
Victory Day within us! Military Victory requires Intellectual Victory! Dear GHA members, friends,
GHA is happy to congratulate you on the Great Historic Victory Day on May 9! This is the HOLIDAY OF VICTORY over the war, over Nazi ignorance, over total genocide and violence in the thinking of the peoples! This is a VICTORY over everything that threatens people's life and the Planet, its Noosphere survival. This MILITARY VICTORY over Nazi ignorance was approved INTELLECTUALLY through 70 years with PEACE VICTORY over militaristic ignorance by creating in the GHA “Global Peace Science” - GPS (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf) and embodied in it methodology of harmonious, non-violent, Gandhian "Tetranet Thinking" of Spherons excluding all wars and violence! GPS is an Intellectual, Information Victory over militaristic ignorance 70 years after the victory over Nazi ignorance. Now, the intellectual Victory is available to every thinking person in his/her mind starting from school, to prevent a military death and ensure a peaceful life for himself and everyone! Long live Victory Day May 9 in all its forms and on all fronts! The celebration of the Victory, for all its indisputable historical and cultural value, cannot close or cancel the key philosophical question about the causes and grounds of war as a destructive, deadly institution of war. War is fueled by the spirit of militarism / hate / death, which grows out of the ignorance of violence in the understanding of non-violence, peace, love and harmony, only in which life is born and exists. It is a way of being life, which is incompatible with war, as a way of being death. War is born, lives and thrives in militarism, in militaristic ignorance of non-violence, peace, harmony, love and life. War is conquered intellectually only when the intellect penetrates and deeply understands the social actors and genetics of global peace that was done for the first time in GPS. Of course, besides the epistemological, cognitive causes of war, there are also their social causes, which are well known. But they are generated and arise from epistemological causes - from ignorance. Wars grow out of militarism, and militarism grows out of ignorance; therefore, only science that overcomes and wins militaristic ignorance can put an end to war as a lethal institution of society. We, the GHA, believe that someday, probably, very soon, the Day of Military Victory will become the Day of Intellectual Victory over war/militarism/ignorance! Happy Victory Day! Global Harmony Association, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=518 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 May 9, 2019 Congratulations
Today is the anniversary of the victory of democracy over the Nazi racist dictatorship, about evil, about terrible killers, about concentration / Crematorium camps - the industrial machinery of death. Today is the anniversary of the freedom of the Jews, the Socialists and Communists, the Adventists of the seventh day, the Masons, the Gypsies, and all the people of the world dominated and oppressed by the Nazi fascist regimes. Today we celebrate a victory, started in Stalingrad Glory to all sixty millions of victims of Nazism killed in battlefields and death camps Ernesto Kahan, Israel, 09-05-19 Today is a DAY OF MEMORY of the crimes of Nazi against HUMANITY and Human DIGNITY. Today is a DAY of THOUGHTS , about our responsibilities and our actions for the Global Peace, co existence and prosperityof GLOBAL COMMUNITY. Today is a DAY of victims and dead people who sacrificed fighting consciously against Nazi for the LIBERTY and DEMOCRACY. I am proud for GHA and all actions done all these years for these directions. I dream of the DAY that the motto of Leo, "war killed my father and I shall kill the war" will become real. With respect Takis D Ioannides Greece, 09-05-19 Dear Dr. Leo sahib, I agree that there will be victory of intellectuals. Regards, Noor M Larik Pakistan, 09-05-19
