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July 26, 2017 St-Petersburg

Dr. Leo Semashko October’s Century. Anatomy and Diagnosis of the Dying Marxism: Incompatibility with the Objective Harmony of Spherons
Marxism’s Degeneration Formula: Denial of the Spherons Objective Harmony and the Inability to Know it that Determined Non-viability and Collapse of Marxism.
Definition. October century. The spiritual outcome is: the dying violent disharmonious ideology of Marxism-Leninism and the flourishing alternative peacemaking science of harmonious spherons, the fundamental discovery of which restores the millennial Russian and human tradition of harmonious spirituality on a new epistemological level. This fact completely disavows propaganda advertising through the bloody October century: "Marx's teaching is omnipotent, because it is true." The October Age proved the opposite: it is false, "ugliness and spiritual suicide" (Solzhenitsyn). Therefore it is powerless and dying, cleansing the public consciousness for harmonism. The superficial and transient ‘eternal class struggle’ of Marx conceals the deep structural harmony of the societal spherons. Marxism was powerless to know their objectivity. Therefore, it dies out and leaves from the future history as any false consciousness.
Resume. The October Age: Dying Marxism incompatible with the Spherons’ objective harmony
Results of a local sociological experiment of global significance: Militant negation of the Spherons’ paradigm in inadequate, unscientific responses: September 2016 - May 2017
The answers to the main questions: Why is Marxism/Liberalism incapable to Copernican revolution of social consciousness, social sciences and thinking? Why is this revolution impossible in it? Why did it become an inevitable brake on the progress of social knowledge and recognition of the Spherons’ Copernican Revolution?
Publication: In English: In Russian: Contents Introduction. Vladislav Krasnov. The historical collapse of Marxism Foreword. Closing accounts with a philosophical conscience 1. Sociological experiment 2. Experiment Hypothesis 3. Key concepts in the terminology of the experiment 4. Civilizational ideologies of monism and pluralism 5. Philosophical conclusions: laws and axioms of Tetrism/Harmonism 6. Aspects, perspectives and axioms of the Marxism anatomy 7. The law of Marx's violence: a special case of Poincare’s law of harmony 8. Alternative methodologies: Scientific reviews on the Spherons theory 9. Brief 20 conclusions from the experiment 10. Experimental base: letters, responses and comments of inadequate feedbacks
(The underlines in the texts are mine, L.S.)
The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality. The best expression of this harmony is law [nature's regularity]. Law is one of the most recent conquests of the human mind; … The world is divine because it is a harmony. Poincare
(Semashko’s Comment: Not the struggle and the war determine the vital laws of nature and society, but the inner harmony of their parts. Marxism rejected harmony and recognized only struggle and war. Therefore, it was doomed to collapse from the very beginning.)
Nor cast your pearls before the pigs. From the Gospel
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you. Kipling. If.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, Then they fight you then you win. Gandhi
The artist is given only sharper than others to feel the harmony of the world, Beauty and disgrace of human contribution to it - and acutely Transfer it to people. And in failures, and even at the bottom of existence - in poverty, in prison, in illnesses - a sense of stable harmony Cannot leave his. Solzhenitsyn From the Nobel lecture, 1972
The call to renounce "from ugliness, spiritual suicide" Marxist-Leninist ideology. Solzhenitsyn From the "Letter to the Leaders of the Soviet Union", 1973
Harmony and Marxism are just as incompatible as genius and villainy.
Semashko Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: the Russian people as the first and principal victims (along with the Ukrainians) of Communist totalitarianism. Mahoney
Marxism-Leninism is a "dead dog" of thinking without the concept of objective harmony of spherons. It was able to declare itself "the only true and invincible doctrine" only until The tetrasociological discovery of the spherons in 1976, a constructive, holistic and nonviolent alternative of which transferred it to the category of dead, but edifying partial philosophies in the history of "false consciousness" of humankind as a necessary soil and parallel of its approachingto the scientific truth of harmony necessary for a conscious spiritual breakthrough into a harmonious civilization of global peace, genuine equality, justice and prosperity of all peoples in the true, harmonious liberty and democracy of spherons beyond militarism, war and violence. This is the intellectual outcome of the 100th anniversary of October Revolution .Semashko
(In process)
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