Congratulations on my birthday June 20 in 2017
((Congratulations on my birthday June 20 in 2016: in 2018 is here: (34+5 from 17+2 countries, except congratulations by phone)
Congratulations in the context of harmony and disharmony Dear GHA members, friends, I am happy to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who congratulated me on my birthday on June 20. I received 34 congratulations from 17 countries, except congratulations by phone. Since each of them carries a piece of warm individual harmony and general human solidarity in peace from harmony, I had no right to put them to oblivion. I was happy to collect and accumulate their harmonious energy, save and publish them on our website here: Every congratulation I accompanied with the personal page address. Each of them opens up a world of deep individual harmony, consonant with our global diversity in the reality of its one world-wide inner harmony, as the French genius Henri Poincare expressed lapidary more than 100 years ago:"The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality"! Absence of this reality in the minds and consciousness of people or its deficiency in thinking, explained by ignorance in it, is replenished with aggressive and militaristic disharmony, which is the source of all wars, armed conflicts, violence, domination and poverty of people. Therefore, it is so important to accumulate a harmonious energy that does not exclude the need for its adequate response to any aggressive disharmony. Harmony, which embodies reality, cannot be weak. It can only be strong in an holistic reality. For example, we meet with satisfaction the destruction of terrorists that is an integral element of real harmony. But it can be weak in some persons and nations temporarily due to their ignorance or for any neglect, for example, in a false belief in one's own exclusivity. The truth of harmony, intuitively accumulated by the whole human culture, can be revealed most clearly, accessible and acceptable to all only by the science of harmony. To its development is devoted the life activity of the Global Harmony Association more than 12 years, which culminated in creation of Global Peace Science from harmony by the 174 different authors from 34 different countries united in harmony of scientific peace knowledge ( As a social philosopher, I cannot do without this philosophical generalization of your congratulations. Once again with joy - many thanks to you and best wishes. With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 23-06-17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Leo, Tomorrow will be your birthday. In this opportunity I express my loving respect, appreciation, and admiration for you and your work. You are a treasure to humankind, to our GHA, AND TO ME. Ernesto Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD University Professor - Poet – Physician Tel Aviv University, Israel. Academician - Real European Academy of Doctors Academician – Int. Academy of Sciences, Technology, Education and Humanities (AICTEH) - Spain Honorary President- Israeli Association Writers. Spanish Branch Albert Schweitzer Peace Award 1st Vice President - World Academy of Arts and Culture – WAAC/WCP Former Vice President of IPPNW (Association awarded the Nobel Peace Prize) and the actual president of the Israeli Branch Honorary President United Nations of Letters Honorary President of SIPEA – International Society of Poets Writers and Artists National President of UMECEP (Unión Mundial de Escritores por la Cultura y la Ecología) Vice President Intl Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC) Israel President. Global Harmony Association (GHA) 19-06-17 Wish you a happy healthy prosperous peaceful harmonious & spiritually connected life ever after this birthday. Dr. Chand Bhardwaj, India 19-06-17 Дорогой Лев! Примите мои поздравления по случаю Вашего Дня Рождения! Не перестаю удивляться Вашей активности. Маленький росток, за которым Вы ухаживали много лет, превратился в крепкое дерево и разрастается до размеров баобаба! Пусть оно растёт и крепнет! Большой привет Вашей семье, здоровья и успехов во всех Ваших делах! В качестве скромного подарка ко Дню рождения примите мой последний сборник стихотворений с картинками, который недавно появился в журнале "Новая Литература", а также список последних публикаций в зарубежных журналах за этот год. Дружески, Адольф Шведчиков, Россия/США 20 июня 2017 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST DR. LEO! Happiness with your loved ones. Happiness at the light of your Big enormous Human job: GPS-ABC of Harmony and more... Peace and Harmony! Blessings… forever Be blessed! Dr. Susana Roberts, Argentina Dear Dr. Leo Semashko, …. All this is being done due to the inspiring and sustained efforts of our beloved Dr. Leo Semashko. His energy and the new pathways that he is always suggesting are indeed creative and innovative. All of us wish him a long, prosperous and healthy life on his anniversary. We hope that he will continue to guide and inspire us in this noble endeavor. Dr Ravi P Bhatia