Dear Anti-War Friends,
Thanks to Veteran For Peace member Gerry Condon for sending this email out to the VFP list (read below). I hope that the veterans and others on this list will take a good look at my website: www.addictedtowar.com - and then forward it to their own lists. What Gerry have said below is totally accurate. Ever since 2000, when I first put together my film: “WHAT I’VE LEARNED ABOUT U.S. FOREIGN POLICY”: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gMGhrkoncA – my mission has been to help to educate others to learn about the True and Barbaric Nature of U.S. Foreign Policy. It is THE BIGGEST LIE WE LIVE Here in The United States: www.addictedtowar.com/the-big-lie .
In 2002, with the help of AK Press, I first published the excellent anti-war comic book titled: ADDICTED To WAR: Why The U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism” - by Joel Andreas. You can read the 2004 edition here: www.addictedtowar.com/read-book . VFP endorses this book right on the front cover. And VFP has been my biggest customer for all of these years. There is no other anti-war book like it. Since 2002, we have distributed close to 240,000 copies in English. The book was last updated in 2015. Take a look at the incredible people who endorse the book here: www.addictedtowar.com/endorsements-atw . And here are comments from others who have read the book: www.addictedtowar.com/reviews . I’ll be handing out hundreds of copies of ATW when Roger Waters comes to Los Angeles on September 27th and 28th to do his THIS IS NOT A DRILL CONCERT at the Crypto Arena, where the Lakers play. We’ll also be handing out copies of PEACE & PLANET NEWS and KPFK Bumper Stickers.
I was the Associate Producer of the fabulous anti-war film: “PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE: The Story of S. Brian Willson” - www.addictedtowar.com/about-paying-the-price - which came out in 2016. Take a look at the amazing people who endorse this film here: www.addictedtowar.com/endorsements-payingtheprice . This very important film has not been seen by that many people as yet. There are about 25 other well-known anti-war activists in this film besides Brian. It is narrated by Peter Coyote.
And a little over a year ago, my daughter Emily, re-designed my website. She worked for CODEPINK for close to 3 years. Since then I have spent hundreds of hours adding to it. Here is the Film Page: www.addictedtowar.com/films-which features over 50 of the most important anti-war films that are available to watch on YouTube. Take a look at the new Talks & Interviews Page: www.addictedtowar.com/talks-interviews - which has close to 100 important speakers on it. Look at the Book Page here: www.addictedtowar.com/books - which lists close to 100 excellent anti-war books, written by some of the best anti-war authors, many who are veterans.
Also listed on my site are Anti-War and Alternative Media Websites: www.addictedtowar.com/sources-and-websites – Take a look at The Written Word Page: www.addictedtowar.com/written-word - Here is the Webinar Page: www.addictedtowar.com/webinars - The Israel-Palestine Page: www.addictedtowar.com/israelpalestine - The Climate Change Page: www.addictedtowar.com/climate-change . And here is the Anti-War Song Page: www.addictedtowar.com/antiwar-songs - And take a look at the four Picture Pages: www.addictedtowar.com/pictures .
This site is History 101 in Learning the True and Barbaric History of U.S. Foreign Policy. It is taught by some of the most important anti-war activists in this country.
So please take a good look and then forward my website to people on your own lists. This is a great way to spread the information about what we in Veterans For Peace and the Anti-War Movement have been doing. And in the process, teaching others.
People will not become anti-war activists until they see just how bad our country has been in implementing it’s lying, illegal and immoral foreign policy to hurt and kill millions of people in poor countries, all for profit and greed.
As S. Brian Willson says: WE ARE NOT WORTH MORE: THEY ARE NOT WORTH LESS – www.brianwillson.com .
In Peace & Solidarity,
Frank Dorrel P.O. BOX 3261 Culver City, CA 90231
Publisher: ADDICTED To WAR Associate Producer: PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE: The Story of S. Brian Willson Producer: What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gMGhrkoncA Member: Veterans For Peace 310-838-8131 us.addicted.to.war@gmail.com frank.dorrel@gmail.com www.addictedtowar.com
From:vfp-all@googlegroups.com On Behalf Of Gerry Condon Sent: Monday, August 22, 2022 11:12 AM To: Gerry Condon: gerrycondon@veteransforpeace.org Subject: [VFP-all] The Big Lie — ADDICTED To WAR
VFP member Frank Dorrel is passionate, thorough and committed to his mission of educating people about the true nature of US foreign policy. He provides many useful resources, including a list of excellent films.
www.addictedtowar.com/the-big-lie 23-08-22 ------------------------------
The Root Cause of America's Violence ~ The United States is ADDICTED To WAR ~ “What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World"

“What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World" www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8POmJ46jqk A 2-Hour 2-Minute Video Compilation by Frank Dorrel Featuring the Following 10 Segments: 1. Martin Luther King Jr. (02:55) 2. John Stockwell, Ex-CIA Station Chief (06:14) 3. Coverup: Behind The Iran-Contra Affair (19:34) 4. School of Assassins (13:25) 5. Genocide by Sanctions (12:58) 6. Philip Agee, Former CIA Case Officer (22:08) 7. Amy Goodman, Host of Democracy Now! (5:12) 8. The Panama Deception (22:10) 9. Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General (07:58) 10. S. Brian Willson, Vietnam Veteran for Peace (08:45) www.addictedtowar.com/dorrel.html This video has been seen by millions of people since 2000. It is an excellent & invaluable educational tool that reveals the true nature of U.S. foreign policy. It’s been screened in many high schools, colleges, churches, homes, on cable TV, in theaters and shown by many Peace & Justice Anti-War Organizations. Howard Zinn, S. Brian Willson, Blase Bonpane, Michael Parenti, Oliver Stone, Ed Asner, Father Roy Bourgeois, Ramsey Clark, William Blum, Kathy Kelly, Medea Benjamin, Susan Sarandon, Chalmers Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Col. Ann Wright and Woody Harrelson have seen this film & have found it to be very informative and empowering. More than one person has called: “What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World": “TIMELESS”. The Price is $12, Which Includes First Class Shipping. To Order one DVD Copy Go To: www.addictedtowar.com/dvdorder.html First Made in 2000. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also Available:
The 2015 Updated Edition of:
ADDICTED To WAR: Why The U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism By Joel Andreas Is Now Available at: www.addictedtowar.com
ADDICTED To WAR author Joel Andreas has added America’s Drone Wars (front cover), President Obama, Bradley ‘Chelsea’ Manning, Tomas Young, ISIS, Syria and has updated the number of deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have also added 6 new endorsements for the book: Ralph Nader, Medea Benjamin, Cynthia McKinney, Col. Ann Wright, David Swanson & Glenn Greenwald. ATW is already endorsed by Martin Sheen, Ed Asner, Ron Kovic, Bill Blum, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, S. Brian Willson, Father Roy Bourgeois, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Kathy Kelly, Susan Sarandon, Rev. James Lawson, Kris Kristofferson, Blase Bonpane, Fernando Suarez del Solar, Woody Harrelson, Michael Parenti, Cindy Sheehan and Ramsey Clark. It is being used in hundreds of high schools and colleges as an anti-war history book. ATW is one of the most well-known & popular books in the Anti-War Movement. Since I first co-published ADDICTED To WAR with AK Press in 2002, we have distributed about 450,000 copies world-wide. About 240,000 copies havebeen distributed in English. It is in 14 other languages. The more copies you buy, the cheaper the price. one copy costs $15. This price includes first class shipping. 25 books cost $95. And that price also includes first class shipping costs. Go to: www.addictedtowar.com/order.html to order copies of ADDICTED To WAR.
In Peace,
Frank Dorrel PO Box 3261 Culver City, CA 90231
Publisher: ADDICTED To WAR Associate Producer: PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE Producer: What I’ve Learned About US Foreign Policy 310-838-8131 fdorrel@addictedtowar.com www.addictedtowar.com
 See: Gandhica:
Militarism is lethal for militarists Rhetorical questions. Is the United States an exception from the law of the world fall of empires (similar to Newton's law of universal gravitation) from the GHA “Global Peace Science”? Can the prevailing dominant US militarism save it?No, it only accelerates the fall and favors its law.Salvation is only in disarmament and “nonviolence law” as Mahatma Gandhi foresaw. https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 221 p.

The United States is ADDICTED To WAR: Frank Dorrel PO Box 3261 Culver City, CA 90231
Publisher: ADDICTED To WAR Associate Producer: PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE Producer: What I’ve Learned About US Foreign Policy 310-838-8131 fdorrel@addictedtowar.com fdorrel@sbcglobal.net www.addictedtowar.com
Sent from Maya Rommwatt: maya@codepink.org
Hi All, Some great news: the city of Berkeley passed a resolution two days ago, barring investments in weapons makers. They used our model resolution from the coalition website: www.divestfromwarmachine.org/divest_your_city. Go Berkeley! Feel free to use the attached shareable. Maya -- Maya Rommwatt National Organizer, Divest from the War Machine 503-467-9471 maya@codepink.org www.codepinkorg/divest_from_the_war_machine CODEPINK is a women initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement that seeks positive social change through proactive, creative protest and non-violent direct action. www.codepink.org -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups: "DivestFromWarMachine" group. To post to this group send email to: divestfromwarmachine@codepink.org, 21-02-19 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Elliott Abrams, Trump’s Pick to Bring “Democracy” to Venezuela, Has Spent His Life Crushing Democracy https://theintercept.com/2019/01/30/elliott-abrams-venezuela-coup/ By Jon Schwarz
On December 11, 1981 in El Salvador, a Salvadoran military unit created and trained by the U.S. Army began slaughtering everyone they could find in a remote village called El Mozote. Before murdering the women and girls, the soldiers raped them repeatedly, including some as young as 10 years old, and joked that their favorites were the 12-year-olds. one witness described a soldier tossing a 3-year-old child into the air and impaling him with his bayonet. The final death toll was over 800 people.The next day, December 12, was the first day on the job for Elliott Abrams as assistant secretary of state for human rights and humanitarian affairs in the Reagan administration. Abrams snapped into action, helping to lead a cover-up of the massacre. News reports of what had happened, Abrams told the Senate, were “not credible,” and the whole thing was being “significantly misused” as propaganda by anti-government guerillas.This past Friday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo named Abrams as America’s special envoy for Venezuela. According to Pompeo, Abrams “will have responsibility for all things related to our efforts to restore democracy” in the oil-rich nation.The choice of Abrams sends a clear message to Venezuela and the world: The Trump administration intends to brutalize Venezuela, while producing a stream of unctuous rhetoric about America’s love for democracy and human rights. Combining these two factors — the brutality and the unctuousness — is Abrams’s core competency.Abrams previously served in a multitude of positions in the Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush administrations, often with titles declaring their focus on morality. First, he was assistant secretary of state for international organization affairs (in 1981); then the State Department “human rights” position mentioned above (1981-85); assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs (1985-89); senior director for democracy, human rights, and international operations for the National Security Council (2001-05); and finally, Bush’s deputy national security adviser for global democracy strategy (2005-09).In these positions, Abrams participated in many of the most ghastly acts of U.S. foreign policy from the past 40 years, all the while proclaiming how deeply he cared about the foreigners he and his friends were murdering. Looking back, it’s uncanny to see how Abrams has almost always been there when U.S. actions were at their most sordid.
