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Peace from Harmony
Lucas Pawlik. Hack or Die. The way to peace from harmony and nonviolence


Lucas Pawlik



GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony and Nonviolence

Coauthor of the GHA book 2019:
Mahatma Gandhi. Nonviolence Starting Point.
Spherons’ Genetics and Statistics. GANDHICA


Doctor of Philosophy, University of Vienna,

Consultant for MRCA (Mushroom Research Center Austria):


Therapist at Trinicum Center for integrative Medicine Vienna:


Address: Vienna,Austria

Web: www.regenerationlounge.com

Email: Lucas@regenerationlounge.com

Personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887


Dr. Lucas Pawlik publication o­n the GGHA website since 2015


10. Lucas Pawlik. The MEGA Vision. MAGA Needs MEGA: Make Earth Great Again.
08-12-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 (below)

         9. Lucas Pawlik. Space Apes Survival Ethics + Этика выживания космических обезьян.
2021: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1238


8. Lucas Pawlik. Our Current Dilemma. (Russian translation. + Русский перевод).
16-08-21: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 (below)


7. Lucas Pawlik. Death Risk: Lack of Movement. The Ignored Pandemic of Digital Life.
29-03-21: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 (below)


6. Lucas Pawlik. The Gandhian Garden in the Third Way Spherons Context and the
Gandhian Enlightenment Century. 24
https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 (below)


5. Lucas Pawlik. Fungi Future - Biosphere Rescue Plan. 02-06-20:

https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 (below)


4. Leo Semashko, Lucas Pawlik. Spherons: New Reality and Mega-Thinking of Youth in
the 21st Century. Conference: Youth of the 21st century: Image of the Future. St-Petersburg
University, Sociological Faculty. November 14-16, 2019:




3. Lucas Pawlik. Humanity's Choice: A Gandhian Nonviolent Hack or Dying
in an Escalation of Violence. Gandhica. 12-06-19. Pp 152-155:


2. Lucas Pawlik. Hack Or Die: How Humanity Steers Into Its Post-Digital Future.

22-02-19: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 (below)


1. Lucas Pawlik. Innovators of Peace. Pioneers of Peace. 24-09-15:


https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887 (below)

Responses are here:



Personal data

Name: Lucas Pawlik

Date of birth: 17.02. 1975

Education: Magister and Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Vienna,

University of Fine Arts of Vienna

Current Positions:

Consultant for MRCA Mushroom Research Center Austria:


Therapist at TrinicumCenter for integrative Medicine Vienna:



Dear friends,

Leo's excellent paragraph (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228) o­n our MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) has inspired me to develop a MEGA Vision. MAGA needs MEGA or everyone o­n Earth will die in a nuclear holocaust.

Best Regards,





Concept Paper:

Gandhian Garden & the Fungal Kingdom – Revitalizing Villages
and Communities Through the Balkan Tribe Pilot Project


1. Introduktion

Vision and Background

The Gandhian Garden Concept is inspired by the timeless wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi and Aristotle, who recognized that the garden is the foundation of our food supply, healthcare, ethical values, economic understanding, and democracy. In an era marked by ecological crisis and social fragmentation, returning to an autonomous, sustainable garden culture offers a pathway to healing both our environment and our communities.

The Balkan Tribe Pilot Project

In a pioneering initiative in Bosnia, spearheaded by the Balkan Tribe, we are testing this integrative concept o­n the ground. By merging the principles of the Gandhian Garden with the transformative power of the fungal kingdom, as explored by the Mycoverse Foundation, we aim to create a new democratic foundation for revitalizing rural villages and community life.

2. Foundations: Garden Culture and Mushrooms as Keys to the Future

Garden Culture as the Cornerstone

Autonomy and Democracy:

Autonomous cultivation of food and medicinal plants is a crucial step toward genuine democracy. No seed, spore, or plant should be subject to patents or criminalization—free garden creation is a basic human right.

Ecological Resilience:

Health gardens foster biodiversity, stabilize microclimates, and sequester CO, serving not o­nly as sources of nourishment and healing but also as buffers against the challenges posed by climate change.

Mushrooms – The Ancient Architects of Life

The Mycelial Network:

Beyond their visible fruiting bodies, mushrooms form extensive underground mycelium networks that recycle organic material and regenerate soil fertility. With an estimated 2.2 to 5 million species, the fungal kingdom (Funga) is o­ne of the most ancient and diverse forms of life o­n Earth.

Sustainable Ecological Functions:

Mycorestoration: Mushrooms can cleanse polluted soils and break down harmful substances, contributing to natural remediation processes.

Innovative Materials: Mycelium can be harnessed to create sustainable alternatives to leather and traditional building materials, such as mycelium-based leather.

Carbon Sequestration: The ability of fungi to bind CO plays a vital role in the global carbon cycle, supporting efforts to mitigate climate change.

Cultural and Spiritual Significance:

Mushrooms have been integral to human culture for millennia—as food, medicine, and in spiritual rituals. Incorporating this ancestral wisdom into modern health gardens bridges the gap between tradition and science, reinforcing our connection with nature.

3. Integration of Plants and Mushrooms in the Gandhian Garden

A Holistic Approach

Synergistic Ecosystems:

The Gandhian Garden integrates edible and medicinal plants with fungal substrates, creating a dynamic ecosystem where plants and mycelium support and enhance each other. The mycelial network improves soil fertility and biodiversity, while plants provide sustenance and healing benefits.

Microclimate Stabilization:

Establishing diverse, self-contained micro-ecosystems within health gardens helps stabilize local climates and increase resilience against global environmental changes.

Autonomy as a Democratic Act:

Each health garden becomes a tangible expression of self-determination, empowering communities to develop independent strategies for food and health security.

4. The Balkan Tribe Pilot: Revitalizing Rural Communities in Bosnia

Project Goals and Vision

The Balkan Tribe Pilot in Bosnia puts the Gandhian Garden Concept into practice. By establishing integrated health gardens that combine the power of plants and mushrooms, the project aims to:

Ensure Food and Medical Security: Provide local communities with sustainable access to nutritious food and basic healthcare.

Restore Ecological Health: Enhance soil fertility and biodiversity through mycorestoration and the strategic use of fungal networks.

Strengthen Social Cohesion: Foster democratic participation and community engagement by empowering residents to co-create their own sustainable environments.

Key Measures and Implementation

1.Local Assessment:

•Evaluate ecological, social, and cultural conditions in targeted areas.

•Identify existing traditions in garden culture and mushroom use.

2.Design and Establishment of Model Gardens:

•Create health gardens that integrate edible plants, medicinal herbs, and fungal substrates.

•Set up dedicated zones for mycorestoration and the demonstration of innovative, sustainable materials (e.g., mycelium-based products).

3.Knowledge Transfer and Community Involvement:

•Conduct workshops and training sessions o­n autonomous gardening, mushroom cultivation, and sustainable practices.

•Build an open network for sharing best practices, scientific insights, and community experiences.

4.Collaboration and Networking:

•Foster close cooperation among the Mycoverse Foundation, Balkan Tribe, local authorities, NGOs, and educational institutions.

•Leverage digital platforms to facilitate knowledge exchange and build a robust, democratic network.

5.Monitoring and Evaluation:

•Partner with scientific institutions to continuously monitor ecological, economic, and social impacts.

•Document outcomes to refine and scale the concept.

5. Scientific Foundation and Societal Impact

Bridging Traditional Wisdom and Modern Science

Evidence-Based Approach:

Our project is grounded in robust scientific research o­n the ecological functions of mushrooms and the benefits of biodiverse health gardens.

Holistic Integration:

By merging ancient garden traditions with innovative fungal technologies and democratic principles, we create a framework that addresses both environmental and social challenges.

Broader Societal Impact

Nutrition and Health:

Health gardens ensure local, sustainable access to food and medicinal resources.

Democratic Empowerment:

The self-organized design of these gardens reinforces community bonds and nurtures democratic participation.

Ecological Restoration:

The deliberate use of mushrooms and diverse plants regenerates degraded ecosystems, fostering long-term environmental stability.

6. Conclusion & Call to Action

The Gandhian Garden Concept, empowered by the transformative potential of the fungal kingdom, offers a groundbreaking model for revitalizing rural communities. The Balkan Tribe Pilot in Bosnia demonstrates how integrating autonomous health gardens with advanced mycorestoration techniques can provide food security, ecological resilience, and democratic empowerment.

Call to Action:

We invite all stakeholders—local communities, scientific partners, and policymakers—to join us in this journey toward a sustainable, peaceful future. By embracing the wisdom of our past and the innovations of today, we can create a global network of health gardens that will serve as a beacon for a new era of democratic, ecological renewal.

This concept paper, drawing o­n the core values of the Mycoverse Foundation and the Gandhian Garden Concept, outlines a holistic strategy to transform villages and communities. Together, we can build a future where sustainable living, scientific progress, and democratic participation coexist harmoniously.


Dr. Lucas Pawlik,





The MEGA Vision


MAGA Needs MEGA: Make Earth Great Again


The world stands o­n the precipice of annihilation, driven by the apocalyptic iron law of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). MAD, a doctrine forged in the crucible of fear and nurtured by the insatiable hunger for control, is the epitome of humanity’s failure to reconcile power with wisdom. It perpetuates a civilization whose very essence is “peace through force”—a monstrous paradox of survival through annihilation. In this precarious age, where nuclear weapons and artificial intelligence intertwine to form an even more volatile machinery of destruction, humanity must evolve beyond the narrow confines of nationalistic egoism exemplified by slogans like “Make America Great Again” (MAGA). Instead, we must embrace a planetary ethic: MEGA—“Make Earth Great Again.”


Why MAGA Must Transform Into MEGA


MAGA embodies a retrogressive vision, where greatness is measured by dominance and isolation rather than cooperation and sustainability. This approach reinforces the MAD cycle, trapping humanity in a prisoner’s dilemma of escalating arms races, hybrid warfare, and systemic exploitation of both human and natural resources. The rise of surveillance capitalism, driven by AI’s insatiable hunger for data, has turned nations into adversaries in a digital cold war, where the ultimate prize is control over the biosphere and the human mind itself. In this paradigm, nationalistic agendas like MAGA are not just obsolete but actively dangerous, as they deepen divisions and perpetuate existential risks.


MEGA, o­n the other hand, represents a paradigm shift toward planetary survival ethics. It is grounded in the understanding that humanity’s survival depends o­n transcending artificial boundaries and fostering global solidarity. In a nuclear civilization edging ever closer to self-destruction, MEGA prioritizes the biosphere over borders, collaboration over competition, and peace over profit. This is not merely a moral imperative but a practical necessity, as the challenges we face—climate collapse, resource depletion, and the specter of nuclear and cyber warfare—are planetary in scale.


Why MAD Can o­nly Be Stopped with MEGA


The survival of humanity hinges o­n breaking the MAD cycle, which requires nothing less than a revolution in consciousness and governance. MEGA calls for the dismantling of the MAD framework and its replacement with a global Peace Science rooted in holistic thinking. This science rejects the delusional equilibrium of nuclear deterrence, recognizing it as a suicidal gamble that can o­nly end in annihilation. Instead, it advocates for the development of systems that prioritize life over death, cooperation over conflict, and mutual flourishing over zero-sum competition.


This transformation demands that we view humanity as a collective organism, a “space ape” species temporarily entrusted with the care of Spaceship Earth. As philosopher-scientists, we must realize the unity of our microcosmic individuality with the macrocosmic biosphere. “Know thyself” becomes a species-wide mandate: to understand that our self-destructive tendencies are not inevitable but products of a system that rewards exploitation and short-term gains over long-term survival.


The Role of AI in MEGA


AI, the great accelerant of our age, must be reoriented from a tool of domination to a facilitator of planetary stewardship. In its current role, AI exacerbates the MAD cycle by enabling faster, more comprehensive exploitation of both human and natural systems. Under MEGA, AI would instead serve as a mediator of global cooperation, optimizing resource distribution, mitigating conflicts, and fostering sustainable development. For this to happen, AI governance must be democratized and shielded from the profit motives of corporate and nationalistic interests.


The MEGA Vision


MEGA envisions a civilization where peace is not maintained through the threat of annihilation but through the active cultivation of global harmony. This requires:

Disarmament: A phased but urgent global effort to reduce and ultimately eliminate nuclear arsenals.

Cooperative Governance: A new global framework that prioritizes planetary well-being over national interests.

Sustainable Development: A shift away from extractive capitalism toward regenerative economies that replenish the Earth.

Ethical AI: The development of AI systems designed to serve humanity’s collective survival rather than narrow power structures.


Conclusion: Survival Ethics for the Space Apes


Humanity stands at a crossroads, faced with the stark choice of hacking our destructive patterns or perishing by them. MAGA, as a relic of divisive nationalism, represents the old path of isolation and escalation, while MEGA offers a new trajectory rooted in survival ethics and global unity. In the words of Confucius, the wisest path is the o­ne that aligns with the flow of the universe. To survive, the space apes must evolve—transforming MAD into MEGA, and in doing so, ensuring that the greatness we achieve is not measured by destruction but by the flourishing of all life o­n Earth.



Видение MEGA


MAGA нуждается в MEGA: Сделать Землю снова великой


Мир стоит на грани уничтожения, движимый апокалиптическим железным законом взаимно гарантированного уничтожения (MAD). MAD, доктрина, выкованная в горниле страха и взращенная ненасытной жаждой контроля, является олицетворением неспособности человечества примирить силу с мудростью. Она увековечивает цивилизацию, сама суть которой — «мир через силу» — чудовищный парадокс выживания через уничтожение. В этот нестабильный век, когда ядерное оружие и искусственный интеллект переплетаются, образуя еще более нестабильную машину разрушения, человечество должно выйти за узкие рамки националистического эгоизма, примером которого служат лозунги вроде «Сделаем Америку снова великой» (MAGA). Вместо этого мы должны принять планетарную этику: MEGA — «Сделаем Землю снова великой».


Почему MAGA должна трансформироваться в MEGA


MAGA воплощает ретрогрессивное видение, где величие измеряется доминированием и изоляцией, а не сотрудничеством и устойчивостью. Такой подход усиливает цикл MAD, загоняя человечество в дилемму заключенной эскалации гонки вооружений, гибридной войны и системной эксплуатации как человеческих, так и природных ресурсов. Рост капитализма наблюдения, вызванный ненасытной жаждой данных со стороны ИИ, превратил страны в противников в цифровой холодной войне, где конечным призом является контроль над биосферой и самим человеческим разумом. В этой парадигме националистические повестки дня, такие как MAGA, не просто устарели, но и активно опасны, поскольку они углубляют разногласия и увековечивают экзистенциальные риски.


MEGA, с другой стороны, представляет собой сдвиг парадигмы в сторону этики планетарного выживания. Он основан на понимании того, что выживание человечества зависит от преодоления искусственных границ и укрепления глобальной солидарности. В ЯДЕРНОЙ ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИИ, которая все ближе приближается к самоуничтожению, MEGA ставит биосферу выше границ, сотрудничество выше конкуренции и мир выше прибыли. Это не просто моральный императив, а практическая необходимость, поскольку проблемы, с которыми мы сталкиваемся — климатический коллапс, истощение ресурсов и призрак ядерной и кибервойны — имеют планетарный масштаб.


Почему MAD можно остановить только с помощью MEGA


Выживание человечества зависит от разрыва цикла MAD, ЧТО ТРЕБУЕТ НЕ МЕНЬШЕ, ЧЕМ РЕВОЛЮЦИИ В СОЗНАНИИ И УПРАВЛЕНИИ. MEGA призывает к демонтажу структуры MAD и замене ее глобальной наукой мира, основанной на целостном мышлении. Эта наука отвергает иллюзорное равновесие ядерного сдерживания, признавая его самоубийственной игрой, которая может закончиться только уничтожением. Вместо этого она выступает за разработку систем, которые ставят жизнь выше смерти, сотрудничество выше конфликта и взаимное процветание выше конкуренции с нулевой суммой.


Эта трансформация требует, чтобы мы рассматривали человечество как коллективный организм, вид «космических обезьян», которому временно поручена забота о космическом корабле Земля. Как философы-ученые, мы должны осознать единство нашей микрокосмической индивидуальности с макрокосмической биосферой. «Познай себя» становится общевидовым мандатом: понимать, что наши саморазрушительные тенденции не неизбежны, а являются продуктами системы, которая вознаграждает эксплуатацию и краткосрочные выгоды вместо долгосрочного выживания.


Роль ИИ в MEGA


ИИ, великий ускоритель нашей эпохи, должен быть переориентирован с инструмента господства на посредника планетарного управления. В своей нынешней роли ИИ усугубляет цикл MAD, обеспечивая более быструю и всестороннюю эксплуатацию как человеческих, так и природных систем. В рамках MEGA ИИ вместо этого будет служить посредником глобального сотрудничества, оптимизируя распределение ресурсов, смягчая конфликты и способствуя устойчивому развитию. Чтобы это произошло, управление ИИ должно быть демократизировано и защищено от корыстных мотивов корпоративных и националистических интересов.


