To contents Gandhi Vidya 
Vidya Mandir (GVM), a non-governmental, non-profit-motive making registered society, was founded in 1950, on 1190 acres of land which is one of the harshest terrains in the country and was inhabited by people who were one of the most backward. The region was regularly ravaged by droughts and famines, heat and cold waves, epidemics and other calamities. GVM was founded by Late Shri Kanhaiyalal Dugar, who after embracing 'Sanya' (becoming Monk), came to be known as Swami Shri Ramsharanji. He was a man of vision and dedication, an embodiment of universal humanism. He dedicated his wealth and life to the cause of education and upliftment of the downtrodden. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, he becomes an exponent of non-violence and universal brotherhood. GVM was conceptualised as a rural university. The foundation stone of its University was laid by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, in 1955. GVM is a conglomerate of various public welfare activities, rural development and education institution, including IASE University. The path set out by the Founder: Gandhi Vidya Mandir (GVM) signifies an educational establishment that sows the seed of Humanism into each human being. If I were to elaborate, 'Gandhi Vidya' would augment a lifestyle that is useful to all and benign to all; which could keep the human society held together despite diversity of views, environments and aptitudes, by an abiding bond of love; and that should, as well, be able to prevent degeneration of human society by providing equitable education of the highest order in different streams of knowledge. That would also foster rural upliftment, character building, creation of addiction-free society, self-purification, awareness for health and hygiene, “think no ill-do no ill” to anyone, and an urge to extend a helping hand in fulfilling the basic needs (of the society). I would call it 'Gandhi Vidya' and its veritable sanctum would be Mandir.
The Services of GVM in the field of education were honoured though the conferment of 'PC Sen National Centennial A ward' by the then President of India, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma; and 'Firoz Gandhi Saadgi Sammaan' by the First Gentleman of India Shri Devi Singh Patil and Governor, Bhishma Narayan Singh; 'Distinguished Education Institution Award' by Lok Shabha Deputy Speaker Shri Karia Munda, 'Mahavir award' by Vice President of India and number of other decorative.
The nature and scope of GVM's activities are extensive. There is a cluster of three social welfare programmes, aimed to serve the physically challenged, underprivileged and the aged. Apart from two primary and four senior secondary schools, GVM assisted 53 surrounding villages through centre of basic literacy for rural boys and girls in the same age group, in the last two decades. It ran 12 primary schools and 45 adult education centres in different villages, benefitting over 10,000 rural children and adults, including girls and women. In short, GVM's outreach programmes have been innovative and beneficial to the socially, financially and geographically-disadvantaged segments. In fact, GVM is the central organization around which a cluster of school, rural centres, out-reaches programmes, among other have flourished during last 65 years. GVM's higher education programmes started in 1953 through Basic Teacher's Training College, which is offering courses like S.TC, B.Ed., M.Ed, M.Phil, M.A. Education, and Ph.D. GVM is also running the programms of Panchkarma Yoga, Ayurveda with its Medical College. The 'Institute of Advanced Studies in Education', one the premier Institutes in the country today, came into being under the Government of India's Scheme of Education in 1993. It was formally declared as 'Deemed to be University' by the Government of India under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 vide notification F.9-th 29/200-U.3 of 25 June 2002, and UGC and UGC notification F.625/2001 (CPP-I) of 17th July 2002. The IASE deemed University, is the core constituent of GVM, entrusted with the higher education portfolio, providing requisite autonomy and support. Its education facilities include a multi-facilities college for girls and co-education colleges in Education, Paramedical, Life Science, Management, Engineering and Humanities. There are separate hostels for boys and girls. Accommodating 1,300 students, AC rooms are also available on demand. GVM is supporting rural population of Churu district for their Economic, Educational, Vocational, Social development and health-hygiene. GVM is planning to establish a new University based on Human Values, Harmony and Peace near Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. IASE Deemed University