Dear Dr. Leo. Greetings from GHA India. Today is the anniversary of the victory of Global Gandhian democracy (Culture of Peace & harmony) over the Military Culture of Violence & Dictatorship. Today is the victory of Freedom & Justicefor living peacefully to achieve Sustainable Global Peace on the Earth. Today is the victory of GHA – Peace from Harmony not from War; Victory of Global Gandhian Non-Violence over the Nazism violence &killing. Victory of “Global Peace Science” is “Intellectual Victory” over militaristic Ignorance & Killing. Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra, Associate Professor. (Hon.), President and Board Chairman, Global Harmony Association, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 M-09910241586 E-mail: schandra101@gmail.com Dear Dr Leo We stand for Peace and Thanks for all the countries who fought for it. Thanks for all the Soldiers who gave their life for our better. As you said the day will come where Intellectuals will rule and guide society. T.S. Chandrashekar M.AM.PhiL/ (PhD SNU South Korea), TV Panelist/Spokesman BJP Media Cell Karnataka, India Member: Jammu Kashmir Study Center Karnataka Political Analyst, Columnist, International Affairs and Korea Expert Editor: East Asia Newsletter Electronics No 391 20 Cross, Maruti Nagar-Sonenahalli, Ullal Upangar Bangalore 560110, India Mobile. 91 9980732889 Email. Politicts2017@gmail.com, 3071sales@gmail.com, Web: www.tschandrashekar.com, www.bjpkarnataka.org 10-05-19
Dear Chandrashekar, dear friends, Many thanks for all your warm and profound public congratulations of the GHA with the Victory Day as Memory, Glory and Intellectual Victory, which was published here:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=518 Our new Intellectual Victory over war/militarism in 2019 World Gandhian Year will be our ninth "Gandhi book". Discussion of the two parts of which of the five ones we have already completed (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848). The third one with your outstanding articles will be ready in 1-2 weeks with the new Noospheral symbol, except religious, Gandhi nonviolence:

It is published under "Gandhi World Year 2019" banner on the GHA Home page:https://peacefromharmony.org/ ,
Leo, 10-05-19

May 9: Victory Day of Harmony! 2018
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=518 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=547
Dear GHA and WGHA members, friends, We are happy to congratulate everyone on the great historic Victory Day on May 9, 1945, over the most evil aggressor of the patriarchyand the worst enemy of humankind in the 20th century, whose atrocities resulted in the death of over 60 million victims during 6 years of the Second World War (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties). More than 60 countries and peoples have contributed to the victory over fascism but the largest contribution to it belongs to Russia and the peoples of the former USSR, which lost in the battle with fascism 27 million. Elimination of the most dangerous violent Nazi disharmony of the last century has been the restoration of relative harmony in the world for more than 70 years and the anti-fascist immunity of humanity for the future: "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". As I will never forget the death of my father in Grodno in the war first days. The proof of this immunity is the global "Immortal Regiment" in the Maydays around the world! Therefore, the Victory Day on May 9 is the Victory of Peace from Harmony! This is the Victory of the structural harmony of Spherons (eternal harmonious classes of the population) over the misanthropic partial attempt of European fascism to establish forcibly world domination. The history of humanity knows many similar attempts, which all, without exception, have failed in the past. Any like attempts in the future of any most economically powerful aggressor with any military potential and weapons are DOOMED 100% for an inglorious death as the Hitler's third reich, which has covered itself with an indelible historical shame in the entire human evolution. Harmony of Spherons is invincible!!! Great VICTORY will always be behind it!!! Happy Victory Day of Harmony!!! With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, http://peacefromharmony.org May 8, 2018 Responses
Congratulations to you dear Leo for this achievement and all the GHA team for its relentless efforts to reach peace in this troubled times on May 9! Sarah Puerto Rico Dr. LEO and all, Happy Victory Day of Harmony!!! A day that emotioned me... Love to all Susana Roberts Argentina Respect to Russian army and the Russian citizens for their great victory against to Nazi monsters.
