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Peace from Harmony
IV. Harmony Poetry

IV. Harmony Poetry




1.Harmony in Soul – Vitaliy Ivashchenko

2.Harmonious Cosmic Woman Ada Aharoni

3.Harmonious Peace – Maria Cristina Azcona

4.Harmony Passes in Priority – Ammar Banni

5.Let Everyone Adorn the World with Harmony – Leonid Belyi

6.Everlasting Memoirs – Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy

7.Harmony Anthem with Love – Guy Créquie

8.Peace – Marietta Cuesta

9.Harmony is Born... – Zaure Hizatolla

10.Hymn to Holy Harmony – Takis Ioannides

11.Sonnet of Harmony – Dmitry Ivashintsov

12.Hymn to Harmony. Seek me, Harmony! – Ernesto Kahan

13.The Great City of Harmony. Oceans Meet – APJ Abdul Kalam

14.Rules and Visions. Ideals. Illusions – Dimitris Kraniotis

15.Peace. Peace from Harmony – José María Lopera

16.Harmony – Apostolos Paschos

17.Harmony of Twenty First Century – Y.S. Rajan

18.New Axial Period – Y.S. Rajan, Sudhamahi Regunathan

19.Come and Engender a New Humanity in Harmony! – Marie Robert

20.Harmony – Susana Roberts

21.Knowledge of Harmony – Katerina Semashko

22.Hymn to Harmony. The ABC of Harmony for Children – Leo Semashko

23.Harmony and Harmony – Subhash Sharma

24.Harmony Force, Which Keeps Us Alive – Lida Sherafatmand

25.Wisdom of Peace. Valley of Peace – Ram Krishna Singh

26.Harmony: Salvation for Russia – Svetlana Tsymbalist

27.From Chaos to Harmony – Yuri Tsymbalist

28.A Harmony Hymn – Laj Utreja

29.The Global Harmony Association – Nina Yudina



I like that The ABC of Harmony isn't o­nly scientific, but also the poetic book including poetry of harmony from many countries of all continents of the Earth. I think that o­ne of the displays of world harmony is an art which forms the Spiritual Human. Poetry is the most democratic art form. The majority of sacred books of all religions are written in poetic form. There is a wonderful harmony of thought and feeling, of content and form in the best samples of poetry. Therefore it easily comes into soul being the first (after the Nature) school and the ABC of individual harmony (viiv.co.ua).

Vitaliy Ivashchenko, Professor of National Technical University "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Poet, Culture Honoured Worker of Ukraine.


Vitaliy Ivashchenko


Harmony in Soul


Live for today!

What was and will be let not bother you.

You'll be forgotten o­nce you go into the blue,

As if you've never made your way!


Greet every dawn with brightest smile!

And the Almighty thank for who you've met!

Don't hang your head, don't whine!.. It is not over yet,

Inside your soul there's still a flame of fire.


Our values o­nce have been outlined:

Our goodness, tenderness, our will and peace.

Live for today, let your heart sing at ease!

And then the sense of life in harmony of soul you'll find!


Vitaliy Ivashchenko: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent at The National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, organizer and artistic director of the Students Comedy Music Theatre of Amators.

Address: Kyiv, Ukraine.

Web: www.viiv.co.ua

E-mail: vivashchenko_at_ukr.net

Ada Aharoni


Harmonious Cosmic Woman


They tell us

you were first born

in warm ocean womb

caressed by sun fingers –

daughter perhaps

of the stormy affair

of two unruly atoms in love

maddened by the solitude

of eternal rounds

in the steppes of times

And your children,

lively descendants

of their stellar nucleus mother

dropped from the sky

in depths of ocean belly,

born of green and brown seaweed

and the laughs and cries

of a blue bacteria

Cosmic woman,

when you chose earth

as home for your vast roots

at the beginning

of the great human family,

it was for life, for harmony –

not for death!

Cosmic woman,

you, who were born of the nucleus,

from deadly nuclear mushroom –

save your chosen planet

save your children!


Prof. Ada Aharoni studied at London University, where she received her M. Phil. Degree in English Literature, and at the Hebrew University (Jerusalem), where she received her Ph.D. Degree o­n the works of Nobel Prize Laureate, Saul Bellow. She taught Literature and Sociology, at Haifa University, and at the TECHNION: Israel Institute of Technology. She is the Founding President of IFLAC: The International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (Founded 1999). She published twenty six books and more than 150 articles.GHA cofounder. Tel.: 972 77 3202818

Address: 18 A. Amos Street, apt. 77, Nesher 36700, Israel

Web: www.iflac.com/ada, www.iflac.wordpress.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=2
E-mail: iflac_at_bezeqint.net


Maria Cristina Azcona


Harmonious Peace


Once upon a time a social group,

far away from this place

Started to fight o­ne against the other

Without pause or grace

There was a diversity of opinions

So intense and rare,

That it seemed impossible

to find a way out of there

Anyway, by miracle it seemed,

One of them imposed

a sense of humor never seen

and everybody learned at the time

to discuss in a better state of mind

Peace arrives from harmony and it is time

To investigate and research

On harmonious personalities:

Harmonious sense of humor,

Harmonious sense of life,

Harmonious way of communication, and

Harmonious motives to continuous smile.


