also, every religion, in the way it is practiced, has good followers and bad ones, and this is true for EVERY religion. So, we must be careful not to wash out the baby with its dirty diapers.
(EXCELLENT! But you, unfortunately, wash out the baby of harmonious Islam together with dirty diapers of your conflict.) If a religion views itself as superior, you cannot change that, but you can either fight it or show respect without fighting and without agreeing.This is the way of harmony.Once we start fighting about religious principles, it is a lose-lose game. (The CONFLICT. This is the Noor first letter from May 26 as the response to Matjaz’s harmless opinion. But already in it “fighting about religious principles” is mentioned three times…). Religious pluralism respects others' religious views even when they disagree with them. … Religion as taught by the Scriptures and as practiced are two different things, so where is the religious criticism directed? Religion, by definition, is emotional territory best handled gently. Religious pluralism is very diplomatic, as well as philosophically sound. (EXCELLENT! BUT why your diplomatic pluralism has not helped to avoid you the monstrous conflict with GHA in a whole? Your conflicted behaviour denied your diplomatic religious pluralism.) I will not continue your citations. The resulted is more than enough. Count, how many times I noted the CONFLICT (in red and dark blue) – so much time you participated and kindled it instead of refusing it. And you speak "once"! In summary only one your last, 25th, conflicted response from June 4, when you begun the new conflict on Hamas and about what I warned all as about danger. It was not me, but Ashgar, and you just slept and let him take over. Go read all the messages and see what I wrote and what others did. Your message finally when you woke up was an affront. (CONFLICT. You see, I have followed to your council, have read many times your letters and was convinced, that you kindled the conflict not once, and 24 times and have not shown any will to stop it but only added oil to fire. Therefore, you, no GHA, made a big conflagration of this conflict. I did not sleep and observed for you. I waited, when you, at last, will fulfil your repeated public promises since May 28 to stop a stream of your conflicted letters. My two letters, in essence, for your protection, for some reason only "resented" you. Where your logic? You transform friends into enemies) 6. GHA Conclusion from the Islamic conflict
The conflict showed a destructive force of the spontaneous discussions in advance irreconcilable opinions. It has broken off the spheral communications of the conflict instigators: deprived their many friends in humanitarian sphere; isolated and called their representations about Islam into question in spiritual sphere; put them out of the peace-making organisations and their morals. Certainly, Noor’s ideological position concerning Islam is unique acceptable for GHA, unlike Asghar’s position. Therefore, following good will and advices of Ernesto, Bernard and others, GHA is ready "to forgive and forget" conflict for Noor now or in the future if he apologizes for slander on GHA and recognizes its key moral norm within GHA Information Order. We leave this possibility for Нура termless: we are ready to restore with him cooperation in GHA at any time when he will ripen for this purpose. We understand that many offensive words have been told in a temper, rashly and can be forgiven and forgotten. Possibility to become the GHA member in the future remains and for Asghar if he subordinates his research of the negative sides of Islam not to kindling of enmity with it and to Islam harmonization. Other the GHA response to this and other conflicts is the GHA approved Information Order which is obligatory for all members of our organisation. I leave this letter opened for editing of the GHA members with the purpose of its harmonization if it seems disharmonious in any formulations: I am far not a harmony ideal too. It, as well as all our works, should be collective and already is that as included many opinions. It will be continuation of the harmonious solution of the conflict instead of the conflict in which we put the point. It can become the school of harmonization of conflicts on our unprecedented and absolutely unknown way to peace from harmony, i.e. to a harmonious civilization! Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President June 13, 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Appendices: 1. Noor’s letter to Asghar and all, from May 29, 2010 OK. I am finally breaking my silence, which was forced by the virulent, unharmonic messages emanating from the foul pen of Muhammad Ashgar, obviously a declared and determined enemy of Islam even though possibly originally a Muslim himself, who has evidently turned sour on it, and now is TOTALLY biased on the subject of Islam. He reads the Quran looking for filth and then "reads" it even in beautiful verses. Furthermore, the Quran generally deals with a subject over several verses and he picks one out of them that he presents out of context, implying a totally opposite meaning to what it is in the context. It is easy to do that with ANY Scripture. Before I continue, let me state clearly here that I have removed from the list of distribution of this email, all names I did not know personally. I do NOT wish to communicate here with anyone NOT in GHA and personally known to me to be devoted to peace. I have, of course, deleted Ashgar from here, as I have no intention of dealing with him, reading his filth, or of responding to him. It is worthless to argue about theology with such a determined anti-Muslim, and especially in a venue given to harmony. I do NOT wish my email to be forwarded to him, so please do not do that. I have also deleted the address of Professor Ada Aharoni, who was the first one to share my internal email with him, starting off the episode. I have done so because her address appears to be that of IFLAC, of which I am not a member, about which I know nothing, and I am also not sure if that email is to her only or to a whole unidentified group. I just do not want to start a whole new set of arguments. I believe that all of us here are spiritual people, and many of us are also religious. I intend to respect ALL religions regardless of whether or not i agree with their teachings. People of religion are the vast majority of the people on earth, and as I have said before, we would be wise to use the outreach of Faith Traditions to these vast number of people to promote our goals of harmony via an interfaith approach, rather than to antagonize them by hurling insults at them as Ashgar openly does. If anyone knows Prof. Aharoni's PERSONAL email address, they are free to share this email with her, but I would like to request you and her to please not send it to others outside GHA, peaceforum and peace-from-harmony, which are on the mailing list of this message. I do not wish this message to go to Ashgar especially, as I do not wish to correspond with him at all. If this message reaches him and I receive any communications from him, I will no longer be able to trust even this inner GHA circle, in which case, I will resign from GHA, and by extension, also from A-GHA and Y-GHA.