Dr Panagiotis D Ioannides Greece Yesterday, May 9, the memorial day of the great Soviet victory over Nazi Germany, we went to the special concert with the Dmitri Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7 composed in 1945. Was done by the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra with 127 musicians, what performed an historic play in Tel Aviv. The audience was enormously enthusiast. Ernesto Kahan Israel Congratulation Dear Léo = it is a recognition of your efforts, and those of GHA for peace and the harmony! Cordially. Guy CREQUIE France Dear DrLeoSemashko: FounderandHonoraryPresident(2016); Global Harmony Association Dear GHA and WGHA members, friends, Greetings of Peace from India. 9th May, 2018 Happy Victory Day of SPHERONS HARMONYhttp://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=518 Congratulations & Best Wishes to everyone on the great historic Victory Day on May 9, 1945. Our World is divided disharmoniously; it is torn by social conflicts of different nations, private classes and groups and therefore unsustainable. At present, we are living in a violent consciousness because modern civilization is based on violence. There are constant repetitions of wars; the ceaseless conflict between classes, between peoples due to erosion of human values & disharmony in social order. The present day cycle is known as cycle of violence where violence, war and poverty are cumulatively growing and the social order is known as ‘violent social order i.e. disharmony’ in thoughts and actions. We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future to move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny of Global Harmony. Peace, Unity & SPHERONS’ harmony “In the event of a nuclear war there will be no victors because there will be no survivors…”, said His Holiness the Dalai Lama Call of the Time: ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ – one God ~One Harmony ~One World Family. According to ancient Indian philosophy ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ - The world is one family - one God, one Harmony & one world Family to create the New Era of Harmonious civilization through Global peace & SPHERONS’ harmony. It is the wakeup call for humanity to think together & working together and a new start for converting our vision into actions to create the Peaceful society & harmonious civilization. Dr. Semashko is the global leader of Peace from Social harmony to fulfill the dream of humanity to create a nuclear free world. He designed the SPHERONS’ Harmony model of the population’s four productive spheres must work together in order to propel forward the human family from animosity, conflict and war to peace, symbiosis and respect. He applied his Spheral approach to global problems of world peace & human unity to work together to create a global community of conscious SPHERONS. Global Peace Science 2016: First Revolution of Peace, Unity & Harmony; Creating Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI century. http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=596. The 19th Century was known for industrial revolution & the last 20th century was full of the revolutionary known for Information revolution, which had seen the growth of the information technology globally; and 21st century is marked as ‘Spiritual revolution’ in ‘Sangam Yuga (Age of confluence). The 21st century is termed as the century of Peace & the century of Global Harmony with rapid increase in ethical & spiritual values to develop the Global Harmonious Civilization through Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony. Happy Victory Day of SPHERONS HARMONY on May 9, 1945! With love, Peace & Harmony. Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President and Board Chairman, Global Harmony Association, India GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 M-+91 9910241586 ; E-mail: schandra101@gmail.com Wednesday, May 9, 2018 Eternal memory for the most important victory of the XX Century. The victory over the worst threat, the Nazi ideology and regime. Eternal thanks to the Russian people of the URSS that were the first to defeat the Nazi army in Stalingrad and the occupation of Berlin to put to an end the devil. Dear Leo, we are in the humanistic way, Ernesto Kahan Israel Dear Leo: Congratulations to the publication of your great biography: and most of all to the wonderful accomplishments of your life. I had not known that your dear father died in the early stages of the criminal Barbarossa project. I am very sorry about this. With you I remember tomorrow, May 9, the brave Russian people who resistedBarbarossa, and finally put an end to fascism through immeasurable sacrifices in Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk andBerlin. We must do everything in our power, to stop the renewal of such barbarism in its very roots. Setbacks, like mypresent inability to continue in Yalta and Dubrovnik, and to find willing statisticiansfor our harmony project, must not hinder our actions against present seeds of barbarism, and continue to hope and work for alternative Future III - a more reconciled and harmonious global society. Best wishes to you, your work, and your dear family, your Rudi from the House of Mir. Prof. Rudolf Siebert, USA Dear Dr. Leo Congratulation for your Peace and Harmony for the world on May 9! God bless you! In East Asia, we welcome the peace between North and South Korea: Dialogue and No Nuke. I'm grateful for international relations in Bolivia, Nicaragua... helped me. I wish GHA in Gandhi road with his spirit. Best regards, Kae Morii-Japan Dear Dr. Leo, We all join hands with you on this memorable GLORIOUS day of VICTORY. VICTORY of HARMONY OF SPHERONS. PEACE, PATIENCE, LOVE & DIGNITY OF LIFE! Rashida Bokhari rashida.bokhari@hotmail.com Pakistan Estimado Dr. Leo, voto siempre por la Victoria de la Armonía!!! Ese es nuestro trabajo, como juglares universales que ponemos a la poesía en