CHAPTER 8. Key Institutions and Mass Movements of Global Peace. Global Tektology. The Theory of Security Two Fronts. Perpetual peace as a goal charges to person in debt not only nature but his own mind ... and moral purpose. Natural harmony among men is the guarantee of perpetual peace, which is not just a chimerical one. Immanuel Kant [1] 8.1. Philosophy of Peace and Security of SPHERONS. Institutions for Global Peace. Leo Semashko 8.2. Architecture of SPHERONS’ Global Peace. Leo Semashko 8.3. Department (Agency) of Peacebuilding in Governments. Leo Semashko 8.4. World Academy of Social Sciences for Global Peace. Leo Semashko 8.5. Institute of Children's Suffrage for Global Peace. Peter Semashko 8.6. Death of Democracy in America. Terrence Paupp 8.7. Super PACs and Secret Money Destroying America’s Democracy. Jim Hightower 8.8. Death of Democracy and Freedom in America. Charles Mercieca 8.9. Global Democracy of SPHERONS: Main Institute of Peace Policy. Leo Semashko 8.10. Alternative Reserve Currency of Global Peace – HARMON instead of US Dollar as War Currency. Leo Semashko, Alexander Semashko 8.11. Killer of Dollar already has Name. Yegor Kalabashkin 8.12. Disarmament in 50 Years at 2% Annually Based on GPS. Leo Semashko 8.13. War Taxes Resistance: Theory, History and Experience. Robert J. Burrowes 8.14. Esperanto:Global Peace language. Renato Corsetti 8.15. Institute of Harmonious Economy of Global Peace and its Law. Uraz Baimuratov 8.16. Ethical Market of Global Peace: Creative (e)-Partnership. Nicolae Bulz,Marcel Stoica 8.17. Global Community for Global Peace. Germain Dufour 8.18. The UN Transformation into Body of SPHERONS’ Global Peace. Leo Semashko 8.19. Ukraine, NATO and more: Time for the UN to look to the Earth Constitution? Roger Kotila 8.20. International Scientific Contest for the GPS Best Option. Leo Semashko 8.21. Institute of World Harmony for Global Education in GPS. Laj Utreja 8.22. Yoga: A Practical Skill in Peace Education for Nonviolence. Surya N. Prasad 8.23. GHA Website "Peace from Harmony": Beginning of GPS Development. Ivan Ivanov 8.24. Road Map of Global Peace in the XXI Century and its Leader. Leo Semashko, Subhash Chandra 8.25. BRICS as Global Leader of Peacebuilding Front in the XXI Century. The Theory of Security Two Fronts. Leo Semashko 8.1. Philosophy of Peace and Security of SPHERONS. Institutions for Global Peace. Leo Semashko The concepts of peace and security, their tie, difference and embodiment in institutions, are the most important for understanding the defense and protection from any form of social violence: war, deliberate aggression, premeditated killing, destruction, capture, attack, dominance and submission by one private group of people the other, i.e. violence of one or more PARTONS over another or others. War is the most active and dangerous form of violence of PARTONS concentrating in itself all its forms. Recall that in GPS, in theory of PARTONS (1.12., 1.13.) they are defined as any private or partial group of people differing on various grounds: classes, nations, races, ethnic groups, citizens of different areas, sex, age, professional, religious, and etc. groups and associations of people. For various reasons and under different circumstances: social, ideological, political, economic, territorial and their endless modifications, some PARTONS can threaten to the others with any violence. Violence and its threat from some RARTONS demand from the other PARTONS the protection against any violence by the means and institutions providing security. The need in the security arises in conditions of any violence and its threats or risks. Therefore, security is the protection and prevention of violence by adequate (sufficient) means, institutions and their actions, in which it is embodied. Security in this sense is similar to peace, ensuring the prevention of violence in any form, especially in its most dangerous form of the war, the lack of which is peace in the traditional opinion. But peace as security is also provided force, opposing violence. Therefore, peace as security is violent peace, which in the perspective war is militaristic peace. Militaristic peace is supported by militarist means and institutions - armies, armed forces, systems of military defense and civil protection. In many military confrontations of PARTONS their peace is the result of many militaristic checks and balances, which determine militaristic peace. It is clear that this peace on the mountains of weapons and powder keg is very fragile, precarious and ephemeral peace, capable burst at any unpredictable time. Militaristic peace is subject to the requirements of constantly hanging military threat, so the priority of the entire social life and organization of PARTONS becomes a war. Militaristic peace turns the society life into a continuous preparation for future wars and break between wars, i.e. the whole society becomes militaristic subordinated to goals of the war and security that discussed in previous chapters. Militaristic society in militaristic peace and security is a constant militarization of all its spheres: social, informational (spiritual, cultural), political and economic. The militarization of all spheres requires and diverts huge resources away from the needs of population welfare and sustainable development of each sphere including the necessary economic growth. In a militaristic society war becomes necessary and natural consequence. It carries enormous human victims, misery and suffering, not to mention the huge losses in each sphere. Militaristic society engenders at some of the most violent PARTONS, providing themselves with the most destructive weapons, desire to subjugate all other PARTONS to dominate the world as a total violence and dictatorship, which was manifested in every era of human history, including modern times. Finally, militaristic society leads itself, ultimately, to the self-denial, the threat of a complete self-destruction of humanity as a suicide in a nuclear war of PARTONS. Today, the threat of suicide of humanity became evident reality. This threat requires, in order to preserve the human race on Earth and its survival, a radical rejection from the militaristic life. But this requires a rethinking of the PARTONS’ theories and philosophies, which approve their constant violence of each other and their constant antagonism generated their wars and need for a permanent military security of each other. This never-ending cycle of violence is broken with discovery of SPHERONS (Chapter 1) as universal PARTONS, which is included in them on the key base of life employment (1.6.). In the vital employment the SPHERONS are equal; theretofore they live and can only live in harmony, peace and cooperation, excluding any war and any security from each other. Social harmony SPHERONS and their global peace from this harmony are the best and absolute security, in which none one PARTON is not threatened and forced to threaten any violence to any other PARTON or to all of them. Militaristic peace secures individual PARTONS but does not provide the global security of humanity as a whole; on the contrary, it threatens humanity and thereby threaten the security and life of every PARTON eventually. Herein lies the deep contradiction of traditional security of PARTONS and their militaristic, limited and partial peace. This contradiction is resolved in harmony of SPHERONS ensuring global peace and global security to all PARTONS and humanity in general. Dialectics of PARTONS and SPHERONS is that the struggle and all wars of PARTONS is a private, negative and degenerating case of SPHERONS social harmony. Similarly, the ratio of the corresponding theories: Marxist and all such theories of class struggle and antagonism between different PARTONS is a special case of the scientific theory of harmony SPHERONS in GPS. When we not knew about SPHERONS then we cannot speak scientifically about global peace and its objective sources, causes and actors. Now, when we discovered and purposefully investigate them (Chapter 1), we can define them as an objective source, cause, actor and guarantor of global peace and raise the question about the institutions necessary for them to provide this peace. We can say otherwise: when we did not have the SPHERONS knowledge was not the institutions of global peace and global peace, but only war of different PARTONS. Now, when SPHERONS appeared for us, then there was a consciousness that to them as actors of global peace requires the new, special tools and institutions as means to achieve global harmony, from which peace is growing. All institutions of global peace, to which is dedicated the eighth chapter, are necessary instruments of social harmony of SPHERONS. Therefore, all these institutions are new, unusual for traditional militarist peace and unused for the traditional militaristic PARTONS. This creates the huge difficulties of understanding and acceptance of these institutions in the traditional militaristic thinking of PARTONS. These institutions require a revolutionary transition to a new, harmonious thinking of SPHERONS in which they are disclosed below. Such is the philosophy of GPS as philosophy of global peace and security SPHERONS. Dr. Leo Semashko. Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science 8.2. Architecture of SPHERONS’ Global Peace. Leo Semashko In the preceding chapters were discussed the following fundamental blocks of global peace architecture: 1. The global social structure of four SPHERONS covering the entire population of the planet in their statistical terms at all levels from the global to family for decades, for example, since 1950, as it is foreseen in SSSI (see chap. 1 and 2). (It is made still very limited in chap. 2).This "social statistical structure of SPHERONS" (SSSS, or SSS of SPHERONS or structure of SPHERONS) is objective permanent and unchanging by composition the foundation of architecture of global peace, concluding SPHERONS as its cause, source, actors and guarantor. Therefore, global peace is identical to SPHERONS and vice versa. These concepts in their meaning, scope and content are identical: "SPHERONS" = "global peace", therefore architecture of global peace is architecture of SPHERONS. All other blocks of this architecture constitute its "superstructure" and completely determined by its "base" - SPHERONS. (As you can see, use of the terms "base and superstructure" in GPS is different from their Marxist understanding). 2. Laws of SPHERONS defining their key mutual dependencies and relationships that generate and reproduce global peace (Chapter 5). 3. The principles/values of SPHERONS defining an integrated system of positive guides (Chapter 6). 4. Ways of SPHERONS, which lead them and their PARTONS to global peace through various forms of social consciousness and culture (Chapter 7). These architectural blocks for global peace have been considered in the preceding chapters. The subsequent chapters will unfold the following its blocks: 5. Institutes and mass movements of SPHERONS and PARTONS as regulators, organizers and driving forces of global peace, forming a qualitatively new global peace movement of the XXI century. Their study through the prism of SPHERONS constitutes organizational science, which can be called "Institutology" or, after A.A. Bogdanov, use his term "Tektology"as Universal Organization Science [2]. This block is described in Chapter 8. 6. The main obstacle and threat to global peace of SPHERONS. Architecture of global peace of SPHERONS at the beginning of its conscious historical evolution in the XXI century in its scientific understanding (in GPS) must include identification of the main planetary force and structure that poses the greatest obstacle and threat to global peace. Without this there can be no true GPS. To this block is dedicated Chapter 9. It can be called Global Empirelogy. 7. The world leader and organizing center of SPHERONS for global peace in our time, which more other is prepared to this mission by its history and spirituality, as well as in which is ripe the scientific (GPS) and personnel prerequisites for the leader peacebuilding mission in the world and for creation of the long-term "road map" of global peace for 50 years of the XXI century. This block is described in Chapter 10, which can be called Global Peace Leaderology. 8. The end result of this huge historical work of the XXI century will be conscious global peace of SPHERONS as victory of peace over war. To this is dedicated the whole book. For the integral, holistic expression, the listed blocs of global peace architecture of SPHERONS can be summarized in the following chain of concepts: 1.Structure of SPHERONS - 2.Laws of SPHERONS - 3.Principles/Values of SPHERONS – 4.Ways of SPHERONS to Peace - 5.Institutions of SPHERONS - 6.Main Obstacle of Peace - 7.World Leader of SPHERONS - 8.VICTORY of PEACE over WAR. This chain of concepts is reflected in the model of tetranet harmonious thinking: Model-21. The architecture of SPHERONS’ global peace
Winning global peace over war and exclusion of the wars from subsequent world history is the natural result of conscious peacebuilding work of SPHERONS based on GPS in the XXI century. Of the institutions of global peace in this chapter will be considered not all but only the key, changing the spheres quality from the traditional militaristic quality to their peaceful character. These institutions include: 1. Ministry (Agency, Department) of Peacebuilding (Global Peace) in the Governments of peaceful countries. 2. International Academy of Social Sciences for Global Peace or briefly: Global Peace Academy for the development of GPS. 3. International Committee for the organization and management of peacebuilding mass movement. 4. International University of Global Harmonious Peace Education based on GPS. 5. Institute of children's suffrage, providing them priority in society and excluding military use of people, especially young people as "cannon fodder". This Institute supposes the creation of International Committee for organization and management of a mass movement, especially women, for widespread legal recognition of the institute. 6. Institute of spheral democracy, or democracy of SPHERONS, which, unlike the traditional militaristic democracy exclude war as a way to resolve any conflicts and ensures only peaceful from harmony and non-violent solutions + International Committee for organization and management of the respective mass movement. 7. Institute of alternative reserve global currency of HARMON+ International Committee for organization and management of the respective mass movement. 8. Institute of general and complete disarmament + International Committee for organization and management of the respective mass movement, especially war tax resistance. 9. Institute of globalization of Esperanto as a language of international communication + International Committee for organization and management of the respective mass movement. 10. Institute of harmonious economy and ethical market + International Committee for organization and management of the respective mass movement. 11. Institute of the SPHERONS’ global community + International Committee for organization and management of the respective mass movement. 12. Institute of transforming the UN in the body for global peace of SPHERONS + International Committee for organization and management of the respective mass movement. 13. Institute of the GPS informatization + International Committee for the organization and management of the respective mass movement. 14. Institute of global harmonious enlightenment in GPS through Internet + International Committee for organization and management of the respective mass movement. 15. International TV channel "Peace from Harmony" in the main languages, including Esperanto. Each of these Institutes of Global Peace (IGP) is necessary, without which global peace is impossible but together they are still insufficient. The sufficient number of IGP will determine by the future scientific researches and practical experience. If the cause for war can be any of thousands of possible social disharmonies in every sphere of society, the maintenance of global peace requires preventing any and all possible causes of the wars, so IGP must completely cover them. Therefore, the war is primitive action, it is elementary murder, which may be committed by anything, even with bare hands, and peace is an extremely difficult task for the human mind, which requires a lot of different conditions and tools, including the most important of them IGP listed above. To solving this problem mankind has been unable to come as long as while the GPS do not started in 2013 in the GHA with discovery of its natural social actors - SPHERONS. If local militaristic peace in past history was achieved by military formula: "If you want peace - prepare for war", the global peace from of the future history is only possible by harmony formula: "If we want peace, we need to create social harmony", which is achieved by IGP listed above and is not limited by them. Transition to each of these IGP and their planned creation and development in international scale is a historic reform of humanity in the 21st century. The most common outline of some of these IGP, which we must create for 10-15 years and without which cannot be global peace, is presented in the articles below in this chapter. Dr. Leo Semashko. Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science 8.3. Department (Agency) of Peacebuilding in Governments. Leo Semashko We have repeatedly emphasized the obvious fact that the governments lovingly nurse military infrastructure, unifying set of military institutions, priority develop war ministries, which bashfully called the "Defense Ministry" and generously fund the development of military science within more than two centuries since its inception. But they, unfortunately, are still not established an effective Peace Ministry and the Academy of Peace Science, for which they have not spent a single dollar for two centuries. It is therefore not surprising that mankind today is also far from global peace, as well as two centuries ago, so no special institutions and relevant science it never will. Global peace can emerge and operate effectively only as a system of multiple institutions for different purposes, which are not introduced simultaneously and gradually, as the preparation of the necessary conditions for them within 2-3 decades. The key from the set of institutions listed above is the Department (Agency) of peacebuilding (or global peace) in the Government of any country. The very existence of such a body in the government proves its peaceful intentions. Now there are only 4 governments (Costa Rica, Solomon Islands, Australia and Nepal) of more than 200 that created such departments but devoid of scientific support their efficiency is close to zero. They, like all traditional peacemaking organizations of the last century, were unable to stop or prevent any war and had virtually no impact on the military governmental decisions. The idea of Department of peacebuilding [3] for more than two centuries is losing the competition to military science and military ministry. It was first expressed during the debates of the US Constitution in 1793. Educator Dr. Benjamin Rush, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States proposed to create in government "Peace Office", which should be on an equal footing with the Department of War and pointed out the effect of doing so for the welfare of the United States in promoting and preserving perpetual peace in the United States [4]. It will inspire "reverence human life and horror of the shedding of blood"[5]. At the legislative level, the Department of Peace was first proposed in 1935 by Democrat Senator Matthew Neely. In 2001, Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich proposed another bill of Peacebuilding Department, which has remained a dead weight as the previous 10 attempts [4]. The last attempt belonged California Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee, who has introduced legislation to create a federal Department of Peacebuilding that would cultivate peace and take on the causes of violence and conflict. Lee’s legislation H.R. 808 “Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2013″ also would create a Cabinet-level Secretary of Peacebuilding focused on creating peace and preventing violence. This Department includes 8 offices: (1) the Office of Peace Education and Training, (2) the Office of Domestic Peace Activities, (3) the Office of International Peace Activities, (4) the Office of Technology for Peace, (5) the Office of Arms Control and Disarmament, (6) the Office of Peacebuilding Information and Research, (7) the Office of Human Rights and Economic Rights, and (8) the Intergovernmental Advisory Council on Peace. The department would also create a four-year Peace Academy in the model of the military service academies, and offer grants and incentives for peacebuilding initiatives [6]. But the US peacemakers themselves admitted: "The U.S. government, no platform from which to seriously wage peace" and make even contradictory and shameful attempts to somehow fasten Department of Peace to Pentagon for its recognition [7]. This long, more than two centuries, painful and unsuccessful history [4] of the Peacebuilding Department in the United States argues that the United States cannot make a solid and substantial step towards peace because of its without alternative dominance of militarism at all these centuries, both in its political practice of democracy and its ideology and spirituality. Department of Peace (peacebuilding) can only be created in peacemaking in spirit and culture countries and only on the GPS scientific basis, which offers the spheral structure of this Department. It consists of two Agencies: the Domestic Peace in the country and the International (Global) Peace to the planet. These Agencies include at 5 Offices, 4 of which correspond to the four spheres and one is integral. All Offices and Agencies of this Department work on the basis of the Social Genome of peace from harmony - SOCIONOME (1.5) but an appropriate scale: for the country and for the world as a whole. Further details of this Department structure and functions require their concrete binding to a particular country or international organization. It is important to emphasize once again that without such a government body the conscious and purposeful work of the global peace-building cannot be and it did not exist until now. Dr. Leo Semashko. Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science 8.4. World Academy of Social Sciences for Global Peace. Leo Semashko Under the UN or UNESCO auspice any peace-loving government in the world can create the World Academy of Social Sciences for Global Peace or shortly - Academy of Global Peace (AGP) to pull out the social sciences from more than a century of stagnation and subordinating them to a primary social need of humanity, ensuring its survival – a need of conscious scientific building and development of global peace. Creating GPS the first time in history in this book has shown the inability of traditional social science to solve this historic task and it showed the need for its quality upgrade on the following principles: 1. The subordination of social science the problem of global peace, 2. The unity, holism and harmony of social sciences in solving this problem, 3. The revolution of social sciences on basis of the general and uniting their new concepts of global social harmony: "Spheres of social production", "SPHERONS” (four harmonious spheral classes of the population employed in four spheres, "PARTONS" and "SOCIONOME" defining an entirely new paradigm of social cognition and social thinking. Theoretical and empirical deployment of GPS in the chapters above demonstrated the subordination of social sciences solving a key global problem - the problem of global peace through decision of which finds a solution all the other global problems: demographic, environmental, economic, financial, food, democracy, education, health care, public welfare and so on. The GPS implementation has not only release through disarmament tens of trillions of dollars annually sufficient to solve these problems but also opens up broad prospects for economic growth by yet unknown possibilities of global peace. It opens also a new path of development and integration of the scattered, rigidly fragmented traditional social sciences as a single, global social knowledge and thinking. In GPS in previous chapters was outline about 20 directions for development of particular social sciences as global sciences, integrated into a unified social science that focuses on global peace and called GPS. These concepts are identical: "global peace science," "unified social science", "science of global social harmony" and the like, and with addition of the concepts of "Spheral" and "SPHERONS." We list here the areas of global social sciences within GPS: global sociology, global statistics, global demography, global history of peace, global criticism, global nomology, global economy of peace, global right to peace, global peace policy, global finance of peace, global peace linguistics, global peace mathematics, global interspirituality of peace, global cultural studies, global psychology, global humanism of peace, global peace education, global peace organization, global peace technologies, and etc. They are integrated, above all, through holistic nature of global peace, requiring preventing wars on all social azimuths, which can embrace only by means of appropriate holistic science, encompassing all dimensions of society in all its four spheres and SPHERONS that can make only GPS today. We do not see any other holistic scientific field that is adequate on integrity to GPS. These scientific directions are integrated in GPS also epistemologically that no less important. What are the concepts providing holism of these social sciences? The unity, integrity and harmony for these social sciences give the central and common for them concepts of "SPHERONS" and "sphere, spheral," whose content is disclosed above (chapter 1) and integrally expressed in SOCIONOME, social genome of 16 fundamental elements of global harmony and world peace. Since their sole creator, actors are SPHERONS hence their category/concept is the integrating center for these and similar spheral social sciences. Only with the category of "SPHERONS" as a fundamentally new paradigm of social knowledge and thinking associated unprecedented revolution of the social sciences. Its essence beautifully conveys the following statement by the great Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky, who was one of the first widely using in the middle of the last century the concepts "sphere" and "noosphere": "Today, we are experiencing doesn't crisis exciting weak souls but the greatest shift of human thought committing only once a millennium. Standing at this break and observing the revelation of our future, we should be happy that we are appointed thereunto survive this and participate in the creation of such future"[8]. Every scientific revolution, as Thomas Kuhn wrote in "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"[9], especially is not yet known for the social sciences and related with the SPHERONS’ paradigm of natural social harmony, causes a resistance and rejection by mainstream science. Therefore, the Academy of Social Sciences for Global Peace cannot be established in far behind the times the traditional scientific academies and institutions, as it will be suppressed by them as an alien body. It can be established only as an alternative, innovative, organizational independent, autonomous and parallel scientific institution, which will make a valuable, unique social information in great demand, the pledge of which is the GPS subject, purpose and huge social need in this knowledge. Nothing like a traditional social science for all time of its existence did not created and did not even raised the question of GPS, quietly conceded the scientific field to military science 200 years ago and "washed hands" for the fate of peace. Deprived of innovative science, the policy of peace in all the countries and international organizations, including the UN, remains sluggish, spontaneous, meager in meaning, and defensive rather than advancing strategy. Almost all of the scientific instruments in the field of war and peace are subjective skewed in favor of the war. For example, the indices of peace, terrorism, democracy, and other subjectively built in the pro-American spirit as anti-Russian, anti-Chinese and similar countries. Traditional science is not capable to counter this anti-scientific farce truly scientific understanding these things. GPS proposed an alternative, really scientific Global Peace Index (chapter 4) and similar. But it is a colossal scientific work in the new paradigm, requires a combination of social sciences in their new spheral Academy. The peace-loving countries lag behind the USA in the information war, deprived of adequate advancing strategies and technologies, and are only defending from their American counterparts. Therefore, the Academy of Global Peace needs to peace-loving forces and countries of the world that peace not lost to war in the field of social sciences. The scientific foundation of this Academy was opened in this book GPS in the ABC of Harmony [10] and others. After the publication of this book, which of the peace-loving countries first establish the Academy for Global Peace? Who will take first this chance? The true homeland for GPS will be a country whose government first will recognize the global necessary of GPS and will create Global Peace Academy on its basis for its further development and wide application both domestically and around the world. The establishment of this Academy will not affect the existing academic social institutions: they will continue research in traditional areas, the results of which can be integrated into a new, holistic Academy and its single scientific product - in GPS. Of course, this Academy is not only needed for the relevant research, but also for the training of relevant academic staff as well as experts GPS for government agencies and also to prepare the professional peacemakers of different specialties for different sectors of peacebuilding. Dr. Leo Semashko. Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science 8.5. Institute of Children's Suffrage for Global Peace. Peter Semashko Status of children's rights is still disastrous, as if they were not human beings and are not subject of human rights. Neglect of children's rights is confirmed the countless facts. If Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child [11] only 40 years later, in 1989, and not all countries. The USA, seems, is the only country in the world that has not ratified this Convention [12]. It is an indelible disgrace of America, which exposes it as the first violator of human rights, because the child is human and his/her right is human right, which the United States does not recognize. Therefore, the USA as the most militaristic country is the most ruthless to children, killing them by the thousands in their endless wars and bombardments. As pointed out by Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate: "US and UK committed genocide against the Iraqi people when, between 1990 and 2012, they killed 3.3 million people - including 750,000 children. ... NATO should be abolished ... through non-violent action and civil resistance. ... That is why we need to teach the science of peace" [13]. Dr. Robert J. Burrowes wrote: "Every day, human adults kill 35,000 of our children. We kill them in wars. We kill them with drones. We kill them in our homes. We also kill children in vast numbers by starving them to death in Africa, Asia and Central/South America because we use military violence to maintain an 'economic' system that allocates resources for military weapons, as well as corporate profits for the wealthy, instead of resources for living" [14]. Another author confirms this figure with some refinement: From starvation alone, more than 30,000 children under the age of five die each day. Note: this figure only includes children under 5; it does not include children more than 5 years old [15]. In 1949 the Congress of women was held in Paris, which sounded the oath of tireless struggle for lasting peace as the only guarantee of happiness of children. But lasting peace there is no until now, and it is not visible even in the distant future. Children are deprived of this guarantee and any hope for them from the traditional democracy, which is not only powerless before the wars but also stimulates their rapidly growing military spending. The only hope the children can give GPS, its institution of "children's suffrage executed by parents" (CSP), which is considered briefly in this article. The CSP content is disclosed in many books and articles [16; 17; 18], including my article in the ABC of Harmony [19]. We will not repeat them here. CSP is the first necessary institute of global peace, without which the wars will not stop and without which the militaristic democracy of PARTONS will not be transformed into a peacebuilding democracy of SPHERONs. CSP corresponds to the Law of children priority in the societies of global peace of SPHERONS (see chap. 5). Therefore, if we wish to build a conscious and long-lasting global peace, we must, first of all, create the CSP institute based GPS. Its importance lies in the fact that the legislative and constitutional children priority displaces the social priority of profit, and with them the militaristic priority of past history and traditional paramilitary states since the war is the highest and most effective source of profit and enrichment for ruling and financial elites. The long-term interests of survival and prosperity of society is not connected with any other social group of SPHERONS except children. Children embody and bear the peaceful future of any society, which depends only from them, so strengthening their social priority corresponds to the fundamental interests of any society, if it is concerned about its survival and prosperity. Children's priority in society coincides with the priority of peace, because they are identical. CSP provides and guarantees the rights of all children [20], including their first right to peace as the right to life. All their rights are also a priority. Peace is needed most to children, as they cannot and do not want to fight and war absolutely do not need them. War brings them only death. Children are defenseless before the war. Any war for them is evil. For the development of children need only peace, because the foundation of all positive that surrounds human is created in peaceful childhood. This foundation, in turn, determines the trajectory of the further development of human; it is a reflection of its future. It is self-evident to all people thing. The tendency to war and violence, children learn from adults, from war games, military training and education, military literature and TV. The scientific proof is the fact that experience of physical and psychological violence of adults over children is fasten in them as a model for their future behavior. This vicious chain of violence, which leads to war, can be broken only through CSP, which morally and legally will oblige to respect the dignity of children and to develop their priority within the family, school and society in general. CSP would strengthen family, minimizes the violence of adults over children and increase political activity of the population. Thus, for the development of children needs peace, while the war destroys perspective of the internal evolution for child. CSP carries many other key positive consequences for all spheres of society. As the main guide of CSP will be the mothers, it will ensure women's political activity and raise their social role, both in society and in its management. Main thing, CSP will provide fullness and peaceful character of democracy, transforming it into spheral democracy or democracy of SPHERONS, which will get rid it from militarism and other vices and limitations. Children up to 18 years in any society constitute a significant part of its population from 15 to 50% and in each the number of children or increases, or decreases. CSP will prevent the destructive trend of reducing number of children and ensure harmonious, balanced growth or decline of their number in any country. The CSP institute will also provide care for nature and environment, instead of predatory exploitation. Traditional militaristic states, as a rule, take care of the immediate benefits, ignoring the long-term interests of children and their future. The future of children - this is our future, the future of humanity. The CSP institute can aim society for the future, to preserve the environment, survival and sustainable development of mankind and every nation. These and other positive impacts of CSP determine its fundamental importance for the harmonization of society and building global peace from harmony. CSP stops the war. Without CSP they do not end. Of course the CSP institute itself is not rise. For its realization the mass movement of children's and women organizations of all countries is required. These organizations create a single management body on a democratic basis: International Committee of CSP. It organizes financing of this movement and its various activities for the development of different options of CSP legislation, its experimental verification and lobbying in the parliaments of various countries. It also promotes CSP in the traditional centers of international peacemaking - the UN, UNESCO and UNICEF, if they will be able to recognize the CSP Institute and in the new ones, which will be created for the organization and management of a mass movement for global peace based on CSP. In 2004, an attempt was made to interest UNICEF in conception of CSP but, unfortunately, pro-American UNICEF has shown complete indifference to it [16, 5]. CSP, expressing a social priority of children, provides a stable purpose of every society in the long term perspective. This goal is social priority of children from harmony of SPHERONOV and through harmonization of all spheres and sectors of society, excluding armed conflict and war. This quality of CSP will rid society from the vice of short-term traditional democracy, which lives from election to election, 4-6 years, with the priority interests of quick and maximum profit that uncovers its essence - the money, which does not allow to set and solve the long-term problems, particularly the problem of global peace, requiring many decades until the end of the XXI century. The priority of children through CSP is the future organizational mechanism in the institute of democracy, which allows raising and resolving all the long-term social problems in all areas, as they relate to children's interests as interests of the future society. The CSP idea is becoming increasingly widespread in the world. For example, "Children's Lobby in Switzerland", a local social organization, made a proposal for the state authorities that they were allowed to vote newborns through their parents. While this proposal has been rejected by the authorities but they lowered the voting age to 16 years [21]. Peter Semashko, Lawyer, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: 8.6. Death of Democracy in America. Terrence Paupp Democracy in the United States is completely dead. The American people are living under the tyranny of an oligarchy that is run between the financial sector on Wall Street and its bought-and-paid-for minions in Washington, D.C. With the exception of a few elected officials, the main concern of senators and congressmen is not the welfare of the people but the business interests of US big corporations, generally headed by the weapons industry and the military industrial complex. This explains why nobody dares to be openly critical of wars regardless of the extent of their disastrous consequences. Criminals Escaping Prosecution. Very sadly, the people everywhere have been raped. If anyone of us were to steal a loaf of bread one has to do time in jail, while the Goldman Sachs thieves have stolen our homes, as an uncontrolled and unreformed banker class has continued foreclosures, and do risky derivatives. As a result, the entire US economy continues to sink into a greater Depression, taking the European Union down with it. Those government officials who speak of the importance for the United States to be and to remain a strong nation are not referring to the people as a whole. Rather, they have in mind the rich and gigantic corporations that ruthlessly control the entire country, as well as the political apparatus in Washington---along with many states. The American people do not seem to exist---except to be taxed as wage-slaves--- for all practical purposes. In Citizens United, the US Supreme Court decided that money is speech, that there should be no limitations placed on the exercise of that speech, which reveals the hidden powers of the very wealthy. Unfortunately, the US Supreme Court stated that corporations should be viewed as people. This encouraged corporations and lobbyists to continue to contribute campaign money to both Democratic presidential candidate Obama and Republican presidential candidate Romney to "cover their bets." This explains why, for the first time in my life, I decided not to vote during this 2012 year. It is really a worthless exercise under these conditions. Until the Obama administration actively works to prosecute and jail these felons and white-collar criminals, what is the use of it all? It just does not make sense any longer. This is not a matter of life and death. It is a matter of death either way. The so called "laws" we live under are worthless or selectively enforced. Romney hides his hundreds of millions in off-shore accounts--- all around the world. His money is tax free, just at a time when it is needed to invest in jobs and higher wages for working poor and working middle class people. Where is the money? This important question needs an answer now not at some time in the distant future. Where are the investigative journalists of the "Fourth Estate" in all of this? Most of them have been fired while others are fully afraid to ask and find out. The money which average Americans desperately need is now found locked up in the coffers of thieves who are the financiers that took our TARP bailout money and gave it to their banking cronies. Holding Authorities Accountable. In other words, we are all slaves of the bankers. Further, ever since World War II ended in 1945, the United States has been involved in numerous wars, almost single-handedly. In violation of the war-making powers enumerated in the US Constitution, the US Presidents (except for JFK), have trumped up lies to invade Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, and other nations. The US Congress has largely abdicated its constitutional duties, thereby caving in to a skewed definition of the "Commander-in-Chief" language of the US Constitution---thereby subverting their oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States. All hail the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), as they go out into the world to torture people in violation of international law and the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution. once again, the military-industrial complex wins and the cause of peace and the rule of law suffer while it is diminished and violated. The objective of such wars was virtually always the same, to exploit the resources of other nations. For the rich and the big corporations in particular, this meant that a transnational capitalist class (TCC) has set out to control the wealth of the entire world--- to the best of their ability. The Federal Reserve, Central Bankers, and the Rockefellers should all be damned to Hell---after doing jail time in prison. But, like Jaime Diamond at JP Morgan Chase, they can "loose" $3-billion dollars in a week and claim that they are "too big to fail! Yes, they are too big to fail! That is because Washington, D.C. and the Executive Branch have deemed them as "too big to jail.” In this regard, the Department of Justice should be re-named as the Department of Injustice, "with liberty and justice for some." More details about the death of democracy in the United States look my books [22; 23; 24; 25]. Dr. Terrence Edward Paupp, Senior Research Fellow, Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA), Washington DC; International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP), Vice-President of North America; Council Member of the International Advisory Council-The Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research; Expert in the fields of international law and human rights. GHA Vice-President. Address: San Pedro, California, USA; Email:, Web: 8.7. Super PACs and Secret Money Destroying America’s Democracy. Jim Hightower Leave it to Bill Moyers, one of America's most useful citizens, to sum up our country's present political plight in a succinct metaphor: "Our elections have replaced horse racing as the sport of kings. These kings are multibillionaire corporate moguls who by divine right — not of God, but (of the Supreme Court's) Citizens United decision — are now buying politicians like so much pricey horseflesh." Corporations Replace the People. Pricey, indeed. In its disgraceful, democracy-crushing judicial edict of January 2010, the Court took the big advantage that America's corporate elite already had in politics — and super-sized it. This is the first presidential election to be run under the rigged rules invented by the Court's five-man corporatist majority, and we can see the effects of this ruling. For instance, we saw in this year's Republican nominating contests that a new, supremely authorized critter not only arose, but instantly became the dominant force in the game, allowing a handful of extremely wealthy players to shove their selfish agenda ahead of all other interests in the election process: super PACs (Corporations)! These are secretive money funnels that various political partisans have set up to take advantage of the court's implausible finding that the Constitution allows corporations and super-rich individuals to put unlimited sums of money into "independent" campaigns to elect or defeat whomever they choose. (I should note that the justices' ruling was a model of fairness: it also allows poor people to put unlimited amounts of their money into super PACs.) These new entities amassed and spent vastly more than the campaigns of the actual candidates. Nearly all of this super PAC cash was used to flood the airwaves with biblical levels of