I do NOT wish to sit here defending my Faith, which TO ME, is pure and perfect, made by God, and devoted to promoting harmony and total harmony to the fullest. I will only give an example out of Ashgar's first message or two to make my point for your benefit. I have no intention of arguing theology with a committed distorter and enemy. There are violent zealots both inside and outside any Faith, Ashgar being such a one relative to Islam. I am interested in promoting harmony, and to do so where there is hope of succeeding, and Ashgar is not one of these places.
In one of his first messages, in response to my message on religious pluralism in which I highlighted commonality between Islam and Christianity (and there are MANY verses in the Quran supporting such commonality), he said the following: "I, too, would love to speak before the Christians and tell them what the Quran really says about them and how it tacitly admits that Jesus was Allah's son. I will also tell them that Muslims have been forbidden by Allah from seeking help from, and believe, the Christians. Hence there is no compatibility between these two religions and that what Muslims have been telling them is untrue and false! " In other words, his GOAL is to spread DISSENSION between Muslims and Christians, hardly a worthy goal for Global HARMONY Association. Furthermore, he also makes false statements: for example, the Quran does NOT admit that Jesus was Allah's son. In fact, about the only fundamental disagreement between the Quranic teaching and Christianity is concerning the role of Jesus --- he is part of the Holy Trinity in Christianity, while he is a Holy Prophet in Islam, just as Muhammad was, and Abraham and Noah and Moses also were.
In his message quoted above, he stated that the Quran taught Muslims to not trust Christians. I pointed out that the Quran did not have any such general commandment against the Christians, that it spoke of them as People of the Book, along with Muslims, Jews and others with revealed Scriptures. The Quran shows strong alignment with Abrahamic Faiths, in particular, and Judaism and Christianity are at the heart of these. In response to my only response to Ashgar, I stated that the Quran did have verses guiding Muslims not to trust certain hypocritical UNbelievers, and Islam tacitly includes Christians and Jews, in general, among believers. His subsequent messages were even more inflamed, so I stopped sending any more responses, and this is my first one since then, and it is not sent to him. In another of his early messages, he presented a verse on etiquette in visiting the Prophet's home (at his settlement in Medina after being driven out from Mecca), which said that the visitors should politely leave after their business is done, instead of hanging around. The prophet was not rich but he was VERY busy, and this advice from the Quran was very straightforward and practical. But Ashgar saw all kinds of vile in it too.
The point I wish to make, and had made before in the current discussion, is that we in GHA are people for harmony, especially interested in bringing harmony where it may be lacking, and where it is possible to promote it. The area of religion is certainly such an area, because they all teach harmony, and segments of many of them have become sources of conflict and disharmony. They also have very wide outreach. I see this as a major area of GHA action to promote harmony. I also stated that in Huntsville, Charles and Laj and I were active in promoting interaction with the interfaith community; also, Dominica McBride (President of YGHA) and I (Chair of the GHA Advisory committee to YGHA) also plan to launch the first YGHA project of youth action with the local interfaith community, before taking it to a broader geographical area. I am a staunch believer of religious pluralism, and that means to me that I will respect all religions even if I do not agree with all of their teachings, and I will try to build on the common grounds. THAT is what GHA is all about, to build harmony where it may be weak and where it is possible. Finally, Ernesto, in response to your point in the message you wrote below and which others have also advocated. You wrote:
"If we are searching for peace the answer is Humanism, not religion. " I couldn't DISagree more. First of all, I do not see an outright dichotomy, mutual exclusivity (as you suggest), between Humanism and religion. Your point would be only partially correct IF by Humanism you meant the secular, modern, Western brand of atheistic humanism. Even there, there are many common grounds between religion and humanism (see my paper attached herewith). I have studied the subject of humanism carefully and, in particular, have presented an original new model of Islamic Humanism, which is both Islamic and humanistic (my presentation at the World Peace Congress in Malaysia which Leo has referred to recently, was based on this work). I am attaching herewith a very brief writeup on it which was published in a periodical of the Ismaili Muslim Community some years ago. There are also similar theistic forms of Humanism such as Religious, Christian, Catholic Humanisms and also Humanistic Judaism. Thus, I suggest that we look for common grounds of harmony between us and other established organizations in order to promote harmony more widely, and among such organizations, I see religions and faith communities as the prime target. Let us not see in religion what has been abused by selfish outfits with selfish goals to spread fear (and religions, being marked by emotionalism, are prime targets there). Among such selfish outfits, I include especially the Western nations (promoting inordinate fear in their citizenry to gain permission to wage wars of political control and economic greed) as well as al Qaeda and the Taliban (promoting fear for control and recruitment).