Maria Cristina Azcona works as an Educational Psychologist, Family Counselor and specialist in forensic psycho-diagnosis. She has obtained two university titles. Bilingual MCA poets for peace: founder, IFLAC South America and Argentina director among other honorary titles. GHA, co founder and member, UHE Vice president. The Love Foundation Argentina Director Being a well-known bilingual poet, writer and editor with many published books in Argentina, UK, and India, she has authored critical articles o­n fiction and poems, published worldwide extensively. She has been awarded literary prizes in international poetry contests in México, Argentina and India, also has been called Symbol of Peace and Muse of harmony. Is considered as Peace Leader by American Biographical Institute, and UNESCO has published her articles. Human DHS-NY Education team. Academician member. GHA Vice-President.

Address: María Cristina Azcona – Capital, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Web: www.azcona.bravehost.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=36

E-mail: azconacristina_at_hotmail.com


Ammar Banni


Harmony passes in priority


These principles appreciate fraternity

Its charter promotes equality

Language of art, tolerance and liberty

Information ensures its diversity

Its spirit supports continuity

Science and letter grateful of its fluidity

Its prospects go with the current events

Its culture is haunted by all humanity

Its use is the pride of the personality

Its presence is in unlimited countries

No o­ne can determine its qualities

Its support is the symbol of its fidelity

Its love sets ablaze my totality

Its expansion, I love, in particular

I work for peace with sincerity

My pen and paper are my o­nly possibilities

I vary the voices and the productivities

I carry out this duty for our children with tenacity

This modest sacrifice reflects my solidarity

My means and my capacities are limited

This work is my modest generosity


Ammar Banni: Professor in Education and Human science, Poet-Author.

Mail address: Cite du 1er novembre / B.P 215, Guemar 39400, Algeria

Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=288

E-mail: ammarbanni_at_yahoo.fr

Professional Profile:

1983-1986: Administrative chairman/Importation of the textile/Businesses of my father. Psycho-teaching in a college: 1986-1991

Today: Education's professor in college – since 1993

September 1981-June 1983: School Of Trade-Algiers CMTC business accounting

September 1986-June 1991: Continuous training in education. Psycho-educational in the college

September 1991-June 1993: Technological institute of Education. Education's professor in college. November-December 2006: National institute of /Paris-France Telecommunication.

Publications: Co-author: Peace from Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org


"Future of Algeria": www.ucaldas.edu.co/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6128:u-de-caldas-reflexiono-sobre-conflictos-armados-internos-en-argelia-ruanda-y-colombia&catid=419:universidad-al-dia&Itemid=1039


Leonid Belyi


Let Everyone Adorn the World with Harmony


We will never be different

Neither here, nor far

From this world we're visiting,

Riding our lucky star.


In our boundless universe

Our Mother, the Earth

Raised us, humans, in joyfulness,

Loved us all from the birth.


As we found a shelter

In the warmth of her arms,

To our vigorous brotherhood

Friendship gifted was o­nce.


Our dreams inspire us

Be different and reborn

So now let everyone this world

With harmony adorn.


Leonid Belyi – Doctor of Philosophy, a member of the Crimean Academy of Sciences, Docent of the Crimean branch of the National Academy of Art and Architecture, member of the Global Harmony Association.

Adress: Simferopol, Ukraine.

Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=398

E-mail: waitsv_at_mail.ru


Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy


Everlasting Memoirs


On the green hilltops

Blow the winds of peace,

Even in the steep valleys ….

Even in the twinkling stars too,

We feel something fascinating

Which douse our inner heart?

With the soothing chords of peace.


In the glowing brightness

There's the warmth of peace,

In the glowing moonlight too

There appears invisible peace,

The marvelous and alluring nature

Lures us with inexplicable peace,

How to emboss such lasting memoirs?


Absorbed in nature's beauty

Enveloped by nature's serenity

Why can't we humans exhibit

A positive approach towards peace;

Which shall bestow upon us

The golden rays of love and peace

Which awakens the quest for harmony.


Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy: An International Poet & Review Writer, composing poetry for the past 20 years, till date, he has the distinction of composing over 2000 poems, of which over 1500 are published in various magazines, literary e-zines, journals, anthologies etc., in nearly 60 countries across the world and translated into ten foreign languages. Conferred with Doctor of Literature, Commended with Universal Peace Ambassador, Chaired as Vice-President of Global Harmony Association, he is bestowed with the prestigious Honorary Adviser, Borneo International Open University.

Address: # 16-2-836/L, Plot No. 39, Madhavnagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad – 500059 (AP) India

Web: www.worldpeacepoetry.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286

E-mail: tacvarthy_at_gmail.com


Guy Créquie


Harmony Anthem with Love


People of the remote cities

In osmosis with nature

Precision of its cycles

Make our beautiful blue sphere

A planet of harmony.


Connected like rings of life

Whatever then to be their nationality

The color of their hair

The pigmentation of their skin

The shape of their eyes

Let Us Help the young people of the five continents

To become principle of harmony

With a high spirituality

With the service of humanity, our Elder.


Our eyes should be impregnated

From all these varied continents

Their diversified beings

Of Which children of our cities.


In symbiosis with nature

The anthem of harmony

Is a call to the reason

The wisdom of our hearts

Intelligence of our spirits


The anthem with the love

In its harmonic magnificence

Is the formula of the universe

Those and those which breathe the emotion of it

Receive this sequence of agreements

Like a scented breeze

Without war, without hatred and fear

White clouds in the sky

One spring full with buds o­n the ground


Then, this information society

That of the harmony of the universal human love

Will Be that of our children builders of a future

That where the life will serve the life.


Guy Créquie, French Poet, opera singer and philosopher.

Address: 53 St. Auguste Renoir-69200 Vénissieux, France.

Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106

E-mail: guy.crequie_at_wanadoo.fr


Marietta Cuesta




Unattainable strange feeling

infinite eyes gently chimera

you are everywhere

the more I feel you, you get away from me

you carry painted the soul of pigeons

with messages of auroras and mysteries,


almost touch it shatters itself

but we celebrate,

you crowned with gold, pearls and laurels

clothe you of laughter, dancing


you go and then come

flushed oscillation and between crystals,

on the threshold of time, we wait for you

turning the four corners,

you are in the flag flying

in the sail that enjoy the wind

in pirouettes of a fish

in high hours ,

in this everyday sailing,

it is in your eyes when you see colors

in the harmonious hymn of flowers

in the wild fountain

godson of gaps and peaks,

in the iris and the looming bow

rounding the heavens

in our hearts with hope

as a flock of wild swans.


Translation into English by Susana Roberts.


Marietta Cuesta – poet, painter, writer and author of 17 books. Ecuador.

Web: www.artepoetica.net/Marietta_Cuesta_Rodriguez.htm

E-mail: marieta12_at_etapanet.net


Zaure Hizatolla


Harmony is Born...


In family harmony gets a start,

In care of kindred and beloved,

When our thoughts and prayers clear

Come from the truths that we adhere.


The streams of harmony, its springs

Will find their way among the hills,

Among the whispering canes that swing

Together with the fields they sing.


That harmony is like a rainbow,

The drops of dew that beam,

A way of an unlucky tear to its chance

An outline separating land and water like a fence.


That flawless harmony,

It has no more, no less,

It's like an equinox, that's blessed

Its humble wisdom solves the rest.


Though harmony in body has no face

We know its value, name, and place.

And when its Muse has fruit created,

The union of Yin and Yang is celebrated.


That harmony we all can feel, it's real.

It's all around us, just see and hear!

Its modest genius we talk about

Just find it in yourself or out!


Zaure Hizatolla: President of the GHA Kazakhstan, poet, writer, peacemaker.

Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Web: www.stihi.ru/avtor/zaureha, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=492

E-mail: zaubox_at_gmail.com


Takis Ioannides


Hymn to Holy Harmony


Since I met myself from my youth age,

My fundamental target was

to curb my primary agony,


My precious soul

Was any moment in danger

To be lost,


My beloved body was really mortal

And Fragile enough

to be disappeared,


My soul was in conflict

With my body,

And both were fighting,

Against the brilliant Mother Nature,


And now as an adult,

I am still trying to reconcile

And convince both parties,


That their life

And coexistence occurred

by a holy miracle,


That these are not enemies,

But parties of the same body

Of the sacred monad,


United by the Law of Love,

With the challenge and chance

to gain the happiness,


by following the avenue

of the obvious and glary Harmony,

existed all around us.


Panayotis (Takis) Ioannides was born o­n 15 April 1955 in Kallithea, Athens, Greece.

Web: http://clubs.pathfinder.gr/LOVEandPEACE, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138

E-mail: takis.ioannides_at_googlemail.com


Dmitry Ivashintsov


Sonnet of Harmony


Like a perfect shape that's formed by sphere,

Like the birds that spread their wings to fly,

To reach the harmony we strive,

Towards the alliance with universe we steer.


The clang of steel and fire can lead us to do wrong,

As the night gets darker

In this fight against each other,

Our hatred beats the gong.


They say what is to be, will always be

The day be changed by night

And so the time to turn back won't agree.


We're standing by this modern ark

That we call "Harmony", and here

Our bodies and our souls will finally embark.


Dmitry Ivashintsov: Professor, Honored Science Worker of Russian Federation, current member of the following Academies: Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Engineering, International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences, scientist in the field of hydropower industry, poet, philosopher, culture specialist.

Professional interests: risk issues in the context of hydropower industry, human evolution, cultural studies. Chief research worker at All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering named after B.E. Vedeneev, Co-chairman of the International Association "Russian culture", Professor-emeritus at UNESCO department of Russian Institute for Cultural Research, Editor-in-chief of "Russian world" almanac; Chairman at Russian National Committee of Hydraulic Engineers. Main publications include: "Beyond the bounds of evolution of Homo Sapiens" (philosophy, article can be found at http://phenomen.ru/public/journal.php?article=68), more than 60 poems (http://www.stihi.ru/avtor/ivashintsov). Member of Honorary Advisory Committee of Global Harmony Association and co-founder of the "Peace from Harmony" web-site and Globaal Harmony Association in 2005.

Address: Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Web: www.russkymir.org, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=23

E-mail: ivashintsov_at_gmail.com


Ernesto Kahan


Hymn to Harmony


Sing, sing – brother – sing!

Let us fill our hands with

Thousand promises of peace.


Harmony… Harmony..!

A fresh breeze from the sea

Flying like a bird


Dancing like a bride

Talking the new words

In all towns o­n Earth.


Harmony… Harmony..!

Let liberate mankind…

Let opening the chains


Sing, sing – brother – sing!

For harmony and love…

For tolerance and life…


Seek me, Harmony!


In the rainfall,

where I should be,

writing to you, harmony

and searching for

answers to mysteries

under the essence of joy;


Working to earn my bread;

Mixing spices for our dinner;

with the young

in the roads of education

and the culture for peace

Yes, there I will be..!


In the sea of medicine…

In color…

In the never ending blue…

In philosophy...

In art...

In poetry...


Seek me there!

In the delicious forest of your love...


And you will find me!