nauseatingly negative attack ads, further debasing our nation's democratic process. Thanks for that, Supremes. The Court's surreal rationale for allowing this special-interest distortion of elections was that super PACs would be entirely independent from the candidates they back. In his Citizens United opinion, Justice Anthony Kennedy blithely wrote, "We now conclude that independent expenditures, including those made by corporations, do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption." Wow if ignorance is bliss, he must be ecstatic! Atrocious Supreme Mistake. Of course, these justices knew what they were doing: enthroning the wealthiest Americans, not merely to reign supreme over the political process, but also to control government. In a nation of 313 million people and an electorate of 217 million, fewer than a hundred super-wealthy individuals and corporations (a tiny fraction of a fraction of even the 1%) shaped the GOP presidential debate and nomination to their personal benefit. While the conventional media dwelled on such sideshows as the snarling nastiness among some of the candidates and whether or not Romney could get any love from the GOP's hard-right, Bible-pounding, social-issues faction, the million-dollar-plus givers to the super PACs were having one-on-one conversations with each candidate "in quiet rooms" (as Mitt Romney so-genteelly put it). Super PACs are only Wave one of the financial tsunami sweeping over America's politics this year. Wave Two, also authorized by Citizens United, will be even larger, for it allows Fortune 500 giants to siphon as much money as they want directly out of their corporate vaults and pour it into campaigns - while keeping the sources of the money secret from voters. These totally secret corporate political funds are laundered through outfits organized under Section 501(c)(4) of the tax code as (WARNING: The following fact is so stupefying that it can cause temporary insanity in sensible people) nonprofit "social welfare organizations" engaged in charitable work! Never mind that the welfare of the plutocracy is the cause being served by this perverse philanthropy. At present, the largest of these is Crossroads GPS, created by the noted political altruist and GOP hatchet man Karl Rove. It alone expects to raise $240 million from undisclosed corporate interests and spend nearly all of it on venomous attack ads to defeat Barack Obama this fall. You'd need more than a GPS to find all the sources of Crossroads' cash, but it's known that nearly 90 percent of the $77 million it raised in the last six months of 2011 came from a couple dozen donors chipping in from $1 million to $10 million each. Promotion of Government Corruption. The unlimited special-interest money gush into American politics dethrones democratic rule, corrupts government, increases both wealth disparity and social injustice, and destroys essential public trust in our society's commitment to fairness. Super PACs are but one of the pipelines allowing corporate money to drown America's historic ideal of egalitarian self-government. The secret (c)(4) corporate "charities," the corporate "bundlers" who collect billions for the candidates' campaigns, the myriad fundraising committees run by both political parties, the sham "foundations" that permit corporate favor-seekers to make tax-deductible donations to elected officials — these and all other channels of private purchase must be capped if America is ever to have a government of, by and for the people [26]. Jim Hightower, National radio commentator, writer and public speaker.Address: Austin, Texas, USA. Web: 8.8. Death of Democracy and Freedom in America. Charles Mercieca The well-known French writer Voltaire was asked once the following question: Most of the things you say are obviously not true; why do you keep on saying them? He did not hesitate to say: I simply want to prove my point; I want to show that when you say something which is not true repeatedly people begin to believe it. If you were to spend some time in the USA you are bound to hear people, especially the news media, often talking of democracy and freedom in America. Mere Historical Elements. Going back in history, there was a time when democracy and freedom in America formed an integral part of the nation’s structure and philosophy. These two items are now merely history. Over the past 65 years, since World War II was over in 1945, these two elements began to disintegrate and wither away, at times faster than anticipated. Democracy is derived from the Greek words demos (people) + kratia (government). In a genuine democracy the people are free to elect the government of their choice. For quite a time now this is no longer the case in the United States. To be elected to any governmental office, people must in the first place know that you exist in order to vote for you. They must know a lot about you as much as possible. Hence, to reach the people the nation’s news media must play a big role. All of this is merely theory. The news media will carry their message to the rest of the nation only if you were to pay a big price, otherwise you are literally dumped into oblivion. This means, unless you are really rich with millions of dollars to pay, the chances of being even considered for election are zero. Even so, big corporations may select their own political figures and proceed then to finance their campaign with countless millions of dollars. Such elected government officials will then put top priority on boosting the products of such corporations, in particular weapons and military machinery. This explains why the two major political parties, Republicans and Democrats, in their electoral campaigns never dare to criticize the bloated military budget. on the contrary, they promise more spending while cutting down money from the vital needs of the American people. To turn an insult into injury, when the average US politicians visit governments of other nations, they tend to offer weapons and military machinery of any kind. They hardly ever offer anything that is related to their health care, nutrition, education, and housing facilities. They hardly ever dream of fostering democracy in such nations. In fact, they would rather deal with dictatorial governments as to pass all transactions needed fast and smooth with just the approval of one individual or a group of individuals. In democracy this would require a longer period to get ultimate consensus since there would be more individuals involved. Peaceful People by Nature. In numerous surveys taken over the years, the American people as a whole do not want their government to wage wars against other nations. They opt for peace, for solving problems through diplomacy and healthy dialogues. Listening to the people and respecting what they advocate and wish would reveal democracy at work. But how can we see democracy being practiced in the USA when it eventually does not exist? People have the freedom to choose their own future, their own destiny. This would be the case when and if democracy is fully in operation. The problem with the USA today lies in the fact that while in theory the government of this nation speaks of democracy and freedom, in practice there is neither one nor the other. If you were to visit all the schools of the nation, you will discover that virtually all of such schools teach that the USA is a nation of democracy and freedom. They say this virtually every day as to justify Voltaire’s contention that if we say something which is not true repeatedly people begin to believe in it. Of course, these are not uneducated people. They are people from every walk of life and profession. At times you hear some clergy reminding their congregations in churches that they must be thankful to God that they live in a country, which is characterized by democracy and freedom! Of course, this does not mean that they are intentionally lying to deceive the people. It reveals that what they have been hearing since their early childhood created in them the kind of mind-set that would now take for granted these two elements. The war policies of the USA on a global scale have only one purpose, namely to control the entire world through machismo and fear. Let us keep in mind the words that John Paul II uttered in Mexico during the eighties when he said: “Genuine peace will come to the world only after two of the greatest evils of the 20th century are gone; these are communism and capitalism because both achieve their objectives through the exploitation of people.” Communism has already collapsed. The best way for us now to see world peace in operation is to pray God to hasten the collapse of capitalism. This would hopefully lead to the revival of democracy and freedom in America, which all people there deserve. I am negatively impressed by the members of our Congress. Instead of taking drastic steps to remedy this political abuse, they continue to cooperate with this arrogant news media mafia who are doing a disservice to the nation and the world at large. Also, we cannot view the corporations as people and let them use their wealth and money to select two individuals for the 300 million Americans and simply tell them: "You must select one of these two that we the corporations chose for you." People are aware how we make a mockery of democracy. This explains why people have no more confidence in us. Charles Mercieca, Ph.D., President, International Association of Educators for World Peace, Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education, Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament; Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University; GHA Vice-President. Address: Huntsville, Alabama, USA. Web:,; Email: 8.9. Global Democracy of SPHERONS: Main Institute of Peace Policy. Leo Semashko Everyone knows the famous phrase of Churchill on democracy: "Democracy is the worst form of government but nothing better than humanity has not invented." Here we take a brief look on the one hand, what's wrong with traditional democracy, why it degrades and becomes more militaristic, and on the other hand - what kind of democracy is the best of traditional and in root is the anti-war and peace-loving. We show here and throughout this book that GPS offers a better form of democracy as well as better social system than capitalism and socialism - that is harmonious form and system through discovered in it SPHERONS. According to generally accepted popular opinion, the best is recognized western democracy, and one of the best in it recognizes the most militaristic, American democracy. It attributed on the so-called "democracy index" to the category of "full" democracy, and Russia and many others to the category of "authoritarian regime." This is not surprising, because the "democracy index" was compiled by the same subjective pro-American methodology and an arbitrary point system completely anonymous experts [27; 28] alike "global peace index" discussed in chapter 3. Among the characteristics of a "full" democracy completely ignored the measure of its aggression and militarism, which at the USA is higher, as it is evident in its military dominance in the world (800 overseas military bases worldwide, the largest military budget, the largest military-industrial complex, etc.) and its continuous aggression. But some Western scholars pretend or naively believe for the sake of the interests of their masters, that militarism and its level have no relation to democracy and its level or have a minimal impact. only 25 countries out of 167 have earned the qualification of "full" democracy.We would say that it is "full" for all its vices: militarism, corruption, inequality and nationalism. Traditional democracy, on the USA example, has four genetic, ineradicable vices: militarism, corruption, inequality and nationalism or limited national priority of private interests. It is strongly supported by numerous American scientists, only three articles which we published above. Old democracy through their vices becoming obsolete and compels us think about the new democracy, which will replace the dying American democracy. The new democracy must be free from militarism, corruption, inequality and nationalism at the expense of internal organizational resources that possessed spheral democracy or democracy SPHERONS disclosed below. The first flaw, which it should put an end - it is militarism. In the GPS methodology militarism and its level is crucial in assessing democracy, according to which all the traditional democracies assigned to the category of "militaristic" democracies that are not able or willing to seek peaceful solutions of acute conflicts and problems, preferring military power solutions. Of course, this rule is rare exceptions, which are analyzed in the following chapters, especially in chapter 10. The American "full" democracy, focusing on militarism, is hardly concerns (avoids and ignores) the issues of peace and together with them – children questions. This is evidenced by the fact that the USA cannot ratify since 1990 the UN Convention on the rights of children, but almost every year starts a new war and aggression in the world. Chapter 9 is dedicated to the US "full" democracy in more detail, with all its "charms." Looking ahead, briefly list the most honest definition of "full" democracy: plutocracy, oligarchy, sunset, totalitarian democracy, democracy for the few [29], the "democratic despotism" and so on. "Full" on the flaws of militarism, inequality, corruption and nationalism democracy requires the replacement of a new democracy free from these defects. This democracy we title "spheral democracy" or "democracy of SPHERONS." The need of spheral democracy is determined the appropriate spheral law formulated in Chapter 5. Its features as the institute of Global Peace are as follows. The first feature of the spheral democracy is the Montesquieu’s fundamental basis and main law of democracy, which does not execute any traditional (industrial) democracy today: "the firmness and prosperity of democracy always depend from the correct division on the classes of the population with the right to vote". This is "the basic law of Republic" [30, 171-172]. The GPS, which includes this law of Montesquieu, divides the population by the natural employment in the producing spheres on four classes - SPHERONS. This separation, on all grounds (see chap. 1), is the most correct, as it is objective and universal, so it provides a democracy not only "firmness and prosperity" but also inseparable from them global peace, without which there can be its "firmness and prosperity." Traditional democracy, even the most "full", is devoid of any structured and constitutionally defined actors (classes of the population) of democracy, implying only one actor - the adult population as the people. Therefore, they are deprived of the fundamental law that provides firmness and prosperity of democracy - "the correct division on the classes of the population" on Montesquieu. The second feature of the spheral democracy is completeness as the coverage of the entire population, including minor children (from birth to 18 years, as determined by the UN), which had never been presented in the traditional militaristic democracy and which are suffering from wars more other groups. SPHERONS cover the entire population, including children, whose interests are priority for society. Therefore democracy of SPHERONS is a truly full democracy with a priority of children and women as natural peace-loving groups of the populations of any society. The parents realize representing interests of the children in it carried out primarily mothers, who are granted the right to vote for each of her minor child through the mechanism of children's suffrage (CSP – see above 8.5.). Women and mothers with children make up a large part of the population of any society. They will provide in the spheral democracy the women priority in its management and the priority interests of children instead priority of war excluding it from the life of society. The priority of women in governance of society is provided by the constitutional guarantee to present 50% of the seats in all organs of power in spheral democracy. The third feature of the spheral democracy is equal distribution of power in all branches and bodies of governance between the four equally necessary (regardless of size) SPHERONS. To this corresponds the four-dimensional political and party system in different variants [31; 32; 33]. The real harmony and balance of SPHERONS will be reflected in a harmonious structure of their power and its equal distribution, which supposes the constitutional equal reserved seats for each SPHERON (for its elected representatives) at every level of government and in each of its branches. This mechanism requires a special study, design and practical testing. It eliminates and prevents any armed conflict between any of the groups in society as well as between the authority and the population and with other national states. Spheral democracy for the first time in history provides political, ruling equality of the population on criterion of SPHERONS, i.e. on the criterion of employment in manufacturing spheres as the most important quality of all people. Such an institutional division of powers into four equal parts provides spheral democracy with unshakable mechanism of its internal checks, balances and guards against all typical defects of traditional democracy: militarism, corruption, inequality and nationalism, with its impunity for crimes, oligarchic and/or tyrannical, totalitarian tendencies, and etc. It also provides the possibility of full participation of all citizens that is unheard for a dying democracy. The fourth feature of the spheral democracy is the built internally structural mechanism of harmonious/soft opposition of four SPHERONS acting on a principle: One common goal of universal harmony but the different ways to achieve and develop it for every of four SPHERONS. (Remember, only this goal provides global peace from harmony). This mechanism provides anti-totalitarian, anti-militarist and anti-corruption immunity of spheral democracy, about which cannot even dream any of forms of modern democracy. The fifth feature of the spheral of democracy is to take all (or the most important) decisions by majority votes of representatives of each SPHERON that, in fact, is spheral consensus or consensus of SPHERONS in the decision-making mechanism, which provides peace at all levels. The sixth feature of the spheral democracy is mutual monitoring and control of each body and of each officer by the Joint Commissions at least two SPHERONS that virtually reduce to zero possibility of corruption and abuses in government. This mechanism of elections of power from each SPHERON and their internal equal, balanced four-dimensional structure, which provides full transparency of each spheral part of power for each and for all population together with the corresponding absolute control over their actions, especially for the distribution and spending of their budget financing - all this will eliminate the total corruption of all systems of government that reigned into all previous types of democracy. The seventh feature of the spheral democracy is full transparency of power and all state actions in all spheres and areas. Spheral democracy overrides all forms of secrets - commercial, banking, industrial, information and so on. It will be possible, naturally, only when the process of general and complete disarmament will be finished. Then the institution of state secrets will be canceled. Traditional democracy under the cover of a thick veil of universal and impenetrable mysteries committed all the military, political, financial and commercial crimes, all the pyramids of corruption plunging the population into the ocean of total disinformation, ignorance, lies and deception, in which it is unable to make the right decision and in which it becomes easy toy to manipulate for ruling elites and classes. Spheral democracy replaces the criminal, militaristic and disharmonious ruling elites of the past democracies by the harmonious, peaceloving and transparent elites of SPHERONS. The eighth feature of the spheral democracy is the value unity of authority and the people in harmony, which becomes a common goal and uniting force for all political parties, bodies, governments and all groups of the population as the conscious parts of SPHERONS. Therefore, it excludes the ever hostile political interests of various private elites, overcomes partiality and disharmony of traditional democracy, which is constantly degrading and eventually dies under the weight of integral problems that it cannot solve. Therefore, only the spheral democracy can be an example, actor and guarantor of global peace as opposed to the traditional militaristic democracy, which is an example and actor of war. Spheral democracy serves to the maximization of social and individual harmony, rather than maximizing profits and wars as an industrial democracy. on the other hand, eventually, the above negative, evil qualities of traditional democracy transform it into an instrument not of national and anti-national government, no peace but militaristic governance, i.e. they convert democracy in the anti-democracy or "contra-democracy". They express total internal decomposition of mechanism of traditional democracy and require replacing it by mechanism of harmonious spheral democracy or democracy of SPHERONS as true democracy, free from its historical vices. The first real and conscious sprout of democracy of SPHERONS was "Faction of Spheral Democracy" created in 1992-1993 within the St. Petersburg City Parliament – Petro-Soviet under my leadership as elected by population member of this parliament [34; 35]. The listed eight features of the spheral democracy allow us to conclude that only SPHERONS’ democracy can ensure global peace at all levels, the global policy of peace and the planetary, world order of peace. No one past form of democracy, as history has shown many thousands of years, were unable to provide all of this for prosperity of all the Earth peoples and humanity in general. So if mankind needs global peace, it should establish the spheral democracy instead of the traditional, industrial and militaristic one. This requires a huge and long work of a special international movement that will unite all democratic organizations, including peaceloving governments, of all countries for the sake of democracy renovation and its transformation from a militaristic, as the USA democracy, "stamping" as on a conveyor the endless wars (see Ch. 9), to peaceful and peace one, the main agenda of which will be always peace, not war and weapons. These organizations create a single administrative authority in a democratic manner, for example, International Committee of Spheral Democracy. It organizes the financing of this movement and its various activities from the development of different options for legislation of this democracy, their experimental verification and lobbying in various countries to support it in the traditional international centers - the UN, BRICS, G20 and the like, if they are able to recognize the Spheral Democracy Institute. In Russia, for the purpose of testing different variants of spheral democracy during 2-4-6 years, could be defined, for example, four regions: Kaluga, Rostov, Orenburg, and Amur to find the most perfect forms of this democracy for different regions on the basis of which it would be possible to create one project for Russia as a whole. The first necessary work within the framework of these projects is statistical study of the dynamics of spheral classes of the population, SPHERONS of these regions within a few decades on the pattern of research in Chapter 2. It is work for the Academy of Global Peace. Dr. Leo Semashko. Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science 8.10. Alternative Reserve Currency of Global Peace – HARMON instead of US Dollar as War Currency. Leo Semashko, Alexander Semashko This article is a reprint with big cuts and updates the GHA "HARMON" project 2009 of 66 coauthors from 22 countries [36]. It expresses one of the key institutions of global peace. 1. The Main Conclusion from the G20 Communique1, London, April 2, 2009. The Communique [37] analysis leads to a following main dual conclusion. on the one hand, a hope is expressed in viability of the traditional reserve currency and financial system under condition of its "repair", and on the other hand, it intuitively reflects the tendency of the global harmonization demanding an alternative, balanced and reliable currency. This currency should exclude any possibility of new financial crises and solve global problems of humankind. It should provide what the traditional reserve currency is not able to provide, e.g., to give any guarantee against recurring crises, as well as solutions of global problems, especially global peace problem. Therefore, the G20 kept the possibility of alternative currency searching that some leaders expressed after the end of their summit. In line with this tendency, the Global Harmony Association (GHA) as a representative of the world civil society offers this project of alternative reserve currency of harmony (Global Harmony Reserve: GHR) or «HARMON», briefly: «Н» as public opinion, for the G20 leaders and for International Monetary Fund (IMF). 2. Scientific Basis for Alternative Reserve Currency of Global Harmony «HARMON». Based on Tetrasociology [38] as a science about social harmony and its actors: four spheral classes of the population (SPHERONS), a scientific theory of global reserve currency of harmony of humanity: “HARMON” arises. The first conclusion of this theory is the following: none of the national/block/regional currencies, by definition, is able to carry out the function of a really global currency supportive global peace and world economy harmony as each currency is limited by the narrow national/regional interests and is not able to overcome them. National interests and national currencies serving them are sources of the most of national and global problems: wars, terrorism, violence, poverty, hunger, ecology and etc. Therefore they do not match the global interests of peace, justice, cooperation and prosperity. The second scientific conclusion is: a really global reserve currency cannot be tied with any national or regional currency. In general, it should be provided by two defining reasons: the source and the purpose. The source: It is built on economic richness, neither of a single one nor of several countries but on richness of the entire world, i.e. all countries and the entire world population. The purpose: It is created neither for enrichment of one or several nations at the expense of impoverishment of others nor for an infinite military growth but only for the global social harmony. The world can accept only such reserve currency, which will serve the common interests of global harmony of the world’s population. The third scientific conclusion is: all currency reserves and all their commodity and gold backing are created by the world's population, therefore all currencies, including reserve, should belong, as well as the power, to the entire world population. The people are not only a source of power but also of currency, therefore not only the power but also the currency belong to the people. This is a truly democratic vision of the currency, instead of traditionally imperial or elitist. Any currency is provided by the population, which is the sovereign proprietor of this currency. A different sovereign proprietor of this currency does not exist. The sovereign currency property is diversified by the international and national right of the private currency property. Governments and banks can be only private currency proprietors and managers of currency on behalf of the population. The fourth scientific conclusion is: social harmony of each country and humankind as a whole is provided with harmony of spheral classes of the population - SPHERONS. This harmony demands corresponding harmony (equality, balance, concordance, proportionality, etc.) of currency richness of each of these classes. Currency harmony defines the harmony of the global exchange and production. only such currency is able to exclude any financial crises, any wars forever and to remove the monetary barriers of growth of economy and other spheres. SPHERONS create their democratic tools for harmonious distribution of currency richness between and inside themselves. Such tools should become the spheral harmonious banks, not less than 50% of which should be under control of the state to minimize bank speculations and to maximize their harmonization. It is obvious, that the proportion 50:50 between private and state ownership is the most harmonious. But from it the most different exceptions are possible for different countries and for their different stages. Now we will be limited by these four scientific foundations of alternative reserve currency, which demand for the further study, specification, additions and development. 3. ‘HARMON’: The Basic Qualities. 1. HARMON is the global reserve currency of a harmonious civilization, harmonism and transition to it. U.S. Dollar is a reserve currency of industrialism in the form of capitalism and imperialism as an industrial civilization dominant. Two civilizations assume two differences concerning quality and social importance of currencies. At the modern level of globalization, the necessity becomes understandable that a new, global currency will be realized within a long stage not less than 20 years. This currency should serve to humankind’s prime purpose: social harmony and global peace as a sole way of survival, sustainable development and prosperity of all the people. HARMON can be introduced after 2030 during 10 years that will be the conscious transition of humankind to a harmonious civilization. 2. HARMON as a world reserve currency is created and will be used on the basis of international law «International Charter of HARMON», accepted in accordance with the established procedure. In this project we formulate the basic qualities of Harmon, which the GHA offers in its Charter. 3. HARMON is created on the historically tested universal equivalent of an exchange: gold. HARMON is backed with cumulative gold reserves of the world population and the states. This reserve grows only at the expense of extraction and finds of gold. The world gold reserve and its limited growth limits growth of HARMON, minimize its inflation or deflation, and provide its highest reliability and stability as global equivalent of a harmonious exchange. 4. The Harmon’s total sum expresses the total cost of cumulative richness of humankind as the sum of national richness of all countries of the world or as the sum of richness of four SPHERONS: Socioclass, Infoclass, Orgclass and Technoclass. The Harmon’s sum is the upper limit for the sum of national currencies in total. 5. Harmon, harmonious money is the tool for general harmonious enrichment unlike dollar and other national currencies as way for private disharmonious enrichment. It is included in exchange chain of equal equivalents: goods (services) – gold – HARMON– national money, acting as the tool of harmonization of extreme elements of this chain and harmonization of their distribution between different social groups. It is provided with double structure of Harmon: social and monetary, which is subordinated to the social one and expresses it. 6. HARMON is constructed on the basis of richness and numbers of the population SPHERONS. These classes are the key actors of social harmony and global peace of humankind. The social structure of HARMON and its organic orientation towards the harmony of spheral classes SPHERONS and their peace is a basic difference of new reserve currency from the traditional one. 7. HARMON exists as e–money (e–cash) that excludes its paper emission. 7.1. Currency accounts in HARMONs. This account is called "Harmon–account" or «H–account". [Details look: 36]. 7.2. The social structure of the H–account expresses its dependence on richness of four SPHERONS and on degree of their (and each person) incomes in corresponding spheres of production. [Details look: 36]. 7.3. The H–account monetary structure includes three parts: – the first fixed part which is equal to a certain amount of Harmons, which cannot be spent, except in extreme cases of global accidents and threats, it serves as a stabilization fund and as a guarantor of currency reliability; – the second part is intended for special purposes: providing with a standard of living and currency target using; – the third part includes all means above the standard of living. The living wage includes five kinds of purposeful currency: These kinds will provide with fundamental human rights and resolution of corresponding global problems. [Details look: 36]. 7.4. The fixed and purposeful parts of a H–account are formed at the expense of means of the owner’s account, his/her parents, friends, and relatives, the related enterprises and other organizations, national and international funds, and also at the expense of funds of the sphere classes. The account’s free part is formed only of incomes of its owner. 7.5. All H–accounts (i.e. accounts of every SPHERONS) are classified on 10 standards of well–being: the first level is the poverty including all people with incomes providing for a minimum living wage; following three levels cover a middle class; following three levels cover a rich class; and following three levels cover the richest class. This classification will provide harmonization of richness of these levels of population. [Details look: 36]. 7.6. Totality of the H–accounts of the world's population makes each person on the Earth a member of one family. Through universal system of these accounts the entire world's population becomes the proprietor and the guarantor of the Harmon. Modern IT allows humankind to create a WorldNet of H–accounts of harmony for humankind, similar to Internet, but with strict rules of functioning. By 2040 the entire population of the Earth could have the H–accounts. 7.7. H–accounts are transparent and all operations with Harmons are open for the democratic control at all the levels. 8. Only general harmonious education since the childhood is called and able to convince and teach the population to live in harmony and by the principle of maximization of harmony instead of profit maximization. General harmonious education is based on Academies of Harmony/Peace as presented in the GHA related project. 9. HARMONs cannot be spent for military expenses, weapon, terror, drugs and etc. that is regulated by the International Charter of HARMON and is provided with the International Monetary Fund of Harmony and other international organizations supervising the individual and official use of Harmon. All named qualities of the global currency HARMON essentially differ from the U.S. Dollar as the traditional reserve currency and overcomes all its historical lacks. Before to become a global currency, HARMON is used as regional currency in one or several international regional associations: BRICS, SCO, and so on. 4. Ways for Realization of Reserve Currency of Global Harmony. As it was underlined above, the embodiment of the project of alternative reserve currency HARMON will demand up to 20 and more years. For carrying out of the necessary sociological and other scientific researches on the basis of Tetrasociology and within GPS, for experimental approbation of a new currency in regions and for many other researches and organizational works, the GHA suggests to create «International Center of Reserve Currency of Harmony» (ICRCH) as the Department of BRICS, the priority objectives of which are "International Peace and Security" and "The Reform of the International Financial System" [42. Details look: 36]. The project was edited by Dr. Matjaž Mulej, Prof. Emeritus, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business; Slovenia. In the past years it has become clear that there is no "repair" will not save the dollar from its vices, including economic emptiness (lack of real value), militarism, exploitation, so the need for an alternative reserve currency escalates. This is clearly understood Russia and BRICS, started formation of such a currency and many researchers [39-41]. Moreover, a number of other countries have also shown a tendency to gradually get rid from the dollar and stocks, as recently told the Swiss magazine "Current Concerns": "More and more states have begun to replace the US Dollar. Not only BRICS countries, but also European countries. The dominance of the USA and their self-ascribed role as the world police without restrictions and scruples is over. With the end of the Dollar as a world reserve currency, the era of the USA as a world power is ending, too (emphasis added – L.S. and A.S.). More and more states begin to replace the Dollar. So the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have decided to establish an own development bank and currency fund in order to get rid of the dependency from IMF and World Bank, dominated by the USA. Also in Europe several governments have recognized that they are only used by the United States in their effort to increasingly encircle Russia. Through the sanctions against Russia ordered by the USA the European economy is badly affected a fact coming just handy for the United States, as the EU is still a strong competitor on the global market. In addition to the UK also France is going to reduce its Dollar reserves and allow global trade also in other currencies. Now the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will replace the US Dollar as a reserve currency in the country’s trade with Russia. This way he wants to circumvent future sanctions against Russia, because Russia is Turkey’s second largest trade partner. For NATO this U-turn could become a problem. Erdogan will therefore establish an alliance against the US Dollar with President Putin. The USA are seeing their hopes dashed. Perhaps cooperation rather than confrontation would be indicated, moreover, if one is no more in the position to dominate everything"[43]. Obviously, the BRICS countries, and for them and others will go on the path of healing the economy [44]. As we can see, this tendency becomes the world and its result is predictable, which implies an urgent necessary for a new reserve currency with the new requirements, especially with the quality of global peace and does not finance of military spending. So, the future at the dollar does not exist. At best, it will continue until the completion of general disarmament (see below) as a militaristic currency for financing of reducing production of weapons and military budgets before the end of disarmament. Thus, after 5-6 decades, the dollar will cease to exist as a reserve currency. Dr. Leo Semashko. Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science Alexander Semashko, manager, Kaluga, Russia. Email: 8.11. Killer of Dollar already has Name. Yegor Kalabashkin The association of developing countries under the acronym BRICS increasingly confidently press the positions of world hegemon - the United States. A growing number of experts are inclined to believe that the current economic system, which was built around the United States, in the very near future, will give place to a new, more sophisticated and less burdened by erstwhile stereotypes and debts. Already today, representatives of the BRICS and the expert community are actively discussing plans for the operation and development of a unified Bank able to take on the role of the Central Bank of BRICS. The association can really become a competitive alternative to the existing economic system of North American hegemony, moreover, it is able to take its place. "While this Bank would function as Central Bank of BRICS - quoted by RIA "Novosti" American economist, former World Bank staff, Peter Koenig. - "It is possible that over time, the BRICS member countries could create a new currency - for example, the "BRICSO" - an alternative to the dollar ", - the expert believes [45]. Yegor Kalabashkin, Journalist. Moscow, Russia 8.12. Disarmament in 50 Years at 2% Annually Based on GPS. Leo Semashko The Disarmament Institute has a key practical meaning to establish and provide global peace as full and nonviolent security. Global peace is impossible without a general and complete disarmament. Unfortunately, the numerous UN resolutions on disarmament, as a rule, is limited with general calls and not set any deadlines, scope, scientific platform and quota of disarmament, with a few exceptions relating to certain types of weapons. The idea of general and complete disarmament in 50 years by reducing the army, weapons and military budgets by 2% annually in the GHA was first formulated in 2007 in the "Magna Carta of Harmony" as the primary mission of the United Nations [46, p. 21-22]. The Law of Global Disarmament (Chapter 5 in this book) defines its basic requirements: "general and complete disarmament takes place simultaneously and uniformly in all countries, without exception, for at least 50 years". This process must eliminate anyone unilateral advantages and are not disturb the established military parity of security for any of the countries by the whole period of disarmament. Features and problems of disarmament are: 1.The disarmament process is impossible under the untenable doctrine of security through military deterrence: "peace through/from strength" or "balance of national forces", leading to the ongoing arms race, parting the essence of the militaristic conception: of "if you want peace - prepare for war" [47]. Now it is necessary "to redefine safety for the XXI century"[48]. GPS redefines security of the XXI century through global harmony or the SPHERONS doctrine: "Peace from Harmony of SPHERONS" and the corresponding spheral thinking and scientific platform. The US President John F. Kennedy great words in 1961, on the UN General Assembly: "Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind" remain urgent to this day [49]. Therefore, the first problem of disarmament is the recognition of global harmony and doctrine: "Peace from Harmony of SPHERONS" of GPS as its foundation. 2. Maybe the most difficult technical problem of disarmament is to determine military spending because of their lack of transparency, as some countries have them closed, others camouflage military spending by one or other civil articles and etc. [50; 51]. Even the overall rates of the world military spending vary greatly: according to some sources, they make about $ 5 trillion per year [51] and on other sources, too understated, they are about $ 10 trillion [52] and etc. Therefore, the second problem of disarmament is the transparency and accuracy of the information. 3. The period of disarmament in 50 years is the approximate estimate, which may vary, most likely in the direction of increasing this period to 70 - 100 years due to the enormous complexity, inertia and the unpredictability of this process.But the most important thing is to start it as soon as possible, maybe since 2020 or 2025. 4. Among all the most dangerous weapons are weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear weapons, which requires a special, priority and accelerated, status in disarmament process and to rely on the principle of "nuclear zero", recognized in 2009 Russia and the USA [37], which, unfortunately, is slowed down and ignored until now by the USA. To nuclear disarmament under doctrine "Peace from Harmony of SPHERONS" is devoted GHA project "Global Harmony International Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament" [53]. 5. Disarmament under the doctrine of "Peace from Harmony of SPHERONS" supposes the gradual transformation of armies in the creative International Corps of Global Peace, for example with the title "Harmony". Its rationale and design is a big research task for the scientific Global Peace Academy ant its institutions (see above). 6. The reduction of military spending in the disarmament process is a powerful source of economic growth, people's well-being and poverty alleviation as one of the major causes of wars. This sense of disarmament in the GPS doctrine is disclosed in the GHA letters to G20 leaders at their summit in St. Petersburg in 2013 [54]. Global peace in the future will be the main source of economic growth and efficiency especially in the conditions of limiting its natural sources and resources. This is another large constant task for Global Peace Acadeny and its institutes (see above). All listed and other aspects of disarmament were discussed briefly in the GHA respective constant Petition in the UN in 2013 under the two key slogans: 1. "We must shift the arms race into a peace race" of Martin L. King Jr. and 2. "Harmonization through education instead of militarization"[55]. Although the United Nations regularly every 4-6 years holds special sessions on disarmament but they unfortunately remain invisible and of no effect. They are unable to stop the arms race and to start disarmament more than 70 years [56; 57; 58]. To disarm become real and effective requires a corresponding powerful mass movement of global civil society, bringing together all the numerous disarmament public organizations with the corresponding International Committee on Disarmament, which will provide strategic planning and financing of all similar actions. The most important instrument of this movement non-violent pressure to the governments is a "war tax resistance" in the following article. Dr. Leo Semashko. Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science 8.13. War Taxes Resistance: Theory, History and Experience. Robert J. Burrowes As people of conscience consider creative responses to continuing government and corporate participation in militarism and war, including the nuclear arms race, it is evident that more sophisticated nonviolent strategies to resist this militarism and war will need to be developed. one possible tactic that deserves consideration for wider inclusion in this strategy is war tax resistance. War tax resistance (WTR) is the conscientious refusal to pay that proportion of one’s taxes that are used to finance military expenditure and participation in war. This proportion varies from one country to another. In the United States, for example, more than 50% of the national budget is allocated to military spending, designed to pay for past, present and future wars. Some war tax resisters refuse to pay any tax, on the basis that some of their taxes will be used to finance military violence and killing. Other war tax resisters withhold a token amount, and some live very modestly so that they earn insufficient income to pay any tax. According to scholar Dr Gene Sharp, individual war tax resistance has probably been around since the first taxes were levied for war and reports of collective tax refusal date from the second century in Egypt [59]. There have probably been instances of WTR sometime or other in every country in the world and in some countries, such as Belgium, Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands and Norway, the history of war tax resistance goes back several centuries. For example, in Britain in 1197, St Hugh of Lincoln refused to pay a tax levied to fund Richard the Lionheart’s war against the King of France: all of St Hugh’s property was seized. In Belgium in 1537, Charles V, King of Spain, Lord of the Low Countries and Emperor of the German Holy Roman Empire, imposed a levy on the region in order to finance his war against France. However, the city of Ghent refused to pay and it was only after the emperor himself came to the city to quell the rebellion – by imposing harsh punishment on the City, including a long procession of repentance – that the resistance was ended. And in France in 1789, during the French Revolution, the National Assembly (made up of representatives of the people and some clergy) encouraged refusal to pay all past taxes to the king. It wasn’t until 1820 that Russia became the first country to establish legislation exempting pacifists from paying war taxes. This occurred when 30 British citizens were invited by Czar Alexander I to establish a cotton mill and, because some of the employees were Quakers, they submitted a petition to the Czar asking for freedom of conscience and an exemption from military service and church taxes for war. In response, the Czar issued a certificate which read ‘His Imperial Majesty has given his gracious assent to this petition…all…shall be exempted from all civil and military taxes…the sect of Quakers may now and in future be freed from war taxes for the support of the Military.’ In 1856, these provisions were still in effect [60]. More recently, there were instances of tax resistance during the Indian struggle for independence from British rule. For example, in 1928 Bardoli peasants met tax collectors with closed doors or tried to convince them not to collect. Then when police began to seize equipment, peasants dismantled their carts and other gear and hid the parts. Again in 1930 during the Salt Satyagraha, there were pockets of tax resistance, as well as boycott of the salt tax by illegally making salt. These days there are active war tax resistance campaigns in many countries including Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. All of these campaigns have the common philosophical basis of a conscientious or religious objection to taxes being used for war or military spending [61]. Apart from this, war tax resisters believe that conflict must be resolved by using creative conflict resolution processes; it cannot be achieved by killing people. And many believe that we should be relying on nonviolent strategies, not military violence, for any defense [62]. The ease with which war tax resistance can be undertaken varies from one country to another. Where laws require employers to withhold taxes from wages, an employee may find it difficult to gain sufficient control over their income in order to resist paying the taxes. And where war tax resisters are successful in resisting paying taxes, government responses are sometimes onerous. In Australia, for example, the government has the power to seize wages from the employer (before it is paid to the employee), to seize and close bank accounts, to seize and sell property, to get courts to order payment under threat of further penalty, to bankrupt the resister, to seize their passport and to have resisters convicted of contempt of court (and imprisoned until they comply with court orders to pay the resisted taxes). While the penalties in some countries are not as onerous, war tax resistance requires considerable courage. Some WTR campaigns have the establishment of a Peace Tax Fund as a related and central aim. The purpose of a Peace Tax Fund would be to allow individuals to nominate on their income tax return that they wished the proportion of their tax normally used for military expenditure to be allocated to the Peace Tax Fund. (Annual quota redirection of military tax taxes to the Peace Tax Fund can be defined in 2% for each country to prevent chaos in this process. Peace Tax Fund would be another key institution of global peace after the Institute of disarmament – L.S.). The Peace Tax Fund campaigns in the US, Canada and the UK are particularly active, and have some support at Congressional and Parliamentary level. These campaigns have used several mechanisms, apart from war tax resistance, to draw attention to their cause, including letter writing, lobbying and educational efforts. These campaigns have established Peace Tax Fund Trust Accounts in which the resisted taxes are deposited. But the aim of these Peace Tax Fund campaigns, such as the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Bill in the United States – which has been submitted to Congress every year since 1972 and has had up to 58 co-sponsors in any one year [63] – is to establish a special trust fund in the government Treasury for deposits from those taxpayers who conscientiously oppose war and military expenditure. International Law. When considering the appropriateness of war tax resistance, some people are guided to consider the individual’s moral rights and legal responsibilities in relation to war under international law. It is evident that nuclear weapons, for example, have the properties of weapons outlawed by international law. Briefly, their effects include the indiscriminate dispersal of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals; the exposure of combatants and civilians alike to irreversible biological and genetic damage; and the creation of unpredictable, uncontrollable and unprecedented environmental destruction of such temporal longevity as to threaten the biological identity of the human race and even the physical integrity of the planet [64]. Several international treaties outlaw weapons that have such effects. Yet states continue to manufacture and threaten to use these outlawed weapons. (Then why people should pay by their taxes its production and why it cannot renounce from war taxes on it? – editor note – L.S.). Other states, such as Australia, provide uranium and support the intelligence and command structures (military bases) for their use. What then is the moral and legal position of the individual in such circumstances? In the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 18 states: ‘Everyone shall have the right to freedom of … conscience…. This right shall include freedom to … manifest (their) … belief in … practice’ [65]. There is an equivalent article in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights [66]. The former Roman Catholic Archbishop of Seattle, Raymond Hunthausen, is a well-known war tax resister. Explaining his ‘witness of faith’ [67] Hunthausen proclaimed his commitment to a moral principle higher than the law of the state: ‘It is true that as a general rule the laws of the state must be obeyed. However, we may peacefully disobey certain laws under serious conditions…. The point is that civil law is not absolute… where issues of great moral importance are at stake, disobedience to a law in a peaceful manner … may be … an obligation of conscience. I am saying by my action that in conscience I cannot support or acquiesce in a nuclear arms buildup which I consider a grave moral evil.’ But while international law confers certain rights, it also entails a series of responsibilities. International law is not confined to the relations among states; an individual who commits an act which is a crime under international law is responsible and consequently liable to punishment. The International Law Commission (ILC), which was set up by the United Nations General Assembly to promote the progressive development and codification of international law, was asked to formulate the principles of international law recognised in the Charter of the Nuremburg Tribunal and to prepare a draft code of offences against the peace and security of humankind. The ILC formulated seven principles which were adopted by the UN in 1950. The fourth principle (based on Article 8 of the Nuremburg Charter) stipulated: ‘The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of [their] government or of a superior does not relieve [them] from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to [them]’ [68]. Individuals thus have the right to freedom of conscience but they also have the legal responsibility to make moral choices which may conflict with the laws of the state (our underlines – L.S.). Laws have often been created to support the will of a government; the apartheid laws of South Africa are a good example. In national law, what is morally wrong is not necessarily illegal. What is right, is not necessarily legal. The order of a government to pay military taxes does not, under international law, absolve the individual of responsibility for the use of those taxes. Military taxes finance preparation for, and participation in, war beyond the ‘legitimate’ (if still immoral) use of force – defined in international law as cases of self-defence or under the enforcement provisions of the UN Charter. They are used to produce not only defensive but offensive weapons and technologies, especially those related to the nuclear arms race, and to finance overseas military aid. It may thus be argued that the refusal to pay military taxes is not only an act of conscience but an obligation under international law. Summary. War tax resistance has a long history throughout the world and is a recognised act of nonviolent civil disobedience. WTR is particularly important because it draws attention to our personal financial support of the weapons race (by paying income tax) despite our other acts of protest. As we continue to move from war systems built around soldiers in uniform to those that utilise high technology, draft resisters will continue to be succeeded by war tax resisters. Dr. Robert J. Burrowes, Scientist, writer, non-violence activist. Address: Melbourne, Australia Web:, E-mail: Editor in Chief note. This wonderful article proves that the resistance to war taxes from the population as main source of military budgets and resources is very important institution and nonviolent mechanism and technology of GPS. It raises to a new level the strategy of Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent disobedience in peaceful transformation within new century. The population and every citizen have a moral, economic and international legal right to refuse to pay war taxes and transform them into the payments for the Global Peace Tax Fund. It turns the tax for the death of every in war into the tax for life of each in peace. Why do we have to pay tax on our death in the war instead of tax on our life in peace? Now only requires national and global leaders of this updated through GPS mass movement of war tax resistance, which will be a powerful tool of people diplomacy for global disarmament and one of the main conditions of global peace from harmony in the XXI century. War tax resistance, which arose spontaneously in many countries receives a scientific explanation in GPS as one of intuitive aspiration of SPHFERONS to global peace and as one of its institutions, instruments and technologies. 8.14. Esperanto:Global Peace language. Renato Corsetti This article focuses on the substantiation of Esperanto as a language of global peace, which meets all its requirements: social harmony, equality, justice, human rights and democracy. This study was launched in 2012, in my article "Esperanto: Language for Harmonious Civilization" on the platform of a science of social harmony [69] and continued in this article as part within Global Peace Science from harmony that is created on the same platform. In 1887 L.L. Zamenhof published the first grammar book of Esperanto, Unua Libro, in which he detailed a new language of his own creation. His goal was to have this language, since dubbed Esperanto, go global, fostering peace and international understanding in the process. Esperanto is fully compliant GPS, which recognizes it the preferred language of global peace and includes it as owm linguistic part. A utopian intermezzo was the proposal for a genuinely neutral international language, Esperanto, in the League of Nations and the European Parliament. Zamenhof wrote: "Remember that the sole means of achieving peace is to abolish for ever the main cause of wars, the survival since the most distant pre-civilization world of antiquity of the domination by one people of other peoples." (Zamenhof, 1915, cited in Centassi & Masson, 1995) [70]. The language is one of the tools of of suppression. Language has always been the consort of empire, and forever shall remain its mate. (Nebrija 1492, cited in Illich 1981, 34[71]). Linguistic dominance has its origins in conquest, military and political subjugation, and economic exploitation. The role of language in imperial expansion has been a central element of the europeanisation of the world. Today in a world increasingly aware of minority rights and linguistic and cultural diversity, the international language Esperanto is gaining renewed attention from policy-makers. Non-governmental organisations are pressing to have the international language question placed on agendas at the United Nations and the European Union. The Prague Manifesto of the Esperanto Movement, a modern restatement of the values and goals underlying the Esperanto movement, emphasises linguistic democracy. This is its main value, which distinguishes it from English and other privileged national languages [72; 73]. The celebration of the 125th anniversary of the appearance of the first Esperanto textbook in 1887 culminated in the 97th International Congress of Esperanto in Hanoi. UEA (the Universal Esperanto Association) is regularly proposed as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, among others by the Polish Parliament in 2009. The Mongolian Esperanto Association became the seventieth member association of UEA. There are Esperanto associations in about twenty African countries. The German city Herzberg declared itself an ‘Esperanto city’. The Esperanto version of Wikipedia contained more than 170,000 articles in the middle of 2012. In 2012 Google Translate added Esperanto to its list of available languages.Despite containing more than 700 pages, a new English-language encyclopaedia of original Esperanto literature has been termed ‘concise’. The possibility of the League of Nations encouraging Esperanto and even adopting it as a working language was considered seriously, but met fierce resistance on the part of France. Esperanto was discussed several times between 1920 and 1924, and consideration was given to reports of the experience of learning the language in 26 countries. Delegates of eleven states (Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Czechoslovakia, Haiti, India, Italy, Persia, South Africa) recommended in 1920 that Esperanto should be learned in schools "as an easy means of international understanding" (Lins, 1988, 49-61) [74]. Smaller states, including some Asian ones, favoured a neutral international language. But the forces behind the languages of the big member states had their way. The existing world order might have been threatened not only by a neutral language but also by the pacifist utopian political beliefs embraced by some Esperantists. The Esperanto option was rejected, a pattern that holds to this day, apart from some nominal recognition and consultative status at the UN and UNESCO and the International PEN Club. In inter-personal communication, the absence of links between Esperanto and any nation-state may facilitate symmetrical communication, irrespective of the mother tongue of the speakers. At the inter-state level, in political institutions which debate the fate of the world's population, lack of political clout is of course the primary weakness of the language. It is the powerful states that can require that their languages have "official" status. The concept of an official language in supra-state organizations dates from the early years of the League of Nations, when French and English were granted equal status, and in so doing established "the fiction that a text written in `language' can be rendered into any number of `languages' and that the resultant renderings are entirely equal as to meaning" (Tonkin, 1996, 14) [75]. The same principle of textual equivalence applies in the European Union with its 11 official languages, with in theory the "same" semantic content being expressed in each. Anyone familiar with translation processes and products knows that squaring the circle of conceptual, cultural and linguistic difference is a utopian ideal that is remote from how different realities operate. For instance, the legal systems in each of the 15 member states of the European Union have evolved in uniquely distinct ways and texts can never mean precisely "the same" in each language and culture. There are, however, forces attempting to persuade the European Parliament to consider the Esperanto option seriously, and an increasing number of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are reportedly interested in debate on such matters. A hearing was held in 1993, and one on broader issues of language policy is planned. This ultimately reflects the fact that supra-national EU institutions are, in principle, committed to multilingualism and linguistic equality, though the current linguistic hierarchy militates against this: some languages are more equal than others, especially French and English in EU fora[76, с.71, 54]. Any system of communication which confers lifelong privileges on some while requiring others to devote years of effort to achieving a lesser degree of competence is fundamentally antidemocratic. While Esperanto, like any language, is not perfect, it far outstrips other languages as a means of egalitarian communication on a world scale. We maintain that language inequality gives rise to communicative inequality at all levels, including the international level. The unequal distribution of power among languages is a recipe for permanent language insecurity, or outright language oppression, for a large part of the world's population. In the Esperanto community the speakers of languages large and small, official and unofficial, meet on equal terms through a mutual willingness to compromise. This balance of language rights and responsibilities provides a benchmark for developing and judging other solutions to language inequality and conflict. We maintain that the wide variations in power among languages undermine the guarantees, expressed in many international instruments, of equal treatment regardless of language. Certain languages are assigned preferential rights in international fora, such as the UN, military or trading alliances, bodies that control such international concerns as shipping and air traffic, and professional associations. It seems fair to conclude that the present system of assigning rights to certain languages effectively deprives speakers of other languages of equal access to the system. In addition, selecting a certain number of languages does not mean that there is no hierarchy among those selected quite the opposite.There have been few systematic studies of language policy in the EU, and none within an elaborate multi-disciplinary framework. As the present policy is one of inaction, "regulation by default... the only language which stands to gain is English. Considering the fact that most people do not wish to see English gain more ground, it is curious that it is, nonetheless, establishing itself as the dominant language of the European bureaucracy" (Quell 1997, 71) [77]. English linguistic hegemony is asserted in multiple ways. Some of them reflect economic strength. The diffusion of English depends less on military force (though "peace-keeping" in Bosnia strengthens and diversifies English) than on commercial pressures, not least those of transnational corporations and global and regional organizations such as the EU. The top language benefits through the image-making of the ads of transnational corporations and the connotations of English with success and hedonism. These symbols are reinforced by an ideology that glorifies the dominant language and serves to stigmatize others, this hierarchy being rationalized and internalized as normal and natural, rather than as expression of hegemonic values and interests. Globally these trends and many others that are an integral part of McDonaldization, have led to a tendency for both elite and marginal groups to desire competence in English for the obvious reason that English is seen to open doors [78; 79]. The aims of Zamenhof were entirely different as he stated in his letter to the diplomats: "All countries belong to their inhabitants and those who have settled there (naturalized). No people should, within a country, exercise rights or have duties which are superior or inferior to those of other peoples. Everyone has the inalienable right to use the language of his/her choice and to practice whatever religion they prefer. The government of each country is responsible for all injustices committed (by it/in its name) before a permanent European Tribunal constituted with the consent of all the European countries"[80]. Overcoming linguistic hegemony of English requires to overcome the political and military hegemony of the United States. This is possible through the recognition of SPHERONS as actors of global peace, which need a common neutral language Esperanto, eliminating language inequality, anti-democratism and linguistic violence. The social source of recognition Esperanto as peace language can be SPHERONS. only they, equal and harmonious classes for peace from harmony requires this equal, neutral and democratic language. The social base of Esperanto was first disclosed in an article by Boutkevitch et al .: "Tetrasociology and Esperanto" [81, p.217-221]. For further information on Esperanto, contact UEA at Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, NL-3015 BJ Rotterdam, The Netherlands (tel. +31-10-436-1044; fax 436-1751; e-mail or at 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA (tel. +1-212-687-7041; fax 949-4177 or via its website at Renato Corsetti, Born in Rome, Italy on the 29th March 1941. Professor of Psycholinguistics in the University "La Sapienza" in Rome. Was active in the movement for an international language during many decades. Presently is President of the World Esperanto-Association, UEA, in consultative relations with UN and UNESCO. Is author of tens of books and hundreds of articles on linguistics, sociolinguistic, Esperanto, peace and international cooperation. GHA Vice-President. Address: Via del Castello, 1 00036 Palestrina (Rome), Italy Web:, E-mail: 8.15. Institute of Harmonious Economy of Global Peace and its Law. Uraz Baimuratov The social institute of harmonious economy is one of the key universal spheral conditions of global peace in accordance with the above defined social genome – SOCIONOME and its SPHERONS as actors of global peace and harmonious economy (see chapters 1 and 2) [82]. Just SPHERONS as natural harmonious classes, covering