Photo session with great-granddaughter Sophia, 1year 2 months, Russia. Saint-Petersburg, 22-06-17 In Russian:
Main page:
Grandmother Vera: The family saga of enlightenment in "Global Peace Science" (GPS) from harmony: At the start of enlightenment in harmony, at its sources in the armchair of generations
 Sofia - future, wise in harmony, President of Harmonious Russia in 2057 together with belle mom Maria
 Beginning. Attention. Curiosity.
 Great-grandfather came to help but it is not enough
 Grandmothers Nina and Gala are rushing to rescue, who else?
 Deepening in parts and pages ...
 Separate the most interesting, find the main part ...
 Can start again from the beginning…
 But fruit of knowledge is bitter, not immediately given even with Grandmother Vera....