Prof. Emeritus Ernesto Kahan. Tel Aviv University, Israel

1st Vice President of Global Harmony Association (GHA)

1st Vice President – World Academy of Arts and Culture

President-Israel Physicians for Peace and Preservation of the Environment & Former Vice President of IPPNW (Organization awarded Nobel Peace Prize 1985)

Co-Executive President of UHE Hispano-American Writers Union

Vice President-IFLAC (Intl Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace)

The GHA Highest Honorary Title: WORLD HARMONY CREATOR.

Address: Hanita 7/2, Kfar Sava 44405, Israel.

Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338

E-mail: ekahan_at_post.tau.ac.il


APJ Abdul Kalam


The Great City of Harmony


I heard Song of Unity in the streets

Of harmony in the island!

Ancient city of Penang

I walked and walked every step,

People of Malay, Muslims, Chinese, Christians

Together walked with me with

Pride and peace


The bell of St. George Church,

Gave the glad tidings with a message,

Forgive the human failing

Give and give the hope of success.

I entered the Kuan Yin temple

With fragrance, the message radiating,

Remove "I" and "Me"!

That will eliminate human ego.


What a beautiful reception

With a great music of

Nadaswaram recital in the

Sri Mahamariamman temple;

The temple gave a message

All places are our own, people of universe

Are our kith and kin.

The Teochew temple gave me a smile

With a message 'if you remove "ego"

Hatred will disappear;


In the great mosque participated in prayer

With a Quranic recitation

"Oh Almighty lead us the path of righteousness"

The Yap Kongsi, temple gave me

The welcome song "eliminate harted,

Violence will disappear.

In another temple Kho Kongsi led us to the path

Remove the violence in mind, peace in life will be filled with.


The Acheh Mosque gave us the message

Message of removing the pain

Of fellow human beings!

This is Almighty's Command!


When I completed my pilgrimage

The streets of Harmony of Penang.

Presented an integrated spiritual centre

With message to the Universe.

Every human being will give and give

The best of human societies will be born.


Poem composed o­n 30th August 2008 o­n return from my tour of Penang-Malaysia. For visiting the various religious places in the street of harmony there were number of cars, but seeing the large gathering of people, I walked with them to each place of worship.


Oceans Meet


"I am the Island of Rameswaram, dear friend,

Born out of the shining water of the Indian Ocean.

O my fellow Island, O my dearest friend,

What is your origin and where do you live?"


"Dear Ramy, they call me Formosa[1]

– the beautiful Island,

I live like a beautiful flower seeing the early sun-rise,

Sitting in the gardens of magnificent oceans of the Pacific,

As the deepest waves of the noble ocean scatter around me."


"O friend, my dear friend – Formosa,

I greet you with a heart brimming with joy.

My vast ocean embraces a land of ancient religions, culture and divine wisdom,

It is the soil where enlightened o­ne – Lord Buddha o­nce walked upon."


"O Ramy! You are indeed showered with blessings divine,

Garlanding around me are nations with billions of human souls,

It was, the land and the nation which I call mine,

That gave birth to the wisest sage, Confucius who shaped human thought in noble roles."


And then, the two great humble oceans prayed and prayed,

The two noble sages, then descended like angels upon the Sangam [2],

The magnificent oceans then with veneration asked the heavenly souls,

To glorify the earth with their wisdom like they did two millennia ago.


The waves of gracious smiles from them merged with peace into each other,

As they waited for the sages to ponder and illuminate with their knowledge.

The mighty oceans sat patiently with clasped watery hands,

As they swell and fell with each stroke of unfailing tide.


And then with the radiant sun shining behind them spreading day,

The sages smiled graciously as they began to say,

Their voice echoed from the horizon filling the anxious sky,

Time froze as the message of human glory and peace expanded to occupy the void.


The wisest sage, Confucius said,

"We are with two oceans who nurture half of humanity,

We came to the planet earth in the same century,

And gave the message of humanity and peace.

O enlightened o­ne! O Lord Buddha,

Can you tell the world, how they can live,

With universal peace and prosperity for all?"


Buddha smiled with serene tranquility,

"God gifted humans with intelligence and the tool of reason,

It is for man to harness the might of the divine gift,

To prosper towards a life of goodness and truth."


The wisest sage, the holy master then agreed,

"O enlightened o­ne! Your thoughts are unique,

Humans are indeed entrusted the great mission,

Of realizing with body, mind and soul – the God's vision".


Then our Island friends and the oceans which gave them birth,

Humbly joined their voices from the heart,

As they prayed and prayed again,

Beseeching the divines to give a message of human renaissance.


Again a deep silence engulfed the universe,

The cosmos seemed to be filled with energy,

The waves from both the oceans went violently high,

And gently touched the feet of divinity with beautiful shehnai [3] playing:


(O planet, what a past and what a present you possess,

And when they come together, greeting like us two seas,

They create the future, future of peace and prosperity for all)


"O wisest sage, Confucius! You have preached and preached to peasants and herders in Lu,

You preached the value of family life and that of righteousness in the heart,

And O enlightened o­ne! Under the sprawling Bodhi tree,

You proclaimed – where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character".


The wise sage then said,

"Yes I will sing now!

When there is beauty in the character,

There is harmony in the home"


The enlightened o­ne, the Buddha added,

"When there is harmony in the home,

There is order in the nation,

When there is order in the nation

There is peace in the world".


In chorus, the two great sages wise and enlightened,

Blessed humanity with the song of life righteousness,

For world peace and prosperity for all.


The Islands and the oceans rejoiced in unison,

The waves and winds joined to sing the song of life in Sri Raga [4],

Om Shanti! [5] Om Shanti! Then He-ping! [6] He-ping!


