Congratulations on my birthday, 2018 in the context of harmony and disharmony, peace and war as prepared for 100% of the "shameful suicide" of humanity, which remains only to press the nuclear trigger for this
(in 2017 here: Publication: In English: In Russian: Personal page: Dear GHA and WGHA members, friends My sincerely thank everyone who congratulated me on my birthday June 20! With the light hand of my old friend Ernesto Kahan, my birthday was combined with the Days of Global Harmony and Yoga ( It is very symbolic and responsible. I received 48 congratulations from 17 countries, plus 16 congratulations through Facebook, not counting phone greetings. I am deeply grateful for your kind congratulations and harmonious wishes. To save your memory, your ideas, individuality and concern in our time of extreme tension for humanitybefore prepared to 100% of the "shameful suicide" (Elena Roerich), from which we are separated only by the slight pressure of the nuclear trigger, I was glad to publish your so many different congratulations in chronological order, with your poems and photos on the special page here: With best wishes to you of strong health, love and happiness but above all global peace from harmony, without which there will be nothing. With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 22-06-18
Congratulations Oh am so sorry dear Leo, i remember now that your birthday is 20th June.Happy birthday to you in advance; wishing you great happiness, long life, and a joy that never ends! May this day always be a special one to remember. Blessings of peace always, Ayo, Ghana June 20th, Birthday of Leo Semashko and 21th, the DAY OF GLOBAL HARMONY. Two wonderful days to remember and enjoy. Have we very happy days. Ernesto Kahan Israel Dear Ernesto, You are correct! These two days are wonderful. The great thinkers make ordinary days wonderful...Dr. Leo Semashko is one of them ..who think of Harmony and act for harmony. Best wishes! Yadam ji India Wishing every father a Happy Father’s Day today and happy birthday to my Peace Bird friends, LC Kwee, Diane Williams and Stephanie Tache! We share our birthdays on June 17. My “twin sister” LC. Kwee of the Kwee family in Singapore met on the first day of my registration at Pepperdine University in California, we found that we were born on the same day in the same year! We’ve become close ever since then. Her family fled from Indonesia to Singapore and mine fled from China to Taiwan. We had suffered when we were young children. Wars divide families; Peace unites families; harmony builds prosperity. On August 8, 2016, Professor Yao who organized the 2007 Peace Summit between China and Taiwan invited me to chair a Peace Forum in Beijing based on the Olympics spirit of peaceful competition. Soon afterwards the North and South Korea athletes attended the Winter Olympics carried the same Korean flag. Last week on June 12, 2018, the Kwee family in Singapore provided their Capella Hotel in Singapore for the US President Trump and North Korea leader Kim to have a first time face-to-face Peace meeting. We are all children of war, with the same passion to wish peace prevail on earth, our “shared homeland”. Happy Father’s Day also to all who remember how wonderful our fathers were, and happy birthday to all Gemini Peace Birds, to Leo too! ❤️ Lana Lana Yang 楊幗蘭 Peace Ambassador and Main Representative to the UN for IAEWP USA/China

Лев Михайлович, молодец!!! И Бразилия с нами!!!
Я думаю, мы можем попросить наших друзей обратиться к министру финансов Бразилии и попросить совсем небольшую сумму в $ 2,000, чтобы автор идеи Лев Семашко мог изложить более подробно свое концептуальное видение международных сферонов, дабы легче было всем коллегам из разных стран и регионов формировать свой фрагмент общего международного исследования во имя мира и процветания всей нашей планеты! Лев Михайлович за эту сумму сформирует матрицу - структуру вопросов и ответов, чтобы можно было в любой точке Земли идентифицировать все понятия исследования, а затем вывести единый итог документы и представить его Правительствам наших стран. С глубоким почтением, всегда Ваша Нина Новикова, Россия, Санкт-Петербург 17-06-18 Конец гармонии России? Конец журналистики России? Дорогая Нина! Очень благодарен за фантастический во всех смыслах отклик! Вот это воображение, с размахом, на весь мир, по-русски! Но, есть одно ‘маленькое’ но… Да, Бразилия с нами, как и Индия, Пакистан, Нигерия и Гана, только Россия не с нами! Как всегда: «хотели, как лучше, а получается, как всегда!» Целый век так! Сколько мыслителей и талантов своих, как всегда, загубили за век! Когда же Россия из блоковской «толстозадой» станет «тонко умной, гуманной и внимательной»? Почему в богатейшей стране живут беднейшие, и просить талантам надо на стороне, в Бразилии и в Африке? Каков выход из этого тупика и не только для нас? Американский писатель и журналист (заметьте – НЕ российский, у нас они кончились!) Роберт Вейр попытался ответить на эти вопросы и написал замечательную статью о ГСГ через призму моего жизненного пути, лучшая часть которого связана в ГСГ (см. прикрепление, 10 стр). Снова, за рубежом ее переводят и публикуют, а в России – нет… Жив тоталитаризм в душах и в системе! ГСГ возник в России более 13 лет назад на ее глубочайших духовных идеях гармонии, соборности, лада, всеединства, согласия и т.