movimiento por las calles de distintas ciudades. Con atentos saludos, mis respetos. Ime Biassoni, juglar universal. Dear Dr. Leo, I always vote for the Victory of Harmony!!! That is our job, as universal minstrels who put poetry in motion through the streets of different cities. With attentive greetings, my respects. Ime Biassoni, universal juggler. Argentina 09-05-18 Dear friends, We received 11 congratulations from the GHA and WGHA members in connection with the great holiday - the Victory Day over the worst disharmony of the 20th century from 9 countries: Argentina, Greece, Israel, India, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, USA, France and Japan. We heartily thank you for your kind congratulations, which are published here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=518 With love and gratitude, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President 11-05-18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 9 - Victory Day of SPHERONS’ Harmony 2017
In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_n http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=518 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_n http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=547 Dear GHA members, friends! The Global Harmony Association (GHA) is happy to congratulate everyone on the 72nd anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany on May 9. The victory of 1945 is one of the greatest victories of SPHERONS’ (spheral classes) harmony of mankind in the 20th century. The ingenious French mathematician and philosopher Henri Poincare in the early 20th century, summarizing the intuitive guesses of harmony, starting with Buddha, Confucius, Pythagoras, Plato and many other thinkers, formulated the great existential law of Universe: "Harmony of the world is the only true objective reality." Harmony of SPHERONS is a universal social harmony, part of the universal harmony. It acts as adamantly and rigidly as any natural law: gravitation, electricity, magnetism and others, which destroy everyone and everything any disharmony that neglects or tramples harmony, forcibly fighting with harmony. Therefore, in society, as in nature, the struggle against violent, aggressive disharmony and its destruction is a necessary particular moment of harmony, its immutable law. In the history of mankind, all violent, aggressive disharmonies of empires, classes, nations, elites have been ruthlessly destroyed by the SPHERONS harmony. So it was with the Roman Empire. So it was with the French Empire of Napoleon. So it was with Nazi Germany Hitler. So it was with Marxist, communist violence. So it was and will be with any aggressor against harmony in the future. SPHERONS’ Harmony is invincible! It defeats any disharmony in history! For conscious and reasonable people, classes and peoples, capable to understand it at least intuitively, capable to obey it voluntarily and finding it in mutual relations, it provides peace and happiness. For unreasonable people and nations, raping harmony, fighting with it, it turns into an inevitable destruction. The whole history is the great lesson of this inexorable law of the SPHERONS’ Harmony, which all people should remember and understand. The attempt of the first scientific comprehension of this law was undertaken in the unprecedented international "Global Peace Science", created in the GHA during 11 years by the efforts of 174 coauthors from 34 countries (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf). This science reveals nonviolent, peaceful ways to ensure the SPHERONS’ harmony at all levels from the individual and the family to humanity as a whole. This science provides a conscious, non-violent victory of PEACE over the war in general. It will exclude from history all violent victories, making them superfluous and unnecessary in frameworks of the known SPHERONS’ Harmony as a whole. But its knowledge, like any science, has no end and limits of perfection. Happy Victory Day of SPHERONS HARMONY on May 9, 1945! This Victory is a great historical step towards the last Victory of PEACE from SPHERONS’ HARMONY OVER THE WAR IN GENERAL on THE SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION! With love, GHA Honorary President, Dr. Leo Semashko, http://peacefromharmony.org 09-05-17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Congratulations from Global Harmony Association on Victory Day - May 9, 1945!
Let the flame kindled in the fields of memorials, eternally recalls not only the most severe war ordeals and terrible sacrifices of the nations, but about the eternal source of life and peace - the universal harmony, which could not blow out even the latest, most terrible world war ofthe disharmonious industrial civilization slowly destroying self! Therefore, May 9, 1945 is Victory Day of Global Harmony and Life! Let the flame kindled in the fields of memorials, eternally recalls about anticipation and the need for a conscious scientific realization of the universal harmony by all nations in the new, harmonious civilization, which excludes all sorts of war and starting from the global ABC of Harmony, we created for all nations, religions, and presidents, for their harmonious enlightenment, exempting them from total ignorance in the harmony of the past centuries and civilizations! Best harmony wishes as the sole source of peace, excluding any war of the peoples and religions! Let us forget the old industrial militarist lie: if you want peace - prepare for war! Let us inspire by the new truth of harmony: if you want peace - create harmony through its ABC! Peace comes only from harmony! He can not come from anything else! On behalf of the Global Harmony Association and on the basis of its world ABC of Harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President May 9, 2012 The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478 -----------------------------------------------------------------