Abrams, a graduate of both Harvard College and Harvard Law School, joined the Reagan administration in 1981, at age 33. He soon received a promotion due to a stroke of luck: Reagan wanted to name Ernest Lefever as assistant secretary of state for human rights and humanitarian affairs, but Lefever’s nomination ran aground when two of his own brothers revealed that he believed African-Americans were “inferior, intellectually speaking.” A disappointed Reagan was forced to turn to Abrams as a second choice.A key Reagan administration concern at the time was Central America — in particular, the four adjoining nations of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. All had been dominated by tiny, cruel, white elites since their founding, with a century’s worth of help from U.S. interventions. In each country, the ruling families saw their society’s other inhabitants as human-shaped animals, who could be harnessed or killed as needed.But shortly before Reagan took office, Anastasio Somoza, the dictator of Nicaragua and a U.S. ally, had been overthrown by a socialist revolution. The Reaganites rationally saw this as a threat to the governments of Nicaragua’s neighbors. Each country had large populations who similarly did not enjoy being worked to death on coffee plantations or watching their children die of easily treated diseases. Some would take up arms, and some would simply try to keep their heads down, but all, from the perspective of the cold warriors in the White House, were likely “communists” taking orders from Moscow. They needed to be taught a lesson.
El Salvador
The extermination of El Mozote was just a drop in the river of what happened in El Salvador during the 1980s. About 75,000 Salvadorans died during what’s called a “civil war,” although almost all the killing was done by the government and its associated death squads.The numbers alone don’t tell the whole story. El Salvador is a small country, about the size of New Jersey. The equivalent number of deaths in the U.S. would be almost 5 million. Moreover, the Salvadoran regime continually engaged in acts of barbarism so heinous that there is no contemporary equivalent, except perhaps ISIS. In one instance, a Catholic priest reported that a peasant woman briefly left her three small children in the care of her mother and sister. When she returned, she found that all five had been decapitated by the Salvadoran National Guard. Their bodies were sitting around a table, with their hands placed on their heads in front of them, “as though each body was stroking its own head.” The hand of one, a toddler, apparently kept slipping off her small head, so it had been nailed onto it. At the center of the table was a large bowl full of blood.Criticism of U.S. policy at the time was not confined to the left. During this period, Charles Maechling Jr., who had led State Department planning for counterinsurgencies during the 1960s, wrote in the Los Angeles Times that the U.S. was supporting “Mafia-like oligarchies” in El Salvador and elsewhere and was directly complicit in “the methods of Heinrich Himmler’s extermination squads.”Abrams was one of the architects of the Reagan administration’s policy of full-throated support for the Salvadoran government. He had no qualms about any of it and no mercy for anyone who escaped the Salvadoran abattoir. In 1984, sounding exactly like Trump officials today, he explained that Salvadorans who were in the U.S. illegally should not receive any kind of special status. “Some groups argue that illegal aliens who are sent back to El Salvador meet persecution and often death,” he told the House of Representatives. “Obviously, we do not believe these claims or we would not deport these people.”Even when out of office, 10 years after the El Mozote massacre, Abrams expressed doubt that anything untoward had occurred there. In 1993, when a United Nations truth commission found that 95 percent of the acts of violence that had taken place in El Salvador since 1980 had been committed by Abrams’s friends in the Salvadoran government, he called what he and his colleagues in the Reagan administration had done a “fabulous achievement.”
The situation in Guatemala during the 1980s was much the same, as were Abrams’s actions. After the U.S. engineered the overthrow of Guatemala’s democratically elected president in 1954, the country had descended into a nightmare of revolving military dictatorships. Between 1960 and 1996, in another “civil war,” 200,000 Guatemalans were killed — the equivalent of maybe 8 million people in America. A U.N. commission later found that the Guatemalan state was responsible for 93 percent of the human rights violations. Efraín Ríos Montt, who served as Guatemala’s president in the early 1980s, was found guilty in 2013, by Guatemala’s own justice system, of committing genocide against the country’s indigenous Mayans. During Ríos Montt’s administration, Abrams called for the lifting of an embargo on U.S. arms shipments to Guatemala, claiming that Ríos Montt had “brought considerable progress.” The U.S. had to support the Guatemalan government, Abrams argued, because “if we take the attitude ‘don’t come to us until you’re perfect, we’re going to walk away from this problem until Guatemala has a perfect human rights record,’ then we’re going to be leaving in the lurch people there who are trying to make progress.” one example of the people making an honest effort, according to Abrams, was Ríos Montt. Thanks to Ríos Montt, “there has been a tremendous change, especially in the attitude of the government toward the Indian population.” (Ríos Montt’s conviction was later set aside by Guatemala’s highest civilian court, and he died before a new trial could finish.) Nicaragua Abrams would become best known for his enthusiastic involvement with the Reagan administration’s push to overthrow Nicaragua’s revolutionary Sandinista government. He advocated for a full invasion of Nicaragua in 1983, immediately after the successful U.S. attack on the teeny island nation of Grenada. When Congress cut off funds to the Contras, an anti-Sandinista guerrilla force created by the U.S., Abrams successfully persuaded the Sultan of Brunei to cough up $10 million for the cause. Unfortunately, Abrams, acting under the code name “Kenilworth,” provided the Sultan with the wrong Swiss bank account number, so the money was wired instead to a random lucky recipient. Abrams was questioned by Congress about his Contra-related activities and lied voluminously. He later pleaded guilty to two counts of withholding information. one was about the Sultan and his money, and another was about Abrams’s knowledge of a Contra resupply C-123 plane that had been shot down in 1986. In a nice historical rhyme with his new job in the Trump administration, Abrams had previously attempted to obtain two C-123s for the Contras from the military of Venezuela.Abrams received a sentence of 100 hours of community service and perceived the whole affair as an injustice of cosmic proportions. He soon wrote a book in which he described his inner monologue about his prosecutors, which went: “You miserable, filthy bastards, you bloodsuckers!” He was later pardoned by President George H.W. Bush on the latter’s way out the door after he lost the 1992 election. Panama While it’s been forgotten now, before America invaded Panama to oust Manuel Noriega in 1989, he was a close ally of the U.S. — despite the fact the Reagan administrationknew he was a large-scale drug trafficker.In 1985, Hugo Spadafora, a popular figure in Panama and its one-time vice minister for health, believed he had obtained proof of Noriega’s involvement in cocaine smuggling. He was on a bus on his way to Panama City to release it publicly when he was seized by Noriega’s thugs.According to the book “Overthrow” by former New York Times correspondent Stephen Kinzer, U.S. intelligence picked up Noriega giving his underlings the go-ahead to put Spadafora down like “a rabid dog.” They tortured Spadafora for a long night and then sawed off his head while he was still alive. When Spadafora’s body was found, his stomach was full of blood he’d swallowed. This was so horrific that it got people’s attention. But Abrams leapt to Noriega’s defense, blocking the U.S. ambassador to Panama from increasing pressure on the Panamanian leader. When Spadafora’s brother persuaded North Carolina’s hyper-conservative GOP Sen. Jesse Helms to hold hearings on Panama, Abrams told Helms that Noriega was “being really helpful to us” and was “really not that big a problem. The Panamanians have promised they are going to help us with the Contras. If you have the hearings, it’ll alienate them.” And That’s Not All Abrams also engaged in malfeasance for no discernible reason, perhaps just to stay in shape. In 1986 a Colombian journalist named Patricia Lara was invited to the U.S. to attend a dinner honoring writers who’d advanced “inter-American understanding and freedom of information.” When Lara arrived at New York’s Kennedy airport, she was taken into custody, then put on a plane back home. Soon afterward, Abrams went on “60 Minutes” to claim that Lara was a member of the “ruling committees” of M-19, a Colombian guerrilla movement. She also, according to Abrams, was ”an active liaison” between M-19 ”and the Cuban secret police.”Given the frequent right-wing paramilitary violence against Colombian reporters, this painted a target on Lara’s back. There was no evidence then that Abrams’s assertions were true — Colombia’s own conservative government denied it — and none has appeared since.Abrams’s never-ending, shameless deceptions wore downAmerican reporters. “They said that black was white,” Joanne Omang at the Washington Post later explained about Abrams and his White House colleague Robert McFarlane. “Although I had used all my professional resources I had misled my readers.” Omang was so exhausted by the experience that she quit her job trying to describe the real world to try to write fiction.Post-conviction Abrams was seen as damaged goods who couldn’t return to government.. This underestimated him. Adm. William J. Crowe Jr., the one-time chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, tangled fiercely with Abrams in 1989 over the proper U.S. policy toward Noriega once it become clear he was more trouble than he was worth. Crowe strongly opposed a bright idea that Abrams had come up with: that the U.S. should establish a government-in-exile on Panamanian soil, which would require thousands of U.S. troops to guard. This was deeply boneheaded, Crowe said, but it didn’t matter. Crowe presciently issued a warningabout Abrams: “This snake’s hard to kill.”