п. Он интегрировал в себе мировую мудрость гармонии веков и народов, которая вытравлялась в России более века и теперь как нищенка с шарманкой ходит по миру с протянутой рукой и просит подаяние в Бразилии, Гане, Нигерии, Пакистане, Индии…. Век боремся друг с другом, со всеми и за все, а все без толку, как жили в нищете, так и живем. Может пора не бороться, а жить в гармонии? Но прежде хорошо думать о ней? Когда же Россия, выкормившая гармонию в своей тысячелетней истории, снова станет для нее родной матерью, а не злой мачехой? Кто ответит? Способна молодежь понять этот вопрос и ответить на него? У меня нет ответа, но есть надежда, которая умрет вместе со мной. Есть надежда только на нашего лидера, до которого гармония пока никак не достучится … Всего доброго. Лучшие пожелания мира и понимания из гармонии, Лев, 17-07-18
Happy Birthday, Leo. It's coming up on Thursday, right? I wish you all the best on that magnificent day to celebrate your birth. I think that, when I visited you in 2010, we celebrated your birthday then. We certainly had a great party! Such beautiful women and happy, happy friends were there that day! What a wonderful memory! Robert Weir Writer, USA 18-06-18 Dear dr Leo,
I came to know about your birthday to day. I wish you a very happy birthday and pray Allah to bless you with many more and also bless you with strength. To work for peace and Harmony in n the world. With regards, Noor M Larik. Pakistan Dear Leo, may your birthday be peaceful, of course harmonious, and just plain happy! And--many happy returns to keep the world in harmony! Sincerely, W George Krasnow President, RAGA, USA
Dear Leo, I take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Birthday. I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and friends. Thank you for all you do for peace and harmony in our world. Peace Mairead Maguire North Ireland Dear Leo: Happy Birth Day to you! I wish you many more years of creative thinking and praxis for peace, and also personal happiness ! Best wishes, Your Rudifrom the House of Mir USA Happy birthday Leo, and all the best for the coming years! Ela Ela Gandhi Gandhi Development Trust P.O. Box 477 Hyper-by-the-sea 4053 Tel: 0312012067 Cel: 0827816843 Fax: 0865913993 Let us do more with less Ela Gandhi (Gandhi Development Trust) Sounth Africs Happy Birthday to YOU dearest Leo. Best wishes. Bartolome Ribas Spain Dearest Leo Congratulations for all your work for peace. And A HAPPY BIRTHDAY with joy and light and inspiration and HARMONY I wrote an hymn for the citizen of the world some years ago, 2009 Ammar Banni translated it in Arabian language, and some others friends of peace in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, English, Indi The original text is in French. I created also the melody Perhaps it could be translated in Russian. I sang it at Hiroshima, Paris, Chamonix, and others symbolic places at symbolic moments. I hope for you the best for next year, health, creativity, and of course HARMONY; With my best feelings For building and sharing peace Mme Théa Marie ROBERT, Artiste Créatrice Fondatrice de l'Art Cosmopoéthique poésie des mots, des images et des gestes Professeur de danse contemporaine, Chorégraphe écrivaine, photographe 66 Clos des Charmilles 74400 Chamonix MT Blanc FRANCE 19-06-18 Dear Leo and all, My congratulations and Happy birthday to our planet that the world knew the birth of Leo, designer, builder, director of peace and what peace? The harmonious peace in mutual respect. I gree my presence in GHA, In additon,although I am a man, I honestly believe that harmonious peace can be realized only with the presence of the woman, as in a harmonious family, for this reason, I ask you to add my name in WGHA. Love, Peace in harmony Ammar Banni / Ageria Dear Dr Leo Kindly accept my best wishes on your birthday (20 June), and Global Harmony Day( 21 June ). May you stay healthy. Best Dr. Sanjay Tewari India Hi LEO Happy Birthday on June 2oth your birthday Happy Global harmony day to all participants please correct my last name it is AZCONA Best wishes Lic. María Cristina Azcona Dearest LEO Many thanks!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Lic. María Cristina Azcona Dear Dr Leo, It is a big honor to be in this group and you a memorable wise intelligent and admirable person that wish to change this world for a better one. You show during long time that these feelings and hard work is about Human beings around the world. God bless you all the time, and we , your friends in this group are aware that Peace is posible..therefore each of us are doing small big things in consecuence. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! all my respect and admiration! In this link, some memories! ALL THE HAPPINESS!! Memories!