the entire population and unlike to all private classes PARTONS: workers, peasants, intellectuals, civil servants, capitalists, proletarians, managers and so on are objectively interested in a harmonious economy, balance of production stages and material-economic situation of its private groups. The economic interests of PARTONS are always partial and disharmonious; the harmony they can find only in a holistic SPHERONS and their holistic and harmonious economic interests. on intuitively and non-scientific but no less important level, these ideas are reflected in the framework of the Islamic doctrine of harmony of economy and society [83]. Stable social evolution to harmony, saving modern civilization from degradation, as show studies, is not possible without its spiritual and moral foundations, without the synthesis of spiritual and scientific knowledge. The ratio of modern science to religion is based on a deep respect for the faith and a seriousvaluation of the role and place of religion in the history of society. The union science and religion has become a necessity. Now the time has come to understand spiritual knowledge in the perspective of modern science to use them for innovative development. In our studies of spiritual knowledge, in particular, the Islamic doctrine, play the role of the ideological foundation of social evolution to harmony. As in the individual exist two initial starts (spiritual and material), the formation of the two worlds of harmony and disharmony in society is natural. Understanding the logic of duality in the minds and actions of people, it is easy to establish that in the world of harmony and the world of disharmony act their own economic laws, in particular the two laws of elevation of needs. In the first case, we are talking about the law of dominant elevation of the moderate needs above the tangible and intangible needs; second - the law of the destructive exaltation of material and non-material needs over the spiritual needs. It is manifestation of duality for elevation of the needs. The discovery of the Law of elevation for the spiritual values over the material needs of individuals refers mainly to economics. The opening of this Law is confirmed the Diploma # 62-S and the Certificate of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions on November 5, 2014, Moscow. Registration number 605 [84]. It has long been in economic theory, to subject matter of which refers the concept of "need", there is a scientific understanding of the structure of human needs, their elevation and priorities. It is widely known the so-called "pyramid of human needs" by Maslow, which, unfortunately, did not have a decent place for the spiritual needs. The ratio of the spiritual values with material needs has not been studied, and this problem was not posed. The basic needs were recognized the material needs. The spiritual needs role of individuals was belittled and the importance of material needs respectively was overrated contrary to the purpose and meaning of the spiritual human life. The former purely materialistic view in a changing world becomes insolvent. This view is true only in a secular society where spirituality of individuals is virtually absent, where the role of religion is belittled or even ignored. Under these conditions, the material rises above the negligible spiritual. Therefore, the category of "social-economic harmony" (or briefly - "social harmony", because of which categories are not distorted) on the spiritual-moral basis was not considered in economic researches and training programs and has not been studied a specific link between spiritual values and material needs, especially in the context of the formation and development of a new harmonious economy [85]. Humanity is facing a dilemma: to continue to go further in the pursuit of material wealth at all costs (wars, terrorism, corruption, financial pyramids and frauds, speculation, drug trafficking, etc.) that is, in fact, falling into the abyss, or the world will turn towards saving move to harmony. We emphasize once again, our future depends directly from humanistic reorient of society to harmony and global peace from it. This is moment of truth. In more details these ideas are deployed in my publication here [86]: Only in the way of a harmonious economy of SPHERONS the society is able to replace the disharmonious destructive law of industrial civilization: "the rich are richer when the poor are poorer" on the harmonious economic law of Maximin and Minimax discussed in Chapter 5. Uraz Baimuratov, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Director of the Research Institute of Finance and Banking Management. Vice-president of GHA and GHA-Kazakhstan President, Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan; Web:; 8.16. Ethical Market of Global Peace: Creative (e)-Partnership. Nicolae Bulz,Marcel Stoica This article is shorted and updated variant of our paper: [87]. The complexity of global peace, its management, education, and solutions of its local and global problems requires the alternative integral theoretical foundation, one of which is represented in the GPS book as philosophy and science of social harmony of spheral classes of the population - SPHERONS. From the standpoint of this theoretical foundation is building a new large-scale model of moral market for global peace through creative partnership. We formulate several theses on alternative integral base and built on it a new, harmonious model of the market and economic partnership, which excludes the economic causes of war and armed conflict. This market model can be offered as an integral part of GPS. The huge social and economic complexity of the XXth century, its trend of great wars and rebirths, hadbetterfocusedonthefragmentationofthehumankindscientificknowledge hindering understand this complexity.History, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Ethnology, Juridics, Theology, Economics, Politics have more than ever keen proper and separated domains. GPS offers its synthesis and integration of the social sciences in their open interface and interaction to solve the most complex problems, one of which - the problem of global peace. The traditional sciences have the academic low "interface" of dialogues and closed for the broad interdisciplinary approaches and researches. Their overcoming is a long-term trend of human knowledge, in the fairway of which is the development of GPS, which integrates the achievements of the past. Into this context, it is much more remarkable the real multi/ inter/ trans-disciplinary efforts of some great scientific personalities of the XXth century. Into a chronological order of their birth year, let remember and synthesize their centennial contributions: Bloch, 1988; Braudel, 1985; Chomsky, 1996; Croce, 1966; Derrida, 1978; Friedman, 1968; Galbraith, 1996; Hayek, 1967; Heidegger, 1977; Popper, 1966 and etc.[2]. Our Charta of the Creative Partnership, 2003 [88; 89] between all the human beings, the NGOs, the world states and the planetary specialized entities, connected into a first stage by their interest in pro-market reform and the poor, summarizing the integral achievements of the past century, is expressed by the following fundamental theses. A. Global and local ethical education-work helix [Giarini, 2003] B. Globalandlocalresearch-actionhelixonequitable,sustainableandsocietaltopics,andthe consequent knowledge transfer and technologies transfer [Myrdal, 1970], [Simon, 1988]. C. Human relations (as basic state of the: embedded ECO-CONSCIOUSNESS, self-constituted and sustained INTERNATIONALLY CIVIL SOCIETY, resulting SUBTLE WORLD - within its CREATIVE (E-)MARKET, andinitially desired and designed CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP, and possible attained through all these. D. Amenities, health care, tourism, generalized access to the products and processes of science, technology, sport, literature and arts. Similar market economy, in our view, would be adequate to global peace, constantly reproduce it from the economic harmony and not erode it with economic disharmonies, imbalances and crises. Dr. Nicolae Bulz, Associate Professor, National Defence College; Honorary Researcher, World Economy Institute / NERI/ Romanian Academy; GHA Ambassador for Peace and Disarmament from Harmony; Address: Bucharest, Romania; Email:; Web: Dr. Marcel Stoica, Professor, Supervisor, Academy of Economic Studies; Address: Bucharest, Romania; Email: 8.17. Global Community for Global Peace. Germain Dufour This article is shorted and updated variant of my paper: [90]. The non-governmental organization "Global community," created in Canada about 30 years ago and bringing together dozens of peace organizations with thousands of members, claims that everyone on Earth should be able to live in peace. This Global Peace Movement is about the courage to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them. The responsibility of a peacemaker is to settle differences through compromise and negotiation before they erupt into violence. Conflicting views do not have to bring about fighting. War is an irreversible solution to a problem. War is never an appropriate solution to resolve a conflict. The people of the Global Community are using the Global Dialogue to resolve conflicts, promote democracy, and fight hunger, terrorism, disease, and global rights abuses. In order to bring about the event of peace the Global Community is offering other good organizations around the world to work together to bring warring parties to peace. Peace in the world and the survival and protection of all life on our planet go hand-in-hand. In this paper asking for peace in the world means doing whatever is necessary to protect all life on our planet. Protecting all life implies bringing about the event of peace in the world. We live in a world where all natural and human resources are exploited mercilessly, so that a small minority can consume far more than their rightful share of the world's real wealth. Now, as we push the exploitation of the Earth social and environmental systems beyond their limits of tolerance, we face the reality that the industrial era faces a burnout, because it is exhausting the human and natural resource base on which our very lives depend. A sound governance of the Earth is needed for the long term survival of our species. This is 'la raison d'etre' of the Global Community. The Global Community has proposed the creation of global ministries to manage Earth and humanity's global problems. The higher purpose of humanity is to serve God by propagating Life throughout the universe. So don’t we have an obligation to do whatever we can to protect life on Earth? In view of the planetary state of emergency declared by the Global Community, we all must change, we must do things differently to give life on Earth a better survival chance and bring about the event of peace amongst us all. Life often involves tensions between important values. This can mean difficult choices. However, we must find ways to harmonize diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom with the common good, short-term objectives with long-term goals. Every individual, family, organization, and community has a vital role to play. The arts, sciences, religions, educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, and governments are all called to offer creative leadership. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for effective global governance based on the Global Community concepts and the Scale of Global Rights. The Earth and all its natural resources belong to all the "global communities" along with the Global Community where they are found. The Global Community concept of ownership states that land and natural resources of the planet are a common heritage and belong equally to everyone, to all life on Earth, as a birthright. Products and services created by individuals are properly viewed as private property. Products and services created by groups of individuals are properly viewed as collective property. Along with ownership comes the obligation of using the resources, share them or lose them. Land and all other Earth natural resources are not commodities. Use the land, share it or lose it. This principle also applies to banks and similar institutions all over the world and to Wall Street. You own property because the previous owners could not pay. Use that property, share it or lose it. In order to better protect life on our planet, the Global Community is asking people of all nations to defend and protect their natural resources. In particular, all the hydrocarbons within a national territory must be nationalized. It is an obligation, not only of a national government, but also of all the active forces in a country; it is the duty of local and municipal authorities, the duty of state authorities – of everyone – to take upon themselves this defence and this recuperation of natural resources. A workable type of Tobin tax should be in place as it is a powerful instrument to promote sustainable development and force shareholders in moving away from producing oil. A Tobin tax is a tax on all trade of currency across borders to put a penalty on short-term speculation in currencies. The tax rate should be 10 to 25 cents per hundred dollars. The proposal is important due to its potential to prevent global financial crises. Also, an estimated $500 billion per year makes it possible to meet urgent global priorities, such as preventing global warming, disease, and poverty. The military option, war, is against global sustainability, global rights, and global peace in a big way. The worst environmental degradation happens in wars. War is the greatest violation of global rights that one people can inflict on another. It brings deaths and injuries, starvation, diseases, millions of people losing their homes and livelihoods, and massive destruction of property. Children and teenagers are placed in internment camps, and several are often forced to serve as soldiers. War not only corrupts the morals of soldiers, it leads to a decline in the morality of the whole nation. A nonviolent settlement to a conflict would always be more advantageous. Wars truly make no sense! The world is too crowded and too small nowadays! And weapons too lethal! So security cannot be achieved through the military. The military is no replacement to the "will of the people", democracy, the rule of law, social justice, and global rights. The Global Community has no need in a subversive military force. NATO should be disbanded as well as other armed forces and must be subject to Federation of Global Governments as civil peace organization. We need to realize what is a priority, what is the most important, and what is the least important for our survival. We need to make hard choices. We need a clear vision. We need a common vision. And we must all change! There are many important aspects of our lives we can no longer do, or should never do anymore. They are destructive. Humanity and all life can no longer afford activities that destroy life and the global environment, and certainly the military is a major one of them. And there are other activities we must do, thousands of them, to assure the survival of life on Earth. In view of the planetary state of emergency, we all must change, we must do things differently to give life on Earth a better survival chance, and thus bring about the event of peace amongst us all. Global Community welcomes the establishment in GHA the first time in the world history Global Peace Science (GPS), which will undoubtedly strengthen the peaceful unity of the community and enhance its peacebuilding potential, making it able to overcome war and global militarism. Peace cannot live and win war without science without GPS. But it is very difficult and responsible work. Global Community as global peace institution is able to organize the World Scientific Contest among peace organizations on the planet for the GPS better option to attract to its creation as many more scientists from different countries. Global Community can also become an experimental platform for testing peaceful, spheral democracy, to replace the traditional, militaristic democracy of the USA sample. The formulated two new functions are the new and very important peacebuilding tasks for Global Community in the development of global peace. The Global Community Institute divided on spheral, harmonious and global sub-Communities of four SPHERONS (spheral classes of the population) has key importance for global peace, justice, democracy and stability of humanity. Germain Dufour, Spiritual Leader of the Global Community; President, Earth Government, Federation of Global Governments. Address: Nanaimo, Canada; Web:; Email: 8.18. The UN Transformation into Body of SPHERONS’ Global Peace. Leo Semashko The UN was created after the dissolution of the League of Nations, which was unable to prevent the Second World War preparing in front of the whole world. Now the situation repeats: in the eyes of the world ripens a third world war from USA, and the UN, like its predecessor, is unable to do anything to prevent it. Humanity is also helpless in a new world war, as 75 years ago. It is stubborn but inexcusable impotence before the war and militarism, which always win peace by the will of one country-aggressor. Although the main purpose of the UN is peace but for the UN it is unattainable: the war goes annually endless line during 75 years. This means that the UN must be radically transformed. But is how and on the basis? From the GPS perspective, the UN has two congenital defects. 1.The UN is devoid of any scientific, objective knowledge about global peace, its natural actors, its laws and the ways to achieve it because more than a century stagnation and lag of the social sciences, which are unable to create such knowledge and even to raise this question about it within 75 years. (It is their lag from military science). The UN is guilty in this itself. It, under the USA militaristic influence as its key figure, does not want to raise, discuss and resolve this problem to initiate it before science and scientists. Without global peace science the UN is unable to resist the war that was proved by the sad history of its defeats before the war within 75 years. The UN has become a fire brigade for extinguishing the military conflicts but the UN does not know and does not concern the causes and actors of global peace to build it instead of extinguishing fires of endless war. Some of these conflicts it cannot solve almost since its inception, for example, the military confrontation between Israel and Palestine. 2. The UN s lacking a democratic structure, which would hear the voice of the peoples, not just the voice of governments. We know that the nations are peaceful and the governments, with very few exceptions, are prone to military solutions. Therefore, in the UN the serious problems of global peace are hardly discussed and solved but the questions of private conflicts infinite and inconclusive, virtually meaningless, procrastinate. In the UN the priority is the issues of war but not peace. Therefore, any government, contrary to all norms of international law can start any war, including the world, behind the UN back and with its tacit connivance. It constantly and vividly demonstrates the USA ignoring this organization. The UN will be able to make global peace a priority to oppose the war, when this international institute will be express the people's interests in its Chamber of Public Representatives of SPHERONS (global spheral harmonious classes) or the UN SPHERONS’ Chamber. This issue has been considered GHA in 2007, in "Magna Carta of Harmony" [46, p. 21, thesis 36]. These representatives are chosen the country's population from each of its SPHERONS in a certain proportion from the population number (for example, one of every 50 or 100 million people) for a certain period, for example, up to 5 years. They are independent from their governments. They will make the population, which carries all the victims and hardships of wars, involved in the decision-making process of war that the governments decide not the people and population. The SPHERONS’ National Representatives will find peaceful solutions to any military conflict as opposed to governments who cannot and usually do not want to look them that shows the UN entire history for 70 years, a year filled with dozens of wars. The UN SPHERONS’ Chamber is vested the right of final decision on any matter in the UN as well as the rights of a full and long proactive international boycott (economic, political, financial and diplomatic) any country exhibiting unrestrained aggression or aggressive intentions. The UN SPHERONS’ Chamber will make the structure of the UN truly democratic and effective, in contrast to its modern bureaucratic and inactive structure for peace. Science World (NGM) and democratic structures are able to qualitatively transform the UN into an effective instrument of prevention of wars, instead of endless indulgence them traditional militaristic democracy, not able to overcome them within 70 years, no national or global levels. Only science of peace (GPS) the UN SPHERONS’ Chamber allow the UN to fulfill its main mission, providing global peace - general and complete disarmament. Of course, these questions require careful scientific study, which is able to make the Global Peace Academy and its adequate research institutes (see above: 8.4.). To be truly effective, the UN should move location of its headquarters from the territory of the most aggressive and most dangerous country for peace on an independent territory or, at least, in the territory of a neutral country. International Center for Peacemaking - the UN, cannot be in the lair of global militarism: it is a mockery for the UN as miserable relative of the USA, which nurses 70 years its prosperous wars. This will transform the UN of peaceful scenery of the American militarist empire in the honest and brave insistence tool of building global peace. This issue becomes especially important after the USA along with Canada and Ukraine and with the support of the NATO countries rejected the UN resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism on November 21, 2014. It makes these countries (with great shame), the heirs of Hitler and fascism. Can the UN to get on with this legacy of the most dangerous Nazi militarism despite its Charter? This is another fact in favor of a fundamental transformation of the United Nations, which must confront its descent into Nazism under the influence of the US and transfer the UN headquarters to another country. Dr. Leo Semashko. Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science 8.19. Ukraine, NATO and more: Time for the UN to look to the Earth Constitution? Roger Kotila (The full text see here [91]). The United Nations Charter seeks "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war," but has not been able to live up to its rhetoric. From the UN's inception in 1945 in San Francisco world federalists warned that the UN's Charter was fatally flawed. Sure enough, geopolitical hotspots and war have erupted with regularity. The current crisis in the Ukraine is the latest example of UN helplessness. The elected government of the Ukraine was overthrown with covert help from the United States, and then Russia, fearful of encroachment by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, proceeded to annex Crimea. Politicians and the public are largely unaware that there is a potential solution to these dangerous geopolitical maneuverings that could spark a world war. The Earth Constitution [92] is waiting. It is ready to go. Ending the "scourge of war" has been out of reach for the UN. Weaker countries are routinely the victims of Bully nations who use covert operations, economic manipulation, and outright military aggression to control or overthrow governments. The UN's defective Charter allows the leaders of the so-called "great" powers to toss international law aside, indeed to do almost anything at all, with impunity. The UN watched helplessly as the United States illegally invaded first Afghanistan, then Iraq. For the world community the leaders of bully nations are literally "above the law" as was seen in the brutal "shock and awe" attack on Iraq wherein the US president and the generals responsible for this illegal invasion were never prosecuted for their war crimes, including torture. The UN has been overshadowed by US/NATO. The results have been disastrous for the countries invaded by this military alliance which ignores international law and makes its own rules, apparently motivated by the goal of world empire and for "energy security" which one suspects means to satisfy the financial yearnings of private oil corporations. Targets of US/NATO assaults include Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. The people see their homes and cities destroyed, including the infrastructure so that basics like water and electricity are barely available. Horrendous civil wars have resulted. Libya was targeted by the US/NATO and the dictator Muammar Khadafy deposed, yet the people are worse off than ever with the country devastated and in a state of anarchy. We see a similar fate for Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and soon, possibly the Ukraine. In the Ukraine the UN is unable to prevent the internal interference by the United States that helped cause the violent overthrow by neo-fascists of Ukraine's elected government. To complicate matters, US/NATO seeks a door into the Ukraine, a move that has caused Russian authorities serious alarm since the Ukraine lies on its border. The UN has been unable to restrain US/NATO expansion. The facts about NATO as revealed by Mahdi Nazemroaya in "The Globalization of NATO" are alarming [93]. The US/NATO military alliance, he reports, is carrying out plans to militarily encircle both Russia and China. NATO's interest in the Ukraine along with the announcement by the US of its "pivot to Asia" seems to confirm Nazemroaya's analysis. Fear of encirclement caused Russia to annex Crimea, and spurred China to begin to increase its own military might. US/NATO actions appear so irresponsible and reckless that it is even conceivable that an attempt at regime change could be in the making to oust Russian President Vladimir Putin who is currently being demonized by the western press. One can reasonably conclude that NATO, basically a military alliance led by the US, threatens world peace because of its actions to expand worldwide, yet claims it only seeks "security." But isn't that why we have the UN? It is easy to illustrate the UN's failures. We are living them everyday through the news, -- always a new geopolitical conflict or outrage of one kind or another. Nations operate in a global war system. The Earth Constitution provides a global peace system and constructive alternative to the UN. Disputes between nations are resolved without war (which is outlawed). Conflicts are resolved peacefully through adjudication in specialized world courts, or by a democratically elected World Parliament -- lacking in the UN structure. A core problem is that the UN cannot override the decisions of the undemocratic UN Security Council with its five permanent veto members who use the veto to protect themselves and their allies no matter what wrong they have committed. The United States, Russia, and China have most often abused this veto power. Professor Glen T. Martin, author of "World Revolution through World Law," has described the Earth Constitution as the "most important document" of the 20th and 21st centuries [94]. It is designed to accomplish what the UN has been unable to do. The Earth Constitution offers a solution to the nightmare of war and nuclear weapons. Its design is for nonmilitary government both at the global and national levels, of critical importance because military power can never bring true security or peace, a lesson not understood by the US/NATO. The only realistic goal for a safe and secure world must be world union. We must federate. The nations must form a world federation that truly represents the global community. There must be enforceable world law in league with a democratically elected world parliament. There is no shortcut. It is time for the UN and the peoples of the world to look to the Earth Constitution. Dr. Roger Kotila, Psychologist and peace activist in the nonviolent protest movement. Vice President, World Constitution and Parliament Association. He has worked in community mental health, State of California, and in private practice. He has been a radio producer (Earthstar Radio, San Francisco). Address: Marin County, California, USA. Web:,; Email: Editor in Chief note. This excellent article is written in the spirit of the Global Peace Science (GPS) and coincides with it in assessment of the UN and the USA/NATO military alliance as the main threat to global peace. The offered alternative - "Earth Constitution" is absolutely necessary tool for the peaceful world order. But it is, in our opinion, will not be work, touched only with the governments and not covering the population in the major actors of global peace - SPHERONS discovered in GPS (see chapters 1 and 2). GHA offers jointly to modify the Constitution, adding it the structural idea of SPHERONS, which constitute global social structure, provide the most correct division of the population in democracy and thus actualize the most profound and full social foundation for Earth Constitution. Through SPHERONS it receives the status of "the basic law of republic" by Montesquieu, which is ignored the traditional militaristic democracy (see. above: 8.9.). 8.20. International Scientific Contest for the GPS Best Option. Leo Semashko Obviously, the first task of the Academy of Global Peace (AGP – see above, 8.4.) will holding International Scientific Contest to define the GPS best option with the payment to its winner solid award. Naturally, this Contest may be conducted with support of the government, which will receive not only moral dividends and peacemaking prestige. The GPS authors repeatedly stated that while GPS will not find a wide scientific recognition it remains the hypothesis open for comparison with other variants of this science if they exist. Our GPS is the first real example, which does not exclude others. The Contest purpose is precisely to detect the presence of scientific theories that could qualify for the "title" Global Peace Science (GPS). Of course, this Contest is preferably carried out under the auspices of authoritative international organizations interested in this science, for example, the UN, UNESCO, G20 or the BRICS, SCO and etc. GHA offered to support such a Contest the G20 leaders in 2013 in St. Petersburg [95], but, unfortunately, it did not find response to this proposal. We have emphasized that the procedure for the International Scientific Contest is the most proper, credible and democratic in the public recognition of this extremely important for all science, if at least one of these international organizations will support this Contest. Apparently, here needs authority and initiative of the government in such an organization and not the GHA. Ultimately, such a contest can be held under the auspices of the government only if international organizations will express indifference to this science of peace that will be a clear indicator of what they want most: peace or war. The Contest key terms, in our view, are as the followings: 1. To the Contest are invited any groups of social scientists at least of the two countries and 2 persons, who having scientific experience proven in publications of peace studies/researches without any other restrictions. 2. The Contest is accepted the scientific texts of projects under the title "Global Peace Science" not less than 10 and not more than 1000 pages in electronic and paper versions (perhaps as the published book) with a summary of content within 2 pages. 3. Requirements for the Contest projects. Each project must include at least the following parts/sections: 3.1. Summary and evaluation of previous peace research, especially on a global scale. 3.2. Theory of global peace with accent of the fundamental concepts defining the ultimate objective reasons and natural actors of global peace. 3.3. The empirical confirmation of the global peace theory. 3.4. The basic method and the main ways of implementing global peace science at all levels: global, regional, national and local. 3.5. Rough estimate of economic effectiveness of the global peace theory and terms of its implementation, that is achievement of global peace. 3.6. The applications science of global peace as a theory of global justice, global law (especially human rights), global politics, global ecology, global democracy, general and complete disarmament, global peace education, the harmony of science and religion, a global culture of peace and global interfaith harmony. 4. The Contest Committee is developing "The Statute of Contest for the GPS best Project" with all the details, including the necessary funding for research participants and promotion of the Contest winners. This Statute and the Contest International Jury will approve by the organizer of this Contest [95]. The preparation of this Contest is carried by the Global Peace Academy. Dr. Leo Semashko. Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science 8.21. Institute of World Harmony for Global Education in GPS. Laj Utreja The Institute of Global Harmony (IGH), initiated by the GHA and created on the basis of the ABC of Harmony [10, p.106-107] at the Pedagogical University of Gandhi Vidya Mandir in Shardashahr [96], Rajasthan, India in 2014 is approaching to the Institute of Global Education in GPS. This institute can be considered as not only the research but above all as educational institution of GPS within the proposed above Academy of Global Peace. The need for a qualitatively new, harmonious education based on the ABC of Harmony and GPS is dictated by all the conditions of modern life, above all, the need for global peace. We are living in a state of moral and ethical decline without an end in sight. Profit motivated businesses are using technology to the point of negatively impacting almost every sphere of life, including human health, education, entertainment, natural environment, social and cultural life, and finally resource sustainability. Economic systems have created inequality that has polarized our world into two distinct groups of the very wealthy and the neglected. Our political institutions are broken as private interests have come to wield more influence over public policy dividing the nations into another set of two groups, the powerful and the commoner. Our polarized world is imbued with rampant corruption starting with our elected leaders. People have lost faith in the system and they are asking for help. The real solution lies in creating global peace within harmonious civilization [53] in which men and women are accorded dignity and respect, and their natural aptitudes and aspirations are nurtured to reach their full potential. A harmonious society would reduce the barriers of class structures created by the prevailing political and economic environment, such that all people have an equal opportunity for personal and economic development.Appropriate education and training can foster an environment conducive for alleviating the wide-spread biases and false propaganda against the common sense point of view. What is needed is a complete education overhaul that can restore common sense, human values, and a sense of responsibility. The purpose of education must not be only to: teach the student a trade; prepare the student for a productive career; enable a student to earn a good income, compete to stay ahead of the other communities or nations in technology, or preserve a particular doctrine, but to live in peace and harmony with the rest of the environment. In other words, the purpose of education must be to produce socially sensitive and responsible citizensprimarily for global peace. A critical look at today’s broken political, economic and social systems [97; 98] along with an abused and violated environment necessitates the development of a new education program that may bring stability and sustainability to our broken world. Nothing less than what would help develop harmonious societies for a peaceful and sustainable world should be considered the goal of the education program. To be a peace-affirming, peace-building, and peace-loving world, we must dedicate our time, energy and resources toward teaching students in GPS from a very early age as it is done in some countries in the area of sex education. Peace education is more important than that. These children should be taught the meaningful lessons about peace from harmony that can be learned and experienced inside the classroom as well as outside in the world. Peace and harmony can only come through teaching and learning peace and harmony in an educational set up. The IGH is a college of higher learning that produces post-graduates, grounded in human values, with three specialized skills: subject matter experts (SME’s) ready to engage in their respective areas of human development to tackle challenging local problems in a manner that brings harmony among concerned communities of people and the environment; SME’s who will prepare harmony curriculums for children of all ages – from pre-school to high school students to married couples; and harmony teachers who will teach and train children to become socially sensitive and responsible citizens for global peace.The high school graduates from the IGH may either take a vocational school training needed in the local communities or take upon undergraduate studies based upon their interest and aptitudes. The post-graduates from the IGH will be sought after by the governments, industry, organizations and the institutions alike [99]. The IGH graduates will be the model citizens of tomorrow. The IGH envisions partnering with international organizations, including the United Nations (UN) and its affiliates, various Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s), such as the Global Harmony Association (GHA), the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) and the Institute of World Problems (IOWP). Partners would include individuals and groups from different perspectives to collectively craft holistic solutions for a harmonious society leading to a peaceful and sustainable world. Dr. Laj Utreja, Director, Institute of Global Harmony; GHA Vice-President; Address: Sardarshahr, Rajasthan, India; E-mail:; Web:; 8.22. Yoga: A Practical Skill in Peace Education for Nonviolence. Surya N. Prasad Yoga is a practical skill in peace education developed by the author of this paper. His peace education is based on universally inherent five elements, viz. physical, vital, mental, intellectual and spiritual in all men and women everywhere without discrimination of any types to be manifested integrally. The skill of yoga will help every man and woman to be healthy in all parts (elements) of their body leading them to be nonviolent. Hence the author advises that since 21 June 2015, the beginning of the UN International Year of Yoga let all people of the world be aware of their five elements within them and grow integrally through perpetual practice of skill of yoga for their holistic health and sustainable nonviolence. Initiation of International Day of Yoga. The United Nations declared 21 June as International Day of Yoga on the adoption of the resolution of Assembly on 11 December 2014 with support of 170 Member States without a vote. The credit goes to Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi for his initiation to propose for the UN Declaration of International Day of Yoga, who said on 27 September 2014 addressing the UN General Assembly, "Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day." Yoga for All People. Like Laws of Isaac Newton was not for the people of Great Britain, Invention of Steam Engine of James Watt was not for the people of Scotland and Great Britain, Archimedes Principle was not for the people of Syracuse, Italy and Greek, Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity was not for Jews and the people of Germany, and like other inventions, discoveries and creations of other scientists and philosophers were and are for their respective nations and people, but for the benefits of the people of the whole world, similarly the Science of Yoga developed by ancient Indian Saints is not for people of India only, it is excellent and uniquegift for the people of the whole world. Therefore yoga is a Catholic (universal) skill. It is everybody's technique to be practiced without discrimination of any type to get benefit of it. Who can do Yoga? Yoga can be done by those who are well-fed. But alas! 80 per cent of the world population out of about more than 7 billion people is not able to perform different skills of yoga because it lives on less than $10 a day. And nearly 1/2 of the world’s population - more than 3 billion people - live on less than $2.50 a day, and more than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty - less than $1.25 a day. 1/3rd of the world’s hungry live in India, and 836 million Indians survive on less than Rs.20 (less than half-a-dollar) a day. Therefore the resources should be made available for 80% of the financially deprived persons of world to end their hunger and poverty to enable them to take care of the integral health of their physical, vital mental, intellectual and spiritual bodies through the practice of yoga. Besides this, 20% of the world's highly financially abled persons should be awakened towards the importance of practice of yoga to maintain the integral health of their bodies also and to be motivated to arise in them a natural desire to share their much, much more surplus financial resources with their helping hands to the needy persons around them and in the rest of the world. Availability of Resources for All to Practice Yoga. It is learnt that the world has enough resources to meet the needs of the five bodies of 15 billion people while there are about more than 7 billion people in the world. But 80% of the world resources are in the hands of 20% of the people everywhere in the world. While as Oxfam estimates that it would take $60 billion annually to end extreme global poverty--that's less than 1/4 the income of the top 100 richest billionaires. And also the world produces enough food to feed everyone. For the world as a whole, per capita food availability has risen from about 2220 kcal/person/day in the early 1960s to 2790 kcal/person/day in 2006-08, while developing countries even recorded a leap from 1850 kcal/person/day to over 2640 kcal/person/day. This growth in food availability in conjunction with improved access to food helped reduce the percentage of chronically undernourished people in developing countries from 34 percent in the mid-1970s to just 15 percent three decades later (FAO 2012, p. 4). The principal problem is that many people in the world still do not have sufficient income to purchase (or land to grow) enough food. Thereforethe United Nations, The World Bank, respective governments of different nation-states and rich people of the world should share their resources to meet the needs of hungry people to facilitate and encourage them to practice yoga for their holistic health. It is a matter of distributive and restorative justice. And for this, the affluent persons should be awakened to start to practice yoga. History of Yoga. History of Yoga may be divided into four categories, viz. Vedic Yoga, Pre-classical Yoga, Classical Yoga and Post Classical Yoga. (Georg Feuerstein, Traditional Yoga Studies, 2015)…... [See more here: 100] Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D., Executive Vice President of International Association of Educators for World Peace. Address: Delhi, India; Email:,Web:, 8.23. GHA Website "Peace from Harmony": Beginning of GPS Development. Ivan Ivanov In our age of information society the existence of any science, especially fundamentally new, such as GPS, is impossible without a considerable information base and support. GHA, which creates this science, fortunately, has a powerful website "Peace from Harmony”[101]. History and features of this site since 2005 were presented in my article three years ago in "The ABC of Harmony" in 2012 [10, 116-117]. Today the site includes 16 language segments, 22 sections and about 1300 pages of information in English and Russian among others. on it there are published 50 projects of global harmony/peace and 8 GHA books for 10 years of its existence. The total number of site visits from more than 70 major countries reached nearly 7 million, i.e. the average counts are about 600 000 per year, 50 000 per month, 2 000 per day. Currently a daily attendance of a site is within the 2.5-3.5 thousand. GPS is developing on this information basis. Its preliminary materials, articles and chapters in different versions began to publish on the site since the beginning of the project in March, 2013. For the representation of GPS on the home page was created a special section with various banners expressing key ideas of the global peace in Russian and English. Of course, this scope of work on information support of GPS on almost volunteer basis is considerable but not sufficient. In the presence of financing there are the following possible directions of development of GPS information support. 1. Creation of the social network on the basis the site "Peace from Harmony" with the same name for all peacemakers with the purposes of discussion, education and development of GPS and all the key institutions of global peace, beginning with the majors: SPHERONS as actors of peace, Children’s Suffrage, SPHERONS's Democracy, HARMON currency, Disarmament in 50 years, Mass Peace Movement and etc. 2. Creation of language divisions of the site "Peace from Harmony" with the purpose of GPS development on all continents. These divisions could continuously monitor the dynamics of the priorities of peace and war on continents and largest countries [102]. 3. Creation of a special large-scale project of the site "Peace from Harmony" with the title "Global Peace Culture and Art" for the publication and dissemination of works of all art forms and cultures, dedicated to world peace. 