To the surprise of Washington’s more naive insiders, Abrams was back in business soon after George W. Bush entered the White House. It might have been difficult to get Senate approval for someone who had deceived Congress, so Bush put him in a slot at the National Security Council — where no legislative branch approval was needed. Just like 20 years before, Abrams was handed a portfolio involving “democracy” and “human rights.” Venezuela By the beginning of 2002, Venezuela’s president, Hugo Chavez, had become deeply irritating to the Bush White House, which was filled with veterans of the battles of the 1980s. That April, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, Chavez was pushed out of power in a coup. Whether and how the U.S. was involved is not yet known, and probably won’t be for decades until the relevant documents are declassified. But based on the previous 100 years, it would be surprising indeed if America didn’t play any behind-the-scenes role. For what it’s worth, the London Observer reported at the time that “the crucial figure around the coup was Abrams” and he “gave a nod” to the plotters. In any case, Chavez had enough popular support that he was able to regroup and return to office within days. Iran Abrams apparently did play a key role in squelching a peace proposal from Iran in 2003, just after the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The plan arrived by fax, and should have gone to Abrams, and then to Condoleezza Rice, at the time Bush’s national security adviser. Instead it somehow never made it to Rice’s desk. When later asked about this, Abrams’s spokesperson replied that he “had no memory of any such fax.” (Abrams, like so many people who thrive at the highest level of politics, has a terrible memory for anything political. In 1984, he told Ted Koppel that he couldn’t recall for sure whether the U.S. had investigated reports of massacres in El Salvador. In 1986, when asked by the Senate Intelligence Committee if he’d discussed fundraising for the contras with anyone on the NSC’s staff, he likewise couldn’t remember.) Israel and Palestine Abrams was also at the center of another attempt to thwart the outcome of a democratic election, in 2006. Bush had pushed for legislative elections in the West Bank and Gaza in order to give Fatah, the highly corrupt Palestinian organization headed by Yasser Arafat’s successor, Mahmoud Abbas, some badly needed legitimacy. To everyone’s surprise, Fatah’s rival Hamas won, giving it the right to form a government.This unpleasant outburst of democracy was not acceptable to the Bush administration, in particular Rice and Abrams. They hatched a plan to form a Fatah militia to take over the Gaza Strip, and crush Hamas in its home territory. As reported by Vanity Fair, this involved a great deal of torture and executions. But Hamas stole a march on Fatah with their own ultra-violence. David Wurmser, a neoconservative who worked for Dick Cheney at the time, told Vanity Fair, “It looks to me that what happened wasn’t so much a coup by Hamas but an attempted coup by Fatah that was pre-empted before it could happen.” Yet ever since, these events have been turned upside down in the U.S. media, with Hamas being presented as the aggressors.While the U.S. plan was not a total success, it also was not a total failure from the perspective of America and Israel. The Palestinian civil war split the West Bank and Gaza into two entities, with rival governments in both. For the past 13 years, there’s been little sign of the political unity necessary for Palestinians to get a decent life for themselves.Abrams then left office with Bush’s exit. But now he’s back for a third rotation through the corridors of power – with the same kinds of schemes he’s executed the first two times.Looking back at Abrams’s lifetime of lies and savagery, it’s hard to imagine what he could say to justify it. But he does have a defense for everything he’s done — and it’s a good one.
In 1995, Abrams appeared on “The Charlie Rose Show” with Allan Nairn, one of the most knowledgable American reporters about U.S. foreign policy. Nairn noted that George H.W. Bush had once discussed putting Saddam Hussein on trial for crimes against humanity. This was a good idea, said Nairn, but “if you’re serious, you have to be even-handed” — which would mean also prosecuting officials like Abrams.Abrams chuckled at the ludicrousness of such a concept. That would require, he said, “putting all the American officials who won the Cold War in the dock.”Abrams was largely right. The distressing reality is that Abrams is no rogue outlier, but a respected, honored member of the center right of the U.S. foreign policy establishment. His first jobs before joining the Reagan administration were working for two Democratic senators, Henry Jackson and Daniel Moynihan. He was a senior fellow at the centrist Council on Foreign Relations. He’s been a member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, and now is on the board of the National Endowment for Democracy. He’s taught the next generation of foreign policy officials at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He didn’t somehow fool Reagan and George W. Bush — they wanted exactly what Abrams provided.
So no matter the gruesome particulars of Abrams’s career, the important thing to remember — as the U.S. eagle tightens its razor-sharp talons around yet another Latin American country — is that Abrams isn’t that exceptional. He’s mostly a cog in a machine. It’s the machine that’s the problem, not its malevolent parts.
Before joining First Look, Jon Schwarz worked for Michael Moore’s Dog Eat Dog Films and was Research Producer for Moore’s “Capitalism: A Love Story.”He’s contributed to many publications, including the New Yorker, the New York Times, The Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal, Mother Jones, and Slate, as well as NPR and “Saturday Night Live.”In 2003 he collected on a $1,000 bet that Iraq would have no weapons of mass destruction. jon.schwarz@theintercept.com 03-02-19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Frank Dorrel

Let’s Hope For The Best In 2019
In Peace, Frank Dorrel PO Box 3261 Culver City, CA 90231 Publisher: ADDICTED To WAR Associate Producer: PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE Producer: What I’ve Learned About US Foreign Policy fdorrel@addictedtowar.com fdorrel@sbcglobal.net www.addictedtowar.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Frank Dorrel Publisher: ADDICTED To WAR Associate Producer: PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE Producer: What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy P.O. Box 3261 Culver City, CA 90231-3261 310-838-8131 fdorrel@addictedtowar.com fdorrel@sbcglobal.net www.addictedtowar.com
ADDICTED To WAR ART WALL 13-Minute Video with Frank Dorrel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub-5nKp-pBw
Sunday, March 19th, 2017 At The Santa Monica Unitarian Universalist Church Introduction by Maureen Cruise - Video by Paul Hunt Thanks to Beverly Alison, Who Made My ADDICTED To WAR ART WALL Happen. What I've Learned About US Foreign Policy - 2015 Edition - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdMWOjYuYwk&t=183s ADDICTED To WAR Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_E0Ji8tkvw&t=154s - Narrated by Peter Coyote - 4 Minutes ADDICTED To WAR: Who's Who - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s78VHKnK_A&t=83 - 3 Minutes: 44 Seconds
50 Years After My Lai Massacre in Vietnam, Revisiting the Slaughter the U.S. Military Tried to Hide www.democracynow.org/2018/3/16/50_years_after_my_lai_massacre The GI Resistance Continues: Vietnam Vets Return to My Lai, Where U.S. Slaughtered 500 Civilians www.democracynow.org/2018/3/16/the_gi_resistance_continues_vietnam_vets Fifty years ago, on March 16, 1968, U.S. soldiers attacked the Vietnamese village of My Lai. Even though the soldiers met no resistance, they slaughtered more than 500 Vietnamese women, children and old men over the next four hours, in what became known as the My Lai massacre. After the massacre, the U.S. military attempted to cover up what happened. But in 1969 a young reporter named Seymour Hersh would reveal a 26-year-old soldier named William Calley was being investigated for killing 109 Vietnamese civilians. Today, memorials have been held in My Lai to mark the 50th anniversary of this horrific attack. 17-03-18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My Christmas Song To You
We Are one by Charlie King & Karen Brandow www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2-vTr9D9RA Charlie & Karen sang this very special song in our house at least two or three times. They were always magical and loving in every way. Karen had a voice like an angel and Charlie is a one-of-a kind singer and performer. Karen Brandow PRESENTE. Love & Peace, Frank Dorrel www.charlieking.org 25-12-17 Karen Brandow 1954 - 2014 Obituary
Karen Brandow passed away peacefully on Oct. 26, 2014 at the age of 60 at home in Shelburne Falls MA.She was born in Philadelphia in 1954 and spent most of her adult life in Western Massachusetts and in Guatemala.She devoted her life to making this world a better place through her singing, counseling and Spanish interpreting. Karen was a loving partner to Charlie King, a devoted daughter and a loyal friend whose calm presence was appreciated by her community and supported by her Buddhist practice.She was grateful for all of the blessings and privileges of her life which she attempted to use to be of service to others.She died as she lived: making conscious choices about medical treatment based on her most deeply held values. She wishes to be remembered for adding in her "grain of sand" to the ongoing search for peace and justice in this world.She asks that anyone wishing to honor her memory make a donation in her name to: The Innocence Project in New York, 40 Worth Street, Suite 701, New York, NY 10013 or to Christian Peacemaker Teams: Box 6508 * Chicago, IL 60680-6508. Here Are Some Other Anti-War/Pro-Peace Songs I Have Put Together That You Can Listen To & Watch on YouTube. Imagine - John Lennon www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVg2EJvvlF8 Being At War With Each Other - Carol King www.youtube.com/watch?v=83dJjrQMt34 Work For Peace - Gil Scott-Heron www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPqpV9olIlw&t=1s Lives In The Balance - Jackson Browne www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms5J2U_ySdI For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRV5LoOMyBk-www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp5JCrSXkJY Is It For Freedom - Sara Thomsen- www.youtube.com/watch?v=J96q9ICwRY0 Give Peace A Chance - John Lennon www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwJQffbssxo - www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yU0JuE1jTk We Are one - Charlie King & Karen Brandow www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2-vTr9D9RA Where Have All the Flowers Gone - Kingston Trio www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qt57c7rnHM Blowing In The Wind - Peter, Paul & Mary www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld6fAO4idaI Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream - The Weavers with Pete Seeger: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZEaPOikAYk-www.youtube.com/watch?v=xukU0yslbk8 We Shall Overcome - Joan Baez www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM39QUiAsoM-www.youtube.com/watch?v=7akuOFp-ET8 Simple Song Of Freedom - Bobby Darin www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA3Cc5-Tqfw - www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTTqkdGdv8I What's Going on - Marvin Gaye www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-kA3UtBj4M Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvwQmxLaknc War - Edwin Starr www.youtube.com/watch?v=squfuWKGVzY Eve of Destruction - Barry McGuire www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntLsElbW9Xo The Windows of The World - Dionne Warwick www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjNNijd4t0Q Why Can't We Live Together - SADE www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIgIgojL7Ns People Get Ready - Eva Cassidy www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzLd2MDAHK8 What The World Needs Now Is Love - Jackie Deshannon www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c2g9RYriZ4 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh9PMULbuFI Guantanamera - Pete Seeger www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiQUBm17phs- www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0gg3-xvMB0 Ministry of Oil - The Prince Myshkins www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3PTQ0Gi-_4 Marie - Andy Manoff www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFpnUtCepbY Regret To Inform - Dennis Davis www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDmU2O8BThc - www.youtube.com/watch?v=eALQvI6yIAo - Live Ode To Peace - Dennis Davis www.youtube.com/watch?v=29VVR8UdWuk Paz y Libertad - José Luis Orozco www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMZjWOs_4jo-www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdrVvtZIpIk (Children) -www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqkOYT6_TQ0 THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND - Ross Altman www.youtube.com/watch?v=UATvg6O1GOg Stand Up - Charlie King & Karen Brandow www.youtube.com/watch?v=89iQQ67HWvMLive - www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHQtwtZdadQ IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR FREEDOM-JON FROMER PRESENTE! www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYyeGrdhCiU DOWN BY THE RIVERSIDE - MAHALIA JACKSON www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eiwb67-TMd0 Across The Border Line - Ry Cooder www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF_HX9w1tnI - www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4x1en3FcRQ Almost Gone by Graham Nash & James Raymond - Song about Chelsea (Bradley) Manning www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAYG7yJpBbQ Masters of War - Bob Dylan www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJEjYY4TTjM - www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3CSBXkwx7o Masters of War - Odetta www.youtube.com/watch?v=38dOYW7-B0E Masters of War - Ed Sheeran www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHMlAYeFeYw Send In The Drones - Charlie King www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0Kj-3Yajwo&list=PLcAZfGNqzYRZZJOzXIlGIsf-rFHtu2zhP OL' MAN RIVER - KB Solomon www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q1YMgC4Q-s
If I Had A Hammer - Peter, Paul & Mary www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKgm9ARmOMM-www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxWTDcP9Y5E Superbroke Manifesto - The SUPERBROKE BRASS, Tin & Strings Electric Marching Band www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXfh3d045D0 Earth Anthem - Stephen Longfellow Fiske www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTxbKh3D8OA&list=PLINOCJYsHfFuSCulCbqFMJheW6RzsDnbL We Shall Overcome - Pete Seeger www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_Ld8JGv56E-www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhnPVP23rzo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Leo,
Thanks so much for putting my list of U.S. anti-war films on your website. As my friend Blase Bonpane told me, watching these films is like getting a PHD in U.S. foreign policy. The United States is ADDICTED To WAR. It is the biggest business in this country. Most Americans do not believe that, cannot see that, do not understand that and so not want to understand that. This includes politicians, people in the military-industrial-complex, the corporations, the bankers, the oil companies, the mainstream media and the majority of American public, who have been taught to believe that our country is such a good country and wants only to help people around the world. The propaganda they have been fed all their lives has worked for the most. Most people I know will not look at the films on my list, they will not read ADDICTED To WAR & they ignore the truth-tellers in the United States. It is truly a sad thing. Hillary Clinton supported many of the things seen in these films. I would never have voted for her. But it is my belief that Donald Trump is not a Peace President either. He is one of the super-rich who pretty much only cares about himself and maybe his family. He has surrounded himself with other billionaires who are climate-change deniers and who do not care about the people. And I think that most of the important anti-war activists in the U.S. feel this same way about Trump.
