Spiritual Culture for Harmonious CivilizationCitizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for love, peace, justice, fraternity and happiness! 
Global Harmony Association (GHA)
Since February 15, 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more than 500 members in 56 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. Web: www.peacefromharmony.org GHA 8 books and 50 projects list of social harmony, global peace and harmonious education: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472GHA was recognized as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 for collective book: The ABC of Harmony for World Peace…: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478GHA Mission is: To bring peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for harmonious civilization on scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’ and 'Global Peace Science' through harmonious education GHA Video: Social Genome of Peace from Harmony - http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Harmony Association (GHA) International Peacemaking Organization, uniting more 600 members from 65 countries, Headquarters: c/o Lambda Group, 117, 3rd Floor, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110030, India; Mob: 91 98 99 937569; Email: ghatrust@gmail.com; Web: www.peacefromharmony.org
Global Peace Science (GPS) for the UN and UNESCO: Petition Approved by the GHA on May 16, 2016 Publication: In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=686 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=669 In Greek: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=gr_c&key=11 Sign the Petition: https://www.change.org/p/the-honorable-ban-ki-moon-secretary-general-united-nations-to-create-scientific-instrument-for-global-peace-which-will-be-acceptable-to-all-nations TO: The Honorable Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General, United Nations, Address: 1st Ave. and 46th street, New York, NY 10017 USA TO: Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General, UNESCO, Address: 7, Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France TO: The Governments of Nuclear Powers and the G20 Leaders SUBJECT: Discussion of Global Peace Science (GPS) on the UN General Assembly and the UNESCO General Conference in order to create the most powerful intellectual (scientific) instrument for global peace with the new peacebuilding technologies, which will be acceptable to all nations, cultures and nuclear powers providing constant pacifization* overcoming militarism. ENCLOSURE: The "Global Peace Science" book by 174 co-authors from 34 countries, 2016, 616 pages or in PDF: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf Global Peace Science is the dawn of a shining, harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the nations! Abdul Kalam, 2015, President of India, 2002-2007. - This is the first great recommendation of GPS for the UN and UNESCO. Dear Mr. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Director General of UNESCO Madame Irina Bokova The UN Charter and the UNESCO Constitution have formulated the key peace idea: "That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed." If the war minds received a powerful rooting in military science, founded more than two centuries ago, which now concentrates military intellect with invention of the most devastating weapons of mass destruction, the defences of peace minds were left fragmented and powerless before the war without their science up to now. Therefore humanity has not been able to put an end to the wars so far. The war minds seem invincible for the defences of peace minds as long as they remain outside and without science. If this dependence is true and is recognized by the UN and UNESCO, the main aspiration for them ‘must be constructed’ peace science. Unfortunately, the world community does not see it. To overcome this lack, we, the undersigned, offer you to discuss peace science. The first version of this science - Global Peace Science (GPS) - was completed in the Global Harmony Association (GHA) for 11 years by the 174 co-authors from 34 countries and was published in English in 2016.** This project joined dozens of different authors and integrated almost all diversity of constructive peacemaking ideas, relieving itself from their fragmented impotence before war and military science. This science, as the supreme, scientific understanding of peace, has all reasons to become the most powerful intellectual and technological alternative to military science and all wars, including prepared and matured nuclear war in the new “Barbarossa” spirit, which will be a catastrophe for humanity and the planet. only GPS and its new peacebuilding technologies, which provide continuous pacifization and open a new era of humanity - the Peacefulness Age - is capable to confront it. Therefore, the GPS intellectual potential, its technologies and its revolution of the peacemaking thinking, are deserving of the closest attention and the most careful discussion in the UN and UNESCO in order to further development of this science and its institutionalization in politics, peace culture and education to recommend it to all Members - States of the UN and UNESCO. This step practically will confirm your real aspiration to put an end to wars, finding them an alternative in scientific peace consciousness and in its new peacebuilding technologies. GPS will make a common platform for global sustainable disarmament during 50 years at 2% per year that without GPS is unthinkable and impossible. The GPS development, including an International Scientific Contest for its best version, to which is dedicated the GPS special section, is the most favorable in the UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector (www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/about-us/who-we-are/whos-who) under the UN aegis. The GPS development corresponds to the UN and UNESCO fundamental statutory demand: "Building peace in the minds of men and women," which is impracticable without the peace science. only with its help the UN and UNESCO may drastically lift their peacebuilding mission to provide humanity with the real dream and scientific project of purely peaceful sustainable development without wars in the 21st century. The Petition is the fruit and quintessence of our 'collective consciousness' (Durkheim) of the GPS key importance for humanity global peace inspiring and you and us. * Pacifization (or peacescienization) in GPS is universal process similar to globalization and informatization, embodyingin the constant growth of reconciliation in global society as result of spreading consciousness and peacebuilding technologies of GPS. Not to be confused with the local attempts of violent reconciliation – with "pacification." ** The GPS book in the Russian language has been completed by the 89 coauthors from 30 countries and was published in 2015 (432 pages) and in English - in 2016 (616 pp.). The GPS Resume (in 1 page) was translated into nine languages and published together with this book on the GHA website "Peace from Harmony»: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=656. The GPS book was published in India, Russia and the US becoming the property of all continents and freely available to almost every citizen of the Earth. Sincerely, The coauthors of Global Peace Science (50 of 174), peacemakers: Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President, India Dr. Leo Semashko, GPS Editor in Chief, GHA Honorary President, Russia Ramesh Kumar, GHA Executive Director, India Kanakmal Dugar, IASE Pedagogical University Chancellor, India Dr. Surendra Pathak, IASE Pedagogical University Dean, India Dr. Chand Bhardwaj, scholar, India Major General, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Executive President, International Organization for Educational Development - IOED, & Chairman, World Humanity Commission - WHC, India Dr. Laj Utreja, scholar, India Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, academician-economist, Kazakhstan Dr. John Scales Avery, Nobel Peace