Ammar Banni, Tatomir Ion-Marius, Leo Semashko Harmonious, Value and Tetraspheral Education: Method of Conscious Evolution of Harmonious Civilization Harmonious education has been studied in details by the Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005. A special collective book (80 co-authors) of GHA was dedicated to it: International Academy of Harmony/Peace and Global Harmonious Education in Informative Society (2008) [4], as well as 9 educational projects of its 34 projects [29]. It is not by chance that such staring and even foreground attention is paid to it in GHA, because harmonious education is defined as the main evolutionary way of transition from dying industrial civilization to substituting it harmonious civilization, as well as the main way of transformation of homo industris into homo harmonicus. Therefore, in this article we will mention briefly only the key aspects of harmonious education, its origin and development. 1.Dominance of Partial, Special EducationinIndustrial Civilizationand the Need for Harmonious Education Each civilization requires and creates the appropriate education for the reproduction of the relevant collective consciousness and the relevant public person. Partial (branch, corporative) and a one-dimensional industrial civilization with the priority of maximum profit requires a partial one-dimensional man (Marcuse), a partial one-dimensional consciousness, and the corresponding one-dimensional partial education, limited by the specialization, providing industrial priority. Highly specialized education allows industrial society to solve partial, branch issues good, providing their solution by appropriate people (staff) with an appropriate outlook, knowledge and thinking. However, this society, this man with this consciousness and education are absolutely helpless in the face of global, holistic problems that arise from the inconsistency of their sporadic and chaotic parts (industries and corporations). These parts are in state of constant conflict not just between each other, but also with the whole (nature, global economy, global security, global culture, global humanity), permanently expanding global threats to its existence: ecological, economic, military, cultural, demographic, and etc. The processes of globalization, which began a rapid pace in 1990 with the collapse of the USSR and the elimination of their main barrier – two opposing world systems, require global human (world citizen) to have an integral/holistic global thinking and education. The processes of globalization have led to the birth of the new harmonious civilization in the form of its first features in 2009 (see the relevant section of the book). This civilization is born inside the industrial one, and is changing it, requiring a new harmonious person, and necessary thinking and education. Profound sense of these processes is constituted by the global social harmony or harmony globalization, being the only one that can ensure the survival, sustainability and prosperity for all nations of the united interdependent (global) world. Awareness and analysis of these processes on the basis of the scientific theory of social and individual harmony – tetrasociology in the first approximation, is presented in the GHA collective book "Harmonious Civilization" (2009) and in more details in our ABC of Harmony. The general process of harmony globalization constitutes the worldwide objective requirement of harmonious education. It provides request and satisfies the need for a new civilization of harmonious people with a new, harmonious way of thinking and outlook. This is its original sociological definition that is the base of the revelation of peculiarities of harmonious education in contrast with industrial one. 2. Qualities of Harmonious Education In the first part of the ABC of Harmony integrity of the harmonious civilization and harmonious person is determined through the consistency (proportionality and coherence) of their four spheres. Upon this scientific basis, all qualities / features of harmonious education (HE) are defined in this and other relevant articles of this book. Integrity / holism or tetraspheral nature of the HE. If holism of society and person is defined through four spheres, the integrity of HE is also determined through these spheres. HE is teaching people, especially children and young people, spheral knowledge, i.e. knowledge of the four spheres of society and human in their harmonious unity. This is the tetraspferal knowledge and education. Consequently, the integrity of HE, expressed by its spheres, determines its harmony, and coincides with it basing on the knowledge of spheres of society and person. Integrity is a balance/harmony of four spheres and vice versa. Therefore, integrity, harmony, and tetraspferal nature of HE coincide. Moreover, integrity is not just internal and meaningful, but also extensive and global. Thus, HE is at one time holistic, spheral (more precisely – tetraspferal) and global education, necessary and available for all peoples. These qualities are inseparable and united, but they describe its different aspects and dimensions with different accents, each of which drags all the others. Integrity (spheral nature, harmony) of HE or its holism is the main, essential quality that distinguishes it from the industrial education defining its other features. Value nature of the HE. If industrial education lacks conscious universal value, doesn't possess axiological and teleological definition, being a subject to the strictly pragmatic purpose – to maximize profits, then HE actualizes these qualities. Even its name emphasizes its value, axiological nature – harmonious, i.e. this education happens from harmony, through harmony, and for harmony. Its highest value is the universal harmony of man with nature, society and himself in the whole diversity of ethical values: love, peace, freedom, justice, brotherhood, etc. Its final destination is training and development of not just a focused industrial specialist – homo industris, but a harmonious human – homo harmonicus, who is able to perform any kind of selected special activity. Its ultimate goal is not the maximization of private and partial profit for homo industris, but integral harmony for homo harmonicus as a key global resource of humanity, which still remains almost intact in its conscious activity. HE is at one time peace education in all its qualities, providing global peace from the inside – from harmonious pacific person as opposed to industrial person that is constantly hostile to other people, and therefore proceeding to fight on all fronts for all their life for thousands of years of all future generations. Humanistic character of the HE. If industrial education, as a partial education, is alienated from the person as such, and therefore is inhuman, HE targets at the harmonious development of all man's spheres in all completeness of their individuality. Thus, it is humanistic, making a person, not profit, as the highest priority and subjecting to their social and individual integrity. It is only HE that considers a man as the purpose of society, but not as a tool in the form of a separate "screw" of the industrial machine. Inside HE the priorities are shifted from external to internal self-education and self-knowledge of a man, who is, indeed, the ultimate source of the universal social harmony and his own individual harmony. Self-knowledge of a man is the most difficult and the most crucial part of HE as humanistic education, which is completely ignored in the industrial education as inhumane one. If the main source of social harmony is a man, his education must serve his conscious self-awareness subjected to its self-development, being the aim of HE. Holistic harmonious self-knowledge is expressed in the following table of the self-knowledge of human spheres, which begins with the corresponding harmonious education: Spheres of the human: | HE | Self-knowledge | Self-development | Practice in four societal spheres | Character | | | | | Consciousness | | | | | Will | | | | | Body | | | | |