Educationist, Environmentalist and Peace Researcher Former Professor and Member of Gandhi Bhawan of Delhi University June 20, 2017 Wish Dr. Leo a very Happy Birthday from GHA Trust India. You have been inspiring leader for thousands of Peace Leaders and we wish you continue your efforts for Harmony, Humanity, Peace and Sustainability of globe. With best regards, RAMESH KUMAR, India Дорогой Папа!!! Поздравляю тебя с днем рождения. Желаем тебе здоровья, счастья и долгих лет жизни. Желаем тебе успехов в научной работе и на поприще общественной деятельности. Целуем и обнимаем твои Саша, Юля, Степа, Россия Dear Leo! Happy birthday to you and all the best to your family. Have a great day! Prof Dr Dr h c Timi Ecimovic, Republic of Slovenia Dear Leo, WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY and LOVING BIRTHDAY. Congratulations. Dr. Surendra Pathak, India Dear Leo, Happy birthday with health, happiness, and your vision for Global Peace from Harmony to become true. With Peace from Harmony and Love Dr. Takis D Ioannides, Greece
Dear Leo, Happy birthday and that life gives you of its best things!!! I also wish success to your projects for a better world, in love and harmony, in mutual respect and that would only come with scientific reflections to sources of violence and conflicts such as the ideological and financial sources of terrorism! Love, peace and harmony. Prof. Ammar Banni, Algeria
Dear Leo Wish You A Very Happy Birthday.Pray Almighty to Shower Peace, Progress and Prosperity in all your future endeavors. Dr. Ashok T Chakravarthy, India Dear Leo: Happy Birthday to you! May you have many years of most creative work for peace! Best wishes to you, your dear family, your great work, your wonderful country, your Rudi, from the, House of Mir Prof. Rudolf Siebert, USA Dear Dr. Leo Creator ofGlobal Harmony &"Global Harmony Day" on the Harmonious Era Calendar, on the "UN Day of Yoga" on June 21. Congratulations for creating Global Harmony & Best Wishes for your Happy Birth Day with Love, Respect , Harmony & good Health. Dear Leo – Also Best Wishes for your Global Mission i.e. Global Harmony for Earth, Universe & Humanity through Global Peace Science. Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President and the GHA Board Chairman GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, India Happy Birthday dear Leo Lic. María Cristina Azcona, Argentina Dear Friends and Dear Leo – Best Wishes for your Global Mission i.e. Peace and Global Harmony on Earth. Happy Birthday Leo! A long, happy, healthy and fruitful life! With the Best Wishes, W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz Philosopher and Political Thinker, Professor of Zayed University, United Arab Emirates Дорогой Лев! Поздравляем Тебя С ДНЕМ РОЖДЕНИЯ!!! Желаем тебе здоровья и здравия, крепости духа и сил, чтобы решать творческие задачи и достигать цели, которые ты сам ставишь перед собой и добиваешься!!! Желаем чтобы семьявдохновляла, дети внуки и правнуки росли, цвели и радовали!!! Целуем. Твои родственники - Татьяна и все Румянцевы. Россия Румянцева Татьяна Wish you a happy birthday sir. MayGod bless you with healthy, happy and long life. Dr. Noor M Larik, Pakistan Dear Dr Leo Warm greetings. May you stay healthy, and blessed. Yes, the world celebrates 21 June as the day for Yoga. Good wishes Dr Sanjay Tewari , India Дорогой Лев! Ещё раз HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU на всех языках мира! Пусть знают наших!!! Для меня явилось полной неожиданностью "publicity", которое Вы по ходу дела устроили и для меня. Ваши внуки - прелесть, думаю, что в будущем они не могут быть неизвестными после такого знаменитого дедушки! Ещё раз всего самого-самого! Дружески, Адольф Шведчиков, США/Россия
Re: project in Colombia (Peace & Poetry) Dear Leo, Greetings and blessings from Colombia, hoping you are fine with your family, in the name of our Merciful Lord, I would like to forward you an invitation on occasion of our first edition of a festival of spiritual poetry in Colombia for peace and oecumenism. The director of the cultural department is in charge of sending invitations through the office of the governor from the Antioquia province, famous for its production of the best world coffee. This link is just a short presentation of the project pending the web page. We would like to set up in these small villages, remote from the capital of the province , Medellin, and with no acess to language and peace pedagogy, a school of languages and workshops on peace. The project would be an itinerary one over several villages of wonderful colonial architecture and rich folklore that make part of a governmental project to preserve and promote them, called:”Las rutas patrimoniales de Antioquia”: Villages of Jardin, Jericho, Santa fe de Antioquia, Fredonia, Girardota, San Pedro de los Milagros etc... The local catholic churches has agreed to support our project putting at our disposal the gorgious infrastructure. Thanks for your kind interest Sarah Carrere Mbodj tel +57 321 964 2725 webedencouk@hotmai , Colombia
Лев Михайлович, здравствуйте.
