Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA and GHA-India President, Condolences on his passing. His personal page is: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583

Dear GHA members, friends, We cannot believe the sad news. We unexpectedly lost on June 17, due to brain hemorrhage, our outstanding peacemaking leader, GHA President Dr. Subhash Chandraji. He made a great contribution to global peace. He inspired us with his firm conviction in the GHA Mission: Global Peace from the Gandhian Spherons Harmony that is reflected in his many articles in the GHA books: Global Peace Science (2016) and Gandhica (2019), as well as in his GHA Messages on his pages on the GHA website: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=689 Here is published his last GHA Message on “World Environment Day 2020” on June 5, 2020. He recognized the GHA “Global Peace Science” from the spherons harmony as the fundamental scientific, Copernican revolution of the XXI century, which will free humanity from war, militarism and violence (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf)! We express our deepest condolences to his family, relatives and friends. His memory will remain in our souls. Peace and tranquility to his bright soul near God. With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, 25-06-20 My father Dr. Subhash Chandra, the great motivator of my life and moral support of my life, left for his heavenly abode yesterday. May his soul rest in peace. Om Shanti, Rima Arora, https://www.facebook.com/surendra.pathak1 18-06-20 Dear Dr Leo, This is sad news of our GHA Family of Sad demise of our GHA India President Dr. Subhash Chandra. I pay my deep and hearty condolences. It is great lose of GHA India. Dr. Surendra Pathak GHA Vice President India 25-06-20 Dear All: I'm deeply saddened to read about the demise of Prof. Subhash Chandra. My hearty condolences to the bereaved family. Laj Utreja USA/India Greetings from South Sudan. Accept my heartfelt condolence or the death of Prof. Chandra. Light Aganwa The sad news of the death of GHA India President Dr. Subhash Chandra has moved me greatly. Prof. Dr. Ernesto Kahan, Israel I can not believe such a sad news! It is a great loss in the peace world. He has crossed miles in harmonious world. I pray to Divine, let his Soul be liberated and have rest in Cosmos of Peace! Pravat Kumar Dhal, India Om shanti. RIP dear Dr Chandra. Wish him sadgati. Brig kartar singh India What a tragic loss to humanity!Prayers for his kind soul. Lana Yang, USA Dear colleagues; So sad news. The GHA lost a generous peace lover and genuine harmony intellectual. Wishing him for rest in eternal peace andheartfelt condolences to the braved family. Bishnu Pathak, Nepal My deep condolences for this great loss. My deep condolences on this tragedy for all Humanity. María Cristina Azcona Argentina Subhash Chandra was a truly fine and sincere human being.We will miss him very much. Dr. Glen T. Martin Professor of Philosophy, Radford University President, Earth Constitution Institute President, World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. President, International Philosophers for Peace Website: www.oneworldrenaissance.com
USA Dear all, my sincere condolences to his family and our GHA Family for this great loss. I cannot believe it......I do feel too sad,... Takis D Ioannides GHA VIce President Greece Good evening, I am absent with many obligations, however, I can only express my saddened emotion and my condolences learning disappearance from this great man of peace of which the knowledge, wisdom and spirituality enriched our knowledge and our practices. With respect. Guy CREQUIE social observant writer and singer France Deepest sympathy to the family of Subhash and condolences to the Global Harmony family. Death is always premature! No matter when and how it comes, it is always too soon. We are faced with laws of nature that will always remain inexplicable to the human mind. We have no choice but to gather all the forces to continue with even more strength the fight for global harmony. The best way to honor Subhash’s lifelong efforts is through our actions to rescue our future. If in the end, the balance of our good and bad actions is positive there will peace of mind. Death is not the failure of life, but its coronation! Glenn Sankatsing, LA Sad, very sad,,.. I cannot believe, and I send my deep condolences.. A big lost but eternally alive in our hearts. Eyes look God only through tears (Victor Hugo).. Love Susana Roberts, Argentina Dear Leo, I am deeply saddened to read about the passing of Prof. Subhash Chandra. My heartfelt condolences to his family and our GHA family for this great loss. In peace, Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Ghana Dear Leo and all colleagues of GHA, this is coming as a great shock and unexpected turn of events. I met Prof at India in peace conference and was very impressed with his presentations and approach to issues of peace and life in general. We are really going to miss him greatly. My condolences to his family and GHA as a whole. Steve Amoah, Ghana Dear Leo, I am so saddened to hear of the passing of GHA President Dr. Subhash Chandraji. I extend my deepest sympathies and condolences to his loved ones and the GHA family. May his legacy, words and deeds continue to shine on through his work and the memories of all who knew and loved him. Peace, Adam Greenwell, New Zealand Dear Leo Semashko, I unite with my condolences and thoughts for our sad demise of GHA President Dr. Subhash Chandra. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. May he rest in Peace. In friendship and Peace, Celia Altschuler, Puerto Rico I have no words to express my personal feelings. Accept my heartfelt condolence on the death of Prof. Subhash Chandra Ji. With best regards, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Ph.D, DhC Executive President and Chairman of the Board of Governors - International Organization for Educational Development "IOED" Commanding General of the International Police Commission - IPC India Command Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Foreign Affairs for Asia Pacific Diplomatic Relations for the Republic of Aquitaine, India Dear all, It is indeed very sad, shocking and stirring to come across the unforeseen and unfortunate demise of our GHA President of India Dr. Subhash Chandra. His dedicate association with GHA is indeed invaluable.May his soul rest in peace and may God confer enough strength to his family members to cope-up with the tragedy. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana, India It was shockingto know hisphysical departure from us. He was a true Saint (pious man) as he rarelysupportedanycontroversies and always remained positive. His contribution to Global Harmony and Peace will be remembered by GHA Community and Peace Leaders. Even during his last night he shared happy moments with old memories with his wife and she never could feel that in the nextfewhours hewouldleavesilently onhis last journey while sleeping. God bless his family and wife to bear the loss. Long live Harmony and Peace mission. ALIGNWITH NATURE AND AVOID USE OF MEDICINES RAMESHKUMAR Ex Defence Scientist Servant of People MISSION -- SUSTAINABILITY SYSTEMS - RETURN TO NATURE World Citizen (http://worldparliament-gov.org) India Dear Leo, Tholanaji, Ramesh Kumarji and Friends, Good morning. I am so sorry to read this. I have been with Dr. Subhash and his respected wife in many meetings. He is a great soul. I stand in respect and gratitude and pray for his soul. With regards Sincerely Yours Ananta. Mr. Ananta Kumar Giri, PhD Professor Madras Institute of Development Studies 79, Second Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai, Adyar-600 020, India. Emails: aumkrishna@gmail.com (Pl send only to this email and not to my yahoo mail) Ph:0091-44-24412589 / 24412295 ext.320 Fax: 0091-44-24910872 ORCID Number: 0000-0002-7090-0923 Web: www.mids.ac.in/ananta/ www.academia.edu/ ananta kumar giri/ https://tapasyawordpresscom.wordpress.com skype: aumkrishna10 May God Grant him best place in Heaven. Waheed Ahmad Advocate High Court Human Rights Consultant Chairman Child Protection Committee of Lahore Bar Association Cell # 0092-333-4639652 , 0092-300-4254329 Skype : waheedch1 Pakistan I am very sorry to know about the departure of Dr Subhash Chandra. May God give patient to his family members. Dr Noor M Larik Pakistan May he rest in peace. All my love. Bella Ventura, Israel Dear All, It is with great sadness that we in GHA MALAYSIA Learnt of the Demise of our great GHA friend and Mentor DR.SUBHASH CHANDRA.OUR SINCERE AND DEEP CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILY AND GHA COLLEAGUES. PROF DR SABRINA AND PROF DR GOPALA, Gopala Mariappan , GHA MALAYSIA 26-06-20 Bonjour à tous,
Je reçois ce message d'annonce du décès du Dr. Subhask Chandraji, Président de G.H.A., qui ne peut que nous toucher en plein coeur, évidemment et nous bouleverser, que nous le connaissions personnellement ou non. Et nous ne pouvons qu'avoir une immense gratitude envers son oeuvre de paix qui demeurera. COURAGE à tous les siens et à tous les membres de G.H.A. ! Bien amicalement et respectueusement. Martine GILHARD, France 26-06-20 ---------------
Dear Leo, I am sorry to read of the death of Dr Subhash Chandra and would be grateful if you would please pass to his Family my condolences on their Loss. Peace Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, North Ireland, 26-06-20 Dear Leo, My condolences for our loss! Sincerely, Lucas Pawlik, Austria Dear All from the GHA Team, My deep Condolence for the sad demise of Dr Subhash Chandra, the President for GHA Indian Chapter. Thank you. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, India Дорогой Лев! Примите искреннее сочувствие в связи с уходом Вашего соратника Др.Субхаш Чандра. Желаю Вами Вашему семейству доброго здоровья. ВячеславБрагин, Россия Dear Leo and all members, My deepest sympathy and thoughts for Dr. Subhash Shandra’s wife, and all family. I express my sadness for our friend's departure, a peaceful man who devoted his life and so much energy to the emergence of inner and world peace to which we all work together with faith and determination. Condolences to the GHA family also His memory will remain particularly in my heart. He had received me at his home in India during my stay last October 2019. I had the joy of meeting him with his wife Mrs Askok Bala. See photograph.
 May the universe of the divine welcome him with love in his new dimension.
He accomplished his mission on our earth. Dr Théa Marie Robert France, France
To all friend’s of peace and harmony; Life is beautiful. Death is not final. There is reincarnation for the loving and dedicated souls. We shall meet again. From Philadelphia, City of Brotherly Love, land of immigrants and refugees from all continents.