Prize, Denmark Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize, Northern Ireland Dr. Ernesto Kahan, former Vice-President of IPPNW, awarded Nobel Peace Prize, Israel Dr. Johan Galtung, pioneer of peace studies, Germany Delasnieve Daspet, lawyer and poet, Brazil, Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, teacher and jurist, Ghana Dr. Susana Roberts, poet and writer, Argentina Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona, psychologist and writer, Argentina Marianna Poghosyan, artist and writer, Armenia Dr. Manijeh Navidnia, teacher and scientist, Iran Dr. Maitreyee Roy, teacher and scientist, India Dr. Tatiana Kablova, teacher and scientist, Ukraine Dr. Erica Lazarova, teacher and scientist, Bulgaria Julia Budnikova, scientist, Russia Svetlana Vetrova, singer, Russia Svetlana Kuskovskaya, teacher, Russia Alla Voronova, teacher, Russia Dr. Victor Shenyagin, teacher and scientist, Russia Dr. Alexander Subetto, scientist, Russia Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy, poet, India Dr. Takis Ioannides, writer, Greece Dr. Apostolos Paschos, doctor and scientist, Greece Dr. Bishnu Pathak, scientist, Nepal Dr. Chintamani Yogi, teacher, Nepal Dr. Ammar Banni, teacher and linguist, Algeria Jose Maria Lopera, poet, Spain Dr. Francois Houtart, Catholic priest and scholar, Belgium Dr. Heli Habyarimana, teacher and linguist, Rwanda Dr. Guy Crequie, writer and vocalist, France Prof. Reimon Bachika, scholar, Japan Dr. Renato Corsetti, teacher and linguist, Italy Dr. Robert Burrowes, scientist and writer, Australia Prof. Henri Giraud, scientist, Canada Prof. Noam Chomsky, scientist and linguist, US Dr. Bruce Cook, editor and publisher, US Dr. Charles Mercieca, scholar, US Dr. Roger Kotila, psychologist, US David Swanson, writer, US Prof. Rudolf Siebert, scientist, US Frank Dorrel, publisher, US Dr. Kurt Johnson, priest and scholar, US ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
August 22, 2013 TO: The UN Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon through the UN Peacebuilding Support Office (http://www.unpbf.org), Chief: Brian J. Williams, williamsbj@un.org, and The UNESCO Director-General, Mrs. Irina Bokova through the UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/), Chief: CHRISTINA VON FURSTENBERG, c.von-furstenberg@unesco.org and Assistant Director-General for this Sector: PILAR ÁLVAREZ-LASO: p.alvarez@unesco.org Copy: To Russian Presidency at the G20 Summit, September 5-6, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia: info@g20russia.ru SUBJECT: Your opportunity to initiate Global Peace Science (GPS) at the G20 Summit with purpose to include this topic in the G20 agenda in any format NEED AND WAY OF GPS: GPS is a necessary condition for effective work of the UN and UNESCO in the 21st century, so the need for it is obvious and demands no proof. The most democratic and productive way to create this science would be an International Contest among more than 400 Peace Research Centers worldwide under the G20 aegis. This will subordinate the economic growth to a goal of peace, not war and weapons. The GPS first project is the fruit of eight years of work by GHA. It shows one of the possible ways of creating it (see below). The idea of GPScreation and its sufficient prerequisites are described in detail below in the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Open Letter by 57 of its members from 20 countries to the G20 leaders and Russian Presidency at their nearest Summit September 5-6, 2013 in St. Petersburg. This letter, together with the other documents for the G20, are posted here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582 The GPS is initiated not only in the GHA Letter but also in personal messages of GHA members to Presidents of Russia, USA, South Africa, France, Argentina, Nigeria, Ghana, and to Prime Ministers of Italy, India, Japan, Spain, etc. Many similar letters to other heads of states and governments will be sent. The leaders of each state, if they want peace, not war, could initiate the creation of this science under the G20 aegis, or in other ways, for example, in their countries. This initiative from either side answers the key question: If a science of war is possible, why not initiate a science of peace? GPS’ COMPLIANCE with the UN and UNESCO Charters: The UN Charter in Article 1 defines that " The Purposes of the United Nations are: to maintain international peace, ... the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, ... the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, ... to strengthen universal peace ... and harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends." In the UNESCO's Constitution we read: "That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed". That is expressed in the UNESCO motto: "Building peace in the minds of men and women." It is clear that effectively building peace in the minds of people is impossible without peace science. So far the highest expression and the best defense of war in minds of people is military science, prospering for more than 200 years. Today the highest expression and the best defense of peace in minds of people will be the Global Peace Science (GPS). It does not yet exist, but will be created in the 21st century in accordance with a requirement of the UNESCO Constitution: "the defense of peace must be constructed", i.e. GPS should be created. This is a great need for the UN and UNESCO. The GHA letter mentioned above is devoted to constructing peace science as the best reasonable defense of peace at people and nations. Effective achievement of the UN and UNESCO purposes in the global world of the 21st century is impossible without adopting Global Peace Science (GPS), giving scientific and understandable to all peoples’ questions seeking a method to use in achieving these purposes. CONCLUSION: GPS is required for nations, governments, the UN and UNESCO. GPS does not conflict with the Charters but only strengthens them and ensures effective achievement of their purposes in the 21st century to prevent the recurrence of the bloodiest in history 20th century. Result for the UN and UNESCO: Your initiative will provide the highest peacemaking prestige and deeper global impact of the UN and UNESCO in the 21st century. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, UN/UNESCO is a permanent member of the G20 Summits, so you have the right and ability to initiate the GPS as a new vision of economic growth and sustainable development through the scientific prism of global peace. This vision consists in the fact that economic growth is justified and has sense only in one case, when it is fulfilled through the peace and for the peace, not for the war as a self-destruction and loss of growth achievements. It unfolds global peace as the first and inexhaustible resource for economic growth. GPS makes this resource equally available to all nations and governments. Humanity cannot live and grow further in the new century, on the threshold of a single global society, without durable global peace, which can be understood and accepted by the nations for everyday conscious building only on the basis of relevant peace science - GPS. This is a turning point in human history, from a military to peaceful one, defined by a new level of human thinking within a new paradigm in a scientific mindset. History has exhausted all war alternatives, leaving only a peaceful alternative for humanity, which, however, is impossible without scientific light of GPS. History was first raised its initiative as a rational choice and recognition in 2013 before the G20 Summit. Will the G20 accept it as a historical alternative? This depends on each leader, and from you personally, Mr. Secretary-General of the UN and Mrs. Director-General of UNESCO. A new era of humanity, "a peace race," which takes the place of "the arms race" has appeared and this was foreseen by Martin Luther King Jr. when he said: "We must shift the arms race into a peace race." This historic shift has started! How the UN/UNESCO will react to it will demonstrate its world peace leadership and its future in the 21st century and beyond. There is