The short excerpts from the Spherons' Argumentation reviews: Which are fully published below.
Scott Since I first became acquainted with Leo Semashko’s tetrasociology (in 2002, when I wrote the editor’s introduction for his book Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges: his theorising has become more detailed and more complex. However, the underlying logic remains the same: it begins with the four spheres of social production of the young Karl Marx, still free from the class struggle’s political dogmas, and the autopoiesis (self-production) of Humberto Maturana. Semashko’s spherons, by definition, reproduce the human social world (see his primer on global peace science at ). Their harmonious working is prevented by mankind’s lack of awareness of this. Thus we are subject to conflict and other societal and individual pathologies. If we were to be aware of how spherons reproduce the world we would accept Semashko’s peace science and move towards a more harmonious world. I see this recursive application of Semashko’s concept as akin to the cybernetician Stafford Beer’s recursive application of his viable system model, the VSM. I believe this proposed recursive (fractal) application of the concept of spherons can enrich Semashko’s theorising and facilitate interdisciplinary communication.
Original publication: Bernard Scott (2017) Some thought about Leo Semashko’s concept of ‘spherons’: ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics. Newsletter 34, September 2017:
Siebert: The proposed and developed argumentation of Spherons - constant in the societal structure but constantly changing in their filling spontaneous harmonious classes of the population, actors of society and global peace in Tetrasociology [1] and in its Global Peace Science (GPS) [2] - is quite satisfactory from a scientific point of view. This scientific conclusion about reality of Spherons is fundamental and logically impeccable as all its premises are logical and factual flawless: 1. Four spheres of social production (Marx and others), 2. Productive employment of people from birth to death, "autopoiesis" (Maturana and others), 3. "Societal communities" of people (Parsons and others) [3]. But these premises and conclusion are requiring a comment, detailing, historical analogies and further development in terms of our critical philosophy. We look at the Tetrasociology in the perspective of a dialectical history and philosophy of science, according to which one scientific paradigm negates the previous one not abstractly, but concretely:i.e. it does not only criticize it, but it also learns from it, and preserves it, and elevates it, and completes it. Pluralistic models, like Tetrasociology concretely supersede monistic paradigms, preserving in themselves the scientific accomplishments of the latter. …. Ecimovic: The SPHERONS' theory generalizes the historical experience of cognition of social structure from ancient times, beginning with the caste stratification of Vedic India, the class differentiation of Plato’s ideal state, Marx’s class structure and ending with modern theories of stratification…. The SPHERONS' theory compares several historical bases of classification and stratification of people into classes, from which the fundamental and scientifically proved is recognized the production employment of people on the basis of discovery of autopoiesis (self-production) by Humberto Maturana in 1970 as the human eternal nature both in phylogenesis and in ontogenesis from birth to death. The biological discovery of autopoiesis was introduced into sociology by Nicolas Luhmann and became practically universally recognized in the social sciences now. Therefore this premise of SPHERON's argumentation is the most fundamental in their theory. It does not cause fundamental scientific objections and meets scientific requirements. All other grounds for differentiating people (property, power, soul qualities and etc.) in the SPHERONS’ theory are recognized as private forms of employment that serve as the basis for different, historically transitory private social structures and private classes named in it PARTONS: slaves and slaveholders, peasants and feudal lords, workers and bourgeois, lower-middle-upper classes, and so on. Another premise of the SPHERON's argumentation concerns the structuring of the production employment of people and any society up to humanity as a whole. The overwhelming in history was sector/branch division of people into private, historically transitory classes, PARTONS: peasants, artisans, traders, warriors, managers, etc., by their employment in the most developed in society private, historically transitory branches. The first division of social production according to four universal constant functions (production-distribution-exchange-consumption) was proposed by A. Smith, which was developed and supplemented by its division into four universal constant spheres (types/forms of production) by K. Marx in 1845 in the first chapter of "German Ideology." Marx could not draw a conclusion about the four classes of people employed in these spheres for only one, but the determining reason: his materialistic or economic monism, from which he cannot refuse in his political, proletarian and appropriate ideological bias and focus…. This scientific theoretical proof finds confirmation in the whole human history, in which no one, nowhere and never, has observed a society devoid of at least one of the four spheres of its production. Therefore, and the other premise of SPHERON's argumentation in their theory is also scientific and meeting the scientific requirements, which is confirmed by statistical, empirical evidence of Russian SPHERONS and other institutions…. Krasnov: Lev Semashko has joined a long list of Russian truth-seekers and visionaries who believed that the most reliable path to PEACE comes from a deep based social harmony, which, according to his scientific conviction, stems from SPHERONS, which are classes of the population engaged not in Marxist class struggle and war but in harmonious cooperation. Their structure is universal and eternal; it affects the soul and character of a person and leads to a harmonious development of humankind. … Semashko has not only challenged Marxist-Leninist "science" of the class struggle, but also endeavored to create a science of social harmony based on deep spheral structure of society that by itself excludes violent conflict both inside a country and abroad. In this endeavor Pythagoras, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Plato, Aristotle, Montesquieu, Leibniz, Teilhard de Chardin, Gandhi, Mandela, Noum Chomsky and other thinkers inspired him. The spherons science cannot automatically prevent accidental wars and social conflicts in all states. However, it teaches that the way to do it is not violent revolutions, but a harmonious peaceful universal education and a harmonious peaceful arrangement of national governments and all international organizations…. Chandra: The theoretical argumentation of SPHERONS is limited, in the simplest case, by two logical premises, from which, with logical necessity, the conclusion about SPHERONS follows. Of these premises, the most fundamental is the discovery of autopoiesis (self-production) of all biological beings, owning to Umberto Maturana (1970). Another premise is the understanding of society as a production system of the four spheres of production was intuitively formulated by Adam Smith and Karl Marx almost 150 years before Maturana and constitutes a special case of autopoiesis, namely social autopoiesis. It was first researched in sociology by Nicholas Luhmann. Both logical premises, with rare exceptions, are recognized by the world scientific community and do not cause any fundamental objections. Therefore, the theoretical conclusion from these premises about division of the population into four classes – SPHERONS (Socio-, Info-, Org-, Technoeco-), employed in the appropriate four spheres of social production - is just as scientific, how scientific these premises are. … Baymuratov: I fully share this sphere approach to society. Here, Leo Semashko and I agree. He proposed the spheres of society first, and I did later, however independently of him. It is necessary and sufficient to allocate 4 spheres. Here, too, Leo Semashko and I agree on the number of spheres. However, we disagree on the question of what is meant by each sphere of society, and what spheres need to be differentiated…. Leo Semashko identifies the following areas: people, information, organization, and material wealth. With such a content of the sphere, it is not known what is the priority that determines the purpose of human life. The meaning of life seems to dissolve in these resources of society. We adhere to a different approach to determining the content of each sphere of society. The needs of a man, which we take as a basis for the division of society into spheres, are fundamentally different…. Bachika: Global Peace Science (GPS) is a logical enlargement of Dr. L. Semashko’s Tetra-sociology. It can be seen as the crown on his four-dimensional social philosophy. (Cf.: The author reformulates basic tenets of K. Marx’s social classes and the dimensions of sociologist Talcott Parsons’ theory about the functional prerequisites of socio-cultural systems. Semashko’s theory classifies people based on their social involvement in 4 spheres of social production that are constant… One important point is that the functioning of social spheres and societies as a whole has to be understood as ‘autopoiesis’, or self-production (cf. sociologist N. Luhmann and biologist H. Maturana). Another crucial point is that some past and present societies, or “parts” of them, are totally disharmonious and on the wrong track—dominant empires, groupings of the aggressive countries, outcasts, fascists, terrorists, and criminals are the main examples. This is why the author calls his social philosophy a theory of “spherons” and “partons.” Ultimately the logical premises of the Spherions’ theory are totally satisfactory. The ultimate goal of Dr. Semashko’s social philosophy is very lofty. What can be better than laboring for eliminating the horrors of war and achieving world peace? For many, it is literally a matter life and death. This theory is also sociologically sound. Yet, the term harmony indeed could be chosen to express the structural essence of societies and nations. Harmony can be seen to represent the most important social value….… Ayo-Amale: The importance of global oneness is connected with the quest of constant global societal (macro) structure. This is unfolding in the GHA “Global Peace Science” (2016) in the SPHERONS’ harmony of humanity through SPHERONS’ argumentation, which in simplest case includes two logical premises of this scientific theory. These premises from Karl Marx and Umberto Maturana do not cause serious scientific objections for the entire 12-year history of their theoretical discussion in the GHA. Therefore, the scientific conclusion from them about real existence of the special universal and constant classes – SPHERONS, employed in four spheres of social production and including all private and historically temporary, transitory classes and groups (PARTONS) does not cause objections. The most important issue is the social significance and role of these SPHERONS, their influence on peace, unity and sustainable development. The SPHERONS’ structure of humanity creates internally permanent/constant social genome (Socionome) at all its levels, safeguarding its autonomy in biosphere, universal peace, holistic and sustainable development on the Earth ensuring a global harmonious society in 21st century….. Kumar: The logical conclusion about the real existence of universal constant and harmonious classes (Spherons) of the population follows from two scientific premises: 1. the society consists of four spheres of social production (early Marx and many others) and 2. All living beings, including people, are employed in “autopoiesis”, self-production from birth to death (Maturana and others). Both of these premises do not cause me any doubts and I cannot object to them with any scientific counterargument. Therefore, the following conclusion about the real existence of four global Spherons employed in four spheres of production and covering the entire population always and everywhere, also does not cause me any doubts and objections. This is a completely scientific conclusion, adequate to its scientific premises and which was proved by statistically…. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Harmony Association (GHA)
Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for love, peace, freedom, justice, fraternity and happiness!

GHA since February 15, 2005 is an international NGO uniting more than 600 members in 65 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. Web: Board: 36 GHA members from 14 countries GHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India; Ph. 124 4266169. Email: GHA Mission is: To bring global peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for harmonious civilization on scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’ and through ‘Global Peace Science’ Video. SOCIAL GENOME, SOCIONOME: Scenario:
SPHERONS of Harmony: Deep Societal Structure - The Copernican Revolution of Thinking

Scheme Social GENOME (SOCIONOME) of Global Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony of Humanity. This is the whole essence and meaning of GPS.
International Academy of Global Noospheral Peace (AGNP) Contest
SPHERONS’Argumentation: Advantages and Disadvantages.