I will not respond to all the other messages in the last two days related to my message entitled True Religion until people have had a chance to read my brief paper attached here. If anyone (except Ashgar types whom I do not wish my message to reach) has comments or questions for me afterwards, i will respond if it is from within GHA, and is conducive to harmony discussion. I will close by reiterating that most religious people are spiritual also and good people. Most of them see their religions, at least as originally taught through Divine Revelations, as of divine origin and Truth to be mastered and followed. Whether or not we agree with them is NOT important in our GHA work. What is more important is that we respect each religion in the spirit of pluralism. Every religion has in it an inner (esoteric) path to our common Spiritual Center, what the great 20th century theologian Frithholf Schuon has called the Transcendent Unity of Religions. That is the ground of common purpose and shared path in different religions that is harmonious, and that is what we should partner with in our quest for harmony, rather than spreading fear and disharmony, as Ashgar and greedy national militaristic powers do. Best wishes,
Dr. Noor Gillani, USA ======================================= 2. My letter to Asghar, from June 2 Mr. Mohammad Asghar, I see, you continue to persist in your subjective "true" which is lie. I am once again convinced, that your God is war, instead peace and harmony. I am once again convinced that you are the militarist, instead of the peacemaker. Because you insist on your militaristic "true" and refuse any compromise and from any action in favour of peace and harmony. You steadily aspire to impose your lie to all people, all GHA members, that Islam covering almost third of the Earth population is misanthropic religion. To you does not get mind and thinking to understand the monstrous meaning of your "true" = lie which bears to humankind not the good but the EVIL of the ETERNAL WAR WITH ISLAM. And you hope, that we will easy observe of your militarist propaganda under a fig leaf of your, too false, assurances in yours “absolutely and adamantly stand for peace”. Not amuse himself illusion, that people without you have not understood Islam essence. Experience of peace cooperation of Islam with other religions in many countries, including Russia, within many centuries convinces us in falsity and militaristic premeditation of your "science". You refused every to sign the elementary Declaration of Religious Harmony of Singapore which is UNIVERSAL as a matter of fact. You try to discredit and its by your "scientific" fictions and your "true"=lie. Our organisation, the Global Harmony Assotiation, unites people of peace and harmony, capable for the sake of them to find the compromise of cooperation with other people which opinions are very various. You PROVED to us, that you are NOT CAPABLE on it. In the GHA Statutes it is written down, that we have the right to be released from any (especially you – NOT GHA MEMBER) who tramples the peace and harmony principles. Therefore I EXCLUDE your email from the GHA lists and I ask you to forget our emails. I REFUSE to answer any your letters and I invite the GHA members to follow to this example. You are a person of war and the militarist. YOU do not HAVE the PLACE in our PEACE-MAKING ORGANIZATION. Sincerely, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President. 02/06/10 ================================================= 3. My letter to Noor, from June 2 Dear Noor, You have no the bases to be resent if you do not search for them purposely. In any enmity/quarrel the both parties are guilty as EVERYONE can stop it for the sake of peace. Unfortunately, you have not made this choice, and were not public in it. I and others hoped for it very much and long. Unfortunately, you prefer to refuse from your friends and GHA, than to stop your hostility. And you and each of us yet many times will face with the irreconcilable opinions. And if each of us, for the sake of own irreconcilable opinion, will prefer to sacrifice the friends and peace, that peacemaking will disappear on the Earth to pleasure of all militarists. Do you want it? I am assured, that NO. I know you almost two years as the active peacemaker and the supporter of true, peaceful and harmonious Islam. I do not know, how you, but I consider you as my friend, though we are very different people. But we are united by the general aspiration to peace and harmony. Please, let us (and others) remain at our irreconcilable opinions SILENTLY (as Laj advised) for the sake of peace and harmony. Any harmony, even minimum, and any peace which is starting with it, is INCOMPARABLY better than any enmity, war and quarrel. Do you agree with it? If you agree with it, you will disavow your resignation from GHA. I, as your friend and colleague in peace and harmony, do not accept your resignation on the following three reasons: 1. I heard your brilliant paper on harmony and pluralism of Islam in Kuala Lumpur two years ago. I anywhere similar did not hear anything, and your paper has forced me to see Islam in new light. I many times asked you to send it for the publication on our site “Peace from Harmony” to educate our members in this very important question. You many times spoke, and it is absolutely justly, about ignorance of people concerning true Islam and many times (there can be 5 times) promised me to send your modified paper. Unfortunately, I not received it to now and you deprive a possibility the GHA members to overcome our ignorance in this area. The publication of your report will allow also you in ANY discussion with ANY opponent to refer to its publication and not to repeat the same argumentation ten times. And if your opponent shows irreconcilable opinion with this, you can publicly STOP discussion with him. You have lost yourself and also other peacemakers this possibility. Therefore, I invite you again to fulfill your promise and to send your paper for the publication on our website to arm all peacemakers with your extremely actual information. Do you agree to fulfill your repeated promise? 