growing concern in the world about the future due to ever-increasing military spending. It is well known that peace cannot be achieved by force. It can only be reached by reason embodied in peace science. For more than 200 years governments have nursed the science of war, now leaving the best-equipped governments with a powerful military industrial complex embracing hundreds of millions of staff, with thousands of military academies and colleges including tens of thousands of military scientists and teachers and millions of listeners (officers and soldiers), and finally with a myriad, annually galloping military budget of trillions of dollars, whipping up an unrestrained arms race. This is an arsenal of war, prosperous primarily due to the military mindset in the face of military science, consolidating a war arsenal with innumerable resources. A mindset for peace is still very far from the similar top in national and global consciousness. Therefore, an arsenal of peace, devoid of peace science, is not able to withstand the military arsenal and make a real alternative to war. After more than two centuries of military science, before the door of the globalized world, economic growth depends on global peace. Today, more than ever we feel the acutest necessity for Global Peace Science (GPS). You, as the UN/UNESCO leaders, have the highest opportunity to initiate the inclusion of GPS in the Summit G20 agenda. Global civil society expects influential support for creating GPS under the G20 aegis from President Barack Obama as the only Nobel Peace Laureate among the G20 leaders and from UN/UNESCO, the most important statutory purpose of which is to ensure global peace in the 21st century that is impossible without GPS. The UN/UNESCO proposal to include Global peace Science (GPS) in the G20 Summit agenda would be the most powerful voice in its support. The logical and practical consequence of your initiative would be the establishment of the International Institute of Global Peace Science (which I am ready to head and find the scientists for it) within the UNESCO Sector of Social and Human Sciences. This Institute fully meets the mission, strategy and purposes of the UN and UNESCO. This Institute, as a think tank of knowledge for global peace society, will be the scientific pillar for G20 in the questions of global peace and will raise qualitatively the effectiveness of the UN and UNESCO in the 21st century. These key universal perspectives of global peace now depend from your initiative at the G20 Summit. Sincerely Yours, Dr. Leo Semashko Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005; State Councillor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony; Author of Tetrism as unity of Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology - the science of social harmony, world peace and harmonious civilization since 1976; Author of 12 social discoveries and more than 300 scientific publications, including 16 books and brochures; Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia; Director, GHA Website "Peace from Harmony": www.peacefromharmony.org; Editor in Chief, The ABC of Harmony for World Peace .. (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478) by 76 co-authors from 26 countries, for which the GHA is recognized as one of candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize 2013; Teaching experience at universities is 20 years; Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia; Phone: 7 (812) 597-65-71, E-mail: leo.semashko@gmail.com, Skype: leo.semahko, Personal page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 Letter publication: In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582 In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
March 14, 2013 Monica WillardUnited Religions Initiative United Nations NGO RepresentativeCommittee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, PresidentInternational Day of Peace (Sept 21)NGO Committee, Co-Chair Global Harmonious Education and the UN Dear Monica, We, the GHA leaders (see below), thank you for your congratulations and your three letters (below) with your vision of the UN Decade of Interfaith Harmonious Education (UN Decade IHE), which was initiated by the GHA. The main purpose of this Decade - to create 10,000 Centers (Schools) of IHE (CIHE, Center of Interfaith Harmonious Education) in the world, each year by 1,000, primarily in the areas of religious tensions: the Middle East, Ireland, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Sudan, Mali, etc.Many of us have known you for many years as the UN wise social activist, (we recognize that you are not a UN employee), who has spent years advocating various civil concerns through NGO groups in the UN, as well for your development of a positive relationship with many of the UN departments. We understand that you share the GHA goals and projects and offer to help implement them as part of the UN’s existing actions (not creating new ones, which would become mired in the conservative bureaucratic apparatus of the UN). You have rightly warned us about this obstacle, and we thank you for that. There may be some misunderstanding of our proposed action. GHA itself does not intend to initiate the Decade in the UN. We agree with you – this would be counterproductive. Instead, we intend to initiate it only before the King of Jordan, no more. We also understand that, even in this case, this decade will face resistance from the UN bureaucracy, as you warn us. So our message is subject to two purposes: recognizing the UN’s bureaucratic apparatus and cooperating with the UN as part of approved actions, working together with other NGOs.You have addressed your email to "GHA members," so our answer is prepared by the GHA 17 leaders (see list below). Please permit us to express our (GHA) vision of the UN from the perspective of the CIHE and to explain a few basic ideas and facts. They are very important and not short. 1. In its wisdom, the UN/UNESCO has found that wars begin in the mind and consciousness. Peace also starts in the mind, but is prepared for in peaceful/harmonious upbringing and education from childhood.2. Mind and consciousness begin with education, which is the determining factor for any social change. For example, Nelson Mandela gave the classical definition: "Education is the most powerful weapon, if you want to change the world." The same idea was expressed by Mahatma Gandhi: "If you want peace, then start with the children." That is, start with the education of children.3. Please consider this question. Why has the Israeli-Palestinian war continued for 65 years and end of it is not visible? Isn’t it because their schools form in children an image of another nation as a mortal enemy, who must be killed? As a result of this education, they are killing each other and will kill until they are replace the militaristic education by harmonious/peacemaking one. The people on both sides of the conflict are totally ignorant in peace by ignoring this education.Note. In our philosophical lexicon "ignorance" is not an insult in any case. This is a statement of the eternal epistemological limitations of man and mankind, who will never reach full and complete knowledge. It is an absolute quality, well-known in philosophy. All people are always ignorant in one way or another. We are literate only in very narrow areas of our education and experience, and we remain ignorant in all others. (For example, I, Leo Semashko, am ignorant in physics, chemistry, biology, etc., and am literate only in the areas of special education and my experience - in philosophy and sociology.) This is typical for each person. The path from ignorance to knowledge and literacy is the eternal epistemological process of every person and of humanity in general, which comes from the one milestone of knowledge to another. For example, Newton and Einstein freed humanity from ignorance in physics, knowledge of which opened to every man the possibility of physical literacy. For this unprecedented contribution humanity will be always grateful to Newton, Einstein and other physicists. Mendeleyev freed