 Lana Yang 楊幗蘭
和諧卋界從心開始 A Harmonious World Begins in the Mind Altruism is the Foundation of World Peace USA Dear Leo, GHA colleagues and all friends of peace! I am very saddened to learn of the passing of GHA President Dr. Subhash Chandra. On behalf of the Russia & America Goodwill Association let me extend our deepest condolences to his family as well as to all GHA members. May his achievements continue to shine and inspire others to do more for promoting Peace via Non-Violence. PEACE, Sincerely, W George Krasnow (http://wiki-org.ru/wiki/Краснов,_Владислав_Георгиевич) President, RAGA www.raga.org USA/Russia Dears, I am taken aback by the sad news about the demise of prof. Subhash Chandra. I couldn't believe. He was a good friend of mine. Anyway, may the eternal power grant him eternal peace. I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family and all who were close to him. Regards, Thomas, Dr M. D. Thomas Founder Director Institute of Harmony and Peace Studies A 128, Sector 19, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075 Tel.: 09810535378 (p), 08447925378 (p), 011-45575378 (o) E-mail: mdthomas53@gmail.com (p), ihps2014@gmail.com (o) Website: www.mdthomas.in (p), www.ihpsindia.org (o) India 26-06-20 Minhas condolências pelo passamento do Dr. Subhash Chandra. Solicito seja enviado a família dele o nosso fraterno abraço amigo, Delasnieve Daspet Brasil Приношу свои искренние соболезнования по поводу ухода из жизни Д-ра Субхаш Чандра его семье, родственникам, друзьям, ушел замечательный человек внесший немалый вклад как миротворец, борец против воин и насилия. Вера Попович, Россия I pay my deep and hearty condolences. May his soul be in peace. Manish Bhatnagar India I pay my deep and hearty condolences to the dear Chandra Family. May Dr. Subhash Chandra receive the Peace he was longing for throughout his life on earth. Rudi Siebert, USA 27-06-20
Hi Leo and GHA distinguished members, WWPO wants to sendour deep condolences for a tragic loss Dr Subhash Chandra was our friend and colleague and his departure will be very difficult to forget a great man who has left this world and now it is you, me and the rest, and the Ngos, to continue his hard work for peace. Lic.María Cristina Azcona WWPO Founder president, Argentina 28-06-20 Dear and esteemed GHA Fraternity, We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing away of Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra, GHA India President. Due to unforeseen circumstances this message of heartfelt condolences could not be sent in time when the news of the passing was shared. May the Departed Soul now gathered in the Great Beyond be surrounded by the mercies of the Divine. For as stated in the Sacred Scriptures: "Death proffereth unto every confident believer the cup that is life indeed... It conferreth the gift of everlasting life." (Baha'u'llah) Dr. Chandra was a wonderful personal friend. We used to meet occasionally in New Delhi, he took active part to promote the well-being of humankind in his unique ways and in association with like-minded institutions and organizations for the past many years. As President of India GHA he has rendered yeomen services that will long remembered and cherished by all of us. Please accept the assurance of loving prayers for the progress of the Departed Soul and for the comfort of the members of his Family in this time of pain and anguish. Sincerely, Dr. A. K. Merchant General Secretary, Temple of Understanding India Foundation; National Trustee, Lotus Temple & Baha'i Community of India 30-06-20 ------------------------- -----------
Dear GHA members, friends, Once again, with bitterness and compassion in my heart, I express our condolences in connection with the departure of Dr. Subhash Chandra to his family, relatives, friends and all the GHA. We are grateful to the 30 (+14) GHA members from 16 (+3) countries who expressed their grief and condolences, which are published on the personal page of Dr. Chandra here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583. His memory will always remain in our hearts and minds. With love, guard yourself, with the wishes of peace from the spherons harmony, to which we have dedicated and give our lives, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 26-06-20 --------------------------------------
Condolences about Dr. Subhash Chandra ji Dear Mrs. Askok Bala, Dear Mrs. Rima Arora, The GHA, with bitterness and compassion express our condolences in connection with the departure of Dr. Subhash Chandra ji to you, his wife and daughter and all your relatives and friends. Dr. Subhash Chandra ji was a highly respected scientist, humanist, peacemaker, motivator and leader of the GHA large peacemaking organization, which highly revere his outstanding merits and great contribution to global peace through the harmony of the Gandhian spherons. The GHA 44 members from 19countries expressed their grief and condolences, which are published on the personal page of Dr. Chandra here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583. His memory will always remain in our hearts and minds. The Nobel Peace Laureate, Mrs. Mairead Maguire of North Ireland sends you special condolences: “I am sorry to read of the death of Dr Subhash Chandra and would be grateful if you would please pass to his Family my condolences on their Loss.” With love, guard yourself, the wishes of your health and with hope to peace cooperation with yours, On behalf of the GHA, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 30-06-20
Д-р Субхаш Чандра, Президент ГСГ и ГСГ-Индия, Соболезнования по его кончине Дорогие члены ГСГ, друзья, Мы не можем поверить в печальную весть. Мы неожиданно потеряли, по причине кровоизлияния в мозг (Brain Hemorrhage), нашего выдающегося миротворческого лидера, Президента ГСГ Д-ра Субхаш Чандра. Ему принадлежит великий вклад в глобальный мир. Он вдохновлял нас своей твёрдой убеждённостью в Миссию ГСГ: глобальный мир из гармонии Гандианских сферонов, что отражено в его многих статьях в книгах ГСГ: Наука Глобального Мира (2016) и Гандика (2019), а также на его страницах на сайте ГСГ: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=689 Здесь опубликовано его последнее Послание ГСГ на “World Environment Day 2020” 5 июня 2020. Он признавал ГСГ «Науку Глобального Мира» из гармонии сферонов фундаментальной научной, Коперниканской революцией XXIвека, которая освободит человечество от войн, милитаризма и насилия (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf)! Мы выражаем наши глубокие соболезнования его семье, родственникам и друзьям. Память о нем сохранится в наших душах. Мира и покоя его светлой душе рядом с Богом.С любовью, Лев Семашко, Основатель и Почетный Президент ГСГ, 25-06-20 Соболезнования 30+ членов ГСГ из 16+ стран смотреть выше……. Дорогие члены ГСГ, друзья, Еще раз, с горечью и состраданием в душе, выражаю наше соболезнование в связи с уходом Др. Субхаш Чандра его семье, родственникам, друзьям и всему ГСГ. Мы благодарны 30+ членам ГСГ из 16+ стран, выразившим свое горе и соболезнования, которые опубликованы на персональной странице Д-ра Чандры здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583. Его память всегда сохранится в наших сердцах и умах. С любовью, храните себя, с пожеланиям мира из гармонии сферонов, которому мы посвятили и отдаем наши жизни, Лев Семашко, Основатель и Почетный Президент ГСГ, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=286 26-06-20 ------------------------------------------------- Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra
Global Peace Science (GPS, 2016) coauthor: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf Global Peace Science Hero: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=697
GHA President and GHA Board Chairman, Approved by the GHA on April 12, 2016 GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India, Associate Professor (Hon.) at Intercultural Open University (IOU), NL, Convener, GPF-India Chapter - Global Peace Foundation – India; www.globalpeace.org, www.globalpeacefestival.org, Address: D-108 S.F. South City II, Sohna Road, Gurgaon 122018, (Haryana), India E-mail: schandra101@gmal.com, Web: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 +
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=689 Tel.: 0124- 2217218; M-+91 99102 41586
on the International Conferences:
Mission: To promote Culture of Peace from Harmony through Global Peace Science, Humanitarian Values and Harmonious Education

Dear Leo Yes. I met Dr Subhash Chandra on 22th September and received 4 “Gandhica” books + 1. Here is the photo with him and his wife at their home in Delhi. Heartily, Thea Marie Robert 23-09-19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mahatma Gandhi: Philosophy of Nonviolence (Ahimsa) and Violence (Himsa) by Subhash Chandra For the GHA "Gandhi book": https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848
Humanity in the third millennium seems fated to repeat the pattern of the last five centuries in terms of continued recurrence of wars and conflicts. With the advent of the Year 2001, we have entered into new century and new millennium, in which the state of affairs shows no sign of change despite the experience of the twentieth century, when wars became total and horrendous in their destruction. "We have entered the third millennium through a gate of fire. If today, after the horror of Sept.11, we see better and we see further we will realize that humanity is indivisible. New threats make no distinction among races, nations, or regions. A New insecurity has entered every mind, regardless of wealth or status. A deeper awareness of the ties that bind us all – in pain as in prosperity – has gripped young and old."– Said Kofi Anan (2001). This transition takes place at the turn of the millennium, where the past millennium personifies the violence of partial thinking, and the future is the nonviolence of spheral, holistic thinking, the “greatest force of nonviolence” of which was ingeniously foreseen and realized by Mahatma Gandhi. Three Types of Violence in the Galtung Theory The whole human life – politically, economically, socially and even culturally – appears to be in a state of turmoil and seems to be going through a very grave crisis. Seeing the whole of this catastrophe – the constant repetition of wars, the awful economic and social inequality, the ceaseless conflict between classes, between peoples – one is lead to conclude that the values of life are getting unrelated to the day-to-day facts of life. There seems to be crisis of human values and human character, crisis of culture, and crisis of psyche. This requires be complete transformation, radical revolution of consciousness and thinking. The path of violence, struggle and wars led humanity to the brink of nuclear self-destruction. Dr. Johan Galtung who is also known as –“Father of conflict & Peace studies” founder of TPU – the Transcend Peace University discovered the Theory of Conflicts (2010) and defined three types of violence: 1) Direct violence – the direct impact of the subject on the object (murder, injury, exile, detention, etc.) 2) Structural violence: societal, institutionalized violence in which common man might be deprived from meeting their basic needs and also the center-periphery contradictions. 3) Cultural violence: when basic entities of our culture, which are relate to our existence, like religion, ideology, art can be used to justify structural violence. (Galtung, 1990, 2010). However, Gandhi’s deep understanding of the philosophy and mutual connection of violence and non-violence remained outside the limits of Galtung's theory. Nonviolence is Life, Violence is Death Gandhi’s philosophy and religion are based on non-violence, which he clearly and firmly defined as the eternal “law of life”. He repeats it dozens of times in his writings. Nonviolence is the indisputable priority of the Gandhian worldview, in which it takes, if it can be said so, 99% or even 99.9%, leaving the remaining percentage to violence or its tenth share, which is necessary for nonviolence to survive. Violence, according to Gandhi, has an animal nature, and non-violence – a spiritual, truly human nature. But in certain conditions a person manifests an animal, violent nature. Sometimes the worldview of Gandhi is painted by the absolute, 100% nonviolence. However, this is incorrect and contrary to the direct instructions of Gandhi. The interrelation of these extremes and the transition from dominance of one to dominance, the priority of the other is the key issue of his whole philosophy of non-violence/violence. We will confirm this thesis with the judgments of Gandhi himself, starting with his definitions of the fundamental role and defining significance of non-violence. “Non-violence [harmony, peace] is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man. Nonviolence is not the inheritance of cowardice, it is always heroism. Nonviolence is the law of our life…. Himsa does not need to be taught. Man as animal is violent, but as Spirit is non-violent. The moment he awakes to the Spirit within, he cannot remain violent. Either he progresses towards Ahimsa or rushes to his doom. That is why the prophets and avatars have taught the lessons of truth, harmony, brotherhood, justice, etc.–all attributes of Ahimsa. And yet violence seems to persist, even to the extent of thinking people like the correspondent regarding it as the final weapon. But as I have shown history and experience are against him. If we believe that mankind has steadily progressed towards Ahimsa, it follows that it has to progress towards it still further.”(Gandhi, 1955, Chapter 25). “Ahimsa is a comprehensive principle. We are helpless mortals caught in the conflagration of Himsa. …Then again because underlying Ahimsa is the unity of all life, the error of one cannot but affect all, and hence man cannot be wholly free from Himsa. So long as he continues to be a social being, he cannot but participate in the Himsa that the very existence of society involves…. Taking life may be a duty. Let us consider this position…Even manslaughter may be necessary in certain cases. Suppose a man runs amuck and goes furiously about sword in hand, and killing any one that comes his way, and no one dares to capture him alive. Anyone who dispatches this lunatic will earn the gratitude of the community and be regarded a benevolent man. From the point of view of Ahimsa it is the plain duty of every one to kill such a man…. There may be a difference of opinion as regards the appositeness of my illustrations. But if they are inadequate, others can be easily imagined. What they are meant to show is that refraining from taking life can in no circumstances be an absolute duty.” (Gandhi, 1955, Chapter 26). ”My Ahimsa is my own. I am not able to accept in its entirety the doctrine of non-killing of animals. I have no feeling in me to save the life of those animals who devour or cause hurt to man. I consider it wrong to help in the increase of their progeny. Therefore, I will not feed ants, monkeys, or dogs. I will never sacrifice a man's life in order to save theirs… Such killing becomes a duty… “(Idem) In the ocean of Himsa/violence, human as a spiritual/rational being rejects from his own priority and builds up the priority of non-violence on the basis of not only the laws of his social spheral nature, but also love that cannot be separated from it. Ahimsa/non-violence is always "love and truth." The path to truth is the path of non-violence and love. And violence is the path of hatred that leads away from truth and love (Gandhi, 1955, Chapter 28). Nonviolence is based on the “law of varnas” as the ancient spherons law; on the equality and justice of the ancient social structure of Indian society, which was distorted by the caste system, which divided the whole society not based on objective employment of varnas, but based on subjective higher and lower castes. The caste system made violence dominant in society and a priority among people, suppressing the development of India and leading to innumerable victims (Gandhi, 1955, Chapter 36. See also about Gandhi’s varnas/spherons in detail the article of Maitreyee Roy above). From brief fragments of Gandhi’s statements, it is clear how he understood and assessed non-violence: 1. This is the law of survival and human life. 2. Non-violence embraces all the positive attributes and values of life, therefore it is inseparable from life, identical to life. Non-violence is truth, harmony, brotherhood, justice, love, peace, unity, equality, dignity, spirituality, prosperity, etc. 3. Non-violence is the driving source of the development of any society, and violence destroys and, ultimately, leads to its death. 