4. Creation of project of amateur videos, dedicated to condemnation of the existing wars and armed conflicts and to signs, seedlings and most various manifestations of global peace in the history, science and culture of our planet. Of course, this list of directions of support and development of GPS information base can be considerably expanded. Ivan Ivanov, Webmaster "Peace from Harmony" site, GHA Technical Director. GHA Vice-President and the GHA projects Secretary. St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics graduate. Address: St. Petersburg, Russia; Web:; E-mail: 8.24. Road Map of Global Peace in the XXI Century and its Leader. Leo Semashko, Subhash Chandra In this and the preceding three chapters in the general view were shown the main blocks of the architecture of global peace of SPHERONS: their laws, principles/values, ways and institutions, ignoring any of which makes achieving this peace impossible. The practical integration these blocks and their elements are in institutions, which are described in this chapter but which are necessary but together insufficient. The formation of these blocks cannot be both at once but only in some logical sequence of global peace, which can be expressed as the "Road Map of Global Peace in the XXI Century" in time. However, the time factor, because of its extreme uncertainty for global peace, we leave for the future. The roadmap of global peace is intended to express some order to create its necessary institutions and conditions, to determine its leader and the main enemy in its achievement. Roadmap of global peace is alleged and the planned path to it through the science of social harmony. In the first approximation Roadmap of global peace of the XXI century appears as follows: 1. Creation of the history first version of global peace science (GPS) as the embryo of a global scientific peacebuilding consciousness, illuminating becoming the conscious actors of global peace - SPHERONS. This version of GPS is presented in our book here. 2. Definition of the leader of international movement for global peace or peacebuilding front of peacemaking nations. This is the first and major practical problem: whether can be among peaceful nations of the world, such as India, China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Mexico, Malaysia and others found the strong independent peace leader able to lead in the XXI century world movement towards global peace and its steady building? The Government of which country is able to volunteer to take this noble but in the highest degree responsible peacebuilding mission of global leader and historical reformer? Will there be such a government? Or the humanity governments prefer to do more war, the arms race and military budgets than global peace? These are questions of humanity, of all people, all citizens of all countries and all inhabitants of the planet, because it is questions of life or death for every. WHAT IS REPLY FROM GOVERNMENTS TO THESE QUESTIONS OF THE WORLD CITIZENS? What Governments want to do: war or peace? Or do they hide behind the UN, whose peacemaking mission are paralyzed from the beginning, since 1945, by the global militarism and dominance of American empire, which transformed the UN, in fact, into a servant of their national interests, depriving it a hard spirit of permanent and universal peacebuilding. World peace and any clear movement to it at this UN do not work for more than 70 years and they do not even shine on its horizon. The USA became the main threat, the enemy and obstacle of global peace (proof of this fact, see chap. 9). In the context of pro-American UN, the independent state or a group of countries should be as the peacebuilding leader able to pursue an independent policy of global peace and gradually unite around itself all peaceful countries to create in the long perspective not simply new "United Nations" and "United Peacebuilding Nations" (UPN). 3. Establishment of the Department (Agency) of Peacebuilding in the government of country-leader with approval of budget financing of all its divisions (8.3.) that should show the world the seriousness of peaceful intentions of this government and its fearlessness in front of apparent enemies and obstacles. 4. Organization of the World Academy of Social Sciences for Global Peace or shorter: Global Peace Academy (GPA), which will ensure the development of GPS and conducting various scientific studies, especially dynamics of SPHERONS of the world countries from 1950 on decades in all spheral indices of SOCIONOME, social genome of global peace from harmony (see chap. 2). Other tasks of GPA are formulated in other chapters. Together with GHA the International Scientific Journal "Peace from Harmony" is created to publish it in the major languages, including Esperanto. 5. Holding the International Scientific Contest for the GPS best option, which will provide a better quality of GPS, its international recognition and to bring together peace researchers from different countries in GPS. 6. Formation of the World Council for Global Peace (WCGP) as the unifying center of peace-loving governments and international and national peace organizations with various International Committees in its structure for different institutions of global peace: Children's Suffrage (CF), democracy of SPHERONS tested at different levels, HARMON currency, disarmament for 50 years, non-violent resistance to war tax, Esperanto, harmonious economy, global community of SPHERONS, transformation of the UN into the UPN, GPS development, mass movements for peace, women priority, interfaith harmony and harmonious education for global peace, and others. 7. Creation of a global social network "Peace from Harmony" dedicated to the discussion and development of global peace in all its dimensions. For all stages of the Roadmap the GHA has special projects and suggestions in GPS spirit. The main question of Roadmap for global peace is: what peaceful country could become the organizational center of these movements for location and funding their Committees and abled to take a long-term (at XXI Century) proposed in GPS international program of consistent, science-based building global peace? Theoretically, there are several. This is, first and foremost, those which have a long, at least a thousand years civilization history of primary peaceful nature: India, China, Russia, and others. Another option – this organizational center can be not one but several united countries, such as the BRICS. This variant will be discussed in the next paragraph (8.25.). From our point of view, which perhaps we are wrong, but in which we are most confident and on which, above all, hope – the most appropriate country for the mission of world leader of building global peace is Russia. Russia is a special, integrated (or pluralistic, multi-dimensional culturally) civilization. It has the rich cultural diversity of more than thousand-year history of peaceful co-existence in consent and "sobornost" of dozens of nations of diverse spirituality, united peacefulness of deep cultural "consonance", i.e. of fundamental social harmony. This harmony is perceived and felt intuitively in the Russian national spirit and consciousness. This natural, harmonious and peaceful nature of Russian spirituality found expression in the Orthodox religion, as well as in Russian philosophy, literature and art, of which can scoop thousands of evidence to that effect. This is only one of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Speaking of Pushkin as the greatest national genius, who possessed "the ability of universal responsiveness", he stresses that this ability is the "key features of our nationality", is the people's ability. So the inheritance of Russia "is a world, and not by the sword acquired but by the power of brotherhood", by serving the people of Europe and the world, "the desire to bring reconciliation to the European contradictions ... and utter the final word of the great general harmony, brotherly definitive agreement of all the tribes by the Christ Gospel Law" [103, p. 455 and 458]. GPS, born in Russia by joint efforts of scientists from many countries - it is the "word of the great general harmony" and "brotherly agreement" reconciling nations. Therefore, it is Russia as a nation-reconciler in spirit of "great general harmony" is more suited to the role of peacebuilding global leader. (For more details see ch. 10). That is why Russia initiated the creation of the peace-loving international organizations: BRICS, SCO and others. Therefore, the other, no less important variant of world leader in building global peace can be the collective leader but with mandatory participation of Russia. For example, the BRICS countries association, which will strengthen the position of these countries in the world and, on the other hand, will strengthen the position of global peace in the face of the USA war empire. Russia has all the necessary resources and political will to fulfill historical mission of leader of the global peacebuilding movement but the best way to implement it will be a collective leadership through the BRICS, as discussed in the next section (8.25). The presented version of the Roadmap of peacebuilding - that's just the most common its beginning (the sequel is scheduled in the list of Institutes in 8.2.) requiring a fundamental development in the Global Peace Academy. Dr. Leo Semashko. GHA President, Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science, Russia Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA Secretary General, India 8.25. BRICS as Global Leader of Peacebuilding Front in the XXI Century. Security: The Theory of Two Fronts. Leo Semashko The global peace basic institutions presented in the 8th chapter form a single in diversity Global Peacebuilding Front of humanity in the 21st century, the ultimate objective of which is building a world order of global peace excluding wars, armed conflicts, and any weapons. This front nonviolently resists and confronts to Global Military Front. Let us compare these two fronts in order to understand the scope of their confrontation and weigh the strength and capabilities of each. The Military Front is the first global front on time, scale and impact created by the world countries for their national defense and security. He began to emerge after origin of military science nearly two centuries ago but a decisive contribution to its building was introduced by the last, most militaristic and bloody century in history. The military front of humanity unites countless military institutions, armed forces and global military infrastructure with hundreds of millions of employees and tens of trillions of dollars of annual funding. Military front works on the war continuously almost 200 years without stopping for a minute. The consolidating center of this front is a military science, which allowed creating a powerful military infrastructure (the infrastructure of war) uniting four clusters of military resources: 1. Tens millions of armed forces personnel, attendants and military-industrial complex workers (cluster of human or people resources of wars); 2. Military science with thousands of military Academies, colleges, institutions and information services with millions of military scientists, teachers and experts. Military science is the basis of formation of military doctrines, strategies and policies of governments (cluster of information resources); 3.Military budgets with trillions of dollars annually and powerful military structures, beginning with the Ministries of Defense, using these budgets (cluster of financial and organizational resources); 4.Material-technical base of the war, including tens of thousands of military bases and facilities, billions of units of various weapons and providing reserves as well as hundreds of thousands of military enterprises, which continually produce, serve and improve weapons during centuries (cluster of material resources). The military front is guided false militaristic ideology: "If you want peace - prepare for war" or "If you do not feed your army, you will feed someone else's army." Peace in the light of this militaristic doctrine is a part of the war, only break between wars and preparation for them. In the previous chapters was proved the falsity of this ideology, the alternative to which is GPS as a scientific doctrine of global peace. Its essence is the idea of Einstein: "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding" [104], i.e. only by mind, armed with the global peace science (GPS). In the dynamics of its rapid development, the military front started to threaten in the second half of the 20th century destruction of all humanity in a nuclear clash of the most powerful nuclear powers. This clash makes little sense for any of national military defense and security. It transforms global military front into the first threat to human existence, depriving it of any positive meaning and converts this front in the basic man-made (noospheral) destructive factor of life on Earth. The only positive meaning, which is behind it - is enormous war profits of military corporations by continuously expanding production of weapons. Only a narrow but powerful military-industrial and financial elite is interested in the infinite existence of humanity military front and no one else. Pope Francis condemns wars and this elite saying: "Those who promote wars are not concerned with the defense of their own people but with the making of more and more money. Many powerful people don't want peace because they live off war" [105]. The threat of nuclear war and global nuclear collision occurred 70 years ago, in 1945, after creation of the USA atomic bomb and its first test on humans in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. Their population, more than 200 thousand people, became the first victim of global military (militaristic) front led by the US. Since then, contrary to all the countless attempts to free from the nuclear threat or even somehow limit it, it shows steady tendency of growth and qualitative renovation. This trend confirms the test of its new model in the US, Nevada, July 1, 2015 through the bomber F-15E "in order to develop the possibility of using the atomic bomb V61-12 with NATO fighter-bombers stationed in Europe" [106]. This test was carried out despite international prohibitions and aimed against Russia and China, which are forced to respond adequately. The nuclear weapons reached fantastic levels of scientific perfection in its production, dissemination and delivery to any area that allows overcoming any lot echelon system of national defense and security making them meaningless. Evolution of military front led it to self-denial. From an instrument of national defense and security, it became the first instrument of global self-destruction, from which there is no military defense and security at any one country. The military way of defense and security is a dead-end, senseless and self-destructive path, denying self and transforming humanity in its sacrifice. It foresaw the famous American thinker Fuller: "We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims" [107]. The military front able to make humanity a victim following behind the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki but it is absolutely not able to make it the architect of global peace, life and prosperity of all the peoples in the 21st century. Self-negation of military front has that deep positive sense that it proves in the best manner that the absolute defence, protection and security of each country and each person can only give global peace from harmony with the general and complete disarmament. But global peace as absolute protection and security is devoid of any resources: their comparison with the military resources (above) shows that peace resources are virtually nil in all clusters. Global peace devoid of any institutional forces, institutions, infrastructure and financing, with the exception of isolated enthusiasts-peacemakers, their fragmented organizations, their volunteer work and their miserable in size but great in sense donations to peace. That global peace as absolute protection and security has evolved from a chimerical fantasy into the real force capable nonviolently to resist and defeat global military front, it must acquire and embody into a more powerful global peacebuilding front of humanity in the 21st century with its science, infrastructure, financing and leadership. This will be the second front for the defense and security of each country after the military front, the second on time of origin in more than two centuries after the military front but it is the first and single front to achieve absolute protection and security in global peace. only peacebuilding front with adequate infrastructure, uniting on the GPS base the four clusters of resources can provide absolute protection and security of every country and every person in global peace from harmony. For appearance of the peacebuilding front primarily requires two key resources of its infrastructure: 1. Global peace science (GPS) and 2. Global leader. GPS in the first version was created first in 10 years in the GHA and presented in this book. GPS identified actors – SPHERONS, their laws, values/principles, ways, institutions and roadmap of global peace together with them. GPS has created a broad panorama of scientific sociological imagination of global peace in the 21st century in its basic parameters, dimensions and directions. This scientific vision acceptable to all peoples and countries, as it serves to their absolute protection and security. only people with a misanthropic ideology like Nazism, the reckless and suicides may object to it, which include narrow military-industrial and financial elite who receives benefits from the infinite totalitarian reign of global militarism as a constant threat to life and security of every country and every person. It's all clear. The second necessary resource of key importance to peacebuilding front is its global leader, able to unite, organize, finance and manage all of its actions in all directions of peacebuilding. Only in this case the peacebuilding front will be able to advance and win nonviolently military front in all peacemaking "battles." Humanity knows and everyone intuitively and personally feels the global military leader - a militaristic block US/NATO, about which much has been said before, but scientific evidence and detailed illustrations of this fact is shown in the following, the 9th chapter. It is much harder to determine the leader of peacebuilding front, which does not yet exist and peacemaking leaders of which do not show themselves, expressing the peaceful aspirations only occasionally and unsystematic. To such peacemaking countries-leaders are primarily BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), which recognized the "international peace and security" as its top priority [108]. Russian President Vladimir Putin in his final press conference at the BRICS summit on July 10, 2015 identified the peacefulness, tools and ultimate goals of the BRICS: "We’ll use all instruments of cooperation with all countries … primarily develop relations with those countries that want to cooperate with us. The BRICS countries … are powerful states with a strategic prospect of development. They are leaders – the future leaders of the world and the global economy. Look at their human and natural resources and potential; look at their growth rates. So I’m confident that new instruments of cooperation will appear. They will have a favourable influence on the citizens of our countries and we’ll live in a world that will be more balanced, more safe and prosperous"[109] (emphasis added – L.S.). GPS arms BRICS as the most probable global and collective leader of the peacebuilding front with a key tool for the scientific understanding of its peacemaking mission until the 21st century end. At the same time, GPS opens all nations and countries the conscious and democratic way of joining the BRICS and its "second" peacebuilding front. This front under the BRICS leadership will ensure global peace as the full and non-violent security, social harmony (balanced world) and prosperity for all countries and peoples. The peacemaking front uniting all peace-loving countries around the BRICS cooperates with all countries, without exception but actively and nonviolently opposes by all legitimate means to any war, armed conflict, aggression, militarist alliance and militarism in a whole, contrasting them the peace projects, initiatives and actions as the only acceptable alternatives. We see no other international organization, except BRICS, which is able "to arm" with GPS to lead the global peacebuilding front and become its leader in the 21st century. The UN cannot fulfill this mission, for the reasons discussed above (8.18., 8.19.). only peacebuilding front led by BRICS is able to realize the great dream of Martin L. King Jr. "shift the arms race into a peace race" [110] and make humanity architect, not a victim of the future. The military front and its leader - the US/NATO makes him a victim, and peacebuilding front and its leader - BRICS make it an architect. Confrontation and nonviolent struggle of these global fronts, the victory of the peacebuilding front ultimately constitute the main meaning of human history in the 21st century. The nonviolent struggle disarms and neutralizes the military front, transforming it into peacebuilding front in result. The struggle for peace, on the one hand, and the struggle for war, on the other hand, will determine the future of humanity: life in peace or death in the war. This contradiction requires the intensive, accelerated development of peacebuilding front, which lags behind the military front for almost two centuries, is, in fact, in lethal condition or in a century coma, deprived of its own science, infrastructure, financing and organizational center. History created BRICS for revival, de facto, - for the new birth of global peacebuilding front through GPS to fulfill the most humane, life-saving and rotary mission of mankind in the 21st century. The primary tasks of the BRICS as a leader of peacebuilding front are: 1. Create in each government of BRICS the Peacebuilding Department (8.3.), which all together constitute the Joint (International) Headquarters of the second front, which will be the first practical proof of BRICS peaceful intentions; 2. Establishment of the International Academy of Global Peace (8.4.) in one of the countries, such as Russia or India for scientific maintenance of all the actions of this front; 3. Definition of a modern militaristic front, its leader and scope of its threats to global peace and security of all countries, to what Chapter 9 is dedicated. Other functions and tasks of the peacebuilding front leader are presented in general terms in its Road Map (8.24.), and its more detailed substantiation is in Chapter 10. The theory of two fronts of security, an essay of which is presented in this paragraph, is a continuation and development of the theory of SPHERONS and PARTONS in GPS and philosophy of peaceful human nature, disclosed in Chapter 1. The two fronts pass through each country, nation, community and each person acquiring different weights in them and determining their peaceful or militaristic quality on priority of one from them. Therefore, the two fronts theory in GPS a philosophical and sociological theory, which is presented at this stage only in relation to the leadership issue in global peacebuilding. In the following steps, it requires a more detailed and large-scale development. Dr. Leo Semashko. GHA President, Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science, Russia (July 29, 2015) References: 1. 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