 2010. Всемирный Форум Духовной Культуры, Астана, Казахстан, Делегация ГСГ: Susana Roberts THANK YOU DEAREST LEO!
GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Susana Roberts Dear Dr. Leo Semashko Happy Birthday!! I ‘m sending you my best wishes!!! Best regards Dr. Dimitris P. Kraniotis Greece Dimitris P Kraniotis
Happy Birthday wishes dear Leo! Warm Greetings Lida Malta Dear Dr. Leo, Happy BirthDay! We know your great effort for Global Peace and your flame works! Please keep your good health with your world family! Love & Best regards, Kae Morii Japan Happy birthday dear Leo. God bless You Sarah Carrere M'Bodj Colombia Dear Leo WISHING YOU A VERY VERY HAPPY AND DELIGHTFUL BIRTHDAY. Regards Ashok Chakravarthy Poet .... INDIA
Dear LeoI just received invite to take part in IAI Conference in Rome, in the next 26 June, theme : "THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR. "LOCAL POLITICS AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION"HAPPY BIRTHDAY20-06-18
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR LEO SEMASHKO Dear Dr. Leo Semashko, It is a pleasure to be part of your study group for humanity. In my name, and in the name of my family, I wish you many happiness. May we continue to promote the culture of peace, so necessary. Congratulations! Best wishes! Delasnieve Daspet Brazil Лев Михайлович, здравствуйте. С Днём рождения Вас! Иван Иванов Россия Leo sir Happy birth day we wish you long and healthy life God bless you and take forward harmony in the world. Latif Kirmani India DEAR Dr Leo, May u live long, Make a century along. Call us for celebrations, We will join in spite of distance. God bless, Yours, Brig kartar singh President IESL India Cher Léo, Joyeux anniversaire Che Léo = j’ignore si à votre propos, il faut vous qualifier comme mon ami Ramon BACHIKA de nouveau MARX. Ceci, car si celui-ci rédigea avec le Capital une œuvre immense, il contribua à engendrer un système avec beaucoup de déviations totalitaires. Cependant, je pense que Ramon faisait allusion à la puissance de travail de MARX, et sa volonté d’un esprit critique mettant à nu les tares de l’exploitation humaine. N’oublions pas que les années 1870 le Pape était considéré comme infaillible, et l’exploitation de bien d’humains don des femmes et des enfants était courante. En Russie, l’abolition du servage eut lieu tardivement. Les documents juridiques de l'époque, comme la Rousskaïa Pravda, distinguent plusieurs degrés de dépendance féodale des paysans. Le servage s'est cependant généralisé en Russie au XVI siècle : il a été consacré par la loi de 1649 et a été aboli en 1861. Et plus tard, il y a eu des contre sens de traduction dramatique comme dans le passage de l’allemand au russe, puis au français relativement par exemple : à la conception de la morale de LENINE, comme par exemple dans les taches des Unions de la jeunesse en 1920, je crois ! Vous avez durant ces 20 années, mis au point une méthode scientifique qui vous a obligé de maitriser diverses disciplines pour innover et démontrer que la paix peut-être autre chose qu’une utopie ou un rêve inaccessible ! Vous avez réussi à coordonner et mettre en action des personnes très différentes :de grands intellectuels et scientifiques, et de simples personnes ordinaires comme moi : modeste poète et philosophe, chanteur à voix. Cependant la personne ordinaire que je suis = handicapé longtemps visuellement, a cependant parcouru un certain nombre de pays malgré le handicap de ne pas parler la langue anglaise, en clamant la paix et l’amour, malgré parfois expulsion, balles sifflant, nécessité de se cacher ! Tous et toutes mobilisées autour d’un même objectif : la paix pour l’humanité ! Enfin, vous êtes porteur d’un grand espoir ! Avec l’émergence et l’affirmation de votre pensée : sont devenus possibles ces commencements insignifiants aux yeux des Maitres du moment ; mais ces commencements ; finiront un jour par faire se lever les consciences de peuples unis pour que vivent les multitudes humaines dans la paix et l’harmonie. Joyeux anniversaire, ménagez votre santé, respect à votre famille. Chaleureusement. Guy CREQUIE Dear Léo, Happy birthday Che Léo = I am unaware of so about you, it should again be qualified like my friend Ramon BACHIKA MARX. This, because if this one wrote with the Capital an immense work, it contributed to generate a system with many totalitarian deviations. However, I think that Ramon alluded to the capacity for work of MARX, and its will of a critical spirit exposing the tares of the human exploitation. Let us not forget that the years the 1870 Pope was regarded as