Completing this table is the objective of every person with appropriate educational institutions and family at every stage of their life, starting from early childhood. HE should provide him with the necessary scientific knowledge, spiritual faith and specific techniques of self-knowledge, self-development and practical conscious application of the internal potential of individual harmony. This should be subordinated to the structure (complexes of disciplines and trainings), curriculums and methods at all levels of HE starting from preschool and up to adult stage. The person will know, wish and be able to harmonize the society, his life and institutions only if they know and are capable of harmonizing themselves. This is a strategic goal of HE. It becomes a continuous lifelong maieutics (birth) of a harmonious person, making this education an institute of social planetary love, which is considered in a special section. Intellectual nature of the HE. This education represents a balanced combination of its aspects: historical and logical, sensible and rational, intellectual and emotional, etc. However, harmony does not exclude, but presupposes their priorities in various activities. Despite the importance of all other human qualities, its main advantage and dignity is the mind, thinking, intellect. It is especially important. Consequently, HE equips a harmonious person first of all with harmonious outlook, worldview, vision, philosophy and thinking. It should teach everyone to think harmoniously. To think harmoniously means first of all to think holistically and humanistically, and in its turn means to think in spheres in terms of which thinking by branches and other particulars is organized. A similar, harmonious, holistic, humanistic and tetraspheral thinking, which is called tetranet thinking, is first presented in our ABC of harmony, in all its articles, where the corresponding models represent its feature, all together constituting a network of more than 100 tetranet models. The ABC of harmony gives a person a fundamental knowledge of harmonious spheres of society and human. This knowledge forms the foundation of harmonious thinking and harmonious intellect, which are formed in HE. Thus, HE is spheral, more precisely, tetraspheral and tetranet, i.e. tetranet education. All these definitions are identical and are almost synonymous. Integralmission of the harmonious education, which combinesall the qualitiesof HE is the form ofscientific understanding ofthe inevitability of global harmonious civilization by thenew generation and A GREAT DREAM OF HARMONY-HAPPINESS,asa priority value, which includesotherspiritual values. 3. Historical Prerequisites HEdoes not ariseout of nowhere, having a profoundspontaneousbackground. Althoughit has notbeen claimedinthe industrial civilization, its embryoswere developed intensivelyin a varietyof pedagogicalschools and educationaldirectionsthat have receiveddifferent names: integral, holistic, alternative, humanistic, value, etc. education. The origins of these movements ascend to the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778), the Swiss teacher Joachann Pestalozzi (1746–1827) and are continued in the 19th and 20th centuries by the American writer Ralph Emerson (1803–1882), the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925 ), the Italian physician Maria Montessori (1870–1952), the American philosopher John Dewey (1859–1952), the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung (1875–1961), the Austrian philosopher Ivan Illich (1926–2002), the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire (1921–1997) and many others. This educational direction requires considering a person integrally and building their education in accordance with nature and society as a whole. Let's enumerate some of its examples. Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (since 1943) in India, the main goal of which is to develop a system of integral education, based on considering a person as an integral creature and combining the five aspects of a personality: physical, vital, mental, psychic and spiritual. Integral Elementary School (San Diego, California) is focused on the permanent education of "mind, body, heart and soul", based on the integral philosophy of education of Sri Aurobindo. (HE is focused on the permanent education of character, mind, will and body). Harmony Science Academies (Harmony Public Schools), that unites over 30 "Harmony Public Schools" was founded in the states of Texas and Louisiana in the USA in 2000. However, their HE is limited only by mathematical and natural sciences. Soka University, founded in Japan by Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda in 1971 based on ideas of the humanistic Pedagogics of the famous Japanese educator Makagichi (1871–1944), the author of 'Value Creating Educational System' proclaiming "the purpose of education is to lead students' happiness," on the basis of harmony as the main educational goal. However, despite the profound spontaneous background the scientific notion "harmonious education" hasn't been established so far. The reason is in lack of the social order of it and the science of social harmony. Appearance of the first and creation of the second in tetrasociology allowed giving a scientific definition to the harmonious education as: value, tetraspheral, tetranet, humanistic, intellectual and global education from and through harmony in the whole life of a human, which is reasonable and necessary for all peoples and cultures of the harmonious civilization. 4. Harmonious Education as Generative Mechanism for Harmonious Civilization Global HE is the determinative generating (creating) mechanism of the harmonious civilization, at least in four senses. First of all, only this kind of education is able to convert spheral classes of population (deep universal social structure) from spontaneous into conscious actors of social harmony and harmonious civilization. only this kind of education provides them with the scientific knowledge of this civilization creation at all levels: global, regional, national and local. The base of this knowledge is the ABC of harmony, presented here in its first variant. Secondly, only conscious character of the spheral actors of a harmonious civilization guarantees its peaceful and nonviolent way of appearance and development in every country as far as it is covered with harmonious education, without wars and bloody revolutions. It provides conscious, reasonable evolution of harmonious civilization. Thirdly, only this kind of education created a human adequate to this civilization: homo harmonicus, which is much discussed in this book. Finally, creating harmonious (tetra-dimensional instead of one-dimensional) human resource, HE harmonizes all other social resources through a human: information, including culture, ideology and religion; organization, including finances (money) and democracy; and economics, including markets, property, concurrence, profit and environment. Consequently, HE becomes the nucleus and the origin of spiritual culture of harmonious civilization, harmonizing all social and cultural institutions: family, religion, science, mass media, political systems, democracies, banks, economics and ecology of the mankind in every county along the up-brining of its population in HE. This education is harmonious in four aspects: goal, contents, method and executors-teachers, who will prepare the correspondent Academies of Harmony, initial projects of which are created in the GHA (see above). The key position of HE in the evolution of harmonious civilization in every country requires foreground financing and consideration of the governing bodies, first of all of parliaments and governments. Despite the fact that all historically preceding civilizations were established spontaneously and violently in constant wars, harmonious civilization, the first and the only, may be established only consciously, and consequently peacefully and nonviolently thanks to the global HE. That is why the formation of its system, starting from the ABC of Harmony, is the most vital demand of the modern mankind all over the world, vital in harmonious solution of all global problems, and, finally, in survival of the mankind. Harmonious education opens the new Age of Harmonious Enlightenment, that guarantees wide spreading of spiritual culture of harmonious civilization in the 21st century. 5. Harmonious Motivation as the Consequence of Harmonious Education As it is commonly known, the hierarchically highest motivation of an industrial person is profit as personal gain. The hierarchically highest motivation of a harmonious human may be only integral harmony of the mankind, including every personality. Harmonious hierarchy doesn't neglect the man's private profit, but includes it, and thus conforms to the common reasons because every harmonious person knows perfectly well, that their private welfare and life depend on the welfare and life of the whole mankind in the global village of the small mother Earth. What an ordinary citizen can do, making the living by working at the enterprise and facing the vital elementary needs? How can they do their first step in promotion of peace on Earth and its survival, despite all their personal problems? The most required qualities here are harmonious motivation, creativity and will. All of these may be provided on a permanent and firm basis of HE. The family plays a big role here. For instance, if the parents teach their children harmony and peace as natural terms of existence instead of talking about wars and hatred, they will form harmonious motivation at the family level of HE. The same situation is with extremism and violence that are the main industrial obstacles of the global peace. HE is necessary at all levels, starting from the family, in the spirit of respect for life and all people, to wipe out extremism and violence. The ABC of Harmony plays a great role here, as it must become a desk book for every family that will enable parents to form harmonious motivation of their children since birth, starting from the most basic human relations. Unfortunately, the parents in industrialism are very competent in the language of wars, but are ignorant in the area of individual and social harmony. The only way to overcome this ignorance and corresponding motivation of violence is HE, starting from its elements, the ABC, grammar and arithmetic of harmony in a family. 