54th GHA Project Started on January 15, 2017 GHA approved on March 11, 2017 Publication:
In English: In Russian:
Harmony of the word is the only true objective reality. Henri Poincare Contest Conditions 1. Definition of the key concept in the Contest: SPHERONS. SPHERONS are four universal harmonious classes of the population, covering it as a whole, without exception, employed in four spheres of social production. They constitute a deep societal (macro-) structure of humanity/ NOOSPHERE at all levels, which is constant in its architecture in all historical transformations but always changeable by composition of specific individuals. This structure establishes internally organized perpetual social genome (Socionome) of humanity/NOOSPHERE at all levels, ensuring its internal self-government, autopoiesis, global peace, survival, sustainable development and prosperity of all nations from harmony of SPHERONS. SPHERONS are a fundamental global social reality, constantly defining the society/person's life, which is due to its depth and complexity has been available for knowledge only in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. 2. The value of SPHERONS’ idea. The SPHERONS’ idea, which arose 40 years ago is the center, the heart, the nerve and the essence of Global Peace Science (GPS) [1], as well as all 8 books and more than 50 projects of global peace and harmonious civilization from social harmony created during 12 years in the (GHA) [2]. The idea SPHERONS has a key importance for the new social science and development of the social knowledge in the future. Of key epistemological importance of SPHERONS’ idea for any social knowledge follows the key importance of its scientific reasoning and argumentation in all conceivable forms. SPHERONS are the social reality that determines for the most part all the positive qualities, values, and health of humanity/NOOSPHERE but that human has not yet knew so far in his traditional social sciences that determines their backwardness and stagnation. The biological health is dependent on the 60% from the genome. The social and economic health of society depends at least (if not much more) from knowledge and use of SPHERONS as social genome. 3. The Contest subject: The scientific expert rating/valuation in two forms: positive/constructive or negative/critical of the evidential argumentation of SPHERONS. From many argumentations for 40 years now it is represented in two the most concise versions (3 + 2 pages) in the relevant articles of Leo Semashko below: Deep Societal Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI century; and: Argumentation of Historical Reason in Knowledge of Societal Structure of Society/Human/Noosphere (SHN). The main detailed scientific reasoning SPHERONS is presented in the GPS book in its first two chapters: the first chapter (30 pp.) - A detailed theoretical proof of SPHERONS; the second chapter (46 pp.) - a detailed statistical, empirical proof of SPHERONS by the example of Russia and other countries. The Contest scientific goalis the bestcritical scientific review (critique) on the SPHERONS’ argumentation providing its strengthening and development or disproof. Summary. Logic of the scientific theoretical argumentation of SPHERONS in its pure form without details. It consists of three theses-assumptions. 1.The life of society/person is impossible without four equally necessary and sufficient resources: People, Information, Organization and Things (material goods and services): PIOT. The absence of at least one of them excludes the life of society/person (Toffler and others). 2.A society is a system of four necessary and sufficient spheres of social production (Marx and others). 3.The life of a person from birth to death is autopoiesis, selfproduction (Maturana and others). These theses are confirmed by the whole history of mankind and knowledge, which knows not a single refuting fact.There is no any scientific refutation or scientifically proven alternative to these theses. If you know it or can offer it, please formulate it in a critique to the Contest. In the extreme case, this argumentation can be reduced to the last two theses. In any version, one necessary conclusion follows from them: CONCLUSION: The population, people of any society and humanity as a whole are always divided into four equally necessary and sufficient classes on their employment in four spheres of social production, therefore these classes was named by SPHERONS. Their attributes, role in society, place in history and significance for the whole social life and human cognition are revealed in the GHA works (above).To refute this conclusion, at least one of his premises must be refute. This is a key scientific conclusion similar conclusion of Copernicus, in the recognition of which "fear should not give advice" (Dante). Silence in it can mean one of two: 1. "Nothing to object" and 2. "I cannot admit it; it will be too much for his" - moral stinginess. 4. Contest Requirements.1. Textual. At the Contest the textual reviews/ratings on the subject matter, i.e., SPHERONS argumentation accept in the length from 10 lines to 2 (maximum) standard pages by 12 font of Times New Roman and single interval. The sent reviews are published on the page: SPHERONS Argumentation Ratings: (See here the first review of Prof. Siebert, USA). 2. Meaningful. Each review must include an answer to the central question: "Is the proposed argumentation of SPHERONS satisfactory from a scientific point of view or unsatisfactory" Similar response must be the original premise of review or its deduction. To Contest participate only reviews with the scientific evidence are accepted, which contain a theoretical/logical arguments or empirical-statistical facts and historical evidence, or a combination thereof. Reviews deprived of scientific evidence that they are substituted with any ideological justification - political, philosophical, religious, national, etc. to participate in the Contest will not be accepted. Reviews can be both positive and critical in any measure. Review, which offers scientific proof, completely destroying the proposed SPHERONS argumentation, is particularly scientific importance and value as the ultimate test of viability of SPHERONS idea. The author of similar review gets the best chance to win the Contest. 3. Structural. All Contest reviews should have a brief (up to 10 lines) bio note indicating the scientific degree, education, employment, scientific experience, the number of scientific publications, home address and all contacts: phone, email, Skype, website. It is allowed only single authors update of reviews. Other restrictions to participate in Contest do not exist. 4. Temporal and technical. The Contest duration is 1 year, until 15 February 2018. Reviews on the Contest will be accepted until January 15, 2018 in the form of files attached to an email in WORD.DOC format. Other formats are not accepted. Reviews are submitted in one of two languages: English or Russian. Reviews are sent by email in two addresses simultaneously for safety and control: 1. Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President (India): and 2. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President (Russia): 5. Contest Jury: This is the GHA Board - 36 members from 14 countries (, which is competent if not less than 50% of its members participate. The Jury members have the right to participate in the Contest. The Jury determines the winners in two categories: Best scientific positive/constructive review and Best scientific negative/critical review. The Jury works constantly, meets with incoming reviews but their valuation it discusses and approves in the period from 15 January to 10 February. The Jury recommended or not recommended the reviews authors for the title of Academician of the International Academy of Global Noospheral Peace (AGNP - see below.). The Jury determines the sole winner for cash prize in $ 1,000. 6. Prize and Awards of the Contest winners. In view of the financing deficit, the GHA has the ability for the first Contest to install only one cash prize in $ 1,000. It will be ensure by the GHA business CEO Mr. Ramesh Kumar, Mr. Andrei Semashko and some other sponsors of GHA. The Contest main award is recognition of its winners as the Academicians of AGNP with job and salary.The structure and working conditions of this Academy will be announced at the beginning of 2018. The Contest results are announced on the GHA anniversary - 15 February. 7. The Contest organizational goal. It is creation of the International Academy of Global Noospheral Peace (AGNP - 10-20 humanities scholars to begin), the formation of its staff (full members - Academicians) of the Contest winners, scientifically convinced in the fundamental role of SPHERONS as key actors of global noospheral peace, ensuring the survival of not only humanity but also the Earth's biosphere. The risk of any world war with any weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear - is the risk of destroying not only the Noosphere but and Earth's biosphere. To prevent this risk can only fundamental actors - SPHERONS, constituting global peace within Noosphere through its deep harmonious societal structure. In this architecture, now lacks only one ingredient: scientific knowledge, science of SPHERONS. Its deficiency is intended to fill AGNP, international staff of which is formed as a result of this Contest. AGNP will be Academy of the renewed peacemaking and innovative pacifism, keeping all its achievements but opening the way out of the impasse of traditional pacifism, which was powerless before the war for almost two centuries. AGNP will be Academy of a new level of public consciousness and scientific thinking, to only which, according to Einstein, global problems created traditional thinking are resolved. The Contest will create a stable staff of convinced adherents for the new Academy, which will be able to raise social knowledge and its sciences to a qualitatively new level overcoming their fragmentation, stagnation and backwardness. This is the Contest main result, which constitutes a key resource of the social sciences revolution. 8. The Contest significance. For the world's scientific and expert community, this Contest is a test for the ability to adequately reflect and evaluate the fundamental discovery of SPHERONS, their argumentation and scientific importance. For scientific argumentation of SPHERONS and further development of Tetrasociology and its Global Peace Science this Contest is a test for viability, determining the extent of their intellectual potential and its limitations. The SPHERONS idea was originated in Tetrasociology 40 years ago. During this time there was not one of its scientific refutation. This Contest is designed to find either similar rebuttal, which will receive a prize of $ 1000, or be convinced in its (rebuttal) impossibility and full logical truth of SPHERONS argumentationproviding a revolution of social knowledge and its sciences. Project authors:
Dr. Leo Semashko, Dr. Subhash Chandra, Dr. Rudolf Siebert, Mr. Ramesh Kumar, Dr. Surendra Pathak, Mr. Kanak Dugar and others.
Bibliography: 1. Dr. Leo Semashko (Editor in Chief) and 173 coauthors from 34 countries. Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. World Textbook. First Edition in English, Smaran Publication, JD Group of Publication, New Delhi, 2016, 616 pages, ISBN 978-81-929087-8-6 2. The GHA Books and Projects List: The two variants of logical argumentation of SPHERONS are below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century By Dr. Leo Semashko Publication: In English: In Russian: Abstract Today year is the year of the 100th anniversary of the great Russian sociologist Mikhail Kovalevsky (1851-1916), who the first stated the need of transition from monism to pluralism in sociology. Tetrasociology, developed my since 1976 and Global Peace Science based on its present the newest paradigm of pluralism in sociology via its four-dimensional variant (Tetrism) of the deep societal structure of SPHERONS’ harmony. Key words: global peace, global peace science, harmony, spherons, deep societal structure, humanity, Copernican revolution, spiritual revolution, tetrasociology, tetrism Mikhail Kovalevsky (1851-1916) is the first Russian sociologist who proclaimed the need for pluralism in sociology and criticized monism in a whole, Marxist materialistic/economic monism in particular. He wisely characterized it as a "fatal mistake" and "naive simplification" [1]. This was fully proved by whole practice of the 20th century and the collapse of Marxism with the collapse of the Soviet Union but this does not detract from the USSR historical achievements in all spheres. Monism does not allow sociology to find deep, stable at all times, social structure that defines the social world/reality as such. It was not found until now, but it has several approximations. one of the most promising of them is tetrasociology, developing since 1976 under the original name of "system-spheral approach" or "spheral approach" [2]. The discovery of a deep social structure as structure of the universal harmonious classes of the population - SPHERONS employed in four spheres of social production, which determine invariant social reality (social) at all times, the first time it became possible into tetrasociology [2]. Tetrasociology expresses four-dimensional pluralistic social philosophy, on the foundations of which is built the science of social harmony, harmonious civilization and global peace. Discovering SPHERONS in tetrasociology is based on the axiom of social harmony and the three fundamental facts of social cognition. Axiom of social harmony: The harmonious existence of a society in any place and at any time is defined by the measure in proportion of four equally necessary and sufficient social resources: People (P), Information (I), Organizations (O) and Things (T). (Things are any material benefits and services). In the acronym: P-I-O-T, or: PIOT [3]. The first factand achievement is the discovery of the four spheres of society or social production, which belongs to Karl Marx in "German Ideology", 1845 [4]. The second factand achievement is the discovery of vital employment, self-production, autopoiesis, which belongs to Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela (1973) [5], which was introduced in sociology by Nicholas Luhmann in 1990 [6]. They proved that property, power, religion and the like attributes are its special cases. The third fact and achievement is the creation of the first in sociology system theory of "structural functionalism" of four "societal subsystems" or spheres and related "societal communities" by great American sociologist- theorist Talcott Parsons in 1937-1978, which was developed by Alvin Toffler,Pierre Bourdieu and some other theorists [7]. But this theory of high universal explanation of social reality was rejected by industrial sociology after Parsons' death (1978). About this well-known British sociologist Margaret Archer wrote: "From the 1970s on wards there was a steady abandonment of ‘systematic sociology’… Generically, the majority of today’s social theory has no resources with which to conceive of a robust civil society and a real civil economy... With Marxism dead, so was the power to conceive of a better future attained through social conflict. With Parsons in demise, so died any serious concern with social integration and ‘the problem of social order’" [8]. The combination of these key facts and achievements of social knowledge in Tetrasociology led to the discovery of SPHERONS [2; 3; 7]. SPHERONS are the large groups of people of entire population, which differ in their life and labor employment in the four spheres of production (it is why they are called SPHERONS) continuously reproducing the four necessary and sufficient resources of society and human - resources of PIOT in their infinite historical variety. Therefore, they are also necessary and sufficient. Deep social structure of SPHERONS is soft, associated with the transitions in time from one life employment to another. SPHERONS are harmonious classes of the population, ensuring social peace from harmony, because the reproduction of resources can only be in harmony and peace, which exclude violence, struggle and war of PARTONS - private, local and historically transient antagonistic groups, classes, nations in terms of tetrasociology [9, Chapter 1]. Any conflict and war between them on any grounds of partial property, wealth, income, etc. are only a special case of internal social harmony of SPHERONS. SPHERONS are the eternal actors, the heart, the engine and the genome of the society and its global peace. These are they key functions, attributes, meaning and significance disclosed in tetrasociological paradigm. SPHERONS are represented in all social institutions and at all levels from the global to the individual and family [9]. Let us compare tetrasociology with its origins. Marx discovered the four spheres of social production but he not knew autopoiesis. Maturana discovered autopoiesis but he not knew of the production’s spheres. Parsons discovered/created a four-dimensional societal system of structural functionalism but he not knew the Maturana’s discovery and ignored the discovery of Marx. Tetrasociology and its Global Peace Science (GPS) integrated their achievements in the discovery of the four eternal universal SPHERONS employed in four spheres of production. SPHERONS constitute the social genome of humanity and determine his life in peace from harmony [9, Chapter 1; 10]. At the level of humanity of its deep social structure of SPHERONS in the corresponding tetrasociological terminology is expressed as follows: 1. SPHERON-1 (P1) is employed in Sociosphere, object and product of which are PEOPLE (P) 2. SPHERON-2 (P2) is employed in Infosphere, object and product of which is INFORMATION (I) 3. SPHERON-3 (P3) is employed in Orgsphere, object and product of which are ORGANIZATIONS (O) 4. SPHERON-4 (P4) is employed in Technoecosphere, object and product of which are THINGS (T) HUMANITY = SPHERON-1 + SPHERON-2 + SPHERON-3 + SPHERON-4. POPULATION, PEOPLE (P) = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 The empirical basis of the theory SPHERONS in tetrasociology is Statistics. The size of each SPHERON of humanity today may be hypothetically determined by the pattern of their statistical proportion for Russia 2010 calculated in the GPS Chapter 2 [9]. The number of Russian SPHERONS in millions and in percentage to the total population (rounded): SOCIOSPHERON = 85 million or 59.4% INFOSPHERON = 4 million or 2.8% ORGSPHERON = 10.8 million or 7.5% TECHNOSPHERON = 41 million or 28, 6% Statistical error = 2.3 million or 1.6% The size of humanity’s SPHERONS in 2011 ($ 7 billion) in this proportion is: SOCIOSPHERON = 59.4% = 4.2 billion INFOSPHERON = 2.8% = 0.2 billion ORGSPHERON = 7.5% = 0.5 billion TECHNOSPHERON = 28, 6% = 2 billion Statistical error = 1.6% = 0.1 billion. It is obvious that such an extrapolation of proportions of one country to the whole of humanity is rough but the other does not exist today. The proportions of sizes of SPHERONS in each country and each region are very different. However, it is immutable fact that if SPHERONS could be calculated for the one country, they can be calculated in the same manner for any other country. This global statistics is an empirical foundation for global sociology of SPHERONS. Logic and ontology of SPHERONS. They are simple and indisputable. If we recognize the reality of the four necessary and sufficient spheres of social production, which continually produce four necessary and sufficient for the life of society and every individual PIOT resources, we have to recognize the reality of the four necessary and sufficient SPHERONS employed in the spheres of production. The spheres of production cannot exist and be real without SPHERONS. This is a simple truth that no one has ever denied. But it is deeply hidden under a thick cover of the historical fragmentation and endless cultural diversity of quality and graduation of the spheral objects (spheres, spheral resources and SPHERONS). Therefore, it has been available only in the late 20th and early 21st century, in tetrasociology. This is the Copernican revolution of sociology, its transition from the private and temporary sociologies of PARTONS to fundamental sociology of SPHERONS. Bibliography 1.Kovalevsky M.M. Sociology. - M., 1910. Vol.2. – P. 19; He. Modern Sociologists. SPb. 1905. - P. 8, 14, etc. in Russian; - Semashko Leo (1992) Sphere Approach: Philosophy, Democracy, Market and Human. St.-Petersburg, 368 p. (in Russian); He. (2000). Tetrasociology as the Revolution of Social Thinking, the Way of Harmony and Prosperity. St.-Petersburg, 168 p. (in Russian); He. (2001).Tetrasociology as Sociology of Four Measurements. To the problem statement // Sociological studies. 2001, №9, p. 20-28; He. (2002) Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University (in Russian and English), 158 p.
- Semashko Leo (2012. The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking.Together with the GHA 75 coauthors from 26 countries. Joint publication of GHA and IASE University, India. Global Textbook. GHA 34th Project. First published in English in India, New Delhi, Doosra Mat Prakashan, 2012, pages ~334. ISBN – 978-81-923108-6-2
- Marx, K. and Engels, F. Works. Edition 2. GPI - Volume 3 - Moscow, 1955. - P. 15-62.