infallible, and the exploitation of good of human donation of the women and the children was current. In Russia, the abolition of serfdom took place tardily. The legal documents of the time, like Rousskaïa Pravda, distinguish several degrees from feudal dependence of the peasants. Serfdom however spread in Russia at the XVI century: it was devoted by the law of 1649 and was abolished in 1861. And later, there was against dramatic direction of translation as in the passage of German to Russian, then with French relatively for example: in the design of the morals of LENINE, such as for example in the spots of the Unions of youth in 1920, I believe! You have during these 20 years, developed a scientific method which obliged you to control various disciplines to innovate and show that peace perhaps another thing that a Utopia or an inaccessible dream! You succeeded in coordinating and putting in action very different people:large intellectuals and scientists, and simple ordinary people like me: modest poet and philosopher, singer with voice. However the ordinary person that I am = handicapped a long time visually, however traversed a certain number of countries in spite of the handicap not to speak the English language, by protesting peace and the love, in spite of sometimes expulsion, balls whistling, required to hide! All and all mobilized around the same objective: peace for humanity! Lastly, you are carrying a great hope! With the emergence and the assertion of your thought: these unimportant beginnings with the eyes of the Masters of the moment became possible; but these beginnings; will finish one day by making rise the consciences of plain people so that the human multitudes in peace and the harmony live. Happy birthday, spare your health, respect with your family. Cordially. Guy CREQUIE France Dear All: A birthday is a good day to remember our mother who endured many hours of pain to deliver us to this world with the most beautiful smile on her face! We should make good use of our lives with the remainder time we have to benefit the world! In Chinese calligraphy, the character 安 (Safety), is made of 宀 (House) + 女(woman) Best wishes, Lana Lana Yang 楊幗蘭 Peace Ambassador and Main Representative to the UN for IAEWP USA Dear Leo, Happy Birthday! Best wishes, Bernard Scott Britain Dearest Leo Happy, Happy. B. Day to you! Here in Japan, we have a lot of rain, I hope that you get much sunshine … for many years to come. I’m keeping it short: I always look at your emails, but lack time to respond. The same for my dearest friend Guy in sunny France, who mentioned my name in his good wishes to you. Let’s keep smiling and be happy….without these, Harmony and world peace are a little cheep! So long, Reimon Bachika Japan Дорогой дедушка, Поздравляю тебя с Днём Рождения! Хочу пожелать тебе в этот день, да и вообще счастья, побольше радости, любви, хорошего настроения, чтобы сбылись все твои мечты, чтобы каждый день проходил по-особенному. Благодаря тебе я узнала много. к примеру: исповедь Киплинга, что такое гармония, и то что мир без гармонии, это не мир. Спасибо тебе за это! С уважением и любовью, Полина Семашко, внучка 12 лет Россия Hello, While waiting to Me Tender Coils, for the birthday of Léo: here what undoubtedly his wife would like to sing to him! Be My Love Because Tonight My Destiny Memories Cordially. Guy CREQUIE France Дорогой Лев Михайлович! Примите самые теплые поздравления с Днем рождения! На таких людях, как Вы, держится наш мир. Огромная благодарность за Ваше горячее Сердце, которое заботится обо всем человечестве! Дай Бог Вам крепкого здоровья, энергии, неугасимого энтузиазма, счастья и радости в семье, благополучия, неизменной поддержки единомышленников и друзей, воплощения всех Ваших глобальных проектов на благо нашего гармоничного будущего! С уважением, Роксана Роксана Садыкова, Вице-президент ГСГ и ГСГ-России, ГСГ Посол мира и разоружения из гармонии в России Адрес: Уфа, Республика Башкортостан, Россия E-mail: Вебсайт: Dr. Leo Semashko, Founder (2005) &GHA Honorary President. Global Harmony Association (GHA), All GHA & W(GHA) Members & Peace Leaders. Greetings from India Leo Semashko June 20th, 2018 Happy Birth Day, June 21st, 2018 - Global Harmony Day 2016: Year of Two Peace making year of the two nonviolent historical Revolutions:Peace from Harmony and Partnerships: More details 2017: Year of their Practical Implementation and Development. 