На работе вспомнил, какая сегодня дата :-) Поздравляю Вас с Днём рождения! Желаю здоровья, сил, новых единомышленников, успехов, признания и вдохновения в гармонии. И успейте, пожалуйста, немного отдохнуть летом. Надеюсь, погода еще порадует. Иван Иванов, Россия Dear Leo, Today is a gift of life, today it's your birthday. May this day be filled with pleasant memories, flowers, peace, love, happy hours and always a special day to remember. In peace, Dr. Ayo Aola-Amale, Ghana Дорогой Лев Михайлович !Поздравляю Вас С Днём Рождения !!! Здоровья Вам и Сил в Вашем благородном деле! Юрий Заклинских Демиург: Dear Leo and All GHA Members; Happy Birthday of Global Mission for Peace from Harmony. Thank you. Peace! Prof. Bishnu Pathak, Nepal Dear Dr Leo, God bless and many happy returns of the day. Last year i wrote a poem on your B'day. I m away from my university but i shall compose a poem on 22 June and send. I shall come to St Petersburg and wish personally in Sept. May God give you long and healthy life. Yours, Prof. Brig Kartar Singh, Vice Chancellor , Shridhar university Pilani, INDIA
Happy Birthday Leo, Thérèse Marie Robert, France
Dearest Leo,
Happy, happy B. Day to YOU! And a nice celebration with your Family. Remain always young of heart, working with pleasure. With love from Kobe. Prof. Reimon Bachika, Japan С ДНЕМ РОЖДЕНИЯ ЛЕВУШКА! ЗДОРОВЬЯ, СЧАСТЬЯ И ВСЕХ БЛАГ ЗЕМНЫХ! С ЛЮБОВЬЮ. СВЕТЛАНА КУСКОВСКАЯ Dear Leo, Happy birthday! I am in Colombia. The RC51 conference is going well. Best wishes, Dr. Bernard Scott, England HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST DR. LEO! El yoga no solo trata de armonizar el cuerpo, sino que también nos lleva a la meditación. Esto es muy bueno porque nos acerca a la paz. Ime Biassoni, Argentina Лев Михайлович, здравствуйте! Поздравляем Вас с днём рождения и желаем Вам здоровья, долгих лет жизни, новых творческих успехов и реализации на практике той идеи, которую Вы предлагаете людям. А поскольку жизнь отличный стрелок и частенько расстреливает все наши самые заветные мечты, то мы желаем, чтобы на этот раз она промахнулась. С уважением, Андрей, Нина и Вася Смирновы «Демиург»:
Дорогой и любимый дедулечка!! С прошедшим днем рождения!!!! Здоровья, счастья, любви!! Оставайся всегда таким же молодым!!! Извини, дедуль, вовремя не поздравила, только вчера прилетела!!! Рафаэль то же поздравляет!!! Целуем, любим!! Катя Семашко, внучка, Израиль 21-06-17
Pacea este cheia. La mulți ani, Мир - это ключ. С днем рождения. Liviu C. Caliman, Founder, Peace Leadership. Trinity College Dublin, Irish School of Ecumenics, Graduate Student, Dublin, Ireland
Добрый день, Лев Михайлович! Хороший человек отмечает День рождения минимум неделю. Разрешите и мне присоединиться ко всем поздравлениям. Пожелать Вам бодрости духа, неиссякаемой энергии, здоровья и внутренней гармонии. Как говорят славяне, Будьмо! На долгие Лета. Всего доброго, с уважением, Сергей Василенко, Харьков, Украина,