It seems like the most important thing in the United States is money and power. The super-rich are in control and they do not care about the average person in the U.S. or in the world. As S. Brian Willson says, they are drunk with their power.
And by the way, our new anti-war film has been out for the last year. It is called: “PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE: The Story of S. Brian Willson”. It can be rented at AMAZON.COM. You Can Rent the Film for $5.00 by going to: https://www.amazon.com/Paying-Price-Peace-Story-Willson/dp/B0734MT8K2/ref=sr_1_2?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1499125231&sr=1-2&keywords=paying+the+price
"PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE: The Story of S. Brian Willson" Produced & Directed by Bo Boudart ~ Narrated by Peter Coyote ~ Associate Producer Frank Dorrel www.payingthepriceforpeace.com
Vietnam veteran S. Brian Willson paid the price for peace as he was run over and nearly killed by a military train during a non-violent protest at The Concord Naval Weapons Station in California on September 1st, 1987. The train was carrying weapons that were to be shipped to Central America and used to kill innocent civilians in Nicaragua, El Salvador & Guatemala. Since then, Brian has not stopped calling attention to the US government’s defiance of international law through waging endless illegal wars.“PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE” exposes the truth about the United States’ addiction to war and the lies it perpetuates in order to wage ongoing violence. Brian’s story is very moving, inspirational and educational.
This Important Film Also Features:
Daniel Ellsberg, Ron Kovic, Roy Bourgeois, Medea Benjamin, Blase Bonpane, Martin Sheen, Alice Walker, Amy Goodman, Ramsey Clark, Camila Mejia, Phil Donahue, Col. Ann Wright, David Hartsough, David Swanson, Chelsea Manning, Charlie Clements, Charlie Liteky, Duncan Murphy, George Mizo, Jack Ryan, Bruce Gagnon, President Daniel Ortega, Cindy Sheehan, Michael Lindley and Ed Ellis.
Music by Joan Baez, Jackson Browne, Creedence Clearwater, Barry McGuire & Malcolm Payne. Endorsements for: PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE S. Brian Willson has paid the Price For Peace in lifelong regular installments and his commitment assures us that truly one heart with courage is a majority. Martin Sheen: Actor & Activist. "S. Brian Willson is an international hero revered for his lifelong, unrelenting refusal to accept any apology for the US empire and its murderous military machine. This documentary should be seen by everyone, particularly the younger generation who may not yet be familiar with Willson's life and his challenge to every US resident to take responsibility to end the US militaristic madness". Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz: Historian & Author of: “An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States” I love Brian. And I love this film. I wish that every American, interested in truth, could see it. Since his time in Vietnam, Brian’s life has been about revealing the dark side of US foreign policy. This very important film, which includes many of Brian’s friends in the anti-war movement, also talks about how US militarism is one of the biggest contributors to Global Warming. Daniel Ellsberg: Author, Activist & Former Military Analyst, who revealed The Pentagon Papers to the New York Times in 1971.
"These are very challenging and dangerous times. We need people who can inspire us to resist. I highly recommend seeing: 'PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE: The Story of S. Brian Willson'. Brian and the other people in this very important film, show us and lead us in resisting wars being waged by the United States. These illegal and immoral wars have devastated and killed millions of people in the third world".
Roy Bourgeois: Vietnam Veteran & Founder of School of The Americas Watch
This film: "PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE" shows what absolute commitment and dedication of one's life to peace and the absence of killing really means. What a man!
Helen Caldicott - An Australian physician, author & anti-nuclear advocate who has founded several associations dedicated to opposing the use of nuclear power, depleted uranium munitions, nuclear weapons & military action in general.
I recall being in Baghdad with Gulf Peace Team members from Europe, India and Australia, during the 1991 Desert Storm invasion of Iraq. Wanting badly to raise concern, worldwide, for suffering Iraqis who had meant the U.S. people no harm, we listed people we hoped to reach who might eventually join us in the Middle East. Brian Willson topped our list because we knew that communities of people worldwide respected his courage and credibility. "Paying The Price For Peace" educates audiences about Brian's lifelong commitment to abolish war. The film also introduces a cast of interesting people, kindred spirits with Brian Willson, who believe that nonviolence can and must change the world.
Kathy Kelly: Co-Founder of Voices For Creative Nonviolence. Has worked closely with the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers. She is the author of “Other Lands Have Dreams”.
"The Documentary on Brian Willson’s life, “Paying The Price For Peace”, is an important must-see film for anti-war activists and should be required viewing in all social science/ethics classes in colleges and secondary schools nationwide. Acknowledging permanent war is the first step to peace." Peter Phillips Ph.D, Professor Political Sociology Sonoma State University, Past President of Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored -
What an inspiring movie! From sea to shining sea, our country is filled with gleaming statues of war heroes. This powerful movie is a monument to a peace hero – telling the dramatic story of Brian Willson’s journey from soldier to lifelong activist for peace and justice. And the movie shows that Brian’s brand of heroism is infectious and inspires other heroes." Jeff Cohen: Co-Founder of RootsAction.org and Co-Producer of ‘All Governments Lie’.
"Paying The Price For Peace" is the remarkable story of a remarkable man willing to give his life for peace. Brian Willson risked his life for the people of Central America who were being killed by U.S. bullets. Brian paid the price for peace with his legs and almost his life. The rest of us are paying the price with our souls." Col. Ann Wright: Retired United States Army Colonel & U.S. State Department official
PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE engages our heart and lifts our spirit. It is a tale of commitment, courage and leadership. It describes how political deception makes us accomplices to policies we never knew about or agreed to and underscores the importance of struggle and community. S. Brian Willson has the lead role in the film. And the story is certainly about him. But it is also about you and me. What will we do differently because we saw this film? What will our next steps be? Sabina Virgo: Founding President, AFSCME 2620, Community and Climate Organizer/Activist, Writer and Speaker.
See how courageous, non-violent, civil disobedience to the crimes of war can motivate you to become a more challenging citizen against militarism and corporatism that a peoples' Congress can stop." Ralph Nader: Activist, Lawyer and Author of "Breaking Through Power
Paying The Price For Peace is a MUST SEE film by everyone who wants peace and an end to all wars. Brian Willson not only believes that “Our lives are not worth more and their lives are not worth less,” he acts on that belief even risking his life to stop American bombs being shipped to kill people. Millions of people all over the world who have lost loved ones in America’s wars have expressed profound gratitude that Brian Willson and other Americans understand their grief and their suffering and are willing to risk their lives to stop the madness of war. Be prepared to be inspired and challenged to take your next step in creating a world where we can give up the insanity of killing one another and live as brothers and sisters in peace. Together we can end the madness of war! David Hartsough: Author of: “WAGING PEACE: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Nonviolent Activist”, Founder of: PEACEMAKERS and Co-Founder of: WORLD BEYOND WAR.
"PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE is as powerful as it is important, as inspiring as it is shocking and throws a strong light on an incredible man who suffered so much yet continued to stand when almost anyone else would have crumbled." It is quite literally awe inspiring.
Paul Haggis: Academy Award Winning Writer & Director (Crash & Million Dollar Baby
The OFFICE OF THE AMERICAS was proud to be participant in the Nuremberg Actions at Concord Naval weapons Station in California. And today the Nuremberg precedent is more important than ever. We must not obey illegal and immoral orders from anyone including the President of the United States. After the horror of the attack on Brian Willson at that site I was privileged to travel war ravaged Nicaragua with Brian. We flew at tree top level in a worn helicopter to see the devastation of Reagan's illegal and immoral CONTRA WAR. The people of Nicaragua came out as one to welcome their hero who had PAID THE PRICE FOR PEACE, Brian Willson.