humanity from ignorance in chemistry by an unprecedented contribution which humanity will use and remember forever. Similarly, the ABC of Harmony, created by GHA, has opened before mankind the possibility of freeing everyone from total ignorance in social harmony through its harmonious education. This education opens before each person, government, nation and organizations, including the UN, the ability to harmoniously correctly solve all social problems. Through this unprecedented contribution of GHA, humanity will now be able to move ahead in a constant process of harmonious education of the world population from the first days of childhood. GHA offers the UN a chance to begin this historic process by the Decade of IHE, which will probably face resistance from be rejected positions of total ignorance and utter conservatism. However, our proposal is better seen as an opportunity to upgrade the UN for the global harmonization of the 21st century. If the UN ignores this path, it might well be waiting for the same infamous finale as occurred in the League of Nations in 1946.4. All nations and peoples, with a few rare exceptions, are totally ignorant in peace from harmony without harmonious education, which synthesizes spiritual and scientific knowledge. Almost all nations teach their children the lessons of war and victory, filling the minds of new generations with ideas of war, not peace. Therefore we have not seen the end for wars. Education in the world is militaristic. For example, these textbooks rarely if ever mention Numa Pompilius, who gave 43 years of peace from harmony to the ancient Romans. 5. It is depressing to realize that the UN and governments are so ignorant in the truths of peace from harmony. They remain warlords in mind, blithely stimulating the arms race by billions of dollars daily. In ignorance 1948 the UN failed to require the Israelis and the Palestinians to teach their children the principles of unified peacekeeping training programs. The result of this ignorance was a historical mistake of endless war between them, which can be corrected only by the way of joint harmonious peace education now being offered by GHA:6. Even elementary examples of harmonious education give amazing results. For example, in Singapore, after years of religious war they adopted the State Declaration of Religious Harmony in 2003, the study of which was made compulsory in all schools for all religious communities in the country. This has led to social peace on the basis of religious harmony and prosperity of the country. Similar examples are found in Malaysia and some other countries. But this experience has not become the property of all peoples and the UN has not done anything to further such initiatives.7. A single scientific textbook is required for the universal/global peacemaking harmonious education of different people of different religions. This appeared for the first time in history in 2012 as the ABC of Harmony, co-founded by the 76 GHA members from 26 countries (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478). This global scientific textbook opens the door for global harmonious education (GHE) in all schools throughout the world. only GHE ensures harmonious global consciousness and global harmonious peace.8. Fortunately there are UN state leaders, such as the King of Jordan, who understand the key peacemaking value of harmony for peace among religions and peoples. Jordan's King initiated the first-ever World Interfaith Harmony Week in 2010.9. The next logical step of this Week is the IHO for interfaith social harmony based on the scientific basis of the ABC of Harmony. The GHA project of 35 members of 17 countries (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=541) is dedicated to IHE. In this project GHA offers the UN Decade of IHE on the basis of the ABC and similar global textbooks. This initiative in the UN can probably best be moved only by the King of Jordan as a continuation and development of his previous initiative. It makes sense of along with the GHA project of Interfaith Harmony.10. If wars and peace keep education in mind, the key should be the UN Decades developing different directions of harmonious education - interfaith, women's, youth, environmental, peace, etc. If the UN rejects the UN Decade of IHE, one can expect the UN’s continuing total ignorance of social harmony, just as the UN did 65 years ago. The first step in saving this fate for the UN would be the IHO Year (as the most important form of global harmonious education today) based on the scientific ABC of Harmony for UN staff and permanent representatives of member states. GHA is ready to prepare for UN CIHE the relevant curriculum and implement it, of course, with your (UN) participation and help. Harmonious education begins with harmonious self education as overcoming total ignorance begins with each of us. The UN reform ideas are based on global harmony and education as the GHA presented in the "Magna Carta of Harmony" (2006: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=3) Your words: “I think your idea for a separate Decade is counter-productive to the work of the UN at this time” are correct in the plan of realization of this idea through the UN bureaucracy. This conclusion is not supported by any of the GHA members as we believe that, in essence, our idea is correct. Happily, you have not objected to the IHO in principle also. You write about the "great impact GHA", which in reality would be to initiate the IHO in the UN as a crucial mechanism for its renewal, at least indirectly, through the King of Jordan.You have noted the advantages of breakfasts, speeches, prayers, shows ("Common ground for the common good"), and similar events. We agree that these are wonderful events, but sadly they are local and temporary, “here and now” and all. They are not able to change the world to the better. In fact, these events in the UN have little if any impact on world interfaith harmony. This brings us to the question - which is more important for progress: fundamental interfaith education in scientific knowledge of social harmony or breakfasts, speeches, and shows? This is a rhetorical question for which the answer is obvious. Benefit and impact would be greater if the UN spends less money on breakfasts but instead creates the CIHE, for example in Jerusalem or other places of religious hatred. It may be in the UN also. Martin Luther King Jr. formulated for the UN a great imperative - “Shift the arms race into a peace race and harmony.” This shift can not be made by the breakfasts, speeches and shows, even the most excellent, but only the CIHEs worldwide. Do you agree with this?We are also facing the Decade for Rapprochement of Cultures, 2013 -2022. Education is the core of culture. It develops and deepens culture and provides surviving friendships between different cultures. Of course, if this Decade would include an educational dimension, it will significantly increase its influence in the world. GHA will be happy to participate in it in this case. But this does not change our desire to achieve the UN Decade of IHO through the King of Jordan.Dear Monica, we pray that you will take the lead in developing the СIHE in the UN. Educational foundations of the CIHE are the ABC of Harmony and similar global textbooks, for example, "The Coming Interspiritual Age" (www.tinyurl.com/interspiritual), the GHA Interfaith Project, "Capital Homesteading For Every Citizen," (2004: www.cesj.org/homestead/capitalhomesteading-s.pdf),affirming the impossibility of social harmony and world peace without economic justice,and the like. This UN CIHE (school) would be a momentous historical event for the United Nations and the world at large. It would represent a conscious turn of humanity toward social harmony, overcoming total ignorance through harmonious education, launched by UN. Just such an event can make the UN a true global leader of social harmony in the 21st century. How wonderful if all the people of the world could see this role of the UN for the first time in history. This role would be the best reformation of the UN. What a