- Maturana H., Varela F. Autopoiesis: the organization of the living (1973) // Maturana H., Varela F. Autopoiesis and Cognition. – Boston, 1980. – P. 63–134
6.Luhmann, Nicolas (2007) Introduction to Systems Theory. - M.: Publishing House - "Logos" 7.Parsons, Talcott (1975), “The Present Status of ‘Structural-Functional’ Theory in Sociology”, Social Systems and The Evolution of Action Theory, New York: The Free Press Parsons, Talcott (2007) American Society: A Theory of Societal Community. Paradigm Publishers. See the chapter on American history: Semashko Leo (1999) Sociology for Pragmatists. Part 1 - St. Petersburg. - S.148-157. Analysis of the theories of Parsons. Toffler, Bourdieu and the like. 8.Archer, Margaret (2010) The Current Crisis: Consequences Of Neglecting The Four Key Principles Of Catholic Social Doctrine: 9.Semashko, Leo and 174 coauthors from 34 countries.Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. – Smaran Publication, New Delhi. 2016. – 616 p. 10.Semashko, Leo (2016) SPHERONS of Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Peacebuilding and Civilization. Synopsis: Leo M. Semashko, Ph.D. (Philosophy), RAN Professor; Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005; GHA Honorary President since 2016; State Councilor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony; Author of more than 400 scientific publications, including 18 books in 1-12 languages; Author of Tetrism as the unity of Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology – science of social harmony, global peace and harmonious civilization; Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia; Director, GHA Web portal “Peace from Harmony”:;Initiator, Manager, Coauthor and Editor in Chief of the book project “Global Peace Science” (GPS): Address: St-Petersburg, Russia; Phone: +7(812)-597-6571; E-mail: leo.semashko [at] Personal page: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Argumentation of Historical Reason in Knowledge of the Societal Structure of Society/Human/Noosphere (SHN) By Dr. Leo Semashko
In English: In Russian: This text is a synopsis of numerous (more than 400), the author's works, including 18 books [1] and hundreds of articles [2] devoted to the deep societal structure of SPHERONS - harmonious productive classes of the population of any society in any historical time and space. The most detailed logical reasoning and theoretical proof of SPHERONS is presented in Chapter 1 of "Global Peace Science" (2015/6, 30 pp.) [3; 4]. On the three pages it is presented in the article: "Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century" [5]. Empirical, statistical evidence of SPHERONS is presented in Chapter 2 of this book on 50 pages [3; 4] on Russian and English. We confine ourselves here only the analysis of the logical argumentation of SPHERONS in the clean and dry residue distracting from all the details and the most simplistic. This argumentation is the center and the essence of the theoretical evidence of SPHERONS, which, in turn, constitute the key to the modern scientific understanding of society, human and noosphere. It boils down to the limit, minimal case to two general premises and one general conclusion. Before analyzing this argumentation, we briefly outline the terminology defining the subject area, scope and dialectics of analysis. The subject of our analysis is a social system in its full extent bounded by two extreme poles: the macro-pole, which is expressed by the term "society" and the like, and micro-pole, which is expressed by the term "individual" and the like. The poles of the social system are inseparable, do not exist without each other and mutually include each other as whole/part in various respects: in the social aspect - the human is a part of society and in Biological aspect - the society is a part of an person or the biosphere. In the Earth's ontology the social system of the society/human is part as one of the many (at least seven) spheres of the Earth, which was called "noosphere" in Vernadsky's [6], Teilhard de Chardin’s [7] and others work [8]. The noosphere is a part of, primarily, the Earth's biosphere. Therefore, a holistic and global understanding of the social system and its place in the Earth will adequately expressed the unity of the three concepts and their terms: Society/Human/Noosphere. In shorten using an abbreviation is SHN. We will also use each of these three terms as a synonym for the system as a whole in the appropriate focus and emphasis. It can be argued with a high degree of probability that such an understanding of the social system is common in contemporary social science. Only a matter of deep societal structure of this system, uniting it in a sustainable global integrity, remains open for historical reason so far as all of its traditional theories remain theories of theprivate, historically transient and limited in space and time social structures, constantly replacing each other in history and are no adequate to SHN nature. Social system of SHN has a special nature which distinguishes it from the biosphere. In the history of the human mind have been many attempts to answer the question of its social nature and essence. The most appropriate to science is a theory of the production entity of society, which was first introduced in the most extensive form by Adam Smith in his "Wealth of Nations" [9], extremely generalized by Karl Marx in the intuitive conjecture that society is a system of four production spheres ("productions") in the first chapter of "German Ideology" [10] and is detailed in all aspects of numerous researchers thereafter. All these evidences provide sufficient scientific basis to recognize that the essence of society is the four spheres of production, regardless of their numerous and varied terminology, which is not yet well established. Humberto Maturana’s discovery of "autopoiesis" (self-production) in 1973 [11] revealed the production nature and essence of the social SHN system with micro-pole, from the human side. According to him, every human life, from birth to death is "autopoiesis" as a permanent employment of person into self-production. But the human self-production is possible only in society, only in its four production spheres, so it is a continuous process of change of individual self-employment in the four social spheres of production. So, the two established general premises of the scientific mind in knowledge of social nature today in the most simplified form are as follows: 1. Society is four spheres of production (Marx). 2. Human is self-production, he is employed in social production (Maturana). The logical general conclusion from these premises is that the population in any country at any time and space, or the world's population as a whole - humanity at any moment in history at all levels, from the family to the global level is divided into four large groups by employment in four areas social production. These groups comprise four special classes, called SPHERONS by employment in the spheres. SPHERONS constitute constant societal (macro) structure that includes the entire population, without exception, and determine the social genome of mankind throughout its history. This structure as a special, deep, not available superficial glance reality has many unique fundamental attributes that distinguish it from all the historic forms of private social structures. Brief list of its main attributes is as follows. It is the constant (eternal) by the architecture but always variable in composition due to the change of self-employment in it. It is universal, necessary and sufficient to the nature of social SHN system, so it is adequate to it and reveals its fundamental objective side - its inner firm structure. It is harmonious, because production in four areas requires harmony, balance and proportionality, coherence between them, without which they do not exist. It is peaceful in its essence, because SPHERONS cannot fight each other and kill each other, because each is a necessary prerequisite for the each other. To fight and kill each other are capable only a few their parts – the historically transient and antagonist on a particular basis private classes - Partons. Dialecticsof SPHERONSandPartonsis disclosedintheabove [3, 4]. In the universal, necessary and sufficient quality, it is a social genome of society/human persisting in all and any transformations of the social system. It determines the structural similarity of the social system poles (society and human) and similarity of psychological genome of each individual. Knowing this structure integrates all the constructive achievements of the social sciences and interdisciplinary combines them into a single social science with radically new cognitive and pragmatic abilities. The use of this structure as a methodology of social cognition opens unlimited perspectives of solution on both the internal social problems, especially global and external environmental challenges as the noosphere relationship with the nature. The first global problem is the problem of world peace is solved in Global Peace Science in the first but the fundamental approximation, without details. The solution of other global problems is analogous. It is the integration of all social resources for harmonious governance and management of their production and use in addressing each of these issues. This structure raises the social thinking to a new level, where the traditional problems are solved. As Einstein wrote: "The significant problems we face can not be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." All this is shown in more detail in the books mentioned above as well as the Global Peace Science Primer [12]. Summary. It's a question of quality assessment and recognition of scientific sufficiency for SPHERONS’ logical argumentation. Does it fundamental error, limitation or confusing? The author does not see them, so I think it is theoretically perfect and because the "iron" with an absolutely necessary consequence. But he, like any person is limited in his knowledge and is no immune from mistakes. So he calls to the scientific community with a proposal: either to accept this fundamental general conclusion about the real existence of the spheral classes - SPHERONS as constant societal structure, or show the errors and limitations of logical argumentation not allowing coming to such a general conclusion. Only in this case its negation would be scientific justification and ethical, which, in turn, will become scientific achievement, since in science as a negative result is the same science. Bibliography: 1. Leo Semashko’s Books and Brochures: 2.GHA International Website “Peace from Harmony”: 3. Лев Семашко и 88 соавторов из 30 стран. Наука глобального мира или миролюбология: первое общее благо и право человека, революция социальных наук, созидание мира из гармонии и победа мира над войной в XXI веке. Всемирный учебник. – СПб. Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2015. – 432 с.: 4. Semashko, Leo and 174 coauthors from 34 countries.Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. – Smaran Publication, New Delhi. 2016. – 616 p. 5. Semashko, Leo (2016) Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century: 6. Владимир Вернадский. Научная мысль как планетное явление. М.,1972 7. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Phenomenon of Man, Harper Torchbooks, The Cloister Library, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1961 8. The Biosphere and Noosphere Reader / Ed. by P.R. Samson and D. Pitt with a foreword by M. S. Gorbachev. London; New York. Routledge, 1999 9. Smith, A., 1976, The Wealth of Nations edited by R. H. Campbell and A. S. Skinner, The Glasgow edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith 10. Marx, K. and Engels, F. Works. Edition 2. GPI - Volume 3 - Moscow, 1955. - P. 15-62. 11.Maturana H., Varela F. Autopoiesis: the organization of the living (1973) // Maturana H., Varela F. Autopoiesis and Cognition. – Boston, 1980. – P. 63–134 12. Semashko, Leo (2016) Global Peace Science. Primer for Adults:
The glove is thrown down to intellectuals, thinkers Dear GHA members, friends: The discussion and approval of the GHA 54th Project: The Contest Conditions to the best critique of the SPHERONS argumentation were completed. The objections were not but there were amendments, so I'm glad to send you an updated final version of the Contest for general use and participation in it. It is also published here: This Contest is intended for intellectuals, scientists, philosophers, thinkers, who are able to evaluate the sociological theory of SPHERONS, its scientific premises and its scientific conclusion. The theory of SPHERONS continues and develops a powerful theory of "societal communities" of the great American sociologist of the last century - Talcott Parsons, undeservedly forgotten and underestimated by the narrow and fragmentary empirical sociology of the West. The theory of SPHERONS continues and develops the powerful sociological theories of Marx and Maturana. These names and theories form the deepest and most promising stratum of social knowledge and thinking of the 21st century. It is clear that not everyone is able to penetrate this level. But whoever penetrates into it will rise to the level of modern theoretical thinking and scientific social knowledge. All your worthy, scientific reviews along with your photos will be published on the site "Peace from Harmony" (, whose daily attendance fluctuates between 5-10 thousand visits. You also will get a chance to receive a cash prize. Friendly. Best wishes for peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President 14/03/17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contest to the Best Critique. Prize is $ 1000. The GHA 54th Project Approval up to March 11 Dear GHA members, The GHA Board approved without objections with minor amendments the GHA 54th Project, which we are happy to send you for your editing and approval by your YES or NO during 2 days up to March 11 inclusively. This Project is devoted to Contest on the best critique of SPHERONS’ Argumentation. It is attached and published here: At the same time this is Contest at the Int. Global Peace Academy. The fact, Global Peace Science (GPS) was nominated to three large awards this year. From them, one we will win and get. Nobel Prize we do not get out because Russophobia. In addition there was a serious sponsor in Russia. At the year-end or at the beginning of 2018 we will have the money to pay salary for the Academy staff of 10-20 (to start) scientists-academicians for two years, at least. For this purpose, we need to select the scientists (with a margin - 30 people), with whom we will work at the Academy. Our Contest is the public and the scientific mechanism, which will allow us to achieve this goal by democratic, openly and most effectively. We hope that the GHA scholars in the humanities will take active part in this Contest and send a short review - from 10 lines to 2 pages on it. Please, read carefully the Contest Conditions, where you will find all the answers. And if not – please, send your additions to the text of these conditions.After your approval, the Project will come into full force: in the GHA Russian part it was already discussed and did not raise objections. Main Project salt is $ 1,000 for the best critique or refutation of SPHERONS argumentation. We are not afraid of it, but we invite the scientists who are willing and able to refute this argumentation by the scientific arguments and get $ 1,000!!! We have already published the Contest banner: “Scientific Contest of GHA: on the best critique of the key discovery in social sciences and peacebuilding the 21st century. 10 lines for $1000” on the Homepage: We invite you to publish this banner on your websites and networks. Thank you. Best wishes for peace from harmony of SPHERONS, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 09/03/17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REVIEW OF SPHERONS’ ARGUMENTATION Global Peace and Harmony By Adigun Afeez Olateju The wave of globalization has been connecting all the countries of the world into a society, implies that peace and harmony is a basic prerequisite for the survival and development of mankind. Peace and harmony is an essential strategic primacy to achieve our twin goals – end extreme conflicts (peace) and promote shared prosperity (harmony). Global Peace Science (GPS) is a scientific methodology to evaluate peace and conflicts, which can be employed to exterminate conflicts and creating peace in the society. The methodology used for evaluating peace and conflicts as brought about SPHERONS – harmonious spheral classes the population owning the Global Peace Science (GPS) (i.e. science of creating peace and extermination of war) [1]. The SPHERONS' theory generalizes the historical experience of cognition of social structure from ancient times to modern age. Spheron’s theory is backed by the scientific contribution of Marx, Maturana and Parsons Theories, which Marx discovered the four spheres of social production, Maturana discovered autopoiesis and Parsons discovered a four-dimensional societal system of structural functionalism []. SPHERONS are employed in four spheres of social production, which determine invariant social reality (social) at all times, which it is possible into tetrasociology [2]. Tetrasociology expresses four-dimensional pluralistic social philosophy, on the foundations of which is built the science of social harmony, harmonious civilization and global peace [1]. The harmonious existence of a society in any place and at any time is defined by the measure in proportion of four equally necessary and sufficient social resources are the axioms of social harmony, which are People (P), Information (I), Organizations (O) and Things (T) (PIOT). The most important law PIOT resources are that they do not exist in nature as a finished product ready for society’s consumption [1]. To my conclusion, SPHERONS theory will create a better world, a world of peace and harmony, reduce extreme poor living and global development. References 1. Semashko, L. (2016) Head Editor & 173 coauthors from 34 countries. Global Peace Science: The Common Good, Human Rights, Revolution of Social Sciences for Creating Peace, Harmony and Liberation from War (title newly edited): a World Textbook, first edition in English, Smaran Publication, New Delhi, 616 pages, ISBN 978-81-929087- 2. Semashko Leo (2002) Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 158 p.: Adigun Afeez Olateju Bsc. Statistics Lagos, Nigeria 26-05-18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Spherons’ Argumentation Review By Steve Amoah The literature on Spherons indicates it being borne out of earlier similar theories and proposes how to create ways to achieve the ultimate goal of harmonious development of humanity and society that appear to elude humanity. The purpose of humanity or society has variously been thought of as dependent on four areas of: people, information, and organisation and material wealth. Having discovered these four areas it appears humanity has not been able over the centuries to manage and balance these areas to bring peace and harmony within itself and thereby leading to conflicts of all kinds among society. The history of humanity and knowledge are dotted with theories at various stages attesting to this fact. The Spheron’s theory of four classes of society employed in four spheres of social production (tetrasociology) is devoid of class struggle for survival, but rather seeks to lead the world to peace and harmony is laudable. From scientific point of view the Spheron’s theory is satisfactory as its strength, development and logical conclusion are based on earlier acknowledged theories of Marx, Maturana and Luhmann. The line of reasoning of the Spheron’s theory is if humanity align itself to its identified tetrasociology concept, humanity stands the chance to experience the peace and harmony that has eluded it. My observation however, is, it appears at the time these earlier theories were propounded they were accepted as they explained and met needs then. With the evolution of humanity, the question is, ‘Is the Spheron’s theory only good as for now?’ Are the categories static or there is room to evolve with time as new knowledge come up and society’s way of living change? What of unobserved effects like human spirituality which is not measureable but arguably have influence in man? The global search to bring about development and peace among nations have led to the proposal of various development goals including the millennial development goals and now the Sustainable Development Goals. All these have an objective to providing avenues of development of humanity and peace among nations. These efforts show that the search by man to remove from its system violence, war inequality and struggle, termed as ‘partons’ in the Spheron’s theory is still ongoing. This search finds its expression in the setting up of many global peace movements including the Global Peace Science. The Spherons theory, in conclusion, is scientifically based, supported by earlier sociological theories, and proven by empirical evidence, like the Russian Spherons among others. As any scientific theory I see it still opened to new areas of research with time. Steve Amoah Dr. Statistics Accra, Ghana 20-04-18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Some thought about Leo Semashko’s concept of ‘spherons’ Dr. Bernard Scott Gordon Pask Professor of Sociocybernetics, International Center for Sociocybernetics Studies, Bonn, Germany: Since I first became acquainted with Leo Semashko’s tetrasociology (in 2002, when I wrote the editor’s introduction for his book Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges: his theorising has become more detailed and more complex. However, the underlying logic remains the same: it begins with the four spheres of social production of the young Karl Marx, still free from the class struggle’s political dogmas, and the autopoiesis (self-production) of Humberto Maturana. Semashko’s spherons, by definition, reproduce the human social world (see his primer on global peace science at ). Their harmonious working is prevented by mankind’s lack of awareness of this. Thus we are subject to conflict and other societal and individual pathologies. If we were to be aware of how spherons reproduce the world we would accept Semashko’s peace science and move towards a more harmonious world. Some months ago in a message to Semashko, I commented that my own work was complementary to his approach, in that I focus at a micro-sociological level, with interests in social psychology and cultural anthropology, on how to bring about the necessary changes in consciousness (belief systems and cultural practices) for humans to be able to understand themselves and how the world works. This is in contrast to Semashko’s emphasis on the macro-sociological level, in the tradition of the young Karl Marx, Max Weber, Talcott Parsons and Nicholas Luhmann, to name just a few amongst many. I have summarised the core of my thinking in the paper “Education for cybernetic enlightenment”, which can be found on the GHA website at . As a bridge between Semashko’s way of thinking and mine, I suggest that the spherons model can be applied recursively from the level of the individual managing his or her own life’s affairs (since, as individuals, we necessarily engage with all aspects of spherons’ activities) up to small groups, communities, social organisations and, as developed by Semashko, to the social world at large. I see this recursive application of the concept as akin to the cybernetician Stafford Beer’s recursive application of his viable system model, the VSM. (See, for example, his book Brain of the Firm, 2nd edition, Wiley, New York, 1995 or, for a brief, clear introduction Allenna Leonard’s(2000) paper "The viable system model and knowledge management", Kybernetes, 29, 5/6, pp.710-715). I believe this proposed recursive (fractal) application of the concept of spherons can enrich Semashko’s theorising and facilitate interdisciplinary communication. Dr. Bernard Scott, England, Personal page: May 6th, 2017
Some thought about Leo Semashko’s concept of ‘spherons’. (Revised version) Bernard Scott Gordon Pask Professor of Sociocybernetics, International Center for Sociocybernetics Studies, . Since I first became acquainted with Leo Semashko’s tetrasociology (in 2002, when I wrote the editor’s introduction for his book Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges, ) his theorising has become more detailed and more complex. However, the underlying logic remains the same: it begins with the four spheres of social production of the young Karl Marx, still free from the class struggle’s political dogmas, and the autopoiesis (self-production) of Humberto Maturana.The four spherons are: 1. the sociospheron which produces people; 2. the infospheron which produces information; 3. the orgspheron which produces organisations; 4. the technospheron which produces things. Semashko’s spherons, by definition, reproduce the human social world (see his primer on Global Peace Science at ). Their harmonious working is prevented by mankind’s lack of awareness of this. Thus we are subject to conflict and other societal and individual pathologies. If we were to be aware of how spherons reproduce the world we would agree with Semashko’s peace science and his proposals for how to move towards a more harmonious world. Some months ago in a message to Semashko, I commented that my own work was complementary to his approach in that I focus at a micro-sociological level, with interests in social psychology and cultural anthropology, on how to bring about the necessary changes in consciousness (belief systems and cultural practices) for humans to be able to understand themselves and how the world works. This is in contrast to Semashko’s emphasis on the macro-sociological level, in the tradition of the young Karl Marx, Max Weber, Talcott Parsons and Nicholas Luhmann, to name just a few amongst many. I have summarised the core of my thinking in the paper “Education for cybernetic enlightenment”, which can be found on the Global Harmony Association’s website at . As a bridge between Semashko’s way of thinking and mine, I suggest that the spherons model can be applied recursively from the level of the individual managing his or her own life’s affairs (since, as individuals, we necessarily engage with all aspects of spherons’ activities) up to small groups, communities, social organisations and, as developed by Semashko, to the social world at large. I see this recursive application of the concept as akin to the cybernetician Stafford Beer’s recursive application of his viable system model, the VSM. (See, for example, his bookBrain of the Firm, 2nd edition, Wiley, New York, 1995 or, for a brief, clear introductionAllenna Leonard’s(2000) paper "The viable system model and knowledge management", Kybernetes, 29, 5/6, pp.710-715). I believe this proposed recursive (fractal) application of the concept of spherons can enrich Semashko’s theorising and facilitate interdisciplinary communication. Bernard Scott, May 6th, 2017 (revised version June 6th, 2017).
Original publication: Bernard Scott (2017) Some thought about Leo Semashko’s concept of ‘spherons’: ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics. Newsletter 34, September 2017: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SPHERONS: GENOME of GLOBAL PEACE and GLOBAL HARMONY. Review of Argumentation: Reimon Bachika Introduction Global Peace Science (GPS) is a logical enlargement of Dr. L. Semashko’s Tetra-sociology. It can be seen as the crown on his four-dimensional social philosophy. (Cf.: The author reformulates basic tenets of K. Marx’s social classes and the dimensions of sociologist Talcott Parsons’ theory about the functional prerequisites of socio-cultural systems. Semashko’s theory classifies people based on their social involvement in 4 spheres of social production that are constant: (1) as a total population/people (the socio-sphere), (2) people engaged in the sector of information (the info-sphere), (3) the organizationally engaged population (the org-sphere), and (4) technologically engaged population: the techno-sphere. In turn, the GPS theory classifies the complexity of social realities and human relations in a total of sixteen subdivisions of the original four spheres. one important point is that the functioning of social spheres and societies as a whole has to be understood as ‘autopoiesis’, or self-production (cf. sociologist N. Luhmann and biologist H. Maturana). The author claims that in this way his social philosophy captures the essence of individual action and societal functioning. Another crucial point is that some past and present societies, or “parts” of them, are totally disharmonious and on the wrong track—dominant empires, groupings of the aggressive countries, outcasts, fascists, terrorists, and criminals are the main examples. This is why the author calls his social philosophy a theory of “spherons” and “partons.” (These are new terms that are formed in the same way as the words electron, neutron, etc. in nuclear physics. Leo confided to me that, in case they sound unusual, they could be replaced by more adequate idioms). Ultimately the logical premises of the Spherions’ theory are totally satisfactory.
Appreciation and critical remarks.
Firstly, the ultimate goal of Dr. Semashko’s social philosophy is very lofty. What can be better than laboring for eliminating the horrors of war and achieving world peace? For many, it is literally a matter life and death. This theory is also sociologically sound. The most important issue concerns the structuration of societies. It is societies as collectivities that determine basic national policies and their outcome for people in their everyday lives. Secondly, many other earnest people would agree with Semashko’s noble thought, but may have doubts e.g., about his core concept of social harmony. Its content might be improved. The ultimate goal of harmony among people is a matter of what is good for all people. In other words, it is a matter of values. Yet, values represent knotty attitudes. Consider the scope of idealistic values: sincerity, friendship, fraternity, equality, the beautiful, the truthful, liberty, faith—religious and profane.…Other values embody material benefits: wealth, fame, and power over fellow humans. It is hard to find a common characteristic in their variability, except that all values incorporate affect and feeling that tend to counteract rationality. Yet, the term harmony indeed could be chosen to express the structural essence of societies and nations. The ultimate goal of world peace is unthinkable without peace within each national society. Harmony can be seen to represent the most important social value. All the same, I’d like to argue that our author’s Global Peace Science and its idea of harmony resembles mental DNA or a genome. This is a metaphor expressing the complexity of the human psyche and the diversity of the networks and institutions that people invent. Metaphorical explanation is not yet science in a strict sense, but it could become much more so in the future, if many more scholars, educators, politicians etc., get on board of the global peace plane. References/Bibliographic note 1.Semashko, L. (2016) Head Editor & 173 coauthors from 34 countries. Global Peace Science: The Common Good, Human Rights, Revolution of Social Sciences for Creating Peace, Harmony and Liberation from War (title newly edited): a World Textbook, first edition in English, Smaran Publication, New Delhi, 616 pages, ISBN 978-81-929087-8-6 2.Semashko, L. (2002) Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, ISBN 5-7422-0263-4: 3.Bachika, R. (2003) “Tetrasociology and values”, in: Tetrasociology: From a Sociological Imagination Through Dialogue to Universal Values and Harmony.ISBN 5-7422-0445-X: 4. Bachika, R. (2016) Individual and Collective Misfortune: Possibilities of Transcendence: Reimon Bachika is Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Sociology, Bukkyo University, Kyoto, Japan. Personal page:
May 1, 2017. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SPHERONS’ Argumentation: Review by Ramesh Kumar I support application of inner consciousness as central to resolving problems around mankind thru adoption of Yoga, nature cure, Harmony, humanity and Peace. Inner consciousness includes outer consciousness for others around us. However we ignored both inner and outer consciousness as evidenced by the whole history of mankind in thousands of years. The contemporary materialistic society has emerged out with more complex social issues leading to unrest, disharmony, inequality, violent minds, erratic lifestyle, environmental degradation, and unending inner and external conflicts. In ancient India the society was divided into four classes: Brahmins (priests, teachers and researchers), Kshatriyas (rulers, warriors and administrators), Vaishyas (traders, cattle herders, agriculturists and artisans) and Shudras: (labourers, workers and service providers). As per Vedic system the choice of profession was supposed to be based on once talent, but the system divided the society into rich and poor and into various disharmonious castes, which brought to the people of India huge misfortunes, injustices and became a block to development. An alternative for a disharmonious and unfair caste system may be a harmonious fair system of Spherons - universal classes of the population employed in four spheres of social production. Various ideas of this theory were expressed by many scientists of the 19th and 20th centuries. But they found systemic scientific expression only in tetrasociology and in its crowning "Global Peace Science": In this new science the logical conclusion about the real existence of universal constant and harmonious classes (Spherons) of the population follows from two scientific premises: 1. the society consists of four spheres of social production (early Marx and many others) and 2. All living beings, including people, are employed in “autopoiesis”, self-production from birth to death (Maturana and others). Both of these premises do not cause me any doubts and I cannot object to them with any scientific counterargument. Therefore, the following conclusion about the real existence of four global Spherons employed in four spheres of production and covering the entire population always and everywhere, also does not cause me any doubts and objections. This is a completely scientific conclusion, adequate to its scientific premises and which was proved by statistically. For me, the most interesting has the practical importance of the Spherons’ theory. The most important thing is that unity of Spherons in harmony expresses the eternal social genome (SOCIONOME) of mankind as one family of many nations from their harmony. This idea was intuitively expressed even in the ancient Vedas, and in the theory of Spherons it receives a fundamental scientific explanation. This theory allows us to bring the necessary change for an equitable and just society and provide delivering peace from harmony to all thru harmonious education paving a conscious way for harmonious civilization. Sustainable Peace and Sustainable Development within a deep social structure of four harmonious classes - Spherons employed in productive spheres: Sociosphere, Infosphere, Orgsphere and Technosphere are provided together by the solution of the following issues: *Academic/educational institutions using sustainable development models. * New World Economy with aim to end inequality. * Good Governance Models * Fair and selfless politics * Humanity to be the core aim of Religion * War and conflict resolution forums * Targeted disarmament including nuclear weapons * Framing and cultivating universal Ethics for all * Concern and care for environment and respecting earth as mother * Health for all using Yoga and Nature Cure * Promotion of Peace among children. The Spherons’ theory allows us to overcome ignorance of self-consciousness, which we often ignore in our feelings and run after physical desires leading to greed, selfishness, ego and conflicts. Using knowledge of the Spherons’ harmony, we have to change ourselves so that we care for the society and work for sustainable development, which is explained scientifically through the harmony of Spherons. They allow addressing immediately to one of the key issues of Economic measures to reduce the gap between rich and poor. Poverty free society will form when people get free school education for their children and affordable health services.Corporate groups must strive to bridge the gap between rich and poor by reducing the ratio between highest paid and lowest paid. Factory automation should be used for accuracy and quality and not to curtail manpower. Health services including Naturopathy and Yoga Therapy as the Spherons’ tools are affordable compare to medicines. The mantra for all is simple “The way to be Happy is to bring happiness to others from Spherons’ harmony.” This mantra gets a fundamental scientific meaning when using the Spherons idea. Ramesh Kumar Executive Director (CEO) and Vice-President Global Harmony Association (GHA) Trustee GHA Trust India- Global harmony Network Centre Life Member International Naturopathy Organization (INO) Acharya, Yog