2. You also many times promised to help our youth GHA and kindly agreed to head its Advisory Committee. Unfortunately, you also not kept your promise that deprived YGHA of your very important help and dooms it to attenuation. I understand that you had the weighty reasons connected with your health. But now your vigorous activity shows, that now nothing prevents to you to fulfill your promises. You could begin struggle against ignorance among YGHA, having offered them to discuss your paper of Islam harmony. Do you agree to make knowledge of true, peaceful Islam by the property of youth? 3. You read already, likely, my Harmony Ethics draft for the GHA (first of all) and a new civilization (then). You know, that we will prepare at first its local variants from different cultures. Unfortunately, among them there is no Islamic variant. I invite you together with your comrades on faith to prepare your variant of these Ethics that its basic ideas were included into the general document. It would be your great, Islamic, contribution to new Ethics of a new civilization. The GHA gives you similar possibility. Do you agree to execute similar great mission? So, if you AGREE to fulfill your peace-making promises and your mission you will disavow your resignation and remain in a circle of your friends to cooperate together for the sake of peace and harmony. All of us will be happy your similar, strong, solution. If you do not like ‘the leadership of GHA’, which, on your, should be a fire-fighting team for extinguishing of the inflaming conflicts, I invite you in the GHA leaders. Do you agree to become one of the GHA leaders? The considered questions I see by the constructive and all another - verbal excess, not worthy attention. I invite you to concentrate on these questions only. I hope on your constructive solution. To tell "NO" and to wash hands – it is very simply. on a similar way PEACE WILL not be reached NEVER! Irrespective of your solution, I insistently invite ALL GHA MEMBERS to stop clash of the irreconcilable religious opinions and estimations for the sake of the peace and harmony PRESERVATION between us. Here is not present and there can not be no "discussion", here there can be only a kindling of enmity which will make all of us enemies and will destroy GHA finally. Do you want it? I do not want and I will not participate in this shameful, militaristic as a matter of fact, "discussion". I invite all GHA members better to discuss the corresponding ethical norm offered by me in the Memorandum: “Conflict: it is admissible between people of harmony, but, only not breaking it, and only within its ethics. It is sad and shame to see, how people of harmony trample it among themselves kindling of enmity and insults. Everyone has the right to remain at the own irreconcilable opinion but only within harmony, i.e. voluntary refusing from its discussion. … we will prefer silence to the disharmonious answer by an old disharmonious principle: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”... We all should leave a narrow circle of unilateral industrial thinking because it is the deepest reason of our conflicts. Therefore, we SHOULD concentrate our attention not to conflicts, which will drown us, and on the alphabet and harmony language in which all of us are ignorant, that convincingly show our conflicts. The alphabet, language and ethics of harmony are a SOLE strategy of our survival. Best harmony wishes, Friendly, Leo, 02/06/10 ======================================= Dr. Leo, I had thought my interaction with you ended the day you declared me a person non grata. But it appears from your present email to me that you have had a soul searching and came out with an "investigative" report of your own that is spread over 15+ pages to clarify your position! I feel tempted to respond to what you have written, but am restrained by the following concerns: 1. You have not copied your findings to all members of your organization; 2. You have made no mention of my responses; 3. You advocate "scientific" research into Islam, without realizing that it is a brainchild of a man that defies all scientiifc standards; 4. You have not made it clear whether the Quran is the literal word of Alllah, and if it is good for all times, all humans; and, 5. Whether or not you believe in what is stated in the Quran. As a student of Islam, I mostly depend on Quran to support my statements. Through you, I ask Mr. Noor or any scholar of Islam to engage with me in a discussion on each and every verse of the Quran so that people, like you, can learn what it really tells its adherents and how it influences their thinking process. Such a discussion will also clarify the true meaning of the word "Jihad," which you have been led to believe to denote "inner struggle" of the Muslims, and not the killing of the non-believers! Would you do me this favor so that we can separate milk from water, and present before your members the real face of Islam? I will also appreciate if you would circulate this email of mine to all the members of your organization for their