contrast with the traditional UN – seemingly powerless in the face of growing global challenges. In responding to these challenges, the UN and humanity can find the way of global harmonious education. Dear Monica, please, become the leader of this process in the United Nations! This will be your most useful and great contribution! The GHA representatives at the UN, for example, Dr. Bruce Cook, GHA-USA President and Dr. Kurt Johnson, GHA-USA Vice-President, which we recommend, would be your competent assistants in this historic renewal of the UN through the IHO, through the appropriate UN School (CIHE).Regarding the International Day of Peace - you are Co-Chair of its NGO Committee at the UNб – you, obviously, know about the GHA Petition to the UN for Disarmament in 50 years that we started on this day in 2012 and which intends to collect 1 million signatures by the next IDP – September 21, 2013 (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=529). So as you can see, the GHA already is working with the UN, giving educational dimension to the International Day of Peace. GHA always desires and intends to work in fullest accord and cooperation with any and all existing and ongoing programs and initiatives within the United Nations and the international community as long as these programs and initiatives do not reject the educational dimension.In this spirit, GHA aspires to dialogue, exchange, and understand with leaders and representatives of all other international programs and initiatives, working harmoniously with them in solidarity and synergy toward the goals mutually shared by all.We will publish this letter on our website for the public (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=5) as we consider it important for the UN leadership and world community. We are happy to cooperate with you on this fresh new direction within the United Nations. Best harmony wishes, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, Russia,Prof. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, GHA-Africa President, Ghana,Prof. Celia Altshuler, GHA-LAC Acting President, Puerto Rico,Julia Budnikova, GHA-Russia Acting President,Prof. Uraz Baimuratov, GHA-Kazakhstan Acting President,Dr. Bruce Cook, GHA-USA President,Dr. Surendra Pathak, GHA-India President,Prof. Ernesto Kahan, GHA Vice-President, Israel,Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, D.Lit., GHA Vice-President, India,Dr. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, GHA-India Vice-President,Mr. Habyarimana Heli, GHA Vice-President, Rwanda,Prof. Ammar Banni, GHA-Africa Vice-President, Algeria, GHA-USA Vice-Presidents:Dr. Kurt Johnson,Dr. Norman Kurland,Dr. Nina Meyerhof,Dr. Charles Mercieca,Dr. Laj Utreja
Monica’s letters, underlined by Leo Semashko. Dear GHA Members,I want to let you know that you are not working by yourselves on World Interfaith Harmony as an important issue for the United Nations. The Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN helped anchor WIHW in 2011 with a breakfast that included the partnership of:1. The Mission of Jordan.Amb Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein opened the breakfast. 2. Department of Public Information sent announcements and USG Akasaka spoke3. Alliance of Civilizations with their Director Marc Scheuer being a speaker 4. UNICEF and UNFPA had their representatives for faith based initiatives speak, Stephen Hanmer and Azza Karam.I would also like you to know that the RNGOs organized a most successful event that was held in the General Assembly, with the President of the General Assembly and UNESCO on Feb 14, 2013.The title for this event was:United for a Culture of Peace Through Interfaith Harmony.It was cosponsoered and supported by 10 Missions and 5 NGO coalitions.I think you might be interested in hearing the speeches and prayers that were shared on Feb 14.I have attached the draft program that includes all the speakers with their identification and two collages of photos that share the speakers and the religious representatives. Enjoy!You can watch this 2 hour program on the UN website:http://webtv.un.org/watch/united-for-a-culture-of-peace-through-interfaith-harmony/2165451739001/This was the second such event in the General Assembly, working with the President of the General Assembly. The first was held during World Interfaith Harmony Week, 2012. The title for the 2012 event was Common Ground for the Common Good. When I encourage you to consider how to embrace an already proclaimed Decade for Rapprochement of Cultures, 2013 -2022, and to use the International Day of Peace theme, Education for Peace to emphasize Interfaith Education, I come with experience and knowledge of the UN and the value of Interfaith Harmony that is already being recognized in that system.You can have great impact if you will embrace what is already happening instead of working to create a new Decade. May PeacePrevail on Earth,Monica__________Monica Willard631-697-7972 United Religions Initiative United Nations NGO RepresentativeCommittee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, PresidentInternational Day of Peace (Sept 21)NGO Committee, Co-ChairMarch 6, 2013---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo and all the GHA Members,I congratulate you on your efforts and recognize the importance of Interfaith Education. I want to encourage you to incorporate this focus into the already proclaimed Decade for Rapprochement of Cultures, 2013-2022. UNESCO is in charge of this Decade. It was proposed by Krygyzstan and adopted in Dec by the General Assembly. So far, they don't even have a launch date for this Decade we are in.It is much easier to get included in a Decade that is already approved than to work on getting a new decade with a similar theme considered. You could also put your energy into creating the content for participation instead of working to get a Decade created. I encourage you to ask Jordan to include Interfaith education as part of this important Decade that is about to be launched. If you want to do that, you will have help from people in NY.Having worked on the Decade for Interfaith Cooperation for Peace, Development and Understanding from 2007-10, I know first hand that getting a Decade on Interfaith anything proclaimed is not easy.You already have a decade proclaimed that can easily include your emphasis.Please use it to promote the importance of Interfaith Harmony and Education! You also have an ideal emphasis with the theme chosen by the UN for the International Day of Peace, Education for Peace. You can use IDP, Sept 21, as a core component in your work this year.If you are interested in either of these ideas, I would like to continue to be on your list and work with you. If neither of these ideas are to your liking, I would like to be taken off your list. I think your idea for a separate Decade is counter-productive to the work of the UN at this time. A new Decade is not something I am willing to even consider when there is so much already available through approved resolutions. I can assure you that I will be working with others to accomplish Interfaith Education and Harmony as important parts of the Decade for Rapprochement of Cultures and IDP 2013. I invite your participation and leadership in making it happen. May Peace Prevail on Earth, Monica WillardMarch 6, 2013-------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo,You have some great ideas and I would suggest that you find a way to incorporate your wonderful information through UNESCO. They are already working on the UN Decade for Rapprochement between Cultures, 2013-2022. It seems to be a well kept secret now, but establishing another Decade is very difficult. Better to find a way to work with the system that is in place and help expand their outreach.I don't know who is organizing the Decade in Paris. NY is not clear about their launch yet either. Interfaith is an important component in this already set decade. Maybe you can suggest harmonious education as a subtheme. That way you can put your work into getting the message out instead of creating a mechanism to do that. Good