Только узнал о Вашем дне рождения. Да будет Гармония всегда и во всем у Вас и в Вашей семье! Ураз Баймуратов, академик, Казахстан 23-06-17 Дорогой Лев Михайлович! С опозданием поздравляю с Днем рождения!!! Желаю долгой, плодотворной и здоровой жизни! Счастья и Любви! Всегда помню! P.S. В Ваш ДР перелетала из России во Францию, был день без Интернета... С любовью, Света Ветрова, Россия 23-06-17
Dear Leo: On behalf of the Russia & America Goodwill Association ( and myself, I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you much health, happiness, energy, and love. The above blessings sustain harmony and peace in the world. RAGA needs you because the Global Harmony Association you created 12 years ago serves as if it were RAGA's global extension. RAGA is just as committed to global peace as GHA is. Born on June 20, 1941, just two days before the Germans attacked the USSR and killed your father, you are genetically and symbolically predestined to be a global peace-lover. I am sure you follow well your mother's commandment to be a man of peace. I feel a special affinity with you because at the start of the war I was already four, that is old enough to participate emotionally in Soviet people's heroic efforts to fight and win this terrible war. I agree with you "it is important to accumulate a harmonious energy that does not exclude the need for its adequate response to any aggressive disharmony". As a fellow graduate of Moscow State University I have share your dissident attitudes and agree with your critique of Marxist-Leninist ideology whose call for class struggle and world revolution was contrary to the ideals of peaceful and harmonious evolution. Yes, we do aspire for social justice in Russia and world-wide, but we commit to use only peaceful means for its attainment. Also we disagree with Marxist-Leninist disdain, hatred and suppression of religion that dominated Soviet period of Russian history. It is the sign of our time that President Putin now loudly declares that "none of the world religions can be a source of Evil" and he explicitly included Islam, while expressing a hope that current conflicts between Sunnites and Shiites can be overcome. Thanks to your valiant efforts for domestic and international peace, Russia has become a center-stage for a new global peace movement. With more health, energy, friendship and social net-working we shall prevail against forces of greed, hatred and aggression! Sincerely, W GeorgeKrasnow (Краснов,_Владислав_Георгиевич) President, RAGA,, Russia - America 25-06-17
Wishing a lot of happiness and love. Teresinka Pereira Birthday Leo Semashko June 20th 2017 Give yourself up to the day With your heart Full of flowers as a future. Today you receive a laurel You deserve by walking In a clean breeze. As a present of a life time This is your day From dawn to midnight. Happy birthday! Ms. Teresinka Pereira 2204 Talmadge Rd., Ottawa Hills, OH 43606, USA 18-07-17
Birthday congratulations in 2015 in context of peace and war.