information. Regards, Mohammad Asghar, 13/06/10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Asghar, In the GHA "Islamic" conflict the point is put. Therefore any publication of additional texts is excluded. GHA Mission is peace from harmony, instead of conflicts. As you know, GHA left a possibility of rehabilitation within of our organisation for you and Noor. Therefore I can and is ready to discuss with you only this question. The first step on this way is: your public recognition of the GHA Information Order. Do you recognise it? If you recognise it, the following step: could you write article for its discussion and the publication on GHA site with one of the following titles: “Islam: from Internal Jihad to Global Harmony", "Quran: Book of Peace from Harmony", "Ideas of Peace and Harmony in Quran", "Analysis of Use of the term Harmony in Quran” and so forth. GHA can discuss only the similar sort texts. The third step. If you write similar article, we will create a special information platform for its discussion to which we will invite all interested in a problem of harmonization of Islam and Moslems. I personally do not consider myself as the expert in Islam and the Quran. Therefore, personally I am not intended to participate in discussion of this questions. I can discuss only an orientation, results and motivation of similar discussions, their social, humanistic and peace-making meaning, and also their conformity to the GHA mission of peace from harmony. If you agree with these three steps ways to peace from harmony, I am ready to cooperate with you in process of my forces and possibilities. I also invite you to make one more step on this way: to translate into the Arabic language (do you know it?) our “Harmonious Civilization Declaration” (in an attachment). It will allow you to learn the GHA ideological position better. Certainly, we will be grateful to you for the translation and we will publish it on our site. You write on your site www.islam-facts.com: “I have been studying the Quran for over fifteen years in English, Urdu and Bangla in order not only to understand its messages but also to find out if it contains anything good and constructive the propagation of which could help mankind co-exist on earth in peace and harmony. I found no such thing in the Quran,…” And an epigraph of your site you have put words: “BLOOD AND LIES AT THE ROOT OF ISLAM”. I think, from my critical point of view, you are the bad student of Quran still. I think that 15 years of your studying of Quran were insufficiently you to understand its other, peace-making and harmonious essence about which other researchers speak: Tarek Haggy, Ahmed Mansour and others. Therefore, please, GHA invites you to critical research of Quran in this direction. Could you carry out the Quran textual analysis and define, how many times in this book are used the terms ‘peace’ and ‘harmony’? Or they are absent in it? only similar your researches will be interesting for GHA. If you will be insist on your epigraph, to you not on a way with us. By the way, on your site there is no your biography and a place of your residence. Than this conspiracy is caused? Who are you? Sincerely, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President 17/06/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Leo, You wrote: "Therefore I can and ready to discuss with you only this question." I decline to be part of a myopic organization whose founder is more interested in defending Islam at any cost rather than working for the good of mankind. I feel you have been greatly influenced by the sugar-coated preaching of the Muslim preachers and have convinced yourself to sacrifice your conscience at the altar of your political correctness. I am also convinced that you are in the business of helping the Muslims only, ignoring the fact that they follow a religion that is anti-human, amoral and a great threat to the peace of the world. You are not concerned with the well being and safety of the followers of other religions, including the one you might be following, and it is shameful. I do not want to have anything to do with a man of your standing. Thanks, however, for your offer! Regards, Mohammad Asghar, www.islam-facts.com, 17/06/10 ---------------------------------------------- Mr. Asghar, Yes, you were not tested on peaceableness, reject its offers, refuse the mission of peace from harmony and sign to yourself a sentence of the militarist. Yes, I protect Islam for the mankind good according to my conscience to which my political correctness corresponds, unlike your anti-Islamic fanaticism which you, on naive ignorance, give out for the high good for mankind. Yes, I am very concerned by safety of the followers of other religions, including my own because safety is excluded when say, that there is one “anti-human, amoral” religion Islam, which threatens to kill all followers of all other religions as "unbelievers". Yes, you read Quran with one purpose: to discredit it, neglecting the facts of history and works of scientists with other opinion. Yes, it is very shameful to see today such authors and such books that begin and finish by hatred. I pity you. Your "book" from 430 pages begins with identification of Islam, Quran and Muhammad with “blood and lie” and with “pit of hell”. It is end the words: with Islam “can never be peace on earth” and “Islamic way of life” “has proved disastrous for Muslims in the past, and it will destroy their future lives as well as for Non-Muslims.” Yes, you do not love God and neighbour. How to define such "book"? It is anti-Islamic “Mein Kampf” of Hitler. It is a total and