Julie Pisacane

GHA Ambassador for Peace and Disarmament from Harmony,
Spiritual Poet and Author, Healthcare Office-Reimbursement Specialist, Address: New York, USA, Phone: 516-244-2997 Email: Julpisacane@yahoo.com Website: http://stewardsheart.blogspot.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of The ABC of Harmony By Julie Pisacane The ABC of Harmony is a publication formed by several authors intended to help the generation of today and all generations forthcoming to better understand the importance of moral values and life goals that help build a brighter future. Because we are in the technological age, the work and vision of this book can be easily obtained and used as a great networking tool toward the foundations of true global harmony. Education is essential and the rights of every person respected. It is thoughtful toward the family structure and provides a blessed foundation for prioritizing social, harmonious relationships. No human being should ever be considered less in the eyes of another. The variety of intelligent ideas presented in this book communicates a sound mission toward global peace and harmony. International leaders and teachers around the world would greatly benefit from reading this book. Published: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=506 16/02/13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 My husband Joseph and our son Edward
Bio: I am 46 years old and from Long Island, NY living with my husband for almost 23 years. We are blessed with a daughter and a son. We are both employed in the healthcare setting for over twenty years. It was in the healthcare setting where I met my husband. Every day is a gift. Kindness begets kindness. My vision is to grow more as a spiritual poet, worker and writer and prayerfully develop my role with true dedication in the Global Peace process. Writing History Biblically Inspired Spiritual Poet and Author 2003 – Present Book Publications: The one I Turn To (2004) Plant A Seed With Poetry (2005) While The Door Is Open (2006)* Pages of My Heart Sunday School Lessons (2007 ) Train Up A Child Primary Level Series (2010) AWARDS:Recipient of monetary prize award for poetry pieces written on "Peace"2004 Awarded byFrederick St.Pierre - Owner ofTheWorldwide Children's Poetry Website. *While The Door Is Openearned the exclusive Faithwriters Outstanding Read Seal of Approval. Teaching History: Home Educator - 2000-2006 Contributor of Children's Primary Level Sunday School Lesson for World Sunday School July 2009- Present Lessons are available on line athttp://worldsundayschool.com/
Education: Certified in Early ChildhoodEducation2001 Associate of Religious Education Degree2009 Journeyman Minister Degree2012 Helping People ChangeCont. Ed Course2012 Other: Certified New York Marriage OfficiantMarch 14,2012 Notary Public State of New York2012-2016 Interests: Supporter of Operation Smile, Feed The Children, World Sunday School and all World Peace efforts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 With my daughter Grace
Peace Formation Peace:Peace is always found in the present. Peace isn't lost. Certain circumstances may change our perception of it, or misplace our focus on it, but peace is present and visible to those who keep the global vision of a peaceful existence. If peace is within us, it can be seen and shared with those around us.Hearing someone say the word peace can be soothing and welcoming . In the Swahili language it is amani, and in the Arabic it is salam. If we can learn to say peace in over one hundred languages all around the world, can we all finally learn to live in peace?It was spoken and it is written, "Blessed are the peacemakers." Education: There is a built-in hunger in each of us to explore and learn about the world we live in. Many lessons are found within the moments of each day. Part of a worthy education is to teach peace formation and that involves lessons in patience, respect, and cooperation. one cannot be too young or too old to gain wisdom from these lessons. Not only do I believe it is possible to learn something that can enrich our lives and the lives of others every day, Ibelieve it is necessary in order to create blessed bridges of harmony from coast to coast. Peaceful existence can be found in small places, therefore it should be possible to have peaceful existence in large civilizations around this earth. Accord: Relationships that are absent of malice, prejudice, violence, greed and insecurities can be united in oneharmonious heart and mindset, embracing positive values that we understand to be essential for all the citizens of this planet. Peacemakers are devoted to the peace work critically needed today and look with the same eye toward the bright vision of tomorrow for all future generations. Any means of war cannot be considered part of this solution in efforts to bring about stronger and better relationships between different countries.Hasn't this "oyster of an earth" finally felt enough irritation from the sands of war to begin formation of the "pearl for global peace"? Create:Whatever you create, do it with great joy and harmony. Songs of peace are popular andmost folks know why. Many have sung together"Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me". How marvelous it is to hear sweet voices sing this uplifting song and find within itthe golden message of where true peace starts. As individuals, we are created to make choices in what things we wish to accomplish and share with others, and when done with good intentions, change for the better can occur. Step by step we can be moved from within our heart to create bridges of harmony with all those around us. Can we create the change the world truly yearns for? Empathy:Is a form of insight and understanding of another's feelings or problems. There are common experiences that can strengthen relationships. Difficult times can be those involving, grief, loss, sickness and during such times we have the opportunity to be there for one another. We have all been hurt at one time or another, but we don't have to stay that way and no one should ever feel alone during such a time. Our empathy can bring about a sense of peace and comfort to those in need. Peace can be as a shining candle when another is down in a dark time of their life. Reach out, get involved and be the answer to another who is burdened. "Blessed are the Peacemakers". 2/13/13 
Love Every Moment
Dancing in the sunshine...
That's how I remember myself- a little girl, delighted in how my colorful sundress would swirl and twirl Wind blowing all around me - singing softly, its sweet song before it gently moved along...
To run with bare feet on the green grass
or play at the beach discovering "sea glass" I cherish innocence and I've always known love through all livings things because all livings things point to my loving Creator above.
God created me to dream
under a blanket of stars He made me able to feel joy, happiness, sorrow and heal from the times that have given me scars.
I can love every moment
because of a greater love that envelopes this universe connecting us to each other and it's this truth that sets one free to love every moment, breathe it all in ... as it becomes part of our bold beating heart with radiating rhythm and eternal harmony.
Julie Pisacane 3/2/13