Blase Bonpane, Ph.D: Director, Office of the Americas, Host of World Focus, heard on KPFK 90.7 FM
"Brian Willson declared his independence from every bomb dropped, every threat leveled, every civil liberties rollback, every child killed, every veteran maimed. Brian Willson sat down in order to stand up. For all that I have done, Brian Willson shames me to do more; to be better. Thank you, Brian; I love you." Cynthia McKinney: Former US Congresswoman from Georgia & Green Party Presidential Candidate.
PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE is a great film about the life and pure dedication of a great activist. Brian Willson began as an All-American boy. He stayed true to his patriotic upbringing. When faced with the enormous contradictions of the Vietnam War, he told the hard truths about the moral depravity of that war. From then on, Brian remained determined in speaking truth to power, about US war making in Latin America and beyond. He paid the ultimate price for peace when he sat on the tracks blocking a weapons shipment to Central America. A humble man always, Brian inspires all of us to keep working for peace. – Bruce Gagnon: Coordinator of Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.
"Thank you for this inspiring story of Brian Willson so that future generations can be motivated by his courage and fortitude." Medea Benjamin: Founder of CODEPINK and Life Long Anti-War activist
"A Hero's story of courageous sacrifice, dedication, excitement, adventure, and solidarity."
David Swanson: Author and Founder of World Beyond War
As an Army medic in Vietnam, I have often said that Lying Is The Most Powerful Weapon In War. "Paying The Price For Peace" is a primary example of how lying is the essential ingredient of any war. If you do not follow the deceit of the money trail and who profits off of war, you will be forever lost in the rhetoric. one of the most profound statements I have ever read about the Vietnam War, was written by Brian Willson. Brian witnessed four atrocities in Vietnam, after U.S. jets bombed four Vietnamese villages killing hundreds of innocent civilians. When Brian walked into the first village, he looked down at a dead Vietnamese mother holding three dead children who were scorched by napalm and these were his words: "In that moment and it only took a second, I got it." That was the profound lying war in Vietnam and that is why "Paying The Price For Peace" is such a monumental accomplishment in telling the truth. Mike Hastie: Army Medic Vietnam, Veterans For Peace & Photojournalist.
"Brilliant documentary about an incredible antiwar hero. This film should be a strong contender for an Oscar."
Michael D. Knox, PhD: Chair US Peace Memorial Foundation
S. Brian Willson stands courageous, strong and tall among the very best of our inspirational heroes. "Paying The Price For Peace" is both a beautiful portrait and engaging account of an iconic champion of deep conscience, intelligence and humanity. It also provides terrifying examples of the brute force, violence and militarism used in attempts to silence voices of peace, justice and brotherhood. Presente, one and all, for this brilliant film. Maureen Cruise RN: Peace Advocate, Director Health Care for All - Los Angeles Chapter
"What makes Paying The Price so powerful is hearing the voices of so many veterans, women and men who know what war is and have had the courage to walk away. They invite us to remember – however much the national “security” state would like us to forget -- that every one of us can be brave. Courage (like cowardice) is a habit we can learn by practice. And there’s no better teacher than Brian Willson."
Rebecca Gordon: Author of "Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post 9/11 United States"
"Paying The Price For Peace" is an amazing must see film. Brian Willson has been on an incredible life's journey. As a young conservative Republican, who believed what he was taught in this country, he enlisted in the Air Force, became an officer and was sent to Vietnam in 1969. one of his first assignments was to access the success of targets we had bombed. Brian witnessed a fishing village with close to 100 people in it who were all either dead or dying. There were no soldiers and no weapons. Just women, children and a few old men. In the next week he witnessed 4 other villages that had been bombed with the same results. His life was changed forever. When he spoke out to his superiors about what he had seen, he was sent back to the United States. In the 1980's Brian decided to go to Central America to see just what our country was doing there. That led to his involvement with 'Veterans Fast For Life' in 1986 and then blocking trains at The Concord Naval Weapons Station in California in 1987, where he was run over by a train carrying weapons to be shipped to Central America and used to kill innocent people. He lost both legs but survived and became much more well known to people in the anti-war movement. This film covers all of these actions so clearly and also includes many other well-known anti-war activists in this country, who are on a similar journey as Brian, which is to reveal the true and brutal nature of US foreign policy. If you care about the human race, please see this film. Frances Fisher: Actress and Activist
At a time when the peace movement is in disarray and at a time when progressives have given the United States a free pass on endless war and drone killings, Brian Willson is an example for the peace movement all over the world. If we are to survive as a species, we will all have to: Pay The Price For Peace. Regis Tremblay: Directed & Produced both: “30 Seconds To Midnight” and “Ghosts of Jeju”. Paying The Price For Peace" is a powerful work that all of us can learn from. S. Brian Willson's commitment to the ideals of our democracy is an inspiration to all of us and a great example of a "fearless individual" in pursuit of the truth." Joseph C. Stillman, Producer/Director of: “CITIZEN CLARK: A Life of Principle” – a film in progress.
“PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE is FANTASTIC! I REALLY LOVE this film. It is one to be Seen by ALL. I mean ALL. EVERYONE! For the History ALONE! So well done”. Julie Webster: Teacher, Poet, Videographer and Anti-War Activist.
In Peace,
Frank Dorrel Publisher Addicted To War P.O. Box 3261 Culver City, CA 90231-3261 fdorrel@addictedtowar.com fdorrel@sbcglobal.net www.addictedtowar.com 21-07-17
Dr. Leo Semashko's commentary. Anti-war Films and Peace Science. The American militaristic policy source is the American militaristic democracy of 1% of billionaires. This democracy has become synonymous with militarismin general, military totalitarianism, global aggression and narcotic, pathological for America, ADDICTION TO WAR as was proofed by Frank Dorrel. The world sees how the US Congress stamps routinelythe laws of endless wars, sanctions and aggressions around the world and militarist zombies the country's population with the propaganda of their fake media.US militaristic democracy is the decline of the American empire and American military historyin a whole. America is not the first empire to collapse from the burden of militarism and militaristic democracy. Its collapse requires scientific analysis and the replacement by 100% democracy of the Spherons, excluding total militarism by global peace from deep harmony:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=424 Anti-war, anti-American films created and recommended by Frank have a huge emotional significance, nurturing aversion to American militarism and the American empire. Such emotions are very important. But this is not enough. A deep scientific analysis is required to reveal the objective pillars of positive global peace from internal harmony, which is replacing militarism and its power. This is suggested by the GHA “Global Peace Science” of 174 coauthors (including Frank) from 34 countries (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf) as a natural theoretical addition and intellectual explanation of the Frank's wonderful films. The GHA highly appreciates Frank’scolossal critical anti-militaristic work, which is an integral part of this fundamental science. 27-07-17 Комментарий Льва Семашко к письму Фрэнка Доррела от 21-07-17. Антивоенные фильмы и наука мира. Источник Американской милитаристской политики - американская милитаристская демократия 1% миллиардеров. Эта демократия стала синонимом милитаризма вообще, военного тоталитаризма, глобальной агрессии и наркотической, патологической для Америки, приверженности к войне. Мир видит, как Конгресс США регулярно штампует законы бесконечных войн, санкций и агрессий по всему миру и милитаристски зомбирует население страны пропагандой своих фейковых медиа. Милитаристская демократия США - это закат Американской империи и Американской военной истории в целом. Америка - не первая империя, которая рушится от бремени милитаризма и милитаристской демократии. Ее крах требует научного анализа и замены 100% демократией Сферонов, исключающей тотальный милитаризм глобальным миром из глубокой гармонии: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=424 Антивоенные, антиамериканские фильмы, созданные и рекомендованные Фрэнком, имеют огромное эмоциональное значение, воспитывая отвращение к Американскому милитаризму и Американской империи. Подобные эмоции очень важны. Но этого недостаточно. Требуется глубокий научный анализ, который раскрывает объективные основания позитивного глобального мира из внутренней гармонии, который идет на смену милитаризма и его власти. Это предлагает «Наука Глобального Мира» ГСГ 174 соавторов (включая Фрэнка) из 34 стран (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf) как естественное теоретическое дополнение и интеллектуальное объяснение замечательных фильмов Фрэнка. ГСГ высоко ценит колоссальную критическую антимилитаристскую работу Фрэнка, которая составляет неотъемлемую часть этой фундаментальной науки. 27-07-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Anti-War Films You Can Watch on-Line
This Is The Most Important Email I Will Ever Send To You ~ Anti-War Films You Can Watch on-Line ~ The Secret Government ~ The Panama Deception ~ War Made Easy ~ Cover-Up: Behind The Iran-Contra Affair ~ Hearts & Minds ~ Occupation 101 & Others. "Frank Dorrel" 18-07-17 Published on Dorrel’s personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=668 Dear Anti-War Friends, This is the most important email I will ever send to you! The links to these anti-war films that you can watch on-line sometimes are taken down. So I have included two or three links when possible. I realize that I have listed many films here. There is no need to try to watch all of these films in a short period of time. But the films listed below basically spell out what I like to call: “The True Nature of U.S. Foreign Policy”. These films are the proof that the United States has killed as many as 20 million or more innocent people since the end of World War II - with many millions more being injured, losing their homes and having their way of life ruined.This list is the best way I can think of to help educate yourself and others who might be interested in knowing about this. I believe that the Americans who have died in these wars, have died for lies coming from our government and our mainstream media, which are both owned by the same people who profit from these wars. It is what I call: “The Big Lie”.It is Orwellian and like The Matrix. I do not know what is actually going on now in Syria, Libya, Ukraine or Yemen, but one thing I do know is that we cannot trust that the United States will ever do the right thing when it comes to foreign policy. Whatever action this country takes is to benefit the corporations, the oil companies, the bankers and the war machine: also known as: The Military Industrial Complex. The United States is ADDICTED To WAR. It is up to us to try to stop this horrible situation. There are more people now who do understand this to some degree than ever before in history. The films listed below and many books that have been written on this subject are a big reason why this is so. Not to mention the many anti-war/peace groups there are in this country. And the Internet is another big reason there is more awareness about this. In the alterative media, Democracy Now, hosted by Amy Goodman, is the most listened to/watched program in this country. Their website is: www.democracynow.org . You will hear more truth by listening to Democracy Now than anywhere else. Another good source of truth is The INTERCEPT: https://theintercept.com/. To my knowledge, no one else has ever put together a list like this one. In Peace, Frank Dorrel Publisher: ADDICTED To WAR Associate Producer: PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE Producer: What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy P.O. Box 3261 Culver City, CA 90231-3261 310-838-8131 