luck. Peace, Monica WillardMarch 2, 2013------------------------------------------------------------ September 18, 2010GHA GreetingsTo the UN and World Peacemaking OrganizationsIn honor of the International Day of Peace, Sept. 21 The Global Harmony Association (GHA) is happy to congratulate the UN and all peace organizations of the planet on the International Day of Peace and wish a transformation of peace thinking and peace culture in accordance with the 21st century realities. We live in an industrial civilization in which peace is held on the power of the weapon under the old paradigm of thinking, "If you want peace - prepare for war."Correspondingly, the military expenditures have steadily increased each year. The situation has not changed in the 21st century. Any peace movement is powerless in the current environment. Therefore, a fundamental shift is needed to move away from the old paradigm to a new thinking of ‘peace and peaceful culture’ suitable for the new century ant its new civilization.Over the past 5 years, the GHA has developed a public sociology of civil society, the social ideal of which is harmonious civilization as a method of survival for humanity. It is based on the principles of peace, justice, fraternity and prosperity for all peoples and provides an exit from a deadlock of degenerating industrial civilization. The GHA has created more than 20 projects of global harmony (including three direct peace projects) and has published 4 books. The GHA has found more than 65 facts confirming the trend of global harmonization since 1947, which in 2009 has resulted in the birth of a harmonious civilization. Its origin is associated with the emergence in 2009 of its first three global features:1. Beginning of nuclear disarmament of the USA and Russia, which in principle, not conducive to the militaristic, constantly arming industrial civilization, 3. Publication of the cornerstone book of Prof. Alexei Stakhov (Canada) "Mathematics of Harmony", which laid the foundations of mathematics of a new civilization (http://www.worldscibooks.com/mathematics/6635.html).In 2010, we witnessed another economic confirmation of the new civilization through an unprecedented philanthropy of the 40 USA billionaires by their conscious self-limitation and disposition of the most of their personal wealth in the direction to develop the social capital – education and health. The recent examples of the social confirmation of the new civilization are: the EU since 1992, and China since 2006 in building a harmonious society, both covering about 2 billion people - nearly a third of mankind.These facts indicate the ascent of humanity to the threshold of a harmonious civilization, in which the destructive power of weapons will be replaced by the power of thought and culture of harmonious peace as Peace from Harmony, "If you want peace - build harmonious civilization/society." It is Peace from Harmony. It is an eternal harmonious peace, which is possible only in harmonious civilization through global harmonious education since childhood. We are competent in the language of disharmonious industrialism: wars, conflicts, violence, crises, etc. But we are all ignorant in social and individual harmony, which solely maybe by the source and cause of eternal peace. We do not know even its alphabet: 20 fundamental elements (spheres), the harmony of which provides eternal peace. Alphabet, language and thought of harmony for the first time presented in the GHA book "Harmonious Civilization." Recognition of a new (harmonious) peace thinking and new (harmonious) peace culture will be the most effective achievement and change of the peace movement today. The GHA initiatives for the UN and international peace organizations are:1.Recognize the UN Mission on the 21st century transition to a culture of harmonious peace, an annual reduction of military expenditures by all states of the world at 2% per year and nuclear disarmament to 2020.2.Invite billionaires of the world to establish under the UN auspices the Civic Peace Foundation of Harmonious Civilization for building of institutions of global harmonious education as the main generator of eternal peace from harmony.3.Organize in September 21, 2011 under the UN auspices the World Civic Forum "Peace from Harmony". GHA President, Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia
GHA-USA President, Dr. Laj UtrejaGHA-Japan President, Kae Morii____________________________________________________________________________________ November 11, 2008 TO: Secretary-General Ban Ki-MoonUnited Nations, 38th FloorNew York, NY 10017 SUBJECT: Three year investment of $27 million to create the UN World Harmony/Peace Academy Your Excellency:Sixty five co-founders of the GHA, from 20 countries, created in 2007-2008 an educational and economic project of world importance: World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA). This project is a direct consequence of the 20 last years of world advance toward global harmonization, for which the GHA proposes to create the UN WHPA as generator of general harmonious education in the Host Countries. The project realization is calculated for decades.The bases, details, social and economic advantages of general harmonious education and WHPA are submitted in its conceptual project published on the site: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=277 in three languages: Russian, English and Spanish and also in a separate book (Publishing house "Lita", St.-Petersburg, Russia, 2008, 104 pages, in English).This book is applied to the given letter.
All nations will benefit from realization of this project, which approves a new measurement (harmony) of international relations and new principle of world politics: "Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization". It is asymmetric to military force and can be used in any crises including financial one. This project opposes the force of weaponry and encourages the force of universal harmonization and knowledge, which is favorable to all peoples without exception. It is the new global approach and the way of peace coexistent within conditions for the birth of humankind’s new information civilization.
GHA has the following resources necessary for the WHPA’s initial stage:
1. Staff: Now about 80 co-authors of the WHPA project, 50 of who are ready to enter its faculty. (Dr. Leo Semashko, the project initiator and chief, is ready to move to any country, in which the UN will finance the WHPA project and to bring with him 10-15 professors from Russia for work in the Academy.)
2. International resource: The GHA has almost 300 individual members from 46 countries and its collective members with branches in more than 80 countries, number more than one million. The WHPA project was approved and recommended to establish worldwide by the 18th World Peace Congress of the International association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) congress held in Malaysia, October 29-31 2008 (http://www.iaewp.org/newsletter/Vol41-No1-2.pdf ).
3. Information resource: The GHA is based on two unique educational projects of world importance: WHPA (2008) and Magna Carta of Harmony (2007). Besides, GHA now has begun to prepare the base textbook for academies and schools of harmonious education: "Tetrasociology: Science about Social and Individual Harmony". The textbook is 70 percent complete as it includes a previous textbook written in 1999.
4. Management resource: The WHPA General Directorate, which includes from among the project co-authors 15 representatives of the basic countries and continents of the world. The General Directorate mission is strategic management of the WHPA creation and unfoldment of its deep social and economic importance for modernity.
This project consists in the creation of the World Harmony/Peace Academy, which would prepare the teaching staff of harmonization, give to the UN an historical opportunity to become a cradle of world harmony and a leader of global harmonization.
A World Harmony/Peace Academy will inevitably be created by humankind for its survival. The only question is: where and when?