2017 Year of SPHERONS’ Harmony of Humanity. Review of SPHERONS’ Argumentation: By Dr. Leo Semashko 2018: Year ofGlobal Harmony BRICS’s Priority: "To Strengthen of International Peace and Security" To establish the International Academy of Global Peace (IAGP): Dr. Leo Semashko- June 20th,2018 Happy Birth Day World Harmony Creator GHA Founder and the first President for 13 Years GHA Honorary President since April 2016, Global Peace Science (GPS) Hero, &GPS Initiator and Editor-in-Chief. June 21st,2018 - Global Harmony Day & June 21st,2018 'International Day of Yoga 4th UN International Day of Yoga 2018 International Day of Yoga'. June 21st, 2018 - Global Harmony Day GHA Message on Global Harmony Day2018: Universal Message of Global Peace Science is: one World - one Family -SPHERON’S HARMONY=Global Peace Science (GPS): 21st June,2018 -Global Harmony Day SAVE HUMANITY & EARTH THROUGH GPS & HARMONIOUS EDUCATION. Intellectual Triumph of Harmony in Collective Global Peace Science of 174 Co-authors from 34 Countries In English: We now have the solution to the problems we face on Earth... The new era of peace and great transformation can now begin through Global Peace Science & Spheron’s Harmony 2018: Year of Harmony: Let us Join the Global Peace Movement! GPS is science of peace, harmony & humanity, environment & enlightenment of spirit. GPS is a process of transformation of culture of war to Culture of Peace & harmony through love, peace cooperation and harmonious education. Global Peace Science (GPS) Book for saving the Earth planet & humanity is here: GPS is a scientific Peace Movement for creating an oneness of the world through social harmony, communication & cooperation in it. GHA invites all the Social and Political leaders, Scientists, Educators, Women Peace Leaders, Peace & Human Rights activists to join the GHA movement to Save the Earth Planet & Humanity through GPS as peace from harmony in the 21st century. Friendly greetings of Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra, President & Chairman Board GHA – Global harmony Association, India GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony,; M-+91 9910241586 Dear Leo Sir, Happy Birth Day! Let God bless you in the path of peace and harmony! Regards Prof. Pravat Kumar Dhal M.U., Bodhgaya India Dear Dr. Leo, Wish you happy Birthday! Wishing your long life you serve humanity with harmony. Yadam ji YADAM INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH Human Rights & Duties Research Center India ALL MY BEST WISHES HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dirk Wolfgang Schuster 20 июня Spain Лев , поздравляем с днём рождения! Величия, силы души богатства физического здоровья космического Алексей Панько Россия Dear Leo, My best of regards and warm greetings to you. The same to all friends. I wish you a creative and blessed Birth Day. How are you? on our part here I am editing a book Transformative Harmony which is coming out shortly. With regards, Sincerely Yours Ananta. -------------------------------------- Mr. Ananta Kumar Giri, PhD Professor Madras Institute of Development Studies 79, Second Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai, Adyar-600 020, India. Emails: Ph:0091-44-24412589 / 24412295ext.320 Fax: 0091-44-24910872 Web:¬†/ С Днём рождения, Лев Михайлович! С пожеланием здоровья и творческих успехов на пути к гармонии ЕленаНовоселова Россия Dear Leo. Belated Happy Birthday to you, Stay Blessed.Stay Happy and Peaceful. Thank you. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy India Добрый день, уважаемый Лео ! Поздравляю Вас с Днем Глобальной Гармонии! Желаю успехов, мира и счастья! С уважением, Кошурко А. Н. Кошурко Александр Николаевич Россия Здравствуйте и процветайте, Лев Михайлович! Поздравляю Вас с «мистическим» счастливым 77-летием и желаю Вам крепкого Здоровья, бодрости Духа, «а своими Мыслями и Поведением (Словом и Делом) соблюдай и сохраняй Гармонию Божественной Реальности (Theos Realis ТЕО-РИЯ), начиная с Самого Себя» (квч. из Новой Заповеди). Машихин Юрий Павлович Елизово, Камчатская область Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Yoga is wonderful for the mind and the body. ¬† Peace and violence are opposite, like Day and Night, occupying the same space. ¬† When Day enters, Night disappears. In Chengdu, China, the start of South Silk Road and the home of great poets Li Po and Du Fu, they are building a Peace Village and an India Cultural Center. Leo created GHA on June 21, to provide a great Chat Room for International peace workers to share ideas from each other and together to make the world a better place. ¬† A contribution!¬† 
Best wishes,
Lana Yang  Main Representative to the UN for IAEWP A Harmonious World Begins in the Mind Altruism is the Foundation of World Peace 22-06-18