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE) has been sponsored by Gandhi Vidya Mandir. The Government of India has granted its official recognition as Deemed University in 2002. The University is nestled like an oasis in the Thar Desert, near the town of Sardarshahar in India's north-western state of Rajasthan. IASE is India's premiere Institute in the field of Education; facilitating teachers' training for the teachers of pre-primary level up to doctoral stage. Distance Education Programme has started in 2003 with the objective of bringing education to a larger populace. Over a period of time, thousands of students have benefited in diverse fields of Education, IT & Management, Engineering, Paramedicine, Bio-Technology, Science & Humanities and Chetna Vikas Mulya Siksha (Value Education) in its Graduation, Post-Graduation and PhD Programmes. IASE has been accredited with 'B' grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). GHA book “The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking” published jointly by IASEDU and GHA and was released during the International Seminar on “Teacher Education for Peace and Harmony in Feb 2012. IASE Deemed University launched a unique mega research Project “Interdisciplinary Research Projects on Existential Harmony” beside the routine research in other fields. IASE has established Six Harmony Research Chairs in 2012, namely Philosophical Harmony, Religious Harmony, Harmony through Science & Technology, Social Harmony, Political Harmony and Media Harmony. The objectives of EH Projects are to: promote inter-disciplinary research activities, identify current challenges and problems, orient the global academic community towards Peace & Harmony studies, draft an outline of a universal curriculum for Peace & Harmony Education, develop teaching content for Peace & Harmony Education, to develop Political, Social, Economic Harmony Theories, create a network of Peace Researchers & Academicians, and establish an Institute of Global Harmony (IGH) at IASE. Academicians and international organizations across the globe are supporting the IGH established by IASE in its campus at Sardarshahar, Rajasthan. IASE DU has developed a hierarchical structure with 5- levels to select, monitor and review the projects. At the university level it has a 3- member coordination committee and an 18- member Central Coordination Committee (CCC) comprising 7 University Deans, 6 heads of Harmony Chairs and 5 prominent experts, followed by a 40-member Central Advisory Board of academician of international repute. Each Harmony Chair has an Advisory Board of 10-20 members and a Research Committee of 7-10 members. This structure consisting of approximately 200 senior professors and 9 international organizations who are supporting these projects to keep a control on the quality of research including GHA. Harmony Chairs conducted 45 high quality research projects, out of them 29 reports has been submitted, and 8 has been published by the IASE. These reports have been circulated to academia globally. IASE Deemed University is doing various scientific research projects with Dr. Leo Semashko, President, Global Harmony Association and his international team creating Global peace Science. Future Plans of GVM and IASEWisdom Based Sustainable HabitatIt has been realized for many years that there is something missing from the canvas of human lifestyle, which is the root of all human problems and evils in the society. Erratic use of energy, the disharmony between development and healthy life style, the ill recognition of human needs and uncontrolled extortion of nature through science and technology has become treat to the existence of our earth. Apart from these maniacal tendencies of profit, consumption and sex have ruined human relations and values. Gandhi Vidya Mandir intends to establish a 'Wisdom Based Sustainable Habitat' where a group of human beings live like one family till they achieve right understanding. They would be able to live in harmony with nature and other human beings with the understanding of natural laws in a self reliant way. This habitat would be designed as a centre of study, research and harmonious living to create a peaceful world. Institute of Global HarmonyIASE deemed University held an International Seminar on Teacher Education for Peace and Harmony, Delhi and a Workshop was also organized at Sardarshahar on Feb 2012 It also discuss the “The ABC of Harmony for World Peace” with the idea to develop an Institute of world Harmony (p.106) 30 experts from 12 countries along with 100 scholars and experts from India presented their papers and more than 600 people participated in the seminar. one of the most important recommendations of the seminar was to establish an Institute of Global Harmony. The scholars asked Gandhi Vidya Mandir to consider taking this work as it was most suitable for the same due to its background. Humbly the Institute accepted this responsibility and plans are afoot to start this work immediately and civil construction of the first phase is complete. World Resource Centre for Peace and Harmony EducationEveryone acknowledges that values cannot be taught by people who do not live them. Thus a need for a World Resource Centre for Peace and Harmony which prepares people who are living models of human values. These resource people would fulfil the need of different institutions across the world. Gandhi Vidya Mandir intends to establish such a centre at the appropriate location in the country where training, teaching, study, research and realization of right understanding would be given to learners. The institution is also looking at collaborating with other institutes for this work. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Dr. Leo and all the contributors, co-authors and GHA members, First, Mr. Kanak Mal Dugar joins me in congratulating all of you for the successful publication of our "Global Peace Science" (GPS) book in 500 copies, a joint publication of GHA and IASE Deemed University. We are highly appreciating valuable contribution of Dr. Leo, all the respected co-authors, all who devote his precious time for Editing, Designing, lay-outing, Coordinating, Printing and supporting morally and financially to this great cause. This publication is another treasure of the GHA publication and project tradition. Second, I would answer the issues raised by Dr. Leo in his mail: 1.Mr. Ramesh Kumar and Mr. Subhash Chandra may collect 100 copies of the book from the Printer/our office of the IASE University at Dwarka Sector 10, New Delhi. For this, I already requested to Subhash Chandra on telephonic conversation. 2.I told Mr. Lafit, the Printer, to send you the PDF copy of the GPS book. 3.GHA through Dr. Leo had sent $1,000 to the publisher at New Delhi. He has already received the money rest amount for the GPS publication born by IASE Deemed University. IASE University has decided to spend $ 2000 for this cause. The Expenses for the distribution is not included in this amount $ 2000. University may also help financially when we decide to release the book in a function with the approval of the GHA. 4.IASE is preparing a list to distribute the book free to dignitaries, scholars, UNICEF & other UN bodies in India, Important politician and the Vice Chancellors of the selected University. If GHA allow, we may plan to circulate the soft PDF copy of the GPS book globally, it may be more than 20,000 emails for the publicity purposes. 5.Mr. Subhash Chandra will prepare the delivery list 50 person to give the copy of the book including GHA members in India. The remaining 50 copies should/may be keeping for the participants of various peace conferences. Thanking you, With all regards and love Dr. Surendra Pathak, President GHA-INDIA Project Director; Professor & Head, Department of Value Education, IASE Deemed University, Gandhi VidyaMandir, Sardarshahar, 331401, Dist-Churu, Rajasthan, India, 25/02/16
Dear Kanak, Surendra, Latif and all participants of the GPS publication in India! The Global Harmony Association (GHA) expresses its heartfelt thanks to all of you for publishing unprecedented Global Peace Science (GPS), which is the most powerful intellectual tool of peace throughout the world! Especially highly we appreciate and very thank the IASE University, its Chancellor Mr. Kanakmal Dugar for his noble investment of $ 2000 in the GPS publication of 500 copies. We are happy to publish your nice message and our gratitude along with the IASE Introduction to GPS on our website here: We are looking forward from Mr. Lafit the GPS PDF file. We are also waiting when Dr. Subhash Chandra can take 100 copies of the book, and when we can discuss the general mailing list of this book distribution. GHA does not mind that you distribute the GPS PDF copy all over the world: it is our strategy to introduce it as much as possible the people and leaders in various countries. Thank you very much! Best wishes to peace from harmony through science (GPS), Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, 27/02/16
Дорогие Канак, Сурендра, Латиф и все участники НГМ публикации в Индии! Глобальный Союз Гармонии (ГСГ) выражает вам всем сердечную благодарность за публикацию беспрецедентной Науки Глобального Мира (НГМ), которая составляет мощнейший интеллектуальный инструмент мира во всем мире! Особо высоко мы ценим и очень благодарим ИАСЕ Университет, его ректора Г-на Канакмал Дугара за его благородное инвестирование $2000 в публикацию 500 экземпляров НГМ. Мы счастливы опубликовать ваше приятное сообщение и нашу благодарность вместе с ИАСЕ Введением в НГМ на нашем сайте здесь: Мы очень ждем от г-на Lafit ПДФ файл книги НГМ. Мы также ждем, когда Субхаш Чандра может взять 100 копий книги и когда мы сможем обсудить общий список рассылки этой книги. ГСГ не возражает, чтобы вы распространяли ПДФ копию книги по всему миру: это наша стратегию познакомить с ней как можно больше людей и лидеров в самых разных странах. Большое спасибо вам! Лучшие пожелания мира из гармонии через науку (НГМ), Лев Семашко, Президент ГСГ, 27/02/16 To contents