6. Multicultural Dimension of Harmonious Education Global character of HE inevitably gifts it with multicultural dimension and cultural pluralism as the necessary form of its existence. HE is united in its contents identifying all people in the world with this education. However, it is multiform in its realization in different cultures, providing maintenance of all spiritual riches, accumulated in each national culture. Consequently, HE by its definition, is like a core and creating mechanism of harmonious culture in harmonious civilization, it is multicultural and represents the cultural mosaic. HE is a crossing place of different national types and cultures, different religions and different local civilizations. It is well reflected in the first textbook of HE – in our ABC of Harmony, which has collected the most vivid achievements of the great variety of countries. By virtue of its multicultural wealth HE becomes a historical dream of people, first of all, of teachers, scientists, artists, parents, inspiring them by its wealth, tolerance and reconciliation, which may be passed to the new generations, above all, to children and youth. Cultural pluralism of HE is the main way of overcoming of extremism in the one-dimensional cultural waves and them prevention. Culture of HE and its multicultural historical dimensions provide common humanistic consciousness and global values in different cultures and ethnic communities, building solid spiritual bridges and creating mutual trust, excluding enmity between them. Through HE they are able to achieve a dynamic balance, enriching one another at two levels: in terms of its own culture and at the level of the world culture. Here an efficient culture of dialogue between different nations and local civilizations, helping understand and respect each other and exclude the conflicts between them. 7. Institutes and Ways of Establishment of Harmonious Education Institutions of traditional industrial education and their programs as a rule are restricted by unilateral training of focused specialists. That is why they are dominated by violence, drugs, alienation and other social pathologies. The students receive socially neutral or negative information, mainly about constant wars, crimes and etc. Young people graduate from this institutes unprepared for harmony, peace and social responsibility for the world and nature as a whole. Institutes and programs of HE are oppositely aimed at wide and multilateral training based on the universal values. It may be confirmed by the examples of the named above institutes. Unfortunately, their number is limited by the single units and they lack scientific ground. Consequently, they can't get wide recognition and development, especially in the global scale. They are not able to perform functions of global HE, though they are very useful as its messengers. Another way of modern promotion of HE is represented by the international educational institutions of the civil society, like Global Harmony Association (GHA), active since 2005 and covering hundreds of members from dozens of countries and many collective members. GHA and its website "Peace from Harmony" have united thousands of cultural pluralistic contributions of scientists and artists from all over the world creating a rich informative ground for HE. Its vivid example is represented by our ABC of Harmony, which you are currently reading and which has grown up on this ground, as well as other 33 projects of global harmony of GHA, 9 of which are devoted to HE [29]. These projects constitute new educational design and multicultural network of HE. The key project is a project of the International Academy of Harmony/Peace (IAHP), published in a special book [4]. This unique and global educational project has received support of the International Teachers Association at the World Congress in Malaysia in October, 2008. Its Resolution says: "Modern harmonization requires global harmonious education. That is why IAHP similar to its generator will be inevitably created. Consequently, any country, even the poorest one, has a chance to become a cradle of world harmony and of a harmonious civilization, creating similar Academy of Harmony… Accept tetrasociology as the science of social and individual harmony as the background for the Global Harmonious Education and Academies of Harmony… Support the creation of the national IAHP in different countries… Request from the governments to study the prospects of the educational reform in every county based on the project of the IAHP" [3, 147–152]. 8. Harmonious Education: maieutics, planetary love, peace and brotherhood HE with the mentioned qualities, functions and mission overcomes the banal process of coaching of industrial education and transfers to the principally new social process of birth (maieutics) of a harmonious man along with their permanent multicultural dialogue with other people, including teachers, parents and friends. Unlike the students of industrial schools that avoid them, with the rare exclusion of talented teachers, that harmonize the studying process making it attractive and joyful for their students, the students of harmonious schools will find there joy, happiness, planetary love towards all people. In the melting pot of joyful and happy training all amoral shoots of enmity, rage, hatred and other vices will burn in the students souls , which are the origin of wars, violence, crimes and other social pathologies. only HE is able to confirm love, peace, brotherhood and happiness in people. only HE is the wealth of harmonious civilization that requires the similar education, rejects any industrial education, but maintains and absorbs all its harmonious ideas and findings. Educational system is at the crucial point of transition from industrial to harmonious. It starts from harmonious enlightenment, initiated by the ABC of Harmony. No doubt, our ABC of Harmony is far from being perfect, like everything is at first. But its further perfection and development is impossible without this ABC like its initial sample. It is evident, that in 20–40 years the ABC of Harmony will considerably differ from our model, but all its further issues will maintain its fundamental elements, perhaps will expand them, clarify the definitions, complete it with the new chapters, etc., but it will remain in history as the first portent of the époque of harmonious enlightenment of ascendant harmonious civilization. The key aspects of our article are reflected in the model-29 of tetranet harmonious thinking, first accepted and developed in the ABC of Harmony: Ammar Banni: Professor of Education and Human science, Guemar College; Poet & Writer. GHA member since 2006. GHA Honorary Member since 2007. GHA Honorary Poet of Peace from Harmony for 2008. He is a coauthor of the GHA four collective books: Harmonious Era Calendar (2006), Magna Carta of Harmony (2007), World Harmony/Peace Academy (2008), Harmonious Civilization (2009). Ammar Banni is fully devoted to the GHA Mission and modern turn from a culture of industrialism to a culture of harmonism (harmonious civilization) through his cultural and poetic activity for global harmonious peace as the famous Algerian and Moslem peace lover. Address: Guemar, Algeria Web: E-mail: Tatomir Ion-Marius is a poet and peace activist from Romania. Member of the International Society For Philosophers, (Sheffield, UK). Member of the Global Advisory Board of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (DHS). Nominated Love Ambassador by The Love Foundation (Tampa, Florida, USA), Global Harmony Association Honorary member. Address: Romania. Web: E-mail: Leo Semashko, PhD, Philosopher and sociologist; Global Harmony Association (GHA) Founder and President since 2005. Address: Saint-Petersburg, Russia Web: Е-mail: Norman G. Kurland A Just Global Economy for Harmonious Civilization Today's systems of capitalism and socialism, and their various permutations, share the same fundamental flaw. The laws and financial institutions of these systems all concentrate power and property in the hands of a few, whether in a private elite, or in the State and its bureaucratic elite. Even in so-called "democratic capitalist" systems, access to the ballot has no economic counterpart to empower the individual through equal access to the common good. Underlying this flaw is a moral omission: the current economic paradigms lack a defining principle of justice that is universal and practical for guiding development in the Age of Labor-Displacing Energy Slaves. Can free markets and trade, private property, and limited government be compatible with economic and social justice? What practical systemic changes could be introduced to transform the globalization process into a blessing, especially for the poorest of the poor in Iraq, Gaza, the West Bank, Afghanistan, and other breeding grounds of human hopelessness, group hatred, and the next rounds of terrorism? Power will always exist in society. If we accept Lord Action's insight that "power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely," our best safeguard against the corruptibility of power is to decentralize economic power. Furthermore, if Daniel Webster was also correct that "power naturally and necessarily follows property," then democratizing ownership is essential for democratizing all forms of power. In the economic world, property performs the same power-diffusion function that the ballot does in politics. It does more. It makes the ballot-holder economically independent of those who wield political