Publication: In Russian: In English: This year may be the last in history through nuclear war, which can be stopped by "Global Peace Science" Many thanks to all for your kind congratulations on my birthday 20 June 1941, just before the Second World War, where was killed my father and my mother and I had a few days under the Nazi bombing: My best thanks to all my friends who have sent these congratulations are my editorship and publication in Russian (2015) and English (2016) "Global Peace Science" by 89 co-authors from 30 countries: This GHA book gives everyone the opportunity to understand how we can establish global peace from harmony and keep our life beyond military death and how we can save humanity and our planet from the nuclear catastrophe resulting nuclear aggression against Russia, which the US/NATO prepare now ( Your congratulations are the support to "Global Peace Science" from harmony and firm belief that it is able to stop the nuclear war and to ensure full victory of peace over war in the 21st century! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I want to congratulate Leo for his birthday next Saturday, June 20. Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD University Professor - Poet – Physician, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Former Vice President of IPPNW (Association awarded the Nobel Peace Prize) and the actual president of the Israeli Branch,17-06-15 --------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Happy Birthday! We are still plodding on in our old age here, and you are still on my prayer list, love Hilarie Roseman, painter, Australia, 19-06-15 -------------------------------------------------- Mashallah, many happy returns of the day when you made your blessed parents Smile with all their heart and soul. May you continue to bring Smiles to everyone around you, Inshallah. Dua's and Blessings from Ajmer Sharif, Syed Salman Chishty, India, 20-06-15 ---------------------------------------------------------- Лев Михайлович, здравствуйте. С Днём рождения Вас! Отличного дня и настроения. Здоровья, любви, сил, успехов в Вашем главном деле... Иван Иванов, Россия 20-06-15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ЛЕВУШКА! С ДНЕМ РОЖДЕНИЯ, СОЛНЫШКО! МУЖСКОГО СЧАСТЬЯ! ЗДОРОВЬЯ! ТВОРЧЕСКИХ УСПЕХОВ! С ИСКРЕННЕЙ ЛЮБОВЬЮ - СВЕТЛАНА КУСКОВСКАЯ, Учитель, Россия 20-06-15 ---------------------------------------------------------- Поздравляю! Здоровья! Яков Фельдман, Россия, 20-06-15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- С днем рождения, дорогой коллега. Удачи, здоровья, а главное - Победы мировой Гармонии!!! Александр Трубачев, Россия, 20-06-15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- МНОГАЯ ЛЕТА! И ПУСКАЙ БУДУТ В ГАРМОНИИ ВСЕ МИРЫ ВО ВСЕХ ИХ ЖИЗНЬ ДАЮЩИХ ПРОЯВЛЕНИЯХ! ЕНЕЙ, Украина, 20-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Дорогой Лев! Сердечно поздравляем с днём рождения! Счастья, здоровья, удачи, радости и благополучия тебе и твоим близким! Пусть все желания сбудутся! Юра и Света Цымбалист, поэты, Россия, 20-06-15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dearest Leo, All the happiness in this day, to you , your wise work… all the blessings! Happy Birthday… Love , respect ,all the best wishes always!! Susana Roberts, Poet, Argentina, 20-06-15 -------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Happy Birthday!!! We are all grateful for your tireless efforts to advance the cause of peace.I am particularly grateful to you for our collaboration on peace work over all of these years. So, again, Happy Birthday, Leo. Best, Dr.Terrence Paupp, Jurist, USA 20-06-15 --------------------------------------------------------- Дорогой Лев! Мы все являемся продуктом 3D-REALITY, где время распоряжается с каждым по-своему: одним оно прибавляет годы, другим - мудрость. С ДНЁМ РОЖДЕНИЯ, ДОРОГОЙ ЛЕВ!!! Дружески, Адольф Шведчиков, поэт, Россия, 20-06-15 ---------------------------------------------------------- Happy birthday Leo, Let all your wishes come true. María Cristina Azcona, Poet, Argentina, 20-06-15 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Semashko, Happy birthday to you, and a lot of health and good years. Hedva Rabinson Bachrach, Scientist, Israel, 20-06-15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy birthday to Leo, that life gives you its best things. Love and peace. Ammar Banni, Professor of French, Algeria, 20-06-15 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Happy Birthday Dear Leo, Wishing you a very Happy, Healthy & Harmonious Day for you. Also Global Harmony Day -21st June, 2015 & Wishing you Best wishes for your Mission of Peace from Harmony as ultimate source of global peace and its science. Dr. Subhash Chandra, Secretary General, Global Harmony