fdorrel@addictedtowar.com fdorrel@sbcglobal.net www.addictedtowar.com Important Anti-War Films You Can Watch on-Line Bill Moyer’s The Secret Government: The Constitution In Crisis – PBS - 1987 This is the full length 90 minute version of Bill Moyer's 1987 scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government to carry out operations which are clearly contrary to the wishes and values of the American people. The ability to exercise this power with impunity is facilitated by the National Security Act of 1947. The thrust of the exposé is the Iran-Contra arms and drug-running operations which flooded the streets of our nation with crack cocaine. -www.youtube.com/watch?v=28K2CO-khdY- www.topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-secret-government- www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJldun440Sk The Panama Deception – Won Academy Award for Best Documentary in 1992 - Narrated by Elizabeth Montgomery – Directed by Barbara Trent - Produced by The Empowerment Project This Academy Award Winning film documents the untold story of the December 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama; the events which led to it; the excessive force used; the enormity of the death and destruction; and the devastating aftermath. The Panama Deception uncovers the real reasons for this internationally condemned attack, presenting a view of the invasion which widely differs from that portrayed by the U.S. media and exposes how the U.S. government and the mainstream media suppressed information about this foreign policy disaster. -www.documentarystorm.com/the-panama-deception -www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo6yVNWcGCo www.empowermentproject.org/films.html HEARTS AND MINDS – Directed by Peter Davis – Won Academy Award for Best Documentary in 1975. Peter Davis created one of the most moving accounts of the Vietnam War and the attitudes at home when he produced "Hearts and Minds". The film looks unflinchingly at the nature of power and horrible consequences of war. It is very much a pro-peace film, but uses the people who were there to speak for themselves. It also seeks to probe deeper underneath the American psyche of the times and evolves into a historical document about the violent social rupture that happened between the fifties and the sixties. www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGbC3gUlqz0 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdJcOWVLmmU WAR MADE EASY: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death - Narrated by Sean Penn – By The Media Education Foundation – 2007 - www.mediaed.org Based on Book by Norman Solomon titled: WAR MADE EASY- www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9DjSg6l9Vs- www.warmadeeasythemovie.org https://freedocumentaries.org/documentary/war-made-easy-how-presidents-pundi ts-keep-spinning-us-to-death#watch-film War Made Easy reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception & media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq. This film exhumes remarkable archival footage of official distortion & exaggeration from LBJ to George W. Bush, revealing in stunning detail how the American news media have uncritically disseminated the pro-war messages of successive presidential administrations. War Made Easy gives special attention to parallels between the Vietnam war and the war in Iraq. Guided by media critic Norman Solomon’s meticulous research and tough-minded analysis, the film presents disturbing examples of propaganda and media complicity from the present alongside rare footage of political leaders and leading journalists from the past, including Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, dissident Senator Wayne Morse and news correspondents Walter Cronkite and Morley Safer.
Cover-Up: Behind The Iran-Contra Affair - Narrated by Elizabeth Montgomery – Directed by Barbara Trent - Produced by The Empowerment Project - 1988 COVER-UP is the only film which presents a comprehensive overview of the most important stories suppressed during the Iran Contra hearings. It is the only film that puts the entire Iran Contra affair into a meaningful political and historical context. The shadow government of assassins, arms dealers, drug smugglers, former CIA operatives and top US military personnel who were running foreign policy unaccountable to the public, revealing the Reagan/Bush administration's plan to use FEMA to institute martial law and ultimately suspend the Constitution. Strikingly relevant to current events. - www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOlMo9dAATw - www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDdItm-PDeM www.empowermentproject.org/films.html Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky & The Media - Produced & Directed by Mark Achbar – Directed by Peter Wintonick – 1993 - www.zeitgeistfilms.com
This film showcases Noam Chomsky, one of America's leading linguists & political dissidents. It also illustrates his message of how government and big media businesses cooperate to produce an effective propaganda machine in order to manipulate the opinions of the United States populous.– www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnrBQEAM3rE - www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FKdU_xL4O8 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBhBfa6gK60 - Hijacking Catastrophe: 911, Fear & The Selling of the American Empire - Narrated by Julian Bond - The Media Education Foundation – 2004 - www.mediaed.org The 9/11 terror attacks continue to send shock waves through the American political system. Continuing fears about American vulnerability alternate with images of American military prowess and patriotic bravado in a transformed media landscape charged with emotion and starved for information. The result is that we have had little detailed debate about the radical turn US policy has taken since 9/11. Hijacking Catastrophe places the Bush Administration's original justifications for war in Iraq within the larger context of a two-decade struggle by neo-conservatives to dramatically increase military spending while projecting American power and influence globally by means of force. www.filmsforaction.org/watch/hijacking-catastrophe-911-fear-and-the-selling- of-american-empire-2004- www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGotBt_JxVo Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority – Directed By Sufyan & Abdallah Omeish -2006 - Best Film I’ve Seen about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – A thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current and historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unlike any other film ever produced on the conflict -- 'Occupation 101' presents a comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths surrounding the never ending controversy and dispels many of its long-perceived myths and misconceptions. The film also details life under Israeli military rule, the role of the United States in the conflict, and the major obstacles that stand in the way of a lasting and viable peace. The roots of the conflict are explained through first-hand on-the-ground experiences from leading Middle East scholars, peace activists, journalists, religious leaders and humanitarian workers whose voices have too often been suppressed in American media outlets. - www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuI5GP2LJAs- http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/occupation-101 -www.occupation101.com Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land: US Media & the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - The Media Education Foundation – 2003 - www.mediaed.org Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land provides a striking comparison of U.S. and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle East, zeroing in on how structural distortions in U.S. coverage have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This pivotal documentary exposes how the foreign policy interests of American political elites--oil, and a need to have a secure military base in the region, among others--work in combination with Israeli public relations strategies to exercise a powerful influence over how news from the region is reported. – www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSXFNSvInIE - www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiiQI7QMJ8w Paying The Price - Killing the Children of Iraq - John Pilger – 2000 – This documentary by John Pilger shows the appalling reality of what happens to a country under economic sanctions. It’s about the punishment of a whole nation—the killing of hundreds of thousands of people, including many young children. They are all the nameless and faceless victims of their own government and of an endless war that Western nations have waged against them:- http://johnpilger.com/videos/paying-the-price-killing-the-children-of-iraq - http://documentarystorm.com/paying-the-price-killing-the-children-of-iraq - www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjkcePc2moQ Guns, Drugs & The CIA - Original Air Date: May 17th, 1988 – on PBS Frontline - Produced & Written by Andrew and Leslie Cockburn - Directed by Leslie Cockburn Frontline investigation into CIA drug running to fund foreign operations. Introduced by Judy Woodruff. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpoahXzt-lM - www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF27ld7lF_c- www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xn7m1NFRRE - https://vimeo.com/181665011 “What I’ve Learned About US Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World" – by Frank Dorrel – Updated 2014 Edition www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdMWOjYuYwk&t=183s This is a 2-Hour: 23-Minute Video Compilation Featuring the Following 13 Segments: 1. Martin Luther King Jr. (02:55) 2. John Stockwell, Ex-CIA Station Chief (06:14) 3. Coverup: Behind The Iran-Contra Affair (19:34) 4. School of Assassins (13:25) 5. Genocide by Sanctions (12:58) 6. Philip Agee, Former CIA Case Officer (22:08) 7. Amy Goodman, Host of Democracy Now! (5:12) 8. The Panama Deception(22:10) 9. Crisis In The Congo(14:11) 10. Dr. Dahlia Wasfi, Peace Activist (04:32) 11. Jimmy Carter, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (04:35) 12. Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General (07:58) 13. S. Brian Willson, Vietnam Veteran for Peace (08:45) This video has been seen by millions of people since 2000. It is an excellent & invaluable educational tool that reveals the true nature of U.S. foreign policy. It’s been screened in many high schools, colleges, churches, homes, on cable TV, in theaters and shown by many Peace & Justice Anti-WarOrganizations. Howard Zinn, S. Brian Willson, Blase Bonpane, Michael Parenti, Oliver Stone, Ed Asner, Father Roy Bourgeois, Ramsey Clark, William Blum, Kathy Kelly, Medea Benjamin, Susan Sarandon, Chalmers Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Col. Ann Wright and Woody Harrelson have seen this film & have found it to be very informative and empowering. The new segments are: Crisis In The Congo, Dr. Dahlia Wasfi & Jimmy Carter, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Visuals have been added to the John Stockwell segment. More than one person has called: “What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World": “Timeless”. www.addictedtowar.com/dorrel.html Vietnam: American Holocaust - Narrated by Martin Sheen – Written, Produced & Directed by Clay Claiborne - 2008 - www.topdocumentaryfilms.com/vietnam-american-holocaust This film exposes one of the worst cases of sustained mass slaughter in history, carefully planned & executed by presidents of both parties. Our dedicated generals & foot soldiers, knowingly or unknowingly, killed nearly 5 millionpeople, on an almost unimaginable scale, mostly using incendiary bombs. Vietnam has never left our national consciousness & now, in this time, it has more relevance than ever.www.vietnam.linuxbeach.net Arsenal of Hypocrisy: The Space Program & The Military Industrial Complex - With Bruce Gagnon & Noam Chomsky – 2004 - www.space4peace.org Today the Military Industrial Complex is marching towards world dominance through Space technology on behalf of global corporate interest. To understand how and why the space program will be used to fight all future wars on earth from space, it's important to understand how the public has been misled about the origins and true purpose of the Space Program. Arsenal of Hypocrisy features Bruce Gagnon: Coordinator: Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Noam Chomsky and Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell talking about the dangers of moving the arms race into space. The one-hour production features archival footage, Pentagon documents, and clearly outlines the U.S. plan to "control and dominate" space and the Earth below. - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf7apNEASPk Beyond Treason – Written & Narrated by Joyce Riley - Directed by William Lewis - 2005 - www.beyondtreason.com Is the United States knowingly using a dangerous battlefield weapon banned by the United Nations because of its long-term effects on the local inhabitants and the environment? Explore the illegal worldwide sale and use of one of the deadliest weapons ever invented. Beyond the disclosure of black-ops projects spanning the past 6 decades, Beyond Treason also addresses the complex subject of Gulf War Illness. It includes interviews with experts, both civilian and military, who say that the government is hiding the truth from the public and they can prove it. UNMASKING SECRET MILITARY PROJECTS: Chemical & Biological Exposures, Radioactive Poisoning, Mind Control Projects, Experimental Vaccines, Gulf War Illness & Depleted Uranium (DU). www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRG8nUDbVXU- www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViUtjA1ImQc The Friendship Village - Directed & Produced by Michelle Mason - 2002- www.cultureunplugged.com/play/8438/The-Friendship-Village - www.cypress-park.m-bient.com/projects/distribution.htm A timely, inspiring film about our ability to transcend war, 'The Friendship Village' tells the story of George Mizo, a war hero-turned-peace activist after losing his entire platoon in an opening salvo of the 1968 Tet Offensive of the Vietnam War. George's journey to heal the wounds of war leads him back to Vietnam where he befriends the Vietnamese General responsible for killing his entire platoon. Through their friendship, the seeds of the Vietnam Friendship Village Project are sewn: a reconciliation project near Hanoi that treats children with Agent Orange-related illnesses. One man could build a village; one village could change the world. Breaking The Silence: Truth and Lies in The War on Terror - A Special Report by John Pilger – 2003 - www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/break.html The documentary investigates George W Bush's "war on terror". In "liberated" Afghanistan, America has its military base & pipeline access, while the people have the warlords who are, says one women, "in many ways worse than the Taliban". In Washington, a series of remarkable interviews includes senior Bush officials & former intelligence officers. A former senior CIA official tells Pilger that the whole issue of weapons of mass destruction was "95 per cent charade".www.youtube.com/watch?v=phehfVeJ-wk- www.topdocumentaryfilms.com/breaking-the-silence- www.johnpilger.com
The War on Democracy - by John Pilger - 2007 - www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/wdem.html- www.johnpilger.com This film shows how US intervention, overt and covert, has toppled a series of legitimate governments in the Latin American region since the 1950s. The democratically elected Chilean government of Salvador Allende, for example, was ousted by a US backed coup in 1973 and replaced by the military dictatorship of General Pinochet. Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador have all been invaded by the United States. Pilger interviews several ex-CIA agents who took part in secret campaigns against democratic countries in the region. He investigates the School of the Americas in the US state of Georgia, where Pinochet’s torture squads were trained along with tyrants and death squad leaders in Haiti, El Salvador, Brazil and Argentina. The film unearths the real story behind the attempted overthrow of Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez in 2002 and how the people of the barrios of Caracas rose up to force his return to power. www.topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-war-on-democracy - www.johnpilger.com/videos/the-war-on-democracy Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth – By The Friends of the Congo - 2011 – 27 Minutes - www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLV9szEu9Ag – www.congojustice.org Millions of Congolese have lost their lives in a conflict that the United Nations describes as the deadliest in the world since World War Two. United States allies, Rwanda and Uganda, invaded in 1996 the Congo (then Zaire) and again in 1998, which triggered the enormous loss of lives, systemic sexual violence and rape, and widespread looting of Congo’s spectacular natural wealth. The ongoing conflict, instability, weak institutions, dependency and impoverishment in the Congo are a product of a 125 year tragic experience of enslavement, forced labor, colonial rule, assassinations, dictatorship, wars, external intervention and corrupt rule. Analysts in the film examine whether U.S. corporate and government policies that support strongmen and prioritize profit over the people have contributed to and exacerbated the tragic instability in the heart of Africa. Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering The Truth explores the role that the United States and its allies, Rwanda and Uganda, have played in triggering the greatest humanitarian crisis at the dawn of the 21st century. The film is a short version of a feature length production to be released in the near future. It locates the Congo crisis in a historical, social and political context. It unveils analysis and prescriptions by leading experts, practitioners, activists and intellectuals that are not normally available to the general public. The film is a call to conscience and action. Thirty Seconds To Midnight: The Final Wake-Up Call - By Filmmaker Regis Tremblay - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd5hXwenwzc&t=620s–Narrated by Regis Tremblay. A shocking documentary that traces the origins of U.S. genocides, military interventions and wars from the 15th century when the white, colonial explorers first came to the Americas to the very present. American Exceptionalism, Manifest Destiny, and the right to claim the earth and its resources as their own are the beliefs that are the foundation of American foreign policy in the 21st Century that has humanity on the brink of extinction. Humanity is on the brink of extinction! Nuclear power is not safe. 48 of America’s nuclear power plants are leaking and there is no way to get rid of nuclear waste. America’s reckless provocations of both Russia and China, two nuclear-armed countries, risk a nuclear holocaust from which no one survives. Climate change and global warming, if not mitigated immediately, will end the human experiment on earth sooner rather than later. Dr. Helen Caldicott, Ray McGovern, Chris Hedges, Ann Wright, Peter Kuznick, Bill McKibben, David Vine, Bruce Gagnon and other activists, scholars, and authors explain and clarify the crisis and threats to life on the planet. NO MORE VICTIMS – Videos of 4 War-Injured Iraqi Children NMV Brought to the US for Medical Treatments: www.nomorevictims.org What American Missiles Did to 9-Year Old Salee Allawi in Iraq - www.nomorevictims.org/?page_id=95 In this video, Salee Allawi & her father tell the harrowing story of the American air strike that blew off her legs while she was playing outside her home in Iraq. Her brother & best friend were killed. Nora, A 5-Year Old Iraqi Girl: Who Was Shot in the Head by a US Sniper- www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft49-zlQ1V4 - www.nomorevictims.org/children-2/noora As her father writes, “On October 23, 2006 at 4:00 in the afternoon, American snipers positioned on a rooftop in my neighborhood started firing toward my car. My daughter Nora, a five-year-old child, was hit in the head. Since 2003 No More Victims has secured treatment for children injured by US forces. Abdul Hakeem’s Story – Narrated by Peter Coyote – www.nomorevictims.org/?page_id=107- on April 9, 2004 at 11:00 PM, during the First Siege of Fallujah, Abdul Hakeem & his family were asleep at home when mortar rounds fired by US forces rained down on their home, destroying one side of his face. His mother suffered abdominal & chest injuries & has undergone 5 major operations. His older brother & sister were injured and his unborn sister killed. US forces did not permit ambulances to transport civilian casualties to the hospital. In fact, they fired on ambulances, one of many violations of international law committed by US forces in the April assault. A neighbor volunteered to take the family to the hospital, where doctors assessed Hakeem’s chances of survival at five percent. They laid his limp body aside & treated other civilian casualties whose chances of survival appeared higher. Agustin Aguayo: A Man of Conscience - A Short Film by Peter Dudar & Sally Marr - www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAFH6QGPxQk Iraq War Veteran Agustin Aguayo served his country for four years in the Army but was repeatedly denied Conscientious Objector status. His Press Conference never made the NEWS! Jesus...A Soldier Without A Country - A Short Film by Peter Dudar & Sally Marr - www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYeNyJFJOf4 Fernando Suarez, whose only son Jesus was the first Marine from Mexico to be killed in the Iraq War, marches for Peace from Tijuana to San Francisco. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From militaristic addiction to global peacemaking from harmony through scientific holistic thinking Dear Frank! Many thanks for your unique and grandiose anti-war anti-American list of documentaries that was published on your personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=668 These films are the fundamental proof of the militaristic nature of the American state and American democracy, which is concentrated in your words: "The True Nature of U.S. Foreign Policy": "the United States has been killed as many as 20 million or more innocent people since the end of World War II - with many millions more being injured, losing their homes and having their way of life ruined…. The United States is ADDICTED To WAR." Why the US is addicted to war? What is the deep and original cause of this predilection? What means can overcome this suicidal for the US militaristic addiction? Many private answers to these questions have been integrated and holistically interpreted in the "Global Peace Science" (GPS) from the harmony in the book of 174 co-authors from 34 countries, including you: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf (pp. 352-355, 357-358, etc.) The essence of this unique paradigm and its scientific answer to these questions is as follows. The liberal understanding of freedom as a liberation from the rule of the British Empire, placed by the founding fathers as the value foundation of the United States, resulted in an unlimited absolutism of this important but private/insufficient value, leading it for more than two centuries to degeneration into freedom of violence, wars, murder, militarism, terrorism, aggression and totalitarianism of the ruling corporate and irremovable elite of 1% of the population. The similar absolutization in Marxism of another private value - labor - in the world class struggle of the proletarian dictatorship turned into a class genocide of tens of millions of innocent victims of many nations and the collapse of the USSR as the leader of this other antihuman, erroneous and militaristic ideology. An alternative to these temporary, partial and equally inhumane violent ideologies of liberal capitalism and proletarian communism, based on the absolutization of partial values, is the Global Peace Science, built on the universal value of all civilizations - on social harmony. This value includes all other partial values (freedom, labor, equality, democracy, justice, etc.), it does not exist without them, but it limits them and does not allow their disharmonious absolutization, perversion and degeneration into this or that absolute evil of violence, wars, aggression, etc. Social reality and the structure of harmony are revealed in this science, which requires the replacement of both traditional value priorities and forms of violent democracy in order to free them from their innate pathological militaristic addiction. Dear Frank! Your great anti-militarist revelatory activity for several decades, deserving of all praise, I believe, requires a logical continuation and evolutionary development in the transition from a purely critical work, which is undoubtedly necessary and important but insufficient, to a positive and integral scientific peacemaking activity to advance GPS from harmony to the various institutions of American society, beginning with the Congress and the President, in the form of an appropriate "Agenda": http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=757This is the "third way" beyond of capitalism and communism, but integrating their achievements and advantages, which Pope John Paul II spoke about and some scientists. Do you agree to expand your remarkable efforts in this