power. Socially, private property defines a comprehensive – and comprehensible – system of relationships that regulate how we as members of society relate to one another with respect to our possessions, rights, and status. Proposals to abolish private property by redefining it undermine the stability of society by attacking the validity of the defined relationships that constitute the social order, potentially throwing society into chaos. Both socialism and capitalism are excessively materialistic in their basic principles and overall vision. Both, in their own ways, degrade the individual worker. Both engender economic systems that ignore and hinder the intellectual and spiritual development of every member of society. Amalgams of the two systems, as in America's so-called "mixed economy" or the Scandinavian Welfare State model, differ only in their degree of social injustice, corruption, inefficiency, human insecurity and alienation which permeate each level of class-divided societies. What then would be a genuinely alternative economic model for moving toward a more free, just and economically classless society? The Just Third Way would provide every person full access to a legal system and the "social tools" that will encourage all people to create their own new wealth and share in profits broadly and equitably. The Just Third Way offers a just free market system that economically empowers all individuals and families with equality of access to future ownership of capital without violating property rights of existing owners. For a plan for comprehensive economic restructuring that can be adopted by any country for making every citizen an owner, free from dependency on the accumulations of wealthy individuals or traditional support from global financial institutions or wealthier nations, see the proposed Capital Homestead Act at [98]. Where will the money come from to finance accelerated rates of market-based growth that would also democratize access to money power and direct ownership of income-producing growth assets for the poor and the 99% of humanity who cannot afford to buy capital assets? Harold Moulton, the president of Brookings Institution from 1916–1952, described how America monetized its fastest non-inflationary peacetime growth from 1865–1890 by commercial banks issuing bills of exchange backed by future savings from the projected earnings of the assets being financed [99]. The intellectual father of the Just Third Way Louis O. Kelso and the internationally respected philosopher Mortimer J. Adler extended Moulton's "pure credit" or "procreative financing" concepts to their vision of economic democracy in the 1961 follow-up to their first book [100], the subtitle of which was "A Proposal to Free Economic Growth from the Slavery of Savings." (See [101] and [99]). Restoration of the full rights of property and extension of equal access to private property to every individual, serves as the basis for economic democracy, the necessary foundation for political democracy and for a harmonious civilization. In striving to "make every citizen an owner," the Just Third Way recognizes that by nature every person is a worker. Under the wage system framework, the concept of "work" has been stripped of much of its dignity, consigned only to that portion of human endeavor dealing with "making a living." Under the Just Third Way, the highest form of work is not economic labor, but unpaid "leisure work" – working with other "architects of the future" to build a new Global Just Harmonious Civilization. The content of this article as a whole is expressed in the ABC tetranet thinking model-30: Dr. Norman G. Kurland is a lawyer-economist and economic justice activist. He heads the Center for Economic and Social Justice and Equity Expansion International, Inc., an investment banking firm for have-nots. He was deputy chairman of President Reagan's Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice and co-authored Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property (1994) and Capital Homesteading for Every Citizen (2004). Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Chicago. Address: 4318 North 31st Street, Arlington, Virginia 22207, USA Web:, E-mail: Alexander Semashko Tetramarketing: Harmonious Spheral Marketing as an Introduction to Tetraeconomics of Harmonious Civilization Definition and Features of Tetramarketing Tetramarketing (TM) – is a digital concept, similar to tetrasociology focusing on the number 4 as a necessary and sufficient quantity of extremely massive spheres of social production. It is identical to a qualitative concept of spheral (harmonic) marketing. This notion focuses on spheres presented as extremely massive parts of society and economics. Both notions are identical by implication, differ only by mentioned accents and are inseparably interdependent. Therefore, we will use both notions: tetramarketing (TM) and spheral marketing (SM). SM represents analysis of spheral, extremely massive groups of goods, their distribution and exchange in spheral market space, which is generally represented in socionome of the ABC of Harmony. TM enables to group the goods at all levels of sphere clusters: global, regional, national and local, thus forming them into identical structure of spheral goods. The spheral goods are people, information, organizations and things (PIOT). TM comprises and combines with other types of marketing – retail, wholesale, multilevel one, raising and dominating them by its universal and synergistic qualities, lacking in other types of marketing. TM differs by its integrity including all types of goods that enable it to possess such unique qualities as harmonicity, proportionality, multidimensionality and pluralism. SM is a unique demand of modern integrated market resulting from multidimensional integrity of world production, consumption and exchange/trade. Ideology of TM is a unique theoretical working that has no analogues in the world, it is a methodology of SPHERE APPROACH, conceptual outlines of which are provided in the monograph of Leo Semashko, SPb, 1992 [13]. Given the growth of manufacture and needs of a modern individual, traditional one-sided methods of market research and promotion of goods aren't able to describe modern market generally in full. In place of old marketing, based on partial, branch, empiric systematizations, comes the new type of marketing – spheral marketing or tetramarketing. However, this type of marketing by no means neglects the traditional one, but completes it, enlarges its opportunities and raises it to a new level. Traditional marketing covers almost only material goods and services. on that ground the confusion occurs in respect to identification of goods properties and characteristics of end consumer that in its turn results in branch overproduction and crisis. Traditional marketing views end consumers as individuals and spontaneous industries, for which the goods are manufactured. In this approach presentation of properties of goods is based on the needs of consumers. This kind of marketing doesn't have a foundation – a reasonable, common and holistic classification of the entire set of goods and the whole set of their customers. First of all TM provides us with a fundamental classification of end consumer according to four spheres – Socio-, Info-, Org- and Technoeco-spheres, which are independent of continuous spontaneous changes of their branches. Spheral classification is a base of grouping of all variety of spheral consumers according to their certain spheral needs. It enables us to enter a new notion – spheral goods – satisfying various needs, i.e. any part of enumerated spheres as end consumers. Based on this consuming structure we may duly structure the whole variety of spheral goods, as well as define their properties. For example, staff training software is a product of infosphere and it must possess different consumer properties in respect to its application in each sphere. Classification of goods and their properties based on their spheral features is a titanic laborious work. For example in Russia it is Customs Register of the Goods Codes (Foreign Trade Goods Classification of the Customs). Anyway, it is created basing only on branch features and indices. This register allows to create only a foreign trade balance between trading countries (quantity index), but it is impossible to value qualitative attributes of trading countries, because classification by spheres is not provided and spheral properties of goods are not defined. Spheral goods register is based on the foundation of spheres, but not of branches. However, it includes all branch variables of the grouping for the given period of time in the invariative spheral classification. You can find the structure of spheral register in terms of а technosphere (sphere groups are underlined, other groups are branch) below. Structure of Spheral Goods Register 1. Technoecosphere 1.1. Material goods 1.1.1. Goods for technoecosphere Goods for chemical industry Mechanical engineering products Other products 1.1.2. Goods for infosphere Computers Printed output Other products 1.1.3. Goods for orgsphere Office equipment Institutional facilities Other products 1.1.4. Goods for sociosphere Accommodation Training equipment Other products Our fragment again demonstrates that the creation of spheral goods register is a work of the