Spiritual Culture for Harmonious Civilization Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for love, peace, justice, fraternity and happiness!

Global Harmony Association (GHA) Since 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more than 500 members in 65 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. Web: www.peacefromharmony.org GHA Mission is: To bring peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for harmonious civilization through scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’ and GPS GHA Message on October 24th, 2015: Global Oneness Day Celebration for Oneness of People on one Planet, in one Humanity, in one Social Harmony, in one Global Peace through one Global Peace Science (GPS) http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585 Global oneness in the GHA holistic and harmonious vision = One Planet + one Humanity + one Harmony + one Global Peace + one Global Peace Science. It is the GHA Global oneness Formula and Planetary Paradigm for XXI Century. Global oneness = One Planet + one Humanity + one Harmony + one Global Peace + one GP Science Oneness Tetranet Thinking Model:

Harmonious classes of the world population – Four Global SPHERONS are a deep social structure of humanity as natural source of its oneness and Life. It is a new planetary paradigm for humanity survival and conscious oneness in the XXI century. Other paradigms are powerless before endless wars, famine, destruction of the planet, the arms race and dictate of the US militaristic empire.
http://www.humanitysteam.org/getinvolvednow#Living Global oneness=Oneness for all One World~ one Family ~One Global Peace Science (GPS) GPS is a scientific Peace Movement for creating a oneness world through connectivity, communication & cooperation. PM of India Modi at UN General Assembly on 26th September 2015 VasudhevaKutumbakam (World is one Family)

VasudhevaKutumbakam (World is one Family): Creating a Peaceful Society & Peaceful Planet Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave the message of Global oneness Vasudheva Kutumbakam (World is one Family):at the United Nations General Assembly on 26th September 2015. He clarified between philosophy and ideology and spoke on VasudhevaKutumbakam. “The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities is the bedrock of our enterprise for a sustainable world.” 2015 is the Time for Global Action! Creating a New World Order! Peace from harmony and Partnerships for Peace To create a new world order For more details, see here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=624 Global Peace Science (GPS) is the Science of oneness of Harmony, Peace, People & Planet through harmonious thinking and harmonious education, to be free from poverty, violence and wars in the 21st century. GPS is the science of peace, humanity & sustainability from harmony. Become a Global Peace Maker through GPS Non-violence! GHA calls to all the Global Peace Leaders to inspire with revolutionary change in non-violent mindset a New paradigm for Global transformation through philosophy of Global oneness - Vasudheva Kutumbakam (World is one Family): and 3Ps - Peace from harmony, Partnerships for Peace and Practical nonviolence. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President Russia | Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA Secretary General, India |