Therefore we, the co-authors from 20 countries of the world, hope that you will focus your attention on this project and will render it necessary help. We ask a very modest amount of financial support — $27 millions for three years ($9 million per year) — to establish the WHPA as the first UN Institute of global harmonization in the world. Sincerely, The WHPA General Directorate of 15 members as representatives from 16 countries of the world: Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia, Global Harmony Association President, General Directorate Chair, leo.semashko@gmail.com; Dr. Martha Ross DeWitt, USA, General Directorate Vice-Chair, mrossdewitt@sbcglobal.net; Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel, General Directorate Vice-Chair, ekahan@post.tau.ac.il; General Directorate members: Mr Jean de Dieu Basabose, Rwanda, basajd@yahoo.fr; =================================================
Leo M. Semashko
Ph.D., St. Petersburg State Councilor; Director, Tetrasociological Institute and Russia IFLAC; Founder and President, International Website A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority www.peacefromharmony.org, uniting about 200 authors from 33 countries and publishing in 15 languages; Initiator and Manager, Harmonious Era Calendar Project._____________________________________________________________________________________7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia. March 12, 2007 Secretary-General Ban Ki-MoonUnited Nations, 38th FloorNew York, NY 10017Your Excellency:I am pleased to send you the book Harmonious Era Calendar: Address to Children, Youth and Future Generations on behalf of 27 authors from 12 countries. We strongly feel and understand a need for a new, harmonious, peace culture for a global information society.The traditional peace culture of the industrial society is based on a principle: “want peace, but prepare for war.” This attitude subordinates peace to war.In contrast, in an information society, the harmonious peace culture prevents wars because it is based on a principle "want peace, therefore create harmony" between groups, ethnicities and civilizations. Our Calendar expresses this, harmonious, peace culture. It is confirmed by China decision “to build society of social harmony.” The Harmonious Era Calendar is born at the crossroads of many cultures of the world.These cultures are interconnected and share a basic nucleus of values whose focus is harmony.Twenty seven scientists and activists in fields of culture and art from 12 countries created this Calendar, which includes 27 commemorative and holiday dates. It includes also all dates established by the UN. It has been published in 12 languages, allowing it to be a bridge for peace, understanding and dialogue among cultures and civilizations. The Calendar teaches children and youth about harmony and peace, instead of about war and enmity. We want each day of year to be a day of peace with no remaining days for war and enmity. This project is one of long-term development because it will be constantly enriched by new dates, authors, and languages. We invite you to support and to join our Harmonious Era Calendar endeavor. By doing so, you will be setting a good example for peace that could unite political leaders of conflicting civilizations in the modern world.We ask you to offer the Harmonious Era Calendar for discussion in the UN organizations: UNESCO, UNICEF etc. We offer for the UN to lead the World Peace Summit in 2010, when the current UN Decade on Peace Culture will conclude and to establish the new CULTURE DECADE of the HARMONIOUS Peace FOR CHILDREN, which will last from 2011 to 2020. Please, welcome this Calendar and give an example of support for culture of harmonious peace! Please, give to youth a hope for harmonious peace preventing wars, poverty and enmity! We shall be happy to publish your welcome for this Calendar in its subsequent reprints worldwide. On behalf of the 27 Calendar co-authors, Sincerely yours,
Leo Semashko ___________________________________________________ Leo M. Semashko September, 2004 TO: Mr. Kofi Annan UN Secretary-General Dear Mr. Annan, I am pleased to send you two of my books representing two international projects: one on international bilingualism, and the other on children’s suffrage, which I dare to hope will interest the United Nations. The first is my book Tetrasociology: from Sociological Imagination through Dialogue to Universal Values and Harmony. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University (2003, 396 pages), with 14 co-authors from four continents in three languages (Russian, English and Esperanto), devoted to a multicultural dialog of civilizations based on a shared, theoretical (tetrasociological) platform. This book proposes an International Publishing Project as an effective way to promote a dialog among civilizations toward a culture of peace. The project suggests the institution of international bilingualism, through recognition of Esperanto as a second international language, together with English. International bilingualism would encourage development of an unbiased dialog among civilizations. For this purpose, Esperanto has the necessary preconditions: it is a planned, neutral language, with 115 years of international practice, and millions of esperantists world-wide, organized in associations that are already practicing a global subculture of brotherhood and peace. The distinction of languages divides people in the world most of all. Today, the UN has no political strategy in the field of an international language. Elements of linguistic inequality and discrimination are sustained. This inherent injustice contributes to social, economic, political and cultural conflicts and global disasters. We propose international bilingualism, sponsored by the UN,as a linguistic strategy that will concretize the UN’s general purpose for the current decade: an impartial dialog among civilizations, to bring about an equitable and sustainable culture of peace. The second is my book Children’s Suffrage: Democracy for the 21st Century, Priority Investment in Human Capital as a Way toward Social Harmony, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University (2004, 72 pages), devoted to considering the necessity and social consequences of voting for minor children, exercised by their parents. The UN Special Session on Childhood (May 2002) emphasized that modern society leads many children into "poverty, discrimination and neglect". It called upon "all members of society" to join in a "global movement that will help build a world fit for children." In my book, because it establishes the political responsibility of the family and state for children, children’s suffrage is considered to be an effective political tool for such a global movement, as a new political psychology and culture of peace to modernize democracy and as a powerful antiterrorist strategy, which eradicates the origins of terrorism in childhood and creates antiterrorist immunity of the population. The brutal terrorist act against over a thousand children in Beslan , Russia , September 1-3, 2004 has emphasized the sharp necessity of such tool. Children’s suffrage replaces a priority of military and economic interests of the states with a priority of children and the social sphere, hence, a priority of peace, which modernizes the culture of peace. Children’s suffrage was the central focus of my eight papers at the IIS World Sociological Congress, Beijing , July, 2004. Both of these projects - internationalbilingualismand children’s suffrage – require extensive social research and discussion, which are unlikely without the moral support and financial help of the UN, through its appropriate structures: UNESCO and UNICEF. Both projects could become subjects of international conferences under the aegis of the UN, if you personally favor them. I believe your support for research and discussion of these projects could enhance the international prestige of the UN. Similar researches and discussions will have the great significance for the modernization of the culture of peace in the face of the aggravated challenges of the 21st century: terrorisms, poverty, ecology, crisis of democracy and spirit/worldview. With deep respect and hope for understanding and support, Sincerely, Leo Semashko
Reply from United Nations 04 October, 2004 Dear Dr. Semashko On behalf of Secretary-General Kofi Annan, I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 10 September 2004 and of your books, which have been referred to this office for reply. Please allow me to thank you for so generously sending us copies of Tetrasociology and Children’s Suffrage, the contents of which have been read and duly noted. While we appreciate the purpose of your request, we hope you will understand that the Secretary-General does not intervene with the Member States , Specialized Agencies, Funds or Programmers of the United Nations Organization on behalf of corporations or private individuals. I must also advise you that any proposal to be considered by the Members of the United Nationsmust first be presented by an official representative of a Member State , duly inscribed on the Organization’s agenda and voted by the Membership. You may therefore wish to redirect your proposal to your country’s representative office before the United Nations: Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, 136 East 67th Street, New York, NY 10021 U.S.A. Tel.: (212) 861-4900. Telefax: (212) 628-0252. I hope this information will be helpful to you. Again, thank you for you books, for sharing your ideas with us, for your interest in the United Nations and for taking the time to write to us. Yours sincerely, Dawn Johnston-Britton Chief, Public Inquires Unit DepartmentofPublicInformation