whole institute. Pure sphere register, without branch filling is represented in the matrixes of spheral indices, as well as in the socionome (see this information in the relevant sections of the ABC of Harmony). Spheral register reflects not only the relevance of goods to a certain kind of activity, but its spheral properties as well. It will enable us to calculate on precise quantitative level not only the needs of goods with certain spheral properties, but their balance (harmony) with other goods in all their entire variety at any level – from local to global one, using tetrastatistics and tetramathematics. The spheral register unites quantitative and qualitative indices harmonically. TM based on the spheral register enables a manufacturer to produce goods attractive not only by its main consumer characteristic, but also by its other spheral features. Spheral marketing views every product from every side and represents it as an integral unity of four consumer properties. Nevertheless each product has only one main, leading consumer property, making it a part of relevant market and satisfying one particular need. TM helps the consumer/customer make all-round estimation of all consumer properties of goods, not only of the main one. TM helps the seller and corresponding advertisement represent the product in all colors of its spheral consumer properties, not just in one color, but in multicolored palette of all its advantages. TM provides sale of products in their complex, in spheral assortment, in spheral diversification, in spheral sets and combinations in almost unlimited quantity. It provides additional opportunities for sale: goods unpopular in retail sales may become essential and be popular in spheral sets. Therefore, spheral marketing is necessary for all members of reproduction cycle: manufacturers, consumers, sellers, advertisers and forwarders. Based on tetrasociology (spheral approach) in marketing the new sphere classes appear – SOCIOCLASS engaged in sociosphere; INFOCLASS engaged in INFOSPHERE; ORGCLASS engaged in orgsphere; TECHNOCLASS engaged in TECHNOECOSPHERE (economic/ecological sphere). These are extremely massive, fundamental and integral consumers of any society. While creating a marketing plan, TM proceeds from spheral needs of these classes as the basic ones not only for marketing, but for entire economics. The main idea of traditional marketing is to sell any goods to any consumer at the maximum price with the maximum profit. This leads to permanent overproduction, crisis, senseless waste of natural recourses and constant misbalance of all branches of production and spheres of society. TM is a reasonable target production of goods based on spheral needs of the spheral consumer with the balanced quality, quantity and price. Therefore, TM opens the door to quite a different kind of economics – tetraeconomics, being entire and harmonic at every level of economics of harmonious civilization. The first steps of this approach to entire economics were made by the Club of Rome in the last third of the 20th century targeting at harmonizing relations of society and nature [95]. But this ideology appeared to be weak in terms of immense variety of industrial particulars. The Club of Rome failed to find a formula of integrity for it. Tetrasociology has found it in four spheres of eternal socionome of society being at the same time a social genome of economics. It takes shape deliberately in tetraeconomics, where all particulars find balance and harmony between each other through deep spheral structures, including tetramarketing as spheral harmonic marketing. The term "tetraeconomics" or "spheral economics of harmony" was first introduced and defined on a first approximation by Leo Semashko [8, 28; 96]. Tetraeconomics that represents world economy of a harmonious civilization is integral and harmonious at all levels unlike partial and disharmonic national and regional economy of an industrial civilization. But this is a different subject. The main contents of this article may be represented in a model-31 of tetranet harmonic thinking, customary in Harmonious civilization developed in the ABC of Harmony: Alexander L. Semashko, Financial Director of Export Line Company Address: Kaluga, Russia E-mail: Leo Semashko The ABC of Harmony as the Theoretical Base for the International Institute of World Harmony It has been for 7 years that Global Harmony Association (GHA) has been attentively tracking the world trend of global harmonization on the background and in the depths of dying industrial civilization, which is completely unable to solve global problems.GHA notes several important milestones of this trend: 1. Year 1947 – achievement of national independence of India as a result of mass Civil Disobedience Movement led by Mahatma Gandhi.This was a beginning of the second Axial Age of humankind and its turn toward harmonious civilization. 2. Year 1990 – the collapse of the Soviet Union and the World Socialist System has eliminated confrontation between two world systems and hence opened the way for globalization of harmony. 3. Yeah 2009 – the birth of harmonious civilization in connection with the establishment of the policy of nuclear zero by the United States and Russia and publication of the book "Harmonious Civilization" (2009) by GHA, in which it found its reflection, and which (book) marked the beginning of its development as a conscious process. 4.Year 2012 – publication of "The ABC Harmony", by GHA in collaboration with 76 authors from 26 countries worldwide, as the first textbook on social harmony and hence the beginning of the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment of mankind, officially declared at the International Seminar held on February 11th, 2012 at IASE University, in New Delhi, India. This trend mentioned above and its milestones create social need and demand for its systematic scientific studies.History requires the creation of the International World Harmony Institute (IWHI), which will highlight globalization of harmony with its scientific knowledge. The best location for it would be in India which has one of the most ancient and powerful cultures of harmony in the world and which has opened the second Axial Time of humanity and the new Age of Harmonious Enlightenment of mankind. Moreover, India has become the leader of this era and the process of global harmonization.Establishment of the IWHI will maintain to India its spiritual leadership in the world.All this allows GHA and IASE University to appeal to the Government of India with the proposition to establish International World Harmony Institute in New Delhi, which would be based on state funding. Another proposition would be to invite Dr. Abdul Kalam, an eminent Indian poet and the former President of India (2002–2007) who could become the first President of the IWHI. With such kind of support from the Government of India and material resources provided by them in form of premises for IWHI and its funding, GHA and IASE University guarantee the providing of IWHI with the other two essential resources: an international staff of scientists (GHA alone is ready to recommend around 100 of prominent scholars from different countries), andalso with the necessary information base, which is in the first place The ABC Harmony. In a broad sense this ABC can be defined as the conceptually theoretical, scientifically methodological and substantive base of IWHI.Thereupon the University of Harmony can be established as a branch of IWHI to be provided by the faculty from IASE University and GHA. The structure of IWHI should include departments devoted to the studying of the five clusters of social harmony developed in its ABC: Resources, Processes, Spheres, Sphere classes, Spheres of individual harmony.Other departments are: History of World Harmony, Philosophy of Harmony, Culture of Harmonious Peace, Harmonious Education, Harmonious Environment and Ecology, Harmony of Religions, History of Cultural Harmony in different regions: India, China, Europe, Africa and America; Sociological studies of the dynamics of spheral classes of the world's population, regions and countries starting from 1950, Art of Harmony: music, poetry, sculpture, architecture, painting; Mathematics and Statistics of harmony, Information and cultural technologies of harmonization; Internet harmony; Psychology of Social Harmony; Psychology of Individual Harmony; Harmonious Democracy and Politics, Harmonious economics and marketing, Harmonious Media, etc. 34 projects and 6 books contain the propositions of GHA concerning other scientific research fields and departments of IWHI. The management of all researches is carried out by the Scientific Council of the IWHI under the control of the International Supervisory Board. The IWHI will have an extensive publishing program: preparation and publication on the major languages of the World Harmony Encyclopedia, The ABC of Harmony manuals and books, the results of scientific researches and international conferences on all scientific direction of IWHI, etc. The IWHI funding can be not only through the Government of India but also by International funds, the UN and UNESCO. Sphere resources of IWHI are represented in the model-32 of tetranet thinking developed in the ABC of Harmony: Based on this model, other structures for each resource and network of their interactions