Association (GHA), India, 20-06-15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Мой дорогой, мой любимый друг! Поздравляю с днем рождения! Радости и здоровья тебе! И главное, чтобы тебя понимал человек, что рядом! Твою великую миссию!!! НинаЮдина, поэт, Россия, 21-06-15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Leo, Happy Birthday and thank you for your Ceaseless Effort for World Peace. Prof Gopala and Prof Sabrina, Malaysia, 21-06-15 ----------------------------------------------------- Dear Brother Leo: My heartiest birthday wishes for your health, longevity and happiness. Your sojourner in peace and harmony, Dr. Laj Utreja, Scientist, USA, 21-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heartiest greetings Mr. Leo. God bless you to continue your world peace mission. Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Scientist, India, 21-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Leo, MANY, MANY HAPPY RETURNS on YOUR BIRTHDAY. MAY THE LORD SHOER HIS CHOICEST BLESSINGS FOR YOUR LONGEVITY AND PEACE. I ALSO WISH ALL MEMBERS OF G.H.A MY BEST WISHES on THE OCCASION OF GHA’s GLOBAL HARMONY DAY CELEBRATED on 21ST JUNE. AS PART OF MY CONTRIBUTION, I ATTACH HEREWITH A POEM FOR THE OCCASION. WITH BEST WISHES, ASHOK T. CHAKRAVARTHY,, Poet, India, 21-06-15
Cher Léo, Je vous adresse mes souhaits sincères d’un joyeux anniversaire ! Comme l’indiquait mon ami Ramon BACHIKA = vous êtes une sorte de MARX moderne dont la pensée illumine notre monde plongé dans le brouillard .Même si mon emploi du temps et ma conception libre,d’unefonction critique de la philosophie m’empêchent d’adhérer exclusivement à un système de pensée proposé, il n’en demeure pas moins que j’apprécie à sa juste valeur la créativité de votre apport, l’espérance qu’il apporte aux peuples, et l’importance de votre mobilisation à cette fin :vous y consacrez votre existence ! De façon originale en vous souhaitant longévité et bonheur à l’occasion de cet anniversaire = je joins ces quelques chansons qui expriment l’universalisme de l’amour.;;;;; Chaleureusement à vous. Guy CREQUIE, Observateur social français ordinaire
Dear Léo, I address to you my sincere wishes of a happy birthday! As indicated it my friend Ramon BACHIKA (from Japan) = you are a kind of modern MARX whose thought illuminates our world plunged in the fog. Even if my free design and timetable, of a function criticizes philosophy prevent to me from adhering exclusively to a system of thought proposed, it does not remain about it less than I appreciate with his right value the creativity of your contribution, the hope which it brings to the people, and importance of your mobilization for this purpose: you devote your existence to it! In an original way by wishing you longevity and happiness at the time of this birthday = I unite these some songs which express the universalism of the love.;;;;; Cordially with you. Guy CREQUIE, Ordinary French social Observer and Philosopher, France, 21-06-15 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ДОРОГОЙ ЛЕВ МИХАЙЛОВИЧ! От всей души поздравляю с Вашим Новым годом! Пусть он принесет новые свершения, Счастье и Здоровье! Обнимаю! Привет Вере! Светлана Ветрова, музыкант, Россия, 21-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------
Dear Dr. Leo, Wish you very Happy Birthday. Dr. Surendra Pathak, President GHA- India, 21-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------ Dear Leo. Happy Birthday even from Renato Corsetti. Sincerely Dr. Renato Corsetti, Rome, Italy, 21-06-15 ----------------------------------------------------- All the best to you Leo in your birthday. Peace and harmony in Humankind and in our conscience and feelings. Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan, MD University Professor - Poet – Physician, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 21-06-15 ---------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo: Wishing you a Happy Birth Day with full of Happiness, Peace, Harmony & good Health. Dear Leo – Mission Global Harmony for Earth, Universe & Humanity through Global Peace Science. Dr. Subhash Chandra, Secretary General - Global Harmony Association (GHA), India, 21-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------------ Happy birthday to Dear Leo. Dr. Naresh Goyal, India, 21-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------ Dearest Leo, Happy Birthday, Health and wish for your great Dreams to become true for the common global benefit and progress. With Love Peace and Harmony, Takis Ioannides and Dr Apostolos J Paschos, Greece, 22-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------ Congratulation for GHA, Dr. Leo and your great trace to Global Harmony! The Yoga is to feel our Universal Peace, and now beloved in the world