Niketan; Acharya,Yog Sadhan Ashram 38, Rosewood City, Sector 49, Gurgaon 122018, India Founder, NGO: Consortium of Social Reforms Organisation Mob 9971001318; Email:; Webpage: 25-04-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REVIEW OF SPHERONS’ ARGUMENTATION: By Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale A society that is not harmonious, with relation to its members and constituent parts, its peoples and the environment, will be unable to find its stability, and consequently it will breed seeds of disorder and conflict. Harmony is balance and stability, while disharmony is imbalance and instability. Harmony is peace and disharmony is conflict. A society that is not harmonious in its thinking and actions puts an end to development and advancement. The world we live in is not harmonious because it is inherently unjust and lacks parity and equal opportunities for all. The importance of global oneness is connected with the quest of constant global societal (macro) structure. This is unfolding in the GHA “Global Peace Science” (2016) in the SPHERONS’ harmony of humanity through SPHERONS’ argumentation, which in simplest case includes two logical premises of this scientific theory. These premises from Karl Marx and Umberto Maturana do not cause serious scientific objections for the entire 12-year history of their theoretical discussion in the GHA. Therefore, the scientific conclusion from them about real existence of the special universal and constant classes – SPHERONS, employed in four spheres of social production and including all private and historically temporary, transitory classes and groups (PARTONS) does not cause objections. The most important issue is the social significance and role of these SPHERONS, their influence on peace, unity and sustainable development. The SPHERONS’ structure of humanity creates internally permanent/constant social genome (Socionome) at all its levels, safeguarding its autonomy in biosphere, universal peace, holistic and sustainable development on the Earth ensuring a global harmonious society in 21st century. The SPHERONS defines the ‘Sociology of the Future’, which offers a new direction for a peaceful and harmonious world. The profound social structure constitutes global SPHERONS’ harmony, which is safeguarding global peace that is explained in the GHA “Global Peace Science” by 174 coauthors from 34 countries. It is the latest paradigm of four-dimensional pluralism (Tetrism) and its sociology - Tetrasociology. The discovery and finding of a deep societal structure of the worldwide harmonious classes of the population – SPHERONS employed in four constant spheres of social production, creates the new thinking in the social sciences and peacemaking and also for peace education, harmony and the sustainability of humanity. Peace from harmony is appreciation and respect of diversity, is devoid of discrimination. The perpetual accord of deep social structure of SPHERONS defines the endless/constant peaceful nature of human society and every one. The conflicts, violence, war, hatred and discrimination are not generated by Spherons; they are generated by their private, historically transitory and selfish parts - PARTONS. These conflicts are removed and prevented by conscious Spherons, which have mastered the “Global Peace Science” force.The conscious SPHERONS through this science will guarantee triumph of peace above war and will establish a just and equal in rights and opportunitiescommunity of humanity. A society in harmony is humanity in oneness. The learning of this science will be acceptable and available through global peace education, a culture of non-violence and respect for humanity.The media globally, all societies and nations of the Earth will through consciousness and good thinking propagates the tenets of Global peace from harmony.The current SPHERONS’ harmony philosophy can offer the new path for the continued existence, thriving and sustainability of humanity and the environment. The conscious SPHERONS’ harmony of humanity will create a new direction, a new world, a new civilization of peace from harmony, non-violence and rapid development universally. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, J.D., Educator, ADR practitioner, Peace Activist and Poet Global Harmony Association (GHA) Vice-President and GHA-Africa President, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, Accra, Ghana Personal page: 06-04-17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Spherons Concept: Review by Uraz Baimuratov Dear Leo and the members of the Global Harmony Association! First of all, I apologize for the delay in this review. I was on a trip overseas. Besides, the Nauryz holiday has come to our country. only came in to work today. Regarding the spheres of society, I previously stated and sent my opinion to you. I will briefly repeat myself here. Indeed, society is a complex structure, it can not be deeply studied and effectively managed without identifying its scope. I fully share this sphere approach to society. Here, Leo Semashko and I agree. He proposed the spheres of society first, and I did later, however independently of him. It is necessary and sufficient to allocate 4 spheres. Here, too, Leo Semashko and I agree on the number of spheres. However, we disagree on the question of what is meant by each sphere of society, and what spheres need to be differentiated. Leo Semashko identifies the following areas: people, information, organization, and material wealth. With such a content of the sphere, it is not known what is the priority that determines the purpose of human life. The meaning of life seems to dissolve in these resources of society. We adhere to a different approach to determining the content of each sphere of society. The needs of a man, which we take as a basis for the division of society into spheres, are fundamentally different. As you know, spiritual needs make up the meaning of a person's life, and therefore are priorities before other needs. In any society, people are different. I do not mean skin color and eyes, and other external attributes. This is not the point. The spiritual values of a person or their absence are of fundamental importance. Spirituality is, understandably, a religion. Therefore, people in society are divided into believers, non-believers, doubters, or undecided. Faith in one God, service to Him constitute the meaning of life of believing people, forming the world of Harmony, where the spiritual dominantly rises above the material. This is the law of their life. Alas, Marx and other leaders of science who were materialists did not pay attention to this, confining themselves to material goods for people. In our studies, we took into account the one-sidedness of the materialist approach to society, supplemented by studying the spirituality of people. Thus, we proceed from the duality of the world. It is both spiritual and material at the same time. The duality of the world is "Harmony - disharmony". If a person chooses spiritual perfection as their life goal, i.e. recognition of one God and life according to his commandments, they fall into the world of Harmony. And if they give priority to material goods, elevate them above spirituality, they find themselves in a world of disharmony. The world of Harmony and the world of disharmony have their own laws of exaltation of needs. I will inform my colleagues that there is a Diploma of Discovery in our Institute. I believe that our 4-sphere need-based approach to society is broader than the resource approach to the study of society. Two approaches complement each other. The first approach is complemented by the second approach. I ask that this fundamental notion is kept in mind. Therefore, at the very beginning I agreed to cooperate with you. But the question is of great importance: what goals human, information resources and material goods are used for? After all, the same resources can be used for fundamentally different objectives. Without combining the two approaches, I believe your spheres result in many questions and even denial, for they harmonize only within the material world, spirituality is ignored like both in Marxism and its one-sided, materialistic understanding of history and modernity. Spheres were suggested by Leo Semashko 40 years ago, when the ideology of materialism dominated, and spirituality was not officially recognized. Therefore, it is not Leo Semashko's fault that in the resource approach he spared spirituality, as the basis of life. In our studies of the paradigm and the laws of social harmony, we distinguish 4 spheres of society according to the formula "D + 3D", i.e. Demoetics (true religion first, then education, science, language, literature and other spiritual and cultural values) + demography, democracy, demoeconomics. Here, demoethics is seen as the basis of society's life, i.e. purpose of individuals' lives, and their community. In the framework of our need approach, your resource approach would shine. It is clear, each sphere "D" needs various resources in the organization. The spheres of society that we have identified already exist in reality, they function everywhere, although at different levels of development, that is they coincide completely with practice, and the established institutions of management. What we managed to do is set the emphasis, determine priorities in the lives of individuals and society, justify the sphere of demoethics, as the basis and the purpose of society's life. We need to jointly develop one, a unified methodology for digitizing the Social Harmony Index. This technique could be used in any country in the world. Let's jump start this mechanism together! I am sure that you will receive my suggestions without emotion, which will enable us to continue working fruitfully with you. God bless you! Best wishes of Harmony, Uraz Baimuratov, Academician, National Academy of Science, Republic of Kazakhstan Director, Institute of Social Economics and Finance Almaty, Kazakhstan Personal page: 04-04-17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SPHERONS’ Harmony of Humanity. Review of SPHERONS’ Argumentation: By Subhash Chandra At present we live in the midst of one of the greatest transitions of the historical evolution of society from the fragmented, disjointed and conflicting state of humanity to its global oneness in peace from harmony that is connected with search of its constant global societal (macro-) structure. one of them is presented in the GHA “Global Peace Science” (2016) in the SPHERONS’ harmony of humanity through SPHERONS’ argumentation. The theoretical argumentation of SPHERONS is limited, in the simplest case, by two logical premises, from which, with logical necessity, the conclusion about SPHERONS follows. Of these premises, the most fundamental is the discovery of autopoiesis (self-production) of all biological beings, owning to Umberto Maturana (1970). The autopoiesis discovery means that all beings, including human, from birth to death, are employed in self-production or are immersed in continuous production employment. The life of each being depends from its self-production according to the laws and within the boundaries of the species to which it belongs. The first and defining attribute of the living is the production of self, autopoiesis, which constitutes the main criterion for distinguishing the living from the lifeless things. The evolutionary theory of Darwin (Origin of species, 1859) does not contradict autopoiesis; on the contrary, Darwin's theory reveals its evolution, although in some of its parts it is criticized, in particular, in the field of human origin. But this topic is beyond of our consideration. Another premise is the understanding of society as a production system of the four spheres of production was intuitively formulated by Adam Smith and Karl Marx almost 150 years before Maturana and constitutes a special case of autopoiesis, namely social autopoiesis. It was first researched in sociology by Nicholas Luhmann. Both logical premises are recognized by the world scientific community and do not cause any fundamental objections, with rare exceptions. Therefore, the theoretical conclusion from these premises about division of the population into four classes – SPHERONS (Socio-, Info-, Org-, Technoeco-), employed in the appropriate four spheres of social production - is just as scientific, how scientific these premises are. They are detailed in the works of Leo Semashko and GHA, in his several variations of SPHERON's argumentation, which does not cause fundamental scientific objections. Throughout most of human history, everyone lived in hunting and gathering societies. This period of relative social and cultural uniformity ended about 10,000 - 14,000 years ago. The various eras are named according to the type of society that was politically and militarily dominant at the time. From the standpoint of ecological-evolutionary theory (EET), the 4 major eras of human history are: hunting and gathering (12000 - 8000 BC) horticultural (8000 BC - 3000 BC) agrarian (3000 BC - 1800 AD) industrial (1800 AD - present). Each of these epochs has its own private classes, PARTONS, which come and go out together with these epochs. SPHERONS include these PARTONS, but unlike them remain constant in the constant societal structure of social production. They are preserved in all epochs, despite the constant replacement of PARTONS and specific historical individuals who come to them and leave them without changing the deep production structure of SPHERONS. The SPHERONS' theory generalizes the historical experience of cognition of social structure from ancient times to modern age. The deep societal structure is a system of global SPHERONS’ harmony, which is ensuring global peace that is unfolded in the GHA “Global Peace Science” by 174 coauthors from 34 countries. It is the newest paradigm of four-dimensional pluralism (Tetrism) in sociology - Tetrasociology. The discovery of a deep social structure as structure of the universal harmonious classes of the population - SPHERONS employed in four spheres of social production, which determine invariant social reality at all times is the Copernican revolution in the social sciences and their thinking. The “Deep Societal Structure” is a Copernican Revolution of Social Science for peace, humanity & sustainability in 21st century. Harmony is harmony of diversity, without which there is no harmony. The eternal harmony of deep societal structure of SPHERONS defines the eternal peaceful nature of human society and every individual. The irresolvable conflicts with the mutual violence, war, hatred and irreconcilable struggle are characteristic only to the different private PATRONS: classes, nations and groups at the historical surface of social life. The conscious SPHERONS through Global Peace Science will ensure victory of peace over war and will constitute global community of humanity in one family of all nations as it was foreseen in the Indian Vedas rule: "One humanity is one family in harmony". This science will be acceptable and accessible through global education and global media to all people and nations of the Earth as one peace planetary consciousness and thinking. The SPHERONS’ structure in its four-dimensionality is similar to the caste structure of India from ancient times. But the spheral structure is fundamentally different from the caste one by equality of social status of SPHERONS. Therefore, the scientific theory of SPHERONS allows us to overcome of the caste system defects of India by dividing the society into 4 classes of employed, but unlike the unequal castes by the equal in social status SPHERONS. Their scientific theory has great importance for India. The present proposal for the SPHERONS’ harmony theory can provide the new direction not only for survival humanity but for Environmental protection and also welfare of humankind in 21st century. The SPHERONS’ harmony of humanity for its Global Peace will create a new world order: violence free world &free from nuclear war threat. I am very supporting and recommending all this. Dr. Subhash Chandra, Prof. Chandra holds a Ph.D. - Doctorate of Philosophy in Peace Education & Human Development Management from Inter-cultural Open University (IOU), Netherlands, Global Harmony Association (GHA) President &Board Chairman, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, Gurgaon, India Personal page: Email: M -9910241586 April 01, 2017 Translated in Russian:
SPHERONS’ Theory for Indian practice to overcome Caste System Dear Subhash I am very grateful to you for your detailed and original Review of the SPHERONS’ Argumentation, which you associated with the traditions and culture of India. I was happy to publish it, with several stylistic and grammatical corrections (are you agree with them?) In English on your personal page:, and also on the Contest’s page: Http:// and in Russian translation: In your remarkable review, the most important and interesting idea, from my point of view, is your conclusion about signification of the SPHERONS’ theory for India, for overcoming its caste system and caste inequality. In this regard, could you and the GHA-India send the GPS book to your PM Narendra Modi with the proposal to create the Institute of "SPHERONS of India" in order to overcome the caste system and its inequalities, replacing it by dividing the population of India into four equally necessary SPHERONS with all social and political consequences of their constitutional recognition. You have long wanted to send him our book - with such a proposal it would have acquired for him not only a theoretical but also a great practical social meaning. Of course, not only a large scientific work is required beforehand, but also an experimental test in one of the Indian states the spheral division of the population with its institutions for at least 3-4 years. Such a sociological and social experiment will require, first of all, the necessary staff, professionally trained in Global Peace Science, at its center/heart - in the SPHERONS’ theory. In this regard, I like to invite you and your colleagues from the GHA-India and IASE University, to find within one or two months about 15 young scientists, masters and doctoral students in sociology, statistics, demography, programming, economics, management, etc., from of different universities, so that they will write their reviews of SPHERON's argumentation and take part in this scientific Contest with a chance to win a prize of $ 1000. Is this possible for you, for GHA-India and for IASE University? This will be your great transition from the theory of SPHERONS to its practice of creating team. Do you agree with this? What do you think about it? Thank you.
Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 02-04-17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The SPHERONS’ Argumentation: Review By Vladislav Krasnov Lev Semashko has joined a long list of Russian truth-seekers and visionaries who believed that the most reliable path to PEACE comes from a deep based social harmony, which, according to his scientific conviction, stems from SPHERONS, which are classes of the population engaged not in Marxist class struggle and war but in harmonious cooperation. Their structure is universal and eternal; it affects the soul and character of a person and leads to a harmonious development of humankind. Among Semashko’s predecessors are the Saints of Russian Orthodox Church, as well as secular Russian authors, such as Leo Tolstoy and Fedor Dostoyevsky, Vladimir Solovyov, Nikolai Fyodorov, Elena Blavatskaya and Nikolai Roerich, Boris Pasternak, Mikhail Bakhtin and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Semashko has not only challenged Marxist-Leninist "science" of the class struggle, but also endeavored to create a science of social harmony based on deep spheral structure of society that by itself excludes violent conflict both inside a country and abroad. In this endeavor Pythagoras, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Plato, Aristotle, Montesquieu, Leibniz, Teilhard de Chardin, Gandhi, Mandela, Noum Chomsky and other thinkers inspired him. The spheron science cannot automatically prevent accidental wars and social conflicts in all states. However, it teaches that the way to do it is not violent revolutions, but a harmonious peaceful universal education and a harmonious peaceful arrangement of national governments and all international organizations. Dr. Semashko chose not to sit on the laurels of this science, but took on the heavy task of an active organizer of the worldwide peacekeeping network. God help! Vladislav Krasnov, Doctor of Philosophy and History, Founder and President of the "Goodwill" and Friendship Association between the United States and Russia (www., Moscow / Washington, Personal page: 28-03-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Zg. Medoši, Korte, Izola, Slovenia, EU, 24th March, 2017 SPHERONS’ Argumentation: Detailed Review By Timi Ecimovic
Publication: In English: + In Russian: The present is summary of the past: The future is unpredictable without deep theory! Timi Ecimovic I am humble servant of the natural sciences. As researcher and scientist I am doing my best to find the truth about Universe/Cosmos and Nature. This ambition makes me the scientist and philosopher, who is searching for the truth about knowledge and understanding of Nature, basic Nature environment The Universe and only living system within the Universe - Nature. Nature in my research is second (after Universe) most complex system and it is supreme privilege for Homo sapiens civilization to have a chance to research Nature and Universe ceaseless grand system. The planet Earth requisitely holistic planetary system and Earth’s requisitely holistic the Biosphere system is past and present environment within the Global Community of Humankind exist, which Teilhard de Chardin and Vernadsky called Noosphere - a reasonable part of the biosphere. The planet Earth is just a finest smallest grain of the Universe/Nature sand and part of the star Sun system, the Milky Way Galaxy system, which has like countless (over 200 billion star systems) number of the planets, stars etc. The Global Community of Humankind, The World of Humans, The Human Project, The Human Eco Sphere, The Global Human Society, The Noosphere and many more terms connected to Homo sapiens and is most complex beings within the Biosphere of the planet Earth. The evolution of the Homo sapiens began more than 200.000 years ago. The Global Community of Humankind under the present leadership of “The Money Monster Master” is looking like been on the suicidal path. Humans need knowledge and understanding of Social Nature “in self” as the noumenon, according to Kant, to reach next step in evolution of the mind and governance and to meet challenges of the coming times. Social sciences are far behind the natural, technical and military sciences, because they seek not the truth but the ideological justification of domination and violence of the most powerful classes and empires to which these sciences serve. Therefore, social sciences are mainly responsible for the present week position of the humankind in the knowledge and understanding of its deep, "societal" nature according to Parsons. only the SPHERONS 'theory, which is developed by the Russian sociologist and philosopher Dr. Leo Semashko for more than 40 years, reveals the objective truth of the deep structure of societal nature and looks like a light at the end of the long dark tunnel. The SPHERONS' theory generalizes the historical experience of cognition of social structure from ancient times, beginning with the caste stratification of Vedic India, the class differentiation of Plato’s ideal state, Marx’s class structure and ending with modern theories of stratification. The social structure question, according to Montesquieu, has decisive importance for the organization and political governance of society. But the scientific knowledge of this structure is still very far from objective truth in view of its ideological limitation. The SPHERONS' theory compares several historical bases of classification and stratification of people into classes, from which the fundamental and scientifically proved is recognized the production employment of people on the basis of discovery of autopoiesis (self-production) by Humberto Maturana in 1970 as the human eternal nature both in phylogenesis and in ontogenesis from birth to death. The biological discovery of autopoiesis was introduced into sociology by Nicolas Luhmann and became practically universally recognized in the social sciences now. Therefore this premise of SPHERON's argumentation is the most fundamental in their theory. It does not cause fundamental scientific objections and meets scientific requirements. All other grounds for differentiating people (property, power, soul qualities and etc.) in the SPHERONS’ theory are recognized as private forms of employment that serve as the basis for different, historically transitory private social structures and private classes named in it PARTONS: slaves and slaveholders, peasants and feudal lords, workers and bourgeois, lower-middle-upper classes, and so on. Another premise of the SPHERON's argumentation concerns the structuring of the production employment of people and any society up to humanity as a whole. The overwhelming in history was sector/branch division of people into private, historically transitory classes, PARTONS: peasants, artisans, traders, warriors, managers, etc., by their employment in the most developed in society private, historically transitory branches. The first division of social production according to four universal constant functions (production-distribution-exchange-consumption) was proposed by A. Smith, which was developed and supplemented by its division into four universal constant spheres (types/forms of production) by K. Marx in 1845 in the first chapter of "German Ideology." Marx could not draw a conclusion about the four classes of people employed in these spheres for only one, but the determining reason: his materialistic or economic monism, from which he cannot refuse in his political, proletarian and appropriate ideological bias and focus. The materialism of Marx demanded to recognize the economic sphere as the "basis" of society and all other spheres - the secondary "superstructure." Accordingly, the main productive classes were recognized only those employed in material production. These classes were differed by ownership to the means of production: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. All other groups of people were declared secondary strata, etc. In the theory of SPHERONS, a powerful scientific toolkit to identify spheres, sphere classes (SPHERONS), their statistics, development, etc. has been created. The fundamental difference between the theory of SPHERONS and the Marxist theory of classes is that it rejects the materialism of Marx as well as any monism, takes the position of tetra (four-dimensional) pluralism, from the standpoint of which the four spheres of production are considered equally necessary and sufficient for the life of society. They are systemic and deprived of the monistic relationship of kinship: primordially-secondary, because they are equally necessary for society, because the absence of at least one of them deprives others of life and society becomes impossible. This scientific theoretical proof finds confirmation in the whole human history, in which no one, nowhere and never, has observed a society devoid of at least one of the four spheres of its production. Therefore, and the other premise of SPHERON's argumentation in their theory is also scientific and meeting the scientific requirements, which is confirmed by statistical, empirical evidence of Russian SPHERONS and other institutions in the second chapter of Global Peace Science . It is also confirmed by the wide use and development of the paradigm of four spheres of social production in different versions in the works of many social scientists after Smith and Marx: Vilfredo Pareto, Max Weber, Robert Park, Florian Znaniecki, Talcott Parsons, Fernand Braudel, Alvin Toffler, Pierre Bourdieu and many others. Of all scientific paradigms of the structure of social production, this is the most widely recognized; it is used in programs and calculations of almost all countries, national governments and in international institutions but in different modifications. However, this paradigm has not yet become universally accepted. Together with it, in the social sciences, other variants of the social production structure are used, albeit rarely and sporadically, which reduce it to either three or five or more spheres. But none of them has received such wide recognition, evidence and application, as a tetrad/fourfold paradigm. In any case, while the possibility of other multidimensional models of the spheral structure of social production exists purely theoretically, until then there is an a priori assumption of other social structures than the four-dimensional one adopted in the SPHERONS’ theory. In these cases, in the future, it is possible to recognize not four, but three or five, etc. SPHERONS. But in any case, the notion of the eternal societal global structure of society at all levels will remain. This is, from my point of view, the main scientific achievement and discovery of the SPHERONS’ theory. Its development in the tetrad version will reveal its advantages and preferences in comparison with its other possible versions. As any scientific theory, in view of the infinite scientific knowledge of its object, it cannot be recognized as an eternal indisputable scientific truth, so the SPHERONS’ theory cannot be it and it does not pretend to it, calling for its confirmation, addition and development by the new scientists and new scientific institutions. The SPHERONS’ theory as a global societal structure has key importance in cognition and solution of the global ecological problem, in the preservation of humankind as Noosphere, consciously harmoniously interacting with the biosphere and the entire environment, with all nature as a whole. The SPHERONS’ theory makes it possible to understand humanity as a single whole social organism, regardless of its transitory private classes of PARTONS and private autonomous states predatory exploiting nature in their selfish national or corporate interests, without caring for the preservation of the planet Earth. The private structures and institutions are irresponsible to nature - this is proven by past centuries of experience, which threatens the survival of entire ecosystem of the Earth. only a global and harmonious societal structure of SPHERONS can be a single and solid foundation to govern environmental risks and solving a corresponding challenge on a global scale. I hope and I am recommending the global project for survival and longevity of humankind to be undertaken by best of the best humans. I think present proposal for the SPHERONS’ theory and the protection of Humankind, Noosphere, Nature, Space and Environment along with other achievements could allow survival and longevity of humankind on the road to the sustainable future or the sustainability of humankind, which in short definition is: The Sustainable Future or the Sustainability of Humankind is a harmonious and complementary coexistence of the SPHERONS’Global Community of Humankind and the nature or the biosphere of the planet Earth. Prof. Timi Ecimovic (1941) Dr. Med (1966). The active member of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts – EASA since 2002, Dr of the Environmental Sciences (hc) Ansted University, Penang, Malaysia (2002), The Professor and the Chair of Environmental Sciences, Ansated University, Penang, Malaysia (2004), The Rector of the World Philosophical Forum - WPF University, Athens, Greece since 2011, The Founder and the Chairman of the World Thinker’s Forum, (2001), the Vive-President of the WPF, Athens, Greece, (2011), The elected member of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences – WAAS (March 2014), The Professor of the Civil Knowledge of the Universal State of the Earth – USE and WPF (2016), The Citizen of the Earth XXI (2012), The Aristocrat of the Earth XXI (2015), The Emeritus Citizen of the Korte Village and Izola Municipality, Slovenia, EU, 21st June 2014, The Slovenian Special Recognition Horus for the Social Responsibility, (2015), the Diploma in Philosophy, Cambridge, UK, 2016 and recognized in The Marquise Who’sWho , USA, 2016. – Please see “Profile” at and personal page: Zg. Medoši, Korte, 15th March, 2017 Ref.: The review of the GHA – The Spherons of Harmony Prof. Dr. Leo Semashko, the President of the Global Harmony Association et al wrote excellent argumentation for the theory of Spherons as important quality of the Global Community of Humankind: Leo’s the qualitative futuristic thinking based upon past and present and dealing with future is unique access to the important relationship of the Homo sapiens civilization and Nature, the nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth and the requisitely holistic the Biosphere of the planet Earth. It is case of good complex problem thinking with intention to assist better future of the humankind and even better philosophical thinking. Thank you Leo and cooperating members of the GHA for excellent contribution. Please accept my congratulation and I remain, Yours Friendly, Prof. Dr. Dr. Timi Ecimovic, WPF UNIVERSITY Rector, Korte 124, SI – 6310 Izola – Isola, Slovenia, EU, -------------------------------------------------------------
Tetrasociology of Spherons by Rudolf Siebert The proposed and developed argumentation of Spherons - eternal in the societal structure but constantly changing in their filling spontaneous harmonious classes of the population, actors of society and global peacein Tetrasociology [1] and in its Global Peace Science (GPS) [2] - is quite satisfactory from a scientific point of view. This scientific conclusion about reality of Spherons is fundamental and logically impeccable as all its premises are logical and factual flawless: 1. Four spheres of social production (Marx and others), 2. Productive employment of people from birth to death, "autopoiesis" (Maturana and others), 3. "Societal communities" of people (Parsons and others) [3]. But these premises and conclusion are requiring a comment, detailing, historical analogies and further development in terms of our critical philosophy. We look at the Tetrasociology in the perspective of a dialectical history and philosophy of science, according to which one scientific paradigm negates the previous one not abstractly, but concretely:i.e. it does not only criticize it, but it also learns from it, and preserves it, and elevates it, and completes it. Pluralistic models, like Tetrasociology concretely supersede monistic paradigms, preserving in themselves the scientific accomplishments of the latter. Marx determinately negated Kant and Hegel. Weber and Durkheim and the structural-functionalist system theorists, Parsons, Merton, Luhmann, Toffler, Bourdieu, etc., and their middle range theories,tried to concretely supersede Kant, Hegel and Marx, on the Right, Horkheimer, Adorno, Fromm, Marcuse, Habermas, Honneth, etc., on the Left. Archer’s negation of Marx, and of the structural functionalists may be a little bit premature, and too abstract, and not dialectical enough, in order to do justice to the historical process, and the real development of family, civil society, constitutional state, and culture or civilization, including art, religion, philosophy and science. The end of the Soviet Union does not necessarily mean the end of Marx’s historical, or dialectical, materialism, in spite of its monistic and sometimes even positivistic tendencies, mistakes and simplifications. Stalinism, which Western Marxists called red fascism, may have been less the result of Marx’s or Lenin’s dialectical theories, and more ofhistorical circumstances: e.g. the insufficient development of the Russian bourgeoisie in 1917; the need for industrialization; the capitalist invasions in the 1920ties and the 1940ties; and the neo-liberal counter-revolution of the 1980ties.The victory ofthe USSR over European fascism was one of the greatest achievements of history ever: Stalingrad, and particularly Kursk. The great patriotic war was precisely that, and must never be forgotten. Tetrasociology rightly criticizes the deficiencies of Marx, Parsons and Maturana, and at the same time integrates into itself their great accomplishments. Toffler produced a positivistic futurology. Ossip Flechtheim had initiated already a dialectical futurology, very much concerned with peace. Both should, and could be preserved, and elevated, and fulfilled in a Tetra Sociology, as peace science. The harmonization tendencies in all the supersessions of Marx are of course most desirable. However, there is the danger, that harmony turns into ideology, understood as false consciousness, cover up for national and class interests, shortly the untruth. The introduction of private property since 10 000 years ago has produced the domination of the Many by the one, or by the Few, - slaveholders, feudal lords, and owners ofcapital, reproducing themselves through theprivate appropriation of collective labor -, class struggles, and so calledjustwars, not only of revenge, but also, and mostly so, of thievery: such as the colonial war, Barbarossa, whichHitler conducted against the USSR,in the name of European capital, with 4 million men from all the states, which now constitute the European Union, killing 26 million Russians, and 6 million Jews. These are stubborn facts of history, which are hard to overcome, even by a pluralistic social theory, not to speak of practice: even by the transition from Partons to Spherons. The Tetrasociology must under all circumstances be realistically protected against ideology critique. We consider the Tetrasociology as an important event, and moment, in the dialectical history of philosophy and science. It can make a great contribution to peace in the present Post-Western period of political world history. Post-Western means, that Europe has moved into retirement, since quite some time (Spengler), and that the American and the Slavic World have moved to the front of the human species, and have thus become exceptional, as once the Persians and the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans, theGermans, Spaniards and British, had been exceptional. It is a moment of greatest responsibility for both, the Slavic and the American World, for themselves, and for all of humanity. Fascism, which wanted to rescue Europe, only helped to bring into Thuringia, Germany, Europe, the American as well as the Slavic Worlds, by declaring war against both of them. The Tetrasociology can support and enhance the peaceful collaboration between the Slavic and the American World in this moment of history. Tetrasociology can contribute to conflict resolution between the Slavic and the American World, so that both, as they strive for greatness, maintain themselves and humanity in relative peace and harmony, and togetherovercome terror, hunger, poverty, illness, epidemics, environmental damages, nationally and internationally. Both, the American and Slavic World may peacefully compete with each other, which of them deals better and more humanelywith problems of race and class, and contributes most effectively to the arrival of Post-modern, alternative Future III: a global society, reconciling personal autonomy, and universal, anamnestic, present, and proleptic, solidarity, and prevents Post-Modern alternative Future I – the totally administered society, technocratic or fascist, and Post-Modern alternative Future II - an aggressive,militaristic society, promoting wars and civil wars, and preparing ABC wars of civilizations, based on religion, or being secular [4; 5]. References 1. Semashko, Leo (2002) Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University: 2. Semashko, Leo and 173 coauthors from 34 countries (2016) Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS' Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. Smaran Publication, New Delhi. 616 p. ISBN 978-81-929087-8-6: 3. Semashko, Leo (2017) Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century: In Russian: 4. Siebert, Rudolf (2010) Manifesto of the Critical Theory of Society and Religion. Brill 5. Siebert, Rudolf (2013) The world religion in the global public sphere: Towards concrete Freedom and material democracy. New Delhi: Sanbun Publishers. (ISBN: 9789382393115; WMU Call #: BL80.3 .S575 2012). Rudolf Siebert, Ph.D., Professor of Religion and Society at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Golden Rule Harmony for the US Email: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SPHERONS' Argumentation: Http:// Review by Alexander Semashko
I want to start a review without preludes and dithyrambs to the author, whom he certainly deserves.