are being created as a basis for scientific management of the IWHI and harmonization of this management. Leo M. Semashko, PhD, Philosopher and Sociologist, GHA President. Address: St. Petersburg, Russia Web: E-mail: Glen Martin World Constitution for Harmonious Civilization The Earth Federation Movement (EFM) is an interactive network of world citizens, non-governmental organizations, concerned governments, and peace thinkers dedicated to the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. Together, we also work tirelessly to secure ratification of the Constitution by the people and nations of Earth. Our principles of harmonious civilization can be summarized by the following concepts: (1) establishing a free republic giving universal rights and responsibilities to every person, (2) universality, applying human rights and the democratic rule of law equally to all human beings, (3) a regime founded on the highest principles, not evolved slowly over time through perpetual compromise with the forces of disharmony, fragmentation, and injustice, (4) creation of living political and economic systems that actually serve human needs, our planetary environment, and future generations, (5) an in-depth principle of peace in which the harmony of living with freedom and justice becomes the guiding paradigm for life, (6) deep sustainability through which human beings begin living in harmony with the wonderful balance of our planetary ecosystem, and (7) integrity of the whole, in which the principle of unity in diversity permeates government, culture, and harmonious social living. These seven principles are embodied in the Earth Constitution. All of them are required for establishment of harmonious civilization. Two key principles here are: The principle of living systems for human economic and political life. A logical implication of the principle of a founded free republic involves the principle that living systems establish freedom, peace, justice, and prosperity. Some believe that the key to change involves the subjective attitude of people, nations, or economic managers. If people are moral, peaceful, and just, then this may lead to world peace with justice. This attitude fails to examine the fragmented and distorted institutionalized systems that block morality, peace, and justice. If economic institutions are flawed and inherently destructive of people and the environment, it matters little whether the captains of banking and industry are moral or immoral. If the system of sovereign nation-states is inherently the disharmonious war system and a system of power politics, it matters little who is president or prime minister of various countries. The EFM understands that freedom, peace, justice, and prosperity primarily arise from properly designed harmonious institutions. If we live under such institutions, democratically and transparently governed, then the flawed human beings who staff these institutions are much more likely to embrace freedom, peace, justice, and universal prosperity. People who staff today's dysfunctional, disharmonious and unjust economic and nation-state institutions are, for that very reason, more likely to embrace unfreedom, war, injustice, and vast poverty in a world of obscene power and riches for the few. The Earth Constitution establishes such ideals within a world legal system of freedom, peace, justice, and prosperity to provide harmonious spiritual shift. Multiple elements within the in-depth principle of peace. All seven principles mentioned above imply one another, including the concept of peace. The condition of peace has remained an illusory ideal throughout recorded human history. The tragic history of war and violence has created a nightmare for a large portion of the Earth's citizens over the centuries, including today. Pursuit of the ideal of world peace today has resulted in a number of movements; among the most prominent of these are ones for peace education, and related movements devoted to the quest for inner peace. Both inner peace and peace education are important elements in the quest for a peaceful world order (which would necessarily also be a free, just, and prosperous world order). But inner peace and peace education can never be sufficient, for the most fundamental dimension of peace is yet missing: the institutionalization of a peace system for the Earth. The Constitution for the Federation of Earth, along with its principles developed by the Provisional World Parliament under the authority of Article 19, establishes a dynamic peace system for the Earth from social harmony. The Constitution's institutionalized elements of an in-depth peace forming a harmony system for the Earth Federation include (1) universal, transparent democracy for all nations and peoples, (2) enforceable, democratically legislated laws ensuring that no one is above the law, (3) systematic and carefully designed demilitarization for all the nations and organizations, (4) mechanisms preventing remilitarization or organizations predicated upon violence, (5) prohibition of all military government itself, (6) judicial institutions for the peaceful settlement of disputes among all people and nations, (7) institutionalized protections of human rights and freedoms for all people, (8) the elimination of poverty, misery, and disease while keeping the people healthy and economically secure, (9) the development of worldwide institutions for conflict resolution designed to promote peace, and (10) worldwide peace harmonious education for all children through schools and TV. These are principles of a harmonious civilization, which can and must be a civilization based on a paradigm shift from fragmentation to holism, that are also presented in The ABC of Harmony. Logic and contents of this article are expressed by the following model-33 of tetranet thinking: Glen T. Martin is Secretary-General of the World Constitution and Parliament Association ( and President of the Institute on World Problems ( He is Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Program in Peace Studies at Radford University. His latest book is [76]. Address: Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Radford VA, 24142, USA Web:, E-mail: Peter Semashko Children Priority and Children Suffrage in Harmonious Civilization The role of children in society is expressed by the old saying: "Children constitute our future". Our children set the tone to all aspects of the future society: people, culture, politics, economics. Children's qualities define the quality of future society. All its good and bad sides arise from our children. This is the fundamental truth. It expresses the key role of children in life of the future society. But future is being born and developed today. Following this logic, it should seem that current position of children must be the high-priority problem and the main goal of society. However, it is obvious, that children are not the main object of care of the industrial civilization. It doesn't care about their future, that's why it doesn't have it. Children are left on the wayside of the state and in the backyard of society. This fact is supported by the most authoritative international documents. Children are factored out of the governmental authority and thus form a great "black hole" of industrial democracy. Interests of children, who are born as citizens of the state, are not represented in the legislatures by any responsible deputies. Children are in care of a family with limited opportunities, that confirms the growth of child crimes, drug addiction, diseases, homelessness, etc. A family doesn't manage to solve these problems. The children are deprived of full care from a family, society and the state. Today they are not able to solve children's problems using traditional means. That is why children actually remain the most marginal social subpopulation that in its turn leads to accumulation and aggravation of social problems and deteriorates the quality of population and human. In the times of natural regression of industrial civilization and birth of harmonious civilization an objective goal of radical change in the attitude of society and state towards children and thus towards a man occurs, because it takes start from childhood and is defined by it. The only mechanism which is able to solve this important problem on the organizational level is the institute and the law of CHILDREN'S SUFFRAGE (LAW) PERFORMED BY PARENTS. It is developed in details in the corresponding book [7], the main postulates of which will be quoted below. 1. The law of children's suffrage, performed by parents (LCSPP), imparts every child since their birth till their full age with the right of elective voice, which is performed by parents or by guardians, as they are the only persons aware of their children's interests to the best degree. 2. All the children are included in the electors' lists, but their bulletins are upon mutual agreement received by one parent, giving the child's voice for the candidate to the legislative body, who performs and provides children's interests in the best way in his (parent) opinion. 3. LCSPP develops the UN Convention on the rights of a child, enhancing it with the powerful political institution. 