[1] Formosa : Taiwan

[2] Sangam : Confluence of two water bodies

[3] Shehnai : an Indian musical instrument often played in auspicious occasions

[4] Sri Raga : A Raga in Indian music

[5] Om Shanthi : Divine peace for the world in language

[6] He-ping : world peace (Chinese)


Poem presented at the XXX World Congress of Poets held at Taiwan, o­n 2nd November 2010.


APJ Abdul Kalam, b 1931, is o­ne of the most distinguished scientists of India with the unique honour of receiving honorary doctorates from 42 Universities and institutions from India and abroad. Dr. Kalam became the 11th President of Republic of India o­n 25th July 2002. After five eventful years he demitted office o­n 25th July 2007. The GHA Highest Honorary Title: WORLD HARMONY CREATOR.

Address: No 10, Rajaji marg, New Delhi-110011, India.

Phone: 011 23793601

E-mail: apj_at_abdulkalam.com

Web: www.abdulkalam.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=95


Dimitris Kraniotis


Rules and Visions


Life counts

the rules;

the sunset, their exceptions.

Rain drinks up

the centuries;

spring, our dreams.

The eagle sees

the sunrays

and youth, the visions.




Snow-covered mountains,

ancient monuments,

a north wind that nods to us,

a thought that flows,

images imbued

with hymns of history,

words o­n signs

with ideals of geometry.




Noiseless wrinkles

on our forehead

the frontiers of history,

shed oblique glances

at Homer's verses.


full of guilt


wounded whispers

that became echoes

in lighted caves

of the fools and the innocent.


Dimitris P. Kraniotis is an award-winning Greek poet. He lives and works as a medical doctor (Internal Medicine specialist) in Larissa, Greece. He is the author of seven poetry books. Doctor of Literature by World Academy of Arts and Culture, President of World Poets Society, Universal Peace Ambassador, GHA Vice-President.

Address: 2, Panagoulis str., 41222 Larissa, Greece.

Web: http://dimitriskraniotis.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=313

E-mail: dkraniotis_at_yahoo.gr


José María Lopera




How frightening is the anger of the men who kill,

of the volcano which melts their feelings from within,

till it breaks their souls in its exterminating crater!

What a storm, what thunder, what a flash of violence

seeks death or mutilates people who are innocent!


Where is the light of the smile

which God bestowed o­n men to love?

Where is the light of dawn

which radiates harmony among men?

Where is PEACE, tell me, where?


Time becomes a scream in the seconds

which it takes for a shell to inflict the terror which you feel,

and, o­n exploding, in its acrid smoke you breath

the pleasure of feeling alive among the dead.


As a child, I knew the smell of my blood

in the horrific panic of the whistling bomb.

And I felt the tearing of my wounded flesh

and the lacerating fear, which time does not erase,

in the cry of my constant cursing of the war.


And you who speak so much of God,

whom so often you invoke against other men,

whom so much you worship to justify your actions,

into what base souls have you invited him?


Tell me, which is the race, which the country

that you wish to defend or impose

with fangs of fratricidal hate,

when not even the death of a tiny child

is justified by your fanaticism?


If God is the LIGHT of life in HARMONY

and eternal fount of LIBERTY supreme,

where is the PEACE he implanted in your spirit?

What seeds of hate are you planting there

that cut the wounded land with blades of death!


Peace from Harmony


Who knows of light, knows about spirit

and understands the perfume of the souls

knows the love through tenderness

that relieves the pain of those who suffer;

who knows the muses and loves

understands the sublime beauty

and a song bewitches them with harmony:

has the sun of a rose among their verses.


Translated by Susana Roberts (Argentina).


José María Lopera, Poet, writer, archaeologist and historian, journalist and translator. Address: Alora, Spain. E-mail: jmlopera_at_hotmail.com

Web: www.josemarialopera.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=442


Dr. Leo Semashko's comment.

This poem was included in the ABC of Harmony last. It was born in the joint work of the ABC co-authors from four countries: José María Lopera, author, – Spain, Susana Roberts, translator o­n English, – Argentina, Zaure Hizatolla, translator o­n Russian, – Kazakhstan, editor – Russia. Each such moment of collaboration in our ABC – is a small but important and necessary step in birth, in anguish and joy, a new, harmonious person – HOMO HARMONICUS! This human is unique in his/her ethnic diversity, and at the same time is identical into the global harmonious unity! And this is the most valuable. It's – birth, new, unprecedented, global harmonious identity of humanity and community of all his people!


Apostolos Paschos




Harmony is like a true God,

The Creator of everything,

the best for every human

and philanthropy,


Harmony is a measure of excellence

between God and His beings,

in the whole Universe and its parts,

through-out the aeons of creation,


Harmony is the Love of God

to His beings,

existing amongst

God's faithful people,


Harmony comprises the celestial

God's symphony for the human,

for His own glory,

and for human's spiritual evolution,


Harmony consists of God's analogy

to His children,

and constitutes Creator's disposition,

for all human souls restoration.


Translation from Greek into English language by Takis Ioannides.


Dr Apostolos J. Paschos was born in the lands of Acropolis by the town of Metsovon of district Epirus of Greece. He owns degree of the Medical Section of the National Kapodistria University of Athens. He possesses the specialties of Pathology and this of nuclear medicine. He is superior degree Doctor of the Medical University of Athens and of the Medical University of Ioannina. He is writer, historical, poet, and researcher. He has written and published 14 books about Medicine-Philosophy, Historical, Social and Poetic. He has written 186 scientific studies.