First, the division of society into four classes is no two classes, as at Karl Marx. And this gives us more maneuver for the analysis of processes, but not just more, but enough (that is, no more need). I think the author has the same right to declare four classes as Marx in his time about the existence of two main classes. Only with one difference: Marx established the antagonism of the two classes and the inevitability of the struggle of these classes. The funniest thing is that the basic premise, from which follows the conclusion about four harmonious classes that exclude the antagonism of the Marx classes and together with it all classical Marxism, was also first formulated by Marx in the German Ideology as an intuitive conjecture and hypothesis. This testifies to the profound inner theoretical contradictions of the original Marxism that led to its antagonistic official branch in the USSR to collapse. And from the second a new viable harmonious worldview grew during more than 40 years, which is free from the class struggle, from violence as the "midwife of history" and from any dictatorship, including the dictatorship of proletariat. It is Tetrism or Tetrasociology of my father. Second. In my opinion, the division of society, its population into four Spherons - spheral classes, the introduction of the four-dimensional population topology, thermodynamics and statistics as stochastic but eternal social heart chambers - clusters of human employment in four spheres of production opens up very good prospects for constructing on principle new fundamental mathematical models of society. First of all, this should be of interest to young mathematicians, as the calculation of the resources, needs, processes and trajectories of socium development in their universal employment of Maturana’s "autopoiesis" is no less fascinating task than calculating the trajectory of a ballistic intercontinental missile (although this is also fascinating). Third. Spherons are a new word in statistics. The grouping of already existing statistical data on the basis of four spheres creates a very interesting picture, which I would compare with x-ray. Based on the idea of spherons, statistical analysis can reveal the deep processes of society and rise to a fundamentally new level of objective reality and its intuition. Fourth. Spherons and their understanding are of interest to any manager on any hierarchical ladder. This is the scientific division of their personnel environment into understandable segments with an understanding of their needs and their capabilities. This is close to the traditional "divide and conquer", as any manager has dreamed of in the past. This is even closer to the harmonious teamwork in the developing now harmonious management. Fifth. Importance of the spherons for politics is huge. For it they open fundamentally new horizons beyond wars, violence, robbery and domination but only on the peace basis of the spherons of deep and irresistible production harmony. For politicians, the spherons are a storehouse of various systemic information in the form of fundamentally new sociological surveys and monitoring of various interested groups, their resources and needs, their disharmony and imbalances, vectors of their development, from the spontaneous harmony of which there is a common trend in the transformation of the whole society, etc. A politician with system information based on spherons has a much greater probability of success than a traditionally thinking politician. This information gives politicians a basis for fundamental organizational and structural reorganizations of the management system in the society, its state as a whole. The subject of the spherons is so diverse, so rich in internal content and variable that I am convinced that for the SPHERONS is the future.
Alexander Semashko Manager, economist, Executive Director (ExportLine) Kaluga, Russia May 31, 2017 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Spherons’ argumentation Review by Dr. Sanjay Tewari Spherons are an abbreviated name for the spheral classes of the population, which are employed in four spheres of social production. The logical conclusion about the Spherons existence follows with necessity from general sociological premises about the four spheres of social production (Marx) and the permanent productive employment of people (autopoiesis) from birth to death (Maturana, Luhmann). These premises of the Sociological Theory are unquestionable and therefore the conclusion from them about Spherons is also beyond doubt. What is the connection between the Spherons’ Theory and Sports Sociology? From the Sports Sociology point of view sports activity in all forms is an integral part of the culture of society and each individual, subordinated to the improvement of his/her organism and psyche. Therefore, it constitutes the necessary employment of a person in the social sphere of society and covers the entire population, i.e. all of its Spherons at a certain age and within the bounds of some time spent by every Spheron on sport. Sport as a necessary institution of the social sphere is inextricably linked with its other institutions: family, education, health care, social assistance, etc. These connections are investigated by the Sports Sociology. All over the globe, there have been studies in the area of Sport Psychology, Sport Management, Sport Coaching, Anti Doping, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Sport Sociology etc, however, in context to India, there has been no study in the area of Sport Sociology. Moreover, Sport Sociology as an independent unit or faculty couldn’t find space till 2015, thoughSociology in India made strides back in the 1950s under the aegis of Indian Sociological Society. How can the practice and performance of elite athletes be linked with sociological studies? How can be made to understand the bond between sport and other institutions as defined under Sociology? How can Sport Sociological Studies not only in India, but all over, contribute towards creating a better and peaceful place to exhibit? How can Sport Sociology in India challenge and address the issues of inequalities of gender, disability, class etc., and come up with solutions. The solution of all these questions is inextricably linked with a deep scientific understanding of the social structure of the Spherons in general and in India in particular. To do this, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts to create, facilitate and establish new regional centers of Sports Sociology throughout India. We can foresee a lot of opportunities, both for the Academia, Researchers, Students and other Stakeholders as the Spherons' private groups - to contribute into in establishing the Sports Sociology in India. Dr. Sanjay Tewari, PhD, Sports Sociology, Director, Uttar Pradesh Athletics Association, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India, Personalpage: 05-06-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anatomy of Peace-Harmony of the SPHERONS
(Published here) Review by Dr. Michael Ellis The crassness of the current military situation in the world is the fact that where there are Nation states vying for resources there will always be war. People by themselves have a lot in common. one of the aims of Religion is to create harmony and unity amongst people. In the Anatomy of Peace, Stuart Rees, says the purpose of religion was to create a law which would prevent humans from competing with each other and destroying each other. He states -- What was divine and civilizing in Christianity was its monotheism, its universalism. The doctrine which teaches that all men are created equal in the sight of God and are ruled by one God, with one law over all men, was the one really revolutionary idea in human existence. In other words Religion contains within it an overarching law which could maintain harmony between humans. Dr. Leo Semashko in new scientific paradigm as Global Peace Science quotes Abdul Kalam: “When there is harmony in the home, There is order in the nation, When there is order in the nation There is peace in the world". Dr. Semashko says “this is the most accurate definition and most brief formula of global peace from harmony at all levels from the individual to the whole world: In the expression of global Peace Leo makes the expression of humanity as an inextricable connectedness devoted to survival and harmony. In fact the naturally endowed function of humanity as a function, is to maintain survival for the total community, functioning like the evolution of the primary fertilised genome becoming the human being who is not able to survive without parents, schooling and community in a primary form. He calls this autopoiesis after Maturana. It is however the greater group of actors in the drama which enhances the evolutionary unfolding and this is divided he says into SPHERONS--Peace Actors: - Social Class – Socioclass, (Humanitarian Class), S-class; - Informational (Creative) Class – Infoclass, I-class ; - Organizational (managerial, administrative, political, ruling) class – Orgclass, O- class; - Technical (material) class – Technoclass, T- class; PARTONS* – are the private groups and classes of people employed in various sectors of public activity and constituting the certain branch parts of SPHERONS. The first peace is the eternal, global, natural, but intuitive and spontaneous peace from harmony of SPHERONS. SOCIONOME IS THE METHODOLOGICAL COGNITIVE axis of Global Peace Science (GPS). SOCIONOME in GPS discloses and explains also the deepest source of wars – disharmony of private groups of people, as PARTONS: separate nations, classes, estates, castes, etc. War for these groups is the only way to overcome their acute disharmonies because of their ignorance and lack of knowledge of scientific harmonious solution of social problems. What is apparent is that the deep intuitive need for peace in humanity is grounded in the microcosm of the family. The problem can be the divisions caused by cultural, informational, organisational and technical divisions in an evolving and growing society. The confirming identity and essence of human survival is determined by a spiritual law grounded in the western world through the Ten Commandments and in the Eastern world by the inner spiritual traditions based on a search for wholeness. This law idealised as an overarching fundamental law has become fragmented as culture vies with culture and religion with religion and as each nation takes on a colour of a specific religion and culture competing with every other nation for supremacy 2500 years of Buddhism and 2000 years of Christianity have not changed the essential patterns of kingdoms, Nation states, transnational organisations and bureaucracies vying for dominance throughout the world and ignoring the basic needs of human beings for micro and macro self actualisation. The ideal way forwards for Global Peace would be to have and overriding law to which each nation is determined to be answerable to. A start has been the international court of justice at The Hague but despite this governments have little respect for their citizens as Nation state competes with Nation state for ascendancy. The military industrial complex is now costing globally over 1 trillion dollars / year and genocide by governments against their own people was 223 million in the twentieth century. Evidently currently the fate of humanity is not determined by the hopes and aspirations of the individual human being!! We are indeed up against an enormous challenge as immature humanity dwarfs itself before enormous technological military and artificial intelligence advances in a world where the Natural law is invaded by DNA mutation of all living things including humanity herself. A new peace Global process determined by the overarching law as described by Leo Semashko in terms of the harmony of the spherons in his book could be the answer to our current dangerous human predicament where out very survival as a species is at stake. Dr. Michael Ellis, FRACGP. MRCP. DCH. BA (Hons) President Club of Budapest Australia President Global Peace Centre GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Australia Personal page: 16-06-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Spherons’ argumentation Review by Ms. Sanjana Tewari Spherons are the largest classes of the population in a whole, which are employed in four spheres of social production; therefore they are titled as "Spherons". How can these classes unite all people in harmony for love, peace, justice, freedom, brotherhood and happiness? What can be the possible source, which causes of peace and tranquility in our beautiful planet and its human community? What measures should be taken collectively so that they lead to harmony between the belligerent countries and / or harmonize the conflicting interests? Only because the Spherons are productive classes, constantly creating the necessary resources for people that is why these classes are harmonic, peaceful, just, free and fraternal in nature. Spherons acquire these qualities genetically from the corresponding innate qualities of social production, which is impossible in disharmony of war and extreme violence. Therefore, Spherons exclude wars and violence and ensure happiness of people. But in full measure, this becomes possible only when these classes are transformed from the spontaneous into conscious ones through education and a conscious culture of harmony. Its instrumental factor is the cultural exchanges, through which we get a knowhow of each other’s traditions and customs. One of the forms of this culture is dance, to which I have been wedded since the age of 10 years. Dance, a great form of culture, is purported not only to bring peace to one’s individual mind and soul, but also to the society. Being an Indian Classical exponent of the great dance form, the “Kathak”, I have live with it, allows me experience the inner feeling of love and peace from its internal harmony. For a life peace agenda, I am of the firm resolve that Dance can create deep psychological harmony and act as a strong harmonious bond between Nations and Communities. Ms. Sanjana Tewari, Student, Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Delhi University, “Kathak” Dancer. Member of the International Dance Council, UNESCO, Paris GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India Personal page: Email: 19-06-17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPHERONS’ Harmony of Humanity. Review of SPHERONS’ Argumentation: By Surendra Pathak We are living in the global society which is connected with the quest of one global societal structure. This is the time of transition of the historical evolution of society from the fragmented, and conflicting state of humanity. Global oneness in peace from harmony that is connected with search of its constant global societal macro structure. GHA presented “Global Peace Science” (2016) in the SPHERONS’ harmony of humanity through SPHERONS’ argumentation in simplest case includes two logical premises of this scientific theory. These premises from Karl Marx and others do not cause serious scientific objections for the entire last two decade history of their theoretical discussion in the GHA. Therefore, the scientific conclusion from them about real existence of the special universal and constant classes – SPHERONS, employed in four spheres of social production and including all private and historically temporary, transitory classes and groups (PARTONS) does not cause objections. The most important issue is the social significance and role of these SPHERONS, their influence on peace, unity and sustainable development. The theoretical argumentation of SPHERONS is limited, in the simplest case, by two logical premises, from which, with logical necessity, the conclusion about SPHERONS follows. The SPHERONS’ structure of humanity creates internally permanent/constant social genome (Socionome) at all its levels, safeguarding the biosphere, global peace, holistic and sustainable development to ensuring a global harmonious society. The fundamental discovery of autopoiesis of all biological beings, owning to Umberto Maturana (1970). The life of each being depends from its self-production according to the laws and within the boundaries of the species to which it belongs. The first and defining attribute of the living is the production of self, autopoiesis, which constitutes the main criterion for distinguishing the living from the lifeless things. The evolutionary theory of Darwin (1859) does not contradict autopoiesis; on the contrary, Darwin's theory reveals its evolution, although in some of its parts it is criticized, in particular, in the field of human origin. But this topic is beyond of our consideration. Both logical premises are recognized by the world scientific community and do not cause any fundamental objections, with rare exceptions. Therefore, the theoretical conclusion from these premises about division of the population into four classes – SPHERONS (Socio-, Info-, Org-, Technoeco-), employed in the appropriate four spheres of social production - is just as scientific, how scientific these premises are. They are detailed in the works of Dr. Leo Semashko and GHA, in his several variations of SPHERON's argumentation, which does not cause fundamental scientific objections. The deep societal structure is a system of global SPHERONS’ harmony, which is ensuring global peace that is unfolded in the GHA “Global Peace Science” by 174 coauthors from 34 countries. It is the newest paradigm of four-dimensional pluralism (Tetrism) in sociology - Tetrasociology. The discovery of a deep social structure as structure of the universal harmonious classes of the population - SPHERONS employed in four spheres of social production, which determine invariant social reality at all times is the Copernican revolution in the social sciences and their thinking. GPS highlights within this natural order as its organic part the social harmonious order of four spheres of social production and the four harmonious classes SPHERONS who are employed in these spheres, constitute the global social structure and ensure global peace as its actors. Existential order of social harmony of SPHERONS is revealed in this book, and integrally expressed in SOCIONOME, social genome of 16 fundamental elements of social harmony as the basis, from which grows global peace. In the most common manner this order is presented in the GPS subject matrix [see paragraph 5.4. in GPS book]. As global peace and its science grow out of harmony, GPS is the science of existential harmony, i.e. scientific research of its specific part, namely social harmony as part of existential harmony. The main thing here is the study of the four existential orders of global peace of SPHERONS - four spheres of social harmonious functioning. The important objectives of this study in GPS are: identification of key social problems and finding their harmonious solutions; inter & multi-disciplinary studies of global peace; orientation of the world scientific community toward peace researches and synthesis of their achievements; creation of a universal curriculum for peace education; development of political, social and economic theories of harmony; creation of a network of peace researchers, workers & academicians of GPS. Scientific understanding of existential harmony of global peace is connected with the discovery of its existential actors - SPHERONS. Only on this basis can reveal the deep meaning of central definition for global peace in GPS as "peace from harmony", i.e. peace that is constantly reproduced into SPHERONS harmony, which determines the peaceful nature of humanity and each person. Everyone is always included at one or other SPHERON. The study of existential social harmony SPHERONS is the GPS central task, primarily sociology and statistics for knowledge of the global peace laws and its conscious practical building since XXI century, when this science will find general recognition.
Dr. Surendra Pathak,
President GHA-INDIA Researcher on holistic and harmonious education: ANAND NIKETEN group of schools, Ahmadabad, India +918527630124 20-08-17 ----------------------------------------------------------
On the Spherons and Partons Terminology By Leo Semashko Publication: In English:
In Russian: The interconnected terms "Spheron(s)" - spheral classes of the population and "Parton(s)" - partial, historically transient classes / groups of the population were first introduced by L. Semashko in 2014 in the course of work with "Global Peace Science" as abbreviation and replacement of the heavy terminological definitions of the concepts in this science. Spherons are "spheral harmonious equal-right constant classes or invariant mass communities of the population, engaged in four spheres of social production". Partons are "partial, temporary, historically transitory parts of the Spherons, in the form of various classes, groups, nations, states, communities" [1]. These "long terms" are used in different joining, combinations and truncations, which creates a wide field of terminological uncertainty and instability that interferes with scientific knowledge. Traditional social sciences have always been weak in understanding the social structure of society, the highest achievement of which in this matter is the primitive stratification of people according to their incomes to the "upper, middle and lower classes." These sciences have never before posed and could not raise the question of the differentiation and classification of classes, especially about invariant/constant communities/classes. only Talcott Parsons first attempted to introduce the term "societal communities" to refer the large groups of people engaged in his constant "societal structure" [2]. But this term (societal community) did not take root in science, because it was not verified by any empirical reality and facts. Instead of this in traditional sociology the term "social community" is used. In Wikipedia, this sociological concept is defined as follows: "The social community is a real union of people objectively defined by the way of their stable interrelation, in which they act (manifest themselves) as a collective subject of social action" [3]. There are no "social community" in English Wikipedia, but there are classes: "Social class (or, simply, class), as in class society, is set of concepts in social sciences and political theory centered on models of social stratification in which People are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories, the most common being of the upper, middle, and lower classes"[4]. Such a terminological poverty of traditional sociology in the key area of social communities, and most importantly - the discovery of their new cluster - spheral classes, is forced to update this terminology. This was the reason for introduction of these new terms. However, their use has revealed one serious drawback. Professor John Avery from Denmark and Professor Reimon Bachika from Japan stressed that these terms are derived from English nouns "sphere" and "part" with the suffix "on", which is used in nuclear physics to denote the smallest fundamental particles of matter: proton, electron, neutron, photon and the like. The terms "Parton" are used to refer the large groups of the population and "Spheron" is used to refer the largest parts of the population. This contradiction is especially acute for the term "Spheron", although there is nothing lethal for science in its use in Tetrasociology. Any term that denotes groups of people engaged in the spheres of production must be formed from the noun "sphere" in order to express the belonging of such classes to the spheres of social production. Hence, the question is limited by the choice of an adequate English suffix. We offer below a list of similar terms for choosing the most suitable. Spheror Spheran Spherot Spherion Sphereer Spherian Spherist Sphairos (- on Greek, σφαίρα - sphere) , Sphairos - Sphairoses Spheron Other variants of suffixes are possible. If we do not find a consensus on the choice of a new term for Spherons, we could confine ourselves to a temporary convention on its use until a satisfactory term will found. At this point we will stop. In extreme cases, we can use the term "spheral classes of the population" instead of the term "Spherons". The question of terminology is always a difficult question for a new science but it will be solved sooner or later. References: 1. Semashko, Leo and 173 coauthors from 34 countries (2016) Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS' Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. Smaran Publication, New Delhi. 616 p. ISBN 978-81-929087-8-6: 2. Parsons, Talcott (2007) American Society: A Theory of Societal Community. Paradigm Publishers. 3. Social Community:Социальная_общность (In Russian) 4. Social class: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPS as immunity and counter-terrorism action Dear Waheed,
Thank you for your condemnation and condolences. Every day we condemn terrorist attacks and every day we condole to hundreds of their innocent victims around the world. But, unfortunately, this does not reduce them but on the contrary their number grows in almost all countries. Why? Because we do not work to prevent terror, wars, engendering their militarism (the American aggressive in the first place) and forever exclude them from the life of society. We must strengthen our spirit and prevent future terrorist attacks and dozens of their innocent victims by our firm and reliable Global PEACE Science (GPS), which clearly shows how humanity can nonviolently win a victory over the war and permanently exclude it from its life: through its organization on the basis of fundamental harmony of SPHERONS. But we do not understand them well; we do not allow themselves to realize them even in the simplest review of their Argumentation. You, personally, are able to write a similar review in onE page? Are you able to motivate at least 10 of your colleagues and students in Pakistan, where terrorist blasts occur almost every week, write similar reviews, so that they, in turn, motivate another 10 people and so on. When people will understand this science, when the governments will establish its study in all schools, as Singapore did, where in all schools they study interreligious harmony excluding terror, then terror will be excluded everywhere, then its dynamics will differ not by growth, as now, but falling. Therefore, we must ask ourselves, each one personally, what I DID to prevent terror, to strengthen the spiritual immunity of anti-terror in the fundamental Global PEACE Science? WHAT? Did I have the wit and conscience, at least for starters, to write one page of a review about it, to understand it and transmit its cognitive strength and energy to my children, students and friends??? Or we are doomed forever only to condemn and condole,when the dynamics of terrorism and its innocent victims grow like an avalanche, like a snowball??? Please tell us: when we and your colleagues will see your review as your first spiritual action against terrorism? Is this possible for you? Are you capable for this elementary ACTION, an ELEMENTARY INITIAL DEED to strengthen the spiritual, scientific immunity against terror? About this immunity, we wrote with Russian writer Vladimir Kavtorin 12 years ago after the terrible terrorist attack on the school in Beslan on September 1, 2004, in which more than 1100 hostages were held, of which 314 were killed, including 186 children: see our article in Journal "Star" 2005, No. 9 ( This national tragedy has become a moral and spiritual stimulus for development of the Global PEACE Science from harmony of SPHERONS as scientific foundation for the global institution "Children’s Suffrage Performed by Parents" ( an institution of antiterrorist immunity. This unique work (84 pages), which has no analogues in the world, unfortunately remained no translated into English. But it was integrated into GPS (Chapter 8.5.) as its organic part. Unfortunately, in Russia all such scientific works, in view of the incompatibility of Marxism with the class harmony of SPHERONS, are suppressed and ignored so far in anticipation of a new Beslan in the scale of the country, devoid of a scientific, non-Marxist vision of its future, like other countries ... Dr. LeoSemashko, GHA HonoraryPresident, 10-04-17
The International Peace and Harmony Forum strongly condemn the cowardly terrorist attack in the two Coptic churches in Egypt. Whatever the final outcome of the investigation, there is no doubt that spreading senseless fear among innocent citizens in such a heinous fashion amounts to nothing less than a terror attack. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families and the people of Egypt at this very difficult time. Waheed Ahmad
Human Rights Consultant Advocate High Court Chairman International Peace and Harmony Forum of Lahore High Court Bar Association.(2017-18). Chairman Child Rights Committee Lahore Bar Association. Pakistan 10-04-17
Sociocybernetiks and Tetrasociology: Scientific Dialogue of West and Russia Dear Bernard,
I was happy to publish your latest wonderful articles and links to them to put on your personal page here:
The newest publications: Bernard Scott. How Sociocybernetics Can Help Understand Possible World Futures Bernard Scott. Sociocybernetic Reflections on the Human Condition Bernard Scott. Minds in Chains: A Sociocybernetic Analysis of the Abrahamic Faiths I have long put them, I have long studied them and I have long meditated on them, because they are great theoretical significance for me, which has been clear to me for a long time and that we have long discussed with you, since 2002, since the publication of my first book in English "Tetrasociology" that you edited and prefaced ( We are cooperating in the field of interaction of Sociocybernetics and Tetrasociology more than 15 years, although there was a long break. But I'm happy to return to this subject, because both our sciences pursue a threefold aim of a holistic, global and interdisciplinary social scientific knowledge and each one of us moved forward. Modern social science, for the most part (99%), is very far from those goals and continue to collapse and stagnate in its fragmentation, disconnectedness and partiality. We are both well understand this and are both concerned about it and both are looking for a way out of this gnostic impasse: you - through Sociocybernetics, and I - through Tetrasociology. Back in 2002 we wrote about it, along with Dr. Hornung (how he is?) from Germany, joint article: "Tetrasociology and Sociocybernetics: towards a Comparison of the Key Concepts", which was published in a new book "Tetrasociology" (2003: Both disciplines are combined by systemic approach and a desire for "great sociological theory." We spent a great job when compared the dozens of concepts of three disciplines: traditional sociology (in Corte, 4 volumes, 2000), Sociocybernetics and Tetrasociology to determine their semantic proximity and difference. We discussed the question of "the main concept" of every discipline but have not solved it. In the new articles you write: "A central concept in cybernetics is 'governance'" as a "management of variety", which is divided into two orders: "first order observed systems" and "second order of observing systems". Accordingly, you distinguish the global problems of the first and second order, which requires a holistic approach in all cases. You criticize their decision from the standpoint of "individualism", which is unacceptable and "is the social disease". Your solution is concentrated in the hard question: "The tough question is, "How do we (humankind) change our practices while the world is falling apart?" The battle for 'correct thinking' has to be won as only 'correct thinking' in the long term leads to 'correct action'." Correct thinking is created by the education that leads to the correct action but it requires feedback with a "more informed knowledge". You find its shortcomings (fallacies), which require priority overcome. You acknowledge of the ideal of knowledge the four ecological (noospheral) laws of Barry Commoner (1971). But, unfortunately, they do not work so far. West degrades in disharmony of social pathologies of militarism and false consciousness of total fakes. West created a new kind of hatred and racism - Russophobia, which may have more tragic consequences for Europe than German Nazism. Russophobia zombies population, spurring the arms race and allows power to manipulate people with a false consciousness as robots.Deficit of harmony determines the EU disintegration. West neglects the genius conclusion of Henri Poincaré: "Harmony of the world is the only true objective reality." Deficit of this reality and its key value in the West destroys the EU and the UK, with its Brexit. Therefore, the reason lies not in ecology, and in the absence of adequate social structure of humanity, interested in environmental and social harmony, rather militarism and false consciousness. In this regard, I am pleased to invite you to come back to our cooperation and discuss the new accents of Tetrasociology. They are focused now on the deep constant societal structure of the four SPHERONS employed in the 4 spheres of social production and constituting the unchanging social genome of humanity, conserving in all its historical transformations at all levels, up to including the individual. Concepts of SPHERONS meet the requirements of a global, holistic and interdisciplinary. They provide unified management of diversity at all levels and in both orders. SPHERONS cover and streamline in harmony all social diversity. They provide a "more informed knowledge", "correct thinking", "correct action" and an adequate education, which includes ecological, noospheral knowledge. The SPHERONS theory is both Sociocybernetic and Tetrasociological. It has become crucial in our time, because it reveals the eternal structure, actors and genome of social harmony as "only true objective reality." only the science of harmony in our disciplines is able to bring it to an understanding of Europeans, Americans and their leaders. But this requires a common scientific understanding of the deep societal structure of SPHERONS’ harmony. The SPHERONS’ idea received in the book "Global Peace Science" detailed theoretical substantiation (Chapter 1) and the fundamental empirical, statistical evidence (Chapter 2). Most briefly (3 pages) the SPHERONS scientific argumentation is presented in two accompanying articles in different versions (see attachment). The first thing I invite you (as well as all humanities scholars) - is to give a scientific assessment of this argumentation, similar to that formulated by the Professor Rudolf Siebert: "scientific conclusion about reality of Spherons is fundamental and logically impeccable as all its premises are logical and factual flawless: 1. Four spheres of social production (Marx and others), 2. Productive employment of people from birth to death, "autopoiesis" (Maturana and others), 3. "Societal communities" of people (Parsons and others) [3]."(See attachment). I hope these questions interest you, and we will resume cooperation. I invite you to write about this the new joint paper on a new level of Sociocybernetics and Tetrasociology. Do you agree with that? Thank you for attention. Our cooperation will be an example of the scientific dialogue between Russia and Europe, as our collaboration with prof. Siebert is an example of the intellectual dialogue between Russia and USA in the framework of civil diplomacy. This scientific mission and bridge are key importance today. Friendly, Leo Semashko 01/03/17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------