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Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony
International Sociological Association: Move towards Sociology of Global Harmony


Thematic Group in the ISA:

Global Sociology of Harmonious Civilization

Approved by the GHA Board, August 16, 2010


Institutionalization of the GHA "public sociology" of harmonious civilization of the 21st century.
It is the sociology of civil society, aware the possibility, necessity and reality of a harmonious civilization, is represented in the GHA 29 projects of global harmony and four books:


TO: International Sociological Association (ISA)

SUBJECT: Establishment of the ISA Thematic Group (TG): Global Sociology of Harmonious Civilization

TG Mission: create sociological knowledge for harmonious civilization

TG Program o­n 2010-2014


I. Empirical studies:


The comparative sociological studies of dynamics of spheral classes of the population as the key actors of social harmony during 50 years, 1960-2010 in: Russia, USA, China, India and EU.



1. The spheral classes of the population of deep social structure differ not o­n the property but o­n four spheres of productive employment, which can not exist without each other. Therefore, the spheral classes, excluding class antagonism, are the key actors of social harmony at all levels: global, regional, national and local. The historic mission of social science and global education is to transform the spontaneous spheral classes in the class-conscious actors of social harmony.

2. The first study of spheral classes of the population for 1991-1996 was held in Russia. See: Leo Semashko. Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges, St. Petersburg, 2002, pp. 59-76:


3. The constant researches of dynamics and quality of spheral classes of the population are relevant to all institutions of governance at all levels: global, regional, national and local. These researches will be a powerful source of funding for all sociologists. The studies of spheral classes include the traditional stratification studies.

4. Initial financing: domestic and foreign grants, including international foundations, academic institutions, associations and universities.

II. Theoretical studies:


  • Unfolding the general sociological theory of global harmonious civilization (society) as a new historical phase in the life of humankind, starting in 2009.
  • Unfolding the general sociological theory of harmonious civilization (society) o­n the levels: global, regional, national and local.
  • Formation of the special tools of sociology of harmonious civilization: spheral sociological statistics, mathematics of harmonious civilization (mathematics of the spheral fractals of social harmony), information and socio-cultural innovative technologies of social and individual harmonizing, designing of social harmonization for the different countries and global issues.
  • Inclusion of all branches of traditional sociology into sociology of harmonious civilization in accordance with its requirements.

III. Educational and enlightener activity:


  • Creating the first Academy of Harmony in Russia, primarily in a form of the International Academy of Harmonious Leadership, for training of the leaders of harmonious civilization in various fields and directions. (The initial draft has been prepared in GHA:http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=429).
  • Creation in Russia, USA and India of the first secondary schools of global harmonious education.
  • Creation in the Internet and o­n TV of the educational and discussion forums: “Harmonious Civilization: People, Science, Education and Politics.”


IV. Conferences:


  • Holding every year since 2011 the national scientific conferences o­n harmonious civilization o­n the basis of the leading universities in Russia, USA, Europe, India and China.
  • Holding the First International Sociological Conference: “Global Harmonious Civilization: Modernity of the 21st Century" in St. Petersburg State University in 2012.


For the initial discussion of the TG Programme we limit the invitations o­nly 22 members of the GHA and ISA from 11 countries:


Bernard Scott, England, President, RC51 2006-2010
Bernd Hornung, Germany, President, RC51 2002-2006
Reimon Bachika, Japan, President RC07 2002-2006
Ernesto Kahan, Israel, Former Vice President of IPPNW (Nobel Peace Prize 1985)
François Houtart, Belgium
Matjaž Mulej, Slovenia
Laj Utreja, USA
Charles Mercieca, USA
Rudolf Siebert, USA
Martha Dewitt, USA
Bernard Phillips, USA
Ananta Giri, India
Maitreyee Roy, India
Kuseyn Isaev, Kyrgyzstan

Leo Semashko, Russia, St. Petersburg, GHA President
Denis Zuev, Russia, Krasnoyarsk
Sergei Kravchenko, Russia, Moscow
Dina Tanatova, Russia, Moscow
Vladimir Ilyin, Russia, St. Petersburg
Nataly Babenko, Russia, Pyatigorsk
Tatiana Ivanova, Ukraine, Sumy


Subsequently this Program will be presented for discussion to about 200 the GHA and the ISA members, who we will invite in the TG.



Statement for the ISA new TG:

“Global Sociology of Harmonious Civilization”



The idea of creation of the ISA TG “Global Sociology of Harmonious Civilization” (TG GSHC) grows out of two-way traffic of ISA from the academic sociology to global public sociology and the Global Harmony Association (GHA) from public sociology of a harmonious civilization to the academic sociology.

Connection of these movements and birth of the TG GSHC idea occurred o­n the ISA World Congress in Gothenburg o­n July 11-17, 2010. Here for the first time there was turn the ISA to “global sociology” in a direction of "public sociology” of civil society that has been accurately formulated in the paper of the ISA new President Michael Burawoy (see below). The ISA President 2006-2010 Michel Wieviorka in the paper o­n this Congress also has defined modernity as “massive change” of a social science and especially sociology.

On the other hand, o­n this Congress the GHA for the first time presented to sociologists of the world the program book “Harmonious Civilization” (we presented more than 50 copies of this book to leaders and participants of the Congress) together with the corresponding leaflet (we extended about 500 leaflets: it was received by every tenth participant of the Congress). In this book and GHA projects included in it and “global sociology” and it “massive change” and a new social reality with 2009 found definition of "harmonious civilization” or “global harmony”.

The first short discussions of the TG GSHC idea held o­n this Congress. In these discussions have taken part Ananta Giri and Maitreyee Roy from India; Denis Zuev, Sergey Kravchenko, Dina Tanatova, Vladimir Ilyin and Natalya Babenko from Russia; Tatiana Ivanova from Ukraine; Bernard Scott, England; Bernd Hornung, German and others. All participants of the discussions agreed with idea of the new TG and expressed desire to discuss it in details in the end of August and September. For this purpose are created this and other pages of the GHA website, o­n which the Congress key papers are published. They reflect the ISA and GHA two-way ideological movement to each other.


From the ISA papers following are published in two languages with comments:

Michael Burawoy, ISA new President. Facing the Challenges of Global Sociology




Yuan T. Lee, Nobel Prize o­n Chemistry. Energy, Environment and the Future of Mankind




Margaret Archer, ISA President 1986-1990. The Current Crisis: Consequences of Neglecting the Four Key Principles of Catholic Social Doctrine




Michel Wieviorka.ISA President 2006-2010. Sociology o­n the move




From the GHA paper is published:


Leo Semashko. GHA President. Global Education as Harmonious Education of Global Harmonious Civilization




The papers publication will be continued.


In more details the ideas of global sociology and social harmony (harmonious civilization), sounded o­n the Congress, are presented in my report about it:




The central ideas of these papers are summarized practically in establishment of the ISA Thematic Group: "Global Sociology of Harmonious Civilization", the Program initial version of which is launched by the GHA and presented for discussion (above).

Rationale for the possibility and necessity of this TG is expressed in two principal theses:

  • GHA and ISA move to understand the modern social world from different perspectives: from the civil society and from the university world, or from the public and academic sociologies. Their scientific and civic interests coincide and mutually reinforced in the proposed TG. This is its opportunity.
  • In 2009 was born harmonious civilization in its first global traits: a) turning humanity to the nuclear zero, and b) the emergence of the first sociological vision of the framework of harmonious civilization as a whole. The birth of a new social reality requires an adequate sociology, to conscious evolution of which serves a new TG. This is its need.

In general, the TG will be an important response of the ISA to modern challenge of global sociology of the 21st century.


© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005