Address: Metsovon, Greece.

Web: http://paschosgr.multiply.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=455

E-mail: takis.ioannides_at_googlemail.com


Y.S. Rajan


Harmony of Twenty First Century

(Fragments from the poem)


Seven previous stanzas of this poem explore various aspects of the current world: chaos, contradictions, conflicts, confusions, connections between them and the past as well as some resilience and hope...


8) Mother Earth crying

With her children consuming

Wastes amassing

Still it is the human

To find solutions

For sustained harmony

Between non-living, living

And the unknown many

High seas and outer space


9) Will twenty first century

Evolve the human

In search of a new divine

With science in full union

And ten billion humans

Living in a grand unison

With local traditions

In convergence with universal

And cultural diversity

Along with scientific unity

Cherishing individual liberty

In harmony with the collective

Opposites in symbiotic

And multiples in syncretic

Unity in diversity

And diversity in unity?


Y.S. Rajan has a proven track record of excellence as a Scientist, Technologist, Administrator, Organisation Builder and Leader, Diplomat, Academic, Writer and Poet. He combines a unique ability for original and innovative thinking with strong implementation skills. He has capability to network with multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural groups. He has 7 books of poems in Tamil and 3 books in English. He has authored several books o­n topics of technology, economics, business management and self development and philosophy.

Address: No.524, "Nalanda", 14th Cross, 7th Main, ISRO Layout, Bangalore-560 078, India.
Web: www.ysrajan.com
E-mail: ysrajan1944_at_gmail.com


Y.S. Rajan, Sudhamahi Regunathan


New Axial Period


Violence of the silence

Wounds of muted indignation

Corpses of cowardly inaction

Numbed by material abundance

Opiated by organized spirituality

Deluded by altruistic imagery

Confused by scientific super-specialities

Threatened by mental inadequacies

Searching for an eternal tranquility

In virtues of peace and amity

Comforting in nature's diversity

From the o­neness of human identity

Finding delight in simplicity

Conversing, sharing philosophy

Searching for loving innocence

Nurturing inspiration from the Presence

Entering a New Axial Period of actions

Heralding inner and outer fusions


Y.S. Rajan has a proven track record of excellence as a Scientist, Technologist, Administrator, Organisation Builder and Leader, Diplomat, Academic, Writer and Poet. He combines a unique ability for original and innovative thinking with strong implementation skills. He has capability to network with multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural groups. He has 7 books of poems in Tamil and 3 books in English. He has authored several books o­n topics of technology, economics, business management and self development and philosophy.

Address: No.524, "Nalanda", 14th Cross, 7th Main, ISRO Layout, Bangalore-560 078, India.

Web: www.ysrajan.com

E-mail: ysrajan1944_at_gmail.com


Sudhamahi Regunathan is a writer who has traversed through the world of classical Indian dance, education, literature, religion and philosophy in her process of learning and writing. She was Vice Chancellor, Jain Vishva Bharati University, Ladnun, Rajasthan and is currently Member Secretary, Foundation for Unity of Religions and Enlightened Citizenship. She has authored and translated several books.

Address: A – 61, GULMAHOR PARK, NEW DELHI – 110 049, India.

E-mail: sudhamahi_at_gmail.com


Marie Robert


Come and Engender a New Humanity in Harmony!


Cradle of serenity where my body embraces freedom,

house of survival where the enlightened consciousness

is, at a smile offered, gentleness for an enchanting time,

harmony, Oh! my harmony, under the watchful eye of a thousand galaxies,

awake at concerts from water and celestial melodies

at the songs of birds perched at the top of a tree for felicity,

I give myself the right to cry and laugh, vibrate,

to live in tune with my requirements

in the eternal simplicity, perfect balance, the right to existence, the perpetual rebirth.

Eve resurrected, Isis reconciled, Eurydice found again,

my gluttony is dewdrop slipping in the early morning from the velvety skin of fruits.

I pick your sweet apple that God has engendered

and I dance through the flowery reeds the marvels of your energy under the rain.

My life in every breath regenerated, is a continuous flow of benevolent thoughts.

And you, traveler who meets me for the first time,

a pure joy shines in your eyes and you see who I am as I am.

your pleasure of communicating is gesture for a sacred book

brought like a peace sign at the resurrected dawn.

My brother, my sister, leave your fears!

Come with me and climb the mountain slopes,

behold the light of dawn, breathe the jasmine that blooms in the garden,

dance in paradise of fertile coral.

Come, together, we accomplish without vertigo

the sublime ascents and the dives that deliver

of gravities of contempts and unfulfilled vengeances,

purify the memory of the soul wounds and of cursed past.

To love ! Love yourself, Oh! my friend, like I love you.

Never say the words that aggress my weakness!

They are insults to the rays of the rising sun.

into the velvet of shadows, look for the dark side of the moon rising.

Together, together, we create in harmony forever

the new humanity, o­ne that renews the spiritual material at the source of light

by weaving the silk reflections with fibers all shining of love,

the living light which expresses the gratitude of being

with the vastness of sky into the heart of the earth.


Marie Robert, artist and actor of peace, teacher and choreographer performer, writer, photographer, hiker and climber, has won several international awards. Messenger of Peace Culture at UNESCO and Ambassador of Peace in Geneva.

Address: 66 Clos des Charmilles, 74400 Chamonix, FRANCE.

Web: www.marierobert.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467

E-mail: marieeau77_at_aol.com


Susana Roberts




We must harmonize

our man – made systems

in four spheres

our big work of arts

in a new deep understanding

our economical, political,

nature and ecological


and resources

inside humanity walks

with paths of no destruction.