way, giving them a new, scientific and constructive meaning? We, the GHA will be happy to cooperate with you in this direction, preserving and strengthening your powerful criticism. To free themselves from militaristic addiction of any kind (liberal, Marxist, Nazi, racist, terrorist and etc.), a new paradigm of thinking in harmony is needed. In the old paradigms that have been discredited for centuries, this liberation, as we see, does not work. Do you agree with this historic fact and the mental necessity that follows from it? Friendly, with the best wishes of peace from harmony through science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, published: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=598 18-07-17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Frank Dorrel Biography I am an Anti-War/Peace Activist living in Culver City with my wife Jane and our daughter Emily. I first came to The Santa Monica Unitarian Church in 1981. I read a short pamphlet about the Church. I really liked the part that said: "We Don't Know The Truth". Later on, I became a member. I liked hearing Rev. Ernie Pipes' sermons very much. And later, I liked Rev. Judith Meyers very much. She was very supportive of me and my anti-war work. I met my wife Jane right here in Forbes Hall in 1982. We were married in 1988 by our friend and Unitarian Minister Dan O'Neil, who had interned at this church. I learned a lot about U.S. foreign policy in Central America at this church. Maggie Pipes was instrumental in that process. In 2000, I put together my film: "What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World" which has been seen by as many as 2 million people. The first ever screening was held at the SMUU Church in 2000. Judith Meyers suggested that we screen it here and introduced me that night to a very large audience. www.addictedtowar.com/dorrel.html In 2002, I published the anti-war book: "ADDICTED To WAR: Why The U.S. Can't Kick Militarism" - by Joel Andreas. Co-published with AK Press, we have now distributed close to 240,000 copies in English.You can read the 2004 edition at: www.addictedtowar.com/bookpreview.html ADDICTED To WAR has also been published in fourteen other languages and has been used by hundreds of high school teachers and college professors as a history book. It is one of the most popular books in the anti-war movement. I am the Associate Producer of the new film: "PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE: The Story of S. Brian Willson". www.brianwillson.com I served in the U.S. Air Force and am a member of Veterans For Peace, both the Los Angeles and National Chapters. I am on the Board of Directors of: "The Office of The Americas" in Santa Monica, founded by Blase & Theresa Bonpane: www.officeoftheamericas.org.I recommend WORLD FOCUS on KPFK, with Blase Bonpane, Sunday's at 10:00 AM I went to The Annual School of The Americas Protest Vigil, located at Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia, eight years in a row. The SOA Watch was founded by Father Roy Bourgeois. Some years ago I hosted Roy in speaking at this church. www.soaw.org Since 2000, I have organized and hosted five to six Anti-War/Peace & Justice events every year at our home or at The Peace Center, both in Culver City. I hosted many events with Don White. The Event Room at The Peace Center is now titled: The Don White Room. In 2004, I helped to create The Arlington West Memorial, a site for remembering & honoring Iraqi & Afghanistan war dead, a project of The Los Angeles Chapter of Veterans For Peace. This amazing memorial is still happening every Sunday, in the sand, next to The Santa Monica Pier. Please go and visit it one Sunday after church: www.arlingtonwestsantamonica.org I worked closely with NO MORE VICTIMS, an organization that brought war-injured Iraqi children to the United States, for desperately needed medical treatment: www.nomorevictims.org Since 1981, I have listened to and supported KPFK 90.7 Listener Sponsored FM Radio here in Los Angeles: www.kpfk.org I highly recommend listening daily to DEMOCRACY NOW, hosted by Amy Goodman on KPFK & on over 1,400 other radio & television stations. www.democracynow.org My website is: www.addictedtowar.com. My ATW-NEWS Email List announces Anti-War and Peace & Justice events in the Los Angeles area. My phone number is: 310-838-8131. My email address is: fdorrel@addictedtowar.com . Thanks so much to Beverly Alison and to this Church for hosting my Anti-War Art Wall during the Month of March, 2017. In Peace, Frank Dorrel P.O. Box 3261 Culver City, CA 90231-3261 Publisher: ADDICTED To WAR Associate Producer: PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE Producer: What I've Learned About US Foreign Policy fdorrel@addictedtowar.com fdorrel@sbcglobal.net www.addictedtowar.com
28-06-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New 2015 Updated Edition of ADDICTED To WAR is now available. ATW author Joel Andreas has added America's Drone Wars (on the cover), Obama, Bradley Manning, Tomas Young, ISIS, Syria and has updated the number of deaths in Iraq & Afghanistan and the money spent on these wars.
We have also added 5 new endorsements for the book: Medea Benjamin, Cynthia McKinney, Col. Ann Wright, David Swanson and Glenn Greenwald. The book was last updated in 2004. Since 2002 close to 240,000 copies have been distributed in English. ADDICTED TO WAR takes on the most active, powerful and destructive military in the world. It tells the history of U.S. foreign wars - from the Indian Wars to the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - in comic book format. With 74 hard-hitting pages, this book reveals why the U.S. has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other country. Packed with historical photographs and quotes from people in the military, the government, and big business, ADDICTED To WAR explains who benefits from these military adventures, who pays, and who dies. Addicted To War is being used as a history textbook in hundreds of high schools and colleges. It is carefully documented with 164 reference notes. Howard Zinn, author of 'A People's History of the United States' says: - "Addicted To War is a witty and devastating portrait of U.S. military policy, a fine example of art serving society." ADDICTED To WAR is also endorsed by Veterans For Peace, Noam Chomsky, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Ramsey Clark, Ron Kovic, S. Brian Willson, Father Roy Bourgeois, Kathy Kelly, Michael Parenti, William Blum, Martin Sheen, Ed Asner, Woody Harrelson, Susan Sarandon, Kris Kristofferson, Rev. James Lawson, Blase Bonpane, Patch Adams, Cindy Sheehan, Michael Franti, Fernando Suarez del Solar, and Col. James Burkholder. Check out the ENDORSEMENTS PAGE to read what these people have to say about ADDICTED To WAR. Read this book! Buy a copy for friends and family members! Give a copy to a teacher! Send one to your congressperson or senator! Use this book to help educate yourself and others and help rid our country of its addiction to war! Read the entire previous 2004 edition of ATW on our web site HERE. SPANISH EDITION is also available! ADICTO A LA GUERRA ahora en español. Thanks for being concerned about this very important issue of U.S. militarism. I hope you will consider ordering a copy of Addicted To War, my DVD: What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy, and a copy of Blood on the Tracks: The Life and Times of S. Brian Willson. There is a discount for ordering two or all three of these excellent educational tools. If you are interested in ordering multiple copies to share with friends, family members and others, please see our Order Page. In Peace, Frank Dorrel Publisher Addicted To War P.O. Box 3261 Culver City, CA. 90231-3261 Phone: 310.838.8131 Email: fdorrel@addictedtowar.com or fdorrel@sbcglobal.net http://www.addictedtowar.com/book.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joel Andreas
AUTHOR'S PREFACE I wrote the first edition of Addicted to War after the U.S. war against Iraq in 1991. The major news media had been reduced to wartime cheerleaders, and people in this country had largely been shielded from the ugly realities of the war. My aim was to present information difficult to find in the mainstream media, and to explain America's extraordinary predilection to go to war. Ten years later, events compelled me to update the book. The September 11 attacks provided an opportunity for George W. Bush to declare a "War on Terrorism," which in practice turned out to be an endless binge of war-making. The second edition was published in early 2002, following the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. The Bush Administration then turned to preparing for a new war against Iraq. A thin rhetorical veneer about combating terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction hardly concealed its underlying aim: to impose a new U.S. client regime in the Middle East and assure control over a country that has the world's second largest known oil reserves. As the present edition goes to press, the U.S. is occupying Afghanistan and Iraq. In an effort to quell armed resistance, the U.S. military is taking harsh punitive measures against the civilian populations of both countries, feeding a spiral of violence that has repercussions around the world and is placing us all in greater danger. This book chronicles over two centuries of U.S. foreign wars, beginning with the Indian wars. During this time, America's machinery of war has grown into a behemoth that dominates our economy and society and extends around the globe. Although the Bush Administration has been particularly bellicose, this country's addiction to war began long before Bush came to power and will undoubtedly survive his departure. The costs of this growing addiction are now being felt more acutely at home. Soldiers and their families are paying a heavy price, but everyone is affected. Skyrocketing military spending is contributing to huge government deficits, causing sharp cuts in domestic programs, including education, health care, housing, public transport, and environmental protection. At the same time, the "War on Terrorism" is being used as an excuse to step up police surveillance and erode our civil liberties. I hope this book will spur reflection and debate about militarism, and encourage creative action to change our direction. It's impossible to thank all of the people who have contributed to the creation of this book here. Instead, I will mention only three: My mother, Carol Andreas, who introduced me to anti-war activities; my father, Carl Andreas, who first encouraged me to write the book; and Frank Dorrel, whose tireless promotion made a new edition both possible and irresistible. Joel Andreas, May 2004 77 pages with footnotes Perfect Bound Paperback Third Edition Copyright 2004 ISBN 1-904859-01-1 http://www.addictedtowar.com/authpref.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy Holidays Leo, Hope all is well with you and your family. Congratulations on the progress of your book. I think I have told you before that my grandmother (on my mother's side) came to Philadelphia from Odessa back around 1918 or 1919. Our daughter Emily came home on Saturday for Christmas break and will be here until January 16th. She has one more semester at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon and will be graduating in May. My wife Jane has been back on chemotherapy treatments since last January. The results have been good. Chemo saved her life 4 years ago. So we thinkit's a good thing. We've been married since 1988. She is the Love of My Life! We are hoping that: PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE: The Story of S. Brian Willson & The Peace Movement” - will be finished by February or March of 2016. Director Bo Boudart and his team (which I am part of) have been making a lot of good changes to it since we screened the rough-cut version at The Peace Center in Culver City on August 1st. I think it's going to be a great film: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKIjfUAnPvY&feature=player_embedded. Bo has signed Peter Coyote to narrate the film. I think Peter is the best narrator there is. And Jackson Browne has donated his beautiful anti-war song: "LIVES IN THE BALANCE" to the film for free: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms5J2U_ySdI. It has been taking a long time to finish but I think it will have been well worth it. Brian is one of my biggest heroes in the anti-war movement. All of his essays are well worth reading at: www.brianwillson.com. You can watch his amazing interview with Amy Goodman in 2011 at: www.democracynow.org/2011/10/28/blood_on_the_tracks_brian_willsons. You can read his short Bio at: www.brianwillson.com/autobiography Love & Peace, Frank, Jane, Emily, Bernie, Ozzy & Litzi (Jane's mom) 24/12/15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------