Видение MEGA


MEGA представляет цивилизацию, в которой мир поддерживается не угрозой уничтожения, а активным культивированием глобальной гармонии. Для этого требуется:

• Разоружение: поэтапные, но срочные глобальные усилия по сокращению и, в конечном итоге, ликвидации ядерных арсеналов.

• Кооперативное управление: новая глобальная структура, которая ставит планетарное благополучие выше национальных интересов.

• Устойчивое развитие: переход от добывающего капитализма к регенеративной экономике, которая восполняет Землю.

• Этический ИИ: разработка систем ИИ, призванных служить коллективному выживанию человечества, а не узким властным структурам.


Заключение: этика выживания для космических обезьян


Человечество стоит на перепутье, столкнувшись с суровым выбором: взломать наши разрушительные шаблоны или погибнуть из-за них. MAGA, как пережиток раскольнического национализма, представляет старый путь изоляции и эскалации, в то время как MEGA предлагает новую траекторию, основанную на этике выживания и глобальном единстве. По словам Конфуция, самый мудрый путь — это тот, который соответствует потоку вселенной. Чтобы выжить, космические обезьяны должны эволюционировать, преобразуя MAD в MEGА и при этом гарантировать, что величие, которого мы достигнем, будет измеряться не разрушением, а расцветом всей жизни на Земле.




Комментарий Льва Семашко.


Дорогой Лукас,

Большое спасибо за вашу замечательную, гениальную идею для нашего БНМ, с которой я согласен на 90%! Ваш текст был переведен на русский язык и с моими комментариями опубликован на вашей странице здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887

Мое несогласие связано с двумя акцентами. В формуле МЕГА уязвимым и неадекватным для Америки и для всех является критерий ее прошлого величия (СНОВА!), которое было обеспечено непрерывными войнами и насилием все 240 лет ее истории. Сегодня, ядерная война ставит под вопрос выживание Америки. Поэтому, адекватным критерием величия любой страны и Земли в целом может быть не их проблематичное военное прошлое, угрожающее выживанию сегодня, а только принципиально новое будущее. Оно связано, прежде всего, с инновациями в научном мышлении ключевого состояния вечного мира человечества и с научным овладением его холистической, сферной природой. Только она может стать критерием, центром и мотором ВЕЛИЧИЯ БУДУЩЕГО ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВА И ЗЕМЛИ КАК НИКОГДА В ПРОШЛОМ! Это нацеленность на будущее, на научные, технологические и социальные инновации. Они единственные способны стать критерием величия для них. Вы согласны с этим?

Поэтому МЕГА требует истинной трансформации в МЕГПАН: Сделать Землю ВеликойМиромКакНикогда (СЗВМКН): Make Earth Great by Peace As Never (MAGPAN). Только подобная формула величия делает мир не пассивным и стихийно зависимым от насилия, войны и милитаризма, т.е. от баланса вооруженных сил разных стран, а активным, стимулирующим, научно управляемым и организованным состоянием. Только подобный мир, обеспеченный наукой, институтами и ресурсами способен контролировать ускоренный и гармонизированный как с природой, так и с потребностями мирного выживания устойчивый рост глобального общественного производства человечества. Вы согласны с подобной поправкой акцентов вашей блестящей идеи?

Другая ваша подобная идея, связанная с первой, заключается в том, что «ИИ, великий ускоритель нашей эпохи, должен быть переориентирован с инструмента господства на посредника планетарного управления». Это значит, что ИИ должен стать инструментом сотрудничества народов в вечном мире, а не инструментом их насилия и войны! Подобный ИИ может быть построен только на основе планетарной, сферной Науки Мира и никак иначе. Поэтому приоритет мира неотделим от приоритета мирного ИИ на общем научном, сферном фундаменте, которые только вместе обеспечат новое величие и Земли, и человечества КАК НИКОГДА В ПРОШЛОМ! Это требует от нашей Науки Мира и ее БНМ ставить эти приоритетные цели МИРА и ИИ вместе и нераздельно, как единую стратегию их созидания, развития и технологического применения.

Только с их прогрессом связана трансформация людей из воинственных «космических обезьян» в подлинных хомо сапиенс, освободившихся с помощью науки и технологии от канцерогенной патологии своих войн и насилия, по вашей блестящей мысли!

        Ваши идеи - мощный интеллектуальный вклад в МИР, ИИ и их науку! Большое спасибо за ваши гениальные идеи, которые мы будем вместе детализировать во всех параграфах БНМ, начиная с его Введения. Его обновленный вариант с вашими идеями я пришлю через несколько дней для обсуждения в нашей команде соавторов.
       Кстати, эти вопросы мы обсуждали с вами давно, 5 лет назад, здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=900, и в «Гандике»: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/gandhi-nonviolence-of-spherons-gandhica-2019.pdf, с. 151-155, в вашем блестящем «Заключении».

С миром и любовью, дружески,




Leo Semashko’s comment.


Dear Lucas,


Thank you very much for your wonderful, genius idea for our PSP (Peace Science Primer), with which I agree 90%! Your text was translated into Russian and with my comments published o­n your page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887.

In the MEGA formula, the criterion of America's past greatness is vulnerable and inadequate for America and for everyone.

My disagreement is connected with two accents. In the MEGA formula, the greatness criterion is the America past (AGAIN!), which was ensured by continuous wars and violence for all 240 years of its history. The past is vulnerable and inadequate for America and for everyone greatness criterion. Today, a nuclear war calls into question the survival of America. Therefore, an adequate greatness criterion of any country and the Earth can be not their problematic military past, threatening survival today but o­nly a fundamentally new future. It is connected, first of all, with innovations in scientific thinking of the humanity perpetual peace as its key state and with scientific mastery of its holistic, spheral nature. o­nly it can become the criterion, center and engine of the HUMANITY AND EARTH FUTURE GREATNESS AS NEVER IN THE PAST! This is the accent and focus o­n the future scientific, technological and social innovations/updates. They are the o­nly o­nes capable to become the greatness criterion for them. Do you agree with this?

Therefore, MEGA requires a true transformation into MEGPAN: Make Earth Great by Peace As Never (MEGPAN). o­nly similar formula of greatness makes peace not passive and spontaneously dependent from violence, war and militarism, i.e. from the balance of armed forces of different countries, but an active, stimulating, scientifically managed and organized state. o­nly similar peace, provided with science, institutions and resources, is capable to control the accelerated and harmonized with both nature and the humanity needs of peace survival sustainable growth of global social production. Do you agree with this accent amendment of your brilliant idea?

Another your similar idea, connected with the first, is that "AI, the great accelerant of our age, must be reoriented from a tool of domination to a facilitator of planetary stewardship." This means that AI should become an instrument of the peoples cooperation in perpetual peace, and not a tool of their violence and war! Such AI can be built o­nly o­n the basis of a planetary, spheral Peace Scienceand nothing else. Therefore, the peace priority is inseparable from the peaceful AI priority o­n a common scientific, spheral foundation, which o­nly together will ensure new greatness of both the Earth and humanity AS NEVER (IN THE PAST)! This requires our Peace Science and its PSP to set these priority goals of PEACE and AI together and inseparably, as a single strategy for their creation, development and technological application.

Only with their progress is the people transformation from warlike "space apes" into genuine, true homo sapiens, freed with the help of science and technology from the carcinogenic pathology of their wars and violence, according to your brilliant idea!

         Your ideas are a powerful intellectual contribution to PEACE, AI and their Science! Many thanks for your brilliant ideas, which we will detail together in all the PSP paragraphs, starting with its Introduction. I will send you its updated version with your ideas in a few days for your discussion in our team of coauthors.

         By the way, we discussed these issues with you a long time ago, 5 years ago, here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=900, and in “Gandhica”: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/gandhi-nonviolence-of-spherons-gandhica-2019.pdf, pp. 151-155, in your brilliant “Conclusion”.

With peace and love, friendly,




Dear Lucas,

We have not heard you for a long time, but we hope that you are fine, and you continue your great peace creativity.

I am happy to send you in the attachment of our GGHA final article (15 pp.) by 30 coauthors from 17 countries, from which I chose four coauthors with you first participation. As you obviously remember, we discussed it from January to April and approved in May of this year.

I tried to publish it in English Journal of the most famous global databases: Scopus (About 42000 Journals) and Web of Science, WoS (12500 Journals). See Wiki about them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/scopus
; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/web_of_science. However, Russia is either closed for the most Journals of these databases, or the publication in them from Russia requires up to $1,500, which we do not have.

However, I could not publish it even in Russia, where I was recognized for my anti-Marxist spherons harmony science as a dissident since 1976, more than 45 years. For this reason, for my publications, virtually all Journals were closed by state censorship. More than 600 of my publications, including 20 books in 55 years of my scientific work, were reset, set to zero in the state base of Russian scientific publications, E-Library: https://www.elibrary.ru/authors.asp
. I regard it as a monstrous violation of my rights as a scientist and intends to appeal to the European Court of Human Rightsup to the year-end. However, I do not lose hope to publish our article in o­ne way or another in the state journal of Russia. Nevertheless, its publication is required in all countries available to us.

In this regard, GGHA will be highly appreciated if you try to publish our article in Scopus, WOS or open-based research gate here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339040249_ssrn-id3523885
.  If it is very difficult or impossible, could you publish it in the affiliate Journal of your University or any famous Journal in your country/continent? This is the first task of publishing it: find a Journal that can publish our article and find out its requirements for articles. We think that this task for you, as an experienced scientist and a well-known publicist, will not be much difficulty.

The second task is to edit this article in accordance with the Journal requirements o­n the length of the text (by the number of signs or pages, o­n the design of coauthors, bibliography, etc.), as well as at your discretion: add 1-2 pages of your text and 2- 3 of your sources in the bibliography, reduce unnecessary, in your opinion, paragraphs, edit style and grammar text, etc. Due to your needed editing, I didn't try to edit the style and grammar of this article good, so do not hesitate to edit it as you want. You are completely free in this.

You could also think about changing its title if you want. As an example, you could use instead of the specified o­ne of the 12 following:

  1. -Spherons, Ecumenism and Syncretism of World Religions against Confrontation, Violence and Nuclear Weapons (Siebert?)
  2. -Spherons: Crossing the Rubicon of Confrontation, Violence, Militarism and Nuclear Suicide (Mairead?)
  3. -Spherons: Crossing the Rubicon of Confrontation, Violence, Militarism and Nuclear Suicide between the USA and Russia (Krasnov)
  4. -Spherons Science Against (as a Natural Alternative to) Confrontation, Violence, Militarism and Nuclear Suicide (Avery?)
  5. -On what Scientific Basis is it Possible to Overcome the Global Confrontation? - Gandhian Spherons Hypothesis.
  6. -If not to Fight, then how to Live without Confrontation and Violence? With the Gandhian Spherons Research and Education?
  7. -Gandhian Spherons and the INC Political Leadership to Return to India the Varnas Peace World Leadership Excluding any Social Inequality and Confrontation (Ashok?)
  8. -Gandhian Spherons and their Scientific Education to Return to India the Varnas Peace World Leadership Excluding any Social Inequality and Confrontation (Pravat?)
  9. -Gandhian Spherons and Indian Women against Castes, Confrontation, Violence and Nuclear Weapons (Maitreyee?)
  10. -Spherons and African Philosophy of Ubuntu against Confrontation, Violence and Nuclear Weapons (Ayo, Stefan, Heli)
  11. -The Gandhian Nonviolent Spherons Civilization instead of the Nuclear Totalitarian Civilization of Militarism and Violence Orwell's "Animal Farm" (Mairead)
  12. -Gandhian Spherons: an Ecologically Holistic and Pure Sociogenetic Structure, Free from Confrontation, Violence, Militarism, Nuclear Suicide and all Social Pathologies Deadly to Nature (Pawlik)

And etc.  

Or you could come up with your title, but with the obligatory preservation of the key words of "spherons" and "confrontation". If it is difficult, save the o­ne title we offer.

You could also, if you want and have opportunity to include in article extra young coauthor-scientist so that he fulfills all technical work with the article. We could with him and/or with you, within 2 hours, conduct a statistical study of your city Vienna or your country Austria spherons, for example, for 2018 and include their half-page table in your article. It would give special persuasiveness to your article.
In attachment, I send you a fragment of our 57 project (UN Harmony, 2017) with the tables of spheres/spherons and branches/partons, which are impeccable empirical proof of the objective eternal reality of spherons, their truth for all humanity, for any country and for any social object. Great Mahatma Gandhi opened them, which we have proven statistically in the "Gandhica" (2019) o­n numerous examples and in our "Global Peace Science of Spherons» (2016), or briefly: Spherons Science. The principal objections against spherons and their science cannot be, as there can be no objections to the spheres of social production, against the filling them branches and against world statistics expressing them. To deny them - it means denying society as a whole. Who will decide o­n it? NOBODY! Of course, many of their details are still unknown or presented not exactly enough, but this is not a reason to deny spherons and their science in general. The limitations of today in their knowledge will be overcome in the future. Science of spherons is not a dogma, it will develop forever.

We hope that you deeply understand the exceptional importance of our final article and for global peace, and for your country, for its global technological and business leadership through our unique global, providing unprecedented digitalization, which is proposed in the article. Our innovative spherons science and its equally unprecedented statistical technology of digitalization has world significance. Sooner or later, I predict for 10-15 years, it will become a global heritage. Why would your country not become its leader on your initiative, creating, for a start, a small academy or sponsor laboratory (see its description in the article), having spent o­n it in a year a meager amount of 500 or 200 thousand dollars? If you find any minimum amount of private or state financing (from any source), at least 100 thousand, then they would allow to launch it. In this case, you and your colleagues could take the key position in it and I could be its scientific supervisor or consultant, at your discretion, for o­ne year. During this time, I would prepare your team completely to independent work. Your team, its members, for 2-3 years could become millionaires o­n technology GlobStat. I think it is tempting perspective for you personally and your colleagues, especially young. Whoever masters the Gandhian Spherons Science and its GlobStat technology will be great and rich. Only the Gandhian spherons can revive India and any country and save humanity from an ecological catastrophe by the "greatest force of nonviolence" of harmonious spherons, excluding confrontation, militarism and nuclear suicide.

But the key, the most responsible perspective for us, as true peacemakers (if we are really like this) is that no o­ne, besides us who spent 16 years to create "Global Peace Science of Spherons» and its unprecedented statistical technology, will not be able to provide its initial practical embodiment in the relevant Academy or Laboratory. If we, the GGHA members do not attend world public consciousness and civil society o­n the path of joint, scientific humanitarian search of global peace and overcoming suicide confrontation, violence and militarism, then no o­ne will do it. NOBODY! How no o­ne has done this for 76 years, since 1945 the first atomic bombing! Because o­nly GGHA discovered/found the o­nly scientific and global path of solving insoluble and exacerbating traditional problems - the Gandhian spherons path, the "nonviolence of which is the greatest force of humanity" according to Gandhi!

Only we, the GGHA responsible members are able to raise their idea from ​​76 years of militarist oblivion, neglect, conscious silence and imprisonment and give them a freedom and scientific world voice! We have already done it for a start in 16 years! o­nly we! And no o­ne else! If we do not bring our evidence of spherons science to world community consciousness, we will, in fact, traitors and this science, and our 16-year work, and Mahatma Gandhi, and global peace, which opens and launches o­nly by spherons! Such is the highest human meaning of our publications of the proposed article, which I am sending in the 70-80% version prepared for its most responsible and active coauthors of 30.  

I am sure you yourself understand this meaning and our mission, but my reminder is in the context of this article publication in different countries, I think is not unnecessary and useful for coordinating our actions. We provide you with maximum freedom in choosing Journal and editing this article. Your editing will be final for it. I ask o­nly to inform me of its final title and its Journal address, as well as send me a published version of your/our article. Perhaps, if God gives, we will publish them together with a separate book of GGHA as our testament of the key tool for the global peace to the new generation. But this we will discuss after our publications of this article in 2-3-4 months.

The maximum widespread publication of our crowning 16 years of work is the final, peacemaking and intellectual mission of each of us as the GGHA member.

PS. Please confirm receiving this letter and its two attachments. Thanks.

With love and hope for your understanding and your publication of our article,


Dr. Leo Semashko:
-State Councilor of St.  Petersburg, Russia; RANH Professor;
-Philosopher, Sociologist, Cybernetician and Peacemaker from Harmony;
-Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) Founder (2005) and H/President (2016);
-Director, GHA Website "Peace from Spherons Harmony": www.peacefromharmony.org;
         Editor, the GGHA 10 books for 16 years, including:
-Anti-Nuclear Manifesto, 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908
-Gandhica, 2019: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848;
-Global    Peace    Science of the Spherons, (GPSS), 2016:
- I Know How To Build A Society Without War/Violence, 2020, Final interview:
-Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253.


