Dear Leo, Subhash, Ela, Theodore, Rosa, Ramesh, Dr Merchant, GHA Friends, Greetings of Peace and Harmony from New Delhi On 1st February, a book entitled GANDHI’s VISION was launched in India International Centre. The book is authored by Aparna Basu, former Director of Gandhi Museum and Library, but unfortunately Professor Basu has passed away at the ripe age of 87 years. Her photo adorned the Hall. Her book is published by Niyogi Books The book was launched by three eminent persons, Dr Annamalai, present Director of Gandhi Museum and Library Prof Ashis Nandy, eminent scholar and author Sh Kumar Prashant, Director of Gandhi Peace Foundation. 
Lord Bhiku Parekh, well-known Gandhian scholar and author from UK was supposed to be present but due to his illness, his message was aired as a video. Lord Parekh recounted his meetings with Aparna Basu and informed that she had done some excellent studies of Mahatma Gandhi, which are now appearing in the present book. Many interesting aspects of Aparna Basu both as Director of thr Gandhi Museum and as a scholar of Gandhi were presented by the three eminent scholars sitting on the dais. A brief Q&A followed their speeches. The undersigned (Dr Ravi Bhatia) also asked a question that was answered by Prof Nandy in his usual witty manner. 
Three photos of the event including a picture of myself with Professor Nandy are attached below. All together an interesting and informative event regarding Mahatma Gandhi Peaceful greetings for harmony and well-being, Dr Ravi Bhatia Gandhian Scholar, Environmentalist Vice Chair, GHA International Jubilee Gandhi Committee 03-02-19 -----------------------------------------------------------
Dear Ravi, dear GHA members, friends, Greetings of peace from St-Petersburg! Many thanks Ravi for his wonderful info, which was published on the GHA website “Peace from Harmony” on special page “Aparna Basu. Gandhi’s Vision” together with his beautiful photos as part of the GHA International Jubilee "Gandhi Project" (, great books about Gandhi. Ravi could invite now “three eminent persons” and Lord Bhiku Parekh into the GHA GC as Honorary Co-Chairs that they can edit and sign the GC letter to Mr. Modi, PM of India about the “Gandhi World Year 2019” and “Gandhi Project” for it: . Is it possible for you? Who else from the GC could contact them? It will be great step of our GC. Today I am happy also to announce the translation by Susana Roberts into Spanish of our "World Gandhi Petition" and its publication here: . Thank you very much, we highly appreciate her - she is a true heroic translator of the GHA. And also about the publication of the personal page of our wonderful Honorary Vice-Chair Bishop Theodore here: Best, Leo 03-02-19 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Colleagues, Yesterday the French world citizens posted on its website a video and text concerning a march Jai Jagat to start 2 Oct in Delhi and end at the UN in Geneva. The idea was to join the march during its French and Geneva section. The march of 10,000 kiometers is to be led by Rajagopal P.V. who is the speaker of a well-made video of 5 min, he explaining the spirit of the march in Gandhian terms, non-violence, peace, land rights, organic agriculture. His presentation also contains shots of similar marches probably in India, people waving flags. The video is on youtube but I did not see the address and I am not used to Youtube, but you may be able to find it. Rajagopal mentions that the march is to go (hopefully) through Pakistan and Afghanistan and end in France and Geneva. However he did not mention the countries after Afghanistan. The video gave no contact address for more information or cooperation. I thought that our colleagues in India could find the hq for the march and see throlugh which countries it was plannning to go and what national organizations it had already contacted. I will ask our Paris colleagues how they were contacted. It looks like an effort that we can support. Best wishes, Rene Wadlow, France, Member, GHA International Jubilee Gandhi Committee 03-02-19 ----------------------------------------------------