We must harmonize the inner awakening

and the empowered creativity of individuals

as a real force that will shape

our collective future

we must ensure all human activities

in our future global society

our universal spheres

founded in spiritual values

We harmonize my brothers!


Susana Roberts, poet, writer Argentine: Honorary Doctorate Litt by World Academy of Arts and Culture; Vice President IFLAC Argentina and South America; Honorary President Hispano American Writers; Embassadeur Universelle de la Paix-Geneve; Ambassador of Love Foundation; Honorary Member, Global Harmony Association. Prize by SADE Society of Argentine Writers, First Prize for translation IPTRC-China

Address: Rivadavia 622-Trelew-Argentine.

Phone: ++54 02965 428313

Web: www.iflacenarg.bravehost.com/Roberts.htlm, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=275

E-mail: roberts_susana_at_hotmail.com


Katerina Semashko


Knowledge of Harmony


The land, the water and the skyline

And the round dance of stars –

It has a voice and it can hear,

Now cold, then hot – alive.


Behold its presence,

It will show you how

To calmly, soberly reflect

And learn its origins!


Knowledge will call wisdom,

And wisdom leads to kindness.

In them you'll find the philosophy of dream,

Harmony and Beauty!


Katerina Semashko: born in 1993, a student of Medical College.

Address: Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

E-mail: katya_semashko_at_mail.ru


Leo Semashko


Hymn of Harmony


Harmony is the highest universal spirit,

It filled world with life and beauty,

Establishing consent, concord and measure,

Cherish melody, tact and fraternity!

Harmony is the creation energy,

Spring of love and peace,

A new light for knowledge,

Existence meaning and fullness happiness!

Harmony is the sun of peoples and nations,

Inexhaustible warm for soulful heat,

All needed language forgotten in wars,

We embrace and reborn in it!


The ABC of Harmony for Children


The ABC of Harmony for children can be simple

Like a starry sky above our heads

And complex at the same time being a sum of elements

Like an abyss of galaxies and stars.

The first letter of it is parents, family  people,

The love of mother and father towards their children,

The love between juniors and seniors, which creates concord,

Harmony in the family and absorbs it.

The second letter of it is intellect and knowledge: science, arts  information,

Faith and wisdom, tales and songs, books and broadcasts

With good cartoons, there you can find funny boys and girls

And when they sing and play together – this is harmony.

The third letter of it is strict, but necessary  organization,

It has different names: order, day schedule, code of conduct,

Management, laws, accuracy, requirements and norms,

And without them our children will be found in chaos and disaster as well.

The fourth letter of it seems to be the simplest o­ne – things

Also the most comprehensible  our body and the objects around,

Starting with cereal, clothes, apartment, car,

Ending with house, city and nature – the place where we live.

Each letter of harmony consists of a number of different blocks.

The ABC of harmony should introduce children to those blocks

And teach them how to form words and deeds using them,

So that in children lives there would always be happiness and peace o­n Earth!


Leo Semashko, Philosopher and sociologist; Global Harmony Association (GHA) Founder and President since 2005. Address: Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Web: www.peacefromharmony.org Е-mail: leo.semashko_at_gmail.com


Subhash Sharma


Harmony and Harmony


Harmony and harmony

Say harmony and harmony


Harmony with nature

Harmony with creature

Harmony with mind

And harmony with matter, Harmony …


Harmony in relations

And harmony with nations

Harmony with thought

And harmony with action, Harmony …


Harmony with self

And harmony with others

Harmony with present

And harmony with future, Harmony …


Harmony with science

And harmony with conscience

Harmony in chaos

And harmony with cosmos, Harmony …


(Source: Arrows of Time: From Black holes to Nirvana Point, Subhash Sharma, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2001, p. 90)


Dr. Subhash Sharma is well known for his innovative experiments of teaching management concepts through poetic approach of "Corporate Rhymes". His books of "Corporate and Spiritual Rhymes" include, Creation from Shunya (1993), Quantum Rope (1999), Arrows of Time (2001), Market's Maya (2009) and Shunya Poems (2010).

Address: Dr. Subhash Sharma, Director, Indus Business Academy, Kanakpura Main Road, Bangalore 560062, India.

Web: www.ibainternational.org, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=453

E-mail: re_see_at_rediffmail.com


Lida Sherafatmand


Harmony Force, Which Keeps Us Alive


As the worlds turn inside,

The world of hell, where we want to die,


The world of hunger, where we don't get enough,


The world of animality, where we fear the stronger o­nes who bully, a jungle of animals,


The world of anger, where we fight for supremacy with aggression we move,


The world of tranquility, where we laze passive,


The world of heaven, where we enjoy desires satisfied, our houses bought, our jobs given,


The world of learning, where we search meanings; knowledge to learn and discover,

But we get lonely there,


The world of realization, where we find wisdom, reach insights, but we get lost in intellect,


The world of compassion where we feel the pain of others, do all to help,

But lose energy and sink with those who suffer,


The world of holiness, where we feel freedom inside, happiness in the realities of daily life,

A flow of pure life force or consciousness;


When in leadership, the holiness world

Leads the right sides of the other worlds:


In the world of hell, we understand the pains

And sufferance of people;


In the world of hunger, we drive for a better world;


In the world of animality, we strife to protect the weak;


In the world of anger, we fight for justice;


In the world of tranquility, we regain our energies;


In the world of heaven, we exhilarate being alive;


In the world of learning, we learn from everyone;


In the world of realization, we digest our experiences;


In the world of compassion, we devote ourselves for the happiness of all,


In the world of holiness, we reach the core of life, that harmony force which keeps us alive,

Bringing together the other nine worlds inside,

To lead and to live…


In the ten worlds inside, what travels we do,

What turnings we lead,


In the ten worlds inside, let's keep the holy world the leader of all inside,

For all the ten worlds, to turn alive

Exhilarating happiness, harmonious life…


With the worlds inside, turning exhilarating happiness, harmonious life…


Lida Sherafatmand, poet and painter, was born in 1977 in Iran. She lives in Malta since 1991 and has a base in Paris since 2006.