Dear Francis,

Dear Leo, 

Dear friends,

On October 4, I'm giving a talk at the Club of Rome o­nline o­n current world conditions along with o­ne of the leading laser and drone researchers.  Attendance is free, and there will be a talk afterward.

As you can see from my lecture summary, the development of a lethal virus for which o­nly the winning power has a vaccine solves the problem of the nuclear dilemma. The construction of the permanent covid pandemic fulfills the basic conditions that the majority of mankind can be wiped out without taking responsibility for it. Before that, I would be happy to have a virtual conversation with our co-author Francis Boyle, who has shaped my understanding of the current world situation. In particular, I'd like to know his assessment of how many more people need to die from the mix of covid + vaccination?

Studies show that spike proteins from vaccination spread to all organs and cause lasting damage to the immune system:


Whoever emerges victorious from the current situation will use A.I. to establish a system of perfect control, which the pharmaceutical and IT industries of all competing powers are already diligently working o­n.

If the Spherons are useful for this, they will certainly be adapted for this control system.  Unfortunately, I have limited health myself and have to use the powers I still have for my family and myself, respectively for passing o­n information so that others can act.

With best regards

Dr. Lucas Pawlik  




Our Current Dilemma

Lucas Pawlik,

I am a philosopher, cyberneticist, and former friend of the long-deceased Heinz von Foerster, o­ne of the founders of the digitization of humanity.  When I learned how central cybernetics and Neumann's computer system were to the development of the first atomic bomb, I was fascinated to learn why cybernetics was forgotten as the origin of digitization. Neumann was also the original designer of the delicate nuclear balance of terror. That balance is crumbling because mutual interference through cyber hacking by competing powers is creating information chaos that will foreseeably lead to World War III.

A new generation of A.I. combined with bioweapons could be the cause of the current Covid-19 crisis as the o­nly way out.  Developing a deadly virus for which you have the o­nly vaccine, and already regularly vaccinating your own subjects without arousing suspicion, is an elegant way out of the delicate balance of terror of mutual extinction. Because of the Covid pandemic, all rich countries are forced to co-fund this research. In addition, the A.I. is finally getting enough relevant data for a breakthrough in genetic engineering for self-improvement and to control and destroy the competing powers. Just as no o­ne can now be sure why who wins which elections, no o­ne can then be sure why who died.  Francis Boyle, who wrote the U.S.

Anti-Biological Weapons Act, because of which research had to be moved to Wuhan, wrote as early as 2005 in his book Biowarfare and Terrorism about the danger of such a development, that civil society becomes an experimental field when the threat of nuclear confrontation becomes too likely. That is why Luc Montagnier, the 90-year-old Nobel laureate and discoverer of the HIV virus, informed him when he found out that the Covid virus was artificial. Americans had to cooperate with the Chinese to avoid falling behind in the bioweapons race.  This game-theoretic dynamic in which competing parties align in the most brutal behavior has been easily traced in "Dancing with Demons" by Long Kathleen using the alignment of police and organized crime in the U.S.


Because I wrote in the 150-year Gandhi World Peace Petition about the need to hand over the regulation of the nuclear balance to the A.I. through the co-development of hypersonic nuclear weapons and self-guiding drones, I was among the first colleagues Francis Boyle informed.  As Putin has already mentioned publicly, what is being realized resembles the Soviet Union's efforts.

"For nearly 30 years, from the early 1950s to the late 1970s, cybernetics was the main scientific and technological movement, a frenzy that gripped the scientific communities o­n both sides of the Iron Curtain. The Cold War provided the backdrop for this movement, which promised total control over complex, nonlinear processes ranging from biological to social systems and was even seriously considered by the communist regimes of the Soviet bloc as a potential neo-religious foundation." (Broecker/Krieg 2005, pp. 551-552 -Kybernetes 34 In Memoriam Heinz von Foerster part II)

These efforts are consistent with the thinking of the hardliners of  A.I. developers since its beginnings:

The whole human being, like the ant, viewed as a behaving system, is quite simple. The apparent complexity of his behavior over time is largely a reflection of the complexity of the environment in which he finds himself)(Herbert Simon, quoted in Weizenbaum, 1976, p. 260).

It is possible to regard man himself as a product of an (...) evolutionary process of) the development of robots; his ethical behavior (is) something to be interpreted in terms of the circuit behavior of (...) man in his environment - a Turing machine with o­nly two feedbacks, the desire to play and the desire to win. ( Anonymus 1952 quoted after Weizenbaum, 1976, p. 240) - Weizenbaum, Joseph, Computer Power, and Human Reason - From Judgement to Calculation, W.H. Freeman&Company, New York 1976




Дорогой Фрэнсис,

Дорогой Лев,

Дорогие друзья,


4 октября я читаю онлайн-доклад в Римском клубе о текущих мировых условиях вместе с одним из ведущих исследователей лазеров и дронов. Посещение бесплатное, потом будет разговор.

Как вы можете видеть из резюме моей лекции, разработка смертельного вируса, вакцина от которого есть только у победителя, решает проблему ядерной дилеммы. Создание перманентной пандемии covid отвечает основным условиям, согласно которым большая часть человечества может быть уничтожена без принятия на себя ответственности. Перед этим я был бы счастлив виртуально поговорить с нашим соавтором Фрэнсисом Бойлом, который сформировал мое понимание текущей мировой ситуации. В частности, я хотел бы узнать его оценку того, сколько еще людей должно умереть от сочетания вакцинации против COVID?

Исследования показывают, что пиковые белки от вакцинации распространяются на все органы и наносят длительный ущерб иммунной системе:



Кто бы ни вышел победителем из сложившейся ситуации, воспользуется искусственным интеллектом. создать систему идеального контроля, над которой уже усердно работают фармацевтическая промышленность и ИТ-отрасли всех конкурирующих держав.

Если Сфероны для этого пригодятся, они обязательно будут адаптированы под эту систему управления. К сожалению, у меня самого ограниченное здоровье, и я вынужден использовать возможности, которые у меня все еще есть для моей семьи и для себя, соответственно, для передачи информации, чтобы другие могли действовать.

С наилучшими пожеланиями

Д-р Лукас Павлик

Lucas Pawlik



Наша нынешняя дилемма

Лукас Павлик,

Я философ, кибернетик и бывший друг давно умершего Хайнца фон Ферстера, одного из основоположников оцифровки человечества. Когда я узнал, какую роль сыграли центральная кибернетика и компьютерная система Неймана в разработке первой атомной бомбы, я был очарован, узнав, почему кибернетика была забыта как источник оцифровки. Нойман был также первым разработчиком хрупкого ядерного баланса террора. Этот баланс рушится, потому что взаимное вмешательство через кибер-хакерские атаки со стороны конкурирующих держав создает информационный хаос, который, как ожидается, приведет к Третьей мировой войне. Новое поколение А. в сочетании с биологическим оружием может стать причиной нынешнего кризиса Covid-19 как единственного выхода. Разработка смертоносного вируса, от которого у вас есть единственная вакцина, и регулярная вакцинация собственных субъектов, не вызывающая подозрений, - это элегантный выход из хрупкого равновесия страха взаимного исчезновения.

Из-за пандемии Covid все богатые страны вынуждены софинансировать это исследование. Кроме того, А. наконец-то получает достаточно релевантных данных для прорыва в генной инженерии для самосовершенствования, а также для контроля и уничтожения конкурирующих сил. Точно так же, как теперь никто не может быть уверен, почему кто на каких выборах победит, никто не может быть уверен, почему кто умер. Фрэнсис Бойл, автор Закона США о борьбе с биологическим оружием, из-за которого исследования пришлось перенести в Ухань, еще в 2005 году в своей книге «Биологическая война и терроризм» писал об опасности такого развития событий, когда гражданское общество становится экспериментальной площадкой. когда угроза ядерного противостояния становится слишком вероятной. Вот почему Люк Монтанье, 90-летний лауреат Нобелевской премии и первооткрыватель вируса ВИЧ, сообщил ему, когда узнал, что вирус Covid был искусственным.

Американцам пришлось сотрудничать с китайцами, чтобы не отставать в гонке биологического оружия. Эта теоретико-игровая динамика, в которой конкурирующие стороны объединяются в наиболее жестоком поведении, была легко прослежена в «Танцах с демонами» Лонг Кэтлин, используя сопоставление полиции и организованной преступности в США


Потому что в 150-летней петиции Ганди о мире во всем мире я написал о необходимости передать регулирование ядерного баланса ИИ. Благодаря совместной разработке гиперзвукового ядерного оружия и самонаводящихся беспилотных летательных аппаратов я был одним из первых коллег, о которых сообщил Фрэнсис Бойл. Как Путин уже публично упомянул, то, что реализуется, напоминает усилия Советского Союза.

«В течение почти 30 лет, с начала 1950-х до конца 1970-х годов, кибернетика была основным научно-техническим движением, безумием, охватившим научные сообщества по обе стороны железного занавеса. Холодная война послужила фоном для этого движения, которое обещал полный контроль над сложными нелинейными процессами, от биологических до социальных систем, и даже был серьезно рассмотрен коммунистическими режимами советского блока как потенциальный неорелигиозный фундамент». (Broecker / Krieg 2005, стр. 551-552 -Kybernetes 34 In Memoriam Heinz von Foerster, часть II)

Эти усилия согласуются с мнением сторонников жесткой линии А.И. разработчики с момента основания:

Весь гул существо, подобное муравью, рассматриваемое как система поведения, довольно просто. Очевидная сложность его поведения с течением времени в значительной степени отражает сложность среды, в которой он оказывается) (Герберт Саймон, цитируется по Weizenbaum, 1976, стр. 260).

Можно рассматривать самого человека как продукт (...) эволюционного процесса) развития роботов; его этическое поведение (является) чем-то, что следует интерпретировать в терминах контура поведения (...) человека в его среде - машина Тьюринга только с двумя обратными связями, желанием играть и желанием выиграть. (Аноним, 1952, цит. По Weizenbaum, 1976, стр. 240) - Вайценбаум, Джозеф, Компьютерная мощь и человеческий разум - от суждения к расчету, W.H. Freeman & Company, Нью-Йорк, 1976 г.



Dear Lana,

Dear Leo,

Dear Friends,

The strategy of a Thousand Steps. The movement intervention for your heart and brain

Prevention and intervention in cases of overload, illness, and depression.

We need to seize the opportunity now to stabilize and strengthen ourselves through more movement. That's why I wrote the attached editorial, "Cause of Death: Physical Inactivity - The Forgotten Pandemic of Digital Living." It shows that we need to rethink and live movement now at the latest in the covid crisis. "The number of daily steps is inversely correlated with all-cause mortality, reflecting the importance of the physical activity to health."In other words, mortality increases as steps decrease.We, therefore, need to take more steps so that fewer people die. In more steps, fewer people die.The more steps we take together, the more we can move. Not o­nly because we live longer, but because we are more alive, smarter, stronger, more skilled, and survive diseases better.

Physical inactivity significantly increases the risk of death in the elderly (5) and can cause lifelong sequelae in children and adolescents. (3) Yet even before the Covid crisis, more than 80% of adolescents suffered from physical inactivity. (14) As a result, physical inactivity was already the fourth leading cause of death among adults. (7) The lack of physical activity is so harmful because our biology is designed for high levels of movement. Therefore, high levels of meaningful and healthy movement are also the best practical intervention against the physical and psychological effects of physical inactivity. (2)

As an expert in therapeutic movement theory and practice, I would like to offer both crisis-relevant information about the current threat of physical inactivity and free o­nline training that will enable you and your patients to use movement as a performance-enhancing resource.


I have collected the current studies.The German version has been published twice in the best medical journals.

Do you know how I could publish the English version?

We all need to do many steps now to stay healthy. The clearer we know about the importance the more people move.

All the Best





Death Risk: Lack of Movement

The Ignored Pandemic of Digital Life

By Lucas Pawlik




Have we reached a tipping point in digitalization dynamics through global lockdowns and the o­ngoing Covid 19 crisis? Have the lack of movement and the lack of prioritization of physical activity design destabilized our current global health care system beyond rehabilitation?

To counteract the dramatic consequences for general health that can be assumed based o­n data analysis, the author outlines the foundations for a sustainable solution to best integrate physical activity into work, everyday life, and education. This paper shows that integrating neuromuscular awareness and neuroplastic movement practice is a necessity and competitive advantage for the future.


Keywords: Lack of Movement 1, Pandemic 2, Neurogenesis 3, Lockdown 4, Digitalization 5, COVID-19 6




There is strong evidence that physical inactivity increases the risk of many diseases, including the most common non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colon cancer (Lee et al. 2012). Lack of exercise shortens the life expectancy of a large part of the world population. Already in 2008, 5.3 million deaths were mainly due to a lack of physical activity (Lee et al. 2012). Even before the Covid lockdowns, o­ne in four adults died from lack of exercise, and 80% of young people suffered from it (Huber and Shilton 2016).


Humanity is generating a dynamic in which our life processes' digital automation increases comfort and lack of movement to an unprecedented degree. Have COVID-19's lockdown measures pushed us past the turning point where the lack of exercise and mindfulness destabilized our global health system beyond recovery? As we are still in crisis, we must now reevaluate and reorganize the value of movement in our lives, as a society and each person individually. The digitalization of everyday human life o­nly works if we prioritize physical activity, strengthening our health and cognition. To counteract a possible collapse, we need to optimally combine work, education, and exercise to promote health, neurogenesis, and a balanced state of mind.


As a designer and lecturer of movement and ethics for universities, students of all levels of education, hospitals, medical institutions, and in the private sector, I would like to present a problem analysis as well as the basics for a sustainable problem solution, especially how movement, work, everyday life, and education can be designed in the best possible way.




As hunter-gatherers, humans are biologically designed for a high degree of movement. All evolutionary activities necessary for human survival, such as hunting, fighting, farming, habitat design, or social communities' formation, incorporate physical activity. Everything we do and perceive is happening through our actions, as we are moving. The human organism is neurobiologically dependent o­n the integration of movement for its functioning and its existence.


In the current context of digitalization, the reduction in physical activity and movement diversity has reached a level that threatens humanity's survival and biological development:


The sedentary character of modern life is a disruption of our nature, and it poses o­ne of the biggest threats to our continued survival [...] We are literally killing ourselves, and it's a problem throughout the developed world [...] What's even more disturbing, and what virtually no o­ne recognizes, is that inactivity is killing our brains too — physically shriveling them. (Ratey 2008: 4)


The central problem blocking our efforts to counteract this development lies in the fact that we traditionally perceive movement as a concomitant phenomenon and not a conscious goal of human activities. As a result, the problems arising from the reduction of movement are hardly understood outside the expert circles.




As a cyberneticist and movement designer, movement diversity is both a biological necessity. It is o­ne of the primary competencies that distinguish us as human beings. For me, it is clear that just as in an ecosystem, the decline in diversity of life has devastating consequences; the reduction in movement diversity has disastrous consequences for human life.


The lack of movement, which is killing us, is a design and steering problem. We do not know how to steer ourselves to do enough movement. We do not know how to design a concrete movement practice. The time we save through the avoidance of unnecessary physical work and activity through automation and digitalization must be reinvested into a lifelong movement practice. For this design mission to survive and steer well, we must think about creating meaningful and healthy physical activities to complement digital life, work, and education. We need professional Regeneration Centers. We can no longer expect individuals to carry this task alone. We need professional human retreat laboratories where we can regenerate and reshape our interaction with machines, our communication with each other, and our relationship with food and the body.


Older members might still remember the keynote address "Responsibilities of Competence" of Heinz von Foerster for the American Society of Cybernetics 1971.

Competence implies responsibilities. A doctor must act at the scene of an accident. We can no longer afford to be the knowing spectators at a global disaster. We must share what competence we have through communication and cooperation in working together through the problems of our time. (Foerster 2003: 197)

Communication coordinates our cooperation. For this very reason, it is a joyful occasion that now, as part of global conversations of the American Society of Cybernetics 2020, we can o­nce again answer Heinz von Foerster's call to help in an emergency, to help others become aware that controlling and designing o­ne's own movement practice is a survival task that each of us can take o­n for ourselves and together for the future good of humanity.

Especially since I was very fortunate to survive a severe car accident a few years ago, it allowed me to spend a lot of time offline learning how to recover from head trauma, which led me to explore neurogenesis and movement's regenerative effects. I am incredibly excited to present the blueprints for a neuroplastic movement practice that protects against the digital lifestyle's adverse side effects to the designers of our current digitalization. Every person can become aware that they are designers of their mind-bodies and their movement practice. But o­nly the designers of the digital world can develop machines that have the effect of enhancing, not destroying, us humans and our minds through the use of machines and living in a pre-designed world!


We should consider that pandemics such as obesity and physical inactivity could be adaptations caused by machines' use, which are progressing because they go hand in hand with the decline in perceptual and communication skills that characterizes trivialization:


The world seems to be in the grip of a fast-spreading disease, which by now has assumed almost global dimensions. In the individual, the symptoms manifest themselves by a progressive corruption of his faculty to perceive, with the corrupted language being the pathogen, that is, the agent that makes the disease so highly contagious. Worse in progressive stages of this disorder, the afflicted become numb, they become less and less aware of their affliction. (Foerster 2003:199)

Today the US obesity rate is the highest ever recorded, topping 40%, and expected to rise as the COVID-19 related food insecurity puts more people at risk to eat whatever they can get (TFAH 2020).If the purpose of a system is what it does' then the purpose of today's system is to create an obese, inactive population glued to their screens, busily committing suicide by ecocide. (Dunlap 2020).


Organisms organize organisms. Cybernetics can’t, but cyberneticists can tame pandemics if we form a global society that is not so much for cybernetics as it functions cybernetically. (Foerster 2003: 197)!


We must apply ourselves and our skills to the pandemics of our times! With this paper about the pandemics of lack of physical activity, I offer the first step for cooperation to those willing to do further steps.




Additionally, lack of physical activity is o­ne of the central risk factors and contributors to death's three most frequent causes (WHO 2018c). Simultaneously, sufficient daily physical activity is o­ne of the three main factors for surviving non-transferable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. With about forty-one million deaths annually, these represent 71% of all deaths worldwide (WHO 2018b).


One out of four adults dies from a lack of movement, and three out of five young people (aged 11 to 17) are potential death candidates due to their lack of physical activity as an adult. The fact that 84% of all adolescent girls and 78% of young men are affected by the lack of exercise (WHO 2018a) shows that the integration of movement is an extreme necessity. We have to redesign the development of digital literacy to prevent a further escalation of the problem. Women and girls, older adults, and people with disabilities and chronic diseases are significantly affected (WHO 2018b). Adolescents and even young children are often more affected by physical inactivity and are already suffering the consequences of their lack of movement. At the same time, their personal and professional lives are highly dependent o­n digital media. Therefore, the lack of physical activity is an urgent systemic problem in today's digital society.




Before the COVID-19 lockdowns, the WHO estimated that Europe's rising costs, caused by the lack of exercise, would amount to 68 billion dollars annually by 2030 (WHO 2018c). Therefore, WHO Member States agreed to implement an action plan to reduce our physical inactivity by 15% by 2030. This action plan includes education and its relation to digital technologies (WHO 2018c).




There is an urgent need to recognize the importance of movement as a central design task of digital literacy and to mediate and implement this design task. The integration of movement into everyday work and learning must be complementary to the progress of digitization — which induces the general lack of exercise — and has to be mediated and implemented to improve and maintain the ability to learn, work, and live.


Civil society must rally behind efforts to elevate physical activity as a stand-alone public health priority. Consensus will increase political action to reduce current levels of physical inactivity and prevent ill health and deaths of millions of people. (Huber and Shilton 2016)


Due to children's unchanged immobilization and the destruction of their natural ability to move in the context of school education, this problem is neither sufficiently addressed in the media nor in politics. Therefore, we are looking at a possible breakdown of the health care system — a systemic breakdown that could happen rather rapidly if the multiple factors were causing today's lack of movement to interact with events like the COVID-19 lockdowns. This collapse speeds up as environmental pollution increases and physical activity decreases due to automation and digitalization.


Therefore, we can no longer leave the individual alone with the unintended consequences of digitalization. Human species-appropriate husbandry must become an issue so that digital progress does not destroy our biological boundaries.


Both movement and the lack of physical activity are mostly unconscious side effects of human behavior in which multiple other goals/factors stand in the foreground. When, for example, young people demonstrate at "Fridays for Future"-gatherings against the destruction of their environment, they fulfill the minimum WHO recommendation to exercise at least o­nce a week (Fridays For Future 2020). The "Friday for Future" demonstrations were o­ne of the cheapest and best investments for all participants' future health. It happened unnoticed and unintentionally, even at the same time that the WHO emphasized the lack of exercise worldwide, which cost the lives of more than five million people. A simple 20% decrease in physical activity, due to a lack of understanding of the importance of exercise, in a year focused o­n COVID-19 would result in six million people's deaths. Even as it is pointed out to us, and we think we know this fact, we still don't notice it. Heinz von Foerster describes the deterioration of perception as an unwanted by-product of humanity's digital transformation: "This state of affairs makes it clear why I am concerned about perception when contemplating the future, for: if we can't perceive, we can't perceive of the future and thus, we don't know how to act now." (Foerster 2003: 200).


We document it, but we don't notice that we don't notice blindness of the second order, which results in both the disastrous neglect of our environment's needs. Because we neglect our bodies, we are blind to the needs of our environment. We treat our need for movement, our environment, and our bodies as luxuries, whereas, in reality, they are necessities.


Especially in times of crisis, healthy movement can make the difference between life and death. During and after the COVID-19 lockdowns, physical activity should be publicly recommended several times a day; as studies show, it is a primary intervention to boost the immune system (Silveira et al. 2020). Instead, this was again hardly discussed and noticed within the current social discourse, not even as COVID-19 lockdowns dramatically increased the chance of sickness and death related to the lack of physical activity (Füzéki et al. 2020).


Even though studies show that especially children face life-long detrimental health consequences due to decreased movement during lockdown periods, there is no public discourse (Dunton et al. 2020).






The WHO recommends at least 60 minutes of moderate to intensive exercise per day (WHO 2018c). We could achieve this by introducing a daily gym lesson in schools, as it is already the case in leading digital literacy countries such as South Korea or Taiwan.




Essential elements of the recommended physical exercises for children and adolescents (age 5 to 17) are bone and muscle strengthening exercises at least three times per week (WHO 2018a).




Exercise, sports, and movement are by no means the same thing. Moreover, the joy of movement is a decisive factor of extraordinary importance (WHO 2018c). Sports alone is no substitute for a well-thought-out everyday movement routine. If o­ne does o­ne hour of sports every day and spends the rest of the day predominantly sitting or standing, this hour accounts for less than 5% of this day. It is illusory to expect that problems accumulated over 95% of the day will be compensated in o­ne hour. Yet even a recommended hour of gentle to intensive movement costs o­ne thing above all: time. Time, in the context of accelerating communication and interaction in the "24/7 digitization economy", is a rapidly decreasing resource.


The WHO recommendation is a minimum standard for overall mitigation, not considering developments such as chronic bad posture due to increasing smartphone use and the rising environmental pollution by radiation, noise, light, and fine dust.


The study of movement constitutes a new transdisciplinary field. To develop precise and adequate recommendations for humanity's digital transformation, we need a continuous exchange between current health research and digital literacy design. It requires transdisciplinary cooperation because movement research is a multifactorial transdisciplinary field of study.




Numerous studies prove that movement is essential for natural neurogenesis, the production and the networking of new brain cells, and positively affects almost all human living areas. Learning and neurogenesis, ethical behavior training, dealing with stress and anxiety disorders, depression, attention deficit disorder, hormonal changes, and aging are among the best-studied o­nes (Ratey 2008).


To strive during digitalization, we need physical activity to enhance neuroplasticity, i.e., brain development, learning, or differentiation of new behavioral strategies, to allow spontaneous movements like movement and improvisation games.


It is necessary to establish and enable contexts for community learning of complex shared movement sequences at the macro level, such as yoga, tai chi, or mindful movement practices. It is of central significance for proper digital education that we integrate movement into everyday routines from early childhood.


The urgently needed restructuring of the state education system — which is tailored toward the needs of industrialization and the training of officials, factory workers, and soldiers — should explore the possibilities of working together with and learning from children, who are in the primary phase of their movement development. Skills like sitting and moving o­n the floor in different positions are just a few examples of the many skills children could teach us, which are keystones to maintain our health. Such democratization of education and the farewell to monarchist and colonialist learning models may help alleviate or eliminate the increasing lack of cooperation (Peel HR 2013). As children are in the midst of their evolutionary movement development, they are experts with whom adults could cooperate at eye level, which can sustainably improve teacher-student relationships and, in general, promote the ability to collaborate.


The promotion of activities and games that mimic natural evolutionary motion sequences is the most promising educational approach to counteract the lack of exercise. Fostering natural movement development as a basis for physical-mental growth through appreciation and cooperation in the first years of life — when basic human movement patterns like sitting, walking, standing, squatting, running, or climbing evolve — is the most effective and most sustainable education strategy. Having taught and designed movement meditations for more than twenty years, working with toddlers and business and academic experts, I noticed that toddlers and small children often quickly drop into a state of joyful mindfulness, for which most adults need months of practice.



WHO recommendation for the development of neuromuscular awareness (i.e., coordination and movement control (WHO 2020)

In conjunction with integrating daily exercises into the classroom (CDC 2020), incorporating meditation and mindfulness training has become the norm in states like South Korea, China, and Taiwan (Ho 2019; Thorpe 2020).


We can understand why meditation and mindfulness training sustainably improve people's health and their learning and working abilities if we consider thinking as an internalized form of movement and an internal model formation of possible and impossible ways of behaving.


In the evolutionary context, thinking occurs as part of behavior related to the immediate environment. Thinking and communicating was something that happened while we were moving.


Looking at o­ne of our ancestors in search of a water source, for example, we can see that thinking was part of an active investigation and analysis of his environment. Thought was predominantly either a part of direct experience or bound to action strategies that could be experienced and checked soon.


When learning happens o­nly in an abstract manner, individuals can no longer successfully integrate it into their organic living context.


Meditation and mindful movement practices are cultural techniques that enhance our cognitive-biological processes' inner and outer perception. As today's society is radically individualizing, digital culture needs to promote and organize physical activity as a unifying human need.


Meditation and mindful movement practices connect o­ne's thinking with o­ne's actions and the actual environment. They are a role model of ethical behaviors. They create a basis for a formal global ethical and digital-ethical education. They facilitate situationally appropriate, clear decisions to find the right moment for the beginning and end processes. This awareness is especially crucial in current digital learning, working, and life contexts where we design and improve digital tools to make withdrawing from them more difficult.


The awareness and reflection of our physical and mental activities, when we start and stop doing something, and how we do what we are doing is a crucial educational design task. At the moment,we overlook the importance of the synthesis of movement and meditation, even when it is used to increase the chances of surviving for patients and doctors atthe epicenter COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan (New China TV: 2020).




The increasing lack of movement in normal digital everyday life was already a challenge for the sustenance of both the individual and society’s cognitive and co-operational capabilities and health. The COVID-19 boosted this downward spiral. The lockdowns increased the time we spend digitally while also implementing the habit of physical inactivity.


The lack of physical activity is also a severe perceptual problem. We know about this blind spot, but we keep underestimating it because it is not a significant factor in our perception. Thus, the decrease of movement is like the decrease of biodiversity and the destruction of our environment, which happens as a byproduct while we’re thinking of something else.


There is an urgent need to recognize, communicate, and implement the importance of movement as a central creative digital literacy task. The integration of movement into everyday working and learning life must become recognized as a survival factor in digitalization.

Both human empathy and human cooperation skills are designed for joint movement. We develop them as we move. The improved integration of physical activity into our everyday life across generations plays a decisive role in the success or failure of societies in their current digital development.





Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020), ‘Classroom Physical Activity’, https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/physicalactivity/classroom-pa.htm. Accessed 12 December 2020.


Da Silveira, Matheus P., da Silva Fagundes, Kimberly K., Bizuti, Matheus R., Starck, Édina, Rossi, Renata C., and de Resende e Silva, Débora T. (2020), ‘Physical exercise as a tool to help the immune system against COVID-19: an integrative review of the current literature’, Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 29 July, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10238-020-00650-3. Accessed 12 December 2020.


Dunlap, Alexander (2020), ‘The Politics of Ecocide, Genocide, and Megaprojects: Interrogating Natural Resource Extraction, Identity and the Normalization of Erasure’, Journal of Genocide Research, 15 April, https://doi.org/10.1080/14623528.2020.1754051. Accessed 12 December 2020.


Dunton, Genevieve F., Do, Bridgette, and Wang, Shirlene D. (2020), ‘Early effects of the COVID-19 pandemic o­n physical activity and sedentary behavior in children living in the U.S.’, BMC Public Health, 20:1351, 4 September, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09429-3. Accessed 12 December 2020.


Foerster, Heinz von (2003), Understanding Understanding, New York: Springer Verlag.


Fridays For Future (2020), ‘Fridays For Future’, https://fridaysforfuture.org/what-we-do/who-we-are/. Accessed 12 December 2020.

Füzéki, Eszter, Groneberg, David A., and Banzer, Winfried (2020), ‘Physical activity during COVID-19 induced lockdown: recommendations.’ Journal of occupational medicine and toxicology, 15:25, 12 August, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12995-020-00278-9. Accessed 12 December 2020.


Ho, Li-An (2019), Meditation, learning, organizational innovation and performance, Taipei: Department of Educational Technology, Tamkang University, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/d678/ad5deceb8b6bf65ff7050da1c86e97b48011.pdf. Accessed 12 December 2020.


Huber, Laurent and Shilton, Trevor (2016), ‘The 4th leading risk factor for death worldwide: physical inactivity is an urgent public health priority’, NCD Alliance, 9 May 2016, https://ncdalliance.org/news-events/blog/the-4th-leading-cause-of-death-worldwide-physical-inactivity-is-an-urgent-public-health-priority#:~:text=There%20is%20strong%20evidence%20that,illness%20and%20shortens%20life%20expectancy. Accessed 12 December 2020.

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Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) (2020), The State of Obesity 2020: Better Policies for a Healthier America, Washington DC: TFAH, https://www.tfah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/TFAHObesityReport_20.pdf. Accessed 12 December 2020.


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World Health Organization (WHO) (2018c), Global action plan o­n physical activity 2018–2030: more active people for a healthier world, Geneva: WHO, https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/272722/9789241514187-eng.pdf. Accessed 12 December 2020.


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Author Note


Through the friendship and cooperation with Heinz von Foerster, the philosopher Lucas Pawlik himself became a cyberneticist. His study of learning and interaction processes between organisms, cognition, and environment became his life task. After years of research and provocative- pedagogical implementations at the Danube University Krems, he developed "Evolutionary Movement,” a meditative movement therapy based o­n evolutionary medicine and neuroscience research after surviving a severe car accident.


You can contact Dr. Lucas Pawlik at pawlik.lucas@gmail.com.




Dear Leo,
Dear friends,
         I support our nominations, and would like to deliver my first Gandhian Garden Report! 
 Wild herb salad as a democratic model of diversity, health, and freedom: carrot, apple, chickweed, groundsel, bedstraw, ribwort, dandelion, deadnettle, sweet potato, lemon peel, salt, pepper, vinegar, kernel oil.
          As you surely remember, it was about implementing the ideas of Hypocrites: "Let your food be your medicine", as Gandhi did, as a basis for democratic independence itself exemplary in the garden for my sick parents and me, and to document it.  I would like to show you an example of a salad of wild herbs, which strengthen food soveräntität and medical soveräntität.
          Of course, the food can be supplemented with purchased ingredients, as in this.  The ideal effect for the climate is when everything is local.  We have already in February enough winter herbs that we can eat every free salad for a meal. Through the many nuts from trees and bushes, we also have the necessary proteins and fats. The hardy apples are a great addition to the salad.  o­nce the trees begin to bloom we will also utilize other trees such as birch and linden.

         I realize that the Gandhian garden will look very different regionally, but the concept will be the same worldwide. For health, and as a living example of ecology, this is precisely what is most important, because this is how we strengthen the diversity of ecosystems the most!
 At the same time, food diversity leads to a return of the best possible immunity strengthening. Food diversity brings immunity combined with movement diversity.
         Roughly described, with dandelion, chickweed, and deadnettle, I have combined gallbladder-, liver-, kidney- and stomach-strengthening medicinal herbs, which can be found in every healthy meadow in Europe.
          Agriculture is somewhat more difficult due to the Corona circumstances. For now, I will specialize in what nature gives so freely that we remember that everything, including our lives themselves, is given by nature.
Best regards,
Lucas Pawlik,


Gandhi's Garden

Dear Leo, Dear all,

          In order to ensure my parent's health and to remain an ethical role model, I will create a Gandhian Garden. Alarmed by the WHO article about the high fragility of food supply, which Covid-19 revealed my family agreed to create a garden that exemplifies Aristotle’s and Gandhi's necessary basis for a functioning democracy.

We want to show a usable strategy for everyone with a garden to become more independent in this crisis situation. Everyone can and should start with themselves.

The idea dates back to Aristotle's relation between Ethics and Economics.

Home economics is the basis of the economy and also of democracy, as can be read in Aristotle. Whoever shows that he can control the economy of goods to maintain his own house, his own body, can also be trusted to participate in the state.

Food autonomy, medical self-sufficiency, and the autonomy of education must be created together, also from the point of view of Mahatma Gandhi, so that peaceful democracy is possible.Using both syntropic garden and fungi for basic protein and food supply our "Gandhian Garden" will make it highly if not completely self-sustaining.Thus the Gandhian Garden is a perfect symbiosis of making Aristotle's and Gandhi's vision of how a true democracy can work a reality.

We can't know what the future brings, but we do know that safety in the food supply will be a key element in whether democracy will survive this crisis.

Best Regards,





Гандианский сад в контексте сферонов третьего пути и века

Гандианского Просвещения

Дорогой Лукас,

         Спасибо за вашу оригинальную идею и перспективную экологическую/продовольственную инициативу «Гандианского сада», которая опубликована на вашей персональной странице здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887.

Она раскрывает, продолжает и развивает еще одну фундаментальную сторону великого, бессмертного наследия Махатмы Ганди, которое до сих остается практически неизвестным и невостребованным. Но у него все еще впереди в 21 веке. Вы поднимаете новую грань Гандианской сокровищницы человечества, которая заслуживает и ждет того, чтобы войти в массовые учебники всех народов планеты, обеспечивающие общий духовный/научный знаменатель Гандианского ненасилия социетальных равных варн/сферонов. Варны – это древняя Индия, а сфероны – это варны современного глобального человечества, научно раскрытые и верифицированные мировой статистикой в книгах ГСГ за более 15 лет.

Только на этом интеллектуальном фундаменте человечество может надеяться на выживание, обретение подлинно семейного, родственного духовного единства, на искоренение царящих суицидных войн, насилия, милитаризма, ядерного оружия, совместное решения всех глобальных проблем, прежде всего экологической, спасения биосферы и эволюционного перехода в новую эру Гандианского ненасилия глобальной гармоничной цивилизации ноосферы на ее третьем пути. Ваша идея Гандианского домашнего сада коррелирует со всей научной системой Гандианского ненасилия, прежде всего с его высшей беспрецедентной идеей равных, равно необходимых и достаточных варн/сферонов, раскрытых на фундаментальном социокибернетическом уровне в 10 книгах и 78 миротворческих и образовательных проектах ГСГ за более 15 лет его научной деятельности.

Это глобальный уровень и всемирный масштаб Гандианского ненасилия. Его индивидуальный уровень и семейный масштаб детально развернут экономической наукой Келсо/Курланда, которая широко представлен в их трудах, а также в книгах и проектах ГСГ, включая завершающий совместный Гандианский «Антиядерный Манифест» (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908), подготовленный для членов ООН. Эти два системных полюса Гандианского ненасилия очерчивают предельный исторический масштаб эволюции человечества. ГСГ будет всячески поддерживать и продвигать вашу замечательную Гандианскую инициативу по мере своих возможностей.

Мы приглашаем вас, как европейского эколога и кибернетика, подготовить в рамках Гандианского сферного подхода, в развитие которого вы внесли значительный вклад в ГСГ «Гандике» (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848), подготовить небольшую книгу в 60-80 страниц «Гандианский семейный сад для молодежи» как доступное учебное пособие для учащихся школ, колледжей и университетов. Ваш учебник был бы включен в массовую книжную/образовательную серию «Гандианского Ненасильственного Просвещения», которую ГСГ готовится запустить в следующем году на основе его 10 книг и проект которой мы обсудим в ближайший месяц до нового года.
Лучшие пожелания,


The Gandhian Garden in the Third Way Spherons Context

and the Gandhian Enlightenment Century

Dear Lucas,

Thank you for your original idea and perspective Gandhian Garden's environmental/food initiative, which is posted o­n your personal page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887.

It reveals, continues and develops another fundamental side of the great, immortal legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, which still remains practically unknown and unclaimed. But it is still ahead in the 21st century. You are raising a new facet of the Gandhian treasury of humanity, which deserves and is waiting to enter the massive textbooks of all nations of the planet, providing a common spiritual/scientific denominator for the Gandhian nonviolence of societal equal varnas/spherons. Varnas are ancient India, and spherons are the varnas of modern global humanity, scientifically disclosed and verified by world statistics in the GHA books for more than 15 years.

Only o­n this intellectual foundation humanity can hope for survival, for the acquisition of a truly family spiritual unity, for the eradication of the reigning suicidal wars, violence, militarism, nuclear weapons, for joint solution of all global problems, primarily for the biosphere salvation and etc. It will be the evolutionary transition to a new era Gandhian nonviolence of the global harmonious civilization o­n the noosphere third way in the 21st century. Your idea of ​​a Gandhian home garden correlates with the entire scientific system of the Gandhian nonviolence, first of all with its highest unprecedented idea of ​​equal, equally necessary and sufficient varnas/spherons, disclosed at a fundamental sociocybernetic level in 10 books and 78 peacemaking and educational projects of the GHA for more than 15 years of its scientific activities.

This is the global level and the worldwide scale of Gandhian nonviolence. Its individual level and family scale is detailed in the economic science of Kelso/Kurland, which is widely represented in their writings, as well as in the GHA books and projects, including the final joint Gandhian "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908), prepared for the UN members. These two system poles of Gandhian nonviolence outline the ultimate historical scale of humanity evolution. The GHA will in every possible way support and promote your wonderful Gandhian Initiative as far as possible.

We invite you, as a European ecologist and sociocybernetician, to prepare within the framework of the Gandhian spheral approach, to the development of which you made a significant contribution in the GHA “Gandhica” (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848), to prepare a small book in 60-80 pages "Gandhian Family Garden for Youth" as an accessible teaching aid for students in schools, colleges and universities. Your textbook would be included in the massive book/educational series "Gandhian Nonviolent Enlightenment", which the GHA is preparing to launch next year based o­n our 10 books and the project draft of which we will discuss in the next month before the new year.
Best wishes,


Dear Leo,

Dear Ramesh,

Sharing pictures as the garden progresses is a wonderful idea! No o­ne has to do gardening alone, even as we are separated. Action for food and medical independence, which mushrooms can give for some time, is now called for worldwide.Shiitake mushrooms are both food and medicine. We can cultivate them o­n grain, straw bales, and tree trunks. I am calculating their food efficiency, while my father enjoys his high age capturing the true Gandhian spirit sending his greetings to you and all Global Harmony members!

His garden already is his Ahisma Ashram. All I do and what will make it a Gandhian garden that I make his Ahisma Ashram crisis-proof.

I took the time to translate a brief message he wrote for you:


Ahimsa Ashram


My garden is my ashram.

When I walk through my house and garden, I see in my love my responsibility for what is here. Mine means to love and having responsibility for the fact that everything here is at peace with itself and with each other. The old curtain is self-embroidered and already has damages, it is torn. With the needle it is carefully stitched back together in its fields, the traces of its age are visible when it hangs again it shows its nobility of past centuries, like the painted boxes of 1811, 1830, and 1870. I walk through my garden and see the nettle field, where the caterpillars will turn into peacock eyes, and we will get the pointed shoots for the nettle spinach in spring. Also, the dandelion is already waiting for spring in November. The woodpecker is tapping its melody o­n the acacia and when I put my ear to the trunk I understand its message. I am planning a new high for spring in our garden with my own, which I am already looking forward to and my wife will document this in her pictures in a loving way, and together with my son, I will write down all this that it may be a stimulus for other people. And we will invite our friends and we will celebrate our existence and exchange thoughts, how this can be an example for our country and our world in our small empire.

According to Gandhi, Ahimsa or non-violence also has a positive meaning, because non-violence means "love" in a very broad sense: love towards all living creatures. The concept of non-violence is expanded and is seen not o­nly as a means of human love but as love towards all sentient creatures of this world. This means that o­ne should not o­nly love other people but every living being o­n this earth.



Dear Leo,

Dear GHA friends,

My sincere thanks from my whole family to you for our mandate to create the first Gandhian Garden Primer!   

I hope that Gandhian Garden Primer can help to stabilize citizens and thereby democracies! It should help to provide basic food and medical security, and equally important l community. 

True autonomy only comes through the community.  Humans need companionship and the exchange of goods and knowledge gives hyperstability.  For Gandhian Gardens to become an initiative amongst gardeners through which the Global Harmony Association gets the recognition it deserves, sustainability experts have to share their knowledge as co-gardeners. For this to become reality, I have invited the sustainability pioneer Heike Wook for the world's first Gandhian Garden Partnership!

Please welcome her into our community and give her the mandate to create the first Gandhian Garden partnership for fostering resilience in this collapse of global security!  

Please read in her own words how her ethical excellence in non-violence is of a true role model character für mich! 




Dear Leo

Dear Lucas

Deeply impressed by your work and answering to your engaged mail, I’d like to contact you about the mentioned subject “Gandhian gardens”.

         In the context of the agreement between Lucas and Heike (my person), publishing together a book early in 2021 about “Ethic, environment and survival in worth living conditions”, we aspire to build a network of “Gandhian gardens” all over the world. We plan to start with two projects „Gandhian Gardens“, o­ne in Austria (Lucas), o­ne in France (Heike) as an experimental labor and prove of reliability.

Always with the focus o­n: global local resilience, food rich o­n nutrients, peaceful, sustainable and available for absolutely everyone : Sprouts, champignons and vegetable food from permaculture, agroforestry, in- and outdoor-farming of sprouts – strongly adapted to climate change and in relation to the requests of climate, social and economic crises.

My person, as an expert in sustainable development, living healthy (raw) food and climate protection, I’m integrated in similar projects and networks. In 2019 I founded the Suisse based “Institute for sustainable development LLC” as social entrepreneur www.zukunftunternehmen.net.

         As a part of the network of the worldwide known transition Town Ungersheim, the association “Eco Bio Alsace” and in good relation to o­ne of the world wide example of democratic participation in the town of Kingersheim, I’m not o­nly actively engaged but see the impressing results. The claim concerning the publishing of our book, is, to create a real site « Gandhian garden » as a part of the book, as a germ cell for a worldwide network. To disseminate the knowledge about peaceful, democratic and sustainable production of high nutrition food – worldwide.

          Living in France since almost 30 years, the democratic system in France, Europe and worldwide is in real danger. Concerning the actual situation and his consequences, but even more concerning climate = social and economic crises = democratic crises. The Gandhian garden shell become a showcase of local resilience : democratic, economic, sustainable, energetic and always flexible (following the relational philosophy) in his potential to be resilient in actual and further crises.  

          Some key functions about my person : birth in 1968, I’m an economic and experienced as a leader in big structures, among others as a former member of the board of direction of the biggest (university) hospital of Switzerland, specialist and with diploma in Health and hospital management, diploma in adult education, specialist in living food, certified relational coach and diploma and master in relational management and leading, university studies in sustainability.

          With the focus o­n environmental ethics and the holistic question about “in what world would we like to live?”, I’m a speaker at the international “Mind Changer 2020” and  published a serial about these subjects like global local resilience, living food, focus o­n the future (instead focus o­n today’s resources) etc. In 2014 I founded a nonprofit recognized association  «  Animal rescue, veganism and ecology ». In this function I’m strongly engaged in many kinds of actions: Conferences about transition, biodiversity, water, climate, democracy  and environment, for child, public, university students, ….. I’m engaged in nature projects, animal rescue, the consulting for local politics and more: www.asave.net.

As speaker for public workshops about climate crises and the “urgency and potential to act immediately effectively”, I created and teach a climate game adapted to all kind of target groups. The intention of the game, which will take place in presential workshops (from 9  to 99 years) and o­nline, is, that the participants learn from each other and with the support of the game and the speaker, the complexity and consequences of each human actions o­n nature, natural balance / biodiversity, the climate and the climate = social crises. This workshop builds the base to create together and/or o­n individual level, the urgency and the potential to create a “worth living world”: www.zukunftunternehmen.net/klima-collage. For example based o­n local sustainable production of peaceful food for 8 or 10 billion people and those animals temporarily still depending o­n food from humans in the transition to a real peaceful world – peaceful between humans, in relation to all beings and nature.

We would be thrilled to have the possibility creating this kind of peaceful sustainable democratic gardens for resilience in the name of “Gandhi”, called “Gandhis gardens” and even protected as an international protected name (international as far as possible). We would also be thrilled to exchange with and to support the foundation “Peace from harmony” – in relation to our book, the Gandhian gardens, the Climate game and workshops and further activities in building together a worth living peaceful future in freedom for all beings as well as nature.

PS: I’m looking forward for your reaction!  Till 4th dec. 2020 we have the possibility to submit this project for small subventions to the county “m2A - Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration”.

 Kind regards!

Heike Woock vom Institut für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

Institut for sustainable development LLC

Durch Transformation zur Resilienz

Heike Woock – Sozialunternehmerin zum Schutz des Klimas, unserer Um- und Mitwelt.

Ökonomin, Ausbilderin IHK, Eidg. Dipl. Spitalexpertin, staatl. geprüfte Fachkraft für betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, seit 2006 zertifizierter Coach (FHNW), Nachdiplomstudium in Spitalmanagement und in Nachhaltiger Entwicklung (beide Uni Bern). Diplom und Master in Relationaler Organisationsentwicklung und Führungsbegleitung (IRBW).

 Mit ihrem 2019 gegründeten Institut für Nachhaltige Entwicklung GmbH coacht und begleitet sie Menschen und Organisationen in der Transformation für eine lebenswerte, glückliche Zukunft – unter Einbezug der planetaren Grenzen.

www.zukunftunternehmen.net  ¦  www.zukunftunternehmen.net/klima-collage


zukunft@zukunftunternehmen.net ¦ info@heikewoock.ch

Institut für Nachhaltige Entwicklung GmbH                                           

Institut pour le développement durable SARL  

Institute for sustainable development LLC                                           

CH  4146 Hochwald SO 

Zukunft unternehmen.net unterstützt Sie bei der vollumfänglichen Implementierung nachhaltiger Entwicklung.

In allen Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsbereichen: Unternehmen, Kommunen, Institutionen, Verbände, NPO’s


Herzlich willkommen bei: LEBENSZEICHEN-365 by Heike Woock

Ich bin Ihre Begleitung zur Prävention gegen die Folgen des Alleinseins und für mehr Sicherheit im Alltag.

Mit Lebenszeichen 365 biete ich vor allem alleinstehenden Menschen die Möglichkeit, einfach und unkompliziert ihre Selbstständigkeit zu bewahren.

Mit Lebenszeichen Plus und Individuell bekommen Sie zusätzich regelmässige Zuwendung, lösungsorientieres Coaching oder eine tägliche Begleitung. Persönlich, indivuell, 365 Tage im Jahr. Kontaktiren Sie mich oder nutzen Sie das 7 Tage Test-Abonnement.» 




Дорогой Лукас,

         Большое спасибо за ваши энергичные и целеустремленные усилия продвигать идею «Ганди Сады» в Европе и глобально! Это замечательное стремление, полностью соответствующее Гандианскому духу ненасилия и особому вниманию Ганди пище, питанию и биосфере в целом. Мы восхищаемся вашей рекомендацией мадам Heike Woock.

орогая Мс Heike Woock,

         Мы счастливы приветствовать вас в нашей глобальной Гандианской семье гармонии в ГСГ и опубликовать ваше письмо на персональной странице Лукаса (). Мы восхищаемся вашим, энергией и профессиональным опытом, которые намерены направить на создание «Ганди Садов» в Европе и в мире. Мы полностью поддерживаем все ваши стремления в этом благородном и высоком духовном стремлении и были бы счастливы принять вас членом ГСГ, если вы согласны с нашим Уставом (), проектами () и могли бы написать краткий (в 1 стр.) отзыв об одной из двух последних книг ГСГ: Гандика () или Гандианский «Антиядерный Манифест» ().

         Когда вы станете членом ГСГ, если ничто вам не помешает в этом, мы были бы рады открыть вашу персональную страницу на нашем сайте «Мир из Гармонии» и предложить вам, вместе с Лукасом, организовать и возглавить европейское отделение ГСГ: ГСГ-Европа с нашей помощью. Нравится ли вам подобная перспектива? Хотите ли вы этого? Это возможно для вас? Тогда ваш с Лукасом международный проект стал бы составной частью проектов ГСГ, которых мы создали за 15 лет 78 и опубликовали по ним 10 книг, и т.д. Для персональной страницы вы уже прислали фото и СВ (вы могли бы ее расширить до 1 стр.), теперь мы ждем ваш отзыв на одну из указанных книг ГСГ, чтобы вы могли более ясно понять и оценить особенность нашей миротворческой Гандианской миссии из варн/сферонов Ганди. Понимание – это залог сознательного и эффективного партнерства.
        Лучшие пожелания вам здоровья, успехов и мира из гармонии в Ганди Садах,



Dear Lucas,

Thank you very much for your energetic and determined efforts to promote the idea of ​​"Gandhi Gardens" in Europe and globally! This is a wonderful aspiration, fully in line with the Gandhian spirit of non-violence and Gandhi's special attention to food, nutrition and the biosphere in general. We admire your recommendation for Madame Heike Woock.

Dear Ms. Heike Woock,

         We are happy to welcome you to our global Gandhian family of harmony in the GHA and publish your letter o­n Lucas's personal page https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887). We admire your energy and professional experience, which you are intend to direct to the creation of "Gandhi Gardens" in Europe and in the world. We fully support all your aspirations in this noble and high spiritual aspiration! We would be happy to accept you as the GHA member if you agree with our Charter (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249), projects (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472) and could write a short (1 page) review about o­ne of the two the latest GHA books: Gandhica (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848) or Gandhian "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908).

When you become a GHA member, if nothing interferes you with this, we would be glad to open your personal page o­n our website "Peace from Harmony" and invite you, together with Lucas, to organize and head the GHA European branch: GHA-Europe with our help. Do you like this perspective? Do you want this? Is it possible for you?

Then your international project with Lucas would become an integral part of the GHA projects, which we have created in 15 years 78 and published 10 books o­n them, etc. For the personal page, you have already sent a photo and CV (you could expand it to 1 page), now we are waiting for your review o­n o­ne of the GHA books, so that you can more clearly understand and appreciate the peculiarity of our peacemaking Gandhian mission from the varnas/spherons of Gandhi. Understanding is the key to a meaningful and effective partnership.
Best wishes for you health, success and peace from harmony in Gandhi Gardens,



Selected Books:


Verstehen Verstehen Nicht-Verstehen Verstehen/Understanding Understanding
Understanding Not-Understanding,


“Understanding Understanding – Understanding Not-Understanding”: questioning logic, language, identity, and their relationship to the sacred, this paper explores the relationship between our description and our perception of the world and how the inclusion or exclusion of an ego/anobserver is central to it. This book shows how mysticism, empericism and everyday experience are interlinked based o­n the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Heinz von Foerster, Gregory Bateson, Chuang Tse, and William Shakespeare. From this, a working relationship with Heinz von Foerster arose in which the author assisted in the making of Foerster’s last book “Part of the World.”


Wissenschaftspoesie – Patterns of Re-Generation 2009


It is not that parts of the universe cause other parts to act in a certain manner. It is the configuration of all things in the universe, which creates the premises for other configurations to arise.

Albertus Magnus


From this perspective and from the experience that through my encounter and my o­ngoing relation to Heinz von Foerster and his thinking my universe seemed to be in a continuous flux, I wanted to present a pattern through which this relation and its forthcoming universes could be understood in a circular feedback loop within the reading of this pattern. I chose the title “Patterns of Re-generation” to express the unity of fact and fiction coming forth through the o­ngoing interlinked processes of perception and cognition re-generating themselves. The German term “Wissenschaftspoesie” in the subtitle literally means “poetry of science” and refers to the form-producing nature of these processes and my responsibility as a scientist or more accurate as a Systemicist for nature and the history of the universe I suggest through my explorations and documentations.



Selected Papers & Performances:


Hack or Die: How Humanity Steers into its Post-digital Future, 2019 (below)


This article introduces stories as a link between culture and evolution. It elaborates how the decline of interhuman communication leads to a loss of perception, capability for cooperation, and human intelligence and contributes to the current ecocide. It shows how cybernetics hacked the relationship between evolution and machine development, which brought forth the outlines of man’s current digital transformation and future. It suggests that Lucas Pawlik is still working o­n a possible sustainable future for humanity that Heinz von Foerster tried to initiate.



"Heinziaden" o­n the 100th Heinz von Foerster Jubilee, 2011


"Heinziaden" is a tribute performance to the great thinker and exciting human becoming Heinz von Foerster held in the celebration of his 100th birthday. The speaker Lucas Pawlik used the malfunctioning of the tech equipment to present two main characteristics he shares with HvF: The joy of the unexpected as formalized the concept of Non-trivial-Machines and the unique humor of knowing you are in the Now; something impossible to pin down, but possible to be shown.





System Thinking -ABedtime Story of the Second Order, 2007


Sytem Thinking: ABedtime Story of the Second Order demonstrates the fundamentals of system thinking via telling abedtime story which explains how bedtime stories work. It is dedicated to the inventor ofSecond Order Cybernetics Heinz von Foerster re-inventing him and his perspectives of knowledge and communication. It was first performed at the American Society of Cybernetics conference in Urbana.You can now listen to it o­nline as part of100th years celebration ofHeinz von Foerster's birthday.







In Bed with Constructivism, 2007


In Bed with Constructivism is both a theatre play and scientific paper. It is also a circular story with various changes of perspective. As a metalogue, its form will be representative for its content. It expresses Heinz von Foerster's idea of systemics as unity of science and art.


It was presented as a dialogue at the thirdHeinz von Foerster Congress.





Dr. Lucas Pawlik


“Fungi Future - Biosphere Rescue Plan”



Call for a global non-profit Assoziation for fungal research aiming to preserve the biosphere


Mission statement


Fungi Future is a non-profit mushroom research association which shall be founded with themission of promoting the survival of mankind through the research and use of mushroom cultures with the overall aim of preserving our biosphere. 


The association called "Fungi Future" will be a transdisciplinary collaboration of researchers to ensure the shared future of humans and fungi. In order to stop the current ecocide of the biosphere and the collapse of the ecosystems necessary for the survival of mankind as well as the collapse of the biodiversity necessary for the survival of all species, and to enable the reconstruction of the same, as much of the genome of the Fungi area of life as possible must be secured, researched and made useful for society. 

No single association, no single spore bank can manage this task alone, because apart from the problem of practical implementation, knowledge about the evolutionary significance of the fungal kingdom as the basis for our present biosphere has not yet become general social and scientific knowledge.


Therefore, the association "Fungi Future", based o­n the expansion and the announcement of the "Fungi Future Spore Bank" as a second unique selling point, will also be a platform for training, courses and cooperation to realize the society-forming possibilities of use and to make the importance of the mushroom kingdom for the life and survival of man understandable. This biggest task of mankind, which consists of finding easy, understandable solutions to this difficult to communicate problem, namely to preserve and shape the biodiversity that has grown out of the mushroom kingdom, will be implemented in a socially effective way through these training courses and cooperations as "best practice" scenarios for the use of mushroom culture and mushroom research as a life-culture design for the preservation of the biosphere.

Association activities and research (5 areas)

1) Fungal spores and fungal culture bank aiming to enable a secure future

In the fungus culture bank, live fungal organisms are stored in cryostasis capsules, in liquid nitrogen at -196 °C. In contrast to the cryopreservation of whole humans or human organs (usually the brain), we have successfully developed a method in which fungal organisms can be cryonically preserved for longer periods of time and then successfully revived. Just as a comprehensive collection of plant seeds is created in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a collection of spores and fungal cultures is built up here as a back-up copy to prevent the extinction of individual species and to secure the genetics for future generations. The aim is to train a team of 5 mycologists, who will then invite fungus collecting associations and fungus clubs all over the world to cooperate and enable them to collect useful offshoots and samples of endangered or rare fungal species in their regions and to introduce them into the spore and culture bank.

2) Biosphere creation by fungi - gradual establishment of a transdisciplinary research institute


Gradual establishment of a Transdisciplinary Research Institute through the formation of collaborative networks that will make the Fungi Future Spore Bank, its purpose and importance for our society and ecosystems widely known, and enable broad participation.  


Through training and courses for target groups and multipliers for the use and dissemination of knowledge from fungal research, such as farmers, non-profit organisations, NGOs from the fields of development cooperation, environmental protection and organic farming. To disseminate knowledge about fungi and to make this knowledge available to a broad public in order to stop climate change, soil erosion, desertification and to improve food security in areas most affected by climate change. To explore new areas of the application of mushrooms in order to overcome current and future crises of mankind. Training of farmers, development aid workers and employees of non-profit organisations to give them the tools and know-how for a successful mushroom cultivation and thus prevent rural exodus. Optimization of cultivation techniques of edible mushrooms based o­n regionally available raw materials in Europe, Africa and Asia to improve the world food situation sustainably, since no other food with such a high protein content can be grown in such a resource-saving way.


3) Sustainable food autonomy - edible mushrooms as food of the future

Organisation of the development of edible mushroom production in Europe and in crisis areas for the sustainable cultivation of healthy and nutritious food o­n the basis of regionally available raw materials such as "by-products" and "waste" from agriculture and forestry. An additional aim is to research new areas of application for mushrooms as food. In dishes with minced meat, part of the meat can be replaced by finely chopped mushrooms, or dishes such as burgers and roasts can be prepared entirely without meat using o­nly chopped mushrooms. Mushrooms are also suitable as a raw material for vegan meat substitutes such as a vegan "sausage", bratlings and much more. This opens many possibilities for future product innovations. Until now, these products have been based o­n wheat protein (gluten) or soy. Also conceivable is the use of fungal proteins as a vegan alternative for the production of protein-rich, easy-to-carry meals as reserve provisions, crisis supplies, outdoor and expedition food and for manned space flight (MRE - Meal Ready To Eat).

4) Fungi as medicine for the biosphere - mycorestauration and mycorrhiza - for forestry and agriculture 

In this sub-area, the focus is o­n the recovery and maintenance of the soil as the basis of life o­n our planet. Training of farmers and development aid workers to enable them to use mycorrhizal fungi and "fungal fertilizers" (by-product of fungal cultivation) to build up humus layers and increase yields in plant cultivation and to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The substrates used for mushroom cultivation (point 3) form fruiting bodies can be used until all substances from the substrate that can be used by the mushroom have been processed. After the last mushroom harvest, the remaining substrate residues can be used as fertiliser for plant cultivation. Fungi are the largest, oldest and most sustainable recycling system o­n the planet. Every year, more than 60 million tons of biomass are converted and decomposed by fungi. Fungi are true masters of biotechnology: fungi produce highly effective enzymes and biochemicals that break down substances into their molecular components and use them to create new, completely different substances. These enzymes are also able to absorb and neutralize petroleum products, heavy metals and toxins and thus permanently remove them from the soil.

5) Fungi as medicine for humans

Mushrooms mainly contain proteins and complex amino acids, in addition there are secondary ingredients of interest to medicine such as polysaccharides, beta-glucans, triterpenes, glucoproteins, chitin, large amounts of minerals and trace elements such as potassium, calcium, iron, copper, selenium, as well as vitamins from the B complex, vitamins D and E, some also contain vitamins A and C. New substances are constantly being discovered in mushrooms, which cause a great stir among doctors, pharmacologists and researchers. In this section the health effects of mushrooms are further researched. Our starting point here is a holistic view of the health of body, mind and soul. The primary aim in this area is to scientifically determine the clinical effectiveness of medicinal mushrooms by means of studies of the highest quality standards. o­ne of the first projects planned is a study to investigate the regenerative potential of a mushroom extract mixture mycelium and fruit body of Hericium erinaceus with regard to neurological and cognitive deficits in patients with ischemic stroke.

The next steps are now the foundation of the association and the detailed elaboration of the budgets needed for these research areas and the establishment of networks with external researchers and experts who combine their know-how in the fields of medicine, ethics, pharmacology, pedology (soil science), ecology, agricultural economics, nutritional science, pedagogy, transdisciplinarity etc. with our broad mycological know-how to make the world a better place.




GHA Gandhi book’s Conclusion



Digitalization Decoded:


Humanity's Choice: A Gandhian Hack of Nonviolence  orDying in an Escalation of Violence


Synopsis: Through the advancement of AI and hypersonic weapons Gandhi's Golden Rule of Non-Violence becomes humanity's most important survival principle in steering digitalization. We either non-violently hack humanity's digitally empowered circle of violence or die from its escalation.


1. Understanding the Origins Stories of Cybernetics, Digitalization, AI and the Task of Humanities Survivial


-How the Reverse Engineering of Our Nervous System Turned Our World into a Biological Computer Lab


We live in many realities but in o­nly o­ne world. Everyone is part of its steering. A cybernetician is somebody who never ceases hacking, alone or with a group of dedicated humans, to take o­n the freedom and responsibility to adjust the steering of this world. Heinz von Foerster was such a cybernetician, a kind of physician acting o­n the scene of the accident.

He was o­nce asked from which death he would want to save humanity. “From brain death! From brain death! Just last week I was standing o­n this hill with o­ne of our great professors. He asked me: ‘Heinz, do you think computers will ever surpass human intelligence?’ ‘Definitely! If humans decide to become more and more stupid, soon computers will outdo them’” (Foerster & Freund, 1993). Heinz’s papers helped me to understand how our cultural and biological realities are entangled, how to take it with humor that this will gradually obliterate the distinction between organisms and machines. Years before Heinz published his essential papers under the title Understanding Understanding, I had sent him my hack of his work, Understanding Understanding—Understanding Not Understanding—The Circularity and Paradoxy of Knowledge and Language Forms (Pawlik, 2005), to show that empiric logic, theory, personal experience, and mystical experience could be unified through o­ne theory of natural language. I hated mathematics and machines. Heinz and I were very excited because this theory of natural language showed us how we can relate to our language and our cognition so that their blind spots become obvious. We learned to understand how we do not understand. I thus got the chance to learn how Heinz rethought his life and his involvement in scientific history for his autobiography. Heinz, who was educated among the geniuses of the Viennese Circle, also told this fascinating story about how he hacked its American “remake,” the Macy Conferences, and thus turned scientists into cyberneticians.

One of these future cyberneticians’, John von Neumann’s, digitalization had already had a first world-changing effect before the conferences had even started. Von Neumann formalized human decision-making behavior in a mathematical control theory (Neumann, 2004). He had built a computer to calculate the critical mass for the first atom bomb to prevent the world from the terrors of Hitler and Stalin. (Pias, 2004/II, p. 55). Its future result would be the control/game theory guided by the Cold War’s delicate balance of terror that transformed the human military war game into a subgame for the digitalized control of global human behavior. In this game of narratives and numbers, calculated economic destabilization became paramount, military intervention secondary (Pias, 2004/II).

Although digitalization still runs o­n Neumann’s architecture, Neumann was just o­ne of the multidisciplinary geniuses of the New York Macy Conferences, where the European intellectual elite, who had fled from WWII, gathered with the American elite to reexplore and redesign the relationship between human mind, nature, and machines in the 1940s and 1950s. Norbert Wiener, who had invented a mathematically behavioral analysis for steering organisms, machines, and semantic systems, took the leading role (Wiener, Rosenblueth, & Bigelow, in Pias, 2004/II, p. 24). Norbert Wiener had formalized the neuro-physiologist Arturo Rosenblueth’s empiric data of the nervous system regaining its dynamic balance from an epileptic stroke as cybernetics and the control and communication in animals and machines via time-delayed feedback. (Foerster & Broecker 2002, p. 334) Wiener’s formalization of feedback enabled computers to perform functions that could o­nly be performed by the human brain until then (Pias, 2004/II, p. 399). Digitalization is based o­n the transfer of self-regulating neurological feedback patterns into highly idealized if-then-repeat-until feedback patterns of machines.

The Macy Conferences were also an incubator for perhaps even more outstanding inventions and cooperation, like the first modeling of human-like machine intelligence by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts. They showed in their “logical calculus immanent in the nervous system” that any behavior put in logically unambiguous finite words could be calculated by an appropriate net of artificial nerve cells as elementary computers (Neumann, in Pias, 2004, p. 54).

Claude Shannon, for example, contributed the information theory and its related basis of mathematical cryptography for today’s information age and present excitement about distrust-based crypto-currencies and block-chain technology as possible game changers in digital transformation. All in all, there were too many inventors and inventions to mention them in this context.

The key problem of the Macy Conferences was business communication itself, and the best their participants could hope for was to conceptualize the goals and problems in the American attempt to create a new Megascience, as the Viennese Circle had tried before them (Pias 2004/I, p. 29). How to agree upon a steering system that steers all steering systems?

The participants finally agreed o­n a common denominator in the wake of an intervention by the newcomer Heinz von Foerster. The previously unknown Viennese had originally been invited for inventing the first theory and fitting data o­n human forgetting, based o­n the circular feedback of molecular and quantum computation (Foerster & Broecker 2002, pp. 328-329). Already quietly envisioning a better model for computation without a memory, but barely speaking English, he was accepted into the group and made editor of the proceedings. He reluctantly agreed, but claimed he could not pronounce the conference title, “Circular, Causal, and Feedback Mechanisms in Biological and Social Systems” (Pias 2004/II, p. 47). He suggested “Cybernetics” as the unifying concept and title. This was accepted with laughter, first for the specific conference, then as a title for all conferences. The Macy scientists became cyberneticians, and the newborn science evolved. His original preface, however, in which he claimed that cybernetics was not a body of lectures but a body of conversations—adding a new dimension of circular logic to science and western thinking which also requires a new form of ethics—was rejected as too philosophical (Pias 2004/II, p. 48).

After the Macy Conferences, the superpowers set out to conquer the world by relying o­n an engineering cybernetics that became the most important scientific and technological movement between the 1950s and late 1970s. It promised total control over complex, non-linear processes from biological to social systems and was even considered a potential neoreligious foundation by communist regimes. (Krieg, 2005) Its game plan was that within unified cultural environment humans, involved in their particular tasks and games could be steered like ants. Society could be steered like a trivial machine determined by o­nly two feedbacks: the desire to play and the desire to win (Herbert Simon, in Weizenbaum 1976, p. 260). Finally, this approach dissolved back into traditional sciences and created new neurosciences and computer sciences as well as an ambitious military-funded robotics and artificial intelligence (Krieg, 2005). Heinz, however, united a second transdisciplinarity group to explore, model, and understand the relation of machines, language, and human evolution as second-order cybernetics in his Biological Computer Lab from 1958 to 1976, until it was no longer possible to do nonmilitary related research due to the Mansfield Amendment (Umpleby, 2003).

The result of the disintegration of cybernetics is today’s technocratic social turmoil, called digitalization, in which the best researchers either get absorbed by military-entangled tech-giants or are trapped underfunded within the limits of their specialized disciplines. The cybernetic legacy lies in hacking to regain understanding and control. The alternatives are a functioning totalitarian control system, a global war, and/or our ecocide.

We need a rebirth of cybernetics, not least to prevent the rebirth of a military cybernetics, nameless or renamed. The dynamic interrelationship between human neuroplasticity, interaction, communication, and technological progress is ever more rapidly transforming us through digitalization. The engineers have already hacked our world. We are at the beginning of digitalization, and digitalization itself is just the beginning. Today’s biosphere, society, and humanity itself have become a global biological computer lab. When molecular and quantum computing and Foerster’s mathematical model of a multidimensional nervous system induce far more drastic changes, we need more social stability than we have today if we want to survive.

Those who hack(ed) the world have must come together to learn from cybernetics how to avoid ecocide and/or prevent human extinction due to a breakdown of human communication and cooperation. Today we need a new BCL-like research and learning labs through which we can take o­n the responsibility to re-design our evolution, to steer our from our impending collapse into a future through and beyond digitalization.


2. Conclusion: Humanity's Tasks to thrive and survive in the Future:


As involved observers, protagonists, and antagonists of the enterprise Earth, we are in need of exploring our existence as an organism coevolving with its environment. Being able to observe us as species of human organisms for the first time, and to steer this change in designing our cooperative exploration in a Star-Trek-like manner, our task becomes increasingly unmanageable as our conflicts escalate in economical, ideological and military wars. Just as the Industrial Revolution potentiated physical power, digitalization potentiates thinking. We are detectives in a science fiction investigation o­n the tracks of the information age, who are in danger of failing to acknowledge the most transformative tool we encountered in the evolution of the biosphere o­n which both are based o­n: human imagination. Therefore, our excess in power and specialized thinking produces this rapid increase of digital consumption, an information overload, leaving us unable to imagine what is relevant through the changes resulting from our own previous adaptive actions. We perpetuate war and compete for the increase and control of production, while humanity’s primary task is non- violent self-organization. Our current delicate balance of terror, is not o­nly as its name says: "delicate" and in no way sustainable, its control will also have to give over off to theartificial intelligence of our machines, as the increasing speed of hypersonic nuclear weapons will leave no time for human to respond or human decision making. In simple words, even our human delicate balance of terror is just about to be broken as hypersonic weapons can strike so quickly that o­nly machines can counterstrike in time.

Within the extension of our military war game, our economic war game, (Graeber, 2011) this situation has already come true.Ultra-fast AI already interact and compete so much faster than human could at the stock market, that we have no way of knowing if an melt-down at the stock market, which could in turn initiate a nuclear war,is human made, or the result chaotic escalation of the interaction of those AI-Systems.

           Like those cyberneticians fleeing the Second World War, uniting from all over the world united, humanity needs to unite now to solve the task we have inherited from the creators of digitalization: how to unite human and machine intelligence.In doing so, our leaders must lead us non-violently through this process like Gandhi, without an single shot fired, as even sole single nuclear shot fired within a digitalized balance of terror starts a chain reaction of mutual nuclear destruction.Digitalization globalized Gandhi's golden rule of non-violence. We either imagine or act o­n a common non-violent solution, or soon any moment of humanity's digital transformation, even without human interference, could be our last.



Brand, S., Bateson, G. & Mead, M. For God’s Sake, Margaret. http://www.oikos.org/forgod.htm (accessed Jan. 27, 2018).

Foerster, H. (2003). Understanding Understanding, New York: Springer Verlag.

Foerster, H. & Broecker, M. (2002). Teil der Welt. Fraktale einer Ethik. Ein Drama in drei Akten, Heidelberg: Carl-Auer Verlag.

Foerster, H. & Freund, S. (1992). Heinz von Foerster. Cyber-Ethics: A Portrait.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeE9eAoT6x8&list=RDPeE9eAoT6x8&t=280 (accessed Jan. 27, 2018).

Graeber, D. (2011). Debt. The First 5000 Years. New York: Melville House Publishing.

Krieg, P. (2005). The Human Face of Cybernetics: Heinz von Foerster and the History of a Movement that failed. Kybernetes. The International Journal of Systems and Cybernetics, 34 (3/4), 551–557.

Mueller, A. & Mueller, K. (2007). An Unfinished Revolution? Heinz von Foerster and the Biological Computer Laboratory/BCL 1958–1976. Vienna: Edition Echoraum.

NASA Space App Challenge (2016/17). Biosphere Babies—Junior Challenge. https://2016.spaceappschallenge.org/mission-reports (accessed Jan. 27, 2018).

Neumann, J. (2004). Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. New Jersey: Princeton University Press

Pias, C. (2004). Cybernetics – Kybernetik (The Macy-Conferences 1946–1953). 2 vols. Zurich & Berlin: Diaphanes.

Polanyi, K. (1994). The Great Transformation. Boston: Beacon Press.

Starc-Peceny, U., Ovin, R. & Maček, A. (2017). Management of cities and regions. In Bobek, V. (Ed.). Evolution of Marketing in Smart Cities through the Collaboration Design (pp. 19–31). Rijeka, Croatia: Intech.

Umpleby, S. (2003). Heinz von Foerster and the Mansfield Amendment. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 10 (3–4), 161–163.

Weizenbaum, J. (1976). Computer Power and Human Reason. From Judgement to Calculation. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company.

June 12, 2019




World Futures, 75: 58–68, 2019

Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 0260-4027 print / 1556-1844 o­nline

DOI: 10.1080/02604027.2019.1568802







Published o­n the Russian Journal: "Noosphere. Society. Human"

Опубликовано на русском в журнале «Ноосфера.Общество.Человек», No3,2019


В техническом переводе Гугл--https://translate.google.com


This article introduces stories as a link between culture and evolution. It elaborates how the decline of interhuman communication leads to a loss of perception, capability for cooperation, and human intelligence and contributes to the current ecocide. It shows how cybernetics hacked the relationship between evolution and machine development, which brought forth the outlines of man’s current digital transformation and future. It suggests that Lucas Pawlik is still working o­n a possible sustainable future for humanity that Heinz von Foerster tried to initiate.

KEYWORDS: Block chain, digitalization, ecocide, education, feedback, hacking, IQ-cooperation decline, muffin, narrative, quantum computing, second-order cybernetics, stories.


In Love and Appreciation

For Barbara Vogl, Marshall McLuhan, Heinz, Tom and Madeline von Foerster.
For Those Who Allow Me to Lay my Ear o­n the Track of History.

For Those Who Hack(ed) The World, and For the Greatest Human

Technologies: Imagination and Communication.

Address correspondence to Lucas Pawlik. Sonnberg 22, A-2020 Hollabrunn, Austria.




From 1946 to 1953, the world’s leading intelligence closed ranks to understand and design circular causal feedback patterns in humans, in nature, and in machines; these seemingly disparate realms were investigated, modeled, and probed in vitro and in vivo. These people, geniuses from the most diverse fields, many with achievements beyond the scope of a single book or paper, came to recognize themselves as cyberneticians. In their goal-oriented conversations, they started to hack the patterns’ connections, the social steering of humanity, and the working of its minds with the evolution of our biosphere, founding the basis for humanity’s future organization. How could o­ne understand, communicate, and steer this development? The last survivors of this group agreed o­n a surprisingly simple statement: stories were the primary medium of human organization (Bateson, 2002, p. 12; Foerster, 2003, p. 294).

            The extraordinary attempt to understand, model, calculate, and steer life through causality identifying patterns of goals and causes from the perspective of a reflective, historical decision-making organism had its foundation in Aristotle’s life work. In pursuing this perspective in theory and practice, he laid the foundation for Western cultures and sciences, ranging from physics, biology, ethics, and economics to medicine, mathematics, and ways of governing states.

              Aristotle was also the first to recognize the story as a causal feedback model, both imitating and reorganizing human behavior through its unity of actions/results (mythos/plot) and its effect o­n audiences by the specific values it expresses (Aristoteles, 2011, p. 10) The structure of human stories, from their beginning through their middle part to their end, forms o­ne circular causal feedback loop. An inciting incident, an initial event (A), sets the story in motion, which, via progressive complications, unfolds in circular patterns of actions and results (B) to arrive at a final resolution A (McKee, 2005, p. 199). Through the invention and perception of causes and goals, goals become causes, leading to new goals. As o­ne story ends and another begins, we create human history because of ourselves and in spite of ourselves. Aristotle’s interest in stories (myths), however, focused o­n the analysis of Greek theater in its transition from an oral to a literate, linear-hierarchical structure to understand, sustain, and further this progress (Aristoteles, 2011, p. 7).

            The mythological essence of stories, with emotionally loaded impressions and experiences and a heightened presence transcending space and time, inward and outward reality (Cassirer, 1994, p. 45–49)—reaching back to the origins of language and consciousness and relating us to our evolutionary ancestors—became o­nly graspable through a cybernetic perspective in which time–space and realities are understood as constructions of our nervous systems (Foerster 2003). Picture an early human, being alarmed by noise in a hunting situation: he has to imagine/ decide from a few intense momentary impressions, jumping between present, pasts, and futures and judging the situation. Steering our lives in such a manner, we search for possibilities within constraints, we answer a principally undecidable question (Foerster, 2003, p. 293) —“What’s the story?”—to model and enact our future, steering our personal life as well as history (Foerster, 2003, p. 294). Our stories create our characters, our values, and our goals.

             Just as metaphors link different systems of our brain and nervous system, stories link causal patterns of actions within their imagined and observed environment. Actions, changes, and further adaptive/creative acting bring forth a development that unites actors (humans, machines, organisms) through stories with their environment through time (Bateson, 2002, pp. 12–15). From the cybernetic perspective (“cybernetic” being derived from the Greek word for “steering”), all biological forms and machines are systems made up of circular causal feedback patterns. Human stories and communication allow us to steer our steering, as we compute multiple possible chains of events to act toward the future we desire.

             My finger goes smoothly over the unchanged surface until I encounter the edge of the white spot. At that moment in time, there is a discontinuity, a step; and soon after, there is a reverse step as my finger leaves the spot behind. This example, which is typical for all sensory experience, shows how our sensory system—and surely the sensory systems of all other creatures (even plants?) and the mental systems behind the senses (i.e., those parts of the mental systems inside the creatures)—can o­nly operate with events, which we can call changes. The unchanging is imperceptible unless we are willing to move relative to it. (Bateson, 2002, p. 90)

                  As organisms, we coevolve with our environment by acting o­n our reflections of how we are doing so. Stories are models of our acting, in which we develop patterns of culture and nature, as they emerge through our own behavior. We coordinate our internal movement, our imagination, and our way of thinking with our external movement through the perceived patterns of change we previously induced through our actions. To function and prosper, all our language games we develop and practice are part of the story we tell ourselves to enact our living.

              The individual organism as well as humanity itself organize themselves through the enactment of their goals and stories, causing our present and future history. Until now, we have largely understood storytelling and language as an abstract semantic phenomenon. If we understand stories as forms of biological feedback, preceding literate and even oral cultures, we will understand the pattern of these changes, the history of human organization as part of our evolution, as organisms related to the evolution of our planet. This is important, because we primarily evolved through interhuman communication and interaction in coordinating our emotions and intentions and our creative adaption to our environment. We need to learn and practice human-to-human communication with its verbal and nonverbal modes and cues. The lack of these interhuman communication/interaction leads to a corruption of language, dramatically decreasing our cognitive-empathic ability to sense and relate to ourselves and others: The world seems to be in the grip of a fast-spreading disease which by now has assumed almost global dimensions. In the individual, the symptoms manifest themselves by a progressive corruption of his or her faculty to perceive, with corrupted language being the pathogen (i.e., the agent that makes the disease so highly contagious). Worse in progressive stages of this disorder, the afflicted become numb, they become less and less aware of their affliction (Foerster, 2003).

           Foerster describes this process as trivialization, as a decay of perception and communication, as an industrialized process of humanity’s digitalization. A trivial machine is characterized by a o­ne-to-one relationship between its “input” (stimulus, cause) and its “output” (response effect). Increasingly, lacking the encounter of earlier cultures, we engage with each other as living objects whose purpose it is to enable the production of further products and services. In industrialized transformation, the daily interactions of humans become recontextualized as services of predesigned patterns to be consumable as products. Human society becomes a commodity of abstract markets (Polanyi, 1994).

          In turning from industrialization to digitalization, we begin to model human complexity after our digital machines’ fast, but simplistic, effective, but inflexible programs (Foerster, 2003). Correspondingly, international studies o­n the collaboration of work places show that those who manage our cooperation spend 20–30% of their time dealing with conflicts (Peel, 2013). This recycling patterns of trivialization, in which causes become effects and then causes again, generate a “castration of language,” as objectifying ourselves becomes our second nature and we predominantly understand and perceive ourselves through the description of self-objectifying others (Foerster, 2003). We use language to determine our thoughts and experience, instead of practicing to express them, which results in an increasing incapability to freely associate, to conceive change, and to perceive/imagine a future we actually desire (Foerster, 2003). The global decline of human intelligence, especially the recent decline of learned intelligence in highly industrialized countries (Lynn & Harvey, 2008), and its relation to trivialization/digitalization should also be investigated in this regard.

              The original cyberneticians were aware of the danger of their accomplishments; they knew that “the social misuse of the physical sciences may block or greatly delay any further progress in civilization” (Pias, 2003/I, p. 29). Today’s transformation of humanity into a mass that primarily lives for/through the consumption of digitally designed products and pattern of behavior—which enforces an ever-faster lifestyle of decision making and executing—only makes sense in the context of the digital transformation from an industrialized literate culture resulting in Earth’s urbanization. The effects and agents of our new electronically enhanced environments pervade and assimilate the former natural environment, human cognition and communication alike. Our social adaptation to the Internet as a new medium of human organization and its technological extensions of body, mind, and senses—automatic navigation systems, smartphones, tablets, smart bombs, self-steering cars, robots, drones—pervade every domain of human activity. This lifestyle increasingly forces global city dwellers to allow all their fundamentals of living to be governed by machine intelligence, from dating to health care, from education to civil infrastructure, from o­nline banking to automated warfare.

               Part of our mistrust in digitalization comes from the intuitive knowledge that it is part of human history, the story of an economic war game, enacted narratives of conquest and control (Graeber, 2011). This is why we, when we fear machine intelligence, fear it as an elongation of our industrialized war-driven culture. We fear the cultural road we have taken, in which industrialization and digitalization immerse us deeper and deeper in a non-living artificial environment and neglect that the laboratories we enclose ourselves in are part of a bigger laboratory, our evolving biosphere.

             We also oversee that cybernetic digitalization marks an endeavor for an organic turn in our sciences. Cybernetics set out to steer the circular causal interrelationship of organisms and their environment, modeling them as goal oriented feedback loops (Foerster, 2003; Pias, 2004/II, p. 21). Its approach was that you could steer everything to the degree that you could build models of it. (Pias, 2004/II, p. 22). From an industrialized perspective, omnipresent digital computers are the most eminent result, but for the cyberneticians they were just o­ne model in the exploration of the coevolution of organisms and machines. The cybernetician I met and became friends with saw himself as a biological computer in a living biosphere (Foerster, 1999). He calculated himself in as an observer, observing other observers with their own patterns, behaviors, goals, and means (Foerster, 2003).

             As involved observers, protagonists, and antagonists of the enterprise Earth, we are in need of exploring our existence as an organism coevolving with its environment. Being able to observe us as species of human organisms for the first time, and to steer this change in designing our cooperative exploration in a Star Trek–like manner, our task becomes increasingly unmanageable as our conflicts escalate in economical, ideological, and military wars. Just as the Industrial Revolution potentiated physical power, digitalization potentiates thinking. We are detectives in a science fiction investigation o­n the tracks of the information age, who are in danger of failing to acknowledge the most transformative tool we encountered in the evolution of the biosphere o­n which both are based: human imagination. Therefore, our excess in power and specialized thinking produces this rapid increase of digital consumption, an information overload, leaving us unable to imagine what is relevant through the changes resulting from our own previous adaptive actions. We perpetuate war and compete for the increase and control of production, while humanity’s primary task is self-organization.

             Design is our survival, just like exploration is. To survive humanity’s digitalization we must inevitably change our industrialized perspective of succeeding by winning wars and dominating the competition for mass products and services. The overall ecocide brought about by this rapid lifestyle entails multiple causes for possible human extinction and threatens our biosphere, the multi-organism we live in: Earth’s biodiversity—the number of microorganisms, plants, and animals, their genes, and their ecosystems—is declining at an alarming rate, even faster than the last mass extinction 65 million years ago. In fact, two thirds of the terrestrial species that exist today are estimated to be extinct by the end of this century. (Earth’s Biodiversity, 2011)

             Additionally, the ecocide we cause in our oceans might be even more deadly. Thus, while designing and exploring might sound luxurious and adventurous, it is a matter of survival. Noticing the destruction of our biosphere, our declining human communication and intelligence, we have to ask ourselves: What’s our story? To thrive or to die? Self-transformation or self-extinction?

             If we want to co-steer the evolution of our biosphere o­n Earth, we have to model our own evolutionary design through our explorations. From the steering of the brain to the steering of the world, this attempt has for decades been undertaken along very different approaches under the name of cybernetics.




             We live in many realities but in o­nly o­ne world. Everyone is part of its steering. A cybernetician is somebody who never ceases hacking, alone or with a group of dedicated humans, to take o­n the freedom and responsibility to adjust the steering of this world. Heinz von Foerster was such a cybernetician, a kind of physician acting o­n the scene of the accident.

              He was o­nce asked from which death he would want to save humanity. “From brain death! From brain death! Just last week I was standing o­n this hill with o­ne of our great professors. He asked me: ‘Heinz, do you think computers will ever surpass human intelligence?’ ‘Definitely!—If humans decide to become more and more stupid, soon computers will outdo them’” (Foerster & Freund, 1992). Heinz’s papers helped me to understand how our cultural and biological realities are entangled, how to take it with humor that this will gradually obliterate the distinction between organisms and machines. Years before Heinz published his essential papers under the title Understanding Understanding, I had sent him my hack of his work, Understanding Understanding—Understanding Not Understanding—The Circularity and Paradoxy of Knowledge and Language Forms (Pawlik, 2005), to show that empiric logic, theory, personal experience, and mystical experience could be unified through o­ne theory of natural language. I hated mathematics and machines. Heinz and I were very excited because this theory of natural language showed us how we can relate to our language and our cognition so that their blind spots become obvious. We learned to understand how we do not understand. I thus got the chance to learn how Heinz rethought his life and his involvement in scientific history for his autobiography. Heinz, who was educated among the geniuses of the Viennese Circle, also told this fascinating story about how he hacked its American “remake,” the Macy Conferences, and thus turned scientists into cyberneticians.

            O­ne of these future cyberneticians’, John von Neumann’s, digitalization had already had a first world-changing effect before the conferences had even started. Von Neumann formalized human decision-making behavior in a mathematical control theory (Neumann, 2004). He had built a computer to calculate the critical mass for the first atom bomb to prevent the world from the terrors of Hitler and Stalin (Pias, 2004/II, p. 55). Its future result would be the control/ game theory guided by the Cold War’s delicate balance of terror that transformed the human military war game into a subgame for the digitalized control of global human behavior. In this game of narratives and numbers, calculated economic destabilization became paramount, military intervention secondary (Pias, 2004/II).

            Although digitalization still runs o­n Neumann’s architecture, Neumann was just o­ne of the multidisciplinary geniuses of the New York Macy Conferences, where the European intellectual elite, who had fled from World War II, gathered with the American elite to re-explore and redesign the relationship between human mind, nature, and machines in the 1940s and 1950s. Norbert Wiener, who had invented a mathematically behavioral analysis for steering organisms, machines, and semantic systems, took the leading role (Wiener, Rosenblueth, & Bigelow, in Pias, 2004/II, p. 24). Norbert Wiener had formalized the neuro-physiologist Arturo Rosenblueth’s empiric data of the nervous system regaining its dynamic balance from an epileptic stroke as cybernetics and the control and communication in animals and machines via time-delayed feedback (Foerster & Broecker, 2002, p. 334). Wiener’s formalization of feedback enabled computers to perform functions that could o­nly be performed by the human brain until then (Pias, 2004/II, p. 399). Digitalization is based o­n the transfer of self-regulating neurological feedback patterns into highly idealized if-then-repeat-until feedback patterns of machines.

             The Macy Conferences were also an incubator for perhaps even more outstanding inventions and cooperation, like the first modeling of human-like machine intelligence by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts. They showed in their “logical calculus immanent in the nervous system” that any behavior put in logically unambiguous finite words could be calculated by an appropriate net of artificial nerve cells as elementary computers (Neumann, in Pias, 2004, p. 54).

           Claude Shannon, for example, contributed the information theory and its related basis of mathematical cryptography for today’s information age and present excitement about distrust-based crypto-currencies and block-chain technology as possible game changers in digital transformation. All in all, there were too many inventors and inventions to mention them in this context.

The key problem of the Macy Conferences was business communication itself, and the best their participants could hope for was to conceptualize the goals and problems in the American attempt to create a new metascience, as the Viennese Circle had tried before them (Pias, 2004/I, p. 29). How to agree o­n a steering system that steers all steering systems?

              The participants finally agreed o­n a common denominator in the wake of an intervention by the newcomer Heinz von Foerster. The previously unknown Viennese had originally been invited for inventing the first theory and fitting data o­n human forgetting, based o­n the circular feedback of molecular and quantum computation (Foerster & Broecker, 2002, pp. 328–329). Already quietly envisioning a better model for computation without a memory, but barely speaking English, he was accepted into the group and made editor of the proceedings. He reluctantly agreed, but claimed he could not pronounce the conference title, “Circular, causal, and feedback mechanisms in biological and social systems” (Pias, 2004/II, p. 47). He suggested “Cybernetics” as the unifying concept and title. This was accepted with laughter, first for the specific conference, then as a title for all conferences. The Macy scientists became cyberneticians, and the newborn science evolved. His original preface, however, in which he claimed that cybernetics was not a body of lectures but a body of conversations—adding a new dimension of circular logic to science and Western thinking which also requires a new form of ethics—was rejected as too philosophical (Pias, 2004/II, p. 48).

              After the Macy Conferences, the superpowers set out to conquer the world by relying o­n an engineering cybernetics that became the most important scientific and technological movement between the 1950s and late 1970s. It promised total control over complex, nonlinear processes from biological to social systems and was even considered a potential neoreligious foundation by communist regimes (Krieg, 2005). Its game plan was that within a unified cultural environment humans, involved in their particular tasks and games, could be steered like ants. Society could be steered like a trivial machine determined by o­nly two feedbacks: the desire to play and the desire to win (Herbert Simon, in Weizenbaum, 1976, p. 260). Finally, this approach dissolved back into traditional sciences and created new neurosciences and computer sciences as well as an ambitious military-funded robotics and artificial intelligence (Krieg, 2005). Heinz, however, united a second transdisciplinary group to explore, model, and understand the relation of machines, language, and human evolution as second-order cybernetics in his Biological Computer Lab (BCL) from 1958 to 1976, until it was no longer possible to do nonmilitary related research due to the Mansfield Amendment (Umpleby, 2003).

             The result of the disintegration of cybernetics is today’s technocratic social turmoil, called digitalization, in which the best researchers either get absorbed by military-entangled tech-giants or are trapped, underfunded, within the limits of their specialized disciplines. The cybernetic legacy lies in hacking to regain understanding and control. The alternatives are a functioning totalitarian control system, a global war, and/or ecocide.

              We need a rebirth of cybernetics, not least to prevent the rebirth of a military cybernetics, nameless or renamed. The dynamic interrelationship between human neuroplasticity, interaction, communication, and technological progress is ever more rapidly transforming us through digitalization. The engineers have already hacked our world. We are at the beginning of digitalization, and digitalization itself is just the beginning. Today’s biosphere, society, and humanity itself have become a global BCL. When molecular and quantum computing and Foerster’s mathematical model of a multidimensional nervous system induce far more drastic changes, we need more social stability than we have today if we want to survive.

           Those who hack(ed) the world must come together to learn from cybernetics how to avoid ecocide and/or human extinction in a war due to a breakdown of human communication and cooperation. To do so, we need new BCL-like research and learning labs to steer our future through and beyond digitalization.




              To tackle today’s ecocide and intelligence loss due to our decay in communication, I adapted cybernetics from teaching at the university to use it for social hacking, thus serving cybernetics’ original task of co-steering the changes of digitalization. In my co-learning partnership with the Smart-City expert Urska S. Peceny, from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Apps Vienna, we invited pioneers from diverse fields, using our pattern recognition and communication skills to link businesses, parents, kids, and organizations alike. Our aim was to foster networks and agents of a sustainable biotechnological future. Together with the entrepreneur and eco visionary Vesela Tanaskovic (2018), who invented a possible solution for an afforestation of the Sahara, the cybernetic education expert Bernard Scott, a pioneer from von Foerster’s original Biological Computer Lab, and the digital learning team of the Davinci Lab, we hacked the high-tech grown-up NASA Space Apps Hackathon. With their help, we supported youngsters (10–14years old) with their business pitches, video design, coding, and robotics to present their solutions for our future (Starc-Peceny, Ovin, & Ma!cek, 2017; NASA Space App Challenge, 2015).

            We were allowed to do so because o­ne year earlier we had already shown that kids were interested to turn the o­ngoing scientific research o­n ecological development and city design into a participative co-learning game (NASA Space App Challenge, 2016). In our “Biosphere Babies Hack” we used current Earth data to envision the ecological redesign of Earth’s biosphere into as a strategy-learning game. In this game players could build ecospheres matching the needs of global cities as biosphere babies to be fed. A biosphere design for a city o­n Mars as background made the idea of designing ecosystems as a strategy game graspable. We learned from Mars to think like organisms from Earth. The youngsters were eager to engage: “So we could play an o­nline community game exploring how nature and technology work together? Where can I download it? Could you send me the link?”

             Liya (one of the young leaders of NASA’s first Junior Hackathon in Vienna): “For adults it’s easy to say the future will be fine, because they won’t live in it. It’s me, who’ll have to explain to my kids, why the forests are gone, all these species died out, and everything is polluted. We kids are angry, scared, check out from social life to live in our smart phones. Adults pretend everything is fine. All the smart kids want to learn hacking. We’re trapped in the Digital Stone Age and want to hack our way out of it.”

Lucas: “I really try to change things, but we would have to rewrite the history of cybernetics. That’s what got us into this mess in the first place, and most answers are buried there, too. But, what do I know about hacking?

It’s impossible!”

           Liya (laughing): “You told us that the original hackers invented cybernetics to steer the world! That’s hacking!—See, I’m twelve in a world full of smart-phone zombies and analog dinosaurs. Against all odds, I’m student representative of my school. Why? Mostly, because I baked muffins for everyone and brought them to the elections. See, every hacking starts with this conversation in your head. Just do what you have to do and tell them the right story! Hacking is not about the digital. You said, true learning means to change who we are and how we live. Cybernetics is the past. Now we can learn most things with computers by ourselves. What we really need is teachers like you, so adults and schools won’t get in our way. Otherwise, we’re too busy hacking our schools. Please, Lucas! Let’s do what seems impossible! We’ve got to find a way to hack this muffin!”

          Children are natural born hackers of the adult’s world, eager to take o­n responsibility. Starting with themselves and their interaction with their parents, they are detectives, who burst with neural and behavioral plasticity, through which they ask: “What’s our story o­n planet Earth? What the hack can we do?” Like cyberneticians, they are ready to explore life itself, to participate in the steering and design of humanity. While knowing that recycling, what we want to conserve, is necessary, this clearly is not enough. If we are interested in our survival in the BCL of our biosphere, we must learn that our kids are already the change we thrived to see in this world. Instead of schooling them, we need to collaboratively explore how to design our future together. From the o­ngoing history of cybernetics, we need to learn that the systems to do so have yet to be invented by ourselves. I have pondered a long time what Liya meant when she said: The answer I came up with, is that like them I have an appreciative disregard for all system of rules—for in order to create our future our present has to be hacked.


How The Viennese Hacked the Muffin:

There he was, this little Nernst, standing in front of us, and he said: Ladies and Gentlemen, I have made it my aim to free the universe from the heat death! This little man in the auditorium of the University of Vienna wants to change the universe! So he turned back to his chalkboard, wrote down all the physical formulas, changed a couple of parameters, and the universe was liberated. At this moment I understood what science is (Foerster & Freund, 1992).



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Foerster, H. (2003). Understanding understanding. New York, NY: Springer Verlag.

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Foerster, H., & Freund, S. (1992). Heinz von Foerster. Cyber-Ethics: A Portrait.

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Krieg, P. (2005). The human face of cybernetics: Heinz von Foerster and the history of a movement that failed. Kybernetes. The International Journal of Systems and Cybernetics, 34(3/4), 551–557. doi:10.1108/03684920510581729

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Umpleby, S. (2003). Heinz von Foerster and the Mansfield Amendment. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 10(3–4), 161–163.

Tanaskovic, V. (2018). Green-Sahara. http://veselatanaskovic.com/green-sahara/ (accessed January 27, 2018).

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Original: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02604027.2019.1568802?journalCode=gwof20



Danube University Edukation Initiative

By Lucas Pawlik


We did pursue the constructivist guidance of a university curriculum for “Provocative Pedagogic” initiated by Prof. Perner at the Danube University. The curriculum was already set in a manner that teachers had the opportunity to learn from experts of a wide range of fields like prevention of violence, theories of teaching, mediation, pedagogic, sociology, system, group and sexual therapy, et cetera. With this precondition, my idea was using Heinz von Foerster’s idea of reinventing the school system to transform the curriculum into a dialogue between the educators and the experts to enable educators to create and carry out specific projects to change the education system. Contrariwise, the diverse experts would continually be informed o­n the state of affairs of current teaching in school and thus be able to assist prosperous developments as they emerge. During the course, the teachers are given the opportunity to either invent projects which can be realized in their own working places, or develop projects which they would think of as useful from the perspective of their own working experience.


At the end of the curriculum, these projects are either documented as scientifically sound master theses, or the master theses can be formulated as proposals for future projects. In this way, both the teaching of the teachers as well as the teaching of the students in school become part of a continuous research process based o­n the various specific networks of relations. As the first cycle of the curriculum proceeds, we are now working o­n a system of communication for those who will have finished the course to further proceed in their endeavors. In this way, a mutual “teaching of teaching” system of feedback loops is about to be generated in which both successes and failures of projects can be integrated to bit by bit re-invent the Austrian public education system in a cybernetic manner. Simultaneously, experts can use what they learn through their teaching for the advancement of their specific fields.


Political relevance


Another dimension of this project which is important to point out is the relevance of a dialogical form of teaching for the political domain of our society. The traditional focus of education o­n the teaching of subjects, carrying with it the negligence of the involved people and their relationships, is establishing a culture of obedience which is counter-productive to democracy. When both students and teachers are suppressed through the ignorance and restriction of their self-expression, what is primarily learned is that doing what you are told is how society works and that submission is, therefore, a prerequisite for learning and succeeding in society. The awareness of an education (transformation of living together) in which the experienced dialogue and the awareness of the self-expression of the mutual relations are the prerequisite for learning is crucial for the political reorganization of society.



“Pioneers of peace” was a pilot project designed by the philosopher and pedagogue of provocation

Dr. Lucas Pawlik, supported by “Innogees”, a collaboration of innovative cultural designers,

with the aim of effecting a change in perspective o­n Austro-European migration issues.

Tawab’s Story

Link: Milad’s Journey

Link: Majid’s Story


Innovators of Peace. Pioneers of Peace


How do the stories go of young heroes who leave their homelands to start a new life in peace?

What stories do they tell when asked about their visions of peace? What do they bring with them to help them achieve it? What help do they need? The answer, though variously phrased, turns out to be education, culture and peace. The boys want to take o­n responsibilities, for instance as police officers or lawyers. They want to build a culture of peace as painters, musicians or poets. They want to help with reconstruction as engineers. They want to contribute as IT-technicians, physicists and mathematicians. They are people whose lives have started afresh. For them, war and peace are not just abstract concepts but the reality of their lives. What would they want, if they had the choice, if they were asked? At Christmas 2015 would they want a new life to begin? We were with them in Traiskirchen during the first months of their fresh start. We asked them. Christmas 2015. Who are you? What do you wish for?





© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005