global mutual genocide of Moslems and Non-Muslims forever which Hitler has not guessed even. The author believes myopically (he does not understand the "book" monstrous consequences), that the total Islamic genocide and an eternal crusade (what pleasure to military corporations and world arm race!!!) he renders the great “good to mankind”. Sacred simplicity! The author does not trouble himself with any positive opinion on Islam. It is necessary to be surprised only how this devil incarnate (“blood and lie’) existed 13 centuries and has captured almost third of mankind? The author is the criminal, breaking the civilized countries laws forbidding kindling of interreligious hostility. The author is not only the anti-Islamic fanatic; he is in general the racist and misanthrope: he split humankind into two camps (Moslems and Not-Moslems) and set them against each other in a total genocide! He is possessed by Herostratus glory in humankind self-destruction through this genocide. Who still guessed up to globalisation of Hitler’s genocide on religious, anti-Islamic soil? What global concentration camps and gas furnaces this "benefactor" of mankind prepared for us! on what eternal interreligious Holocaust he dooms our children and grandchildren, dreaming to destroy not 6 million Jews, and 2 billion Moslems! He does not respect not only Islam, but also other religions. He offends all religions of the world and all believers, dooming them on total war! It tramples on any peace, as an axiom is that without the religious peace any peace is excluded. Dooming religions on eternal war, he deprives humankind of any hope on peace in general! He convinces us, that the sun of human peace is a universal evil and harm because of Islamic stains on it. Nobody will tell worse…. But he does not understand it, blinded by the hatred to Islam which threatens all. We should draw conclusions. Mr. Asghar. You do not have a place in the peace-making organisations; you are unworthy them with your “Mein Kampf” and you are their shame. You thirst for discussions of your misanthropic "book" in our networks but it is excluded for moral and law reasons. I exclude your name and email from all lists and I invite to make it the GHA members and other peace-making organisations, to declare total boycott to his misanthropy. Our door is closed before Asghar as the misanthrope, the fanatic, the racist and the militarist. But it is a pity to us, that he thrown the soul in a hatred hell. Therefore, our door is opened before Asghar as the peacemaker if such transformation happens with him. We do not exclude it in the future when to his consciousness will be reached the monstrous consequences of his “Mein Kampf”; when he in horror will renounce from this “book” and he will be released from hatred to Islam. I, as the believer, will pray for rescue of his soul and I invite others believing to make the same for the sake of our mission of peace from harmony. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, 18/06/10 ------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Leo: You wrote: "Yes, you read Quran with one purpose: to discredit it, neglecting the facts of history and works of the scientists with other opinion." Your defense of Islam and thereby supposedly to bring peace to the world has blunted your thinking ability. You do not know that had the Quran been from God, no human can discredit it and go against His Will, if He exists, especially when it is stated in the Quran that "Allah has taken the responsibility to protect it from corruption and human crookedness." Being blind to the facts that abound all around, you are bringing scientists to justify the inanities of the Quran and the lessons it gives to the Muslims on how to kill the non-believers! It is a foolish attempt on your part!! I have not consigned Buddha to the pit of hell, because he did not preach what Muhammad had preached. I did not criticize Moses and Jesus Christ because their teachings do not "command" their followers to kill those who do not believe in the faiths they had established. I do not criticize other religions because they are not as violent as Islam is. The Quran is the “Mein Kampf” of Muhammad. Its main purpose is the annihilation of those who do not believe in it. You and your organization are unknowingly, or purposefully, supporting this Mein Kampf of the evil man, Muhammad. I do not do so, therefore, I am unworthy of being part of an organization that does not know what harm it is working to bring upon mankind. I am sure you have not read Muhammad's Mein Kampf, and if he have, you have not understood its teachings. Nor, have your read his life. It is filled with raids, wars and murders. Do you know that this man had murdered 600-900 Jews in a single day, alleging them to be supporting his Pagan enemy? Do you know he took a Jewish woman to bed while still her husband's dead body was awaiting a burial? Do you know that this man molested a baby, married her when she was six and had sex with her when she was nine and he 55? Do you know this man stole the wife of his adopted-son and had sex with her without marrying her? Do you know that this man married more than 25 women, but refused to give them the pleasure of motherhood because he hated women? Do you know that this so-called Prophet of God had sex with his cousins and slave-girls and whomsoever he liked without bothering to going through the process of marriage? And last but not the lest, do you know that he instructed his followers to kill those humans who do not follow his religion, or to turn them into second class citizens and to extract protection money