4. At the same time, non-violence in the ocean of violence cannot absolutely abandon from violence as a necessary way of its own survival and self-preservation in cases of direct violence or its immediate threat. Such is the dialectic of non-violence and violence in the philosophy and religion of Gandhi, which he clearly carries out and consistently develops and improves throughout his life. He clearly defines the measure, priorities and conditions for the permissibility of violence in the framework of non-violence, which is the main value and at the same time the main complexity of his philosophy of non-violence, which little is understood in the framework of traditional, partial and violent, militaristic thinking. The value and dignity of the philosophy of non-violence Gandhi becomes quite accessible and understandable in the framework of the spheral tetranet thinking, the paradigm of which is developed and substantiated in this GHA book on the example of the Gandhi theory and practice of non-violence. What Galtung’s worthy but limited theory and similar traditional theories have been unable to understand at Gandhi is able to achieve the tetranet thinking paradigm. Mahatma Gandhi on Violence and Nonviolence in Freedom Movement Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi was a major political leader, freedom fighter and spiritual leader of India. Gandhi was not an academic philosopher but he was a great freedom fighter. Gandhi focuses much of his attention on motives and intentions. Violence is often equated with hatred, and non-violence with love. (Allen 2004) Himsa means Violence, hurt fullness as lower violent consciousness. Violence is a force of destruction and Non-Violence is a dynamic force of construction & building a peaceful society. However, Gandhian philosophical analysis by focusing on the all forms of violence in all social spheres: economic, cultural, political, psychological, linguistic and so forth. “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind”. Mahatma Gandhi peace is not a static end-state; it is a dynamically on-going process, as Mahatma Gandhi said, “There is no way to peace, peace is the way.” (Danielson, 2015) All the mass revolutionary movements created by Gandhi: non-cooperation (1922), resistance – the Salt March (1930) and independence of India or “Quit India” (1942) – were based on its firm spiritual basis of non-violence, which made them not only peaceful but also democratic. He wrote, “I believe that in the history of the world, there has not been a more genuinely democratic struggle for freedom than ours” (Quit India, 1942). For this special straggle, Gandhi invented the term Satyagraha, which means “the force of love and truth”. Satyagraha is the philosophy of nonviolent resistance most famously employed by Mohandas Gandhi in forcing an end to the British Raj and also against apartheid in South Africa earlier. Satya is Sanskrit for Truth, and Agraha is used to describe an effort, endeavor (Tendulkar, 1947). Satyagraha is“soul-force”. It could be called “truth force,” and because Gandhi associated truth with love, Satyagraha could also be translated as “the force of love.” “Nonviolence is power of Truth. Ahimsa is the foundation of Satyagraha. Ahimsa can be translated as "nonviolence," but the meaning goes beyond that. Ahimsa is derived from the Sanskrit verb root himsa, which means "desirous to kill," and the prefix a – is negation. So a-himsa means literally "lacking any desire to kill," this is central to Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist morality. In the Manu Smriti, the book of laws in Hinduism, says that ‘Ahimsa Parmo –Dharma "Ahimsa is the highest law. “Satya and Ahimsa together make the present truth from which all innumerable branches shoot out” (Tendulkar, 1951, Volume-1, Page202) The Global Peace Science of Spherons: Development of Non-violence in the XXI Century Mahatma Gandhi is a source of inspiration not only for India, but for the whole world. He inspired the world with his faith in truth and justice for all of humanity. Gandhian nonviolence is a very powerful force that allows us to avoid conflict, because it stems from the inner awareness of the equality of all people. The most fundamental sociological and sociocybernetic understanding of social equality is given by tetranet thinking and its “Global Peace Science” (2016) based on the genetic structural harmony of spherons. More than 3 thousand years ago, the most ancient Indian expression of this structure is defined by varnas, which serve as a deep historical confirmation of the spherons theory. Gandhi deeply investigates the theory of varnas, which he sees as a source of non-violence (Gandhi, 1955, Chapter 36). The science of global peace (GPS) is the most justified statistically, historically, and theoretically development of non-violence in the 21st century, suitable for the peaceful global construction of a non-violent harmonious society, excluding war and the dominance of violence/militarism. “War is not the way to peace; the global peace science is the path to peace in the 21st century” (Semashko, Subhash, 2015). GPS is the science of non-violence, which Gandhi dreamed of, for building bridges of peace and global harmony in the name of saving humanity and the planet. Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President and Board Chairman, India Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583
SPHERONS’ Harmony of Humanity. Review of SPHERONS’ Argumentation: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=747 By Subhash Chandra At present we live in the midst of one of the greatest transitions of the historical evolution of society from the fragmented, disjointed and conflicting state of humanity to its global oneness in peace from harmony that is connected with search of its constant global societal (macro-) structure. one of them is presented in the GHA “Global Peace Science” (2016) in the SPHERONS’ harmony of humanity through SPHERONS’ argumentation. The theoretical argumentation of SPHERONS is limited, in the simplest case, by two logical premises, from which, with logical necessity, the conclusion about SPHERONS follows. Of these premises, the most fundamental is the discovery of autopoiesis (self-production) of all biological beings, owning to Umberto Maturana (1970). The autopoiesis discovery means that all beings, including human, from birth to death, are employed in self-production or are immersed in continuous production employment. The life of each being depends from its self-production according to the laws and within the boundaries of the species to which it belongs. The first and defining attribute of the living is the production of self, autopoiesis, which constitutes the main criterion for distinguishing the living from the lifeless things. The evolutionary theory of Darwin (Origin of species, 1859) does not contradict autopoiesis; on the contrary, Darwin's theory reveals its evolution, although in some of its parts it is criticized, in particular, in the field of human origin. But this topic is beyond of our consideration. Another premise is the understanding of society as a production system of the four spheres of production was intuitively formulated by Adam Smith and Karl Marx almost 150 years before Maturana and constitutes a special case of autopoiesis, namely social autopoiesis. It was first researched in sociology by Nicholas Luhmann. Both logical premises are recognized by the world scientific community and do not cause any fundamental objections, with rare exceptions. Therefore, the theoretical conclusion from these premises about division of the population into four classes – SPHERONS (Socio-, Info-, Org-, Technoeco-), employed in the appropriate four spheres of social production - is just as scientific, how scientific these premises are. They are detailed in the works of Leo Semashko and GHA, in his several variations of SPHERON's argumentation, which does not cause fundamental scientific objections. Throughout most of human history, everyone lived in hunting and gathering societies. This period of relative social and cultural uniformity ended about 10,000 - 14,000 years ago. The various eras are named according to the type of society that was politically and militarily dominant at the time. From the standpoint of ecological-evolutionary theory (EET), the 4 major eras of human history are: hunting and gathering (12000 - 8000 BC) horticultural (8000 BC - 3000 BC) agrarian (3000 BC - 1800 AD) industrial (1800 AD - present). Each of these epochs has its own private classes, PARTONS, which come and go out together with these epochs. SPHERONS include these PARTONS, but unlike them remain constant in the constant societal structure of social production. They are preserved in all epochs, despite the constant replacement of PARTONS and specific historical individuals who come to them and leave them without changing the deep production structure of SPHERONS. The SPHERONS' theory generalizes the historical experience of cognition of social structure from ancient times to modern age. The deep societal structure is a system of global SPHERONS’ harmony, which is ensuring global peace that is unfolded in the GHA “Global Peace Science” by 174 coauthors from 34 countries. It is the newest paradigm of four-dimensional pluralism (Tetrism) in sociology - Tetrasociology. The discovery of a deep social structure as structure of the universal harmonious classes of the population - SPHERONS employed in four spheres of social production, which determine invariant social reality at all times is the Copernican revolution in the social sciences and their thinking. The “Deep Societal Structure” is a Copernican Revolution of Social Science for peace, humanity & sustainability in 21st century. Harmony is harmony of diversity, without which there is no harmony. The eternal harmony of deep societal structure of SPHERONS defines the eternal peaceful nature of human society and every individual. The irresolvable conflicts with the mutual violence, war, hatred and irreconcilable struggle are characteristic only to the different private PATRONS: classes, nations and groups at the historical surface of social life. The conscious SPHERONS through Global Peace Science will ensure victory of peace over war and will constitute global community of humanity in one family of all nations as it was foreseen in the Indian Vedas rule: "One humanity is one family in harmony". This science will be acceptable and accessible through global education and global media to all people and nations of the Earth as one peace planetary consciousness and thinking. The SPHERONS’ structure in its four-dimensionality is similar to the caste structure of India from ancient times. But the spheral structure is fundamentally different from the caste one by equality of social status of SPHERONS. Therefore, the scientific theory of SPHERONS allows us to overcome of the caste system defects of India by dividing the society into 4 classes of employed, but unlike the unequal castes by the equal in social status SPHERONS. Their scientific theory has great importance for India. The present proposal for the SPHERONS’ harmony theory can provide the new direction not only for survival humanity but for Environmental protection and also welfare of humankind in 21st century. The SPHERONS’ harmony of humanity for its Global Peace will create a new world order: violence free world &free from nuclear war threat. I am very supporting and recommending all this. Dr. Subhash Chandra, Prof. Chandra holds a Ph.D. - Doctorate of Philosophy in Peace Education & Human Development Management from Inter-cultural Open University (IOU), Netherlands, Global Harmony Association (GHA) President &Board Chairman, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, Gurgaon, India Personal page: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 Email: schandra101@gmail.com M -9910241586 April 01, 2017 Translated in Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=718
SPHERONS’ Theory for Indian practice to overcome Caste System Dear Subhash I am very grateful to you for your detailed and original Review of the SPHERONS’ Argumentation, which you associated with the traditions and culture of India. I was happy to publish it, with several stylistic and grammatical corrections (are you agree with them?) In English on your personal page: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583, and also on the Contest’s page: Http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=747 and in Russian translation: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=718 In your remarkable review, the most important and interesting idea, from my point of view, is your conclusion about signification of the SPHERONS’ theory for India, for overcoming its caste system and caste inequality. In this regard, could you and the GHA-India send the GPS book to your PM Narendra Modi with the proposal to create the Institute of "SPHERONS of India" in order to overcome the caste system and its inequalities, replacing it by dividing the population of India into four equally necessary SPHERONS with all social and political consequences of their constitutional recognition. You have long wanted to send him our book - with such a proposal it would have acquired for him not only a theoretical but also a great practical social meaning. Of course, not only a large scientific work is required beforehand, but also an experimental test in one of the Indian states the spheral division of the population with its institutions for at least 3-4 years. Such a sociological and social experiment will require, first of all, the necessary staff, professionally trained in Global Peace Science, at its center/heart - in the SPHERONS’ theory. In this regard, I like to invite you and your colleagues from the GHA-India and IASE University, to find within one or two months about 15 young scientists, masters and doctoral students in sociology, statistics, demography, programming, economics, management, etc., from of different universities, so that they will write their reviews of SPHERON's argumentation and take part in this scientific Contest with a chance to win a prize of $ 1000. Is this possible for you, for GHA-India and for IASE University? This will be your great transition from the theory of SPHERONS to its practice of creating team. Do you agree with this? What do you think about it? Thank you.
Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 02-04-17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Harmony Day & International Yoga Day Jun 21 for Peace, Harmony and HealthINSPIRATIONAL, 26 June 2017 Subhash Chandra – TRANSCEND Media Service Global Peace Science (GPS) is science of peace, harmony and science of enlightenment of spirit. Global Peace Science as Yoga Practice creates unity of Body, Mind & Spirit for Peace from Harmony to achieve the inner peace and global harmony. The global harmony idea receives universal recognition and development in the United Nations, which established in 2010, on the initiative of Jordan King Abdullah II, the UN “World Interfaith Harmony Week” on February 1-7. International Yoga Day referred to as World Yoga Day, is celebrated annually on 21 June since its initiation in 2015 which was declared unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on 11 December 2014. The idea of an International Day of Yoga was the first proposed by the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi during his speech at the UNGA, on 27 September 2014. He shares special significance of Yoga in many parts of the world, “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being” — Narendra Modi, UN General Assembly. Global Harmony Day: It is significant that with GHA Harmony Day coincided the UN International Day of Yoga on 21st June, which is identical in spirit to Global Harmony Day. Global Harmony Day since 2005 expresses Global Peace Science as science of harmony between spheral classes (Spherons) of the population and between, Body, Mind and Spirit of person for Humanity Survival, Eco-sustainability & Spiritual evolution, for Peace from Harmony on the levels of society and individual. Significance of the International Day of Yoga - Yoga for Health: The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga. The theme for the IYD 2017 celebration, organized by the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, is ‘Yoga for Health’
- Yoga for Peace and harmony: We all live our lives in search of peace, love and happiness, Yoga provides inner peace for better control over your life by balancing of energies of body, mind & soul. Yoga also imparts longevity to human beings.
Yoga is only one of the instruments of inner peace on an individual level & global peace at global level through the practice of Science of Peace and Yoga. Hence, yoga and peace science are inextricably linked as a harmonious part and whole. Yoga is the most important instrument of harmony together with science. Global Peace Science (GPS) is the Science of Peace, harmony and enlightenment. The well-being of humanity the environment and the caring of the Earth, ultimately depend upon the practice of yoga & meditation. GHA Message to Peace Leaders of the World Yoga and meditation is not a religion but a life style helps one to seek inner peace and spiritual union with the creator – Higher Source of Energy according to Indian philosophy. The well-being of humanity the environment and the caring of the Earth, ultimately depend upon the practice of yoga & meditation. Global harmony can be achieved through Science of Peace & Yoga— for promotion of peace, harmony and welfare for humankind. GHA invites all the Social, Political and Religious leaders, Scientists, Educators, Environmentalists, Peace & Human Rights activists to join the GHA global peace movement from harmony for unity in diversity though practice f yoga, peace & mediation to ‘Save the Earth Planet & Humanity’ in the 21st century. Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra is president and board chairman of the Global Harmony Association, India. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 email: schandra101@gmail.com https://www.transcend.org/tms/2017/06/global-harmony-day-international-yoga-day-jun-21-for-peace-harmony-and-health/
Review of Global Peace Science…. 2016 by Dr. Subhash Chandra* The 21st century began with the United States world dominance as the sole superpower in the absence of the Soviet Union, with nuclear threat to humanity. It is the humanity’s wake-up call. The present situation calls for a drastic strengthening of Global peace movement involving all the social, educational & political leaders of the world. The GHA 8 Books for 10 years are topped with Global Peace Science Project a new paradigm shift in the fields of “Global Peace” and “Harmonious Education”. The end is process of making human personality through training its physical, emotional, intellectual, as well as spiritual aspects, for creating a New World Order of Global oneness in 21st century. http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=635 Global Peace Science: Victory of Peace over War in XXI century is having a Noble Peace Mission of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam’- World is one family and & one Global Vision:One Earth ~ one Harmony ~ one Humanity = one Global Peace Science http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=598 The vision of ‘Global Peace Science: Victory of Peace over War in XXI century’iscreating the Harmonious Civilization, is based on the theory of Tetrasociology developed by Dr. Leo Semashko together with GHAmembers. It is with noble Mission of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam’- World is one family - the great book on “Global Peace Science: First Common Good and Human Right Revolution of Social Sciences, and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI century”. It is written by the 174 coauthors of 34 countries in all continents, including 59 coauthors from the USA, 33 – from Russia, 15 – from India, 6 – from Canada, 5 – from Australia, etc. for creating a harmonious civilizationin 21st century. The World Intellectuals Endorse the Importance of Global Peace Sciencehttp://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585. Global Peace Science Project is a new paradigm shift of Global Tetranet Thinking. This four-dimensional (tetra-) harmonious holistic and peaceful thinking is the core of the book to create harmonious civilization: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=603. Global Peace Science 2016 is a great Human Revolution in the world history connecting three great Revolutions of humanity - Globalization, Informatization and Harmonism. Military science divides the humanity but Global Peace Science unites the humanity through Noble Peace Mission of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam’"One World – one Harmony - one Family." Creating New World Order The book starts with a Mission statement of GHA – “The positive fate of humanity and each country in the 21st century will be determined by the recognition of GPS and its democracy of SPHERONS”: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=598. The GPS Global Vision of the XXI century: is Abolishing the Nuclear weapons (Nuclear Free World) and Building Peaceful World Order presented in the GPS tetranet 4S-Model of Creating New World Order http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=609 Global Peace Science is the first step in creating social awareness for social transformation and for developing a New World Order through GPS-4S Model: S1- Society – SPHERONS; S2 –Sustainability, S3 – Spirituality & S4 – Security 1.S1 – Society, humanity as unity of four harmonious global classes – SPHERONS 2.S2 – Sustainability as balanced coevolution with nature of human civilization 3.S3 – Spirituality from one global (natural and social) harmony through science 4.S4 – Security as abolishing the nuclear and other weapons and also violence Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President is one of the leading sociologists of the present era. He is the great architect of the Global Peace Science project 2016, GHA Founder and President, Russia. His mission is to create a Nuclear Free World through peace from harmony based on science. In this direction GPS is a first step to create a social awareness & to establish a New World Order. GPS is science to create a sustainable future through social global peace from harmony, balancing human nature & environmental nature. Finally GPS is science for building bridges of peace & global harmony to save the humanity & earth planet via harmonious education and though Unity in harmony Dr. Subhash Chandra, Global harmony Association (GHA) Secretary General GHA, India GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583; FounderTrustee - Global Peace Foundation (GPF), New Delhi, India, http://www.globalpeace.org/India, International Coordinator, WWA - World without Anger; Kathmandu, Nepal www.worldwithoutanger, Address: Gurgaon (Haryana), India, M-+91 9910241586; E-mail: schandra101@gmail.com 01/03/16 Published: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=615
Tramp’s Peacefulness and Global Peace Science 2016: Revolution of Peacemaking, Unity & Harmony Dr. Subhash Chandra ----------------------------------------------------- - April 27, 2016 - Donald J. Trump Foreign Policy Speech “(We will) replace randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace. Our (Obama’s – L.S.) foreign policy is a complete and total disaster. No vision, no purpose, no direction, no strategy. But the legacy of the Obama-Clinton interventions will be weakness, confusion, and disarray. Our actions in Iraq, Libya and Syria have helped unleash ISIS. This will change when I am president. We’re going to finally have a coherent foreign policy. We need a new, rational American foreign policy, informed by the best minds and supported by both parties. But it’s also a philosophical struggle,…We desire to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia and China. We have serious differences with these two nations, and must regard them with open eyes. But we are not bound to be adversaries. We should seek common ground based on shared interests. Russia, for instance, has also seen the horror of Islamic terrorism. I believe an easing of tensions and improved relations with Russia – from a position of strength – is possible. Common sense says this cycle of hostility must end. Some say the Russians won’t be reasonable. I intend to find out. Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction. The strategic foreign policy vision of Obama-Clinton – it has been a complete and total disaster. Unlike other candidates for the presidency, war and aggression will not be my first instinct. That is why I will also look for talented experts with new approaches, and practical ideas, We will do more to inspire positive reforms around the world than military interventions. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. America will continually play the role of peacemaker. And we must make America great again. If we do that, perhaps this century can be the most peaceful and prosperous the world has ever known.” DONALD TRUMP’s VICTORY AS THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES To come together as one united people. "To all Republicans and Democrats and Independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people”. Donald Trump called for unity of people:“Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. Donald Trump in US election victory speech called for unity - between parties and among Republicans "Working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream”Peace, Unity & HarmonyDr. Semashko is the global leader of Peace from Social harmony to fulfill the dream of humanity to create a nuclear free world. He designed the SPHERONS’ Harmonymodel of the population’s four productive spheres must work together in order to propel forward the human family from animosity, conflict and war to peace, symbiosis and respect,He applied his spheral approach to global problemsof world peace & human unity to work together to create a global community of conscious SPHERONS.Nuclear War is the major threat to Humanity