people.Meditation for Peace! Love, Kae Morii, poet, Japan, 22-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------ HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND GOOD DAYS TO COME IS MY DEEP WISH FOR YOU, LEO. ALL MY LOVE. Bella Clara Ventura, Colombia, 22-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Глубокоуважаемый ноосфероид Лео, От всего сердца поздравляю Вас с днём рождения! Пусть Тенгри-создатель одарит Вас энергетикой, столь необходимой для достижения благородной цели - мира без войн и ядерной катастрофы, где всему человечеству наступит толерантная гармоничная эпоха - начальная стадия будущего мира ноосфероидов - потомков сегодняшнего человечества - покорителей Ноосферы, которая будет простираться в глубинные ойкумены безграничной Вселенной. Казахи говорят, вторя русским, лучше поздно - чем никогда! Дауренбек АУБАКИР, профессор, член ГСГ-Казахстан, Астана, Казахстан, 22-06-15 ---------------------------------------------------------- Дорогой Лео! От всей души поздравляю с днем рождения! Желаю Вам семейного счастья, духовного богатства и всего самого наилучшего в жизни! С наилучшими пожеланиями Гармонии, Академик Ураз Баймуратов, Президент ГСГ-Казахстан, Алматы, 22-06-15 --------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Leo, I'm sorry this message is late. I didn't notice you getting older. Happy birthday and the very best wishes always! Peace n’ love, AYO AYOOLA-AMALE, Jurist and Poet, GHA-Africa President, Ghana, 22-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEAR AND RESPECTED DR. LEO, MANY, MANY RETURNS OF THE DAY DESPITE A SLIGHT DELAY.WE TRULY WISH YOU A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE. WITH THE ASSURANCE OF OUR LOVING PRAYERS. SINCERELY, DR. A. K. MERCHANT, NATIONAL TRUSTEE, LOTUS TEMPLE & BAHA'I COMMUNITY OF INDIA, 22-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Leo. Belated Happy Birth Day to you. My children want me to tell you Happy Birth Day on their behalf. So I like to say Happy Birth Day to you again. Thank you. Dr. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, College Principal, Kolkata, India, + my children: Abhirup, Priths, Subhojeet, Surojeet, Sunita, Sapthagshu, Sayasthayan ,Tiyasha, Om, Kaju and their parents. 22-06-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo Happy birthday (belatedly) from us too! Love; Robert Burrowes & Anita McKone, Melbourne, Australia, 22-06-15 -------------------------------------------------------------- Tree Bouquet Happy birthday, Colleague Leo Semashko, For another flower On your tree of life. I hope you will be full of flowers Like this country tree, And that you may keep The potency of happiness, A shinning look at the future And fire in your heart to love. May the real flowers around you Give fragrance to your personality So each day ahead, Your words become An elixir of hope to all of us Who love you. Stay well and happy all year!
Dr. Teresinka Pereira, President, International Writers and Artists Association (IWA), Senator, International Parliament for Safety and Peace. Toledo, USA. 23-06-15 -----------------------------------------------
+ 15 Congrats in Facebook
---------------------------------------------------------- Global Peace Science in College: the Most Excellent – Scientific - Peace Education Dear Maitreyee, Thank you very much and especially to your children for warm birthday greetings above! I was happy to publish it together with other congratulations here: We have long known you as a wise leader of College and disabled children's organization 'Beautiful Mind' at Kolkata, India: You understand that children, as no anyone else, in the first place requires knowledge of global peace science, which is distributed in some schools of Russia, for example, by teacher Svetlana Kuskovskaya ( Children, in 5-10 years, will be the main creators of global peace and the first thing they need to do - is the scientific knowledge of peace, contained in GPS. In this regard, I invite you to discuss with your students, to start within 4-5 lessons, our with Dr. Subhash Chandra brief (3 pages) article "Global Peace Science (GPS): Subject’s Area Matrix" (, which express the GPS subject and essence. Following the discussion of this article, you could invite students to write an essay on the topic: "Peace Needs Science not just War." After this you could select other articles from our book GPS ( to discuss with students. This will be the highest and most excellent – SCIENTIFIC - peace education in the world, which is still unknown to it! You, as an experienced educator could become a pioneer in it in the 21st century! I wish you success! With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, 23/06/15 --------------------------------------------------------------