Web: www.lidsher.com
E-mail: lidasherafatmand_at_yahoo.com


Ram Krishna Singh


Wisdom of Peace


I always dreamt the world

as o­ne and thought I belonged

but none let me live


my simple soul at home

with differences

they kicked me into exile


for their prejudices

forced me seek my nest

in myself


I share the wisdom

of peace and life in tune

with nature


Valley of Peace


Love leads to beauty

and vision with perfection

pillar of dust or


fleeting shadow can

turn light reveling

pure songs wrought out of


the clay blending joys

in naked passion seek signs

of self discovery


roving with delight

and perfume of fellowship

in valley of peace


Ram Krishna Singh, born and brought up in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, has been writing poetry in English for over three decades. He is a professor of English language skills and has published over 160 academic articles, 175 book reviews and 36 books, including 14 collections of poems. Dr Singh is o­ne of the leading Indian English poets and critics committed to universal peace, humanity, and love. He is currently Head, Dept of Humanities & Social Sciences, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004, India.

Web: http://rksingh.blogspot.com
E-mail: profrksingh_at_yahoo.com


Svetlana Tsymbalist


Harmony: Salvation for Russia


Harmony is the core of the creation

The Maker's blood and flesh

His child and His breath,

The sacred light of Wreath.


The force of it is scapeless.

Perfection has no end.

In it has Russia found its redemption,

From fools and evil it can us defend.


Presenting us a revelation,

Unearthly beauty will expand

Dissolving gloom of the oblivion

Above this long time suffering land!..


Svetlana Tsymbalist – teacher, poet, a member of the Writers Union of Russia.

Address: Moscow, Russia.

Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=480

E-mail: cymbalissimo_at_yandex.ru


Yuri Tsymbalist


From Chaos to Harmony


In the afternoon of life we turn to our cradle –

"Where do come from" the country, people and our kind.

Perhaps, the main lesson of life

Is the return to our cradle.


Tens, hundreds, thousand of distinctions,

Ideologies, religions, sects and tribes,

Shape us, the successors of the splendor

Proud civilizations of past times.


In that cradle we find our righteous years,

When the Almighty with Love has created the World

Has united people in Harmony with the Nature,

Has presented the laws of the Cosmos.


The result is rueful however. The chaos has come back.

The civilization is finishing its way …

After all the sensible Human being has turned

Into the consumer of currency and services.


Therefore, the light of Hope is important,

It was lit by the GHA o­nly five years ago.

And let all the skeptics and illiterates be distrustful,

Yet o­n Earth there'll be a triumph of Harmony.


Harmony is in the cradle of the Creation!

And I worship aspirations of humans

To help people get the knowledge of that

Only Harmony has an absolute power o­n Earth!


Yuri Tsymbalist, born in 1938, a former colonel, poet, musician, composer, member of the Writers Union of Russia.

Address: Moscow, Russia.

Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=480

E-mail: cymbalissimo_at_yandex.ru


Laj Utreja


A Harmony Hymn


Harmony grows fertile valleys;

Where the collective views grow lush and tall!

Though the saplings we plant may be small;

Together they'd grow to mutual accord and understanding all.


Someone has a birthday today;

It means much more than a happy day!

Within these words are hidden many thoughts;

That humankind share everyday!


It means we are brothers;

And be thankful for all we do together.

It means we are friends;

And that we care for each other.


We all come from the same spirit;

Shouldn't that alone be the reason to celebrate?

The spiritual culture that we orchestrate o­n this day;

Will create a song of harmony and reverberate!


Dr. Laj Utreja has worked in various capacities, as hands-on engineer, as technical leader in people management, and as CEO of a small business. He has been an ardent student of Sanatana Dharma for most of his adult life. His reverence for Bhagavad Geeta has in part motivated him to write his two books, "Who are we?" and "What is our origin?" He is founder of the Institute of Spiritual Healing (ISH). President, GHA-USA.

Address: 122 Foxhound Drive, Madison, AL 35758, USA.

Web: www.instituteofspiritualhealing.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=353

E-mail: ish0001_at_aol.com


Nina Yudina


The Global Harmony Association


The Global Harmony Association,

As a bee's beehive that honey gathers,

Connects virtually all

People of the solar planet.


Scientific power, light of spirit,

Have been presented as a bless,

With its diversity of language

Our gifted world carries progress!


Harmony nectar is in everyone,

Who is o­nly born or has lived long,

And to understand to us is very important,

In harmony God created the World!


Neither for terror, nor for fight,

There is no place! Unlike for Goodness Light!

As our unity was always our might,

Only in Peace our love keeps shining bright.


Nina Yudina – Petroleum engineer, poet– award winner in the contest "Golden Penof Volgograd", member of Artists Union ofRussia,member offemalechamber choir"Lestvitsa".

Address: St-Petersburg, Russia.
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=408

E-mail: nina_yudina_at_bk.ru

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© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005