“In the event of a nuclear war there will be no victors because there will be no survivors…” His Holiness the Dalai Lama Global Peace Science 2016: “No Nukes! No wars!” One Earth ~ one Humanity~ one Harmony ~One Peace =Global Peace Science 2016 The GPS Global Vision of the XXI century: is Abolishing the Nuclear weapons (Nuclear Free World) and Building Peaceful World Order is presented in the GPS tetranet 4S-Model (S1-Society – SPHERONS; S2 –Sustainability; S3 – Spirituality; S4 – Security) of Creating New World Order http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=609 The goals of Global Peace Science aim at replacing struggles for power and material goods by the ideals of harmony, human solidarity, global cooperation and peace. To create a global community of the conscious SPHERONS for Peace, Progress & Partnership via GPS======================================== Dr. Leo Semashko. Trump - Hillary: America's Historic Choice between Peace and War, between its Updating and Fall with a Bang: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=725 Dr. Subhash Chandra. Global Peace Science: Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century.World Peace Conference 2016 on 25th April 2016 at New Delhi, India http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=689 The goals of Global Peace Science aim at replacing struggles for power and material goods by the ideals of harmony, human solidarity, global cooperation and peace It is the wakeup call for humanity to think together & working together to stop the Nuclear terrorism and to take actions for stopping the Nuclear weapons threat to humanity through non-violent meansof Peace from harmony andPeace from Unity.There is greater need of urgent action is required for creating violence free world – peaceful & sustainable world for next generations. Global Peace Science- Global Vision; Global oneness Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam: Worldis one Family Oneness of People on one Planet, in one Humanity, in one Social Harmony, in one Global Peace through one Global Peace Science (GPS).http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=609. http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=635 Friday, November 11, 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome Message To GHA Leaders of Peace from Harmonywww.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=574 Dr. Subhash Chandra GHA President and the GHA Board Chairman “Our world is divided disharmoniously; it is torn by social conflicts of different nations, private classes and groups, so it is unsustainable. This division defines today cumulatively growing cycle of violence, war and poverty known as ’violent social order’, which was put humanity in the face of terrible challenge of its own existence. A mutually enforcing triangle of economic growth, concentration of political power and destructive military force and conflict is driving the world toward global disaster. We are threatened by nuclear destruction.” “In the event of a nuclear war there will be no victors because there will be no survivors…”, said His Holiness the Dalai Lama. GHA Vision: Global oneness We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future to move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. One area whose time has come is that of Global Peace Science for World Peace & oneness of Humanity through harmonious education. Now is the time to "Thinking together is a new GHA Vision: Global oneness." It is the wakeup call for humanity to think together & working together and a new start for converting our vision into actions to create the Peaceful society & harmonious civilization. Global Oneness= Global Peace Science Global oneness in the GHA holistic and harmonious vision = One Planet + one Humanity + One Harmony + One Global Peace + One Global Peace Science. Or oneness of People on one Planet is one Humanity, in one Social Harmony, in one Global Peace through one Global Peace Science (GPS). http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=635 2016 is Year of Harmony: Time for Global Action! Creating a New World Order: Peace from Harmony and Partnerships. For more details: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=624. I am inviting all of you to share your initiative & ideas about “Global Peace Science: A New vision of Humanity” for creating a New World Order.We will support you to convert your vision into action for developing Peaceful Planet for Next generation. Greetings of Peace & Harmony through Culture, Education & Science to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra GHA President and the GHA Board Chairman, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583
Review of The ABC of Harmony for World Peace By Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra* The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking – is the world's first textbook on Global harmony for creating a harmonious civilization in 21st century. The world has witnessed dramatic changes in the 20th Century. Humanity is facing a terrible challenge of its own existence. The whole human life is in a state of turmoil because modern civilization is based on violence. Humanity faces challenges of unprecedented proportions in areas such as continual development of mass destructions of weapons, wars & conflicts between the states & ethnic groups fighting over the religious fundamentalism, discrimination, the spread of racism, and the widening gap between the rich and poor due to the process of globalization. With the advent of the year 2001, we have entered into new century and new millennium but the humanity is standing at the crossroad of all the transition processes. “The biggest agenda of 21st century is ‘How to save the Humanity & how to create the Global Peace & harmonious civilization”? The ABC of Harmony is the world’s greatest contribution to the world for saving the humanity from further destruction and for creating a Harmonious Civilization. In fact, The ABC of Harmony for World Peace is providing the direction how to save the humanity & creating the world Peace by the divine concept of global harmony through spirituality. At present we are living in the Age of darkness, fear, conflicts & violence, which is known as ‘Kali Yuga’- i.e. Age of darkness. The end of Kali Yuga would mean the end of the culture of violence and the restart of the process of transformation of Peace & harmony. The Preamble of the UNESCO Charter states that, "Wars begin in the minds of men. It is therefore in the minds of men that we must construct the defenses of peace” and a new culture of education for peace towards harmony and tolerance. Thus, it is clear that the process begins in our mind & there is great need of shift of mind process from violent consciousness (culture of violence) to Peace Consciousness (culture of peace) for creating new culture of Peace & Harmony through the process of ‘Tetranet thinking’. The vision of the book The ABC of Harmony, creating the Harmonious Civilization, is based on the theory of Tetrasociology developed by Dr. Leo Semashko Founder & President of GHA together with its members. ‘Tetranet thinking’ through Tetra models of harmonious thinking are at the core of this book coauthored by an interfaith group of scientists and artists of 76 co-authors from 26 countries of the world: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478. “The modern ‘shift of human thought’ is a transition from one dimensional, industrial, disharmonious and partial thinking, powerless before the global harmony of the whole, to four dimensional harmonious holistic tetranet thinking, the ABC of which is unfolded in this book. It is the ABC of language, thinking, worldview and spiritual culture of harmonious civilization, starting from the 21st century, and the second “axial age” (Karl Jaspers) in the history of human thought. This ‘greatest shift of human thought’ generates enthusiasm and happiness of the new civilization free from the horrors of the outgoing one!” (Leo Semashko. The ABC of Harmony, p. 7) We are now in 21st Century, where the human community is in search of new and sustaining relationships to earth amidst a global human crisis – poverty crisis, economical crisis, & environmental crisis that threatens the very existence of human life forms on the planet. We live in a time of accelerated change and transformation. We must awaken ourselves and address the problems of our time, to develop strategies for the elimination of obstacles to a fuller humanity, for liberation. Harmonious Education plays an important role in building peace & harmony and creating Harmonious Civilization in 21st century. The ABC of Harmony has explained the need of ‘shift of human thought’ for developing Global culture of Peace & Harmony though harmonious education. The ABC of Harmony is the first encyclopedia of humanity containing philosophy and holistic scientific knowledge of the fundamental elements of social harmony leading the society & world into new era. In the new era of Peace & Harmony called as Global Harmony i.e. Culture of Peace from Harmony that is, a world in which every individual and every nation can freely express their individual qualities, while living in harmony with one another and with all life on earth. ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbhkam’ – The world is one family has been expressed in Indian philosophy. The oneness of humanity has been a fundamental belief of Indian Civilization. Global Peace & oneness of Humanity can only be achieved through Peace & harmonious education. World peace starts with peace in self, in family, in our society, in our cities and extends beyond all political borders. We must teach our children and ourselves Peace & value education for creating peace in ourselves and in the minds of the children. In the words of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam – how to create the Peace in the world through harmony? The wise sage Confucius said, “When there is beauty in the character, There is harmony in the home” The enlightened one, the Buddha added, “When there is harmony in the home, There is order in the nation, When there is order in the nation There is peace in the world”. (Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. The ABC of Harmony, p. 7) World peace is possible and a natural part of mankind's evolution and it can be achieved only through Peace values. Global Peace & oneness of Humanity can only be achieved through Peace & harmonious education. For the realization of a culture of peace & harmony, harmonious educationas living education is an absolute necessity. I believe that the harmony education through the ABC of Harmony for World Peace is to be part of school curricula in the state and in the whole world that can forcefully implement it. I am sure that the ABC of Harmony will lead us to this experience for social cohesion, global peace & oneness of humanity. It will also open the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment of humanity in the 21st century through Culture of Respect & Harmony. I would like to give my gratitude & expressing my heartfelt congratulations to the GHA for his noble mission of “Global Harmony for humanity in 21st Century”. The ABC of Harmony has great significant for teachers of India and spiritual scientists to spread the spirit of its harmonious philosophy, its outlook and thinking around the world. This is one of the main spiritual meanings of the ABC of Harmony for people of India & the world. Greetings of peace from harmony for all. Published: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=506, 16/05/13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date of Birth: 15th Sept. 1944 Marital status: Married with three children Education: Prof. Chandra holds a Ph.D. - Doctorate of Philosophy in’ Peace Education & Human Development Management from Inter-cultural Open University (IOU), Netherlands. •Postgraduate Diploma in Ecology & Environment from I.I.E.E New Delhi, India. •Post Graduate Diploma in 'Industrial Engineering ', from NIBM, Sri Lanka. •Graduate in Telecommunication Engineering from IIETE, New Delhi. Formerly: •Director- Asian Institute of Management & Technology (AIMT), New Delhi, 1996-98 •Registrar & Prof. (HRD) - Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow,1995-96 •Training consultant & “Project Coordinator” of UNDP-ILO Environmental Education Project at Royal Bhutan Polytechnic, Deothang, Bhutan (1989-93). Project Director- Global Peace & Humanity Project •Organized Indo-Japan Peace Cooperation International Seminar in cooperation with Reiyukai India and presented a paper on "Global Peace & Human Development: Challenges in 21st Century" in New Delhi on 6th August 2000 Hiroshima day at I.I.C, New Delhi. The Project Global Peace and Interfaith Harmony for the 21st Century’ was launched at ‘The Connaught Hotel, New Delhi-(India) on 19th January 2013 on the occasion of‘UN The World Interfaith Harmony Week’ & presented a paper on“Global Peace and Interfaith Harmony for the 21st century”. President (Hon.) World Peace & Cultural Centre (WPCC), Ujjain India and Organizing Secretary –World Peace Conferences in India •Organized ‘1st World Peace Conference 2008’ – Theme: World Peace through Interfaith Harmony from Oct. 2nd -4th, 2008 at Ujjain (MP), India. •Organized ‘2nd World Peace Conference 2009’ – Theme: Global Harmony & Human Unity from Sept. 19th -21st, 2009 at Ujjain (MP). •Organized ‘3rd World Peace Conference 2010’ – Theme: Global Harmony & Human Unity from Dec. 12th -14th, 2011 at Ujjain (MP). Participated in various International & national Conferences on World Religions & Interfaith Harmony •International Conference on Religious Response to Ecological Challenges. On 17th to 20th April 2012at Nilackal St Thomas Church& Ecumenical Centre Kerala, India Paper presented on “Buddhism Wisdom for World Peace & Sustainability in 21st Century” •2011-Two Days State Level Seminar on "In Search of Religious Harmony” On 12th & 13th March, 2011 Ramakrishna Math, Pune, India paper presented on “Religious Harmony for World Peace & Human Unity: Towards 21st Century” •2010‘International Dialogue between Islam & Oriental Religions – 20th -21st Feb. 2010, New Delhi, India. Paper presented on “Peace, Harmony & Universal Values: An Islamic Perspective” •2009-Presented a paper on “Interfaith Harmony for World Peace & Human Unity” inA Global Congress on “World's Religions after September 11 -An Asian Perspective” in New Delhi from January 17-20 at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India. •2007- Participated in International Conference cum Meditation Retreat on ‘Spirituality in Researchers (1st SIR) held on7-10 September 2007 At Shantivan, Abu Road,Raj.. Org. byPrajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vidyalaya & RajYoga Education & Research Foundation. •2005- presented a paper on:"Global Peace & Human Unity through Peace Values: Challenges in 21st Century" in International Interfaith Dialogue Seminaron "Prayer, Peace & Unconditional Love & the works of Prof. Fr. Raimon Panikar" held on Dec. 20-23, 2005, Org. By: K.J.Somaiya Bharatiya Sanskrit Peetham, Mumbai. •2005 - Presented a Paper on "Global Peace and oneness of Humanity: Towards New Millennium’ in SSEASR Conference 2005 - South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Religion on Jan.27-30 Jan.2005, at New Delhi, India. Science & Spirituality International Conferences: •Participated as Volunteer in ‘The Harvard Conference on Science & Spiritual Quest: The Quest for Truth & Values in Science & Religion’ Oct21-23, 2001 at Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA. Environmental Education Project & International Project Experiences: •Served as 'Training Specialist' in Sri-Lanka: at Telecomm. Training Center, Colombo, Sri-Lanka 1985-87 under UNDP-ITU PROJECT SRI/83/015. •UNDP-ITU PROJECT YAR/80/024'Training Specialist' in Telecomm. Training Institute (TTI) Sana'a, Y.A.R 1980-84 •Participated in International Symposium on “Education & Development” in Sana’a -YAROrganized by UNDP, Geneva. Environmental Education Project: Served as "Project Coordinator” of Environmental Education Project-UNDP-ILO Project at Royal Bhutan Polytechnic, Deothang, Bhutan. 