from them? With these kinds of teachings coming from the mouth of one of the evilest men to have ever walked the earth that unflinchingly influences his followers, only a naive man, like you, can think to bring peace between the Muslims and their non-believing "enemies." I am not a naive man; I have the ability to think and know what Islam entails. I am sure a day will come, unless Islam is fully exposed and its Mein Kampf is fully discredited, not you, but your grand-grand children will become victims of the Muslims, who will not only be required to serve them as their slaves, but also to meet their sexual needs. You are working to that end and though you will not live to witness what will be happening to your dear and beloved ones, but they would bear the brunt of your foolishness and misguided attempt that helps none but the Muslims to perpetuate their heinous designs against the humanity that is known as Kafirs to the enemy of mankind. I refuse to be a part of an organization that cannot see what lies ahead and is striving to help insure the destruction of a large segment of humanity in the name of establishing "peace and harmony" on earth! Such an attempt is below my human dignity and contrary to my deep concern for the good of mankind. Regards, Mohammad Asghar 18/06/10 NOTE: I, THE PRESIDENT OF THE PEACE-MAKING ORGANIZATION, CONSIDER BELOW MY DIGNITY TO REACT on THIS RACIST ANTI-ISLAMIC DELIRIUM. AS THE HUMAN I AM PITY THE AUTHOR BUT I AM IRRECONCILABLE WITH HIS FASCIST ANTI-ISLAMIC POSITION. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, 22/06/10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo and all: I analyzed the Leo Semashko's paper with care and great interest, and I come to the conclusion that this work-letter is a serious exemplary piece that should be studied by all in GHA.Not only in order to understand and to assume a position in relation to the discussion called "Islamic" conflict in GHA, but very especially for the appreciation of the methodology of analysis and evaluation that Leo used. Such a methodology is based on our ideology for the care of the conflicts in dialogues. GHA is a microcosm and the Leo's work can be applied to many situations. We do not have to forget that in the last instance our mission tends to surpass the conflicts towards the achieve of the harmony that will bring peace. I only can say a word:BRAVE! and comment that you are a great master and an inspiration. I am not a person who utilize these superlative terms, but this time I must do it because it is a special case and opportunity Ernesto Kahan Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD MPH University Professor - Poet – Physician Tel Aviv University, Israel. President- Israeli Association Writers. Spanish Branch Vice President- World Academy of Arts and Culture USA Former Vice President of IPPNW (Nobel Peace Prize) and the actual president of theIsraeli Branch Honorary President of SIPEA – International Society of Poets Writers and Artists A.C. Vice President Intl Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC) President -UHE- UNION HISPANOAMERICAN WRITERS. Vice Director of General Directorate Global Harmony Association (GHA) 16/06/10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Your message is excellent. I will send a separate email of support to the GHA members, I thought your last letter on the conflict over Islam was masterly. You extended harmonious courtesies and proposals and were rebuffed. You truly practiced what you preach. I was reminded of the great teaching of Jesus, “Love your enemies” and also St Paul who says, “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” Best harmony wishes, Dr. Bernard Scott, England, 22/06/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Leo,
Thank you for asking for my views.
I think the ruling should have made about the forms of discussion that are acceptable for the GHA (GHA Information Order: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249, - L.S.) are excellent. Thus, none of us should judge and condemn all those who adhere to a particular belief system. All we can judge and condemn is any application of violence in the name of a belief system.
Thus, with respect to Islam, we should certainly condemn those who wish to establish a global Islamic ‘umma’ by violent means. The problems within the Middle East are complex with a long history. We should support those who seek peaceful reconciliation - and there are many who do so. Any who declare they wish to destroy Israel (Hamas, the Iranian government) should be condemned. Any Israelis who are militant Zionist should also be condemned.
My overall view, as a humanist, is that we should support democratic forms of governance and advocate a clear separation of ‘religion’ and state.
Unfortunately, there are many states that, as yet, are not democracies and there are many states where ‘religion’ plays a major if not a defining role. Thus, I do not approve the idea of Israel’s being a ‘Jewish state’ nor do I approve of the many states that have declared themselves to be ‘Islamic’.
As for the particular case of Islam, I share the concerns of many others about the ‘Islamification’ of Europe, even when the process is being carried out by non-violent means. People within a society may be oppressed in many ways that do not include physical violence. My personal view is that Islam, as presented in the Koran, is essentially theocratic. I welcome any efforts by moderate Muslims to reform their beliefs so that they do accord with secular, democratic governance. (I would include here Noor and his leader and the Aga Khan.)