4. LCSPP transposes the industrial priority of the profit by the priority of a human being. Priority of a man and producing their social sphere in the society is impossible without the priority of children, which in its turn is impossible without children's suffrage law, performed by parents. 5. LCSPP provides priority investments in the main strategic resource of the civilization caring about its future, but not neglecting it. These are investments in the social sphere, in the human/social capital, in its quality, which is being formed in childhood. 5. Democracy is complete and advanced in the way the citizens' election law is complete and advanced. This is the origin of democracy, the quality and the width of which influences the quality and the width of democracy. Democracy enlarges its source by means of children's suffrage law – the people to the population size. 6. The age requirement confines the equality of people, represents their political discrimination and eliminates children's interest out of the political field. LCSPP removes this political injustice towards children and levels them with the adults in the election law, which serves the cause of everyone. 7. LCSPP becomes a new right, new freedom and new universal value of the time of social harmony globalization, liberalizing the age requirement of the rights, freedoms and universal values of people. He becomes the legal expression of the universal relation to the children during the transition to a harmonious civilization. Children's suffrage is a qualitative transformation of the rights, freedoms and values of society. Here comes a new freedom – to vote for own children, which will provide them with priority. 8. LCSPP faces powerful and clear resistance of its structures at the initial stage of development in the industrial society, which will be overcome along the development of the grounds for a harmonious civilization. The main ideas of the article: Children – Parents and Guardians – LCSPP – Candidates/Power are expressed in the model-34 of tetranet harmonious thinking, proposed and developed in the ABC of harmony: Peter A. Semashko, Lawyer, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Renato Corsetti Esperanto as Language for Harmonious Civilization Linguistic discrimination. It is generated by the world domination of one international language – English at this moment because of the global economic dominance of the English-speaking countries. This discrimination, as well as others – economic, social, political and cultural, is a source of misunderstanding, disharmony and tension among the nations. At the same time, the speakers of the international planned language Esperanto regard the present international language order – in other words the way in which only certain languages are currently used in relations between people of different nationalities – as unsatisfactory and incompatible with the need of further mutual understanding, peace and equal rights among all people. They are also very critical of the policy pursued at the present in nearly every country in the world with regard to the teaching of foreign languages, which does nothing for the further international understanding but simply serves the aim of assimilating everything that comes from the most powerful countries. The speakers of the international language Esperanto consider that all languages and all cultures carry with them values that must not be lost for mankind. They furthermore believe that linguistic human rights must be respected at all levels. Everyone is protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights against discrimination based, among other things, on language. No national or international authority is entitled to disregard that right in the name of efficiency or out of other considerations. The global language of global world. Globalization and globalized world require a common supra-national language of brotherhood and harmony of all nations. We, the World Esperanto Association, recognise that UNESCO and the United Nations have produced many documents in this field. The most recent, for example, the "Human Development Report 2004", deserves our full support and also refers to the three-language principle advocated by UNESCO: ·mother tongue (however small) ·local contact language (generally the national language) ·international language. In this regard we maintain that the optimum language to act as an international language is the international planned language Esperanto. The use of the national language, whichever it might be, is unjust, it causes human suffering, leads to extra costs for societies that need to learn that language and in the long run results in the loss of languages and cultures. The Human Development Report quotes figures that clearly show the positive effect of mother-tongue teaching (even where there are large numbers of languages) compared with teaching the former colonial languages. We maintain that the same goes for teaching dominating languages instead of the neutral international language Esperanto. We maintain that the teaching of Esperanto as a foreign language has benefits compared with the teaching of, for example, English (greater ease of learning, so that learning objectives can be achieved in a fraction of the time, more cost-effective teaching using local teachers and materials). We believe that switching from, for example, English to Esperanto in the teaching of foreign languages around the world would lead to such enormous savings that sufficient funds could be released to overcome some of the problems of disease, malnutrition and inadequate education systems which currently suffer from a lack of resources. The emergence and development of Esperanto. Esperanto is not an end in itself but a powerful tool for global peace, brotherhood and social harmony. [113] The social base of Esperanto is not the traditional antagonistic classes but the harmonious spheral classes of the population as the main creators of harmonious civilization. [114] The basis for what the international language Esperanto has now become was published in Warsaw in 1887 by Dr. Lejzer Ludwik Zamenhof. The idea of a planned international language, intended not to replace ethnic languages but to serve as an additional, second language for all, was not new, but Zamenhof saw that such language must develop through collective use, so he limited his initial proposal to a minimalist grammar and small vocabulary. Esperanto is now a full-fledged language with a worldwide speech community and full linguistic resources. Many of Zamenhof's ideas anticipated those of the founder of modern linguistics, the structuralist Ferdinand de Saussure (whose brother Rene spoke Esperanto). Esperanto is both spoken and written. Its lexicon derives primarily from Western European languages, while its syntax and morphology show strong Slavic influences. Esperanto morphemes are invariant and almost indefinitely recombinable into different words, so the language also has much in common with isolating languages like Chinese, while its internal word structure has affinity with agglutinative languages like Turkish, Swahili and Japanese. At first, the language consisted of about 1000 roots, from which 10,000 or 12,000 words could be formed. Today, Esperanto dictionaries often contain 15,000 or 20,000 roots, from which hundreds of thousands of words can be formed, and the language continues to evolve: an Esperanto Academy monitors current trends. Over time, the language has been used for virtually every conceivable purpose, some of them controversial or problematic: the language was forbidden, and its users persecuted, by both Stalin, as the language of "cosmopolitans," and Hitler, as the language of Jews (Zamenhof, creator of the language, was Jewish). Through the use of the language in home countries, there are now as many as a thousand native speakers of Esperanto. There are Esperanto speakers all over the world, with notable concentrations in countries as diverse as China, Japan, Brazil, Iran, Madagascar, Bulgaria and Cuba. There are textbooks and self-instruction materials in more than 100 languages. A new website for teachers of Esperanto,, gives some idea of the current educational activity. In 1954 the Unesco General Conference recognized that the achievements of Esperanto match Unesco's aims and ideals, and official relations were established between Unesco and UEA. Collaboration between the two organizations continues. In 1977 Unesco's Director General, Mr. Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow, addressed the 62nd World Esperanto Congress. In 1985 the General Conference called on member states and international organizations to promote the teaching of Esperanto in schools and its use in international affairs. UEA also has consultative status with the United Nations, UNICEF, the Council of Europe, the Organization of American States, and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The advantages of Esperanto. Esperanto is the most suitable and experienced language for global goals of peace, brotherhood and social harmony. For more than a century Esperanto, which was launched in 1887 as a project for an auxiliary language for international communication and quickly developed into a rich living language in its own right, has functioned as a means of bringing people together across the barriers of language and culture. The aims that inspire the users of Esperanto are still as important and relevant as ever. Neither the worldwide use of a few national languages, nor advances in communications technology, nor the development of new methods of language teaching are likely to result in a fair and effective language order based on the following principles, which we hold to be essential. 