1989-93. Curriculum Designing of Environmental Engineering & Environmental Management Coursesfor Engineers & managers. Environment Education for Sustainable Development Conferences:Participated in various national & International Environment & Sustainable development conferences •Presented a Paper on “Environment Education for Sustainable Future: Towards 21st Century” National Conference on “CALL OF TIME: UNITED NATURE”- To Bring Harmony between Environment Nature & Human Nature 29th-30th January 2011 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi •2007- Paper Presented on: “World peace & sustainable development: A Spiritual dimension’ in ‘8th International Convention on Environmental Crisis' held on 21st to 24th Sept. 2007 at Mount Abu. Organized by: Prajapati Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, and the RajYoga Education and Research Foundation. Mount Abu, Rajsthan, India. •2000- Participated in Global Assembly of World Peace, Environment & Human Rights held on 23-29 Dec. 2000 at New Delhi, India. Organized by: ‘Indian Institute of Ecology & Environment, New Delhi •1999- Paper Presented on: 'Eco-Values for Peace on Earth in 21st century in ‘8th World Environment Congress held on 29-31 Dec.1999 at N.Delhi. ‘Indian Institute of Ecology & Environment, New Delhi International Management & Educational Conferences: Participated in following International Conferences & also presented papers: •Participated as Key Note Speaker & Session Chairman at 3rd International Annual Conference:Global Trends in Emotional Intelligence and Peace Education “ & paper presented on “Shanti Chakra” Buddhism Wisdom for World Peace in 21st Century” onJune 28, 2012, Kathmandu, Nepal. •Paper presented on “Inspirational Leadership -The Role of HR for Sustainability: Towards 21st Century” in Two days National Seminar on Best Practices in HR for Sustainability Dates: 23rd – 24th Feb, 2012.At INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad-50007 •World Conference on ‘Education in Next Millennium" 12-14 NOV.1997, New Delhi.Org. By. Indira Gandhi National Open University ( IGNOU) & AIAET New Delhi.Paper presented on:'Restructuring Management Education in 21st Century’ •2nd Asian Regional Literacy Forum'9-13Feb. 1998at New Delhi, India Org. By; International Literacy Institute (ILI), USA & Ministry of HRD, New Delhi. Paper presented on: 'Educational Development & Human Values in 21st Century' •NationalConferenceon'Networking For management Education' Org.By: Indira Gandhi National Open University, IGNOU, New Delhi Global Peace Movement: Project Director- Global Peace & Humanity Project As a Project Director- Global Peace & Humanity Project I am actively involved in Peace & Environment & Values Education Programs in India & abroad. UNESCO’s Culture of Peace Programs: Presently associated with the Global movement of UNESCO’s Culture of Peace & Non-violence in the framework of the U.N. Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence (2001 -2010) for the children of the world. •Member- Living Values Education Program (UNESCO's Culture of Peace), USA Dr. Chandra has participated in 'Living Values Educators' Training Program' a UNESCO sponsored Culture of Peace Program from July 21-26, 2005 at Brahma Kumaris Peace Village, New York, conducted by LVEP, Inc. USA and presented a workshop on "Global Peace & Human Unity". "Ambassador for Peace": Actively involved in Global Peace Movement & associated with UPF India & participated in following Peace tours Programs & International Leadership Conferences in India: •Participated in Peace Tour Inaugurates UPF in India by Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, Secretary General, UPF -Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon were welcomed to New Delhi on Thursday, November 24, 2005 in New Delhi, India •Participated in Seminar in New Delhi on “Character Education and HIV/AIDS Prevention Sunday, July 02, 2006 By UPF – India at India International Centre, New Delhi At the conclusion of the event, and nine new Ambassadors for Peace certificates were given. http://www.upf.org/upf-news/145-asia-oceania/1702-seminar-on-characer-education-and-hivaids-prevention "Ambassador for Peace" Award was facilitated by Universal Peace Federation, India and Intereiligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP), India by Dr. L.M. Singhvi, Chairman the Universal Peace Federation of India& Dr. Robert S. Kittel, the Director of UPF-India and International Education Advisoron July 02, 2006 at India International Centre, New Delhi. •Participated in Global Peace Tour Event- 2009By UPF - India at the prestigious auditorium of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, Delhi University, New Delhion Thursday, April 02, 2009Theme: “New Vision for Peace in 21st Century”. •UN International Day of Peace Observed in Delhi, on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 intercollegiate debate on the theme "Non-violence for Sustainable Peace: Is It Relevant Today? •Participated in Interfaith Conference in Delhi Addresses the Prevalence of HIV/AIDS - By Dr. Robert S. Kittel, UPF-IndiaSunday, 10 September 2006, New Delhi, India. International Peace & Nonviolence Programs: •2007 Participated in International Dialogue on the Challenge of Violence, Hunger and Poverty:(Dec. 23rd to 25th 2007) & presented a paper on Title: “Peace & Nonviolence Education for World Peace & Human Unity”. •Also participated in “First International Nonviolence Training Camp” at Udaipur (Dec.26th to 28th, 2007) org. by Anuvibha International, India. •2006- Participated in 2nd International Conference on: “The Global Silk Road to Peace & Prosperity: Rethinking Education', Org. By: Intercultural Open University (IOU), Netherlands. held on Feb.11-12, 2006 at Jaipur, India Presented a paper on: 'Peace Education: A Paradigm for Peace & Harmony.' ‘United Nations Conferences on Trade & Development': •August - 1985 - Participated in four International Seminars on: ‘United Nations Conference on Trade & Development' Conducted by Dr. Gamani Corea ' Former Secretary General of UNCTAD at Colombo,Sri Lanka. •Participated in ‘SAARC Economic Cooperation Conference’ 19-21 Nov. 1996 at New Delhi. Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce (FICCI), New Delhi. •International Seminar on ‘Alternative Concept of Poverty’ 1-2 April, 2002 at India International Center, New Delhi Org.by:International Development Centre Oxford University, UK& Human Development Program, National Council of Applied Economic Research, N.Delhi Networking for Peace & ‘Peace Education Conferences: A Paradigm for Peace &Harmony.' •2003- Networking for Peace: Participated in “Networking for Peace Conference “Second Regional Peace and Social Activists Conference’ held on Feb.22, 2003 at Clark University, Worcester, MA USA. •2005 -Participated in Summer Institute - 'International Institute in Popular Economics' at Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA (31st July-5thAug.2005) and presented a workshop on " Humanity 2015- Health, Peace & Ecology" Academic Peace Awards & Honors: Dr. Chandra was awarded "Ambassador for Peace" by Universal Peace Federation, India and Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP), India. •Prof. Chandra was also accorded 'International felicitation & human Rights and Millennium Award during the ‘Global Assembly of World Peace, Environment & Human Rights, held on 23-29 Dec. 2000 at New Delhi for his contribution in academic, environment & social field. Millennium award was jointly sponsored by International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP), & Indian Institute of Human Rights (IIHR), New Delhi •In 2002-‘World Human Rights Educators Award 'was conferred by: Indian Institute of Human Rights (IIHR), New Delhi on the occasion of ‘ 4th World Human Rights Congress’ held on 8-10 Dec. 2002 at New Delhi, India. Life Time Achievement Award: Prof., Chandra was awarded ‘Life Time Achievement Award ' for his contribution in academic, environment and social fields on the auspicious occasion of the ‘2004 Tertiary Education & Knowledge Summit and '13th World Environment Congress' held on 30-31 Dec. 2004, New Delhi, organized by: ‘Indian Institute of Ecology & Environment, New Delhi, and World Institution Building Program (WIBP), India. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAVE HUMANITY & EARTH... We now have the solution to the problems we face on Earth... The great transformation has now begin... To develop the Harmonious Civilization through Harmonious Education

Global Harmony & Harmonious Enlightenment in 21st Century From Age of Ignorance to Age of Enlightenment through Harmonious Education The world has witnessed dramatic changes in the 20th century. The world has been transformed into global village & we are living in the age of Global crisis – global financial crisis, global environmental crisis i.e. Global warming & climate change; social Crisis, & cultural Crisis .In total sum we are facing the crisis of violence& disharmony in the society. At present we are living in age of corruptions, greed, conflicts, violence & wars, which is known as ‘Kali Yuga’ i.e. Age of darkness & disharmony, which is an extremely explosive troubled times where the context of human life is changing every moment. We have entered into new century and new millennium but the humanity is standing at the crossroad of all the transition processes. “The biggest agenda of 21st century is ‘How to save the Humanity & how to create the World Peace & harmonious civilization”? Enlightenment: TheAge of Enlightenment(orAge of Reason) - was a cultural movement of intellectuals in the 17th and 18th centuries, which began first in Europe and later in the American colonies. Its purpose was to reform society using reason, challenge ideas grounded in tradition and faith, and advance knowledge through the scientific method. An intellectual movement, which began in England in the seventeenth century, but then spread to have eventual influence over all sections of the world. The term "Enlightenment," rooted in an intellectual skepticism to traditional beliefs and dogmas, denotes an "illumined" contrast to the supposed dark and superstitious character of the middle Ages. From its inception, the Enlightenment focused on the power and goodness of human rationality. The term "Enlightenment" did not come into use in English until the mid-18th century, with particular reference to French philosophy, as the equivalent of the French term 'Lumières' (used first by Dubos 1733 and already well established by 1751).The ideas of the Enlightenment have had a major impact on the culture, politics, and governments of theWestern world. Harmonious Enlightenment Enlightenment is a transition from ignorance to knowledge, from one level of knowledge to another, essentially new level. Most of us are competent in the alphabet and language of industrialism. We know the core concepts of industrial thinking, which are identical with disharmony. The language of industrial civilization teaches us to achieve peace from war. “The ABC of Harmony for World Peace” is the first encyclopedia of humanity containing philosophy and holistic scientific knowledge of the fundamental elements of social harmony leading the society & world into new era of Harmonious Enlightenment. The philosophical vision of this book is based on the concept of Tetrasociology developed by famous Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker Dr. Leo Semashko. ‘Tetranet thinking’ – ‘through Tetra models of harmonious thinking are at the core of this book coauthored by an interfaith group of scientists and artists of 76 co-authors from 26 countries of the world: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478 We are now in 21st Century, where the human community is in search of new and sustaining relationships to earth amidst a global human crisis – poverty crisis, economical crisis, & environmental crisis that threatens the very existence of human life forms on the planet. We live in a time of accelerated change and transformation. We must awaken ourselves and address the problems of our time, to develop strategies for developing the Harmonious Civilization. New Era of Harmonious Enlightenment Harmonious Enlightenment, just as any thought, begins with the alphabet, language and thinking of harmony. Harmonious Enlightenment plays an important role in building peace & harmony and creating Harmonious Civilization in 21st century. In the age of Globalization “The ABC of Harmony of World Peace” is a great book of new approach for providing the path towards Global Harmonious Enlightenment and methodology proposed to spread up the message of world peace & oneness of humanity to the people of all nations in order to establish the Global Harmonious Civilization. The Book also provides the direction, guidance and framework of developing the Harmonious civilization through the Harmonious Education in 21st century. The Global Movement for a the Culture of PeaceThe United Nations has declared the year 2000 – as International Year for a Culture of Peace (IYCP) and the Decade from 2001 to 2010 as The International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World (2001 to 2010). Birth of a Harmonious civilization: The Global Movement for the Culture of Peace & Harmonious Civilization. The Year 2009 was marked as the birth of a harmonious civilization connected with two new key historic initiatives: 1) The beginning of nuclear disarmament, which is possible only in new Harmonious Civilization, instead of an industrial militaristic civilization, and 2) 2009 also marked the creation of the scientific theory of a harmonious civilization, which provides a conscious, peaceful and nonviolent development for this civilization. The Year 2010 was marked, as the first year of the Harmonious Civilization and June 21, 2010 was the First Global Harmony Day of the Harmonious Civilization. This day is not merely a simple symbol of a new era marked by conscious beginning of a new, harmonious, mentality of humankind, but the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment and the conscious Harmony Renaissance. The ABC of Harmony for World Peace: From Total Ignorance to Harmonious Enlightenment The June 21, 2012 was marked as The Third Global Harmony Day of Harmonious Civilization dedicated to the single most important event: International Seminar on “Teachers Education for Peace and Harmony” took place on in the capital of India, New Delhi in Gandhi Darshan, on February 11-13, 2012 and continued on February 14-15 in the Teachers’ Training Gandhi deemed IASE University in Sardarshahar, 330 kilometers from Delhi.February 11-15, 2012 in the capital of India, New Delhi. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, & great visionary leader presented a paper on "The ABC of Harmony: Start of the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment in the 21st Century" in the International Seminar. The historical event was marked as “The ABC of Harmony: Opening of the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment of Humanity in India http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=511. The great book on “The ABC of Harmony for the Global Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking” prepared jointly by GHA and IASE University was also presented in the International Seminar. It is also published on the GHA web site “Peace from Harmony” for welfare of the humankind: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478 The presentation of the “ABC of Harmony” at the Seminar makes it in a historical event for humanity and for India. It opens the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment of humanity in the 21st century: February 11, 2012. Call of the Time: ‘Vasudheva Kutumbkam’ – one God and One Harmony One World Family The outer state of the world problems is the reflection of the inner state of the mind. In western thought ‘Globalization’ is the term for production & profit & limitless exploitation of natural resources & excessive consumption due to culture of materialismby using physical resources because World is one market. In Indian philosophy ‘Vasudheva Kutumbkam’ - The world is one family - One God, one Harmony & one world Family to create the New Era of Harmonious Enlightenment through Harmonious Education. The 19th Century was known for industrial revolution & the last 20th century was full of the revolutionary known for Information revolution which had seen the growth of the information technology globally; and 21st century is marked as ‘Spiritual revolution’ in ‘Sangam Yuga (Age of confluence). The 21st century is termed as the century of Peace & Spirituality & also the century of Global Harmony & Harmonious Enlightenment with rapid increase in ethical & spiritual values to develop the Global Harmonious Civilization through harmonious education. Now is the time to "Thinking together is a new vision of start, working together is a new start for converting vision into actions for developing Global Harmonious Civilization.” 20/06/13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Sociology - Social Genome of Harmony– SOCIONOME: A New Paradigm for World Peace & Harmonious Enlightenment Leo Semashko :Videofilm Scenario: Harmony Social Genome – SOCIONOME (4x4x4x4): Harmonious Peaceful Humanity Mind- Social Genome of Peace from Harmony Publication: In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=578 Introduction: Modern civilization& World Crisis We are now in 21st Century, where the human community is in search of new and sustaining relationships to earth amidst a global human crisis – Educational crisis, Poverty crisis, Economical crisis, & Environmental crisis that threatens the very existence of human life forms on the planet. Our modern society is driven by a culture of materialism while the whole of human life is in a state of turmoil. The selfish & egocentric behaviour of the people is destroying the environment, generating poverty, and widening the gap between rich & poor and fomenting nuclear wars threatening the human life as well. In spite of the remarkable material progress made by the human being due to advancement of science & technology, mankind is still facing the crisis of humanity, crisis of sustainability and crisis of civilization. Ten Main Threats of Humanity: The ten main threats of Humanity identified in 2004 by the High Level Threat Panel of the United Nations, which are given below, Published By Ross McCluney February 28, 2013 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Threats 1.Poverty 2.Infectious disease 3.Environmental degradation 4.Inter-state war 5.Civil war 6.Genocide 7.Other Atrocities (e.g., trade in women and children for sexual slavery) 8.Weapon of mass destruction (nuclear proliferation, chemical weapon proliferation, biological weapon proliferation) 9.Terrorism; and 10.Transnational organized crime These facts suggest that mankind has entered the threshold of a harmonious civilization/noosphere, which is the inevitable future for any country and the world-at-large. only harmonious education & harmonious civilization can rid the viruses of war, terror, violence, hunger and other social pathologies of industrial civilization. The ABC of Harmony is the world’s greatest contribution to the world providing the direction how to save the humanity & creating the world Peace and developing the harmonious civilization. "Social Genome of Peace from Harmony”-SOCIONOME is an integral model of synthesis and synergy of social sciences to providing the frame work for developing the harmonious society and to achieve the vision of Global Peace & oneness of Humanity by integrating sociology, statistics, economics, demography, political and legal sciences, informology, philosophy &ecology. The Role of Sociology in our Global SocietySociology is the systematic study of human society. Sociology is popular field of human study for developing harmonious society. Whereas psychology involves the study of individual human behaviour, sociology focuses on the study of human groups and societies. Sociologists are more concerned with global social phenomena than interpersonal relationships, and they often focus their attention on organizations, associations, groups, and institutions. The key sociological issue that arises regarding the connections between culture and globalization relates to the fate of cultural diversity, that is the existence of many different cultures around the world. Is cultural diversity threatened by globalization? As our population grows and cultures continue to blend across the globe, Sociology will play an increasingly important role in facilitating a more functional living environment for all people. Since the dawn of time, groups of people have experienced problems cohabitating peacefully. Because sociologists work within small local groups, organizational groups, and widescale or national groups to identify and resolve problems, their comprehensive efforts combine to create a more harmonious society. Knowledge of SOCIONOME ensures the survival of humanity and prosperity for every part of it, every nation and human being, as well as preservation and promotion of diversity in society and nature. SOCIONOME is a new paradigm for developing a “New Humanism for the twenty-first century& Harmonious civilization inthe 21st century.”Social Genome of Peace from Harmony" - SOCIONOME - http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA "Social Genome of Peace from Harmony" – SOCIONOME: Integral Model of Global Peace & oneness of Humanity The Origins of Sociology: The birth of sociology resulted from powerful and complex social forces: Three major social changes during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are important to the development of sociology: 1. The rise of industrial technology 2. The growth of cities 3. Political change, including a rising concern with individual liberty and rights (e.g., the French revolution)SOCIONOME is the theoretical top of Tetrasociology as a science of social harmony and harmonious civilization. SOCIONOME integrates 16 fundamental elements of social harmony represented in the ABC of Harmony as the global textbook of Tetrasociology. SOCIONOME knowledge provides a new level of thinking and can solve insoluble and fragmented problems of industrial civilization. The “ABC of Harmony for World Peace” leads us towards 4H vision (Tetra vision) of H1: Harmonic Globalization, H2: Harmonic Society, H3: Holistic Corporate Management (HCM) and H4: Happy Individuals. SOCIONOME knowledge provides a new level of thinking and can solve insoluble and fragmented problems of industrial civilization.SOCIONOME = theABC of HARMONY The ABC of Harmony for World Peace - It is published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478 SOCIONOME is an integral model of synthesis and synergy of social sciences by integrating sociology, statistics, economics, demography, political and legal sciences, informology, philosophy, ecology and others for solving the global problems &developing harmonious civilization. ·SOCIONOME transforms social knowledge in the global knowledge of Integrated Social Sciences.SOCIONOME holds a global knowledge of all the social sciences. Therefore SOCIONOME is a global harmonious social knowledge. THIS IS A GLOBAL SOCIAL SCIENCE AS A WHOLE Social Genome of Harmony - SOCIONOME is a new paradigm of synergy of social sciences to achieve Global Peace & oneness of Humanity through harmonious education in 21st century."Social Genome of Peace from Harmony" - SOCIONOME - http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA "Social Genome of Peace from Harmony" – SOCIONOME: Global Movement for Peace, Love & Harmony Social Genome of Harmony– SOCIONOME is a Global Movement for Peace, Love & Harmony for developing Harmonious civilization. The main purpose of this movement is to transform the society from the culture of hatred & violence into Culture of love, peace & harmony through harmonious education. This movement requires harmonious education and enlightenment, which works beyond any boundaries, restrictions & limitations that can lead to world transformation through Culture of love, peace & harmony. Harmonious civilizationrequires harmonious education and enlightenment. GHA has created nine projects of harmonious education for developing harmonious society in 21st century. "Social Genome of Peace from Harmony" – SOCIONOME: A New Paradigm for Global Peace & Harmonious Enlightenment SOCIONOME knowledge provides a new level of thinking and can solve insoluble and fragmented problems of industrial civilization. EINSTEIN: Problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which they occur. SOCIONOME integral model of Peace & Harmony is a first step of creatingsocial awareness & developing global awakening for building harmonious society in 21st century. ·Social Genome of Harmony - SOCIONOME is a new paradigm of synergy of social sciences to achieve Global Peace, and Harmonious Enlightenment. ·SOCIONOME is a new paradigm for “the development of a Universal Global Consciousness” by cultivating the Global culture of peace & harmony. ·SOCIONOME is a new paradigm for developing a “new humanism for the twenty-first century& Harmonious enlightenment in 21st century. SOCIONOME is a new paradigm of transforming social knowledge in the global knowledge of Integrated Social Sciences for achieving the objective of GHA–One World-One Family & one Harmony. References: 1.Ten main Threats of Humanity - Published By Ross McCluney February 28, 2013 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Threats 2.The Expanding Role of Sociology in our Global Society by Oksanahttp://sohumans.com/2011/10/the-expanding-role-of-sociology-in-our-global-society/ 18/07/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity – Growth through Peace and for Peace but not for War Leo Semashko - GHA Founder and President In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582
Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity – A New Vision for World Peace & oneness of Humanity
The world has witnessed dramatic changes in the Twentieth Century. Humanity is facing a terrible challenge of its own existence. The present world is faced with many urgent problems –suchas political, economic, social and cultural problems. As we know that the world has been transformed into a global village. Globalization is having a major impact not only on the business world but also on the whole humanity. Global recession, Global warming, climate change, poverty, conflict and violence are the main challenges that have dominated the first decade of the 21st century. At the turn of the 21st Century, the world was immediately gripped by the War o¬n Terrorism followed by the Iraq War. In reflection, the 20th Century was a period marked by tremendous technological and economic progress — but it was also the most violent century in human history.