I cannot know the future except that I am sure it will be a difficult one. Europe has endured wars in the name of religion over many centuries and there are still remnants of these today. From these conflicts came the Age of Enlightenment and the establishment of the many things that we now enjoy in secular democracies. It may be many years yet before we see the end of all conflicts carried out in the name of ‘religion’.
Thus, I support the stance of the GHA. However, we should not pretend that the world is better than it is. We should be, “as wise as serpents and innocent as dove” (St Paul). China, North Korea and Burma are oppressive dictatorships. Most if not all of the Islamic states practice discrimination against Jews, Christians and other minorities. (See the data below.) For more on the persecution of Christians, see http://barnabasfund.org/UK/News/ .
However, I believe that we should not fight evil with evil. We should, “Love the sinner and hate the sin” (St Paul). “The only way to combat evil is to make energetic progress in the good.” (Confucian teaching).
Best Harmony wishes,
Dr. Bernard Scott,
England, 06/07/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Bernard, Thank you very much for your great contribution to the harmonious solution of the GHA "Islamic" conflict. Your wise letter with the deep, short and weighed analysis of the key aspects of a situation of this conflict deserves steadfast attention and studying by all the GHA members. You dotted all points over ‘i’. I share all your ideas, except, in some part, your interpretation of statistical data which demand the special professional analysis in a corresponding audience that I postponed for the future. Now allow me to accent three major for GHA aspects of your remarkable letter which I was happy to publish as a finishing chord of this conflict on our site: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=432.
1. “None of us should judge and condemn all those who adhere to a particular belief system.” GHA shares freedom of religious beliefs and respects all world religions. It is expressed in the GHA all documents: Statutes, Information Order, Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration and other projects. GHA recognizes as a fundamental that principle that the global harmonious civilization, which first sprout arisen in 2009, will affirm only under condition of peace from harmony among the world religions. Without harmony of religions global social harmony (harmonious civilization) is impossible. Therefore GHA uses the best efforts to strengthen religious harmony and to propagandize its brightest modern examples: Singapore on the basis of the State Declaration of Religious Harmony (2003); The Japanese religious harmony in a format of four-dimensional religious pluralism: Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism (Prof. Reimon Bachika, 2010, Japan); Traditional religious harmony Orthodox and Moslems in Russia; Harmony of the world religions on the basis of Buddhism in Mahabodhi International Meditation Center, Ladakh, India (Lana Young, 2010) and many other things.
2. “All we can judge and condemn is any application of violence in the name of a belief system.” GHA considers incompatible with its membership any appeals to religious violence. GHA judge and condemn all statements of violence of religious character. GHA always was and will be released from those persons, irrespective of their last merits and achievements, which kindle religious hostility and furthermore encourage genocide to a religious sign. We were witnesses of a similar sad case recently when known "peacemaker" publicly and repeatedly made common cause with ideology of an anti-Islamic genocide, forcing anti-Islamic hatred. GHA has been compelled to be released from this person who dishonors GHA, preferring a religious genocide to peace from harmony. GHA “loves the sinner and hates the sin”, therefore we leaves for this person, as well as similar, return possibility in GHA under condition of public refusal from religious hostility and genocide propagation.
3. “I believe that we should not fight evil with evil. We should, “Love the sinner and hate the sin” (St Paul). “The only way to combat evil is to make energetic progress in the good.” (Confucian teaching). GHA it is not limited the good words about peace and harmony. GHA firmly follows this wise Confucian precept: we created for 5 years the 20 projects of global harmony (harmonious civilization), which, undoubtedly, “make energetic progress in the good” of the modernity directed to the future. These projects are presented in four collective books of GHA, especially important, program from which is the last: “Harmonious Civilization” (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379), including the GHA basic peace-making projects from harmony.
Dear Bernard, by these conclusions you summarized our mission of peace from harmony and our basic approach to all conflicts, including our internal. Your letter shows, that GHA went out with honour of the "Islamic" conflict. GHA even more got stronger and it was cleared of those who wished to put us on a way of interreligious war and genocide to supersede our mission of peace from harmony. We see, that GHA defended this mission with honour. Many GHA members brought the big contribution to its strengthening: Ernesto, Laj, Maria, Susana, Martha and others. Your contribution to it is especially powerful and intellectual from my point of view. All of us are grateful you for this contribution, strengthening our mission of peace from harmony in a relation to all religions.
Leo, 08/07/10
----------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo: Congratulations! You have presented a good philosophy which should be endorsed by everyone, both peace-lovers and non-peace lovers as well. Everyone would then be a winner and no one a loser.
Charles July 8, 2010