Dear friends and colleagues! I am glad to send you a copy of my letter (1 page) to the UN General Secretary Mr. KofiAnnan. This letter is devoted to two practical projects of tetrasociology: international bilinguism and children’s suffrage. They are interconnected in that the new global culture of peace requires that first of all children study both bilingualism and suffrage at school and within their families. These projects modernize the culture of peace and help develop a multicultural dialogue among civilizations. Without modernization of the culture of peace and strengthening of dialogue, the achievement of sustainable life, development and social harmony in the face of the aggravated challenges of the 21st century (terrorism, poverty, ecology, demography, crisis of democracy and spirit/worldview) is impossible. The sharpest challenge is terrorism that once again the monstrous capture of more than a thousand children, from them 170 were killed, in Beslan’s school, Russia, September, 1-3 2004 has emphasized. Terrorism’s targeting of children is a new, brutal, tool for the achievement of the criminal purposes. Children should be protected from this new threat. Before us - social scientists, public and political figures - it has put a critical question: whether we can offer more effective means to eradicate terrorism than the military? I think, the answer is yes. one possible part of the solution is children’s suffrage executed by their parents, which creates the political responsibility of family and state for children and, by that means, establishes an antiterrorist immunity. I send you my letter only because these projects are very important for a new stage of globalization and have different consequences for different civilizations, countries and social groups. Therefore these projects require wide public discussion, in which your opinion, as theorists and practitioners, has great importance. In this connection, I hope, you forgive me for the unsolicited letter and will express an opinion on the projects, about their advantages and deficiencies. I am sure the exchange of opinions between us about these projects will not only will enrich us theoretically but also will create favorable ground new constructive projects for the development of a culture of peace and dialogue of civilizations. They will allow to stop of terrorism and wars and will ratify the new culture of peace excluding them. In conclusion I ask you to answer one simple question: DO THE INTERNATION BILINGUALISM AND CHILDREN’S SUFFRAGE PROJECTS HOW ELEMENTS OF THE CULTURE OF PEACE DESERVE DUSCUSSION AND RESEARCH OR DO NOT DESERVE? YES. NOT. Thanks for the reply. With deep respect and best regards, Leo M. Semashko
September 19, 2004 ----------------------------------------------
Dear "Peace from Harmony" Website Co-authors! I would like to share with you two ideas about the ongoing development of our website. The first idea I'll call "common-public", i.e. concerning all of us and the website's public reading. The second idea I'll call "common-private", concerning us and me personally. Both ideas express obstacles, which prevent the further development of the website and offer ways of overcoming them. The first idea expresses the necessity of the gradual transition from extensive to intensive development of our website, which extends very dynamically. For two-and-a-half months it has expanded to include 14 new pages and one new language (Portuguese). More than 20 new authors have appeared and more than 70 "news pieces" have been published. I will remind you, we now have on the website 61 pages with more 200 materials (documents, books, articles, verses, pictures, photos etc.) by more 60 authors (including 5 children!) from 14 countries around the world in four languages: Russian, English, Esperanto and Portuguese. on the website forum, 129 people have left responses and we have had 1028 its visitors up until April 30. The website gets more than 100 hits per day on average. The details of our website growth has been submitted to our UN Report, the final version can be found on the site page 1-4. I encourage everyone to please take a look at this. I currently have tens new offers for the website. Obviously, this website has ignited an interest in harmonious life, society, science, and art. Clearly, people and societies desire to spread harmonious peace. Also, each author, naturally, dreams of translation of his works on other website languages. Undoubtedly, this extensive tendency will be present on the website always. However, it is insufficient and requires the addition of an intensive tendency. All website co-authors have posted their positions and ideas. Now their comparison, comment, criticism, and search of synthesis outputting on a new level of research are required. All this makes the contents of the website far reaching in an intensive direction. We have many brilliant ideas by: Ada Aharoni, Martha Ross DeWitt, Rose Lord, Rudolf Siebert, Reimon Bachika, Evelin Lindner, Tarek Heggy, Lia Diskin, Lynn Comerford, Bernard Phillips, Hilarie Roseman, Ananta Giri, Francisco Matos, Mikhail Reshetnikov, Grigory Toulchinsky, Tamara Galushko, Alexander Yuriev, Andrei Stolyarov, Henry Skvortsov, German Vitruk, Nicolas Gudskov, Maria Abolskaya, Victor Gaidai, Sergey Egorov and many others have been submitted. (Please look at the list of their scientific works in our UN Report). Comparison, criticism and the synthesis of these ideas fills our scientific imagination with new energy and can spark more fruitful ideas. Hence I invite each co-author briefly, from one phrase up to one page (no more), to state the opinion even if about one other work or idea published on the website. It will put a beginning for wide discussion, as for each response will follow the answer-back response etc. that will make dialog and polylog on our website. I shall be glad to receive your opinions and to publish them in section "Dialog about peace and harmony" with under sections: "Dialog of youth" and "Dialog of the adults". The basic contents of your opinions will be translated to other languages. It will allow us to exchange ideas and to begin an intensive scientific narrative. The essence of the first idea is already there. Besides the attraction of the students to our competition by the authors - professors working at Universities with students can also ensure the website intensification. The second idea concerns technical and financial means of the website. Now practically all editorial, communication and technical work is conducted by me. (I am very grateful to Martha, Lynn and Rose for help in editing). I also make the most part of translational work. (I am very grateful to Araken and Francisco for translation on Portuguese). All this is done on my old, 7-year's computer and on a usual telephone line. My monitor does not show color but only flickers. Size of the information and operations of its transformation became such that and computer, and phone line do not manage one's job well. I work 10-14 hours per day but time all the same does not suffice because 90 % I spend on technical questions. The time leaves on infinite expectations of telephone communication and alterations from its breaks. The work turns in torment. one of last examples is this, on April 28 I spent an entire hour loading photos, which Ada kindly has sent to me. The telephone communication for this time broke through everyone 2-3 minutes (times 10), and was restored only through 3-5 attempts with many minutes of waiting. The work speed of my computer is 1/15 that of modern machines. The loading of the sent photos on the modern computer on the allocated telephone line would occupy 3 minutes but on my computer it has occupied in 20 times more time! It reduces me to despair! I have come to the conclusion that without the new, modern computer and allocated telephone line I technically can not support work of our website. To resolve this problem (the purchase of the new computer and allocated telephone line) is required USD 2 thousand. Therefore, now my first task is to find money. If you kindly will prompt what funding is available or where it can be found, I shall be very grateful to you. I hope for your sympathetic understanding. For the decision of other problem - translation of your works, even if on one other language - is required, on a minimum USD 10 thousand (20-50 works by 200-500 dollars for one translation). So, the decision of financial problem has paramount importance for the website further development. I would like to hope for your moral support and constructive help in search of the necessary financing. I congratulate you on the WWII Victory 60th anniversary. only harmonious peace can exclude all wars and establish for them the order "never again". With a friendly wish of peace and harmony, Leo Semashko PS. I shall be happy to place your family photos with children and grandchildren, when you play, draw, read etc. with them, on our website. Ada Aharoni has put a beginning to this series of photos (see page 3-7), for which I shall open special pages 3-9 "Harmony of Generations". The photo should be 500 pixels wide (no more) in jpg or gif format. PPS. I would like your information about the texts technical failures on our website. May 3, 2005