The futures of our planet and humanity are inextricably woven together. Poverty, Population explosion , Violence , Terrorism & Global warmingare the major threats to humanity.As we have entered into new century and new millennium but the humanity is standing at the crossroad of all the transition process. •The biggest agenda of 21st century is 'How to save the Humanity'? & How to save the earth planet i.e. management for the future of mankind? The present crisis is a signal for humanity that warns us of the need for transformation of the consciousness. A profound transformation is required in our thought system, value system & consciousness system.
“Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity – Growth through Peace and for Peace but not for War” The present situation calls for a drastic strengthening of Global peace movement involving all the Leaders’ of the world. It's time to focus o¬n ‘Thinking together & Working together’ o¬n Global Peace to save the Humanity. GPS project created by Global Harmony Association (GHA) for saving the Humanity' &the earth planet, developed by famous Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker Dr. Leo Semashko & group of scientists and artists of 76 co-authors from 26 countries of the world: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478 Peace, Harmony & Sustainability The Preamble of the UNESCO Charter states that, "Wars begin in the minds of men. It is therefore in the minds of men that we must construct the defenses of peace” and a new culture of education for peace towards harmony and tolerance. Peace is the ultimate aspiration of mankind all over the world, despite all ethnic, cultural and other differences. Without peace, life loses its intrinsic meaning, beauty and dignity. This human aspiration is expressed in a variety of forms: poetical, artistic, spiritual, and so on across different cultures. I shall quote two such beautiful expressions. Nearly six thousand years ago, the Aryans who lived in the Sindhu valleys in India sang the following stanza, which we find in the Vedas (in Yajurveda)..
“May there be Peace in heaven, Peace in atmosphere, Peace on earth,
Peace in waters, Peace in plants and forests, Peace in the forces of nature Peace in the absolute Brahman, Peace in all things, Peace in peace”. May that peace be with me!’ The concept of sustainable development is imbedded in the above aspiration. Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity: Global Movement for World Peac, Humanity &Sustainability “Global peace science is a key of intellectual peace solidarity of humanity and general hope of all nations to real peace and prosperity on the Earth”. GHA GPS is a Global movement for “Global awakening of human consciousness for saving the Earth Planet & creating Social awareness for promoting Global Culture of Peace & developing Harmonic Civilization”. The first prerequisite of sustainable development o¬n a world scale is global peace. We are living at a truly monumental point in human history when the paradigm of reality is shifting in every area, including Peace, science, & Philosophy Peace- People & Planet: Peace, People & planet are interconnected & interdependent.The futures of our planet and humanity are inextricably woven together. Poverty, Population explosion , Violence & Terrorism & Global warmingare the major threats to humanity. Dimensions of Peace: “Peace is not o¬nly absence of war” But Peace is about people –how we handle problems and how we get along with others? Peace is not having only one dimension but having many dimensions as personal peace, social peace, nationalpeace, internationalpeace and global peace. The word peace has a broad spectrum of meanings, which cover all aspects of life. Peace may be viewed as arising from three sources, namely from inner wellbeing, social wellbeing and harmony with Nature. This view can be diagrammed as: Inner Peace+ Social Peace+ Ecological Peace +National Peace= Global Peace I will begin with the dimension of Personal Peace i.e. Inner peace, or tranquillity of spirit and mind. Global Peace is the foundation of the survival of mankind. 1.Personal or mental Peace: 1st dimension is Inner Peace: Inner peace includes harmony and peace with oneself, absence of inner conflict, sense of joy, freedom, content etc.
2.Social peace - 2nd dimension is Social Peace: Social peace means peace between man and man, man and woman, social justice, conflict resolution and reconciliation, love, friendship, cooperation, tolerance of differences, democracy and respect for human dignity and so on.
3.Ecological Peace: 3rd dimension is Ecological Peace (Peace with Nature) Peace with Nature implies harmony with natural environment, caring for mother planet.
4.National Peace – 4th dimension is Peace at national level or national state of stability, progress and freedom from civil disorder. Peace in the members of the organizations & intuitions for peace & harmonyand
5.Global peace – 5th dimension is Global peace i.e. peaceful co-existence of all the people of different faith, religions, casts & races o¬n the earth.
Peace is not a static condition of life. But Peace is about people –how we handle problems and how we get along with others? Peace is about community –about working together, encouraging each other, helping each other to live better, more fulfilling lives; and Peace is about the planet – how to save and protect the planet? The first prerequisite of sustainable development o¬n a world scale is global peace. Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity: Scientific Revolution for World Peace & oneness of Humanity In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582
Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity= Harmonious Thinking + Harmonious Education + Harmonious Leadership + Harmonious Earth Care co-creating Harmonious Civilization & Sustainable Future for All We are living at a truly monumental point in human history when the paradigm of reality is shifting in every area, including Peace, science, & Philosophy
The Next Scientific Revolution: The Emergence of the Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity New Paradigm with Harmony Consciousness at the Core. The first prerequisite of sustainable development on a world scale is global peace .GPS is deeply holistic science, covering the main measures of global peace: economic, financial, political, legal and others. GPS is based on four pillars: 1.H1: Harmonious Thinking 2.H2: Harmonic Globalization 3.H3: Harmonious Education & 4.H4: Harmonic Leadership The GPS core is global sociology and global statistics in an indissoluble unity. Sociology is popular field of human study for developing harmonious society. Science of sociology focuses on the study of human groups and societies. SOCIONOME is a new paradigm for developing a “New Humanism for the twenty-first century& Harmonious civilization in the 21st century”Social Genome of Peace from Harmony" - SOCIONOME - Integral Model of Global Peace & oneness of Humanity is given in http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA Harmonious Thinking is a four-dimensional (tetra-) network of harmonious thinking, which is an alternative to one-dimensional, industrial, disharmonious thinking, which is responsible for all global problems and pathologies The concept of Tetrasociology - Harmonious Thinking developed by famous Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker Dr. Leo Semashko. ‘Tetranet thinking’ – ‘through Tetra models of harmonious thinking are at the core of this book coauthored by an interfaith group of scientists and artists of 76 co-authors from 26 countries of the world: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478 ‘Vasudheva Kutumbkam’ – o¬ne God and one Harmony one World Family Vasudhaiva Kutumbhkam’ – The world is one family has been expressed in our scriptures. The oneness of humanity has been a fundamental belief of Indian Civilization. Global Peace & oneness of Humanity can only be achieved through ”Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity” 04/08/13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Harmony Association (GHA) Charter: Addition. Honorary President, Secretary General, President Replacement. Approved by GHA: March 1, 2015 Article 1. GHA Honorary President 1. The GHA President, who was responsible to perform their functions to realize the GHA Mission: "Provide Global Peace from Harmony" for at least ten years, has the right to pretend on the GHA high honorary lifelong position: GHA Honorary President. He is a permanent member of the GHA current Board. This post with similar features is introduced in order to keep in the GHA community and its Board the continuity in implementation of the GHA adopted Mission and not to deviate from it. GHA Mission is the most fully and fundamentally expressed in GHA three scientific programmed books: Harmonious Civilization (2009), The ABC of Harmony (2012) and Global Peace Science (2015-2016). GHA Honorary President is the guarantor of the scientific, value and ethical continuity in further development of the GHA peacemaking Mission expressed in these GHA books. Article 2. GHA Secretary General (SG) 2. The GHA President is replaced after a year of probation one of the GHA Vice-presidents who is elected by the GHA members on transient position of the GHA Secretary General (SG). Candidate for this position is recommended by the GHA Board members. GHA SG, after his approval by the GHA members, performs all the GHA President functions together with the current President in concordance with him and with the mutual separation of functions that is declared in their joint statement for general information of GHA members. Article 3. GHA President Replacement 3. GHA President replacement takes place during one year; after completion of GS one year of probation, when GHA members will be convinced by practical results in the ability of GS to be the GHA President. GHA Board discusses the GHA President replacement situation, evaluates the GS ability to perform its functions and offers the GHA members to vote two separate questions: 1. Approval of the GS candidate for the GHA President post. After his approval, the vote shall be made the following question: 2. Approval of the GHA former President to lifelong position: GHA Honorary President. The GS one-year probationary period starts from the date of his approval in GS position by the GHA members. -----------------------------------------------------------