1. Democracy. Any system of communication which confers lifelong privileges on some while requiring others to devote years of effort to achieving a lesser degree of competence is fundamentally antidemocratic. While Esperanto, like any language, is not perfect, it far outstrips other languages as a means of egalitarian communication on a world scale. 2. Global education. All ethnic languages are bound to certain cultures and nations. For example, the child who learns English learns about the culture, geography and political systems of the English-speaking world, primarily the United States and the United Kingdom. The child who learns Esperanto learns about the world without borders, where every country is a home. 3. Effective education. only a small percentage of foreign-language students attain fluency in the target language. In Esperanto, fluency is attainable even through home studies. Various studies have shown that Esperanto is useful as a preparation for learning other languages. It has also been recommended as a core element in courses of language awareness. 4. Multilingualism. The Esperanto community is almost unique as a worldwide community whose members are universally bilingual or multilingual. Every member of the community has made the effort to learn at least one foreign language to a communicative level. In many cases this leads to a love and knowledge of several languages and to broader personal horizons in general. 5. Language rights. The unequal distribution of power between languages is a recipe for permanent language insecurity, or outright language oppression, for a large part of the world's population. In the Esperanto community the speakers of languages large and small, official and unofficial meet on equal terms through a mutual willingness to compromise. This balance of language rights and responsibilities provides a benchmark for developing and judging other solutions to language inequality and conflict [115]. 6. Language diversity. National governments tend to treat the great diversity of languages in the world as a barrier in communication and development. In the Esperanto community, however, language diversity is experienced as a constant and indispensable source of enrichment. Consequently every language, like every biological species, is inherently valuable and worth of protection and support. 7. Human emancipation. Every language both liberates and imprisons its users, giving them the ability to communicate among themselves but barring them from communication with others. Designed as a universally accessible means of communication, Esperanto is one of the great functional projects for the emancipation of humankind – one which aims to let every individual citizen participate fully in the human community, securely rooted in his or her local cultural and language identity yet not limited by it. Global bilingualism. The transitional stage to a common language for international communication can be only global bilingualism within a few decades, disseminated through the whole system of global education. This means the study of two languages of international communication – English and Esperanto. In the development of such bilingualism a common language for international communication firmly established, that is Esperanto. Esperanto as the language of a harmonious civilization. The prospects of Esperanto in the development of harmonious civilization require its necessary studying in the harmonious education [116]. The article basic postulates in a whole are expressed in the model-35 of tetranet thinking that represents the philosophy of social harmony in the ABC of Harmony: Renato Corsetti, Born in Rome, Italy on the 29th March 1941. Professor of Psycholinguistics in the University "La Sapienza" in Rome. Was active in the movement for an international language during many decades. Presently is President of the World Esperanto-Association, UEA, in consultative relations with UN and UNESCO. Is author of tens of books and hundreds of articles on linguistics, sociolinguistic, Esperanto, peace and international cooperation. GHA Vice-President. Address: Via del Castello, 1 00036 Palestrina (Rome), Italy Web:, E-mail: Ivan Ivanov History of the Website "Peace from Harmony": 2005–2012 The website "Peace from Harmony" was established on February, 15th, 2005 by an international group of about 30 persons – sociologists, writers and peacemakers – (Leo Semashko was its leader and website initiator) from 11 countries in 3 languages: Russian, English and Esperanto. Later Portuguese, French, German and other languages were added. First it consisted of seven sections: Culture of Peace; Tetrasociology; Children, Parents and Family; Civilizations; Art; Communications; Disciplines (scientific) on 47 pages. Since then it was constantly added by the new topical columns and new materials of the authors from different countries. The design of the website was periodically updated with the new graphical and textual elements. The number of the co-authors of the website by creating the materials for publication on the website collectively and individually grew: from poetry to scientific works, photos, images, music, video, etc. Today, almost 7 years later the website "Peace from Harmony" accounts for more than 500 co-authors from 56 countries and contains the information in 16 languages represented in 20 sections on 348 pages: see the website. The website "Peace from Harmony" was preceded by the internet-resource, devoted to the tetrasociology of Leo Semashko, that attracted the interest of many of his colleagues-sociologists and peacemakers from all over the world. That is why they took decision of creating a new scientific and irenic organization, which was later called Global Harmony Association (GHA) with its website "Peace from Harmony". They were both based on the ground of tetrasociology as well as for its application and development. During 7 years 34 collective projects of GHA were developed based on it, all of them are dedicated to global harmony: all these projects are published on the website. The website is object to the mission of GHA: to pave a scientific, based on the ABC of Harmony way for harmonious civilization by means of different projects of global harmony – this is its final formulation. Development of the website is subject to this mission and is built on the scientific basis of tetrasociology and its ABC of Harmony. In the technical mode the website first represented static HTML pages connected by hyperlinks. Management of growing number of such pages became inconvenient. Thus, almost two years later the website was transferred to the administration of the basic "Content Management System" CMS, which controlled the website independently in terms of its design and information. All the content was kept in the website database, and requested pages were being created dynamically: the website design of the website overlapped with the code of the requested page and was sent to the user. And what is the most important is that now every user, who is not aware of HTML, may edit the materials of the website by means of comprehensible visual HTML editor, provided by CMS. Along with the complication of the website there was made a solution to change CMS to a more upgraded one and to register the new domain, which would correspond to the nature of noncommercial, nongovernmental, international organization of GHA and would relieve the website from needless connection to the zone: New CMS possessed all the advantages of the previous management system and corresponded to the new demands: for example, now every language had its own independent section on the website and it was possible to appoint the chief editor for every language from the corresponding region, which would have access only to this language or on the contrary would possess more rights. Thus, the website became multilingual in all senses: in informative and in technical/program sense. The design of the website is performed in calm blue tones, because blue color is supposed to be the color of harmony. The main page, divided according to the two main languages – Russian and English, hosts the book emblem of harmonious civilization on the globe with the priority of children. There is an emblem of GHA below, where one can see the Earth in the tender arms of the Goddess of Harmony. On the left and right sides of the emblem there is a menu for fast access to the main sections of the website in two languages. Today the website "Peace from Harmony" is a unique resource of the world Internet, devoted to the global harmony and harmonious civilization, which hosts unprecedented variety of information concerning it. The main ideas of the article are represented by the model-36 of tetranet thinking, developed in the ABC: Ivan M. Ivanov, Webmaster, GHA Technical Director, provides services to the site "Peace from Harmony" along with Leo Semashko c its beginning in 2005. He graduated in 2009, St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. GHA Board Member and Secretary of the GHA projects. Address: Saint-Petersburg, Russia Web: E-mail: